General -Spring 2014

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Spring 2014

General Verses & Photography


Celebrating Canada Spring 2014 Retail Prices Ph: 1-519-634-9705 Fx : 1- 5 19-634-5877

Note: Sizes include the frame.

Canadian Photographers: Rick & Mary Schmidt

Seasons of Mauve #60043-6 -11x13 $29.95 #69043-7 -16x21 $49.95 #69143-4 -20x26 $89.95 #69243-1 -28x37 $149.95

Sunflower II #60035-1 -11x13 $29.95 #69035-2 -16x21 $49.95 #69135-9 -20x26 $89.95 #69235-6 -28x37 $149.95

Sunflower I #60034-4 -9x15 $29.95 #69034-5 -14x24 $49.95 #69134-2 -19x34 $89.95 #69234-9 -24x44 $149.95

Swans Gliding #60033-7 -11x13 $29.95 #69033-8 -16x21 $49.95 #69133-5 -20x26 $89.95 #69233-2 -28x37 $149.95


The Great Niagara #60028-3 -11x13 $29.95 #69028-4 -16x21 $49.95 #69128-1 -20x26 $89.95 #69228-8 -28x37 $149.95

Celebrating Canada Spring 2014 Retail Prices Ph: 1-519-634-9705 Fx : 1- 5 19-634-5877

Note: Sizes include the frame.

Canadian Photographers: Rick & Mary Schmidt

Stratford Shadows #60011-5 -11x13 $29.95 #69011-6 -16x21 $49.95 #69111-3 -20x26 $89.95 #69211-0 -28x37 $149.95

Light Rays in the Forest #60024-5 -11x13 $29.95 #69024-6 -16x21 $49.95 #69124-3 -20x26 $89.95 #69224-0 -28x37 $149.95

Canmore Sunrise #60012-2 -9x15 $29.95 #69012-3 -14x24 $49.95 #69112-0 -19x34 $89.95 #69212-7 -24x44 $149.95

Morning Reflections Sheep River Outlook #60018-4 -11x13 $29.95 #69018-5 -16x21 $49.95 #60002-2 -11x13 $29.95 #69002-4 -16x21 $49.95 #69102-1 -20x26 $89.95 #69202-8 -28x37 $149.95 2 #69118-2 -20x26 $89.95 #69218-9 -28x37 $149.95

Celebrating Canada Spring 2014 Retail Prices Ph: 1-519-634-9705 Fx : 1- 5 19-634-5877

Note: Sizes include the frame.

Canadian Photographers: Rick & Mary Schmidt

Killbear Sunset #60023-8 -11x13 $29.95 #69023-9 -16x21 $49.95 #69123-6 -20x26 $89.95 #69223-3 -28x37 $149.95

Sinclair Bay #60008-5 -11x13 $29.95 #69008-6 -16x21 $49.95 #69108-3 -20x26 $89.95 #69208-0 -28x37 $149.95 Lake Superior Sunrise #60004-7 -9x15 $29.95 #69004-8 -14x24 $49.95 #69104-5 -19x34 $89.95 #69204-2 -24x44 $149.95

Lone Loon in Blue #60025-2 -11x13 $29.95 #69025-3 -16x21 $49.95 #69125-0 -20x26 $89.95 #69225-7 -28x37 $149.95

Kayak Waiting For You #60005-4 -11x13 $29.95 #69005-5 -16x21 $49.95 #69105-2 -20x26 $89.95 #69205-9 -28x37 $149.95 3

Celebrating Canada Spring 2014 Retail Prices Ph: 1-519-634-9705 Fx : 1- 5 19-634-5877

Note: Sizes include the frame.

