Introducing Hymnals 2, the second generation of GIA’s Hymnals app with a host of new and updated user-friendly features!
The app is free with GIA’s best-selling hymnals and psalters available via in-app purchasing or via*
View two pages at a time in landscape mode.
IMPROVED PAGE TURNS! Swipe or tap left or right to turn pages within a song.
COPY AND REORDER PAGES! Duplicate pages of a song, insert, and reorder as necessary.
GROW YOUR DIGITAL LIBRARY! Import PDFs from Google Drive and iCloud.
REDUCE WHITE SPACE! Crop PDF pages to improve readability.
EASY NAVIGATION! Use arrows to navigate forward and backward from song to song in a hymnal or service list.
• Search your hymnals by title or number
• Create your own service lists and arrange them in song order
• Share service lists with other Hymnals 2 app users
• View music a page at a time in portrait mode or two pages at a time in landscape
• Listen to audio samples as available (requires an Internet connection)
• Easily toggle to full-screen mode for a larger page image
• Annotate music with easy-to-use editing tools
• Zoom in and out without blurring
• Turn pages with AirTurn and PageFlip Bluetooth pedals
• Backup your hymnals, imported music, service lists, and annotations to the cloud with your account
• Download a hymnal via the app or purchase through
* Hymnals 2 is available on iOS only (iPad and iPhone). All past Hymnals app purchases may be migrated to the new app at no charge. Annotations from the previous app are not transferable due to changes in rendering technology.
For a complete list of hymnal editions available through the Hymnals 2 app or for more information about Hymnals 2, visit
Welcome to GIA’s Resources for the Liturgical Year Catalog!
Year B is fast approaching and we have many wonderful resources waiting for you, your choir, and your assembly. From Sanctus, our new side-by-side bilingual Word resource, to our popular WLP missal and hymnal subscriptions, to our beautiful Ceremonial Binder styles, we hope you find just what you need!
Many of the items in this catalog are subscription-based. For the most accurate quantitybased pricing, more information, perusal copies, and fundraising ideas, please contact our sales team at or by phone at 708-552-9815 (Suzanne) or 708-552-9850 (Raquel). You can also learn more about our hymnals and missals at
Please share this catalog with all those who would find the contents of interest or download additional copies at There, you’ll also find many specialty catalogs and flyers to help you find the resources you need. Thank you for taking a look.
Wishing you a year filled with God’s blessings,
GIA Word resources, including Sanctus, Sunday’s Word, and Liturgy of the Word are publications prepared in response to an expressed pastoral need. They are for use in conjunction with a hymnal and service book or other musical resource, and are intended for those who wish to preread the scriptures of the day as preparation for the celebration, have difficulty hearing or feel the need to read the text as it is proclaimed for full comprehension.
Sunday’s Word is an English language Word resource with full Lectionary readings and psalm responses for Sundays and major feasts of the liturgical year. It contains The Abbey Psalms and Canticles translation of the responsorial psalms. The full versions of the psalms (keyboard accompaniments, guitar chords, and cantor verses) are found in Lectionary Psalms: The Abbey Psalms and Canticles by Michel Guimont (G-10374).
Sunday’s Word contains the Order of Mass with music from Tony Alonso’s mass setting, Mass of Christ, Light of the Nations (G-9090). The full score with the keyboard accompaniments and choral parts (G-9090FS) is available from GIA, as well as other ancillary editions.
The weekday section includes the entrance antiphon, psalm response, gospel verse, and Communion antiphon for all feasts, memorials, and weekdays of the year. In addition, the Order of Mass texts (including both the Nicene Creed and the Apostle’s Creed) are printed on the inside front cover for convenience.
G-SW23 Sunday’s Word 2024, Year B: Beginning Advent 2023 (perfect bound)
use with this resource, GIA hymnals, or as a supplementary psalm resource)
Light of the Nations
A fully-bilingual, side-by-side word resource, Sanctus includes readings for each Sunday and major feast of the liturgical year. It also contains the responsorial psalm for each Sunday and major feast in a musical setting taken from Sanctus: Psalter + Salterio, which uses The Abbey Psalms and Canticles bilingual translations. The cantor verses, guitar chords, and keyboard accompaniment are found in this one volume (G-10956). Sanctus also provides the Order of Mass, with music from Peter Kolar’s setting Misa Luna. The choral/accompaniment edition of Misa Luna (018110) and other editions are available from GIA.
