Planning - Transfiguration through 25OT

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Music Planning Pages

as featured in

Transfiguration (A) – Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Transfiguration of the Lord (August 6, 2023)

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (August 13, 2023)

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (August 15, 2023)

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (August 20, 2023)

Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time (August 27, 2023)

Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time (September 3, 2023)

Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time (September 10, 2023)

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (September 17, 2023)

Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (September 24, 2023)

August 6 / Transfiguration of the Lord

IN SCRIPTURE’S SYMBOLIC LANGUAGE, MOUNTAINS AREN’T just places. They are experiences that put us closer to God. Think of Moses going up Mount Sinai to receive the commandments, Elijah awaiting God’s presence atop Mount Horeb, or Jesus at the Mount of Olives the night before his crucifixion. Mountains are “thin places” where heaven and earth meet, and for a brief moment we see God clearly, or as much as human eyes and hearts can behold, and understand more keenly what we are to do.

However, we need not climb a mountain or retreat into mysticism to witness God’s wondrous and terrifying resplendence. Just ask any parent gazing upon their newborn’s face, or spouses


savoring one another’s presence as they read in silence at the end of the day. In mundane moments like these come epiphanies of something sacred, fragile, and yet vast and enduring. Suddenly we comprehend the weight and breadth, height and depth of love so full it levels us, face down, in awe and dread that we should bear witness to such holiness in our humdrum life. In that moment, we receive from the Source of All Love a clarity that puts everything into place: “This is my beloved . . . listen.”

Transfiguration promises that within our ordinary lives is the life-changing presence of God, if only we listen for it. —DM

26 GIA QUARTERLY W4 G4 G3 LM2 RS2 OC VCS OIF Behold the Lamb of God 32 Caminemos con Jesus / Let Us Walk with Jesus 881 Eye Has Not Seen 713 785 728 819 595 Glory and Praise to You 627 God of Day and God of Darkness 854 932 859 690 899 698 God's Holy Mountain We Ascend 807 Halleluya! We Sing Your Praises / Haleluya! Pelo Tsa Rona 668 626 452 738 508 818 How Good, Lord, to Be Here! 881 965 877 978 718 I Have Been Anointed 850 718 702 I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light 585 650 593 420 693 492 711 Lead Me, Guide Me 657 712 656 538 759 557 704 Lead, Kindly Light 653 770 O Word of God 823 On Holy Ground 809 650 Open the Eyes of My Heart 206 753 Open Up the Heavens 207 Plenty Good Room 813 714 847 Sing with All the Saints in Glory 526 563 539 317 609 443 881 The Joy of the Gospel 859 The Lord Is My Light 767 The Summons 773 869 790 886 623 715 This Is the Feast of Victory 515 558 520 446 834 Transfigure Us, O Lord 964 Transform Us 880 963 878 722 977 We Shall Rise Again 948 871 719 962 We Walk by Faith 674 740 680 550 783 567
W4 Worship 4th Edition G4 Gather 4th Edition G3 Gather 3rd Edition LM2 Lead Me, Guide Me 2nd Edition RS2 Ritual Song Second Edition OC Oramos Cantando VCS Voices OIF One in Faith

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Congregational Hymn and Song Selections from

God, Give Us Eyes to See Your Reign (kingsfold)

Text: David Bjorlin / Arr. Ralph Vaughan Williams

God Who Dwells in Light and Darkness (beach spring)

Text: Chris Shelton

We Have Seen the God of Glory (divinum mysterium)

Text: David Gambrell / Arr. Richard Proulx




When Jesus Prayed Upon the Mountain’s Height (engelberg)

Text: Ruth Duck

When Jesus’ Friends Beheld Him (finlandia)

Text: Adam M. L. Tice



Unbound makes thousands of hymns previously only available in text and tune collections available for individual download as a PDF with full accompaniment included. Visit

27 VOL. 34 NO.3
SM WC/M WS CEL/H CEL/M Acudamos Jubilosos 588 329 Aleluya, Cantemos al Señor 609 295 Amén, el Cuerpo de Cristo* 531 498 332 El Pan de la Vida (Cortés) 495 339 Eye Has Not Seen 315 886 718 336 221 Glory and Praise to You 748 606 529 God's Holy Mountain We Ascend 206 915 737 349 Hoy Nos Reunimos 591 310 I Have Been Anointed 819 663 I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light 820 655 300 215 Lead Me, Guide Me 816 657 304 Lead, Kindly Light 880 710 Pan del Cielo* 506 343 Pueblo de Reyes* 539 356 Siempre Unidos 551 349 Sing with All the Saints in Glory 196 979 784 379 147 Somos el Cuerpo/We are the Body* 544 354 Somos Pueblo Santo 542 347 The Lord Is My Light 429/430 341/342 156/417 The Summons 242 835 675 297 Festival Canticle 269 963 770 213 Tis Good, Lord, to Be Here 256 562 468 198 ¡Tú Reinarás! 657 387 Un Pueblo Que Camina 541 351 We Walk by Faith 221 850 687 317 218 Daniel
13–14 Psalm 97:
Matthew 17:
READINGS [614] SM Seasonal Missalette WC/M We Celebrate Hymnal Missal WS Word and Song CEL/H ¡Celebremos! (Let Us Celebrate!) Hymnal CEL/M ¡Celebremos! (Let Us Celebrate!) Missal * = BILINGUAL Find Seasonal and Sunday Choral Music Suggestions at
1–2, 5¬6, 9
1a and 9a)
Peter 1:16–19

August 13 /Ninteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

IT’S NATURAL TO JUMP TO THE conclusion that Peter’s mistake was losing his focus on Jesus. However, Peter was sunk even before his feet got wet.

