One hundred and twenty-five years have given Gilman much on which to build. As I wrote in the summer 2022 edition of the Bulletin, our first century and a quarter have been marked by the interplay between rich tradition and exciting progress. As much as our community and programs have evolved since 1897, we continue to build on foundational traditions and values that are rooted in a well-rounded education (mind, body, and spirit) and strong character development.
Throughout these 125 years, a strong spirit of philanthropy has both strengthened Gilman’s foundation and seeded our growth. Gilman today reflects the accumulation of gifts to the School over time: Our strong endowment, our magnificent campus, the financial support we can offer families, and the professional development opportunities available to our faculty and staff have all been made possible by more than a century of generosity and careful stewardship. These resources, combined with the immense talents of our students, faculty, and staff, have laid the foundation for our boys’ growth.
And while the accumulation of resources is immense, and while the boys’ potential is limitless, the resulting growth is real and personal. In fact, it is represented by 125 years’ worth of individual stories of personal success in the classroom, on the field, in the studio, and on the stage. Those of us who work here have the pleasure of witnessing these stories every day, just as our predecessors did and just as our successors will. We see it when a boy learns to read. We observe it when a coach and player exchange a high-five after a win or embrace each other in defeat. We hear it as a band progresses from playing squeaky notes to sounding downright melodic! We feel it when teachers, returning from professional development, share with colleagues their enthusiasm for their craft.
For all of you who have contributed to Gilman over the years, thank you. Thank you for helping to build the phenomenal resources available to our students, faculty, and staff. These resources and our people are our collective strength. Thank you for helping to cultivate the fertile ground into which the seeds of individual growth have been planted for generations of Gilman boys. Thank you for building on Gilman’s 125 years of excellence.
Gratefully, Henry P. A. Smyth P’24, ’26 Head of School
I write to you as my four-year term as Board President has just come to an end.
Last spring, I visited the Lower School as part of my 50th reunion festivities. My former classmates and I had been paired up with third graders as pen pals, and, on this day, we got to meet each other in person. The boys asked the alumni what their greatest Gilman memories were. For me, the answer was easy. “My friends, my teachers, my coaches.”
I know I’m not alone in that sentiment. The boys who walk through the halls of Gilman and eventually across the stage at graduation often recall time spent with peers and mentors as their greatest memories at Gilman. That’s because it’s the people we meet on Roland Avenue who inspire us to “Be Gilman.”
We have learned a lot over these past four years about meeting and overcoming challenges together. The members of the Board and the Gilman community as a whole have recommitted to the values that define what it means to “Be Gilman.” I suggest we also commit to what I call The Gilman Compact, an extension of what Mr. Callard and Mr. Finney called a community school.
• We will not shy away from the important issues or tough topics of the day. We will embrace them, listen deeply, and address them responsibly.
• We will utilize all of the Gilman Five in our work: Honor, Integrity, Respect, Humility, and Excellence.
• We will be inclusive and offer belonging to all who engage constructively.
• We will do the work to understand the complexities of issues that are difficult to discuss.
• We will encourage a process and language that unites.
These are skills that get better over a lifetime of learning and, most importantly, are essential to a life well-lived. They certainly came into play during my tenure as Board President.
I believe that a leader is accountable for moving things forward at times when there are not perfect answers. During countless meetings on Zoom and in the Gilman Room over the last four years, I met many moments that didn’t have easy answers. The unique challenges we faced gave us the opportunity to have many hard but necessary discussions, to collaborate together to form creative solutions, and to focus on our goal of educating boys of promise who grow into men of character. I’m proud, to say the least, of the progress we made and the work we accomplished.
But we didn’t do it on our own. The achievements of the School and the opportunities we provide our boys to go forth and set and reach their own goals are only made possible because of your generosity.
Your collective efforts allowed Gilman to not just reach its annual fund goal but to surpass it, topping $2.9 million. These annual fund dollars contribute directly to the operating budget, which the School balanced this year. Total philanthropy for 2021-2022 exceeded $8.56 million.
As always, we are thankful for your unwavering support that upholds the integrity of our School, its pursuit of excellence, and the individuals who inspire us all to “Be Gilman.”
With appreciation,
Mark R. Fetting ’72, PP President, Board of Trustees, 2018-2022
Mark R. Fetting ’72, PP
Andrew M. Brooks ’74, PP Retired Vice President and Head of U.S. Equity Trading T. Rowe Price
E. Thomas Booker III ’79, PP Managing Director Collingwood Group Ltd.
vice president
John F. Cavanaugh ’87, PP Partner Brown Advisory
Charles C. Edwards II ’88, PP, P’25 Medical Director & Physician The Maryland Spine Center Mercy Medical Center vice president
D. W. Wells Obrecht ’82, PP President Obrecht Commercial Real Estate, Inc. vice president
Mitchell D. Whiteman ’94 Managing Director William Blair & Co.
vice president
Karlo G. Young ’97, P’30 Senior Vice President & General Manager 2U
board members
Victor I. Abiamiri ’03, P’31, ’36
Portfolio Manager Brown Advisory
John C. Avirett ’01
Partner StepStone Group Erin Becker PP
Robert G. Blue ’81, PP Attorney/Partner Royston, Mueller, McLean & Reid, LLP
Peter A. Bowe ’74, PP Founder and Trustee Peter Bowe & Barbara Stewart Foundation
Thomas S. Bozzuto, Jr. ’92, P’27 President and CEO The Bozzuto Group
Andrew M. Cameron ’87, P’26 Chief, Division of Liver Transplantation Johns Hopkins Hospital
William P. Carey II Senior Vice President W. P. Carey Inc. and Chairman & President W. P. Carey Foundation
Andrew Cohen ’90 Chief Investment Officer Cohen Private Ventures, LLC
Cardella W. Coleman P’24
Radiation Oncologist Independent Contractor
Jennifer Dardis P’26
Chief Financial Officer T. Rowe Price Group, Inc.
*Lifetime Trustee
D. Lawson DeVries III ’96
General Partner Grotech Ventures
Kristy Dickson P’27 Chief of Staff Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Susan G. Dunn PP Editor & Publisher Baltimore Fishbowl
Emily Fearey P’22 Procurement Manager Lauren Hurlbrink Interiors
Charles C. Fenwick, Jr. ’66, PP, GP’23*
Stewart Finney, Jr. ’77, PP Clinical Associate Professor of Surgery Cardiac Surgeon, Former Chief of the Cardiac Surgery Division (2004‑2020), University of Maryland St. Joseph Medical Center Clinical Associate Professor, University of Maryland School of Medicine
Ann E. Fraker PP, P’23 Retired Endocrinologist Bay West Endocrinology Associates PA
George B. Hess, Jr. ’55, PP* Business Consultant
Jonathon S. Jacobson ’79* Founding Member HighSage Ventures
David J. Kim ’97 Founder C2 Education D. Brooks Kitchel II ’88, P’24 Senior Managing Director –Global Retail Strategy Lead Accenture
Dorja Marshall Assistant T. Rowe Price Associates
Paul F. McBride PP*
Charles A. Morris PP, P’22 Chief Operating Officer Greenhouse Funds
R. Davis Noell ’97 Senior Managing Director and Co-Head of North America Providence Equity Partners L.L.C.
William L. Paternotte ’63, PP, GP’21, ’24* Partner Brown Advisory
Thomas K. Prevas ’98 Lawyer Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr LLP
Bernard J. S. Rhee ’85 Attorney at Law Technology & Business Law Advisors, LLC
Troy L. Rohrbaugh ’88 Head of Global Markets JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Frank B. Rosenberg ’76 Executive Vice President Rosemore, Inc.
Malcolm P. Ruff ’02, P’33 Attorney Murphy, Falcon & Murphy
Stephen T. Scott ’64, PP* Chairman Harford Mutual Insurance Group
Marcus Simms ’95 Deals Advisory Partner PricewaterhouseCoopers
Frederick B. “Beau” Smith IV ’99, P’32
Senior Risk Manager Maryland State Retirement and Pension System
Jared D. Spahn ’91, PP President Oldtown Construction, LLC
George E. Thomsen ’48, PP* Of Counsel Thomsen & Burke LLP
Michael J. Weinfeld ’91, PP, P’23 Principal Kittredge Properties, LLC
Since its founding in 1897, Gilman has inspired and instilled a deep culture of philanthropy. It was 125 years ago when more than 50 supporters contributed at least $200 each to ensure the School’s initial success. More than a decade later in 1909, Trustees led the effort to raise almost $250,000 to acquire the land at 5407 Roland Avenue, paving the way for the campus that we now call home. And in 1920, the endowment was launched with $3,000
Fast-forward to the close of our most recent fiscal year on June 30, 2022. Thanks to the continued generosity of 2,869 supporters, we raised more than $8.56 million, up from $6 million during the previous fiscal year. That impressive total includes a record-breaking $2.9 million for the gilman fund, which benefits our 1,035 boys in every way.
I am humbled and proud to share that nearly a quarter of our alumni and two-thirds of our parents contributed to the gilman fund during this important anniversary year, covering nearly 10% of the School’s operating budget.
Of note are the growing number of new donors contributing to the gilman fund — 149 for the fiscal year that ended June 30 — including young alumni who want the boys following in their footsteps to have access to the same excellent education that provided them with the foundation for future success.
Whether you gave to the gilman fund, the endowment, or a capital project, know how grateful we remain for your enduring support. The School relies on its incredible culture of philanthropy, which will allow the next generation of Gilman boys to pursue a path of excellence in academics, the arts, and athletics for another 125 years.
With immense gratitude,
Nancy Ekelund P’22
Arif Joshi ’94
Dina Lansey P’24
Henry Myerberg ’73
Brooke Rodgers P’23, ’25
Matthew A. Tucker ’93
We recognize incoming Board President Andrew M. Brooks ’74, PP.
Gilman is a strong, dynamic school. As I start in this new role, I hope to learn even more about all of the things going well, as well as the things that might be improved upon. I am excited to work with Mr. Smyth, school leadership, and my fellow board members to advocate on behalf of Gilman. It is exciting to welcome new board members and to work more closely with our various committees, which do much of the important work guiding the School. I am confident all of us, together, will help this place we love be a bit better … every day.
That is a tough question. I might say I hope to leave things in a better position than I found them! Perfection is elusive, but improvement happens little by little. There are a lot of really smart people committed to helping Gilman fulfill its mission, and we will lean on their wisdom and expertise. I want to be a good listener and available to all in the Gilman community. Fiscal responsibility, good governance practices, and transparency around process are all worthy goals. Creating a welcoming atmosphere where excellence and humility are in harmony and where the Gilman Five flourishes is critical. Continuing our progress in being a place where community, equity, and inclusion foster belonging for all is essential. In a world full of contention and divisiveness, it would seem
We welcome our newest members to the Board of Trustees starting in the 2022-2023 school year.
“I believe that a leader is accountable for moving things forward at times when there are not perfect answers. During countless meetings on Zoom and in the Gilman Room over the last four years, I met many moments that didn’t have easy answers. The unique challenges we faced gave us the opportunity to have many hard but necessary discussions, to collaborate together to form creative solutions, and to focus on our goal of educating boys of promise who grow into men of character. I’m proud, to say the least, of the progress we made and the work we accomplished.”
fostering open, honest intellectual pursuit and dialogue is a worthy goal for our boys. In short, I hope to help Gilman continue to be a place where our boys, and our broader community, pursue adherence to the Gilman mission statement.
Through your extensive volunteer experience, what have you learned about Gilman?
Terrific places earn the dedication and support of those who call it theirs; Gilman is no exception. We do a lot of things very well. Our strengths include outstanding faculty and staff, loyal alumni, and devoted parents and volunteers. The energy and resulting output produced by Gilman are terrific.
Knowing how well prepared our boys are to venture into the world gets me excited. Imagine all the positive contributions they will make! During our 125th anniversary, we can all join in celebrating what Gilman has done, is doing, and will do to make this world just a touch better. Who knows what challenges our boys might solve!
Being both humbled and honored by the opportunity to serve Gilman, I want to thank Mark Fetting and the Board for the trust they have put in me. I pledge to give my best effort.
Thomas S. “Toby” Bozzuto, Jr. ’92, P’27
Andrew M. “Andy” Cameron ’82, P’26
Mark R. Fetting ’72, PP
Charles A. “Chip” Morris PP, P’22
D. W. Wells Obrecht ’82, PP
We thank our outgoing trustees for their dedication and service to the Gilman community.
Homewood Circle Cumulative Gifts of $2,500–$4,999
Since its inception in 1897, Gilman has instilled a strong culture of philanthropy. In celebration of the School’s 125th anniversary, we wish to acknowledge those who came before us in establishing this culture, ultimately helping to sustain the school we know and love today.
Initial funds for the School come from many donors.
“Early in January 1897, [the original organizing committee] sent out a circular letter to a number of other Baltimoreans, inviting them to become members of the board of trustees for management of the school. Included in the circular was a prospectus laying out a definite blueprint of the unprecedented school and the initial steps to be taken for its establishment on a going basis” … The prospectus included a plant “To establish a foundation fund of $10,000, fifty persons with sons, grandsons, or other reasons for taking an interest in the school were asked to contribute $200 apiece.”
(Walls Will Echo 7-8)
“With the decision thus before them and the life of the school hanging in the balance, the trustees went forth in 1909 as they had in 1897 to gather support for the pioneering idea of a country day school. But this time, instead of $12,000, their goal was twenty times that high. They needed a quarter of a million dollars. Once again, they themselves subscribed to as many certificates as they possibly could afford and a little more and then approached interested Baltimoreans. After months of wheedling, pleading, and discussion with hundreds of their friends and relatives throughout the city and elsewhere, the board members added up the funds they had raised on the certificates of indebtedness and found that they totaled $248,500. The new building, already under construction, was assured not merely of completion, but of a solid financial underpinning.” (Walls Will Echo 42-43)
The first Gilman Circus is held to raise funds for a permanent gymnasium. About $1,000 is raised. Future Gilman circuses collected funds for scholarships, the Alumni Auditorium, and the pool.
“It was decided last year to bring before the public the need of the Gilman Country School for an endowment. The sum of $3,000.00 was set aside by the Treasurer, and an Act was passed by the General Assembly of Maryland of 1920, Chapter 598 authorizing the Board of Trustees and the School to appoint Trustees of such a fund, who would receive subscriptions for this object. … The Gilman Country School has so far depended for its support upon the generosity of individuals, and the money obtained from the tuition fees of its pupils. The School uses such money as it receives from the tuition fees to pay for its upkeep and for salaries. It was necessary last year to raise tuition fees in order to prevent the School from running at a loss. Obviously, any radial improvement must wait upon an endowment fund.”
(Annual Report of Head Master L. Wardlaw Miles, March 21, 1921)
Roland Avenue.
The Gilman Circus debuts.
Money is raised to buy the land and build at 5407
The Gilman Fund — the School’s annual giving program — is launched.
The Alumni Association, with encouragement from the Board of Trustees, establishes the gilman fund. The Fund becomes the lifeblood of the School, providing flexible, immediate financial support to the School, its people, and its programs. “May Holmes visits the Goucher College development office, modeling the original organization of the annual giving program after Goucher’s program, which had been partially modeled after Princeton’s.” Two years after its establishment, in 1957, $13,959 is collected for the Annual Fund.
million $18 million
Challenge of Leadership Capital Campaign raises $6 million for new construction and endowment for faculty salaries and financial aid. (GILMAN VOICES)
Building Character Capital Campaign raises $6 million for endowment for faculty salaries, financial aid, and campus improvements. (GILMAN VOICES)
Gilman School Athletic Center Campaign raises $5 million for the construction of the Redmond C. S. Finney Athletic Center. (GILMAN VOICES)
Centennial Campaign: Foundation for a New Century raises more than $18 million to increase the endowment to maintain the financial aid program, and also to make renovations, including a new student dining hall and academic center.
“Charles F. Obrecht ’52 is appointed first general chairman of the Annual Fund and sets up the detailed fundraising organization.” (Gilman Voices 221)
Character •
• Commitment: The Campaign for Gilman School raises $52.3 million, supporting a full renovation of Carey Hall and the opening of the Lumen Center. It also adds to the endowment for financial aid and for faculty professional development and compensation.
First Things First: Endowing Gilman’s Promise and People raises more than $60 million in philanthropic support. This endowment-focused campaign is purposefully structured to ensure Gilman continues to thrive and lead without resorting to unsustainably high tuition increases.
Will, who is chairman of the W. P. Carey Foundation, serves on Gilman’s Board, just as his father, grandfather, great-grandfather, and great-great-grandfather did before him. “At that time, a female leader founding a school was rare.”
In 1896, Anne Galbraith Carey’s oldest son, Frank, was eight years old. Back then, boys from wealthy families who didn’t attend city schools were often sent to boarding schools in New England. But she couldn’t fathom the idea of her small son leaving Baltimore and going so far away. So she rallied the support of Daniel Coit Gilman, the first president of Johns Hopkins University, along with early trustees, and, together, they built The Country School for Boys — now called Gilman.
The involvement of the Carey family did not end with Mrs. Carey’s founding of the School — not by a long shot. From the very beginning and continuing on through today, the Carey family, across several generations, has remained generous in their financial and visionary support of Gilman. The family’s philanthropic endeavors have spanned different areas but “our family has always been keenly focused on education,” Will says. “And the idea of educating the whole person — my great-great-grandmother’s vision for Gilman — was so unique.” He says he remembers when his great-uncle, Wm. Polk “Bill” Carey (who passed away in 2012), would recruit employees for his company, he looked for those who were “doing interesting things outside of the office” — in other words, well-rounded people.
Will’s father, Francis J. “Jay” Carey III, remembers the family’s close involvement at the School bringing them joy. “My father, Frank (who passed away in 2014), and my Uncle Bill had so many happy family memories at Gilman,” he says. “Our family history is entwined with the history of the School.”
Will shares the sentiment. “Bill and my grandfather always talked about their education at Gilman as the key to their ability to problem-solve and find success later in life.” The brothers initially went into different professions — Bill in banking/finance and Frank in law — then ultimately worked together to build W. P. Carey Inc., currently one of the largest diversified net lease REITs. Both were known to say that the foundational knowledge they gained at Gilman was instrumental in their careers.
Reflecting on the 125th anniversary of the School and the Carey family legacy, the Foundation remains committed to supporting Gilman and to ensuring that boys are prepared for success in college, in their careers, and in giving back through service. Will hopes that Gilman continues to deliver preeminent education in Baltimore and “never loses sight of educating the whole person.”
Jay agrees. “We are so grateful for the longstanding partnership with Gilman. It’s not easy to maintain excellence over 125 years. Bill and Frank would be proud of that.”
“My great-great-grandmother was a pioneer [at the age of 32] in starting the Country Day School movement in America,” says William P. Carey II.Bill Carey ’48 and Frank Carey, Jr.
Board Service 1897-1944
Francis J. “Frank” Carey, Jr. ’43
Board Service 2012-2013 Lifetime Trustee since 2012
Board Service 1916-1930
In 1897, Anne Galbraith Carey founded The Country School for Boys of Baltimore, the nation’s first country day school. Her vision was to create a school where the “whole boy” would be educated in mind, body, and spirit, preparing a young man for college, as well as a life of honor and service. Early encouragement and support came from Dr. Daniel Coit Gilman, the president of Johns Hopkins University.
Oldest child Francis James Carey, Sr. was eight years old when his mother envisioned a school in the countryside that offered a strong academic program on par with the best boarding schools.
In 1968, Wm. Polk “Bill” Carey provided funds to refurbish the Carey Room, near the entrance of the main building. He established an endowed fund for the maintenance of the main building during the Building Character campaign in the 1980s.
Board Service 1981-1989 Lifetime Trustee since 1990
In 1990, Bill founded the W. P. Carey Foundation, guided by his strong belief that education is the most powerful tool to improve the lives of people and society. Also in 1990, Bill donated $2.5 million toward the maintenance and renovation of the main building, which was named Carey Hall in recognition of his generosity and in gratitude for all that his grandmother did to establish the School. In 2003, Bill and the W. P. Carey Foundation made the largest private gift in the School’s history to endow and renovate Carey Hall.
Francis J. “Frank” Carey, Jr. served as president of the W. P. Carey Foundation beginning in 1990 and continued to provide leadership and counsel to the Foundation for the next 24 years. In 2020, the first Francis J. Carey, Jr. Lecture, named in honor of Frank, was delivered by Karen Richardson, Dean of Admission at Princeton University.
Board Service 2014-2018
In 2018, a $3 million investment by the W. P. Carey Foundation endowed the Gilman college counseling program with the largest donation to support college counseling ever received by the School. In recognition, the new wing was named The W. P. Carey College Counseling Center. The Foundation’s gift also established an endowed lecture series: The Francis J. Carey, Jr. Lecture Series invites deans of admissions from top-tier colleges and universities to speak at Gilman about admissions, leadership, and accomplishment.
William P. Carey II has been a Trustee on Gilman’s Board since 2018. He currently serves on the Student Outcomes Committee. He is the chairman of the W. P. Carey Foundation and also Senior Vice President of the Credit & Risk Team at W. P. Carey Inc., the company his great-uncle (and namesake) founded. Will received an MBA from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School and BA from Sewanee, The University of the South.
Board Service 2018-present
Francis J. “Jay” Carey III
Francis James Carey, Sr. ’06
Wm. Polk “Bill” Carey ’48William P. Carey II Francis King Carey
“When you spend 12 years at any institution, it just molds you,” says David Kim ’ 97, who began his Gilman journey in first grade and went on to co-found C2 Education from his Harvard dorm room, just months after graduating. (C2 has since grown to more than 180 tutoring and test-prep locations in 15 states.)
“Gilman’s whole philosophy of educating a well-rounded student — it’s something you don’t fully appreciate until post-Gilman life, but it becomes very real as you enter the world,” he says.
Kim’s Gilman experience is not an uncommon one. When he talks to other alumni at reunions or gatherings, he feels a sense of shared gratitude and brotherhood from their days on Roland Avenue. “I find it pretty unique that no matter how much time has passed or where you are, you can meet someone while wearing a Gilman hat, and it creates an immediate connection.”
Though no longer in Baltimore — he and his family live in Atlanta — Kim is still closely connected to the School and serves on the Board of Trustees. Currently, he sits on the Budget and Finance Committee and the Student Outcomes Committee. As part of this work, he remains engaged with and impressed by the School’s commitment to enrolling and cultivating well-rounded students and talented teachers.
Kim, himself, was the epitome of a well-rounded student:
Valedictorian of his class, he helped lead the Asian Awareness Club, served as a staff member of the Gilman News, played varsity golf, spearheaded martial arts as an intramural sport, and participated in community service with mistreated youth. “Being well-rounded is a luxury that’s more difficult to achieve today,” he says, but something that he thinks Gilman helps its boys to do.
He credits the School with allowing students to share their own personal experiences, to become deeply engaged in their Baltimore community, and to develop strong bonds with classmates and mentors. This isn’t by accident; Gilman facilitates opportunities and connections “to make sure that those things happen,” he says. “So you’re not just a lacrosse player, you’re not just part of It’s Academic. You’re not pigeon-holed into one specific thing. Gilman gets kids to be involved in a lot of different activities and encourages strong relationships among boys with a diversity of interests and experiences.”
In the School’s mission to grow boys of promise into well-rounded men of character, Kim points out one ingredient in Gilman’s “secret sauce”: the many alumni who have gone through the Gilman experience themselves and then have returned to teach at or lead the School. He mentions his own classmates, Upper School Dean of Student Life John O. Schmick ’97 and Director of Athletics Russell Wrenn ’96, among others.
In his role as a trustee, Kim has had the opportunity to collaborate with members of the faculty, including his own Upper School math teacher, Ian Brooks. “Working with the teachers firsthand, I got to see behind the scenes,” he says. “Their passion is really amazing. As a student, I always felt like the faculty really cared. There was an unconditional love.”
He brings it back to the values of honor and integrity that were instilled in him during his 12 years at Gilman. “It’s ingrained in me. It’s how I have personal interactions with my friends and how I treat others. It’s how I want to raise my kids. It’s part of who I am.”
Kim gives a speech as valedictorian at Founders Day in 1997. Kim works with Gilman seniors for their Start-Up Experience in 2015.Anne Winter West established the Christopher R. and Anne W. West Scholarship nearly a decade ago in honor of his 45th reunion because she believes “there is no better gift than a gift of education. Education is the key to everything.”
The Wests benefited from attending excellent schools themselves — Chris at Gilman and Anne at Roland Park Country School. He had a partial scholarship during his Gilman years and the Wests decided they wanted to “do unto others” by providing the same opportunity for those with demonstrated need for tuition assistance.
The Wests contribute to their scholarship fund every year, in addition to making annual gifts to the gilman fund, thus providing for Gilman’s long-term future while helping address the School’s current needs. He notes, “You can start small — it doesn’t have to be a lot of money — and build on it year after year.”
“We have reached a point in our lives where we don’t need any more stuff,” he says. “We’re giving stuff away. Instead of buying for ourselves, we can use the money to add to the scholarship instead.”
The Wests’ goal is to grow the Fund over time. Their planned gift will round out the difference between what they have given during their lifetimes and the amount needed to support a full scholarship.
When asked their reason for making a bequest, he points out that it’s an easy way to make a gift while still providing for daily living expenses. She adds that planned gifts are a great way to leave a personal legacy that will be remembered.
Their advice to others considering planned gifts? “Think of others. Pay it forward.”
“He was really, really smart,” said Theo Donnay ’12, of his brother, Gabe ’08. “He was kind and wise, a good friend, always providing advice and an empathetic ear.”
That empathetic ear wasn’t just good at listening to friends; Gabe was musically talented as well. He was skillful in many genres, beginning with classical — which was “forced by our mother,” according to Theo — and later expanding into guitar, bass, piano, and other instruments.
The last time Theo saw his brother, they spent time together in Colorado and Los Angeles. They talked about many things during that three-week trip — among them, their years at Gilman and the music projects Gabe was working on.
“Gilman gave Gabe an opportunity to pursue a lot of different interests,” Theo said. “He won a science prize, he was co-captain of the wrestling team, he was in the Traveling Men, he was in all the tri-school plays. It really was a mind-body-spirit education for him.”
Gabe continued with his music beyond his time on Roland Avenue. “His experiences at Gilman gave him the confidence to do some of the things he went on to do,” said Theo. He had a band in college at the University of Pennsylvania and later started one called Satchmode with Adam Boukis ’08 in LA. “Gabe saw music as a place to create, to be original, and to explore new ideas,” his brother said. And though Theo thinks that Gabe could have made a career out of it, by day, the older Donnay brother delighted in his other passion — science — working as a data scientist at a tech startup.
Sadly, the world will never know what else Gabe could have gone on to accomplish. His life was cut short by a tragic and senseless crime at his Los Angeles home in March of 2021. He was 31 years old.
“The support of the Gilman community has been tremendous,” Theo said. “Mr. Smyth was there for the candlelit vigil at our home the night after his death.”
At first, there was talk amongst some members of the Gilman community about planting a tree or building a bench in his memory but Theo wanted to do something more meaningful. Theo Dollars
sought to preserve Gabe’s legacy and promote the things that he loved. With help from family and friends, he seeks to give back to Gilman by establishing a fund or a named space in his brother’s honor, with the goal to create the Gabe Donnay Recording Studio at Gilman. If enough funds are raised, an annual music fellow could join the Gilman community as well.
So far, Theo says the campaign is off to a great start with a lot of support from alumni who went to school with the Donnay brothers. “It’s reflective of the impact he made on so many people.”
Theo remembers Gabe would say that “music can open up another part of your brain that can then help out in different areas as well,” in turn strengthening someone’s patience, problemsolving skills, and even math competency. He thinks his brother would be pleased that Gilman is investing in the arts and that other students following behind him would have the opportunity to benefit from this field of study.
“Gilman was instrumental in preparing us for who we became,” Theo said. “He and I regularly talked about how lucky we were to go to Gilman not just for the academic background but for the friends we made and how prepared we felt for the world. He would be happy to know we are giving back to Gilman.”
Thanks to all of this year’s reunion giving chairs and committee members who worked tirelessly to raise money for the gilman fund
Class of 1947
$3,625 / 50% participation
Class of 1952
$2,800 / 21% participation
Class of 1957
$6,878 / 41% participation
Class of 1962
$12,000 / 32% participation
Class of 1967
$20,491 / 31% participation
Class of 1972
$211,906 / 60% participation
Angus Gephart co-chair Scott Sherman co-chair Roger Bowie Geb Byron Mark Fetting Bill Kelly Jack Orrick Tony Talalay Chris Taylor Richard Thomas
Class of 1977
$39,423 / 49% participation
Bill Baldwin co-chair Tim Holley co-chair Hap Cooper Stuart Gray John Kaufman Stuart Rienhoff Peter Wharton Jimmy Wyatt
Class of 1982
$81,559 / 47% participation
Doug Riley co-chair Tom Waxter co-chair Jim Cooke Brian Doud Joel Getz Wells Obrecht Eddie Villamater
$53,206 / 24% participation
Kevin Buerger leadership committee
Jack Cavanaugh leadership committee
David Clapp leadership committee
Matt Wyskiel leadership committee Sackett Cook
Todd Crandell Henry Franklin
Doug Godine Eric Harlan Scott Kurlander Peter Kwiterovich Brian Voelker
$22,004 / 26% participation Marc Lewis-DeGrace chair
The Class of 1972 raised $211,906 for the gilman fund in honor of their 50th Reunion (the most raised for the gilman fund for any 50th reunion in their reunion year).
The Class of 1972 had the highest reunion participation rate, with 60% participation.
The Class of 1972 had the highest improved participation, up 14% since their 45th reunion.
$79,709 / 38% participation
Bill Buppert chair
Jordan Angell
Brian Margerum
John Schmick
John Sykes
$13,502 / 19% participation
Andrew Brooks chair
Chris Atkins
Drew Deloskey
Jacob Himmelrich
Josh Kline
Malcolm Ruff
Kevin Yoo
$7,061 / 22% participation
Whit Johnson chair
Omar Brown
David Fitzpatrick
Melvin Jews
Zach Gorn
Stephen Salsbury
Alex Thomas
Joe Valentine-White
Doug Williams
$6,309 / 30% participation
Bryan Moore chair Max Beatty
Robbie deMuth
Peter Dewire
Robby Haus
Harrison McCarthy
Alec Tarantino
$1,831 / 11% participation
Sam Sobkov co-chair Johnny Shapiro co-chair
MEMORIAL ALUMNI SPIRIT AWARD is presented to the Gilman alumnus who, in the opinion of the Alumni Association Board of Governors, has through his actions and zeal demonstrated his commitment to Gilman School and inspired others to follow his example.
Richard was a longtime member of the Alumni Association Board of Governors, passionate Gilman lacrosse fan, and devoted supporter of the Gilman Bull Roast. He was also a driving force behind the Gilman Forever Luncheon, which brings post-50th reunion alumni back to campus each year to reconnect and reminisce. In everything he said and did, he strove to foster a meaningful and lasting relationship between Gilman alumni and the School.
The inaugural award was presented to Allen “Mac” Barrett, Jr. ʼ67 at the Gilman Forever Luncheon as part of Alumni Weekend in April 2022
The Class of 1972 celebrated their 50th reunion over a beautiful weekend in April. The celebrations began on Friday afternoon when class members met with their third grade pen pals under the Lower School tent. A lively discussion ensued between alums and students about what Gilman is like today, what it was like 50 years ago, and — most intriguing for the third graders — what a demerit was and what a boy needed to do to get one. (Thank you, Judge Hargrove, for encouraging our students’ mischievous tendencies!) The night continued with campus tours, a Taste of Baltimore dinner, and an afterparty at Scott and Suzanne Supplee’s home that proved the Class of 1972 still knows how to party.
On Saturday, the class gathered in the Fisher Library for a memorial service for deceased classmates, followed by lunch with Head of School Henry P. A. Smyth. Saturday evening featured a class dinner in Centennial Hall, where Alan Kaufmann, Steuart Thomsen, Chris Taylor, and Angus Gephart gave moving tributes honoring special faculty guests Bob Fitzpatrick, Joe Pika, and Cary Woodward. (Unfortunately, Claude Edeline was unable to attend.) A display of Gordy Allen’s beautiful oil paintings and etchings of Maryland added a special touch. (Gordy generously donated two of his paintings to the School, as well.) The weekend’s activities culminated on Sunday with a farewell lunch at Mark Fetting and Georgie Smith’s lovely house overlooking Lake Roland.
The Class of 1972 has always been up for a challenge, and they got one with their 50th reunion. The reunion committee initially set a goal of $172,000 in honor of distinguished faculty. Then, inspired by the success of his brother’s class before them, co-chair Angus Gephart challenged the reunion committee and the class to surpass the Class of 1971’s gift, which was the largest 50th reunion gift for the gilman fund in the School’s history. And the class rose to the challenge with great enthusiasm. Sixteen classmates joined the “7200 Club,” established to recognize those who made a gift of $7,200 or more. Thirty-six additional members of the class made gifts for a total participation of 60%. Co-chairs Angus Gephart and Scott Sherman pushed hard until the end, and many classmates increased their gifts in order to beat the Class of 1971. The effort succeeded, with a final total gift of $211,906!
The 50th reunion committee was led by Angus Gephart and Scott Sherman, with considerable help from committee members Roger Bowie, Geb Byron, Mark Fetting, Bill Kelly, Jack Orrick, Tony Talalay, Chris Taylor, and Richard Thomas. Thank you, gentlemen, for a wonderful reunion and for besting the Class of 1971.
Mark Fetting
Steuart Thomsen
Steve Hughes Buck Marshall Scott Sherman Chris Taylor Chip Voneiff
$5,000 – $9,999
Jim Downing Dennis Foster Angus Gephart Jim Johns Nathan Nachlas Jack Orrick Bruce Rosenberg John Sinclair Richard Thomas Tuck Washburne
$2,500 – $4,999
Bill Kelly John Scherlis Bob Stewart Bill Tennis Ted Trimble
Will Baker
Roger Bowie
John Burghardt
Geb Byron Charlie Carroll
Ted Cochran
Emerson Coleman David Cross Joe Crawford John Flanigan Richard Grossman
John Hargrove
Johnathan Hyde Phil Kass Russ Monroe Tom Porter Tony Talalay Tom White
George Bias
James Brundige Wick Brewster
Ross Dierdorff
Peter George Mike Karas Jim King Stefan LaPorte Terry Levering Alan Kaufmann Scott Supplee Beau Wright
Jim Downing
Mark Fetting
Dennis Foster Angus Gephart
Steve Hughes
Buck Marshall Nathan Nachlas Jack Orrick
(gifts of $7,200 or more)
Bruce Rosenberg
Scott Sherman John Sinclair
Chris Taylor
Richard Thomas Steuart Thomsen Chip Voneiff Tuck Washburne
We are also grateful for the gift of two oil paintings by Gordon Allen.
was inspired by Gilman’s highest student award, the William A. Fisher Medallion. The Fisher Medallion is awarded to the student who has rendered the highest service possible to the School by leadership based on the influence of character. Accordingly, members of the Medallion Society are those benefactors who have supported Gilman at the highest level, our greatest philanthropic leaders raising the charitable sights of our broader constituency. These donors, like our founder, Anne Galbraith Carey, have provided the financial resources to support and reinforce the foundation of our School across several generations.
more than one million dollars in lifetime giving
Anonymous ’47*
Thomas H. Broadus III ’86 & Anne E. Broadus
Andrew M. Brooks ’74 & Cassandra N. Brooks
Francis J. Carey ’43*
Wm. Polk Carey ’48*
Edward L. Clapp ’59*
Nicholas D. Cortezi II ’84 & Louise M. Cortezi
Donald M. Culver ’43* & Rosalie C. Culver*
William W.S. Dancy ’42*
Ralph L. DeGroff, Jr. ’54*
The Fenwick Family
The France-Merrick Foundation
John A. Gettier ’52 and Dorothy R. Gettier*
Robert F. Greenhill ’54 and Gayle G. Greenhill*
The Griswold Family
George B. Hess, Jr. ’55 & Betsy Hess
Jonathon S. Jacobson ’79 & Joanna M. Jacobson
Christopher H. Lee & Susan D. Ginkel
The Linehan Family
Duke Lohr ’62
Walter Lord ’35*
John Markell, Jr. ’36*
David M. Obstler ’77 & Thea K. Obstler
William M. Passano, Jr. ’48 & Helen A. Passano*
William L. Paternotte ’63 & Nancy Paternotte
Francis X. Poggi ’79 & Amelia M. Poggi
James S. Riepe, Hon. ’98 & Gail P. Riepe
The Thomas B. & Elizabeth M. Sheridan Foundation
The Shock Family
Theodore T. Sotir ’76
Charles L. Stout ’49*
J. Richard Thomas, Sr. ’43* & Mary McC. Thomas
The Wieler Family
Cumulative Gifts of $50,000 or more
Established in 1992, the Anne Galbraith Carey level represents Gilman’s highest leadership group. These donors have made an exceptional commitment to upholding the quality of a Gilman education. The Anne Galbraith Carey level is a tribute to Mrs. Carey, whose energy, imagination, and determination were responsible for Gilman’s founding.
Anonymous (4)
Abide Foundation, Inc.
Baltimore Community Foundation
Mrs. Virginia C. Bowe*
Mr. Wm. Polk Carey ʼ48*
Mr. Jonathan A. Cordish ʼ85 & Mrs. Melissa F. Cordish
Dr. Charles C. Edwards II ʼ88 & Mrs. Ann B. Edwards
Ensign C. Markland Kelly, Jr. Memorial Foundation, Inc.
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. F. Lawrence Goodwin Jr. ʼ37*
Mr. Benjamin H. Griswold IV ʼ58 & Mrs. Wendy Griswold
J.P. Morgan Chase Charitable – National Philanthropic Trust
Mr. Jonathon S. Jacobson ʼ79 & Mrs. Joanna Jacobson
Sara & Karim Khairallah
The Hon. Benson E. Legg ʼ66 & Mrs. Kyle Prechtl Legg
Mr. Walter G. Lohr, Jr. ʼ62
Mr. Angus L. MacLean, Jr. ʼ49*
Mr. David M. Obstler ʼ77 & Mrs. Thea K. Obstler
One8 Foundation
Dr. Charles A. Rohde & Mrs. Savilla Rohde
Schwab Charitable Fund
Mrs. Mary F. Shock
Dr. Lawrence T. P. Stifler ʼ59 & Mrs. Mary McFadden
T. Rowe Price Program For Charitable Giving
Thomas Wilson Sanitarium
Van Dyke Family Foundation
Mr. Peter Van Dyke, Jr. ʼ87 & Mrs. Georgia Van Dyke
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
W. P. Carey Foundation
Wieler Family Foundation
Mr. Scott A. Wieler & Mrs. Mary Baily Wieler
Mr. Edward A. Wiese & Mrs. Mary Jo Wiese
Mr. Edward W. S. Wiese ʼ08 & Mrs. Mia Y. Wiese
The Founders’ Society is Gilman School’s leadership group recognizing donors who contributed $2,500 or more in cumulative giving from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022. Through their generosity each year, members of the Founders’ Society ensure that the quality of a Gilman education continues today. The Founders’ Society includes six membership levels: Anne Galbraith Carey, Louise Fisher Bruce, Daniel Coit Gilman, William A. Fisher, Homewood Circle, and Ad Astra.
Cumulative Gifts of $25,000 to $49,999
The Louise Fisher Bruce level credits donors with the vision to imagine great possibilities for Gilman, as did Anne Galbraith Carey’s loyal friend, Louise Fisher Bruce. Mrs. Bruce is considered the co-mother in Mrs. Carey’s endeavor to establish the nation’s first country day school.
