Lent & Easter

Welcome to GIA’s Lent and Easter Catalog!
Here you’ll find a wide variety of resources from new choral works and instrumental editions to books for RCIA for both adults and children. Among the items new to our catalog are Tony Alonso’s bilingual collection for the Paschal Triduum, Gloriosi, a beautiful new Liam Lawton Collection, Come and Listen, and Alan J. Hommerding's creative prompts for writers found in the new book Pen of a Nimble Scribe. You’ll also find old favorites in popular series from WLP: Play for the Lord, Seasonal Suites, and Children of the Light.

Please share this catalog with all those who would find the contents of interest. Additional copies may be downloaded at issuu.com/giamusic. There, you will also find many specialty catalogs and flyers to help you find the resources you need. Thank you for taking a look. We wish you all the best.
1-800-442-1358 custserv@giamusic.com giamusic.com Prices subject to change without notice.


Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper / Jueves Santo de la Cena del Señor: We Should Glory in the Cross / Que Nuestro Único Orgullo Sea la Cruz • Blessed Be God Forever / Bendito Sea Dios por Siem pre • Kyrie, Eleison • Our Blessing-Cup / El Cáliz que Bendecimos • Glory to You / Gloria a Ti • A New Com mandment / Un Mandamiento Nuevo • Love One Another / Ámense Unos a Otros • Lord, Hear Our Prayer / Te Rogamos, Óyenos • Ubi Caritas • Agnus Dei • Called to the Supper of the Lamb / Llamados al Banquete del Señor • Called to Keep Vigil with the Lord / Llamados a Velar con el Señor • Tantum Ergo Sacramentum Good Friday of the Passion of the Lord / Viernes Santo de la Pasión del Señor: Into Your Hands / En Tus Manos • Glory to You / Gloria a Ti • Adoramus Te • The Solemn Intercessions of Good Friday / La Oración Universal del Viernes Santo • Behold the Wood of the Cross / Miren el Árbol de la Cruz • Faithful Cross / Cruz Fiel • Forgive Us, Your People / Perdona a Tu Pueblo • O Come, Let Us Worship / Venid, Oh Cristianos • Called to the Supper of the Lamb / Llamados al Banquete del Señor The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night / Vigilia Pascual en la Noche Santa: The Easter Proclamation / Pregón Pascual • Lord, Send Out Your Spirit / Envía Tu Espíritu, Señor • Keep Me Safe, O God / Protégeme, Dios Mío • Let Us Sing to the Lord / Cantemos al Señor • I Will Praise You, Lord / Te Ensalzaré, Señor • You Will Draw Water Joyfully / Ustedes Sacarán Agua con Gozo • Words of Everlasting Life / Palabras de Vida Eterna • Like a Deer that Longs / Como Busca la Cierva (Psalm 42, 43 / Salmo 42/41, 43/42) • Easter Alleluia / Aleluya Pascual • Litany of the Saints / Letanía de los Santos • Alleluia Popular: Blessing of Water / Aleluya Popular: Bendición del Agua • Alleluia Popular: Baptism / Aleluya Popular: Bautismo • Alleluia Popular: Acclamation / Aleluya Popular: Aclamación • Veni Sancte Spiritus • Alleluia Popular: Sprinkling / Aleluya Popular: Aspersión • Lord, We Ask You, Hear Our Prayer / Te Rogamos, Óyenos • Called to the Supper of the Lamb / Llamados al Banquete del Señor.

BY TONY ALONSOThe first comprehensive resource of its kind, Gloriosi contains a treasure trove of ritual music that bridges linguistic, cultural, and musical differences for the liturgies of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil. Weaving together familiar tunes and ancient chants with newly-composed pieces, Tony Alonso has meticulously crafted the music of Gloriosi to inspire the participation of a diverse assembly during these celebrations at the heart of the liturgical year.
In addition to settings of all of the ritual texts found in the Roman Missal/Misal Romano for the Three Days, this collection contains settings of every prescribed psalm drawn from texts approved for liturgical use in English and in Spanish.
El primer recurso completo de su tipo, Gloriosi es un tesoro rebosante de música ritual que supera las diferencias lingüísticas, culturales y musicales para las liturgias del Jueves Santo, Viernes Santo y la Vigilia Pascual. Tejiendo melodías familiares y cantos antiguos con piezas recién compuestas, Tony Alonso ha elaborado meticulosamente la música de Gloriosi para inspirar la participación de una asamblea diversa durante estas celebraciones que están al centro del año litúrgico. Además de proporcionar los textos rituales que se encuentran en el Misal Romano/ Roman Missal para los Tres Días en forma musicalizada, esta colección también ofrece nueva música para todos los salmos prescritos para las liturgias del Triduo utilizando los textos oficiales en español y en inglés.

The Pen of a Nimble Scribe
Writing prompts are well-known in the field of creative writing. They are a means for writers to concentrate on and explore particular topics or themes, with the intent of encouraging writers to write thoughtfully and creatively, even in times of “writer’s block,” or periods in which personal inspiration seems to be lagging. However, no collection of these prompts focused for writers in the religious, scriptural, spiritual, or liturgical fields has been available.
The Pen of a Nimble Scribe was created for these writers. It uses the scriptures and rhythms of the Church’s lectionaries (Roman Catholic and Revised Common) to open new and creative writing approaches. For anyone who writes religious/spiritual/scriptural/liturgical texts of any sort, it will be a valuable resource.

Alan J. Hommerding brings more than thirty years as an editor, author, poet, and pastoral prayer practitioner to this collection.

