
2 WORSHIPGIvenByMauReenDIllOn HYMNALS that BELONG to the SINGING ASSEMBLY Easy and Effective Fundraising with By involving your parishioners in the purchase of a new hymnal, you are offering them the opportunity to celebrate the memory of a departed loved one, commemorate an important event, or simply honor their family name. You can easily customize our free, downloadable donor bookplates. They adhere directly to the inside front cover of your hymnals, creating a lasting memorial for years to come. The necessary funds will be raised quickly and easily. Visit, scroll down, and click on the “FUNDRAISING” icon for more information. FUNDRAISINGBOOKPLATESDONOR IN LOVING MEMORY OF MARY EILEENGIVENMCCARTHYBY ANN MARIE SCHULTZ in loving memory of m A ry e ileen m c cAgivenrthyby Ann mA rie Schultz g A ther

3CUSTOM800.442.1358IMPRINTINGAdd security and pride to your purchase! The name of your church or institution, city, and state can be imprinted on the front cover of all of GIA’s new hymnals and the following legacy hymnals: Gather, Gather Comprehensive (1994 and Second Editions), RitualSong, Catholic Community Hymnal, or Worship. For this service there is a charge of $50.00 for set-up and 50¢ per book. IMPRINTING

4—THIRDEDITION G-8000 Pew Edition without Readings $21.50 G-8000R Pew Edition with Readings 23.00 G-8000C Choir Edition ........................................... 34.00 G-8000K Keyboard Landscape .................................. 145.00 G-8000KL Keyboard Looseleaf 160.00 G-8000KS Keyboard Spiral 150.00 G-8000GL Guitar Looseleaf 125.00 G-8000GS Guitar Spiral 115.00 G-8000IB B< Instrument 135.00 G-8000IC C Instrument .......................................... 135.00 G-8000IE E< Instrument 135.00 G-8000ENV Donor Envelopes, 500 ct. 25.00 G-8000CD Compact Disc Recording, 25-CD set 249.00 RITUAL SONG—SECOND EDITION G-9000 Pew Edition without Readings $22.50 G-9000R Pew Edition with Readings 24.00 G-9000C Choir Edition 34.00 G-9000K Keyboard Landscape 145.00 G-9000KL Keyboard Looseleaf 160.00 G-9000KS Keyboard Spiral ....................................... 150.00 G-9000GL Guitar Looseleaf ....................................... 125.00 G-9000GS Guitar Spiral 115.00 G-9000IB B< Instrument 135.00 G-9000IC C Instrument 135.00 G-9000ENV Donor Envelopes, 500 ct. 25.00 GATHER—FOURTH EDITION G-10000 Pew Edition without Readings $23.00 G-10000R Pew Edition with Readings 25.00 G-10000C Choir Edition ........................................... 34.00 G-10000K Keyboard Landscape .................................. 155.00 G-10000KL Keyboard Looseleaf 170.00 G-10000KS Keyboard Spiral 160.00 G-10000GL Guitar Looseleaf 145.00 G-10000GS Guitar Spiral 135.00 G-10000IB B< Instrument 145.00 G-10000IC C Instrument .......................................... 145.00 G-10000IE E< Instrument .......................................... 145.00 G-10000LS Lead Sheet Edition 135.00 G-10000ENV Donor Envelopes, 500 ct. 25.00

5800.442.1358ONEINFAITH 006001 Hymnal without Readings $20.00 006000 Hymnal with Readings 21.00 006002 Choral/Cantor Book ............................ 33.00 006003 Keyboard Acc—Portrait ........................ 145.00 006003-SB Service Binder—Portrait ......................... 28.00 006007 Keyboard Acc—Landscape 145.00 006007-SB Service Binder—Landscape 33.00 006004 Guitar Acc—Spiral Bound 120.00 006005 B< Instrument Book 135.00 006006 C Instrument Book ............................. 135.00 006008 Index Book—Spiral Bound ........................ 5.00 002474 Vinyl Insert Pockets 1.00 WORSHIP—FOURTH EDITION G-7900 Pew Edition without Readings $22.00 G-7900R Pew Edition with Readings 23.50 G-7900C Choir Edition 34.00 G-7900K Keyboard Landscape ................................ 145.00 G-7900KL Keyboard Looseleaf 160.00 G-7900KS Keyboard Spiral 150.00 G-7900GL Guitar Looseleaf 125.00 G-7900GS Guitar Spiral 115.00 G-7900IB B< Instrument 115.00 G-7900IC C Instrument 115.00 G-7900ENV Donor Envelopes, 500 ct. .............................. 25.00 VOICES G-10300 Pew Edition ....................................... $12.00 100+ copies .................................... 11.00 ea. G-10300K Keyboard Edition—3 volumes, 8.5 x 11, spiral-bound ...125.00 G-10300G Guitar Edition—2 volumes, 8.5 x 11, spiral-bound 95.00 G-10300VH Vocal Harmony Edition 20.50 25+ copies 19.50 ea. G-10300BR Saxophone & Brass Instruments Edition 95.00 G-10300IB B< Instrument Edition .............................. 105.00 G-10300IC C Instrument Edition ............................... 105.00 X-108800 Complete Recording Bundle 199.95