To test the apparition walking on the water, Peter doesn’t say, “If it’s you, Lord, come save us,” but demands that he himself be enabled to conquer the storm alone. Perhaps, then, Jesus’s question is not “Peter, why did you doubt you could do the impossible?” but rather, “Why did you leave your companions behind if you trusted that I would save you all?”

Over the last several years, it has become clear that not everyone is, in fact, “in the same boat” when it comes to weathering


life’s storms. Each of us carries a unique set of advantages, disadvantages, skills, and luck that cause some to drown, others to float merrily along, and still a small few to walk on water. Our folly, however, is not whether we trust Jesus enough to survive these storms but in believing that, whatever boat we’re in, we’re meant to survive them alone.

It takes just a drop of faith to say, “Lord, save me!” But when we’re tempted to abandon ship to save ourselves, we need the flood of baptismal grace that bonds our common fates together in Christ so that together we might cry out in faith, “And grant us your salvation.”

28 GIA QUARTERLY W4 G4 G3 LM2 RS2 OC VCS OIF All Will Be Well 763 693 772 Amazing Grace 650 701 645 495 757 545 576 Be Not Afraid 680 754 683 583 797 574 774 Be Still and Know That I Am God 756 Bring Peace to Earth Again 866 Calm Me, Lord 798 Caminemos con Jesus / Let Us Walk with Jesus 881 Come to Me, O Weary Traveler 717 782 727 823 Do Not Be Afraid 790 Don't Be Afraid 792 He Comes to Us as One Unknown 675 786 How Can I Keep from Singing? 684 750 685 802 570 760 How Firm a Foundation 687 753 694 555 793 573 761 I Want Jesus to Walk with Me 388 In the Morning, in the Evening 801 It Is Well (with My Soul) 149 It Is Well with My Soul 569 Jesus, Lead the Way 715 732 824 Lead Me, Guide Me 657 712 656 538 759 557 704 Let All Things Now Living 895 Lord, Let Us See Your Kindness 177 Nada Te Turbe/Nothing Can Trouble 718 783 733 825 594 O God, Our Help in Ages Past 689 755 688 560 804 577 766 Precious Lord, Take My Hand 980 784 955 780 826 789 788 Strength for the Journey 712 We Walk by Faith 674 740 680 550 783 567 We Walk by Faith (My Lord and God) 293
W4 Worship 4th Edition G4 Gather 4th Edition G3 Gather 3rd Edition LM2 Lead Me, Guide Me 2nd Edition RS2 Ritual Song Second Edition OC Oramos Cantando VCS Voices OIF One in Faith

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Congregational Hymn and Song Selections from

Flowering Broom Tree (erica lynn)

Text: Jacque B. Jones / Music: Benjamin Brody

O Loving Maker of the Earth (dove of peace)

Text: Ruth Duck / Arr. Randall Sensmeier



Unbound makes thousands of hymns previously only available in text and tune collections available for individual download as a PDF with full accompaniment included. Visit

SM WC/M WS CEL/H CEL/M All Creatures of Our God and King 270 933 764 358 157 All Will Be Well 898 716 Be Not Afraid 323 882 722 332 231 Be Still and Know That I Am God 874 Bendigamos al Señor 563 Busca Primero / Seek Ye First* 283 866 704 618 Christ, Be beside Me 193 749 615 270 228 Con la Cruz* 546 333 Day by Day 844 677 El Señor Es Compasivo 463 373 435 343 Estamos Reunidos 590 302 Gift of Finest Wheat 304 665 552 237 170 Hemos Oído Tu Voz 508 329 How Can I Keep from Singing 248 871 709 329 How Firm a Foundation 876 Let All Things Now Living 278 991 795 386 Open Wide the Doors to Christ 205 743 614 278 197 Por Ti Seré Pescador 553 Por Tu Misericordia 526 332 Precious Lord, Take My Hand 321 893 715 337 242 Que la Paz y el Amor de Dios 570 Renew Your Grace 207 781 627 Somos Pueblo Santo 542 339 The Works of the Lord Are Created 737 267 Tomado de la Mano 586 340 Venimos ante Ti 595 303 1 Kings 19:9a, 11–13a Psalm 85:9, 10, 11–12, 13–14 (Rx 8) Romans 9:1–5 Matthew 14:22–23 READINGS [115] SM Seasonal Missalette WC/M We Celebrate Hymnal Missal WS Word and Song CEL/H ¡Celebremos! (Let Us Celebrate!) Hymnal CEL/M ¡Celebremos! (Let Us Celebrate!) Missal * = BILINGUAL Find Seasonal and Sunday Choral Music Suggestions at

August 15 /Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

MANY PAINTINGS AND SCULPTURES DEPICT A seated Mary and, on her lap, the child Jesus, no longer an infant at her breast but a man-child figure “enthroned” upon her knee or standing nobly before her womb. Sometimes Mary’s hands are lifted in praise, a reflection of her son’s raised arm in blessing. The image is often known by one of Mary’s titles, “Seat of Wisdom.”

It’s a common enough illustration. That is why one artist’s unique version of it stops me every time. In his 1961 bronze sculpture “Madonna of the Gospels,” Benedictine priest Hugh Witzmann replaces the human figure of Christ with a book of the Gospels enthroned upon the folds of Mary’s garment. On


the book’s cover are emblazoned the symbols of the four evangelists. In Witzmann’s work, we have a visual reminder that Mary conceived the Word of God in her heart before doing so in her womb.