G-10688 Spiral Bound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12 .00

Come and Listen LIAM LAWTON
A collection born in the midst of the COVID-19 lockdown, Come and Listen offers music for both the happiest and saddest of life’s occasions, the everyday and the special, all blessed with Liam’s Celtic sensibilities.
“You Are Not Alone” incorporates Psalm 23 and is suitable for funerals while “Love Will Find You” is a wonderful choice for weddings with either choir or soloist. “Lord of Sorrow, Lord of Shame” and “Ubi Caritas” will find their place amongst your favorites for Holy Week while “In the Breaking of the Bread” is a lovely and useful communion piece based on the famous Stowe Missal.
Includes: Come and Listen (G-10786) • In the Breaking of the Bread (G-10787) • Lord of Sorrow, Lord of Shame (G-10788) • Love Will Find You (G-10789) • May We Be One (G10790) • To You O Lord, I Lift Up My Soul (G-10791) • Ubi Caritas (G-10792) • You Are Not Alone (G-10793)
G-10865 Spiral Bound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14 .95 CD-622 Compact Disc 16 95

Participation of the Heart
VICKI KLIMAWritten in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic while experiencing virtual liturgies, Vicki Klima authored this book to help the faithful reflect upon their participation at Mass and deepen their understanding of why we gather for worship.

Ideal for study groups, liturgical ministers, faith formation classes, or any gathering of parishioners, Klima walks us through the Mass and offers questions for self or group reflection. She also offers insight on how to hear, experience and reflect upon the texts of the liturgy.
Vicki’s passion for liturgy and her experience as a diocesan worship office director shine forth in the publication.
G-10378 Perfect Bound, 124 pages $15 95
Mass of the Next Generation

A Youthful Mass for all Generations
JEFFREY CORRYWhether led by a youth choir or a more seasoned adult group, Mass of the Next Generation is sure to inspire assemblies to fully participate in the liturgy! Thoroughly singable with dynamic, syncopated rhythms throughout, this setting features several musical genres including rhythm and blues, jazz, and gospel. The piano accompaniment can be augmented with the use of drum set, percussion, guitar, and bass guitar. An inspirational setting for today’s church!

Los Misterios Cantos para Meditar el Rosario RAFAEL MORENO

From international recording artist Rafael Moreno comes this imaginative, musicalized take on the rosary. For each of the four sets of mysteries (Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious, Luminous), Rafael has composed a common refrain coupled with unique verses for each of their five mysteries. The verses and refrains can be sung together as a complete song or interspersed between the five decades. A brief narration is provided to introduce each mystery; together, the effect is a beautiful meditative journey through the entire rosary.
Del artista discográfico internacional Rafael Moreno llega esta interpretación imaginativa y musicalizada del rosario. Para cada uno de los cuatro conjuntos de misterios (Gozosos, Dolorosos, Gloriosos, Luminosos), Rafael compuso un estribillo común con versos únicos para cada uno de sus cinco misterios. Los versos y estribillos se pueden cantar juntos como una canción completa o intercalados entre las cinco décadas. Se proporciona una breve narración para presentar cada misterio; juntos, el efecto es un hermoso viaje meditativo a través de todo el rosario.
G-10827 Libro de acompañamiento Songbook Accompaniment . . . . . . $14 .50

G-10827A Edición para la asamblea Assembly Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 .35
CD-1134 CD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 .95
Amen. Alleluia! A Resource for Praying Farewell BARBARA DAY MILLER, CARLTON R. YOUNG, MICHAEL SILHAVY

Amen. Alleluia! A resource for praying farewell offers clergy, pastoral ministers, congregations, families and individuals a collection of prayer services, Scripture passages, other texts, and music to mourn the death, and celebrate the life, of the deceased. While many of the services are framed in the structure of Western liturgical traditions, the collection is truly ecumenical. The material within may be used in conjunction with a congregation’s or denomination’s principal worship resource, or as an alternative to established liturgies. With adaptation, this resource can be used at interfaith memorials, as well as with those who have no affiliation in a faith tradition.
G-10662 Leader’s edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29.95
G-10662C Choral/Accompaniment edition . .8 .50
G-10662P People’s edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 .95
Be With Me, Lord, When I Am in Trouble

SATB, cantor, assembly, keyboard, guitar
G- 10464 Choral Octavo, 12 pages $2 40

SATB, solo
G-10687 Choral Octavo, 12 Pages $2 60
On the Road of Mercy

Two-part, cantor, assembly, keyboard, guitar
G-10774 Choral Octavo, 8 pages . . . . . . . . . . . $2 .20
Ne W Choral

Cristo Jesús Es el Señor PETER KOLAR

SATB, keyboard
G-10716 Choral Octavo, 20 pages $3 20
Have Mercy on Me, O God NICHOLAS PALMER

Unison, keyboard

G-10403 Choral Octavo, 8 pages $2 20

SATB, assembly, organ, brass quintet, timpani
G-10699 Choral Octavo, 16 pages $2 50
for Lent

