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Faith Onyeje Oyita

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Dr. Eric Holmes

Dr. Eric Holmes


What is the name of your ministry or church?


New nation missionary church. I serve as an ordained pastor in this Global movement.

Tell us about yourself and your ministry.

I am a book with many pages, so I find it difficult sometimes to know the area to come from, but I will give it a shot.

My name is Faith Oyita as earlier mentioned. I am 24 years old. I am the CEO of Oyita Faith shoes and bags collections, as well as Oyita clothing and textiles, Zocumber drinks limited and other brands. I was born into a family of 5 and I am privileged to be the eldest. I lost my dad when I was in primary 5, almost 10 years, and life became sour. I started hawking for my mum when I was 8 years old though when my dad died, I told myself that I am not a product of my circumstance but my decisions, hence I chose to succeed, stand out and influence my world.

The journey from childhood to Adulthood wasn’t smooth but God never assured us of a smooth journey, He rather promised us a safe landing that has been my lot. From the circumstances around my birth, my dad told me I was a special child, the one whom God’s hand was evidently upon. God held me at every step, He raised me and made me tall, and yes we just got started because those height men tag impossible, we will attain it and bid them come. will shall more about how I started versus where this once poor girl hawking on the streets of Makurdi the capital of Benue state Nigeria, is today. By the way, am from Ibilla-Alukpo, in the Oju local government area of Benue state. I belong to the Igede-speaking tribe of Benue.

At what point did you discover the purpose and that is the ministry God is calling you to?

From childhood. I always tell people that, only purpose discovery can give birth to life fulfillment. I discovered that I loved God so much from a tender age. My parents were average Christians but something in me kept telling me to aim for more, even as a child. I started fasting in primary 4. My teacher, myself, as well as some of my classmates, will go to the church and pray during the break. At some point, my dad stopped attending our precious church. I went and looked for a church and told him, ‘Daddy, I have found a church for all of us, no one stays at home anymore. They all followed me. I was 7 years old. That was the church my dad worshipped with until his

premature death. The very first miracle God did through me, and my classmate was to give our teacher a baby. She’d been barren for years. I knew God had called and that He wanted to use me. I gave him my life and he was glad I did. Most of the knowledge in him I had he taught me. I began to pray on my own. I eat the scriptures and love God. I went to join the choir at age 8. They said I was too young, but I insisted. In secondary school, I was already a preacher of the word to my mates. At age 16 I was going out on invitations to preach the word in churches and programs backed up with signs and wonders. At age 18-19 in 200 level. I have ordained a pastor with the New nation Missionary church and till the ends of the earth, we will continue to Flag up Jesus.

What inspired you to pursue your

I always tell people that, only purpose discovery can give birth to life fulfillment. I discovered that I loved God so much from a tender age.


My family played a vital role. My mum will always tell me, seeing attended vigils and program a lot, that she won’t stop me from serving God but as long as I can balance it with assisting her in her business. I hawked till my 3rd year at the university. The Holy Ghost my best friend gave me wisdom on how to carry along business with ministry and they are both thriving even to the resent day. My siblings see me as their prophet and not just their older sister. I got 3 of them baptized in the Holy Ghost and they are all actively serving God. I became a father to my siblings and a husband to my mum ensuring I provide them with all forms of security in God, education, finances, etc.

What challenges have you experienced throughout the pursuit of your purpose?

I thought of giving up countlessly, but I didn’t. Being a believer doesn’t stop the devil from suggesting trash to you, but the Holy Ghost and the power of God on your inside will rise a standard above those voices.

