11 minute read
Monica Floyd
Wife, mother of four, adult son who has Autism and mental illness, prayer warrior, worshipper, mentor, and advocate for women and children with special needs. The ministry is about uplifting, empowerment, inspiration, encouraging, embracing, equipping, raising self-esteem, motivation, and healing. It gives women a platform to share their heartfelt testimonies so that other women can be healed, delivered, and set free from their past and present hurt and pain so that they can walk into a better future for themselves, and future generations. They can walk into their God purpose.
I have always encouraged or helped women and men get through challenging times by just being a listening year since I was a teenager. Being an adult, I noticed that many topics weren’t being discussed because of the old way of thinking that we are supposed to be so strong that we don’t seek any type of counseling and continue to hurt, and I needed to change OUR mindsets. The support of my oldest and youngest daughters and my parents all push me even when I can’t see the results.
Yes! It can become difficult doing ministry while raising an adult son with Autism and several mental challenges while being a momager to my 7-year-old. Knowing that other people’s lives depended upon whether I kept going truly helped me not quit. Also, my children are always watching me and needed me to not give up.
My Faith has been tested by abuse, homeless, and rocky marriage. I honestly had to focus on every promise that God made

to me and believe what I couldn’t see. That has been easier said than done.
I’m anointed for this by Angela Kirksey
Remaining in a place where God told me my time was up.
Accepting my calling and leaving when God told me to.

that I may be an effective leader. I’m also currently working on my doctorate. I’m considering expanding to tv, so I will also be building a team to balance everything.
Yes, I take mental breaks to refresh and restore. Right now, my son and youngest are always with me so my breaks occur in the middle of the night, or whenever I can.
Give God a real yes. Ministry requires your focus and trust to always stay in God’s will. It sometimes requires you to let GO of people and things that would hinder you. Don’t let people’s opinions override God’s voice and instructions.
Facebook-Monica Floyd Instagram-Monica Floyd Ministries Monica Floyd Ministries International
Email: Prophetessmonica3@gmail. com I CHOOSE ME LLC phone:302-497-5296 Email: 1ICHOOSEMENOW@gmail. com, Clubhouse-Monica Floyd


What is the name of your brand/ business?
Walking In Greatness Ministries Inc Tell us about yourself and your business.
My name is Crystal Tolbert, and I am a mother, Pastor, Transformational Coach & Author. I have always had a passion, and a desire to help others. Walking In Greatness Ministries is a faithbased ministry and Coaching Program. I desire to help woman find their value, purpose, joy, independence, and the true meaning of happiness to prepare them for their destiny to fully be Awakened. It also provides a biblical yet practical approach to living your life in purpose on purpose.
When did you know that business/entrepreneurship was something you would do?
When God gave me “My Exit to the Platform” strategy. Taking my Ministry into the Market Place from the Pulpit to the Market& having a real plan for your Next.
Starting seems to be a very difficult part of entrepreneurship, how were you able to finance your business in the beginning? I literally follow my “My Exit to Platform” strategy. I used my savings, and the money that I made from speaking engagements as well as mentoring to get me started.
What has been the motivating factor for you?
In Ministry, what I found out, so many in the church are lacking Healing, they have spirituality, but they have not been taught how to deal with trauma, & wounds that are stimulated at a young age. Therefore, I created my business in the marketplace to educate and help heal people from a different Approach & perspective.

What are the challenges you’ve faced as an entrepreneur?
The hardest challenge for me was not becoming overwhelmed with investing so much to make it work. Most Entrepreneurs will tell you, that you work harder for yourself than you do in Corporate America. So, staying Grounded and balanced was so important.
The covid-19 pandemic sort of affected businesses the world over, what are those things you’ve done to keep your business running?
The Pandemic is when my business started to flourish because it forced me to rely on God’s strategic plan for my Coaching Program. I didn’t have time to

second guess, and it forced me out of my comfort zone.
What do you love most about being an entrepreneur?
Being able to have the flexibility to serve God’s people and still maintain a real intimate relationship with God and my young son.
How highly do you place god in your business and what values do you uphold?
My Business was created, by God and Mat. 6:33 is my favorite scripture. Everything in my business is centered around, God as being the number one focus in Developing Authentic Healing.
What do you think you should have done differently?
Started the business earlier & not allow Fear to delay me.
What is your worst failure as an entrepreneur, that lowest moment?
Second, guessing what God spoke to me and allow others to persuade me in the beginning from his plan.
Okay, what has been your best achievement as an entrepreneur? Seeing lives transformed and being able to witness the change within those I was called to serve.
How can people connect with you?

