PR campaign for Fat Face

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PR Campaign Lizzie Ashcroft, Emily Ball & Gillian Crouch

‘Fat Face Summer 2014 Presents the Interactive Campervan Tour’

Gillian Crouch & Lizzie Ashcroft

A statement explaining the rationale; Fat Face is a Company aimed at 26-35 year old, men and women, who are interested in the outdoors and an active lifestyle. Fat face is known for being a good quality brand that supports many outdoors charities such as the RNLI, Sail4Cancer and Disability Snowsport, however Fat Face haven’t always had such a good image. 2009 was a rough year for them after they had to withdraw 2 of their advertising campaigns due to customer complaints. Since then Fat Face have worked hard to successfully rebuild their image, and we hope to only further their access by expanding their target market. As already stated, Fat Face main market ranges between 26 and 35. If Fat Face were to target 16-25 year olds as well as 26-35, they would expand their UK market by almost double (Beaumont, 2011). Statistics show that in 2011, 13% of the population was aged 25-34, and nearly 12% of the population was aged 16-24; giving Fat Face clear demand to expand it’s target market. Our campaign targets 18-25 year old University students. For many of them it is their first time away from home and the chance to explore without the eager eyes of their parents watching over them. Therefor it is particularly important for their clothes to be comfortable and durable.

The current image of Fat Face is aimed at families with young children. This is good for the image of the brand, however by including university students; it will create a brand appealing to a more varied age range. Fashion is more important and an outlet of individuality to young adults. Having them part of the brand will be good for the company as they will gain youthful consumers. !

Gillian Crouch & Lizzie Ashcroft

University students also have the benefit of receiving student loans and bursaries, giving many of them a huge desire to go on massive shopping sprees at least 3 times a year. With this in mind, our campaign targets Universities in coastal locations, many of which have surfing societies. We carried out a recent survey and found that 71.7% of the people we asked, never shop at Fat Face. The top 3 reasons why were: not fashionable, expensive and clothing seems a bit old/dated. It was also commented that many of them didn’t really know what they sold or much about the brand. This shows that Fat Face desperately needs to find a way to relate to a wider audience, and what better way than an interactive tour with prizes, activities and lots of chance for the public to get involved. Public participation is key to the campaign, and the best way to reach a wide audience is social media. Our research tells us that 67% of the people we asked check social media sites daily, with a further 30% checking hourly. 90% of people accessed social media sites by phone; with 87% accessing via a laptop. The 3 most visited sites found were Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. This is perfect for the campaign as Fat Face already has a very successful Twitter and Facebook page. YouTube would also be an ideal way to add video links to the main website, all of which could be accessed via computer or Smartphone.



Gillian Crouch & Lizzie Ashcroft When asked ‘On a scale of 1-5: If an event was being held where you could get involved with activities, and keep up to date with competitions and news through social media, how appealing would this be to you?’, 52% answered 4 and 5 indicating that they would be interested, and confirming that there is cause for this campaign. The event will appeal to our audience because it has lots of ways for the public to get involved. The main aspect of the campaign is the event days; where people can come along and have a go on a surf simulator to win some prizes, along with beach parties and bonfires. The events are all free and designed to build a positive connection between the customer and the brand. When asked, 57% of people said they enjoy walking in their free time. Other popular activities included picnics, skiing, surfing, running and sunbathing. Event days will allow people to get out in the sun, surf, run and walk, along with bbq’s on the beach. Therefore the campaign will include many activities to include to the target market. It would gain press through social media, uploading of images and tweets etc.


The campaign will be effective as it is a great opportunity to introduce Fat Face to a younger generation. Fat Face is a very active brand so by combining activities and events they can really show people what they’re about, in a fun and exciting way. The quality of Fat Face’s clothing is good, but many people don’t know what the brand sell, so by giving out goodie bags they can try the products for themselves, and realise that it’s a company worth buying into in future. !

Gillian Crouch

Talk to universities, radio stations, TV channels and DJs about involvement with event. Enquire with local councils about use of public spaces for events

Initial sketches from graphic designers for tops, bags, goodie bag fillers, posters, flyers

May #Peachy hired to produce Fat Face’s next PR campaign


Jul Get information and set up meeting with Fat Face company about campaign ideas


Competition launched for university students/ general public to design final canvas bag design

Sep Finalise designs of goodie bags and fillers for event. Contact VW and arrange hire/ donation of a van

Oct Competitio n closes. Winner is chosen and design is sent to print

Summer roadshow is revealed. Event posters/ social media flyers etc.

