Inkubated Magazine

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If you want to start a movement with your message, writing a good book is NICE, but finishing it is REQUIRED!


Dr. Angela E. Lauria, PhD The Author Incubator

I N K U B A T E D ! S t a r t a M o v e m e n t w i t h Y o u r M e s s a g e ​


Can You Write a Good Book in 3 Days?



3 Biggest Mistakes New Authors Make


ANGELA E. LAURIA International Bestselling Author

If you are offered an interview, be prepared to answer questions about: Your mission—what is the difference you want to make in the world or in peoples’ lives? Your idea for a book—or if you aren’t clear on this yet, tell us more about your life-changing ideas or services and how they help people. What your book will do for its readers-how does your message impact people? How do you want the reader to be different after reading it? How you will help your readers after they’ve read your book—this could be through coaching, consulting, public speaking, support groups, or regular communication, or a new approach that helps people put your principles into practice.


What your book will do for you—such as filling your client roster, increasing your rates, getting you on the public speaking circuit, or rapidly growing an email list.

“The Difference Process is genius.”

We wish you the very best of luck in your application.



“ If you’ve dreamed of writing a book, get this immediately.”

your message


“ This book is like The Secret for aspiring writers.” RACHEL ALEXANDRIA

Begin your journey at Also available as eBooks

letter from the publisher The Incubated Author knows even the most powerful book can’t make a difference if it doesn’t get into people’s hands and hearts.

Could you be happy with your book if it was completed, but it wasn’t making a difference? After two decades in the publishing industry, and dozens of books under my belt, I’ve had the chance to work on plenty of books that made a difference and plenty that didn’t. When I started my business, I took the books that had made the biggest difference and analyzed them to determine the deciding factors in their success. This analysis resulted in The Difference Process™. All the authors featured in this magazine have used this process not just to get a book completed, but to write a book designed to make a difference. Following that process is what makes their books so powerful and transformative. The Difference Process is a discipline of putting your reader first – above everything – even when it’s hard; and that’s what we’ve tried to do with the inaugural issue of Inkubated! I know you have a powerful message of hope, healing, and transformation. I know you want to get that message into a world in a bigger, more meaningful way. This magazine is dedicated to your future self. In just a few months, you could be seeing results like the authors in the next pages. What they have in common, and what I hope you will share with them, is a servant’s heart and a commitment to putting their reader first. What this deep love translates to are meaningful, powerful results. Millions of people have heard their message, tens of thousands of dollars have been generated, and thousands of lives have been changed. That’s the mission of the incubated author. I hope these authors serve as inspiration for what’s possible for you. Free your inner author,

Angela E. Lauria, PhD Start a movement with your message  INKubated!


Table of Contents FEATURES 01 Letter from the Publisher 04 The Spy Who Loved Books

26 3 Biggest Mistakes New Authors Make and How You Can Avoid Them

46 C an You Really Write a Good Book in 3 Days?

65 This is Your House: Inside The Author Castle

70 Artist Spotlght: Truth Rising

72 Preparing to Interview with The Author Incubator


10 Cassie Parks Incubated Author Talks About the Real Big Pay Off

14 Mike Hrostoski Mastering the Game of Life 18 Caroline Green Determined Mom Takes Audacious Action

22 Jenn McRobbie From Crisis to Difference Maker on the Main Stage

30 Jill Angie It’s a Curvalution Revolution

34 S haron Pope Heart-Centered Work with Big Gains

38 D anielle Miller Branding Expert Builds the Smartypants Brand 42 Tami Stackelhouse From One-on-One Coach to Institute Founder in 6 Months 50 J im Shields Basking in the Glow of Recognition is No Joke 54 Kathleen Ann Harper Bad Mom Island to Motherhood Manifesto 58 A ndrea Wildenthal Hanson Living Her Life Not Her Diagnosis 62 Mark J. Silverman Overcoming Life’s Obstacles and A.D.D. to Stick to The List 2 | INKubated!  Start a movement with your message


Publisher Angela E. Lauria Executive Editor Robin Thompson Managing Editor Gina Daschbach Art Director Michelle Grierson

Back Row: Mila Nedeljkov, Robin Thompson, John Matthews, Kelly Pratt Front Row: Grace Kerina, Flavia Belli, Angela E. Lauria, Heidi Miller, Kate Makled

Contributing Photo Editors John Matthews Max Fox Mila Nedeljkov Christa Gallopoulos


Contributing Writers Jill Angie Dave Booda Caroline Greene Kathleen Ann Harper Andrea Wildenthal Hanson Michael Hrostoski Jenn McRobbie Danielle M. Miller

Cassie Parks Sharon Pope Sophie Sabbage Mark J. Silverman Jim Shields Tami Stackelhouse Robin Thompson


Angela E. Lauria

Chief Financial Officer

Mark Butler

Chief Marketing Officer

Robin Thompson

Acquisitions Editors

Melissa Nations Flavia Belli

Editorial Team

Kate Makled Grace Kerina Mila Nedeljkov

Design Team

John Matthews Heidi Miller Lautaro Cabrera

Print Production

Kelly Pratt


Jessie Sessions Angela Clark

The Author Incubator 860.576.9475 TheAuthorIncubator




Manuscript Submissions COPYRIGHT 2016 All rights reserved. No part of this publications may be reproduced in any form, electronically or mechanically, without written permission of the Publisher. Start a movement with your message  INKubated!




By Angela E. Lauria

How my first job researching a double-agent led me to incubating a business that creates permanent change for readers, generates more revenue for authors, and disrupts the publishing industry

Traffic was flowing in Georgetown, but I maneuvered my teal green ’94 Dodge Shadow into a tiny space near the corner of 37th and R. There was a mailbox I needed to get a picture of and nothing was going to stop me—least of all bad traffic and parking. I pulled out my Nikon Zoom Panoramic camera and got the shots. This mailbox had a story to tell. Aldrich Ames was a CIA agent who was selling secrets to the Russians and he would draw a small line in white chalk above the USPS logo on this mailbox when he wanted to signal to his KGB handlers when he had information. It had been years since Ames last signaled when I took my pictures. I was a college senior at The George Washington University and over Spring Break I started my first job as a researcher for

“ This was my first job helping to birth a book that would make a difference.” New York Times Best Selling Author, David Wise. David had me combing Washington DC and the surrounds for the echoes of spies past and many of those images made it into his books. And this was how it all started for me. In the years that followed my “spy books” experience, I worked on books about the mafia, finance, travel, politics, civil rights, Nazis, lottery winners, government, computer software, the Internet, mobile technologies, even the Constitution. I was a ghostwriter, fact checker, editor, proof reader, photographer, publicist, project manager, strategist, analyst and author. There were very few hats I didn’t wear in the publishing world.

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The irony isn’t lost on me now. Of course my mission was being spoon fed to me day after day and I couldn’t see it or taste it. Still, at the end of a long day or a long week, I’d always find myself at a book store. There was a particular Borders book store in Northern Virginia, where I probably spent half of my twenties. As much as I loved politics, activism, and civil rights, those weren’t the books I was reading. I was, instead, systematically working my way through the entire self-help section of the store.

And so I’d read…book after book after book…sometimes taking days or weeks off work just to read and I’d ask myself… “What is my passion?” “What do I lose track of time doing?” “What is my purpose on the planet?”

Oddly I never even made the connection between my passion for personal growth books and the fact I worked in the publishing industry. Helping to create books was what I did so I could pay my bills and buy books to help me figure out what I wanted to do when I grew up.

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And here’s what hit me in September 2010.

It hit me one afternoon in September of 2010. I’d been working on a book called Windows Server Backup 2.0 (sexy, I know, let me know if you want a copy) and I realized everything I was doing to sell back up software was what was needed to change the world. You see, when you get a multi-thousand dollar corporate contract to write a book that sells back up software, do you know what happens? You write a book that sells back up software! You start with the results— because without it the company wouldn’t stroke the check for your services. Then you build the strategy that has a 10x return on the investment for the client. And then you write the book and finish it. There is no writer’s block. There is no wondering if you’ll finish. There is no wallowing in self-doubt. It’s your job, you show up and do it. When you are a hired gun of a writer not only do you finish 100% of your jobs, you try to finish them with the highest quality and the least amount of time so your hourly rate is maximized. Like most ghostwriters, I billed on a project basis not on an hourly basis. I’ve sold millions of mobile devices with books. I’ve sold tens of thousands of identity theft software subscriptions. I’ve sold hundreds of backup software systems. I’ve gotten millions of dollars in media placements for politicians. And I’ve built mailing lists of 1,000 new subscribers a day for weeks after a book launch. But I don’t really care about any of these people or products.

All the techniques I’d learned in the corporate world would be put to good use. Together I would guide authors to a new way of thinking that’s measurable and world changing. At the end of the day, I want Marianne Williamson, or Shakti Gowain, or Caroline Myss, or Brian Weiss, or James Van Praugh, or Neale Donald Walsh books in my hand. And so, in 2010, I shut the doors on 17 years of being a book doula and created an Incubator for Difference Makers. All the techniques I’d learned in the corporate world would be put to good use. Together I would guide authors to a new way of thinking that’s measurable and world changing.

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Here’s the question you should be asking now: Does it work? I set to work identifying why certain books make a difference and others don’t and created The Difference Process™. At first I thought I would just provide consulting services to authors so they could be sure to write the most effective book possible, but after working with more than 100 authors I found my work was being undermined by the publishing choice the author made. When the author chose to self-publish, they would often hire an editor (sometimes for $5,000 or even $10,000) and the editor would dismantle all the work we did in an attempt to make the book “better.” What I’ve found is most editors measure good and better on “High School English class” terms. When our goal is to make a difference, getting an A in English class is an inferior mark of success. When the author chose to work with a traditional publisher, the publisher would dismantle all the elements of the book that increased intimacy and the likelihood of follow on sales in favor of more book sales upfront from readers who not only wouldn’t be changed but they probably wouldn’t even read the book. Publishers have

a long history of bait and switch tactics to get readers to buy, but then never deliver the change they promise so the reader will buy the next book. Self-publishing avoids that problem by giving authors all the power in their own hands. The problem is that authors have to learn all the aspects of publishing such as layout and cover design. Since most authors are subject matter experts in their field and not in publishing, the results can look amateurish, negatively effecting the outcome, even if the editing doesn’t tear down the connection between reader and author that is required to create change. Getting that expertise from a traditional publisher is expensive though. First, traditional publishers take upwards of 90 percent of an author’s earnings, and they'll change the direction of the book, the layout and even the cover or title if they think it will gain more buyers. Plus, to minimize competition and cannibalization, they take away from the author the right to run workshops and programs based on the book’s content which is how deep permanent change occurs most often.