Sanctus, un recurso de las escrituras totalmente bilingüe y paralelo, incluye lecturas de las escrituras para cada domingo, solemnidad o fiesta del año litúrgico. También contiene el salmo responsorial de cada domingo, solemnidad o fiesta en una forma musicalizada tomada del Sanctus: Psalter + Salterio, que utiliza las traducciones bilingües de The Abbey Psalms and Canticles. Las estrofas para el cantor, los acordes para guitarra, y el acompañimiento para teclado se encuentran en este único volumen (G-10956). Sanctus también contiene el Orden de la Misa, con música de la Misa Luna de Peter Kolar. La edición coral con acompañamiento de Misa Luna (018110) y otras ediciones están disponibles en GIA.
Liturgy of the Word contains the Sunday and holy day readings, psalms, and Gospel acclamation verses for the litugical year.
Music for the psalms (RNAB) can be found in Lectionary Psalms and Gospel Acclamations, Year B (WLP 003383) In Liturgy of the Word, you will also find the entrance and communion antiphons from The Roman Missal. The Order of Mass is presented here in an easy-to-follow format. Weekday psalm responses as well as entrance and communion antiphons are included for those who participate at daily Mass.
A number of devotional prayers from the Roman Catholic tradition complete this resource.
Lectionary Psalms and Gospel Acclamations (for use with this resource, other WLP subscriptions, or as a supplementary psalm resource)
Each year two expert theologians team up to present thought-provoking insights into the Scriptures for each Sunday, holy day, and major celebration of the liturgical year.
Each entry includes readings of the day and three articles:
• Understanding the Word
• Reflecting on the Word
• Responding to the Word
This resource promotes lively discussion and preparation for small faith-sharing groups, “Breaking open the Word” sessions, catechumens and candidates, teen or adult religious education classes, Scripture study groups, lectors, liturgy planners, homilists, and presiders
This popular annual resource is designed for use by priests at daily Eucharist (Monday through Saturday), lay ministers who lead daily Word and Communion services, and those who lead prayer on a daily basis in other settings. This book includes:
• Daily general intercessions with an invitation to prayer and a closing prayer
• Scripture citations for the readings of the day, with Lectionary number
• Clear, user-friendly page layout and easy-to-read LARGE type
• Convenient, portable size for ease of handling and transporting
This collection of reflections on life and God’s word flows from our shared faith in the Incarnation, our coming to believe that when God spoke, it was not a one-time occurrence. God’s Word-made-flesh continues to echo across every generation, in every culture and every people. Occasionally people of faith will detect it echoing in their own lives, or as the poet Gerard Manley Hopkins noted, they will recognize it “like shining from shook foil.” These volumes are an ideal companion for small group scripture study, preaching preparation, and personal reflection and inspiration.
Pastoral Patterns provides suggested texts, patterns, and models for crafting liturgical language for every Sunday and major feast of the year:
• Introduction to the Liturgy of the Day
• Penitential Rite
• Introduction to the Liturgy of the Word
• Dismissal of Catechumens and Candidates
• General Intercessions (and a list of suggested “every week” petitions)
• Introduction to the Eucharistic Prayer
• Invitation to the Prayer over the Gifts, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Sign of Peace and Communion
• Dismissal
• Liturgical reminders and suggestions, and calendar items
Palabras Pastorales sugiere ejemplos para ayudar a los sacerdotes, diáconos y ministros de la liturgia a preparar las Misas dominicales y fiestas principales del año. El Misal Romano sugiere las partes de la Misa que pueden ser acomodadas a las palabras del propio celebrante. Palabras Pastorales le ofrece breves introducciones, muestras de textos, recordatorios y sugerencias para:
• Introducción a la liturgia del día
• Acto Penitencial
• Introducción a la Liturgia de la Palabra (indicándote la referencia al libro litúrgico donde se encuentran las lecturas de ese día)
• Oración para la despedida de los catecúmenos
• Oración de los fieles
• Sugerencias litúrgicas y pastorales
• Calendario (fechas civiles o religiosas y memorias durante la semana, fiestas marianas y otras más)
Se ofrece un calendario con los días culturales y de fiestas litúrgicas más significantes, incluso muchas de las fiestas marianas.
Seasonal Missalette helped millions of Catholics embrace new patterns of worship after the Second Vatican Council. Now more than ever, this classic and complete worship resource is here to inspire, inform, and transform generations of Catholics as we sing and pray together each week. This is a triannual (three times per year) resource.
