Gibbes Museum of Art Annual Report 2019

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2018 | 2019 ANNUAL REPORT

J U LY 2 0 1 8 – J U N E 2 0 1 9


the Gibbes staff ADMINISTRATION Angela Mack, Executive Director & Chief Curator


DEVELOPMENT Jennifer Ross, Director of Development Wendi Ammons, Development Manager & Board Liaison Jena Clem, Director of Special Events Katie Borges, Special Events Manager Tommy Sanders, Membership & Development Coordinator FINANCE Courtney Soler, Director of Finance & Administration

Carla Kinnett, Accounting Manager



Erin Bennett Banks, Creative Director

Sara Arnold, Director of Curatorial Affairs Amanda Breen, Assistant Curator Pam Wall, Exhibitions Consultant PUBLIC PROGRAMS & EDUCATION Lasley Steever, Director of Programs & Digital Engagement Becca Hiester, Associate Curator of Education Chase Quinn, Program and Tour Coordinator MEDIA Lou Hammond Group

VISITOR SERVICES Erin Nathanson, Contemporary Initiatives and Visitor Engagement Trish Thacker-Riggs, Visitor Services Coordinator Lydia Brown, Visitor Services Assistant Matthew Timbes, Visitor Services Assistant COLLECTIONS ADMINISTRATIONS & OPERATIONS Zinnia Willits, Director of Collections & Operations

Greg Jenkins, Operations Manager & Chief Preparator Chris Pelletier, Art Handler & Preparator Clarence Kelly, Chief of Security Morgan Clement, Security & Emergency Management Kenneth Dilligard, Security Eddie Doctor, Security Gladys Keitt, Security Ryan Smith, Security

EDITOR | Jennifer Ross DESIGN | Erin Banks GIBBES MUSEUM OF ART 135 Meeting Street, Charleston, SC 29401 843.722.2706

Letter from the Directors T H I S PA S T 2 0 1 8 – 1 9 Y E A R , T H E B O A R D O F D I R E C T O R S A N D S TA F F O F T H E G I B B E S H AV E B E E N F U L LY C O M M I T T E D to developing robust community partnerships with small businesses, major corporations, and nonprofits. Key goals included in the Gibbes 10-year Strategic Plan identify the important needs of achieving “recognition as the hub for the creative arts that drives economic development in Charleston” and “makes the Gibbes inviting and accessible to all.” We believe that collaboration is the key to this outcome, and at the heart of all that we do. The following pages reflect a deep level of engagement with our peer organizations and a spirit of generosity that continues to help us advance the visual arts here in Charleston. Whether partnering through the support of an exhibition or an educational program, these organizations help to broaden the Gibbes’ impact not only in Charleston, but throughout the region. It is our continued mantra that “art is the reason.” While the visual arts can be aesthetically engaging, they can also provide the safe space for challenging discourse. This past year, our peer institutions helped us considerably in our commitment to reaching more culturally and racially diverse audiences with our events, exhibits and programs. While we have made great strides toward achieving our 10-year strategic plan goals through the established guiding themes of conservation and the environment; social justice; health and wellness; and innovation, we realize that we still have much more to do. Our future successes depend on the continued deepening of existing partnerships and the establishment of new ones. Through professional development opportunities that help us move conversations addressing equity and inclusion forward, the Gibbes board and staff remain committed to opening ourselves up to the community around us. To all of our partners, supporters, and collaborators, thank you! We will continue our own journey of growth as we advance creativity and artistic accomplishment. Through your unwavering support, we will achieve new heights of relevance and excellence for the residents and visitors of Charleston.


COVER IMAGE | Joseph Rogero TOP LEFT | JB McCabe BOTTOM LEFT | MCG Photography ABOVE | MCG Photography, Carolina Photosmith

ANGELA D. MACK Executive Director


MCG Photography

the Gibbes 10-Year Strategic Plan 2018–2028

revised September 2019

T H E G OA L S AS THE GIBBES FACES NEW AND CHALLENGING REALITIES, the Board and staff must work to develop programs and initiatives that maintain the integrity of the collection, encourage exhibition and education programs, foster community support, and generate revenue. To facilitate the identification of the goals, five focus areas were established. They are (i) Collections and Exhibitions, (ii) Creators, (iii) Connections, (iv) Constituencies, and (v) Contributions and Commercial Success. Under each focus area the Strategic Planning Committee identified goals for the 10-Year Plan (2028) to best serve the membership and strengthen the organization. To continually provide high-caliber experiences, our goals are to: 1. refine the quality of the Gibbes Collection and enhance the significance of the exhibitions; 2. deliver a museum experience that nurtures understanding from artistic conception to completed object; 3. achieve recognition as the hub for the creative arts that drive economic development in Charleston; 4. make the Gibbes inviting and accessible to all; 5. ensure stability and growth through robust business and development models.

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the Strategies STRATEGIES ARE WAYS BY WHICH TO ACHIEVE THE 2028 GOALS OF THE GIBBES. Each of the four strategies presented below are followed by an explanation of what constitutes success and initiatives to address each strategy.

S T R AT E G Y 1

Optimize our value by exhibiting the highest quality art that is transformative and intellectually complex. Update and reorganize the Gibbes Collections Profile thematically such as African-American, Contemporary, and Decorative art.

I N I T I AT I V E 1 :

I N I T I AT I V E 2 : Establish content themes for future exhibitions and programming that touch Charleston while connecting the Gibbes to the wider world of artists and museums.

Incorporate exhibition planning strategies into a regular meeting of the Collections and Exhibitions Committee.

I N I T I AT I V E 3 :

S T R AT E G Y 2

Develop and promote a museum experience that begins with the creative process. I N I T I AT I V E : Re-align and balance creative opportunities

from a focus on the traditional museum experience to actually conveying the unexpected experience that the renovated Gibbes delivers.

S T R AT E G Y 3

Deliver educational programs that incorporate art and employ interdisciplinary learning strategies. Determine how art impacts learning and well-being;

I N I T I AT I V E 1 :

S T R AT E G Y 4

Operate in a continuous development campaign mode. Strategic upgrade of the development function.

I N I T I AT I V E 1 :

I N I T I AT I V E 2 : Implement an endowment fundraising strategy that mirrors the exhibition and programing content themes of Conservation and the Environment, Social Justice, Health and Wellness, and Innovation.

I N I T I AT I V E 2 : Measure effectiveness of current education programs;

I N I T I AT I V E 3 :

Use technology to develop tools that make the museum experience and museum programs more accessible;

I N I T I AT I V E 4 : Develop creative incentives and membership drives to increase membership.

I N I T I AT I V E 3 :

I N I T I AT I V E 4 : Finalize formal relationship with MUSC; Develop formal relationships with more community partners providing complementary programming (Citadel, College of Charleston, Metanoia, Charleston Jazz, for example).

Implement the $800,000 matching gift campaign.

I N I T I AT I V E 5 : Utilize Gibbes Emeriti and Planned Giving Committees to increase awareness and participation in the James Shoolbred Legacy Society.

CHARLE STON 350 In 2020, the City of Charleston will commemorate the 350th anniversary of the historic founding at Charles Towne (1670) by engaging the community and the state of South Carolina to honor the city’s rich heritage,

unique customs, and diverse cultures in a manner that examines the past and present, setting the course for its future as a 21st century global city. The Gibbes will participate in the celebrations through its annual GIBBES ON THE STREET PARTY focusing on the connections between Charleston and Barbados; by

presenting the story of Omar Ibn Said through an installation by FRED WILSON in conjunction with his exhibition Afro Kismet, on view May 15 – October 4, 2020; and by collaborating with Charleston Jazz for our summer ART OF JAZZ series which will celebrate the genre’s strong ties to Charleston.

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Optimize the Gibbes value by exhibiting the highest quality art that is transformative and intellectually complex.

IMAGE CREDITS Top row from left: Rock, Hard, Place (detail), 2012, by Kate Gilmore (American, b. 1975); Video projection; Dimensions variable; Courtesy of the artist and David Castillo Gallery Demerara, 1924, by Anna Heyward Taylor (American, 1879–1956); Woodblock print on paper; Gift of the artist; 1953.007.0029 Bottom row from left: Desavaradi ragini (a female personification of a musical mode), from a Ragamala, (literally, “garland of melody”); Ascribed to the painter Nisardi (Nasir al-Din, Nasiruddin); Opaque color on paper; India, Rajasthan, from Chavand in the former state of Mewar, dated 1605; Image courtesy of private collection Cobra Basket, 1983, by Mary Jackson (American, b. 1945); Sweetgrass and other native fibers; Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Wyrick, Jr. ; 2017.010.0002 Blue Boat on the Ste Anne, 1958, by Ogden M. Pleissner (American, 1905–1983); Watercolor on paper; 17 1/4 x 27 1/2 inches; Collection of Shelburne Museum, gift of Marion W.G. Pleissner; 1986-98.1 Lawdy Mama, 1969, by Barkley L. Hendricks (American, 1945 – 2017); Oil and gold leaf on canvas; 53 ¾ x 36 ¼ inches; The Studio Museum in Harlem; gift of Stuart Liebman, in memory of Joseph B. Liebman 1983.25

Exhibitions THE GIBBES STRIVES TO PRESENT EXHIBITIONS THAT TOUCH CHARLESTON while connecting the Gibbes to the wider world of artists and museums. The Gibbes presented 6 special exhibitions in 2019 guided by four programmatic themes: Conservation and the Environment Social Justice Health and Wellness, and Innovation. S E P T E M B E R 2 8 , 2 0 1 8 – JA N UA R Y 6 , 2 0 1 9

A Dark Place of Dreams: Louise Nevelson with Chakaia Booker, Lauren Fensterstock, and Kate Gilmore O C TO B E R 2 6 , 2 0 1 8 – F E B R UA R Y 1 7, 2 0 1 9

Charleston Collects: South Asian Art (Note: The Charleston Collects series features local fine art collections, and aims to connect Charleston to the wider world.) JA N UA R Y 1 8 – M AY 1 2 , 2 0 1 9

Anna Heyward Taylor: Intrepid Explorer JA N UA R Y 1 8 – M AY 1 2 , 2 0 1 9

Lying in Wait: Sporting Art by Ogden M. Pleissner F E B R UA R Y 2 5 – J U N E 1 6 , 2 0 1 9

New Acquisitions Featuring Works by African American Artists (Note: Over the last ten years, the Museum has made efforts to address weaknesses in the collection including an underrepresentation of works by African American artists. 23 of the 28 new acquisitions were featured in this show.) M AY 2 4 – AU G U S T 1 8 , 2 0 1 9

Black Refractions: Highlights from The Studio Museum in Harlem (Note: The Gibbes was one of only six venues in the country selected to host this monumental exhibition and the only one in the Southeast.)



Highest quality of art

Visitor Feedback A DARK PL ACE OF DRE AMS

“An amazing demonstration of how art evolves from one generation to the next!” “I love Louise Nevelson’s pieces—wish I could have seen her here (at the Gibbes) in 1983. I leave inspired!”


“Thank you, thank you, thank you for this beautiful exhibit. Breathtaking…”


“When I see exhibits of contemporary artist’s work I am always impressed by how many talented people there are with so many vital and important things to say – that is the case here. The African American experience includes many things and we need all of it.” “I was brought to tears. This is a wonderful exhibition. As a young black artist it is imperative to experience in person the works of other black artists.”


“I find myself vanishing into the paintings— they allow me to come inside and imagine myself in the scene. I greatly appreciate this museum and all the effort put into establishing it.”


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“From a fellow Charlestonian—so proud to see the museum in its current state! Classrooms impressive, galleries superb! All in all—perfection!” “I have loved miniatures all my life but this is my first opportunity to see them as a sizeable group! Thank you—they are even more lovely than I imagined!”


Mobile App

THE GIBBES IS GRATEFUL TO THE NUMEROUS DONORS AND COLLECTORS who make it possible for the Museum to acquire and exhibit the highest quality art. From 18th century miniature portraits by the King and Queen of England’s personal painter, Jeremiah Meyer, to contemporary landscapes by homegrown artists Jonathan Green and West Fraser—over the course of the year, the Gibbes added 7 new works to the permanent collection—5 works by gift, and 2 purchases.

IN THE FALL OF 2018, THE GIBBES LAUNCHED ITS FIRST EVER MOBILE APP. Featuring works from both the permanent collection and special exhibitions, the mobile app has allowed visitors the chance to dive deeper into the stories behind certain works of art. No longer confined to what can fit onto an object label in the galleries, the app has given curatorial staff the opportunity to share interesting stories of conservation, provenance, and artist insights with our members and guests. Content is continually added and updated with each new exhibition, and there is always something new to explore and learn!



Study for GrowFood Carolina Mural, 2011, by David Boatwright (American, b. 1947); Acrylic on paper; Anonymous gift; 2018.009

Ralph Izard, ca. 1774; by Jeremiah Meyer (British, 1735–1789); Watercolor on ivory; Museum purchase with Kammerer Funds; 2019.001.0001

Watermelon, 1973, by Miles B. Carpenter (American, 1889– 1985); Carved wood and paint; Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Wyrick, Jr.; 2018.010.0001


Root Snake, ca. 1970s, by Miles B. Carpenter (American, 1889–1985); Carved wood and paint; Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Wyrick, Jr.; 2018.010.0002 The Boat Men, 1985, by Jonathan Green (American, b. 1955); Oil on Masonite; Gift of Norman E. Pendergraft; 2019.002 ( T O P R I G H T I M A G E )

Mrs. Ralph Izard (Alice Delancy), ca. 1774, by Jeremiah Meyer (British, 1735–1789); Watercolor on ivory; Museum purchase with Kammerer Funds; 2019.001.0002



Download the Gibbes Museum App at to learn more about this piece.

