COMMUNITY 2 // TEAM 3 Anne Coenraadts Kanny Nguyen Manouk Muller
Mara Schaft Mallory Wever Pomm van der Zandt
Summary Het creëren van dit trendboek is gedaan om Vittorio Perzisch ijs te inspireren met trends van nu. Door middel van het trendboek zal duidelijk worden welke trends Vittorio het meest zullen inspireren en het meest relevant zijn. Er is gekeken naar trends die te maken hebben met; Het milieu en onze leefomgeving, de ervaringen die we opdoen tijden het eten en hoe die ervaringen gestimuleerd kunnen worden. Daarbij komt ook mensen zich meer bewust ervan kunnen worden wat en hoe ze eten, en tot slot het uitwisselen van cultuur en het leren kennen van nieuwe mensen. De eerste trend benadrukt de urgentie van een betere leefomgeving door middel van het verminderen van verspilling en afval, de mensen om ons heen lijken ook steeds meer bewust te raken van het feit dat er nu juist iets aan onze levensstijl gedaan moet worden. Dit is relevant omdat Vittorio Perzisch IJs heeft aangegeven meer te willen bijdragen aan het milieu met zijn bedrijf. Ten tweede wordt benadrukt hoe men hun eetpatronen en ervaringen kunnen moderniseren en een nieuw leven in kunnen blazen, de traditionele wijze van eten is aan het veranderen naar een modernere en meer gepersonaliseerde etensstijl. Dit hoeft niet perse een negatief iets te zijn voor Vittorio Ijs, want zijn gasten bezoeken zijn bedrijf juist omdat hij afwijkt van de mainstream ketens in Tilburg. Tot slot benadrukken wij een sociaal politieke trend genaamd ‘’One of Us’’, het individualisme van voorheen gaat plaats moeten maken voor een samenleving die meer in elkaar geïnvesteerd is. Dingen zoals acceptatie en gelijkheid worden besproken, dit heeft alles te maken met Vittorio zijn verleden als politieke vluchteling. Een van zijn meerwaarde is het bespreken van verschillende culturen en het uitwisselen van verhalen met als doel elkaar te verrijken als mens. Dit Trendboek zal de hoofdvraag ‘’Which trends are relevant and inspiring for Vittorio ice cream?’’ in de conclusie beantwoorden, dit zal worden beantwoord door middel van de trends die eerder in deze samenvatting zijn besproken.
Contents Introduction
Methodology LIGHTEN YOUR FOOTPRINT Montana a la luna Algae Lamp Leek Paper People’s Pavilion Solar Panel Wallpaper Plastic Whale Edipeel
ODDLY EDIBLE Half / Full Goût Spoon Shape-Shiting Noodles Unicorn Blood East Meets Wests Bugs Bagel
ONE OF US Cycling Cinema #NoBanNoWall Norm Form Hoochie Coochie Luisterruit Mozzeria
Conclusion Refrence list Appendix
Introduction Recently, in the food field there has been renewed interest in not only the food, but also the thought behind it. Due to the result of our research for trends, we discovered that food is not just only a basic need. Now it involves environmental awareness, connecting people and having different experiences with food. The main aim of this study was to inspire our commissioning party. Vittorio Desikan is an Iranian political refugee who came from Iran to the Netherlands 27 years ago. Almost a year ago, in the spring of 2017, Vittorio started his company Vittorio Perzisch IJs in Tilburg. Vittorio Perzisch Ijs is a company that focuses on sharing stories and making a connection with building a figurative bridge between cultures and to avoid loneliness for people that may not have had spoken to each other without this meeting place. The business is located at the Draaibrug in the Piushaven Tilburg and focuses mostly on selling ice cream. At the moment, the business only consists of an ice cream cart, 30 chairs for guests to sit on and an electrical and water output. Besides the ice cream stand Vittorio also organises dinner parties at homes, he caters parties and also organises boat trips with food in cooperation with a boat company in Tilburg. At all these events telling and sharing stories is the main goal (Desikan, 2018).
The specific objective of this study was to be descriptive. Therefore, the research situation is more general and there is no specific statement for the starting point. The research will be about what can we do to enhance his current concept with trends. This should be based on the trend report we do for the commissioning party. As I mentioned before, the goal of our research is to inspire and gain insight for the commissioning party in the food trends for the youth. This had been accomplished by answering the following question: Our main question: Which trends are relevant and inspiring for Vittorio ice cream? For the research questions, we will use the LOTS method, which stands for Lifestyle, Organisation, Trends and Sector. Also, these questions will be answered further on in our project.
