Planning - First Sunday of Advent through Fourth Sunday of Advent

Page 1

Immaculate Conception (December 8, 2022)

Fourth Sunday of Advent (December 18, 2022)

as featured in

First Sunday of Advent (A) — Fourth Sunday of Advent (A)

Second Sunday of Advent (December 4, 2022)

Third Sunday of Advent (December 11, 2022)

First Sunday of Advent (November 27, 2022)

Music Planning Pages

For disciples, every moment counts because every moment is a chance to encounter Christ’s return. —DM

RS2 Ritual Song 2nd Edition

OIF One in Faith


OC CantandoOramos


VCS Voices

Awake to the Day 464 399 24 884 Christ Is Coming: Prepare the Way 241 Christ, Be Our Light 584 652 590 692 495 867 Christ, Our Light 958

Lead Me, Guide Me 2nd Edition

G4 4thGatherEdition

every moment doing the ordinary things disciples are called to do. Four parables following today’s passage show us what that kind of life looks like. It is the servant who consistently fulfills his duties, treating others with dignity even when his master is away. It is the ten bridesmaids who plan wisely for the long term, or the workers who put to use every talent they are given. And the fourth, from Matthew 25 which we hear at the liturgical year’s end, reveals the outcome: You, who gave me food and drink, clothed and welcomed me, come, inherit the kingdom.

W4 4thWorshipEdition

27 / First Sunday of Advent

IN ADDITION TO being a time to prepare for Christmas, Advent begins a new liturgical year, inviting us to reflect on the entire Christian journey of faith to its end goal. On the first Sunday of Advent in all three lectionary cycles, the Gospel focuses on the parousia, when “the Son of Man will come” (Mt 24:44). In Year A, Matthew’s Gospel emphasizes how this pivotal moment will happen during the ordinary things of daily life—eating, drinking, marrying, working. On God’s schedule, the kingdom comesInsteadunannounced.oftryingto predict the unpredictable, Jesus calls us and his disciples to an eschatological way of life in which we live

City of God 857 766 876 637 690 City of God, Jerusalem 391 Come, Lord, and Tarry Not 401 242 Emmanuel, Come to Set Us Free 68 From the Father’s Throne on High 865 Gather Your People 919 837 940 Lead Us to Your Light 654

My Lord, What a Morning 943 693 955 701 Now Is the Time Approaching 348 O Come, O Come, Emmanuel 386 444 395 231 492 351 345 O Holy City, Seen of John 939 863 957 Of the Father's Love Begotten (Ubowski/Hart) 199 On That Holy Mountain 201 350 People, Look East 398 447 409 501 361 361 Prepare the Way of the Lord 452 Soon and Very Soon 861 941 865 954 704 882 The King Shall Come 341/364 The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns 403 450 414 504 353 This Is Your Justice 274 354 Wait for the Lord 410 456 406 502 363 Walk in the Reign 449 When the King Shall Come Again 395 465 404 496 When You Come 455




G3 3rdGatherEdition

The King Shall Come (ST. STEPHEN) 196 499 416 153

The King Shall Come (Mattingly) 184 490 410 145

When Hope is Crushed (JAVIER) .................... D-U00320

Unbound makes thousands of hymns previously only available in text and tune collections available for individual download as a PDF with full accompaniment included. Visit

(Let¡Celebremos!UsCelebrate!)Hymnal CEL/M (Let¡Celebremos!UsCelebrate!)Missal


Congregational Hymn and Song Selections from

First Sunday of Advent:

Text: Sylvia Dunstan / Music: Benjamin Brody

Subscription Resources

We Celebrate Hymnal Missal WS Word and Song CEL/H

Text: Delores Dufner, OSB

Venga Tu Reino 620 297

Matthew 24:37–44



Text: Alan J. Hommerding / Music: Luke D. Rosen Gospel Responses for Advent A (MERTON; STUTTGART) D-619222