Anonymous (8)
Alvin & Louise Myerberg Family Foundation, Inc. American Endowment Foundation
Mr. H. Furlong Baldwin ʼ50
Baltimore Educational Scholarship Trust
Mr. William P. Beatson, Jr. ʼ59 & Mrs. Cheryl Diane Beatson
Mr. Douglas L. Becker ʼ84 & Mrs. Erin Becker
Benevity Community Impact Fund
Mr. Andrew M. Brooks ʼ74 & Mrs. Cassandra Naylor Brooks
Mr. John F. Cavanaugh ʼ87 & Mrs. Cynthia Lee Cavanaugh
Cordish Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Blake L. Cordish ʼ89 & Mrs. Angela D. Cordish
Mr. David S. Cordish & Mrs. Susan K. Cordish
Mr. Reed S. Cordish ʼ92 & Mrs. Margaret Litman Katz Cordish
Mr. Theo Joseph Donnay ʼ12
Mr. Edward K. Dunn III ʼ80 & Mrs. Susan G. Dunn
Mr. David Eiswert & Mrs. Stephanie Eiswert
Mr. Charles C. Fenwick, Jr. ʼ66
Mr. Mark R. Fetting ʼ72 & Ms. Georgia Donovan Smith
Dr. Earl P. Galleher, Jr. ʼ44 & Mrs. Martha W. Galleher Guerrerio Family Foundation
Mr. Anthony Guerrerio & Mrs. Joanne Guerrerio
Mr. Timothy W. Hathaway ’88 & Mrs. Devon Hathaway
Mr. Carim Khouzami & Mrs. Mara-Lee Khouzami
Mr. Michael J. McCarthy ʼ75 & Mrs. Charlotte McCarthy
Mr. Charles E. Noell III
Mr. Robert Davis Noell ʼ97 & Mrs. Stacey Noell
Mr. Samuel Peters & Dr. Suzanne Hurst
Mr. Troy L. Rohrbaugh ʼ88 & Mrs. Amy L. Rohrbaugh
Sheridan Foundation
Summerfield Baldwin Foundation
Mr. Steuart H. Thomsen ʼ72 & Mrs. Linda Chatman Thomsen
Mr. David E. Waters & Mrs. Colleen Waters
Mr. Christopher R. West ʼ68 & Mrs. Anne Winter West
Cumulative Gifts of $10,000 to $24,999
The Daniel Coit Gilman level honors donors who demonstrate the kind of commitment that was shown by Daniel Coit Gilman, the first president of Johns Hopkins University and an early supporter of the plan to establish the Country Day School for Boys.
Mr. Michael D. Hankin & Mrs. Ann Dunlap Hankin
Dr. Rigoberto Hernandez & Mrs. Amy Hernandez
Ms. Jane E. Hill
Mr. Henry H. Hopkins ʼ61 & Mrs. Nancy Anne Vrablik Hopkins
Mr. Stephen B. Hughes ʼ72 & Mrs. Grace Warfield Hughes
The Howard & Wendy Jachman Family
Mr. Keir R. Joyce & Ms. Joy Napier-Joyce
Mr. Christopher J. Keehner & Mrs. Elizabeth G. Keehner
Mr. David J. Kim ʼ97 & Ms. Minjae Yuh
Mr. Paul Knollmeyer & Mrs. Phyllis Knollmeyer Mr. Gregory P. C. Lee ʼ86 & Ms. Gina H. Sohn
Mr. Mason F. Lord, Jr. ʼ77 & Mrs. Hope Lord MG (Ret.) Warren A. E. Magruder ʼ46
Mr. Dennis P. Malone ʼ68 & Mrs. Katharine V. Malone
Mr. Michael Maloney & Mrs. Carolyn Maloney
Mr. Linton S. Marshall III ʼ72
Mr. Jeffrey Mason & Ms. Nancy Ekelund
Mr. Paul F. McBride & Mrs. Christina B. McBride Mrs. Cheryl Mickel Mr. Ian M. Miller ʼ82 & Ms. Elizabeth K. Miller
Mr. Francisco Alonso & Mrs. Rhonda Alonso
Associated: Jewish Community Federation
Mr. Allen M. Barrett, Jr. ʼ67
Mr. Peter A. Bowe ʼ74 & Ms. Barbara Stewart
Mr. Harry C. Bowie III
Mr. Thomas H. Broadus III ʼ86 & Mrs. Anne Eggleston Broadus
Mr. Ned B. Brody ʼ82 & Mrs. Antoinette Brody
Dr. Winston N. Brundige ʼ62 & Mrs. Ann F. Brundige
Mr. Kevin A. Buerger ʼ87 & Mrs. Heather S. Buerger
Mr. William G. Buppert ʼ97 & Mrs. Brooke Buppert
Mr. William P. Carey II & Mrs. Charlotte Carey
Mr. David S. Clapp ʼ87 & Mrs. Allison Clapp
Mr. Andrew B. Cohen ʼ90 & Mrs. Suzi K. Cohen
Mr. Patrick Crosetto
Mr. Gregory A. Cross & Mrs. Christine W. Cross
Mr. Peter J. T. Dewire ʼ12
Mr. Charles Dieveney, Sr. & Mrs. Theresa Dieveney Driscoll Family Foundation
Mr. John Driscoll
Edward J. Gallagher, Jr. Foundation, Inc. Elizabeth H. and Thomas H. Broadus, Jr. Foundation Ms. Charlotte Ford
Mr. William Ford
Mr. Mark Fulchino & Mrs. Aimee Fulchino
George S. Rich Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. Arthur A. Gleckler ’84 & Ms. Kristine M. Kelly Goldman Sachs Gives
Mr. Michael Grogan & Mrs. Lisa Grogan
Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust Mr. Henry I. Myerberg ʼ73 & Mrs. Karen Myerberg Mr. Thomas F. Obrecht ’73 & Mrs. Carol L. Obrecht Mr. John H. O’Donovan ʼ79*
Mr. William M. Passano, Jr. ʼ48 Mr. William L. Paternotte ʼ63 & Mrs. Nancy Paternotte Mr. George J. Philippou & Mrs. Karen D. Philippou Mr. George S. Rich ʼ66 Mr. Frank B. Rosenberg ʼ76 & Mrs. Ann L. Rosenberg Mr. Mark A. Shapiro ʼ85 & Mrs. Lissa Shapiro Mr. Sanford M. Shapiro & Mrs. Kathy L. Shapiro Mr. Scott L. Sherman ʼ72 & Ms. Julie Rothman
Mr. Jared D. Spahn ʼ91 & Ms. Francie Cohen Spahn Mr. Kenneth M. Stuzin & Mrs. Anne C. Stuzin Mr. Christopher L. Taylor ʼ72 Mr. John A. S. Tilghman, Jr. ʼ06 Dr. P. Justin Tortolani & Mrs. Kim Simons Tortolani Mr. Tinsley Van Durand ʼ65 Dr. Edwin J. Villamater ʼ82 & Mrs. Allyson Villamater
Mr. Lloyd E. Voneiff, Jr. ʼ72 & Mrs. Donna M. Voneiff
Mr. Michael J. Weinfeld ʼ91 & Mrs. Meg Aldridge-Weinfeld Mrs. Anne Winter West
Mr. William C. Whitridge, Jr. ʼ96 & Mrs. Linda Whitridge Mr. Matthew W. Wyskiel III ʼ87 & Mrs. Christina W. Wyskiel *Deceased
Anonymous (7)
Cumulative Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
The William A. Fisher level recognizes donors who act in the spirit of the first president of the School’s Board of Trustees. The Hon. Judge William A. Fisher was one of the principal founders of the School and served as President of the Board from 1897 to 1900
Mr. Benjamin Abrams & Mrs. Deborah Abrams
Dr. Felipe C. Albuquerque ʼ83 & Dr. Ruth Bristol
Mr. Louis F. Angelos ʼ87
Mr. John C. Avirett ʼ01 & Mrs. Ashley Behrens Avirett
Ayco Charitable Foundation
Mr. John H. Barrett ʼ31*
Mr. Matthew C. Baum ʼ93 & Mrs. Deborah Baum
Mr. Richard Beattie & Mrs. Marie Beattie
Mr. Michael D. Bernstein ʼ78 & Mrs. Sara Bernstein
Ms. Katherine Macon Blue
Mr. Robert G. Blue ʼ81 & Family
BNY Mellon Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. Frank A. Bonsal III ʼ82 & Mrs. Helen Baker Bonsal
Mr. Scott C. Bortz ʼ82 & Mrs. Catherine Layman Bortz
Mr. Edward W. Brown, Jr. ʼ57 & Mrs. Joyce S. Brown
Mr. George S. Brown ʼ59*
Ms. Ann W. Brundige
Dr. Andrew M. Cameron ʼ87 & Mrs. Lisa Marino Cameron
Mr. R. Bruce Cameron ʼ74 & Ms. Gayle J. Guadagno
Mrs. Judith F. Campbell-McKennis & Mr. Quent McKennis
Mr. Sung-Min Chung ʼ95
Mr. Keefe B. Clemons ʼ85 & Mrs. Jana L. Clemons
Mr. Alexander H. P. Colhoun ʼ87 & Mrs. Selina Colhoun
Mr. Daniel Colhoun III & Mrs. Kelly Colhoun
Mr. McLane F. Cover ʼ79 & Mrs. Tenney Cover
CyberGrants SPV, LLC
Mr. David Dardis & Mrs. Jennifer Dardis
Mr. John C. Davison
Mr. Samuel M. Dell III ʼ61 & Mrs. Edith Dell
Mr. John DeMatteo & Mrs. Judy DeMatteo
Mr. D. Lawson DeVries III ʼ96 & Mrs. Bailey DeVries
Mr. Mark Dewire & Dr. Hilary I. Don
Mr. Robb T. Doub ʼ86 & Mrs. Siri Lise Doub
Mr. James B. Downing III ʼ72 & Mrs. Elizabeth Downing
Mr. John O. Downing ʼ74 & Mrs. Frances Downing
Dryden Family Foundation Inc.
Mr. Lindsay D. Dryden IV ʼ94 & Mrs. Anna McKnight Dryden
Mr. Kevin R. Dunbar & Mrs. Martha Dunbar
Mr. Edward K. Dunn, Jr. ʼ53*
Mr. Daniel Eggers & Ms. Paula Chirhart
Mr. Christopher L. Fearey & Mrs. Emily Fearey
Dr. Stewart Finney, Jr. ʼ77 & Dr. Cheryl A. Finney
Dr. Dennis G. Foster, Jr. ʼ72 & Mrs. Carol R. Foster Foundation for the Carolinas
Mr. Richard N. Fryberger ʼ54 & Mrs. Nancy H. Fryberger
Dr. James S. Gammie & Dr. Ann E. Fraker
Mr. Angus McL. Gephart ʼ72 & Mrs. Mary S. Gephart
Hebb Family Private Foundation
Mr. Donald B. Hebb, Jr. ʼ60 & Mrs. Sybil Hebb
Mr. George B. Hess, Jr. ʼ55 & Mrs. Betsy Hess
Prof. Andrew S. Hirsch ʼ68 & Mrs. Carolyn Hirsch
Hitt Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. J. Adam Hitt ʼ79 & Mrs. Joann Harmon Hitt Mr. Erwin Hosono ʼ78 & Ms. Elizabeth L. Axelrod
Jacob S. Shapiro Foundation
Mr. Henry H. Jenkins II ʼ76 & Mrs. Anne Baetjer Jenkins Dr. James A. Johns ʼ72 & Dr. Karla Jansen Johns Kent Family Foundation
Kittredge Properties
Mr. Jason I. Klaitman ʼ93 & Dr. Alison C. Klaitman Mr. Stanard T. Klinefelter ʼ65 & Mrs. Sarah C. Klinefelter Mr. Christopher Knisley Dr. Shaun Kunisaki & Ms. Karen Kunisaki
Mr. Vincent Lemken & Mrs. Josephine Lemken Mr. Joshua H. Levinson ʼ89 & Mrs. Kara Levinson
Mr. Paul C. Lohrey ʼ80 & Mrs. Tamara Lohrey Mr. Daniel R. Long III ʼ62
Charles H. Manekin ʼ71 & Mrs. Rachel Manekin Mr. Benjamin I. Mednick ʼ92 & Mrs. Stacey Mednick Mr. Robert G. Merrick III ʼ77 & Mrs. Tricia Merrick Dr. Marvin N. Miller ʼ71 Mr. William G. Minkin & Mrs. Elizabeth R. Minkin Mr. Charles A. Morris & Mrs. Elise Morris Mr. George A. Murnaghan ʼ74 & Mrs. Elizabeth P. Murnaghan Dr. Nathan E. Nachlas, Jr. ʼ72 & Mrs. Fran Nachlas Nathan and Fran Nachlas Foundation Inc. Mr. Ronald J. Noble, Jr. ʼ86 Mrs. Elizabeth Callard Olson Mr. Thomas F. O’Neil, Jr. & Mrs. Pamela A. O’Neil Mr. John R. Orrick, Jr. ʼ72 & Mrs. Margaret R. Johnson Orrick Mr. R. Nelson Oster ʼ93 & Mrs. Megan Oster
Mr. Christopher B. Paternotte ʼ93 & Mrs. Jennifer Paternotte Mr. John B. Powell, Jr. ʼ55 & Mrs. Susan Baker Powell
RBC Foundation
Renaissance Charitable Foundation Inc.
Mr. William Rivers & Mrs. Jane Rivers
Mr. Stan Rodbell & Mrs. Jane Rodbell
Mr. David M. Rody ʼ85 & Mrs. Anna MacCormack
Mr. Bruce L. Rosenberg ʼ72
Mr. John C. Rosenberg ʼ94 & Mrs. Rachel Rosenberg
Dr. Walter Royal III ʼ73 & Mrs. Laurice Royal
Mr. B. Frederick Sachs ʼ66 & Mrs. Janet Sachs
Mr. Michael S. Schaftel ʼ84 & Mrs. Margaret Schaftel
Mr. John B. Sinclair ʼ72 & Mrs. Linda D. Sinclair
Mr. Carter Wolfe Spahn ʼ21
Mr. Kenneth C. Stockbridge ʼ77
Stony Point Foundation
T. Rowe Price Group, Inc.
Dr. Paul A. Tarantino & Dr. Charlotte E. Modly
Mr. J. Richard Thomas, Jr. ʼ72 & Mrs. Joan M. Thomas
The Hon. Alvin W. Thompson, Jr. ʼ71 & Mrs. Lesley A. Morgan Thompson
Mr. Philip L. Thompson ʼ89 & Mrs. Nicola Thompson
Mr. Richard C. Tilghman, Jr. ʼ65 & Mrs. Beverly W. Tilghman
Mr. John Harvey Tompkins & Mrs. Marjorie Burdette Tompkins
Mr. William C. Trimble, Jr. ʼ53 & Mrs. Barbara J. Trimble
Mr. Justin Tucker & Mrs. Amanda Tucker
United Way of Central Maryland
Mr. Jed Van Dyke & Mrs. Anne Van Dyke
Mr. Thomas D. Washburne, Jr. ʼ72 & Mrs. Jenny M. Washburne
Mr. Thomas Howard Watson & Mrs. Tamara Lyn Watson
Mr. James M. Webster III ʼ86 & Mrs. Jane S. Webster
Mr. Peter G. Wharton ʼ77 & Mr. Grey Hautaluoma
Mr. Mitchell D. Whiteman ʼ94 & Mrs. Whitney Whiteman
Mr. Edward R. Winstead ʼ85 & Mrs. Ann-Barron Carneal
Mr. Brad Woloson & Mrs. Crickett Woloson
Dr. Markos Yibas & Mrs. Emebet Alemayehu
Mr. Candler Young & Mrs. Kimberly Young
YourCause, LLC
Zerhouni Family Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Elias A. Zerhouni & Dr. Nadia A. Zerhouni
Anonymous (9)
Cumulative Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
The Homewood Circle, named after the original site of Gilman School, honors donors who provide a foundation of excellence with their support. Homewood House, on the campus of Johns Hopkins University, was the home of Gilman School from 1897 to 1910.
Mr. Thomas S. Ahern ʼ59
Dr. Jordan E. Angell ʼ97 & Mrs. Laura Angell
Mr. Clifford M. Athey ʼ96 & Mrs. Heather K. Athey
Mr. Joseph H. Barrazotto ʼ09
Mr. Jeremy A. Batoff ʼ05
Mr. Eric D. Becker ʼ80 & Mrs. Jill Becker
Mr. Matthew L. Berger ʼ10
Mr. Scott Bertozzi
Mr. Scott Birnbaum
Mr. Robert P. Bogue ʼ94 & Mrs. Jennifer M. Bogue
Mr. John M. Bond, Jr. & Mrs. Elizabeth O. Bond
Mr. John M. Bond III ʼ94 & Ms. Nina Bond
Mr. Frank A. Bonsal, Jr. ʼ55 & Mrs. Helen B. Bonsal
Mr. Charles P. Boyce III ʼ68 & Mrs. Diana B. Boyce
Mr. Charles E. Burdette ʼ02 & Mrs. Courtney Burdette
Mr. Toby Buterbaugh & Ms. LaJena Buterbaugh
Mr. David J. Callard ʼ55 & Mrs. Mary R. Morgan
Mr. Jonathan Carpenter & Mrs. Jennifer Carpenter
Dr. Shamus Carr & Dr. Elisabeth Carr
Mr. Abraham N. Choi ʼ04 & Mrs. Amarantha Choi
Dr. Cardella W. Coleman
Mr. John E. Colston ʼ75
Mr. John D. Comly ʼ97 & Mrs. Mary V. Comly
Mr. Ronald E. Creamer, Jr. ʼ83 & Mrs. Min Kyoung Kim
CRW Parts, Inc.
Mr. Clinton R. Daly ʼ74 & Mrs. Diana W. Daly
Mr. John G. Danzer ʼ71
Mr. Brad Davidson & Mrs. Lynne Montgomery Davidson
Mr. Thomas E. Davidson ʼ05
Mr. Ralph L. DeGroff, Jr. ʼ54*
Mr. David L. deMuth ʼ80 & Mrs. Anne deMuth
Mr. George C. Doub III ʼ82 & Mrs. Rebecca Doub
Mr. Jacob Poe Doub ʼ22
Mr. Van C. Durrer II ʼ87 & Mrs. Francine Durrer
Dr. J. Hamilton Easter ʼ64 & Mrs. Barbara B. Easter
Dr. Peter Espenshade & Mrs. Christine Espenshade Exelon Foundation Matching Gift Program
Mr. Eben D. Finney III ʼ76 & Mrs. Sara H. Finney
Mr. William Foard
Foundation for the Promotion of Individual Opportunity, Inc.
Dr. Thomas K. Galvin III ʼ73 & Mrs. Linda C. Galvin
George and Ruth Babylon Foundation
Mr. John A. Gilpin ʼ70 & Ms. Joanna Kelly
Mr. Erik A. Ginsberg & Ms. Elizabeth Hardiman
Mr. Stuart A. Glickman ʼ88 & Mrs. Karen S. Glickman Gorter Family Foundation
Mr. James P. Gorter ʼ47 & Mrs. Audrey Gorter
Mr. Sean C. Grant ʼ02
Mr. Timothy Holley, Jr. ʼ77 & Mrs. Stephanie Lewis Holley
Mr. Duane D. Holloway ʼ90 & Mrs. Shelby Holloway
Dr. Thomas D. Horst ʼ85 & Mrs. Indira Bolano
J. M. Kaplan Fund
Dr. Angie Jelin
Mr. Allen Easley Johnson III & Mrs. Elizabeth Foxwell
Mr. Charles B. Jones & Mrs. Gail E. Jones
Joseph and Harvey Meyerhoff Family Charitable Funds
Mr. Henry D. Kahn ’73 & Ms. Marlene Trestman
Dr. Hongjun Kan & Mrs. Jiachuan Wang
Dr. Petros Karakousis & Dr. Kathleen Page
Mr. William B. Kelly III ʼ72 & Mrs. Margaret Hughes Kelly
Keybank National Association Trust Division
Dr. Victor Khouzami & Mrs. Marie Louise Khouzami
Mr. D. Brooks Kitchel II ʼ88 & Mrs. Denise Kitchel
Mr. William R. Kitchel
Mr. Jacob I. Klein ʼ05 & Mrs. Alexandra Klein
Mr. Justin R. Klein ʼ92 & Mrs. Patricia M. Klein
Mr. Bradley Richard Knapp & Mrs. Amber Nicole Knapp
Dr. Frederick E. Knowles III ʼ60 & Mrs. Gretchen H. Knowles
Dr. Peter O. Kwiterovich III ʼ87 & Mrs. Allison Brill
Mr. Robert W. Law, Jr. ʼ01
Mr. Robert Lawrence, Jr. & Mrs. Margaret Lawrence Dr. H. Christopher Lawson & Dr. Shari Lawson
Dr. Benjamin Lee & Mrs. Bernice P. Lee
Mr. Edward M. Lewis ʼ03 & Mrs. Ann Lewis
Mr. Earl L. Linehan & Mrs. Darielle D. Linehan
Mr. John G. Loeb ʼ63 & Mrs. Anna Belle Loeb
Mr. C. Blake McCallister ʼ93 & Mrs. Adrienne Steinberg McCallister
Mr. Charles A. Meyer, Sr. & Mrs. Mary M. Meyer
Mr. Charles A. Meyer, Jr. ʼ86 & Mrs. Katherine Meyer
Dr. Niteen Milak & Dr. Anita Naik
Mr. James D. Miller & Mrs. Mary John Miller
Prof. John M. Miller ʼ02 & Mrs. Ashley Miller
Mr. William H. Miller IV ʼ99 & Mrs. Rebecca Miller
Mr. Lance Miyamoto ʼ73 & Mrs. Donna Miyamoto
Mr. Bryan M. Moore ʼ12
Mr. Thomas R. Morelli & Mrs. Noel B. Morelli
Mr. Larry Moscow & Ms. Cindy Paradies
Mr. Stuart M. Nathan ʼ68 & Mrs. Susan Sugar Nathan
Mr. Timothy C. Naylor ʼ82 & Mrs. Elizabeth F. Naylor
Dr. Leon Nesti & Dr. Heather Nesti
Mr. Leonza Newsome III ʼ88 & Mrs. Kimberly A. Newsome
Mr. Theodore E. Nichols & Mrs. Kimberly E. Nichols
Mr. R. Matthew W. Novak ʼ01
Mr. Charles M. Ober ʼ68
Ms. Nina Ottaviano
Mr. W. Brooks Paternotte ʼ90 & Dr. Elizabeth Paternotte
Mr. Alexander Thomas Perry & Mrs. Laurel H. Perry
Mr. Walter D. Pinkard, Jr. ʼ69 & Mrs. Mary-Ann Pinkard
PNC Foundation
Dr. Kathleen M. Pontone
Mr. Matthew T. Pope ʼ04
Ralph and Shirley Klein Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Bernard J. S. Rhee ʼ85 & Mrs. Amanda Rhee
Mr. Alexander M. Riepe ʼ97 & Mrs. Kelly Riepe
Robb & Elizabeth Tyler Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Yaniv Rosenberg ʼ96
Mr. Peter B. Rosenthal & Ms. Heather MacGregor Rosenthal
Mr. John S. Scherlis ʼ72
Dr. Thomas J. Schermerhorn ʼ80 & Mrs. Theodora Vaporis-Schermerhorn
Drs. Bradley & Hristina Schlaggar
Mr. John E. Schmick ʼ67 & Mrs. Janet R. Schmick
Mr. William F. Schmick III ʼ59 & Mrs. Chancey Schmick
Mrs. Dara S. Schnee & Dr. Charles L. Schnee
Dr. Kevin C. Scott ʼ93 & Mrs. Brandy Scott
Mr. Stephen T. Scott ʼ64 & Mrs. Elizabeth F. Scott
Ms. Beth Sestanovich
Mr. Evan T. Shea ʼ00 & Mrs. Stephanie W. Shea
Mr. Ronald B. Sheff ʼ66 & Mrs. Pamela H. Sheff
Mr. Marcus S. Simms ʼ95
Mr. Edward W. Smith, Sr. Mr. Sean Smith & Mrs. Jenny Smith
Mr. Henry P. A. Smyth & Mrs. Elizabeth N. Smyth
Mr. Adam Snavely & Mrs. Julie Snavely
Mr. James A. Snead ʼ68 & Mr. Steve Ziger
Mr. Peter Soderberg & Mrs. Elsa Soderberg
Sportsline/Xsell Promotions
Mr. Robert M. Stewart ʼ72 & Mrs. Mary Stewart
Mr. William G. Stewart & the Rev. Caroline R. Stewart
Mr. William G. Stewart, Jr. ʼ97
Mr. Charles C. Stockman ʼ00
Dr. Hervey S. Stockman, Jr. & Mrs. Dyson P. Stockman
Mr. Spencer Sun ʼ90
Mr. Steven A. Susel ʼ84 & Mrs. Monica Harris Susel
Dr. S. Scott Tapper ʼ78
Mr. William J. Tennis ʼ72 & Mrs. Sara Tennis
Mr. Henry B. Thomas ʼ76 & Mrs. Christina P. Thomas
Mr. J. Richard Thomas, Sr. ʼ43*
Mrs. Mary McC. Thomas
Mr. Robert M. Thomas, Jr. ʼ76 & Ms. Polly Hoppin
Mr. Andrew F. Thut ʼ91 & Mrs. Beth W. Thut
Dr. Edward L. Trimble ʼ72 & Dr. Cornelia Trimble
Mr. Bradley Troy & Mrs. Kimberly Troy
Dr. Edward M. Trusty, Jr. ʼ91 & Mrs. Claudine Dynell Trusty
Mr. Alfred Tyler II ʼ60
Mr. Alfred Tyler III ʼ91
Mr. John Poe Tyler ʼ96
Mr. Sri Velamati & Dr. Praveena Velamati
Mr. Saul I. Waller ʼ01
Mr. Chungyu Wang & Dr. Chen Zhang
Mr. Kyle D. Waters ʼ03 & Mrs. Natalie Waters
Mr. Peter W. Waxter ʼ71 & Ms. Kathy Metcalf
Mr. Dennis H. Weinman & Mrs. Amanda London Weinman
Dr. Russell Wesson & Dr. Hadley Wesson
Mr. Terrance T. Whitehead ʼ95 & Mrs. Kourtney J. Whitehead
Mr. Edward I. Wight, Jr. ʼ89 & Mrs. Holly Wight
William Sloane Jelin Foundation
Mr. David S. Williams ʼ79 & Mrs. Valerie A. Williams
Mr. Robert L. Williams & Dr. Kathleen B. Hogan
Mr. David N. Willis ʼ79 & Mrs. Kathleen Willis
Ms. Genevieve Wilner Wiltonwood Foundation
Dr. Warren Woodworth & Dr. Thasia Woodworth
Dr. Jie Xiao
Dr. Clarence L. Young III ʼ73 & Ms. Wendy D. Nickerson
Mr. Karlo G. Young ʼ97 & Ms. Ngozika Olandu
Dr. Mohammad Mehdi Zamani & Mrs. Goldisse Fazeli
Ad Astra recognizes alumni who have not yet celebrated their 15th Reunion and are contributing at a leadership level.
Class of 2007 $1,000+
Classes of 2008 2011 $500+
Classes of 2012 2016 $250+
Classes of 2017 2021 $100+
Mr. Braxton C. Antill ʼ17
Mr. Joseph H. Barrazotto ʼ09
Mr. Quinn Messina Beagle ʼ19
Mr. Maximilian S. Beatty ʼ12
Mr. Adam M. Belzberg ʼ10
Mr. Matthew L. Berger ʼ10
Mr. Daniel Leander Blair III ʼ15
Mr. Kevin L. Broh-Kahn ʼ10
Mr. Augustus Billings Caiola ʼ17
Mr. Taylor Leer Classen ʼ20
Mr. Benjamin W. Daly ʼ08
Mr. Robert A. deMuth ʼ12
Mr. Peter J. T. Dewire ʼ12
Mr. Theo Joseph Donnay ʼ12
Mr. Michael R. Dunbar ʼ12
Mr. Peter R. Fallon ʼ07
Dr. Redmond C. Finney ʼ10 & Dr. Jennifer Reid Mr. Alexander Davison H. Fisher ʼ12
Dr. Dennis G. Foster III ʼ10
Mr. Owen Z. Foster ʼ11
Mr. Jason M. Frankel ʼ08
Mr. Drew Alexander Ghysels ʼ12
Mr. Steven J. Groenke ʼ13
Mr. Gustav Allen Gulmert ʼ18
Mr. Robert R. Haus ʼ12 & Mrs. Caitlin Maloney
Mr. James Clayton Hebert ʼ17
Mr. Thomas Kidder Hebert ʼ15 Mr. Bowen Jiang ʼ18 Mr. Walter G. Kidder ʼ08 Mr. Noah Zeke Klein ʼ19 Mr. James Michael Mallas ʼ20 Mr. William Constantine Mallas ʼ18 Mr. David Ethan Elkin Mazer ʼ17 Mr. William J. McBride ʼ14 Mr. William Wyatt McIntyre ʼ10 Mr. Joseph Keith Melancon ʼ18 Mr. Antonio Mendez-Trendler ʼ21
Mr. Bryan M. Moore ʼ12 Mr. Colin Daniel O’Neill ʼ19 Mr. Dylan Sunit Patel ʼ21 Mr. Vincent Patrick Reilly ʼ17 Mr. Harry P. Rudo ʼ09 Mr. Soren J. Saggi ʼ18
Mr. John M. Sanders ʼ08
Mr. Jonathan D. Shapiro ʼ17 Mr. Leonard J. Shapiro ʼ16
Mr. Gavin C. Sheets ʼ14
Mr. John L. Silberstein ʼ10
Mr. Carter Wolfe Spahn ʼ21
Mr. Andrew Gavin Weinstein ʼ20
Mr. Edward W. S. Wiese ʼ08 & Mrs. Mia Y. Wiese
Mr. Edward Ira Wight III ʼ19 Mr. Bryan N. Willis ʼ10
Cumulative Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Established in 2002, the Ludlow H. Baldwin Society acknowledges those contributors who provide a vital base of support. Ludlow Baldwin 1922 was a passionate educator whom alumni remember best for his vigorous teaching of ancient history. Mr. Baldwin taught at Gilman from 1946 until 1968, serving as Headmaster from 1963 until 1968. A man of vision, Baldwin laid the groundwork for Gilman’s financial future by working with Cooper Walker 1933 to initiate the School’s annual giving program.
A.C. & Penney Hubbard Foundation
Mr. Victor I. Abiamiri ʼ03 & Mrs. Andrea B. Abiamiri
Mr. Steven J. Adelsberg & Mrs. Donna Adelsberg
Mr. Andrew E. Adelson ʼ59 & Mrs. Virginia B. Adelson
Dr. Christen A. Alevizatos ʼ82 & Mrs. Amy H. Alevizatos
Mr. Theodore M. Alexander III & Mrs. Teri Butler Alexander
Mr. David W. Allan ʼ64 & Mrs. Bonnie C. Allan
Mr. F. Gordon Allen III ʼ65 & Mrs. Janice M. Allen
Mr. Thomas A. Allen ʼ67 & Mrs. Theresa O. Allen
Mr. Juan M. Alvarez II ʼ87 & Mrs. Elaine Alvarez
Mr. F. Clayton Apgar ʼ97 & Mrs. Kate Morgan Apgar
Mr. Evan Athanas & Mrs. Emily Athanas
Mr. Preston G. Athey ʼ67 & Mrs. Nancy M. Athey
Mr. Ed Awni & Ms. Anne Dunne
Dr. J. Cletus Baier, Jr. ʼ69 & Mrs. Anne P. Baier
Mr. William C. Baker ʼ72 & Mrs. Mayer M. Baker
Mr. Christopher Baldwin ʼ79 & Dr. Sally Reyering Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
Dr. Lewellys F. Barker II ʼ51 & Dr. Eileen F. Barker
Mr. Adam M. Belzberg ʼ10
Dr. Patrick L. Benitez ʼ05
Bessemer Giving Fund
Mr. J. Tyler Blue ʼ79 & Mrs. Lisa Olk Blue
Mrs. Katherine B. Blue
Mr. William F. Blue ʼ52*
Ms. Gwendolyn G. Bond
Mr. Filippo Bovio & Ms. Mary Teresa Doud
Mr. Richard W. Bowe ʼ67 & Mrs. Mary M. VanDeWeghe
Mr. Christopher K. Bowen ʼ78
Mr. Roger W. Bowie, Jr. ʼ72 & Mrs. Mary Alice Bowie
Mr. J. Tyler Brawner ʼ97
The Hon. Gerry L. Brewster ʼ75
Mr. Thomas L. Brodie ʼ80 & Mrs. Renee Brodie
Dr. Jonathan Bromberg & Ms. Barbara Scott
Mr. Andrew M. Brooks, Jr. ʼ02
Mr. Stephen B. Brooks, Jr. ʼ67*
Dr. Justin C. Brown ʼ90
Mr. Steve Bruno & Dr. Susan Sherman
Dr. David Buchalter & Mrs. Allison Buchalter
Mr. Charles L. Buppert ʼ06
Mr. Hobart C. Buppert III ʼ91 & Mrs. Christina Buppert
Mr. John E. Burghardt ʼ72
Dr. Angus Burgin & Mrs. Katharine Burgin
Dr. Sanford R. Buxbaum ʼ76 & Mrs. Susan P. Buxbaum
Mr. Goodloe E. Byron, Jr. ʼ72 & Mrs. Jane Kinsey Byron
Dr. Hugh G. Calkins & Dr. Beth Gregory Reese
Campbell Foundation, Inc. Mr. Qiang Cao & Mrs. Wei Bao Mr. Anthony M. Carey III ʼ53 & Mrs. Eleanor M. Carey Mr. G. Cheston Carey III ʼ78 Mr. Geoffrey R. B. Carey ʼ80 & Mrs. Susan Carey Mr. Mark P. Carliner ʼ56
Dr. Charles Carroll IV ʼ72 & Mrs. Geraldine Brooks Carroll Dr. Victor R. Carter-Bey ʼ92 & Mrs. Melissa Carter-Bey Dr. David J. Chalmers ʼ97 & Mrs. Margaret Chalmers Charities Aid Foundation
Mr. Elbert Chen & Mrs. Xi Fang Mr. Chris Chodnicki & Mrs. Lisa Chodnicki Mr. Bryson G. Christhilf, Jr. ʼ61
Mr. John J. Clarke, Jr. ʼ83 & Mrs. Susan West Clarke
Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation, Inc. Dr. Edward L. Cochran III ʼ72
Mr. John C. Cochran ʼ60 & Ms. Sue Lasbury Mr. Randolph L. Cockey, Jr. ʼ60 Mr. Emerson L. Coleman, Jr. ʼ72 & Mrs. Crystal A. Johns Mr. H. Keith Collison & Mrs. Michele Mangione Collison Mr. Beverley C. Compton, Jr. ʼ55 & Mrs. Marian V. Compton Dr. Thomas B. Connor, Jr. ʼ77 & Mrs. Susan R. Connor
Mr. G. Norris Cook ʼ58 & Mrs. Joan Cook
Mr. Grafflin Cook III & Mrs. Carolyn S. Cook
Mr. Jonathan M. Cooper ʼ98 & Mrs. Sarah Keogh Mr. S. Christopher Costa ʼ67
Mr. Thomas R. Coughlin III ʼ01 & Mrs. Lindsey Coughlin Dr. Joseph P. Crawford ʼ72
Mr. Christopher D. Creed ʼ61 & Mrs. Barbara B. Creed Mr. David D. Cross ʼ72 & Mrs. Mary Rachel Cross Rev. Msgr. Carl F. Cummings ʼ61
Mr. Benjamin W. Daly ʼ08
Mr. Robert B. Daniels, Jr. ʼ84
Mr. Jonathan N. Davidov ʼ88 & Ms. Robin C. Davidov
Mr. Richard Davies, Jr. & Mrs. Janis Davies Dr. Karl Davis & Mrs. Adoracion Reinitz
Mr. Eric M. DeCosta & Mrs. Lacie DeCosta
Dr. Frank A. DeCosta III ʼ81 & Dr. Donna DeCosta
Mr. Robert B. Deford III ʼ69 & Mrs. Julie C. Deford
Mr. Matthew F. Dent ʼ93 & Mrs. Dulany Dent
Dr. Conan Dickson & Mrs. Kristy Dickson
Mrs. Beth Dietrick
Mr. Benjamin V. DuBois ’71 & Dr. Karen L. Kotloff
Mr. Charles B. Duff, Jr. ʼ71 & Mrs. Lydia B. Duff
Mr. James M. Easter III ʼ61 & Mrs. Amita Easter
Mr. William F. Eaton ʼ53
Mr. Jason Eisenberg & Mrs. Jennifer Eisenberg
Mrs. Alexandra M. Estey
Ethel M. Looram Foundation
Mr. Gerard E. Evans
Mr. Peter R. Fallon ʼ07
Mr. Dawson L. Farber III ʼ65
Mr. Jonathan E. Farber ʼ75 & Mrs. Bonnie S. Farber
Mr. Robert E. Farber, Jr. ʼ66
Mr. Redmond M. Farha ʼ05
Mr. Michael A. Faridi ʼ02 & Mrs. Keely Faridi
Feather Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Howard P. Feinglass ʼ78 & Mrs. Nancy Feinglass
Mr. Thomas T. Fenton ʼ48 & Mrs. Simone Fenton
Mr. Jason M. Finkelstein ʼ94 & Mrs. Marla Kaye Finkelstein
Mr. Joseph G. Finnerty III ʼ78 & Ms. Clara Bingham
Mr. Alexander G. Fisher ʼ65 & Ms. Laurie H. Fisher
Fitchett-Stick Foundation, Inc.
Dr. John S. Flanigan ʼ72 & Dr. Karen Girg
Mr. Andrew Fones & Mrs. Heather Fones
Dr. Dennis G. Foster III ʼ10
Mr. Owen Z. Foster ʼ11
Mr. Hobart V. Fowlkes ʼ59 & Mrs. Jennie Lee Fowlkes
Mr. David J. Frank & Mrs. Emily M. Frank
Mr. Jason M. Frankel ʼ08
Mr. Haswell M. Franklin, Sr. ʼ50 & Mrs. Madge Franklin
Mr. Gino M. Freeman ʼ83
Mr. Mark L. Fulford ʼ66 & Mrs. Katherine U. Fulford
Mr. James R. Garrett ʼ61 & Mrs. Edith Hoyt Garrett
Mr. Eric Garvey & Mrs. Romi DeAngelis Garvey
Mr. Arthur C. George ʼ74 & Dr. Kathryn T. George
Mr. George W. Gephart, Jr. ʼ71 & Mrs. Elizabeth S. Gephart
Mr. Scott Giese & Mrs. Ashley Giese
Dr. Michael Goldman & Dr. Jill Wilkens
Mr. Eric Gordon & Mrs. Sheri Gordon
Mr. Brian Graney & Mrs. Kristen Graney
Mrs. Eleuthera S. Grassi
Mr. Stuart F. Gray ʼ77 & Mrs. Catherine W. Gray
Mr. Stephen M. Green ʼ73
Mr. Yeardley W. Green ʼ03
Mr. Thomas A. Griswold ʼ03
Mr. George R. Grose II ʼ68 & Ms. Amy Macht Dr. Richard M. Grossman ʼ72 & Mrs. Janice Grossman
Dr. Bansari Gujar & Dr. Sachin Gujar
Mr. Thomas W. W. Haines ʼ59 & Mrs. Vivienne Haines
Mr. Jonathan M. Hall ʼ03
Mr. Simon R. B. Hamilton ʼ87 & Mrs. Allison E. Hamilton
The Hon. John R. Hargrove, Jr. ʼ72 & Mrs. Beth Woodland Hargrove
Dr. B. Neal Harris III ʼ65 & Mrs. Ann Carroll Harris Mr. James F. Hart III ʼ66
Healey Family Foundation
Mr. Thomas J. Healey ʼ60 & Mrs. Margaret S. Healey
Dr. Donald B. Hebb III ʼ87 & Mrs. Amy S. Hebb
Mr. Cornelis Heesters & Ms. Anne Heesters Schroth
Mr. Kevin Hemker & Dr. Maria Oliva-Hemker
Mr. Patrick P. Hervy & Mrs. Elisabeth Hervy
Dr. James Higgins & Mrs. Megan Higgins
Mr. Mark A. Hillman ʼ80 & Ms. Melba B. Quizon
Mr. Matthew N. Hodson ʼ92
Mr. Alexander D. Hoehn-Saric ʼ87 & Mrs. Loren Hoehn-Saric
Mr. Kenneth R. Holley ʼ78
Dr. Luther Hamilton Holton III & Dr. Mara R. Holton
Mr. Benjamin Hoskins & Ms. Sara Hoskins
Mr. Timothy M. Hsieh, Ph.D ʼ79 & Mrs. Gillian S. Shih Hsieh
Mr. Albert C. Hubbard, Jr. & Mrs. Penney Cox Hubbard
Mr. Cheo D. Hurley ʼ92 & Mrs. Zenita Wickham-Hurley
Mr. E. Kingdon Hurlock, Jr. ʼ62
Mr. David A. Hurst & Mrs. Katherine B. Hurst
Mr. Jonathan H. Hyde ʼ72 & Ms. Lauren Hyde
Mr. David B. Irwin ʼ66 & Mrs. Kendi M. Irwin
Dr. Farrukh Jalisi & Dr. Jabin Janoo Jalisi
Mr. Nathan Janos
Mr. Dean M. Johnson & Mrs. Nicole D. Johnson
Mr. Henry D. Kahn ʼ73 & Ms. Marlene Trestman
Mr. Philip J. Kass ʼ72
Kathy L. Shapiro Foundation Inc.