• (L) Which values and needs of our target audience match with Vittorio? • (L) What is the lifestyle of the youngsters that visit Vittorio ice cream? • (O) What is the vision and mission of Vittorio ice cream? • (O) What is the identity of Vittorio ice cream? • (T) Which food trends are relevant and inspiring for Vittorio ice cream? • (T) Which trends matches Vittorio values and offers him inspiration? • (S) What makes Vittorio ice cream special? • (S) How can Vittorio connect people with activity?
In addition, the methodological approach taken in this study is a mixed methodology based on desk and field research. As for desk research, we used sources such as; the briefing of Vittorio, dictionaries, Dutch design week and World health Organization. This paper has been divided into four parts. The first part deals with the methodology. Secondly the 3 trends which are Lighten your footprint, Oddly edible and One of us. At last we provide with a conclusion that our main question was answered.
Methodology Throughout the research that has been conducted for this unit, the main focus was on the trends. Trends are seen as a subject that is hard to research due to the fact that is all about developments, movements or the future. Research of trends is all about finding links or connect personal perspectives and opinions. In this trend research, it was important to find balance between structure and intuition. During our research, we planned to answer our main question: Which trends are relevant and inspiring for Vittorio ice cream? To answer this question, there were 8 smaller questions created. Eventually, the answer on our main question will be given in the conclusion. The first step of our research approach was the operalization scheme. This, was to define our most important keywords. These words often came back in our research. From then on, the main goal was to inform ourselves with information. Hereby, the focus was on desk research. Although we would like to have equal balance between field and desk research, desk research in this case, was the most valuable method of research. This was due the fact that we were working with trends; a lot of background information is needed and not always noticeable in the society.
Approach The approach that was taken, was mostly focussed on triangulation and validity of the sources, looking towards desk research. In forehand, an agreement was made according to the use of sources and the variation in it. In all times, it was important to use several sources and check the trustworthiness. In order to collect as much information as possible, it was decided to use different types of sources. TedTalks, social media, scientific research and trend websites were visited in the past view weeks. In order to meet the requests of Vittorio, the decision was made to expand our research with field research. This to conduct a better vision of the sector. On the 10th of March, three of our members visited Veggie World in Utrecht, in order to get inspired with the newest food trends. On the 17th of march, the spot of Vittorio was visited to complete our personal vision. Knowing that our target group is youngsters, we (as youngsters) tried our very best to avoid Bias which is the urge to fill in answers or meaning yourself, based on experiences in the past or preference (Cambridge Dictionary, 2018).Therefore, triangulation was one of the tools that helped us to get rid of Bias; always check if you can find the same findings somewhere else.
Lighten your footprint
An increasing amount of peo-
ple become more aware of environmental issues. We need to pay attention in our daily lives to our planet’s resources and our environment. How common is to leave your house with the lights or your heater on? And what effects have environmental changes on our society in the long run? We have been told that we need to become more aware of these issues for decades, but nowadays it’s about facing these environmental changes and actually search for solutions and take action. The urgency about this topic involves youngsters because the younger people of today will be shaping societies future. Nowadays youngsters grew up with many technological developments that not only shaped the way they perceive life. These developments did not only shape the way they perceive life, but also create a new set of beliefs which comes along with an approach of global challenges (Cohen, 2015).
This change represents Vittorio’s need to lighten his footprint on the environment, reducing the amount of waste, water and electricity are some of his main focuses. Lighten your footprint is created to support his vision on sustainability combined with his field of work. The value of this trend is to inspire and to introduce people to multiple futuristic ways on how to lighten your personal footprint on the environment. There are always developments happening in the environmental, social and technological sectors which apply to this cluster. People’s pavilion, plastic whale and the mini hub all have in common that they would like to contribute to our society and environment in a positive way. These projects are trying to make a difference by working together. The algae lamp, solar-panel wallpaper and Prei-papier al all creations of technology, with the mutual aim to improve our footprint on the environment. They are different, unusual and modern ways of improving the ecosystem, but these signals have the same desired purpose.
Nearly every city, especially capital cities, has its own getaway in the form of a park where people can disconnect from the hustle and bustle of the city and immerse themselves in nature. Unfortunately, this is not enough. Buildings dominate greenery which brought Spanish architecture and design office Enorme in collaboration with MINI Hub to an idea of creating a portable design office with sustainable elements. By creating a verdant and inspirational architecture into a public place, designers aim to improve the urban life with consciousness of resources especially among youth and bring them together, and further reinforce their slogan – Creative use of space (Enorme Studio, 2018) (MINI Hub, 2009) (Designboom, 2018).
