Plm.ler SIll 14 " b."I: 13 " W
Delln RQbbl"
#205 P'"Utlll Basket 13" IJ x 14" It!
#209 Sic"" Pol S", 10 " b x lO " w
#202 Della Robbin PlaPller 19 19 " b ;,).' 19 " III
#203 A"tica
#206 TlIsc(my Pot Sill 10 " b x 10 " UI
#207 Tus(: m,y Pol Mil I2 " 1):t,' 14"w
#210 Siena Pot Md. 13 " b."I: 13"111
#208 TWiCaI'Y Pol Lg 16 " b x 18 " If!
#21 1 Siella Pot Lg

#248 Mnrzocco Wall Plallle,'
#253 Greco - #255 EspafTa Ur" Ro"um Un, (LG) #254 Greco- 15 " b ,\" 14 " til
.\' 12 " IV Romn" VI''' (5",)
Rolled Rim Pot

#271 Cree" Mm. r,°ee Planler 21" b ,\.o IV
#272 G,-ee" Mtlll Ur" 17 " b ;'I;14 " w
#275 MOllleCtlrlo Ur" h x III
#273 Deiffetllc l U,on Lg 19 " b x 19 " III
#2760relo Etnlsco 23 " h x II!
"274 DeMedicl Ur" Sm 14 " 'JxI4 " w
*278 Morttllo Pumter 10 " h x 22 " If '

#270 Pergola Pot

all Shown in lAMPBLACK (LB)
'2034 Aca"tbllS Pot Large b .\: 28 " IV
'2037 li"Xlisb lHmt'e Pol
'2035 AcmllbllS Pot Medium
12038 Englisb Weal'e POI
12039 Cbelsell Jardl"iere
b x 26" If'

all Shown in UMESTONE (IS)
#2009 Vaso CetOtJa Large 22 " bx28 " w
#2040 Celona Wall Pot Large 22" b x 29" UJ,.\' 14 H from umll
#2015 J",pero U rn 30 " b.l.·28"w
#2010 V(lSfI Celona Sm,I11 16" b;'I; 16 " II!
#2011 By:raItJi"e Tree Plmll e r 25 " b x 19 " III
#204 J Celona Wall Pol Small 16" b.'I; 16 " 14 1 .'1; 8 " frmn u 'al/

all Shown in SPANISH CLt\y (SC)
'258 De""a Lemon PIn"'er 17" u l
'267 iJerula Lemon Or 'al 10 " bx25 " lx 16" u l
nerula Lemtnl Ro.",d
#2006 Dertlla Lemon C/s/errr
'266 Derr,'a Lemon P1a"ter 16 " b x 22 " u'
#ZOOZ Derula Lemo" Square 9 " bx 15 " 11'
#2OtH Powr PruU SqNlfrr

#279 Alltlco Ifto"Wr !g . 23 " If!
#283 Vem! zlll Morltlr 19 " w
#287 Grtlpe Htlrl 1esl
x 24 " III
#280 Amico Mortar SIll
#282 Jfledloe v o Sm. 10 " b x 19 " IV

#296 Orelo TOSCfHlO b:x w
#805 Villa Jlanzi Cherub
1 " b:x 21 " w
#294 LaBrea Ur"
Btllustru #2008 Balustra Conti",,,,
#295 Capri Cherub 18 " b xlI " w
#293 Murano Un' 3r b:x 2r 141
#806 Villa Manzi Cben,b 41 " 'J x 21 " IV

#814 Bo cc /)(malia U,on Left b x w
#816 &,ccl)allalla P e d estal 15 " b.Y W
#812 Cbenlb Planter .J6" b -
#813 C ben,b Planler 36"b
#815 &rCCbUlWUfl Un, Rigbl b \ 0 24 " U '
#201 6 Elnlsca" Tree Plmller
#20 17 EI,."SC(W Tree Plm"er 22" h x w
#413 English Cber"I, Gllzi"g Globe HoMer 40" b x 19 " II!

