Giannini Statuary, Animals, Bases, Wall Ornaments, and other Garden Accessories.

Page 1

Shownin ANTICO (AN)

Shownin ANTICO(AN)

Shownin ANTICO(AN)

Shownin ANTICO(AN)

Shownin ANTICO(AN)

#8107 TangHorse 17˝hx12˝w #8108 AsianHorse 15˝hx18˝w

#8109 ChineseWarHorse 23˝hx21˝w

Shownin ANTICO(AN)

Shownin ANTICO(AN)

#8077 QuanYenBust 31˝hx17˝w #8110 KoiLGPlumbed 21˝hx16˝w


KoiSMPlumbed 16˝hx13˝w #8112 BuddhaHeadPlaque 9˝hx7˝w

#8080 ChineseGod ofLongevity 18˝hx8˝w

#8079 ChineseGod ofProsperity 20˝hx10˝w

#8119 ChineseGod ofHappiness 18˝hx8˝w

#8120 LargeBuddha Head 29˝hx20˝w

#8082 Meditating QuanYen 22˝hx14˝w

#8083 Lotus Buddha 19˝hx17˝w

#8081 Ohm Buddha 17˝hx13˝w

#8084 Buddha onRock 20˝hx15˝w


#502 Gri.ffen Bench 39 " 1.\' III x 16" h
#352 VCllice Col"",,, 1 7 " bxJl " w
#363 Leone Flore,lIlno
''' 1 x 8 " H I X 10" b
#550 Sm,d [JoUar 20 " w
/1350 MIIfIft'II
#35 3 Olympus &ue
#505 Mediterranean Garden Seat b:c 25 " w
#35 4 Orllato Base 19" bxI 4" w
#348 Colm"" Capital Pot Siand Lg 6 " IJ Y 10" ttl
#349 Column CApital Pol $land S", ....
Jt 8 " II'
#551 Oak Le af 16 " til
#554 Lily Pad w / Frog
#402 Classlco Bird &lIb 31 " b;l,' 20 " UI
#423 51. Francis Pel Waterer
" b x IS " w
#404 GerVera Flower Bird &ttb 2S " b x 26 " 11)
#292 Pulll Bird
#401 SheU Blrdbatb
Classlco Bird &ltb lo/Blrd 31 " b ,· 20 " III
#415 FramPffftllo Gazing GIoIM Stluui
" b x 12"."
#411 TrtwerllnQ Gazing Globe Stand
#406 Gerbera Gazing Globe Slat,d 24 " I)

#428 ACQr" Bird &db 22 "b x

#429 Oliva Bird Batb 26 "b .'\" 20 "w Shown in SANDSTONE (ST) Shown in SANDSTONE (ST)

1435 Dtifne Bird Bath 27 "b x Shown in ANllCO (AN)

#436 Garden Bird Balb ttt.JS. 2,, "bxZ(J"u' .Shown in SPANISH ClAY (SC)

#430 labyritltb Bi,yJ Batb 24 "b:\' Shown in lAMP BlACK (1.8)

30"b X 19 "111 Shown in COTIO(Cf)

#431 MOS(lic Bird Billl) 23 "1) x 20"", Shown in UJ\tESTONE OS)

#437 Deco Blrtl &,11)

29"h-'.'Z4 " w Shown in NATURAL (N)

#433 Octo Bird Batb IJ "b.T 17 "w Shown in ANTICO (AN)

#434sb Set (3) bmld puitllell resill birds Made in Italy. Available for all bil'd baths. Specify wbell or(lerb'g.