Isaiah 2:1–5

Seasonal Missalette WC/M

Come, O Holy House and Worship (VENI DOMUS SANCTA) . D-929809

Ven, Salvador (EL DIOS DE PAZ)* 454 291 Ven, Señor (Rubalcava) 456 292

Ábranse los Cielos* 452 294

This Is Your Justice 510 411 184

Psalm 122:1–2, 3–4, 4–5, 6–7, 8–9

Vamos Alegres: Sal 122(121)* 440

Text: Adam M. L. Tice / Music: Mark A. Miller

Awake, Awake and Greet the New Morn 187 489 409 Behold, O Zion, God Will Come 509 417 Come, Light of the World 492 420 Creator of the Stars of Night (Bolduc) 191 506 403 Now Is the Time Approaching 503 O Lord of Light 185 504 408 152

Romans 13:11–14

Qué Alegría Cuando Me Dijeron (Manzano) 597



Text: Adam M. L. Tice / Music: Sally Ann Morris Advent Wreath Hymn (SPLENDID GLORY BRIGHT) D-00643339

Advent Gathering Rite 508 407 Arriba los Corazones 593 342 Awake to the Day 986 790 185 148

Tu Pueblo Te Espera 457

Find Seasonal and Sunday Choral Music Suggestions at

37 VOL. 33 NO. 4

¡Oh Ven! ¡Oh Ven, Emanuel!* 453 293 Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord (n/a) 406 179 Preparen el Camino 455 290 Proclaim the Joyful Message 195 512 421 187 157

Ven y Sálvanos 621 298

Text: Chris Shelton / Arr: Bex Gaunt Upon the Holy Mountainside (CAROLUS BRUNIUS) D-808940

General Advent: The Time Has Come (WEXFORD CAROL) ................. D-U00651

December 4 / Second Sunday of Advent



LM2 Lead Me, Guide Me 2nd Edition RS2 Ritual Song 2nd Edition


THE LECTIONARY’S FIRST reading and Gospel pairing usually works, but not today. Isaiah’s radical “peaceable kingdom” has been so romanticized in our religious imagination that its escha tological meaning, in light of John the Baptist’s warning, gets lost. If we immediately count ourselves among the innocent, safe from the viper’s venom, then today’s prophetic announce ment of the kingdom could be heard as simply a nice message for nice Christians instead of the world-upending proclamation it’s meant to be.

new is coming, a different kind of kingdom with a different kind of leader.

The new thing about this kingdom is that it’s open for every one. Salvation is at hand for anyone who desires it. But if our response to the Gospel’s open invitation is self-righteousness instead of self-reflection, then judgment, too, awaits. In God’s kingdom, enmity is erased that we might repent of the ways we harbor fear and hatred in our hearts. The kingdom is at hand when we recognize that sometimes we are the viper or wolf, the cobra or lion, lording our privilege upon the vulnerable. The good news is that we need only to turn around to see and enter God’s reign. —DM

Prepare! Prepare! 461 398 494 Prepare the Way of the Lord 389 452 400 507

Prepare Ye 216 Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord 446 351 Preparen el Camino/Make Ready a Highway 445 362 Proclaim the Joyful Message 367 Ready the Way 218 Soon and Very Soon 861 941 865 691 954 704 882

This Is Your Justice 274 354 Wait for the Lord 410 456 406 502 363 When John Baptized by Jordan’s River 458 467 555 When the King Shall Come Again 395 465 404 496 When You Come 455


On That Holy Mountain 201 350 People, Look East 398 447 409 501 361 361

A Morning Star Draws Near 400

Christ Is Coming: Prepare the Way 241 City of God 857 766 876 637 690

On Jordan’s Bank 392 451 418 240 503 369 349


John the Baptist doesn’t fit in or play nice. In stark appear ance and striking language, he distances himself from the usual religious leaders of the day to announce that something entirely

OC CantandoOramos

VCS Voices


OIF One in Faith

A Voice Cries Out 416 356 Ábranse los Cielos/Open Wide the Heavens 354 Awake to the Day 464 399 24 884 Canticle of the Turning 624 666 622 728 47



O Day of Peace 811 911

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel 386 444 395 231 492 351 345


Comfort, Comfort, O My People 402 466 413 497 365

We Celebrate Hymnal Missal WS Word and Song CEL/H (Let¡Celebremos!UsCelebrate!)Hymnal CEL/M (Let¡Celebremos!UsCelebrate!)Missal