Shownin COTTO(CT)
In corrO(Cr)

#2046 OU'nlp/a Oraces Unl b.l: IV
#2047 V/llt!j'nrd Urn 29 " b.l: 41 " IV
Florelllille Sqr Jld
":=:1.,15 "b ,"I: 18 "111
#2050 P/Qrfmtille Sqr S", 1;J " bx1 4"w
Shown in C0170 (CI')
#2048 Florelltille SqrLg b x w
#2051 Dendn Lelllo" Tree Pol XI b ,\' 27" w
Tree Pot Lg n " bx 22 " w

#2064 DftlsJ' We(w e POI 1 7" b ," 26 " w
#2069 Sqr Flower Box
#2072 ROI",d Tro"gb 10 " 23" w
#2066 Baskelweat 'e Lg 16" h x23 " w
112068 Ha s ketwea ve Sm
#2067 Basketw e(we Md 9" b x 14 " w 12 " b x 18 " w
#2070 Rnd F1Qwe, ' Btu' 11 " h " 25/1 W
#M73 Short Tro"gh 10 " b x 20 " I
#2065 DiagotJal Wea ve Pol 19 "bx25 " w
#2071 PositalJo A ligel Pot
#2 0 76 Reg/r'" U, "
22 " b x IV.\' JJ " sq base
Shown in ANTICO (AN)

#20 75 Vill" nor·lt, U,."
24 " b.'I: 24" W;I.· 14 " sq bflse Shown in ANTICO (AN)
#2078 V/"eyllrd Urn Sill
2J " bx28 " wxJ3 " base
Shown in SPM'lSH ClAY (SC)
Villa EbII V,." "'lIb lid
38 " b x 23 " III x 1
Shown in NA1l.JRAl (N)
1/2081 Doric Dr"
15 " b x 15 " w Shown in ANTICO (AN)
112077 1i,lipa"o Urll
28 " b x 23 " Ii ' .\. II " sq base
Shown in C01TO (Cf)
#2080 V///" Elsa Ur"
26 " b.T 23 " W x 14 " sq base
Shown in NATURAL (N)

#2084 Fartlese Trougb Shown in llMESTONE (I.s)
#2082 Ro""d Roses Pot b x w Shown in SPANISH ClAY (SC)
#2083 Oval Roses Pot
x 27 " I.,' 19" UJ Shown in SPANISH ClAY(SC)
#2096 Lido Pot 16" 19" w Shown in C01TO (Cf)
#2097 Ro.<;es Pot 17 " IJ -" 23 " w Shown in SPANISH ClAY(SC)
#2085 M",.mw Plante" Box 14 " b x I back x 31 " Ifrollt Shown in llMF.STONE (l.5)
(A) #2088 &,skelweave Bo:r: Lg
12 " b;'C 36 " I.'C 16" IV Shown in lAMP BlACK (IB)
(8) #2089 &rske lweave Bo.).· AId II " b •..: 28 " /.).' 15" UJ

8" b ..: 22 " w
12 " h x 28" I
(c:) #2090 Flower Box Lg 12 " bx36 " lxI6" ", Shown in LAMP
(D) #2091 Flower Box AId 12 " b ." 27 " I x 16" IV
#2086 Aca"to Box Lg
Shown in lAMP BLACK (IB)
#2087 Acm.'o Box AId
x 14H w
Shown in lAMP BlACK (IB)
Grupe POI
Shown in SPANISH ClAY (SC)
#2094 Estate Urll 26" IJ \' 26 " IV x 13 " sq base
Shown in ANTICO (AN)

#2092 Roikd Rim SquiffY Pol 24"b X 24 " " 1
Shown In NATIJRAL (N) '-- -
#871 Garde" BaU diam
Shown in NATURAL (N)
#2095 Velletiall Urt, 28 " b x IV.'t: sq base S hown in ANTICO (AN)
#2093 eo",,,,ercild Tree Plm.ler 3 1 " I).\'" 38" IV
Shown in NATIJRAL (N)