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The only viable solution was to create The Difference Press™. Today, we exclusively publish the books that come through our process and we are committed to maximizing the power of each book beyond the launch.

It seemed The Difference Process™ was a man without a country. We were creating well-written books poised to create permanent change for the reader, but that put us at war with the publishing options on the market. The only viable solution was to create The Difference Press™. Today, we exclusively publish the books that come through our process and we are committed to maximizing the power of each book beyond the launch. The great news is – it does work. Picking the authors to feature in this publication was a challenge for every one we included we left behind 10 more success stories that were equally impressive. Even now I’m second guessing the list and wishing we could include all of their stories.

When I started my business, I took the books that had made the biggest difference and analyzed them to determine the deciding factors in their success. This resulted in The Difference Process. Now I teach authors how to write a book designed to make a difference. The Difference Process is a discipline of putting your reader first—above everything—even when it’s hard.

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where we are now… It’s been two full revolutions around the sun since we opened The Difference Press imprint exclusively to authors who followed The Difference Process. • All but 1 author who signed up to work with us finished their book (most in 90 days or less). That’s well over 100 books in 2 years. • Every single book we published became a best seller. Most hitting #1 on Amazon in their category of choice within 72 hours of launch. • On average our books get 1,000 readers in the first week on the market. So far the top performing book got over 7,000 readers in the first week alone. • We have paid a total of more than $100,000 in royalties to authors in the last 2 years and our goal is to 10X that in the next 2 years. • Among the authors who participate in our marketing training, the average monthly booked revenue from their books and related products and services is $15,500.

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to create their happy ever after. ~ Cassie Parks

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The Author Incubator Author Profile

Cassie Parks

INCUBATED AUTHOR TALKS ABOUT THE REAL BIG PAY OFF Law of Attraction expert Cassie Parks serves more than 700 clients within a year of publication and helps tens of thousands more with her best-seller books.


am Cassie Parks—a passionate author, coach, speaker, champagne lover, and a guide for those who want to create their happy ever after. I am living my happy every after every day, and it’s not because I got lucky or someone waved their magic wand, but because I set out on a path to create it and didn’t stop until I got it.

I have the only pay-aftery o u - m a n i fe s t   m o n ey manifesting course called “Manifest 10K.” It teaches the principles of Law of Attraction and improves people’s relationships with money. After the course I offer a “Script Your Dream Life Workshop” and a year-long coaching program that helps you get to your dream life quickly and easily.

ever after. My passion is teaching people they have the power to create a life they love living. My first book, Money Mindset for a Champagne Life, teaches people why they are where they are financially. It teaches them how to create a new money persona and start creating the financial success they desire.

November 2015 I made 59x November 2014 and doubled my corporate monthly salary, which was a dream of mine

My mission is to support people who feel stuck and frustrated to create a vision so they can live their happily

My second book, Investing Secrets for a Champagne Life, is an introduction to real estate investing. It teaches everything I learned along the way to retiring at 32.

My third book, Lifestyle Design for a Champagne Life, was written for people who are frustrated they aren’t getting what they want. It’s a step by step guide to creating the story you desire to be living, so that you know you will reach your happy ever after.

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The Author Incubator Author Profile

A big part of my mission and my own personal happy ever after story are the books I’ve written with The Author Incubator. By creating a money mindset for success I was able to retire at 32 and pay my bills with the income from my real estate investments. I had the freedom I had always wanted but, while I loved the first year full time in my coaching business, I was not making the difference I wanted to make.

2014 and doubled my corporate monthly salary. But it’s not just about the money. Almost every day I hear from someone about the impact my work is having on their life. People are living their happy ever after story. They are experiencing more abundance than ever before. They are taking leaps and changing their lives because my work has a greater reach in the world. Thinking of the difference that I am making Before finding The Author Incubator I in peoples’ lives makes me smile self-published a book I thought would when I go to sleep at night. be a hit. It was only downloaded I definitely had my struggles during the 100 times, I didn’t get any clients writing period. The biggest obstacle I from it and I didn’t get any indication experienced was during my third that the book was making a difference in people’s lives. The problem was, I didn’t know how to write a Almost every day I hear from book that actually made a difference. someone about the impact my So, after writing that book, which work is having on their life. wasted about two months of my focus, I wasn’t any better off and neither were the people I longed book where I tried to show the to serve. reader that the Law of Attraction I wanted everyone to know they have wasn’t always easy for me, and that the power within them to create their I had messed up a lot on my path. It happy ever after, whatever that is for felt challenging and I didn't understand them, but that wasn’t happening for why. Working with Angela showed me me! I contacted The Author Incubator that it was ok to show the reader how and, after just one conversation that I had messed up.

showed me why my self-published book hadn’t been successful, I started writing Money Mindset For a Champagne Life.

With each book I am regarded more as the “go to” expert in my industry. The books have skyrocketed my credibility and positioning in the skill. Since The Author Incubator helped me It differentiates me. I am seen as one write and publish my book, Money of the leading experts and that has Mindset For A Champagne Life, 700 changed the way my business feels, additional people have improved their the amount of money I make, and money mindsets by going through most importantly how I see myself. my program. In November 2015 I I didn’t realize how much I had made 59 times that of November accomplished or how much I knew

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or how much work I had done on my money mindset until I wrote the book. Putting it all down on paper was like having a mirror that showed me that I am an expert. Seeing myself as an expert made me more confident in sharing what I do and serving my clients. The best business decision I ever made was to write a book with The Author Incubator. It’s taught me so much about how to speak to and serve my clients.

Client Conversion Client Growth S old out online course every month Approximately 700 new clients Business Growth 59x revenue growth within a year Doubled previous corporate monthly salary

Lifestyle Design for a Champagne Life: Find Out Why the Law of Attraction Isn’t Working, Learn the Secret to Lifestyle Design, and Make Your Dream a Reality This book shows readers how to get what they want quickly and easily instead of spending years trying to make the Law of Attraction work to manifest what they desire or they work reallyhard for a life they think they want. Lifestyle Design for a Champagne Life reveals the secret to lifestyle design so readers can avoid years of spinning their wheels to get what they desire most.

Money Mindset for a Champagne Life: Money Management That Focuses On Investing In Your Happiness and Creating A Budget To Attract Abundance Beyond the cookie-cutter “how to” of personal money management, this book leads readers through the process of defining their own idea of success with money and creating a personal money strategy. Drawing on her our journey from debt to financial independence, Cassie lays the groundwork for success with money; budgeting, mindset and attraction. She teaches the process and techniques she used to change her relationship with money.

Putting it all down on paper was like having a that showed me an

mirror I am expert. ~Cassie Parks

This book was written to be read it in about an hour so that readers can start putting it into practice immediately.

Investing Secrets for a Champagne Life: Get Started Investing In Real Estate, Create Cash Flow With A Passive Income Stream, and Design A Plan For Early Retirement Author Cassie Parks reveals the secrets of real estate investing with tips to get started in real estate and how to lay the foundation about what to expect for returns. Set yourself

up for success with advice from someone who utilized the power of real estate investing to retire at an early age. This book walks readers through the exact steps to get started and retire with a good income. Whether you’re looking to get a better return on your money so you have more at retirement or looking to create a cash flow system that lets you retire early, this book is a great place to start learning about investing in real estate.

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I went through the

process of‌

being honest with

the world about who I really am. ~Michael Hrostoski

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The Author Incubator Author Profile

Michael Hrostoski

MASTERING THE GAME OF LIFE O U T O F T H E C O R P O R AT E B OX A N D O N TO T H E PAT H . It was a huge initiation into developing my voice and showing up in the world with a higher degree of authenticity and integrity.


'm currently the world’s top life my voice and showing up in the world coach for men (according to with a higher degree of authenticity google) and the founder of and integrity. the School for Men, a global I had many reservations about community of men committed to publishing this book. Because I wrote mastering the game of life. I help it in a month I had the idea that men create love, power, and freedom my book couldn’t be good enough, or in every area of their lives. And I that it wasn’t a real book. have the honor or pleasure I also shared dozens of The biggest of working with men from all extremely personal details over the world and help benefits for me of my life that I had never them answer some of life's were all of the been public about before. I deepest questions. wrote about traumas, In 2013 I published August: internal emotional struggles, challenges, and A True Story of Love, Sex, shifts that the shared vulnerably about and Entrepreneurship. It’s a money and sexuality. It’s one-month memoir that I process of writing a very intimate, behinddecided to just write on a a book invoked. the-scenes look at an whim as I was going through entrepreneur that few a really interesting time in people would allow to be my life, starting a business, and public. All of this was extremely scary traveling all over the world as a for me and I came up with many digital nomad. It began as just reasons why I shouldn’t publish. another idea, then I just did it! It was a huge initiation into developing Start a movement with your message  INKubated!

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The Author Incubator Author Profile

But one of my main goals, outside of becoming a published author, was to share more of who I am with the world because I get to see every day how doing that impacts others and helps them to become more real and honest with themselves. I grew up in a family and in a religion where I had to lie frequently and it was unsafe for me to be my full authentic self, so this book was kind of like coming out of the closet and being who I truly was at that time in my life. It's funny looking back at this project after two years because, after a lot of personal growth, I'm now a very different man to the one who wrote that book. But I'm very happy it’s out in the world because people can see who I was at that point in my career, and read a behind the scenes account of what it takes to be an entrepreneur, to start a business, to

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get good with women, and find out what it’s like to just quit your career and take a big leap. It’s given me permission to speak more freely when I'm on stage, in a podcast interview, or with a client. I had the interesting challenge of having to write every day for an hour while traveling all over the country by plane, car, and RV. Some days were easy to wake up and write while others were difficult because I had jam-packed my life with adventures and activities and connections with amazing people. Editing and publishing was ten times harder than writing because of my fears and resistance to actually putting myself out there. I didn't think I was good enough to write a book, I was afraid of sharing all of these secrets about my life to the world, and I almost backed out of publishing it altogether. I had phone

calls with The Author Incubator where I was just arguing about editing and arguing about whether I even wanted to publish. They helped me so much with their leadership and helping me work through my internal blocks. They took a stand for all the readers I was going to help and they didn’t let me back out.

makes it easier for me to bring them on board. It’s easier to get them deep into conversation and develop powerful connections with a lot less work and in less time. It’s also just really cool to have a book and to be a published author. This is something that I would have never imagined that I'd be doing in my There are thousands of people out life and I've done it! there in the world who now know One young man emailed me and me on a very intimate level. I meet said, "I read your book and started people all the time at conferences crying uncontrollably at Chipotle”, and and at events who already feel like talked about how it opened his heart. I’m their close friend. This book has A 69 year old man read my book helped me establish a trust and and decided to sell everything and rapport with potential clients that become a digital nomad. He traveled

This book has helped me establish a trust and rapport with potential clients that makes it easier for me bring them on board. It’s easier to get them deep into conversation and develop powerful connections with a lot less work and in less time.

for months at the age of 69 years old! I met him in person at a conference and it was really special to meet someone who changed his whole life just because he was inspired by my story. I’d say the biggest benefit for me was all of the internal emotional shifts that the process of writing a book invoked. After I was published I became so much more confident, and so much more open about my life. I definitely want to write more books in the future. I’ve compared stories with many writer friends about their writing processes and I’ve learned that

most people quit before the end. If I hadn’t had The Author Incubator by my side there’s no way I would have published. I would have been stuck on so many things, from working through my internal blocks and fears to handling technical details like creating ISBNs and selfpublishing on Amazon, designing a good cover, and the other hundred background things I know nothing about. Working with them let me focus on what I’m good at—writing— and they did what they’re great at, which is helping authors go from idea to published and holding a space for their success. It was a perfect business marriage.