Mr. Andrew D. Kaufman ʼ75
Keith Campbell Foundation Family Office LLC
Mr. Bruce Kennedy II & Mrs. Margaret Kennedy
Mr. William M. Kerr III ʼ92 & Mrs. Kerri Anne Kerr
Dr. Harpal Khanuja & Mrs. Maria Khanuja
Mr. F. Key Kidder ʼ67 & Mrs. Margaret Grady Kidder
Mr. John H. Kim ʼ94 & Mrs. Anna Kim
Mr. Michael Jeffrey Klein & Mrs. Clara Lynn Klein
Dr. Jon Koman & Mrs. Shari Koman
Mr. Michael C. Krueger ʼ00 & Dr. Rachel Geronemus
Gai Galleher Kyhos & Family
Mr. F. Wayne Lafferty, Jr. ʼ78
Mr. Daniel L. Latshaw ʼ04 & Mrs. Norris Latshaw
Mr. William M. Legg, Jr. ʼ63
Ms. Carol Ann Leonard-Moscardi & Mr. Michael Green
Mr. Bingwei Li & Ms. Helen Na
Ms. Jennifer Liao
Mr. Ralph M. Lincoln ʼ56
Live.Give.Run Foundation - Charm City Run
Dr. Knox S. Long & Dr. Gabrielle Long Henry R. Lord ʼ56
Mr. Edward B. Lough ʼ03
Dr. Benjamin Lowentritt & Dr. Lee Snyder
Mr. Benjamin P. Lucas ʼ97 & Mrs. Amie Lucas
Mr. Graham C. J. Lucas ʼ95 & Mrs. Laura Lucas
Mr. R. Alan Macksey, Jr. ʼ80 & Mrs. Brigit Macksey
Dr. Andrew M. Malinow & Mrs. Denise G. Malinow
Mr. Louis Mangione & Mrs. Kathy Mangione
Ms. Dorja Marshall
Mass Mutual Life Insurance
Mr. L. Bruce Matthai, Jr. ʼ75 & Mrs. Cecily C. Matthai
Mr. Ryan McClernan & Mrs. Julie McClernan
Mr. John B. McGowan & Mrs. Brenna F. McGowan
Mr. Stephen A. McIntire ʼ93 & Mrs. Billie-Jo McIntire
Mr. William Wyatt McIntyre ʼ10
Mr. Theodore R. McKeldin III ʼ86
Mr. David Lee McKissock, Jr. & Mrs. Denise Reather McKissock
Mr. Sander Mednick
Mr. Maxim Mendelson ʼ06
Mr. Michael A. Meredith & Mrs. Carolyn F. Meredith
Mr. Christopher D. Merwin ʼ03 & Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Merwin
Mr. Neil A. Meyerhoff & Mrs. Sayra W. Meyerhoff
Mr. Joseph Milano & Mrs. Kirsten Milano
Mr. Hans B. Miller ʼ80
Mr. M. Laurence Millspaugh III ʼ76 & Mrs. Jane G. Millspaugh
Mr. Thomas E. D. Millspaugh ʼ79 & Mrs. Faith C. Millspaugh
Mr. Robert Mingo & Ms. Dawn Moore
Dr. Russell R. Monroe, Jr. ʼ72 & Mr. Charles E. Chase
Mr. Christian Montgomery & Ms. Jenny Alicia Putnam
Mr. Daniel W. Mooney ʼ97 & Mrs. Evan Neuhaus Mooney
Mr. Charles P. Moore ʼ76 & Mrs. Laura M. Moore
Mr. John C. Morris ʼ96 & Mrs. Jan Johnston
Mr. William H. Mueller II ʼ70
Dr. Arvind Narasimhan & Dr. Shivani Narasimhan Mr. Carl Daniel Negin & Mrs. Elizabeth Gray Bickley Negin Mr. J.D. Nelson ʼ01 & Mrs. Sophie Nelson Dr. Giora Netzer & Ms. Alison Netzer
Mr. Stephen Neuberger & Mrs. Sharon Neuberger Mr. Michael Niccolini & Mrs. Cristina Niccolini Mr. David W. Norton ʼ86 & Mrs. Kristin Norton Dr. Eric Nuermberger & Dr. Shannon Putman
Mr. Charles F. Obrecht ʼ52 & Mrs. Margaret M. H. Obrecht Ochs Family Foundation Inc. Mr. Theodore R. Ochs, Jr. & Mrs. Bonnie Ochs Mr. Bentley B. Offutt ʼ56 & Mrs. Ann H. Offutt
Mr. Brian H. O’Neil & Mrs. Ann M. O’Neil
Mr. Marc R. Paul ʼ78 & Mrs. Donna Paul Dr. Christian Pavlovich & Dr. Tedine Ranich Mr. John N. Peabody, Jr. ʼ62 & Mrs. Carol B. Peabody Mr. C. Taylor Pickett Ms. Laura Pickett Mrs. Katharine Baetjer Pilgrim Mr. Nicholas Piraino & Mrs. Carey Piraino Dr. Jeremy Stephen Pollock ʼ03 & Mrs. Elizabeth Pollock Mr. Thomas Porter ʼ72 & Mrs. Linda D. Porter
Mr. Brentnall M. Powell ʼ87 & Mrs. Wendy Powell Dr. Thomas H. Powell ʼ50 Mr. Bradley Price Mr. Robert F. Price & Mrs. Suzanne Price Mr. Douglas M. Quartner ʼ73 & Mrs. Jan Quartner Mr. G. Remak Ramsay ʼ54 Mr. Clinton W. Randolph & Mrs. Julia Randolph Mr. Shawn Raver & Mrs. Elodie Raver Mr. Justin A. Redd ʼ01 & Dr. Vanessa V. L. Redd
Richard Laurence Parish Foundation
Mr. Lawrence G. Rief & Mrs. Cynthia Burker Rief Mr. Francis C. Rienhoff ʼ55
Mr. William F. Rienhoff IV ʼ70 & Mrs. Susannah Rienhoff Mr. James W. Robins ʼ66 & Mrs. Barbara Robins Mr. David Rosen & Mrs. Monica Rosen
Mr. Isaac Rosenberg & Mrs. Susan Rosenberg
Ms. Debra Roth
Mr. Harry P. Rudo ʼ09
Mr. T. Edgie Russell III ʼ60
Mr. Daniel Saffron
Salisbury Family Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Barry F. Saunders ʼ77 & Mrs. Susan Elizabeth Saunders
Mr. David Saunders & Mrs. Ann Saunders
Mr. Douglas M. Schmidt & Ms. Allegra J. Hamman
Dr. Kenneth C. Schuberth & Mrs. Marla Caplan
Mr. Jeffrey H. Seibert, Jr. ʼ04 & Ms. Cheri Li
Mr. Jonathan D. Shapiro ʼ17
Mr. Gavin C. Sheets ʼ14
Mr. Joshua Shein & Mrs. Keira Shein
Mr. Sue-Joe Shin ʼ88 & Ms. Sara Mibo Sohn
Mr. Bruce Sidell & Ms. Libby Sidell
Dr. Frangiscos Sifakis & Dr. Paola Sansur
Silberstein Family Foundation
Mr. John L. Silberstein ʼ10
Mr. Michael R. Siliciano ʼ04
Mr. John M. Silverstein ʼ64 & Mrs. Leslie Silverstein
Dr. Julian T. Simmons ʼ70 & Mrs. Barbara S. Simmons
Mr. Stuart O. Simms ʼ68 & Mrs. Candace S. Simms
Mr. Kehar Singh & Mrs. Lauren Nehra
Mr. Randall D. Slack ʼ77
Mr. Frederick B. Smith IV ʼ99 & Mrs. Rebecca Warfield Smith
Mrs. Alice A. Smyth
Mr. Andrew F. Snow ʼ95 & Mrs. Kimberley Snow
Mr. Hunter A. Somerville ʼ00
Dr. James H. Somerville ʼ67 & Mrs. Antoinette E. Somerville
Mr. Thomas S. Spencer & Mrs. Judith P. Spencer
Dr. William H. Spencer-Strong II ʼ59 & Ms. Sylvia Wagner
Mr. James S. B. Spragins ʼ73
Ms. Jennifer St. Germain
Mr. William L. Stafford ʼ64 & Rev. Elizabeth B. Stafford
Ms. Anne Salisbury Staley
Mr. T. Howard F. Stick ʼ56 & Mrs. Alyce Stick
Mr. Frederick Chase Stock & Dr. Suvi Gezari Stock
Mr. John J. Stockbridge ʼ61 & Mrs. Anita DeBraganca Stockbridge
Mr. Robert P. Stockman ʼ98
Mr. Michael Sugarman
Dr. Chen-Chih J. Sun
Dr. Edmund C. Sutton ʼ70
Mr. Robert H. Swindell, Jr. ʼ51 & Mrs. Nancy Swindell
Mr. Edward A. Swingle ʼ96 & Mrs. Jeanne A. Swingle
Mr. John Allen Sykes II ʼ97 & Mrs. Min-Leigh Sykes
Mr. Antony B. C. Talalay ʼ72 & Mrs. Mary S. Talalay
Mr. William M. Thomas ʼ81 & Mrs. Sarah D. Thomas
Mr. Roszel C. Thomsen II ʼ76 & Mrs. Dorothy P. Gay
Ms. Laurel P. Tria
Mr. William C. Trimble III ʼ80 & Mrs. Perry Trimble
Mr. Richard B. C. Tucker, Sr. ʼ47
Mr. Thomas R. Twells, Jr. ʼ86 & Mrs. Nicole H. Twells
Mr. David Tyler, Jr. & Mrs. Holly Tyler
Valley View Farms
Dr. Mark Vesely & Dr. Priya Duggal
Dr. Kenneth W. Volk, Jr. ʼ76 & Dr. Margot V. Volk
Mr. Collin Wallace ʼ02 & Mrs. Doris Lao Wallace
Mr. Benjamin M. Waller ʼ04
Mr. Michael K. Walsch
Mrs. Heather Harlan Warnack & Mr. John L. Warnack, Sr. Mr. Theodore C. Waters III ʼ84 & Mrs. Rebecca Hudson Waters
The Hon. Thomas J. S. Waxter, Jr. ʼ52 & Mrs. Nancy Waxter
Mr. Thomas J. S. Waxter III ʼ82 & Mrs. Olive C. Waxter
Mr. A. Thomas White ʼ72 & Ms. Kathryn S. White
William T. Burnett & Co., Inc.
Mr. James J. Winn, Jr. ʼ60 & Mrs. Elizabeth L. Winn
Dr. Kenneth Woo & Dr. Christine Sohn-Woo
Mr. Sanford Wu & Mrs. Mao Asukata
Mr. James C. Wyatt ʼ77 Dr. Weiming Yan & Ms. Jianbin Yang
Dr. Soo Yon Yoon & Dr. Hyunjeong Park
Dr. David Yu & Dr. Yoonah Yu
Mr. John H. Zouck II ʼ60 & Mrs. Judy M. Zouck
Cumulative Gifts of $500 to $999
The Edward T. Russell Associates level honors those donors whose committed support helps Gilman students reach their greatest potential. Russell was a beloved educator at Gilman for 48 years, beginning in 1915 and ending in 1963. A dedicated mentor and coach, “Uncle Ed” Russell led Gilman’s wrestling team to victory in nine consecutive state championships.
Anonymous (8)
Dr. Nnaemeka O. Agajelu & Mrs. Nora N. Agajelu
Mr. Nitin Agarwal & Mrs. Rajshree Agarwal Dr. D. Scott Allan ʼ92
Annie E. Casey Foundation Dr. Syed Ashruf & Mrs. Fariha Ashruf Mr. Charles H. Baker ʼ97 & Mrs. Sarah Yerkes
Mr. Ruben G. Ballesteros ʼ86
Dr. Michael Ballo & Ms. Joanna Pi-Sunyer Mr. Scott K. Banerjee ʼ95
Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Rajesh Bansal & Dr. Garima Gupta
Dr. David Baranano & Dr. Kristin Baranano
Mr. James W. Bartlett III & Mrs. Jane G. Bartlett
Mr. Justin A. Batoff ʼ03
Mr. Philip W. Beatson ʼ00 & Mrs. Annie Beatson
Mr. David P. Bendann, Jr. ʼ63
Mr. J. Brigham Berney ʼ78
Mr. Micah L. Berul ʼ87
Dr. C. Timothy Bessent & Mrs. Margery Bessent
Mr. Brent Betts & Mrs. Lisa Betts
Mr. John C. Beynon & Mrs. Jamie Marie Beynon
Mr. Thomas N. Biddison III ʼ89 & Mrs. Claudine Carozza Biddison
Mr. William F. Blue, Jr. ʼ77 & Mrs. Betsy N. Blue
Mr. McGuire Boyd & Mrs. Hylah Boyd
Mr. Patrick Brennan & Ms. Helga Surratt
Mr. Matthew P. Bressler ʼ05
Mr. Hans K. Breville ʼ95 & Mrs. Anne P. Breville
Brighton Park Capital
Dr. Troy Brijbasi
Dr. William Brinckerhoff & Dr. Theresa Nguyen
Mrs. Lee L. Broh-Kahn & Mr. Daniel R. Broh-Kahn
Mr. Kevin L. Broh-Kahn ʼ10
Mr. David J. Brown ʼ91
Mr. Edward W. Brown III ʼ84 & Mrs. Shannon C. Brown
Mr. Michael B. Brown ʼ04 & Mrs. Susan Schipper Brown
Mr. Peter D. Brown ʼ77 & Mrs. Lisa Brown
Mr. Ryan Brown
Mr. Troy Brown & Mrs. Sheila Brown
Mr. James W. Brundige ʼ72 & Mrs. Chelsea C. Brundige
Mr. John M. Brush ʼ85 & Mrs. Cynthia C. Brush
Mr. Frederick R. Buck, Jr. ʼ66 & Mrs. Barbara S. Buck
Mr. Charles Cahn III ʼ88 & Mrs. Hillary Cahn
Mr. David L. Cahn ʼ86 & Mrs. Caroline B. Per Cahn
Mr. J. Tyler Campbell ʼ71 & Mrs. Debby Campbell
Mr. David P. Caperna ʼ04
Mrs. Katherine Cappelli
Mr. John T. H. Carpenter ʼ75 & Mrs. Cathy P. Carpenter
Mr. Timothy J. Carroll ʼ83 & Mrs. Danielle Carroll
Mr. Robert T. Cashman & Mrs. Kimberly Hubbard Cashman
Mr. Frantz Casseus & Mrs. Marie Casseus
Ms. Kelly Cavallio
Mr. Jason Edward Chamberlain & Mrs. Rebecca Josephine Chamberlain
Dr. Carson C. Chow & Dr. Irene C. Kuo
Mr. Richard Chrisman & Mrs. Sally Chrisman
Mrs. Ann K. Clapp
Mr. Edward L. Clapp ʼ59* Dr. Peter Claybour & Mrs. Margaret Claybour
Mr. David F. Clinnin ʼ69 & Mrs. Susan Clinnin
CME Group, Inc.
Mr. Frank Cobbin & Mrs. Deborah Cobbin
Community Foundation for a greater Richmond
Mr. David N. Cook ʼ85 & Mrs. Laurie Lee Cook Mr. Stephen Michael Cordi ʼ61 & Mrs. Margaret Cordi Mr. G. Christopher Cosby ʼ78
Mr. Joseph Cowan & Ms. Ostella Cowan Mr. Brandon R. Croxton ʼ96 & Mrs. Carol Croxton
Mr. Sam Curreri & Mrs. Sally Curreri
Mr. Warren B. Daly, Jr. ʼ62 & Ms. Jain Himot Mr. Brian J. David ʼ86 & Mrs. Dara Kennedy David Mr. Robert S. Davis ʼ06 Mr. Edwin S. Davisson ʼ02 & Mrs. Sarah Dobkin Mr. John M. DeLong ʼ93 Mr. Ross A. Dierdorff III ʼ72 & Mrs. Sheree Kornman Dierdorff Mr. Gregory DiGiovanni
Mr. Richard D. Donley ʼ48*
Mr. Christopher P. Downs & Mrs. Mary Alane Downs Dr. Delverne A. Dressel, Jr. ʼ81 & Mrs. Jacqueline G. Dressel Mr. Michael R. Dunbar ʼ12
Mr. Pierce B. Dunn ʼ68 & Ms. Barbara Lee Hoyt Dr. Haftan Eckholdt ʼ83 & Dr. John Chin Miss Isabelle Edmonds
Dr. Virantha Ekanayake & Dr. Mariajose Castellanos
Mr. John R. Eliasberg ʼ77
Mr. Thomas Englis
Equitable Foundation
Mr. Rajesh Eshwar & Mrs. Gabriela Eshwar Mr. H. Spencer Everett, Jr. ʼ56 Mr. Mark D. Farber ʼ73 Mr. Ryan M. Farha ʼ04
Mr. Gregory Feulner & Dr. Lisa Feulner Dr. Stuart L. Fine & Mrs. Ellen Fine Mrs. Jean Finney
Dr. Redmond C. Finney ʼ10 & Dr. Jennifer Reid Mr. Michael Fishman & Ms. Diana Coyle
Mr. T. Franklin Fiske, Sr. ʼ71 & Mrs. Brienne P. Fiske
Mr. David H. A. Fitzpatrick ʼ07 & Mrs. Meredith Fitzpatrick
Mr. Alan H. Fleischmann ʼ83 & Mrs. Dafna Tapiero Fleischmann
Mr. Jason Flynn & Mrs. Jessica Flynn
Mr. Johnnie L. Foreman, Jr. & Mrs. Marjorie Foreman
Mr. Morton M. Foster, Jr. ʼ65 & Mrs. Elizabeth G. Foster
Mr. Kevin C. Frank ʼ96
Mr. Henry C. B. Franklin ʼ87 & Mrs. Deborah Franklin
Mr. S. Jason Freeland ʼ85 & Mrs. Jennifer Levy
Mr. William F. B. Fritz ʼ74 & Mrs. Susan Fritz
Dr. William F. Fritz
Mr. Sean T. Furlong & Mrs. Amy F. Furlong
Mr. C. Richard Gamper, Jr. ʼ69
Mr. Robert H. Gettinger ʼ73 & Mrs. Kelly A. Gettinger
Mr. Alan Gignoux
Mr. Michael Gilkis & Mrs. Stella Gilkis
Mr. Richard E. Ginsberg ʼ84 & Ms. Natalie Tessler
Dr. Richard D. Ginsburg ʼ85 & Mrs. Teri Kilduff-Ginsburg
Dr. Rodney M. Glasgow, Jr. ʼ97
Mr. Evan M. Goldman ʼ94 & Mrs. Payton Goldman
Dr. John D. Gottsch & Dr. Julia A. Haller
Mr. William D. Gould V ʼ87 & Ms. Mary Rouvelas
Mr. Jeffrey D. Gouline ʼ00
Dr. Ashton L. Graybiel ʼ57 & Mrs. Emily M. Sweare Graybiel
Mr. Heath Greenlee & Mrs. Samantha Greenlee
Mr. Gene Grib & Mrs. Lauren Hwang
Mr. Jonathan S. Guth ʼ87
Dr. David L. Guyton & Mrs. Janet S. Guyton
Mr. James Hall & Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Stone
Dr. George E. Hardy IV ʼ92 & Mrs. Erica Blood Hardy
Mr. Ridgely Hardy & Mrs. Leila Hardy
Mr. William G. S. Hardy ʼ61 & Mrs. Margaret T. Hardy
Mr. Jeffrey R. Harris ʼ77 & Mrs. Ann Harris
Mr. Gerard C. Harrison ʼ93 & Mrs. Leechelle Green Harrison
Mr. Robert R. Haus ʼ12 & Mrs. Caitlin Maloney
Mr. Julien A. Hecht ʼ70 & Ms. Nancy Smit
Mr. William F. Herrfeldt, Jr. ʼ98 & Mrs. Casey B. Herrfeldt
Mr. David A. Hess ʼ82 & Mrs. Sally Hess
Mr. Mahlon W. Hessey ʼ46
Mr. Robert Hillman & Mrs. Sandy Hillman
Dr. J. Dixon Hills ʼ50 & Mrs. Eleanor A. Hills
Mr. Jacob S. Himmelrich ʼ02
Mr. Mark D. Holloway ʼ97
Mr. Larry Holmes IV & Mrs. Anne Holmes
Mr. Kraig J. Holt ʼ78 & Mrs. Marisa L. Richardson-Holt
Mr. Christopher S. Hooper ʼ89 & Ms. Athena Foley
Mr. Jeffrey K. Hossfeld ʼ99
Mr. John B. Howard & Mrs. Elizabeth Schmick Howard
Mr. Stephen S. Howard ʼ85 & Mr. Monty Howard
Mr. Crawford C. Hubbard ʼ88 & Mrs. Alexandra Hubbard
Mr. Paul C. Huber ʼ05
Mr. Taylor S. Hurt ʼ91 & Mrs. Roshni Hurt
Mr. Christopher M. Hutchins ʼ75 & Mrs. Catherine Patteson Hutchins
Mr. Anthony J. Incontrera & Mrs. Brooke H. Incontrera
Mr. Robert S. Johns ʼ77 & Mrs. Susan R. Johns
Mr. Whitney W. Johnson ʼ07 & Mrs. Ellie Perkins Johnson
Mr. Jonathan P. Kagan ʼ86 & Ms. Marnie L. Kagan
Dr. Muhannad Kanbour & Dr. Maryam Wasfi
Ms. Anne Kapnick
Mr. Michael S. Karas ʼ72 & Mrs. Linda P. Karas
Mr. John F. Kaufman ʼ77
Mr. Mark A. Kaufman ʼ83 & Mrs. Lisa Anne Kaufman
Mr. John W. Keehner & Mrs. Rosalie L. Keehner
Mr. David C. Keffer & Mrs. Merritt Keffer
Mrs. Barbara S. Keigler
Mr. David Kelley & Mrs. Nicole Kelley
Kenney Family Foundation
Mr. Andrew M. Kenney ʼ01
Dr. Thomas J. Kenney III ʼ89 & Mrs. Erika Kenney
Mr. Brian Ketterer
Dr. Nagi Khouri & Mrs. Sylrana Khouri
Mr. Walter G. Kidder ʼ08
Mr. Christopher Kim & Mrs. Esther Kim
Mr. L. Bryan Koerber ʼ79 & Mrs. Gillian M. Koerber
Kronthal Family Foundation
Mr. Thomas Flynn Kyhos
Lauer Philanthropic Foundation
Mr. Andrew T. Layton ʼ86 & Mrs. Jodi Weil
Mr. Michael Lee & Mrs. Kate Skovron
Mr. Gordon McLeish Leonard III & Dr. Hsiao-Hui Lin-Leonard Mr. Ernest D. Levering III ʼ60 & Mrs. Anne F. Levering Mr. John Lewis & Mrs. Holen Lewis
Dr. Justin Lewis & Dr. Tania Burinskas
Mr. Fan Li & Mrs. Bingfei Wang
Mr. Theodore W. Libbey & Mrs. Barbara Ann Libbey* Mr. Michael Liebson ʼ82 & Mrs. Gao-Wen Liebson Mr. Grady L. Lincalis ʼ07 & Mrs. Alexa Brockmann
Mr. Matthew Lind & Mrs. Cheryl Lind
Dr. Andrew M. London & Mrs. Anne G. London
Mr. John P. Machen ʼ69 & Mrs. Louise Armstrong Machen
Mr. Clark F. MacKenzie ʼ59 & Mrs. Ann MacKenzie
Dr. Peter Mackrell
Mr. Patrick S. Mahoney ʼ06
Mr. Richard James Malfa & Mrs. Sandra Jean Malfa
Mr. Kristopher Mallahan & Ms. Carroll Kilty
Mr. Donald Manekin & Ms. Brigitte Manekin
Maryland State Golf Association
Mr. Amen Ra Mashariki & Ms. Assata Peterson
Mr. Louis P. Mathews, Jr. ʼ75 & Mrs. Anne Mathews
Mr. Thomas Michael Matteini & Dr. Amy Mahoney Matteini
Dr. William H. Matthai, Jr. ʼ76 & Mrs. Janis Matthai
Mr. Brooks B. Matthews ʼ87 & Mrs. Julie M. Matthews
Dr. Matthew McAdam & Ms. Cheryl Crumpton
Dr. Howard D. McClamrock & Dr. Monica A. Buescher
Mr. Corey McLaughlin & Mrs. Lindsay Hartman McLaughlin
Mr. Bruce P. Mehlman ʼ87 & Mrs. Amy Mehlman
Mr. Scott E. Melby ʼ73 & Mrs. Louise Melby
Mr. Abbas Merchant & Ms. Naomi Duffort
Dr. Christian Merlo & Ms. Jamie Smith
Mr. Royce Min & Mrs. Kimberly Min
Mr. Myron Missouri & Mrs. Tamika Missouri
Mr. Douglas D. Mitchell ʼ65 & Mrs. Marilyn Biery Mitchell
Dr. Kyaw Mon & Dr. Linda Chu
Dr. Adam A. Morgan ʼ86 & Mrs. Julie Morgan
Mr. William G. Morrel III ʼ80 & Mrs. Elizabeth Morrel
Mrs. Ilene Morris
Mr. George T. Mumford ʼ96 & Mrs. Sarah Mumford
Mr. Thomas R. Nager ʼ74
Mr. David Notarangelo & Ms. Jennifer Stevenson
Mr. Richard F. Ober, Jr. ʼ61 & Mrs. Carol M. Ober
Mr. Robert L. Oster ʼ62
Mr. Louis G. Panos II ʼ00
Mr. Jung Hyun Park & Mrs. Soon Hee Park
Dr. Stephen D. Parker & Ms. Virginia M. Larsen
Dr. Steven H. Parker ʼ73 & Mrs. Reka Parker
Mrs. Wynne Pascual
Dr. Jonathan Pearl & Dr. Monica Pearl
Dr. Timothy Perl & Mrs. Sarah Perl
Mr. Brian Pflueger & Mrs. Candice Shanks
Mr. Cooper Pollard & Mrs. Kathryn Pollard
Mrs. Patricia Pollard
Mrs. Mary Ellen Porter & Mr. David Porter*
Mr. Robert J. Proutt, Jr. ʼ95 & Mrs. Martha Proutt
Mr. Lifeng Pu
Mr. Steven K. Pulimood ʼ99
Ms. Rebecca Quintrell
Mr. Stephen W. A. Randall ʼ07
Dr. Sashank Reddy & Dr. Jennifer Son
Dr. John N. Renneburg, Jr. ʼ70 & Mrs. Anne K. Renneburg
Mr. Douglas E. Riley ʼ82 & Mrs. Choya Riley
Mr. Paul A. Riley ʼ99 & Mrs. Elizabeth M. Riley
Mr. Damon E. Roach ʼ77 & Ms. Sandra Dodson
Mr. T. Michael Rodgers, Jr. ʼ01 & Mrs. Maggie Rodgers
Mr. Lewis Rumford III ʼ66 & Mrs. Fran Rumford
Mr. D. Craig Russell ʼ79 & Mrs. Nancy Knowles Russell
Mr. Peter S. Russell & Mrs. Tracy A. Russell
Mr. Matthew Kevin Ryan & Mrs. Patricia Marie Ryan
Dr. Bahman Sadr & Mrs. Susan Sadr
Mr. J. Morgan Salmon ʼ97 & Mrs. Sarah Salmon
Mr. Aaron R. Salsbury ʼ04
Ms. Michele Salvino
Sammy’s Trattoria
Mr. Chase J. Sanders ʼ84 & Mrs. Jennifer Sanders
Mr. John M. Sanders ʼ08
Mr. Daniel R. Scherlis ʼ77
Mr. John O. Schmick ʼ97 & Mrs. Kate Schmick
Dr. Pamela Scott-Johnson
Mr. James Seba & Mrs. Rachel Seba
Ms. Alexis Seth
Mr. Leonard J. Shapiro ʼ16
Mr. Ronald M. Shapiro
Mr. Justin Shelby & Mrs. Andrea Shelby
Dr. Michael J. Sheridan & Mrs. Talia R. Sheridan Mr. Michael John Sheridan & Mrs. Nancy Louise Sheridan Mr. William J. Shikani ʼ06
Mr. Joshua L. Shoemaker ʼ67 & Mrs. Mary Armstrong Shoemaker Dr. Robert F. Siliciano & Dr. Janet M. Siliciano Mr. Jay H. Silverman & Mrs. Janis Silverman Mr. Benjamin C. Small ʼ05 Mr. Harrison H. Smith ʼ75
Mr. J. Ritchie Solter ʼ61 Mr. Scott R. Somerville & Mrs. Mary N. Somerville Mr. Stuart Stock & Mrs. Ann Stock Mr. Zhiwei Sun & Ms. Nan Li Dr. W. Scott Supplee ʼ72 & Ms. Suzanne Gibson Mr. Jingbi Tan & Dr. Ya Meng
The Robinson Project Inc. Mr. Eric Thompson & Mrs. Emily Thompson Dr. Jerry J. Thornbery & Mrs. Carrie Thornbery Mr. Charles F. Tipper ʼ77 & Mrs. Mima Tipper
Trafalgar Capital Partners LLC Dr. H. Mebane Turner & Mrs. Ivana Turner
Mr. Robert J. Twiss ʼ60 & Mrs. Helen W.S. Twiss Mr. Maxfield Victor
Mr. Stuart Vogel Mr. Matthew Wappler Mr. Guy W. Warfield ʼ73 & Mrs. Paris Warfield Mr. Willie H. Weathers III ʼ86 Mr. Richard L. Weinstein ʼ87 & Mrs. Orna Weinstein Mr. Edward H. Welbourn IV ʼ05 Mr. James H. West ʼ89 & Mrs. Allison West Mr. Darnell White
Capt. Paul Whitin VI & Mrs. Jean Whitin Mr. David McIntosh Williams, Jr. ʼ04 & Mrs. Ann Kenny Williams Mr. Tito A. Williams ʼ91 Mr. Bryan N. Willis ʼ10 Mr. Laurence M. Wilson ʼ03 Mr. Alan C. Woods IV ʼ97 Mr. Key S. C. Worcester ʼ92 & Mrs. Julia Leslie Worcester Mr. E. Hilton Wright, Jr. ʼ72 & Mrs. Deborah Segal Mr. Robert Webster Wright & Ms. Mary Martin Mr. Edward L. Xanders ʼ81 & Mrs. Julie K. Xanders
Mr. Fei Yang & Ms. Zhao Zhang
Dr. Long Yang & Dr. Jinling Wu Dr. Minchul Yang & Dr. Myong Jin Kim Ms. Kathleen York-Jordan Dr. Marco A. Zarbin ʼ74 & Mrs. Susan Zarbin Mr. Haiqi Zhang & Mrs. Lei Zhang
Malcolm P. Ruff ’02, P’33 president
Thomas K. Prevas ’98 first vice president
Matthew A. Tucker ’93 second vice president
William B. Zerhouni ’94, P’25, ’29 secretary
Frederick B. Smith IV ’99, P’32 alumni trustee
David W. Allan ’64
Khalil Altalib ’10
Jordan E. Angell ’97
Thomas S. Beck ’64
*Matthew L. Berger ’10
*Mitchell M. E. Butler ’15
Kevin R. Carroll ’06
*Abraham N. Choi ’04
David F. Clinnin ’69
Brandon R. Croxton ’96, P’32
David A. Emala ’74
Kwaisi T. France ’99
Gino M. Freeman ’83
Kevin J. Haus, Jr. ’10
*W. Brett Hollander ’03
Stephen G. Koteen ’12
R. Matthew W. Novak ’01 Alexander S. Puthumana ’14
Delano J. Schmidt ’99
*Frank Keech Turner III ’09
Thomas J. S. Waxter III ’82
*Peter G. Wharton ’77
Diana Matthews lower school
Christopher K. Bendann ’03 middle school
Jeffrey D. Gouline ’00 upper school
*new member in 2021-2022
Gilman School alumni contributed $1,900,212 toward annual giving, which includes $235,201 for special gifts and $1,665,011 for the gilman fund. The following list recognizes alumni who supported annual giving during the 20212022 fiscal year (July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022). Those who supported capital or other efforts are listed in those categories.
67% participation
Mr. Haswell M. Franklin, Sr.
Mr. Douglas S. Green
Dr. J. Dixon Hills
Mr. John E. Hurst IV Mr. Bruce K. Lloyd Dr. Thomas H. Powell
chair Victor I. Abiamiri ’03, P’31, ’36 vice chair John M. Bond III ’94, P’30
50% participation
Dr. William F. Rienhoff III + Mr. J. Richard Thomas, Sr.* +
100% participation
Dr. Earl P. Galleher, Jr. +
50% participation
Mr. Andrew B. Thomas
67% participation
Mr. Mahlon W. Hessey
MG (Ret.) Warren A. E. Magruder +
50% participation
Mr. James P. Gorter + The Rev. Richard T. Loring Mr. Richard B. C. Tucker, Sr. Mr. William H. Vickery
50% participation
Mr. Thomas T. Fenton
Mr. William S. Newlin, Jr. Mr. I. Manning Parsons III Mr. William M. Passano, Jr. + Mr. John W. Strickland
50% participation
Dr. Lewellys F. Barker II Mr. William M. Burgan II Mr. Thomas B. Calloway
Dr. Andrew G. Carey, Jr. Mr. Robert H. Swindell, Jr. Dr. McKim Williams
21% participation
Mr. William F. Blue*
Mr. Charles W. Hoff III Mr. Charles F. Obrecht
The Hon. Thomas J. S. Waxter, Jr.
32% participation
Mr. Pierre Bouscaren
Mr. H. Warren Buckler III
Mr. Anthony M. Carey III
Mr. Edward K. Dunn, Jr.* + Mr. William F. Eaton Mr. Douglas M. Godine Dr. J. Craig McLanahan
Mr. William C. Trimble, Jr. + Mr. W. M. Cary Woodward
38% participation
Mr. Ralph L. DeGroff, Jr.* + Mr. Richard N. Fryberger + Mr. G. Remak Ramsay
Mr. Samuel D. Sadtler, Jr.
Mr. R. Carlton Seitz
Mr. Lawrence K. Wagner
Mr. David F. Woods
41% participation
Mr. Frank A. Bonsal, Jr. + Mr. David J. Callard + Mr. Beverley C. Compton, Jr. Mr. Richard C. Eldridge
Mr. Armand F. Girard
Mr. W. Arthur Grotz, Jr. Mr. George B. Hess, Jr. + Mr. Theodore R. McKeldin, Jr. Mr. A. MacDonough Plant
Mr. John B. Powell, Jr. + Mr. Francis C. Rienhoff
33% participation
Mr. Mark P. Carliner
Mr. Guy O. Dove III
Prof. J. Sanford Dugan
Mr. H. Spencer Everett, Jr.
Mr. F. Meriwether Fowlkes, Jr.
Mr. Timothy Lewis
Mr. Ralph M. Lincoln
Mr. Henry R. Lord
Mr. Bentley B. Offutt
Mr. Nicholas G. Penniman IV
Mr. Gordon J. Rupp
Mr. T. Howard F. Stick
Mr. William B. Zeeveld
41% participation
Mr. Edward W. Brown, Jr. + Mr. Elliott T. Cooper, Jr.
Rear Admiral Millard S. Firebaugh
Dr. Francis W. Gluck, Jr. Dr. Ashton L. Graybiel
Mr. Robert M. Hopkins, Jr. Dr. Edwin A. S. Lewis
Mr. C. Patrick Mundy, Jr. Mr. Peter S. Ness Dr. J. Crossan O’Donovan
50% participation
Mr. William C. Brack
Mr. Mitchell H. Bronk
Mr. G. Norris Cook
Mr. J. Herbert Dresser
Mr. Walter A. Frey III
Mr. Benjamin H. Griswold IV + Mr. Charles E. Iliff, Jr.
Dr. Stephen F. Jencks
Mr. George S. Michaels Dr. Thomas F. Morgenstern
Mr. A. Neale Smith, Jr. Mr. James D. Stone Mr. James D. Woodruff, Jr.
54% participation
Mr. Andrew E. Adelson
Mr. Thomas S. Ahern +
Mr. Thomas G. Andrew, Jr. Mr. William P. Beatson, Jr. + Mr. John W. Edelen III Mr. Hobart V. Fowlkes
Mr. S. Butler Grimes III Mr. Thomas W. W. Haines
Mr. George E. Hardy III
Mr. William G. Helfrich, Jr. Mr. Clark F. MacKenzie
Mr. Charles Markell III
Mr. Donald P. McPherson III Dr. Frank W. Pine
Mr. William F. Schmick III + Dr. William H. Spencer-Strong II Dr. Lawrence T. P. Stifler + Mr. John Richard Uhlig II Mr. Charles T. Williams III
36% participation
Mr. Kenneth A. Bourne, Jr. Mr. John C. Cochran
Mr. John C. Corckran, Jr. Mr. George J. Fesus Mr. Thomas J. Healey Mr. Donald B. Hebb, Jr. + Dr. Frederick E. Knowles III + Mr. Ernest D. Levering III Dr. Karl F. Mech, Jr.
Mr. M. Elliott Randolph, Jr. Mr. J. Snowden Stanley, Jr. Mr. Edward M. Sullivan Mr. Robert J. Twiss Mr. Alfred Tyler II + Mr. James J. Winn, Jr. Mr. John H. Zouck II
42% participation
Anonymous (2)
Mr. Peter L. W. Brathwaite
Mr. Bryson G. Christhilf, Jr. Mr. Stephen M. Cordi Mr. Christopher D. Creed Rev. Msgr. Carl F. Cummings Mr. Samuel M. Dell III + Mr. James M. Easter III
Mr. James R. Garrett
Dr. Ormond W. Hammond
Mr. William G. S. Hardy
Mr. Norval H. King III
Mr. George A. Mudge
Mr. Richard F. Ober, Jr.
Mr. John E. Snead, Jr.
Mr. J. Ritchie Solter
Mr. John J. Stockbridge
Dr. Harry F. Swope III Mr. Roth W. Tall, Jr.