#2099 Palazzo UnJ
Shown i n BRONZE (BR)
#3 105 Pa lazzo Petle "lnl 29 " b x 23 "

Shown in COTTO (CT)
#310 7 Delphi Col,,,,,,, b:.,· w
#2100 Tauro U,..
#3108 Albos Col",""

J8 " b x 30 " fl ' x 15 " square baSI! .-- "

29 " 22" IV X II " square base )
#2103 Palali"Q Urn Lg
#2105 Corsini Urn
.2106 Ruderi Ur" 18" b x 20 " If' .,. 10 " square base
.2107 GI(} Urn
X 11 " ." X 6 '" square baSI!
Shown in lIMESTONE (LS)
12108 Rlmilli Vrll 24 If IJ x 24 " It! .\: 14 If

33 " ,).Y 22 " '" ." 16 " square base
#2110 Riall,) Vr"
#2109 Ve"elo Vr'"
x 22 " U' "". 10 " Slilltu-e base
Showll in lAMP BLACK (LB)
#2111 Fr"",, Vr" 2S " b x 20" II ' X 10 " StJlwr'e b(lse
#2JJ2 Cbampagtle Urn 21" b x 24" III x 11" square base
Shown in SPANISH ClAY (SC)
Shown in COTI'O (Cf)

b .\' Jl}
in corro (CT)
Tusca" Tree Pot 3/ b "'. 38 " w i , N \ I #21/6 Or."'''' Pot b w
#2113 MQlUlco r,'ee Pot Xlg
#2114 A1Q1IDCO Tree Pot Lg
x 31 " III
Ale/og,oano Pot b:\: 36 " w

Glrn POI 24 " ')x31 " U'
Shown in SPM'1SH ClAY (SC)
Qmldro Pedestal 41"bx square base

#2123 Mo.1aio Grande 18 H bx2S "w
#1067 FOlllmm C(Ip raitl 3S" b ;\" 23" II! Sboll''' ",itb GI·IO Let'e,' Wale.' Spou , soM separalely
#2119 BoItlnl Urn 20 " b.," 17 " "'.l: II " sq'U1n! base
COII"vmi JUorlllr S"bxIZ"w
Cestb,i Ur" IS " b x 14 " II! .,. 12 " rou"d base
10 " b:x 18 " UJ .1." 2S" I
#2124 Mortalo Allilco 14 " b x 24" UJ
#2121 Elrm.co J1m1ar
Shown in UMESTONE (LS)
#2125 Morla/o Veccbio Irh.,·15"w.,·24 " f
Morta/o TOlldo
#2126 Qmulro Tmugh

Sho ll '" I " CO H O (0)
tlZIZ!J Rosella S£/um-e Pim,te,- Lg. 25 " b \' 26 " w
Sbown hI COlTO (CIJ

#2 130 Rosella Square Plallte,- Sill.
" b .\" 22 " LV

ShollJn in COTTO (cr)
#2 135 Festa Pot Sm.
#2137 P,lIazzo Ducale Urn wllb Lid
41" b x 34 " If.' at rams ' beads :..: 19 " square base

ShoUl" in ANTICO (AN)
#2136 Palazzo An'IP'orl Urn
42" h x 36" w at lion beads 23" IV opening al top 17 " round base
Show" In C017O(CI)
#3115 Primavera Pedestal
27" b x 26" W \: 27'"
#3114 Palazzo A"tI"ari Pedes/til 31 " bxI7 " diameter lOp 20 " diameter botlom
SbOIl:1I ill
C0110(Cl) '2138 A,IIi"m-i UI-"
35 " b x 36" II' (Elliott be(fils
IIJ ope,,;tt8 lit top 17" romu[ blt.''ie