MontaĂąa en la Luna
The installation MontaĂąa en la luna (Mountain in the Moon) is placed in Plaza Santa MarĂa Soledad Torres Acosta in Madrid, the hometown of the Enorme Studio and could be seen as a part of Madrid Design Festival from 7th February to 25th February 2018 (Madrid Design Festival, 2018). The construction is composed of three parts. The greenhouse-like centre has solar panels on its roof which provide energy for lighting the reading points and USB charging ports. On both sides it is flanked by detachable horizon with wooden seats, including USB ports, surrounded by verdure. With its own wheels it creates independent elements which can be movved as desired (Enorme Studio, 2018) (McMenamin, 2018). By creating this project, a kind of city oasis, not only it enables citizens to involve in an urban life with efficient designs, but also to encourage them to re-think about improving the public spaces in a sustainable way in order to supress the daily city rush.
Algea Lamp Using mother nature to save and create energy, sounds extraordinary right? Not for the architect and industrial designer Jacob Douenias and Ethan Frier, these men created a project called The Living Things which displays multiple stands where algae are being used as a source of light. These algae use photosynthesis to obtain their energy, simply said it is a process where organisms use sunlight to turn carbon dioxide into oxygen, water and sugars which they then use for energy. Algae store their energy in a form of chemical energy that scientists can convert to electricity (Buchman, 2015). The Living Things is now mainly used as a form of art, but this technique works and so it shows great potential for the future. Using algae as an energy source in and around the house will save a tremendous amount of energy plus it looks mesmerizing! The younger audience that comes across this trendy project might want to create or purchase their very own Algae Lamp in the nearby future, because this, this is future living. Being aware of our environment and the materials we already have is a great way to enlighten your fellow humans and show them that it is in fact not hard or not feasible to enlighten your footprint on our ecosystem (Froelich, 2015).
Leek Paper
How easy is it to throw food away when you are done eating? Or how nice is it to have 2 chicken fillets for 1? But what does this mean to our food manners within our society? Nowadays, food waste is the interest of a lot of people. Even though we became consumerists, the awareness about food scraps is on the rise. (Krol, 2017).
that do not match the given quality should also deserve a life. Prei papier is about wrapping food in its own waste skin in order to reduce our food footprints (Dutch Design Week Eindhoven, 2017).
In recent years, many allergies and diets are taken into account which enable people to choose from a wide range of alternatives. This moveFOODLAB developed a co- ment in society brings food operation between farmers awareness among youngsters and designers. The products which results in their aim for a
healthier way of eating. They consume more vegetables and try to reduce meat intake with alternatives (Warren, 2017). Our society consume a lot of food which also results in a large food waste. Leek paper can not only be a solution on the long run, but also a mean to let people be more mindful about their impacts on the environment and strive for the better future.
People’s Pavilion How many times did you enter a building, knowing that it is there for a short period of time? Think of events, festivals or vacation houses. It looks nice, but those temporary locations mostly leave a lot of damage and waste behind. When looking towards nowadays society, events or festivals are becoming more and more popular. If you are looking for a more sustainable way of creating a temporary construction, you might be interested in projects like People’s pavilion.
People’s pavilion is a building on the DDW created by Bureau Sla. Bureau Sla created the building that leaves no ecological footprint (Assche, 2018). There are several companies who work with this concept wherein you borrow materials except of buying it. The newest constructing methods don’t’ involve any drillings or screws so when the season is over, you can return the undamaged material to his previous owner.
The most convenience part of this concept is that you don’t necessarily need a lot of money and you give old materials a second chance. You can use your network, so you can easily collect the materials that are needed. Now that youngsters are very interested in new technologies in a sustainable way, his new construction will attract attention from this interesting mentality group
Solar Panel Wallpaper How great would it be if your house would charge and energize itself with a simple product such as wallpaper? The palm sized two-in-one solar bio-battery and solar panel has been created by researchers who printed living cyanobacteria and circuitry onto paper. An easier explanation is wall-paper that gathers energy from a mini solar panel pressed into the wallpaper. The team showed that the cyanobacteria survived the printing process and were able to perform photosynthesis so that small amounts of electrical energy could be harvested over a period of 100 hours (Smith, 2017).
Solar wallpaper still is an ongoing process but when it is realised it can be highly useful for young professionals that are moving into their own apartment. Youngsters are being educated with the realisation that something has to chance for the better to save and heal our planet. With this knowledge, the younger audience will feel and understand the need of contributing to the society we all live in. This reflects on sustainable living and contributing to a better wellbeing of our planet. The wallpaper is an easy and effective way to increase your contribution and improve your ecological footprint for the
better. Lighten your footprint is being represented by among other thing the solar wallpaper and the algae lamp, both of these signals use photosynthesis to convert light/energy, it is the same energy saving method but serves different purposes. In the future they will be working on making the panels larger, more powerful, long-lasting and robust. The use of solar-panel wallpaper for the public will be a goal that will be more feasible over time and if this goal is achieved it has great promises for our use of energy in the future (Smith, 2017).
