BATSA Our World Magazine

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APRIL / MAY 2 013 | EEMEA SCSC News for the SAA Operations Community

Role Model Behaviours

Campaign returns in 2013

Work Stress

Are you coping?


35 Years

and still going strong! Commemorating Jazzman & our long service employees

all the exciting news you’ll want to read!

hr message


HR matters 21 Welcoming new colleagues 12 Role Model Behaviours: 2012 Winners




03 Your Voice 04 The GM hot seat 06 Business Update: More to quality control 20 EHS update 34 Sports Initiative update

Safety Operations

Dear Readers It is with great pleasure to share the first issue of Our World Magazine 2013 with you. We are well into the year having already passed the first quarter. I hope that each of us are still feeling energised, working hard and continuing to make our products a superior quality and our environment friendly and accommodating for all – particularly to our new recruits. In this issue we will meet our new recruits Kholeka and Anda who join us in Supply Chain and IT respectively. Also, we will learn about what we can do to avoid infestation in the factory, as we experienced in January. We are pleased that Joseph Nkosi “Jazzman” can share with us how to work for 35 years straight, without taking sick leave – YES HE DID IT! Joseph is an inspiration to us all. Enjoy our new feature on health matters and take a look at the events you might have missed. See you around...

Sanele 2 | OurWorld

10 An injury to one is an injury to all 8 Understanding infestation

Money Matters

The HR team would like to thank you for your participation

Caught on camera 36 Long Service Awards 37 Retirement Awards 39 Team Building Day

Did you know? 40 The 8 South African inventions that changed the world.

participation in the YOUR VOICE Survey



24 Thank you for your patience in supporting the HR Team during our time of change!

16 Retirement lump sum: How much to take 18 Types of car insurance

Spotlight 23 Welcome Anda Ntlama 24 35 years of respect: Joseph “Jazzman” Nkosi 26 30 years in the family: Piet Lombard 22 New Kid on the Block: Kholeka Gamede

Thank you for the 83% articipation rate in our successful Wellness Day.

Motivation 27 Being Motivated is a Habit

Health Matters 30 Coping with work stress

Puzzles 42 Wordsearch

Entertainment 43 Events in Gauteng

We look forward to continuously supporting you during 2013. Please remember our consultation hours are as follows: 10:30 – 11:30 & 14:30 – 16:00

OurWorld | 3

gm update

gm update

I am thrilled to report that it is going exceptionally well. Through various noticeboards – distributed through the BATSA premises – and other communication mediums, we have shared with you the issues and questions brought forward during the Hot Seat sessions. Already, my team and I are now working closely with the “hot seat employees” to find tangible solutions to the issues raised. It is also for this reason that the solution to each issue is not rushed, so therefore may take a few months to be resolved. Our vision, which I am strongly committed to, is to have a GM Hot Seat session at least once a month. What we need to instil from this is a strong culture of openness where employees feel that they have a platform to voice their opinions and issues. In order to make the process completely unbiased, we will continue to randomly select the candidates for the GM Hot Seat.

The GM hot seat

There is no doubt that this initiative has made, and will continue to make an important impact on BATSA’s initiatives to foster an environment of openness and understanding. I look forward to the next GM Hot Seat and will continue to keep you updated on our progress, and more importantly the solutions that are rolled out.

BATSA Greetings to All Dirk Eloff

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It was with great excitement that we introduced our first GM Hot Seat in October last year. The GM Hot Seat, as many of you are aware, allows for all BATSA employees to engage with me and voice any issues, concerns or questions. These are then shared with the entire company. OurWorld | 5

business update

More to quality control than we realise by Risel Govender The Quality Awareness Campaign that has recently been rolled out by Quality Department has made many of us realise that controlling quality goes much further than we first thought. We are all starting to accept that for our brands to be competitive and successful in the market, each step in the supply and manufacturing process has to have deep roots in a commitment to quality. Final learning opportunities associated with this campaign, that emphasises “the need for quality” in everything we do, will be rolled out in the near future.

business update consider the bigger picture of a specific

Quality Control is Key to Our Survival

to bring integrity, motivation and a

brand, the reality is that each one of has

Risel explains that

willingness to communicate with each

an opportunity to influence the quality

other. The culture of our company

expected from our products.

