2009 – 2010 01865 792209
To get the latest details on all things Pegasus visit the website
photo by David Fisher
welcome to pegasus – on the road on the road on the road
welcome to pegasus – on the road Pegasus Theatre is On The Road for a year! While the venue transforms into a terrific new centre for the performing arts, all our regular activities in drama, dance, music and technical theatre for 6 year olds upwards are taking place at other spaces.
booklet. To get involved in a project fill in and return the project booking form at the centre of this guide. We encourage you to come to Registration Evenings where you can meet the tutors and find out more about your chosen project (see page 13).
We help young people find their voice using the performing arts to explore their enormous potential. Our projects encourage individuals to work together, share ideas and experience, celebrate diversity in background and culture, learn new skills, and take responsibility in a wonderfully creative atmosphere. Project places are available for courses starting in September and you can read all about each of them in this
Pegasus is also able to offer workshops and programmes of activities at your school or in your community. For more information contact our Head of Arts Education Yasmin Sidhwa on 01865 792209 or email Use this guide to book for performances or make a donation to support Pegasus’ continuing programme.
projects 2009-2010 project groups Kala Arpan (6+ years) OYT 6-7 years OYT Jazzmates (7-11 years) OYT 8-9 years OYT Production Group (8-16 years) OYT 10-13 years (Tuesday) OYT 10-13 years (Wednesday) OYT Dance Fusion (12-16 years) OYT 14-19 years Catalyst (16+ years) Platypus Theatre (20+ years) OYT Companies Members’ Own Page to Stage Members’ Committee Registration dates
pg 3-4 pg pg pg pg pg pg pg pg pg pg pg pg pg pg pg pg
5 5 7 6 8 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 12 12 12 13
performances/events Jamboree 2009 – Written In The Stars Walking on Eggshells schools tours Taking Flight – the story of Pegasus Theatre Perpetual Motion The Fourth Dimension Venues About us Booking Create for Change
pg 14 pg 10 pg 15 pg 16 pg 16 pg 17 pg 18 centre centre
index index index index
photo by David Fisher
projects 2009 – 2010
week 1
in the community
venue: Oxford School dates: 27 July to 14 August Summer Village 2009 will be three weeks of fun creativity in drama, dance, craft and music. style: Three weeks of performing arts workshops for young people age: 6 to 19 year olds
dates: 27 to 31 July Our team will be travelling round to different venues in East Oxford, Blackbird Leys and Cutteslowe, bringing the arts to your doorstep. Get creative and pop along to your local youth/community centre, or community association for dates, times and to book a place. week 2
tasters and playmakers (6-11 years) dates: 3 to 7 August times: tasters 10am to 1.15pm; playmakers 2pm to 5.15pm prices: tasters £6 per day; playmakers £30; tasters and playmakers together £55
photo by Naomi Morris
projects 2009 – 2010 projects 2009 – 2010 projects 2009 – 2010
summer village 2009
Tasters – A week of fun for 6 to 11 year olds! You can pick and mix what you do and how much you want to do. Every morning you can choose two different arts activities to have a go at including drama, dance, rapping, beatboxing and puppet-making.
Playmakers – Either stay on (bring lunch!) or come for the afternoon only to make The Golden Statue – a musical adaptation of Oscar Wilde’s ‘The Happy Prince’ – in a week with our team of artists. At the end of the week you will get to perform your play to parents, family and friends! week 3
musical theatre in a week (11-19 years) dates: 10 to 14 August times: 10am to 4pm daily Mon – Fri prices: £50 A week of creativity for 11-19 year olds! It’s Wicked! It’s the Wiz! It’s the Wizard of Oz! No – it’s your version of these well-loved musicals! You will have the chance of creating a unique musical in a week with our team of professional artists. Every day you will be immersed in drama, dance and singing to create a performance that family and friends get to see at the end of the week. Your very own musical! Get creative and book your place fast.