August August is the story of what happens when you break all the rules. In this raw memoir, men’s coach Mike Hrostoski, exposes the truth behind life as a location independent 30-something entrepreneur. Part summer vacation memoir and part personal growth guide, Hrostoski is boldly honest and radically authentic in sharing the secrets of his success in love and business. Not one to hide behind false confidence, Hrostoski brings the reader inside his world asking about the value of his own work throughout the journey. Hrostoski’s book is a lesson in creation. “You just have to put a stake in the ground and figure it out along the way.” That’s what he did in August. It’s what he did in creating this book. And it’s what he shows you is possible for you.

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women are changing action truly matter they are taking to build lives that

~Caroline Greene

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The Author Incubator Author Profile

Caroline Greene

DETERMINED MOM TAKES AUDACIOUS ACTION FIND MEANINGFUL WORK + BUILD A BUSINESS T H AT ’ S R I G H T F O R YO U A N D YO U R FA M I LY This book helped to clarify my vision, mission and purpose and actually believing that I have people who need my help.


’m Caroline Greene, author, life a business owner! I simply wanted and business coach. I help well- to get my message of hope and educated, overachieving moms healing out into the world. take their businesses to the next Six weeks later we published Matter. level by creating and implementing And within the first month I made personalized year-long plans that $17,000!! And guess what?! I suddenly are right for them and their fami- wanted to grow a successful business. lies. I’m also the author of The De- Not because I made the money, but termined Mom’s Guide Series, which because I finally understood that includes: Matter: How to Find Mean- selling my books and coaching ingful Work That’s Right for You and services was the best and Your Family and Next: How most effective way for me My book has to Build a Successful to help the moms I knew Business That’s Right for propelled me into I was called to serve. You and Your Family. a whole new level Matter propelled me Before I wrote my first of success—both into a whole new level of book with The Author success—both personally Incubator I was a terrified personally and and professionally. It inbut eager new coach who professionally spired me to create a was passionate about mentorship program for helping other moms. I moms who were comwasn’t writing in order to attract mitted to building lives that truly clients or grow my business. In fact, mattered. As a result of the work I didn’t even really consider myself Start a movement with your message  INKubated!

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The Author Incubator Author Profile

Within the first month I made $17,000 and

guess what?!

grow a successful business!

I suddenly wanted to

~ Caroline Greene

we’re doing in that group, lives are being transformed. Not only are the women changing as they take action and are building lives that truly matter to them, but their homes and communities are being transformed as well. It’s been incredible to say the least. Now I’m chronicling what I learned from my mistakes and successes in Next, which is published in January 2016, and looking forward to whatever third book the future might bring.

writing process I reached a point in my journey where I didn’t fear failure as much as I feared not serving my people well. The increased confidence that comes with being a published author has helped me believe that my programs truly serve people. As a result, I am selling those programs more easily and consistently. While it hasn’t been easy, I’ve reached new revenue goals and impacted clients lives in a way I always knew I could, but just wasn’t sure I ever would.

I used to be terrified that the tools and ideas that I have crafted might The experience of publishing my not work and that I may disappoint book changed my credibility and my readers, mentors, family and/or positioning in my own mind, which friends. But as I went through the

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has in turn changed my credibility and positioning in the marketplace. I’ve moved past my insecurities and fear and I own my own power to love and serve others. You could call it confidence, but it’s really much more than that. I was always a confident person. I knew that I could do anything. But this program helped me actually do it. And that has made all the difference—for me and the people I love and serve everyday. The feedback was incredible—mostly through Amazon reviews. One person said that they had read it three times already! Others shared that it was life-changing. It was truly a humbling and amazing experience.

Most days I just feel grateful. Grateful for the opportunity to be vulnerable. For the opportunity to grow. And most of all, for the opportunity to be of service to the people I feel called to serve. I’ll be forever indebted to Angela Lauria and The Author Incubator team for opening the door and holding space for me to succeed in a way that truly mattered to me. Not only did I become an author by using and learning to trust The Author Incubator’s Difference Process For Writing A Book That Matters, I became more of my best and truest self.

Client Conversion Client Growth 12 new clients in first six weeks Business Growth More than $15,000 in first month F rom one-on-one coach to group mentorship program

I finally understood that selling my books and coaching services was the best and most effective way for me to help the moms I knew I was called to serve

The Determined Mom’s Guide – Matter How to Find Meaningful Work That’s Right for You and Your Family The Determined Mom’s Guide – Next How to Grow a Successful Business That is Right For You and Your Family In these short, no-nonsense guides, IvyLeague educated author and lawyer Caroline Greene boldly shares how she went from the top of her law school class to the floor of her family’s kitchen, while the man she married rose through the ranks to become a successful partner at a national firm. Caroline shares practical tools and thoughtful insights she gained on her journey to finding meaningful work that was right for her and her family. Her second book shares her path being a brand new entrepreneur successful business owner in less a year and readers can benefit this clear and efficient process.

from to a than from

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changing people’s relationships with themselves and others

~ Jenn McRobbie

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The Author Incubator Author Profile

Jenn McRobbie

FROM CRISIS TO DIFFERENCE MAKER ON THE MAIN STAGE HOW JENN McROBBIE’S OWN CANCER D I A G N O S I S L E D H E R TO C R E AT E A M O V E M E N T I N C O M M U N I C AT I O N S A N D F R I E N D S H I P S . Being an author immediately gave me a platform to get in front of organizations and say, “Look, I have something worth sharing.”


’m a life coach, author and speaker. My mission is to start having, out loud, hard conversations about our relationships— the stuff that we don’t want to talk about. My goal is to make sure people don’t feel alone with their thoughts and feelings and insecurities. I want to help people learn to LIVE, LOVE and BE FREE. My book, Why is She Acting So Weird? A Guide to Cultivating Closeness When a Friend is in Crisis, was borne from my experiences interacting with friends after my breast cancer diagnosis and during treatment. My friends were both critical to successfully navigating this crisis—and a big part of the crisis itself!

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The Author Incubator Author Profile

Platform Speaking Awards F inalist, 2015 International Book Awards Print Media

I developed the resource I wish had a difference in people’s lives and existed for my friends when I was deciding I was going to make that diagnosed. difference with a book changed my Before writing my book, I always life. The act of writing and publishing dreaded the question, “So, what do Why is She Acting So Weird? A Guide you do?” I didn’t have a straight to Cultivating Closeness When a Friend answer because I dabbled in lots is in Crisis opened a new door. Beyond of different things as a life coach, a this door, I’m now a catalyst for speaker, a writer, a mom, a wife, a changing people’s relationships with themselves and others. sister, a daughter, a friend…a human. Working with The Author Incubator forced me to look at myself and ask, “So, what do you want to do?” Deciding that I wanted to make

E lephant Journal, Prevention, Ruby-Slippered Sisterhood, Midlife Midwife Project

I’ve also received lots of e-mail messages from people telling me about how much my book helped them in their own crisis

Public Speaking I NOVA Breast Cancer Event, INOVA Women’s Network, Shenandoah University, Smith Center For Healing In The Arts, Lunch and Learn with Google, Hospice Caring Inc., Young Survival Coalition, Young Survival Coalition National Summit Radio & Podcasts Catch Good Health Radio The Stupid Cancer Show T he HappyNess Project with Dr. Amzallag

After I committed to write my book, I had just finished treatment for my breast cancer, so my energy levels were just in the dirt. But, I had more

surgeries scheduled for the end of the Difference Process becomes an exyear, so I really wanted to focus and press train. Once you’re on, you’re so get my book done before then. motivated to get going that you just After a month I just fizzled. I was can’t stop. You can’t lose momentum scared. I kept telling myself no one that way. All Aboard! would want to read my book and The Author Incubator’s Difference that I had nothing to say. So, I Process helped me in three distinct did nothing! ways: 1.) it forced me to find my When Angela reached out she authentic voice BEFORE I started galvanized me to get going again. writing, 2.) it gave me little wiggle And since then I never looked back. room to procrastinate and 3.) when I still wanted to get the book done I DID want to procrastinate, I was before my surgeries, so my timeline given permission to do so (because was tight…but she was a powerful I rewrote “procrastination” into “book planning time”. motivating force. Joining The Author Incubator is kind of like getting on a train. The end destination is your written book. When you get on the train you think it’s going to make certain stops and you’re going to have a relaxing trip with lots of personal service. And that’s all true. But somewhere along the line, The Author Incubator’s

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Being an author gave me a platform to get in front of organizations and say, “Look, I have something worth sharing.” Having a book gives you credibility and lets people know you are serious about your topic. It’s also given me a way to showcase “my voice” before even speaking to anyone. That’s invaluable when you’re looking to

It’s given me a way to

showcase “my voice”before even speaking to anyone ~Jenn McRobbie

book big speaking events and people so alone—that they felt understood. have little time to find out what That means the world to me. you stand for. All of it has let me know that The feedback has been overwhelm- I’m on the right track. People are ingly positive. My favorites include the changing the way they think and act blog posts and e-mails people have because of something I wrote! That’s written sharing their own personal ex- amazing. And humbling. I know I periences after reading my book. When can’t change the world or how people people tell me that my book is a treat themselves or others over night. “gift” to them and their families… As a change maker, it is hard to well, that’s sort of the cat’s meow. measure success, at least in the I’ve also received lots of e-mail traditional sense. So, I changed my messages from people telling definition of success. Now, success me about how much my book is helping one person in one way, helped them in their own crisis. each and every day. One person at I wrote the book primarily for friends a time, one day at a time—that’s and family, but I’ve received a lot of how I make a difference and work feedback from the survivors of crisis to change the world. that my book helped them not feel

Why is She Acting So Weird? A Guide to Cultivating Closeness When a Friend is in Crisis Why is She Acting So Weird? is Jenn McRobbie’s heart, in print. Borne from her experiences interacting with friends after her diagnosis, the book is a guide to being a good friend during a lifealtering crisis. Her book seeks to empower friendship through concrete guidance and is a treatise on how friends can LIVE, LOVE and BE FREE with each other. With wit, wisdom and a modern new voice, McRobbie weaves a brave and heartfelt cancer memoir with a practical guide on the healing power of female friendship. Topics range from developing a support system, to what to say when you’re at a loss for words. Readers learn practical skills for helping a friend build a communication plan and how to offer advice without overstepping boundaries.