The divine gift of Mary’s assumption, body and soul, into heaven is a gift meant for all who believe in the Word Made Flesh, for Mary is the “beginning and image of [the] Church’s coming to perfection” (Eucharistic prayer preface). On this Solemnity, when we see in full the promise given to all God’s children, let us imitate Mary who believed so fully “that what she believed came about in her” (Augustine, Sermon 215, 4). —DM

30 GIA QUARTERLY W4 G4 G3 LM2 RS2 OC VCS OIF Adiós, Reina del Cielo / Adiós, O Queen of Heaven 978 717 All Who Claim the Faith of Jesus 1005 Ave Maria (Chant) 902 982 887 733 1001 709 908 Ave Maria (Kantor) 984 891 1009 Blessed One 40 911 Canticle of the Turning 624 666 622 728 47 Hail, Holy Queen Enthroned Above 883 967 879 724 979 720 914 Holy Is His Name 114 I Sing a Maid 458 1008 Let My Soul Proclaim 160 Magnificat (Berthier) 613 667 630 713 505 Magnificat (Chepponis) 123 101 Magnificat (Rubalcava) 108 Magnificat (Bringle/Joncas) 120 107 100 Magnificat (Alstott/Farrell) 109 Magnificat 3 (Taizé) 124 Mary, First among Believers 897 983 893 1004 Mary's Song of Praise 217 Mary’s Canticle / Canticle of Mary (Roberts) 110 689 O Sanctissima 903 895 734 1002 713 919 Oh María, Madre Mía / Holy Mary, Loving Mother 715 Salve Regína / Hail, Queen of Heaven 882 966 880 723 1000 719 Sing "Ave!" 925 Sing of Mary 444 502 457 271 545 926 Sing We of the Blessed Mother 896 1003 We Sing with Holy Mary 921
W4 Worship 4th Edition G4 Gather 4th Edition G3 Gather 3rd Edition LM2 Lead Me, Guide Me 2nd Edition RS2 Ritual Song Second Edition OC Oramos Cantando VCS Voices OIF One in Faith

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Congregational Hymn and Song Selections from

Text and Music: Alan J. Hommerding

Mary, First Among Believers

(pleading savior, dohmach trionoide)

Text: Delores Dufner, OSB / Arr. Richard Proulx


Serdeczna Matko / Most Loving Mother (serdeczna matko)

Polish Traditional / Arr. Richard Proulx / Adapt: Kelly Dobbs-Mickus / English paraphrase: Victoria A. Zibell



Unbound makes thousands of hymns previously only available in text and tune collections available for individual download as a PDF with full accompaniment included. Visit

31 VOL. 34 NO.3
SM WC/M WS CEL/H CEL/M Adios, Reina del Cielo 636 Ave de Lourdes (Del Cielo Ha Bajado)* 631 382 Ave María 632 378 Ave Maria / Hail, Maiden Mary 1005 808 Blessed One 1009 809 Buenos Días, Paloma Blanca 638 Canticle of Mary 487 395 Canticle of Our Lady 223 Canto de María 451 Elevamos Nuestros Cantos 639 377 Hail, Holy Queen, Enthroned Above 338 1012 818 391 254 Hoy Nos Reunimos 591 299 Mary’s Song 339 485 395 251 Mary’s Song of Praise 94 208 41 176 O Most Holy One / O Sanctissima 341 1017 813 395 250 Oh María, Madre Mía 635 380 Oh Santísima* 633 381 Our Lady’s Song of Praise 484 Pan de Vida* 290 673 547 502 317 Salve, Regina / Hail, Blessed Lady 1014 811 397 Santa María del Camino 634 379 Sing “Ave!” 346 1021 806 Sing with All the Saints in Glory 325 979 784 379 143 Virgin, Full of Grace 349 1018 815 396 Revelation
10ab Psalm 45:10, 11, 12,
(Rx 10bc) 1 Corinthians 15:20–27 Luke
SM Seasonal Missalette WC/M We Celebrate Hymnal Missal WS Word and Song CEL/H ¡Celebremos! (Let
Celebrate!) Hymnal CEL/M ¡Celebremos!
Celebrate!) Missal * = BILINGUAL Find Seasonal and Sunday Choral Music Suggestions at
11:19a; 12:1–6a;
1:39–56 READINGS [622]
(Let Us

August 20 /Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

ALTHOUGH THE UNNAMED CANAANITE WOMAN SAYS little, it is enough to expand Jesus’s perspective.

Matthew’s Gospel was originally written for a Jewish Christian community that was becoming more Gentile in its makeup. (Today’s second reading reflects the demographic tension.)

The Gentile region of Tyre and Sidon had welcomed Jesus’s preaching, while many among Jesus’s own had rejected it. That resentment is the backdrop for the disciples’ annoyance and Jesus’s derogatory language.

From this context, the woman pleads, “Have pity on me, Lord, Son of David!” appealing to Jesus’s lineage and signaling that she, too, as a Canaanite, is related to him. Matthew’s community would have recalled the Gospel’s opening genealogy of Jesus in


which three Canaanite women are named: Rahab, a prostitute who risks her life to help the Israelites; Tamar, treated as cursed, but who creatively ensures the continuation of Judah’s line; and Ruth, a childless widow who defies the patriarchal system to become the great grandmother of King David.

No wonder this woman would not be deterred by silence nor slur. With deference and courage, she reminds Jesus that it is from outsiders like her—women of great faith and determination—that Jesus inherits some of his own bold spirit.

