mom's corner | #bossdad
# bossdad
As a dad, you tackle many things each and everyday and you do it with pride! This issue's featured dad shares with us what makes him a #BossDad, and we are all for it!
Joel Searby Dad to: Evan (13) Lydia (10) Husband to Jen
What is the hardest part of being a Dad? Sass and Laziness. HAHA! What parent doesn’t deal with this from their kids? If you don’t please call me and tell me your secrets!
What gets you up in the morning? Knowing that God loves every human and we get this amazing life to know and love each other, no matter who the “other” is - that enriches and gives purpose to my life every day.
What makes you laugh? Chris Farley. Man, I miss that guy.
What has been the biggest life lesson that you have learned being a parent? Play the long game. Sometimes life, and parenting, is really hard in the moment. Thinking about preserving your long-term relationships will help us make good decisions now - which often just means being patient and holding our tongue.
What is your parenting mantra? Raise healthy adults, not well-behaved kids.
How do you balance it all?
How do you relate to other #BossDads Where do you work and what do you do? Jen and I own and run Sycamore Lane Vintage Market in Newberry. We have a brick and mortar retail store in Historic Downtown and also host large seasonal vintage flea markets on our rural property between Jonesville and Archer.
What are some of your goals with it? Our vision is to use our businesses to build community and bring people together. We love hosting events, giving people unique experiences and telling stories. Our tagline is really the heartbeat: It’s not about the stuff, it’s about the stories.
What is the most rewarding part of being a Dad? The most rewarding part about being a dad for me is watching my kids develop their own sense of character, values and vision for their lives. Even at 10 & 13, I’m starting to see their strengths and talents emerge and that’s really fun. And when they make good decisions about how to treat people and help make the world a better place, that means so much to me.
I get biscuits at Maple Street every Friday morning with some of my closest friends, most of whom are dads. We talk about parenting a lot and it’s always great to know you’re not alone.
What is some advice you have for other #BossDads trying to balance it all? Stay grounded in what matters most, every single day. This means making time to be quiet and not just rushing into your day. I find that taking an hour of quiet every morning - to think, pray, meditate, journal, read - really centers my day and reminds me what matters. I can’t recommend it enough. It takes commitment, but it’s worth it.
How have you had to change/pivot parenting/schooling since COVID-19? In the early days, when everyone was home together, we just reshaped our daily routines and did a lot of them as a family, which was wonderful. Since school has been back in person (our kids are both at brick and mortar) we’ve tried to keep at least some of those routines, especially family dinners together.
Are you a #BossMom, #BossDad or do you know one? Do you work hard at home and at work? Giggle Magazine wants to hear your story! Visit to submit your mom or dad for a chance to be featured in one of our upcoming issues.
Photo courtesy of Joel Searby
For us, it’s less about balance and more about boundaries. We guard our Sundays very closely as a total day of rest, fun and relationships. No screens on Sundays. Lots of family and friend time. Great food and laughing. We also follow the old, seemingly boring mantra, “early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” We’ve not yet got the wealthy part, but we do go to bed no later than 10 p.m., and usually more like 9 p.m. in our house, and I’m up by 5:30 a.m. every day.