Stretching for Sunshine, 2009, by West Fraser (American, b. 1955); Oil on canvas; Gift of Ann and Richard Fudge; 2019.003



SEMC Charleston S O U T H E A S T E R N M U S E U M S C O N F E R E N C E | O C TO B E R 2 1 –2 3 , 2 0 1 9 THE SOUTHEASTERN MUSEUMS CONFERENCE IS ONE OF THE LARGEST REGIONAL MUSEUM ASSOCIATIONS IN THE NATION, representing twelve states, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. SEMC serves all levels of museum professionals in primarily mid-size museums, including art, history, historic house/ sites, science/technology, military and maritime, natural history, and children’s/youth museums, as well as specialized interest museums.

SEMC DESIGN AWA R D S The Gibbes won 5 design awards in the 2018 and 2019 SEMC Publications Competitions: 2018 Annual Report |


2017 Annual Report |


Private Events Brochure BRONZE

Campaign for Black Refractions: Highlights from the Studio Museum in Harlem | B R O N Z E 2017 Strategic Planning Brochure | B R O N Z E

After two years of preparation, we welcomed a record-breaking attendance of over 800 museum professionals to the city of Charleston. Zinnia Willits, President of SEMC (and Director of Collections and Operations at the Gibbes) coordinated the Charleston-based conference, highlighted by “An Artful Evening” at the Gibbes and a full itinerary of events at other local museums and cultural institutions. Over 400 SEMC attendees visited the Gibbes for the Artful Evening planned by the Gibbes events team, Jena Clem and Katie Borges, featuring performances by the talented Ann Caldwell and the Magnolia Singers. Gibbes staff also had a strong presence in submitting proposals and leading sessions. Zinnia led the way as emcee for the awards luncheon and keynote speaker Walter Hood, landscape designer for the new International African American Museum. Zinnia also participated in several sessions including Conservation and Maintenance of Outdoor Sculpture Collections,


So You’re in Charge, Now What?, and Mid-Career Realities. Lasley Steever, Director of Programs & Digital Engagement, served on the Program Committee with Zinnia. Angela Mack, Executive Director & Chief Curator, board member David Cohen, and Strategic Planning Consultant Diane Culhane led a panel entitled Developing a Strategic Institutional Plan. Jen Ross, Director of Development, participated in a panel discussion entitled New Donors, New Audiences. Becca Hiester, Associate Curator of Education, moderated a panel called Anatomy of a Great Field Trip that brought together 5 educators including two CCSD teachers, one homeschool coordinator, one county-level coordinator and one museum educator to talk about what support and materials are needed to make field trips work for them. Morgan Clement, Security Officer for the Gibbes, participated in a session entitled Creating a Protective Environment for Today’s Museums. Erin Banks, Creative Director, coordinated the SEMC Publications Competition (along with Katie’s help during the jury process in June), which was highlighted during the Awards Luncheon on the last day of the conference. Erin also designed the logo and signage for the conference, as well as the SEMC Fun Run t-shirts! Zinnia, Lasley, and Erin also participated in last year’s 2018 SEMC Conference in Jackson, MS, leading sessions including Collaborating on Community-Wide Events, Rebranding the Gibbes, Mid-Career Management, and Abandoned Cultural Property. The Gibbes team is already looking forward to the 2020 SEMC Conference in Louisville, KY, although we are happy to take a break from coordinating the logistics!

LEFT PAGE IMAGES | Provided by Southeastern Museums Conference RIGHT PAGE | MCG Photography


Develop and promote a museum experience that begins with the creative process.

S T R AT E G Y T W O [ 9 ]


Unexpected museum experience

Visiting Artists 2018–2019 A L E X WA G G O N E R , painter and printmaker

A D A M E D DY, painter

C A R E Y M O R T O N , sculptor

K E N S M I T H , sculptor

H I R O N A M AT S U D A , mixed-media artist

T I M H U S S E Y, abstract painter

S T E P H E N E L L I O T T W E B B , painter

F L E T C H E R W I L L I A M S , multimedia artist

M A D A M E M A G A R , textile artist

M A R Y J A C K S O N , mixed-media artist

M A G G I E S PA C K M A N , textile artist

K R I S T Y B I S H O P, textile artist


IMAGES | MCG Photography and Sean Sheridan (bottom left image)

Visiting Artist Series THE VISITING ARTIST PROGRAM FEATURES 6 – 8 CONTEMPORARY ARTISTS ANNUALLY, whose work contributes to a new understanding of art in the South. Invitations are extended to emerging and nationally recognized artists whose work aligns with the Museum’s Collection Profile; whose work is in the Collection; or who have been identified as a finalist or winner of the 1858 Prize for Contemporary Southern Art.

IMAGES | MCG Photography

OPPORTUNITY FOR SOUTH CAROLINA ARTISTS Artists who currently reside in South Carolina can apply for a 4 – 6 week Visiting Artist session with a proposal introducing their current studio practice, artwork content, and type of project they would like to accomplish through a residency at the Gibbes Museum of Art. Applications are now accepted year-round and reviewed by a committee of Gibbes Museum of Art staff members and diverse arts professionals on a quarterly basis.


Amy P. Coy Forum & Prize Party 1858 Prize for Contemporary Southern Art 2018 WINNER LEO T WIGGS | SEPTEMBER 19, 2018 SOCIETY 1858 celebrated Dr. Leo Twiggs at the Amy P. Coy Forum and Prize Party on Wednesday, September 19, 2018. The sold-out event included inspiring remarks by Dr. Twiggs on the importance of being recognized by the 1858 Prize, and a conversation with Darla Moore of Artfields, Wim Roefs of 701 Center for Contemporary Art, Susie Surkamer of South Arts, and Angela Mack of the Gibbes—moderated by Harriett Green of SC Arts Commission— to share the collaborative efforts of the three organizations. Revival provided a delicious reception following the Forum.

PA S T W I N N E R S O F T H E 1 8 5 8 P R I Z E : 2008 Jeff Whetstone 2009 Stephen Marc 2010 Radcliffe Bailey

2011 Patrick Dougherty 2012 John Westmark 2014 Sonya Clark

2015 Deborah Luster 2016 Alicia Henry

2017 Bo Bartlett 2018 Leo Twiggs

S AV E T H E D AT E : February 6, 2020 | Amy P. Coy Forum & Prize Party

“Without opportunities and acknowledgements, an artist runs the risk of toiling away in relative obscurity” — J O H N W E S T M A R K

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Distinguished Lecture Series Featuring Maya Lin N O V E M B E R 7, 2 0 1 8 THE DISTINGUISHED LECTURE SERIES was founded by former Gibbes Board member and philanthropist Esther Ferguson, with the vision of bringing cultural leaders to Charleston. In 2013, international cosmetics magnate, philanthropist, and art collector Leonard Lauder presented a dynamic lecture highlighting the importance of a city, such as Charleston, having a renowned museum with a world-class collection. The Gibbes has continued to welcome acclaimed artists, architects, art collectors, and scholars to Charleston to speak about their roles as influencers in the world of American art. From esteemed artists Christo and Jeff Koons, and respected architects Billie Tsien and Todd Williams, to the eminent scholar and directoremeritus of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Philippe de Montebello, famed grandson and Pablo Picasso expert Olivier Picasso, and artist, designer, and environmentalist Maya Lin, the Gibbes offers transformative and engaging programs of the highest caliber that place Charleston at the forefront of the visual arts. I M A G E S | MCG Photography

2018 Maya Lin MAYA LIN INSPIRED US ALL on Wednesday, November 7, 2018 with her Distinguished Lecture presentation at the Charleston Music Hall. The audience left with a sense of introspection, empowerment, and an urgency to act. Lin is the embodiment of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math principles), and we were thrilled to be able to provide access to the event for many students and faculty thanks to generous sponsorships. We offer congratulations and a debt of gratitude to the event co-chairs Deborah Kennedy Kennard and Catherine Smith for their tireless leadership, and to the committee members, all the sponsors, and Premium Ticket holders for helping to create a most successful Distinguished Lecture.

2019 Fred Wilson CONCEPTUAL ARTIST FRED WILSON opened our eyes and our minds with his presentation at the 2019 Distinguished Lecture Series on November 13, 2019. Best known for challenging assumptions about race, culture, and conventions of display in institutional settings, the MacArthur Fellow shared examples of his work including Mining the Museum at the Maryland Historical Society in 1992 and Afro Kismet, which is scheduled to open at the Gibbes Museum in May 2020. By juxtaposing traditional narratives alongside alternative narratives that are often ignored, Wilson shines a spotlight on the choices that cultural institutions make and has prompted many institutions, including the Gibbes, to re-examine their collecting practices and biases. With more than 215 seats reserved for students, faculty, and chaperones, many students rushed to the stage following the lecture for the chance to talk to Wilson. His words clearly resonated, particularly with this young audience, and he generously took the time to speak with each of them. DISTINGUISHED LECTURE SERIES [ 13 ]

2018–2019 Programming at the Gibbes


Programming Highlights THE 2018–19 CALENDAR PACKED IN AN EXCITING LINE UP OF PROGRAMS tailored to delight a variety of audiences. Highlights included the inspiring conversation between Rita Scott and Thelma Golden, director and chief curator of the Studio Museum in Harlem which kicked off the Black Refractions exhibition, and the thought-provoking panel discussion Prop Master Revisited which laid the groundwork for our 2019 Distinguished Lecture Series featuring conceptual artist Fred Wilson. Transformation Table, a unique evening under the dome of the Campbell Rotunda brought together people of diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives for thoughtful conversation over a delicious meal. Music lovers enjoyed soul, jazz, and classical genres via our music series the Art of Jazz with Charleston Jazz, Chamber Music with the Charleston Symphony, and our Garden Concerts which also featured young musicians from the Allegro Charter School of Music. I M A G E S | MCG Photography and JB McCabe (Transformation Table)



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Deliver educational programs that incorporate art and employ interdisciplinary learning strategies.

Sean Sheridan

MCG Photography

Meet Our Educational Programs ART TO GO, bringing hands-on art lessons to Angel Oak Elementary, Hunley Park Elementary, Mitchell Elementary, and Northwoods Middle School EYE SPY, teaching visual and cultural literacy at J.B. Edwards Elementary, Drayton Hall Elementary, Springfield Elementary, and St. Andrews Elementary IT STARTS WITH A DOT, teaching ekphrastic and creative writing to students at St. Johns High School ART ACCESS, providing free field trips (including bus transportation) to all tricounty Title I students JUNIOR DOCENTS, enhancing research and presentation skills for Charleston Day and Ashley Hall students COMMUNITY EDUCATIONAL PARTNERSHIPS with Engaging Creative Minds, Metanoia, YWCA, Kids on Point, and the Charleston County Public Library


In December 2019, the Gibbes published its first children’s book. G is for Gibbes: A Museum ABC Book introduces readers to art and terminology encountered during a museum journey. This illustrated ABC story was written by Gibbes board member Cathy Jenrette and illustrated by creative director Erin Banks. The book will be a resource for students and educators planning trips to the Gibbes, and a souvenir for visitors looking for a unique book to commemorate their Gibbes experience!

2018–2019 Education by the Numbers 1,077 students ages 4–12 attended the 34 SUMMER AND WINTER CAMP SESSIONS, including TEEN CAMP, and 9 recipients of the Daniel West Fraser Scholarship Fund. 4,126 PreK–12 students participated in 83 tours. This includes 1,000 Title I students, fully covered by our ART ACCESS program. 565 students participated in ART TO GO, EYE SPY, and IT STARTS WITH A DOT school-based, arts programs. 951 students participated in 7 experiences with Engaging Creative Minds. Students from Charleston Day School and Ashley Hall participated in the JUNIOR DOCENT PROGRAM. 36 unique STUDIO AND ART HISTORY CLASSES were offered for all ages. 612 adult tour attendees participated in 39 tours, including 11 CURATORLED TOURS of the permanent collection, temporary exhibitions, or storage collection. 110 college students also participated in tours.

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Education STEAM programming

Education Highlights This spring, over sixty high school students from the Charleston area created original poems inspired by Black Refractions: Highlights from the Studio Museum in Harlem led by Marcus Amaker, Poet Laureate of Charleston. Twelve student poems were selected to be reproduced and installed on the walls alongside their chosen works of art. All of the students’ poems were reproduced and available in the galleries for visitors to enjoy. As part of the workshops, each student also recorded their poems and were included as part of our free mobile app. E N G AG I N G C R E AT I V E M I N D S As part of a collaboration between Engaging Creative Minds and Daniel Island Elementary, the Gibbes transformed into Ellis Island for an immersive immigrant experience. Staff, educators, and volunteers “processed” over 150 students and teachers through medical and legal inspections. They also enjoyed a tour of the exhibitions focusing on immigrant artists, considering the many challenges and fears people face when they decide to move to a new home. I T S TA R T S W I T H A D O T The Gibbes was awarded a National Endowment for the Arts grant to support It Starts with a Dot, a collaboration with the College of Charleston and St. John’s High School that completed its second year in the spring of 2019. This program sends graduate MFA students in Creative Writing at the College of Charleston into the school to teach students new forms of creative expression. The program culminated in the publication of a book that included poetry and original artwork by students. Every student at the school received a copy of the book. The Gibbes also mounted a mini-exhibition of student work in the Fellows Members Reception Hall. SCHOOL VISITS AND VISITING ARTISTS This year, students from a local elementary school met with visiting artist Adam Eddy for a lesson on geometry in art. They used mathematical tools to create concentric circles, inspired by Eddy’s creations, and created their own universes of color. They also enjoyed a tour of the Museum focused on different geometric shapes found throughout the galleries. ART TO GO Art to Go is one of our longest-running, in-school outreach programs. During the 2018–19 school year we worked with students from Angel Oak Elementary, Hunley Park Elementary, Mitchell Elementary, and Northwoods Middle School. Students created artwork inspired by three different winter exhibitions. These works were featured in a mini exhibition in the Fellows Member Reception Hall in February 2019.