I always say that you can’t stop the devil from fighting, but he

That would be knowing God still earlier than I did. Spending time with my biological dad. My dad is my hero.

can’t stop you from winning too. My resolve to make it in life became bigger than my desire to quit. Each time I spent time with the Holy Ghost the revelations and visions He shows me wowed me. I see myself in places I know only him can take me there. I see myself raising the dead, etc. My conclusion is that only a man who hasn’t met the Holy Ghost genuinely will want to give up. The Holy Ghost quickens the weak. Whenever am faced with a storm I remind myself ‘Faith you are not alone, Jesus is in the boat, and it works. When you are faced with trials of life be conscious of the God you carry. We are not meant to run away from mountains, but to eat mountains like chocolate. The Bible says 1 John 4:4 ‘Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world.’ Become so full of God’s word. The devil, as well as challenges, will never be scared of your face but the amount of God’s word richly dwelling in you.

What is the name of your favorite book?

This question is quite difficult because I am a bookworm. I love books so having to pick one. Anyways, the power of Recognition by Mike Murdock transformed my life greatly. here.

What message would you give to your younger self?

That would be knowing God still earlier than I did. Spending time with my biological dad. My dad is my hero.

Do you have any regrets?

No mistakes to regret by God’s grace. The Holy Ghost has been

What do you love most about being an entrepreneur?

I enjoy every bit of all I do and

even those I plan to further do. The thoughts of them alone give me chills of fulfillment. As long I stay yielded to the government of the Holy Ghost and marry my secret place, he will make me wonder and praise the earth. All I have resolved is to stand when God is standing, move when he is and never take a step if he hasn’t authorized me to.

Do you take breaks?

No, I don’t take a break. Whenever I am called upon, I respond. We will work while it’s day for the night Cometh when no one can work. Ministry is not a carrier you take a break from, it is a life you have sacrificed upon the Altar of God to serve, for example, prophetess Anna in the Bible. As long there is grace from God we will continue to live.

What will be your message to that college student who doubts his chances of success if he starts a business?

Don’t joke about your secret place. You started with God and make sure you stay through with him to the end. Let the Holy Ghost be your all in all, not your knowledge not even you’re anointing nor spiritual head as good as they are. Stay humble and remain a servant. Delete the arrival mentality from your mind, and never allow your children to cheer you into irrelevance. Stay humble and yielded to God.

How can people connect to you?

Like my page on Facebook @ FAITH OYITA. On Instagram Oyita.faith

Whenever I am called upon, I respond. We will work while it’s day for the night Cometh when no one can work. Ministry is not a carrier you take a break from, it is a life you have sacrificed upon the Altar of God to serve, for example, prophetess Anna in the Bible.

Terry Weems

Apostle Terry A Weems Sr My ministry name is Obadiah Ecclesiastical Alliance. I am known for having an electrifying anointing that shifts the atmosphere, bringing deliverance and healing. I’m best described for ministering the word of God in truth, spirit, and power. Having a passion to train, equip and empower those that are called of God to advance the Kingdom of God. I am driving in developing individuals to walk fully in their purpose God has called them to and watching the Lord prosper them.

My purpose was discovered at the age of sixteen, however, it took years of development. It was actually in Fort Lauderdale FL., that my purpose was awakened. The words to me were ‘God called you to be a prophet.’ Now, not having a prophetic lineage naturally I was perplexed. It was later that God likened me to the prophet Amos, who stated “I was not a prophet nor the son of a prophet” Amos 7:14. I did not quite understand the full totality of it until God added significant people to my life. These significant people were instrumental in developing my

My purpose was discovered at the age of sixteen, however, it took years of development. It was actually in Fort Lauderdale FL., that my purpose was awakened.

character and call.

Some family members had a role in the success of my ministry that I am forever grateful for. However, we know that the anointing attracts attack, and as hard as this is to say, at times those attacks are from the confinement of your own family. The Bible is explicit when it cautioned us, that our family could be the ones against us. Even the family members who oppose us are vital to the success of our ministry. Their opposition serves a purpose that we may not understand until later in life.

