Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (January 29, 2023)
Music Planning Pages
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (February 5, 2023)
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (February 12, 2023)
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (February 19, 2023)
as featured in

Christmas — Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
Christmas (December 25, 2022)
Mary, Mother of God (January 1, 2023)
Epiphany (January 8, 2023)
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (January 15, 2023)
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (January 22, 2023)
Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow 481 453 258 400 Silent Night / Noche de Paz / Stille Nacht 413 476 441 244 527 378 369
4thWorshipEdition 4thGatherEdition G3
Hacia Belén / Mary Journeyed with Her Husband 492 541 389
A Weary Couple 500
Love Has Come 430 490 534
O Little Town of Bethlehem 435 482 446 250 523 382 402
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing 414 475 424 247 520 373 387
Of the Father's Love Begotten 415 483 427 266 529 383 403
VCS Voices OIF One in Faith
Angels We Have Heard on High 417 474 430 246 524 371 378
Alleluia! The Lord Has Come 267
O Come, All Ye Faithful / Adeste Fideles 426 472 439 262 521 380 371
It Came upon the Midnight Clear 419 470 248 531 386 Jesus Comes 480 447
Go, Tell It on the Mountain 428 473 428 253 530 372 395
Singing Glory Be to Jesus 260 Sweet Child Jesus 241 The Table of Emmanuel 491 540 What Child Is This? 454 508 466 277 552 393 412 Wonderful Counselor 256 Wood of the Cradle 431 485 436 532
Heaven's Christmas Tree 257
December 25 / Christmas
LM2 Lead Me, Guide Me 2nd Edition
God Has Come to Earth 93
Let Me Be Your Bethlehem 159

Joy to the World 424 471 437 249 518 375 388
RS2 Ritual Song 2nd Edition OC CantandoOramos
Christ Our Light 958
Night of Silence / Noche de Silencio 477 442 245 528 377
Luke 2:1–14 DAWN (15)
Psalm 96:1–2, 2–3, 11–12, 13 (Rx Lk 2:11)
La Virgen y San José 460 302 Noche de Paz (Silent Night)* 536 425 463 314 Nunca Suenan las Campanas 309
Matthew 1:1–25 or 1:18–25
Text: Mary Louise Bringle / Arr: Sally Ann Morris
Psalm 98:1, 2–3, 3–4, 5–6 (Rx Hebrews3c)1:1–16
Text: Jacque B. Jones / Music: Mark A. Miller Will the Angels Sing This Year (TROEGER)
Venid, Pastorcillos (Away in a Manger)* 304
Text: Mary Louise Bringle
Vamos Todos a Belen 303 Vamos, Pastorcillos 307 Vamos, Pastores, Vamos 464 308 Venid, Fieles Todos (O Come, All Ye Faithful) 466 310
Isaiah 62:11–12
VIGIL [13]
Sing Now a Song of a Child Who Was Born (SKYE BOAT SONG)
Congregational Hymn and Song Selections from
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly 217 533 432 170
47 VOL. 33 NO. 4
It Came upon the Midnight Clear 208 525 437 190 163 Joy to the World 213 523 435 465 158
Isaiah 62:1–5
O Come, All Ye Faithful/Adeste Fideles 199 529 438 192 169
Text: Jacque B. Jones / Music: Benjamin Brody We Wait in Shadows (QUICK)
Isaiah 52:7–10
Acts 13:16–17, 22-25
Titus 2:11–14
We Celebrate Hymnal Missal WS Word and Song CEL/H (Let¡Celebremos!UsCelebrate!)Hymnal CEL/M (Let¡Celebremos!UsCelebrate!)Missal
Festival Gospel Responses (BUNNESAN)
Away in a Manger (mueller) 215 524 440 165
Away in a Manger (cradle song) 204 544 (n/a) 167
What Child Is This? 209 552 433 467 176
Isaiah 9:1–6
The Table of Emmanuel 431 188
NIGHT (14)
On this Great Day of Days (PERSONENT HODIE)
For Us a Child of Hope Is Born 543 446 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing 216 520 429 189 166 Hoy a la Tierra (Angels We Have Heard on High) 305
Psalm 97:1, 6, 11–12
Angels We Have Heard on High 214 528 427 462 159
Child in a Manger, the Humblest of Tables (CHURCH LADY)
Psalm 89:4–5, 16–17, 27, 29 (Rx 2a)
O Little Town of Bethlehem 205 531 422 461 164
Text: Angela Renecker / Arr: Marty Haugen
Christmas Lullaby 532 448
Subscription Resources

Oh, Pueblecito de Belén* 461 311 Paz en la Tierra (Joy to the World)* 306 Silent Night/Noche de Paz/Stille Nacht 218 536 425 191 160
John 1:1–18 or 1:1–5, 9–14
Text: Thomas Troeger / Music: Mark A. Miller
Seasonal Missalette WC/M
Luke 2:15–20 DAY (16)
Titus 3:4–7
4thWorshipEdition G4 4thGatherEdition G3 3rdGatherEdition LM2 Lead Me, Guide Me 2nd Edition RS2 Ritual Song 2nd Edition OC CantandoOramos VCS Voices OIF
Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming 438 496 451 263 390 Mary, First Among Believers 897 983 893 1004 No Wind at the Window 960 876 971
The Name of Jesus 264
I Sing a Maid 458 1008 Jesus, the Light of the World 274 550 Let Me Be Your Bethlehem 159
A Blessing 811
Gentle Mary Laid Her Child 446 501 God Has Come to Earth 93
The Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy 454 268 386 Virgin-born, We Bow before You 445 What Child Is This 454 508 466 277 552 393 412
Of the Father’s Love Begotten 415 483 427 266 529 383 403 Of the Father's Love Begotten (Ubowski/Hart) 199
Sing of Mary, Pure and Lowly 444 502 457 271 545 926
One in Faith
A Nuptial Blessing 971 1075 791
Among All 986 888 999 Ave Maria (Kantor) 984 891 1009
January 1 / Mary, Mother of God

Blessed One 988 40 911 Cry Out with Joy and Gladness 367
He’s Here 269
Once in Royal David’s City 440 497 455 270 543 394 Sing "Ave!" 925
The God of All Eternity 1088 989 1088
Of the Father’s Love Begotten 200 517 443
O Mary of Promise 1008
A Blessing 921 745
The Hail Mary 328 1011 816
SM Seasonal Missalette WC/M
What Child Is This 209 552 433 467 176
Maria Walks Amid the Thorn (MARIA DURCH EIN’ DORNWALD GING)
49 VOL. 33 NO. 4
Arr: Russell Schulz-Widmar Serdeczna Matko / Most Loving Mother (SERDECZNA MATKO)
Ave María (Palazón) 632 392
Sing of Mary 334 1015 817 392 253
We Celebrate Hymnal Missal WS Word and Song CEL/H
Subscription Resources

Canticle of the Turning 326 158 (M) 804
La Virgen y San José 460 302
Canto de María 451 385
For Us a Child of Hope Is Born 543 446
Galatians 4:4–7 Luke 2:16–21
God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen 203 518 430 162 Hoy a la Tierra (Angels We Have Heard) 305
Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming 207 527 442 173
She Will Show Us the Promised One 1016 Sing "Ave!" 1021 806
Oh María, Madre Mía 635 395
Santa María del Camino 634 389
Find Seasonal and Sunday Choral Music Suggestions
Oh, Pueblecito de Belén (O Little Town of Bethlehem) 461 311 ¿Qué Niño Es Éste? (What Child Is This?)* 467 312
Blessed One 1009 809
Arr: Richard Proulx / Adapt: Kelly Dobbs-Mickus /
Unbound makes thousands of hymns previously only available in text and tune collections available for individual download as a PDF with full accompaniment included. Visit at
Venid, Fieles Todos (O Come, All Ye Faithful) 466 310
Numbers 6:22–27 Psalm 67:2–3, 5, 6, 8
The Snow Lay on the Ground 538 434
Congregational Hymn and Song Selections from
Tr: Victoria Zibell
In the Bleak Midwinter 494 393
RS2 Ritual Song 2nd Edition OC CantandoOramos
Epiphany Carol 509 462 279 549 Go Tell It On the Mountain 428 473 428 253 530 372 395
Jesus Christ, the Long-Awaited 408 Jesus, the Light of the World 503 274 550 Let Me Be Your Bethlehem 159 Los Magos Que Llegaron a Belén 396
50GIA QUARTERLY 50 January 8 / Epiphany
Rise Up in Splendor 225 411 Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow 481 453 258 400 Songs of Thankfulness and Praise 451 506 459 278 548 394 409
4thWorshipEdition G4 4thGatherEdition G3
Sweet Child Jesus 241 The First Nowell 449 507 460 276 554 391 383
How Brightly Beams the Morning Star 407 I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light 585 650 593 420 693 492 711
The People Who Walked in Darkness 453 444 538 We Bring Our Gifts 696 287 We Three Kings of Orient Are 452 504 463 273 547 395 406 What Child Is This 454 508 466 277 552 393 412 What Star Is This 448 510 461 553 410 Where the Promise Shines 511 450 514

He Lives In Us 102
Angels, from the Realms of Glory 425 438 264 379 Behold the Star! 275 Brightest and Best 272 Christ, Be Our Light! 584 652 590 692 495 867
God Has Come to Earth 93 Guide My Feet 864
3rdGatherEdition LM2 Lead Me, Guide Me 2nd Edition
VCS Voices OIF One in Faith
Ancient Peoples Searched the Sky (LOVE ON EARTH) ..... D-919202
Text: David Bjorlin / Arr: Robert J. Batastini
Text: Adam M. L. Tice / Music: Sally Ann Morris
Text: Timothy Dudley-Smith / Music: Benjamin Brody Bright Star, Where are You Leading? (NOUS VOICI DANS LA VILLE) D-U00626
The First Nowell 201 519 426 193 174
Ephesians 3:2–3a, 5–6 Matthew 2:1–12