Dr. Cindy Dodds collaborated with a group of museum educators (Elise Detterbeck, Joan Zaleski, Lucie Medbery, and Debbie Passo) to lead two semesters of inter-professional observational training for students in medical professions. Each session, students used different activities to hone their observational and communication skills as well as to develop empathy and cultural understanding. [ 1 8 ] E D U C AT I O N

I M A G E S | MCG Photography

M U S C PA R T N E R S H I P The Gibbes signed a formal partnership with MUSC and is excited about programming opportunities. In April we welcomed Dr. Elizabeth Gaufberg of Harvard University to lead a discussion and series of hands-on activities in the galleries. Dr. Gaufberg’s research focuses on museum-based educational methods used in the training of health care professionals.

“We support the Gibbes Museum of Art for numerous reasons. We are devoted to programs that focus on the healing power of art. Additionally, sustaining efforts to enculturate children in the creativity and joy of art are another reason. They are the next generation of museum lovers. Finally, a continued focus on the multiculturalism of our community can only strengthen a just culture for all.” DR. JEB HALLETT | G IBBES BOARD MEMBER AND DR. LINDA AUSTIN

ART OF HEALING Ongoing programming through Art of Healing includes Physician-led tours. These special tours, focusing on observational techniques and fostering dialog, are spearheaded by board member Dr. Jeb Hallett. He is actively recruiting and mentoring other physicians to join the program. SUMMER CAMP We crashed the server on the first day of online summer camp registration this year, selling out in record time. While offering classes for eight weeks for ages 4–10, this year we also expanded the offerings for teens and tweens, including our first full-day, fullweek camp for ages 11–16, Advanced Drawing Techniques, which sold out with 16 students. We also offered a selection of classes for teens and tweens inspired by Black Refractions: Highlights from the Studio Museum in Harlem and an Illustration and Storybook Design class for ages 8–11. STUDIO CLASSES While our studio art classes that meet over a series of weeks continue to be popular, oneday workshops are quickly becoming staples on the Gibbes calendar. Holiday Wreaths with floral designer Gretchen Cuddy and Smart Phone Photography with Joyce Weir are some favorite additions.

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Operate in a continuous development campaign mode.

Fundraisers Society 1858 Winter Party W I N T E R PA R T Y X | F E B R U A R Y 9 , 2 0 1 8 Society 1858 celebrated its tenth anniversary this year with a black tie affair under the twinkling night sky. The sold out event featured artworks by 31 of Charleston’s most celebrated visual artists and raised over $20,000 in support of the 1858 Prize for Contemporary Art as well as exhibition programming for FY20. Since 2009, the young patrons auxiliary group has raised over $210,000 through this and other events, and continues to provide exciting experiences for up-and-coming arts patrons to engage with the museum and the greater Charleston art community. S AV E T H E D AT E : February 7, 2020 | 1858 Winter Party

Women’s Council Art of Design F E AT U R I N G E VA C H E N | A P R I L 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 Founded in March 1950, the Women’s Council of the Gibbes Museum of Art serves as a vital support system of the Museum. The Annual Art of Design Luncheon and Lecture is the Women’s Council signature annual event featuring internationallyrenowned experts in the world of design. The Women’s Council has raised more than $590,000 since 2011 in support of the Museum’s exhibition and educational programming, including the Garden Concert Series, and the Visiting Artist Series. These are all fundamental programs that teach a diverse audience and welcome visitors and members into a creative atmosphere. S AV E T H E D AT E : March 4, 2020 | Art of Design featuring The Home Edit

Gibbes on the Street L I G H T U P T H E N I G H T | M AY 2 , 2 0 1 9 Since 2010, the Gibbes Museum has hosted a one-night-only, fabulous party under the stars on Meeting Street. Gibbes on the Street—featuring delicious bites by Charleston’s top chefs in addition to music, dancing, and an open bar—has become one of Charleston’s most sought-after tickets. More than 700 guests attended the 10th anniversary of Gibbes on the Street and enjoyed delectable dishes while dancing the night away to intoxicating musical rhythms. The event continues to get better and better each year. Through the Gibbes on the Street, the Museum has raised more than $725,000 in support of our exhibition and education programming. S AV E T H E D AT E : April 30, 2020 | Gibbes on the Street Party

T O P R I G H T I M A G E | Joseph Rogero M I D D L E A N D B O T T O M I M A G E S | MCG Photography


James Shoolbred Gibbes Philanthropy Award 2 0 1 9 R E C I P I E N T A L I C E W YAT T The James Shoolbred Gibbes Philanthropy Award honors its namesake for his generous donation of $100,000 made to the City of Charleston in 1885 for the purpose of creating an art museum. Gibbes was a great lover of art, and this philanthropy award recognizes individuals who embody these same principles. Each year at the Fellows Luncheon, the Board and staff of the Gibbes bestow the James Shoolbred Gibbes Philanthropy Award to an individual, group, or business. Congratulations to this year’s wonderful recipient, Alice Wyatt. We are so grateful for Alice and her tremendous support of the Gibbes Museum over the years. Alice Wyatt joined the board of the Gibbes in 2009 and was instrumental in helping to develop programming to reengage the community with the Museum. She was one of the founders of Society 1858, today in its 10th year and over 200 members. She also chaired the Gibbes annual Street Party (also in its 10th year) the very first year. The 2019 Street Party generated over $100,000 for the Museum. Alice has recently become an Emeriti member of the board and is working with Gibbes staff to develop ways to keep this group active and engaged. Alice has a wealth of nonprofit experience, in addition to a wide network of friends. We are so thrilled to welcome her into this illustrious group of James Shoolbred Gibbes award recipients. [ 22 ] D E V E LO PM E NT

Gibbes Fellows GIBBES MUSEUM FELLOWS AND DIRECTOR’S CIRCLE MEMBERS SHARE A DEEP APPRECIATION FOR THE ARTS. FELLOWS LEVEL MEMBERSHIP PROVIDES ART ENTHUSIASTS WITH SPECIAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR EXCLUSIVE PROGRAMS AND EVENTS, AMAZING TRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES, AND ACCESS TO PRIVATE COLLECTIONS. Some of the 2018–19 highlights included a special visit to Boeing’s high-security facility campus to view and learn more about aircraft assembly and design in The Art of the Flight at Boeing; a private tour of Yeaman’s Hall featuring historian and resident as well as past Gibbes Board President, Charlton DeSaussure who provided a history of the club and golf course; an amazing, four-nights in Miami experiencing the culture through its prestigious art museums, architecture, private collections, artist studios and gardens; an evening reception at a private, downtown home focusing on museum-quality American art collection; transformational exhibition preview receptions; and the not-to-be-missed annual Fellows and Director’s Circle Luncheon in the gorgeous Lenhardt Garden at the Gibbes. SAVE THE DATE: Friday, May 22, 2020 at 10am Fellows and Director’s Circle Brunch (New Format for 2020)



TimWill Photography

Private events, Financials, and Annual Giving

S T R AT E G Y F O U R [ 2 3 ]

Rhett Marley

[ 2 4 ] P R I V AT E E V E N T S

Private Events R E N TA L S BY T H E N U M B E R S 2018–2019 6,742 event guests 429 inquiries 275 install hours 172 event hours 133 walkthroughs 114 vendors 46 private events 43 entertainers 24 planners


T O P R I G H T I M A G E | Heather Payne M I D D L E A N D B O T T O M I M A G E S | Virgil Bunao

P R I V AT E E V E N T S [ 2 5 ]

BOARD OF DIRECTORS July 2019 – June 2020

“To say that the Gibbes is a place where art nourishes, challenges, inspires, deepens, and expands perspectives is no exaggeration. The exhibitions and programs— and yes, even the building itself— are extraordinary. The Gibbes—truly a Charleston and national treasure!” DEBORAH K E N N E DY K E N N A R D G IBBES BOARD MEMBER A N D AT T O R N E Y


Board Members


Denise Barto Jamieson Clair Michael Culler Sarah Lund Donnem Wendy Meyer Dopp Lisa Hudson Evans Mary Alice Fienning Katarina Fjording Shannon Gillespie Roy Green John W. Hallett, Jr. Lou Rena Hammond Cynthia Hayes Milton Hearne Anne Janas Catherine Bennington Jenrette Deborah Kennedy Kennard Karen Lawson-Johnston Benjamin F. Lenhardt, III Spencer Lynch Mark Maresca Thomas Motamed Rhett Ramsay Outten Elizabeth Saal Susan Porter Michele S. Seekings Harriet Smartt Richard A. Smith Anne Gaud Tinker Janneke Vreede-Schaay Kathryn J. Wendell Andrea Woodfield

CHAIR Helen C. Pratt-Thomas

C O R P O R AT E M E M B E R S Ann Thomas Burnett Mark Munn WOMEN’S COUNCIL PRESIDENT Louise Allen SOCIETY 1858 PRESIDENT Molly Waring

VICE CHAIRS Jill Almeida Jane Beak David J. Cohen Daniel Gallagher Benjamin P. Jenkins, III Martha Rhodes McLendon Sarah J. Smith Charles Sullivan I M M E D I AT E PA S T C H A I R Susan M. Smythe HONOR ARY ME MBE R The Honorable John J. Tecklenburg CIT Y OF CHARLESTON Michael Seekings MEMBERS EMERITI Allan J. Anderson Ruth Baker J. Elizabeth Bradham Susan Campbell Van C. Campbell Laura D. Gates Irma Greene Eleanor Hale Layton McCurdy Mary Ramsay* Kathleen Rivers Andrea Volpe Anton Vreede* Alice Wyatt Charles L. Wyrick, Jr. * denotes deceased A B O V E | MCG Photography T O P R I G H T | MCG Photography B O T T O M R I G H T | Newport Photography


Staff Accolades JEN ROSS, DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT, completed The Riley Institute at Furman’s Diversity Leaders Initiative (DLI) in December 2018. DLI class members are identified through a rigorous process including a nomination, application and interview. Individuals are selected to join the class based on their capacity to impact their organizations and communities. As part of the program, participants work in small, cross-sector groups to respond to real issues and opportunities in their communities through service projects. DLI graduates become Riley Fellows, members of a powerful, cross-sector, statewide leadership network that includes CEOs of corporations, mayors, city and county council members, legislators, school superintendents, pastors and rabbis, non-profit heads, chamber of commerce directors and community leaders.

JENA CLEM, DIRECTOR OF SPECIAL EVENTS, was honored as a Charleston 2019 Forty Under 40 award winner, which recognizes those young professionals who have achieved in both community involvement and professional development. Jena was also selected to participate in the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Charleston 2018–2019 class. The 45th Leadership Charleston class experienced the power of working with other community leaders and organizations for positive growth and advancement of the region.

CHASE QUINN, PROGRAM AND TOUR COORDINATOR, was awarded a South Carolina Press Association Award for in-depth reporting on Issues Impacting the LGBTQ Community. ERIN BANKS, CREATIVE DIRECTOR, was recognized with 3 design awards from the Southeastern Museums Conference (SEMC) Publications Competition and nominated as a finalist for 2 categories in the American Marketing Association (AMA) Spark Awards.

A B O V E | MCG Photography B E L O W | Newport Photography


Museum Store

MCG Photography

A NEW INITIATIVE: Visiting Artists now work closely with the Museum Store to collaborate on exclusive products. This process provides an additional benefit by continuing the relationship beyond the residency time period. Also, being exposed to the process of product development challenges participating artists to envision their work outside the white box of a fine art institution. This initiative introduces art into everyday life by offering products that can be worn or used in a functional way.

Operating Revenue and Expenses G I B B E S M U S E U M O F A R T | C A R O L I N A A R T A S S O C I AT I O N J U LY 2 0 1 8 – J U N E 2 0 1 9












$2,849,433 $2,835,743


Annual Giving J U LY 2 0 1 8 —J U N E 2 0 1 9

$100,000 AND ABOVE

City of Charleston The Samuel Freeman Charitable Trust


BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina The Gaylord & Dorothy Donnelley Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Lenhardt, Jr.