Plastic Whale Pollution because of plastic waste is a fast rising ‘epidemic’ and is terrorizing cities globally. All over the world our lakes, seas, oceans and other bodies of water are filled with plastic waste such as plastic bottles, plastic bags, etcetera. Plastic Whale thought of a way to solve this problem, while also attracting tourists. Plastic Whale is an organization that organizes boat trips in Amsterdam, mostly for tourists, to explore the city while at the same time collecting (plastic) waste floating in the canals. From this plastic, the company makes their boats on which they do the trips. The company that was founded in 2013 has since expanded from Amsterdam to Rotterdam. The company has found an innovative way to prevent global warming, even if it’s in a small way, and to recycle more. Something that is interesting to consider, is that youngsters are very aware of the damage people are doing to the planet and want to find a way to minimalize the damage, but
usually only do this by urging companies to ‘’go green’’. Contrary to the millennials’ believe in the need to go green, youngster don’t recycle a lot. In fact, millennials are the generation that is least likely to recycle as per a research from The Shelton Group. (Cision PR Newswire, 2017) Taking this into account, this organization and the concept they have is something youngsters could be interested in. As youngsters usually don’t recycle but do support businesses going green. This way they would be supporting a ‘’green business’’ while recycling as well. Nowadays, recycling should really be a priority for people, as there is 10 million tonnes of plastic waste dumped in the ocean annually. This initiative is a productive way to make sure the plastic waste in water will be reduced. As there is still so much plastic waste being dumped, we can only see Plastic Whale, and their concept, growing in the future. (The World Counts, 2018).
Nowadays, fresh fruit and vegetables are a must in every household or lifestyle. Unfortunately, there is also a downside of using fresh fruit or vegetables. If you want to get the most vitamins of other nutrients out of the products, you have to use them as quickly as possible. Especially fruit is known for its quick decay-time. Luckily, there is a product that will delayed this process. Apeel science is a company who developed a second peel over your fruit or vegetables, in order to storage them for a longer period of time. The spray is made out of plants extracts that is located in the peels, pulp or seeds from any kind of vegetables. Apeel is completely safe
to eat and leaves no colours, tastes or odour behind on the fruit or vegetable. Because of the fact that the products are allergen-free, it is safe to eat for people with an allergy. The product will be available in the beginning of 2018 (Edipeel, 2017) Youngsters are becoming more aware of what they are actually eat and are more known that eating unhealthy brings negative consequences. Nevertheless, youngsters are known as buzzy people and don’t always have the time (or energy) to prep a meal or buy fresh vegetables every two days. Apeel is a quick and handy tool that would make life a lot easier.
Edipeel is a good example of a product that reduce the amount of irritations or problems in the future. The strengths of this product is in his natural ingredients and its high usability. This product is still rarely to get, but definitely worth-it to keep an eye on.
Have you ever tried frogs’ legs
or escargots, the snail speciality in French cuisine? If your answer is yes, would you ever consider a rat or dog meat which is completely normal in Asia? You might feel disgusted but isn’t it only a question of what is perceived acceptable in society? Stepping out of your comfort zone will bring you new experiences and enable you to be more conscious of your surroundings. In recent years, breaking routines and stereotypes is on the rise. Even though it gives us an order in our daily life, there is a need to reshape these structures and the willingness to try new things. Especially in the food domain, where meals are constantly experimented. One of the main reasons is simply the curiosity and the need to use creativity in food such as altering from its flavours, shape or colours. In addition, the way it is served, and the dining manners also shifted from basic cutlery to modifying its shapes and combining it.
According the Bolt Live and Quora, millennials are considered to be one of the most open-minded generations - if not the most open-minded generation - to date. In addition to that, the millennials are also considered to be the most socially aware generation yet (Frank, 2017) (Tien, 2017). This trend represents all the odd things people can consume or use to consume nowadays. Born by the need to change, this trend will only evolve over time. People, especially our target audience are curious in nature. They are finding out that some things are Oddly Edible. For this reason, the trend is very popular amongst them. In order to attract more millennials, Vittorio could implement this new and innovative way of eating or handling food as the way to the youngsters’ hearts, as they are finding different concepts to be Oddly Edible.