Congregational Hymn and Song Selections from
What Star Is This 553
¿Qué Niño Es Éste? (What Child Is This?)* 467 312
Text: Mary Louise Bringle / Music: Sally Ann Morris
Canticle of the Turning 326 158 (M) 804 Del Oriente Somos (We Three Kings)* 469 313 For Us a Child of Hope Is Born 543 446
Seasonal Missalette WC/M
Jesus Christ, the Long-Awaited 222 546 453
Far from Your Keeping (WAS LEBET, WAS SCHWEBET) ..... D-U00883
How Brightly Shines the Morning Star 548 Infant Holy, Infant Lowly 217 533 432 170
Find Seasonal and Sunday Choral Music Suggestions at
We Three Kings of Orient Are 221 550 449 469 175 What Child Is This 209 552 433 467 176
As the Magi Scanned the Heavens (KAS DZIEDAJA) D-U01116
Paz en la Tierra (Joy to the World)* 306 Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow 540 Songs of Thankfulness and Praise 224 549 451
Venid, Fieles Todos (O Come, All Ye Faithful) 466 310
A Sunburst of Glory (SUNBURST) D-U00960
And Did Our God to Earth Come Down (MILTON) ....... D-U01284
One Bread, One Body 301 683 569 249 193
Venid, Pastorcillos (Away in a Manger)* 304
Text: Chris Shelton / Music: Chris de Silva
Text: Chris Shelton / Arr: Ralph Vaughn Williams
Unbound makes thousands of hymns previously only available in text and tune collections available for individual download as a PDF with full accompaniment included. Visit
In the Beginning Was the Word (LAST UNS ERFREUEN) D-U00500
Vamos, Pastores, Vamos 464 308
Los Magos Que Llegaron a Belén* 468 315 Oh, Pueblecito de Belén (O Little Town of Bethlehem)* 461 311
Text: Jacque B. Jones / I. Harmonization: Ralph Vaughan Williams / II. Music: Benjamin Brody
Subscription Resources

Isaiah 60:1–6
Psalm 72:1–2, 7–8, 10–11, 12–13 (Rx see 11)
51 VOL. 33 NO. 4
We Celebrate Hymnal Missal WS Word and Song CEL/H (Let¡Celebremos!UsCelebrate!)Hymnal CEL/M (Let¡Celebremos!UsCelebrate!)Missal
As with Gladness Men of Old 223 551 452 194 177
VCS Voices OIF
Lead Me, Guide Me 2nd Edition
W4 4thWorshipEdition
The King of Glory 565 572 341 474 640
The Baptist Bore Witness 765
The Name of Jesus 264 To Jordan Jesus Humbly Came 512 414 Wade in the Water 994 898 738 1022
One in Faith
Lamb of God 369
Here I Am, Lord 783 844 777 643 869 641 698
I Have Been Anointed 850 718 128 702
January 15 / Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
I Send You Out 851 758 132 813
Down to the River to Pray 996 1017 From the Waters I Will Rise 1004
Behold the Lamb of God 32 Behold Your God 280
of itself, is not initiatory but is focused on deepening the unity we have in Christ—a union that Christians already share with us. Through the rite, in the most complete way possible, we become one with these Christian sisters and brothers at the Lord’s table. This is why “no greater burden than necessary is required for the establishment of communion and unity” (RCIA, 473).
In Christ There Is No East or West 824 905 832 664 919 668 683
RS2 Ritual Song 2nd Edition OC CantandoOramos
I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light 585 650 593 420 693 492 711
Praise to You, O Christ Our Savior 591 658 596 702 499 Prayer of Saint Francis 797 Priestly People 669 Send Down the Fire 593 557 Shine the Light 234 Songs of Thankfulness and Praise 451 506 459 278 548 394 409
WITH ONLY FIVE and a half weeks before Ash Wednesday, you will want to make sure some important things get done now before you take a quick breather. One of these is receiving Christians.TheSundays
of Ordinary Time, especially today, are good days to celebrate the Rite of Reception into the Full Communion of the Catholic Church for baptized Christians who are becoming Catholic. Many parishes, however, celebrate this rite only at the Easter Vigil since that is the principal time for initiation. How ever, the rite’s guidelines, found in the soon-to-be re-translated Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, prohibit equating baptized Christians with catechumens (see RCIA, 477). This rite, in and
One Communion of Love 562
When Jesus Came to Jordan 456 975 397 When John Baptized by Jordan’s River 458 467 555 413
G4 4thGatherEdition
You Have Anointed Me 842 773 You, Lord, Are Both Lamb and Shepherd 626 621 628 359 708 510
Baptized in Water 919 993 903 746 1020 733 516