“the main objective behind the campaign was to make everybody in the business aware of the reality that quality awareness is needed in every step of the business process. From the moment we receive tobacco from suppliers, to the point where we manufacture and deliver a specific brand to the shelves, quality control is critical to the success of the brand”.

encourages these values and has the

Another relevant learning experience

processes in place to ensure that positive

was to make each one of us aware of

energy and ideas are absorbed into the

the unique quality attributes of specific

production process.

brands. That it is our customers who

With the basic understanding of the needs

make their purchasing decision based

and expectations of our customers that

on the taste and quality that they would

The Quality Awareness campaign is going

the Quality Awareness Campaign gives

expect from the specific brand that they

to be wrapped up in the near future.

us, we are in a position to appreciate the

have purchased. To the uninformed,

Interesting communication experiences

importance of the second phase of the

a cigarette may just look like another

are being planned to ensure that

Quality control goes much further than inspecting a product when it is being packed for the shelves. Yes, business elements such as controlling stock, managing job tasks and production and packing processes are critical to ensuring that we keep our customers satisfied, but it goes further than this. Quality control also extends to personal performance and the integrity with which we bring to work on a daily basis.

campaign. We all need to think about how

cigarette, but actually there are a range

everybody can “put the bigger picture

we each fit into the different elements of

of human emotions and expectations that

production, marketing and management.

need to be satisfied to ensure that a brand

together” and help BATSA ensure that we

By exploring what important elements

stays successful in a market that is being

would need to be in place on a business

challenged from many sides.

level to successfully get consumers to buy

Learning about the 4P’s of marketing

into a new brand, we have an opportunity

– Product, Price, Place and Promotion

to understand the business better, and

– was extremely valuable to those of us

how we fit into it.

who were engaged in the “Barbados

Risel further emphasises that:

“because of the threat to the South African tobacco industry from illegal cigarettes, it is actually quality control that is the key element that will help us stand out from poor cigarette suppliers. It is quality control that will keep our customers satisfied and help ensure the financial sustainability of our business. If we don’t get quality control right, the chances are we may put our jobs at risk”. Pushing a Button Does Not Equal Quality consumer complaints and how we could address these in our own areas of work. It was also important to make people aware of the fact that customers have certain expectations from different brands. Quite simply the message from customers is, if their expectations aren’t met, they’ll lose faith in our brand and buy something else. Risel points out that by making us aware of what customers expect from our Top Five brands, that we can start linking together the knowledge and skills that we need to bring to our workplace to

“an awareness of quality control needs to be seen in our attitude to work, no matter how simple the task may be, and no matter what part of the product we are working with”.

all take the important message of “Quality Awareness” to heart.

Competition”. Who amongst us were

Those of us who went through this second phase of the Quality Awareness Campaign can hopefully conclude from this experience that it is not an easy task to ensure the quality and success of a brand. That producing a quality product “is more than just pushing a button and making a cigarette”.

The Quality Awareness Campaign started off by revealing typical

ensure that we also contribute to customer satisfaction. However,

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Risel concludes that:

on top of this, it is also possible for us

aware of the amount of thinking and mental hard work that it takes to get a brand on to the shelves and ensure that it can win the support and loyalty of potential customers.

The Kings and Queens of Quality After a lengthy campaign, and many interesting learning experiences, the winners of our competition

Learning Through Business Experience

realised that good attitudes

One interesting spin off of the Quality

just starting a machine at the

Awareness Campaign was the opportunity

beginning of a manufacturing

to learn how different elements of quality

run. That it is important to try and

control need to be exercised in different

understand the quality required for

parts of the factory. That although our

each step in the cigarette making,

respective roles may seem minor when we

selling and promotion process.

and a commitment to quality control go much further than

OurWorld | 7

safety operations

Good attitude & thorough cleaning stops infestation by Steven Baxter

safety operations

Steven Baxter, Heidelberg’s Infestation Coordinator, has been in the tobacco industry for 24 years, and has made eradicating infestation in the factory his personal mission. He concedes however, that without the right attitudes in place, this may become an uphill task.

Know the Enemy One of the biggest challenges our business faces, actually comes from the larvae of a little beetle about 2 – 3 mm long, commonly known as the tobacco beetle. The need to control the impact of this beetle is so great that time, people and business processes have been dedicated to manage the problem. Depending on the temperature, the life cycle of this little pest, from eggs, to larvae, to adult beetles can range from 26 to 120 days. Added to this is the fact that eggs can lie dormant for up to one year – an extensive time period where much damage can take place to stock. Adult beetles do not feed on tobacco, however their biggest threat to our products is that they can fly up to 3 kilometres, breed very quickly and in a very short space of time female beetles can lay up to 100 eggs. The larvae can feed on raw products as well as packets for 5 to 10 weeks. Did you know that up to 40 beetles can survive on one cigarette? If left unchecked and unmanaged, this beetle easily earns its reputation as the most damaging pest of stored tobacco.