32% participation
Anonymous (2)
Dr. Richard O. Buck, Jr.
Mr. Warren B. Daly, Jr. Mr. Charles C. Emmons, Jr.
Mr. E. Kingdon Hurlock, Jr.
Mr. Richard Hynson, Jr. Dr. John A. Katzenellenbogen
Mr. Daniel R. Long III + Dr. Charles B. Marek, Jr.
Dr. Lawrence Mills, Jr.
Mr. John S. Nixdorff
Mr. Robert L. Oster
Mr. John N. Peabody, Jr.
Mr. K. Donald Proctor
Mr. G. Van Velsor Wolf, Jr.
“I continue to give back because of Gilman’s unwavering commitment to developing the mind, body, and spirit of young men. The School has been instrumental in my own personal development as well as that of my children.”
30% participation
Mr. David P. Bendann, Jr.
Dr. Thomas C. Chase III
Mr. John H. Claster
Mr. Ernest I. Cornbrooks III
Mr. Robert A. Dobbin
Mr. William R. Harrison
Mr. David B. Larrabee
Dr. C. Edward Leach, Jr.
Mr. William M. Legg, Jr.
Mr. John G. Loeb + Mr. Edmund T. Mudge IV
Dr. John A. Nesbitt III
Mr. William L. Paternotte + Mr. David G. Robinson
22% participation
Mr. David W. Allan
Dr. J. Hamilton Easter + Mr. R. Leith Herrmann
Dr. James W. Isaacs
Dr. Albert Keidel III
Mr. M. McKee Lundberg
Mr. John K. MacLean
Mr. Stephen T. Scott + Mr. John M. Silverstein
Dr. H. Hershey Sollod
Mr. William L. Stafford
Mr. S. Ford Weiskittel
Mr. Alan C. Woods III
40% participation
Mr. F. Gordon Allen III
Mr. William R. Baker
Dr. P. Timothy Barker
Mr. James M. Christhilf
Mr. John E. Cross III
Dr. David B. Dunning
Mr. Dawson L. Farber III
Mr. Alexander G. Fisher
Mr. Morton M. Foster, Jr.
Dr. Nelson H. Goldberg
Mr. Alfred T. Gundry III Dr. B. Neal Harris III
Mr. Charles Milton Kerr Mr. Stanard T. Klinefelter + Mr. Stephen McDaniel
Mr. Douglas D. Mitchell Mr. James L. Potter, Jr. Mr. Charles L. Rumsey
Mr. Peter M. Swinehart
Mr. Carey B. Swope, Jr. Mr. Richard C. Tilghman, Jr. + Dr. I. Ridgeway Trimble, Jr. Mr. Tinsley Van Durand + Mr. M. Hamilton Whitman, Jr. Mr. Jay M. Wilson
33% participation
Mr. Frederick R. Buck, Jr. Mr. Gill W. Deford
Mr. Edward C. Dell
Mr. Robert E. Farber, Jr. Mr. Charles C. Fenwick, Jr. + Mr. Mark L. Fulford
Mr. James F. Hart III Dr. Richard C. Hoffman IV Mr. David B. Irwin
Mr. Gregory D. Jones Dr. Robert M. Kolodner
The Hon. Benson E. Legg + Mr. Robert H. Miller
Mr. Joseph R. Moore III Mr. George S. Rich + Mr. James W. Robins
Mr. Lewis Rumford III Mr. B. Frederick Sachs + Mr. Ronald B. Sheff + Mr. Michael J. Stanton Mr. Richard L. Wasserman
31% participation
Mr. Thomas A. Allen Mr. Preston G. Athey
Mr. Allen M. Barrett, Jr. + Mr. William R. Beehler
Mr. Richard W. Bowe
Mr. Sherman A. Bristow
Mr. S. Christopher Costa
Mr. Richard C. Cunningham, Jr. Mr. F. Key Kidder
Mr. Charles H. Palmer III Dr. Jeffrey L. Quartner
Mr. William R. Richardson, Jr. Mr. John E. Schmick + Mr. Joshua L. Shoemaker Dr. James H. Somerville Dr. Bruce T. Taylor Mr. David McIntosh William
46% participation
Anonymous (2)
Mr. Benjamin M. Baker III Prof. Paul B. Bennett
Mr. Charles P. Boyce III + Mr. Alfred E. Burk, Jr. Mr. David W. Chapin
Mr. William W. Downes, Jr. Mr. Pierce B. Dunn
Mr. George R. Grose II
Prof. Edward S. Harwood Prof. Andrew S. Hirsch + Mr. James W. Hundley III Mr. Crawford N. Kirkpatrick III Mr. M. Philip Lehr Mr. Dennis P. Malone + Dr. Reed A. Morrison
Mr. Stuart M. Nathan + Mr. Travers C. Nelson Mr. Charles M. Ober + Mr. David R. Owens Mr. C. William Reilly
Mr. V. Britt Richardson, Jr. Mr. Stuart O. Simms
Mr. James A. Snead + Mr. Christopher R. West +
28% participation
Dr. J. Cletus Baier, Jr.
Mr. S. Woods Bennett
Mr. A. Page Boyce, Jr.
Mr. David F. Clinnin
Mr. Bruce S. Danzer, Jr. Mr. Robert B. Deford III
Mr. C. Richard Gamper, Jr. Mr. John B. Gontrum
Mr. Richard R. Jones
Mr. A. Mitchell Koppelman
Mr. John P. Machen
Mr. John Magladery
Mr. David E. Pines
Mr. Walter D. Pinkard, Jr. + Dr. Arthur L. Rudo
Mr. A. Patrick Smithwick, Jr.
Mr. John A. Stalfort
Mr. Thomas C. Whedbee
Mr. Rexford L. Wheeler III
28% participation
Mr. Howard Baetjer, Jr.
Mr. David B. Baker III
Mr. Michael A. Bowe
Mr. Owen Daly III
Mr. Bruce A. Eisenberg
Mr. Donald I. Gettinger
Mr. John A. Gilpin + Mr. Kevin P. Glover
Mr. Julien A. Hecht
Mr. Andrew H. Mason
Mr. Allen D. Moore
Mr. William H. Mueller II
Dr. John N. Renneburg, Jr.
Mr. William F. Rienhoff IV
Mr. Robert L. Siems
Dr. Julian T. Simmons
Dr. Edmund C. Sutton
Dr. G. Page West III
Mr. G. Stewart Wise
28% participation
Mr. Edwin L. Baker
Mr. J. Tyler Campbell Mr. John G. Danzer + Prof. Frank W. Davis III
Dr. Benjamin V. DuBois
Mr. Charles B. Duff, Jr. Mr. T. Franklin Fiske, Sr.
Mr. William H. Gamper Mr. George W. Gephart, Jr. Mr. Michael H. Hilliard
Mr. Peter D. Hynson Dr. Michael P. Koger Mr. Thomas K. Lynn
Mr. Chip Manekin + Mr. Hugh P. McCormick III Dr. Marvin N. Miller
The Rev. William W. Rich
The Hon. Alvin W. Thompson, Jr. + Mr. Peter W. Waxter +
60% participation
See 50th Reunion Gift Effort on page 22.
31% participation
Mr. Albert D. Adams, Jr. Mr. R. Harcourt Fulton Dr. Thomas K. Galvin III + Mr. Robert H. Gettinger Dr. Luis F. Gonzalez III
Mr. Thomas L. Hasty III Mr. Phillips Hathaway
Mr. Bernard R. James Mr. Henry D. Kahn
Mr. William W. Kanwisher Mr. John A. Magee V
Mr. Scott E. Melby
Mr. Henry I. Myerberg + Mr. Thomas F. Obrecht + Dr. Steven H. Parker
Mr. Jonathan R. Price Mr. T. Bradford Sinclair Mr. James S. B. Spragins Mr. David H. Tickner Mr. Richard J. Washburne Dr. Clarence L. Young III + 1974
35% participation
Anonymous (3) Mr. Douglas M. Antaya Mr. Henry M. Blue Mr. Peter A. Bowe + Mr. Andrew M. Brooks + Mr. R. Bruce Cameron +
Mr. Clinton R. Daly + Mr. John O. Downing + Mr. David A. Emala Mr. James M. Finney Mr. Michael C. Fisher Mr. William F. B. Fritz Mr. Arthur C. George Mr. John W. Gray Dr. Douglas B. Hornick Mr. George A. Murnaghan + Mr. James C. Murray Mr. Thomas R. Nager Mr. Douglas G. Nelson Mr. Gregory C. Pinkard Mr. David M. Rich Mr. Stephen P. Richards Mr. Stephen B. Secor Dr. Bennett S. Sweren Dr. Marco A. Zarbin
27% participation
Dr. Calhoun Bond, Jr.
The Hon. Gerry L. Brewster Mr. John T. H. Carpenter Mr. John E. Colston + Mr. Jonathan E. Farber
Mr. Brian S. Goodman
Mr. Walter M. Hale, Jr. Mr. Joseph H. Hooper III Mr. Andrew D. Kaufman Mr. Ian D. MacFarlane
Mr. Louis P. Mathews, Jr. Mr. L. Bruce Matthai, Jr. Mr. Michael J. McCarthy + Mr. David L. Meyer Mr. David L. Morton Mr. Harrison H. Smith Mr. John C. Tompkins Mr. Robert L. G. Williams Mr. Joseph Wingard
36% participation
Anonymous (3) Mr. Michael J. Austin Mr. James H. Burgunder, Jr. Dr. Sanford R. Buxbaum Mr. David G. Campbell Mr. Keith L. Christian Dr. Sander M. Cohen
The Hon. Sylvester B. Cox Mr. Howard Anderson deMuth Mr. Eben D. Finney III + Mr. Curran W. Harvey III Dr. Suber S. Huang Mr. Henry H. Jenkins II + Dr. William H. Matthai, Jr. Mr. Donald C. Mikush, Jr. Mr. M. Laurence Millspaugh III Mr. Charles P. Moore Mr. Richard F. Mulligan, Jr. Mr. Frank B. Rosenberg + Mr. Philip A. Scott Mr. Kirk E. Smith Mr. William S. Spragins Mr. Henry B. Thomas + Mr. Robert M. Thomas, Jr. + Mr. Roszel C. Thomsen II Mr. Frank C. Vecella
Dr. Kenneth W. Volk, Jr. Mr. R. Garrettson Waters
Mr. William F. Blue, Jr. Mr. Peter D. Brown
Dr. Thomas B. Connor, Jr. Mr. Robert H. Cooper III Mr. John A. Dandy
Dr. James G. Ebeling Mr. John R. Eliasberg
Mr. Brison R. Ellinghaus
Dr. Stewart Finney, Jr. + Mr. Andrew D. Freeman
Mr. D. Tyler Gearhart
Mr. Raymond C. Gonzalez
Mr. Stuart F. Gray
Mr. Jeffrey R. Harris
Mr. Timothy Holley, Jr. + Mr. J. Trapier Jervey III
Mr. Robert S. Johns
Mr. John F. Kaufman
Mr. Timothy C. Lambert
Mr. William J. Law
Mr. Mason F. Lord, Jr. + Mr. Patrick G. Martinez
Mr. Robert G. Merrick III + Mr. Edward L. Mitzel
Mr. Timothy G. O’Shea Mr. David R. Pearce
Mr. Stuart S. Rienhoff Mr. Damon E. Roach Dr. Barry F. Saunders Mr. Daniel R. Scherlis Dr. Mark A. Schuster
Mr. James W. Scriba Mr. Ronald W. Shelton
Mr. Randall D. Slack
Mr. Kenneth C. Stockbridge + Dr. J. Marshall Thomsen
Mr. Charles F. Tipper
Mr. Henry M. Warfield
Mr. Peter G. Wharton + Mr. Rufus M. G. Williams, Jr. Mr. James C. Wyatt
Mr. Edward A. Wyche Mr. John S. Xanders
32% participation
Mr. Charles T. Albert, Jr.
Mr. J. Brigham Berney
Mr. Michael D. Bernstein +
Mr. Christopher K. Bowen
Mr. Nathaniel Butler
Mr. G. Cheston Carey III
Mr. G. Christopher Cosby
Mr. William Patrick Cranley
Mr. Laurence J. Eisenstein
Mr. Howard P. Feinglass
Mr. Joseph G. Finnerty III
Mr. John A. Gephart
Mr. Mark D. Greenberg
Mr. Reginald Mervyn Harris, Jr.
Mr. Jeffrey D. Himeles
Mr. Kenneth R. Holley
Mr. Kraig J. Holt
Mr. Erwin Hosono +
Mr. Stephen D. McCarthy
Dr. Jeffrey R. McLaughlin
Mr. James R. Moxley III
Mr. Marc R. Paul
Mr. Richard W. Sunderland, Jr.
*Deceased +The Founders’ Society – the gilman fund
Dr. S. Scott Tapper +
Mr. Robert W. Taylor, Jr.
Mr. Edward H. Worthington III
31% participation
Mr. Christopher Baldwin
Mr. J. Tyler Blue
Mr. Carter E. Buxbaum
Mr. John H. Christel
Mr. Carville B. Collins
Mr. McLane F. Cover +
Mr. Haswell M. Franklin, Jr.
Dr. James M. Goldgeier
Mr. Sam T. Hillers
Mr. Timothy M. Hsieh, Ph.D
Mr. Jonathon S. Jacobson +
Mr. George W. Kelly
Mr. L. Bryan Koerber
Mr. Hambleton D. Lord
Mr. Thomas E. D. Millspaugh
Mr. George W. Mix, Jr.
Mr. Alexander B. Montague
Dr. David A. Portnoy
Mr. Alexander M. Puchner
Mr. D. Craig Russell
Mr. Alan S. Taylor
Mr. Stewart G. Thomsen
Mr. Richard B. Watts, Jr. Mr. David S. Williams +
30% participation
Mr. Eric D. Becker + Dr. Paul R. Bierman
Mr. Thomas L. Brodie Mr. Owen W. Callard
Mr. Geoffrey R. B. Carey Dr. Timothy P. Codd
Mr. Paul J. Danko, Sr. Mr. David L. deMuth + Mr. Edward K. Dunn III + Mr. Mark A. Hillman
Mr. Storrs T. Hoen
Mr. Paul C. Lohrey + Mr. Brian D. Lyles
Mr. R. Alan Macksey, Jr. Mr. Stuart G. Matthai
Mr. Michael C. McGeady Mr. Hans B. Miller
Mr. William G. Morrel III Mr. Latimer S. Naylor Mr. Brendan J. O’Shea Mr. Peter C. Pozefsky
Dr. Thomas J. Schermerhorn + Mr. William C. Trimble III Mr. Henry Wittich IV
20% participation
Mr. Robert G. Blue + Mr. Alexander P. Brown IV Dr. Frank A. DeCosta III Mr. Richard L. F. Diehl
Dr. Delverne A. Dressel, Jr. Mr. Marc L. Ehudin
Mr. Carlton F. Etchison, Jr. Mr. Robert L. Greenfeld Mr. Jeffrey K. Hettleman
The Rev. Douglas B. Hoffman Mr. Steven M. Levin Dr. Joseph C. Morelos Mr. Andrew D. Rich Mr. Charles T. Swindell Mr. William M. Thomas Mr. Edward L. Xanders 1982
Dr. Christen A. Alevizatos Mr. Dirck K. Bartlett
Mr. Frank A. Bonsal III + Mr. Evan T. Booker
Mr. Scott C. Bortz + Mr. Ned B. Brody + Mr. Taylor S. Classen Mr. James B. Cooke, Jr. Mr. John D. Danko Mr. J. Van L. Dorsey Mr. George C. Doub III + Mr. A. Brian C. Doud Mr. Alexander C. Gavis Mr. Joel A. Getz
Mr. Leslie E. Goldsborough III Mr. C. David H. Harris
Dr. John T. Harrison Mr. James S. Hebb IV Mr. David A. Hess Mr. Thomas D. Hoen
Mr. William A. Howard Mr. Nicholas W. Kouwenhoven Mr. Timothy L. Krongard Mr. Michael Liebson Dr. William B. Mathews
Mr. Ian M. Miller + Mr. Stephan E. Miller Mr. John C. Morrel Mr. Timothy C. Naylor + Mr. Andrew K. Owens Mr. Charles A. Price Mr. Gary A. Raab Mr. Douglas E. Riley Mr. Timothy W. Robinson Mr. William S. W. Rush Mr. Michael A. Sarbanes Mr. Stuart M. Saunders Mr. Joseph W. Seivold Mr. Geary L. Stonesifer III Mr. D. Ross Taylor, Jr. Mr. Jonathan P. Thaler Dr. Edwin J. Villamater + Mr. Thomas J. S. Waxter III Mr. Peter A. Wilson Mr. Alberto H. Zapata
28% participation
Anonymous Dr. Felipe C. Albuquerque + Mr. John D. Baker Dr. Brian B. Bloom Mr. Timothy J. Carroll Mr. John J. Clarke, Jr. Mr. Joel B. Cohn Mr. Ronald E. Creamer, Jr. + Mr. Anton S. Dahbura, Jr. Dr. Haftan Eckholdt Mr. Alan H. Fleischmann Mr. Gino M. Freeman Mr. Mark A. Kaufman Mr. Haig H. Kazazian III Mr. Thomas C. Keenan Mr. Keith E. McCants
Mr. Martin H. Schreiber II Mr. Michael P. Szymanski Mr. J. Barry Tubman Mr. Gero Verheyen Mr. Eugene L. Wolfe III
23% participation
Mr. Douglas L. Becker + Mr. Edward W. Brown III
Mr. John L. Culman
Mr. Robert B. Daniels, Jr. Mr. Christopher P. Fielding
Mr. R. Alexander Frisch
Mr. Richard E. Ginsberg
Mr. Peter K. Grose
Mr. Edward B. Harris III Mr. David M. Lohrey
Mr. James A. Maffezzoli
Mr. Chase F. Monroe
Mr. Eric G. Orlinsky
Mr. Christopher B. Redding
Mr. Charles M. Roebuck III
Mr. Mitchell S. Rosenfeld
Mr. Chase J. Sanders
Mr. Michael S. Schaftel + Mr. Steven A. Susel +
26% participation
Mr. Edward P. Barker, Jr. Mr. John M. Brush
Mr. Keefe B. Clemons + Mr. David N. Cook
Mr. Jonathan A. Cordish + Mr. James G. Davidson Mr. Kieran E. Fox
Mr. S. Jason Freeland Dr. Richard D. Ginsburg Mr. Harry D. Halpert
Dr. Joseph B. Harlan, Jr. Mr. Stephen S. Howard
Mr. Timothy M. Jones
Mr. Walker H. Jones Dr. Richard Kang
Mr. Pragathi S. R. Katta
Mr. Bernard J. S. Rhee + Mr. Mitch Caplan Rock
Mr. David M. Rody + Mr. Kurt C. Schultheis
Mr. Mark A. Shapiro + Mr. Edward R. Winstead +
25% participation
Mr. Ruben G. Ballesteros
Mr. Thomas H. Broadus III + Mr. David L. Cahn
Mr. Steven Y.B. Choi
Mr. Brian J. David
Mr. Robb T. Doub + Mr. Mark D. Flaherty
Mr. Darren N. Greene
Mr. Jonathan P. Kagan
Mr. E. Robert Kent III
Mr. Andrew T. Layton
Mr. Gregory P. C. Lee +
Mr. Theodore R. McKeldin III
Mr. Charles A. Meyer, Jr. +
Mr. Keith L. Michel
Dr. Adam A. Morgan
Mr. David W. Norton
Mr. Thomas R. Twells, Jr.
Mr. Willie H. Weathers III
Mr. James M. Webster III +
24% participation
Mr. Juan M. Alvarez II
Mr. Kevin A. Buerger + Dr. Andrew M. Cameron + Mr. John F. Cavanaugh + Mr. David S. Clapp + Mr. Van C. Durrer II + Dr. Andrew M. Fine
Dr. Theodore S. Fish
Mr. Henry C. B. Franklin
Mr. Joshua L. Freeman
Mr. Simon R. B. Hamilton
Dr. Donald B. Hebb III
Dr. Peter O. Kwiterovich III +
Mr. Byron M. Lawson, Jr.
Mr. Brooks B. Matthews
Mr. Bruce P. Mehlman
Mr. Brentnall M. Powell
Mr. William C. Schwartz
Mr. Peter Van Dyke, Jr. + Mr. Brian L. Voelker
Mr. Richard L. Weinstein
Mr. Matthew W. Wyskiel III +
22% participation
Mr. Marc L. Aquino
Mr. Paul R. Bosky
Mr. Marshall T. Brown
Mr. Charles Cahn III Mr. A. Key Compton
Mr. Jonathan N. Davidov
Dr. Charles C. Edwards II + Mr. Stuart A. Glickman + Mr. R. Barker Harrison IV
Mr. Timothy W. Hathaway + Mr. Crawford C. Hubbard
Mr. D. Brooks Kitchel II + Mr. John E. McDermott
Mr. Leonza Newsome III + Mr. Troy L. Rohrbaugh + Mr. Sue-Joe Shin 1989
22% participation
Mr. Thomas N. Biddison III Mr. Michael E. Blumenfeld
Mr. Blake L. Cordish + Mr. Weston Ross Garrett
Mr. Danny L. Green Dr. James P. A. Hamilton Mr. Christopher S. Hooper Mr. Frederick B. Kann
Dr. Thomas J. Kenney III Mr. Joshua H. Levinson + Mr. William S. Lock Dr. Andrew D. Martire
Mr. Winston R. Rigsby, Jr. Mr. John P. Snead
Mr. Philip L. Thompson + Mr. James H. West
Mr. Edward I. Wight, Jr. +
17% participation
Dr. Justin C. Brown Dr. Kent C. Chan
Mr. Andrew B. Cohen +
Mr. Douglas M. Hoffberger
Mr. Duane D. Holloway + Mr. Ryan S. Jordan
Mr. J. Perry Offutt, Jr. Dr. S. Chris Malaisrie
Mr. Matthew D. Parks Mr. W. Brooks Paternotte + Mr. Benjamin S. Schapiro, Jr. Dr. Michael L. Schwartz Mr. Spencer Sun +
18% participation
Mr. Joseph R. Berger
Mr. David E. Brand, Jr. Mr. David J. Brown Mr. Hobart C. Buppert III Mr. Taylor S. Hurt Mr. Lucas B. Katz
Mr. Christopher B. Macon Mr. Alexander P. Shawe
Mr. Jared D. Spahn + Mr. Andrew F. Thut + Dr. Edward M. Trusty, Jr. + Mr. Alfred Tyler III + Mr. Michael J. Weinfeld + Mr. Tito A. Williams Mr. M. Trent Zivkovich
26% participation
Dr. D. Scott Allan
Dr. M. Michael Anvari Mr. David F. Azad
Dr. Victor R. Carter-Bey Mr. H. G. Chissell
Mr. Reed S. Cordish + Mr. Alan G. Cranston
Mr. James C. Guyton
Dr. George E. Hardy IV Mr. Matthew N. Hodson
Mr. Cheo D. Hurley
Mr. William M. Kerr III
Mr. Justin R. Klein + Dr. Kevin L. Klug
Mr. Marc J. Lewis-DeGrace Mr. Benjamin I. Mednick +
Mr. Colin K. Pine
Mr. Jason A. Rothenberg Mr. Stefan M. Virizlay
Mr. Key S. C. Worcester
24% participation
Mr. Gregory E. Bader
Mr. Robert V. Carr III
Mr. John M. DeLong
Mr. Matthew F. Dent
Mr. Jason I. Klaitman
Mr. Damon L. Krieger
Mr. Nicholas R. Maumenee
Mr. C. Blake McCallister
Mr. Peter R. McGill III + Mr. Stephen A. McIntire
Mr. R. Nelson Oster + Mr. Christopher B. Paternotte + Mr. David B. Powell
Mr. Thomas E. Russell IV Mr. Eric T. Schline
Dr. Kevin C. Scott + Mr. Alexander R. Slagle II Mr. Matthew A. Tucker
Mr. Joseph T. Willett
18% participation
Mr. Nathaniel S. Badder
Mr. John M. Bond III + Mr. Lindsay D. Dryden IV + Mr. Jason M. Finkelstein
Mr. A. Nicholas Goetze
Mr. Evan M. Goldman
Mr. Ryan L. Isaac
Mr. John H. Kim
Mr. Stewart McB. Macon
Mr. Christopher J. Niemeyer
Mr. Jimmy J. Park
Mr. Brett D. Rogers
Mr. John C. Rosenberg + Dr. Sean M. Tyszko
Mr. Mitchell D. Whiteman + Mr. William B. Zerhouni
20% participation
Mr. John T. Arnold
Mr. Scott K. Banerjee
Mr. Hans K. Breville
Mr. Travis M. Brown
Mr. Clive A. Chatterjee
Mr. Sung-Min Chung + Mr. John C. Corckran III*
Mr. Alexander J. Fine
Major Brian C. Holloway
Mr. Graham C. J. Lucas
Mr. Corey B. Popham
Mr. Robert J. Proutt, Jr.
Dr. Nauman U. Siddiqi
Mr. Marcus S. Simms +
Mr. Lorne D. Smith
Mr. Andrew F. Snow
Dr. Arman Taghizadeh
Mr. Brandon E. Thornton
Mr. Terrance T. Whitehead + 1996
18% participation
Mr. Clifford M. Athey + Dr. Stewart J. Becker
Mr. John G. Boyle
Mr. Brandon R. Croxton
Mr. D. Lawson DeVries III + Mr. Kevin C. Frank
Mr. Paul D. Furrer
Mr. Sean E. Kiernan
Mr. Joshua B. Kohn Mr. Evan M. Kreitzer
Mr. Joseph J. Lee
Mr. John C. Morris
Mr. George T. Mumford
Mr. Yaniv Rosenberg + Mr. Steven M. Ruark
Mr. Edward A. Swingle
Mr. John Poe Tyler +
38% participation
Dr. Jordan E. Angell + Mr. Hadi Annous
Mr. F. Clayton Apgar Rev. William I. Ashford III Mr. Walter B. Aughenbaugh Mr. Charles H. Baker
Mr. Keith J. Baker Mr. J. Tyler Brawner
Mr. William G. Buppert + Mr. Brendan M. Callahan Dr. David J. Chalmers
Mr. John D. Comly + Cmdr. J. Brandon Cornes
Mr. Matthew I. Garrity Dr. Rodney M. Glasgow, Jr. Mr. Geoffrey B. Greenblatt Mr. Mark D. Holloway
Mr. David J. Kim + Mr. Benjamin P. Lucas Mr. Brooks F. Marshall Mr. Kenrick C. McNish
Mr. Daniel W. Mooney Mr. Robert Davis Noell + Mr. David S. Park Mr. Alexander M. Riepe + Mr. J. Morgan Salmon Mr. John O. Schmick
Mr. James V. Scott Mr. Jonathan W. Steele Mr. John Allen Sykes II Mr. Krishna R. Tripuraneni Dr. Joseph M. Vargas Mr. Alan C. Woods IV
Mr. Stuart M. Wyeth III Mr. Karlo G. Young +
13% participation
Mr. Alexander H. Bushel Mr. Sasank V. Chary Mr. Jonathan M. Cooper Mr. Barry P. Cronin
Mr. William F. Herrfeldt, Jr. Mr. H. Alexander Iliff Mr. John S. Linehan Mr. Thomas K. Prevas Mr. Justin O. Short Mr. Robert P. Stockman
Mr. Darrell Trusty, Jr. Dr. Seamus P. Whelton
16% participation
Mr. Christopher B. Anderson Mr. Howard R. Bank Mr. Evan M. Bedford
Mr. J. Andrew Faraone Mr. Kwaisi T. France Mr. Jeffrey K. Hossfeld Mr. Timothy McDevitt Hurley Dr. Benjamin T. Langmead Mr. Charles B. Marek III Mr. William H. Miller IV + Mr. Patrick J. Mooney Mr. Chisomaga N. Opara Mr. Steven K. Pulimood Mr. Paul A. Riley Mr. Delano J. Schmidt Mr. Frederick B. Smith IV Mr. Charles L. Wagandt III
28% participation
Anonymous (2)
Mr. Philip W. Beatson
Mr. Ryan J. Boyle Mr. Michael J. D. Brown Mr. Daniel B. Chapin
Mr. David M. Fleming Mr. Jeffrey D. Gouline Dr. Francis L. Grumbine Dr. Stanislaw C. C. Haciski
Mr. Colin P.G. Hamill
Rev. Daniel Hong Mr. Jesse T. Jachman Mr. Shawn T. Jacobson
Mr. Michael C. Krueger
Mr. Myuran S. Kulathungam
Mr. Robert F. Lindsey, Jr.
Mr. Andrew G. Lucas
Mr. Louis G. Panos II
Mr. Gerard C. Raiti
Mr. Luke C. Schroeder
Mr. Evan T. Shea + Mr. John L. Sheff
Dr. Teghpal Singh Mr. Adam L. Small
Mr. Hunter A. Somerville
Mr. Charles C. Stockman + Mr. Jason Yau
Dr. Amir M. Zamani
Mr. Lance E. Zimmerman
17% participation
Mr. John C. Avirett + Mr. Alexander M. Caplan
Mr. Kevin T. Carski
Mr. Thomas R. Coughlin III
Mr. Joseph W. DeNardi Dr. Patrick M. Ercole
Mr. Michael C. Jesada
Mr. Brendan M. Kearney
Mr. Andrew M. Kenney
Prof. Michael D. M. Kutzer
Mr. Robert W. Law, Jr. + Mr. Michael T. Lwin
Mr. John D. Nelson
Mr. R. Matthew W. Novak + Mr. Benjamin K. Piven Mr. Justin A. Redd
Mr. T. Michael Rodgers, Jr. Dr. Andrew J. Sabatier
Mr. Saul I. Waller +
19% participation
Mr. William J. Arnold
Mr. Samuel Mce. Bank
Mr. Mark B. Borak
Mr. Andrew M. Brooks, Jr.
Mr. Charles E. Burdette + Mr. Edwin S. Davisson
Mr. Andrew J. DeLoskey
Mr. Michael A. Faridi
Mr. Sean C. Grant + Mr. Dorsey E. Hairston II
Mr. Jacob S. Himmelrich
Mr. Patrick M. Holliday
Mr. Bradley J. King
Mr. Joshua E. Kline
Dr. Constantine E. Lignos
Mr. Singleton S. Mathews
Prof. John M. Miller + Mr. Malcolm P. Ruff
Mr. Matthew T. Tully
Mr. Derrick L. Wang
Mr. Charles E. Wiles IV
32% participation
Mr. Victor I. Abiamiri
Mr. James Martin Baker
Mr. Allen M. Barrett III
Mr. Justin A. Batoff
Mr. Christopher K. Bendann
Mr. Girard Gibbs Burke
Mr. William G. Fitzpatrick
Mr. Alexander L. Forbes
Dr. Peter M. Formby
Mr. John T. Gontrum
Mr. Yeardley W. Green
Mr. Thomas A. Griswold
Mr. Jonathan M. Hall
Mr. W. Brett Hollander
Mr. Ryan J. Kamauff
Mr. Joseph B. Keller
Dr. Samuel B. Klein
Mr. Brannan H. Knott
*Deceased +The Founders’ Society – the gilman fund
Mr. Thomas P. Kolkin
Mr. Keith T. Levy
Mr. Edward M. Lewis +
Mr. Edward B. Lough
Mr. Alexander K. Mazer
Mr. Christopher D. Merwin
Mr. Brian R. Mohler
Mr. Amol K. Narang
Mr. Clarke S. Nelson
Dr. Jeremy Stephen Pollock Dr. Amaan U. Siddiqi
Mr. Brett P. Somerville
Mr. Scott B. Vane
Mr. Paul B. Wallace
Mr. Kyle D. Waters +
Mr. Barton S. Weinstein
Mr. Marlon A. White
Mr. Laurence M. Wilson
24% participation
Mr. Enoch E. Attenoukon
Mr. Jonathan G. Bittar
Mr. Kyle M. Blackman
Mr. Robert C. K. Boyd
Mr. Michael B. Brown
Mr. David P. Caperna
Mr. Abraham N. Choi + Dr. Evan A. A. Chriss
Mr. James G. Elkins
Mr. Ryan M. Farha
Mr. Philip E. Han
Mr. Andrew S. Janet
Mr. Stewart W. Kameen
Mr. Daniel L. Latshaw
Mr. A. Taylor Mason
Mr. Peter J. McCormick
Mr. L. Jack Parchman III
Mr. Jonathan L. Parker
Mr. Matthew T. Pope +
Mr. Drummond S. Rice
Mr. Aaron R. Salsbury
Mr. Jeffrey H. Seibert, Jr.
Mr. Michael R. Siliciano
Dr. Aseem P. Sood
Mr. Benjamin M. Waller
Mr. David McIntosh Williams, Jr.
Mr. Jeremy A. Batoff + Dr. Patrick L. Benitez
Mr. Peter D. Blue
Mr. Matthew P. Bressler
Mr. Peter C. Brockmeyer
Mr. Peter G. Cornbrooks
Mr. Matthew F. Councill
Mr. Thomas E. Davidson + Mr. Redmond M. Farha
Mr. J. Pearson Hill III
Mr. C. Cooper A. Hoffberger
Mr. Paul C. Huber
Mr. Jacob I. Klein + Mr. Adam M. Kuhn
Mr. Edward L. Laslett
Mr. Andrew P. Lin
Dr. Christopher Brownlee Morrow
Mr. Nathan J. Niparko
Mr. George H. Pilgrim
Mr. Russell P. Rich, Jr. Mr. Benjamin C. Small Dr. John M. Thompson
Mr. Matthew D. Todd
Dr. E. Halcott Turner II
Mr. Edward H. Welbourn IV
Mr. Alexander J. Zarzecki
Mr. Charles L. Buppert
Mr. Brian D. Carroll
Mr. Andrew M. Clark
Mr. Robert S. Davis
Mr. Charles R. Gamper
Mr. Richard S. Gamper
Mr. Peter R. Hawkins
Mr. Daniel O. Howard
Mr. Timothy C. Krometis
Mr. Patrick S. Mahoney Mr. Maxim Mendelson
Mr. F. Kirby Preroff Mr. Luke C. Redmond
Mr. Peter D. Rogers Dr. Faisal Saeed
Dr. Gabriel E. Shaya Mr. William J. Shikani
Mr. Marco A. Simmons
Mr. Daniel A. Strauss
Mr. John A. S. Tilghman, Jr. + Mr. Khalil Rashid Uqdah
Mr. Brian C. Watts
Mr. John H. Williams Mr. Edward H. Worthington IV
22% participation
Mr. Abraham Jacque Attenoukon Mr. Andrew G. P. Blomquist Mr. Matthew P. A. Chriss Mr. Peter R. Fallon Mr. David A. Fine
Mr. David H. A. Fitzpatrick Mr. Zachary A. Gorn Mr. Houghton B. Hauf Mr. Whitney W. Johnson Dr. Jonathan G. Koch Mr. Grady L. Lincalis
Mr. Patrick L. McQuestion
Mr. Andrew J. Milto Mr. Duncan S. Moore
Mr. Andrew Zachary Parkinson Mr. Stephen W. A. Randall Mr. Stephen T. Salsbury
Mr. David F. Shea
Mr. Richard W. Sunderland III Mr. Joseph Henry Pastuer Valentine-White
Mr. Kyle C. Weiman Mr. Douglas O. Williams
12% participation
Mr. Tyler H. Alfriend
Mr. Gifford W. Brooks Mr. J. Tyler Ebeling Mr. Samuel E. Frank Mr. Walter G. Kidder
Mr. James K. Porterfield, Jr. Mr. Evan A. Redwood
Mr. Christopher A. Sheridan Mr. Stephen Siwinski
Mr. Albert Y. Wang Mr. Edward W. S. Wiese + Mr. James P. Wiles
23% participation
Anonymous (2) Mr. William L. Allenbach Mr. Roy E. Bands III Mr. Joseph H. Barrazotto + Mr. Eric J. Bloom Mr. Bonsal H. Brooks Mr. Cooper F. L. Brown Dr. Matthew D. Cahn Mr. Brandon M. Copeland Mr. Stephen E. Demos
Mr. Andrew K. S. Green Mr. Trevor C. Hoffberger Mr. Eli B. Kahn
Mr. George W. Kelly, Jr. Mr. Thomas L. Mathews
Mr. Stephen A. Merwin Mr. N. Hunter Rief
Mr. Harry P. Rudo
Mr. Matthew F. Shramko Mr. Kyle J. Snow
Mr. Frank Keech Turner III Mr. Samuel E. Winter Mr. Arthur F. Worthington
18% participation
Mr. Khalil Altalib
Mr. Adam M. Belzberg
Mr. Matthew L. Berger + Mr. Max A. Brodsky
Mr. Kevin L. Broh-Kahn
Mr. James S. Brooks
Mr. Beda Y. Cha
Mr. Charles M. Cooke
Dr. Anthony Ferguson, Jr. Dr. Redmond C. Finney
Mr. Kevin J. Haus, Jr. Mr. Scott L.A. Johnson
Mr. Jack P. Matthews
Mr. William Wyatt McIntyre
Mr. Arthur S. Norman
Mr. James N. Reeves
Mr. Matthew A. Richardson
Mr. Andrew P. Schwab
Mr. John L. Silberstein
Mr. Edwin L. Whitman Mr. Bryan N. Willis
7% participation
Mr. Adam J. Barry
Mr. Owen Z. Foster
Mr. William Thomas Hanley
Mr. Yale R. Hoffberg
Mr. Michael Noah Katz
Mr. Tyrone Leroy MacKall
Mr. Andrew Morris Tucker, Jr. Mr. Henry Linn Worthington
30% participation
Mr. William Y. Baldwin
Mr. Maximilian S. Beatty
Mr. Ryan A. Berg
Mr. Cotter D. Brown
Mr. Andrew Y. Burton
Mr. Charles N. Cross
Mr. Robert A. deMuth
Mr. Peter J. T. Dewire +
Mr. Michael R. Dunbar
Mr. Alexander Davison H. Fisher
Mr. Zachary A. Garten
Mr. Drew Alexander Ghysels
Mr. Seth L. Gray
Mr. Frederick Barton Harvey IV
Mr. Robert R. Haus
Mr. Mason A. Hoehn
Mr. Timothy B. Jenkins
Mr. Eli Ze’ev Katz
Mr. Evan A. King
Mr. Gordon S. Koerber
Mr. Stephen G. Koteen
Mr. Min Young Lee
Mr. Alexander R. Lowitt
Mr. Jake M. Matthai
Mr. Bryan M. Moore +
Mr. John Thomas Forrestel Naylor
Mr. John H. Pollack
Mr. Malcolm Cornelius Powers
Mr. Matthew T. Schlerf
Mr. Tucker B. Snow
Mr. Connor Tenney Willis
Mr. Daniel N. Yue
6% participation
Mr. Benjamin Joseph Grace
Mr. Steven J. Groenke
Mr. Thomas V. Monahan III
Mr. Daniel Davis St. Clair Muhly
Mr. Paul A. Neumann
Mr. Cameron A. Wade
25% participation
Mr. Adam Hamilton Aist
Mr. Gregory Rayner Alspaugh
Mr. Luis H. Arrazola
Mr. Brendan Ross Barger
Mr. Edward Brown III
Mr. Peter R. Brown
Mr. Chase W. W. Campbell
Mr. Ian David Churchill
Mr. Haswell McCullough Franklin III
Mr. Andrew C. Gemma
Mr. Aaron Kerem Gokaslan
Mr. James M. Hanson
Mr. Christopher S. Kohler
Mr. John Edgar Locke
Mr. Tejas Aran Mavanur
Mr. Sean E. O’Donnell
Mr. Connor J. Paskoff
Mr. Ryan Austin Pistorio
Mr. Alexander Stephen Puthumana
Mr. Zachary G. Ranen
Mr. William L. Rosenfield
Mr. Tyler Robert Ruhl
Mr. Gavin C. Sheets
Mr. William David Sherman
Mr. Taylor A. Swindell
Mr. Kyle A. Tarantino
Mr. Samuel G. Wancowicz
Mr. Robert P. Wilhelm III
Mr. Alexander S. Witherspoon
Mr. Dorsey A. Yearley
14% participation
Mr. Julian B. Alexander
Mr. Bennett Matthew Auwaerter
Mr. Daniel Leander Blair III
Mr. Mitchell M. E. Butler
Mr. Simon James Evered Mr. Scott Milling Finney
Mr. Lucas Greenwell Franklin
Mr. John Benjamin Howard Gantt
Mr. John T. Halpert
Mr. Thomas Kidder Hebert
Mr. Gabriel L. Marx
Mr. Andrew C. Matthews
Mr. Philip G. Thomsen
Mr. William Carlyle Turner
Mr. Amanze Udebiuwa
Mr. Kevin Christopher Walker
Mr. Hudson Stewart Waters
8% participation
Mr. Tabb M. Carneal
Mr. Aaron J. Cranston
Mr. William Benjamin Davison Mr. Bennett M. Gushue
Mr. Peter G. Kohler
Mr. Robert Lee
Mr. Tyler Attwood Pantle
Mr. Race S. Saunders
Mr. Nicholas L. Schloeder Mr. Leonard J. Shapiro
Mr. Jack C. Sibel
11% participation
Mr. Braxton C. Antill
Mr. Robert Garnet Blue, Jr. Mr. Augustus Billings Caiola
Mr. Charles L. Halpert
Mr. James Clayton Hebert Mr. Colton Joseph Keetley
Mr. David Ethan Elkin Mazer Mr. Benjamin P. Murphy Mr. Brian Robert Nelson
Mr. Hugh J. O’Donovan
Mr. Vincent Patrick Reilly Mr. David Joseph Saiontz Mr. Jonathan D. Shapiro Mr. Aaron Cooper Slutkin
10% participation
Mr. Cole S. Brown
Mr. Ian Michael Chalk
Mr. William L. deMuth
Mr. Gustav Allen Gulmert
Mr. David R. Gushue
Mr. Bowen Jiang
Mr. Michael P. Kastner
Mr. William Constantine Mallas
Mr. Joseph Keith Melancon
Mr. William James Conkling Muhly Mr. Soren J. Saggi
Mr. Maxwell O. Schnee
Mr. James M. Webster
7% participation
Mr. Quinn Messina Beagle
Mr. Nathan David Hedgecock Mr. Noah Zeke Klein
Mr. Alexander Byers Martin III
Mr. John David McGowan
Mr. Joseph Thomas Mullan Muhly Mr. Colin Daniel O’Neill
Mr. Elie Nassif Soueid
Mr. Maximilian Wilhelm Verheyen Mr. Edward Ira Wight III
10% participation
Mr. Jordan Thomas Bonardi
Mr. Maxwell Redwood Carneal
Mr. Taylor Leer Classen
Mr. Tyler Can Fanyo-Tabak
Mr. Pearson Charles Harrington
Mr. Jeffrey Bowen Li
Mr. James Michael Mallas
Mr. Ali Merchant
Mr. Matthew Leo Rodgville
Mr. Anthony Ross Roytenberg
Mr. Coyle Patrick Saunders Mr. Lucas James Schnee
Mr. Paul Andrew Stoller Mr. Andrew Gavin Weinstein
8% participation
Mr. Ryan Nicholas Blumenfeld
Mr. John Tucker Hebert
Mr. Peter Roszel McGill IV
Mr. Jonathan Caleb Melancon
Mr. Antonio Mendez-Trendler
Mr. Nigel Bakari Parker
Mr. Dylan Sunit Patel
Mr. Carter Wolfe Spahn + Mr. Taylor Lewis West Mr. Matthew Peter Wills
Kristy Dickson & Robin Davidov presidents
Dorja Marshall vice president
Brooke Rodgers second vice president
Ali Pitruzzella treasurer
Rebekah Jackson recording secretary
Lisa Melancon corresponding secretary
Emily Fearey & Ali Pitruzzella immediate past presidents
Sydnee Wilson Ruff lower school
Tracy Bradlee middle school
Pam Lloyd upper school
Todd Gustin father / son chair
Veronica Parker cie representative
Erika Slater & Meisha Dockett wellness committee representatives
Esther Kim
ChiChi Ebo
Steffan Johnson
Alicia Schmidt
Jaleh Goodale
Noel Morelli
Gilman School parents (including parents who are also alumni) contributed $1,007,168 toward annual giving, which includes $148,731 for special gifts and $858,437 for the gilman fund. The following list recognizes parents who supported annual giving during the 2021-2022 fiscal year (July 1, 2021 –June 30, 2022). Those who supported capital or other efforts are listed in those categories.