If you have Christians who are ready to be received, don’t make them wait until the Easter Vigil. Plan to celebrate their reception (which includes Confirmation) on an Ordinary Time Sunday before Lent so they can fully participate in the Lenten season and the Triduum in full communion with us. —DM
Banquete de Unidad 496 340
Baptized in Living Waters 246 788 640 290 178 Bendeciremos por Siempre: Sal 145(144) 444 358 Canción del Misionero 558
The Spirit of God 836 667
The Baptist Bore Witness (ST. DENIO) D-803751
Prayer of Saint Francis 262 905 730 341
I Have Been Anointed 819 663
(Let¡Celebremos!UsCelebrate!)Hymnal CEL/M (Let¡Celebremos!UsCelebrate!)Missal
Text: Alan J. Hommerding
Seasonal Missalette WC/M
Text: Delores Dufner, OSB
Hail to the Lord’s Anointed 219 547 450 Hoy Nos Reunimos 591 320
Psalm 40:2, 4, 7–8, 8–9, 10 (Rx 8a and 9a)
John 1:29–34
Jesus Christ, the Long-Awaited 222 546 453 Jesus in the Morning 228 757 607
Venimos ante Ti 595 323 We Are Marching/Siyahamba 833 659 307 208 We Are the Light of the World 256 976 774 377 209
Congregational Hymn and Song Selections from
Cordero de Dios (CORDERO)
Lord, Make Us Servants of Your Peace 906 One Communion of Love 291 684 550 246 190
53 VOL. 33 NO. 4
We Celebrate Hymnal Missal WS Word and Song CEL/H
Text and Music: Carlos Colón with Ryan Flanigan
Text: Chris Shelton / Music: Mark A. Miller
Find Seasonal and Sunday Choral Music Suggestions at
Isaiah 49:3, 5–6
1 Corinthians 1:1–3
Con la Cruz* 546 353 Digo Sí, Señor* 684 561 Dime, Señor 552 372 Estamos Reunidos 590 322 Gusten y Vean: Sal 34(33)* 345 420 368
Subscription Resources

Come With Me into the Journey (ROSS)
Priestly People 787 637 539 Quiero Servirte, Mi Señor 555 329
Tomado de la Mano 586 328 Vamos a la Casa del Señor 594 321
Jesus Christ, the Long-Awaited (CORDE NATUS) D-00643304
Unbound makes thousands of hymns previously only available in text and tune collections available for individual download as a PDF with full accompaniment included. Visit
RS2 Ritual Song 2nd Edition OC CantandoOramos
LAST WEEK WE looked at why you should celebrate the Rite of Reception now so baptized Christians becoming Catholic can be brought to the eucharistic table without delay. In these Ordinary Time Sundays before Lent, you might also want to celebrate the Confirmation of Catholics already sharing in the Eucharist. Confirmation is another one of those rites that parishes often celebrate at the Easter Vigil because they see Easter as, rightly, the premier time for initiation. Confirmation is indeed an ini tiation sacrament. However, for baptized Catholics already celebrating Communion, Confirmation is not the completion of their initiation. The sacrament that completes initiation—that is its fulfillment and climax—is the Eucharist. In the case of
City of God 857 766 876 637 690
Here I Am to Worship 109 Holy Is the Lord 115
They'll Know We Are Christians 904 835 669 688 Those Who Love and Those Who Labor 891 Two Fishermen 774 866 798 892 625
Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness 637 Shine, Jesus, Shine 233
I Received the Living God (Jacob) 544
I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light 585 650 593 420 693 492 711 Oh, Our Lord 200
Catholics already sharing in Communion, their Confirmation is a deepening of their bond to Christ’s mission into which they have already been fully united and are graced to carry out through their sharing in the Eucharist.
I Have Decided to Follow Jesus 613
Come and Follow Me 874 800 630
Lead Me, Guide Me 2nd Edition
One in Faith
Guide My Feet 864 780 537 896
VCS Voices OIF
We Are Many Parts 822 910 834 918 671 Where Charity and Love Prevail 700 774 706 809 591 747 You Are Strong, You Are Holy 799 You Call to Us, Lord Jesus 775 You Walk along Our Shoreline 766 873 797 631 885 622
January 22 / Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
W4 G4
Caminemos con Jesus / Let Us Walk with Jesus 881
Christ Has No Body Now But Yours (Lawton) 860
Follow Me 880 76
The King of Glory 565 572 341 474 640 The Summons 773 869 790 622 886 623 715
