Scripture -Summer 2014

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Religious Summer 2014

Celebrating Canada Summer 2014 Retail Prices Ph: 1-519-634-9705 Fx : 1- 5 19-634-5877

Note: Sizes include the frame.

Canadian Photographers: Rick & Mary Schmidt

Walking the Dog #46485-4 -11x13 $29.95 #46585-1 -16x21 $49.95 #46685-8 -20x26 $89.95 #46785-5 -28x37 $149.95 Let us love one another, for love comes from God. 1 John 4:7

Farm Lane #46491-5 -9x15 $29.95 #46591-2 -14x24 $49.95 #46691-9 -19x34 $89.95 #46791-6 -24x44 $149.95 In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:6

Amongst the Trees #46496-0 -9x15 $29.95 #46596-7 -14x24 $49.95 #46696-4 -19x34 $89.95 #46796-1 -24x44 $149.95 In quietness and confidence shall be your strength. Psalm 157:5

Lupins/Birch #46490-8 -9x15 $29.95 #46590-5 -14x24 $49.95 #46690-2 -19x34 $89.95 #46790-9 -24x44 $149.95 The earth is filled with your love, O Lord; I have put my hope in You. Psalm 119:64,74


Celebrating Canada Summer 2014 Retail Prices Ph: 1-519-634-9705 Fx : 1- 5 19-634-5877

Note: Sizes include the frame.

Canadian Photographers: Rick & Mary Schmidt

Buggy in Old Quebec #46489-2 -9x15 $29.95 #46589-9 -14x24 $49.95 #46689-6 -19x34 $89.95 #46789-3 -24x44 $149.95 The Lord will watch over your coming and going, both now and forevermore. Psalm 121:18

Beautiful Swan #46497-7 -9x15 $29.95 #46597-4 -14x24 $49.95 #46697-1 -19x34 $89.95 #46797-8 -24x44 $149.95 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. John 14:27

Chickadee on Branch #46486-1 -9x15 $29.95 #46586-8 -14x24 $49.95 #46686-5 -19x34 $89.95 #46786-2 -24x44 $149.95 Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, Praise his name...For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise. Psalm 96:1,2

Red Window #46488-5 -9x15 $29.95 #46588-2 -14x24 $49.95 #46688-9 -19x34 $89.95 #46788-6 -24x44 $149.95 As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15 3

Celebrating Canada Summer 2014 Retail Prices Ph: 1-519-634-9705 Fx : 1- 5 19-634-5877

Note: Sizes include the frame.

Canadian Photographers: Rick & Mary Schmidt

Bicycle and Flowers #46492-2 -9x15 $29.95 #46592-9 -14x24 $49.95 #46692-6 -19x34 $89.95 #46792-3 -24x44 $149.95 May the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. II Thessalonians 3:16

Stone Village #46481-6 -11x13 $29.95 #46581-3 -16x21 $49.95 #46681-0 -20x26 $89.95 #46781-7 -28x37 $149.95 In quietness and confidence shall be your strength. Psalm 157:5

Fly Fishing *Comes With Barn Board Frame* #46480-4 -11x13 $37.95 #46580-6 -16x21 $55.95 #46680-3 -20x26 $99.95 #46780-0 -28x37 $169.95 The earth is filled with Your love, O Lord;I have put my hope in you. Psalm 119:64,74

Looking Out - Chairs #46482-3 -11x13 $29.95 #46582-0 -16x21 $49.95 #46682-7 -20x26 $89.95 #46782-4 -28x37 $149.95 Morning by morning new mercies I see, great is your faithfulness, Lord unto me.


Celebrating Canada Summer 2014 Retail Prices Ph: 1-519-634-9705 Fx : 1- 5 19-634-5877

Note: Sizes include the frame.

Canadian Photographers: Rick & Mary Schmidt

St Andrew’s Fishing Boats #46484-7 -9x15 $29.95 #46584-4 -14x24 $49.95 #46684-1 -19x34 $89.95 #46784-8 -24x44 $149.95 Be still and know that I am God.

7 Coloured Chairs #46483-0 -9x15 $29.95 #46583-7 -14x24 $49.95 #46683-4 -19x34 $89.95 #46783-1 -24x44 $149.95 Let heaven and earth praise Him, the seas and all that move in them. Psalm 69:34

Country Living #46444-1 -9x15 $29.95 #46544-5 -14x24 $49.95 #46644-5 -19x34 $89.95 #46744-2 -24x44 $149.95 As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15


Celebrating Canada Summer 2014 Retail Prices Ph: 1-519-634-9705 Fx : 1- 5 19-634-5877

Note: Sizes include the frame.

Canadian Photographers: Rick & Mary Schmidt

Surfer Guy #46495-3 -9x15 $29.95 #46595-0 -14x24 $49.95 #46695-7 -19x34 $89.95 #46795-4 -24x44 $149.95 To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven: Psalm 157:5

Awesome ocean waves #46479-3 -9x15 $29.95 #46579-0 -14x24 $49.95 #46679-7 -19x34 $89.95 #46779-4 -24x44 $149.95 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; Let your glory be over all the earth. Psalm 57:5

Pemaquid Lighthouse #46487-8 -9x15 $29.95 #46587-5 -14x24 $49.95 #46687-2 -19x34 $89.95 #46787-9 -24x44 $149.95 The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge. Psalm 18:2-6


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