AntillOri Ped(>sltd 31"bxI7" dltln,eler lOp 20" dllll"eler bollom
#2139 Ducale Urll
30 " b x 34 " w al '"(Ems ' beads
26 " W opeltirlg al lOp 19 " sqllm"e b(Ese
P,j,,",,'era Pedestal
27" b _\." 26" III x 21 " 1
#3114 Palazzo
Sbowlt ill ANTICO (AN)

26˝hx26˝wx13˝ squarebase
EstatePedatsal 35˝hx21˝w
55˝hx29˝w 15˝x26ovalbase
RomeoPedatsal 14˝hx32˝lx19˝woval
Shownin ANTICO(AN)
VillaDoriaUrn 24˝hx24˝wx14˝ squarebase
DoriaPedatsal 39˝hx21˝w

CarolandsUrn 25˝hx30˝wx26˝ squarebase
VeronaPedatsal 28˝hx27˝w
# 2141 MOrtilio FiOl'i O VIII Pot 12 " IJ.\." 27 " I x 14 " tv
#2142 M0I1aio FiOl'; Roulld Pot 12 " IJ x 24 " diameter
#2143 MortaioAllelio Oval Pot 12"bx27 " lxI6 " w

#2140 Caro/mlffs UI ' " h x 30" tv X 14 " .'u/uare bllse
Showll ill corro (CT)
#2076 Regh'" 01' " 22 " b x24 " w xII " sfJllare base
Show" ill LIMESTONE (IS)
#2015 lmpero Ur"
3 0 " h ,,,. 28 " IV x 14 " square base
Shown ill LlMES1VNE (LS)
120 lmpero Pede.dill 24" IJ x 24 " w
Carolmld."i Pedestal 18 " bxI 7" w
122 Regltw Pede."ila[ J6 " IJxI6 " w
Shown ill LIMESTONE (LS)
Ca mpo d e' Flo,",
2 0 Hh x 27" w
"2144 AdeU"e Alaide"s
P/aPli er JkJx with L egs 25 " /) 10 " w _,. 27 H /

Hm-; Pot 20" b x 27" w
#2 147
#2 145 Adelhte Mll/dem. P/ewlel' Box
h 10 " w x 27" /
Show" ill corro (cr) Sholl'" ;11 co rro (cr)
#2146 CllWjJO de' Fiori Pfemte l2S" h .\' 36" w
#8()()4 Monke) ' with D,.,,,,, 23 " I) x 12 " W ,\. S£I,uu'e base

/1557 Florellli"e Garde" RimelJ
5/)o"", in COTTO (cr)
#8005 Mo"key with Cymbals 23 " b x 13" W.Y 10 " sqll(lre luu.e
Sbo//II/ ill RUSTICO (NS)
#21490111 ' £/ U I' " 42 " I) .\' 36 " III
Show" ;,. C01TO (cr)
#2150 O/i/lt/ Phmler 20" b x 36" W

lS " bx67" / y}4 " w
#2156 Sallta Iller Pla/ller Box
#2157 Sattta lI.ez P/QI,'er Box wltb legs 3rbx67 " I.y14 " w
#416 Acantbus gazing globe stand b x top x 12 " square bottom
sbown wltb soap bubble gazing globe #407-G

#2161 Alldllze Pol
Sboum In conu (CIJ
#416 Acanthus gazitlg globe stand
29 " h .Y 9 " top x 12 " square bottom
S/JollJtl with sliver gazltlg globe 11407-G
Shown In LlMES1UNE (LS) 112158 Sovana Urtl square base
#2159 Tree Tnmk Planter 26" L .v I3 " w.yll " h
Sbown In ANTICO (AN)
Sbown III COTTO (CT) #2160Alfduze Pot £g.