• 200 songs and hymns from a variety of publishers
• 11 Mass settings
• Seasonal Lectionary Psalms and Gospel Acclamations for Sundays and feast days
• Mostly traditional organ-based hymnody with a moderate amount of modern sacred songs
• A comprehensive weekday section
Seasonal Missalette Standard Edition
Seasonal Missalette Large Edition
Seasonal Missalette Standard w/ Misalito Parroquial
Seasonal Missalette Large w/ Misalito Parroquial
Seasonal Missalette and Word & Song Keyboard Edition (Portrait in binder)
Seasonal Missalette and Word & Song Alphabetical Cantor/Guitar Edition (Portrait)
Seasonal Missalette Digital
Misalito Parroquial is a practical and affordable way to give your community access to Spanish-language Lectionary readings, the Order of Mass texts, and popular Hispanic hymns. It is available as an optional insert to Seasonal Missalette and We Celebrate missals. Accompaniment books for keyboard and guitar are available.
Misalito Parroquial es una forma práctica y económica de brindarle a su comunidad acceso a lecturas del Leccionario en español, los textos del Orden de la Misa y los himnos populares hispanos. Está disponible como inserto opcional para Seasonal Missalette y el misal We Celebrate. Libros de acompañamiento para teclado y guitarra están disponibles.
A worthy, beautifully softbound HYMNAL
• More than 800 songs, hymns, psalms, and acclamations
• Complete repertory for the entire liturgical year
• Includes 13 complete Mass settings, the Order of Mass, a variety of rites, and Morning and Evening Prayer
• Revised every 3 years
• An outstanding balance of the finest traditional and contemporary liturgical music available
• Durable embossed cover
An always-up-to-date, triannual (3 times per year) MISSAL
• Generous 6 x 9 size
• Complete Lectionary, Roman Missal, and prayer texts for Sundays
• Articles on the liturgical season
• Introduction to the Sunday readings
• Reflection questions
• Seasonal blessings and prayers
• Rites and devotions
• RCIA rituals
• Morning and Evening Prayer
• New liturgical music
• Spanish-language missal/music supplement available: Misalito Parroquial
• Weekday resources including: Scripture citations, responsorial psalms, and gospel acclamations, weekday entrance and Communion antiphons, and optional memorials, as well as ritual and votive Masses
We Celebrate Pew Edition
We Celebrate with Misalito Parroquial
We Celebrate Keyboard Edition (Landscape or Portrait)
We Celebrate Cantor/Guitar Editio.n (Portrait)
Annual English-language missal and hymnal in one
Word & Song is the resource of choice for energetic and vibrant parishes. This comprehensive annual volume provides the ease of use of a missal and the repertory of a hymnal and songbook under one durable cover. No extra charge for readings and weekday information. Word & Song continues to be the most complete and most affordable one-volume annual available.
• 700 songs, hymns, psalms, and service music pieces
• 10 complete Mass settings
• Readings, entrance and Communion antiphons for Sundays and holy days
• Scripture citations for weekdays
• Hymnal and missal combined in one annual resource
Word & Song Pew Edition
Seasonal Missalette and Word & Song Keyboard Edition (Portrait in binder)
Seasonal Missalette and Word & Song Alphabetical Cantor/Guitar Edition (Portrait)
A convenient and economical way to shop for choral music from GIA and WLP!
Your subscription contains about 120 titles in 3 mailings over a 1-year period. With each packet you receive approximately 40 octavos along with digital (downloadable) playlist containing recordings of all of the titles in the packet as well as bonus tracks of select instrumental works available through GIA and WLP. A convenient informational insert offers helpful suggestions for liturgical and topical uses.
Retail value of each packet is over $50.00. You pay only $45.00 total for 3 mailings!
Subscribe today!
The ¡Celebremos!/Let Us Celebrate! Himnario/ Hymnal is one of the most affordable and complete bilingual worship resources available today, offering a rich collection of music from the GIA/WLP library as well as titles from all major Catholic publishers and beyond. This hymnal is updated every 3 years.
El Himnario de ¡Celebremos!/Let Us Celebrate! es uno de los mejores recursos que contiene cantos para el culto que además de ser muy económico está muy completo ya que le ofrece una excelente y amplia colección de la música de la biblioteca de GIA/WLP e incluye otros cantos de otras compañías que producen música católica. Este himnario se actualiza cada 3 años.