Art Bridges Arts, etc Bank of America The Ceres Foundation, Inc. Croghan’s Jewel Box Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Evans Mrs. Esther B. Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Hughes Deborah Kennedy Kennard and William Kennard, The Kennard Kennedy Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Motamed Mr. and Mrs. James Pallotta South Carolina Arts Commission Ms. Mary Walters


Dr. and Mrs. David Adams Alicia Rhett Art Fund for the Gibbes Museum of Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina Almeida Family Foundation, Jill and Richard Almeida Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. William A. Baker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William Beak Blackbaud, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Van C. Campbell, The Campbells’ Family Foundation The Campbell Family Fund Charleston County Dr. and Mrs. Brian G. Cuddy Mr. and Mrs. John Downing, The Stony Point Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Peter Finnerty Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gallagher Mrs. Laura D. Gates Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Gillespie Mrs. Katherine Schob Glenn Ms. Lou Rena Hammond, Lou Hammond Group Mr. and Mrs. Leo I. Higdon, Jr. Jane Smith Turner Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin P. Jenkins, III Dr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Jenrette, III Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lambrecht Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Lynch Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Mansheim Ms. K. H. McFarlin Mrs. Eleanor H. Parker Dr. Celeste H. Patrick and Mr. Charles Patrick Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Porter Mr. and Mrs. James Ramich Ms. Elizabeth Saal, Trustee, The Joseph J. Schott Foundation SC Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism Ms. Sally J. Smith, The Wilbur S. Smith and Sally J. Smith Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Smythe, Jr. South Carolina Humanities Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Rowan G. P. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. John W. Webster, Webster Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wendell


Dr. Linda Austin and Dr. John W. Hallett, Jr. Ms. Katherine Butler-Bachmann and Mr. John W. Bachmann Mrs. Nella Gray Barkley Mr. and Mrs. John W. Barter The Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina Mr. and Mrs. Craig Coit, The Coit Family Charitable Fund The Dr. Joseph P. D’Angelo Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fienning Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Gherlein Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Harley, The Edwin and Ellen Harley Family Fund of Goldman Sachs Ms. Barbara W. Hearst Mr. Luther Hodges Ingevity J.P. Morgan Chase Jazz Artists of Charleston Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lawson-Johnston, Jr., The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Ms. Anne Rhodes Lee and Mr. Stuart F. Lee Mr. George Manning Mr. and Mrs. William B. McGuire Jr., The William B. McGuire, Jr. Family Foundation Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc. Ms. Kathleen Rivers Roper St. Francis Healthcare The Speedwell Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Larry Tarleton Mrs. Janneke C. Vreede - Schaay and Mr. Justin Schaay Wells Fargo Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Lance Wyatt, The Lance and Alice Wyatt Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Wyrick, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Ziff


Ann Long Fine Art Bank of South Carolina Ms. Susan Bass and Mr. Thomas Bradford, The Susan Bass and Thomas Bradford Charitable Gift Fund BB&T Bluestein & Douglas, LLC Dr. Suzan Boyd and Mr. Ed Sellers Bridgeview Properties Carriage Properties The Cassina Group Mr. and Mrs. Wayland H. Cato, Jr. Charleston Day School Mr. and Mrs. George Christopher, The Emma and George Christopher Charitable Fund Dr. and Mrs. David J. Cohen Ms. Joy Craft Ms. Kate M. Dolan Mr. and Mrs. P. Steven Dopp Douglas Development Mr. and Mrs. John M. Dunnan Francis Marion Hotel Mrs. Susan Friberg, The Susan T. and Eric G. Friberg Fund of Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gaud Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gridley Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hearne The Henry and Sylvia Yaschik Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Heyward, The C. Carroll and Susan B. Heyward Donor Advised Fund Mr. and Mrs. John Janas The Jerry and Anita Zucker Family Endowment Fund of Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina Johnson Controls, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Jones, The Wayne and Carolyn Jones Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leadem Mrs. Patricia B. Manigault Mr. and Mrs. Charley McLendon, The Martha Rhodes McLendon Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. Michael McShane Mountain Shore Properties Mrs. Hunter R. Pettus, Jr. Ms. Helen C. Pratt-Thomas Dr. A. Bert Pruitt, Jr. Mr. Mark Rappel Mr. and Mrs. David L. Rawle Raymond James Financial Services Inc. Mr. and Mrs. I.M. Read, Jr., Pringle-Read Endowment of Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina Rhodes Boutique Ms. Nedenia Rumbough and Mr. Jan Roosenburg Mrs. Marilyn Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Michael Seekings Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Severens Dr. Stephanie Smith-Phillips and Dr. James Phillips, The Wilbur S. Smith and Stephanie E. Smith-Phillips Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Smith, Jr, The Catherine and Richard A. Smith, Jr. Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Soderlund St. John Boutique Synovus Bank Mr. and Mrs. Steven Tadler, The SJK Tadler Family Fund of Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina Ms. Anne G. Tinker and Mr. John D. Henderson Ms. Suzanne Togna and Mr. David O. Haythe UBS Financial Services Lesa and Bud Watts William M. Means Company Insurance, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Dave H. Williams Mr. Rick Wilson and Mr. David Trachtenberg Womble Bond Dickinson, LLP Dr. and Mrs. Scott L. Woodfield

$1,000 - $2,499

Abide-A-While Garden Center Ms. Marlene Addlestone and Mr. Larry Bursten Mr. and Mrs. John R. Allen Anderson Insurance Associates, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan V. Anderson, Jr. Anonymous Dr. Milton Armstrong and Mrs. Lewann Harper-Armstrong Ballyhoo + Co. Mr. and Mrs. William Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barto Mr. and Mrs. Christian L. Becken Mrs. Edleen Bergelt Mr. and Mrs. Robert Black Mr. and Mrs. John Bleecker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bliss Ms. June Bradham Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Brush Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burke, The Sledge Foundation Ms. Ilse Calcagno Dr. and Mrs. Tim Cantopher Mr. and Mrs. John E. Cay, III Charles H. Wendell, CPA Charleston County School District Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Christiansen Mr. and Mrs. William C. Cleveland, The Mr. and Mrs. William C. Cleveland Fund of the Community Foundation of Louisville Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Coen Mr. and Mrs. William Cogswell Ms. Marilyn M. Colen Copley Fine Art Auctions Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cotton Mrs. Kathryn Cox Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Cox Dr. Jason P. Coy Mr. Gerard Cuddy Mr. Michael C. Culler Mrs. J. Hugh Davis Mr. Taylor DeBartola and Mr. William Shalosky

Ms. Leilani DeMuth Mr. and Mrs. John Derse Mr. Richard DeScherer Mr. and Mrs. Les Detterbeck Mr. and Mrs. John Dewberry Mr. and Mrs. Gary DiCamillo Mrs. Roland W. Donnem Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dunnan Mr. and Mrs. Peter Earl Easton Porter Group Eddis + Co. Mrs. Melissa Efird Ms. Lynne Eickholt and Dr. John Cooper Ms. Mary L. Elson F & S Management Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fair, Jr. Ms. Kathleen Ferrell and Mr. Arthur Hoey Mr. and Mrs. William Finn, The William and Prudence Finn Charitable Trust Betsy Fleming and Ed Weisiger, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Foulke Gadabout, LLC The George Gallery Mrs. Lynda Gilkeson Mr. and Mrs. R. Garey Goff Ms. Sonja Golinski Mr. and Mrs. Roy Green Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Gregory, Jr., The River Oaks Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Hale, Jr. Dana and Tim Halpern Mrs. Roger Hanahan Ms. Mary T. Haque Mr. and Mrs. Steve Harth Mr. and Mrs. George Hartley Mr. and Mrs. John Hayes, The John C. Hayes IV Charitable Fund Sandy and Bill Heifner Mr. and Mrs. Roch Hillenbrand Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Himmelein Dr. Richard Hoefer Dr. and Mrs. Edward Holscher Mrs. Norma Horvitz, The River Oaks Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Householder Mrs. Katherine Huger International Art & Artists The Intertech Group Tony and Maryjane Islan Joanna Foundation Ms. Jane Joukowsky Mrs. Gail B. Kahn The Katherine P. Waring Memorial Endowment of Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina Dr. and Mrs. George H. Khoury, The Khoury Family Endowment of Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kuester Mrs. Linder J. Laffitte Ms. Brenda Lauderback and Dr. Boyd Wright Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Legasey, The Legasey Family Fund of Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina Dr. Sheldon Lerman Mrs. Elizabeth C. R. Lewine, The Elizabeth C. Rivers Lewine Endowment of Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina Ms. Renee Licht and Mr. Michael Sussman Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lilly, The Lasca and Richard Lilly Fund Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lipman Jennifer and George Lodge Ms. Leslie K. Lyon Mr. and Mrs. James C. Mabry Mr. and Mrs. Mark Maresca Mrs. Catherine M. Marino Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Mark, The Tony and Gillian Mark Charitable Fund The Mark Elliott Motley Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Marterer Mr. and Mrs. James Martin Mr. and Mrs. John W. Martin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Matalene, III Mrs. Frank M. McClain Mr. and Mrs. Rick McDaniel Ms. Harriet McDougal Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McGee Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. McGee Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McKenna Mr. and Mrs. James McNab Wendy and Tom McNeil Mr. and Mrs. Jack McSpadden Mr. and Mrs. Antony M. Merck Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Messerman Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Moore Dr. Martin Morad Mr. and Mrs. Lane Morrison Mr. Mark Munn Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Nevin Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nistad Mr. and Mrs. Eric Oakley Ms. Susannah O’Brien Ms. Anne Olsen, The Olsen Family Fund of Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina Ms. Venita Olson Over the Moon Mr. and Mrs. Russell Parker, Russ and Eleanor Parker Charitable Foundation Ms. Gwen Paro Mr. Hugh Parrish Mr. and Mrs. John L. Paul Ms. Tammy Pearce Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Pennington Mr. and Mrs. Thruston W. Pettus Ms. Greer Polansky Ms. Helen C. Powell Mrs. Kimberly Powell Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur J. Prezzano Dr. and Mrs. Harold M. Rhodes, III Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rhodes, The John Stephen Rhodes Charitable Fund Mr. John M. Rivers, Jr., The John M. Rivers, Jr. Foundation, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Claron A. Robertson, III Mr. Shepard Rose, The Hobbs Foundation Mrs. Meredith Graves Rotko and Mr. Michael Rotko RTW, Ltd. Mrs. Jodi Rush and Mr. Jon Baumgarten Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Santella Mrs. Melissa Sauls, The Melissa Garrison Sauls Gift Fund Mr. and Mrs. James Scarborough Mrs. Darlene Scott-Scurry and Mr. Nathaniel Scurry Mr. and Mrs. Richard Secrist Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Sedlacek, The Doug and Pat Sedlacek Donor Advised Fund of the Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ken Seeger Ms. Elaine Segelken Seibold Security, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Seinsheimer, The Walter and Beverly Seinsheimer Fund Ms. Candra Seley Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Shannon Mrs. Rebecca Shockley Dr. James G. Simpson Ms. Tina L Singleton Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Smartt Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Smith Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Paul Soldatos Stagefront Ms. Nancye B. Starnes and Mr. David Hughes Mr. Jacien Steele Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Steinberg Ms. Erin Stevens SWV Limited Partnership Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tarwater, The Tarwater Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Thompson Mrs. Susan Parsell Thompson Mrs. Andrea Volpe Mr. and Mrs. John Vournakis Mr. and Mrs. Charles Way Mr. Stephen Wendell Ms. Lynn White and Ms. Mary Bradford-White, The Lynn F. White / Mary Bradford-White Family Fund Ms. Mary Whyte The Winfield Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John Winthrop, The Seedling Fund of Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina


Dr. and Mrs. James C. Allen Julia Andres Ms. Charlie Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bergan Mrs. Emmie Birkas Ms. Carolina Bryan and Mr. Joe Walker Ms. Caroline Burns Buxton & Collie, LLC Mr. and Mrs. John T. Cahill, The John T. and Elizabeth K. Cahill Fund of Coastal Community Foundation Ms. Melinda Carter Mrs. Eliza B. Chrystie Ms. Andrea Clark The College of Charleston Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Andy Craig Mr. Edward E. Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Peter Crnkovich Capt. and Mrs. Chris Crolley Mr. and Mrs. John Darby Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. P. Duell Ms. Barbara Dugan Easton Events Mrs. Clementina Edwards Ms. Paula Ellison Ms. Joan Fallon Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Finley Mrs. Ellen Frisch Mr. and Mrs. W. Foster Gaillard Ms. Jodie-Beth Galos and Mr. Michael Zwerling Mr. Russell Glass Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Goulding Dr. and Mrs. Richard Hagerty Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Halford Hayes Law Holliday Associates Horton Hayes Fine Art LLC Ms. Lesesne Hudson Mr. Nicholas C. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Tony Jones KDG Construction Ms. Lydia Kennard Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Keough, The Keough Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. William Kerr Mrs. Karen L. Kichline-Ruef and Mr. David Ruef Mrs. Stephanie Kirkman Mrs. Caitlin Laurence Dr. Edmund LeRoy Dr. Pamela C. Levi and Mr. George Kefalos Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lux Mr. and Mrs. William C. Maddux Maresca & Associates, Inc. Mrs. and Mrs. Charles K. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. David Maybank, Jr. Ms. Elisabeth P. McLean Mrs. Phyllis P. Miller, The George W. and Phyllis P. Miller Fund of Coastal Community Foundation of South Ccarolina Mrs. Mary G. Motley and Mr. William D. Motley Mr. Thomas Motley Ms. Gail Onken Ms. Rhett Ramsay Outten Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Perich Mr. and Mrs. Alton Phillips Mr. and Mrs. H. Sadler Poe R. Powell PR Mrs. Jenny Preston Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Ray Mr. Ferris K. Joyner and Mr. Derek C. Riggs Michael and Elizabeth Roy


Studio 125

$500–$999 (CONT’D)

Mr. John Young and Mr. Philip Dufford Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Zaleski Ms. Jill Zlogar and Mr. John Zlogar

Barbara and Tom Schoellkopf Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP Dr. and Mrs. William M. Simpson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James V. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Tanenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Graham Tew Mr. and Mrs. David L. Thompson Anne and Ken Tidwell Mr. and Mrs. Trenholm Walker Mr. and Mrs. John Wanick Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Willett Dr. and Mrs. George W. Williams Ms. Gayle J. Woodward Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Wright Dr. Ellen C. Young