Unbound makes thousands of hymns previously only available in text and tune collections available for individual download as a PDF with full accompaniment included. Visit

Seasonal Missalette WC/M

The Prophets Caught a Vision (LLANGLOFFAN) .......... D-1010139

39 VOL. 33 NO. 4 2022 PREPARATION

Isaiah 11:1–10


Romans Matthew15:4–93:1–12

The Advent of Our God 501 404 147


Text: Ruth Duck We Dream of a Turning (LOCH LOMOND) ............... D-754242

Ábranse los Cielos* 452 294

Come, O Long-Awaited Savior 494 413 186 142 Comfort, Comfort You My People 505 Creator of the Stars of Night (Bolduc) 191 506 403 Emmanuel 190 488 415 149

This Is Your Justice 510 411 184 Tu Pueblo Te Espera 457

Congregational Hymn and Song Selections from

Ven y Sálvanos 621 298 Ven, Salvador (EL DIOS DE PAZ)* 454 291 Ven, Señor (Rubalcava) 456 292

Venga Tu Reino 620 297 Ven, Señor (Rubalcava) 456 292

Psalm 72:1–2, 7–8, 12–13, 17 (Rx 7)

Arriba los Corazones 593 342

Awake to the Day 986 790 185 148 Behold, O Zion, God Will Come 509 417 Christ, Be Our Light 258 968 781 372 189

Text: Adam M. L. Tice / Arr. Adam M. L. Tice

On Jordan’s Bank 197 495 414 183 146 People, Look East 192 493 418 180 151 Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord 406 179 Preparen el Camino 455 290 Proclaim the Joyful Message 195 512 421 187 157

Come, God, and Hear My Cry (ST. BRIDE; SOUTHWELL) D-667521

Find Seasonal and Sunday Choral Music Suggestions at


¡Oh Ven! ¡Oh Ven, Emanuel! (O Come, O Come, Emmanuel)* 453 293

Venga Tu Reino 620 297

Subscription Resources

Text: David Bjorlin


Readings (4)

favored. And no human action will ever be shameful enough to undo God’s choice to destine us for blessing through Christ.

I Sing a Maid 458 1008 Immaculate Mary 893 977 886 732 993 726 909

Hail Mary: Gentle Woman 889 712 913

Among All 986 888 999

This is what we commemorate today in Mary’s Immaculate Conception. From the moment of her conception in her moth er’s womb, she is free of the sickness of shame and restored to wholeness so as to glorify God in the fullness of her human nature. She gives her complete yes to God’s divine invitation, not in spite of but because of her humanity.

Canticle of Mary 303

AS HUMANS WE have become ill with shame. Many of us have spent much energy, time, and money healing from childhood trauma born of shame. There’s so much pressure, especially among younger generations, to deny any weakness or flaw and reveal only our most put-together selves to the world. And sadly, many succumb to the lie that shame and guilt have planted into our hearts: that we are irredeemable, unlovable, unworthy.

I Say Yes, Lord / Digo Si, Señor 748 676 553 565


G4 4thGatherEdition


Hail, Holy Queen (Rose/Maher) 989

Imagine how many more yeses to God’s grace would be pos sible if we helped one another heal from the lie of shame and see ourselves as God’s favored ones! —DM

Ave Maria (Kantor) 984 891 1009

RS2 Ritual Song 2nd Edition OC CantandoOramos

LM2 Lead Me, Guide Me 2nd Edition


W4 4thWorshipEdition

O Come, Divine Messiah 387 448 401 500 359 352

December 8 / Immaculate Conception

No Wind at the Window 876 971

O Sanctissima 903 895 734 1002 713 919

Litany of Mary / Letania de al Santísima Virgen María 985 890 1011 Mary, First among Believers 897 983 893


Canticle of the Turning 624 666 622 728 47

Sing We of the Blessed Mother 896 1003 The Angel Gabriel 875 467 972 We Sing with Holy Mary 987 1010 921

Today’s solemnity confronts that insidious lie festering in human hearts since Adam and Eve. Today we proclaim that in God, humans are destined for holiness. Long before the garden and the serpent, God knew us and chose us to be blessed and