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by The Author Incubator Staff

Do you know how to write a book? Most people don’t. Most people know how to fill 200 pages with words, but they haven’t been taught how to write a book and because of that, they make mistakes, and lots of them. How we prepare for writing our book will determine its success. There are simple things that experienced authors know that will dramatically improve your chance of finishing your book, and have it fulfill your intention for writing it. A book is the fulfillment of a purpose. It takes the reader on a journey and has a clear intention to produce a desired result. After watching more than 115 authors go from idea to published bestseller, we have seen these mistakes over and over again, but in our program we make sure you don’t have to learn them the hard way. Here are the 3 biggest mistakes new authors make and what you can do to avoid them.

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MISTAKE  1  Starting by Writing Do you know that feeling of pushing and pushing and pushing your writing but secretly feeling like it should be a lot easier than it is? Most people blame their motivation. When they aren’t writing the book they want, they apply more pressure to write, then strap themselves to their chair, and think “I need to buckle down and just do it!” One of the biggest mistakes new authors make is they buckle up before they’ve really done the work to know where the car is going. The result of this is not just catastrophic for your book, but also for your mental health. Starting with writing is why there are so many clichés about writers who never finish their books, or spend months, even years torturing themselves during the writing process. We as writers and people change rapidly, and if we stretch the writing of a book out over the course of years, not only will the book not flow because its author has changed, but we will drive ourselves crazy trying to edit and rewrite the parts that don’t feel right anymore.


Before you write, you must know and understand the intention of your book. What is the result you are hoping to achieve? How do you want the reader to be different once they’ve finished it? What actions do you want the reader to take to engage with you?

This may sound callous to some of the artists who want to do art for its own sake, but even that is an intention. Some books are written for the pure joy of writing a book. So why are you writing your book? Having an intention is like having a destination, and without it, you will get lost. Maybe the intention of your book is to generate leads for your business. Maybe it’s to serve a specific group of people who have an issue you can solve by speaking at their groups. Maybe it’s to build your list so you have a platform to share your message. Maybe it’s to position yourself as an expert so when someone has an issue in your subject matter, they call you first. Whatever the intention, make it clear and spend time thinking about it. It’s part of sharpening your ax. What else should you do before writing? Having an intention is just one of the 10-steps and actually sitting down to write the book doesn’t happen until step seven. For a complete outline of the 10-steps, checkout The Difference–Ten Steps To Writing A Book That Matters.

“ Whatever the intention, make it clear and spend time thinking about it.”

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MISTAKE  2  Trying to Appeal to Everyone So often authors write books with the goal in mind of appealing to everyone. We censor ourselves, we make it applicable to everyone, because we are afraid that if we don’t make it applicable to everyone then it won’t be successful. The opposite is true. A book that makes a difference is a book that is written with one specific ideal reader in mind.

THE TRUTH: There is no way to write a book that

really makes a difference unless you can identify a single ideal reader and write a book that gets into their heart and soul. You write a book for this person, instead of writing a book to everyone. This is how to be of service. With your ideal reader in your mind and heart write a vulnerable, all-out love letter to her. Serve her powerfully by showing her you understand her problem intimately and share a solution that will make a difference in her life.


Beginning to Write Without a Plan to Get the Book into the Reader's Hands

We talk about writing a book

For example, if the goal of the book is building

that makes a difference. For

an email list, how is this book going to drive the

a book to make a difference

reader to join? What prompts go through the book

two things are required. First

to get the reader to do that? How does the



reader who wants to get more information, hear


more or see your videos go from reading the


book to engaging with your website?



have of



transformation, Second,






people's hands and hearts. The best book sitting in a box in someone's basement or behind an unclicked link on Amazon





matter to anyone. It won't help, transform or reshape anything. Writing alone is not sufficient to make a difference. In order to make a difference you have to first understand what you want the book to do for you and your business.

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If the book is about client creation, how do you get 10% of your readers to go beyond the words on the page and into a direct engagement with you to become your client? If the book is about speaking opportunities and writing opportunities, how do you structure the book so that people who are looking for speakers and writers can see your potential on stage through the chapters of your book?

D – Define Your Ideal Reader I – Identify Your Voice F – Frame Your Outcome F – Focus Your Author Mojo E – Envision Your Success R – Release Your Blocks E – Establish Your Author Feeling State N – Nurture Your Manuscript C – Create Your Masterpiece E – Expand Your Reach




By correctly planning and writing

The reason so many new authors make these mistakes

with your goal clearly in mind, you will write a

is because no one was taught how to write a book, and

book that produces the desired outcome of the

there are precious few programs out there that really

reader and be able to make the difference you

know how to set you up for success. Most authors

want to make in the world. For example if you sell

learn it the hard way and some never learn it at all.

10,000 copies of your book in its lifetime, and

If you want to write a book that makes a difference in

3,000 of its readers join your email list, or 300 contact you for strategy sessions, or 30 speaking opportunities come to you as a result, then you have 30, 300, or 3,000 opportunities to impact people in a meaningful way as the result of your book.

peoples’ lives, gets you your results, and doesn’t take a herculean effort to write, you owe it to yourself to first learn from the mistakes of the authors that have gone before you.

By writing a book first then planning your outcome, your book will do little to nothing to help you achieve your end goal, and you will be lucky if 0.1% of your readers go further than reading your book and engage with you.

“ Every child is taught if you

try to please everyone, you end up upsetting everyone.” ~ Richard Engel

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Jill Angie

IT’S A CURVALUTION REVOLUTION J I L L A N G I E R U N S PA S T H E R O W N F E A R S A N D S P R E A D S A M E S S A G E O F B E LO N G I N G TO T H E U N L I K E L I E S T O F AT H L E T E S One year after I now have about 3000 people on my email list, over 3000 in my private group, and over 20,000 likes on my public page, as well as an online coaching business where I help women achieve their running goals through group programs


few years ago I made a decision that would change my life— andthe lives of thousands of others—forever. It seemed like a simple one: quitting my desk job to become a personal trainer. I began working from home, with women like myself, helping them find fitness and selfconfidence through strength training. For the first year that’s exactly what I did, and I loved it. One summer afternoon while hanging out with some girl friends, chatting about fitness and body image, an idea crept into my mind…what if I wrote a book? Something about how overweight women could start running and become fit without waiting until they lost weight. That, in fact, they could actually love themselves exactly as they were.

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women all over the world

felt so empowered and reached out to me in droves. ~ Jill Angie Start a movement with your message  INKubated!

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The Author Incubator Author Profile A few weeks later, as if fate decided, I found The Author Incubator and Running With Curves was published four months later.

List Building List building Email: 3,000 opt-ins Facebook Page: 20,000 likes Facebook Group: 3,000 members Business Growth 10x Revenue Growth Client Growth

together, and it was up to me to make it happen.

I created a private Facebook group, just for curvy women, as a space to Then the party REALLY started. share their triumphs and struggles, Women began reaching out via email, and to just feel like they belonged saying that I gave them permission somewhere. to start running, to call themselves I invited all of the women that had runners, to wear fun running clothes, reached out and…within a day there and to just be happy with their bodies. were 300 women in the group. Within This went on for months until I a few months, 1000. A year later eventually got the message. It was I now have about 3000 people on time to create a space for all of my email list, over 3000 in my these amazing women to come private group, and over 20,000 likes

My income is now 10X what it was prior to publishing my book.

Established coaching business

on the public page, as well as an online coaching business where I help women achieve their running goals through group programs.

it is needed. And huge cheers for every step forward, every accomplishment and ever finish line. Before I wrote my book I had a small personal training business with about 12 clients. My FB following was around 200 people and I did not have an email list. I was blogging without much response. I had no idea how to leverage social media to build my list or my business. But the book started a movement—women all over the world felt so empowered after reading it, and they were reaching out to me in droves.

Most of these women are complete strangers to each other. Very few of them have met in person, but the virtual connection they have found is so strong, so deep, that their lives have been changed forever for the better. I’ve seen friendships start online and turn into real-life meetups at the starting lines of races. These women have found their tribe. They are brave, strong, fierce, and deeply committed to each others’ As a result, I have an online coaching success. There is no drama, no tearing business now that would not have down, no criticism. Just love, support existed had I not written Running With and kindness. A helping hand when

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the last two years wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t had the

courage to

write a book. ~ Jill Angie

Curves. And my income is more than I’m pretty sure that most of the last ten times what it was prior to two years wouldn’t have happened publishing. if I hadn’t had the courage to write Being at the forefront of this move- a book. I would probably be perfectly ment has changed me in ways happy right now as a personal trainer, I never expected. It has called on working with my awesome clients, but me to be my bravest self, to take I would have missed out on the exleaps of faith without knowing the perience of seeing thousands of outcome, and to put myself out in women find themselves through the world in a very transparent and running, and finding myself through authentic way. Sometimes I make helping them. mistakes, sometimes I fail, sometimes Getting the opportunity to meet and I get hurt. And sometimes it’s the help women exactly like me that want most magical thing ever. to change their lives through running. In November 2015 I published my I feel so grateful to be able to be second book, Not Your Average 5K, prosperous while doing what I love to which builds upon Running With do, and understanding that it’s the Curves by helping my ideal reader reason I was put on this planet. prepare herself to run her first race. Writing Running With Curves was The book has been out a month and probably the best decision I’ve ever women all over the world are lacing made—not just professionally, but up their shoes for their first 5K with personally as well. I’m a stronger, confidence and ease! I’m delighted more fulfilled and happier woman to see the running community as a result of getting to do this work embrace and celebrate all shapes in the world

Running with Curves: Why You’re Not Too Fat to Run, and the Skinny on How to Start Today and Not Your Average 5K With humor, compassion, and lots of love, Jill Angie delivers the goods: a pair of books to help you overcome the challenges of running with an overweight body, give your self-esteem an enormous boost in the process, and setting you up to finish your very first 5K like a rockstar. Where other training plans fail you, Jill’s easy-to-understand guidance gets you to the finish line with ease, bringing out your inner runner girl and showing you that you're capable of so much more than you ever thought possible.

and sizes, and proud to be one of I can’t wait to see what the next the leaders of this exciting movement. chapter holds! Start a movement with your message  INKubated!