Mr. James P. Adamczyk and Mr. Tom Wyatt Mr. and Mrs. Conrad P. Albert Mr. and Mrs. David L. Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Ascue Ms. Ann Griffith Ash Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baker Mr. and Mrs. Chris Barnes Mrs. Linda DuRoss Becher and Mr. Charles Becher Mrs. Ledlie Bell Ms. Martha Bell Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. R. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Victor Brandt III Mr. and Mrs. John Bresnan Mr. and Mrs. John H. Burrus Ms. Charlotte Caldwell and Mr. Jeffrey H. Schutz Elie-Anne Chevrier and Alice St. Clair Pelzer The Citadel Ms. Augusta Cole and Mr. Brandon Davis Mrs. Jane Pope Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Nigel W. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cooper Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Corley, III Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Coyle Ms. Jennifer V. Davis Mr. and Mrs. George Dickinson Dr. Susan Doyle and Mr. Dan T. Henderson Gay and Hugh Eaton Dr. and Mrs. Haskell S. Ellison Ms. Elaine G. Gibbes Marion and Gail Glover Mrs. Kelli Gottlich Ms. Amelia T. Handegan and Mr. John Roven Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hanlin Mrs. Jean Hardesty Hay Tire Company Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heckelman Ms. Paula O. Henry Stephen and Susan Hoffius Ms. Jill Hooper and Mr. Stevenson Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hutson Mrs. Jeanne Smith Ingle, The Jeanne deSaussure Smith Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Orton Jackson JMC Charleston Dr. and Mrs. Joseph F. John, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Keigher Pamela and Charles Koci Ms. Kelly Lance and Mr. Fritz Lance Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Lewis Ms. Leigh Limehouse and Mrs. Betty Smith Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Lipman Mrs. Helene S. Lortz Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lutton Rita and Jamie Macdonald Mr. and Mrs. William E. Martin, III Mr. and Mrs. James M. Mayhall Dr. and Mrs. Arthur W. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Fran Meaney Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Montgomery Ms. Elfrida Moore Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Morrison National Philanthropic Trust Dr. Emily Nelson and Dr. Joshua Lamb Mrs. Judy O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Pearce, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Permar Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phipps Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Pratt-Thomas Christina Press and David Rubin Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Prickett Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Prioleau Dr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Reed, Jr. Dr. George Reinhart Mrs. Dorothy Rhodes Mr. Scot Rittenbaum Ms. Amy B. Robinson and Mr. Edward S. Gold Royall Hardware, Inc. Sarah Russell and Trish Long Mr. and Mrs. Dunne Saal Ms. Margaret P. Schachte and Mr. Hal S. Currey Mr. John Paul Schmidt Dr. Sally E. Self Mr. and Mrs. Albert Simons, III Mr. and Mrs. Whit Smith Mr. and Mrs. George Smithy, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Spiellvogel Mr. and Mrs. Austin Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Talbot Dr. and Mrs. David J. Tennenbaum Kathy Thomas Mrs. Ariel Trouche Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vannatta Mr. and Mrs. Sam Watson Ms. Sally A. Webb Ms. Rosemary Weiss Mrs. Jennifer Welham Mr. and Mrs. Christopher White Mr. Cameron Whitten Liz Williams Ms. Deborah C. Williamson and Mr. David R. Garr Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Wilson Mr. and Mrs. James Windler


Ms. Julia Acker and Mr. Dan Hoke Mr. and Mrs. John R. Alexander Athenas Algazi Mrs. Sherrod K. Allen Mr. and Mrs. William Allen Mr. and Mrs. Jack Alterman Ms. Betsy L. Anderson Ms. Erica Anderson Mr. Rachel Anspach Ms. Elizabeth A. Applegate Mrs. Julia Arnold Ms. Bette Atkins Mrs. Lyn Attaway Mr. and Mrs. Travers Auburn Ms. Joan T. Avioli Mr. and Mrs. Shane Ayotte Mr. and Mrs. Donald Backer Mr. Garett Backman Patricia and Arthur Baer Dr. and Mrs. Michael Bagg Dr. Lisa Bailey and Mr. Kyle Samuels Dr. and Mrs. Austin Ball Mrs. Janie Ball and Mr. Charlie Aikman Mr. and Mrs. William Bane Ms. Martha Barkley Mr. and Mrs. Robert John Barnes Mr. and Mrs. E. Dana Beach Ms. Katrina H. Becker Ms. Mary-Ann Becker Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. Bennett, Jr. Mrs. Jaclyn S. Berlinsky Ms. Jennifer Berwick and Mr. Mark Slater Mr. and Mrs. Charles Black Mr. and Mrs. Tom Blagden, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Bland Ms. Anne F. Bleecker Dr. Ettaleah C. Bluestein and Mr. Nathan J. Bluestein Mr. and Mrs. S. Scott Bluestein Mr. and Mrs. Larry Blumenthal Dr. and Mrs. John G. P. Boatwright, Jr. Carol Bonyon and Harry Bonyon Dr. and Mrs. David R. Boone Mr. and Mrs. J. Sidney Boone, Jr. Martha and Brent Borges Hollace and Jim Boswell Ms. Catherine Brack and Mr. Andrew Brack Ms. Virginia Bradley Mrs. Linda Brawley Mr. and Mrs. M. Neil Brosee Ms. Courtney Brown and Mr. Todd C. Brown Leigh M. Brunet Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Buck Dr. and Mrs. G. Stephen Buck Judith and Mark Buono Ms. Elisabeth Burch Mr. and Mrs. Wayne L. Burdick Mrs. Erin Burris Mrs. Walker Buxton Mr. Steve Cagle and Mr. John W. Meffert Mr. and Mrs. John Callaghan Mrs. Mary Pat Calvert Ms. Barbara Campbell and Mr. Arnold Marcus, The Campbell-Marcus Endowment of Coastal Community Endowment of South Carolina Ms. Barbara C. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cape Mr. and Mrs. Michael Carmody, Jr. Ms. Linda B. Carrington Ms. Debbie Cherin Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Childs Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Christiansen Michael Cipolla and Anne Wyman Cipolla Mr. Jamieson Clair Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Clark Mr. and Mrs. James Clark Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Clark Ms. Diane Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Cochran Mrs. Kristin Cochran Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cochran Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Coffman Mr. and Mrs. Priestley C. Coker, III Dr. and Mrs. Greg Colbath Mrs. Anne F. Coleman and Ms. Katherine P. Coleman Dr. Gordon D. Coleman Ms. Emilee Collins and Mr. Garrett Bean Lynn Collins Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Combs Karen Cook Ethel A. Corcoran Mr. and Mrs. Marco Corona Ms. Michele Costanzo Shawna and Brandon Courter Mr. and Mrs. James H. Cox Dr. and Mrs. William T. Creasman Janet and Kevin Curtin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cutler Ms. Elizabeth D’Alessandro Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Dawson Mrs. Sharon DeAlexandris Mr. and Mrs. Garey De Angelis Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hunter De Butts Mrs. Laura DeFino Dr. M. Ann Welsh and Dr. Gordon E. Dehler Mr. and Mrs. Lucian Del Priore Ms. Kathryn Deleot Mr. and Mrs. William Denton Mr. and Mrs. Butler Derrick Mr. and Mrs. Charlton deSaussure, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dodds Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Doering, Jr. Ms. Fallon Donnahoo Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Doty, III Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Dowdeswell Mrs. Elaine Doyle Mrs. Angela B. Drake Ms. Carol J. Drowota

Dr. and Mrs. Mark DuFine Dr. and Mrs. R. Stewart Eads Jr. Ms. Linda Easdon and Mr. Woody House Anne Edwards Ms. Barbara Edwards Mr. and Mrs. O. Ralph Edwards Mary Shannon Elarton Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Elberfeld Dr. Linda Elksnin and Dr. Nick Elksnin Mr. and Mrs. Chip Emge Mr. and Mrs. Scott Emmons Mr. and Mrs. Aaron England Mr. and Mrs. Harold Engle Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Entwistle Mr. and Mrs. Mark Erickson Dr. Heather Evans and Mr. Christopher Baldwim Mr. Colin Ewing Mr. and Mrs. Sam T. Ewing Kristen Fanarakis Dr. John Farr Mr. and Mrs. Richard Farrell Ms. Donna Feldman Mr. and Mrs. Michael Feldmann Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Ferguson Ms. Julia Forster Ms. Dean Foster and Dr. Andrew Sowder Mrs. Anne W. Fox Mrs. Cantey Foxworth Ms. Mary Edna Fraser and Dr. John Sperry Mr. and Mrs. David A. French Ms. Elvira Freyer Mr. and Mrs. Michael Friday Mr. and Mrs. H. Laurence Fritz, Jr. Ms. Claire K. Fund and Mr. Glenn Lesses Mr. and Mrs. Ed Furbee Mr. and Mrs. Kris Furniss Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Gable Dr. and Mrs. Joe Gaddy Ms. Leize Gaillard and Mr. Ben Buckley-Green Linda and Russell Gaitskill Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Galvani Mr. Kyle Gearhart Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Gettelfinger Sabina Gilbert Mrs. Karen Gilson and Mr. Paul Gilson Mrs. and Mrs. Richard A. Glass Mr. and Mrs. James Goldman Mr. and Mrs. Isaac M. Goldszer Ms. Mary Carolyn Gonzales Mr. and Mrs. Michael Goodman Mr. Jonathan Green and Mr. Richard Weedman Mrs. Judith Green and Dr. Michael Fritz Ms. Glenna D. B. Greenslit Ms. Kirstin Gregory and Mr. Glen Gregory Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grenfell Mr. and Mrs. John Penn Griffen Claudia and Ron Griffin Mrs. Faye Griffin Cmdr. Juri Groenland Cara and John Groman Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Gross Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Grubb, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gruenloh Mr. and Mrs. John Haberern, Jr. Mr. Michael W. Haga and Dr. Paul W. Holmes Kathy Halliday and Rick Hassman Mr. and Mrs. Michael Halpern Kimberly and Stephen Hambric Mr. and Mrs. John Hanckel Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hand Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Hanger, Jr. Mrs. Jamie Harpootlian Mrs. Brenda Hart Ms. Alden Haviland Mr. and Mrs. David Hawkins Ms. Erika R. Hayes and Mr. George M. Wallace Ms. Leslie Hempling Dr. Bethany W. Hepp Mrs. Jan Hiester and Mr. Michael Hiester Mr. and Mrs. Don Higgins Mr. and Mrs. James Hill Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Hodgson, Jr. Ms. Russell Holliday and Mr. Hal Cottingham Ms. Lynne Hoos Ms. Talitha Horn and Mr. Richard Denofrio Mr. and Mrs. Ozey K. Horton, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Bob Hosker Ms. Sheridan Hough and Mr. Christian Coseru Mrs. Jill Howard Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Hubbell Mr. and Mrs. Bertrand Hudnall II Mr. and Mrs. John Hull Mrs. Cindi Hundley Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hurt Ms. Hillary Hutchinson Mr. and Mrs. George Ingram Ms. Linda Inman Dr. and Mrs. Jerome E. Isaacs Ms. Andrea Jahde Mr. Thomas Jakups Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jarvis Mr. Marvin Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jennings Rev. Mary Johnstone and Mr. Robert Johnstone Ms. Patricia C. Jones Ms. Penelope Jones and Ms. Erin C. O. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jonjevic Leslie and Larry Joyner Dr. and Dr. Stephen Kalhorn Ms. Diane Katz Mrs. Susan Katz Ms. Pamela Keefe Mr. and Mrs. James O. Kempson Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Kennedy Helene Kenny Dr. Suzanne Kerns Mr. A. Stewart Kerr Ms. Liane Kerr Ms. Carol Key Mrs. Leigh Kilborn Ms. Susan Kilpatrick Robert Kinard Mr. and Mrs. John King Ms. Kathy Kinnaird