Binding, Wondrous Love (WONDROUS LOVE; I BIND MY HEART)
Rob Glover, Suzanne Toolan RSM, Alexander Means, Lauchlan MacLean Watt SATB, flute, oboe and cello (20-E/M) G-10471 $2.60
Create a Clean Heart in Me, O God
Rob Galea, Peter DeMarco SATB, cantor, assembly, keyboard, guitar (8-E/M) G-10560 $2.20
For God So Loved the World
Sally Ann Morris SATB, keyboard, C or B-flat instrument (8-E/M) G-10554 $2.20
Hear Our Prayer
Tony Ward SAB, cantor, assembly, keyboard, guitar (12-E/M) G-10624 $2.40
I Want Jesus to Walk with Me (SOJOURNER)
Norah Duncan IV SATB, solo, keyboard (8-E/M) G-10733 $2.20
If I Turn Away from You
M. D. Ridge, Lourdes C. Montgomery SATB, keyboard, guitar, cello (20-E/M) G-10742 $2.60
Lord, Heal My Soul/Lord, Hear Our Prayer: Psalm and Universal Prayer
Luke D. Rosen SATB, cantor, descant, assembly, piano, guitar (12-E/M) G-10773 $2.50
Misericordia, Señor / Be Merciful, O Lord
Tony Alonso, Joseph Gelineau, SJ SAB, cantor, assembly, keyboard, guitar (16-E/M) G-10794 $2.70
Nikolaus Decius, Arthur Russell, Lynn Arthur Koch SATB, organ (12-M) G-10797 $2.40
O Lord, Who Fasted for Our Sake
Thurlow Weed SA or SATB, keyboard (8-E/M) G-10776 $2.20
Pie Jesu / Blessed Jesus / O My People
Kate Bluett, Kevin Keil SATB, cantor, assembly, keyboard, guitar (8-E/M) G-10798 $2.20
Psalm 103
Christian Jesse SATB, cantor, assembly, piano, guitar, C instrument, cello (16-E/M) G-10732 $2.50
The Lord Is Kind and Merciful, Slow to Anger
Rob Galea, Peter DeMarco SATB, cantor, assembly, keyboard, guitar (8-E/M) G-10467 $2.20
Ubi Caritas
Liam Lawton, arr. Ed Bolduc SATB, assembly, keyboard, guitar (8-E/M) G-10792 $2.20
We Remember We Are Ashes, We are Dust
John Angotti, arr. Ed Bolduc Two-part mixed, keyboard, guitar (8-X-E) G-10735 $2.20
E=easy / M=medium / D=difficult
Exsultet: The Easter Proclamation / El Pregón Pascual

Two-part mixed, assembly, keyboard, guitar
G-10623 Choral Octavo, 12 pages $2 40
Christ Is Risen from the Dead

SATB, opt. assembly, organ, brass quartet, timpani


Unison, cantor, assembly, keyboard, guitar G-10775 Choral Octavo, 8 pages $2 20
We Shall All Be Changed EDWARD EICKER

SATB, cantor, assembly, keyboard, guitar
G-10772 Choral Octavo, 8 pages . . . . . . . . . . . $2 .20
New Releases
for Easter

Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled
Timothy Dudley-Smith, Ephrem Feeley SAB, cantor, assembly, keyboard, guitar, C instrument (8-E/M) G-10629 $2.40

Music for the Order of Baptism of Children
Frederick W. Strassburger Cantor, priest, assembly, keyboard (8-E) G-10476 $2.20
O Sacred Heart

Lourdes C. Montgomery, Francis Stanfield SATB, cantor, assembly, keyboard, guitar (12-E/M) G-10714 $2.40
Processional on “Ye Sons and Daughters”
Chaz Bowers, Jean Tisserand, John Mason Neale SATB, cantor, assembly, organ, flute, brass quintet, string quartet, timpani (20-E/M) G-10585 $2.60
Psalm 110

Rawn Harbor Unison, cantor, assembly, piano (8-E/M) G-10650 $2.40
Trilingual Alleluia
Christian Cosas SAB, cantor, assembly, keyboard (24-E/M) G-10815 $2.70
Via, Veritas, Vita
Lorraine Hess SAB (8-E/M) G-10621 $2.20
Veni, Sancte Spiritus: Pentecost Sequence / Secuencia de Pentecostés / Séquence de la Pentecôte

Christian Leaños, arr. Ephrem Feeley SAB, cantor, assembly, keyboard, guitar, C instrument (12-E/M) G-10669 $2.40

You May Have Life
Marty Haugen’s musical That You May Have Life proclaims the Gospel of John through song. An eclectic array of musical styles sets the stage for each chapter. Based on the year A readings for Lent, That You May Have Life is a perfect complement to your RCIA program.

CD-622 Compact Disc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16 .95
G-6614FS Full Score 44 95 G-6614K Keyboard Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 .00
G-6614C Choir Edition 6 00 DVD-622 DVD (Performance with commentary) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29.95
A Liturgy for Lent

G-7069 Leader’s Edition (Years B & C) $18 00 G-7069A Assembly Edition (Years B & C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 .75
Were You There?
A Service for Holy Week
This edition includes the complete order of service and the octavos that make up the musical part of the liturgy. Also included on this CD is Giomo’s Vespers: A Service for Evening Prayer.

Contents: Were You There • Trying to Get Home • Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Chile • He Nevuh Said a Mumbalin’ Word • Forgive Them,
Lenten Prayer is ideal for commuters. Each set contains several settings of morning prayer and/or evening prayer. Each service lasts approximately 20 minutes and includes an opening hymn, 2 psalms with psalm prayers, a Scripture passage, a canticle, intercessions, the Lord’s Prayer, a concluding prayer, and a blessing.

Ritual Music for the Paschal Triduum

20 original pieces ideal for the celebration of Holy Thursday through Evening Prayer on Easter Sunday. Tony’s writing style and setting of these approved texts will be a perfect fit for contemporary as well as traditional choirs.