Here at Pegasus our main activity is working with young people (Oxford Youth Theatre and Kala Arpan) plus young adults and older people (Kala Arpan, Catalyst and Platypus Theatre) from all over Oxford and the county making performances with professional actors, directors, musicians, designers and technicians. Over a period of weeks (the groups meet during school term times with occasional extra sessions for rehearsals in holidays), in groups of up to 20, an idea will be developed using a range of performance skills and techniques. The final result is a complete show for the public at a venue in the City. In conjunction with Oxford Inspires and the Oxford Trust, Pegasus is joining in a countywide Seasons of Science celebration showing Oxford as an inspiring world centre of science, with a year of cultural events and activities exploring the subject. New projects, many creating performances on the theme of Science and Art, will be starting in September 2009 (ending in performance platforms
in February and March 2010) and in April 2010 (for performances in Jamboree 2010 in July). If you want to see whether Pegasus offers the kind of experience you want why not try our series of short projects in August, Summer Village 2009, which has something for everyone from 6 to 19 years old. To find out more about the projects coming up with Pegasus Theatre this year read on…
science and art – perpetual motion September 2009 to February 2010 Whizz-bang-flash! The entire universe from the largest planets and stars down to the smallest atom in your body is quivering, jumping or exploding. The movement never stops. Everything is in Perpetual Motion. Dance, drama and physical theatre performances will be created under this intriguing theme by each group: OYT 6-7 (pg 5); OYT 8-9 (pg 6); OYT 10-13 (pg 6); OYT 14-19 (pg 7); Jazzmates (pg 7); Dance Fusion (pg 7) Catalyst (pg 8).
science and art – the fourth dimension September 2009 to March 2010 We learn more about our world and ourselves every day. Scientists are making breakthroughs that would have once seemed impossible. Performers break through the fourth wall and discover The Fourth Dimension – where will they take us? Groups involved in this project will be: OYT Theatre Company (pg 10); OYT Dance Company (pg 11); OYT Production Company (pg 11); Platypus Theatre (pg 8).
science and art – jamboree 2010 April 2010 to June 2010 Our last performance project, while we are On The Road, ends our year celebrating Science and Art in a series of performances that add up to more than the sum of their parts! Performers reach further than they have ever gone before in their quest for the ultimate show. See page 13 for details. Please note: due to demand, we can only offer places to participants on one course per year.
projects 2009 – 2010 projects 2009 – 2010 projects 2009 – 2010
science and art
project groups project groups project groups 5
“I’ve learned so much from this dance, that I will never forget. Being a monkey was great because it was so funny and it makes me happy. I loved all the rehearsals, it was so fun.” (Kala Arpan participant)
photo by David Fisher
project groups
kala arpan (6 years +)
oyt 6-7 years
The classical Indian dance group for anyone aged 6 and above is for beginners and refreshers. This year they will be making a brand new work based on the themes of Science and Art to create a thrilling performance combining traditional forms with experimental ideas.
Act, sing, perform and have fun! The coming year will combine all of these skills in exciting new projects. Work alongside music practitioner Julia Thomas and theatre director Angharad Phillips, to use drama and music to create dynamic pieces for the Science and Art season.
project: Jamboree 2010 (Saturdays or Sundays September. Dates to be confirmed.) course fee: £75
project: Perpetual Motion (Thursdays 10 September to 4 March plus shows) course fee: £45 project: Jamboree 2010 (Thursdays 22 April to 22 July plus shows) course fee: £30
tutors: Sapna Shankar, Meena Anand venue: To be confirmed times: To be confirmed
tutors: Angharad Phillips, Julia Thomas, assisted by OYT Theatre Company members venue: Magdalen Road Church Hall times: 4pm – 5pm
photo by Naomi Morris
I'd like to thank you all for doing this great job, setting up this production! I have enjoyed it so much and I am looking forward to do the next workshop. (10-13 years participant) oyt 8-9 years
project: Perpetual Motion (Thursdays 10 September to 4 March plus shows) course fee: £45 project: Jamboree 2010 (Thursdays 22 April to 22 July plus shows) course fee: £30 tutors: Angharad Phillips, Julia Thomas, assisted by OYT Theatre Company members venue: Magdalen Road Church Hall times: 5.15pm – 6.30pm
oyt 10-13 years tuesday group Get ready to hit the stage! You will learn how to use voice, movement and mime, all in the process of creating your very own group performance piece. Exploring Science and Art the group will come up with dynamic and explosive work to share with family and friends.
oyt 10-13 years wednesday group Mad scientists have lots of ideas and so will you as we make the craziest kind of show imaginable. Mime, physical theatre and improvisational skills will be used with technology to create a eureka kind of a show!