Mrs. Carla Kinnett Behren Kittrell and Ernie Banis Dr. Sally Kneipp The Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Craig Knowlton Ms. Dorothy Knuppel and Mr. Thomas Campbell Mrs. Susan Koch Ms. Polly Kosko Mr. and Mrs. John Kotz Mr. and Mrs. Paul Krause Ms. Suzanne Krebsbach and Dr. Alexander Moore Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Kulick Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kunes Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kunkel Ms. Laura LaMontagne Ms. Carol J. Lancaster and Mr. Steve M. King Ms. Louise Lancaster Mr. Michael Landrum Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lane Mrs. Gail Lansing and Mr. Stephen Elliott Webb Mrs. Virginia Larence Ms. Justina Lasley and Mr. Chad Minifie Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lavery Dr. and Mrs. Mariano F. La Via Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Lawson Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Layfield Dr. Rebecca S. Lehman and Dr. Aaron I. Lehman Dr. and Mrs. Jeff Leighton Mrs. Laura L. Lester and Dr. Geoffrey Connor Mr. Jon Levenson Mr. and Mrs. Cisco Lindsey Marla and Michael Loftus Mr. and Mrs. James M. Lombard, The James M. & Patricia R. Lombard Charitable Foundation at the Community Foundation of Sarasota County Mr. and Rev. Grahame Long Mr. and Mrs. Westin Lord Ms. Jessica Loring and Mr. Laurence Rasmussen Ms. Tristi Lowther Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Mackelcan Ms. Gail Macomson Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Maddrey Mr. and Mrs. John Maize Mrs. Alexandra Malloy Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mani Mr. and Mrs. Rives Mann Mrs. Margaret K. Manuel Ms. Maureen Matthews Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C. McAlhany, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John McAllister Ms. Camilla McCall Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. McCann Mrs. Jenan McClain Mr. and Mrs. Ervin McDaniel Mr. and Mrs. Barclay McFadden, III Mr. and Mrs. J.C. McGinty Ms. Corrie McGovern and Mr. James McGavick Mr. Allen McIntyre Ms. Angela McInvale Mrs. Brenda McKay Mr. H. Chapman McKay Mrs. Jennifer S. McKay Judy L. McMahon Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. McManus Mrs. Stephanie Meadows Mrs. Maria Mebane Dr. and Mrs. Chuck Medbery Spencer and Patrick Melton Mrs. Jennifer Mendelsohn The Honorable and Mrs. Joseph S. Mendelsohn Ms. Inna Metcalf and Mr. Slade Metcalf Mrs. Anna Mims and Mr. Jared Hove Mr. and Mrs. Robert Minkhorst Mr. and Mrs. Will Mischner Mr. and Mrs. David Moffly Ms. Scott Moise Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Monaghan Mr. and Mrs. Guy Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. Tyre H. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Moore Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Morgan Mr. and Mrs. David Morley Mr. James Morrill Dr. Gertrude Morris and Dr. James Morris Ms. Margie Morse Ms. Nadia Eileen Mostafa Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Muench Mr. and Mrs. Sean Mullen Ms. Mary M. Muller Ms. Christine R. Nairne Mr. and Mrs. Grant Naylor Mr. and Mrs. Robert New Cynthia and Nicolaus Newton Ms. Melinda Nicolson Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Norvell Ms. Virginia Norvell and Ms. Margo Walden Mr. John Nuss Dr. and Mrs. Alan Nussbaum Dr. Robert F. O’Dell Mr. and Mrs. Cole Oehler Robin Ogilvie Ms. Diane O’Keefe and Mr. Peter Thibodeau Mrs. Sonya Pettersen O’Malley Dr. Patrick M. O’Neil Mr. and Mrs. James Orcutt Ms. Kristin Ormand and Mr. Benjamin McCollum Mr. and Mrs. Craig J. Orme Regina and Kenneth Oster Jenny and Nate Ovellette Ms. Shawn Overos Mr. Kurt Palmer Mrs. Dendy Pappas Ms. Jill Paris Mr. and Mrs. Telfair Parker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parrington Mr. and Mrs. James L. Passmore Dr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Pate Mrs. Jane R. Pearman Mrs. Margaret Anne Pearson Mr. and Mrs. Joddy Peer Ms. Margaret M. Peery Ms. Carol Pennell and Ms. Lorraine Kasyan Mr. and Mrs. Steven Pernick Mr. and Mrs. Paul Perocchi Mrs. Lorraine Perry and Mr. Charles F. Reese

IMAGE Transformation Table June 12, 2019 (JB McCabe)

Ms. Susan Perry Mr. and Mrs. William R. Perry, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A. Peters Mr. and Mrs. Robert Phipps Mrs. Carol Pinckney Ms. Sarah Pitts Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Platt Mrs. Anne T. Pope Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Pratt-Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Michael Prevost Mrs. Beth Price Mr. and Mrs. William C. Putnam Mr. and Mrs. Scott Quattlebaum Mr. Chris Raispis Ms. Sherri Ralston Ms. Linda Randazzo Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Ravenel Mrs. Susan Ravenel Mr. and Mrs. Johnathan Ray Ms. Bryn Redman Ms. Barbara Reed and Mr. Robert Day Ms. Ellen T. Reid Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Reitman Mr. and Mrs. W. McLeod Rhodes Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Richardson Dr. Katy J. Richardson and Dr. David G. Bundy Ms. Katherine Riddile and Mr. Nick Witte Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Riesenberg Ms. Devon Riley Mr. and Mrs. Karl Riner Ms. Harriet R. Ripinsky Mrs. Bene Jacobs Rittenberg and Dr. Charles Rittenberg Rachel Rittenberg and Ryan Morris Mr. and Mrs. Horace Ritter Ms. Carolyn Rivers Ms. Cornelia C. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Randal M. Robinson Mr. John Robitaille Mr. and Mrs. Avery Rockefeller Mrs. Christine Roman Donna Rone Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rooney Mr. and Mrs. William E. Roschen Mr. Eric Rosenberg Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Rosenblum Mr. and Mrs. Rich Rosenthal Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ross Ms. Carolyn Russell and Mr. Dan Jones Marsha Russell and O. Lee Tawes, III Mr. Frank Russen Lauren and Jonathan Sanchez Mrs. Abigail Sanders and Mr. William Matheson Mr. and Mrs. John Sanders Kathy and John Sanders Mrs. Carol C. Saunders Mr. and Mrs. David Savard Mrs. Janet Scarborough Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Scheurer Ms. Laura Schroeder and Mr. Robert Behre Mrs. Mindelle Seltzer and Mr. Robert Lovinger Mr. and Mrs. Roy Selvidge Mr. and Mrs. William Semmes Mr. and Mrs. William B. Settlemyer Ms. Julie Shaffer and Mr. Jack Handegan Mr. John Shannon and Mr. Curtis Estes Mr. and Mrs. Dan Shaw Dr. and Mrs. Darren Sidney Ms. Liz Simonds Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Simons Mr. and Mrs. Rick Sineath Mr. and Mrs. J. Bryan Smalley Mr. and Mrs. Park B. Smith, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Smock Mr. and Mrs. George W. Smyth

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Snead Mrs. Jayne M. Spector Mr. Heather Speizman Ms. Jane Spelce Mrs. Nancy Spencer Dr. and Mrs. William H. Spencer, III Lauren and William Spielvogel Amanda and Max Steinhardt Mrs. Kate Stenson Ms. Alecia Stevens Elizabeth and William Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Randell C. Stoney, Jr. Mary and Karl Stork Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Strauss Mr. and Mrs. James A. Stuckey Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sullivan Dr. and Mrs. Istvan Takacs Mr. and Mrs. Mark Tanenbaum Mr. Jonathan Tarleton Ms. Dorothy W. Teetor Ms. Ann Thomas Dr. Christine Thompson Dr. and Mrs. W. Leigh Thompson Marie Thrower and Charles Rowe Ms. Rhett Thurman and Mr. Harry Clark Ms. Vanessa Tiffany Ms. Mary Tinkler Ms. Kristi Tolley and Mr. Timothy Mattice Dr. and Mrs. Martin Toporek Mr. and Mrs. Blair Torrey Ms. Kathleen Tresnak and Mr. William Reehl Mrs. Suanne T. Trimmer Ms. Patricia L. Trivette and Mr. Rick L. Malaspina Ms. Patricia Tweel and Dr. Charles Tweel Dr. Lindsey Vance and Mr. Joseph Vance Mrs. Samantha Vance Ms. Veronica Volborth and Mr. Edwin Roncancio Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian von Marschall Ms. Martha Waggoner Mr. David Walters Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ward Mr. and Mrs. Perry Keith Waring Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Waring Mr. and Mrs. John H. Warren, III Mrs. Marshall Webb William B. Webb, III Dr. Roberta Weisbrod Mr. and Mrs. James R. Weise Ms. Sheila Wertimer and Mr. Gary Gruca Ms. Mary L. Wessner and Mr. Stephen D. Slifer Mr. Christopher West Mrs. Constance West Mrs. Martha Whelan Mr. Gary Wiessner Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wilbur Dr. Kathleen Wiley and Mr. Patrick Kelley Sarah and Tracy Wilkins Mr. and Mrs. Barry Williams Mrs. Berna Williams Mrs. Elizabeth N. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Roy Williams, III Ms. Amy R. Wilson and Mr. Mathew J. Swenson Dr. and Mrs. William C. Wilson Ms. Chase Wood Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wood Ms. Caitlin Worsham Dr. and Mrs. George F. Worsham, Jr. Ms. Martha Worthy Mr. and Mrs. Steve Yeomans Ms. Donna York-Monestere and Mr. Martin Monestere Isabelle Young and Paul Pearson Mr. and Mrs. James E. Young Ms. Tara Young and Judge Roger Young

Richard and Christine Yriart Mr. John Zimmer Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zollinger


Rafaela Aguiar Mrs. Marianne Albrecht Ms. Angela Allard Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Allen Mrs. Diane Allen Ms. Suzanne Allen Ms. Tina Allen Dr. and Mrs. William B. Allen The Rt. Rev. and Mrs. C. Fitzsimons Allison Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Amis Sarah Amos Ms. Mary Sue Andrews Anonymous Mrs. Lillian Apple Ms. Sara Arnold and Dr. Heath Hoffmann Mr. and Mrs. Michael Arthur Ms. Debbie Austin and Mr. Randall J. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Benoit Avice Du Buisson Mrs. Lee Ann Bain Mr. Robert Baker Mr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Bakker Dr. and Mrs. J. Gilbert Baldwin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel I Ball, III Ms. Mary Bannon Ms. Samantha Bannon Ms. Vanessa Baran Dr. Lisa K. Barclay Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Barrett Ms. Elizabeth Barrineau Mr. and Mrs. Donald Barry Lisa K. Bartmann Ms. Britt Bates Mr. and Mrs. William Bates Ms. Claire Batten Mr. Bennett Baxley Julia-Carr Bayler Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beard Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Beinbrink Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Benbow Mr. Jay Benson Mrs. Susan S. Benton Mr. and Mrs. Jim Berg Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Berghauser Dr. Maria Berliner and Mr. Jordan Berliner Mrs. Eve M. Berlinsky Mrs. Ellen W. Berrier Dr. Erin Beutel Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Black Mr. Walter N. Boags Mr. William Bodine Mrs. Brenda Bogren Ms. Anne Bongiovanni and Mr. Steve Partlow Ms. Carol B. Bosco Mrs. Cheryl K. Boswell Sherry Bowden and Jean Schmulling Mr. Martin R. Bowen Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Bowles Lindsey Boyce Mr. J.B. Boyd Ms. Helen C. Brandenburg Ms. Lisa Breed Mr. and Mrs. David E. Breedlove Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bridgman Mary M. Brigman Dr. and Mrs. Howard L. Brilliant Lee Brockington and William Shehan Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brooks Ms. Miranda Brooks Dr. Francis M. Brown

Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Brown Ms. Jane M. Brown Ms. Melissa Brown Mr. and Mrs. Steven Brown Dr. Timothy D. Brown Ms. Jessie Brynan and Mr. Bob Hyman Dr. and Mrs. William Y. Buchanan Patrick Bucher Mrs. Jan Bullock Mr. Vincenzo Caiazzo Dr. Elsa Caire and Dr. Russell Wolfe Mrs. Stephanie Calandra Ms. Dayna Caldwell Dr. and Mrs. Price Cameron Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cameron Mrs. Elizabeth Campbell Ms. Elizabeth S. Campbell Mrs. Megan Campbell Ms. Sandra W. Campbell Judith A. Canonico Mrs. Sarah S. Carey Mrs. Jana Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Carter Mr. and Mrs. T. Heyward Carter, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William C. Carter, III Mr. Greg Casciato Leslie Casey Ms. Kathleen A. Cassels Mrs. Sheryl Cave Ms. Marisela Celaya Ms. Judith Chamberlin Dr. Angela Choi Mrs. Elizabeth Lee Christena Ms. Deborah Ruth Cintron Dr. and Mrs. Harry S. Clarke Ms. Janet Clarke Mrs. Barbara M. Clawson Ms. Thadine Clifton Ms. Claire Clinton Ms. Brigitte Codron Ms. Barbara Cohn Mr. Thomas R. Conklin Mr. and Mrs. Peter Conlin Mr. and Mrs. John D. Cook Mrs. Emily Cooper Mrs. Jeannette M. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Peter Correale Ms. Susan Costa and Ms. Laura Costa Ms. Ellen Costello and Mr. Michael Judge Mrs. Mary Cotterill Ms. Margaret Cotton Ms. Catherine Coughlin The Country Club of Charleston Dr. Laura Crary Mr. and Mrs. Grant Crawford Ms. Rebecca A. Crichton Mrs. Diane Croughwell Lisa Crow Ms. Audrey A. Cryne and Mr. Jason C. Stearns Dr. and Mrs. Michael F. Cuenin Mr. and Mrs. Edward Culver Mrs. Lucy Cuneo Ms. Angelique Cunningham Ms. Carol Curtis and Dr. Knox Kinlaw Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Dantzler Allie Darby Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Darby III Mr. Townsend Davidson Ms. Edna Davis Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey K. Davis Mrs. Karen D. Davis Mr. Michael O. Dawson Mrs. Stuart Dawson Jr. Mrs. Hilda Debacker