From a place of transparency, there were several times that the thought presented itself to me of giving up. I’ve realized that giving up is easy but continuing the race takes perseverance, patience, and much prayer. It was the remembrance of the promise that keep me going. Realizing that had I permanently quit, it would have been food to my foes! So, I decided to starve my foes and, of course, God helped me too. The way that I managed to stay close to God was to stay before God! I also had to keep the company of real, resilient, and robust individuals in my life. I believe who we align ourselves with, will determine if we misalign ourselves or stay aligned to God. Throughout these years of many storms, I had to rely on God for strength to carry me through. Apart from the Bible, Bishop T.D Jakes’ book ‘Making Great Decisions’ has influenced my life and my ministry immeasurably.

One of the biggest mistakes that I have made in ministry is familiarity. When we start getting familiar with things and people, we start allowing things that we should not. This familiarity caused me to forge relationships that jeopardize my destiny. Although “all things work together for the good” Romans 8:28. I believe mistakes are ‘nasty but very much necessary to take us in the right direction we are mandated to go.

I wish that earlier in my ministry, I had embraced a spiritual

father because fathers give us our identity. There are so many that have not located their true spiritual identity because of the lack of fathers. We have attributed birthing only to women, but the scripture debunks that ideology. Paul states, I had to give birth for you the second time until Christ is formed in you, Galatians 4:19. I believe I would have been formed earlier had I embraced a spiritual father.

True fulfillment comes from fulfilling your God-given purpose. I can honestly say every aspect of what I’m called to do I enjoy it. This is what I was separated from the womb to do. My plan in moving ahead is to remain consistent, committed, and confident. Allowing God to order every step is essential to what’s before me. Like Jesus, we must take breaks because if we don’t, we will break. I often say if we continue to be used, and not refueled we will eventually be useless. I desire to stay usable as long as God keeps his breath in my body. My words to those that are starting ministry are to first wait for ministry. I would strongly recommend them to allow God to groom them so He will provide room in their proper place. I would also make sure they understand trying to be perfect is frustrating. God does not call the perfect, but he will perfect the called.

I can be reached at www.terryaweems.org

True fulfillment comes from fulfilling your God-given purpose. I can honestly say every aspect of what I’m called to do I enjoy it. This is what I was separated from the womb to do. My plan in moving ahead is to remain consistent, committed, and confident. Allowing God to order every step is essential to what’s before me.



What is the name of your brand/ business?


Tell us about yourself and your business.

Greetings everyone, my name is Demetrics. I am the author of two books. I attend Fort Valley State University to pursue my bachelor’s in Political Science. I desire to become a lawyer. However, one of the things that I love to do is an advocate for others. This is one of the reasons why Ipub was birthed through me. Ipub is a publishing company that helps people speak and tell their stories. It isn’t just about becoming a firsttime author, but more so about standing on the truth of what God has given them.

When did you know that business/entrepreneurship was something you would do?

I knew that business / entrepreneurship was something I had to do once I became unhappy working a man’s job for the rest of my life. You never know what can happen to a man’s job. You live paycheck to paycheck. You could be laid off unexpectedly and be super stressed, but when God calls you into entrepreneurship. You are secured. You have to be obedient and trust the will of God.

You never know what can happen to a man’s job. You live paycheck to paycheck. You could be laid off unexpectedly and be super stressed, but when God calls you into entrepreneurship. You are secured. You have to be obedient and trust the will of God.

Starting seems to be a very difficult part of entrepreneurship, how were you able to finance your business in the beginning?

When I first started Ipub publishing company. I didn’t have the finance. All I had was knowledge and creativity. I’ve realized once you have the strategy, creativity, and true understanding of your vision. You can build anything with little to no finance. I remember when I became a first-time author. I didn’t know what to do, but then I realized that you don’t have to have all the funds to start. There are many resources and ways to help you achieve what you desire to do at little to no cost. You have to have the mindset to make it happen. How bad do you want it?

What has been the motivating factor for you?

Do not give up. Do not stop. It’s at that moment when you stop. Delay and procrastination start to come in. You have to understand that once the vision has been given to you. You have to go full force and have confidence like never before. Never let anyone talk you out of what you believe God has given you. It is for you to take it and run with it. Know that God will make provisions for you and your business.

What are the challenges you’ve faced as an entrepreneur?