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Writing a book


speaks to their soul ~ Sharon Pope

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Sharon Pope

HEART-CENTERED WORK WITH BIG GAINS A F O C U S E D A P P R O A C H D R A M AT I C A L LY INCREASES REVENUES AND REACH What had previously taken years was now taking weeks. And what felt like an insurmountable task became absolutely possible.


ne year ago, I reached out Author Incubator. What previously to The Author Incubator taken years was now taking weeks. through Facebook and said, And what felt like an insurmountable “Hey, I know what my next task became absolutely possible. book is going to be about and it’s Before I wrote the books in the Soulful actually a book series. When should Truth Telling series, my coaching we talk?” practice was attempting what most Thinking they wouldn’t want to talk new coaches attempt to do: to me until I had something I learned try to be too many things written for them to at least for too many people. My react to, I was taken aback more in one targeting was disparate and when they said very matter of hour that my approach was scattered. factly, “Now!” I was coaching, speaking, I had in a year writing, and hosting a radio I got on the phone with them about a week later and, even with another show. I was doing 1:1 coaching, small group workshops, though I had written another publisher. and destination retreats. I was book previously published trying to serve those with a through one of her compbroken heart and those that were etitors, I learned more in that one hour with them that I had in my professional power-houses. And even entire year-long experience with my though I had found some success, I wasn’t becoming the woman I needprevious publisher. ed to become to do the level of Fast forward to one year later and work I wanted to do. I’ve now published three books in the Soulful Truth Telling series with The Start a movement with your message  INKubated!

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The Author Incubator Author Profile

If I can do that, then what else could I do? ~ Sharon Pope

Client Conversion Client Growth 8 new high-ticket clients impact Growth S old out workshops in France, Italy, Florida, Arizona, and Hawaii Launched new product business Growth 3x revenue growth Professional office space

The greatest gift the Soulful Truth Telling series has given me is focus. Each book helped me clearly identify who I serve and focus the message to give the reader exactly what they needed, whether they were questioning a relationship, healing from a broken heart or trying to find love. My three books in my series are: • Am I in the Wrong Marriage? Get the Clarity You Need to Make a Decision to Stay and Re-commit or Lovingly Leave Your Relationship and What to do Next. • Why Can’t I Get Over Him? Exposing the Lies that Keep You Stuck in the Pain after a Breakup. • Disbelieving the Lies that Keep Us from the Love We Desire.

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That focus has helped the women who need me to find me and know that I’m their coach. I’m helping more people and those that make an investment in themselves through working with me are experiencing dramatic shifts in their lives. It has dramatically impacted my business, increasing my revenues by 70% (my monthly revenue has never been below $11k since I began with The Author Incubator), but most importantly I’m doing heart-centered work that’s truly making a difference. And that is a gift to me and my clients. Another way that becoming an author with The Author Incubator has helped me, is that when I learned that I was able to write and publish a book in a matter of weeks, I suddenly

had the confidence to do some really big things in my business. I thought, if I can do that, then what else am I capable of. All the things that may have felt scary previously suddenly felt within reach. I made investments that paid off in a profound way. I allowed people to help me in a way that extended the reach of my business and allowed their light to shine. I became no longer willing to play small because there

were simply too many people that needed my light. The Soulful Truth Telling series provided me a new and profound platform to grow into the woman I wanted to become so that I could do the work my heart is called to do. And it allowed me to do so in a way that felt authentic, powerful, nurturing and yes, soulful.

It has dramatically impacted my business, increasing my revenues by 70%, but most importantly I’m doing heartcentered work that’s truly making a difference

Soulful Truthtelling: Am I in the Wrong Marriage? Getting the clarity you need to make a decision to stay and re-commit or kindly leave your relationship and what to do next. Am I in the Wrong Marriage is the second book from Sharon Pope in the Soulful Truth Telling series written for the women (and men) that find themselves struggling in their relationship and stuck in indecision.

Soulful Truthtelling: Disbelieving the Lies that Keep Us from the Love We Desire Finding and creating lasting love has very little to do with what you’re doing and so much more to do with who you are becoming. Soulful Truth Telling is for every woman (and a few brave men) who has struggled to create and sustain the deep, soulful and lasting love she desires.

Soulful Truth Telling: Exposing the Lies that Keep Us Stuck after a Painful Breakup Part memoir, part self-help for women struggling to find love later in their lives. An emotional journey through truth to find a life worth living, a faith worth revealing and a love worth sharing.

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Danielle Miller

BRANDING ExPERT BUILDS THE SMARTYPANTS BRAND Best-selling author takes the branding movement beyond logos and taglines to guide women entrepreneurs to more meaningful branding in a digital age.


’m Danielle M. Miller, and I am a brand strategist/coach for remarkable women entrepreneurs who want to show up and stand out with their mission and message. My mission is to educate and guide women entrepreneurs on what it really means to brand themselves in the digital age. My book Smartypants Branding: The Ultimate Guide for Women Entrepreneurs to Getting Recognized, Being Remembered, and Making More Money in Their Business is a practical and easy to read book that shifts how women view having a brand. It gives entrepreneurs the tools and strategies to craft a brand that is aligned from the inside out. My goal in writing the book was two-fold: one: to teach women entrepreneurs what it really means to have a brand; two: to change the paradigm

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of how we think about the framework of branding. I sell coaching and consulting around branding and brand strategy. I don’t do typical branding; rather I see branding as a bridge to giving women entrepreneurs the tools to empower themselves and truly believe in their potential and possibility. I had the idea of writing a book in my head for the last 2-3 years and kept stopping and starting. I could never seem to wrap my arms around the information and get it organized in a way that didn’t seem formulaic and cookie-cutter. But I had this deep desire to get the book out in the world and was tired of trying to go it alone. Enter Angela Lauria and The Author Incubator. Not only is Angela’s process practical and thorough, the level of support and the holding of ‘space’ to holding of ‘space’ to get the book



heart soul is out in the world‌

~ Danielle Miller

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It boiled down to giving myself permission to own my expertise and embrace my strengths

~ Danielle Miller

Client Conversion Client Growth 22 new clients Business Growth $ 25,000 so far created Amplify-signature course based on book content

completed was absolutely invaluable. I look at things through a different lens than most people and having a developmental editor who could review my writing, offer constructive feedback, and help me tell my story in a cohesive way was empowering.

at creating outlines and organizing the information in a way that made sense. The structure of The Author Incubator’s program and the help of my developmental editor were invaluable. Their unconditional support and resources were a real comfort My challenges included being able and played a huge role in getting my to write about branding in way that book done. was holistic and organized, yet not The other amazing benefit of my like a formula or blueprint. I had journey from book idea to published trouble giving myself permission to author was that I gave myself own being a branding expert and permission to take my own my embracing the value I have to add to expertise, my deeply held beliefs and the conversation. I wasn’t very good philosophy, and draw my own line in

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The Author Incubator Author Profile

the sand. As a result, the confidence that comes from putting my work out in the world in the form of a book is literally life altering.

went from once every six months to about once per month. Arianna Huffington was very impressed with the book and recommended to her It all boiled down to giving myself book editor that it be featured on permission to own my expertise and their books page. I felt before the embrace my strengths. This was the book that I was a ‘best-kept’ secret. most incredible way to get really Not any more! clear on my voice and message. I’m I get great feedback from readers. One not sure if I would have achieved the of the biggest compliments is that level of clarity that I have now with- they feel like they are sitting down out writing the book. in person with me having a cup of I have worked with 22 new clients coffee while reading the book (which since the release of the book. It’s is exactly what I was going for). been a huge boost for me to add Other feedback is that I have broken “Amazon best selling author” to my down the branding framework in a credentials, something that I will have way that is easy to understand and forever. I gained status as a leader in implement. One client said after my field as my media appearances reading the book and then working

Arianna Huffington was very impressed with the book and recommended it be featured on their books page.

with me that I completely changed her life...that’s an incredible compliment and a responsibility that I take seriously. It is an incredible feeling to know that something you have poured your heart and soul

into is out in the world and making a real difference in peoples’ lives. To be able to call myself a bestselling author has been one of the most gratifying experiences of my life.

Smartypants Branding: The Ultimate Guide for Women Entrepreneurs to Getting Recognized, Being Remembered, and Making More Money in Business One of the biggest challenges women entrepreneurs face in today’s increasingly crowded digital landscape is how to be distinctive, memorable, and stand out from the crowd. Danielle M. Miller guides creative and smart women in applying big brand concepts to their businesses. Having honed her brand methodology by working with women solopreneurs and entrepreneurs over the last seven years, she shares what it truly means to ‘brand’ yourself in today’s digital age. Readers learn how to align core values, tap into leading archetype, talk to the right people without losing their essence, and their own distinct voice and vibe. The advice goes beyond tag lines and logos to discover crucial building blocks for crafting a brand as unique as each reader.

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Tami Stackelhouse

FROM ONE-ON-ONE COACH TO INSTITUTE FOUNDER IN 6 MONTHS O V E R C O M I N G F E A R S O F W R I T E R ’ S B LO C K A N D I L L N E S S L E A D F I B R O M YA LG I A C O A C H TO S TA RT A M O V E M E N T T H AT M AT T E R S My book gave me the curriculum, credibility, and confidence to launch the International Fibromyalgia Coaching Institute.

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I am able to

help so many

more people than I ever imagined possible ~ Tami Stackelhouse

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The Author Incubator Author Profile

Client Conversion Client Growth Full client roster within a month S old out first group program in two days business Growth First $20,000 month F rom one-on-one coach to founder of training institute


was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2007. Like I wrote my book, Take Back Your Life: Find Hope and many people, I struggled for years to find answers Freedom from Fibromyalgia Symptoms and Pain, as a in a broken and ill-equipped health care system. I practical guide to getting better after being diagnosed filed for disability just one year later, a common with fibromyalgia. It contains much of my own story, as occurrence for patients who go too long without an well as what I’ve taught my clients over the years. As accurate diagnosis or effective treatment. Fortunately, my the title suggests, I want my readers to feel empowered, story has a happy ending: by the time my disability case no longer at the mercy of their doctors, insurance, or made its way to a judge in early 2010 I was so much the medical system. I want them to feel hope again. better that I no longer qualified. Today I Many people had told me over the years One month have enough energy to do the things I want that I should write a book. But I wasn’t sure it to do and essentially no body pain. I can after my book could be done because my coaching has “mostly” live like I don’t have fibromyalgia. was published always been very specific to the person I Many patients aren’t as fortunate as I was. was working with at the time. I had no idea my one-on-one how to translate that experience into a book. Here in Oregon, for example, fibromyalgia is not a covered condition on our state health coaching practice I was worried that I wouldn’t know how to plan—even with a diagnosis, they receive no get all the info from my head out onto a was full. treatment for their constant pain and fatigue. piece of paper. I was worried that I wouldn’t know how to put things in a general way My mission became helping women with fibrovs. speaking specifically to one individual myalgia, who are tired of feeling like prisoners in their own bodies, find hope and freedom. At first I did client. I was afraid of writer’s block. I also had a this through one-on-one coaching, as a speaker, and secret fear that I never talked about. In spite of having as a support group leader.