To Jew or Gentile, woman or man, God’s gifts and call are irrevocable. With faith, we see that we are more alike than different. —DM

32 GIA QUARTERLY W4 G4 G3 LM2 RS2 OC VCS OIF A House of Prayer 820 853 All Are Welcome 833 915 850 683 925 681 All That Is Hidden 830 All the Earth 828 At the Table of the World 531 Broken for the Broken 1007 1050 Come to the Water (Foley) 640 584 487 Diverse in Culture, Nation, Race 842 909 833 922 677 Gather Us In 836 913 848 676 929 687 Go, Be Justice 822 Great River of Mercy 702 Healer of Our Ever Ill 965 1064 960 1066 778 If You Believe and I Believe 803 886 818 653 904 649 In Christ There Is No East or West 824 905 832 664 919 668 683 Lead, Kindly Light 653 770 Lord, I Need You 175 Lord, I Want to Be a Christian 387 Mercy 710 Mighty to Save 191 O Come to the Altar 196 O Lord, Hear My Prayer 666 533 760 555 Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior 767 Precious Lord, Take My Hand 980 784 955 780 826 789 788 There Is a Balm in Gilead 646 791 640 502 831 552 588 There's a Wideness in God's Mercy 645 703 644 511 755 546 585 We Cannot Measure How You Heal 664 713 657
W4 Worship 4th Edition G4 Gather 4th Edition G3 Gather 3rd Edition LM2 Lead Me, Guide Me 2nd Edition RS2 Ritual Song Second Edition OC Oramos Cantando VCS Voices OIF One in Faith

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Holy Boldness, Move Our Spirits (ode to joy)

Text: Amanda Udis-Kessler

The Mountain of God (to the brink)

Text: Adam M. L. Tice / Music: Sally Ann Morris

When Jesus Sets the Table (ellacombe, place setting) ...................................................

Text: Amanda Udis-Kessler / Music: Sally Ann Morris

Unbound makes thousands of hymns previously only available in text and tune collections available for individual download as a PDF with full accompaniment included. Visit

33 VOL. 34 NO.3
Hymn and Song
1-800-442-1358 Congregational
Selections from
SM WC/M WS CEL/H CEL/M Acudamos Jubilosos 588 358 Al Partir el Pan* 494 321 Alaben Todos: Sal 148* 391 446 295 All Are Welcome 183 916 738 346 138 All the Earth 271 936 762 601 219 At the Table of the World 289 680 557 244 185 Bendeciremos por Siempre: Sal 145(144) 444 309 Canción del Testigo 557 351 El Señor Es Compasivo: Sal 103(102)* 463 373 435 343 Estamos Reunidos 590 302 For the Healing of the Nations 244 965 778 Gather Us In 182 919 736 345 139 Go, Be Justice 354 932 742 354 225 Gusten y Vean: Sal 34(33)* 345 420 341 Healer of Our Every Ill 713 589 259 I Am the Bread of Life (Englert) 692 I Am the Bread of Life (Kaczmarek) 293 571 I Am the Bread of Life (Toolan) 309 699 541 507 177 In Christ There Is No East or West 264 807 650 294 Por Tu Misericordia 526 332 Somos el Cuerpo/We are the Body* 544 334 There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy 241 707 579 258 161 There’s a Wideness: Be Merciful 703 577 Venga Tu Reino 620 337 We Remember 295 687 538 248 Your Hands, O Lord, in Days of Old 318 712 588 Isaiah 56:1, 6–7 Psalm 67:2–, 5, 6, 8 (Rx 4) Romans 11:13–15, 29–32 Matthew 15:21–28 READINGS [118] SM Seasonal Missalette WC/M We Celebrate Hymnal Missal WS Word and Song CEL/H ¡Celebremos! (Let Us Celebrate!) Hymnal CEL/M ¡Celebremos! (Let Us Celebrate!) Missal * = BILINGUAL Find Seasonal and Sunday Choral Music Suggestions at

August 27 /Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

ROCIO WAS A SEEKER AT THE Catholic center where I was a college student. Her life before the Catholic center had been pretty bleak, without much joy or purpose. At some point, she encountered a small group of us from the center who seemed to have what she was looking for. At least we were kind to her and genuinely interested in her, which was more than she could say about the crowd she usually hung out with.

Rocio was a total newbie to Christianity and religion in general. So she had a ton of basic questions, and we loved trying to outshine one another with the depth of our Catholic knowledge as


we quoted popes, saints, and the Catechism like we were playing Catholic Trivial Pursuit—until she asked us the question that stopped us all: “But why does Jesus matter to you?”

It was her version of Jesus’s question, “But who do you say that I am?” It’s not that we didn’t know the answer but that in our fervor to share facts about Jesus, we neglected to speak of our faith in Jesus and our love for Jesus. Facts cannot lead a person to the cross; only faith and love can.