project: Perpetual Motion (Tuesdays 8 September to 2 March plus shows) course fee: £50 project: Jamboree 2010 (Tuesdays 20 April to 20 July plus shows) course fee: £33
project: Perpetual Motion (Wednesdays 9 September to 3 March plus shows) course fee: £50 project: Jamboree 2010 (Wednesday 21 April to 21 July plus shows) course fee: £33
tutors: tbc venue: Magdalen Road Church Hall times: 4.30pm – 6.30pm
tutors: Marion Bloice-Smith venue: Magdalen Road Church Hall times: 4.30pm – 6.30pm
project groups project groups project groups
For funky rhythms, funny characters and crazy theatre games join theatre director Angharad Phillips and musician Julia Thomas in this year’s new projects. With your imagination the only limit, we will work together as a team with science inspiring our very own stories to be performed.
photo by David Fisher
project groups project groups project groups 7
oyt 14-19 years
oyt jazzmates (7-11 years)
oyt dance fusion (12-16 years)
The Science and Art season gives us exciting opportunities to use lots of different skills in making new shows. How to tell a story, create a character, devise, improvise and work as a team. Our inspiration will be the world around us and how we interract with it and each other.
Create your own dance sequences using street dance, martial arts, acrobatics or what ever dance styles you fancy! With the Science and Art themes these projects will give you a chance to dance non-stop and show off some cool circus skills!
Street, jazz, contemporary dance, whatever you’re into! Work it out, move it, create it. Ex-Phoenix Dance Company member Nicola Moses will take you to another level, developing your dance skills and performance ability.
project: Perpetual Motion (Wednesdays 9 September to 3 March plus shows) course fee: £50 project: Jamboree 2010 (Wednesdays 21 April to 21 July plus shows) course fee: £33 tutors: Angharad Phillips (Perpetual Motion), Michelle Hall (Jamboree 2010) venue: Oxford School times: 7pm – 9pm
project: Perpetual Motion (Mondays 7 September to 1 March plus shows) course fee: £45 project: Jamboree 2010 (Mondays 19 April to 19 July plus shows) course fee: £30 tutors: Allan Hutson assisted by OYT Dance Company members venue: St. Gregory The Great School times: 4.30pm – 6pm
project: Perpetual Motion (Mondays 7 September to 1 March plus shows) course fee: £45 project: Jamboree 2010 (Mondays 19 April to 19 July plus shows) course fee: £30 tutors: Nicola Moses assistant: Jemma Brown venue: St. Gregory The Great School times: 6pm – 7.30pm
Pegasus Theatre has been awarded a myplace grant, funded by the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) and delivered by the Big Lottery Fund (BIG),
oyt production group (8-16 years)
catalyst (16 years plus)
platypus theatre
A lot of what makes a performance really professional is what happens behind the scenes! You will learn about the work that goes on backstage and find out about technical theatre and stage design as well as trying things out for yourselves with the help of our professional team.
Join us for a course of drama and movement workshops – move your body, speak out and take centre stage! You will create a script and make dance and acting scenes for performance in February 2010. This group is for young people and young adults with physical and learning disabilities and their carers. Please note this is not a drop-in group. Participants should attend all sessions, including the performance in February.
A group for anyone over 20 years, Platypus crosses boundaries by experimenting with theatre styles and genres. For this project they will be exploring scripted and devised work to create a new performance.
project: Production Group (Tuesdays 8 September to 9 February) course fee: £45 project: Production Group (Tuesdays 20 April to 13 July) course fee: £30 tutors: Nomi Everall, Naomi Morris, assisted by OYT Production Company members venue: Unit 1 Newtec Place times: 5.15pm – 6.45pm
project: Perpetual Motion (Tuesdays 8 September to 2 March plus show) course fee: £50 tutors: Natasha Crosher, Allan Hutson venue: Ark-T Centre times: 10am – 12pm
project: The Fourth Dimension (Thursdays 10 September to 1 April plus show) course fee: £65 tutor: Emma Webb venue: Oxford School times: 7pm – 9.30pm
project groups project groups project groups
to create an innovative youth-led venue.
oyt companies
oyt companies oyt companies oyt companies
Oxford Youth Theatre Companies are for experienced participants who are 14 and over. This programme offers opportunities to develop your skills to a higher level.