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my fibromyalgia well under control, I was afraid that my illness would flare up and keep me from meeting my deadlines and finishing my book. For a long time, it felt easier to not start at all, because I was so afraid of not finishing. The next few months were a whirlwind. One month after my book was published my one-on-one coaching practice was full. I could no longer take on new clients. I felt awful turning people away and telling them that I couldn’t help. These were people who had found my book helpful and wanted more. I knew I had to duplicate myself somehow, so I announced the first Fibromyalgia Coach training and certification program. It was a total experiment and I wasn’t sure if anyone would be interested. All I knew was that there was no way I could help all of the

people who were reaching out to me. My experimental program sold out within two days of its public launch, which resulted in my business having its first $20,000+ month. My book has given me the curriculum, credibility, and confidence to launch the International Fibromyalgia Coaching Institute. Now I get to help so many more people—and change more lives—than I could without my book. It absolutely blows my mind how excited my students are to be in my training program. It’s been lifechanging for them in ways I did not anticipate. Not only are they excited about improving their own health, but they have hope now that they can make a difference in someone else’s life. Several even have hope, for the first time in a long time, of actually being able to earn an income while living with a dis-

My experimental program sold out, which resulted in my first $20,000+ month

abling illness. My mission has always been to encourage hope and freedom in the lives of my clients. I never expected that this would include financial freedom or away for them to earn an income. I’m excited to grow my business and make money, sure. But these women are even more excited than I am because this will change their lives too.

am at what I do. Having my book out there, receiving reviews, and being able to share myself through my book, reminds me who I really am and what I really can do.

It has been an amazing experience. A little over a year ago, I was just one coach helping one person at a time. Today, through my Certified Fibromyalgia Advisors and Coaches, I’m The other thing I realized through able to help so many more people writing my book is how much I really than I ever imagined possible. do know and how good I really

Take Back Your Life: Find Hope and Freedom From Fibromyalgia Symptoms and Pain A fibromyalgia patient herself, author and Fibromyalgia Coach, Tami Stackelhouse, has gone from disabled to thriving. More than just a lifestyle or self-management guide, this is a concise reference book woven with Tami’s own fibromyalgia story. This is a page-by-page survival guide for the action-oriented fibromyalgia patient who wants to feel better as quickly as possible. Take Back Your Life is written for the patient overwhelmed with a new fibromyalgia diagnosis and for the fibro-veteran who is stuck and needing new ideas. It is also a great resource for the caring family members and support team of anyone suffering with fibromyalgia. Readers learn how to stop the pain, increase energy, improve sleep quality, work with their doctor and bring more joy into their life.

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Can You Write a Good Book in 3 Days? We have a very important question for you. This question could be the difference between a creative life of stuck-ness, self-judgment and stress and a life of freedom, productivity and ease. We make sure you properly celebrate on Sunday when your book is D-O-N-E.

Are you a burster or a plodder? Maybe you haven’t heard those terms before, so let us explain. The terms burster and plodder come from renowned blogger Steve Pavlina, and this concept is one of the reasons why The Author Incubator has such massive success with our authors finishing books (we have a 100% book completion rate). We don’t try and force our authors to be something they’re not. 46 | INKubated!  Start a movement with your message

Are you a plodder?

A burster is a different animal.

A plodder prefers to spread her work out over time, doing a little each day and maintaining a steady work flow. She loves consistency, and the creativity that structure can provide.

A burster likes to completely dive into their work and will often block off days to do nothing but create. They can be seen as irresponsible by the outside world because they don’t adhere to a regular schedule, but the truth is they work best is bursts.

Many of us were taught this way in schools, and often “good” students were ones who followed this methodical approach to getting things done. John Updike once said “some of the best books in the world were written in an hour a day” and it’s true, some incredible books have been written with this approach.

Many great works of art were created by bursting. Handel’s Messiah was completed in it’s entirety in just twenty-four days. The script for Rocky was written in twenty hours, spread over just three days.

Bursters are about striking while the iron is hot and blocking off time to immerse themselves in their work for long periods of time. The reason we feel this distinction is important is we encourage authors to discover what style resonates most with them. It’s also likely that we all have a bit of both in us. Growing up, most of us were encouraged to be plodders. If we waited to the last minute to do something it was considered procrastination or foolish and if we planned ahead and worked methodically over time it was considered responsible and wise. What we’ve discovered at The Author Incubator is not only can you write a good book in three days, but if you like to do work in bursts, it’s actually way easier to write a book in three days than try to drag the process out over several months or even years.

We’ve hosted 3 Days to Done events all over the country and around the world. We are now proud to offer a premier writing venue at The Author’s Castle, just outside of Washington DC. (Read more about The Author Castle on page 65)

Our authors typically take between 16-24 hours to write their books. That means you can take those 16-24 hours and put them inside a weekend, or several months—it’s entirely your choice. Start a movement with your message  INKubated!

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Let’s talk about some other advantages to writing your book in three days.

1 The book will need less editing


One of the interesting paradoxes with bursting is the fact that even though it’s done in seemingly less time, it often requires much less editing. One of the problems authors have when they stretch the writing process out over several months or a year is their voice changes. When our voice changes we either have to edit or re-write the parts that no longer fit. This can be time consuming and just plain old frustrating. When you write your book in one weekend, your voice stays the same and the books require less editing than books written over a longer period of time.

2 You feel like anything is possible


For most people, writing a book in three days seems crazy, and we have all sorts of limiting beliefs in our heads about what’s possible when it comes to writing. Can I really do it? Some of our authors are skeptical and some are downright afraid. For some, writing a book in three days is a truly courageous act, because they have to break through all the resistance they’ve had that says it’s not possible. Now they have to sit with the thought: “If writing a book in three days is possible, what else is possible”? 3G et moving on your next book


For many authors, they have more than one book to write. Once a book is finished it opens the doors for more projects, more books and more creative freedom. Sometimes an unfinished book is a energetic block that needs to be finished before other projects begin. 4 The champagne tastes sweet


If you’re a good fit for our 3-days to done program and end up writing with us, we make sure that not only do you get royal treatment while writing (you get to do it in The Author Castle) but that you properly celebrate on Sunday when your book is D-O-N-E.

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“If writing a

book in 3 days is possible, what else is possible?”

Planning sessions, mutual support, and champagne celebrations are vital parts of our Three Days To Done events.

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The Author Incubator Author Profile

Jim Shields

BASKING IN THE GLOW OF RECOGNITION IS NO JOKE C R E AT I V E S E R V I C E S C O A C H G R O W S H I S B U S I N E S S A N D CHECKS OFF THE BIG ONE ON HIS OWN BUCKET LIST The books have garnered me more and more speaking opportunities, for bigger and bigger audiences. Simply put— there’s more of ME and my story out there.


am older than I ever intended and upset at the imbalance of the to get. Fifty-three years old just customer-supplier relationship. I call seems so unlikely to me—but it a master-slave status. It’s not here we are. I’ve been running a good for either party. My book creative business for 25 years, selling shows a pathway to evening up the ideas to corporations across the relationship and moving from just globe and making a decent living. “A Guy” to “THE Guy”. My focus is on how companies fail What was your goal in writing to communicate to their employees the book? and their customers. I use short My external goal was comedy films to fix that. I’ve learned to inspire small creative My book is called “Three that there is businesses to clarify their Guys Walk into a Bar— value, and train their NEVER a good clients in the art of using How To Thrive As A Creative Business”. In the time to write their services. My personal course of my work I have a book, and goal was to honestly help met hundreds of other small creative businesses small creative businesses, that it’s ALWAYS succeed because this is some are suppliers, some a good time where the real innovation partners, some just netwill come from. I really to start working friends. This book want to be a speaker of is a love letter to all of choice when it comes to creative them. Often times they seem so businesses, events, or corporate weary with how they are treated, leadership events.

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I was approached by a local

university to speak at their annual TEDx— there were

tears of pride

that day.

~ Jim Shields

What were your reservations about book writing?

for a major corporate client, and to cap it all, we were moving to a My reservations were mainly around new home! how daunting it seemed. I barely have How did The Author Incubator time to fill in my tax forms, let alone help you to overcome any writing write a book. I also wanted to be sure obstacles? I had a strong core message that The Author Incubator gave me three carried value. major tools that I needed to be able What obstacles did you overcome while writing?

to fit writing a book into my busy schedule, including:

The main obstacle was my work itinerary. As I embarked upon the process with The Author Incubator, the diary just flushed with events and work. I was left with a 5 week speaking tour across 8 countries, slap bang in the middle of the writing schedule. Then I remembered I was committed to several entertainment events—singing in a concert two comedy shows, a week shooting

1 . A clear plan with separate phases and the ability to break this daunting task into bite size pieces. 2 . A community that met regularly to share questions and thoughts— I never felt alone in my journey 3 . A personal developmental editor who played the parts of coach, editor and dominatrix in equal measure!

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“my book is my

degree certificate” ~ Jim Shields

This book positions me as a serious player, and my network has grown.

How did the book help you make the difference you are currently making in the world? The books has garnered me more and more speaking opportunities, for bigger and gibber audiences. Simply put—there’s more of ME and my story out there.

seriously than I might have been before. Selling comedy can mean that you are considered a kind of “novelty purchase”—like the free gifts in a cereal packet. This book positions me as a serious player, and my network has grown (and hence my influence) considerably.

How does it feel to have your work out there?

What type of feedback have you been hearing from your readers?