Oddly Edible
Half / Full
Climate change will lead to a food shortage. Introducing a tableware that can make you aware of this might be a good idea.
Half/Full is tableware that have a mirror that splits it in half. It is designing to make your plate look twice as full. It is designed by Saki Maruyama and Daniel Coppen known as Studio Playfool. It is made up for the goal to “future proof appetites” in connection of the increase anticipation of future food shortage. In addition, it is in to alter our everyday diets to future appetites. Each set includes two plates, a knife, a bowl, a cup, a fork and spoon which has features a reflective exterior (Morby, 2017). Thus, when food is place onto the plate, the mirror will visualize multiple portion. It is a trickery for the diner’s perception of fullness as result to reduce the amount they need to eat. It is said that if the quantity of the food appears greater, the feeling of satisfaction is even better. This tableware raise awareness around the effect of the climate change will have impact on our food and eating culture. For the youth is being more aware on how they consume their food, on what awareness does it have. Having a tableware like this available the youth will value the awareness on how climate change would have an impact on our consumption. In the future, this tableware will increase the satisfaction on eating half of what we normally eat and have a good influence on our body (Morby, 2017) (Dezeen, 2017).
GoĂťt Spoon
Every human being, especially in the childhood, tried baking dough with one’s finger or lick them after eating a chocolate or icecream.
By years of research, a design studio, Michel/Fabian invented a spoon imitating a shape of a finger with its rounded ending and slender handle and claiming to enhance the taste and value of food by up to 40 per cent, according to an Oxford University study. This hand-crafted utensil is especially designed for plunging it in creamy and thick foods such as Nutella, nut butters, honey or cream cheeses, in order to enable gourmets enjoy a ‘finger-licking’ experience in a sophisticated manner (Re-
laxnews, 2017) (Frearson, 2017) (Spiegel & Girard, 2017). For those interested, ‘Goûte’ is available in two version, either made by glass in the traditional way in United Kingdom or a wooden version (Michel/Fabian Ltd., 2017). Nowadays, particularly youngsters, seek for different eating experiences with not only food itself, but also with its appliances and utensil, which is believed that might alter your perception of food
(Godoy, 2013). Usually we have been told to not play with our meal when we were children. However, eating might become an unconscious routine and tableware serves us as necessities to consume our food in a human manner – that is also the difference between human beings and animals. With this product, it might evoke childhood memories in some or simply enable us to enjoy food in a creative and definitely more hygienic way.
Shape-shifting Noodles When hearing penne, spaghetti, ravioli or perhaps tagliatelle, a certain shape of different pasta will appear in your head. Imagine you would be able to see the transformation from a flat shape to gradually become the shape you are used to. Researchers from Massachusetts institute of Technology engineered distinct kinds of pastas which are initially flat and start change into 3D shape after coming into contact with a hot water. By layering gelatine and starch which is absorbable with water with a three-dimensional printing machine, it results in remodelling of the pasta. However, it is not only about a new dining experience with a visible art on your plate, but it also has environmental-friendly aspects. According Wen Wang, a co-author and one of the team’s research scientist, that up to 67 per cent of pasta packaging is air volume. In the future, this ‘programmable’ pasta could simply save space and therefore lower food shipping costs (Chou, 2017) (Aouf, 2017). Not only does this product deliver a unique gourmand experience in form of transformative two-dimensional food changing into three-dimensional shape and additionally wrapped up the caviars, but also its sustainable idea which is crucial and major for future products.
Unicorn Blood Legendary creature food fever? There is already unicorn frappuccino, unicorn pizza, unicorn tears, as expected unicorn blood would be the upcoming move in the legendary creature food fever. Colourful mozzarella, that is the essence. Unicorn blood is mozzarella stick which was released in 2017. The colourful fried appetizer can be found at Tony Boloney’s in New Jersey. There are vegetables or fruits are incorporated in this cheese to bringing out the corresponding colour for the mozzarella stick. After that the dye is added to warm milk. The cheese is then cut hand dipped in eggs, flour and breadcrumbs and then fried. There are different colours that can be made such as yellow, blue, red, green, purple and all the other colour that you can think of. The outcome is a delicious unicorn cheese pull.
The youth is open to experimenting with different colours due to their much-known knowledge to graphic programs such as creative cloud. In addition to the influential world of multiculturalism (Empowered , 2017). Therefore, makes an association between the colour mozzarella stick and the youth. However, not only that is the colours but also, that what makes the colour is all natural. Undoubtedly, that now the youth consumers are more conscious eating habit (Watson, 2015).. Thus, the youth are becoming everyday more aware on what they consume and its impact on the environment. What makes this product remarkable is that it does not lose the flavour of cheese, therefore making you think for the future that everything can be colourful (INSIDER, 2017).