• Published triannually (three times a year)
• Contains the Order of Mass and Sunday readings in English and Spanish on facing pages
• The Entrance and Communion antiphons are from The Roman Missal in Spanish (USA)
• The psalms are taken from the Spanish-American Lectionary
• The readings in Spanish are from the Mexican Lectionary
• Indicates what the readings will be for the week
• Extensive music section in English and in Spanish/bilingual
• Se publica tres veces al año
• Contiene el Ordinario de la Misa y las lecturas dominicales en español y en inglés en páginas opuestas.
• Las antîfonas de Entrada y de Comunión son del Misal Romano en Español (EEUU)
• El salmo está tomado del Leccionario hispanoamericano
• Las lecturas en español son del Leccionario mexicano
• Indica cuales serán las lecturas para la semana
• Sección amplia de música en inglésy en español/bilingüe
Misal/Missal (Standard or Large Print)
Himnario/Hymnal (Standard or Large Print)
Edición para Teclado / Keyboard Edition (Portrait, spiral-bound)
2024 Teclado/Keyboard Supplement (Portrait, spiral-bound)
Edición para Guitarra / Guitar Edition (Portrait, spiral-bound)
2024 Guitarra/Guitar Supplement (Portrait, spiral-bound)
A comprehensive resource for choirs and vocal ensembles, this expanded edition of Choral Companion contains more than 700 two-, three-, and four-part arrangements of hymns, songs, and ritual music found in the We Celebrate Hymnal, Seasonal Missalette, Word & Song, and ¡Celebremos! / Let Us Celebrate!
Choral Companion provides all the cantor verses, choral harmony, and descants found in the WLP accompaniments as well as music from other publishers that appear in WLP periodical worship resources. This volume also includes twelve well-known Mass settings, including Mass of Redemption, Mass of Creation, Mass of Joy and Peace, Mass of Saint Ann, Mass of Wisdom, and the popular bilingual setting Misa Luna
G-10337 7 x 10, Softbound $28.00
This newly updated resource features C instrument parts for use with your trusted WLP worship resources, including Seasonal Missalette, We Celebrate, Word & Song, and ¡Celebremos! / Let Us Celebrate!. Created specifically for one or two C instruments, this worship companion will truly enrich the current songs and hymns used by your parish.
G-SMWSIC23 3 volumes, spiral-bound $110.00
In GIA Quarterly, you’ll find a wonderful mix of English- and Spanish-language articles by some of the most well-respected names in music and liturgy.
GIA Quarterly is also a complete planning resource with music suggestions for Sundays and Solemnities from each current GIA and WLP hardbound hymnal, as well as from our subscription missals and hymnals. The pages include a robust selection of Spanish and Bilingual music and more music for contemporary ensembles with the inclusion of WLP’s Voices hymnal.
Prepared by the Benedictine monks of Conception Abbey in Missouri, this translation establishes the definitive form of Psalms and canticles that will gradually appear in official Catholic liturgical books.
—United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
As found in Gather—Fourth Edition
The Gather IV Psalter includes psalms from the psalters of Michel Guimont and Joseph Gelineau as well as The Lyric Psalter, Cry Out with Joy, and Lead Me, Guide Me psalters, representing a range of composers, styles, and cultures.
Michel Guimont
A complete set of responsorial psalms for Sundays, solemnities, and feasts of the Lord throughout the threeyear Lectionary cycle.
Alonso & Marty HaugenA weekly bulletin for the children in your assembly, school, or religious education program…
• provides liturgical catechesis for the whole community.
• introduces Catholic traditions and practices to younger members of the assembly.
• encourages prayer and scripture study in the home, the domestic church.
• invites children and adults into the richness of Catholic liturgical life.
• 4 pages per issue
• 8-1/2 x 11 inch size
• Every Sunday includes a craft, activity or introduction to a Catholic song, custom, prayer or tradition; two Lectionary-based Scripture activities, and a coloring page.
• Save the time and inconvenience of extra printing and photocopying
• Quality full-color bulletins delivered to your church or school.
(Must be ordered in multiples of 25)
Full Year
• Receive 53 different issues per year
or or or
• 2 pages per issue
• 8 ½ x 11 inch size
• Incorporates a wide range of people’s experiences, particularly those of Hispanic cultures
• Save money by printing and copying the bulletins you need each week.