By celebrating the Confirmation of these Catholics now instead of at the Easter Vigil, we allow the Vigil’s focus to be on the passing over from death to life through Christ for those unbap tized. We also then are able to give dedicated attention to the sacramental needs of Catholics who are already fully initiated into Christ’s mission by their sharing of the body and blood of Christ at the eucharistic banquet. —DM
A Follower of Christ 628
Christ Has No Body Now But Yours (Warner) 760 882 691
Goodness Is Stronger than Evil 500 567 528 313
55 VOL. 33 NO. 4
Psalm 27:1, 4, 13–14 (Rx 1a)
Al Partir el Pan* 494 338 Bendeciremos por Siempre: Sal 145(144) 444 358
The Summons 277 835 675 297
Por Ti Seré Pescador 553
There Is One Lord 245 639 526 491 240 Tomado de la Mano 586 328
1 Corinthians 1:10–13, 17
Praise the One Who Breaks the Dark ness 742 619
I Have Been Anointed 819 663
Subscription Resources

Quiero Servirte, Mi Señor 555 329 Siempre Unidos 551 361 Somos el Cuerpo de Cristo/We are the Body of Christ* 544 352
Isaiah 8:23–9:3
We Celebrate Hymnal Missal WS Word and Song CEL/H
(Let¡Celebremos!UsCelebrate!)Hymnal CEL/M
Congregational Hymn and Song Selections from
Text: Jacque B. Jones
Un Mandamiento Nuevo 559 364 You Walk Along Our Shoreline 814 665
Matthew 4:12–23 or 4:12–17
Text: Delores Dufner, OSB / Music: Iteke Prins
Peter, Andrew, Come and Join Me (WEISSE FLAGGEN) ..... D-877533
Two Fishermen 154 (M) 664
God’s Blessing Sends Us Forth 342 925 748 355 217
One Bread, One Body 301 683 569 249 193
Blest Are We 799 647
One Communion of Love 291 684 550 246 190
Seasonal Missalette WC/M
Let All Things Now Living 314 991 795 386
Canción del Misionero 558 Christ Has No Body Now But Yours 837 658 298 220 Con la Cruz* 546 353
Dime, Señor 552 372 Estamos Reunidos 590 322
Find Seasonal and Sunday Choral Music Suggestions at
Unbound makes thousands of hymns previously only available in text and tune collections available for individual download as a PDF with full accompaniment included. Visit
What is the Kingdom We Await (KINGDOM COME) D-916445
Journey for Home 155 723 Lead, Kindly Light 653 770 Let Us Stand 164 846
OIF One in Faith
He draws attention to the Greek translation of “comforted” in verse 4 of today’s passage and notes that the verb is derived from the word “paraclete,” meaning “advocate.” Those who mourn will be comforted not by sentiments but by advocacy. Nadella also notes each beatitude’s passive structure, which invites us to ask who is doing the advocating—the Spirit, of course, but also those whom the Spirit has blessed, us. We’ll see this meaning confirmed in the parable of the sheep and goats later in Matthew 25.
The Beatitudes 252 The Same Love 266
YOU’VE SEEN WALL art and throw pillows displaying the word “blessed.” “Grateful and blessed,” “Too blessed to be stressed,” or just plain “Blessed!” It’s good to feel blessed, but that’s not the point in Matthew’s beatitudes.
Perhaps the decorative sentiment that gets closest is “Blessed to bless.” Let’s turn God’s blessing from art on our walls into action on behalf of those in need. —DM
The Kingdom of God (Taizé) 810 740
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
At the Table of the World 531
January 29 /
Be Not Afraid 680 754 683 583 574 774 Bienaventurados / Blessed and Beloved 811 Canticle of the Turning 624 666 622 47 Christ, Be beside Me 621 Come to Me, O Weary Traveler 717 782 727 823 Come, Ye Disconsolate 590
Plenty Good Room 813 714 847 Prayer of Saint Francis 797 Rejoice, Be Glad 814 The Cry of the Poor 46 52 47 The Kingdom of God 720 805 736 602 883
O Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit 738 O Breathe On Me, O Breath of God 914 997 902 732 651
Lead Me, Guide Me 2nd Edition
All Who Are Thirsty 12
VCS Voices
We Are the Light of the World 592 494 880 Within the Reign of God 809 739
G4 4thGatherEdition
God Remembers 731 669 777
After announcing God’s reign and calling disciples to work with him toward that mission, Jesus presents his vision state ment for what God’s reign will look like. It is blessing for the poor, the mourning, the lowly and hungry, manifested not by feeling but by visible change in their condition. Unfortunately, some have interpreted this to mean that personal fortune and comfort equal divine blessing.
Scripture scholar Raj Nadella gives us a better understanding.