It feels amazing. And highly legit. The feedback has been amazing. Look Finally. As a non-graduate, my book at this where I am mentioned in the same breath as my own guru of choice, is my degree certificate. Seth Godin. What has being a published author done for your credibility or position- “Three Guys is a brilliant reality-check for anyone starting (or struggling with) ing in your field? a career in a creativity-based industry. The book is an excellent calling card, I work with graphic designers every which means I am taken a lot more day and this is definitely a book I’ll be

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Platform Speaking Speaking Engagements TEDx Talk Loughborough University Creative Coffee Leicester (x 2 sessions) School of Media De Montfort University Leicester JD Film/Acting College Dallas TechHub, Leicester E xecutive Leadership Forum London IMPACT Hub, Manhattan New York Media Appearances L iving a Remarkable Life: Free for All with Chase Boehringer, Jim Shields & Rebecca Palmer

The Author Incubator Author Profile

recommending to them—It’s up there How has the book helped you with Seth Godin but is more down to achieve your goals? earth and practical.” The book has helped me onto the Can you share some stories about first rung of the speaker network. how readers and clients are I am talking to agents now and responding to your book? developing relationships with event I was at a business event where I was organizers. I am often invited to join being introduced to another potential groups of innovators in business, and client. This person had already found executive leadership networks. my book from another source, and said “You’re the GUY guy! I loved your book!” The person introducing me had no idea I had written a book— so suddenly I am basking in the glow of recognition, and landing a very nice new project.

What is the most important thing that you learned from writing a book?

I’ve learned that there is never a good time to write a book, and that it’s always a good time to start anyway. We tell ourselves all sorts of stories I should mention that I was also as to why we cannot do this right approached by a local university now. It’s all bunkum. Where there’s to speak at their TEDx—a personal a will, there’s a way. bucket list item for me. My whole family was in the audience and there were a few tears of pride that day.

Three Guys Walk Into a Bar How To Thrive as a Creative Business Inspired to question current wisdom, Author Jim Shields set out to create a pathway to help creative professionals define themselves and carve out a profitable, and meaningful niche for their work—from veterans to those just starting out. Having interviewed dozens of creative individuals representing all sides of the industry, from photographers to composers to designers and film makers like himself, Jim outlines the most effective ways to structure relationships with clients, to focus and sharpen creative efforts, and to create a framework for a more successful career. Three guys walk into a bar…one of them is going to work less, do better, and be happier. Which one are you?

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bigger impact IN THE

mothering COMMUNITY. ~ Kathleen Harper 54 | INKubated!  Start a movement with your message

The Author Incubator Author Profile

Kathleen Ann Harper



y name is Kathleen Ann inspirational crafts to help moms find Harper and I’m the author solutions to​ ​common situations. of The Well-Crafted Mom. What was your goal in writing I work with moms who the book? know that they have everything that Motherhood can be a very isolating they ever wanted healthy—happy kids, experience; it certainly was for me. My great husband, beautiful life—but goal for writing The Well-Crafted Mom still feel like there’s something was to create a common ground for big missing. mothers so they could realize they Many moms expected their children are not alone. I wanted to create a to fill that space but instead resource for moms so that find that motherhood drains they had ideas, tools, and I am now inspiration to create change them far more than it replenishes, that self sacrifice able to support in their lives and in their is deeply woven into their parenting. definition of motherhood, and more moms What were your reservations that there’s never time for than I ever about book writing? themselves. In my one-on-one sessions, groups, and retreats could before Writing a book has been on my wish list since I was eight for moms, I integrate coaching, years old. I worried that I community, and crafts to help moms carve out time for themselves and fill wouldn't have enough time to write the book I dreamed of creating. it with what matters most. With responsibilities, obligations, my In the The Well-Crafted Mom moms commitment to my husband and 2 find reassurance, see themselves in boys. Every January, I’d think, “Maybe familiar stories, and discover ideas this year” then I’d be disappointed for crafting a beautiful life. I weave​​ in myself when the year would speed together my "been in your shoes" by and I wasn’t any closer to being stories,​ c​ ontemporary sociological an author. and psychological​research,​and Start a movement with your message  INKubated!

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The Author Incubator Author Profile

What obstacles did you have to overcome while writing? I hit writer’s block about halfway through the writing process. I thought the best way to get through writer’s block was to push through it to get back to the smooth road of writing my book. But I was completely stuck, everything I wrote felt forced, and I became more and more frustrated.

Client Conversion Client Growth 16 Group program clients 3 One-on-one clients Public Speaking UC San Francisco Medical Center Mills Medical Center South San Francisco Mothers Club Abbott Middle School Sequoia Hospital Lamorinda Mothers Club DayOne Baby Little Wonders Co-op Nursery School Radio + Podcasts Curiousity Forever Millionnaire Media Telesummit

How did we help you in overcoming them? I called my developmental editor and Angela and got immediate assistance. Her advice was contradictory to what I

thought—she told me to stop writing. At the time of the writer’s block, I was working on the chapter in my book, “Find Fun.” And by stepping back I realized I wasn’t having any fun at all. I set aside my work hard mentality and tucked away my laptop. I pulled out my craft supplies and made samples for upcoming classes. I went on a hike with my family. I attended tap dancing class and let go of my worries. When I was ready to return to my computer a few days later, writing was easy again. The mountain of writer’s block had completely disappeared.

Being a published author also means that I get approached for speaking engagements, podcast online interviews and as part of a panel of experts.

How did the book help you make the difference you are currently making in the world?

as part of a panel of experts with an online organization that supports moms. I have immediate credibility I am now able to support more when I say that I’m a published author. moms than I ever could prior to This boost has created powerful writing The Well-Crafted Mom and connections so opportunities are I’m making a much bigger impact now chasing me instead of the other in the mothering community. I way round. created a community for moms How does it feel to have your work who are struggling because they out there? feel guilty about not liking mother- Throughout my life, I’ve often heard hood all that much, they resent the critical voice in my head saying, their spouses (and sometimes their “Don’t get too big for your britches,” children), and feel like they’re all which has pushed me to play small alone on “bad mom island.” I’ve time and time again. Writing The also added three moms to my one- Well-Crafted Mom changed that story. on-one programs and 16 to my I’m proud of myself. I’m stepping monthly groups. into my life in a big way and it Being a published author also means feels like wearing the best-fitting that I get approached for opportu- pair of jeans. nities, for speaking engagements, online interviews for podcasts, and

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Opportunities are now chasing me.

~Kathleen Harper

Tell us about any particular stories about readers or clients from this book that might be of particular interest to our readers A reader told me my book created stronger connections in her marriage. Instead of trying to explain why it’s so hard to keep the house clean, why she’s so miserable even though she has everything she’s ever desired, and why motherhood is so challenging while other moms seem to adjust with ease, she gave my book to her husband so he could read certain sections, which created deeper understanding and compassion in the marriage. A client called The Well-Crafted Mom, her Motherhood Survival Kit, and an other said that she didn’t need to read any other parenting book because I had “distilled all the most important pieces right here.” Over

and over again, I’ve heard from moms that they feel like the book was written specifically for them.

The Well-Crafted Mom: How to Make Time for Yourself and Your Creativity within the Midst of Motherhood

What is the most important thing that you learned from writing a book? I’ve always thought that success meant more when I achieved it by myself. I thought it was an admirable work ethic to push myself hard and cross the finish line all by myself. I carried this work hard, work harder mentality into all aspects of my life, including motherhood. What I learned while writing a book with The Author Incubator has been transformational: I realized that I’m stronger when I ask for support; my ideas are deeper, richer, and more vibrant when I’m not working in isolation; and I’m better able to serve when I am part of a well-crafted community.

In The Well-Crafted Mom, Kathleen Ann Harper weaves together been in your shoes stories, sociological and psychological research and inspirational crafts to help readers find solutions to common situations for moms such as: how to grapple with mommy guilt and win, and tips on how to say no. There are time management tools to help you carve out time for yourself and what to do with it, and ways to tell the difference between having a mess and being a mess, and why it matters. A reference book for busy moms, The WellCrafted Mom offers reassurance to readers as they see themselves in familiar stories and discover ideas for crafting a beautiful life for themselves and their family.

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bliss you feel WHEN YOU SEE YOUR




~ Andrea Wildenthal Hanson

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The Author Incubator Author Profile

Andrea Wildenthal Hanson


A U T H O R T U R N S A H E A RT B R E A K I N G M S D I A G N O S I S I N TO A PA S S I O N AT E C A R E E R H E L P I N G OT H E R S MANAGE STRESS, DISEASE, AND OVERWHELM The book changed how others see me. It gave me more credibility in talking about my work.


lived my life pushing the “The Inside Guide to MS—Live your envelope. But in 2000, I was life not your diagnosis” is an outline diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. of my one-to-onecoaching program I learned very quickly that that I’ve done with clients for the having MS meant I didn’t have past 2 years. I teachclients the tools the luxury of living my stressful to use their minds to reframe their “Type A” life anymore. I MS, their stress and learned how to manage Being an other circumstances. I also my stress and put myself them how to cultiauthor gives me show first without slowing down vate more energy, put or giving up the things permanence in my themselves first and I love. habits easily. All field and has put create the lessons are put toI knew in my heart that me on the fast track gether so the reader can the book I needed to write first was for people newly to establish myself get the biggest results possible while staying in diagnosed with multiple as an expert. control of the process. sclerosis. MS is what led me to find solutions to Some fears and life situmy very “Type A” life. I know how ations came up while I was writing. hard it is to learn the art of manag- I’m very straight-forward and blunt, ing stress while living in scary so I worried that I wasn’t a good writer. circumstances—but I also know it’s I thought I would need more flowery absolutely possible. So I wrote a descriptions and flowing passages book for women who want to learn in my writing and if I didn’t have how to manage stress and live well with MS. Start a movement with your message  INKubated! | 59

The Author Incubator Author Profile that, it wouldn’t be good. I was also nervous because my grammar is horrible. During the writing process there were two weeks when I was out of town. I was also conscious of my health while writing the book and I had to build in time to take breaks— sometimes long ones—to refresh my energy. But being in The Author Incubator program is like being part of a well-oiled machine. I never had to worry about what was next, if I was doing something wrong, or if it would get done in the end. It was pretty color by numbers—I just had to make the paint.

My book definitely furthered my position as an expert in the stress management field, especially with people living with chronic illnesses. Within a week of publishing I was asked to join a major MS Clinic in Dallas in a presentation to their patients who were newly diagnosed with MS. I was then asked by two other major MS organizations to speak at their upcoming events as well. I continue to get offers to speak to large audiences and invitations to be interviewed on major podcasts. I believe that having a book is seen as proof that you’re serious about

I went from feeling unaccomplished and struggling, to finished and complete. This changed everything from client calls to proposals and public speaking.

