2 minute read
Dr. Eric Holmes
Tell us about yourself and your business.
I was born and raised in Harrisburg. I serve in Beth-el Temple Church. I am an ordained elder and I serve in several ministries. I am also a certified life coach, mental and behavioral health coach, and a 25-year essential healthcare worker at Johns Hopkins.
When did you know that business/entrepreneurship was something you would do?
As I was doing different assignments my purpose was already in me it just caught up to the timing and season of God and maturity.
Starting seems to be a very difficult part of entrepreneurship, how were you able to finance your business in the beginning?
Family support, family prayers, family love, and family encouragement will lead to success, and because I had that it was successful. It wasn’t that I wanted to give up, but it was some rough times; however, prayer, support, and God reminded me he was with me and kept me going.

What has been the motivating factor for you?
One of the books by TD Jakes Influence
The covid-19 pandemic sort of affected businesses the world over, what are those things you’ve done to keep your business running?
I would say seek wise counsel, have a mentor, get all the training, and be teachable but always seek God. I am not the pastor, I am one of the Ecclesia one of the Elders helping.
What do you love most about being an entrepreneur?
I enjoy what I do because it’s a privilege to be used by God
What is your worst failure as an entrepreneur, that lowest moment?
One mistake is not following the plan and instructions
Okay, what has been your best achievement as an entrepreneur?
I am always looking for ways to better and do more and build upon the foundation
What will be your message to that college student who doubts his chances of success if he starts a business?

Continued in the process and preparation
How can people connect with you?
Social media handles, email addresses, and phone numbers.
I can be reached on all social media platforms. Twitter, FB, IG a) FB: Eric Holmes. b) Twitter: Dr. Eric holmes c) IG: Dr. E holmes and d) LinkedIn: Eric Holmes