RS2 Ritual Song 2nd Edition OC CantandoOramos
Do Not Be Afraid 790 829 Eye Has Not Seen 713 785 728 595
Unbound makes thousands of hymns previously only available in text and tune collections available for individual download as a PDF with full accompaniment included. Visit
’Tis the Gift to Be Simple 828 661 306 We Are the Light of the World 256 976 774 377 209
Seasonal Missalette WC/M
O Blest Are You (ERINLEIGH) D-U01112
Text: Mary Louise Bringle / Music: Zack Stachowski
Text: Adam M. L. Tice / Music: Benjamin Brody
Subscription Resources

Gusten y Vean: Sal 34(33) 345 420 368
Christ, Be beside Me 749 615 270 236 Con la Cruz* 546 353
Hoy Nos Reunimos 591 320 Make Us True Servants 261 966 779 374 230
The Beatitudes 982 786
Be Not Afraid 323 882 722 332 242 Bendeciremos por Siempre: Sal 145(144) 444 358 Bienaventurados 617
The Kingdom of God 980
El Señor Es Compasivo: Sal 103(102)* 463 373 435 366
Text: Adam M. L. Tice / Music: Kate Williams
Estamos Reunidos 590 322
Pan de Vida* (Hurd) 673 547 502 347
57 VOL. 33 NO. 4
At the Table of the World 281 680 557 244 198
We Celebrate Hymnal Missal WS Word and Song CEL/H (Let¡Celebremos!UsCelebrate!)Hymnal CEL/M PsalmZephaniah(Let¡Celebremos!UsCelebrate!)Missal2:3;3:12–13146:6–6,8–9,9–10(RxMt5:3orAlleluia)1Corinthians1:26–31Matthew5:1–12a
You Are the Way 750 609
Blessed Are the Poor/Rejoice, Be Glad (GALGANI) D-U01184
Prayer of Saint Francis 262 905 730 341 Tesoros Ocultos* 878 584 333
Blessed Are You, The Poor Ones (REESE) D-887901
Pan del Cielo* 506 337
For the Healing of the Nations 263 965 778 Gather Us In 238 919 736 345 185
Acudamos Jubilosos 588 324 Al Partir el Pan* 494 338
Congregational Hymn and Song Selections from
Find Seasonal and Sunday Choral Music Suggestions at
G4 4thGatherEdition
Come, Worship the Lord 61 Gather Us In 836 913 848 676 929 687
RS2 Ritual Song 2nd Edition OC CantandoOramos
VCS Voices OIF
FOLLOWING ON HIS underlying teaching of the beatitudes from last week, Jesus says to the crowd and to us this week: You are salt and light meant to glorify God by being of service to others. Salt and light are two sacramentals in our Catholic tradition. We are more familiar with the ritual and devotional uses of candles, such as in the giving of baptismal candles, processions for the Presentation of the Lord and the blessing of candles, or lighting votive candles for prayer. Less familiar is the use of salt, even though the rite for blessing salt is still part of the current Roman Missal (see Appendix II, 3).
A Rightful Place 4
Salt preserves, gives flavor, and purifies. The prayer for blessing
Only by expending themselves do salt and candles fulfill their purpose. Salt is dissolved, eaten, and absorbed; candles are melted in their lighting. If we are salt and light, we too must give of ourselves for the sake of others if we desire to truly glorify God. —DM
Christ, Be Our Light 584 652 590 692 495 867
Glorify the Lord by Our Lives 853 878 Go Make a Difference 775 88
I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light 585 650 593 420 693 492 711
As a Fire Is Meant for Burning 734 817 744 850 608
Journey of Faith 832 667 Lead Me, Guide Me 657 712 656 538 759 557 704 Lead Us to Your Light 654
Return to God / Volvamos Hoy a Nuestro Dios 475 533 478 563 406 Shine the Light 234
God, Bless Your Church with Strength 791 849
One in Faith
February 5 / Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Building Up the Kingdom 839
Lead Me, Guide Me 2nd Edition
This Little Light of Mine 651 591 637 635 874 Thuma Mina / Send Me, Jesus 841 776 638 877 We Are Marching / Siyahamba 586 865 594 419 694 493 716 We Are the Light of the World 592 494 880 We Will Be the Light 294 You Are the Light (Let your Light Shine) 310
W4 4thWorshipEdition
Lord of All Nations, Grant Me Grace 697 777 703 810 Pues Si Vivimos / If We Are Living 754 825 756 798 612 730 Rejoice, Be Glad 814
God of Day and God of Darkness 854 932 859 690 899 698
salt includes a reference to Elisha using salt to miraculously restore Jericho’s contaminated spring (see 2 Kings 2:20–21). As an optional part of the rite of blessing and sprinkling of water, the presider mixes blessed salt into the water used for sprinkling, reminding us of how we, too, have been purified from sin and death in baptism.
Bienaventurados / Blessed and Beloved 811
City of God 857 766 876 637 690
Venimos ante Ti 595 323
Matthew 5:13–16
Acudamos Jubilosos 588 324
Siempre Unidos 551 361
Text: Adam M. L. Tice / Music: Kate Williams
Psalm 112:4–5, 6–7, 8–9 (Rx 4a or Alleluia)
Amar Es Entregarse 517 376
Seasonal Missalette WC/M
Amén, el Cuerpo de Cristo 498 336
Journey of Faith 254 786 636 316
Somos el Cuerpo de Cristo/We are the Body of Christ* 544 352
Called to Be Christ 792 633
Blessed Are the Poor/Rejoice, Be Glad (GALGANI) D-U01184
We Celebrate Hymnal Missal WS Word and Song CEL/H (Let¡Celebremos!UsCelebrate!)Hymnal CEL/M (Let¡Celebremos!UsCelebrate!)Missal
Unbound makes thousands of hymns previously only available in text and tune collections available for individual download as a PDF with full accompaniment included. Visit
We Are the Light of the World 256 976 774 377 209
Prayer of Saint Francis 262 905 730 341 Renew Your Grace 234 781 627
Find Seasonal and Sunday Choral Music Suggestions at
Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service 257 974 777 373
Por Tu Misericordia 526 351
Pan del Cielo* 506 337
Make Us True Servants 261 966 779 374 230
Let Us Worship God with Justice (PLEADING SAVIOR) D-897324
Christ, Be Our Light 258 968 781 372 189
Por Ti Seré Pescador 553 365
City of God 813 668 301
Tomado de la Mano 586 328
59 VOL. 33 NO. 4
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Pan de Vida* (Hurd) 673 547 502 347
Text: David Gambrell / Arr: Richard Proulx
For the Healing of the Nations 263 965 778
Isaiah 58:7–10
This Little Light of Mine 260 967 783 376 206
Congregational Hymn and Song Selections from
Con la Cruz* 546 353 Dime, Señor 552 372
We Are Marching/Siyahamba 833 659 307 208
Lord, Make Us Servants of Your Peace 906
1 Corinthians 2:1–5
One in Faith
Jesus does not abolish the law but calls us to follow it to its letter, striving even to surpass the scribes and Pharisees in observing it.