Facebook and Twitter accounts go live to drive excitement and interest

Winning design unveiled


Camper van hits the road 18th May ready for start of the campaign on the 25th. Campaign runs till 23rd June. Tweet the Street starts 1 day prior to each location

Dec Press Packs are sent out


Flyering at all universities being visited throughout campaign



Advertise for Deliver event extra staff for goodie boxes (including event tops, bags etc.) to local Fat Face retailers for Campervan pick ups.

Apr Website will go live 1 week prior to campaign launch – 18th May

Gillian Crouch


Camper Van is Loaded up Website goes live with video feeds being updated/ posted every day Campaign Starts

On the road to next locaDon

Tweet the Street posted at 12 mid day

Campaign Day at St Andrew’s Tweet the Street revealed at 10am

On the road to next locaDon

Video Diary

Video Diary

Video Diary

Video Diary

On the road to first locaDon

Tweet the Street posted at 12 mid day

Campaign Day at Southampton Solent

Video Diary

Video Diary

Tweet the Street posted at 12 mid day

Campaign Day at Bangor Tweet the Street revealed at 10am

Video Diary

Video Diary

Tweet the Street revealed at 10am

Gillian Crouch

June On the road to next locaDon

Tweet the Street posted at 12 mid day

Campaign Day at Bournemouth

Tweet the Street revealed at 10am

On the road to next locaDon

Campaign Day at Sussex Tweet the Street revealed at 10am

On the road to next locaDon

Tweet the Street posted at 12 mid day

Campaign Day at Great Yarmouth

On the road to next locaDon

Tweet the Street posted at 12 mid day

Campaign Day at Hull

Behind the scenes footage and highlights

Tweet the Street posted at 12 mid day

Campaign Day at Plymouth

Tweet the Street revealed at 10am

On the road to next locaDon

Tweet the Street posted at 12 mid day

Tweet the Street revealed at 10am

On the road to next locaDon

Tweet the Street posted at 12 mid day

Campaign Day at Suffolk Tweet the Street revealed at 10am

Tweet the Street posted at 12 mid day

Campaign Day at Newcastle

Tweet the Street revealed at 10am

On the road to next locaDon

Tweet the Street posted at 12 mid day

Behind the scenes footage and highlights

Behind the scenes footage and highlights

Behind the scenes footage and highlights

Tweet the Street revealed at 10am

Campaign End Campaign Day in Edinburgh Tweet the Street revealed at 10am

Behind the scenes footage and highlights

Behind the scenes footage and highlights

Behind the scenes footage and highlights

A full description of the event/ launch;

EVENT; Our Fat Face event will take place in the Summer months of 2014. It will be aimed at university students initially- as we researched into UCAS and found that majority of students are aged 18-25. The new target market for Fat Face being 25-35, we wanted to introduce the brand early- within the younger age of this ranging market. -Our event ‘Fat Face Summer 2014 Presents the Interactive Campervan Tour’ consists of a Fat Face promotional team of 6-10 representatives, an interactive VW Campervan, and VW Beetle traveling around the coastline making stop offs/ visits at specific universities with the correct facilities to accommodate the many surf/ ski/ activities, and competitions the Fat Face promotional team will be holding. The VW vehicles will be provided to Fat Face by VW company free of charge, as they are promoting the VW brand name around the UK. -Our event will not only promote the youthful and outdoors appreciating elements to the Fat Face ethos/ brand image- but will also be merging with the latest social media- such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube- and contemporary digital promotional techniques available- to reach a wider audience and to not alienate the current Fat Face target market of 35-45.

METHODOLOGY; -This event will be interactive through physical and also through digital means- the VW Campervan & Beetle will have specific event design graphics applied to the outer exterior of the vehicles- to promote the tour whilst travelling. -It will have everything on board the van to make this event truly innovative- such as a LCD TV screen where photographs from the event will be displayed, competitions/ winners/ prizes will be announced- when the campervan is stationary at one of its many locations. Also, a pull out photo booth complete with Fat Face signage, props, and sunglasses so students are able to have fun capturing this moment on camera- then later accessing these photographs through the use of the social media links. -As part of this the campervan will have a tracking device fitted so that they can follow its activity online. The client will also be able to sign up to daily emails about the campervans location, details of which will be on their website and on promotional material handed out at events. The ‘Tweet the street’ VW Campervan competition will also be tied in with this social event- so the consumers not involved directly with the universities can also join in and interact by guessing the location. -Social media sites will play a huge part in advertising and connecting to our target market. By utilizing 5 of the biggest sites on the internet, Fat Face will be able to communicate with students on a variety of levels. Twitter will enable the client to get up to date information as it happens. -YouTube could be used to create video diaries and highlights from daily events. A direct link to their YouTube page could be placed on their Facebook Profile. Facebook would also be really good for polls. The client could get involved voting for where they want the tour to visit next. Blogger would be used to round up events, for example they can show winners of the beach competitions. Tumbler would be a great way to communicate visually through official photos, and photos taken by people attending events