co-chairs James ’86 & Jane Webster PP, P’23
2022 74% participation
Please see Senior Family Gift Effort on page 66. 2023 61% participation
Dr. Joseph Keith Melancon, Sr. & Mrs. Lisa Melancon class co-chairs
Anonymous (6)
Mr. Nitin Agarwal & Mrs. Rajshree Agarwal
Dr. Salman Ashruf & Mrs. Farah Ashruf
Mr. Timothy Barnhill & Dr. Julie Barnhill Dr. Ajay Behari & Mrs. Aparna Behari
Mr. Marc Boulay
Mr. Tim Braue & Mrs. Heather Braue
Dr. Troy Brijbasi
Mr. Ian C. Brooks & Mrs. Mary Brooks
Mr. Qiang Cao & Mrs. Wei Bao
Mr. Jonathan Carpenter & Mrs. Jennifer Carpenter + Mr. Daniel Colhoun III & Mrs. Kelly Colhoun + Mr. Isaiah Cox & Dr. Nechama Cox
Mr. Jonathan N. Davidov ’88 & Ms. Robin C. Davidov Dr. Karl Davis & Mrs. Adoracion Reinitz
Dr. Shawn Dhillon & Mrs. Monika Dhillon
Mr. Julius T. Dockett & Mrs. Meisha R. Dockett Ms. Patricia Doherty Ms. Janel Dutton
Mr. Travis E. J. Dutton Mr. Eric Evans & Mrs. Lacy Evans Mr. Kenneth Fanyo & Dr. Filiz Tabak Mr. Jason Flynn & Mrs. Jessica Flynn Mr. Mark Fulchino & Mrs. Aimee Fulchino + Dr. James S. Gammie & Dr. Ann E. Fraker + Mr. Eric Garvey & Mrs. Romi DeAngelis Garvey Mr. Salin Geevarghese & Dr. Asha Thomas Geevarghese Mr. Allan J. Gushue & Mrs. Tracy Gushue Mr. Ridgely Hardy & Mrs. Leila Hardy Mr. Wayne Hicks & Mrs. Crystal Hicks Mr. Benjamin Hoskins & Ms. Sara Hoskins Mr. Min Jin & Ms. Hyun Ji Choi Mr. Dean M. Johnson & Mrs. Nicole D. Johnson Dr. Muhannad Kanbour & Dr. Maryam Wasfi Mr. Jaewook Kim & Mrs. Soohee Kwon Dr. Shaun Kunisaki & Ms. Karen Kunisaki + Capt. Eliot Latchaw & Mrs. Yvonne Latchaw Dr. Sam Seakwoo Lee & Mrs. Yanghee Kim Mr. Roosevelt Lunn, Jr. & Mrs. Stacy Lunn Dr. Peter Mackrell Mr. Dmitriy Makarevich & Mrs. Tatyana Makarevich Mr. Kevin McCarthy & Mrs. Nancy McCarthy Mr. Ryan McClernan & Mrs. Julie McClernan Dr. Christian Merlo & Ms. Jamie Smith Mr. Robert Mingo & Ms. Dawn Moore Mr. Thomas R. Morelli & Mrs. Noel B. Morelli + Ms. Marie Morfaw
Dr. Arvind Narasimhan & Dr. Shivani Narasimhan Mr. Matthew Nixon & Mrs. Caroline Nixon Dr. Calvin Parker III & Mrs. Veronica Parker Mr. David Parker & Mrs. Katherine Parker Dr. Christian Pavlovich & Dr. Tedine Ranich Mrs. Susan Quarngesser
Mr. Aion Roberts & Mrs. Clara Roberts Mr. Peter B. Rosenthal & Ms. Heather MacGregor Rosenthal + Mr. James Seba & Mrs. Rachel Seba Mr. Bruce Sidell & Ms. Libby Sidell Mr. Jaideep Sinha & Dr. Anita Tandle
Mr. Raymond Smith & Mrs. Pamela Smith
Mr. Craig Spurrier & Mrs. Erin Spurrier
Dr. Richard Sutton & Dr. Ming Fang
Mr. Geoffrey Suval
Mr. John Harvey Tompkins & Mrs. Marjorie Burdette Tompkins + Mr. James Walters & Mrs. Melissa Walters
Ms. Margaret Ward
Mr. Christopher Wasson & Mrs. Whitney Wasson
Mr. James M. Webster III ’86 & Mrs. Jane S. Webster + Mr. Michael J. Weinfeld ’91 & Mrs. Meg Aldridge-Weinfeld + Mr. Jamel Williams & Mrs. Julie Williams
Mr. Brad Woloson & Mrs. Crickett Woloson + Mr. Matthew W. Wyskiel III ’87 & Mrs. Christina W. Wyskiel + Dr. Soo Yon Yoon & Dr. Hyunjeong Park
62% participation
Dr. Peter Espenshade & Mrs. Christine Espenshade class co-chairs
Anonymous (4)
Ms. Jennifer Axilbund
Mr. Stuart Axilbund & Ms. Rebecca Axilbund
Dr. John Baddley & Dr. Lorelle Baddley
Dr. Michael Ballo & Ms. Joanna Pi-Sunyer
Mr. Richard Beattie & Mrs. Marie Beattie + Mr. John C. Beynon & Mrs. Jamie Marie Beynon
Dr. Cardella Coleman
Mr. Filippo Bovio & Ms. Mary Teresa Doud
Mr. Troy Brown & Mrs. Sheila Brown
Mr. Toby Buterbaugh & Ms. LaJena Buterbaugh +
Mr. Dale Cathell & Mrs. Audra Cathell
Dr. Cardella W. Coleman +
Mr. H. Keith Collison & Mrs. Michele Mangione Collison
Mr. Jonathan M. Cooper ’98 & Mrs. Sarah Keogh
Mr. Scott Crosby & Mrs. Katherine Crosby
Mr. Carlos Cruz & Mrs. Ingrid Pavluk Cruz
Mr. Pernell Custis & Mrs. Tanya Custis
Mr. Matthew F. Dent ’93 & Mrs. Dulany Dent
Ms. Janel Dutton
Mr. Travis E. J. Dutton
Mr. Jason Eisenberg & Mrs. Jennifer Eisenberg
Dr. Peter Espenshade & Mrs. Christine Espenshade +
Mr. Henry C. B. Franklin ’87 & Mrs. Deborah Franklin
Mr. Michael J. Garrison & Mrs. Robin M. Garrison
Mr. Frederic Gnoassia & Ms. Amah Binde
Mr. James C. Guyton ’92 & Mrs. Katherine S. Guyton
Mr. David Hannan & Mrs. Sonya Hannan
+The Founders’ Society – the gilman fund
Dr. Norman Haughey & Mrs. Karen Haughey Dr. Luther Hamilton Holton III & Dr. Mara R. Holton Mr. Stanley Kaminski, Jr. & Mrs. Teresa Kaminski Dr. Hongjun Kan & Mrs. Jiachuan Wang + Dr. Petros Karakousis & Dr. Kathleen Page + Dr. Harpal Khanuja & Mrs. Maria Khanuja Mr. D. Brooks Kitchel II ’88 & Mrs. Denise Kitchel + Dr. Jon Koman & Mrs. Shari Koman Mr. Damon L. Krieger ’93 & Mrs. Robin C. Krieger Mr. Marcus Lansey & Mrs. Dina Lansey Mr. Richard Lee & Mrs. Cathleen Cui Mr. Benjamin Lentz & Mrs. Clare Lentz Dr. Steven Lutzky & Mrs. Amy Lutzky Mr. Scott Macdonald & Ms. Elizabeth Edwards Mr. Michael Maloney & Mrs. Carolyn Maloney + Mr. Thomas Michael Matteini & Dr. Amy Mahoney Matteini Mr. Nicholas R. Maumenee ’93 Ms. Rebecca Maumenee Mr. Clifton McClellan & Ms. Ruth Coby-McClellan Mr. Jason McLean & Mrs. Jennifer McLean Mr. Thomas P. McMahon & Mrs. Erika McMahon Mr. Charles A. Meyer, Jr. ’86 & Mrs. Katherine Meyer + Mr. William G. Minkin & Mrs. Elizabeth R. Minkin + Mr. Gary Mitchell & Ms. Lori Finkelstein Mr. Christian Montgomery & Ms. Jenny Alicia Putnam Mr. Vasyl Mytsak & Dr. Olga Nikolskaia Mr. Shams Nazar & Mrs. Sabeena Nazar Dr. Giora Netzer & Ms. Alison Netzer Mr. Theodore R. Ochs, Jr. & Mrs. Bonnie Ochs Mr. Kevin Osten & Mrs. Robyn Osten Mr. Christopher B. Paternotte ’93 & Mrs. Jennifer Paternotte + Mr. Alexander Thomas Perry & Mrs. Laurel H. Perry + Mr. Samuel Peters & Dr. Suzanne Hurst + Mr. Lifeng Pu Mrs. Susan Quarngesser Mr. Clinton W. Randolph & Mrs. Julia Randolph Mr. Joseph S. K. Reiter & Mrs. Jennifer Reiter Mr. Matthew Kevin Ryan & Mrs. Patricia Marie Ryan Drs. Bradley & Hristina Schlaggar + Mr. David Schutsky & Mrs. Jennifer Schutsky Mr. Eduard Shkolnik & Mrs. Dalila Borisovna Shkolnik Mr. Jaideep Sinha & Dr. Anita Tandle Dr. Sunil Sinha & Dr. Anshu Prasad Sinha Mr. Henry P. A. Smyth & Mrs. Elizabeth N. Smyth + Mr. Timothy Somers & Mrs. Marina Somers Mr. Infinite Supreme & Mrs. Khadijah Supreme Dr. Maximilian Lloyd Tondro & Prof. April Oettinger Mr. Edward R. Winstead ’85 & Mrs. Ann-Barron Carneal + Dr. Kenneth Woo & Dr. Christine Sohn-Woo
Dr. Jie Xiao +
Dr. Weiming Yan & Ms. Jianbin Yang
Dr. Markos Yibas & Mrs. Emebet Alemayehu + Mr. Haiqi Zhang & Mrs. Lei Zhang Mr. Huan Zhong & Ms. Ying Zhang
51% participation
Dr. Maria Romero class chair
Anonymous (5)
Dr. Nnaemeka O. Agajelu & Mrs. Nora N. Agajelu
Dr. Russell Alexander & Dr. Ruth Peng
Mr. John C. M. Angelos & Mrs. Irene Angelos
Mr. James Beam & Mrs. Meghan Beam
Mr. Craig Beauchamp & Mrs. Kathryn Kelly
Dr. Ajay Behari & Mrs. Aparna Behari
Mr. Frank A. Bonsal III ’82 & Mrs. Helen Baker Bonsal + Mr. David Boyd & Mrs. Sarah Collins Boyd
Mr. Troy Broadbent & Mrs. Kathryn Broadbent
Mr. Ian C. Brooks & Mrs. Mary Brooks
Dr. David Buchalter & Mrs. Allison Buchalter
Mr. Ronald Cheatham, Jr. & Mrs. Tandra Cheatham
Mr. Elbert Chen & Mrs. Xi Fang
Dr. Meng-Keong Choo & Dr. Chee Wei Chia
Prof. Young Wook Chun & Mrs. Tae Young Ju
Mr. Brett Cohen & Mrs. Elizabeth Cohen
Mr. Alan G. Cranston ’92 & Mrs. Melissa Riepe Cranston
Mr. John Parker Davis & Mrs. Laura Davis
Dr. Gregory DiGiovanni & Dr. Tatum DiGiovanni Dr. Charles C. Edwards II ’88 & Mrs. Ann B. Edwards + Mr. David Eiswert & Mrs. Stephanie Eiswert + Mr. Dennis M. Feola & Dr. Lorraine Gundling Feola Mr. Andrew Fones & Mrs. Heather Fones
Mr. David J. Frank & Mrs. Emily M. Frank
Mr. Mark Fulchino & Mrs. Aimee Fulchino
Mr. Qingge Huang & Dr. Li Liu + Mr. Cheo D. Hurley ’92 & Mrs. Zenita Wickham-Hurley Sarah & Karim Khairallah + Dr. Shaun Kunisaki & Ms. Karen Kunisaki + Ms. Stacy Ellen Landsman
Mr. Armond T. Lawson & Dr. Carla Lawson Dr. H. Christopher Lawson & Dr. Shari Lawson + Dr. Fritz Lerma
Mr. Bingwei Li & Ms. Helen Na Mr. Feng Liu & Mrs. Hong Tang
Mrs. Lynn Manthy Ms. Dorja Marshall Mrs. Cheryl Mickel + Mr. Radomir Mihajlovic & Mrs. Vesna Grujicic Dr. Aaron Milstone & Dr. Amy Winkelstein Mr. Jeff Mohler & Mrs. Sandra Gallagher-Mohler Mr. Thomas R. Morelli & Mrs. Noel B. Morelli + Mr. Stephen Neuberger & Mrs. Sharon Neuberger Dr. Chirag Parikh & Mrs. Neha Parikh
Mr. Jeremy Parks & Mrs. Julie Parks Mr. Cooper Pollard & Mrs. Kathryn Pollard Mr. William Rivers & Mrs. Jane Rivers + Dr. Maria Romero
Mr. Austin Root & Mrs. Tracey Root Dr. Girish Sethuraman & Dr. Kinjal Sethuraman Mr. Joo Heon Shin & Ms. Sunghei Choe Mr. Jed Van Dyke & Mrs. Anne Van Dyke + Mr. Todd Walther & Mrs. Lyn Walther Mr. Christopher Wasson & Mrs. Whitney Wasson Mr. William B. Zerhouni ’94
72% participation
Mr. Joshua Shein & Mrs. Keira Shein class co-chairs
Anonymous (2)
Mr. Francisco Alonso & Mrs. Rhonda Alonso + Mr. Michael T. Armacost & Mrs. Beth Armacost Dr. Syed Ashruf & Mrs. Fariha Ashruf Mr. Evan Athanas & Mrs. Emily Athanas Mr. Scott Bertozzi + Mr. Tim Braue & Mrs. Heather Braue Dr. Andrew M. Cameron ’87 & Mrs. Lisa Marino Cameron + Mr. Qiang Cao & Mrs. Wei Bao Mr. Jonathan Carpenter & Mrs. Jennifer Carpenter + Dr. Walter Chi & Dr. Cynthia Jun Mr. Young Choi & Mrs. Jin Choi Mr. Steve Corbin & Mrs. Rosanna Best Corbin Mr. David Dardis & Mrs. Jennifer Dardis + Mr. Eric M. DeCosta & Mrs. Lacie DeCosta Mr. Daniel Eggers & Ms. Paula Chirhart + Ms. Jaleh Goodale
Mr. Eric Gordon & Mrs. Sheri Gordon Mr. Heath Greenlee & Mrs. Samantha Greenlee Mr. Gene Grib & Mrs. Lauren Hwang Dr. Anuj Gupta & Dr. Himani Shishodia
Mr. R. Barker Harrison IV ’88 & Mrs. Pam Harrison
Mr. Adam S. Herb & Ms. Kate Stratton
Dr. Xiaoli Hu & Mrs. Jianchun Xiao
Mr. David Kelley & Mrs. Nicole Kelley
Mr. Christopher Kim & Mrs. Esther Kim
Mr. Peter Michael Krasulski & Mrs. Songyi Han Krasulski
Prof. Robert Leheny & Dr. Naveeda Khan
Mr. Matthew Lind & Mrs. Cheryl Lind
Mr. Roosevelt Lunn, Jr. & Mrs. Stacy Lunn
Mr. Michael Maloney & Mrs. Carolyn Maloney +
Mr. Corey McLaughlin & Mrs. Lindsay Hartman McLaughlin
Mr. J. Andrew Michael & Mrs. Laura Michael
Mr. Royce Min & Mrs. Kimberly Min
Mr. Ian Mitchell & Dr. Carrie Krug
Mr. Evan Morrow & Mrs. Kristin Morrow
Dr. Mansoor Mozayan & Mrs. Parven Akhter
Mr. Vasyl Mytsak & Dr. Olga Nikolskaia
Mr. Carl Daniel Negin & Mrs. Elizabeth Gray Bickley Negin
Dr. Leon Nesti & Dr. Heather Nesti +
Mr. David Notarangelo & Ms. Jennifer Stevenson
Dr. Eric Nuermberger & Dr. Shannon Putman
Mr. Joseph Oddo & Ms. Melissa C. Oddo
Dr. Gurumurthy Ramachandran & Ms. Candace Pilon
Mr. David M. Rody ’85 & Mrs. Anna MacCormack + Ms. Michele Salvino
Mr. Michael Savage & Mrs. Sada Savage
Mr. Joshua Shein & Mrs. Keira Shein
Dr. Sunil Sinha & Dr. Anshu Prasad Sinha
Mr. Henry P. A. Smyth & Mrs. Elizabeth N. Smyth + Mr. Andrew F. Snow ’95 & Mrs. Kimberley Snow
+The Founders’ Society – the gilman fund
Ms. Anne Salisbury Staley
Mr. Franklin W. Staley
Mr. Jason Taylor & Mrs. Kate Taylor
Mr. Sri Velamati & Dr. Praveena Velamati + Dr. Mark Vesely & Dr. Priya Duggal
Mr. James Walters & Mrs. Melissa Walters
Mr. Mike Ward & Dr. Shana Ward
Mr. Shawn Ward & Mrs. Michelle Ward
Mr. George Watson IV & Ms. Mary Briggs
Mr. Robert Wehman & Dr. Karen B. Boyle
Mr. Leo Wise & Ms. Anne Wise
Dr. Minchul Yang & Dr. Myong Jin Kim Dr. Markos Yibas & Mrs. Emebet Alemayehu + Dr. David Yu & Dr. Yoonah Yu Dr. Chengshui Zhao & Dr. Yanrong Shi Dr. Lei Zheng & Mrs. Ying Yang
55% participation
Mr. Steven A. Susel ’84 & Mrs. Monica Harris Susel class co-chairs
Dr. Nnaemeka O. Agajelu & Mrs. Nora N. Agajelu Mr. Jack Boyd & Mrs. Linda Boyd
Mr. Russell Bradlee & Mrs. Tracy Bradlee
Mr. Troy Broadbent & Mrs. Kathryn Broadbent Dr. Shamus Carr & Dr. Elisabeth Carr + Mr. David Coates & Mrs. Sophie Coates
“Why do we give back to Gilman? For its pursuit of excellence, which is the only way to truly provide an education for a lifetime.”
Mr. Karl J. Connolly & Ms. Kristen Hogue
Dr. Conan Dickson & Mrs. Kristy Dickson
Dr. Christine Durand
Ms. Kristen Foard
Mr. William Foard +
Dr. Michael Grodin & Mrs. Rachel Grodin
Mr. Patrick Guthrie & Mrs. Tanisha Guthrie
Ms. Kyung Ah Han
Dr. James Higgins & Mrs. Megan Higgins
Mr. Gilston Hutzler & Mrs. Meryl Hutzler
Mr. Walter Jones, Jr. & Mrs. Dawn Jones
Mr. Li-Wen Kang & Dr. Sharon Solomon
Mr. David Kelley & Mrs. Nicole Kelley
Mr. Brian Ketterer
Mr. Christopher Kim & Mrs. Esther Kim
Dr. Yuejin Li
Mr. Todd Malfa & Mrs. Ereni Malfa
Mr. Edward Martin & Mrs. Gretchen Martin
Mr. Harry Pappas III & Mrs. Michelle Pappas
Mr. W. Brooks Paternotte ’90 & Dr. Elizabeth Paternotte +
Dr. Jorge Romero & Ms. Laurie Hess
Mr. Philip Schoner & Dr. Kirsten Corazzini
Mr. Jignesh Sevak & Mrs. Aakruti Sevak
Mr. Patrick Sheridan & Mrs. Gwelan Sheridan
Dr. Ghassan Sinada & Dr. Sandra Shih
Mr. Sean Smith & Mrs. Jenny Smith + Mr. Yongping Sun & Ms. Xiaoming Liu
Mr. Steven A. Susel ’84 & Mrs. Monica Harris Susel + Mr. Eric Thompson & Mrs. Emily Thompson
Dr. Maximilian Lloyd Tondro & Prof. April Oettinger
Mr. Yong Wang & Mrs. Wenji Sun
Mr. Thomas Howard Watson & Mrs. Tamara Lyn Watson + Mr. Robert Webster Wright & Ms. Mary Martin
Mr. Sanford Wu & Mrs. Mao Asukata
Mr. Liang Zhao & Mrs. Yongjia Pu
Dr. Guangshuo Zhu & Mrs. Lianying Wang
Dr. Frangiscos Sifakis & Dr. Paola Sansur
class co-chairs
Anonymous (4)
Mr. Benjamin Abrams & Mrs. Deborah Abrams + Mr. Nitin Agarwal & Mrs. Rajshree Agarwal
Mr. Michael T. Armacost & Mrs. Beth Armacost Dr. David Baranano & Dr. Kristin Baranano
Dr. Chetan Bettegowda & Dr. Veena Kamath
Mr. Alan G. Cranston ’92 & Mrs. Melissa Riepe Cranston Mr. Charles Dieveney, Sr. & Mrs. Theresa Dieveney + Mr. Lester Edwards & Mrs. Angie Edwards Mr. Jason M. Finkelstein ’94 & Mrs. Marla Kaye Finkelstein Mr. Andrew Fones & Mrs. Heather Fones Mr. Paul D. Furrer ’96 & Ms. Mary Furrer Mr. Daniel Goldberg & Ms. Emily Malarkey Dr. Bansari Gujar & Dr. Sachin Gujar Ms. Beverly L. Henderson Mr. Chunye Hong & Ms. Alisa Kang Dr. Farrukh Jalisi & Dr. Jabin Janoo Jalisi Dr. Angie Jelin + Mr. David C. Keffer & Mrs. Merritt Keffer Mr. Karim M. Khairallah & Mrs. Sara B. Khairallah + Mr. Damon L. Krieger ’93 & Mrs. Robin C. Krieger Mr. Robert Lawrence, Jr. & Mrs. Margaret Lawrence + Dr. Benjamin Lee & Mrs. Bernice P. Lee + Dr. Mesfin Lemma & Dr. Tigist Hailu Mr. Michael Linkinhoker & Ms. Aline Lin Ms. Dorja Marshall Ms. Katherine Speicher Melluish Mr. J. Andrew Michael & Mrs. Laura Michael Mr. Royce Min & Mrs. Kimberly Min Mr. Chukwudozie E. Mochaa-Uchefuna & Mrs. Cynthia Mochaa-Uchefuna Mr. Thomas R. Morelli & Mrs. Noel B. Morelli + Mrs. Nina O’Hanlon & Mrs. Deirdre Elizabeth O’Hanlon Mr. Shawn Raver & Mrs. Elodie Raver Mr. Jignesh Sevak & Mrs. Aakruti Sevak Dr. Frangiscos Sifakis & Dr. Paola Sansur Mr. Andrew F. Snow ’95 & Mrs. Kimberley Snow Mr. Jason Taylor & Mrs. Kate Taylor Mr. Dennis H. Weinman & Mrs. Amanda London Weinman + Ms. Genevieve Wilner + Dr. Long Yang & Dr. Jinling Wu Mr. Vlad Zagranichny & Mrs. Zina Zagranichny
65% participation
Mr. Graham McPhail & Mrs. Meghan McPhail
class co-chairs
Anonymous (5)
Mr. Russell Bradlee & Mrs. Tracy Bradlee Dr. Angus Burgin & Mrs. Katharine Burgin Dr. William Burns & Dr. Challice Bonifant
Mr. Qiang Cao & Mrs. Wei Bao
Mrs. Amy Cyman & Mr. Mitch Cyman
Mr. Edward Edelen & Mrs. Pei Shu Sun
Dr. Virantha Ekanayake & Dr. Mariajose Castellanos
Mr. Daryl Cratsley Foland & Dr. Maria Cristina Alarcon
Mr. Kyle Wilson Gahan & Mrs. Jessica Segar Gahan
Mr. Matthew R. Herman & Mrs. Jessica Herman
Mrs. Christina Kim & Mr. Mark Kim
Ms. Elizabeth Knapp & Mr. Dan Knapp
Mr. John Lewis & Mrs. Holen Lewis
Mr. Ian Scott McWilliams
Dr. Fred Moeslein & Mrs. Kate Moeslein
Mr. Jay Payne & Mrs. Christina Payne
Mr. Clinton W. Randolph & Mrs. Julia Randolph
Ms. Laurie H. Rosenberg + Mr. Yaniv Rosenberg ’96
Mr. Kehar Singh & Mrs. Lauren Nehra
Mr. Daniel Trosman & Mrs. Marina Trosman
Dr. Mark Vesely & Dr. Priya Duggal
+The Founders’ Society – the gilman fund
Ms. Geroma Rene Void
Mr. Dennis H. Weinman & Mrs. Amanda London Weinman + Dr. Mei Woytowitz
Mr. Fei Yang & Ms. Zhao Zhang
Dr. David Yu & Dr. Yoonah Yu
Mr. William B. Zerhouni ’94
70% participation
Dr. Chukwuma Ebo & Mrs. Chinonso Ebo class co-chairs
Dr. Chetan Bettegowda & Dr. Veena Kamath
Mr. John C. Beynon & Mrs. Jamie Marie Beynon
Mr. John M. Bond III ’94 & Ms. Nina Bond +
Mr. Steve Bruno & Dr. Susan Sherman
Mr. Ronald Cheatham, Jr. & Mrs. Tandra Cheatham
Mr. Christopher Cutillo & Mrs. Tara Cutillo
Mr. Eric M. DeCosta & Mrs. Lacie DeCosta
Dr. Delverne A. Dressel, Jr. ’81 & Mrs. Jacqueline G. Dressel
Mr. Rajesh Eshwar & Mrs. Gabriela Eshwar
Mr. Michael Fishman & Ms. Diana Coyle
Mrs. Sarah Heegan & Mr. Sean Heegan
Mr. Cheo D. Hurley ’92 & Mrs. Zenita Wickham-Hurley
Mr. Barry James & Ms. Tami James
Mr. Christopher Kim & Mrs. Esther Kim
Mr. Brian Ledyard & Mrs. Dana Ledyard
Dr. Kimberly Levinson & Mrs. Mary Levinson
Mr. Kristopher Mallahan & Ms. Carroll Kilty
Mr. Charles B. Marek III ’99 & Mrs. Meghan Marek
Dr. Matthew McAdam & Ms. Cheryl Crumpton
Dr. Mansoor Mozayan & Mrs. Parven Akhter
Dr. Leon Nesti & Dr. Heather Nesti +
Mr. Bradley Price
Mrs. Shahla Price
Dr. Roham Rafat & Dr. Ashley Lobat Izadi
Mr. Shannon Recely & Dr. Katharine Bowdy
Mr. Jason Rockwell
Ms. Rachel Rockwell
Mr. John O. Schmick ’97 & Mrs. Kate Schmick
Dr. Sarah Scott
Mr. Frederick Chase Stock & Dr. Suvi Gezari Stock
Mr. Zhiwei Sun & Ms. Nan Li
Miss Joanna Khouri Swatik
Dr. Bruce Wasserman & Dr. Charissa Cheah
Mr. Andrew Wayne & Mrs. Lauren Wayne
Prof. Tom Woolf & Dr. Emiko Kasahara
Mr. Durke Wright & Mrs. Rhonda Wright
Dr. Minchul Yang & Dr. Myong Jin Kim
Mr. Karlo G. Young ’97 & Ms. Ngozika Olandu +
56% participation
Mr. Crawford C. Hubbard ’88 & Mrs. Alexandra Hubbard class co-chairs
Mr. Victor I. Abiamiri ’03 & Mrs. Andrea B. Abiamiri
Dr. David Baranano & Dr. Kristin Baranano
Mr. Bryan Chiapparelli & Mrs. Ashley Chiapparelli
Dr. Carson C. Chow & Dr. Irene C Kuo
Mr. Brian Diamond & Mrs. Vickie Diamond
Mr. Min Feng & Mrs. Xiaoying Liu
Mr. Paul D. Furrer ’96 & Ms. Mary Furrer
Mr. Crawford C. Hubbard ’88 & Mrs. Alexandra Hubbard
Mr. Mark Kassouf & Dr. Caroline Zink
Mr. Bruce Kennedy II & Mrs. Margaret Kennedy
Mr. Haiyan Li & Ms. Liang Xu
Mr. Amen Ra Mashariki & Ms. Assata Peterson
Mr. Joseph Milano & Mrs. Kirsten Milano
Dr. Sashank Reddy & Dr. Jennifer Son
Mr. Evan T. Shea ’00 & Mrs. Stephanie W. Shea +
Mr. Otto Sheridan & Mrs. Nancy Sheridan
Dr. Nauman U. Siddiqi ’95 & Mrs. Aiza Siddiqi
Mr. Sri Velamati & Dr. Praveena Velamati +
Mr. Robert Wright, Jr. & Mrs. Melinda Wright
Mr. Sanford Wu & Mrs. Mao Asukata
Mr. Candler Young & Mrs. Kimberly Young +
68% participation
Dr. Virantha Ekanayake & Dr. Mariajose Castellanos class co-chairs
Anonymous (2)
Ms. Elizabeth Allison
Mr. Christopher B. Anderson ’99 & Mrs. Yayoi K. Anderson
Mr. Justin W. Baker & Mrs. Laurie Baker
Mr. Dodge Balleras & Mrs. Maricris Balleras
Dr. Angus Burgin & Mrs. Katharine Burgin
Mr. Brandon R. Croxton ’96 & Mrs. Carol Croxton
Dr. Peter DeCarlo & Dr. Mitra Taheri
Dr. Virantha Ekanayake & Dr. Mariajose Castellanos
Mr. Andrew Fones & Mrs. Heather Fones
Mr. Richard Haggarty & Mrs. Claire Haggarty
Mr. Matthew R. Herman & Mrs. Jessica Herman
Mr. Larry Holmes IV & Mrs. Anne Holmes
+The Founders’ Society – the gilman fund
Senator J.B. Jennings & Mrs. Michelle Jennings Ms. Elizabeth Knapp & Mr. Dan Knapp Dr. Shaun Kunisaki & Ms. Karen Kunisaki + Dr. Justin Lewis & Dr. Tania Burinskas Dr. Benjamin Lowentritt & Dr. Lee Snyder Mrs. Gretchen Martin & Mr. Edward Martin Mr. Nicholas Piraino & Mrs. Carey Piraino Dr. Martin Gilbert Pomper & Dr. Jennifer Marie Coughlin Mr. Bradley Price Mrs. Shahla Price
Mr. Clinton W. Randolph & Mrs. Julia Randolph Mr. Austin Root & Mrs. Tracey Root Mr. Michael Schmidt & Mrs. Katie Schmidt Mr. Frederick B. Smith IV ’99 & Mrs. Rebecca Warfield Smith Mr. Frederick Chase Stock & Dr. Suvi Gezari Stock Mr. Thomas Ventimiglia & Ms. Jennifer Trusty-Ventimiglia
70% participation
Mr. Myron Missouri & Mrs. Tamika Missouri class co-chairs
Anonymous (3) Mr. Forson Ofosu Ayeh & Mrs. Fedelia Ayeh Mr. Rajesh Bansal & Dr. Garima Gupta Mrs. Brooke Blumberg & Mr. Howard Blumberg Mr. Ryan Brown Mr. Alexander H. Bushel ’98 & Mrs. Mary W. Bushel Ms. Kelly Cavallio Mr. Jason Edward Chamberlain & Mrs. Rebecca Josephine Chamberlain Dr. Mark Davino & Mrs. Lauren Davino Mr. Rajesh Eshwar & Mrs. Gabriela Eshwar Mr. Ryan Feeley & Ms. Molly Keogh Mr. Samuel Gordon & Ms. Patricia Lin Mr. Crawford C. Hubbard ’88 & Mrs. Alexandra Hubbard Mr. Mark Kassouf & Dr. Caroline Zink Dr. Peter O. Kwiterovich III ’87 & Mrs. Allison Brill + Mr. Robert Lawrence, Jr. & Mrs. Margaret Lawrence + Mr. Brian Ledyard & Mrs. Dana Ledyard Mr. Michael Lee & Mrs. Kate Skovron Dr. Kimberly Levinson & Mrs. Mary Levinson Mr. Haiyan Li & Ms. Liang Xu Mr. Stewart McB. Macon ’94 & Mrs. Feiruz Khajawi Macon Mr. Kenneth Marshall, Jr. & Mrs. Maryna Marshall Mr. Myron Missouri & Mrs. Tamika Missouri Dr. Kyaw Mon & Dr. Linda Chu
Dr. Greg Osgood & Dr. Erin Rada
Dr. Jonathan Pearl & Dr. Monica Pearl
Dr. Sashank Reddy & Dr. Jennifer Son
Mr. Dennis Rivera & Dr. Anne Monroe
Mr. Malcolm P. Ruff ’02 & Mrs. Sydnee Wilson Ruff Mr. Daniel Saffron
Mr. Andrew Wayne & Mrs. Lauren Wayne Mr. Matthew Zealand & Ms. Ana Navarro Cebrian
92% participation
Mr. Graham Boardman
Mr. Bryan Chiapparelli & Mrs. Ashley Chiapparelli
Ms. Anna Follensbee
Mr. Michael Gilkis & Mrs. Stella Gilkis
Mr. Mark Jackson & Mrs. Rebekah Jackson
Dr. Jefferson Lee & Dr. Esther Lee
Mr. John Anthony Mele & Mrs. Michelle Charron Mele
Dr. Martin Gilbert Pomper & Dr. Jennifer Marie Coughlin Mr. Scott Shaughnessy & Mrs. Erin Shaughnessy Dr. Perry Sweeper & Mrs. Chanali Sweeper Dr. Russell Wesson & Dr. Hadley Wesson +
63% participation
Anonymous (2)
Mrs. Brooke Blumberg & Mr. Howard Blumberg
Mr. Frantz Casseus & Mrs. Marie Casseus
Mr. Joseph W. DeNardi ’01 & Mrs. Eden DeNardi
Mr. Clifford Feldheim, Jr. & Mrs. Courtney Feldheim
Mr. Derrik Forshee & Mrs. Jennifer Shelley Ms. Unika Green
Mr. Larry Holmes IV & Mrs. Anne Holmes
Mr. Bradley Richard Knapp & Mrs. Amber Nicole Knapp + Mr. Chester Kulik & Mrs. Maide Ozen Mr. William H. Miller IV ’99 & Mrs. Rebecca Miller + Dr. Fred Moeslein & Mrs. Kate Moeslein Mr. Ross Nochumowitz & Mrs. Lisa Nochumowitz Mr. Nicholas Piraino & Mrs. Carey Piraino Dr. Irving Reti & Mr. Dexter Clark Mr. David Rosen & Mrs. Monica Rosen Dr. Jeffrey Rubens & Dr. Jessica Rubens Mr. John O. Schmick ’97 & Mrs. Kate Schmick Mr. Evan T. Shea ’00 & Mrs. Stephanie W. Shea + Mr. Zhiwei Sun & Ms. Nan Li Mr. Justin Tucker & Mrs. Amanda Tucker + Dr. Jonathan Webster & Dr. Laura Cappelli Dr. Seamus P. Whelton ’98 & Mrs. Natalie Ellender
56% participation
Mr. Victor I. Abiamiri ’03 & Mrs. Andrea B. Abiamiri Mr. Justin W. Baker & Mrs. Laurie Baker Mr. Howard R. Bank ’99 & Mrs. Leigh Bank Dr. Peter DeCarlo & Prof. Mitra Taheri Mr. Ryan Feeley & Ms. Molly Keogh Mr. Allen Easley Johnson III & Mrs. Elizabeth Foxwell + Mr. Bradley Richard Knapp & Mrs. Amber Nicole Knapp + Mr. S. Austin Main & Mrs. Avery Main Dr. Greg Osgood & Dr. Erin Rada Dr. Timothy Perl & Mrs. Sarah Perl Mr. Brian Pflueger & Mrs. Candice Shanks +The Founders’ Society – the gilman fund
The Class of 2022 Senior Family Gift Committee set an ambitious goal at the beginning of the year: raise $200,000 in support of the gilman fund for faculty salaries to honor their sons’ wonderful teachers, coaches, and advisors.