Return to God / Volvamos Hoy a Nuestro Dios 475 533 478 563 406 Shine the Light 234 This Little Light of Mine 651 591 637 635 874 Thuma Mina / Send Me, Jesus 841 776 638 877 We Are Marching / Siyahamba 586 865 594 419 694 493 716 We Are the Light of the World 592 494 880 We Will Be the Light 294 You Are the Light (Let your Light Shine) 310
I can hear liturgical rubricists and proponents of “do the red, say the black” rejoicing! But before we get too carried away, let’s go deeper—which is exactly Jesus’s point. Following the rules is essential. However, true righteousness must go even
God, Bless Your Church with Strength 791 849
Christ, Be Our Light 584 652 590 692 495 867
I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light 585 650 593 420 693 492 711
W4 4thWorshipEdition
G4 4thGatherEdition
WE COME TO a section of Matthew’s Sermon on the Mount that scholars call the “antitheses,” marked by the rhetorical pattern, “You have heard that it was said … But I say to you….” It may seem that Jesus is replacing the law and tradition with a new teaching. But his introduction to these antitheses is important.
Lord of All Nations, Grant Me Grace 697 777 703 810 Pues Si Vivimos / If We Are Living 754 825 756 798 612 730 Rejoice, Be Glad 814
Lead Me, Guide Me 2nd Edition
A Rightful Place 4
February 12 / Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
As a Fire Is Meant for Burning 734 817 744 850 608 Bienaventurados / Blessed and Beloved 811
Journey of Faith 832 667 Lead Me, Guide Me 657 712 656 538 759 557 704 Lead Us to Your Light 654
Come, Worship the Lord 61 Gather Us In 836 913 848 676 929 687
Glorify the Lord by Our Lives 853 878 Go Make a Difference 775 88
further—much further, to the relationships underlying the law.
As disciples of Christ, we are called to do more than just follow the law, whether liturgical, moral, or civil. We can’t just avoid breaking them or going over a line. We must look at the people affected by these laws, rubrics, and guidelines and discern if our entire being and orientation of life—our thoughts, words, choices, and actions—reflect how God sees them. If not, then we need to put down our hymnals and well-crafted homilies and go and repair those relationships. Then come back and praise God as best we can. —DM
VCS Voices OIF
RS2 Ritual Song 2nd Edition OC CantandoOramos
Building Up the Kingdom 839
God of Day and God of Darkness 854 932 859 690 899 698
City of God 857 766 876 637 690
Acudamos Jubilosos 588 324 Alleluia No. 1 762 605 269
Grant to Us, O Lord 708 578 253
Te Den Gracias 622
1 Corinthians 2:6–10
Subscription Resources

Con la Cruz* 546 353
Por Tu Misericordia 526 351 Quiero Servirte, Mi Señor 555 329
In Remembrance 289 669 544 Lead Me, Guide Me 816 657 304
61 VOL. 33 NO. 4
We Celebrate Hymnal Missal WS Word and Song CEL/H (Let¡Celebremos!UsCelebrate!)Hymnal CEL/M
Sirach 15:15–20
Seek Ye First 866 704 618
Psalm 119:1–2, 4–5, 17–18, 33–34 (Rx 1b)
Matthew 5:17–37 or 5:20–22a, 27–28, 33–34a, 37
Congregational Hymn and Song Selections from Composer, Poet, Artist-God (RESIGNATION) D-U01276 Text: Delores Dufner, OSB / Harmonization: John L. Bell Unbound makes thousands of hymns previously only available in text and tune collections available for individual download as a PDF with full accompaniment included. Visit Find Seasonal and Sunday Choral Music Suggestions at
Banquete de Unidad 496 340 Bendeciremos por Siempre: Sal 145(144) 444 358
Un Mandamiento Nuevo 559 364 Vamos a la Casa del Señor 594 321 Vamos Cantando al Señor 612 317
Pan del Cielo* 506 331
Gift of Finest Wheat 305 665 552 237 200
Make of Our Hands a Throne 288 690 560 247 195 O God, Our Help in Ages Past 345 872 711 328
Set Your Hearts on the Higher Gifts 306 860 697 321 227
How Can I Keep from Singing 871 709 329
Day by Day 844 677
Hoy Nos Reunimos 591 320
Forgive Our Sins as We Forgive 711 583 256
Seasonal Missalette WC/M
Love Endures 780
In This Place 1041
Jesu, Jesu 487 538 505 294 595 425 700
Just Like You 156
Love One Another 693 186 741