#3077 Draped Pedestal

Gtuhtg Globe Ring

#3080 Small Lamp
Cupid Angel
Globe Rb.g
7" 141 #847 S,tulll Buddba 9"b
Medium B"ddba lO " b '3081 carulk Htllder
#845 Large Bllddbt,
#3082 Acallilm s COlllntll Tall
'3084 Bre"t" &Ise TIIIJ 21 "b.\':
#3 083 A c antbus Cohm", Sbort #3085 Brent" Base Short 18 "b x 17"b:t,
1fi3022 Pilleapple FI1Ieal
'3O<.J{J Leolle Bnse 21 "b.T 19 "w
#3086 Ram Base .T 13 "w
#3 088 Bolticelli &lse 12 "b.T 13 "w
.3091 Fillted Pedestal 23 "b x 19 "w
'3087 Victoria" Base 21 "b x 13 "w
.3089 Athens Col"",n ,T 14 "w
.3023 Verol/a Finelli lrbx9"w
#3024 Cbelsell
#3092 Foglia COllso/e .\.' 49 H l -" 15 "",
#524 Gim-ditlQ Bench 18"h x 49 "1 xIS "",
#426 Ver01t11 2 Birds 31"1) x 21"w

-Re·MI!-Cberub Face Plaqlle

b.'I: 32 " ",

#3039 Cbe,."b CorlJel
113017 Boccel Verlla
#364 Vestt/I Da"ce Plaque
#3014 IIflcbel(mgelo Iff/gels Plaque
b 46 " II'
#3038 Ovtll Floro PIt/que
" b x 24 " /I)
#3015 Summe,. At/gel Relief
" b.'I: 13 " /I)
"3016Augel (/tid Tob/tls Pltlque 20 " b." 17 " w IJo

'347 Angel Wings P[IIque I :r: 5 " b , "391 Cbe""b Over Door 39 " lx12 " 1J '318 Allgel Head '3/5 A"gel 9 " b x III "339 Allsel I1etul SIJe/f He(ui

#361 French Angel 9 " /",5 " 10

#31Z A/Igeltleild #341 AIIIII Shelf 91.1).'9 w 6 " b;\"j " w S " bx6" w 7 " b.,,6" w "316 Allge/ Head 7 " b x 6 " UJ "319 Angelllfof)'

Wnler Plaque S " h:..' JI " u ' '313 Milll Allge/ lleEld 4 " b.'!( 4 " II' \ ) '396 Chariot {$, Roses Allgel Plaque 8 " b x 14 " w

Fleur de Lis 6 " h.\'" 3 " w #362 Frellc/J Allge/ 9 " '.'1: ' '' w "312 Milli Allgel Head4 " b.'l:4 " w "314 Mill/Do"ble Allge' Helld 4 " 1,"5 " w '311 Angel Holy Willer 6 " b x 6 " lU "345 Baroque Allge' Pockel 19 " b \' 13 " til

Baruqllf! Angel Over Door

> #338 Angel RaJael Shelf 7 " b .\' 8 " III

Winged A"sel Shelf? " b \'11 " IV '31OAIIgei Rulli - Plaque (S",)


#392 Allgel ("../H 13"b

Allsel C/H 13" b

Angel OH b #367 Willdblou ' lf Allgel Down 9 M /J .l( 9 " w #381 Ang"[ C/1l13 " b #368 Wlnilblown Aligel Up 11"bx9 " w

#412 Angel Gabriel GlobeSla1Ul18 " b #378 RusliCQ C/H TaU J2"b

#369 PraylllS Allgel13 " b x 9 " ",


#3094 IOllic ec,p 6 " { '3095 Fluted Se c tion { '3096 Fillted Sec:tioll 12" ,J { '3098 Sqr. BlIse 7 "

Fluted Section 24 "