During the final months of their boys’ senior year at Gilman, the committee led the charge to not only meet its goal but also surpass it — raising an astounding total of $353,626 with 74% participation. As a result, a space in the library will be named for the Class of 2022
Thank you to all the parents, family members, and friends who helped to make this tremendous gift a reality. Special appreciation goes to Jeffrey Mason and Nancy Ekelund, who spearheaded the effort, and to all the committee members for their time and dedication: Jonathan ’85 and Melissa Cordish, Christopher and Emily Fearey, Michael and Lisa Grogan, Andrew and Jennifer Grossman, Timothy ’88 and Devon Hathaway, Rigoberto and Amy Hernandez, Keir Joyce and Joy Napier-Joyce, Christopher and Elizabeth Keehner, Carim and Mara-Lee Khouzami, Samuel Peters and Suzanne Hurst, Justin and Kim Tortolani, Edwin ’82 and Allyson Villamater, and Markos Yibas and Emebet Alemayehu.
chairs Mr. Jeffrey Mason & Ms. Nancy Ekelund
Mr. Jonathan A. Cordish ’85 & Mrs. Melissa F. Cordish
Mr. Michael Grogan & Mrs. Lisa Grogan Dr. Anthony L. Guerrerio & Dr. Pamela Guerrerio Mr. Timothy W. Hathaway ’88 & Mrs. Devon Hathaway Mr. Keir R. Joyce & Ms. Joy Napier-Joyce Mr. Christopher J. Keehner & Mrs. Elizabeth G. Keehner Mr. Carim Khouzami & Mrs. Mara-Lee Khouzami Mr. Jeffrey Mason & Ms. Nancy Ekelund Mr. Samuel Peters & Dr. Suzanne Hurst
Dr. Rigoberto Hernandez & Mrs. Amy Hernandez Dr. P. Justin Tortolani & Mrs. Kim Simons Tortolani Dr. Edwin J. Villamater ’82 & Mrs. Allyson Villamater
Mr. Robb T. Doub ’86 & Mrs. Siri Lise Doub Mr. Christopher L. Fearey & Mrs. Emily Fearey Mr. Vincent Lemken & Mrs. Josephine Lemken Mr. Charles A. Morris & Mrs. Elise Morris Mr. Jed Van Dyke & Mrs. Anne Van Dyke Dr. Markos Yibas & Mrs. Emebet Alemayehu
Dr. Petros Karakousis & Dr. Kathleen Page Dr. Niteen Milak & Dr. Anita Naik Mr. Theodore E. Nichols & Mrs. Kimberly E. Nichols Mr. Alexander Thomas Perry & Mrs. Laurel H. Perry Mr. Adam Snavely & Mrs. Julie Snavely Mr. Chungyu Wang & Dr. Chen Zhang Dr. Mohammad Mehdi Zamani & Mrs. Goldisse Fazeli
“We agreed to be Senior Family Gift Chairs for Oliver’s senior year because it felt like the perfect way to show our appreciation to Gilman’s faculty for all they have done to encourage Oliver’s development and education — in the classroom and beyond — over the past six years. Gilman’s extraordinary faculty and the incredible support system and friendships he has built here have given him all the tools he needs to launch him into his next chapter at Notre Dame.”
Mr. Steven J. Adelsberg & Mrs. Donna Adelsberg
Dr. Christen A. Alevizatos ’82 & Mrs. Amy H. Alevizatos
Mr. Chris Chodnicki & Mrs. Lisa Chodnicki
Dr. Frank A. DeCosta III ’81 & Dr. Donna DeCosta
Mrs. Beth Dietrick
Mr. Scott Giese & Mrs. Ashley Giese
Mr. Brian Graney & Mrs. Kristen Graney
Mr. Cornelis Heesters & Ms. Anne Heesters Schroth
Mr. Kevin Hemker & Dr. Maria Oliva-Hemker
Ms. Dorja Marshall
Mr. Sander Mednick
Dr. Eric Nuermberger & Dr. Shannon Putman
Mr. Theodore R. Ochs, Jr. & Mrs. Bonnie Ochs
Ms. Jennifer St. Germain
Mr. David Tyler, Jr. & Mrs. Holly Tyler
Dr. Kenneth Woo & Dr. Christine Sohn-Woo
Dr. Syed Ashruf & Mrs. Fariha Ashruf
Mr. Brent Betts & Mrs. Lisa Betts
Mr. Thomas N. Biddison III ’89 & Mrs. Claudine Carozza Biddison
Dr. William Brinckerhoff & Dr. Theresa Nguyen
Dr. Peter Claybour & Mrs. Margaret Claybour
Mr. Gregory Feulner & Dr. Lisa Feulner
Mr. Evan M. Goldman ’94 & Mrs. Payton Goldman
Mr. Gordon McLeish Leonard III & Dr. Hsiao-Hui Lin-Leonard
Mr. Thomas Michael Matteini & Dr. Amy Mahoney Matteini
Mr. Jung Hyun Park & Mrs. Soon Hee Park
Mr. Justin Shelby & Mrs. Andrea Shelby
Mr. Jingbi Tan & Dr. Ya Meng
Mr. Daniel Basham & Ms. Christine Basham
Ms. Marquise Bass
Mr. Christopher Bedford & Mrs. Jennifer Sarah Bedford
Mr. Stephen Bellone & Mrs. Kelly Bellone
Mr. Kevin Bressner & Mrs. Danielle Bressner
Mr. Stephen Brody & Mrs. Virginia Brody
Mr. Ronald E. Council, Jr. & Mrs. Kristin E. Council Dr. Scott Devine & Dr. Shari Corin Ms. Kenneada Ennis
Mr. Michael J. Garrison & Mrs. Robin M. Garrison Mrs. Kelly Gathers
Mr. Phillip Gathers, Sr. Mr. Matthew Gilner & Mrs. Simone Gilner Ms. Jaleh Goodale
Mr. James C. Guyton ’92 & Mrs. Katherine S. Guyton Mr. Jason Gwyther & Mrs. Kathleen Gwyther
Ms. Michelle Harrison
Mr. Donald Huff & Mrs. Kimberly Huff
Ms. Jill H. Kamenetz
Mr. Stanley Kaminski, Jr. & Mrs. Teresa Kaminski
Mr. Pramodh Kandadi & Mrs. Nitisha Malacheruvu
Mrs. Sonya Knorr
Mr. Armond T. Lawson & Dr. Carla Lawson
Mr. Matthew Mosk & Dr. Karin Mosk
Mr. Franklin J. Muher & Mrs. Anna Muher
Mr. Joseph Oddo & Ms. Melissa C. Oddo
Dr. Chirag Parikh & Mrs. Neha Parikh
Mr. Jiang Qian & Ms. Shuli Xia
Mr. Glenn P. Roeca
Ms. Lisa Scherr*
Mr. Douglas E. Schmidt ’85 & Mrs. Alicia B. Schmidt
Mr. Armond Shahverdian & Mrs. Nichole Shahverdian
Dr. Hyeon-Shic Shin & Mrs. Soon-Bok Kim
Ms. Stephanie Steinmetz
Mr. Scott Vincent & Mrs. Beth Vincent
Mr. Scott F. Vogel & Mrs. Heather M. Vogel
Mr. Craig Williams, Sr. & Ms. Tanya Williams
Mr. Tavon Winborne & Mrs. Sheronda Winborne
Mr. John K. Wittstadt & Mrs. Lauren Wittstadt
Ms. Mee F. Wong
Mrs. Lisa J. Wurfl-Roeca
Mr. Brian Young & Mrs. Eleanne Young
Mr. Jeffery N. Zinn
22, ’25
Mr. Charles G. Agli & Mrs. Barbara Agli
Dr. Aristides C. Alevizatos & Mrs. Dorothy A. Alevizatos
Mr. Preston G. Athey ’67 & Mrs. Nancy M. Athey
Mrs. Patricia A. Baker
Ms. Kathryn F. Barney
Mr. S. Woods Bennett ’69 & Mrs. Catherine L. Bennett
Mrs. Claudia Beresh
Mr. Alan Berkowitz & Mrs. Karen Berkowitz
Dr. C. Timothy Bessent & Mrs. Margery Bessent
Mr. Roland Blood & Mrs. Susan Rosenzweig
Ms. Gwendolyn G. Bond
Mr. Frank A. Bonsal, Jr. ’55 & Mrs. Helen B. Bonsal +
Mr. McGuire Boyd & Mrs. Hylah Boyd
Mr. Brad Bradford & Mrs. Jana Bradford
Mr. Tom Bradlee & Mrs. Carol Bradlee
Mr. Patrick Brennan & Ms. Helga Surratt
Dr. Bruce Broadbent & Mrs. Joyce Broadbent
Mr. Raphael O. Brooks & Mrs. JoAnn Brooks
Mr. Robert Steve Brown & Mrs. Marcia Brown
Mrs. Ronnie Buerger
Mr. Robert Buhner & Mrs. Helen Buhner
Mrs. Carol Burdette
Mr. Earnest Bush & Mrs. Carrie Bush
Mr. Howard Byers, Jr. & Mrs. Loring Byers
Mr. Daniel J. Canzoniero & Mrs. Kathy l. Canzoniero
Mrs. Katherine Cappelli
Cmdr. Russell M. Carr & Mrs. Vonice M. Carr
Mr. James Cauthorn & Mrs. Ann Cauthorn
Dr. Mona Chang Vierra
Mrs. Joyce Cheatham
Dr. Song Chung & Ms. Mi E. Chung
Mr. Frank Cobbin & Mrs. Deborah Cobbin
Mr. Daniel W. Colhoun, Jr. & Mrs. Julia F. Colhoun
Mr. Henry A. Collins & Mrs. Marjorie G. Collins
Dr. John Collins & Mrs. Penelope Collins
Mr. David S. Cordish & Mrs. Susan K. Cordish +
Mr. Joseph Cowan & Ms. Ostella Cowan
Mr. Harold Davidov & Mrs. Lynn Davidov
Mr. John DeMatteo & Mrs. Judy DeMatteo + Mr. William Dorsey & Mrs. Linda Dorsey Mr. Thomas Downey & Mrs. Suzanne Baughman Downey Dr. Philip Eisenberg & Mrs. Barbara Jean Eisenberg Mr. Richard Eliasberg & Mrs. Hilde Eliasberg Mr. Thomas Espenshade & Mrs. Pamela Espenshade Mrs. Alexandra M. Estey Mrs. Faynelle Evans Mr. John Fader & Mrs. Kathy Fader Mrs. Deborah Feeley Mr. Charles C. Fenwick Jr. ’66 + Mr. Alan Fones & Ms. Mavis Fones Mr. Harvey Forman & Mrs. Carolyne Forman Mr. Haswell M. Franklin, Sr. ’50 & Mrs. Madge Franklin Mr. James R. Garrett ’61 & Mrs. Edith Hoyt Garrett Dr. Jerome H. Ginsberg & Mrs. Barbara Ginsberg Mr. Anthony Guerrerio & Mrs. Joanne Guerrerio + Mrs. Janet Gushue
Dr. David L. Guyton & Mrs. Janet S. Guyton Mr. William Bradford Herbert & Mrs. Maureen Herbert Mr. Paul Herman & Mrs. Kathy Herman Mr. Patrick P. Hervy & Mrs. Elisabeth Hervy Mr. Melvin Hill & Mrs. Yvonne Hill Mr. Robert Hillman & Mrs. Sandy Hillman Mrs. Joyce Holcomb Mr. John B. Howard & Mrs. Elizabeth Schmick Howard Mr. Kevin Hurley & Mrs. Kathleen Devitt Mr. David A. Hurst & Mrs. Katherine B. Hurst Mr. Ronald Jennings & Mrs. Janease Jennings Dr. Michael V. Johnston & Mrs. Susan Johnston Mr. Vincent McDonald Jordan, Sr. & Mrs. Carol A Jordan Dr. Allen Judman & Ms. Gail Margolis Mr. Arnold Kaplan & Ms. Elaine Bormel Mr. John W. Keehner & Mrs. Rosalie L. Keehner Mr. Charles Keffer & Mrs. Nancy Keffer Dr. Myron Kellner & Mrs. Tamar Kellner Mrs. Heningham G. Kennedy Dr. Nagi Khouri & Mrs. Sylrana Khouri Dr. Victor Khouzami & Mrs. Marie Louise Khouzami + Mr. William King & Mrs. Ilze King
“We are not educators, but we have raised four sons in many places throughout the United States. Gilman stands out as one of the finest educational institutions we have experienced. Throughout our grandsons’ time at Gilman, we have seen them blossom into wonderful, caring, confident young men. Most importantly, though, we have seen them grow into leaders of character — a byproduct of the Gilman Five — and something that our country is sorely lacking. We believe in the mission of Gilman and that other boys/young men should have this same opportunity. That is what inspires us to give. Educating leaders of character is the best thing we can do for our youth and our nation.”
Mr. William R. Kitchel +
Mr. Robert G. Kramer & Mrs. Diane Joy Kramer
Dr. George Kuo & Mrs. Lan-Fang Kuo
Dr. Robert Leheny & Mrs. Ann Leheny
Mr. Dennis Leikus & Mrs. Barbara Leikus
Mr. G. Spencer Lieske & Mrs. Linda Z. Lieske
Mrs. B.J. Litz
Mr. Thomas S. Litz & Mrs. Diane Litz
Dr. Andrew M. London & Mrs. Anne G. London
Mr. Robert Lund & Mrs. Beth Lund
Mr. Richard James Malfa & Mrs. Sandra Jean Malfa
Mr. Donald Manekin & Ms. Brigitte Manekin
Dr. Charles B. Marek, Jr. ’62 & Mrs. Nancy Ann Marek
Mr. J. Edward Martin & Mrs. Antonia Madrigal Martin
Mr. Bill Mason & Mrs. Audrey Mason
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mason
Ms. Shirley T. Mays
Mr. David L. McKissock & Mrs. Diana McKissock
Mr. Steve McPhail & Mrs. Judi McPhail
Mrs. Sandra Melancon
Mr. Charles A. Meyer, Sr. & Mrs. Mary M. Meyer + Dr. Leonard Milstone & Dr. Ellen Milstone
Mr. Thomas M. Mink & Mrs. Susan Mink
Mr. Thomas Minkin & Mrs. Patti Minkin
Mr. Joe Mitchell & Mrs. Frances Mitchell
Mr. James Mong & Mrs. Barbara Mong
Mrs. Ilene Morris
The Hon. Samuel Natal & Mrs. Bonnie Natal
Mr. Richard A. Onorato & Mrs. Virginia R. Onorato
Mrs. Wynne Pascual
Mr. William L. Paternotte ’63 & Mrs. Nancy Paternotte + Mrs. Patricia Pollard
Mr. Robert F. Price & Mrs. Suzanne Price
Mr. Carroll Pupa & Mrs. Kathleen Pupa
Mr. M. Elliott Randolph, Jr. ’60 & Mrs. Nancy A. Randolph
Mr. Ralph Henry Roberts & Mrs. Mary Booth Fassett Roberts
Mr. Stan Rodbell & Mrs. Jane Rodbell + Mr. Larry R. Rohrbaugh & Mrs. Sharon Rohrbaugh
Mr. Isaac Rosenberg & Mrs. Susan Rosenberg
Ms. Debra Roth
Dr. Bahman Sadr & Mrs. Susan Sadr Mrs. Jacqueline Sanders Mr. David Saunders & Mrs. Ann Saunders
Mr. Harvey Shankman & Mrs. Phyllis Shankman Mr. Robert Shelby & Mrs. Anne Shelby
Mr. Michael John Sheridan & Mrs. Nancy Louise Sheridan Mr. Lawrence Shore & Mrs. Debra Shore
Mr. Arnold Smith & Mrs. Nancy Smith Mrs. Alice A. Smyth Mr. Peter Soderberg & Mrs. Elsa Soderberg Mr. Thomas P. Spies & Mrs. Nancy H. Spies Dr. Roger Stevenson, Jr. & Mrs. Nancy N. Stevenson Mr. Stuart Stock & Mrs. Ann Stock Ms. Anne K. Stratton
Mr. KC Thomaskutty & Mrs. Mary Thomaskutty Mrs. Maxine T. Thompson Mr. Stephen Thompson & Mrs. Donna Thompson Ms. Laurel P. Tria
Mr. John Voneiff II & Mrs. Rebecca Schock Voneiff Dr. George E. Watson III & Mrs. Louisa Watson Mr. Rexford L. Wheeler III ’69 & Mrs. Leighton King Wheeler Mr. Maurice G. White, Jr. & Mrs. Mary Elizabeth White
Mr. William W. Whitehurst, Jr. & Mrs. Linda Whitehurst Mrs. Mary Ann Willingham
Dr. Jerry Winkelstein & Dr. Marilyn Winkelstein Mr. Harry Wise & Mrs. Lorelle Wise Mr. Henley Wooding & Mrs. Ingrid Wooding Dr. Warren Woodworth & Dr. Thasia Woodworth + Dr. Elias A. Zerhouni & Dr. Nadia A. Zerhouni +
–TONYMr. Philip Abraham & Mrs. Sue Abraham
Mr. Donald L. Abrams & Mrs. Riselle Abrams
Mr. Paul Adkins & Mrs. Deidre Adkins
Mr. Theodore M. Alexander III & Mrs. Teri Butler Alexander
Rev. E. Terrence Alspaugh & Mrs. Leslie P. Alspaugh
Mr. R. Kelvin Antill & Mrs. Carol Antill
Mr. David B. Applefeld & Mrs. Cathy Applefeld
Mr. Ed Awni & Ms. Anne Dunne
Mr. Richard M. Bader & Mrs. Frances S. Bader
Mrs. Anne Bailliere
Mr. James W. Bartlett III & Mrs. Jane G. Bartlett
Mr. Ethan L. Bauman & Ms. Susan D. Baker
Dr. Richard A. Beyer & Mrs. Mary R. Beyer
Mr. Brooks Biggs & Mrs. Tacy Biggs
Mr. Charles M. Blomquist & Dr. Joan L. Blomquist
Mrs. Katherine B. Blue
Ms. Katherine Macon Blue +
Mr. Jason T. Bonardi & Mrs. Sharonne Bonardi
Mr. John M. Bond, Jr. & Mrs. Elizabeth O. Bond + Ms. Patricia Bond
Mr. John M. Borak
Mr. Sean Bowmaster & Mrs. Evelyn Bowmaster
Mr. Nicholas J. Brader, Sr. & Mrs. Lee Brader
The Hon. Nathan Braverman & Ms. Lynn B. Sassin
Dr. Jonathan Bromberg & Ms. Barbara Scott
Mr. William F. L. Brown & Mrs. Mary Ellen Brown Mrs. Grace S. Brush
Mr. Norman R. Buchsbaum & Mrs. Roxanne L. Buchsbaum
Mr. H. Warren Buckler
Mr. Charles A. Buerger*
Mr. William P. Carey II & Mrs. Charlotte Carey + Mr. Frank Carnabuci
Mr. Drew St. John Carneal, Jr. & Dr. Christine Capacci Carneal Mrs. C. Judith Carr
Mr. Thomas A. Carr & Mrs. Peggy Carr
Mr. Barnett Carroll, Jr. & Mrs. April Carroll
Ms. Laura Casasanto
Mr. Robert T. Cashman & Mrs. Kimberly Hubbard Cashman Mr. Ed & Ms. Diane A. Caso
Mr. Torin Caverly & Mrs. Kristine Caverly Dr. Boyoung Cha & Mrs. Jonghee Cha
Mr. Robert Chertkof
Mrs. Ann K. Clapp
Drs. Martin Cohen & Dr. Rae Jacobs-Cohen Mr. Frank Rockwell Comfort Mr. Grafflin Cook III & Mrs. Carolyn S. Cook Ms. Linda S. Cookingham Mr. Sam Curreri & Mrs. Sally Curreri Mr. Ed Dalrymple & Mrs. Dee Dee Dalrymple Mr. Brad Davidson & Mrs. Lynne Montgomery Davidson + Mr. Richard Davies, Jr. & Mrs. Janis Davies Mr. John C. Davison + Mr. Edwin O. Davisson, Jr. & Dr. Mary H. T. Davisson Mr. Pieter DeSmit & Mrs. Phyllis DeSmit Mr. Michael T. Dett & Mrs. Dianne J. Dett Mr. William M. Diehl & Mrs. Sue Diehl Dr. Gregory Diette & Mrs. Mary Lynne Diette Mr. Kevin R. Dunbar & Mrs. Martha Dunbar + Mr. Jay S. Eastman & Mrs. Sarah S. Eastman Mr. Gerard E. Evans Ms. Roberta Feldman Dr. Stuart L. Fine & Mrs. Ellen Fine Mr. Edmund Kelly Finney & Mrs. Vanessa Finney Mrs. Jean Finney
Mr. David Fitton & Mrs. Dorothy Fitton Dr. John B. Flaks & Mrs. Laura F. Flaks Mr. Brooke L. Frank & Mrs. Lisa Frank Mr. Charles A. Frank & Mrs. Sheila Lynn Frank Mr. Garry E. Fredericks & Mrs. Gisselle A. Fredericks Ms. Kathy Fried Dr. William F. Fritz Mr. Herbert Gaines & Mrs. Susanne Gaines Mr. Richard A. Garrity & Mrs. Jill Garrity Mr. Alan Gignoux Mr. Erik A. Ginsberg & Ms. Elizabeth Hardiman + Mr. J. Gary Glover & Mrs. Jean Glover Dr. Michael Goldman & Dr. Jill Wilkens Mr. Dennis R. Goldrick & Mrs. Elaina N. Goldrick Dr. Lee Goodman & Mrs. Mina S. Goodman Mr. Walter Y. Goodwich & Mrs. Arlene Goodwich Mr. Raymond T. Gordon, Jr. Mrs. Jacklyn Gorter Dr. John D. Gottsch & Dr. Julia A. Haller Mrs. Eleuthera S. Grassi Mr. Dennis L. Gray & Ms. Neetu Dhawan-Gray
Mr. Donald C. Greenman & Mrs. Marguerite G. M. Greenman
Mr. Gus Gulmert & Mrs. Ardrena Allen Gulmert
Mr. Matthew J. Haas
Mr. James Hall & Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Stone
Dr. Lawrence F. Halpert & Mrs. Karen Halpert
Mr. Michael D. Hankin & Mrs. Ann Dunlap Hankin +
Mr. Jim Hardison & Mrs. Kathy Hardison
Dr. Katharine S. Harrison
Ms. Mary Darden Harrison
Ms. Ellen Harvey
Mr. Kevin J. Haus & Mrs. Lucy K. Haus
Mr. Thomas P. Healy & Mrs. Susan Healy
Mr. James C. Hebert & Mrs. Anne Mayfield Hebert
Mr. John D. Hendrickson II & Mrs. Elizabeth Hendrickson
Mr. Michael J. Henrich & Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Henrich
Ms. Jane E. Hill +
Mr. Michael S. Hoffberger & Mrs. Margaret A. Hoffberger
Mr. W. Carl Hossfeld, Jr. & Mrs. Susan S. Hossfeld
Mr. Albert C. Hubbard, Jr. & Mrs. Penney Cox Hubbard
Mr. Daniel K. Hurley & Mrs. Kathleen McDevitt
Mr. Robert Hurst
Mrs. Lorraine M. Hutchinson & Mr. Richard W. Hutchinson
Mrs. Courtney G. Iglehart
Mr. Scott C. Iodice & Mrs. Blair Iodice
Dr. Roberta J. Irgens
The Howard and Wendy Jachman Family +
Mr. Weifeng Jiang & Mrs. Li Cai
Mrs. Elizabeth L. Jones
Dr. Albert Jun & Dr. Susie Chung
Dr. Francis Katz & Mrs. Bridgett Bunch Katz
Mr. George W. Kauffman & Mrs. Ludmilla D. Kauffman
Mr. J. Kenneth Kauffman & Mrs. Chartheleda C. Kauffman
Mr. E. Robert Kent, Jr. & Mrs. Townsend Kent
Mr. Paul K. Killebrew & Mrs. Joyce Killebrew
Mr. Michael Jeffrey Klein & Mrs. Clara Lynn Klein
Mr. Joseph H. Langhirt & Mrs. Amy Langhirt
Dr. Paul Lee & Dr. Grace Lo
Mr. Thomas Lemon
Mr. Jay L. Lenrow & Mrs. Ruth Shapiro Lenrow
Ms. Carol Ann Leonard-Moscardi & Mr. Michael Green
Mr. Michael A. Levitt & Dr. Sabrina Levitt
Dr. & Mrs. Robert P. Liddell
Dr. F. Pierce Linaweaver & Mrs. Karen C. Linaweaver
Mr. Brian E. Lincalis & Mrs. Durry P. Lincalis
Mr. Earl L. Linehan & Mrs. Darielle D. Linehan + Dr. Knox S. Long & Dr. Gabrielle Long
Mr. Robert W. Long & Mrs. Mary Long
Mr. Blair C. Lounsbury & Mrs. Linda F. Lounsbury
Dr. Louis J. Maccini & Mrs. Carol A. Maccini
Ms. Ann H. Maddox
Dr. Andrew M. Malinow & Mrs. Denise G. Malinow
Mr. Konstantine Mallas & Mrs. Georganne Mallas
Ms. Tia Malloy
Mr. Louis Mangione & Mrs. Kathy Mangione
Mr. Joseph R. Martin III
Mr. Kevin F. McAndrews
Mr. Paul F. McBride & Mrs. Christina B. McBride + Dr. Howard D. McClamrock & Dr. Monica A. Buescher
Mr. Frank C. McCrystle, Jr. & Mrs. Alyce McCrystle
The Rev. John R. McDermott
Mr. David A. McGlone & Mrs. Linda McGlone
Mr. John B. McGowan & Mrs. Brenna F. McGowan
Mr. David Lee McKissock, Jr. & Mrs. Denise Reather McKissock
Mr. Stephen J. McNamara & Mrs. Pamela McNamara
Dr. Pedro A. Mendez-Tellez & Ms. Aileen Mendez
Mr. Abbas Merchant & Ms. Naomi Duffort
Mr. Michael A. Meredith & Mrs. Carolyn F. Meredith
Mr. Neil A. Meyerhoff & Mrs. Sayra W. Meyerhoff
Mr. James D. Miller & Mrs. Mary John Miller + Dr. John D. Milto & Mrs. Jane C. Milto
Mr. James Mong & Mrs. Barbara Mong
Ms. Padraic Morton
Mr. Larry Moscow & Ms. Cindy Paradies + Mr. Daniel K. Muhly & Mrs. Jamie C. Muhly Mr. John Scott Murphy & Mrs. Terri Murphy
Mr. Kevin Murphy & Mrs. Louisa Murphy
Mr. C. Palmer Neer & Mrs. Jean H. Neer
Dr. Paul M. Ness & Mrs. Barbara D. Ness Mr. Michael Niccolini & Mrs. Cristina Niccolini Mr. Ronald J. Noble, Sr. Mr. Charles E. Noell III + Ms. Achsah O’Donovan Mrs. Katherine Alban O’Donovan Mr. Michael J. Ogden & Mrs. Janine L. Ogden Mrs. Elizabeth Callard Olson
Dr. John A. Olson, Jr. & Mrs. Kimberly H. Olson Mr. Brian H. O’Neil & Mrs. Ann M. O’Neil Mr. Thomas F. O’Neil, Jr. & Mrs. Pamela A. O’Neil + Mr. Christian O’Neill & Mrs. Kate O’Neill Mr. Thomas L. Owsley & Mrs. Leslie Owsley Mr. Niranjan Pandey & Ms. Usha Rai Dr. Stephen D. Parker & Ms. Virginia M. Larsen Mrs. Mary Charlotte Holland Parr Ms. Mary Pendleton Parvis Mr. Errol Phillips Mr. George J. Philippou & Mrs. Karen D. Philippou Mr. C. Taylor Pickett Ms. Laura Pickett Ms. Lois A. Pilachowski Dr. Kathleen M. Pontone + Mr. Mike Pursley & Mrs. Jessica Pursley Dr. Marcelo Quezado & Mrs. Christiana Quezado Dr. Kaliat T. Ramesh & Mrs. Priti Ramesh Dr. Michael A. Randolph & Mrs. Monique O. Randolph Mr. James A. Ranney & Mrs. Mindi Ranney Ms. Mary Kate Ratcliffe Mr. Lawrence G. Rief & Mrs. Cynthia Burker Rief Mrs. Jeanne W. Riggs Mr. Darrell M. Riley & Mrs. Lynda Aalpoel Riley Dr. C. Ann Ritter Mr. Scott Rodgville & Mrs. Megan Rodgville Mr. Melvin H. Rosenzwieg Mr. Peter S. Russell & Mrs. Tracy A. Russell Dr. Howard I. Saiontz & Mrs. Joy Saiontz Mr. Michael Salsbury & Ms. Donna H. Triptow Ms. Vivian L. Sawyer Ms. Susan Schloeder Mrs. Dara S. Schnee & Dr. Charles L. Schnee + Dr. Kenneth C. Schuberth & Mrs. Marla Caplan Dr. Pamela Scott-Johnson Ms. Alexis Seth Mr. Ronald M. Shapiro Mr. Sanford M. Shapiro & Mrs. Kathy L. Shapiro + Mr. Steven L. Shea & Mrs. Kathryn May Shea Ms. Mary W. Shepley Dr. Michael J. Sheridan & Mrs. Talia R. Sheridan
Ms. Gilda B. Sherman
Mr. Thomas H. Shipman & Mrs. Alison Shipman
Mrs. Mary F. Shock +
Mr. Alexander C. Short & Mrs. Patricia G. Short
Mr. Todd Sibel & Mrs. Amy Sibel
Dr. Robert F. Siliciano & Dr. Janet M. Siliciano
Mr. Jay H. Silverman & Mrs. Janis Silverman
Mr. Edward W. Smith, Sr. +
Mr. Jeffrey Snow & Mrs. Gail Campanella-Snow
Mr. Scott R. Somerville & Mrs. Mary N. Somerville
Mr. Thomas S. Spencer & Mrs. Judith P. Spencer
Mr. Jason Sport & Mrs. Tanja Sport
Dr. Hervey S. Stockman, Jr. & Mrs. Dyson P. Stockman +
Mr. Andrew P. Stoller & Mrs. Paula C. Stoller
Dr. Scott Strome & Mrs. Kimberlee Strome
Mr. Kenneth M. Stuzin & Mrs. Anne C. Stuzin + Dr. Chen-Chih J. Sun
Mr. Richard W. Sunderland, Sr. & Mrs. Carolyn L. Sunderland
Mrs. Mary McC. Thomas +
Mr. John R. Thompson & Mrs. Elizabeth E. Thompson
Dr. Jerry J. Thornbery & Mrs. Carrie Thornbery
Dr. Gordon Tomaselli & Mrs. Charlene Tomaselli
Dr. Craig A. Townsend & Mrs. Darlene Townsend
Mr. Bradley Troy & Mrs. Kimberly Troy +
Mr. Terry L. Trusty & Mrs. Ellen D. Trusty
Mr. Frank K. Turner, Jr. & Mrs. Francis C. S. Turner
Dr. H. Mebane Turner & Mrs. Ivana Turner
Mr. Roy A. Wade, Jr. & Mrs. Janice M. Copeland-Wade
Mr. Michael K. Walsch
Mr. David E. Waters & Mrs. Colleen Waters + Mr. Ray N. Weinstein & Mrs. Nadine Weinstein
Mrs. Anne Winter West +
Capt. Paul Whitin VI & Mrs. Jean Whitin
Mr. C. Lawrence Whitman & Mrs. Anne Z. Whitman
Dr. Victor A. Whittaker & Dr. Lurline V. Whittaker
Mr. Edward A. Wiese & Mrs. Mary Jo Wiese + Ms. Leslie J. Wiggins
Mr. Robert P. Wilhelm, Jr. & Mrs. Kimberly G. Wilhelm
Mr. Charles Eugene Wilkins
Mrs. Jeri Wilkins
Dr. James M. Williams, Sr. & Mrs. Rebecca Williams
Mr. Robert L. Williams & Dr. Kathleen B. Hogan + Mrs. Sallie Worthington
Mr. Sun B. Yang & Mrs. Grace Sun Yang
Dr. Yue-Cheng Yang & Mrs. Yue-Ling Yang
Mr. Harold Young, Jr. & Mrs. Gloria J. Young
Dr. Paul Young-Hyman & Dr. Deborah Young-Hyman
Ms. Nina Yudell
Mr. Vincent Wensheng Zou & Mrs. Sufen Zhang
Gilman’s talented faculty and staff contributed $17,908 to support the gilman fund. We wish to express our deepest appreciation for their unwavering dedication.
co-chairs Mr. Robert Ford and Ms. Cheryl Nkeba
Anonymous (2)
Mr. Joseph M. Adams
Ms. Shonique L. Alexander
Ms. Alicia H. Allen
Mr. Nathaniel S. Badder ʼ94
Mr. Justin W. Baker & Mrs. Laurie Baker
Mr. Allen M. Barrett, Jr. ʼ67 +
Mr. Matthew C. Baum ʼ93 & Mrs. Deborah Baum
Mrs. Adrienne K. Beam & Mr. Robert Beam
Mr. Christopher K. Bendann ʼ03
Ms. Selma Berrehouma
Mrs. Amy Bess-Graves & Mr. Don Graves Ms. Devina Bhalla
Mrs. Brooke Blumberg & Mr. Howard Blumberg
Mrs. Lori E. Haleski Bristow & Mr. Sherman A. Bristow ʼ67
Mr. Thomas H. Broadus III ʼ86 & Mrs. Anne Eggleston Broadus +
Mr. Ian C. Brooks & Mrs. Mary Brooks
Ms. Kristin Brown
Mr. Tahare Campbell & Mrs. Khadeen Campbell
Ms. Kelsey Carper
Mr. Christopher Childers
Mr. Eric Coles
Ms. Callie Colgan
Mr. Karl J. Connolly & Ms. Kristen Hogue
Mrs. Kelly Crawford & Mr. Graham T. Crawford
Mrs. Amy Cyman & Mr. Mitch Cyman
Mrs. Ashley P. Dagenais
Mr. Ariel F. Dechosa & Mrs. Vivian Dechosa
Ms. Marrie Diehl
+The Founders' Society – the gilman fund
Mr. Edward S. Digges III & Mrs. Amy Digges
Ms. Lindsay Dorrance
Mr. Christopher P. Downs & Mrs. Mary Alane Downs
Mr. Joseph N. Duncan & Ms. Shara Khon Duncan
Ms. Kim L. Eddinger Ms. Anna Follensbee
Mr. Johnnie L. Foreman, Jr. & Mrs. Marjorie Foreman Ms. Kirsten Foster
Mrs. Patricia L. Franz & Mr. John Franz Ms. Diane Fuller
Mr. Sean T. Furlong & Mrs. Amy F. Furlong
Ms. Mary Furrer & Mr. Paul D. Furrer ʼ96 Mrs. Linda Fussell
Mr. William H. Gamper ʼ71 & Mrs. Mary G. Gamper Ms. Jerri Garrison Mrs. Alice Garten & Mr. Morris L. Garten Mr. Jay Gnanadoss
Mr. Aaron J. Goldman & Mrs. Melissa L. Goldman Mrs. Tonya Gorham
Mr. Jeffrey D. Gouline ʼ00 Mrs. Jeanne Green & Mr. Jared Green Mr. Stephen Gunzelman
Mrs. Tracy Gushue & Mr. Allan J. Gushue
Mrs. Katherine S. Guyton & Mr. James C. Guyton ʼ92
Ms. Marla A. Hager
Mrs. Claire Haggarty & Mr. Richard Haggarty Mrs. Kimberly A. Hammer & Mr. Charles Hammer Dr. Stephanie Harris Ms. Cheryl Nkeba
“Faculty and staff participation demonstrates a commitment and a belief in the institution of which you are a part. I was honored to further this mission. Employees who choose to support Gilman give a vote of confidence in the School and a commitment to the students. It is a metric for employee satisfaction.
I do many different jobs here, and Gilman has given me many opportunities to learn and grow as a professional. Giving is one of many ways I say thank you to an institution that has treated me well.”
“It was an honor for us to lead the 2021-2022 Faculty and Staff effort for the gilman fund. The opportunity to support the gilman fund and how it provides students and faculty with enriching experiences was magnified during this challenging period. However, the financial impact was also more profound. The community reached deep into their hearts and responded with gratitude and appreciation for Gilman. There are numerous ways in which both of us have benefited from the generosity of others, and we were happy to inspire our colleagues to do the same.”
Mrs. Sarah Heegan & Mr. Sean Heegan
Mr. Adam S. Herb & Ms. Kate Stratton
Mr. Matthew R. Herman & Mrs. Jessica Herman
Mr. Timothy Holley, Jr. ʼ77 & Mrs. Stephanie Lewis Holley + Mr. Bryn T. Holmes & Ms. Abby Holmes
Mr. Andrew Holt & Mrs. Julia Holt
Mr. Kevin Hudson & Mrs. Alison Hudson
Mrs. Erica Hudson & Mr. Stanley W. Hudson, Jr.