“Who is Jesus Christ for me . . . ? An answer that we should give every day” (Pope Francis, Angelus, August 23, 2020). —DM

34 GIA QUARTERLY W4 G4 G3 LM2 RS2 OC VCS OIF A House of Prayer 820 853 All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name 566 616 570 342 672 473 619 Beautiful Savior 931 Bless These Walls 819 Christ In Me Arise 834 862 Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation 732 815 745 852 607 664 Christ Is the King! 568 615 571 670 Church of God, Elect and Glorious 663 Father, We Thank You, Who Have Planted 631 632 745 541 539 God Is Here! As We His People 835 911 843 927 809 God, We Praise You! 599 682 703 838 Holy God, We Praise Thy Name 614 662 615 465 705 511 835 House of Holiness and Beauty 822 I Am the Bread of Life / Yo Soy el Pan de Vida 950 1008 945 755 1029 750 I Am Thine 525 I Have Been Anointed 850 718 702 Jesus Christ, by Faith Revealed 624 Jesus Is All the World to Me 370 Jesus Messiah 153 Let All People Praise Thee 475 Lord, Your Love Is Eternal 185 Praise to You, O Christ, Our Savior 591 658 596 702 499 Stand Firm 846 763 731 The Church's One Foundation 736 816 742 606 605 671 The Rock of Faith 265 Wisdom's Feast 528 You Are Called to Tell the Story 784 848 774
W4 Worship 4th Edition G4 Gather 4th Edition G3 Gather 3rd Edition LM2 Lead Me, Guide Me 2nd Edition RS2 Ritual Song Second Edition OC Oramos Cantando VCS Voices OIF One in Faith
35 VOL. 34 NO.3 1-800-442-1358 Congregational Hymn and Song Selections from
Who Is This Jesus (slane) D-803770 Text: Delores Dufner, OSB 2023 PREPARATION Unbound makes thousands of hymns previously only available in text and tune collections available for individual download as a PDF with full accompaniment included. Visit SM WC/M WS CEL/H CEL/M All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name 195 746 612 271 Amén, el Cuerpo de Cristo* 531 498 325 Beautiful Savior 1028 822 400 Cerca de Ti 550 Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation 784 El Pan de la Vida (Cortés) 495 326 El Señor Es Compasivo: Sal 103(102)* 463 373 435 343 Estamos Reunidos 590 302 Eye Has Not Seen 317 886 718 336 230 Faith of Our Fathers 214 846 690 314 248 Glory and Praise to You 748 606 529 Hoy Nos Reunimos 591 299 Jesus Christ, by Faith Revealed 197 761 613 273 244 Por Tu Misericordia 526 332 Priestly People 220 787 637 539 226 Somos el Cuerpo / We are the Body* 544 334 Somos Pueblo Santo 542 339 Somos Una Iglesia 540 357 Te Den Gracias 622 The Church’s One Foundation 221 790 638 289 189 The Summons 232 835 675 297 This Day God Gives Me 201 34 To Jesus Christ, Our Sovereign King 196 745 617 276 212 We Are Your People 218 791 639 288 152 We Remember 295 687 538 248 Wisdom’s Feast 294 656 535 Isaiah 22:19–23 Psalm 138:1–2, 2–3, 6, 8 (Rx 8bc) Romans 11:33–36 Matthew 16:13–20 READINGS [121] SM Seasonal Missalette WC/M We Celebrate Hymnal Missal WS Word and Song CEL/H ¡Celebremos! (Let Us Celebrate!) Hymnal CEL/M ¡Celebremos! (Let Us Celebrate!) Missal * = BILINGUAL Find Seasonal and Sunday Choral Music Suggestions at
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September 3 /Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

TODAY’S GOSPEL PASSAGE IS PART TWO of last week’s and is the turning point for Matthew’s entire Gospel. From here on, the way leads directly to Jerusalem and the cross.

Everything Peter got right last week is everything he gets wrong this week. In one moment, Jesus praises him; the next, he pulls him back down several notches, charging him with human folly and even diabolical treachery.

It’s a harsh but necessary dressing-down. Jesus “must go to Jerusalem and suffer greatly.” There’s no getting around it. And not even Peter, the favorite disciple in Matthew’s Gospel, gets a pass. But thankfully for his sake and ours, Jesus is merciful.


When he tells Peter, “Get behind me, Satan,” it sounds like what Jesus said to his tempter in the desert, “Get away, Satan!” (Mt 4:10). The Greek translation is similar between the two, but an added command to Peter reminds him of his place—that is, behind Jesus, that he might follow.

No matter how right a disciple might be or how much charisma, wisdom, or influence they have, if they are not behind Jesus, putting him before themselves, they are an obstacle in the path—not to be cast aside but rather, put back into place. It is a kindness that all of us will need at some point along the way to the cross. —DM