'848 Roar/ug Lion
"b x 28"1 x 12"w
/1851 Entra"ce Lltm
#856 Cherubini Arl/ftlcl x 20 "w
x 9 "1 x 8 "w #852 Flrenze lion 22 "b x 13'" x !rw
#853 Firenze LIoN 22"b .\' 13 " I." 9 "",
' 849 Ro(,rlng Lion
'854 Giglio Lloll /6
'855 Giglio Llo"
#643 PadOI' IHlO Rooster I) .\' 22 '"
#629 Pig fI ' lth Piglet
#624 Bow B",,,,y
#641 Pig
#625 Carro' Blln,,)'
#627 Lop BIIIlIly
Rabbit Planter
#628 Paws Up BunllY
#642 E"glislJ Hedgehog
#636 L(m8 Earell Bum,y
#630 Iledgehog
#638 B"""y
#640 SleepillS Bunny
#637 Large BIIIlIly ResUltg

Shownin COTTO(CT) Shownin VINTAGE(VT)

'3102 Flllte(1 Col""", 86 "/) x lO "top :1( 14 " sq base

#874 Nlke dl Samolrace

6O "b .'" 36 "w wblgs

#875 ScmlOtrllce Coil""" 33"b.\" 17 "w


93 "b x 19 "UlIOP .'" 14 " sq bm.e


#88/ VergogllEl Slallte 49 " b x 15 " III x 13 " '"Olmd base


CAlO[N OlNAMEN TS IN C #882 Coil/aditIO Stu/lie (/2 " UJ.": 16 '" base)





COIllllry Rilile Gilrde1ler

" b :I.' 15 " w ).' 10 " sq"tlt'f! bllse

Shown In COlTO (CO

4 " h ," 15 " w

" IV x 10 " I base)

" b x IS " IV."I: 10" square base

" b ,\' IS " til).' Square

" b xIS " w:x 10" ,"q"are llase

" b x 15"111

" W:I.' 10 " I base)

" bxI5 " w

" UI " 10 " 1 base)

" W .\' IO NI

#886 Com,'ry Shovel Gardener
#811 Slag/on/ Pedeslal
" bx 10" ",
#887 Happy Gllrde" Troll
#3088 Boltlcelll Base
b:l.' 13" '"
#884 eo""try S)'c1e Gllrdetler
#885 CoIIl/lry Hoe Gardener
#888 Festive Garden Troll
#889 Corn"copia Gardell Troll
Shown in COTTO (CT)
'890 Rose Gllrden Troll



29 " b." 24 " w 18" ro,,,,d b"se



#891 Rtlbblt Ptlrlll G irl
11893 Wbeelb"rrolf' Girl
h .\' 13 " w (21 '" .\' w b"se)
#892 Chicke" Ptlrlll Girl
" h x U/ 15 " rol",d base
#894 WIJeelbartY)w OOJ I 36" b ,\' 16 " III (21 '" .Y 9 " w base)

#895 Pig Farm Girl

3 1 " b x 20 " U ' x 16" round base

'" x 15 " IV

#897 BIYj/ber tlntl Sisler on BeNcb &1

" b l: J I " lxI 4 " w #l96 Pig Fa"" Boy

Shown in COlTO (CT)

#867 Boy Oldy 25 "b ,'
#865 Boy on Benc b 25 "b y IS "",
All Shown in LAMP BLACK ( LB)
#864 Kids Oil Bellcb (Set) 25 "b .,' 29 "1 ., ' IS "",
1868 Girl Ollly
"b " 16"111
' 866 Girl Oil Bencb

#3106 MeranoPedestal

36˝hx18˝wx18˝ squarebase


WindGoddess 61˝hx21˝w 15˝roundbase


GoddessPedestal 17˝hx15˝w


GrapeHarvestStatue 59˝hx26˝w 16˝roundbase


SimplicePedestal 16˝hx16˝w


ThreeGracesStatue 41˝hx18˝w 12˝dx22˝base


Shownin ANTICO(AN)


#8092 Borghese Bust


#8097 DavidTorso


#3071 Donatello Column


#8093 ApolloBust 24˝hx13˝w

#3107 Delphi Column 39˝h x 8˝w

#8095 Discus Thrower Bust 24˝h x 18˝w


CanovaLionwithCrossed Paws 28˝hx50˝lx17˝wbase


#3124 Fluted Column 47˝h x 12˝w

#8094 DianaBust 24˝hx12˝w

Shownin ANTICO (AN)