Canadian Photographers: Rick & Mary Schmidt

Agawa Chairs #60017-7 -11x13 $29.95 #69017-8 -16x21 $49.95 #69117-4 -20x26 $89.95 #69217-2 -28x37 $149.95

Kayak Watching #60003-0 -11x13 $29.95 #69003-1 -16x21 $49.95 #69103-8 -20x26 $89.95 #69203-5 -28x37 $149.95

Watching the Glorious Sunset #60016-0 -9x15 $29.95 #69016-1 -14x24 $49.95 #69116-8 -19x34 $89.95 #69216-5 -24x44 $149.95

Rocky Stairs #60007-8 -11x13 $29.95 #69007-9 -16x21 $49.95 #69107-6 -20x26 $89.95 #69207-3 -28x37 $149.95


Bridal Veil Falls #60001-6 -11x13 $29.95 #69001-7 -16x21 $49.95 #69101-4 -20x26 $89.95 #69201-1 -28x37 $149.95

Celebrating Canada Spring 2014 Retail Prices Ph: 1-519-634-9705 Fx : 1- 5 19-634-5877

Note: Sizes include the frame.

Canadian Photographers: Rick & Mary Schmidt

Going Home #60019-1 -11x13 $29.95 #69019-2 -16x21 $49.95 #69119-9 -20x26 $89.95 #69219-6 -28x37 $149.95

Hillside Grazing #60022-1 -11x13 $29.95 #69022-2 -16x21 $49.95 #69122-9 -20x26 $89.95 #69222-6 -28x37 $149.95

Good Morning Sunshine #60021-4 -9x15 $29.95 #69021-5 -14x24 $49.95 #69121-2 -19x34 $89.95 #69221-9 -24x44 $149.95

Mom and Newborn #60000-9 -9x15 $29.95 #69000-0 -14x24 $49.95 #69100-7 -19x34 $89.95 #69200-4 -24x44 $149.95

Waiting for the Ride #60037-5 -11x13 $29.95 #69037-6 -16x21 $49.95 #69137-3 -20x26 $89.95 #69237-0 -28x37 $149.95 5

Celebrating Canada Spring 2014 Retail Prices Ph: 1-519-634-9705 Fx : 1- 5 19-634-5877

Note: Sizes include the frame.

Canadian Photographers: Rick & Mary Schmidt Aude Dubliner #60015-3 -9x15 #69015-4 -14x24 #69115-1 -19x34 #69215-8 -24x44

$29.95 $49.95 $89.95 $149.95

Before the Rush #60014-6 -9x15 $29.95 #69014-7 -14x24 $49.95 #69114-4 -19x34 $89.95 #69214-1 -24x44 $149.95

Lake Huron Sunset #60013-8 -9x15 $29.95 #69013-9 -14x24 $49.95 #69113-6 -19x34 $89.95 #69213-3 -24x44 $149.95

Hay Bales - Mountains #60020-7 -9x15 $29.95 #69020-8 -14x24 $49.95 #69120-5 -19x34 $89.95 #69220-2 -24x44 $149.95


Celebrating Canada Spring 2014 Retail Prices Ph: 1-519-634-9705 Fx : 1- 5 19-634-5877

Note: Sizes include the frame.

Canadian Photographers: Rick & Mary Schmidt

Farmer’s Creed #49534-6 16x21 $49.95 #49634-3 20x26 $89.95

10 Ways to Love #46135-8 -16x21 $49.95 #46235-5 -20x26 $89.95

Man Cave - Black #49152-2 -12x21 - $34.95 #49252-9 -14x24 - $49.95

Lake Rules #49150-8 -12x21 - $34.95 #49250-5 -14x24 $49.95

Man Rules #49153-9 -12x21 - $34.95 #49253-6 -14x24 $49.95 7

Man Cave - Brown #49151-5 -12x21 - $34.95 #49251-2 -14x24 - $49.95

Celebrating Canada Spring 2014 Retail Prices Ph: 1-519-634-9705 Fx : 1- 5 19-634-5877

Note: Sizes include the frame.

