Summer 2014
Celebrating Canada Summer 2014 Retail Prices Ph: 1-519-634-9705 Fx : 1- 5 19-634-5877
Note: Sizes include the frame.
Canadian Photographers: Rick & Mary Schmidt
Louis XIV Stone Village #46457-1 -11x13 $29.95 #46557-8 -16x21 $49.95 #46657-5 -20x26 $89.95 #46757-2 -28x37 $149.95 Pot en Ciel #46445-8 -11x13 $29.95 #46545-5 -16x21 $49.95 #46645-2 -20x26 $89.95 #46745-9 -28x37 $149.95
Van Houtte Cafe #46437-3 -11x13 $29.95 #46537-0 -16x21 $49.95 #46637-7 -20x26 $89.95 #46737-4 -28x37 $149.95 Le Lapin SautĂŠ #46423-6 -11x13 $29.95 #46523-3 -16x21 $49.95 #46623-0 -20x26 $89.95 #46723-7 -28x37 $149.95
Celebrating Canada Summer 2014 Retail Prices Ph: 1-519-634-9705 Fx : 1- 5 19-634-5877
Note: Sizes include the frame.
Canadian Photographers: Rick & Mary Schmidt
Bicycle and Flowers #46467-0 -11x13 $29.95 #46567-7 -16x21 $49.95 #46667-4 -20x26 $89.95 #46767-1 -28x37 $149.95
Down the Stairs to the Shops #46470-0 -11x13 $29.95 #46570-7 -16x21 $49.95 #46670-4 -20x26 $89.95 #46770-1 -28x37 $149.95
Yellow Shutters #46421-2 -11x13 $29.95 #46521-9 -16x21 $49.95 #46621-6 -20x26 $89.95 #46721-3 -24x44 $149.95 Windows and Ivy #46446-5 -11x13 $29.95 #46546-2 -16x21 $49.95 #46646-9 -20x26 $89.95 #46746-6 -28x37 $149.95 3
Celebrating Canada Summer 2014 Retail Prices Ph: 1-519-634-9705 Fx : 1- 5 19-634-5877
Note: Sizes include the frame.
Canadian Photographers: Rick & Mary Schmidt
Red Window #46471-7 -11x13 $29.95 #46571-4 -16x21 $49.95 #46671-1 -20x26 $89.95 #46771-8 -28x37 $149.95
In This House we love... #46475-5 -9x15 $29.95 #46575-2 -14x24 $49.95 #46675-9 -19x34 $89.95 As for me and My House, we will serve the Lord. #46444-1 -9x15 $29.95 #46544-5 -14x24 $49.95 #46644-5 -19x34 $89.95 #46744-2 -24x44 $149.95
Buggy in Old Quebec #46462-5 -11x13 $29.95 #46562-2 -16x21 $49.95 #46662-9 -20x26 $89.95 #46762-6 -28x37 $149.95
Country Living with no verse #46478-6 -9x15 $29.95 #46578-3 -14x24 $49.95 #46678-0 -19x34 $89.95 #46778-7 -24x44 $149.95
Walking the Dog #46412-0 -11x13 $29.95 #46512-7 -16x21 $49.95 #46612-4 -20x26 $89.95 #46712-1 -28x37 $149.95 4
Celebrating Canada Summer 2014 Retail Prices Ph: 1-519-634-9705 Fx : 1- 5 19-634-5877
Note: Sizes include the frame.