Contents: We Should Glory in the Cross • Our Blessing Cup: Psalm 116 • Love One Another/Ámense, Unos a Otros • Ubi Caritas • Called to the Supper of the Lamb: Communion Rite for the Paschal Triduum (both Choir/Keyboard and Choir/ Guitar editions) • Into Your Hands: Psalm 31 • Music for the Adoration of the Holy Cross: Behold the Wood of the Cross/ Faithful Cross • This Is the Night: Procession of the Paschal Candle and Exsultet • Easter Alleluia: Psalm 118 • Litany of the Saints • Music for the Rites of Initiation • Jesus Christ Is Risen Today

Psalms for the Church Lent and Holy Week

The Seven Last Words of Christ
FRANZ JOSEPH HAYDN ARR. ZACK STACHOWSKIUsing several versions of the original work as inspiration, Zack Stachowski has arranged The Seven Last Words of Christ for solo instrument and piano, making Haydn’s music accessible to music ministers who may not have access to larger instrumental ensembles.
These prayerful meditations can be used as preludes, as music for reflection, or in ritual when singing is not recommended. Though the pieces are inspired by the Seven Last Words from the Cross and find their most obvious fit in the season of Lent and Holy Week, the diversity of color and character makes them suitable on other occasions throughout the entire year. G-10445 Spiral-bound, 64 pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30 .00
Seasonal Suites, Volume 2 Lent and Holy Week

This volume features two suites for Lent and one suite for Holy Week. The suites utilize the marvelous instrumental descants created by various composers for the One in Faith hymnal; they are designed so that they may be played by either one or two instruments with keyboard. Each suite features three pieces. The first and third feature standard/ traditional melodies, while the second includes more contemporary selections. 003038 Saddle-stitched $14 00

Play for the Lord, Volume 7 Lent and Holy Week Hymn Preludes for C Instrument and Piano

Variations on STABAT MATER for Organ
JOHN F. KRIEBELOf medium difficulty, these 15 variations can be played individually or as a set. Each variation creates its own mood related to a particular Station of the Cross. They may be performed in conjunction with that devotion or on other suitable occasions.
G-7096 Softcover, 20 pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16 .00
Three Meditations for Organ on Lenten Hymns

Of medium to advanced difficulty, these meditations are clear statements of tunes with engaging harmonies and some chromaticism.
Contents: AUS DER TIEFE (“Forty Days and Forty Nights”) • AUS TIEFER NOT (“Out of the Depths”) • ERHALTUNS, HERR (“The Glory of These Forty Days”)
Softcover, 12 pages
Four Meditations for Woodwind Trio
Originally written for use during the Lenten season. Three baroque dances from Bach (“Sarabande”), Handel (“Courante”), and Walond (“Siciliana”) are arranged for an ensemble of two flutes and a clarinet, or a flute and two clarinets, or recorders. The composer also provides a meditation on the Lenten hymn “Parce Domine.”
G-6011 Saddle-stitched $21 00

Arranged for flute, oboe, and clarinet this evocative arrangement on WONDROUS LOVE begins with eight measures of thematic music that returns between each arrangement of the hymntune. The result is a gentle and mysterious new setting of a beloved melody in D Dorian mode. This work is excellent for Good Friday, Lent, or any celebration of the cross.
G-6999 Saddle-stitched $20 00
Entrance Antiphons for the Church Year MUSIC

Entrance Antiphons for the Church Year contains thirty antiphon texts from the Graduale Simplex, translated from Latin and set to newly composed music. The psalm verses appointed for these antiphons are taken from the Grail translation (1963).
As with the Responsorial Psalm of the Mass, the assembly sings the antiphon after its intonation by the cantor/choir, repeating it after each verse of the psalm.
Many of the antiphons in this collection are proper to a specific Sunday, solemnity, or feast. The rest are seasonal in nature and, like the common Responsorial Psalms of the Lectionary, may be chosen according to what seems best for the occasion. The antiphons of Christmas Day and Easter Sunday could be used at daily Masses during their octaves. Notations in the scores of some antiphons suggest alternate occasions when they are appropriate.
In the Shadow of God Introits for Lent KEN MACEK AND PAUL A. TATE

In the Shadow of God is the final edition in this series of contemporary settings of the proper introits, adapted from the Gregorian Missal. This edition includes seven musical selections including introits for Ash Wednesday, the five Sundays of Lent, and Holy Thursday. Each of the singable, short melodies includes the antiphon and appointed Psalm verse for each Sunday and will set a tone of reverence and awe for your Lenten celebrations. The mantra-like, repetitive structure also lends them to use in Communion processions without worship aids, or as variable-length postCommunion musical meditations.
Introits and Anthems for Voices and Bells

Like Volume 1, these introits are intended for use at the beginning of a service prior to the processional. Each piece starts with the sound of one or two handbells—to establish pitch, tempo, and spirit—then the voices enter with bells ringing throughout. In addition to their use as a prelude to the gathering hymn, they may be used before or after the gospel reading or during Communion.
the Passion Gospels

St. John Passion Choruses

The tradition of 3 soloists chanting the Passion with a choir singing the turba (crowd) parts is hundreds of years old! This edition of the popular Victoria choruses has been adapted to contemporary English and is ideal for use with the chanted Passion. Can also be used in the context of a spoken Passion. G-5268 Saddle-stitched $2 75
Passion Gospels for Holy Week