What will be your message to that college student who doubts his chances of success if he starts a business?
I would tell them to seek God & ask him for his Birthing plan for their business. Also, what is their Why? Because your why is what will encourage you not to give up in the most critical times. SOCIAL MEDIA HANDLES, EMAIL ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER….Instagram: @ crystalntolbertFacebook: @Crystal N. Tolbert Address: 13624 Gamma Rd Farmers Branch, TX 75244Website: https://www. crystaltolbert.com Phone: 2148615570 Email: walkingingreatnessministries@ gmail.com


I’m a Husband, Father of four, Friend, Gifted, Charismatic, Highly Spirited, Energetic, Anointed Seer, Prophet, Exorcist, Author, Life & Spiritual and Mental Health Coach, Cantor, Hebraic Teacher, Radio & TV personality, Influencer, and Intercessor who started preaching at the age of 15 in the Island of Puerto Rico.
I identified my purpose primarily through prayer since I was raised by a Godly example, The Blessed Memory of my Late Grandmother Isabel Torres Carmona who was a powerful prayer and Intercessor. Also, I had a Good Pastor who was a Highly Anointed Prophet who operated in all the Gifts of the Spirit Fluently and unusually: The Late Rev. Don Smith whom YHWH ( God ) used to call me by First and last name on June 27 ( My Birthday) 1987 during a Prayer Service in Puerto Rico. ( Never met me before)
My inspiration was my Grandmother, My Pastor, and Evang. Carlos Guadalupe. I had Good mentors throughout my life. See, I was saved in December 1986, Filled with the Holy Spirit on January 10th, 1987, on Shabbat. I was 14 years young, a year later started preaching.
Challenges: I have gone through many disappointments, discouragement, personal failures, health issues, persecution, jealousy, envy that has always followed me, misunderstanding, slander, and defamation of character. I suffered abandonment and many rejections. People see the glory today in me, but they don’t know the whole story!

Books: I have written over 17 books. But my latest one is entitled: The Demonic Deceptive Doctrine of Grace.
What inspired me to write the book ( Deceptive Demonic Doctrine of Grace)was seeing that the body of assemblies of believers is vast at large on life support. The reason for this, I have discerned it’s because we’re feeding the people this hyper Grace gospel that does not exist and it’s not even biblical, particularly the definition that it has been given. Grace has granted many a license to sin and tried to get over it. We are living the days of Isaiah chapter 5 and Isaiah chapter 3. People have lost fear and reverential awe of the presence of the Holy Spirit. We have confused the terms and definitions of the word grace, favor, and mercy and they do not mean the same thing. Grace and mercy are not synonymous. I found out that the word favor is found 59 times in the Old Testament and the first time it was used was in Genesis and 159 times the word grace is found in the New Testament which interestingly that word was never used By our Messiah, King and Lord, mentioned very few by the other Apostle who walked with the Messiah. Mentioned by Paul 130 times. If people understood that Grace is a Greek goddess granddaughter of the Greek god Zeus along with Victoria and Glory they would study the matter deeper. It may explain why some of our leaders struggle with their sexuality. Oh, yes this is NOT for the faint of heart. Because you become whatever you’re covering is and that which you invoke upon yourself. Remember your destiny and your future is locked in the loins of leadership.
What motivates me to be who I am is because I am a Prophet of old. I firmly believe that through prayer everything should be birth in the natural and in the spirit. Either prayer takes out sin or sin takes out prayer but the two cannot coexist. I have a passion and addiction to the presence of the Holy Spirit. There was a fire �� placed there many years ago when I was young and have never been put out regardless of my ups and

downs. Prayer and consecration sustain me as a matter of fact, I have written two books on prayer and I’m going on my third book.
Stop trusting people and be led totally and entirely by the Holy Spirit is the advice I would give my younger self. We must discern between connections and attachments.
My spiritual advice to everyone who is reading this is the following:
A) Stay away from negative people. See, negative people always have a problem with solutions. B) Stay away from people that hate you: Envy, Jealousy, etc C) Eat Healthily, Eat Organic, Take Organic Vitamins and Minerals D) Sleep and rest well E) Have a strong prayer life and study of the word. consecration is a must and I firmly believe that our Heavenly Father is demanding for us to become intercessors. F) forgive completely but love people from afar G) surround yourself with people who celebrate your destiny purpose and assignment and that are genuinely excited about you!
Finally, my final thoughts: Forgive yourself and don’t let anyone keep you hostage. Remember that God cannot lie. Pray for four hours in the Holy Spirit. Recite 22 psalms per day out loud in a prayerful attitude. Keep yourself clean and Holy. Behold the coming of the Messiah is here!
Contact: esbyah@gmail.com / Website: esbyah.org (513)910-9481 www.facebook.com/ESBYAH www.Instagram.com/navi_of_ yahweh ESBYAH MUSIC: https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/ esbyah/bless-me ESBYAH Radio & TV: https://unored.tv/esbyahradio/ Website: esbyah.org