Canadian Photographers: Rick & Mary Schmidt
Fly Fishing At The Falls #46409-9 -11x13 $29.95 #46509-7 -16x21 $49.95 #46609-4 -20x26 $89.95 #46709-1 -28x37 $149.95
Chutes Montmorency #46440-3 -11x13 $29.95 #46540-0 -16x21 $49.95 #46640-7 -20x26 $89.95 #46740-4 -28x37 $149.95
Old/New Boats in Sepia #46447-2 -9x15 $29.95 #46547-9 -14x24 $49.95 #46647-6 -19x34 $89.95 #46747-3 -24x44 $149.95
Green Canoes #46410-6 -11x13 $29.95 #46510-3 -16x21 $49.95 #46610-0 -20x26 $89.95 #46710-7 -28x37 $149.95
Red Covered bridge #46448-9 -11x13 $29.95 #46548-6 -16x21 $49.95 #46648-3 -20x26 $89.95 #46748-0 -28x37 $149.95
Celebrating Canada Summer 2014 Retail Prices Ph: 1-519-634-9705 Fx : 1- 5 19-634-5877
Note: Sizes include the frame.
Canadian Photographers: Rick & Mary Schmidt
7 Coloured Chairs #46402-1 -9x15 $29.95 #46502-8 -14x24 $49.95 #46602-5 -19x34 $89.95 #46702-2 -24x44 $149.95
Looking Out Chairs #46407-6 -11x13 $29.95 #46507-3 -16x21 $49.95 #46607-0 -20x26 $89.95 #46707-7 -28x37 $149.95
Boats In The Harbour At Night #46404-5 -11x13 $29.95 #46504-2 -16x21 $49.95 #46604-9 -20x26 $89.95 #46704-6 -28x37 $149.95 Bridge Reflection #46406-9 -11x13 $29.95 #46506-6 -16x21 $49.95 #46606-3 -20x26 $89.95 #46706-0 -28x37 $149.95 6
Celebrating Canada Summer 2014 Retail Prices Ph: 1-519-634-9705 Fx : 1- 5 19-634-5877
Note: Sizes include the frame.
Canadian Photographers: Rick & Mary Schmidt
Lupins And Birch Trees #46449-6 -11x13 $29.95 #46549-3 -16x21 $49.95 #46649-2 -20x26 $89.95 #46749-7 -28x37 $149.95
Yellow Flowered House #46450-2 -11x13 $29.95 #46550-3 -16x21 $49.95 #46650-6 -20x26 $89.95 #46750-3 -28x37 $149.95
Tractor Out in The Snow #46428-1 -11x13 $29.95 #46528-8 -16x21 $49.95 #46628-5 -20x26 $89.95 #46728-2 -28x37 $149.95
Farm Lane/Stone Barn #46438-0 -11x13 $29.95 #46538-7 -16x21 $49.95 #46638-4 -20x26 $89.95 #46738-1 -28x37 $149.95
Born to be a Farmer #46476-2 -11x13 $29.95 #46576-9 -16x21 $49.95 #46676-6 -20x26 $89.95 #46776-3 -28x37 $149.95 7
Celebrating Canada Summer 2014 Retail Prices Ph: 1-519-634-9705 Fx : 1- 5 19-634-5877
Note: Sizes include the frame.
Canadian Photographers: Rick & Mary Schmidt
Fisherman’s Shack #46439-7 -11x13 $29.95 #46539-4 -16x21 $49.95 #46639-1 -20x26 $89.95 #46739-8 -28x37 $149.95
Red Buoys on the Line #46468-7 -9x15 $29.95 #46568-4 -14x24 $49.95 #46668-1 -19x34 $89.95 #46768-8 -24x44 $149.95
St.Andrews Fishing Boats #46465-6 -9x15 $29.95 #46565-3 -14x24 $49.95 #46665-0 -19x34 $89.95 #46765-7 -24x44 $149.95 8
Celebrating Canada Summer 2014 Retail Prices Ph: 1-519-634-9705 Fx : 1- 5 19-634-5877
Note: Sizes include the frame.