6,GUIDEME—SECOND EDITION G-7000 Pew Edition $22.00 G-7000K Keyboard Landscape 125.00 G-7000ENV Donor Envelopes, 500 ct. 25.00 CD-923 Rites, Psalms & Service Music (4-CD set) 34.95 CD-924 Hymns (8-CD set) ................................. 69.95 CD-925 Lectionary Psalms (3-CD set) 39.50 CD-926 Full Set of Lead Me, Guide Me Recordings CD-923, CD-924 & CD-925 (All 15 CDs) 119.95 ORAMOS CANTANDO / WE PRAY IN SONG G-7400 Pew Edition without Readings $22.00 G-7400C Choir Edition 35.00 G-74000K Keyboard Landscape 135.00 G-7400G Guitar Spiral..................................... 115.00 G-7400ENV Donor Envelopes, 500 ct. ......................... 25.00 WORD & SONG 2022 (Year A) (WAS22) Annual missal and hymnal in one 50 copies or more 6.36 per subscription, per year plus shipping 1 - 49 copies 18.50 per subscription, per year plus shipping Accompaniments SMWSK23 Seasonal Missalette and Word & Song Keyboard Edition (3 volumes) $115.00 SMWSG23 Seasonal Missalette and Word & Song Cantor/Guitar Edition (2 volumes) 90.00

7800.442.1358 SEASONAL MISSALETTE ® Published 4 times a year 25 copies or more 4.80 per subscription, per year plus shipping 16 - 24 copies 5.80 per subscription, per year plus shipping 6 - 1 5 copies 7.80 per subscription, per year plus shipping 1 - 5 copies 33.00 per subscription, per year shipping included SEASONAL MISSALETTE ® with MISALITO PARROQUIAL ® Spanish-language insert 25 copies or more 5.52 per subscription, per year plus shipping 16 - 24 copies 6.52 per subscription, per year plus shipping 6 - 15 copies 8.523 per subscription, per year plus shipping 1 - 5 copies 36.00 per subscription, per year shipping included SEASONAL MISSALETTE November 27, 2022 to February 21, 2023 MISSALETTESEASONAL ® SEASONAL MISSALETTE ® LARGE PRINT EDITION Published 4 times a year 25 copies or more 6.48 per subscription, per year plus shipping 16 - 24 copies 8.48 per subscription, per year plus shipping 6 - 15 copies 10.48 per subscription, per year plus shipping 1 - 5 copies 36.00 per subscription, per year shipping included SEASONAL MISSALETTE ® LARGE PRINT EDITION WITH MISALITO PARROQUIAL ® Spanish-language insert 25 copies or more 7.20 per subscription, per year plus shipping 16 - 24 copies 9.20 per subscription, per year plus shipping 6 - 15 copies 11.20 per subscription, per year plus shipping 1 - 5 copies 38.00 per subscription, per year shipping included ACCOMPANIMENTS SMWSK23 Seasonal Missalette and Word & Song Keyboard Edition (2 volumes) $115.00 SMWSG23 Seasonal Missalette and Word & Song Cantor/Guitar Edition (2 volumes) 90.00

8 ¡CELEBREMOS!/LET US CELEBRATE! ® Side-by-side missal, English and Spanish, published 4 times a year 25 copies or more 6.36 per subscription, per year plus shipping 16 - 24 copies 7.56 per subscription, per year plus shipping 6 - 15 copies 8.76 per subscription, per year plus shipping 1 - 5 copies 33.00 per subscription, per year shipping included ¡CELEBREMOS!/LET US CELEBRATE! ® LARGE PRINT EDITION Side-by-side missal, English and Spanish, published 4 times a year 25 copies or more 7.20 per subscription, per year plus shipping 16 - 24 copies 8.40 per subscription, per year plus shipping 6 - 15 copies 9.60 per subscription, per year plus shipping 1 - 5 copies 36.00 per subscription, per year shipping included ¡CELEBREMOS!/LET US CELEBRATE! ® HIMNARIO New Edition coming Advent 2020, Bilingual Hymnal $1.56 per book, per year for current WLP subscribers (the combo of this book with the small print Celebremos Missal comes to $6.00 per combo, per year plus shipping) $2.28 per book, per year for non-WLP subscribers plus shipping ¡CELEBREMOS!/LET US CELEBRATE! ® LARGE PRINT HIMNARIO New Edition coming Advent 2020, Bilingual Hymnal $1.92 per book, per year plus shipping for current WLP subscribers (the combination of this book with the standard print ¡Celebremos!