36 GIA QUARTERLY W4 G4 G3 LM2 RS2 OC VCS OIF As a Fire Is Meant for Burning 734 744 850 608 Change Our Hearts 493 Christ Has No Body Now But Yours (Warner) 760 882 691 Christ Is Alive 455 Crux Fidelis 969 980 675 Draw Near 935 1011 935 1037 535 Follow Me 880 I Have Decided to Follow Jesus 613 I Will Follow 133 Is Your All on the Altar 660 Jerusalem, My Destiny 520 492 568 411 Lead Me, Guide Me 657 712 656 538 759 557 704 Lift High the Cross/Alcen la Cruz 885 968 881 726 981 721 703 My Soul Is Thirsting 195 Near the Cross 674 Strength for the Journey 712 Take My Life 713 Take Up Our Cross 246 Take Up Your Cross 761 871 801 890 618 679 The Summons 773 869 790 622 886 623 715 Tree of Life 521 475 581 409 434 Two Fishermen 774 866 798 892 625 Unless a Grain of Wheat 759 868 783 894 632 Unless a Grain of Wheat Falls Into the Earth 879 895 We Remember 938 1005 681 784 740 Where He Leads Me 621 Yes, Lord! Yes, Lord! 623
W4 Worship 4th Edition G4 Gather 4th Edition G3 Gather 3rd Edition LM2 Lead Me, Guide Me 2nd Edition RS2 Ritual Song Second Edition OC Oramos Cantando VCS Voices OIF One in Faith
37 VOL. 34 NO.3 1-800-442-1358 Congregational Hymn and Song Selections from
O Love, that Wilt Not Let Me Go (parker) D-929831 Text: Benjamin Brody This Is My Body, Holy and Good (ewing) D-800338 Text: Adam M. L. Tice / Music: Sally Ann Morris 2023 PREPARATION We Thirst for You, O God (endless stream) D-U01344 Text: David Gambrell / Music: Lee Dengler Unbound makes thousands of hymns previously only available in text and tune collections available for individual download as a PDF with full accompaniment included. Visit SM WC/M WS CEL/H CEL/M Banquete de Unidad 496 320 Canción del Testigo 557 351 Con la Cruz* 546 333 Crux Fidelis 224 794 644 Dime, Señor 552 314 Draw Near 292 651 536 232 173 Estamos Reunidos 590 302 Hoy Nos Reunimos 591 299 Hymn for the Lord’s Day 219 783 632 Keep in Mind 81 845 685 567 187 Lift High the Cross 235 817 662 549 206 Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service 252 974 777 373 O God beyond All Praising 275 941 767 364 Renew Your Grace 207 781 627 Somos Una Iglesia 540 357 Strength for the Journey 811 676 327 238 Take Up Your Cross 227 793 645 292 Tesoros Ocultos* 878 584 364 Una Mirada de Fe 562 363 Vamos a la Casa del Señor 594 300 We Bring Our Gifts to Your Altar 649 568 We Remember 295 687 538 248 When We Are Living / Pues Si Vivimos 841 681 566 You Are the Way 750 609 Jeremiah 20:7–9 Psalm 63:2, 3–4, 5–6, 8–9 (Rx 2b) Romans 12:1–2 Matthew 16:21–27 READINGS [124] SM Seasonal Missalette WC/M We Celebrate Hymnal Missal WS Word and Song CEL/H ¡Celebremos! (Let Us Celebrate!) Hymnal CEL/M ¡Celebremos! (Let Us Celebrate!) Missal * = BILINGUAL Find Seasonal and Sunday Choral Music Suggestions at
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September 10 /Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

THERE COMES A TIME IN ALMOST every relationship when you have to decide if it’s worth fighting for, because if you’re fighting, at least you’re engaging. The end is certain when one party gives up on the other and disengages.

Matthew’s Gospel was written for a community in flux. They were mostly Jewish Christians exiled from their Jewish communities and now were trying to figure out how to be their own community with the growing number of Gentiles becoming disciples—something not all readily welcomed. This chapter is a kind of community handbook for how to approach disagreements in a way that kept community members engaged in the well-being of each person among them.


In Christ, every member of this new community—this ekklesia or “church”—is worth the effort when there is a rift, as seen in the preceding parable of the one lost sheep. The long, systematic process in today’s Gospel passage is not merely for the resolution or absence of conflict but for the complete restoration and healing of the community . . . in God’s time. For even when all avenues toward reconciliation with our sister or brother are exhausted, we are called to treat them as Jesus treated Gentiles and tax collectors. That is, we keep caring for them, for nothing is lost with God, and God will never give up on any of us.

38 GIA QUARTERLY W4 G4 G3 LM2 RS2 OC VCS OIF A Generous Heart 706 754 A New Commandment 740 All Are Welcome 833 915 850 683 925 681 Amazing Grace 650 701 645 495 757 545 576 As We Gather at Your Table 831 922 839 685 924 685 Caminemos con Jesus / Let Us Walk with Jesus 881 Come, You Thankful People, Come 858 689 634 481 699 890 Donde Hay Caridad y Amor / Where True Charity and Love Abide 739 For the Healing of the Nations 798 884 803 898 877 Forgive Our Sins 967 1054 965 1062 779 575 God, Whose Purpose Is to Kindle 797 885 813 905 If Today You Hear His Voice 138 If Today You Hear the Voice of God 139 Lord of All Nations, Grant Me Grace 697 777 703 810 687 Love One Another (King) 741 My Soul Is Thirsting 195 O Breathe on Me, O Breath of God 914 997 902 649 732 651 Plenty Good Room 813 847 Praise and Thanksgiving / Te Damos Gracias 856 699 861 753 700 Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God 663 715 658 800 576 754 The Summons 773 869 790 622 886 623 715 We Belong to You 833 Where Charity and Love Prevail 700 774 706 809 745/747 Where Charity Is True 526 Where True Chaity and Love are Found / Ubi Caritas 694 773 705 295 589 585
W4 Worship 4th Edition G4 Gather 4th Edition G3 Gather 3rd Edition LM2 Lead Me, Guide Me 2nd Edition RS2 Ritual Song Second Edition OC Oramos Cantando VCS Voices OIF One in Faith

Unbound makes thousands of hymns previously only available in text and tune collections available for individual download as a PDF with full accompaniment included. Visit