Three companies, specialising in drama, dance and technical theatre will work together for a year creating new work, developing directing, choreography and workshop leading skills, design and technical expertise. Some of this work will lead to performances and tours locally, nationally and internationally. By joining an ensemble of performers or technicians under the guidance of
a director, your focus will be on becoming a young leader, taking more responsibility by running workshops and mentoring younger participants. Members of last year’s companies can now move on to new areas of development including assistant tutoring with the younger OYT groups and further creation of new work. Becoming an Oxford Youth Theatre Company member is offered by invitation only to participants 14 and over who have completed at least 3 projects with Pegasus. There are no auditions.
king lear
venue: Oxford School dates: Every Tuesday from 8 September (plus some weekend and half term rehearsals and tour dates) times: 7pm – 9.30pm course fee: £75
If medical experts were to examine the main characters of Shakespeare’s King Lear what would they find? When the chemical processes of ageing flood the system how does it affect the mind? What happens to the body when emotions are running high? This extraordinary adaptation of a classic play is to be created using original text and choreography in collaboration with some of Oxford’s eminent scientists under the Science and Art theme.
In the 2009/10 year the Theatre Company will be working on two major works both of which will tour.
walking on eggshells In partnership with Oxfordshire Family Mediation and Creative Junction, the OYT Theatre Company will be creating a special drama about young people and family separation. Company members will lead workshops with year 7 pupils followed by a tour to primary schools in the Isis and Headington Schools partnership.
photo by Dave Thwaites
director: Yasmin Sidhwa assistant: Angharad Phillips tour dates: November 2009
director: Yasmin Sidhwa assistant: Angharad Phillips choreographer: Jeanefer Jean Charles tour dates: 26 and 27 March 2010 (The Fourth Dimension at Oxford School); 3 April 2010 at Museum of Oxford; July 2010 (Grenoble International Youth Festival, France)
oyt companies oyt companies oyt companies
oyt theatre company
oyt companies oyt companies oyt companies 11
oyt dance company
entropy (working title)
venue: St. Gregory The Great School dates: Every Monday from 7 September (plus some weekend and rehearsals and tour dates) times: 7.30pm – 9.30pm course fee: £75
For the Science and Art season the Dance Company further explore the subject of emotional and physical effects on the human mind and body. The Walking on Eggshells performance exposes a wealth of ideas for the Company to develop into an important new performance to take on tour.
In the 2009/10 year the Dance Company will be working on two major works both of which will tour. walking on eggshells In partnership with Oxfordshire Family Mediation and Creative Junction, the OYT Dance Company will be creating a piece relating to young people and parental separation, leading to workshops with year 7 pupils. The production will also tour to primary schools in the Isis and Headington Schools Partnership director: Allan Hutson assistant: Nicola Moses tour dates: February 2010
director: Allan Hutson assistant: Nicola Moses tour dates: 6 February 2010 Museum of Oxford; 26 and 27 March 2010 (The Fourth Dimension at Oxford School); August 2010 (Aberdeen International Youth Festival)
oyt production company venue: Unit 1 Newtec Place, Magdalen Road dates: Every Tuesday from 8 September (plus some weekend and half term rehearsals and tour dates) times: 7pm – 9.30pm course fee: £75
The Production Company will be designing and stage managing the 2010 productions by the Theatre and Dance Companies and accompanying the tours. The Company are also curating an exhibition Taking Flight – The Story of Pegasus Theatre. They will be researching the archives and using their stage design and construction skills to create a unique visitor experience for Oxford residents. The exhibition will be brought to life with workshops and performances during its run at the Museum of Oxford – see performances and events page 15. exhibition dates:12 December 2009 to 3 April 2010 tour dates: 26 and 27 March 2010 (The Fourth Dimension at Oxford School); July 2010 (Grenoble International Youth Festival, France); August 2010 (Aberdeen International Youth Festival) tutors: Nomi Everall, Dave Thwaites
page to stage
members committee
The OYT Company members of 200809 have spent a year together getting a finer command of skills and techniques. Pegasus will now invite them to create a performance of their own by providing rehearsal space, professional artists to assist them and at least one performance opportunity.
This new group offers budding young writers the chance to work with the Pegasus Theatre writer-in residence. With a special focus on writing for performance, participants will be able to meet weekly over the year to share their ideas and developments. The potential of text, sound, movement and music will be considered and their work will be presented at the theatre after re-opening in 2010.