VCS Voices OIF One in Faith

Ave Maria (chant) 902 982 887 733 1001 709 908

Hail, Holy Queen Enthroned Above 883 967 879 724 979 720 914

I Am for You 870 794

Praise We the Lord This Day 876 875 973 Savior of the Nations, Come 388 459 421 498 343 Sing of Mary, Pure and Lowly 444 502 457 271 545 926

Blessed One 40 911 Buenos Dias, Paloma Blanca / airest Dove, Most Lovely Maiden 981 996 714

Psalm 98:1, 2–3ab, 3cd–4

Subscription Resources

Ephesians 1:3–6, 11–12

333 1007 812 393 251 Hymn to Mary Immaculate 1023 Immaculate Mary 331 1020 814 394 254


Text: Delores Dufner, OSB / Arr: Richard Proulx

Elevamos Nuestros Cantos 639 379



Behold a Virgin Bearing Him 198 515 447 156 Blessed One 1009 809

Oh Santísima* 633 394

Genesis 3:9–15, 20

Mary, First Among Believers (PLEADING SAVIOR) D-803739

We Sing of a Woman (SIOBAN NI LAOGHAIRE) D-619277

Ave de Lourdes (Del Cielo Ha Bajado)/ Immaculate Mary* 631 393 Ave María (Palazón) 632 392

Unbound makes thousands of hymns previously only available in text and tune collections available for individual download as a PDF with full accompaniment included. Visit

Find Seasonal and Sunday Choral Music Suggestions at

Seasonal Missalette WC/M


Las Mañanitas Guadalupanas 383 Las Mañanitas Tapatías 381


Hail, Mary, Gentle Woman

Oh María, Madre Mía 635 395

Text: Delores Dufner, OSB / Arr: Richard Proulx

Adiós, Oh Virgen de Guadalupe 637 387 Adiós, Reina del Cielo 636 388

We Celebrate Hymnal Missal WS Word and Song CEL/H (Let¡Celebremos!UsCelebrate!)Hymnal CEL/M (Let¡Celebremos!UsCelebrate!)Missal

By God, Kept Pure (MUNDO CORDE) D-00643303

41 VOL. 33 NO. 4

Luke 1:26–38

Mary’s Song of Praise 208 41 176 My Soul Rejoices in the Lord 210 697 O Sanctissima/O Most Holy One 332 1017 813 395 255

Las Apariciones Guadalupanas (Desde el Cielo) 640 390


Sing of Mary 334 1015 817 392 253 Stainless the Maiden 327 1013 807 The Hail Mary 328 1011 816

Congregational Hymn and Song Selections from

Alan J. Hommerding

She Will Show Us the Promised One 1016

Rejoicing on this Gaudete Sunday may be hard. Still, that is the Advent call—to rejoice in God’s reign here but not yet. We find comfort, then, in Jesus’s message to John. The work of bringing God’s reign is not ours to do; that belongs to the Spirit. But it is ours to witness. Therefore, let us train our eyes and ears to look and listen for the cracks of God’s reign breaking into the hardness of our world. Then let us tell our coworkers in the vineyard what we have seen and heard. In that witnessing, may we all find reason to rejoice. —DM

Wait for the Lord 410 456 406 502 When the King Shall Come Again 395 465 404 496


Now Is the Time Approaching 348 O Come, Divine Messiah 387 448 401 500 359 352 O Come, O Come, Emmanuel 386 444 395 231 492 351 345

On Jordan’s Bank 392 451 418 240 503 369 349 Prepare! Prepare! 461 398 494 Prepare the Way of the Lord 389 452 400 507 Prepare Ye 216 Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord (Louis) 235 351 Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord (J. Moore) 446 237 Preparen el Camino/Make Ready a Highway 445 362 Ready the Way 218

Soon and Very Soon 861 941 865 691 954 704 882

Stand Firm 846 763 731 The Great Forerunner of the Morn 878 961 974

VCS Voices OIF One in Faith

G4 4thGatherEdition


December 11 / Third Sunday of Advent


The Name of Jesus 264 There Is a Longing 720 653 771 Turn My Heart, O God 721 660 767

LM2 Lead Me, Guide Me 2nd Edition RS2 Ritual Song 2nd Edition OC CantandoOramos


Christ Is Coming: Prepare the Way 241 Come, Host of Heaven’s High Dwelling Place 846 Comfort, Comfort, O My People 402 466 413 497 365

A Voice Cries Out 416 356

W4 4thWorshipEdition

“ARE YOU THE one who is to come, or should we look for another?” (Mt 11:3). If John the Baptist had doubts about Jesus, what hope is there for us to believe?