Emily Ball

UCAS age ranges Students; 20 and under; 314808 21 to 24; 37888 25 to 39; 29829 40 and over; 7536 Total; 390061 (UCAS facts and figures. 2011 year of entry)


Emily Ball Continued... Important invitees; University students, university lecturers, local radio stations and DJS- such as Radio 1, Kiss, Capital FM, Heart etc. (& university radio stations), local news stations- such as ITV, Channel 4, BBC 3 etc. (& university news stations), Fat Face head quarter are invited to attend any of the events, Volkswagen promoters, local residents of the area (families etc.), sports/ activity fanatics, famous sports personalities- surfers such as; Gabe Davis, Martin Potter and Alan Stokes (British professional surfers). Time plan; Start date- 25th May 2014, End date- 23rd June 2014 (University visits time/ date included below) Costing; Volkswagen vehicles- able to donate both vehicles free of charge, as Fat Face are promoting their brand across the UK. Promotional materials- £2000 (goodie bags, t-shirts, press pack etc.) Technology (surf simulator/ TV/ photo booth) £5000 Competitions- will take place on beaches, in fields or within the university grounds- so all free of charge. Prizes- donated by sail4cancer, and RNLI (Fat Face Charity sponsors) also £3000 spent on 10 long weekend holidays to Spain, Ibiza and Greece. Also 2 two week holidays to Africa sponsored by Volkswagen and Virgin Airlines. £500 spent on other prizes (Fat Face merchandise etc.) Funding for design work- (press pack- £1000, t-shirt/ bag design- £500, technicians to follow event £100 per day, flyers/ print cost- £300) Funding for travel costs- petrol costs approx. £4000-£6000

Universities being visited;

Order and date of visit; 1. University of St Andrew 2. Bangor University 3. Plymouth University 4. University of Bournemouth 5. Southampton Solent University 6. University of Sussex 7. University Campus Suffolk 8. USC great Yarmouth 9. Hull University 10. Newcastle University 11. University of Edinburgh

1. Southampton Solent- 25th May 14 2. St Andrew- 28th May 14 3. Bangor-31st May 14 4. Plymouth-3rd June 14 5. Bournemouth-6th June 14 6. Sussex- 9th June 14 7. Great Yarmouth- 12th 14 8. Suffolk- 15th 14 9. Hull- 18th 14 10. Newcastle- 21st June 14 11. Edinburgh- 23rd June 14

The VW Campervan event will tour all across the UK, targeting university cities with ski and surf societies. The first stops are Southampton, St Andrews, Bangor, Plymouth, and Bournemouth. All these cities have either beach and surf clubs or skiing facilities, perfect for accommodating our event and all its activity.

Emily Ball

Competitions, prizes and other info;

As for competition's; -The main competition that will be running at all locations will be the surf simulator- which the promotional team will carry on board the van- ready to set up indoors or outdoors. -Sandcastle competitions- also through social media, people around the UK can join in with this competition by creating their own sandcastle- taking a snap, and hash tagging or tagging #fatface14 #peachy (@fatface/ @peachy- Facebook/ Instagram) to be entered into the judging line up- in order to win prizes. -’Design a canvas bag’- this competition will be held online through Fat Face’s webpage- their will be a link uploaded where entrants can create a design that supports the Fat Face ethos in order to be entered into a competition- where the winning design will be produced and given out at all events. -Real surfing competitions, obstacle courses, bike rides, volley ball, dry ski slope lessons- if available facilities. etc. -YouTube videos/ diaries will be posted daily on the Fat Face account, so the general public can see the buzz of activity and enjoy the results of the event via the internet.