When speaking about cultural differences, things that appear to one’s mind might be preferably geographical aspects, visual distinctions such as appearance, language, habits or food. Hardly ever people think of cutlery belongs to a significant difference between east and west hemisphere.
Wen Jing Lai is a Chinese product and furniture design graduate of Kingston University, who created a series of hybrid eating utensils by combining traditional eastern and western aspects which reflect her experiences with both cultures. Elements of mainly Asia are chopsticks and spoon, whereas forks and knives are seen in western dining places. Cutleries are both combinations of usually bamboo and steel materials, forms and of course function. These products are also important to match with different appropriate meals to accomplish the dining experience (Howarth, 2014) (Kingston University London, 2014).
Nowadays, the globalisation enables migration of different cultures to settle in other countries than their origin. Therefore, the acculturation process begins, when one ethnicity commences to adapt to the new society in other words bending between cultures and several generations are establish. Especially younger generations are often bicultural, tending to combine both ways of lives, customs and habits (Kittler & P. Sucher, 2008, 2004). In recent years, youth became more aware of this fact which lead them to express it in form of design and products.
With the pollution caused by the meat industry at an all-time high, so much so that cutting meat out of our diets would be a bigger improvement on the environment than when we were to stop driving cars, people are looking for meat alternatives that do contain the same amount of nutrients (Carrington, 2014). As a possible solution to this problem, Bagels and Beans has been offering a Bugs bagel since August of 2017. The bagel has dried crickets, mealworms, a grasshopper, avocado and sun-dried tomatoes. The insects are a replacement for any possible meat. They are more eco-friendly and similar in health benefits. Insects are being eaten in 80% of the world’s countries already, with the Western World being the exception. This is a loss, as insects are very healthy and do not need a lot of resources to grow, which means they are not impacting our environment all that much (Paul, 2016). Youngsters are always looking for replacements for things that they are already doing or eating, especially if they are better for the environment. Millennials are seen as the most open-minded generation to date, so it is safe to assume
they would be willing to try new experiences such as eating insects (Tien, 2017). Insects have a plethora of health benefits as well, such as having little to no carbohydrates and being a good source of protein. Being healthy is an important feature food should have, according to the mentality group (Bryant, 2008) (Livio, 2018). We see the future potential for insects as a replacement for meat, as it is becoming more and more common to eat insects, but also because people are opening their minds more to the possibility of trying new things without the hesitance they may have had in the past.
Bugs Bagel
One of Us
you like doing things by yourself or is your motto; we are all in this together? Probably the majority would be more attracted by the first option. Do not worry; you are not the only one. According to the study Global Increases in Individualism there is a worldwide rise of 12% of individualism since 1960. However, there are multicultural differences of individualism, statics of this study demonstrated that most countries are on the way to an outstanding individualism (Grossmann, 2018). This rise is mostly caused by economic developments and increasing individualism does not benefits the society in a positive way. Luckily, we noticed a countermovement that makes society the society connects again. There is a change to involve the people that feel felt our and in being more united. Do not confuse it with collectivism, this development is shifting on a smaller scale. It is about that some individual values and notices the needs or opinions of another person. Therefore, giving a little bit more attention for each other and connect different cultures or stories. Likewise, these aspects are important for Vittorio. When you visit Vittorio, you can be sure that your opinion and values will be respected. He will never force you to buy something
and he will make you feel excluded. You will meet others when enjoying his food and will leave with a lot of his life stories. Therefore, it contributes with social developments, it helps every individual to grow in their own way. As known for the current generation they are very open-minded, strive for acceptancy and equality and are less sensitive for taboo’s. According to Geoff Kullman, one of the core values of the millennials is to fit into the community. They grew it during the rise of the individualism, but also globalisation. This resulted in more exposure with other cultures and values, what now results in their favour (Kullman, 2017). This trends shows several signals that connect people or helps the one that feel left out. It involves movements like the #NoBanNoWall, but also actual products like the cycling cinema. Every sign had their own time period that it started but all together they have the message to be one of us, which by means everyone is included in the society. As consequence, how different and unique you can be you are also part of this world. Everyone can connect and communicate with each other. It is a narrative of different cultures, personalities and uniqueness.