39 VOL. 34 NO.3 1-800-442-1358 Congregational Hymn and Song Selections from
There Is Goodness (infinite) D-U01278 Text: Adam M. L. Tice / Music: Anneli Loepp Thiessen Where Two or More Have Come (varvindar friska, one love) D-916449
Dufner, OSB / Music:
SM WC/M WS CEL/H CEL/M A New Commandment 258 857 694 319 183 Alabemos a Dios 604 Amar Es Entregarse 517 328 Amémonos de Corazón 512 374 Amén, el Cuerpo de Cristo* 531 498 325 Bendigamos al Señor 563 Cantemos al Amor de los Amores 648 354 Forgive Our Sins as We Forgive 242 711 583 256 Hemos Oído Tu Voz 508 329 I Come with Joy 823 653 I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say (Bolduc) 895 725 I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say (kingsfold) 313 883 719 335 193 Los Caminos 581 362 Love One Another (Alonso) 853 692 318 Love One Another (King) 863 696 261 Prayer of Saint Francis 262 905 730 341 239 Set Your Heart on the Higher Gifts 256 860 697 321 186 Somos Una Iglesia 540 357 They’ll Know We Are Christians 281 804 649 296 195 Tomado de la Mano 586 340 Un Mandamiento Nuevo 559 361 Vamos a la Casa del Señor 594 300 Venimos ante Ti 595 303 We Stand in Hope 852 689 Where Charity and Love Prevail (Benoit) 260 862 698 325 217 Where Charity and Love Prevail (Hill) 855 701 Ezekiel 33:7–9 Psalm 95:1–2, 6–7, 8–9 (Rx 8) Romans 13:8–10 Matthew 18:15–20 READINGS [127] SM Seasonal Missalette WC/M We Celebrate Hymnal Missal WS Word and Song CEL/H ¡Celebremos! (Let Us Celebrate!) Hymnal CEL/M ¡Celebremos! (Let Us Celebrate!) Missal * = BILINGUAL Find Seasonal and Sunday Choral Music Suggestions at
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Text: Delores
Michel Guimont

September 17 /Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

SOME STRUGGLE WITH THE IGNATIAN “PRAYER for Generosity”: “Lord Jesus, teach me to be generous . . . to give and not to count the cost, to fight and not to heed the wounds, . . . to labor and not to seek reward, except that of knowing that I do your will.” We all want to be generous, but can we go too far? Can forgiving seventy-seven times, as Jesus instructs, devolve into unhealthy behavior?

We must be careful to not promote self-sacrifice and suffering that merely perpetuates injustice, persecution, or harmful behaviors. Mercy given in the name of Christ is always for the sake of doing God’s will, which is justice for the oppressed and


wholeness and restoration for all. Grace cannot be grace without discipleship and the cross that transforms everything.

God desires something more than just forgiveness without regard. God calls for our change of heart that we may be generous with what we have been given on behalf of those who can never repay us. In every situation, we have the power to do something for those with less power. We can forgive and be patient with those striving to right their wrongs. We can challenge persecution and ask allies to intercede. And when we have reached our limit, we can turn to God, rich in compassion, that we may become ever more generous with others and ourselves.

W4 Worship 4th Edition G4 Gather 4th Edition G3 Gather 3rd Edition LM2 Lead Me, Guide Me 2nd Edition RS2 Ritual Song Second Edition OC Oramos Cantando VCS Voices OIF One in Faith W4 G4 G3 LM2 RS2 OC VCS OIF A Generous Heart 706 754 Abundant Life 635 811 683 As We Forgive 578 As We Gather at Your Table 831 922 839 685 924 685 Bring Peace to Earth Again 866 Can We Love? 45 Deliver Us, O Lord of Truth 751 750 Forgive Our Sins 967 1054 965 1062 779 575 God of Day and God of Darkness 854 932 859 690 899 698 God Remembers 731 669 777 God Whose Purpose Is to Kindle 797 885 813 905 In This Place 1041 Let Justice Roll Like a River 810 Lord of All Nations, Grant Me Grace 697 777 703 810 687 Lord, Make Me More Holy 529 Lord, Make Us Servants of Your Peace 794 Make Me a Channel of Your Peace 893 828 912 663 797 Mold Me, Lord 742 Nada Te Turbe / Nothing Can Trouble 718 783 733 825 594 Resucitó 557 535 630 432 The Lord Is Kind and Merciful 257 The Master Came to Bring Good News 968 1052 964 1067 781 There's a Wideness in God's Mercy 645 703 644 511 755 546 585 There’s a Wideness: Be Merciful 271 Whatever You Do 298 Where Charity and Love Prevail 700 774 706 809 591 745/747 With Great Love (We Can Do No Great Things) 779 811

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Congregational Hymn and Song Selections from

Free Us, God, From Past Mistakes (arfon) .........................D-1010114

Text: David Bjorlin / Arr. Hugh Davies

Sing Praises, Bless the Living God (st. anne)

Text: Ruth Duck


We Look Upon Our Enemies (une jeune pucelle) .............D-877547

Text: Jacque B. Jones / Arr. Frederick Jackisch

Unbound makes thousands of hymns previously only available in text and tune collections available for individual download as a PDF with full accompaniment included. Visit