This missal-sized book contains the Passion account for Palm Sunday of all 3 liturgical years, A (Matthew), B (Mark), and C (Luke), as well as the Passion according to John for Good Friday. The inside text is in large print allowing your parishioners to easily follow along and participate in the proclamation of the narrative. Adorned with a durable and beautiful red cover displaying a lovely gold cross, these books are a resource you’ll be happy to display in your pews during Holy Week for many years to come. 006543 Saddle-stitched, 6 x 9 booklet $0 95 each
The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ According to Matthew (Year A)

Here is the Passion account from the Gospel of Matthew in a dignified, easy-to-proclaim format. The text corresponds exactly to the Revised Lectionary for Year A and the Passion account that is found in seasonal worship aids and missals. Includes 3 complete sets: the Narrator, the Speaker, and Jesus. Each reader’s part is set in large, 14-point, boldfaced type arranged in sense lines in their set, making it easy to find and proclaim effectively. This edition is text only.
La Pasión de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo Según San Mateo (Año A)

Similar at su contraparte en inglés, esta Pasión en español se presenta en un formato digno y fácil de proclamar que corresponde exactamente a las lecturas de la Pasión que se encuentran en el leccionario mexicano (aprobado para su uso en la adoración en los Estados Unidos) y en las ayudas y misales de adoración estacionales como WLP ‚ ¡Celebremos / Let Us Celebrate! Cada paquete contiene 3 juegos completos del relato de la Pasión para el Evangelio de Lucas: el Narrador, el Orador, y Jesús. La parte de cada lector se establece en letras grandes de 14 puntos, en negrita, dispuestas en líneas de sentido, lo que facilita su búsqueda y proclamación de manera efectiva.
012696 8 5 x 11, perforado de tres agujeros $9 95 012699 Según San Juan (para Viernes Santo) 9 95

the Way of the Cross
The Way of the Cross

This book can be used for individual prayer or in a communal setting. Penand-ink drawings by Charlotte Lichtblau accompany each station. The Way of the Cross also offers a separate recording of powerful music reflections for each station, created by Denise Morency Gannon.
Praying the Way of the Cross / Orando

el viacrucis

A fully bilingual resource for praying the Stations of the Cross in groups or individually. The prayers, scripture, and music for the entire service appear in English and in Spanish on facing pages. Suit the needs of your school or parish and choose one language, or combine some English and some Spanish elements. 003349 Saddle-stitched . . . . . . . . .
Stations of the Cross
A versatile, all-inclusive prayer service booklet containing the leader’s guide and the people’s parts, readings, and assembly music for a complete Stations of the Cross. Each of the 14 Stations also include a hymn verse with music notation written by Alan J. Hommerding as well as Scripture references for the reading. 003359 Saddle-stitched $2 95
Walking with Jesus Preparing Stations of the Cross with Children
Author Christine Ondrla, drawing on her own extensive experience as a parish catechist, has written this guide for catechists and teachers to help them work with their students as they prepare a Stations of the Cross service. Adaptable for homeschooling. 006139 Saddle-stitched $14 95

Christian Initiation
Children of the Light Catechumenate Sessions for Children and Families
BLESSIE LA SCOLAWe, the Church, are to welcome and invite those children who have not yet been baptized, have come to an age of understanding, and are of catechetical age to be a part of the process of faith formation. This manual encourages directors of faith formation and catechists to be creative and to draw on their own faith experiences as they prepare children to receive the sacraments of initiation through the RCIA as adapted for children.
Volume 1
The 25 sessions in this resource offer a variety of ways to explore each topic as part of a continual and ongoing process, including gathering prayers, scripture readings, games or icebreakers, hands-on activities, reflective responses by the participants, and closing prayer rituals.
The enclosed CD-ROM contains all of the handouts, worksheets, and letters to parents found on the printed pages of this book, making this a convenient, easy-to-use resource for RCIA ministers, directors of faith formation, and catechists alike.
017171 Spiral-bound book with CD-ROM $75 00
Volume 2
This second volume of the Children of the Light resource contains 28 more sessions that build on the children’s evolving faith formation first explored in the precatechumenate period and developed in the first volume.
Each session begins with a summary of its purpose, a brief section of catechist formation, and ideas for setting the environment. A template for a letter home is also provided for each session. An optional “Remembering Back” section is included for some of the sessions to provide an introduction to the experience of mystagogy. The enclosed CD-ROM contains all of the handouts, worksheets, and letters to parents found on the printed pages of the book.
017166 Spiral-bound book with CD-ROM $75 00
Volume 3
Volume 3 of Children of the Light provides rich, interactive sessions for the Period of Purification and Enlightenment and the Period of Mystagogy as children prepare for and receive the sacraments of initiation through the RCIA as adapted for children.

Each of the eleven core sessions encourages directors of faith formation and catechists, as well as parents, to draw on their own faith experiences as they work with the children entrusted to their care. Three of the sessions incorporate elements intended to help young catechumens prepare for the scrutinies.
Each session consists of a formation reflection for catechists, a gathering prayer, time for questions, scripture reading and reflection, relevant activities, a concluding prayer, and a letter to be sent home to parents/guardians. Handouts, worksheets, and letters are provided in the printed book and are available online for download, duplication, and distribution.
Two retreat formats (a Day Retreat to Prepare for the Rite of Election and a Lenten Day of Reflection) plus an additional session on the sacrament of reconciliation are also included.

G-10619 Perfect-bound, 198 pages $50 00 Includes a code to access downloadable PDFs of handouts, worksheets, and a letter home for each session.