Cycling Cinema
Did you ever think it could be possible to watch a film other than indoors? Or maybe outdoors but than your backyard? And no, we do not mean an outdoor theater. This is much more personalized. Head out into different locations and environments that you would like. Cycling cinema proposes you to go out to any location and a watch a movie of your preference. Cycling cinema is a bike that projects movies. It is made by Milan Tak in the Netherlands in 2017. With the bike comes a projector, light, screen, 8 chairs, speakers and popcorn containers, which makes it convenient. It is like a movie on the go with the environment of your choice. This object has a typical Art-Deco which
demonstrates the old theaters and that provides an extra sentimental film feeling (Tak, 2017). As known the youth can be quite adventurous, their willing to experiment different environments by all means it makes the cycling cinema feasible for the youth. In addition, the cycling cinema could connect more people together like Vittorio would like. The costumers could watch a movie and after the movie talk about it and share their opinion on it. The movie could be even chosen on
what topic they would like to see. The topic could have the value of bringing a message forward, finding things in common with each other, hearing about others stories and cultural exchange. Furthermore, due to the caravan battery of the cycling cinema it contributes to the need of freedom, the freedom to watch a movie wherever you would like and not being tied up to electricity (Tak, 2017). In the future people can enjoy movie in different locations. It gives the need to watch a movie in different environment and it gives the value of spending time with loved ones.
Let’s talk about the elephant in the room, everyone is connected to politics and their actions one way or the other. Which makes it extremely important to talk about these topics, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and should feel comfortable and strong enough to let their voice count. The movement of people uniting and standing up for their own voice is truly moving and something positive we should definitely keep up with from 2018 on out. The no ban no wall hashtag is an example that origins from Donald Trump his new ban, he is seeking to suspense the refugee program and to put a pause on the incoming refugees from the following five countries: Iran, Yemen, Libia, Somalia, Sudan and Syria (Silard, 2018). The projected words read “No Ban No Wall,” which has been the mantra for most of the protests against the president’s immigration policies since he took office in January 2017. Later, an image of a woman wearing an American-flag hijab was projected on the interior wall (Ellison & Hurd, 2017). Talking about social developments and political issues is of high importance for the younger audience because they will live in the society that is being shaped by these developments. Educating the youth about the current events helps to raise awareness around the society we live in and the younger generation is the generation of the future.
a drill hybrided with Dolphia mixer
Norm Form
Have you ever wondered why do we have bicycles for women and men when they have the same function? Why pink automatically means girly and blue is a colour for boy? It seems like people have always had a need to be part of a group, put in the box and told to act normal. In recent years, the interest about social standards and discussions about dominance has increased which evoke 54 Swedish designers and artists to visualise this issue in a provocative work on display resulting in an exhibition called Norm Form at ArkDes, Sweden from 6th October 2017 to 11th February 2018. We could physically see, what is otherwise often neglected, how these norms are depicted, its context and affection to us and our surrounding. The creators aim to challenge those unwritten rules and asking why there is a particular superiority of the individual with real stories of people from different background. By combining protest movement with critical design, the display points out aspects based on the Seven Grounds of Discrimination which includes gender, transgender identity or expression, sexual orientation, physical restriction, ethnic origin, religion or other faith, and age (Diskriminerings Ombudsmannen, 2017) and the Swedish Act on the Prohibition of Discrimination which oppose discrimination and support equal rights for work op-
body soap name generator
portunities (Government Sweden, 2008). We could see from items with identified gender like a drill in a soft design for man with a masculine-like mixer next to it; a contrast between products intended for female and male differentiates in elements such as colours, shapes or word selection; a set of objects marked as “nude” or even “universal” which was obviously visible that it was created for white people. A presentation clothing and veils designed by Iman Aldebe to give Muslim women an opportunity to meet the requirements of a religion and job for a Swedish police force or firefighters in order to create a positive symbol and empower their cultural background. The installations enable us to see and understand the world in alternative ways, shaped differently by the perception of each visitor. In addition to this, the intention of the exhibition is not to portray what something is but to point out what might be familiar to one but inexperienced to another. In matter a fact, in future they will be no difference in between each other, they will be more equal.
Hoochie Coochie Did you ever felt unsafe while shopping? Do you feel like you are in danger? Hoochie Coochie are striving to make you feel safe while buying clothes in their store (Hoochie Coochie , 2018). In clothing store Hoochie Coochie in Scotland, Edinburgh a sign was in October 2017 propped up which was written “Enjoying buying clothes is great. Feeling safe buying clothes is what we are all about. Hoochie Coochie welcomes everybody and we want to enjoy the experience with love.� They aim for bringing your clothing to present your personality and confidence (Hoochi Coochie Clothing , 2018). This sign shows the view we have as a society on minorities today. What is showcased here, is the fact
that as a society we strive to accept everyone for who they are. The desire to be yourself is showcased here. We think acceptance will only grow in years to come, so we think this has a lot of future potential. For our mentality group youngsters, this could be a very interesting perception, as they find acceptance and equality important. This perception of the store fits in with their values. As far as future potential goes, they could be an increase of equality and acceptance.