$45–$99 (CONT’D) Steve and Carol Degnen Ms. Nancy Jane Dennis and Mr. Lockwood Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Deso Mrs. Susan G. Dickson Ms. Patricia M. Dillon Christa and Jeremy Divis Ms. Elizabeth P. Dixon Dr. Cynthia Dodds Ms. Katherine Doe Mr. and Mrs. Drew Doggett Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dolinsky Ms. Julie Dombrowski Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Donaldson, III Mr. and Mrs. Gaillard T. Dotterer Ms. Renee Dougherty Ms. Melissa Doussard Mrs. Helen Dovell Ms. Mary Ellen Doyle Don Droppo Helen Dubois Edith DuBose Dr. John Dukes Ms. Dixie Dunbar Mrs. Carroll Dunn Ms. Nathalie Dupree and Mr. Jack Bass Ms. Jayne Eastman and Mr. William Gangi Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Eatman, Jr. Ms. Mary Eckford Mr. Howard Edmonds Mr. and Mrs. Lutz Eggert Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Eiden Mr. and Mrs. David Elliott Ms. Sheron Elliott Ms. Iza Ellis Ms. Peggy Ellis and Mr. Peter Van Every Stephen Elrod and Christopher Arambul Mr. and Mrs. Chip Ervin Ms. Lorraine F. Evans Ms. Henrietta J. Evatt Mrs. Jillian Eversole Ms. Cynthia Ewing Donna and Michael Factor Ms. Juliana G. Falk Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Falk Ms. Linda Fantuzzo Chloe E. Farb and Craig R. Edmunds Nancy W. Farrington Mr. and Mrs. Gary Fassett Mr. Brian Faudman Dr. Gayle Fellers and Mr. Henry Fellers Ms. Avril H. Fenwick Mrs. Erin Ferrara Mrs. Debbie Ferrer Ms. Christine Fette Dr. and Mrs. Gary E. Fink Jan and Paul Finn Dr. and Mrs. Evan Firestone Ms. Gaye Fisher Ms. Sara Forbes Ms. Katherine Ford Ms. Kerri Forrest Mary Ann and James Forrester Mr. Erik Forsberg Ms. Kathleen Fortney and Mr. Heschel Falek Mrs. Julie Foster Ms. Barbara Fox Ms. Bonnie Fraser Ms. Carolyn B. Fraser Deena Frooman Daniel Fuerst Mr. and Mrs. Bernard B. Fulk, III Mr. and Mrs. Samuel N. Furr Mrs. Karen Gaag Mr. Wesley Gangi Garrett Ganos

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Garrett Ms. Elizabeth Gasque Bertheria Gaston Mrs. Nancy Gates Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gebhardt Gerry Geckle Ms. Helen Lyles Geer Mrs. Constance Gentzler Ms. Elaine George Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gergel Andrea Giblin Ms. Addie Gill and Mr. Keith Gill Ms. Carolyn S. Glover Susan and Charles Golden Ms. Kira Golub Dr. April Gordon and Dr. Donald Gordon Mrs. Linda Gordon and Mr. William Cattorini Ms. Susie A. Goss Dr. and Mrs. Theodore G. Gourdin Mr. and Mrs. Preston Grandin Mr. J. Kirkland Grant Mr. and Mrs. Laurence O. Gray Mr. Harlan Greene Ms. Joyce Green Ms. Susan Gregory Mrs. Zan Gregory Corinn Griesedieck Anna Griffith and Cameron Steadman Ms. Mary Guess Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hacker Mrs. Nancy Hadley Ms. Kaminer Haislip Mrs. M. Tracey Handler Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hanson Gregory Hardee Dr. Elizabeth Harden and Mr. Richard Hoefer Mr. and Mrs. William Hardis Ms. Janet Harper Ms. Roslyn J. Harper Ms. Kate Harpootlian Ms. Mary D. Harrison Dr. Courtney T. Hartness and Mr. Sean Hartness Ms. Yolanda Hart Ms. Ann W. Haskell Mrs. Janet Haughey Ms. Anne Leigh Hawkes Ms. Mini Hay Ms. Susan Haynsworth Ms. Andrea Hazel Ms. Karyn Healey Mrs. Gloria Hedden Ms. Clara H. Heinsohn Ms. Corbin A. Henderson and Mrs. Quinn Sweeney Mrs. Chevon Herbert Ms. Elizabeth Herlihy Mrs. Susan Herlong Ms. Heidi Herman and Mr. Robert Herman Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Herrick Mr. Fred B. Herrmann Mr. and Mrs. James Herzog James Hewlette Mr. Mary Hinchcliff Ms. Laurie Hines Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hines Ms. Sherry Hirsch and Mr. Kenneth Hirsch Mr. Michael Hodges Mary Hodgson Mr. Jack Hoey, Jr. Ms. Karen L. Hollings Mr. and Mrs. Kelly T. Holsten Kathleen Honan Mrs. Gayle Hong and Mr. Arthur Richardson John Hooff McLean Hooff Mrs. Nancy Hooker Mrs. Beverly Hoover Ms. Isabel Hopkins Ms. Janet Hopkins

Ms. Joscelyn Horne Ms. Mary Houston and Charles Cater Ms. Kate Hudson Mr. Matthew Hudson Mrs. Connie L. Hughes and Mrs. Kathryn Mallory Mrs. Gwyn Hargrett Hunter Mr. Marion L. Hunter, Jr. Mr. Matthew A. Hunter Lauren J. Hurlock and Michael Havens Mrs. Casey Hurst Kathi Hurt Mr. and Mrs. Tim M. Hussey Mr. G. Frederick Hutter Mrs. Ann Igoe Mr. and Mrs. David Ingle Ms. Eva Maria Israelsson Ms. Sherry A. Jackoboice Alan Jackson Ms. Nancy Jackson Mrs. Lori Jenkins Mrs. Victoria Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. John Jennings Dr. Thomas Jhou Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jilich Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson Cmdr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Johnson Mrs. Christina Jones Mr. Ernest G. Jones, III Ms. Melaina J. Jones and Mr. Michael D. Jones Mr. Wilson Jones Ms. Celeste Joye and Mr. Thomas Foster Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Kahn Ms. Sharon Kahn Mr. Gregory W. Kaneb Mr. Ted Keller Mr. and Mrs. Merle D. Kellerhals, Jr. Mrs. Anja Kelley Mr. John Kemper Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kennedy Ms. Kay Kennerty Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kenney Mr. and Mrs. Worth Ketchem Mr. Jim Kevany Mr. and Mrs. Glenn F. Keyes Ms. Carole King Mrs. Caroline King Ms. Leslie Kingery Mrs. Louise King Ms. Pamela H. King and Mr. Larry S. Barnfield Ms. Joy Kingsley Mrs. Claire Kirkpatrick Ms. Chris Kisner and Mr. Paul C. Hitopoulos Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Klaper Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Klein Ms. Sharon Kloss Ms. Paula Knecht Mrs. Denise T. Kniola Mr. Michael Koon Mrs. Wendy Kopp Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kosian Laurie and Bernard Krafsig Susan Kridler Jordan Kruse Ms. Hilde Kuck and Mr. Frank W. Santillo Dr. Maryellen Kyle Ms. Katja Lackey Jane Ann Laffitte Joseph and Michelle Lally Ms. Julia Lamson-Scribner Ms. Kathleen L. Lancaster and Mr. Michael J. Keating Ms. Debby Lassiter Mr. and Mrs. J. Perrin Lawson, III Nicole Layne Ms. Janet Lederman and Mr. Jerome Lederman Ms. Muffie Lee Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leggett Mr. Peter Lehman Mr. and Mrs. Wray Lemke

Dr. Barbara Leonard Mr. and Mrs. Chisolm Leonard Dr. Elliott Lessen Mr. and Mrs. William Lester Dr. and Mrs. Philip Levin Mrs. Alice F. Levkoff Anne Lewis and Janet Friedell Ms. Margaret E. Lewis Temitope Leyimu Mr. and Mrs. Hall B. Liles Dr. Kelly Lipke Ms. Alesha Lockwood and Miss Belinda Andersen Mr. Melvin R. Loeb Ms. Marilyn Long Mr. and Ms. Robert Lorzelere Ms. Nina Lott Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Loughry Ms. Joanie Lucas Mrs. Jeannette MacDougal Mr. and Mrs. Doug MacIntyre Mrs. Robin Macpherson Todd Magro and Christopher Walker Mrs. Susan Z. Malabre Ms. Mary Malone Mr. and Mrs. Jeb Malony Mr. and Mrs. Brenden Maloof Ms. Phyllis Malpas Mrs. Megan Maner Ms. Dani Manilla Ms. Deborah Manning Mr. John Marko Mrs. Katie Marko Mrs. Frances C. Marlatt Ms. Gina Marriner Ms. Gale B. Marrone Ms. Debbie Martinez Mrs. Jan Martin Ms. Margaret Martz and Mr. Randolph Martz Elizabeth Martz Mr. and Mrs. John A. Massalon Martha and William Matheson Hirona Matsuda Mr. Wray W. Mattice Mr. and Mrs. William May Dr. Pam Mayer Mr. Niall Mays Ms. Marian Mazzone Ms. Sue McClinton and Mr. Roy Owen Ms. Mitzi McClure Ms. Patricia McCormack Dawn and James McDonald Mrs. Carol McDonnell and Ms. Katherine McDonnell Lara B. McFalls Chessie McGarity Mr. Craig Kettles and Mr. Michael McGaughey Ms. Susan McGinness Mr. and Mrs. William E. McIntosh Ms. Lorraine McKenna Ms. Mariana McLean Mr. Jim McMahan Mrs. Caroline H. McMillan Mrs. Marie McNeice Ms. Alicia Mendicino and Mr. Peter Wertimer Samuel Metzger Mr. and Mrs. Donald Meyer Ms. Gretta A. Middleton Ms. Joan C. Middleton Mr. and Mrs. Larry Midla Mr. and Mrs. John Milkereit Mrs. Elaine B. Miller Nancy and Greg Miller Ms. Elsa Mintz Mr. Francisco Miranda Ms. Amanda Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold Mitchell Ms. Terry Monell Ms. Ashton Moore Mrs. Judith Moore

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Ms. Lisa Moran Mr. Richard Morgan and Dr. Charles Smith Ms. Joyce Morris Dean Valerie Morris Ms. Dena Moses Mrs. Anne Moss Mr. and Mrs. Chris Moss Tony and Chelsea Mullen Ms. Jennifer Murphy and Mr. David Leard Steve Berry and Katherine K. Murray Ms. Cecilia Murray Ms. Laura Musselman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Myers Mrs. Dawn Nakamura Mr. Arnold Nemirow Dr. Margaret B. Neville Mrs. Jill Newton Mr. and Mrs. James P. Nicholson Adrienne Nickol Mr. Jeff Nickol Diane and John Nimphius Ms. Blaise Niosi Mrs. Lynda Nolta Ms. Robin Norris Mrs. J. G. Nowell Mr. Kevin O’Connell Ms. Kelly L. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Olanoff Mrs. Greta Olson Mrs. Elizabeth O’Meara Ms. Lee O’Neal Ms. Anna O’Quinn Mr. Cody Orr Joseph and Linda Ort Ms. Jeanette Ososki Ms. Pamela Ovens Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Owens Mr. Norman Owens Mr. Manuel Pacheco and Father Charles S. Seiler Mr. Lewis C. Paine Walter and Louise Palmer Ms. Tammy H. Papa Mr. Matthew Pardieck Lelio and Catherine Parducci Dr. and Mrs. Telfair H. Parker Ms. Susan Parsons and Dr. Angus Baker Mr. and Mrs. Murray Passo Ms. Nelia Patricio Ms. Libby Paul Mr. Richard S. Paul Ms. Joyce M. Paulson Mrs. Jane A. Pelland Mr. and Mrs. Glen Pellett Mrs. Carol C. Pelzer Mr. Randy Pelzer Mrs. Alicia Penn Deborah Nyman Pepchinski and Bruce Pepchinski Mrs. Sara Perrine Mr. and Mrs. William Perry Dr. and Mrs. Leonard L. Peters Ms. Mary Peters Mr. H. Dickman Pfann Megan Pinckney Ms. Karen Pinson Vice Adm. Douglas C. Plate Dr. Jacob Podber Mr. and Mrs. Craig J. Poff Mr. and Mrs. William Poloski Mr. Richard Porcher Mr. and Mrs. Dean Porter Dr. and Mrs. Bernard E. Powers, Jr. Ms. Heather Powers Katy H. Powers Elsbeth Pratt Ms. Betty J. Profit Mr. and Mrs. Greg Pryor Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Pulling Ms. Katharine Purcell Dr. and Mrs. Newton Quantz, Jr. Dr. Carol Quillen and Dr. George McLendon Ms. Mary Ellen Rankin Ms. Margaret Sanford Rauch Prof. Lauren Ravalico Dr. and Mrs. B. Owen Ravenel Mrs. Shannon Ravenel Mr. Allen D. Reardon Mary M. Reed Rhonda Reeser Rebecca Repaire Mrs. Donna Reyburn and Mr. Michael Griffith Ms. Emily A. Reyna Ms. Sara Jane Reynolds Ms. Ann B. Rhett Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Rhoden Ms. Ella W. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Terry Richardson Mr. and Mrs. William C. Richardson Ms. Lynne Riding Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Riley The Honorable and Mrs. Joseph P. Riley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ritts Ms. Carroll W. Rivers Ms. Georgia C. Roane Mrs. Julie S. Roberts Mrs. Claire Robinson Ms. DeAnn Roddy Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Rodgers Mrs. Kimberly Rodriguez Ms. Catherine G. Rogers and Mr. Steven Nicoll Ms. Jean N. Rogge Dr. Paul D. Roof Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rosenberg Mrs. Sandra Rosenblum Dr. Dale Rosengarten Ms. Abby Rosenthal Dr. Arlene Rosenthal Dr. Susan Ross and Mr. James Ross Mrs. Andrea Rose Rousseaux and Mr. Charles Dorkey Mr. and Mrs. James Rowe Ms. Heather Saal Ms. Patti Sachs Ms. Jane Salloway Ms. Kathy Salmanowitz Ms. Lesa Salvani Ms. Leslie Samuel Dr. and Mrs. Paul W. Sanders III