-Canvas goodie bags- there will be 5 designs all together- 4 designed by the Fat Face designers and the final design from the competition entry winner. Inside these bags will be; a male/ female t-shirt promoting the campervan event, a pair of medium Fat Face flip flops, a Fat Face drinking bottle, details of all the competitions/ Fat Face information, and a £5 off gift card to use in Fat Face. These will be given out at all events. (2,500 will be produced) -There will also be a link available on the Fat Face web page to allow existing customers to design their own Fat Face canvas bag- for the cost of £10, that will be printed and sent to their address. -Our idea is simple- it is to hold outdoor themed activities aimed at the coastal universities. This could be anything from Sand castle competitions, surf competitions or a cycle ride around the countryside. All ending up in the evenings with a bonfire and BBQ on the beach or fields with live local music and goodie bags. -The main thing this campaign is trying to communicate is that it is a fun, wearable brand that’s not just aimed at the late 20’s. Fat face is up to date with technology and wants to interact with its clients, which will appeal particularly to a younger generation of technology obsessive's. By combining Fat Face's easy going and outdoor lifestyle with up to date social media, Fat Face is able to really connect with a new target market.

Possible design of goodie bag;

A full description of our press pack; Methodology;

Lizzie Ashcroft

In order for our event to go smoothly we need to research into certain criteria. We need to look at costal universities in the UK that have surf/water sport clubs so we can enquire with who would be interested in being included with the event. We need to check each coastal uni has access to a sandy beach with safe waters to surf in. We need to check that each city has an area big enough to hold the event and contact local council to check its ok for us to do the event.

Time plan; We would like to start planning our event now and getting Universities interested and involved with competitions as soon as possible. We have a year time plan set out so we can plan when everything is getting done. We would like the event to start 25th May 2014. June * Get initial sketches from graphic designers with designs of Tops, Bags, and Goodie bag fillers. * Get initial designs for posters, flyers and press pack July * Get information and set up meeting with Fat Face company about campaign ideas August * Find and enquire with Universities about involvement with event * Enquire with radio stations, TV channels and DJs about event * Enquire with local councils about us e of public spaces for events September * Get final designs of goodie bags and fillers for event * Contact VW companies and arrange hire/ donation for summer October * Hold competition for university students/ general public to design final canvas bag design November * Choose winner and create final canvas bag design Possible event flyer December * Release the winners details and final design of the canvas bag graphic January * Release Press pack to public February * Release event idea to public – Event posters/ social media flyers etc. March * Find extra job applicants for event. Fat Face colleagues and staff from local shops April * Deliver event goodie boxes (including tops, bags etc.) to local Fat Face retailers for Campervan pick ups. May * Event start

Lizzie Ashcroft Costing ; * Design of press pack; £1000 * T-shirt and bag design; £500 * Buying stock of goodie bags; £1000 * Technicians to follow event; £100 per day * VW Campervan and VW Beetle for tour –donated kindly by Volkswagen. * DJs/ live music; £300-£500 per night * Prizes from event – Funded by sponsored airlines/ Fat Face charities/ also £3000 worth of holidays. Average amount of people attending each event; 200- 300 students/ local residents. 10-20 important invitees 2-5 local radio/ TV stations 2 DJ’s Quality and quantity; * Canvas goodie bags -2500 * Flyers and posters - 550 * Prizes - 4 prizes for each University trip- 44 prizes Printed to the highest quality, at the most affordable prices; (photos/ flyers etc.) (t-shirts/ bags)

550 printed for approximately £300

2500 bags and t-shirts printed for approximately £1500

Lizzie Ashcroft, Emily Ball

Visual design of our press pack;

Our Press Information Pack ideas and suggestions; When we release the event, we need to release a press information pack to send to the Universities, Local press and Magazines so the event can get as much coverage as possible. The pack will contain useful information that will let everyone know what the event is about, the media, the promotional materials, and all who is involved with the event. These were our first few ideas for the digital version of our press pack. We found that these 2 lacked the theme of our event that we are promoting so went back to the drawing board. Although, the typography and layout are aesthetically pleasing.

Chosen design of digital press pack; ‘Fat Face Summer 2014 Presents the Interactive Campervan Tour’ digital press pack final layout. This is the final layout for the event Press Information Pack for the Fat Face Campaign 2014. We have chosen to use this particular photograph of youthful, vibrant adults having fun in a campervan during a summer road trip, as we feel the target group can really relate to this. This pack shows the public exactly what our event is about and who we are involving. We have included Fat faces’ mission statement and links to the specific sections about the event.