Client Conversion Media Appearances L argest MS clinic in Dallas 150+ group B rooke Castillo's The Life Coaching School Podcast T he Coaching Show with Christopher McAuliffe

your message and are here to stay.

and this changed how I show up The book also changed how others in everything from client calls to see me. It also gave me more proposals and public speaking. credibility in talking to physicians However long you prepare, fantasize about my work. They are my biggest about and visualize becoming an source of referrals, and having written author, nothing prepares you for the a book about MS gives me instant bliss you feel when you see your credibility in their eyes. book out there in the world. But this The most notable change I saw was path doesn’t end when you publish. not in my expertise or my speaking I continue to learn about who I help engagements, but in myself. I saw my- and why even after the writing experiself push through this huge project ence is done. without ever wondering if it was actually going to happen—I knew it was. I got to practice that knowing, again and again, as I went through the different stages of writing and publishing. Having that practice set me up for the growth of my business that came after launch. I went from feeling unaccomplished and struggling to finish and complete,

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I’m still that person who’s constantly learning new ways to manage my stress and teaching others to master their own. I’m still accomplishing what I want while pushing the envelope. Only now, that envelope doesn’t hold stress. It holds love. My book was a love letter to the reader, and now I get love letters back.

book was a love letter to the reader and now I’m my

getting love letters back

~ Andrea Wildenthal Hanson The Inside Guide to MS: Live your Life Not Your Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosis: A Guide for the Newly Diagnosed This book combines personal stories of bravery (and tantrums), support, and detailed steps on how you can live your life—not your diagnosis. Andrea Wildenthal Hanson, a master certified life coach who was diagnosed with

MS in 2000, gives you a clear plan for leading a confident and powerful life and tools to deal with life when fear, doubt, stress, and anger come up. You’ll become your own inside guide to your health and strengthen your relationship with yourself and your support system. Discussing everything from diet and exercise to stress and emotion management, The Inside Guide to MS provides insight to find the combination of therapies that will work for you.

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The Author Incubator Author Profile

Mark J. Silverman

OVERCOMING LIFE’S OBSTACLES AND A.D.D. TO STICK TO THE LIST W H Y R E A D E R S O F O N LY 1 0 s P R O C L A I M “ T H I S C H A N G E D E V E R Y T H I N G ”. The concept behind Only 10s freed me from lifelong challenges, and to see it do the same for others is just awesome.


’m Mark J. Silverman. I am a business and success coach and consultant. I generally work with business leaders and entrepreneurs. I also lead various workshops on leadership, sales skills, work-life balance, team building, and I partner with a naturopathic doctor for health workshops.

I use these insights to help my coaching and consulting clients to guide their careers, businesses and their lives to greater success, but more importantly more fulfillment.

Your to-do list holds many secrets. Only 10s helps you to be curious about the items on your to-do list because these The feedback items make up your life. My mission is to show anyone who will listen you come conscious I receive daily lets Once that we own two things and question what is in life: our time and our me know that my behind the items you are attention. Where we spend willing to spend your life readers’ lives our time and attention on you can start making are more free, choices. You are already, is where our life goes. I want people to know that but probably not as motivated, if they get conscious, consciously as you should and focused. be. When you make ask questions of themselves and make choices, conscious choices it is their lives will be more productive, impossible to be a victim. Stress meaningful and enjoyable. and overwhelm dissipates, and

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aim is to touch as many lives If your

The Author Incubator Author Profile

as possible, a book is a great vehicle. ~ Mark J. Silverman

enthusiasm and energy moves in. Life becomes an adventure and you get more done than you ever thought possible— but now you’re doing the right things for you—the things you actually want your life to consist of. You become free! When I began writing, my goal was to give myself a PhD in the subject matter that was most interesting to me. I wanted to master the art of living only 10s. I wanted to only do the things that I wanted to do or that absolutely needed to be done. I wrote the book for me. It just so happened that there are so many people like me in the world who benefitted from it.

Did you have any reservations about writing a book? I had many! Did I really have an idea that could fill a book? Could I write? If I could write, could I organize my ideas well enough for the message to be understood? Oh, and “am I crazy?!?” Did you have any unusual obstacles to contend with while writing your book? As soon as I agreed to write the book I moved my elderly mother to town. That was overwhelming. Add to that my A.D.D., my kids, building a business, and having no idea how to write or organize a book… it felt like everything seemed to conspire against me publishing!

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How did The Author Incubator help you in overcoming writing obstacles?

to just write without worrying about anything else.

The Author Incubator’s structured framework and deadlines were invaluable. As was working with a group of other authors who were going through the same things as me at similar times. The weekly calls and the other members of the group were essential to find out that what was going on with me was not some kind of personal deficiency.

How is your book helping to make a difference in the world?

Feedback is the only way I know to gauge impact. The feedback I receive daily lets me know that my readers’ lives are more free, motivated, and focused. The attention from people all over the world is unexpected and beyond what I could have imagined. If your aim is to touch as many lives The editors were also amazing. They as possible, a book is a great vehicle. would slow me down and get me

The Author Incubator’s structured framework and deadlines, were invaluable—as was working with a group of other authors who were going through the same things at similar times.

Share some of your favorite reader reviews. The feedback feels like hyperbole! “It changed everything.” “ I felt like you looked right through me, called me out, and set me on the right path.” “ Your book is on my shelf with ‘The Art of War’—it was that powerful!”

The next morning one of the attendees ran up to me, “Mark, I was up all night reading your book. Halfway through, I reprioritized everything, changed flights, canceled meetings. Your book helped me get so clear on what my 10s are and where I was wasting time Thank you.” Do you want to write more books?

How does it feel to have your work out there?

I’ll say now that one book is enough, but the way I work you never know. Humbling. To get the sort of feedback For this book I had an idea, decided this book has received is a bit to write, and had a #1 bestseller daunting. The concept behind Only 10s in 3 months! It could happen again! freed me from life long challenges, What is the most important thing and to see it do the same for others that you learned from writing a is just awesome. book? Can you share an example of how one reader's life changed? I was speaking at an event in California and mentioned the book.

That I could do it, and because I did, a lot of people are benefiting and living a better life, a life of Only 10s.

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Only 10s Mark Silverman takes us on an expedition beyond time management in his book, Only 10s, as he presents readers with daily trial and error experiments to conduct in the laboratory of their daily life. Readers will feel more energized and productive as they get their entire “To Do” list done, each day. They’ll learn how choice is the greatest gift, and motivator. And how to do it all at their own pace and still have astounding results. Only 10s offers a method to make a difference by overcoming the feeling of constantly trying to catch up and find that little bit of breathing room.

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didn’t get The Author Castle for myself. I already own a wonderful home in Washington, DC that I love. I got The Author Castle for all of you.

The original inspiration for it was my best friend, Shawna, who works for Meet The Press. I’ve always loved how she talks about 30 Rock, the NBC News HQ. It’s like a second home for her and the people there are her extended family. When I’m driving through Washington, DC and I see The Capitol building or The White House I get a feeling of being “home”, even though these buildings aren’t my actual house. This is how The Author Castle is for our authors. Paid for in your honor, it’s a special space for you held in recognition for the work you’ve done to become an author, and in recognition of the people you are helping and the lives you are changing with your message. It’s the place where we’ll hold your Red Carpet Book launch, where some authors come and write their books in three days, and where I’ll be teaching you exactly what you need to do to be successful with your book in my Start A Movement With Your Message training for all published authors. It’s the venue for our gala and author awards banquet, and for an author showcase event for TED organizers. And

our published authors have the exclusive right to rent the ballroom level for their events and workshops. I hope you will come to think of this as your Author HQ—your 30 Rock—your home away from home. My closest mentees already do….at least a little bit, and this makes me feel amazing. I may be the steward of this building, but it is held in a trust with your name on it. I look forward to welcoming you!

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The Author Castle is a 16,000 square foot Old World castle with New Age features. Overlooking acres of pristine wooded Potomac riverfront, The Author Castle sits on a striking countryside with river views. With it’s rich hand carved marble details, heated onyx and marble floors, and high ceilings - it’s just amazing and absolutely beautiful. There’s an indoor pool, ballroom, 2 cinemas, glass elevator, 8 bedrooms, 11 bathrooms including 6 spas and 12 music zones throughout. It’s minutes from DC and 15 miles to Reagan National. This is THE place to be an author.

welcome home Start a movement with your message  INKubated!

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it’s a special space for you

held in recognition for the work you’ve done to become an author, and in recognition of the people you are helping and the lives you are changing with your message.

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“Truth Rising” by Leah Campbell Badertscher

“You have struggled too much, and come too far to let your message go unheard!” ~ Angela E. Lauria, The Author Incubator

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Preparing to interview with The Author Incubator Most aspiring authors are not sure how to prepare themselves for interview with a company like The Author Incubator. We receive around 9 applications for every place in our programs, and we think and work unlike a traditional publisher in almost every way.

What we look for in a great application Commitment You’re ready to do everything it takes to transform yourself and your readers. You’re ready to invest in yourself so you'll have the professional help and support you need to impact thousands of people. You will dedicate a significant amount of time to publishing your book and executing the marketing plan we will help you develop.

Readiness You’re committed to taking action now, rather than committed to not taking action through more research, courses, and workshops

Integrity You have a servant’s heart and will write your book to help and serve others (as opposed to fulfilling an ego-based dream of being a published author)

If you have these qualities, then we have everything we need to help you create a bestselling book and change thousands of lives. They must shine through your written application for you to be selected for interview.

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start a Movement...


ANGELA E. LAURIA International Bestselling Author

If you are offered an interview, be prepared to answer questions about: Your mission—what is the difference you want to make in the world or in peoples’ lives? Your idea for a book—or if you aren’t clear on this yet, tell us more about your life-changing ideas or services and how they help people. What your book will do for its readers-how does your message impact people? How do you want the reader to be different after reading it? How you will help your readers after they’ve read your book—this could be through coaching, consulting, public speaking, support groups, or regular communication, or a new approach that helps people put your principles into practice.


What your book will do for you—such as filling your client roster, increasing your rates, getting you on the public speaking circuit, or rapidly growing an email list.

“The Difference Process is genius.”

We wish you the very best of luck in your application.



“ If you’ve dreamed of writing a book, get this immediately.”

your message


“ This book is like The Secret for aspiring writers.” RACHEL ALEXANDRIA

Begin your journey at Also available as eBooks



If you want to start a movement with your message, writing a good book is NICE, but finishing it is REQUIRED!


Dr. Angela E. Lauria, PhD The Author Incubator

I N K U B A T E D ! S t a r t a M o v e m e n t w i t h Y o u r M e s s a g e ​


Can You Write a Good Book in 3 Days?



3 Biggest Mistakes New Authors Make

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