SquareContempoPot 22˝hx26˝wx14˝wbase #2176
17˝hx32˝lx12˝w #2177
ChannelSquarePot 17˝hx17˝wx12˝dtop #2178

Shownin COTTO(CT)

Shownin COTTO(CT)

Shownin COTTO(CT)


Shownin COTTO(CT)
HorsePedestal 16˝hx29˝lx14˝w

16˝hx9˝diameterball 10˝roundbase

46˝hx11˝roundtop 14˝squarebottom


DeepBowlXL 19˝hx40˝w

#2207 DeepBowlLG 16˝hx33˝w #2208 DeepBowlMD 13˝hx27˝w #2212 DeepBowl withbaseMD 13˝hx27˝w #2209 DeepBowlSM 10˝hx22˝w #2213 DeepBowl withbaseSM 10˝hx22˝w

DeepBowlwithbaseXL 29˝hx40˝w

DeepBowlwithbaseLG 16˝hx33˝w

ShallowBowlLG 9˝hx34˝w
ShallowBowlXL 13˝hx39˝w
Shownin ANTICO(AN)
ShallowBowlSM 5˝hx22˝w
ShallowBowl withbaseXL 13˝hx39˝w
ShallowBowlMD 7˝hx27˝w

ShallowBowl withbaseLG 9˝hx34˝w
Shownin ANTICO(AN)
ShallowBowl withbaseMD 7˝hx27˝w
ShallowBowl withbaseSM 5˝hx22˝w

Shownin VINTAGE(VT) #2231 SquareTreeplanterLG

Rectangularplanter boxLG 12˝hx56˝lx14˝w
#2235 LuccaUrn 42˝hx32˝w

#2238 AngeliUrn 29˝hx23˝w
#2239 TorinoUrn 20˝hx21˝w
#2236 ArtenaUrn 26˝hx22˝w

Shownin ANTICO(AN)
#2240 NapoliUrn 21˝hx25˝w
#2237 VeronaUrn 29˝hx19˝w

Shownin ANTICO(AN)
#2241 AcanthusUrn 21˝hx25˝w

Shown in Vintage (VT)

#2294 Ferrone Planter Large
25”H x 31”W
#2295 Ferrone Planter Small 22”H x 25”W

#2296 Fleur de Lis Planter Large
25”H x 31”W
Shown in Antico (AN)
#2298 Pietrasanta Urn
50”H x 31”W x 20”Base Shown in Natural (NAT)
#2297 Fleur de Lis Planter Small 22”H x 25”W

#3121 Carolands Pedestal
18”H x 17”W
#2299 Orvieto Urn
24”H x 27”W x 12” Base Shown in Verona (VR) Finish

#3105 Palazzo Pedestal
29”H x 23”W Shown in Natural (NAT) © 1993-2015
#2300 Spoleto Urn
#2301 Foligno Urn
24”H x 28”W x 12” Dia. Base Shown in French Limestone (FL)
28”H x 22”W x 14” Dia Base Shown in Verona (VR)

#2302 Grand Anduze Pot
39”H x 34”W x 21” Dia Base Shown in French Limestone (FL)
#2303 Anduze Coupe
23”H x 28”W x 14” Dia Base Shown in Verona (VR)
#3121 Carolands Pedestal
18”H x 17”W

#2304 Vitis Urn
32”H x 30”W x 13” Sq. Base
Shown in Cotto (CT)
Vitis Base
31”H x 16”W
#2305 Fascea
Urn Large
41”H x 25”W x 16” Square Base

#2306 Fascea Urn Small
31”H x 20”W x 13” Square Base
Shown in French Limestone (FL) Finish

#2307 Planum Urn Large
39”H x 20”W x 16” Round Base
#2308 Planum
Urn Small
31”H x 19”W x 13” Round Base

#2309 Floraison Urn
32”H x 31”W x 20” Round Base
#2311 Succulent Planter Round 10”H x 32”W
#2310 Volute Urn 36”H x 22”W x 17” Round Base
#2312 Succulent Planter Square 9”H x 27” Square Shown

#2313 Succulent Planter Box 10”H x 48”L x 16”W Shown in Natural (NAT) Finish
Shown in Patina (PT) Finish