• No waiting for bulletins to arrive by mail, no shipping costs
Gather—Fourth Edition offers all of the features you have come to expect from the Gather family of hymnals, then takes them to the next level. This new edition is more diverse, more inclusive, more representative, and more balanced than any other GIA hymnal. Gather IV leans toward the contemporary, yet even chant is at home in this resource. Every piece of music in this edition met theological, pastoral, liturgical, and musical criteria and is representative of today’s world and the modern Catholic Church. No matter who you are, we are confident that you will see yourself in this hymnal.
G-10000 Pew Edition
G-10000R Pew Edition with Readings
G-10000C Choir Edition
G-10000KS Keyboard Edition (Spiral Portrait)
G-10000KL Keyboard Edition (Looseleaf Portrait)
G-10000K Keyboard Edition (Softcover Spiral Landscape)
G-10000GS Guitar Edition (Spiral Portrait)
G-10000GL Guitar Edition (Looseleaf Portrait)
G-10000LS Lead Sheet Edition (Spiral Portrait)
G-10000MA Melody & Accomp. Edition (Spiral Portrait)
G-10000IC C Instrument Edition (Spiral Portrait)
G-10000IB B-flat Instrument Edition .... (Spiral Portrait)
G-10000IE E-flat Instrument Editon (Spiral Portrait)
G-10000D(S) Vocal Descant Edition (perfect bound or spiral)
G-10000IND Index Edition
G-10600 Lectionary Psalms
G-10939 Evening Thanksgiving for the Order of Evening Prayer (Saddle-stitched)
Matching Ceremonial Binders (page 23)
GIA is proud to partner with the USCCB to present The Divine Office Hymnal, prepared in anticipation of the Liturgy of the Hours, Second Edition.
In preparation of this hymnal, the International Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL) spent several years translating the nearly 300 Latin hymns of the Divine Office. These translations were approved by the USCCB in 2019. In addition, ICEL proposed melodies suited to each text including the Gregorian chant melodies of the Liber hymnarius as well as public domain tunes. The hymnal makes use of these suggestions by presenting both metrical and plainsong settings for each hymn.
Jeffrey Corry
Arr. Thomas W. Jefferson & M. Roger Holland II
Whether led by a youth choir or a more seasoned adult group, Mass of the Next Generation is sure to inspire assemblies to fully participate in the liturgy! Thoroughly singable with dynamic, syncopated rhythms throughout, this setting features several musical genres including rhythm and blues, jazz, and gospel. The piano accompaniment can be augmented with the use of drum set, percussion, guitar, and bass guitar.
Years ago, Tony composed a simple, joyful Gospel Acclamation based on the tune lambillotte (“Alleluia, Song of the Spirit”). Song of the Spirit Mass fully extends this tune-based approach to all of the sung portions of the Mass. It features a driving, rhythmic piano part. However, to accommodate a range of contexts, also includes an alternate accompaniment with more intentional melodic support that is suitable for organ.
A ground-breaking Mass setting, Voice of My People explores the various ways in which musical genres within the African diaspora articulate the cultural expressions of Blackness. Each Mass movement highlights a different musical style reflecting the African diaspora: gospel, jazz, chant, reggaetón, Afro Cuban music, and R&B. The Sanctus (Mtakatifu) is set in Kiswahili to represent African language and culture. A truly beautiful expression of the diversity of the Black Catholic Church!
The announcement knows as “The Nativity of Our Jesus Christ” (or the “Christmas Proclamation”) from the Roman Martyrology is specified in The Roman Missal to be sung during the Liturgy of Hours on Christmas Eve. More commonly, it can be sung before the Christmas Mass during the Night.
The text of “The Announcement of Easter and the Moveable Feasts” is set to a traditional chant formula. In The Roman Missal, it is prescribed that the announcement be sung on the Solemnity of the Epiphany after the Gospel from the ambo. The download edition is updated yearly with the correct dates for the coming year for ease of use.
With many ways to divide the English and Spanish languages using the chant melody found in The Roman Missal, this edition offers ultimate flexibility for parishes seeking to include both English and Spanish in their Easter Vigil service.
Con muchas formas de dividir los idiomas inglés y español usando la melodía que se encuentra en el Misal Romano, esta edición ofrece la máxima flexibilidad para las parroquias que buscan incluir inglés y español en su servicio de Vigilia Pascual.