La Confirmación de los Católicos Adultos
Cinco sesiones para prepararse y reflexionar MARY BIRMINGHAM
Cada sesión empieza con un ritual que incluye música, lecturas bíblicas, símbolos litúrgicos y signos o gestos o símbolos de los sacramentos de Iniciación como punto de partida. Usando el Ritual para la Confirmación como plataforma, cada sesión desarrolla puntos teológicos expresados en el Ritual. La última sesión es una sesión post-sacramental, que invita a los adultos recién confirmados a reflexionar en la experiencia de la celebración y recepción del Sacramento de la Confirmación.
sin costura
Confirming Adult Catholics Five Sessions for Preparation and Reflection

Each session begins with a ritual that includes music, biblical readings, liturgical symbols, and signs or gestures or symbols of the sacraments of Initiation as a starting point. Using the Ritual for Confirmation as a platform, each session develops theological points expressed in the Ritual. The last session is a post-sacramental session, which invites newly confirmed adults to reflect on the experience of celebrating and receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation.

A Child’s Journey of Faith

This resource presents nine pre-catechumenate sessions for inquiring children ages 7 to 11, consistent with the theology and process of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Based on principles of the Montessori Method of instruction, children are mentored and apprenticed into faith with prayer, activities, and stories from the Old and New Testaments that invite conversion. The book includes a set of full-color posters to accompany the topic of the session and an access code to download all reproducible worksheets and handouts.
Contents: Session 1: Creation • Session 2: Covenant • Session 3: Exodus, Part 1 • Session 4: Exodus, Part 2: Ten Commandments • Session 5: Community: The Trinity • Session 6: Incarnation: Jesus Our Savior • Session 7: The Good Shepherd • Session 8: Jesus the Teacher • Session 9: Our Forgiving Father
Purified and Enlightened RCIA Sessions for Lent

Here, 6 sessions are offered for RCIA ministers: sessions to prepare for and reflect upon the Scrutinies; reflections on the personal and social dimensions of sin; the challenge of the Lenten scriptures; and spiritual preparation for the Triduum. A CD-ROM is included that contains reproducible handouts and a PowerPoint® presentation for each session. 017175 Perfect-bound book with CD-ROM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39.95
Based on solid principles of adult learning, these sessions focus on the core elements of our faith: God the Creator, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Creed, the Blessed Trinity, as well as sessions on forgiveness and human suffering. All sessions are reproducible from the included CD-ROM, which contains handouts, discussion/reflection questions, and other materials. 017185 Perfect-bound book with CD-ROM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $59.95

Christian Initiation
The 50 Days of Joy Easter Reflections for New Catholics DENNIS CHRISZT, C.PP.S

Scripture readings and reflections for each day of Easter week, all the Sundays of the Easter season, and Ascension and Pentecost. Help new Catholics deepen their grasp of the Paschal Mystery and reflect on the celebration of the sacraments of initiation.

017194 Perfect-bound
Deep in the Spirit
The Inner Dynamics of Conversion

Michael Marchal takes the 5 components of the process of conversion that he presented in The Spirit at Work: Conversion and the RCIA and explores the inner dynamics of each. While providing a helpful roadmap for RCIA practitioners to use in guiding the participants in the process to a complete conversion to Christ and a richer life in the Spirit, this book is also a manual for self-reflection and an outline for team enrichment. Marchal details 2 phases in each component: a developmental phase and a mature phase. He warns of the traps and detours that can be encountered in the process and offers questions for deeper reflection throughout each of the 5 major sections of the book.

017169 Perfect-bound $14 95
The Spirit at Work Conversion and the RCIA
This book focuses on the RCIA as a process for catechumens and baptized candidates, but most significantly, the challenges that face RCIA ministers and the entire parish.
Chosen in Christ: Music for Christian Initiation Elegidos en Cristo: Música para la Iniciación Cristiana

A complete music resource for the celebration of the rites of Christian Initiation for English-speaking, Spanish-speaking, and bilingual parish communities.

Un recurso completo para la celebración del Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos (RICA) para las comunidades angloparlantes, hispanoparlantes, y bilingúes.
Includes | Incluye:
• Music for RCIA | Música para RICA
• Texts in Spanish and English | Textos en español e inglés
• Pastoral notes and notes for the celebration | Notas pastorales y para la celebración
• Arrangements for keyboard and guitar | Arreglos para teclado y guitarra
• Reproducible music for the assembly | Música reproducible para la asamblea
017245 Music book | Libro de música $24 95 017244 2-CD set | El juego de 2 CD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.00
We Send You Forth Dismissals for the

Beautifully composed texts, inspired by scripture and the season, for dismissing catechumens and baptized yet uncatechized candidates following the homily each Sunday. Features a large, easy-to-read print, a liturgy-worthy foilstamped cover, and a CD-ROM that allows you to print all texts as 8.5 x 11 pages for your own binder. 017195 Perfect-bound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19.95
Les Enviamos Para despedir a los Catecumenos
Esta edición en español de textos está diseñada para despedir a los catecúmenos y candidatos bautizados aún sin catequizar después de la homilía cada domingo. Incluye textos de inspiración bíblica y estacional para cada domingo del año B más el año A y el año C, así como textos de despedida para solemnidades y fiestas que se celebran cuando ocurren los domingos. Tiene una impresión grande y fácil de leer, una cubierta estampada con papel de aluminio digno de una liturgia y un CD-ROM que le permite imprimir todos los textos en 8½ x 11 páginas. 012599
Easter in Ireland Music for