Lift Up Your Heads 885 Maranatha, Lord Messiah 412 460 397 My Soul in Stillness Waits 404 454 415 499 360

For a while now, many on the front lines of parish leadership have been questioning, wondering, retiring, or just leaving ministry (maybe even the church) altogether. They’ve seen up close too much false hope and hypocrisy and don’t know how much longer they can wait. Some version of “Are you the one…?” is their refrain: Is this the parish that will finally feel like home? Is this the job that will fulfill and not deplete me? Do I still believe in the work I do to serve the church?

Awake! Awake, and Greet the New Morn 406 468 423 517 366

Psalm 146:6–7, 8–9, 9–10 (Rx see Is 35:4 or Alleluia)

Vamos, Pastores, Vamos (Las Posadas) 464 308

Comfort, Comfort You My People 505

43 VOL. 33 NO. 4

Tu Pueblo Te Espera 457

O Come, O Come Emmanuel 182 496 419 181 139


Awake, Awake and Greet the New Morn 187 489 409


Para Pedir Posadas/Entren Santos Peregrinos (Las Posadas) 459 300

People, Look East 192 493 418 180 151 Preparen el Camino 455 290

The King Shall Come (ST. STEPHEN) 196 499 416 153

Ven, Señor (Rubalcava) 456 292

Venga Tu Reino 620 297

Ábranse los Cielos* 452 294

Come, Light of the World 492 420

The Spirit of God 836 667

O Come, Divine Messiah 188 497 402 144


On That Holy Mountain 193 498 405 182

Alegría, Alegría, Alegría (Las Posadas) 458 301

¡Ven, Salvador! (EL DIOS DE PAZ)* 454 291

Let Desert Wastelands Now Rejoice (LOBT GOTT INSEINEM HEILIGTUM)

Lift Up Your Heads 983


SM Seasonal Missalette WC/M


Unbound makes thousands of hymns previously only available in text and tune collections available for individual download as a PDF with full accompaniment included. Visit

¡Oh Ven! ¡Oh Ven, Emanuel! 453 293

Find Seasonal and Sunday Choral Music Suggestions at

Congregational Hymn and Song Selections from

Text: Delores Dufner, OSB

We Celebrate Hymnal Missal WS Word and Song CEL/H (Let¡Celebremos!UsCelebrate!)Hymnal CEL/M (Let¡Celebremos!UsCelebrate!)Missal

Subscription Resources

Come, O Long-Awaited Savior 494 413 186 142

The King Shall Come (Mattingly) 184 490 410 145

Ven y Sálvanos 621 298

Savior of the Nations, Come (NUN KOMM DER HEIDEN HEILAND)

Text: Delores Dufner, OSB

James Matthew5:7–1011:2–11


Isaiah 35:1–6a, 10

O Come, Divine Messiah 387 448 401 500 359 352

VCS Voices OIF One in Faith

The paschal mystery, however, into which we are immersed through our observance of the liturgical year, is not sequential but an encounter with Christ in our present moment. Our memorial of Jesus through the feasts and seasons gives us the

On this last Sunday of Advent, we get a Christmas story. Why speak and sing of Emmanuel in Advent? Perhaps it is simply to remind us that from the beginning to the end of our days, God is indeed with us when and where we least expect, in ways that will not follow human and social conventions. “Until the end of the age,” as Christ promises his disciples in Matthew’s final verse (Mt 28:20), let us recognize Emmanuel in our loved ones and in the stranger, in our days of joy and of sorrow. —DM

December 18 Fourth Sunday of Advent

Hail, Mary: Gentle Woman 889 712 913 Immaculate Mary 893 977 886 732 993 726 909 Lead Us to Your Light 654

G4 4thGatherEdition

G3 3rdGatherEdition

Homilists and music ministers will constantly have to fight the human urge to think sequentially and impose a historical lens upon the liturgical year, treating the seasons as a diary of Jesus’s life. That is, we await his birth in Advent, celebrate his birth at Christmas, journey with him to Jerusalem in Lent, and mark his final earthly days in the Triduum and Easter season. Advent comes, and we begin the timeline again.