Luisterruit You are able to check you phone anytime and anywhere that you want. As for youngsters, they cannot even blame ourselves from that aspect. But why is this? We are living in a technological world. The social atmosphere is one of the most affected aspect of all these technological developments. That is why Manon van Hoeckel developed the “Luisterruit� which was shown at the Dutch Design Week in 2017. This tool created direct contact with travellers in the train (Frans van Beveren, 2017). Luisterruit is an app with 3 different stories. One of the stories explains about the environment were the train is riding, second story is about fellow travellers besides you and the last story is about where you are actually heading to. Because of these stories, you have different subjects to talk about with your fellow travellers instead of looking to your phone (Luisterruit, 2018). Youngsters are constantly looking at their phone and do not pay any attention to their surroundings. They have the fear of missing out online but offline they are missing out of happenings. What does this mean for the next generation? We have the ability to get to
know people from all over the world and have a cultural exchange. By a never-ending use of your phone you miss the most beautiful and small things in life. Look around you, what is actually happening? The face that we are constantly using our phone is important aspect to raise attention to. If we do not is there anything such as direct contact and “real face to face� conversations in a period of time? Being in contact with people is a blessing and should support that. Especially by meeting new people you create a bigger view of Quality of Life. As for the future, it will bring unity between people. To let them have more personal contact instead of technical.
Mozzeria Over this planet, a person with disabilities could be self-employed workers, doctors, teachers, farmers, artists and computer technicians. Even so, that a person with disabilities can carry out nearly every operation (World health organization, 2011). Yet sadly, about 70% of hard hearing people are unemployed or underemployed, which is not their fault. As demonstrated, lucky chances just do not happen, you ought to build them.
Fortunately, two individuals build up to this chance. These two individuals are two deaf owners now, they opened a food truck called Mozzeria. This restaurant does not only have two deaf owners but they have a whole deaf team (Mozzeria, 2018). Being deaf can has its positive sides expresses the owners. Since sign language does not have only one mode, when people talk with other language then English there is no communication barriers. Therefore, though people than speak other language than English they do not feel any distant. Also, with just a gesture they will understand. On the other hand, a deaf-mute can communicate to the other side of the room
without hollering in the room. Also, they could even talk in between windows. However, sign language is equal to a spoken one because of the similar language rules (National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, 2017). As for the adolescence, they are mindful of the deaf-mute. Therefore, they are willing to wide their range on certain topics. By just being aware and understand could unite the society. As matter of fact, it could impact the future. In the future, when people are more aware could join the deaf-mute and the hearing. By doing so, could decrease the percentage of the unemployed and underemployed.
Conclusion Our main question for this report was: Which trends are relevant and inspiring for Vittorio ice cream? According to the results of this report we found three trends that we consider to be inspiring for Vittorio ice cream, namely Lighten your footprint, Oddly Edible and One of Us. Lighten your footprint is a environmental and social trend that revolves all around the awareness that people have gained in the last few years in terms of environmental damage. For that reason the awareness that was created, people have been wanting to change their habits and have been doing so as they have become to realise the urgency of the need for change. This is something that is going on right now, and this is relevant to Vittorio ice cream as he too is trying to be as sustainable as possible. Therefore, with this trend we want to inspire Vittorio in other ways to be sustainable by showing a couple of signals as pointers of what he can do in the future. In our technological and social trend, Oddly Edible, a variety of new and innovative ways to eat or handle food are showcased. In food, breaking stereotypes of what food should be and how it should be eaten has been put to the test. People, especially our mentality group youngsters, are looking for new experiences in food all the time, which causes the food domain to always be changing and shifting. Vittorio could implement this trend by straying from what is considered to be normal and be a bit more daring in terms of food, to attract more youngsters. Our last social and political trend, One of Us, we looked into the changing values and needs of our mentality group. We see a shift away from the individualism that has been dominating the social sphere for years, and more towards connecting people. Youngsters look for a sense of community, which differs from the individually focused world they were living in before. Acceptance and equality have become a must and we see this represented in this trend. This shift in society, this trend, is relevant to Vittorio as he is actually ahead of the curve already by trying to share his culture and asking others to share theirs. We wanted to take his already existing principle and inspire him with this trend and the signals we found for him to improve something he is already doing so well. All of these trends have influence on the quality of life of youngsters. The trends all relate to the values and needs the youngsters have, and play into that. By taking all their values and needs and putting them into the trends, the quality of life is positively influenced.
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