Canadian Photographers: Rick & Mary Schmidt
Awesome Ocean Waves #46429-8 -9x15 $29.95 #46529-5 -14x24 $49.95 #46629-2 -19x34 $89.95 #46729-9 -24x44 $149.95
Pemaquid Lighthouse #46419-9 -9x15 $29.95 #46519-6 -14x24 $49.95 #46619-3 -19x34 $89.95 #46719-0 -24x44 $149.95
Head Harbour - Low Tide #46411-3 -9x15 $29.95 #46511-0 -14x24 $49.95 #46611-7 -19x34 $89.95 #46711-4 -24x44 $149.95
Head Harbour - High Tide #46408-3 -9x15 $29.95 #46508-0 -14x24 $49.95 #46608-7 -19x34 $89.95 #46708-4 -24x44 $149.95 9
Celebrating Canada Summer 2014 Retail Prices Ph: 1-519-634-9705 Fx : 1- 5 19-634-5877
Note: Sizes include the frame.
Canadian Photographers: Rick & Mary Schmidt
Indian Motorcycle 1916 #46473-1 -9x15 $29.95 #46573-8 -14x24 $49.95 #46673-5 -19x34 $89.95 #46773-2 -24x44 $149.95
Surfer Girl #46425-0 -9x15 $29.95 #46525-7 -14x24 $49.95 #46625-4 -19x34 $89.95 #46725-1 -24x44 $149.95 Surfer Guys #46427-4 -9x15 $29.95 #46527-1 -14x24 $49.95 #46627-8 -19x34 $89.95 #46727-5 -24x44 $149.95 Surfer Guy #46426-7 -9x15 $29.95 #46526-4 -14x24 $49.95 #46626-1 -19x34 $89.95 #46726-8 -24x44 $149.95 10
Celebrating Canada Summer 2014 Retail Prices Ph: 1-519-634-9705 Fx : 1- 5 19-634-5877
Note: Sizes include the frame.
Canadian Photographers: Rick & Mary Schmidt
Still Waters #46424-3 -9x15 $29.95 #46524-0 -14x24 $49.95 #46624-7 -19x34 $89.95 #46724-4 -24x44 $149.95
Low Tide at Hopewell #46442-7 -11x13 $29.95 #46542-4 -16x21 $49.95 #46642-1 -20x26 $89.95 #46742-8 -28x37 $149.95
Hopewell Sunrise #46414-4 -11x13 $29.95 #46514-1 -16x21 $49.95 #46614-8 -20x26 $89.95 #46714-5 -28x37 $149.95
Flower Pot Rocks #46443-4 -11x13 $29.95 #46543-1 -16x21 $49.95 #46643-8 -20x26 $89.95 #46743-5 -28x37 $149.95
Hopewell Beach #46441-0 -9x15 $29.95 #46541-7 -14x24 $49.95 #46641-4 -19x34 $89.95 #46741-1 -24x44 $149.95 11
Celebrating Canada Summer 2014 Retail Prices Ph: 1-519-634-9705 Fx : 1- 5 19-634-5877
Note: Sizes include the frame.
Canadian Photographers: Rick & Mary Schmidt
Moose Watching You #46459-5 -11x13 $29.95 #46559-2 -16x21 $49.95 #46659-9 -20x26 $89.95 #46759-6 -28x37 $149.95
Three Moose on Sunrise Hill #46460-1 -9x15 $29.95 #46560-8 -14x24 $49.95 #46660-5 -19x34 $89.95 #46760-2 -24x44 $149.95
Boots & Horses with Special Barnboard Frame* #46405-2 -9x15 $35.95 #46505-9 -14x24 $55.95 #46605-6 -19x34 $99.95 #46705-3 -24x44 $169.95 *For the Regular Brown Frame, the prices are the same asregular ones, ie:�On the Hill�.
On the Hill #46461-8 -9x15 $29.95 #46561-5 -14x24 $49.95 #46661-2 -19x34 $89.95 #46761-9 -24x44 $149.95
Celebrating Canada Summer 2014 Retail Prices Ph: 1-519-634-9705 Fx : 1- 5 19-634-5877
Note: Sizes include the frame.
