3 minute read
Troop Cookie Trainings
What makes a good troop training?
A good cookie training is not only informative, but interactive! Find ways to engage your audience to make training a memorable experience.
Tips and reminders on having a successful troop training:
1. Allow adequate time for training (1 ½-2 hours). 2. Separate trainings for new and returning volunteers are recommended when possible. 3. For new people, cover all forms carefully as well as dates, guidelines and safety issues in Volunteer Essentials and Parent Guides. 4. Allow time for questions. 5. Set up a Girl Scout Cookie sample station with the service unit cookie samples you receive. 6. Provide a PowerPoint presentation if possible. We will provide a troop training
PowerPoint for you this year. 7. Provide an eBudde demo for new leaders. 8. Troop cookie training is required before sales materials are given to the troop cookie managers even if they have been doing it a long time. ALL troop leaders MUST be trained by the SUPM even if they are not participating. 9. Anyone on the “No Sell List” should not receive materials. Communicate independently with those on the list prior to training on why they will not receive materials. 10. Remind troops that a kick-off party or cookie rally does not take the place of girl/ parent training. 11. Verify that all troops have established bank accounts and inform them that the information will need to be entered in eBudde, even if they are a returning participant. 12. Inform troops of how your service unit handles booths. 13. Provide your contact information to all troop cookie managers and be available to answer questions that may arise after training.
What materials will you receive?
Sales materials for the service unit will be mailed directly to the SUPM. The SUPM will be responsible for getting these materials to troops. Materials should only be given to a troop Go you! after a Troop Product Manager agreement has been completed. Materials will include program packets for every girl as well as the Troop Leader Guide, Parent Guide, Parent Permission Forms, extra receipt books and money envelopes.
Girl program packets include:
Family Guide with Parent Permission Form
Give this guide to your parents to help walk them through the season.
Order card
Girls use this card to take orders before the cookies arrive. This card is turned in to their troop leader to place their order.
Goal Getter Form
Using the Goal Getter Order Form, girls can continue to take orders to keep the momentum while they wait for the cookies to arrive. Forms should be in the girl order packets and are also available on the website to print.
Receipt Book
You will receive two receipt books for your troop. Receipts should be used in every exchange of product, money or rewards. Extra receipts are available at regional offices.
Money Envelope
Have girls bring their money to troop meetings in this. Deposit often and count immediately upon receipt with the parent or guardian who gave it to you. Set time each troop meeting to collect funds from parents and guardians. DO NOT wait until the end of the cookie season to collect money.
An order card can ONLY be given to a girl by a Troop Cookie Manager or SUPM. Girl Scouts – Diamonds staff do not give out cards to girls at the local office without express permission of the Troop Cookie Manager or SUPM. This is done to ensure that Parent Permission slips have been signed BEFORE the girl receives her program order card.
Digital copies of materials may be printed or downloaded from the cookies tab at www.girlscoutsdiamonds.org.