3 minute read
A Step Forward for Zero Waste
Granstand at Gramsb

^ Granstand at Gramsbergen
The reused tSVGbhd ergen d at SV ha seen decades o use at another c the the club sa f lub. ved
The reused grandstand at SV Gramsbergen had already seen decades of use at another nearby club. By reusing the existing grandstand, the club saved € ear communities as councils t omies with p ole in a trans otal r pa at a local level and lea eland look oughout Ir hr onmental essing envir r tion will both ir towns o, Loca ition to Net Zer rtners in construction d example in the p owth in l to balance gr how will climate m l Authorities , to ocess. But pr local econe that ensur new construc thei cular construc Cir essimpr construction has
Playing a pivotal role in a just transition to Net Zero, Local Authorities are perfectly placed to work with partners in construction, to engage communities at a local level and lead by example in the process. But as councils throughout Ireland look to balance growth in local economies with pressing environmental targets, how will they ensure that new construction will both mitigate climate change, and meet the needs of their towns and cities?
.W tion is of the answer ion s been a welcome move. The ith little over two decades le W cular ds cir ecent shift towar r ces can be esour idea that r eet the ft to make in an in-
Circular construction is part of the answer. With little over two decades left to make a lasting impression on climate change, the recent shift towards circular design and construction has been a welcome move. The idea that resources can be kept in an in-
Asso eenhouse e gr ciation construc missions of 9.3 billion tonnes
Galvanizers Association advises the construction sector in Ireland and the UK on the eland th tion Ir e fset the entir s, offf e annual carbon in greenhouse emissions of 9.3 billion tonnes, enough to offset the entire annual carbon eus e of other steel cale. 16 ear tions for the reuse of other steel components are compelling. and savings at scale.

> Dursley Treehouse reehouseT Tr

Reuse of ste was an im of this prope staircase was as a fire at a loc andthesteelmeshfloo
Reuse of galvanized steel components was an important part of this private property. The staircase was previously used as a fire escape at a local store and the steel mesh flooring had already seen 20 years of use in a local company.
>> Garsington Opera oring had f use in es d avilion. el mportant .Theerty used al store oringhad and the steel mesh floo seen 20 years o a local company facilitat annualconstructionand deconstruction of the p e of the metallu natur towithstandtranspo rgical ortationonsitehandlingand the ortation, onsite and and fectiveness e efff tur oss m eused acr steel can be r oprf ulti- eu , for the r However use of steel to become comm

Galvanized steel facilitates annual construction and deconstruction of the pavilion.
-nature of the metallurgical bond makes it tough enough to withstand transportation, onsite handling and the demands of multiple mounting and demounting proof local communities.

Due to its robust nature and the effectiveness of the coating, galvanized steel can be reused across multiHowever, for the reuse of steel to become common - dize compon standar epr ents as far as so t d a urposing is straightforwar ed steel needs to be deconstructioninsp as automated as is practica pectionandrepurposingwor on hat nd to ble. rksto standardize components as far as possible, so that demounting and repurposing is straightforward and toed steel needs to be as automated as is practicable. deconstruction, inspection and repurposing works to be undertaken. ear mandate for atethisnew to assist in nm chasing, gover pur wvisionforsustainableconstr fort, this ef ent can and accelerructionWhen to withstand transpo communities obust na r policies are being developed to assist in this effort, and planning and purchasing, local government can help mandate for the right choice of materials and accelerate this new vision for sustainable construction. When viewed as a whole, their combined effort to reduce ate new viewed as a w constr fort their combined ef ruction educe to r wnloadab A do Construction: le copy of Galvanized Steel and SolutionsforacircularEconom Sustainable myisavailableat deconstruction, insp undertaken emainsr equr go epurposing wor pection and r egenerative and r fort acr e a collaborative efff uir nment, business and co ver rks to chaloss m- remains competitive and regenerative is a huge challenge which will require a collaborative effort across national and local government, business and com- www.galvaniz
Solutions for a circular Econom -economying.org.uk/circular vailable a my is a
A downloadable copy of Galvanized Steel and Sustainable Construction: Solutions for a circular Economy is available at www.galvanizing.org.uk/circular-economy