W4 4thWorshipEdition

LM2 Lead Me, Guide Me 2nd Edition RS2 Ritual Song 2nd Edition OC CantandoOramos


O Come, O Come, Emmanuel 386 444 395 231 492 351 345 People, Look East 398 447 409 501 361 361

Praise We the Lord This Day 876 875 973 Proclaim the Joyful Message 367 Savior of the Nations, Come 388 459 421 498 343

Lift Up Your Heads 885

Awake! Awake and Greet the New Morn 406 468 423 517 366

Maranatha, Lord Messiah 412 460 397 My Soul in Stillness Waits 404 454 415 499 360

The King Shall Come 403 450 414 504 353 364 The Name of Jesus 264 This Is Your Justice 274 354 Todo la Tierra/All Earth is Hopeful 352 When, to Mary, the Word 898 We Wait 292

Come, Lord Jesus 463 552 510 456 Come, O Long-Awaited Savior 359 Creator of the Stars of Night 405 458 420 239 495 368 63 Emmanuel, Come to Set Us Free 68 Gift of God 469 422 516

lens through which we recognize how “God is with us” right now, drawing us deeper into God’s reign.




Christ, Be Our Light 584 652 590 692 495 867 Christ, Our Light 958 Come, Emmanuel 457

O Come, Divine Messiah 188 497 402 144 O Come, O Come, Emmanuel 182 496 419 181 139

Romans 1:1–7

45 VOL. 33 NO. 4

Weary, the People of Earth (STAR IN THE EAST) D-800341


Text: Alan J. Hommerding / Music: Thomas Keesecker

Lift Up Your Heads 983 Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming 207 527 442 173

Find Seasonal and Sunday Choral Music Suggestions at

Matthew 1:18–24


Unbound makes thousands of hymns previously only available in text and tune collections available for individual download as a PDF with full accompaniment included. Visit


O Lord of Light 185 504 408 152 ¡Oh Ven! ¡Oh Ven, Emanuel!* 453 293 Preparen el Camino 293 290 Savior of the Nations, Come 502 140 Tu Pueblo Te Espera 290 ¡Ven, Salvador! (EL DIOS DE PAZ)* 454 291 Venga Tu Reino 620 297

Blessed One 1009 809 Canticle of the Turning 326 158 (M) 804

Come, O Long-Awaited Savior 494 413 186 142 Creator of the Stars of Night (Bolduc) 191 506 403 Digo Sí, Señor/I Say Yes, My Lord* 684 561 Dime, Señor 552 372 Elevamos Nuestros Cantos 639 379 Emmanuel 190 488 415 149

Text: Chris Shelton / Music: Bex Gaunt

SM Seasonal Missalette WC/M

Ábranse los Cielos* 452 294 Alegría, Alegría, Alegría 458 301 Ave, Maria/Hail, Maiden Mary 1005 808 Behold a Virgin Bearing Him 198 515 447 156

Isaiah 7:10–14

CEL/M (Let¡Celebremos!UsCelebrate!)Missal

Text: Delores Dufner, OSB

We Celebrate Hymnal Missal WS Word and Song CEL/H (Let¡Celebremos!UsCelebrate!)Hymnal

Congregational Hymn and Song Selections from

Psalm 24:1–2, 3–4, 5–6 (Rx 7c and 10b)

O Joseph, Awaken, Let Go of Your Fear (GARCEAU) D-U00614

Saint Joseph, Jesus' Guardian (MOZART) D-U00497

Text: Adam M. L. Tice / Arr: Alice Parker

Subscription Resources

Song of Joseph (SONG OF JOSEPH) D-00643312


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