Mr. and Mrs. N. Winfield Sapp, Jr. Ms. Pepper Sarnoff Mr. and Mrs. Orrell Saulsbury Ms. Patricia Schaefer and Mr. Page Schaefer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schafer Ms. Lucy Schardt Mr. Paul Schelechow Mrs. Laura Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Gordon D. Schreck Marie Schroeder Ms. Constance B. Schulz Dr. Richard Schulze Mrs. Carolyn Schwenzfeier Mr. Hugh T. Scogin Mr. and Mrs. Richard Scurry Jean and Stuart Serenbetz Nancy and Bill Shaffner John Shannon and Jan Serr Mrs. Paige Shaw Dr. McLean Sheperd and Mr. Emmett Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Shilepsky Mrs. Jayne Shiver Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Shortridge, Jr. Mrs. Alicia Silva Dr. and Mrs. Jack W. Simmons, Jr. Ms. Pamela E. Simons Mr. and Mrs. John Sirianni Ms. Dale Slater Dr. Alma Smith Mr. and Mrs. Colton M. Smith Dr. Martha G. Smith Mr. William D. Smyth Mrs. Paige Smythe Ms. Arianne Sowers Mrs. Jean R. Spell Dr. Lundie Spence Ms. Margarita Staudt and Dr. Richard Gunter Mrs. Jill Steinberg Dr. Faye B. Steuer and Mr. Jerry W. Huhn Ms. Renee Stewart Ms. Cordelia Story Ms. Emily Stover Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Stowe Mr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Strauss Mrs. Ute Stretz Ms. Joanna Stroud Ms. Vicky Suazo Ms. Rita Sullivan and Mr. David Sullivan Jennie Summerall Dr. Phoenix Sunshine Mrs. Barbara Sussberg Courtland Sutton Mrs. Ellen Swartz Ms. Lynn Sweatman and Mr. Alan Brehm Ms. Laurie Tarleton Dr. Marguerite Tennille and The Honorable Ben Tennille Ms. Robert Tennyson Ms. Grace Teshima Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Thibault Dr. Carolyn Thiedke Mrs. Paula Thomas Mr. George Thomas Dr. William B. Thomason Mr. David M. Thompson Mrs. Lizabeth Gregg Hutto Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Timmons Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Tisdale, Jr. Ms. Elizabeth Todd Mr. and Mrs. Craig Townsend Mr. and Mrs. John M. Trask Jr. Mr. Zachary Trefsger Mrs. Margaret Todd Truluck Ms. Elizabeth S. Tucker Ilene Turbow Ms. Kelly S. Turner Diana Twining Mr. and Mrs. H. Wayne Unger, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dieter Urbanski Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ustin Mr. Jonathan Vallentine and Mr. Tommy Ray Manuel Ms. Susan van Bavel Mr. and Mrs. Jacobus Van de Graaf Ms. Judith Vance and Mr. Stephen Vance Ms. Anne-Lee Verville Mrs. Virginia C. Volf Dr. Lisa Von Moll Mrs. Margaret von Werssowetz Ms. Patricia Votava Mrs. Barbara Wade Ms. Kathy Wade Alex Waggoner and Chris Nickels Ms. Barbara Wagner Ms. Claire Wagner Ms. Judith Walker Mr. and Mrs. Steve Walker Ms. Carolyn Wall Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Wallace Ms. Shawn Daughtridge Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wallen Mr. and Mrs. Thatcher Waller Mr. and Mrs. John P. Ward Mrs. Jane O. Waring Mrs. Molly Waring and Mr. Joe Caughman Mrs. Ashley Warnock Mrs. Theodora G. Warren Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Watts Dr. Charles A. Webb, Jr. Linda Weber Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wecksler Dr. and Mrs. Stewart Weinberg Mrs. Eileen Weklar Ms. Philippa Wellborn and Mr. Peter Pollak Ms. Ellen P. Welty and Mr. Michael Middeleer Dr. Elizabeth Wenner Mr. and Mrs. David Wertz Lee and Jo Westbrock Ms. Kristin M. Westerson Mr. and Mrs. David P. Wetta Glenda and Larry Wetzel Ms. Amelia Whaley Mr. Haynes Wheeler and Mr. Andy Anastasi Mr. Jon Whitbeck Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whittemore Mr. and Mrs. James S. Whitten Rebecca and Jim Wick Mr. Pele Wilder and Mr. Braylen Manigault

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wildermann Mr. Scott M. Wildermuth Mr. and Mrs. Sykes Wilford Ms. Stephani Wilkens Mr. and Mrs. Steven Wilkens M.P. Wilkerson Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wilkie Mr. Arthur L. Williams Mrs. Barbara S. Williams Charlotte Williams Mrs. Carol Williams Ms. Regina Williams Mr. Cecil Wilson Mr. Michael E. Wilson Mrs. Joann W. Wimberley Mr. and Mrs. John D. Winchester Mrs. Brigétte Wojnarowicz Mr. Mateusz Wojnarowicz Mrs. Alston O. Wolf Ms. Arianne Wolfe and Mr. Nate Dittman Mrs. Suzanne Wolfe Mrs. Helen C. Woodbridge Ms. Ann Woodfield and Mr. Ralph Wood Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Wright Mrs. Courtney Yannitelli Ms. Jane M. Yates Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Young Judy Young Dr. Nikki Yourshaw and Dr. Jeffrey Yourshaw Mrs. Helena Louise Yule Ms. Julie Zachowski Geri Zatcoff Katelyn A. Zawyrucha Mr. David Zoellner Ms. Renate G. Zolkiewicz Ms. Chrystine Zweibel


Above & Beyond Services, Inc. All Occasions Jack Alterman Art Mag Artist & Craftsman Artizom Chambers Austelle Beef Jerky Outlet Ben Arnold Beverage Kristy Bishop Blade & Bow Kentuky Straight Bourbon Bon Banh Mi Breakthru Beverage Carriage Properties Cathead Vodka Danielle Cather-Cohen Carriage Properties Caviar and Bananas Charleston City Paper Charleston Grill Charleston Magazine The Charleston Mercury Charleston Place Jarod Charzewski Circa 1886 Cobalt Property Management Morgan Cole Olivia Cramer Paul Cristina Cru Catering Gretchen Cuddy Cypress Elliott Davis Laura Deems Duncan Parnell Katherine Dunlap Nathan Durfee Elan Artists EventWorks Vassiliki Falkehag Linda Fantuzzo Taylor Faulker FIG Restaurant The Frothy Beard Gallo Wines The Glass Onion The Grocery Camela Guevara Richard Hagerty Hampton Home Hank’s Seafood Mr. and Mrs. George Hartley Jill Hooper Donna Cooper Hurt Tim M. Hussey inventivEnvironments Alan Jackson John Jamison Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin P. Jenkins, III Jet Blue Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Jones Mrs. Deborah Kennedy Kennard and Ambassador William Kennard Kiawah Partners Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Lenhardt Jr. The Macintosh Madame Magar Hirona Matsuda McCrady’s Restaurant MCG Photography Laurie Meyer Nelson Printing / Direct Marketers of Charleston Ella Ora Ms. Rhett Ramsay Outten Oysters XO The Palmetto Café Palmetto Parking Party Reflections Jane Pearman Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Phillips The Post & Courier Ms. Helen Pratt-Thomas Production Design Associates Red Drum Salthouse Catering Senza Tempo Skyline Tent Company

Slightly North of Broad Andrew Smock Snyder Events Social Spool Kate Long Stevenson Sugar Bakeshop Susan Klein Art SYG Designs Technical Event Company Maurice Thompson Marissa Vogl Alex Waggoner Wild Olive WildFlour Pastry Charles Edward Williams


Bank of America Coca Cola Eaton Corporation ExxonMobil Matching Gift Program IMB Matching Gifts Ingevity Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Starbucks Coffee Company

HONOR / MEMORIALS In honor of Sara Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Scott Emmons Dr. Sheldon Lerman In honor of Jay Benson Blackbaud In memory of Robert Randolph Bradham Mr. and Mrs. E. Dana Beach Dr. and Mrs. Haskell S. Ellison In memory of Mr. and Mrs. William Chisolm Coleman and in honor of Mr. William Coleman, Jr. Ms. Bernadette Bohmann Dr. Gordon D. Coleman Ms. Katherine Danielson Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Koeing Mr. and Mrs. Neil Sawyer In memory of Rachel Davis Mrs. Kathy J. Allen Ms. Jennifer Banks Mrs. Anne F. Coleman and Ms. Katherine P. Coleman The Country Club of Charleston Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nistad Dr. and Mrs. B. Owen Ravenel Mr. and Mrs. Claron A. Robertson, III In honor of Elise Detterbeck Barbara and Tom Schoellkopf In memory of James Ferguson Ms. Ellen P. Welty and Mr. Michael Middeleer In memory of Marcelle Furchgott Hollace and Jim Boswell Mr. and Mrs. Harold Engle Mr. and Mrs. Charles Furchgott Mrs. and Mrs. Richard A. Glass Ms. Anne Rhodes Lee and Mr. Stuart F. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Zucker In honor of Laura Gates Mr. and Mrs. William C. Cleveland In honor of the Gibbes Staff Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Smartt In honor of Angela Mack Dr. Sheldon Lerman Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Prioleau In memory of Alfred Browning Parker Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Coyle In memory of Susan Fouke Pettus Mr. and Mrs. Thruston W. Pettus In honor of Betsy Saal Mr. and Mrs. William C. Cleveland In honor of Harriet Smartt Mrs. Kay AvRutick Dr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Jenrette, III Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Mark Ms. Dorothy W. Teetor In honor of Susan Smythe Mr. and Mrs. William C. Cleveland In honor of Courtney Soler Mrs. Carla Kinnett In memory of Caroline and Anton Vreede Mrs. Janneke C. Vreede - Schaay and Mr. Justin Schaay In memory of Caroline Vreede Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Hill Ms. Margaret M. Peery In honor of Alice Wyatt Mr. and Mrs. Joddy Peer Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tarwater

Every effort has been made to reflect accurately the contributions made from July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019. Please contact the development office if we have made an error or omission. Thank you.



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843.367.0119 IMAGE (DETAIL): William Halsey

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the Gibbes Museum of Art

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Serving the Arts Community Since 1844

Inside: The Official Charleston Wine + Food program (page 153) ®

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February 2019


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Cocktails A to Z Hot Pot with Shuai Wang 20th-Century Eateries

“You eat it in the winter to keep warm and in the summer to sweat and cool off. It’s my favorite dish in the whole entire world. ” (See page 137)


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2020 Calendar V I S I T G I B B E S M U S E U M . O R G / E V E N T S F O R A F U L L L I S T I N G O F E V E N T S A N D R E G I S T R AT I O N .

January 16

THURSDAY, JAN 16 6pm Fellows / 7pm Members MEMBER PREVIEW Central to Their Lives: Southern Women Artists in the Johnson Collection




FRIDAY, JAN 17 10am–1:30pm SYMPOSIUM Micromosaic Jewels from the Collection of Elizabeth Locke $50 MEMBERS $65 NON-MEMBERS $ 2 5 S T U D E N T S / FAC U LT Y ( includes boxed lunch)


WEDNESDAY, JAN 29 1pm LECTURE Martha Severens lecture on the Johnson Collection $15 MEMBERS $20 NON-MEMBERS

February 06 THURSDAY, FEB 6 | 6pm

SOCIETY 1858 Amy P. Coy Forum and Prize Reception

April APR 22 | 6pm 22 WEDNESDAY, CONCERT Chamber Music in the Rotunda with the Charleston Symphony String Quartet

$ 1 1 0 PA R T Y O N LY $125 1858 MEMBERS (includes ticket to Amy P. Coy Forum $150 NON-MEMBERS (includes ticket to Amy P. Coy Forum)


A Return to the Grand Tour: Micromosaic Jewels from the Collection of Elizabeth Locke

FRIDAY, FEB 7 8–11pm SOCIETY 1858 1858 Winter Party

12 19

WEDNESDAY, FEB 12 2:30pm F E L LO W S TO U R Tour of Penkhus Collection with Turner Reuter, owner of Red Fox Gallery, Virginia WEDNESDAY, FEB 19 6pm PA N E L She Persisted: Women of Letters and the American South




May MAY 14 14 THURSDAY, 6pm Fellows / 7pm Members MEMBER PREVIEW Fred Wilson: Afro Kismet




March 04 WEDNESDAY, MAR 4 | 12Noon

1 0 T H A N N UA L WOMEN’S COUNCIL Art of Design featuring The Home Edit $150 PER PERSON (limited seating available) $ 1 ,0 0 0 S P O N S O R S

THURSDAY, APR 30 7:30–10pm Gibbes on the Street Party

FRIDAY, MAY 22 10am (New Format) BRUNCH Fellows and Director’s Circle Brunch

June 20 – 25 20 JUNE T R AV E L – OPPORTUNITY 25 Gibbes Trip to London

Contact Jena Clem at 843.722.2706 x225 or for more details

$ 4 0 F O R U M O N LY

MCG Photography


WINTER/SPRING EXHIBITIONS 2020 OCT 11, 2019 – FEB 2, 2020 Charles Edward Williams: SUN + LIGHT OCT 11, 2019 – FEB 2, 2020 Tabitha Vevers: Lover’s Eyes JAN 17 – MAY 3, 2020 A Return to the Grand Tour: Micromosaic Jewels from the Collection of Elizabeth Locke

JAN 17 – MAY 3, 2020 Central to Their Lives: Southern Women Artists in the Johnson Collection FEB 7 – JUN 28, 2020 Charleston Collects: British Sporting Art from the Penkhus Collection

MAY 15 – OCT 4, 2020 Fred Wilson: Afro Kismet ON VIEW UNTIL SPRING 2020 Betwixt and Between: Patrick Dougherty Installation ONGOING The Rivers Collection of Southern decorative art

ONGOING Permanent collection



MCG Photography


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