Lizzie Ashcroft, Emily Ball

Inside press pack;

Links from Media Information Pack; These are the links of pages that will pop up when clicking on the links on the Press Information Pack. They give more in-depth information about where to find everything and what the event is about. The Press Release will have a link to take you to the “Fat Face Summer 2014 Presents the Interactive Campervan Tour� which will promote the event further. Here are the links of the pages -

The map on the right shows the audience where the VW Campervan will be travelling during the interactive summer 2014 tour. When clicking on each location, the audience will be re-located to a web page where there will be photo highlights- linking to Facebook/ Twitter, video diaries- using a direct link from the Fat Face You Tube page- and competition winners from each specific location visited.

This is where the press release section will be placed. On next page.

Gillian Crouch

PRESS RELEASE; Fat Face 2014 Presents – The Interactive Campervan Tour Fat Face will be launching their new PR campaign in summer 2014, organised by #Peachy. Targeting universities across the UK, the campervan will visit 11 locations over thirty days, kicking off in Southampton on 25th May. The campaign is designed to expand their target market by appealing more to 18-25 year olds, while having fun and being active. The campaign is keen to encourage public involvement through the use of social media, competitions and event days. Facebook and Twitter pages are a key aspect of the event, as when launched (January 2014) will be updated weekly prior to the event and daily once the tour has started. The Fat Face website will also have live video feeds available daily starting one week prior to the event. “Social media is an integral part of day to day life for most young people. We intend to utalise this by using it to communicate to our audience in terms of advertising, as well as offering them exclusive competitions”, Emily Ball – Campaign Leader. “By doing so we can cut costs, allowing us to give more back to our target audience”. The public can also get involved through their ‘Tweet the Street’ competition – a fun way to create excitement in the run up to event days. There will also be the opportunity to design one of the final canvas bags which will be used throughout the event as goodie bags, and the chance to win goodie bags and holidays on a surf simulator. With bonfires, activities and lots of stuff to give away, there’s something for everyone – so keep an eye out this summer for the Fat Face Campervan, as it could be coming to a city near you. Campaign starts 25th May and runs till the 23rd June. About Fat Face is a brand that originated in 1988 by 2 friends who wanted to enjoy life rather than working, and needed to make some extra money. Fat Face’s manifesto is ‘Better a bad day on the slopes, than a good day in the office’. They started off just making hoodies but now have moved onto a whole range of products, all of which are designed to withstand the demands of an active life style, and to help you get out there and enjoy it. The number 88 often features on Fat Face clothing and products as a reminder and tribute to the year the brand was formed. Many of the decorations in store feature aspects of the environment or recycled objects. This is a constant reminder of how they want it to be an active lifestyle brand. For more information, please visit: Contact For further information please contact Emily Ball (Project Manager) Office: (020)34 345345 Mob: 07986 765343 Email:

Lizzie Ashcroft, Emily Ball Students when are we visiting you? 1. Southampton Solent- 25th May 14 2. St Andrew- 28th May 14 3. Bangor-31st May 14 4. Plymouth-3rd June 14 5. Bournemouth-6th June 14 6. Sussex- 9th June 14 7. Great Yarmouth- 12th 14 8. Suffolk- 15th 14 9. Hull- 18th 14 10. Newcastle- 21st June 14 11. Edinburgh- 23rd June 14

Tour Dates

Products used in the event; This link will take the audience directly to a page reviewing all of the Fat Face products used within this event. (Fat Face goodie bag, T-shirt, Flip flops, Drinks bottle etc.) Supporters/ charities funding and following the event; -Volkswagen -Sail4cancer

Products Supporters/ charities

-RNLI -Virgin Airlines -British surfers

Lizzie Ashcroft, Emily Ball, Gill Crouch

This the page exploring our PR brand. As you can see we have branded ourselves as ‘#peachy’ as we are hoping to appeal to the younger target market throughout our event, through the use of social media, and other promotional materials. We each designed a possible logo for our PR group, and agreed to go ahead and use the logo designed by myself, (far right) as we wanted to add a fun and light-hearted element to our brand. The ‘#’ in front of our PR brand name is representing the social media side to our Fat Face campaign, will promoting the brand mostly through the use of social media- e.g.. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest.