All participants are encouraged to take as full a part as possible in Pegasus as a whole. The Members Committee is a representative body for the project groups that meets monthly to do a range of activities. The Committee is involved in the building plans, artistic programme, planning, policy and other management decisions. They arrange fundraising activities, attend staff recruitment interviews and trustee meetings, go and see performing companies and hold a budget for their own activities.
project: Members Own (Mondays 21 September to 19 July plus performance dates) course fee: ÂŁ10 facilitator: Euton Daley venue: To be confirmed times: To be confirmed
project: Page to Stage (Mondays 21 September to 19 July plus performance dates) course fee: ÂŁ50 facilitator: Euton Daley venue: To be confirmed times: To be confirmed
venue: Unit 7 Newtec Place, Magdalen Rd. facilitator: Rob Elkins meeting dates: Fridays monthly times: 6pm – 8pm
members own page to stage members committee
members own
registration dates registration dates registration dates
registration dates
oyt companies registration evening
oxford youth theatre companies information evening
This invitiation only evening is for previous OYT participants over 13 years old who are interested in taking their involvement in the performing arts to a higher level. At the evening, directors will talk about the plans for the Companies for the forthcoming year and current company members will give a flavour of their experience. venue: Oxford School date: Wednesday 10 June 2009 time: 6.45pm – 7.45pm
Members of the Oxford Youth Theatre Companies 2008-2009 with their parents/guardians must attend this evening to be briefed about their forthcoming tours. Tutors and directors will be on hand to discuss schedules, travel arrangements and plans for the Companies 2009 tours. venue: Oxford School date: Wednesday 17 June 2009 time: 7pm – 8pm
perpetual motion/the fourth dimension registration evening All those wishing to book onto projects from September 2009 to March 2010 should attend the Registration Evening. This event will be an opportunity to meet tutors, find out more details about each project and receive a full rehearsal schedule. venue: Magdalen Road Church Hall date: Thursday 11 June 2009 time: 6.45pm – 7.45pm
jamboree 2010 registration evening Anyone wishing to take part in the summer 2010 performance project Jamboree should attend the Project Registration Evening. Meet the tutors, find out more about each project and get details of rehearsal schedules for the term. venue: Oxford School date: Thursday 28 January 2010 time: 7pm – 8pm
performances and events… jamboree 2009 – written in the stars
The Pegasus annual summer festival of performances concludes the environmental theme for the year with a focus on acknowledging the International Year of Astronomy in 2009. The performing groups describe what “Written In The Stars” means to them with a huge variety of styles and interpretations.
photo by David Fisher
style: dance, drama and music performances for the whole family length: 2 hours approx. min age: all ages box office: 01865 792209 or
performances and events performances and events
venue: Oxford School dates: Friday 17 and Saturday 18 July times: Friday 6pm, Saturday 2.30pm ticket prices: £3
venue: Museum of Oxford dates: 12 December 2009 to 3 April 2010 times: tbc ticket prices: FREE A unique Oxford history pops up at the Museum of Oxford researched, designed, produced and curated by young people from the OYT Production Company.
making workshop
making workshop
date: 12 December 2009 times: tbc
date: 6 March 2009 times: tbc
If you would like to make your own theatre show join the Museum of Oxford Kid’s Club and let the talented members of OYT Production Company show you how! On the opening day of the exhibition they will be on hand to help young visitors make puppets for your cast of characters.
Members of OYT Production Company return to the Taking Flight – The Story of Pegasus Theatre to pass on some of their techniques to the Museum of Oxford Kid’s Club. Make masks to put on your own theatre show for friends and family at home.
theatre performance dance performance date: 6 February 2010 times: tbc See the OYT Dance Company’s new production exploring family separation in its preview performance for the public. This piece is also being toured to schools in February 2010.
photo by David Fisher
performances and events performances and events
taking flight – the story of pegasus theatre
date: 3 April 2010 times: tbc Following the premiere of their new show in March the Oxford Youth Theatre Company perform King Lear (see page 16 The Fourth Dimension for more details) for visitors. This performance closes the exhibition and is a wonderful opportunity to see the Company in action before their tour to international festivals this summer. style: Exhibition of the history of Pegasus Theatre with associated performances and workshops min age: all ages
the fourth dimension
venue: Oxford School dates: Friday 26 and Saturday 27 February 2010 times: Friday 6pm, Saturday 2.30pm ticket prices: £3
venue: Oxford School dates: Friday 26 and Saturday 27 March times: Friday 6pm, Saturday 2.30pm ticket prices: £3
The Science and Art year starts with the big bang of Perpetual Motion – a platform of performances from Oxford Youth Theatre groups whose members are aged from 6 to 19 years old. During their months of preparation they may have discovered the meaning of life, the origin of the species or what’s on the other side of the universe – to find out, watch the show.