Mr. Paul Wesley Hummer, Jr. & Mrs. Susan Hummer
Ms. Joan M. Hurley
Mr. Anthony J. Incontrera & Mrs. Brooke H. Incontrera
Mr. Barry James & Ms. Tami James
Mrs. Karaline Johnson & Mr. Nicholas Johnson
Mr. Anthony W. Jordan & Mrs. Angel Jordan
Mrs. Barbara S. Keigler
Mrs. Christina Kim & Mr. Mark Kim
Ms. Elizabeth Knapp & Mr. Dan Knapp
Mrs. Hannah Kolkin
Dr. Peter O. Kwiterovich III ʼ87 & Mrs. Allison Brill + Mr. Armond T. Lawson & Dr. Carla Lawson
Mr. Brian Ledyard & Mrs. Dana Ledyard
Mr. Ralph Lee & Mrs. Gale Lee
Mr. Mark Lemon & Mrs. Jamie Lemon
Mrs. Kara Levinson & Mr. Joshua H. Levinson ʼ89 +
Mrs. Rebecca Gray Levy & Mr. Lou Levy
Mrs. Clare E. Lincoln
Dr. Cecilia Lobato-Eppler
Ms. Talisa Lonon
Ms. Abigail Lyon
Mr. William L. Malkus, Jr. & Mrs. Laura Malkus Mr. Dennis P. Malone + Mrs. Gretchen Martin & Mr. Edward Martin Ms. Kailee Martin
Mr. Brooks B. Matthews ʼ87 & Mrs. Julie M. Matthews
Mrs. Diana P. Matthews & Mr. James M. Matthews
Ms. Teresa Long Mays
Mrs. Cheryl L. McElroy & Mr. Jeffrey R. McElroy
Ms. Edith D. Meacham
Ms. Allison Michael
Mr. Cody Miles
Ms. Sarah J. Miller
Dr. John Mojzisek
Mr. James D. Morrison
Mrs. Amy Nichols
Ms. Lynn Nichols
Mr. Ryan Nicotra
Ms. Elizabeth Oster
Mr. Paul-Gerhard M. Otto
Ms. Joyce Parson
Mr. Alexander Thomas Perry & Mrs. Laurel H. Perry + Ms. Phyllis Pollard
Mrs. Mary Ellen Porter & Mr. David Porter* Ms. Kelly Powell Mrs. Penelope R. Power Ms. Lauren Rauseo Mrs. Jennifer Reiter & Mr. Joseph S. K. Reiter Ms. Erin Ross
Ms. Sarah Ross & Mr. Robert Ross Mr. Efrem Rouzer & Mrs. Debbie Rouzer Mr. John G. Rowell Ms. Annelise Royles Mr. Steven M. Ruark ʼ96 Mr. Luis W. Ruuska Mrs. Sarah Sachs
Mr. Babukutty Valiyakalayil Samuel Dr. Susan Santos Dr. Jennifer Schmerling Mr. John O. Schmick ʼ97 & Mrs. Kate Schmick Mrs. Katie Schmidt & Mr. Michael Schmidt Ms. Marisa Schomisch
Mr. Jake Scott Mr. Jonathan M. Seal & Mrs. Summer Seal Mrs. Elizabeth Sesler-Beckman & Mr. Charles Beckman Mr. Leonard J. Shapiro ʼ16 Mrs. Lisa Shapiro & Mr. Neal J. Shapiro Mr. Matthew Simon Mrs. Essie C. Smith Mr. Vaughan Smith & Mrs. Jennifer Smith Mr. Henry P. A. Smyth & Mrs. Elizabeth N. Smyth + Ms. Laura Soden Ms. Brittany Spencer Ms. Rebecca Stevens Ms. Rebecca Stolzenbach Mrs. Amy Summers & Mr. Stephen Summers Peter Tenney Mrs. Tamera T. Testerman Mrs. Brooke Thomas & Mr. Herb Thomas Mr. Donell Thompson, Jr. ʼ91 & Mrs. Elena Wethers Thompson Mr. Matthew T. Tully ʼ02 & Mrs. Melissa Tully Mr. Joseph Henry Pastuer Valentine-White ʼ07 Ms. Faith E. Ward Mrs. Heather Harlan Warnack Mrs. Caroline Way Ms. Ashley E. Webber Mr. Darnell White
Mr. David Wilson
Ms. Mee F. Wong Mr. Matthew Zealand & Ms. Ana Navarro Cebrian
Anonymous (9)
1919 Investment Counsel, LLC
A.C. & Penney Hubbard Foundation
Abide Foundation Inc.
Alvin & Louise Myerberg Family Foundation, Inc.
American Endowment Foundation
Annie E. Casey Foundation
Associated: Jewish Community Federation
Ayco Charitable Foundation
Baltimore Community Foundation Baltimore Educational Scholarship Trust
Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
Benevity Community Impact Fund
Bessemer Giving Fund
Blair Painting & Contracting Company Inc.
BNY Mellon Charitable Gift Fund
Bouland and Brush, LLC
Bowie & Jensen, LLC
Brown Advisory Charitable Foundation Campbell Foundation Inc.
Charities Aid Foundation
Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation, Inc.
CM Timepieces
CME Group Inc.
Community Foundation for a greater Richmond
Cordish Family Foundation Inc.
CyberGrants SPV, LLC
Dandy Solar Electric
Deering Family Foundation, Inc.
Dryden Family Foundation Inc.
Eliasberg Family Foundation, Inc.
Elizabeth H. and Thomas H. Broadus Jr. Foundation
Equitable Foundation
Ethel M. Looram Foundation
Exelon Foundation Matching Gift Program
Favorite Smile, Pediatric Dentistry
Feather Foundation, Inc.
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund
Fitchett-Stick Foundation, Inc. Foundation for the Carolinas Foundation for the Promotion of Individual Opportunity, Inc. George S. Rich Family Foundation, Inc.
Gilman School, in memory of Herb Burgunder Goldman Sachs Gives
Goodman and Donohue LLC.
Gorter Family Foundation
Greater Chesapeake Charitable Foundation, Inc. Guerrerio Family Foundation
Healey Family Foundation
Hebb Family Private Foundation
J. M. Kaplan Fund
J.P. Morgan Chase Charitable - National Philanthropic Trust Jacob S. Shapiro Foundation
Joseph and Harvey Meyerhoff Family Charitable Funds Kathy L. Shapiro Foundation Inc.
Keith Campbell Foundation Family Office LLC
Kenney Family Foundation
Kent Family Foundation
Keybank National Association Trust Division Kittredge Properties
Kronthal Family Foundation
Lauer Philanthropic Foundation
Live.Give.Run Foundation - Charm City Run Maryland State Golf Association
Mass Mutual Life Insurance
McCormick Taylor
Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust Munder-Skiles, LLC
Nathan and Fran Nachlas Foundation Inc. Ochs Family Foundation Inc.
One8 Foundation
PNC Bank Foundation
ProLogis Foundation
Ralph and Shirley Klein Foundation, Inc.
Renaissance Charitable Foundation Inc.
Richard Laurence Parish Foundation
Robb & Elizabeth Tyler Foundation, Inc.
Salisbury Family Foundation, Inc.
Sammy’s Trattoria
Schwab Charitable Fund
Sheridan Foundation
Silberstein Family Foundation
Sportsline/Xsell Promotions
Stony Point Foundation
T. Rowe Price Group, Inc.
T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving
Tasty Maryland Food Truck
Taylor Foundation, Inc.
The Chertkof Foundation, Inc.
The Robinson Project Inc.
Thomas Wilson Sanitarium
Thornedge Foundation
Trafalgar Capital Partners LLC
U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
UBS Foundation Matching Gift Program
United Way of Central Maryland
Valley View Farms
Van Dyke Family Foundation
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
Viking Global Foundation Inc.
W. P. Carey Foundation
William Sloane Jelin Foundation
William T. Burnett & Co., Inc.
Wiltonwood Foundation
YourCause, LLC
Zerhouni Family Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Gordon M. Allen, Jr. ’72 & Mrs. Maxine A. Bomber
Mr. Edward G. Hager
Mr. John I. Turnbull II ’65 & Mrs. Jane Turnbull
Mr. William F. Blue ’52
Mr. Paul Adkins & Mrs. Deidre Adkins
Mr. Brooks Biggs & Mrs. Tacy Biggs
Ms. Katherine Macon Blue
Mr. Grafflin Cook III & Mrs. Carolyn S. Cook
Mr. Ed Dalrymple & Mrs. Dee Dee Dalrymple
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. David Fitton & Mrs. Dorothy Fitton
Dr. Earl P. Galleher, Jr. ’44 & Mrs. Martha W. Galleher
Mr. Jim Hardison & Mrs. Kathy Hardison
Mr. W. Carl Hossfeld, Jr. & Mrs. Susan S. Hossfeld
Mr. John B. Howard & Mrs. Elizabeth Schmick Howard
Mr. Scott C. Iodice & Mrs. Blair Iodice
Mr. Robert W. Long & Mrs. Mary Long
Maryland State Golf Association
Mr. C. Palmer Neer & Mrs. Jean H. Neer
Mr. Robert Rouse Bone ’82
Mr. Roth W. Tall, Jr. ’61 & Mrs. Cynthia D. Tall
Mr. Brian B. Bowie ’68
Mr. Harry C. Bowie III
Mr. Walter W. Brewster ’50
The Hon. Gerry L. Brewster ’75
Dr. Earl P. Galleher, Jr. ’44 & Mrs. Martha W. Galleher
Mrs. Courtney G. Iglehart
Ms. Mary W. Shepley
Capt. Thomas W. Brundige IV ’71
Ms. Ann W. Brundige
Dr. Winston N. Brundige ’62 & Mrs. Ann F. Brundige
Mr. John S. Buchanan ’87
Mr. Louis F. Angelos ’87
Baltimore Community Foundation Mr. Micah L. Berul ’87
Dr. Andrew M. Cameron ’87 & Mrs. Lisa Marino Cameron Mr. John F. Cavanaugh ’87 & Mrs. Cynthia Lee Cavanaugh Mr. Alexander H. P. Colhoun ’87 & Mrs. Selina Colhoun Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. Henry C. B. Franklin ’87 & Mrs. Deborah Franklin Mr. William D. Gould V ’87 & Ms. Mary Rouvelas
Mr. Alexander D. Hoehn Saric ’87 & Mrs. Loren Hoehn Saric Mr. Brooks B. Matthews ’87 & Mrs. Julie M. Matthews
Mr. Brentnall M. Powell ’87 & Mrs. Wendy Powell Schwab Charitable Fund Mr. Gary P. Susel ’87 & Mrs. Elaine Susel T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving Mr. Matthew W. Wyskiel III ’87 & Mrs. Christina W. Wyskiel
Mr. Herbert Burgunder III ’87 Mrs. Heather Harlan Warnack Gilman School
Mr. Henry F. Callard ’55 Mr. C. Patrick Mundy, Jr. ’57 & Ms. Anna Brelsford McCoy Mrs. Elizabeth Callard Olson
Ms. Anne Galbraith Carey Mr. William P. Carey II & Mrs. Charlotte Carey W. P. Carey Foundation
Mr. Francis J. Carey ’43 Mr. William P. Carey II & Mrs. Charlotte Carey W. P. Carey Foundation
Mr. G. Cheston Carey, Jr. ’47 Mr. G. Cheston Carey III ’78
Mr. Wm. Polk Carey ’48 Mr. William P. Carey II & Mrs. Charlotte Carey W. P. Carey Foundation
Mr. Christopher J. Coffland ’84
Mr. Chase F. Monroe ’84 & Mrs. Jennifer Monroe
Mr. R. Bruce Daniels
Mr. Robert B. Daniels, Jr. ’84
Mrs. Sara M. Daniels
Mr. Robert B. Daniels, Jr. ’84
Mr. Arthur E. Davis III ’61
Mr. Peter L. W. Brathwaite ’61 & Mrs. Sally Brathwaite
Mr. Ralph L. DeGroff, Jr. ’54
Mr. Michael R. Deutschman
Mrs. Heather Harlan Warnack & Mr. John L. Warnack, Sr.
Mr. Scott B. Deutschman ’89
Mr. Sean E. Kiernan ’96
Mrs. Heather Harlan Warnack & Mr. John L. Warnack, Sr.
Mr. Gabriel F. Donnay ’08
Anonymous (17)
Farah Ali Family Foundation
Ms. Molly Baltimore
Mr. Joseph H. Barrazotto ’09 Mr. Micah Z. Belzberg ’08
Benevity Community Impact Fund
Mr. Samuel Birger
Mr. Scott Birnbaum
Mr. Paul Bloemsma
Ms. Naomi Bouchard Gordon
Brighton Park Capital
Ms. Audrey Brooks
Mr. Gifford W. Brooks ’08
Mr. Steven G. Brooks & Ms. Ann Loar Brooks
Ms. Eliza Calkins
Ms. Emily Calkins
Dr. Hugh G. Calkins & Dr. Beth Gregory Reese
Mr. Galen M. Carroll ’08
Mr. Rory Cassidy & Mrs. Sasha Cassidy
Mr. Richard Chrisman & Mrs. Sally Chrisman
Miss Lauren Church
Ms. Gemma Colon
Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta
Miss Ella Cooper
Mr. Patrick Crosetto
Mr. Benjamin W. Daly ’08
Ms. Allison Daniels
Dr. Gergely Daroczi Mr. Fletcher Davis Mr. Matthew DeBeal Ms. Margot Debrabandere Mr. Luke Dewire Mr. Mark Dewire & Dr. Hilary I. Don Mr. Peter J. T. Dewire ’12 Mrs. Emily Dominski Mr. Theo Joseph Donnay ’12 Ms. Nancy Downs Mr. Brent Drewry Driscoll Family Foundation Mr. John Driscoll Mr. Jack Eastburn Miss Isabelle Edmonds Mr. Thomas Englis Ms. Elizabeth Feeney Mr. John J. Feketie ’11
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund Ms. Suzy Filbert
Mr. David H. A. Fitzpatrick ’07 & Mrs. Meredith Fitzpatrick Ms. Charlotte Ford Ms. Hannah Foster Mr. Jason M. Frankel ’08 Ms. Susan K. Gauvey Mr. Adam Gavzer Ms. Josephine George Mr. Drew Alexander Ghysels ’12 Ms. Judith Goldsborough Ms. Ellidia Guan Ms. Kaley Hanrahan Mr. Robert R. Haus ’12 & Mrs. Caitlin Maloney Ms. Christine Hayden Mr. Phil Heller
Dr. Elizabeth Herzog Mr. Robert D. Hopkins, Jr. ’10 Miss Hilary Hyman Ms. Bianca Jackson Mr. Joshy James Mr. Nathan Janos
Dr. Stephen F. Jencks ’58 & Mrs. Deborah S. Jencks Mr. Henry Johnson Mr. Michael Jones Ms. Jisha Kambo Mr. Robert Kampa Ms. Anne Kapnick Ms. Katherine Kapnick Ms. Hannah Keenan
Mr. Walter G. Kidder ’08
Mr. Jody Klein
Mr. Christopher Knisley
Mr. Paul Knollmeyer & Mrs. Phyllis Knollmeyer
Mr. Spencer Lanman
Dr. Lauren Lanzo
Ms. Olivia Leunis Mr. Shuheng Li Ms. Jennifer Liao Ms. Talia Lieber
Mr. Graham C. J. Lucas ’95 & Mrs. Laura Lucas Mr. Michael Madding
Dr. Andrew M. Malinow & Mrs. Denise G. Malinow
Mr. Nicholas D. Malinow ’08
Ms. Lindsay Manzoni
Mr. Burgess Rice Martinez
Mr. Lucas Mattick
Ms. Cecily McIntyre Ms. Jillian McKegney
Mr. Daniel McLaughlin Mr. James Mendell
Ms. Jennifer Metz
Ms. Helen Montag, Mr. Adam Shulman, & Ms. Jane Beilenson Ms. Cynthia Moreno Mr. Timothy Riordan Naughton ’06
Mr. Kyle Nelson Mr. Nathan Nemon Mrs. Angela Nightingale Ms. Anne Ottaviano
Ms. Nina Ottaviano
Mr. Kevin Peel
Ms. Marissa Pittard
Ms. Florence Porterfield
Mr. James K. Porterfield, Jr. ’08
Mr. James Potash & Mrs. Sally Scott
Ms. Nancy Purdy
Ms. Rebecca Quintrell
Dr. Willi Rechler
Ms. Liz Remsen
Ms. Caroline Riina
Ms. Annie Rogers Salesforce.org
Mr. John M. Sanders ’08
Ms. Jenna F. Schapiro
Mr. Corey Schmidt
Mr. Douglas M. Schmidt & Ms. Allegra J. Hamman
Ms. Mae Schreck
Ms. Elizabeth Schulze
Mr. Jordan Seelig
Mr. Stuart Selonick
Ms. Beth Sestanovich
Mr. Scott L. Sherman & Ms. Julie Rothman Ms. Lilly Siems
Dr. George P. Sourlis ’08 Ms. Carol L. Sperandeo Ms. Dawn Marie Stull Dr. Eric P. Suan & Mrs. Pamela P. Suan Mr. Michael Sugarman System1
T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving Dr. Paul A. Tarantino & Dr. Charlotte E. Modly TC Group
Mr. Avesh J. Thuluvath ’08 Mr. Frank Keech Turner III ’09 Upshift R Kft. Mr. Maxfield Victor Mr. Matthew Wappler Ms. Kimberly Warriah Ms. Julie Wiencek
Mr. Edward A. Wiese & Mrs. Mary Jo Wiese Mr. Edward W. S. Wiese ’08 & Mrs. Mia Y. Wiese Mr. Robert J. Wiese ’06 & Mrs. Krista Wiese Mrs. Kelly Winternheimer Ms. Kathleen York Jordan
Dr. James H. Dorsey Jr. ’51 Ms. Roberta Feldman Mr. Haswell M. Franklin, Sr. ’50 & Mrs. Madge Franklin
Mr. George C. Doub Jr. ’58 Mr. George C. Doub III ’82 & Mrs. Rebecca Doub Mr. Jacob Poe Doub ’22 Mr. Robb T. Doub ’86 & Mrs. Siri Lise Doub Robb & Elizabeth Tyler Foundation, Inc. Mr. Alfred Tyler II ’60 Mr. Alfred Tyler III ’91 Mr. John Poe Tyler ’96
Mr. Edward K. Dunn Jr. ’53 Eliasberg Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. Richard Eliasberg & Mrs. Hilde Eliasberg Dr. Earl P. Galleher, Jr. ’44 & Mrs. Martha W. Galleher
Mr. Travis C. Emery ’74 Mr. Douglas M. Antaya ’74 & Mrs. Kathleen Kelly Antaya
Mr. Carlos W. Evans ’87 Mr. Louis F. Angelos ’87 Baltimore Community Foundation Mr. Micah L. Berul ’87
Dr. Andrew M. Cameron ’87 & Mrs. Lisa Marino Cameron
Mr. John F. Cavanaugh ’87 & Mrs. Cynthia Lee Cavanaugh
Mr. Alexander H. P. Colhoun ’87 & Mrs. Selina Colhoun
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. Henry C. B. Franklin ’87 & Mrs. Deborah Franklin
Mr. William D. Gould V ’87 & Ms. Mary Rouvelas
Mr. Alexander D. Hoehn Saric ’87 & Mrs. Loren Hoehn Saric
Mr. Brooks B. Matthews ’87 & Mrs. Julie M. Matthews
Mr. Brentnall M. Powell ’87 & Mrs. Wendy Powell Schwab Charitable Fund
Mr. Gary P. Susel ’87 & Mrs. Elaine Susel
T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving
Mr. Matthew W. Wyskiel III ’87 & Mrs. Christina W. Wyskiel
Mr. Wesley H. S. Everett ’83
Mr. H. Spencer Everett, Jr. ’56 Schwab Charitable Fund
Mr. Redmond C. S. Finney ’47
Dr. M. Michael Anvari ’92 & Mrs. Soelen Claudia Anvari
Dr. David A. Portnoy ’79 & Rabbi Dr. Shira Li Lander
Mr. Thomas P. Gorter Jr. ’51 Mrs. Jacklyn Gorter
Mr. John L. Harvey ’69 Mr. Peter D. Hynson ’71
Mr. D. Tucker Hebb ’87
Mr. James S. Hebb IV ’82
Mr. Michael G. Hess ’81
Mr. Thomas A. Carr & Mrs. Peggy Carr
Mr. Carroll S. Jackson ’43
Dr. Earl P. Galleher, Jr. ’44 & Mrs. Martha W. Galleher
Mr. Adam P. Janet ’07 Mr. David A. Fine ’07
Major Andrew T. Jones ’83
Mr. Haig Hagop Kazazian III ’83 & Mrs. Elizabeth B. Kazazian YourCause, LLC
Mr. Frederick W. Lafferty ’49
Mr. F. Wayne Lafferty, Jr. ’78 & Mrs. Hilary Lafferty
Mr. Timothy P. Lekin ’91
Mr. Joseph W. Janssens, Jr.
Mr. Eric S. Marner
Mr. Walter Jones, Jr. & Mrs. Dawn Jones Mr. Robert Wright, Jr. & Mrs. Melinda Wright
Mrs. Elizabeth S. McDonald
Mr. James W. Bartlett III & Mrs. Jane G. Bartlett
Dr. Earl P. Galleher, Jr. ’44 & Mrs. Martha W. Galleher
Mr. W. Carl Hossfeld, Jr. & Mrs. Susan S. Hossfeld
Mrs. Elizabeth L. Jones
Mr. Richard W. Sunderland, Sr. & Mrs. Carolyn L. Sunderland
Mr. John R. Merrill
Mr. Thomas Porter ’72 & Mrs. Linda D. Porter
Mr. William M. Miller
Mr. Walker H. Jones ’85 & Mrs. Liza Jones
Ms. Robin Missouri
Mr. Myron Missouri & Mrs. Tamika Missouri
Mr. Robert W. Moss ’61
Mr. William G. S. Hardy ’61 & Mrs. Margaret T. Hardy YourCause, LLC
Mr. John H. O’Donovan ’79 Mr. Braxton C. Antill ’17 Mr. R. Kelvin Antill & Mrs. Carol Antill Mr. Ethan L. Bauman & Ms. Susan D. Baker Benevity Community Impact Fund
Mr. J. Tyler Blue ’79 & Mrs. Lisa Olk Blue Mrs. Katherine B. Blue Mr. Robert G. Blue ’81 & Family Mr. William F. Blue ’52 Mr. Frank A. Bonsal, Jr. ’55 & Mrs. Helen B. Bonsal Brown Advisory Charitable Foundation Mr. Jonathan A. Cordish ’85 & Mrs. Melissa F. Cordish Mr. McLane F. Cover ’79 & Mrs. Tenney Cover Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund Mr. Henry C. B. Franklin ’87 & Mrs. Deborah Franklin Mr. Alan Gignoux Mr. Matthew J. Haas Mr. Harry D. Halpert ’85 & Mrs. Stacey Ward Halpert Mr. Edward B. Harris III ’84 Mr. Phillips Hathaway ’73 Mr. Kevin J. Haus, Jr. ’10 Mr. Timothy Holley, Jr. ’77 & Mrs. Stephanie Lewis Holley Mr. John B. Howard & Mrs. Elizabeth Schmick Howard Mr. Michael P. Kastner ’18 Mr. David A. McGlone & Mrs. Linda McGlone Mr. Thomas E. D. Millspaugh ’79 & Mrs. Faith C. Millspaugh Mr. Larry Moscow & Ms. Cindy Paradies Mr. Kevin Murphy & Mrs. Louisa Murphy Ms. Achsah O’Donovan Mrs. Katherine Alban O’Donovan Mrs. Mary Charlotte Holland Parr Ms. Lois A. Pilachowski Schwab Charitable Fund
Mr. Steven L. Shea & Mrs. Kathryn May Shea Mr. Thomas H. Shipman & Mrs. Alison Shipman Mr. Henry Wittich IV ’80 Ms. Nina Yudell
Mr. Griffith F. Pitcher ’56
Fitchett Stick Foundation, Inc. Mr. T. Howard F. Stick ’56 & Mrs. Alyce Stick
Mr. Richard C. Riggs Jr. ’57 Dr. Earl P. Galleher, Jr. ’44 & Mrs. Martha W. Galleher
Mrs. Marva J. Rigsby Mr. Winston R. Rigsby, Jr. ’89
Mr. Robert A. Robinson ’83
Mr. Thomas C. Keenan ’83
Mr. Brent A. Rosenberg ’05
Henry and Ruth Blaustein Rosenberg Foundation
Mr. Frank B. Rosenberg ’76 & Mrs. Ann L. Rosenberg
Mr. Edward T. Russell
Mr. C. Patrick Mundy, Jr. ’57 & Ms. Anna Brelsford McCoy
Mr. Nicholas M. Schloeder
Dr. David A. Portnoy ’79 & Rabbi Dr. Shira Li Lander
Mr. Pierre D. Silva ’87
Mr. Louis F. Angelos ’87
Baltimore Community Foundation
Mr. Micah L. Berul ’87
Dr. Andrew M. Cameron ’87 & Mrs. Lisa Marino Cameron
Mr. John F. Cavanaugh ’87 & Mrs. Cynthia Lee Cavanaugh
Mr. Alexander H. P. Colhoun ’87 & Mrs. Selina Colhoun
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. Henry C. B. Franklin ’87 & Mrs. Deborah Franklin
Mr. William D. Gould V ’87 & Ms. Mary Rouvelas
Mr. Alexander D. Hoehn Saric ’87 & Mrs. Loren Hoehn Saric
Mr. Brooks B. Matthews ’87 & Mrs. Julie M. Matthews
Mr. Brentnall M. Powell ’87 & Mrs. Wendy Powell
Schwab Charitable Fund
Mr. Gary P. Susel ’87 & Mrs. Elaine Susel
T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving
Mr. Matthew W. Wyskiel III ’87 & Mrs. Christina W. Wyskiel
Mr. Robert Hooper Smith ’48
Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust
Mr. Harrison H. Smith ’75
Mr. J. Richard Thomas, Sr. ’43
Schwab Charitable Fund
Mr. Henry B. Thomas ’76 & Mrs. Christina P. Thomas
Mr. Anton J. Vishio Sr.
Dr. Felipe C. Albuquerque ’83 & Dr. Ruth Bristol
Dr. C. Timothy Bessent & Mrs. Margery Bessent
Dr. Paul R. Bierman ’80 & Ms. Christine Massey
Mr. David L. Cahn ’86 & Mrs. Caroline B. Per Cahn
Mr. Thomas A. Carr & Mrs. Peggy Carr
Mr. Ariel F. Dechosa & Mrs. Vivian Dechosa
Mr. Timothy Holley, Jr. ’77 & Mrs. Stephanie Lewis Holley
Mr. Ryan S. Jordan ’90 & Mrs. Ali Jordan
Mr. Stephen A. McIntire ’93 & Mrs. Billie Jo McIntire
Mr. Joshua L. Shoemaker ’67 & Mrs. Mary Armstrong Shoemaker
Mr. Michael R. Ward ’76 Mr. Bryan M. Moore ’12 Mr. Charles P. Moore ’76 & Mrs. Laura M. Moore Schwab Charitable Fund
Mr. Alfred H. Weems Jr. ’73 Ayco Charitable Foundation
Mr. Emerson L. Coleman, Jr. ’72 & Mrs. Crystal A. Johns Mr. Phillip W. Cuffey ’78 & Mrs. Constance Kossally Mr. Mark D. Farber ’73 Foundation for the Carolinas Dr. Thomas K. Galvin III ’73 & Mrs. Linda C. Galvin Mr. Stephen M. Green ’73 Mr. William U. Hooper III ’73 & Mrs. Sara Hooper Dr. William B. Isaacs ’73 & Mrs. Louise Hardie Isaacs Mr. Henry D. Kahn ’73 & Ms. Marlene Trestman Mr. Patrick X. Lohrey ’73
Mr. Lance Miyamoto ’73 & Mrs. Donna Miyamoto Mr. Thomas F. Obrecht ’73 & Mrs. Carol L. Obrecht Mr. Douglas M. Quartner ’73 & Mrs. Jan Quartner Mr. John M. Robinson, Jr. ’73 & Mrs. Mary S. Robinson Dr. Walter Royal III ’73 & Mrs. Laurice Royal Mr. David P. Senft ’73
Mr. David H. Tickner ’73 & Mrs. Margaret Tickner Mr. Guy W. Warfield ’73 & Mrs. Paris Warfield
Mr. Willard C. Wiggins ’68 Ms. Leslie J. Wiggins
Mr. Charlton Wilder ’82 Mr. Timothy W. Robinson ’82 & Mrs. Damien Robinson
Mr. Clayton Baddley ’24 Mr. Robert Hurst
Dr. John Baddley Mr. Robert Hurst
Mr. Justin W. Baker Mrs. Sonya Knorr
Mr. William E. Bartz ’99 Mr. Kevin Bressner & Mrs. Danielle Bressner
Mr. Matthew C. Baum ’93 Dr. William Brinckerhoff & Dr. Theresa Nguyen
Mrs. Lori E. Bristow
Mr. Peter D. Blue ’05
Mr. Ryan J. Boyle ’00
Mr. Adam S. Braverman ’11
Mr. Charles Cahn III ’88 & Mrs. Hillary Cahn
Mr. Kevin R. Carroll ’06 & Mrs. Anne Carroll
Mr. Arthur T. Chalmers ’01
Mr. Abraham N. Choi ’04 & Mrs. Amarantha Choi
Mr. Robert S. Davis ’06
Dr. Anthony Ferguson, Jr. ’10
Mr. David M. Fleming ’00
Dr. Dennis G. Foster III ’10
Dr. Dennis G. Foster, Jr. ’72 & Mrs. Carol R. Foster
Mr. Owen Z. Foster ’11
Mr. Stuart A. Glickman ’88 & Mrs. Karen S. Glickman
Mr. Mikhail Goberman ’95
Mr. Timothy Holley, Jr. ’77 & Mrs. Stephanie Lewis Holley
Mr. Christopher M. Hutchins ’75 & Mrs. Catherine Patteson Hutchins
Mr. David B. Irwin ’66 & Mrs. Kendi M. Irwin
Mr. Mitchell Kolkin & Ms. Kathleen Pontone
Mr. William S. Lock ’89
Mr. Mason F. Lord, Jr. ’77 & Mrs. Hope Lord
Dr. Andrew M. Malinow & Mrs. Denise G. Malinow
Dr. Andrew D. Martire ’89 & Mrs. Eva Martire
Mr. Gregory J. McBride ’09
Mr. Paul J. McBride ’06
Mr. William J. McBride ’14
Mr. C. Blake McCallister ’93 & Mrs. Adrienne Steinberg McCallister
Mr. Leonza Newsome III ’88 & Mrs. Kimberly A. Newsome
Mr. R. Matthew W. Novak ’01
Mr. Justin A. Redd ’01 & Dr. Vanessa V. L. Redd
Mr. Andrew Rayburn Riina ’11
Mr. John E. Schmick ’67 & Mrs. Janet R. Schmick
Mr. Shawn T. Smith Moulden, Jr. ’95 & Mrs. Elena J. Smith Moulden
Mr. E. Andrew Stanley ’91 & Mrs. Meaghan F. Stanley
Mr. Edward A. Swingle ’96 & Mrs. Jeanne A. Swingle
Dr. E. Halcott Turner, II ’05
Mr. Brian C. Watts ’06
Mr. Edward I. Wight, Jr. ’89 & Mrs. Holly Wight
Mr. Robert P. Wilhelm, Jr. & Mrs. Kimberly G. Wilhelm
Mr. Thomas H. Broadus III ’86
Mr. Michael Grogan & Mrs. Lisa Grogan
Mr. Andrew M. Brooks ’74
Mr. Brian H. O’Neil & Mrs. Ann M. O’Neil
Mrs. Lillian Maria Burgunder Mr. Leslie E. Goldsborough III ’82 & Mrs. Anne Goldsborough
Mr. David J. Callard ’55 Mrs. Elizabeth Callard Olson
Dr. George M. Callard ’52 Mrs. Elizabeth Callard Olson
Mr. Timothy C. Callard ’59 Mrs. Elizabeth Callard Olson
Mr. Karl J. Connolly Mr. Gregory Feulner & Dr. Lisa Feulner
Mr. Shay Cox ’23 Dr. Knox S. Long & Dr. Gabrielle Long
The Hon. Sylvester B. Cox ’76 Anonymous
Mr. Lucas Marshall Dett ’21 Mr. Michael T. Dett & Mrs. Dianne J. Dett
Mr. Edward S. Digges III Mrs. Sonya Knorr
Mr. Christopher P. Downs Mrs. Sonya Knorr Mr. Thomas Michael Matteini & Dr. Amy Mahoney Matteini Dr. P. Justin Tortolani & Mrs. Kim Simons Tortolani
Mr. Charles C. Fenwick Jr. ’66 Mr. Mark R. Fetting ’72 & Ms. Georgia Donovan Smith Mr. Benjamin H. Griswold IV ’58 & Mrs. Wendy Griswold Mr. Michael D. Hankin & Mrs. Ann Dunlap Hankin Mr. David B. Irwin ’66 & Mrs. Kendi M. Irwin Mr. Charles E. Noell III
Mr. Mark R. Fetting ’72 Ms. Mary Kate Ratcliffe
Mr. Redmond C. S. Finney ’47 Mr. Gregory P. C. Lee ’86 & Ms. Gina H. Sohn
Mr. Frank O. Fitzgibbon Prof. Festus Fasehun & Mrs. Agbeke Fasehun Dr. Petros Karakousis & Dr. Kathleen Page Dr. Edwin J. Villamater ’82 & Mrs. Allyson Villamater
Ms. Anna Follensbee
Mr. Andrew Grossman & Mrs. Jennifer Grossman
Dr. Chirag Parikh & Mrs. Neha Parikh
Mr. Alexander Thomas Perry & Mrs. Laurel H. Perry
Mr. Johnnie L. Foreman, Jr. Anonymous
Dr. Calvin Parker III & Mrs. Veronica Parker
Dr. David A. Portnoy ’79 & Rabbi Dr. Shira Li Lander
Mr. Craig Williams, Sr. & Ms. Tanya Williams
Mr. Samuel E. Winter ’09
Mr. Cole Lawrence Frank ’21
Mr. Brooke L. Frank & Mrs. Lisa Frank
Mr. Samuel E. Frank ’08 Mr. Nathan Nemon
Dr. Earl P. Galleher Jr. ’44 Mrs. Gaither Galleher Kyhos
The Gilman School Development Team Mrs. Heather Harlan Warnack
The Gilman School Faculty & Staff Mrs. Nina O’Hanlon & Mrs. Deirdre Elizabeth O’Hanlon
Gilman School’s 125th Anniversary
Mr. John S. Scherlis ’72
Mr. David P. Goodwich ’98
Mr. Walter Y. Goodwich & Mrs. Arlene Goodwich
Mr. Jeffrey D. Gouline ’00
Mr. Keir R. Joyce & Ms. Joy Napier-Joyce
Mr. Christopher J. Keehner & Mrs. Elizabeth G. Keehner
Dr. P. Justin Tortolani & Mrs. Kim Simons Tortolani
Dr. Edwin J. Villamater ’82 & Mrs. Allyson Villamater
Mr. William A. Greene, Jr.
Mr. Geoffrey S. Berry ’92 & Mrs. Tracy Berry
Mr. Omar Brown ’07 & Mrs. Rakiya Brown
Mr. R. Bruce Cameron ’74 & Ms. Gayle J. Guadagno
Mr. David W. Chapin ’68
Mr. Emerson L. Coleman, Jr. ’72 & Mrs. Crystal A. Johns
Mr. Brandon R. Croxton ’96 & Mrs. Carol Croxton
Mr. Gerard C. Harrison ’93 & Mrs. Leechelle Green Harrison
Mr. James F. Hart III ’66
Mr. Timothy Holley, Jr. ’77 & Mrs. Stephanie Lewis Holley
Rev. Charles L. Howard, Ph.D. ’96 & Mrs. Lia Christine Howard Mr. Leonza Newsome III ’88 & Mrs. Kimberly A. Newsome Mr. David L. Morton ’75 & Mrs. Shanett Edwards Morton
Mr. Ronald J. Noble, Jr. ’86 Mr. Marcus S. Simms ’95 Mr. John Allen Sykes, II ’97 & Mrs. Min Leigh Sykes Mr. Todd A. Taylor ’84 Mr. Donell Thompson, Jr. ’91 & Mrs. Elena Wethers Thompson Mr. John A. S. Tilghman, Jr. ’06 Dr. Edward M. Trusty, Jr. ’91 & Mrs. Claudine Dynell Trusty Mr. Joseph Henry Pastuer Valentine White ’07 Mr. Collin Wallace ’02 & Mrs. Doris Lao Wallace Mr. James C. Wyatt ’77
Mr. Edward D. Harris III Mr. John B. McGowan & Mrs. Brenna F. McGowan
Mr. Patrick Hastings Dr. P. Justin Tortolani & Mrs. Kim Simons Tortolani Dr. Edwin J. Villamater ’82 & Mrs. Allyson Villamater
Mr. Adam S. Herb Ms. Anne K. Stratton
Mr. Donovan Steel Herb ’26 Ms. Anne K. Stratton
Mr. Timothy Holley Jr. ’77 Dr. M. Michael Anvari ’92 & Mrs. Soelen Claudia Anvari Mr. Michael D. Bernstein ’78 & Mrs. Sara Bernstein Mr. Charles Cahn III ’88 & Mrs. Hillary Cahn Mr. Ryan S. Jordan ’90 & Mrs. Ali Jordan
Mr. Bryn T. Holmes Ms. Diane A. Caso
Mr. Kevin Hudson Mr. Jeffrey Mason & Ms. Nancy Ekelund
Mr. Andrew M. Kenney ’01 Kenney Family Foundation
Mr. K. Shanthi Kumar Mr. Leslie E. Goldsborough III ’82 & Mrs. Anne Goldsborough
Mr. Ismael Leon Mr. Keir R. Joyce & Ms. Joy Napier-Joyce
Mr. Theodore W. Libbey Jr. ’69 Mr. Theodore W. Libbey & Mrs. Barbara Ann Libbey*
Mr. C. Alexander London ’98 Dr. Andrew M. London & Mrs. Anne G. London
Ms. Edith D. Meacham Dr. Edwin J. Villamater ’82 & Mrs. Allyson Villamater
Mr. George S. Michaels ’58 Mr. A. Neale Smith, Jr. ’58 & Mrs. Joan Smith
Mr. Archibald R. Montgomery IV ’71 Mr. Frank Carnabuci
Dr. Moreland Perkins & Mrs. Patricia B. Perkins Mr. Owen M. Perkins ’82
Ms. Mary Kate Ratcliffe Alvin & Louise Myerberg Family Foundation, Inc. The Howard & Wendy Jachman Family
Mr. Joseph S. K. Reiter Mr. Sri Velamati & Dr. Praveena Velamati
Ms. Sarah Ross Mr. Anthony Guerrerio & Mrs. Joanne Guerrerio Dr. Kenneth Woo & Dr. Christine Sohn Woo
Mr. John G. Rowell Mrs. Beth Dietrick
Mr. Charles Donovan Dietrick ’22
Dr. Susan Santos Mr. Steven J. Adelsberg & Mrs. Donna Adelsberg
Mr. John O. Schmick ’97 Ms. Jill H. Kamenetz
Mrs. Elizabeth Sesler Beckman
Mr. Kenneth Fanyo & Dr. Filiz Tabak
Mr. Scott L. Sherman ’72 Ms. Gilda B. Sherman
Mr. William David Sherman ’14 Ms. Gilda B. Sherman
Mr. Vaughan Smith Mr. James Walters & Mrs. Melissa Walters
Mr. Henry P. A. Smyth
Mr. George C. Doub III ’82 & Mrs. Rebecca Doub Mr. Jacob Poe Doub ’22 Mr. Robb T. Doub ’86 & Mrs. Siri Lise Doub Robb & Elizabeth Tyler Foundation, Inc. Mr. Alfred Tyler II ’60 Mr. Alfred Tyler III ’91 Mr. John Poe Tyler ’96
Mr. Jordan Stone Mr. Nathan Nemon Mr. Spencer John Suval ’23 Greater Chesapeake Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Bruce E. Taylor ’87 Mrs. Dean R. Taylor
Dr. Jerry J. Thornbery Mr. Jack C. Sibel ’16 Mr. Todd Sibel & Mrs. Amy Sibel
Mr. Michael J. Wallace Mr. Carl Daniel Negin & Mrs. Elizabeth Gray Bickley Negin Mr. Sri Velamati & Dr. Praveena Velamati
Mrs. Heather Harlan Warnack Mr. Robert Chertkof The Chertkof Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Christopher R. West ’68 Mrs. Anne Winter West
Mr. Frederick W. Whitridge ’50 Mr. Charles F. Obrecht ’52 & Mrs. Margaret M. H. Obrecht
Mr. Juno Yoon ’23 Greater Chesapeake Charitable Foundation, Inc.
The following list reflects donors who have given capital funds to Gilman during the 2021-2022 fiscal year in the form of scholarship, faculty support, other endowment, or special projects.