This edition collects the Sequences for Easter, Pentecost, and Corpus Christi in one volume. The settings allow for full participation by the assembly, yet the texts may be sung by a cantor, two cantors, or even a small ensemble or choir.
All Four Passion Gospels for Passion (Palm) Sunday and Good Friday
Ed. Robert J. BatastiniNow in a 10” x 14” three-ring binder featuring a beauiful embossed cover!
GIA is proud to once-again offer this beautiful worthy edition! The interior features the same high-quality paper as the orginal edition, while the cover is now an 10” x 14” 3-ring binder with a gorgeous embossed cover, allowing the book to easily remain open while being held or when placed on a lectern.
This setting of the Passions according to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John from the Lectionary is modeled after the 1988 Vatican edition and adapted from the Vatican chants, this classic publication printed in black and red ink captures all the beauty of the original Latin. Large enough so 3 Passion chanters (Narrator, Christus, and Speaker) can read from one book. Notated in modern, stemless chant notation.
Tomás Luis de Victoria, Ed.
William RowanThe tradition of 3 soloists chanting the Passion with a choir singing the turba (crowd) parts is hundreds of years old! This edition of the popular Victoria choruses has been adapted to contemporary English and is ideal for use with the chanted Passion. Can also be used in the context of a spoken Passion.
This missal-sized book contains the Passion account for Palm Sunday of all 3 liturgical years, A (Matthew), B (Mark), and C (Luke), as well as the Passion according to John for Good Friday. The inside text is in large print allowing your parishioners to easily follow along and participate in the proclamation of the narrative.
006543 Saddle-stitched, 6 x 9 booklet $3.50
Here is the Passion account from the Gospel of Mark in a dignified, easy-to-proclaim format. The text corresponds exactly to the Revised Lectionary for Year B and the Passion account that is found in seasonal worship aids and missals. Includes 3 complete sets: the Narrator, the Speaker, and Jesus. Each reader’s part is set in large, 14-point, bold-faced type arranged in sense lines in their set, making it easy to find and proclaim effectively. This edition is text only, 8.5 x 11, and 3-hole punched.
008196 According to Mark (Year B) $9.95
008198 According to John (for Good Friday) ................. 9.95
008195 According to Matthew (Year A) 9.95
008197 According to Luke (Year C) 9.95
Similar a su contraparte en inglés, esta Pasión en español se presenta en un formato digno y fácil de proclamar que corresponde exactamente a las lecturas de la Pasión que se encuentran en el leccionario mexicano (aprobado para su uso en la adoración en los Estados Unidos) y en los misales de adoración estacionales como WLP‚ ¡Celebremos / Let Us Celebrate! Cada paquete contiene 3 juegos completos del relato de la Pasión para el Evangelio de Marcos: el Narrador, el Orador, y Jesús. La parte de cada lector se establece en letras grandes de 14 puntos, en negrita, dispuestas en líneas de sentido, lo que facilita su búsqueda y proclamación de manera efectiva. 8.5 x 11, perforado de tres agujeros
Our binders are an attractive and durable solution for clergy and church leaders to use for intercessions, special rites, seasonal service programs, and general announcements, for choirs to keep and display their music, and for church musicians to assemble each week’s accompaniments.
Every color binder $29.50 each
003356 Ivory
006586 Green
006631 Red
006629 Royal Purple (Gold Foil)
006630 Violet (Silver Foil)
006510 Blue
006632 Gray
006511 Black
006512 Set of 8 (One of each color) $200.00
Every color binder $19.95 each
006775 Ivory
006776 Green
006777 Red
006778 Purple
006780 Black
006781 Set of 5 (One of each color) $90.00
Every color binder $19.95 each
006801 Ivory
006802 Green
006803 Red
006804 Purple
006805 Black
006806 Set of 5 (One of each color) $90.00
Each binder includes:
• 1-inch spine
• Three-ring format
• Can hold pages up to 8.5 x 11
• Inside front pocket for loose papers and cards
These attractive and useful Ceremonial Folders feature the exquisite two-tone stamped cross design with gold foil found on WLP’s Series 1 Ceremonial Binders. Each fabric-lined folder holds one or two single sheets of 8.5 x 11 paper that you can easily tuck into the grosgrain ribbon corner holders. Ideal for use by lectors, priests, deacons, and cantors.
Every color folder $23.00 each
006831 Ivory
006832 Green
006833 Red
006834 Purple
006835 Black
006836 Set of 5 (One of each color) $99.50