Canadian Photographers: Rick & Mary Schmidt

Time wasted at the lake is time well spent. #46036-8 -9x15 $29.95 #46136-5 -14x24 $49.95 #46236-9 -19x34 $89.95

What I love most about the lake is who I spend it with. #46039-9 -9x15 $29.95 #46139-6 -14x24 $49.95 #46239-3 -19x34 $89.95

Life is beautiful at the Lake. #46038-2 -9x15 $29.95 #46138-9 -14x24 $49.95 #46238-6 -19x34 $89.95

Life at the lake is good for the soul. #46049-8 -9x15 $29.95 #46149-5 -14x24 $49.95 A Lake is the landscape’s most beautiful expressive feature. #46249-2 -19x34 $89.95 It is earth’s eye; looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature. Henry David Thoreau #46050-4 -9x15 $29.95 #46150-1 -14x24 $49.95 #46250-8 -19x34 $89.95 8

Celebrating Canada Spring 2014 Retail Prices Ph: 1-519-634-9705 Fx : 1- 5 19-634-5877

Note: Sizes include the frame.

Canadian Photographers: Rick & Mary Schmidt *Any photography image can be Personalized with City, Province or Canada

*Everyone Loves Canada - Lone Loon #46042-9 -11x13 $29.95 #46142- -16x21 $49.95 #46242- -20x26 $89.95

*Everyone Loves Canada #46047-4 -9x15 $29.95 #46147-1 -14x24 $49.95 #46247-8 -19x34 $89.95

*Everyone Loves Canada - The Great Niagara #46040-5 -11x13 $29.95 #46140-2 -16x21 $49.95 #46240-9 -20x26 $89.95

*Everyone Loves The Rockies #46048-1 -9x15 $29.95 #46148-8 -14x24 $49.95 #46248-5 -19x34 $89.95

*Everyone Loves Newfoundland #46054-2 -9x15 $29.95 #46154-9 -14x24 $49.95 #46254-6 -19x34 $89.95


*Everyone Loves Peggy’s Cove #46053-5 -11x13 $29.95 #46153-2 -16x21 $49.95 #46253-9 -20x26 $89.95

*Everyone Loves Lake Superior #46044-3 -9x15 $29.95 #46144-0 -14x24 $49.95 #46244-7 -19x34 $89.95

Celebrating Canada Spring 2014 Retail Prices Ph: 1-519-634-9705 Fx : 1- 5 19-634-5877

Note: Sizes include the frame.

Canadian Photographers: Rick & Mary Schmidt

The most beautiful view is the one I share with you. #46052-8 -9x15 $29.95 #46152-5 -14x24 $49.95 #46252-2 -19x34 $89.95

Life is better at the Lake. #46037-5 -9x15 $29.95 #46137-2 -14x24 $49.95 #46237-9 -19x34 $89.95

Life is better at the Beach. #46041-2 -9x15 $29.95 #46141-9 -14x24 $49.95 #46241-6 -19x34 $89.95

Everyone Loves The Lake. #46045-0 -9x15 $29.95 #46145-7 -14x24 $49.95 #46245-4 -19x34 $89.95

On Lake Time #46046-7 11x13 $29.95 #46146-4 16x21 $49.95 #46246-1 20x26 $89.95

Everyone Loves The Lake #46043-6 -11x13 $29.95 #46143-3 -16x21 $49.95 #46243-0 -20x26 $89.95 10

Celebrating Canada Spring 2014 Retail Prices Ph: 1-519-634-9705 Fx : 1- 5 19-634-5877

Note: Sizes include the frame.

Canadian Photographers: Rick & Mary Schmidt

Horse Girl #49439-4 -11x13 $29.95 #49539-1 -16x21 $49.95 When all the other little girls wanted to be ballet dancers... I wanted to be a Horse Girl.

Girl’s Best Friend #49438-7 -11x13 $29.95 #49538-4 -16x21 $49.95 Man’s best friend may be a dog, but a girl’s best friend is her Horse! Racing Round the Bales #60010-8 -9x15 $29.95 #69010-9 -14x24 $49.95 #69110-6 -19x34 $89.95 Challenge me, Dare me or even Defy me... But do not underestimate me. For on the back of my horse ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.

Here’s to the Girls... #49440-0 -11x13 $29.95 #49540-7 -16x21 $49.95 Here’s to... the girls that can’t imagine life without HORSES!

I am who I Truly Am... #49441-7 -11x13 $29.95 #49541-4 -16x21 $49.95 I am who I truly am, when I am in the saddle. 11

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