Photographs from ‘Fat Face Summer 2014 Presents the Interactive Campervan Tour’ to be used within an article; Emily Ball

Bournemouth Beach

Surf simulator- Hull

Fat Face surf instructor- Bangor

Southampton Beach

Surf competition- St Andrew

Fat Face promo team

Plymouth Beach

Competition winner- Andrew Staton

FF Campervan

Emily Ball, Lizzie Ashcroft

Full description & design of the event invites & any other design work; ‘Fat Face Summer 2014 presents the Interactive Campervan Tour’ will be advertised through social media pages, flyer/ postering, and through invitation- which will also be viral to students and university web pages. Below are the proposed flyers/ posters that will be posted around the surrounding areas where the VW Campervan tour will be visiting in Summer. These will be physically delivered and put up, a month- few weeks before the start date of the event in May 2014. We decided to use these photographs, as the 25-35 target market can relate to the fun loving, and outdoor lifestyle displayed within these flyers- they are exciting and eye catching.

550 of the flyers/ posters printed for approximately ÂŁ300 and will be distributed to the 11 locations to advertise.

Digital versions of the invitationsinviting students through social media; Emily Ball

This is the finalised layout for the event invitation for the Fat Face Facebook page. The event invitations and flyers will be posted unto 6 weeks in advance to the start date of the eventa different photograph posted weekly. University facebook pages from the areas that will be visited will be tagged and asked to tag students from their university. Then students will be urged to tag all of their friends in the invitation- so the event will be promoted viral through this online platform- this saves the event money- which can be spent on prizes and promotional materials. Also- competition links will be posted onto the Fat Face wall, and links to the official Fat Face website where the audience are able to enter the design a canvas bag competition.

Lizzie Ashcroft, Emily Ball

Facebook event group;

This is the finalised layout for the Fat Face group event invitation for the Fat Face Facebook page. The event group will be created and launched approximately 5-6 weeks before the start date on the 25th May 2014. This group will allow all universities/ students to be members so they are able to keep up to date with all news and photographs leading up to the event and during.

Fat Face Twitter;

Emily Ball

Similar to the Facebook page. This is the finalised layout for the event invitation for the Fat Face Twitter page. The event invitations and flyers will be posted unto 6 weeks in advance to the start date of the event- a different photograph posted weekly. University facebook pages from the areas that will be visited will be hash tagged and asked to hash tag students from their university. Then students will be urged to hash tag all of their friends in the invitation- so the event will be promoted viral through this online platform- this saves the event money- which can be spent on prizes and promotional materials. Also- the ‘Tweet the Street’ competition when uploaded will link to this very page. Fat Face followers can follow keep track on where the campervan is visiting next- a snap will be released on the twitter page- and the first person to guess the correct location will win a goodie bag/ holiday prize. On the left is a possible mock-up for a tweet that could be posted within hours of the arrival of the Interactive Campervan, to create hype and excitementjust refreshing the event in the students minds.

Fat Face Instagram page; Emily Ball

This is the finalised layout to the new Fat Face Instagram page- as there is no current page. it will help to promote not only the event, but the brand and its ethos to a wider audience- Instagram is number one app on the Apple App store currentlyas is the latest social media craze amongst smart phone users. This would be a great platform to promote Fat Face across.

Emily Ball

Fat Face Canvas bag design competition platform;

So we are not alienating the current Fat Face market we have created this interactive ‘Design us a bag’ competition open to anyone creative. The below online editor; allows entry to design online and submit straight from there. The winners design will be judged by the Fat Face design executive, and produced into an actual canvas bag- which will given out at the events. There is also an option for customers to design their own bag without entering the competition and simply have it printed onto their own bag and delivered to their door.

Emily Ball, Lizzie Ashcroft

Goodie bags & contents;

These are the finalised graphics designed for the cover of the eco friendly canvas bags- that will be produced for the event. Fat Face designers have created these graphics with the new target market of 25-35 in mind. The designs are young, vibrant and relate to our interactive event.

Winners design will go here!

2500 bags and t-shirts printed for the event will cost approximately ÂŁ1500

The canvas bags will be free of charge and given out at all

events around the coastline. 2500 bags will be Inside each goodie bag; university produced. Along with 2500 t-shirts, and 2500 of the other

Inside the bag will be; -a medium fit female/ male tour t-shirt Female

promotional materials.

-a Fat Face Spring/ Summer 2014 look book


-a medium fit Fat Face pair of flip flops in a variety of colours -a ÂŁ5 off gift card to spend in Fat Face.

- a Fat Face water bottle Drinks bottle included to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Emily Ball, Lizzie Ashcroft

Emily Ball

VW Campervan graphics; This is the campervans on board tracking device, linked directly to the digital elements of the campaign- so people are able to follow the tour around the UK.