The Science and Art year continues as the Oxford Youth Theatre Companies and guests premiere their new productions in a special performance. A distinctive adaptation of King Lear looks at the effects of extreme emotion on the human body while the Dance Company explores emotional turmoil and its outward effects in Entropy (working title). The Companies are joined by other Pegasus based groups reaching beyond the line where science and art meet.
photo by David Fisher
style: A mixed media performance from OYT groups min age: all ages
style: An evening of entertainment from the OYT Companies and Platypus Theatre. min age: all ages
performances and events performances and events
perpetual motion
rd wa
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Unit 1 Newtec Place Magdalen Road, OX4 1RE courses: OYT Production Group; Oxford Youth Theatre Production Company
Performances, registration and information evenings will be held here unless otherwise indicated. courses: OYT 14-19; Oxford Youth Theatre Company; Platypus Theatre
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4 Oxford School l Glanville Road, Oxford, OX4 2AU
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3 Ark-T Centre l Crowell Road, Cowley, Oxford OX4 3LN
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wCity Arms w The Regal
2 St. Gregory The Great School l Cricket Road, Oxford, OX4 3DR
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venues venues venues
courses: OYT 6-7; OYT 8-9; OYT 10-13 Tuesday Group; OYT 10-13 Wednesday Group
1 l M ag
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While Pegasus is undergoing refurbishment, Oxford Youth Theatre Rd e courses and projects will take place i dg r B n to in a variety of spaces around the ing n n city. Look here for details. Do
1 Magdalen Road Church Hall l 41a Magdalen Rd Oxford, OX4 1RB
courses: Catalyst
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Magdalen Bridge
5 Unit 7 Newtec Place l Magdalen Road, Oxford OX4 1RE courses: Members’ Committee, central office; enquiries
6 Museum of Oxford l St Aldates, Oxford OX1 1DZ
Taking Flight – The Story of Pegasus Theatre with associated performances and workshops
Postal address: Pegasus Theatre, Magdalen Road, Oxford OX4 1RE Personal callers should visit us at: Unit 7 Newtec Place, Magdalen Road, Oxford OX4 1RE (this is next door to the theatre site). Magdalen Road is a one way street from Iffley Road to Cowley Road in East Oxford. Pegasus Theatre is next to the Magdalen Pub on the corner of Iffley Road and Magdalen Road. Telephone: 01865 792209 Email: (use the staff list below to contact individuals) Website: staff Dominique Cadiou Claire Capel Euton Daley MBE Simon Daykin Rob Elkins Nomi Everall Michelle Hall Allan Hutson Yolanda Pulido Ignacio Gill Jaggers Erlinda Koshaj Kathryn Oddie Angharad Phillips Katherine Proudlove Yasmin Sidhwa Dave Thwaites Emily Winfield
fundraising manager general manager artistic director/chief executive director, capital project participation officer technical youth arts worker youth arts team leader youth arts project worker administrator head of marketing finance officer fundraising assistant youth arts worker capital project administrator head of arts education technical manager sales and customer services manager
funders Pegasus Theatre Trust acknowledges the support of our regular funders:
trustees Shirley Clark Caro Fickling (chair) Colin George Keith Jackson David Lushington (treasurer) Cecilia Macfarlane Alison Partridge Jeremy Spafford (vice-chair) patrons Thelma Holt CBE Dr. Bill Lucas Francesca Martinez Simon McBurney Korky Paul Trevor Phillips OBE Phillip Pullman CBE Mark Thomas
members committee Emily Fernandes Rose Friedland Jaime Halliday Elena Hunt Ruby Lloyd Shogbesan Alex Lushington Alan Manning Maria Marinari Callum Morris George New Harriet New Louis Ramirez Genevieve Reeves Louis Rogers Melissa Shorten Janet Spence Steve Walker Naomi Zetter
Programme information is available in large print format. Contact Pegasus for a copy. Pegasus Theatre Trust Limited is a registered charity number 1055305 Pegasus Theatre Trust Limited is registered in England and Wales no. 3038190 Registered Office: Magdalen Road, Oxford, OX4 1RE The information printed in this guide is correct at the time of printing. To confirm details please contact the theatre or visit the website
about us about us about us
about us
design: hardpressed 01608 679364 cover photo: Naomi Morris
pegasus theatre
Cert no. SA-COC - 001654 EV
Pegasus Theatre, Magdalen Road, Oxford OX4 1RE 01865 792209