/Let Us Celebrate! Missal comes to $7.20 per subscription, per year plus shipping) $2.52 per book, per year plus shipping for non-WLP subscribers Accompaniments 002490 Keyboard Accompaniment Edition (all 3 volumes) $94.95 002486 Guitar Accompaniment Edition (all 3 volumes) 74.95 Bilingual Missal ✦ Misal Bilingüe August 7 to November 26, 2022 ✦ 7 de Agosto al 26 de Noviembre de 2022 — Year C, the Gospel of Luke ✦ Año C, el Evangelio de san Lucas — T he O rder O f M ass ✦ OrdinariO de la Misa ............................................... pp. 2–159 Ordinary TiMe ✦ TieMpO OrdinariO August 7, Ord. Time XIX ✦ 7 de Agosto, Tiempo Ord. XIX 24/25 August 14, Ord. Time XX ✦ 14 de Agosto, Tiempo Ord. XX ........................................................... 28/29 August 15, Assumption of Mary ✦ 15 de Agosto, La Asunción de María ................................. 32/33 August 21, Ord. Time XXI ✦ 21 de Agosto, Tiempo Ord. XXI ......................................................36/37 August 28, Ord. Time XXII ✦ 28 de Agosto, Tiempo Ord. XXII ...................................................40/41 September 4, Ord. Time XXIII ✦ 4 de Septiembre, Tiempo Ord. XXIII 44/45 September 11, Ord. Time XXIV ✦ 11 de Septiembre, Tiempo Ord. XXIV .............................. 48/49 September 18, Ord. Time XXV ✦ 18 de Septiembre, Tiempo Ord. XXV ................................. 54/55 September 25, Ord. Time XXVI ✦ 25 de Septiembre, Tiempo Ord. XXVI .............................. 60/61 October 2, Ord. Time XXVII ✦ 2 de Octubre, Tiempo Ord. XXVII .......................................... 64/65 October 9, Ord. Time XXVIII ✦ 9 de Octubre, Tiempo Ord. XXVIII ....................................... 68/69 October 16, Ord. Time XXIX ✦ 16 de Octubre, Tiempo Ord. XXIX 72/73 October 23, Ord. Time XXX ✦ 23 de Octubre, Tiempo Ord. XXX 76/77 October 30, Ord. Time XXXI ✦ 30 de Octubre, Tiempo Ord. XXXI 80/81 November 1, All Saints ✦ 1o de Noviembre, Todos los Santos ............................................... 84/85 November 2, All Souls ✦ 2 de Noviembre, Todos los Fieles Difuntos ..................................... 88/89 November 6, Ord. Time XXXII ✦ 6 de Noviembre, Tiempo Ord. XXXII ................................... 92/93 November 13, Ord. Time XXXIII ✦ 13 de Noviembre, Tiempo Ord. XXXIII 96/97 November 20, Christ the King ✦ 20 de Noviembre, Jesucristo, Rey del Universo 100/101 November 24, Thanksgiving Day ✦ 24 de Noviembre, Día de Acción de Gracias ............... 104/105 Weekday Masses ✦ Misas de la seMana ..................................................... pp. 160–209 liTurgical and devOTiOnal riTes ✦ riTOs liTúrgicOs y devOciOnales Liturgy of Marriage ✦ Liturgia del Matrimonio .................................................................. 210/211 Funeral Liturgy ✦ Liturgia Exequial ...................................................................................... 212/213 Rite of Eucharistic Benediction ✦ Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento ......................... 214/215 hyMns and sOngs ✦ hiMnOs y canTOs English Music ............................................................................................................................ 216–303 Index ................................................................................................................................................... 376 Spanish and Bilingual Music ✦ Música en Español y Bilingüe .........................................Page/Página304–375 Advent, Christmas and Ordinary Time November 27, 2022 to February 21, 2023 Adviento, Navidad y Tiempo Ordinario 27 de Noviembre de 2022 al 21 de Febrero de 2023 CELEBREMOSLETUSCELEBRATE! HIMNARIOHYMNAL ! 2021–2023

9800.442.1358 WE CELEBRATE ® MISSAL AND HYMNAL Missal published 3 times a year, s oftbound hymnal 25 copies or more 7.08 per subscription, per year plus shipping 16 - 24 copies 8.20 per subscription, per year plus shipping 6 - 15 copies 10.20 per subscription, per year plus shipping 1 - 5 copies 31.00 per subscription, per year shipping included WE CELEBRATE ® MISSAL AND HYMNAL WITH MISALITO PARROQUIAL ® Missal with Spanish-language insert published 3 times a year, softbound hymnal 25 copies or more 7.92 per subscription, per year plus shipping 16 - 24 copies 9.04 per subscription, per year plus shipping 6 - 15 copies 11.04 per subscription, per year plus shipping 1 - 5 copies 33.00 per subscription, per year