Inside the campervan, apart from some of the Fat Face promotion team- there will be stored all of the equipment used during the event. E.g. the surf simulator is inflatable so can be compacted, the canvas bags will be boxed up and also compacted, additional speaker system will be available to plug into iPod/ iPhone dock- for students to enjoy. This is where the 15 inch LCD TV will stand- the upper window is thr to open available and the TV stand will support the screen from there.

It links directly to the Fat Face webpage, Facebook page and Twitter page.

Photographs from previous events, competition announcements and photo booth photographs can all be seen on here.

These design graphics introduce the event without being too serious- the event is to be light-hearted and fun- this is simply a play on words. When stationary these doors will lock to an ‘open’ position and will become the makeshift photo booth for the students to enjoy. Props, signage, and Fat Face merchandise can be used in the photographs is they wish.

This is a compiled list of all of the university locations that Fat Face is visiting over Summer 2014, so whilst in motion/ stationary the event will be promoted. This is a free way of advertising.

Emily Ball Methodology & time plan;

for all of this design work to be possible- the design team and IT technicians will have to create these platforms a few weeks prior to the event start date. The Campervan graphics, flyers/ posters, canvas bag graphics and t-shirts should all be the first to go into production- as they are being printed and test prints will need to be arranged with the companies. The flyers/ posters will need to be distributed across the UK to the tour locations, Fat Face HQ will send the finished printings to the universities involved within the event to post around the university walls and residences. The printed t-shirts and bags will be delivered to Fat Face H.Q where they will load the goodie bags a few weeks before the first location (Southampton) and these will be packed into storage boxes and placed into the campervan for the journey. The Fat Face online platform for the design competition will also need to released the same date as the press release, as the competition will be mentioned and is running alongside the event. The Facebook/ Twitter events will be created prior to the event- but will not need to be advertised until at least a week before the event- the Facebook group will be available to join a month before the start date (25th May)- links will be available via the flyers electronic code and through the Fat Face website.


as the invitations/ and press pack will all be sent digitally there is no need for printing costs to apply. The online platforms simply need to be created. Although, the flyers/ posters/ canvas bags and t-shirts will all need to be printed prior to the event. Vistaprint will be printing the t-shirt graphics and canvas bag graphics- as they are specialists in the area. Jessops will be printing the flyers/ posters as they are a contemporary photographic company- so understand the needs to attract a younger target market.

Quantity & costing;

-Vistaprint will be charging an approximate price of £1500 for 2,500 tshirts and canvas bags. The additional winners design graphic will be the last element to be printed. -Jessops will be charging an approximate price of £300 for 550 flyers/ posters- these will be distributed a few weeks before the event- in all tour locations. -Facebook/ Twitter- are both free social media platforms- the same graphics as the above flyers/ posters will be used- as we feel these will work across both digital and physical promotional strategies. -Fat Face’s online canvas bag graphic designer will be designed and created by the Fat Face design/ graphics specialist team- we also pull in Photoshop experts, paying the technicians £100 a day. The technicians will also follow the online platforms and check for any bugs/ viruses daily- to keep all of the digital promotion up and running 24/7 through the weeks of the tour. -The goodie bag contents will be provided by Fat Face, as the gift cards, flip flops, water bottles and look book are existing merchandise provided seasonally by the retailers. -The VW campervan vehicle graphics will be designed by the Fat Face design team and sent to, a UK environmentally friendly vehicle graphics creator- which supports the Fat Face ethos. The approximate price they will be charging is £300-400 for full set of graphics, designed and fitted professionally.

Emily Ball, Lizzie Ashcroft, Gill Crouch

S W O T o f p r o p o s a l;

Strengths -Gaining press for Fat Face in a positive and interactive way- by introducing a new interactive platform. -Builds a positive relationship between the client and the companydriving the conversation. -Emerging into a target sector (younger target customer) which supports the brief set by the client. -Engaging with various universities around the UK- which promotes the Fat Face brand in a fun and innovative way- creating a positive impact. -Including a variety of social media platforms- which promotes the brand to a wider variety of customers. This also saves the Fat Face money as there is n need for printing invites- which they can spend on other aspects of the campaign. -Producing physical materials- to help support the event- makes the campaign more exciting and attracts the target market as they are interested in free Fat Face products. -By holding competitions which offer prizes- this attracts the younger student target market- as they are always attracting to products/ services that are free.