The challenge I have had is making my close ones my support system. You have to know that God may not have familiar faces to support your vision. Get comfortable with having strangers be a part of the vision that God has allowed you to carry. You have to have an open mindset about how God is leading you with your business. Once you have the perspective to let God show you, your focus cannot be tainted.

The covid-19 pandemic affected businesses worldwide, what are some of the things you’ve done to keep your business running?

I always made sure not only my health and safety were first, but also my clients. You always have to prepare to adapt to whatever situation may happen. It is vital to continuously improve to ensure your vision survives any storm or adversity with a strong foundation. I strongly recommend creating a business backup plan. For instance, if your business involves your clients face to face. You may want to develop a business plan to strategize running your business through technology or ways that don’t expose you, the person who works for you, or the client. Another example would be if, for some reason, social media was down. How would you communicate with your audience or clients? You can build a business plan to find ways to keep your clients in the loop and maybe make an email platform to keep the communication open.

I always made sure not only my health and safety were first, but also my clients. You always have to prepare to adapt to whatever situation may happen.

What do you love most about being an entrepreneur?

What I love most about being an entrepreneur is seeing the fruits of my labor. We know that the bible states that God judges the fruit. I desire to make sure results are produced. My heart is to make sure that every person begins to use their voice to speak their truth in many ways, whether it is from their mouth, writing, or just through an image.

How highly do you place god in your business? And what values do you uphold?

God is at the center of my business. Even when I begin to coach first-time authors, we start with prayer. Then, we start to go over their manuscript. I will have

the client read their manuscript aloud as they are reading. I’m able to hear God. Once God speaks to me. I’m able to open up to them with what God says pertaining to their book and the purpose of why the book is necessary. My business is grounded in God and his word.

What do you think you should have done differently when you started your business?

When starting Ipub, I was very hesitant. I would say to have high confidence and to move expediently. ACT ON IT RIGHT AWAY!

What is your worst failure as an entrepreneur, the lowest moment? How did you overcome it?

My worst failure as an entrepreneur was not ensuring I was consistent with my business. I would post something here or there and wonder why I’m not getting customers. Always make sure that you are constantly promoting your vision. It doesn’t matter who likes, shares, or even comments. People see regardless, and if they see that’s all that matters. If you do not promote. You are unrecognizable, and no one knows you. Take your business seriously! Always motivate yourself to stay in the loop with what you can do to better your business. Up your game with technology, and add new services and new ideas to enhance your business. Figure out ways to continue to engage the audience assigned to you. Always understand as an entrepreneur that this is your life. Just because you achieve one thing does not mean you become a lineate. There is always work to do and ways to become better.

What has been your greatest achievement as an entrepreneur?

My greatest achievement as an entrepreneur is seeing my clients happy and excited. It ignites me to go harder to see that their vision comes to life. It’s no longer a thought or a dream to them; It

has become a reality. One word! MANIFESTATION!

Contact Information

What advice do you give to a college student who doubts his/ her chances of success if he/she starts a business?

The advice I would give to a college student is to go for it. You have no excuse. Why? Because I am a full-time student in college, I have a full-time work-from-home job as a paralegal and a full-time publishing company. Yes, I may have a lot on my hands, but I would put myself on a time frame or schedule. Make sure that you build a structure so that you are not all over the place. Of course, school is your priority. You can create your business around your class schedule. Another thing you can do is look into finding a mentor or a coach. Accountability is everything!

Facebook Link-http://www. facebook.com/demetrics.gibbs Instagram Link-@chevona11 Website Link- www. demetricsgibbs.com Email Addressipubpublishingcompany@gmail. com Business Phone Number-478-258-6867 We look forward to celebrating with you while you inspire others! Have A Great Day, Gifted Magazine, LLC Giftedmagazine@ outlook.com https://giftedmagazine.com/

You have no excuse. Why? Because I am a full-time student in college, I have a full-time workfrom-home job as a paralegal and a full-time publishing company.

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