the Paschal Season
STEVEN C. WARNERGIA’s first recording by Steve Warner and the Newman Vocare Ensemble from Dublin, Ireland, offers a taste of the rich fabric of sounds found in Ireland with its four-part choral singing, Uilleann pipes, low whistle, harp and harmonium, strings, organ, and guitar. All of the selections are directed toward the joy of Easter. Various octavos from this collection are available for download including choral anthems, hymns, refrain songs, psalmody, and liturgical items for use in any parish. This recording also honors one of the newest and most celebrated saints, St. John Henry Cardinal Newman, who commissioned the building of University Church, home to the Newman Vocare Ensemble and site of this recording.
Octavos listed as (G-10124) available for download only as Selections from Easter in Ireland.
Contents: Exult Ye Heavens (G-10124A) • If You Find Me (G-10122) • An tAiséirí / The Resurrection (G-10124B) • Seinn Alleluia (G-10124C) • I See His Blood Upon the Rose (G-10124D) • Give Thanks to the Lord (G-10124E) • My Soul Now Magnifies the Lord (G-10215) • Reverie ‘This Is My Will’ • Alleluia! Praise the Risen Son (G-10123) • Taste that Your Eyes May Be Opened (G-10216) • The Easter Snow • Light of Christ! Solas Chríost (G-10124F) • Reprise If You Find Me • Easter Day (G-10121).
Communion Antiphons for the Easter Season
To facilitate assembly participation and underscore the unity of the season, the music is identical for each Sunday. The texts are the Communion antiphons and psalms from the Graduale Romanum. The refrain and verse offer different key relationships, providing refreshing contrast yet moving effortlessly from one tonal center to the other.
Psalms for the Church Easter

Music for Easter featuring works by Christian Cosas, Jeffrey Honoré, Robert Schaefer, Alan J. Hommerding, and Edward Eicker. Includes: Psalms 4, 16, 22, 23, 33, 27 (2), 30, 47, 66, 67, 97, 98, 100, 103, 104, 118 (3), and 145. 006417 Saddle-stitched $12 00

Easter Proclamation
Including Longer Form and Shorter Form from The Roman Missal 2010
This updated edition of the Exsultet is taken directly from the 2010 English translation of The Roman Missal. The melody is an elaborate version of the familiar preface chant tone. Both the longer form and the shorter form of the text are included in this edition in their entirety. See page 12 for a new bilingual edition!

G-8256 Saddle-stitched, 12 pages $7 00
Easter Proclamation
SATB, deacon or priest or cantor 005723 Choral octavo, 16 pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 .90

This Is the Night Procession of the Paschal Candle and Exsultet TONY ALONSO
SATB, cantor, narrator, assembly, keyboard, guitar 005314 Choral octavo, 16 pages $1 90
Easter Mass Booklets
This seasonal Order of Mass booklet is designed specifically for Easter Mass and is an ideal way for your congregation to follow along during this holiest of days whether in person or virtually! Each booklet contains the complete Order of Mass, the readings for Easter Sunday, and 25 Easter hymns and songs.
006546 Saddle-stitched, 6 x 9 booklet $1 95 each

Seasonal Suites, Volume 3 Easter and Pentecost ALAN J. HOMMERDING

These three-movement suites are flexibly arranged; movements can be performed individually or together. Jubilant Easter favorites are included, along with some newer melodies. 003045 Saddle-stitched . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14 .00
Feet Don’t Fail Me Now!
These volumes of organ music are for manuals only, or manuals with very simple pedal parts. A wonderful prelude/ postlude resource for pianists called upon to play the organ for liturgy.

Volume Two: Lent and Easter EDITED BY ALAN HOMMERDING 003069 Saddle-stitched $10 00
Volume Three: A Seasonal Sampler ROBERT EDWARD SMITH 003090 Saddle-stitched $10 00
Step It Up!
Attractive and accessible, these organ pieces incorporate basic pedal for the advancing organist. The trio format helps the player acquire independence of hands-on separate manuals.

Volume Two: Chant Trios for the Church Year ROBERT EDWARD SMITH 003028 Saddle-stitched . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10 .00
Volume One: Hymn Preludes for the Seasons ROBERT FARRELL 003048 Saddle-stitched $10 00
This Joyful Eastertide (VRUECHTEN)
For organ and brass quartet or quintet
G-6569 Saddle-stitched $23 00
Lift High the Cross (CRUCIFER)

For organ and brass quartet or quintet G-6572 Saddle-stitched $26 00

For organ and brass quartet or quintet G-5351 Saddle-stitched $25 00 Meditation
on Christ Our Passover ROBERT W. PARKER

For brass quintet, organ, timpani, and optional unison choir G-7601 Saddle-stitched $24 00
This Joyful Eastertide (VRUECHTEN)

For brass quartet or quintet G-6798 Saddle-stitched $19 00
Ten Easter Flourishes for Organ

Welsh composer Meirion Wynn Jones adds to the WLP Organ Library with Ten Easter Flourishes. A collection of enlivening, celebratory introductions for beloved Easter hymns will similarly be a pleasure for organists to play! Some tunes are paired with more than one text during the days of Easter, Ascension, and Pentecost, making this a most practical collection.
003029 Saddle-stitched . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12 .00
This Joyful Eastertide KATHLEEN M. BASI
Renewed arrangements for the Easter season for beginner and intermediate pianists and flutists. Recording performed by Patrick Godon, piano, and Anna Belle O’Shea, flute.