shipping included WE CELEBRATE ® MISSAL Missal published 3 times a year, no hymnal 25 copies or more 4.32 per subscription, per year plus shipping 16 - 24 copies 5.32 per subscription, per year plus shipping 6 - 15 copies 7.32 per subscription, per year plus shipping 1 - 5 copies 25.00 per subscription, per year shipping included WE CELEBRATE ® MISSAL WITH MISALITO PARROQUIAL ® Missal with Spanish-language insert, published 3 times a year, no hymnal 25 copies or more 5.16 per subscription, per year plus shipping 16 -24 copies 6.16 per subscription, per year plus shipping 6 - 15 copies 8.16 per subscription, per year plus shipping 1 - 5 copies 28.00 per subscription, per year shipping included WE CELEBRATE ® HYMNAL Softbound hymnal, NEW! 2021–24 50 or more copies 3.24 per book, per year for current WLP subscribers to any worship aid other than We Celebrate subscribers, plus shipping 50 or more copies 6.24 per book, per year for non-WLP subscribers plus shipping Accompaniments 006424 Landscape Keyboard Accompaniment Edition (2 volumes) $105.00 006423 Portrait Keyboard Accompaniment Edition (3 volumes) 115.00 006425 Cantor/Guitar Edition – Portrait (2 volumes) 85.00 The Order of Mass ........................................................................................... 3–124 Liturgy of the Word for the Sundays and Holy Days of Ordinary Time June 26 – Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 18 July 3 – Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ................................................... 21 July 10 – Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ..................................................... 24 July 17 – Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time .................................................... 28 July 24 – Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ............................................... 31 July 31 – Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ................................................. 34 August 7 – Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 36 August 14 – Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 40 August 15 – Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary ....................................... 42 August 21 – Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time ......................................... 45 August 28 – Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time .................................... 48 September 4 – Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time ................................... 50 September 11 – Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time ............................... 53 September 18 – Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 57 September 25 – Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 60 October 2 – Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time ................................... 63 October 9 – Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time ...................................... 66 October 16 – Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time...................................... 69 October 23 – Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time .............................................. 72 October 30 – Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time 75 November 1 – All Saints 78 November 6 – Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time .................................. 81 November 13 – Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time .................................... 84 November 20 – Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe .......................... 86 November 24 – Thanksgiving Day ...................................................................... 89 Profession of Faith ........................................................................................... 92–93 Weekday Masses June 24 to November 26, 2022 .................................................................... 125–211 Commons and Votive Masses 212–213 Other Liturgical and Devotional Rites Funeral Mass 214 Morning Prayer..................................................................................................... 