#8096 ClassicBust 26˝hx15˝w

#3108 Athos Column


#3071 Donatello Column 35˝hx11˝w

#3161 FlutedColumn 29˝hx13˝w


CanovaLionwithBentPaw 28˝hx50˝lx17˝wbase







60˝h 18˝wx18˝squarebase



60˝h 17˝roundbase


Rosina 63˝h 17˝roundbase


ill corro (cr)

#3128 Rose Cohmrn


CorinthianGardenTableortablebase 30˝hx28˝w


CorinthianGardenConsoleTable 30˝hx28˝wx14˝d

Shownin ANTICO(AN)


CorinthianTableortablebase 29˝hx17˝w


LeafTableBaseorGardenTable 29˝hx22˝w

#3168 SquareAcanthusTableBase orGardenTable 29˝hx18˝w


LeafCapitalBaseorGarden endtable 18˝hx21˝w

Shownin ANTICO(AN)


SquareAcanthus CapitalBase orendtable 14˝hx18˝w


ClassicCapitalTableBase orGardenTable 29˝hx18˝w


ClassicCapitalBase orGardenEndTable 18˝hx18˝w


AcanthusCapitalBase orGardenEndTable 16˝hx22˝w

#3175 IonicCapital Only 19˝wx9˝w


FlutedColumn BottomSection 38 1/2˝hx14˝w

Shownin ANTICO(AN)

#3174 AntiqueCapital 13˝hx16˝w

#3173 IonicPedestal 18˝hx16˝w

#3178 FlutedCapless Column 44˝hx10˝w


#3180 FlutedTableBase 30˝hx17˝w

IonicCapital 4 1/2˝hx14˝w

#3182 FlowerVine Column 47˝hx10˝w

#3183 IonicColumn 48˝hx10˝w

#3185 RoundCorinthian Baseor GardenTable 16˝hx15˝wtop 21˝wbottom

Shownin VINTAGE (VT)

#3184 GarlandColumn 28˝hx14˝w

Shownin ANTICO(AN)

#3192 Square Corinthian Base


Shownin ANTICO(AN)

ManeraColumn 45˝hx8˝w

#3195 GothicArchBase 27˝hx9˝w

#2255 VestalDancePot orUmbrellaStand 17˝hx9˝w

#8120 RomanSoldier 36˝hx12˝w


#872 PostBallXLG

31˝hx14˝w x13˝wsquarebase

#873 FruitBasketXLG 33˝hx20˝wx9˝wsquarebase

#3198 Carvedfinial 32˝hx15˝w x12˝wsquarebase

#3197 Ramand Garlandfinial 35˝hx19˝w x12˝wsquarebase #3196 GardenUrn withhandles 29˝hx24˝w x12˝wsquarebase



GothicArchNicheFragment 3pieces

GothicArchWindow 2pieces

GothicArchFragment 2pieces

ShowninVINTAGE (VT) Shownin

ChurchArchFragment 3pieces


#3245 PiecePipeChief 38˝h

Shownin COTTO(CT)

#3246 IndianChief 61˝h #3247 SquawwithBaby 54˝h

#3248 CherokeeChief 39˝h

#3249 Wise IndianChief 18˝h

#8048 LadyofGuadalupe 26˝hx11˝w

#8049 MadonnaandChild 25˝hx8˝w

#8050 SacredHeartofMary 24˝hx8˝w #8051 WoodcutMary 25˝hx8˝w

#8052 SacredHeart ofJesus 26˝hx9˝w #8053 St.JosephCarpenter 23˝hx6˝w #8054 St.Anthony 18˝hx5˝w #8117 JesusBust 17˝hx12˝w


#8123 Delfino (Plumbed for Fountain)
47”H x 20”W x 32”D
19”W x 24”D Base

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