Weaknesses -Fat Face produced a similar campaign in 2011 ‘The Live in it’ campaignalthough this campaign was only shown in the South West and the main idea was to support art work and local bands/ music related to the branddrumming up excitement for the Fat Face. So Fat Face existing customers may find the new campaign too similar, and this could limit popularity. -By targeting the university students age of (18-25) we are limiting the expansion of the new Fat Face customer base, and could be alienating the slightly older customer of 25-35. -Anticipating the amount of public that will attend the events at various locations- Facebook groups can sometimes be unreliable when calculating the amount of acceptance responses from the invitees. Many people may just select the ‘maybe’ option- which does not give a clear statistic of people whom may be attending.

Opportunities -Including a variety of social media platforms- promoting the brand to a wider range of customers. -Almost double Fat Face’s target market from promoting the campaign through social media. -The campaign could lead to the inspiration of creating a new clothing range for the younger target market- which has been inspired by the events during the campaign. -By working with charities/ supporters/ sports personalities- this will the build bridge between Fat Face and them- which could then be re-used in the future. By possibly creating specific collections inspired and working alongside the British surfers involved, or charities could want to use Fat Face again and mention them within their own brand campaigns. -From physical event- the Fat Face promo team are able to gather information of their new target market by asking questions, discovering likes and dislikes- which is an easy and fun way to gain market research, to improve the brand.

Threats -Weather- as our campaign is based outside, and within the UK- even though we have planned to complete this event in the summer period- a British summer is never reliable. So we will have to compensate for rain, hail or shine. -Traffic- as we have allowed a three day gap in between each event at the various locations- traffic shouldn’t be too much of a problem- although there is still a possibility that this could effect the overall timescale of the campaign. -Petrol costs- as the VW campervan and beetle will be travelling around the coastline- the petrol costs will be fairly high. Also the Fat Face promotion team must make sure they plan petro; stops along the way to prevent breakdowns. -Staff- as there is a small team consisting of 6-10 representatives- there is more chance of possible illness/ health issues that would stop them from being able to perform their job. Back up representatives must be on standby. -Anticipating the amount of people that will turn up- Facebook groups can sometimes be unreliable.

Evaluation proposal;

Emily Ball, Lizzie Ashcroft, Gill Crouch

The success of the campaign can be recorded through various avenues. As already stated, the campaign will feature a video feed, via YouTube, that can be accessed through the Fat Face website. YouTube enables you to see how many times a video has been viewed. It also allows the public to post comments and rate video’s. This will give Fat Face a direct response to how the public are taking to the campaign. Technicians working on behalf of Fat Face will be used to monitor Facebook and Twitter to ensure that the websites are running smoothly. Technicians also have the ability to check how many people are viewing the page. Twitter and Facebook also allow you to follow/like their pages. Technicians would be able to record the numbers before and after the campaign to evaluate their growth. Facebook will also feature an event page which will go live just before the start of the campaign. Event pages allow you to say whether or not you are attending, giving you an estimation of how many people will be there on the day. Checking people into the event on the day and keeping records of the turnout, will allow us to compare the estimation to the final figures. Social media can also be monitored for any comments about the campaign, along with uploaded videos or pictures. These might also be useful for advertising purposes. Finally, social media is a good way of reaching a large amount of people in an easily accessible way. For this reason, much like the campaign itself, it would be good to use it to gain feedback on the event through the use of a questionnaire. A direct link could be posted on the website, Facebook, Twitter etc. This would happen directly after the event while the video feed is still active. This would allow another way for Fat Face to advertise the questionnaire. Facebook could even use the ‘Poll’ application to ask questions. This would create graphs of the results and easy to set up. It may also stop the public being turned off by the idea of a questionnaire. Overall ‘Fat Face Summer 2014 presents the interactive campervan tour’ is a good strong campaign that will boost the clients customer base and profile type. We believe this campaign would help the company to expand into different age sectors and create a full family brand- perhaps creating sub ranges, as there will be a new target market for these products. The event proposal is strong as it aims to includes university students from the whole of the UK- thus meaning more coverage for the Fat Face brand, in a fun and innovative way. It will help to increase the number of followers- when regarding the social media platform- and get the brand more involved with new digital technology- keeping up to date. The event is age appropriate for the new consumer market- which will attract a great number of people to the event both physically and through online platforms. After the Summer campaign, Fat Face will continue to grow as a brand, and embrace the new digital media available to promote their ethos- as they already do so with some of the platforms through social media- this will continue to interest the younger target market of 25-35 that they are desiring to interest. Fat Face are also able to gather information from this event on current popularity and the new target market- which in turn, will gain more popularity for the future. So, Jump on board.

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