218 Evening Prayer ..................................................................................................... 220 Communal Rite of Reconciliation ...................................................................... 223 Communal Anointing of the Sick....................................................................... 225 Eucharistic Benediction ....................................................................................... 232 Music for the Season .................................................................................. 227–229 Music Index and Planning Guide 230 WE CELEBRATE ® June 26 to November 26, 2022 CELEBRATEWE WE CELEBRATE ® November 27, 2022 to April 1, 2023
10 HEAVY-DUTY PLASTIC POCKETS for the hymnal of your choice. These strong, clear pockets affix easily to the inside back cover of any GIA hymnal and can hold a parish song list or bulletin with ease. Call or email us for a sample. G-4565 Plastic Hymnal pocket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ .70 TRIPLE-RIBBON MARKER Custom-made to beautifully adorn any of GIA’s hardbound hymnals, these elegant gold satin ribbon bookmarks are perfect for marking your Psalms, hymns, and service music. The 12-inch, bonded, triple-ribbon marker easily inserts into and securely adheres to the hymnal’s spine. G-HRGOLD Hymnal Ribbon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .85 HYMNAL ACCESSORIES Customize your financing options... CHOOSE YOUR PAYMENT • CHOOSE YOUR TERMS CALL NOW FOR CUSTOM FINANCING! We can work with you to make it easy to pay for your new hymnals. GIA offers interest-free custom financing for the first 6 months on all of our hardbound hymnals, and low interest for up to 3 years with convenient monthly or annual billing. The balance due will be billed in equal monthly or annual installments. No interest will be charged for 6 months, after which time 1% interest (accrued monthly) will be charged on remaining balances. You may pay the minimum amount due (monthly or annually) or any amount greater than the minimum due at your discretion. On all of our hymnals and missals, we offer both monthly or annual billing. Contact Suzanne Orland via email ( or by phone 708.552.9815 for more information. FINANCING

For over 20 years, LiturgyHelp has been helping priests, teachers, catechists, musicians, and everyone involved in Catholic ministry to quickly and creatively prepare for liturgy and prayer. And now the latest version of LiturgyHelp takes this trusted resource to a new level. Whatever the ministry, LiturgyHelp can provide a head start in preparing liturgy and prayer for anyone connected to your parish or school. LiturgyHelp is a subscription website that gives you access to the official Lectionary and Roman Missal, which are fully integrated with national Liturgical Calendars and a wealth of other liturgical resources. We provide easy online access to the abundance of the Church’s liturgical texts, making it faster and easier for parishes, schools, and other Catholic communities to prepare materials for liturgy and prayer. The site complies with all national liturgical requirements and includes a range of language options. In the USA, Spanish is provided for the Lectionary and Missal. In New Zealand, the Māori Missal texts are included. We also have versions of the site for Australia, England and Wales, Scotland and Ireland. LiturgyHelp provides very cost-effective resources to individual ministers and a complete suite of web services to parish communities and ministry teams. more information and pricing
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11800.442.1358 GIAPLANNER.NET Planning liturgies week after week can be time-consuming. Leveraging the most cutting-edge web technology, is a tool you can use to make liturgy planning easier and faster—with better results. Some of the great GIAPlanner features include: • Comprehensive liturgy templates • Managing liturgy plans • Searching liturgical templates and music suggestions • Entering custom notes to each liturgy part • Listening to full music tracks or clips • Sharing, downloading, printing, or emailing your plans • Managing liturgical ministers • Community sharing For more information and pricing visit GIAPLANNER.NET