Canadian Photographers: Rick & Mary Schmidt
Contemplation #46451-9 -11x13 $29.95 #46551-6 -16x21 $49.95 #46651-3 -20x26 $89.95 #46751-0 -28x37 $149.95
Stare Down #46452-6 -11x13 $29.95 #46552-3 -16x21 $49.95 #46652-0 -20x26 $89.95 #46752-7 -28x37 $149.95 Alpha Wolf #46456-4 -9x15 $29.95 #46556-1 -14x24 $49.95 #46656-8 -19x34 $89.95 #46756-5 -24x44 $149.95
Amongst the Trees #46453-3 -11x13 $29.95 #46553-0 -16x21 $49.95 #46653-7 -20x26 $89.95 #46753-4 -28x37 $149.95
Stalking New Prey #46455-7 -11x13 $29.95 #46555-4 -16x21 $49.95 #46655-1 -20x26 $89.95 #46755-8 -28x37 $149.95 13
Celebrating Canada Summer 2014 Retail Prices Ph: 1-519-634-9705 Fx : 1- 5 19-634-5877
Note: Sizes include the frame.
Canadian Photographers: Rick & Mary Schmidt Swans Taking Flight #46400-7 9x15 $29.95 #46500-4 14x24 $49.95 #46600-1 19x34 $89.95 #46700-8 24x44 $149.95 Chickadee on Branch #44027-8 9x15 $29.95 #44127-5 14x24 $49.95 #44227-2 19x34 $89.95 #44327-9 24x44 $149.95
Beautiful Swan #46454-0 -9x15 $29.95 #46554-7 -14x24 $49.95 #46654-4 -19x34 $89.95 #46754-1 -24x44 $149.95
Sweet Fawns and Mom #46463-2 -11x13 $29.95 #46563-9 -16x21 $49.95 #46663-6 -20x26 $89.95 #46763-3 -28x37 $149.95
Protective Care #46464-9 -11x13 $29.95 #46564-6 -16x21 $49.95 #46664-3 -20x26 $89.95 #46764-0 -28x37 $149.95 14
Celebrating Canada Summer 2014 Retail Prices Ph: 1-519-634-9705 Fx : 1- 5 19-634-5877
Note: Sizes include the frame.
Canadian Photographers: Rick & Mary Schmidt
The Barn Owl #46403-8 -11x13 $29.95 #46503-5 -16x21 $49.95 #46603-2 -20x26 $89.95 #46703-9 -28x37 $149.95
You Will Owl Ways Be Special #46415-1 -11x13 $29.95 #46515-8 -16x21 $49.95 #46615-5 -20x26 $89.95
Owl Always Love You #46417-5 -9x15 $29.95 #46517-2 -14x24 $49.95 #46617-9 -19x34 $89.95
The Owl Is The Wisest... #46416-8 -9x15 $29.95 #46516-5 -14x24 $49.95 #46616-2 -19x34 $89.95
Always Kiss me Good Night #46418-2 -9x15 $29.95 #46518-9 -14x24 $49.95 #46618-6 -19x34 $89.95 15
Celebrating Canada Summer 2014 Retail Prices Ph: 1-519-634-9705 Fx : 1- 5 19-634-5877
Note: Sizes include the frame.
Canadian Photographers: Rick & Mary Schmidt
Faith Is Daring... #46073-3 -8x14 $29.95 #46173-0 -12x21 $39.95 #46273-7 -16x28 $59.95
Advice From A Tree #46472-4 -11x13 $29.95 #46572-1 -16x21 $49.95 #46672-8 -20x26 $89.95
You Are My Sunshine #46474-8 -10x10 $24.95 #46574-5 -15x15 $29.95 #46674-2 -22x22 $59.95
You Are My Sunshine You make me happy when skies are grey.... #46477-9 -10x10 $24.95 #46577-6 -15x15 $29.95 #46677-3 -22x22 $59.95
The Present Moment #46074-0 -16x21 $49.95 #46174-7 -20x24 $89.95 #46274-4 -24x44 $149.95