Anonymous (4)
Alvin & Louise Myerberg Family Foundation, Inc. Ayco Charitable Foundation
Mr. H. Furlong Baldwin ’50
Mr. Matthew C. Baum ’93 & Mrs. Deborah Baum
Mr. Geoffrey S. Berry ’92 & Mrs. Tracy Berry
Mr. Scott C. Bortz ’82 & Mrs. Catherine Layman Bortz
Mr. Harry C. Bowie III
Mr. Omar Brown ’07 & Mrs. Rakiya Brown
Mr. R. Bruce Cameron ’74 & Ms. Gayle J. Guadagno
Mr. Wm. Polk Carey ’48*
Mr. David W. Chapin ’68
Mr. Keefe B. Clemons ’85 & Mrs. Jana L. Clemons
Mr. Andrew B. Cohen ’90 & Mrs. Suzi K. Cohen
Mr. Emerson L. Coleman, Jr. ’72 & Mrs. Crystal A. Johns Cordish Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Blake L. Cordish ’89 & Mrs. Angela D. Cordish
Mr. David S. Cordish & Mrs. Susan K. Cordish
Mr. Jonathan A. Cordish ’85 & Mrs. Melissa F. Cordish
Mr. Reed S. Cordish ’92 & Mrs. Margaret Litman Katz Cordish
Mr. Gregory A. Cross & Mrs. Christine W. Cross
Mr. Brandon R. Croxton ’96 & Mrs. Carol Croxton
Mr. Phillip W. Cuffey ’78 & Mrs. Constance Kossally
Mr. Edward K. Dunn, Jr. ’53*
Mr. Edward K. Dunn III ’80 & Mrs. Susan G. Dunn
Mr. Mark D. Farber ’73
Mr. Mark R. Fetting ’72 & Ms. Georgia Donovan Smith Foundation for the Carolinas
Dr. Thomas K. Galvin III ’73 & Mrs. Linda C. Galvin
George and Ruth Babylon Foundation
George S. Rich Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Armand F. Girard ’55
Mr. Stephen M. Green ’73
Mr. Benjamin H. Griswold IV ’58 & Mrs. Wendy Griswold Mr. Michael D. Hankin & Mrs. Ann Dunlap Hankin Mr. Gerard C. Harrison ’93 & Mrs. Leechelle Green Harrison
Hebb Family Private Foundation
Mr. Donald B. Hebb, Jr. ’60 & Mrs. Sybil Hebb
Mr. Timothy Holley, Jr. ’77 & Mrs. Stephanie Lewis Holley Mr. William U. Hooper III ’73 & Mrs. Sara Hooper Dr. Thomas D. Horst ’85 & Mrs. Indira Bolano
Rev. Charles L. Howard, Ph.D. ’96 & Mrs. Lia Christine Howard Mr. David B. Irwin ’66 & Mrs. Kendi M. Irwin Dr. William B. Isaacs ’73 & Mrs. Louise Hardie Isaacs
The Howard & Wendy Jachman Family Mr. Charles B. Jones & Mrs. Gail E. Jones Mr. Henry D. Kahn ’73 & Ms. Marlene Trestman Mr. Joshua H. Levinson ’89 & Mrs. Kara Levinson Mr. Patrick X. Lohrey ’73 Mr. Benjamin P. Lucas ’97 & Mrs. Amie Lucas Mr. Michael J. McCarthy ’75 & Mrs. Charlotte McCarthy Mr. Lance Miyamoto ’73 & Mrs. Donna Miyamoto Mr. Leonza Newsome III ’88 & Mrs. Kimberly A. Newsome
Mr. Ronald J. Noble, Jr. ’86 Mr. Charles E. Noell III Mr. Thomas F. Obrecht ’73 & Mrs. Carol L. Obrecht Mr. George J. Philippou & Mrs. Karen D. Philippou PNC Bank Foundation
Mr. Douglas M. Quartner ’73 & Mrs. Jan Quartner RBC Foundation
Mr. George S. Rich ’66
Mr. John M. Robinson, Jr. ’73 & Mrs. Mary S. Robinson
Mr. David M. Rody ’85 & Mrs. Anna MacCormack
Dr. Walter Royal III ’73 & Mrs. Laurice Royal
Mr. David P. Senft ’73
Mr. Mark A. Shapiro ’85 & Mrs. Lissa Shapiro
Mrs. Mary F. Shock
Mr. Marcus S. Simms ’95
Mr. William G. Stewart & Rev. Caroline R. Stewart
Mr. William G. Stewart, Jr. ’97
Dr. Lawrence T. P. Stifler ’59 & Mrs. Mary McFadden
Mr. Kenneth C. Stockbridge ’77
Summerfield Baldwin Foundation
Mr. John Allen Sykes II ’97 & Mrs. Min-Leigh Sykes
Mr. Todd A. Taylor ’84
Mr. Robert M. Thomas, Jr. ’76 & Ms. Polly Hoppin
Mr. Donell Thompson, Jr. ’91 & Mrs. Elena Wethers Thompson
Mr. Steuart H. Thomsen ’72 & Mrs. Linda Chatman Thomsen
Mr. David H. Tickner ’73 & Mrs. Margaret Tickner
Dr. Edward M. Trusty, Jr. ’91 & Mrs. Claudine Dynell Trusty
Mr. Joseph Henry Pastuer Valentine-White ’07
W. P. Carey Foundation
Mr. Collin Wallace ’02 & Mrs. Doris Lao Wallace
Mr. Guy W. Warfield ’73 & Mrs. Paris Warfield
Mr. Theodore C. Waters III ’84 & Mrs. Rebecca Hudson Waters
Mr. William C. Whitridge, Jr. ’96 & Mrs. Linda Whitridge
Wieler Family Foundation
Mr. Scott A. Wieler & Mrs. Mary Baily Wieler
Mr. James C. Wyatt ’77 *Deceased
93 Baltimore City students
program serving students in grades 4-12
Established 2014 63 tri-school volunteers
students from Gilman’s first Bridges cohort graduated from high school in 2022 and are now in the Bridges college and career program at the institutions below
Anonymous (4)
Mr. Theodore M. Alexander III & Mrs. Teri Butler Alexander
Associated: Jewish Community Federation
Baltimore Community Foundation
Mr. John M. Bond, Jr. & Mrs. Elizabeth O. Bond
Mr. John M. Bond III ’94 & Ms. Nina Bond
Campbell Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Michael T. Dett & Mrs. Dianne J. Dett
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. Sean T. Furlong & Mrs. Amy F. Furlong
Mr. Carim Khouzami & Mrs. Mara-Lee Khouzami
Mr. Joshua H. Levinson ’89 & Mrs. Kara Levinson
Mr. Matthew Lind & Mrs. Cheryl Lind
Mr. Paul F. McBride & Mrs. Christina B. McBride
Mr. John B. McGowan & Mrs. Brenna F. McGowan
Dr. Arvind Narasimhan & Dr. Shivani Narasimhan
Mr. John B. Powell, Jr. ’55 & Mrs. Susan Baker Powell
Schwab Charitable Fund
Mr. Henry P. A. Smyth & Mrs. Elizabeth N. Smyth
T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving
Thomas Wilson Sanitarium
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
Mr. Christopher R. West ’68 & Mrs. Anne Winter West
Mr. Edward A. Wiese & Mrs. Mary Jo Wiese
Mr. Brad Woloson & Mrs. Crickett Woloson
YourCause, LLC
Gifts to endowed funds are investments in the long-term financial health of Gilman, with income from each of the School’s more than 300 named endowed funds used in perpetuity for scholarship, faculty support, and other unrestricted or programmatic purposes.
The principal is invested for long-term growth to serve present and future generations of boys, while the income is used to support Gilman’s annual budget. We are pleased to report the market values as of June 30, 2022, of our endowed funds.
Class of 2004 Faculty Strategic Planning Fund $194,377.96
Cooper Walker Study & Travel Grant
..................................................................... $86,690.48
Dawson L. Farber, Jr. Faculty Award & Development Endowment Fund $240,886.34
Edward K. Dunn Memorial Faculty Fund
......................................................... $1,069,632.62
Edward T. Russell Faculty Chair $1,639,340.40
Faculty Compensation Endowment Fund ........................................................... $365,530.73 Faculty Development Endowment Fund $820,834.94
Fajardo Technology Endowment for Faculty ..................................................... $146,593.02
Frank C. Wright, Jr. Faculty Development Fund $1,172,747.75
Frederick R. Williams Science Faculty Development Fund.......................... $961,135.19
Gallagher Art Faculty Fund $1,275,070.52
General Faculty Support Endowment ................................................................... $926,965.57
George H.C. Arrowsmith Memorial Faculty Support $404,110.35
Gilman Advisor Fund & Award.................................................................................. $536,566.37
Gilman Fund for Faculty Support $813,350.82
Griswold Family W. P. Carey College Counseling ............................................ $121,110.88
Allen F. Maulsby Teacher/Coach Endowment Fund in memory of Edward Russell and Tyler Campbell $447,209.76
Apgar Award for Teaching Excellence $64,865.33
Baetjer Study & Travel Faculty Fund $225,434.99
Brent A. Rosenberg ’05 Fund for Teaching & Learning $559,188.13 Broadus-Hubbard Award $616,038.93
Building Character Faculty Support Endowment $1,210,077.12 Cary Woodward Exchange Program & Young Faculty Development Fund $188,136.54
The Charles C. Fenwick, Jr. ’66 Distinguished Teacher/Coach Chair $1,060,873.11
The Christopher B. Legg Faculty Endowment Fund $111,295.40
Clarence W. Wheelwright Fund $89,445.30
Class of 1947 Fund for Meritorious Teaching $538,957.93
Class of 1955 Henry Callard Teaching Internships $1,561,762.32
Class of 1957 Faculty Summer Sabbaticals & Professional Development $853,616.93
Class of 1978 Community & Diversity Fund $102,577.48
Class of 1979 Teacher / Coach / Advisor Award $94,625.66
Class of 2003 Faculty Award for Family Education $228,436.20
Henry Callard Faculty Support Fund $150,456.73
Hess Faculty Fund ....................................................................................................... $1,155,565.24
I. Ridgeway Trimble Biology Faculty Support Fund $307,587.28
J. Richard & Mary McC. Thomas Development Chair ................................ $1,342,121.36
Jacob & Annita France Foundation History Fund $1,412,597.54
Jere H. Wheelwright Fund ............................................................................................. $76,820.15
The John K. & Robert F. M. Culver Teaching Chair $7,714,625.85
John W. & Margaret Pierson Endowment for Faculty .................................... $208,547.40
Johnnie L. Foreman, Jr. Faculty Fellow $1,035,664.76
The Kitchel Family Teacher / Coach / Advisor Award ................................... $192,864.76
Linehan Family Travel & Study Fund $390,787.38
Louis B. Thalheimer Faculty Development Fund .............................................. $214,785.33
Michael Howard Cooper New Teachers Development Fund $1,368,514.52
The Ober Family Faculty Grant for English Studies ........................................ $314,335.82
Owen & Clinton Daly Faculty Development Fund $378,205.73
The P. Meredith Reese Memorial Fund ................................................................. $597,351.78
Paternotte Travel & Study Fund $364,646.06
Paternotte Travel & Study Fund for STEM ......................................................... $466,491.07
The Putman Nuermberger Family Endowed Fund for Teaching Fellowship $131,830.15
Redmond C. S. Finney Chair in American History $36,048.09
Richard & Nancy Fryberger Faculty Development Fund $392,188.61
Riepe Family Sabbatical $974,770.25
The Robert F. Greenhill ’54 & Gayle G. GreenhillRuth Williams Distinguished Teaching Chair for Mathematics $3,313,749.65
Roy C. Barker Faculty Fund $19,741.37
Schapiro Summer Study Grant $105,806.78
Senior Class Faculty Endowment Fund $95,390.78
Timothy Holley, Jr. ’77 Athletic Directorship $883,816.90
Tom Healey Faculty Professional Development $39,280.62
Unrestricted Building Character Campaign $2,443,022.33
Unrestricted Challenge of Leadership $5,798,556.56
Van Dyke Family Foundation Travel Endowment $44,690.36
Walter Lord Faculty Development & Sabbatical Fund $3,855,293.02
Walter Lord Middle School Teaching Prize $25,983.34
Weinfeld Family Endowed Mortgage Assistance Fund $66,800.95
The Wieler Family Distinguished Teaching Chair for Classics $1,220,900.77
William G. Baker III Memorial Faculty Support Fund $420,366.80
William H. Porter Fund for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math $215,435.81
William H. Porter Physics Fund $22,355.05
Wilma Mason & C. Huntley Hilliard Faculty Development Fund $131,194.97
A. J. Downs Writers at Work Fund $45,132.97
Adam P. Janet ’07 Endowment $132,601.14
Admissions Day Shadow Fund $8,202.65
Ammidon Fund $5,281.31
The Andrew Mitchell Ritchie Award $5,059.18
Anne Gordon Baldwin Music Award Fund $71,162.73
Annual Track Invitational Tournament Endowment $19,700.23
The Avirett Family Fund for Programming and Initiatives $54,113.64
Bessie I. Dunning Chemistry Fund $83,415.70
Boyce History Memorial Fund $75,877.41
Brooks - Finney Fund $658,830.18
C. David Harris, Jr. Tennis Award $558.92
Carey Hall Dividends $9,421,019.82
Centennial Technology Fund $1,114,912.74
Class of 1939 World Geography Fund $114,400.30
Class of 1952 Drama Prize $914.27
Class of 1954 Technology Classroom and Faculty Development Fund $949,890.02
Class of 1959 Fenimore Technology Fund $39,513.24
Class of 1966 Computer Fund $70,200.32
Class of 1975 Reginald S. Tickner Writing Center Fellowship $229,549.08
The Class of 1977 Community Service Award $162,024.95
Class of 1992 Redmond C. S. Finney Headmaster’s Fund $150,953.84
Class of 1994 Computer Center $73,769.54
Class of 2000 Redmond C. S. Finney Special Financial Aid & Mentoring Program 128,199.39
Class of 2002 Peer Leadership Program $201,449.03
Class of 2005 Visiting Artists Fund $273,834.34
Claster Coaching Clinic Endowment
The Cordish Family Fund for New Programming and Initiatives $179,217.84
Cross Family Headmaster’s Innovation Fund $130,335.33
Culver Memorial Football Cup $2,058.59
D. K. Este Fisher Nature Study Award $4,415.56
Daly Bailliere Room Fund $34,070.87
Daniel Baker, Jr. Memorial Award $7,997.34
The David and Thea Obstler Opportunity Endowment $1,000,000.00
Donald Hoffman Track Fund $24,181.62
The Dorothy Benjamin Caruso Award $2,945.60
Edward E. Ford Foundation Fund $223,115.93
Edward J. Gallagher III Tree Fund $53,219.61
Edward R. Fenimore, Jr. Award $7,230.96
Edward R. Fenimore, Jr. Memorial Library Fund $1,569,950.45
The Elizabeth Woolsey Gilman Prize $2,325.80
Ensign Markland C. Kelly, Jr. Foundation Library Fund $233,368.49
Ford Foundation Technology Endowment Fund $279,961.17
Francis Callard Memorial Fund $197,575.79
The Francis J. Carey, Jr. Lectures Fund $658,521.50
Francis King Carey Memorial Fund $63,815.51
Frank W. Andrews, Jr. Golf Trophy $2,110.72
Frederick W. & Daisy I. Wagner Memorial Fund $15,064.94
General Endowment Fund $118,957.77
George E. P. Mountcastle Memorial Lecture Fund $102,573.65
Gilman Lecturn Fund $48,302.61
Gilman Track Relays $135.31
Grandparents Reading Fund $113,955.10
H. K. Douglas Cotton Memorial Lecture Fund $62,744.44
Harry Hardie Anglo - American Prize $124,494.74
Headmaster’s Innovation Fund $271,474.66
Herbert E. Pickett Prize for General Proficiency $2,845.06
Hugh P. McCormick Design Center Technology Fund $424,104.30
J. Gilman D’Arcy Paul Library Endowment Fund $299,370.97
Janet Family Lectureship Fund $203,916.49
The Janvier Science Prize $2,083.94
The John R. Merrill Memorial Music Fund $82,733.02
Jubilee Cup $3,128.57
Library Endowment Fund $25,838.20
Louise E. Bruce Cup $8,361.22
McKenney Egerton / Carolyn Butler Fund $25,447.06
Michael Ross Himelfarb ’94 Fund for the Performing Arts $180,277.90
Milch Family Technology Fund $234,102.70
Obrecht Fund for Character Education $327,455.28
The Patricia Vishio Ancient Greek Language Award $9,938.21
Paul E. Kennedy Mullan Photography Center $192,470.21
Peter Parrott Blanchard Award $5,126.94
Philip O. Rogers, Jr. Memorial Fund $357,194.02
The Ralph L. DeGroff, Jr. ’54 Annual Giving Endowment Fund ................. $132,116.98
Reginald S. Tickner Writing Center Fellowship $76,502.69
Riepe Family Exchange Program ............................................................................... $312,887.59
The Robert Thomas / Polly Hoppin Fund for the Advancement of Equity $138,152.58
Rohde Family Math Endowment $265,701.96 Schley Fund $64,408.94
Schweizer Family Drug & Alcohol Counseling Fund $506,505.18
The Semmes G. “Buck” Walsh Fund $312,415.13
Thomas Lee Lipscomb Memorial Fund $22,008.56
Thomsen-Davisson Fund for Performing Arts $124,984.16
Tommy Hardie Project Endowment Fund $116,109.43
The W. P. Carey College Counseling Center Fund $1,602,096.88
A. C. & Kathryn George Family Scholarship $143,140.79
Abell Foundation Scholarship .................................................................................... $190,510.17
Alban Family Scholarship $467,289.08
Alexander Brusilow Memorial Scholarship .......................................................... $868,061.52
Alvin J. Myerberg Family Scholarship $383,934.20
Andrew W. and Anna B. Merle Scholarship ........................................................ $137,036.01
Anonymous Basketball Fund $28,643.60
Anton J. Vishio, Sr. Scholarship ................................................................................. $159,446.16
Anton Vishio Endowed Scholarship Fund for Faculty Children $592,567.89
Arthur E. Davis Class of 1961 Memorial Scholarship ..................................... $435,208.71
Arthur L. Lamb Memorial Scholarship Fund $28,287.70
Brian B. Bowie Memorial Scholarship Fund .......................................................... $18,564.72
Brooks Family Endowed Scholarship for Faculty Children $742,516.85
Building Character Scholarship ................................................................................. $202,821.96
C. William Pacy, Jr. Memorial Scholarship $78,563.49
Campbell Family Endowed Scholarship ................................................................ $644,912.80
Cathy E. Miles Scholarship Fund $625,529.45
The Cavanaugh Family Scholarship for Faculty Children ............................. $163,802.77
Centennial Class Scholarship Fund $228,765.05
Challenge of Leadership Scholarship ................................................................. $3,071,542.49
Charles B. Alexander Memorial Scholarship $29,307.53
Charles C. Baum Scholarship ..................................................................................... $178,645.22
Charles E. Merrill Trust Scholarship $52,841.33
Charles R. Gamper Scholarship
Christopher R. & Anne W. West Scholarship ..................................................... $216,163.00
Class of 1951 Memorial Scholarship - Robert B. Russell II Fund $344,507.62
Class of 1952 Henry H. Callard Scholarship ....................................................... $188,900.72
Class of 1960 Scholarship Fund $166,589.88
Class of 1963 John E. Schmick Scholarship Fund ............................................. $259,972.34
Class of 1973 Alfred H. Weems, Jr. Memorial Award $595,020.40
Class of 1974 Endowed Fund for Faculty Children......................................... $170,129.91
Class of 1983 Atkinson Robinson and Russell Memorial Scholarship $76,216.77
Class of 2009 Financial Aid Fund for Faculty Children.................................. $225,927.50
The Coleman Foundation Scholarship Program $377,648.01
Donald P., Jr. ’24, Janet, and David R. McPherson ’85 Scholarship Fund ... $336,622.03
Donaldson Brown Scholarship $16,138.87
Douglas G. Carroll, Jr. Memorial Scholarship...................................................... $166,134.62
Dr. Earl P. & Martha Wheelwright Galleher, Jr. Scholarship $864,739.74
Dr. George G. Finney Memorial Scholarship .................................................. $1,643,937.15
Dr. John C. Sawhill Scholarship Fund $72,432.61 Dr. Ray Y. Gildea, Jr. Memorial Scholarship............................................................ $30,202.15
Dr. William H. Woody Scholarship $108,035.77
Duke Lohr ’62 Scholarship ...................................................................................... $1,590,725.28
E. Boyd Morrow Memorial Scholarship $54,055.84
Edward E. Ford Foundation Scholarship............................................................... $141,224.91
Edward J. Gallagher III Memorial Scholarship $219,039.64
The Edwards Family Scholarship .............................................................................. $812,516.54
Elizabeth Barrett Rosen Memorial Scholarship $756,997.61
Elizabeth Thelin Turner and James Flynn Turner Memorial Scholarship ..... $68,193.50
Evelyn Mockard Cortezi Scholarship Fund $628,579.25
Farber Family Scholarship ........................................................................................ $1,301,245.30
Finney-Greene Scholars Program $2,050,066.76
Frank Emmanuel Washington III Memorial Scholarship ................................. $38,356.51
Frank Woodworth Pine & Mabel Durand Pine Memorial Scholarship $772,398.01
The Frederick Wayne Lafferty Family Scholarship .......................................... $226,514.66
Frederick T. Wehr Scholarship $192,017.33
G. Maxwell Armor, Jr. Memorial Scholarship ...................................................... $158,478.41
General Scholarship Fund $763,824.95
H. Findlay French Memorial Scholarship ................................................................ $17,259.10
Headmaster’s Tutoring Fund $36,213.11
Hearst Foundation Scholarship................................................................................. $261,636.06
Henry H. Callard Scholarship $254,634.00
Henson & Doris Jackson Family Scholarship ...................................................... $114,495.59
Hoffberger Foundation Scholarship $521,790.23
Howard M. Bank Memorial Scholarship ............................................................... $418,043.32
Hyla W. Constable Bequest Scholarship $26,644.77
Hyman & Minnie Steinhorn Memorial Scholarship ......................................... $129,117.91
The Ilene R. Booke-Andrew B. Cohen Scholarship $123,173.92
The Independence Foundation Scholarship Program ..................................... $341,567.91
J. Adam Hitt Scholarship $303,826.20
J. Crossan Cooper Memorial Scholarship ............................................................... $55,310.18
James H. F. Dunning, Jr. Memorial Scholarship $59,292.80
James L. Sinclair Memorial Scholarship ................................................................. $842,282.47
Jean Stark Armiger Memorial Memorial Scholarship $78,926.10
The John E. Schmick Scholarship Fund for Faculty Children ...................... $500,261.78
John E. Schmick ’67 Scholarship $14,097.50
John Gaino Scholarship ................................................................................................ $789,307.95
John M. Bergland, Jr. Memorial Scholarship $44,662.43
The John M. Nelson, Jr. Memorial Scholarship................................................... $409,385.92
John W. & Margaret Pierson Endowment for Financial Aid $208,546.33
John Whitridge III Scholarship ....................................................................................... $8,061.93
Johns Hopkins Town School Scholarship $959,445.92
Joseph Meyerhoff Scholarship Fund ........................................................................ $26,313.72
Julia C. Baker Scholarship Fund $361,462.26
Julie S. Lee Scholarship Fund...................................................................................... $597,639.75
The Kaufman Family Scholarship $133,710.08
The Keefe and Jana Clemons Scholarship Fund ................................................ $115,576.99
The Keith Kormanik Honorary Scholarship $385,924.10
Latimer Small Stewart, Jr. Memorial Scholarship .............................................. $159,497.12
Lawrence Ross Yaggy Bequest Scholarship $82,746.71
Lawrence T.P. Stifler Scholarship ............................................................................. $212,474.10
Leonidas Levering, Jr. Memorial Scholarship $95,738.25
Lorraine Gill Cochran Memorial Scholarship ....................................................... $15,370.98
The Lumen Scholarship $2,752,266.18
Margaret & Johnson Garrett Scholarship ............................................................. $183,052.86
Mark M. and Caswell J. Caplan Scholarship $324,009.90
May Holmes Scholarship................................................................................................... $1,694.37
Mildred H. F. Deering Memorial Scholarship $353,019.89
Nick Schloeder Scholarship ........................................................................................ $423,719.39
Noell-Davis Family Scholarship $589,795.28
Nudelman Family Scholarship Fund ....................................................................... $187,549.90
Outreach Scholars Fund $88,814.95
Ralph L. & Marion W. DeGroff Scholarship........................................................ $571,180.51
Ralph N. “Bo” Willis Scholarship Endowment $787,951.31
Reader’s Digest Endowed Scholarship ................................................................... $687,013.65
Redmond C. S. Finney Scholarship $421,744.17
Redmond C. S. Finney Scholarship 2 ...................................................................... $913,433.09
Redwood Memorial Scholarship $342,681.29
Richard E. Bowe Memorial Scholarship Fund $1,343,145.55
Ripple Grant ....................................................................................................................... $195,394.94
Robert G. Merrick, Jr. Scholarship $1,505,495.16
Robert R. Perkins Scholarship Fund ........................................................................ $449,816.54
Robert S. Killebrew Memorial Scholarship $57,641.16
Rohrbaugh Financial Aid Fund
.................................................................................. $404,753.56
Sadie & Samuel Mir Memorial Scholarship $32,593.21
Samuel W. Wiley Family Scholarship Fund ..................................................... $1,187,515.87
Schmidlapp Scholarship $24,064.57
Scholarship Unrestricted Building Character Campaign .......................... $2,043,050.37
Scott B. Deutschman Memorial Scholarship Fund $275,638.22
Sherlock DeFord Swann Memorial Scholarship
.................................................. $79,922.53
Sherman A. Bristow Scholar-Athlete Scholarship $65,249.61
Shock Family Scholarship
............................................................................................ $361,247.66
The St. Ignatius Scholarship $130,311.53
Theodore C. Waters, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
.................................................. $526,985.42
Thomas H. Broadus III Scholarship Fund $609,732.73
Thomas Wilson Sanitarium Scholarship
............................................................... $105,656.54
Thomas Worthington Brundige IV Memorial Scholarship $223,422.26
Timothy P. Lekin Scholarship for Science Achievement ............................... $623,092.25
Virginia Sellman Ridgely Memorial Scholarship $395,053.57
The Walter Lord Scholarship
................................................................................. $2,423,049.36
War Memorial Scholarship $1,423,143.60
The William A. Greene, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund ................................. $237,348.58
William Campbell Foundation Annual Scholarship $555,789.85
William J. McCarthy ’49 Scholarship Fund ............................................................ $91,792.10
William S. Merrick, Jr. Scholarship for Faculty Children $3,110,591.39
Williams Payne Fulton Memorial Scholarship ...................................................... $14,634.86
Wilson Family Scholarship $28,234.19
The Carey Room Fund $597,887.90
CLC Campaign Funds ............................................................................................. $35,031,780.68
Robert G. Merrick, Jr. Fund $476,959.50
Sabbatical Income Fund ............................................................................................... $141,859.87
Staff Fund for Financial & Travel Grant $196,390.03
Summer School Expansion Fund ................................................................................ $37,064.68
Unrestricted Endowment $9,608,192.77
Walter Lord Fund ............................................................................................................ $135,744.17
William W. S. Dancy Endowment $2,582,295.73
The Grasshopper Society recognizes the generosity and foresight of loyal alumni and friends in the School’s planned giving program — those who, for example, have remembered Gilman in their will or revocable trust, made the School a beneficiary of their IRA or other retirement plan, established a charitable trust, or set up a charitable gift annuity.
To commemorate the completion in 1910 of Gilman’s new Roland Park campus, a grasshopper weathervane, symbolic of freedom and financial
success, was chosen to adorn the bell tower of what is now Carey Hall. Echoing the weathervane’s symbolism, the Grasshopper Society honors donors whose deferred gifts ensure the future vitality of the School.
The Grasshopper Society welcomes all planned gifts, regardless of size or purpose. Society members receive special acknowledgment and invitations to special events.
We are deeply grateful for their devotion to Gilman.
Mrs. Sophie Fisher Baylor*
Mr. Robert James Berry
Mr. Dale Bradford Biller & Mrs. Shirley L. Biller Mrs. Katherine B. Blue Mrs. Virginia C. Bowe* Mr. Harry C. Bowie III Mrs. David K. E. Bruce* Ms. Ann W. Brundige
Dr. Saul W. Brusilow*
Mrs. Bessie C. Burghardt*
Mr. Marvin Caplan* Mrs. A. K. Carey
Class of 1948
Mrs. Marian Riggs Balliere Daly*
Mr. L. Patrick Deering* Mrs. Marion P. DeGroff
Estate of Richard A. Reid Mrs. Patricia S. Farber* Mrs. Jean Finney
Mrs. Drusilla Fox*
Mr. Charles R. Gamper*
Mr. George W. Gephart, Sr.* & Mrs. Nancy M. Gephart*
Dr. & Mrs. William E. Grose*
Mrs. Francis Hall Hammond* Mrs. Lindsay S. Hardesty
Mrs. Ruth D. Hardie*
Mr. Robert H. Herrmann* Mrs. Leslie M. Hills
Mrs. Katharine Finney Baetjer Hornady*
Mr. W. Carl Hossfeld, Jr. & Mrs. Susan S. Hossfeld Mrs. Wendy M. Jachman Mrs. Caroline Anne Jeppi Mrs. Frances Judkins Dr. Jai S. Lee & Mrs. Julie S. Lee Mr. Theodore W. Libbey* & Mrs. Barbara Ann Libbey* Mrs. Marilynn S. Lord*
Mr. John L. McShane & Mrs. Joan McShane Mrs. Suzanne D. McShane, parent of Mr. J. Lockwood McShane ’74* Mrs. Sally J. Michel*
Mr. Edwin F. Miller & Mrs. Sherry T. Miller Mrs. Edward Mower, Jr.* Mrs. Linda K. Muhlenfeld Mrs. Carol A. Mullan* Mr. William F. Murdoch, Jr.*
Mr. Lawrence P. Naylor III*
Mrs. Katherine Alban O’Donovan
Mr. C. William Pacy*
Mrs. Margaret Pierson*
Ms. Mary Kate Ratcliffe
Mr. Romney W. Rice*
Mr. Adrian W. Rich*
Mrs. Sheila K. Riggs
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Schweizer, Sr.* Mrs. Nellie Seamans* Mrs. Sylvia S. Shuman*
Dr. Melchijah Spragins* & Mrs. Betsey Spragins* Mr. Joseph B. Stevens, Jr.* Mrs. Margaret P. Stout Mrs. C. Anne Swope*
Mrs. Mary McC. Thomas Mrs. Mary Donnell Tilghman* Mrs. Nancy Thompson*
Mr. Milton H. van den Berg*
Mr. Semmes G. Walsh*
Ms. Maryann Wegloski*
Mr. Frederick R. Williams*
Mr. William F. Stone, Jr.*
Mr. John Redwood, Jr.*
Mr. James C. Pine* 1923
Mr. Henry Janes* 1924
Mr. Davenport Plumer, Jr.*
Mr. Frank C. Wright, Jr.*
Mr. George J. Finney*
Mr. Herbert R. Preston, Jr.*
Mr. Benjamin H. Griswold III*
Mr. Albert Keidel, Jr.*
Mr. Roland Voorhees* 1931
Mr. John H. Barrett*
Mr. Dorsey P. Alexander*
Mr. Richard F. Ober*
Mr. Philip W. Swindell*
Mr. H. Norman Baetjer Jr.*
Mr. Dawson L. Farber, Jr.*
Mr. Walter Lord*
Mr. Robert A. J. Bordley*
Mr. John T. King III *
Mr. John Markell, Jr.*
Mr. Hugh J. O’Donovan*
Mr. F. Lawrence Goodwin, Jr*
Mr. J. Hurst Purnell, Jr*
Mr. Arthur W. Machen, Jr.*
Mr. George D. Solter*
Mr. Bernard C. Boykin*
Mr. A. Samuel Cook*
Mr. Thomas G. Hardie II*
Dr. Beverly S. Ridgely*
Mr. George L. Small*
Mr. George A. Stewart, Jr.*
Mr. Arthur L. Wheeler*
Mr. C. Webster Abbott*
Mr. Clarence S. Lovelace*
Mr. Allen F. Maulsby*
Mr. John H. Bush*
Mr. Thomas A. Cassilly III*
Mr. John L. Chapman*
Mr. John W. Pierson, Jr.*
Mr. Charles B. Reeves, Jr.*
Mr. & Mrs. William W. S. Dancy*
Mr. Charles C. Fenwick *
Mr. Francis J. Carey*
Mr. Donald M. Culver*
Mr. Owen Daly II*
Dr. William A. Gracie*
Dr. Paul C. Hudson*
Mr. Francis N. Iglehart, Jr.* Mr. Llewellyn W. Lord*
Mr. Carl V. Nitze*
Mr. J. Richard Thomas, Sr.*
Dr. Earl P. Galleher, Jr. & Mrs. Martha W. Galleher
Mr. H. Burke Mathews*
Mr. Peyton S. Cochran, Jr.*
Mr. John A. Herndon*
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar M. Lemoine, Jr.*
Mr. Edward B. Mower * Mr. Truman T. Semans
Mr. Gustavus O. Thomas* Mr. Edward E. Thompson*
Mr. Amos F. Hutchins, Jr.*
MG (Ret.) Warren A. E. Magruder
Mr. Robert McLean III*
Mr. G. Cheston Carey, Jr.*
Mr. Redmond C. S. Finney*
Mr. Louis P. Mathews*
Mr. Richard Nash, Jr.*
Mr. Douglas R. Price*
Mr. Wm. Polk Carey*
Mr. George E. Thomsen
Mr. Perry J. Bolton
Mr. Luther B. Ditch II*
Mr. Frederick W. Lafferty*
Mr. Angus L. MacLean, Jr.*
Mr. William J. McCarthy*
Mr. Richard A. Reid*
Mr. Robert G. Stewart*
Mr. Charles L. Stout*
Mr. Alva P. Weaver III*
Mr. Haswell M. Franklin, Sr.
Mr. Robert G. Merrick, Jr.* Mr. Frederick W. Whitridge
Mr. G. Gibson Carey IV*
Mr. John C. Cooper III*
Mr. E. Alexander Dietrich, Jr.*
Mr. Robert B. Russell II*
Mr. William F. Blue*
Mr. William B. Campbell*
Dr. John A. Gettier
Mr. Charles F. Obrecht
The Hon. Thomas J. S. Waxter, Jr.
Mr. William F. Eaton
Mr. Thomas P. Perkins III*
Mr. William C. Trimble, Jr.
Mr. Ralph L. DeGroff, Jr.*
Dr. Charles O’Donovan III*
Mr. G. Remak Ramsay
Mr. David F. Woods
Mr. David J. Callard
Mr. William F. G. Carroll
Mr. Charles W. Cole, Jr.
Mr. Beverley C. Compton, Jr.
Mr. Armand F. Girard
Mr. George B. Hess, Jr.
Mr. Theodore R. McKeldin, Jr.
Mr. A. MacDonough Plant
Mr. John B. Powell, Jr.
Dr. Charles R. Roe*
Mr. George E. Boynton*
Rev. R. Cotton Fit*
Mr. William H. Jory III
Mr. Thomas S. Bowyer, Jr.*
Mr. Edward W. Brown, Jr.
Mr. R. Warren Hills II*
Dr. J. Crossan O’Donovan
Mr. Francis G. Riggs*
Mr. Richard C. Riggs, Jr.*
Mr. John L. Swope III*
Mr. James B. Young*
Dr. Nathan H. Carliner*
Mr. Benjamin H. Griswold IV
Mr. J. Robert Judkins*
Mr. Thomas S. Ahern
Mr. George S. Brown*
Mr. Edward L. Clapp*
Mr. Charles D. Kimpel
Mr. C. Ford Reese, Jr.
Mr. Russell T. Baker, Jr.
Mr. Kenneth A. Bourne, Jr. Mr. Jack S. Griswold
Mr. Donald B. Hebb, Jr.
Mr. T. Edgie Russel III
Mr. Alfred N. Webb*
Mr. James J. Winn, Jr.
Mr. Bryson G. Christhilf, Jr.
Mr. Charles F. Clement III*
Mr. Arthur E. Davis III*
Mr. Corbin Marr
Mr. Edward F. Muhlenfeld*
Mr. Richard F. Ober, Jr.
Dr. Leslie H. Pierce, Jr.*
Mr. William A. Barnes
Mr. Robert L. Oster
Mr. Thomas Schweizer, Jr. Mr. Ken Van Durand
Mr. John H. Claster
Mr. David B. Larrabee
Mr. John G. Loeb
Mr. John M. Nelson IV
Mr. William L. Paternotte
Mr. David W. Allan
Mr. James D. Hardesty*
Mr. Stuart R. McCarthy*
Mr. Mitchell G. Owens
Mr. Robert G. Pine
Mr. Stephen T. Scott
Mr. John M. Silverstein
Mr. Stanard T. Klinefelter
Mr. Tinsley Van Durand
Mr. Charles C. Fenwick, Jr.
Mr. Mark L. Fulford
Mr. George Hay Kain III
Mr. R. Kenneth Price
Mr. Ronald B. Sheff
Mr. Stephen B. Brooks, Jr.*
Mr. Charles H. Palmer III
Mr. William A. Fisher III
Mr. Dennis P. Malone
Mr. James A. Snead
Mr. Christopher R. West & Mrs. Anne Winter West
Mr. Alexander D. Wilson*
Mr. J. Brooks Bradley 1970
Mr. John A. Gilpin
Mr. Edwin L. Baker
Mr. Raymond L. Bank
Mr. Thomas K. Lynn Mr. Nigel R. Ogilvie
The Hon. Alvin W. Thompson, Jr. Mr. Peter W. Waxter
Mr. Bruce L. Rosenberg Mr. J. Richard Thomas, Jr.
Mr. James Julian Chisolm III
Mr. Arthur C. George & Dr. Kathryn T. George 1975
The Hon. Gerry L. Brewster 1976
Mr. Mark M. Caplan 1977
Mr. Timothy Holley, Jr. Mr. Kenneth C. Stockbridge
To learn more about tax-efficient and strategic planned gifts that benefit both Gilman and you, please contact Associate Director of Development & Director of Major Gifts & Planned Giving Mary Ellen Porter at 410-323-7178 or meporter@gilman.edu.
If your plans already include a gift to Gilman, please let us know. We want to thank you, understand your wishes, and welcome you into the Grasshopper Society.
Mr. F. Wayne Lafferty, Jr. 1979
Mr. John H. O’Donovan* 1980 Mr. Jay D. Hergenroeder
Mr. William M. Thomas 1983
Mr. James C. Alban IV 1984
Mr. Robert B. Daniels, Jr.
Anonymous 1987
Mr. Matthew W. Wyskiel III 1991 Mr. David E. Brand, Jr. 1994
Mr. Kevin M. Robbins 1997
Mr. William G. Stewart, Jr.
By naming Gilman as a beneficiary in your will, revocable trust, or retirement plan, you can reduce your estate taxes and leave your current financial planning uninterrupted.
SIMPLE. Just include a bequest provision in your will or add a codicil to an existing will.
REVOCABLE. If your circumstances change, you can easily revise your will.
FLEXIBLE. You can give almost any kind of asset.
DEDUCTIBLE. Although you cannot take a current income tax deduction, bequests are deductible for federal estate tax purposes when your estate is settled.
Discover the benefits of giving wisely …
Contact Heather Harlan Warnack or Mary Ellen Porter in the Development Office for more information: 410.323.7178
Your support of the gilman fund is vital to the School’s ability to fully educate boys of promise who grow into men of character. Thank you for investing in the transformative experience of a Gilman education with your gift to the gilman fund today.