12 TITLEHYMNALS HARDBOUND SOFTBOUND DISTRIBUTION CONTEMPORARY TRADITIONAL # OF SONGS CATHOLIC Gather—Fourth Edition X 1 Shipment 80% 20% 1000 Gather—Fourth Edition (with Readings) X 1 Shipment 80% 20% 1000 Gather—Third Edition X 1 Shipment 70% 30% 989 Gather—Third Edition (with readings) X 1 Shipment 70% 30% 989 Worship—Fourth Edition X 1 Shipment 20% 80% 999 Worship—Fourth Edition (with readings) X 1 Shipment 20% 80% 999 Ritual Song—Second Edition X 1 Shipment 50% 50% 1088 Ritual Song—Second Edition (with readings) X 1 Shipment 50% 50% 1088 AFRICAN AMERICAN Lead Me, Guide Me—Second Edition (Catholic) X 1 Shipment 790 BILINGUAL AND SPANISH Oramos Cantando / We Pray In Song (Catholic) X 1 Shipment 799 CONTEMPORARY Voices X 1 Shipment 90% 10% 350 Cross Generation X 1 Shipment 90% 10% 281 Singing Our Faith—Second Edition X 1 Shipment 338 MISSALS AND HYMNAL SUBSCRIPTIONS MISSALS Seasonal Missalette (revised text) X 4x/year 60% 40% 200 Seasonal Missalette (revised text with Misalito) X 4x/year 60% 40% 200 Seasonal Missalette (large print, revised text) X 4x/year 60% 40% 200 Seasonal Missalette (large print, revised text with Misalito) X 4x/year 60% 40% 200 We Celebrate Missal X 3x/year 40% 60% 50 We Celebrate Missal (with Misalito) X 3x/year 40% 60% 50 Liturgy of the Word X Annual N/A N/A N/A MISSAL AND HYMNAL IN ONE Word & Song X Annual 50% 50% 800 BILINGUAL AND SPANISH ¡Celebremos / Let Us Celebrate! Missal (Bilingual Spanish/English) X 4x/Year 350+ ¡Celebremos / Let Us Celebrate! Missal (large print, Bilingual Spanish/English) X 4x/Year 350+ HYMNAL SUBSCRIPTIONS ¡Celebremos / Let Us Celebrate! Himnario (Bilingual Spanish/English) X Every 3 Years 600+ ¡Celebremos / Let Us Celebrate! Himnario (large print, Bilingual Spanish/English) X Every 3 Years 600+ We Celebrate Hymnal X Every 3 Years 800 HYMNAL AND MISSAL COMPARISON CHART For full content listings, indexes, and pricing
13800.442.1358 # MASS SETTINGS PSALTER READINGS DAILY READINGS DAILY PROPERS ORDER OF MASS DOWNLOAD HYMNALS APP ACCOMPANIMENTS 10 X X X K, KL, KS, GS, GL, IB, IC, IE 10 X X X X K, KL, KS, GS, GL, IB, IC, IE 11 X X X K, KL, KS, GS, GL, IB, IC, IE 11 X X X X K, KL, KS, GS, GL, IB, IC, IE 8 X X X K, KL, KS, GS, GL, IB, IC, IE 8 X X X X K, KL, KS, GS, GL, IB, IC, IE 11 X X X K, KL, KS, GS, GL, IB, IC, IE 11 X X X X K, KL, KS, GS, GL, IB, IC, IE 9 X X X X K 8 X X X X K, GS 0 X K, G 0 K, G 0 K, G, IC 5 X X X X X X KP, G 5 X X X X X X KP & KMP, G & GMP 5 X X X X X X KP, G 5 X X X X X X KP & KMP, G & GMP 5 X X X X X X KP & KMP, G & GMP 2 X X X X X X KP, G 2 X X X X X X K & KMP, KP & KMP, G & GMP 8 X X X X X X K, G 7 X X X X X KP, G 7 X X X X X KP, G 12 X KP, G 12 X KP, G 15 X K, KP, G G = Guitar GS = Guitar Spiral GL = Guitar Looseleaf IB = B< Instrument IC = C Instrument IE = E-flat Instrument NOTE: Seasonal Missalette and We Celebrate editions that includee the Misalito insert require two accompaniments: one for Seasonal Missalette or We Celebrate, and one for the Misalito insert. Accompaniment Legend K = Keyboard Landscape KL = Keyboard Looseleaf KP = Keyboard Portrait KS = Keyboard Spiral KMP = Misal Parroquial Keyboard GMP = Misal Parroquial Guitar
Scan to learn about GIA Hymnals and Missals! Choral Subscription Service & Now with titles from both GIA and WLP! A convenient and economical way to shop for choral music and plan the approaching season. Your subscription contains approximately 105 titles in 3 mailings over a 1-year period . With each packet you receive approximately 35 octavos along with 2 CDs containing recordings of all the titles in the packet as well as bonus tracks of select instrumental works available through GIA (and WLP) . The convenient informational insert offers helpful suggestions for liturgical and topical uses . All postage and handling is included in the fee, there are no hidden charges, and you have nothing to return after you have examined the material—you keep all of the music and recordings . Retail value of each packet is over $50 .00 . You pay only $45 .00 for 3 mailings! Subscribe today to begin enjoying our popular Choral Subscription Service! To order, visit or call us at 1.800.442.1358 PRSRT STD US BOLINGBROOK,POSTAGEPAID IL PERMIT #2361 GIA Publications, Inc. 7404 S. Mason Ave. Chicago, IL www.giamusic.com60638 PASTORALATTENTION:MUSICIANS