003116 Saddle-stitched $16 00 003117 Compact Disc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 .00
Three Festival Hymns

Volume 1: Easter
For organ, brass, and timpani with optional vocal descants LASST UNS ERFREUEN, LLANFAIR, GELOBT SEI GOTT G-4009 Saddle-stitched . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$30 .00
Festival Hymns
Set II: Easter
Contains score for organ and parts for brass quartet (Trumpets in B-flat and C) and timpani.
EASTER HYMN, HYMN TO JOY, GELOBT SEI GOTT G-3748 Saddle-stitched . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30 .00
GIA Quarterly Magazine

The GIA Quarterly and WLP’s AIM: Liturgy Resources Magazine are now one! As you’ve come to expect from both magazines, you’ll find a wonderful mix of Englishand Spanish-language articles by some of the most wellrespected names in music and liturgy.

GIA Quarterly is also a complete planning resources with music suggestions for Sundays and Solemnities from each current GIA and WLP hardbound hymnal, as well as from our subscription missals and hymnals. The pages include a robust selection of Spanish/Bilingual music and more music for contemporary ensembles with the inclusion of WLP’s Voices hymnal.

Weekly Bulletins… Just for Kids!
A weekly bulletin for the children in your assembly, school, or religious education program…

• provides liturgical catechesis for the whole community.
• introduces Catholic traditions and practices to younger members of the assembly.
• encourages prayer and scripture study in the home, the domestic church.
• invites children and adults into the richness of Catholic liturgical life.
Catholic Corner® Children’s Bulletins (in English)
• 4 pages per issue
• 8-1/2 x 11 inch size
• Every Sunday includes a craft, activity or introduction to a Catholic song, custom, prayer or tradition; two Lectionary-based Scripture activities, and a coloring page.

• Save the time and inconvenience of extra printing and photocopying
• Quality full-color bulletins delivered to your church or school.
(Must be ordered in multiples of 25)
Full Year
• Receive 53 different issues per year
or or or
Somos Católicos: Los Boletines para Niños (in Spanish)
• 2 pages per issue
• 8 ½ x 11 inch size
• Incorporates a wide range of people’s experiences, particularly those of Hispanic cultures
• Save money by printing and copying the bulletins you need each week.
• No waiting for bulletins to arrive by mail, no shipping costs
School/Program Year
Binders & Folios
Our binders are an attractive and durable solution for clergy and church leaders to use for intercessions, special rites, seasonal service programs, and general announcements, for choirs to keep and display their music, and for church musicians to assemble each week’s accompaniments.

Single Binder (Any Color)
$29 50 each 003356 Ivory 006586 Green 006631 Red 006629 Royal Purple (Gold Foil) 006630 Violet (Silver Foil) 006510 Blue 006632 Gray 006511 Black 006512 Set of 8 (One of each color) . . . . . . $200 .00

Single Binder (Any Color) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19.95 each 006775 Ivory 006776 Green 006777 Red 006778 Purple 006780 Black 006781 Set of 5 (One of each color) $90 00
Single Binder (Any Color) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19.95 each 006801 Ivory 006802 Green 006803 Red 006804 Purple 006805 Black 006806 Set of 5 (One of each color) . . . . . . . . $90 .00
Each binder includes:
• 1-inch spine
• Three-ring format
• Can hold pages up to 8.5 x 11
• Inside front pocket for loose papers and cards
These attractive and useful Ceremonial Folders feature the exquisite two-tone stamped cross design with gold foil found on WLP’s Series 1 Ceremonial Binders. Each fabric-lined folder holds one or two single sheets of 8.5 x 11 paper that you can easily tuck into the grosgrain ribbon corner holders. Ideal for use by lectors, priests, deacons, and cantors.

Single Folder (Any Color) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $23 .00 each 006831 Ivory 006832 Green 006833 Red 006834 Purple 006835 Black 006836 Set of 5 (One of each color) . . . . . . . . . . . . . $99.50

Concert Choral Folio
The perfect cover for current choral repertoire. Each piece of music is held by an elastic cord stretched from posts located at the top and bottom of the inside backbone. Capacity of over 150 pages. Attractive vinyl stiff board cover. Pockets provided on the front and back inside covers for additional storage of music.

The Black Folio
This quality folio’s durable stitching and top-grade leatherette make it long-lasting and tear-proof. It has two large side pockets and a multitude of elastic strings for organizing your octavos. Aside from its standard features, The Black Folio also includes an exterior hand strap to help singers hold their music up, an interior cross-strap that keeps music from sliding out, and a convenient pencil holder.

Deluxe Covers

Deluxe leatherette covers with metal corners. Pockets have expandable 1.5” gussets. Bottom pockets.

x 11.5

With a catalog of 80,000 songs from 180+ publishing houses and 110+ additional song catalogs, ONE LICENSE gives you access to the broadest range of resources in the sacred music industry. The music you need for your worshiping community is licensed through ONE LICENSE.
As our 21,000+ global license holders can attest, ONE LICENSE provides effective solutions to meet the needs of your music ministry: Annual License and options for Single-Use, Event, Podcast/Streaming, and PracticeTrack Licenses. The ONE LICENSE website provides comprehensive search capabilities, and our userfriendly reporting process is fast, easy, and intuitive.

Most Sacred Moets Te Soundtrack of Life


For more information on any of our hymnals and missals or to place an order, call 1-708-552-9815 or email us at hymnalsandmissals@giamusic.com giamusic.com/hymnalsandmissals

Which sacred moments in your life have been touched by a song or hymn from a GIA or WLP resource?

We would love to hear your story!

Visit soundboard.giamusic.com/sacredsoundtrack to share your story and to read some of ours.