Anduze de Lys Pot Medium
27”H x 24”W x 13” Dia Base
Anduze de Lys Pot Large 33”H x 29”W x 17” Dia Base
Shown in Viellis (VS) Finish
Shown in Brownstone (BS) Finish

Shown in Limestone (LS) Finish
#2317 Anduze de Lys Pot Small
24”H x 19”W x 12” Dia Base
#2318 Regal de Lys Urn
27”H x 24”W x 11” Sq. Base
#2319 Coupe de Lys Pot
23”H x 28”W x 14” Dia. Base
#2320 Chantal Urn
40”H x 25”W x 17” Sq. Base
Shown in French Limestone (FL) Finish

Shown in Antico (AN) Finish
#2321 Chantal Urn Medium
32”H x 20”W x 14” Sq. Base

#2314 Grand Anduze de Lys Pot
39””H x 34”W x 21” Dia Base

Shown in Antico (AN) Finish
© 1993-2015
#2322 Vaso Ottaganale Large
34”H x 31”W x 17” Sq. Base
#2323 Vaso Ottaganale Medium 24”H x 25”W x 15” Sq. Base
Retro Convertible Car Planters

#2324 Fiat 500
12”H x 12”W x 26” L
23”H x 32”W
#2325 VW Bug 12”H x 12”W x 26”L
Shown in French Limestone (FL) Finish
#2326 Porsche
10”H x 12”W x 26”L

16”H x 18”W
#2328 Corona Planter Large
25”H x 28”W
21”H x 23”W
#2327 Corona Planter XL
#2330 Corona Planter Small
#2329 Corona Planter Medium
#2331 Lisse Planter Large
28”H x 27”W

Shown in Antico (AN) Finish
© 1993-2015
#2333 Lisse Planter Small
19”H x 20”W
#2332 Lisse Planter Medium
24”H x 23”W
#8122 Amorini Cupid Statue
43”H x15”W

#3112 Simplice
16”H x 16”W

Ashford De Lis
Planter XL
25”H x 25”W x 20” Sq. Base

Shown in Verona (VR) Finish
Ashford De Lis
Planter Large
20”H x 20”W x 16” Sq. Base

#1710 Tribus Wall Ftn
38”H x 34”W x 17”D
Shown in French Limestone (FL) Finish
Shown in French Limestone (FL) Finish

#2344 Hexa Anduze Pot Large
23”H x 25”W
#2345 Hexa Anduze Pot Medium
16”H x 16”W
#2346 Abilene Square Pot
20”H x 18”W

#2347 Abilene Square
Medium 17”H x 15”W
Shown in Verona (VR) Finish

#2349 Abilene Round Pot
17”H x 17”W

#2348 Abilene Round Pot Large
20”H x 21”W

#2350 Abilene Planter
20”H x 37”W x 18”D
#2351 Abilene Planter Medium
17”H x 32”W x 14”D
70IJ O,,{'Io C ku 28" " Jt Mi "
#() R -8OC Ore'o QQss l oo n..S CQJf" 33 " b X 2S " If'

14"'or(l Na/X)/etnrf(l p Ob x23 " '" #AN ?OC
A1ifQrn Napo l e lnrrn T.(I"X" 36" b x ZIj " III -oR.6OA Ordo a...nko TOK• .-oS-sI 27 bx23
I 'u$o OrinIO Usda X4arge 25 " b.'It 12" ut "I'F-6OlJ ' 0 0rVI1O FrSlOltDlo Aledl"," b Jt 2. ·If #W- 1OC 0 OrlMIo Fr6lOffM" larxe 11 " " x 21" "'1"·800 0 OriIIIo FefJOffmo X·u.rge "".It " .,. "AN-8OC
A1iforn Llseln £"'11'" 32 " b ;"24 " ,,, "A LG 85 Alfforn Le Gn udt! 33 " b .Y 20 " III #AN·8QC A ll/ora L r Gaud Large 47 " b."I: 27· III