Diverse in Culture, Nation, Race 842 909 833 922 677
They'll Know We Are Christians 904 835 669 688 Vencerá el Amor / Love Shall Overcome 734
"In the end, to what are these commandments calling us? Not to a checklist of morality but to a flourishing of life. Not to a baseline of decency but to an embodied, relational, transfor mative encounter with all whom we meet. Not to a sufficient set of hurdles for righteousness but to a path of wholeness with creature and creator alike." ( —DM
Whatever You Do 298
Scripture scholar Eric Barreto says it well:
Where Charity and Love Prevail (Benoit) 700 774 706 809 591 747 Where Charity and Love Prevail (Hill) 745
All of Me 923
With Great Love 779 811 Woke Up This Morning
Where Charity and Love Abide 299
All Are Welcome, All Belong 924
Eye Has Not Seen 713 785 728 819 595 For the Healing of the Nations 798 884 803 898 877
Lord of All Nations, Grant Me Grace 697 777 703 810
February 19 / Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
One in Faith
Make Us One 1034 Plenty Good Room 813 714 847
ON THIS LAST Sunday before Lent, we come to the climax of the “antitheses” in Matthew’s Sermon on the Mount. It is a fitting prelude to the penitential season in preparation for and remembrance of baptism.
Lead Me, Guide Me 2nd Edition
Today, Jesus invites us to go deeper into two more command ments pertaining to how we treat adversaries, enemies, strangers, and people who simply challenge us. Unlike last week’s passage, however, Jesus gives us a different approach to the law, one that calls for both restraint and generosity of spirit, for that is how our Father in heaven is with us. By law, one may deserve punishment, but the Father does not deal with us according to
VCS Voices OIF
G4 4thGatherEdition
our sins, as the psalmist today proclaims. By law, one might be entitled to a limited portion or minimal response, but the Father goes further and “crowns [us] with kindness and compassion” (Ps 103:4). To this kind of perfect love have we been called.
Si Yo No Tengo Amor / If I Do Not Have Love 1067 817 588 Somos el Cuerpo de Cristo / We Are the Body of Christ 741 610 There's a Wideness in God's Mercy 271 585
A Blessing by Fire 739
Set Your Heart on the Higher Gifts 708 231 744
Make Me a Channel of Your Peace 893 828 912 663 797
RS2 Ritual Song 2nd Edition OC CantandoOramos
SM Seasonal Missalette WC/M
Siempre Unidos 551 361 Tesoros Ocultos* 584 333
Praise to the Lord 340 947 771 368 214
There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy 247 707 579 258
Leviticus 19:1–2, 17–18
1 Corinthians 3:16–23
Amar Es Entregarse 517 363 Amémonos de Corazón 512 365 Bendeciremos por Siempre: Sal 145(144) 444 358
We Celebrate Hymnal Missal WS Word and Song CEL/H
Gusten y Vean: Sal 34(33)* 345 420 368
All Who Hunger 297 155 (M) 533
I Am the Bread of Life (Toolan) 285 699 541 507 203
CEL/M (Let¡Celebremos!UsCelebrate!)Missal
Por Tu Misericordia 526 351
Aleluya, Cantemos al Señor 609
Congregational Hymn and Song Selections from Do We Love Christ Enough (NEW RESTORATION) D-800310 Text: Adam M. L. Tice / Music: Sally Ann Morris We Look Upon Our Enemies (UNE JEUNE PUCELLE) D-877547 Text: Jacque B. Jones / Arr: Frederick Jackisch Unbound makes thousands of hymns previously only available in text and tune collections available for individual download as a PDF with full accompaniment included. Visit Find Seasonal and Sunday Choral Music Suggestions at
Love One Another (Alonso) 853 692 318
Matthew 5:38–48
Called to the Supper of the Lamb 293 672 573 239 El Señor Es Compasivo: Sal 103(102)* 463 373 435 347
I Am the Bread of Life (Englert) 692
A New Commandment 307 857 694 319 191
Where Charity and Love Prevail (Hill) 855 701
Subscription Resources

63 VOL. 33 NO. 4
Where Charity and Love Prevail (Benoit) 308 862 698 325 223
There’s a Wideness: Be Merciful 703 577 Un Mandamiento Nuevo 559 364
I Am the Bread of Life (Kaczmarek) 299 571
Psalm 103:1–2, 3–4, 8, 10, 12–13 (Rx 8a)
Love One Another (King) 863 696 261
Hoy Nos Reunimos 591 320