41 VOL. 34 NO.3
SM WC/M WS CEL/H CEL/M Amar Es Entregarse 517 328 Amémonos de Corazón 512 374 As We Forgive 706 Blessed Assurance 246 879 706 331 Called to the Supper of the Lamb 288 672 573 239 168 Con la Cruz* 546 333 El Señor Es Compasivo: Sal 103(102) 463 373 435 343 Estamos Reunidos 590 302 Forgive Our Sins as We Forgive 242 711 583 256 Gift of Finest Wheat 304 665 552 237 170 Gusten y Vean: Sal 34(33)* 345 420 341 Hoy Nos Reunimos 591 299 Mercy, O Lord, Show Us Mercy 710 575 Por Tu Misericordia 526 332 Praise to the Lord 269 947 771 368 213 Rejoice, the Lord Is King 764 610 Siempre Unidos 551 336 Somos Una Iglesia 540 357 There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy 241 707 579 258 161 There’s a Wideness: Be Merciful 703 577 Un Mandamiento Nuevo 559 361 Venimos ante Ti 595 303 Whatsoever You Do 251 975 775 378 182 When We Are Living/Pues Si Vivimos 841 681 566 Where Charity and Love Prevail (Benoit) 260 862 698 325 217 Where Charity and Love Prevail (Hill) 855 701
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9–10, 11–12 (Rx 8)
SM Seasonal Missalette WC/M We Celebrate Hymnal Missal WS Word and Song CEL/H ¡Celebremos! (Let Us Celebrate!) Hymnal CEL/M
(Let Us Celebrate!) Missal * = BILINGUAL

September 24 /Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

THE PARABLE OF THE WORKERS IN the vineyard and the generous landowner, found only in Matthew, is addressed first to Jesus’s disciples. In the scene right before it, Peter laments, “We have given up everything and followed you. What will there be for us?” And shortly after it, the mother of two other disciples wants to make sure Jesus gives her sons their rightful reward for being early adopters. The parable was also addressed to Matthew’s community, made up of Jewish Christians who weren’t all too happy that Gentiles were coming into the fold as well. Surely the landowner’s unconventional generosity is meant to say that all who serve the Gospel will be rewarded.


But what can this parable say to us today, who are all latecomers compared to the original twelve and those early Christian communities? Certainly, we are comforted by Jesus’s assurance that the last will be first and the first will be last. But is that all? Are we 21st-century disciples good to go?

“You have made them equal to us” is the complaint of the laborers hired first. The grumbling here is not about timing but of equal treatment for those we do not consider equal to us. And oh, how we grumble still today. How grateful we are that there is still time to seek the Lord and forsake the wicked’s ways. —DM

42 GIA QUARTERLY W4 G4 G3 LM2 RS2 OC VCS OIF A Life Transformed by Gratitude 3 Abundant Life 635 811 683 All Are Welcome 833 915 850 683 925 681 All of Me 923 All Who Hunger (Gather Gladly) 844/ 951 1010/ 920 852/ 925 931/ 1032 684/ 769 As We Gather at Your Table 831 922 839 685 924 685 Be Still, My Soul 778 Called to Labor in God's Vineyard 772 Canticle of the Turning 624 666 622 728 Eye Has Not Seen 713 785 728 819 595 For the Fruits of All Creation 857 695 750 893 Gather Us In 836 913 848 676 929 687 God of Our Salvation 759 God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending 697 God, Whose Purpose Is to Kindle 797 885 813 905 Great Is Thy Faithfulness 492 611 Keep in Mind 651 742 646 789 547 734 Lord of All Hopefulness 686 714 663 758 556 726 Mi Dios y Mi Todo / My God and My All 572 O Dawn of All Creation 548 338 663 Open My Eyes 205 Open the Eyes of My Heart 753 Plenty Good Room 813 714 847 Praise and Thanksgiving / Te Damos Gracias 856 699 861 753 700 The Kingdom of God 720 805 736 840 602 883 Where Charity and Love Abide 299
W4 Worship 4th Edition G4 Gather 4th Edition G3 Gather 3rd Edition LM2 Lead Me, Guide Me 2nd Edition RS2 Ritual Song Second Edition OC Oramos Cantando VCS Voices OIF One in Faith

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43 VOL. 34 NO.3 1-800-442-1358 Congregational Hymn and Song Selections from
The Owner of the Vineyard (complainer, nyland) D-U00089 Text: Delores Dufner, OSB / Arr. David Evans 2023 PREPARATION Unbound makes thousands of hymns previously only available in text and tune collections available for individual download as a PDF with full accompaniment included. Visit SM WC/M WS CEL/H CEL/M A Place at the Table 249 964 773 Acudamos Jubilosos 588 358 Aleluya, Cantemos al Señor 609 331 Amén, el Cuerpo de Cristo* 531 498 325 Baptized in Water 187 635 528 223 223 Bendeciremos por Siempre: Sal 145(144) 444 309 Caminaré 437 372 Canción del Testigo 557 351 Dime, Señor 552 314 El Señor Es Compasivo: Sal 103(102)* 463 373 435 343 Él Vive, Él Reina 611 330 Estamos Reunidos 590 302 For the Fruits of All Creation 273 987 794 384 Glory and Praise to Our God 940 759 360 God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending 829 670 Keep in Mind 81 845 685 567 187 Lord of All Hopefulness 223 838 678 310 141 Now Thank We All Our God 228 992 793 383 162 Open Wide the Doors to Christ 205 743 614 278 197 Pan de Vida* 290 673 547 502 317 Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven 268 960 753 Seek Ye First 283 866 704 618 149 Somos Una Iglesia 540 357 There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy 241 707 579 258 161 There’s a Wideness: Be Merciful 703 577 We Stand in Hope 852 689 Isaiah 55:6–9 Psalm 145:2–3, 8–9, 17–18 (Rx 18a) Philippians 1:20c–24, 27a Matthew 20:1–16a READINGS [133] SM Seasonal Missalette WC/M We Celebrate Hymnal Missal WS Word and Song CEL/H ¡Celebremos! (Let Us Celebrate!) Hymnal CEL/M ¡Celebremos! (Let Us Celebrate!) Missal * = BILINGUAL Find Seasonal and Sunday Choral Music Suggestions at

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