Understanding The Reality of Infestation There are two realities to infestation. One, it starts at source. Two, if you don’t control it, it becomes very expensive for the company to contain the consequences of an outbreak. BATSA imports tobacco from over 30 countries around the world, and although suppliers are strictly managed, the quality control

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of the fumigation processes from different suppliers is out of our hands. This process of managing stock isn’t made any easier by the fact that some strains of beetles are actually resistant to chemicals. However, once the product is in our warehouse, it is our responsibility to ensure that no infested products leave the factory. Acknowledging that it is almost impossible to completely eradicate beetles from raw stock, reminds us that we need to be committed to understanding how infestation could take place in our factory. Should infestation happen, the costs of recalling products, disinfecting and eradicating the infection becomes

Should infestation happen, the costs of recalling products, disinfecting and eradicating the infection becomes very expensive. very expensive. Add to this the loss of consumer confidence in the company and its products, and it is obvious that we need to be serious about controlling infestation. In terms of how customers perceive the quality of their brands, a major problem that is very difficult to overcome is “market recalls” because of infestation. In the early 2000’s there was a recall of two brands. It was a huge logistical, management and marketing problem to get everything off the shelves. Not only was it the cost of recalling and destroying stock that needed to be calculated, but

the two specific brands that were infested lost massive market share. Trying to get the market share back for products affected in this way is almost impossible once customers lose confidence in the specific brand. Quite simply, years of investment in brand awareness are wiped out due to something than can be easily managed with proper cleaning procedures and the right attitude.

Using Science and Attitude to Stop Beetles Although we use nearly 800 pheromone traps around the factory, and which are inspected daily, without cleaning out the waste in machine cavities perfectly, we’ll always leave food behind for the beetle. Recently the factory had to be stopped for 16 hours due to an infestation. This resulted in the loss of production of at least 64 million sticks – a few small beetles – the loss of millions in income for our company. Good housekeeping and cleaning of the areas within which we work, especially machines and storage areas go a long way to helping manage infestation. Effective rotation and management of stock is also important. Steven reminds us that “the knowledge and skills for keeping machines clean is easily available and the processes are in place. What we need to work at is having the right attitude to ensuring that our machines and work areas are perfectly clean. It’s simple, take away food for the larvae, and there won’t be any infestation problems”.

OurWorld | 9

safety operations

safety operations

An injury to one is an injury to all by Ronney Voster

What can go wrong when maintaining machines? Although many operators may have high levels of skills and vast experience at working with machines, it is often simple mistakes that can result in injury. In this particular instance, the following three main causes were identified:

01: The team members were not visible to each other while they were performing their tasks. 02: There was a breakdown in communication between the team members. 03: Although the machine systems are electronically locked, hand wheels can be manually turned during maintenance.

Ronney Voster, who has been committed to health and safety for 33 years, looks back on our last serious incident with frustration because as he points out,“it was a simple thing of not communicating effectively that caused Hennie Marx’s injury. Two colleagues were performing routine scheduled maintenance tasks on the

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far ends of the machine and there was a breakdown of communication between them which resulted in Hennie’s finger being trapped between the moving parts of the machine”. The significance of how effective communication can have a positive impact on health and safety needs to be explored and emphasised.

We need to use the experience gained during this unfortunate incident to remind ourselves to identify possible risks, and how to communicate these risks to each other.

Safety is everybody’s responsibility. From the moment we join BATSA, we are made aware of the need for taking responsibility for our own safety by always ensuring that we wear the basic safety gear when necessary, for example:

– Safety Shoes – Ear Plugs – Dust Masks, and – Dust Goggles.

Once we’ve taken care of ourselves, it is vital that we take one small step further and be concerned about the safety of our colleagues. How can we do this asks Ronney? “It is not complicated” he says.

“We just need to use what comes naturally to us – Communicate with each other!” Communication is key to safety The necessary skills, behaviours and habits we need to do our jobs have been well learnt and after a time are ingrained within us. However, where we can sometimes fall short is in effective habits of communicating with each other. Effective communication is the most critical habit that any machine operator can bring on to the shop-floor. By committing to, and making a habi of effective communication we are not only ensuring our own safety, but we are also showing that we care for our fellow team members.

Ronney emphasises that:

“Our teams are well trained, experienced and there is a good team spirit, but it is obvious that we need to think more seriously about how we communicate risk amongst ourselves. By being able to identify risk, we can start becoming more aware of when it’s necessary to communicate with each other”. Ronney concludes:

Committed to a safe and zero incident environment The training policies and standard operating procedures that are in place, and that are reviewed regularly, are proof that BATSA is committed to worker health and safety. When incidents take place however, it is necessary to pause, take time to reflect and then identify where attitudes, behaviours and work processes may need to be addressed. With this in mind, an awareness campaign emphasising the importance of knowing how to identify risk and then effectively communicate this risk to each other is going to be rolled out.


OurWorld | 11

hr update

hr update

10 Great colleagues who were proud to go the extra mile in 2012! February Winner

A reminder as to who won each month and who became the overall winners.

March Winner

Glue Pot capability building was priority for cell 5 and 6 in SMD, and there was no training material for the technology


Santiago came to work on a holiday, sacrificing his time without pay, to monitor the technology and create training manuals on how the technology works. Demonstrating behaviors of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY & PRIDE IN HIS BEHAVIOUR



The Global move to above-the-line planning and the transition from conventional cigarette paper to LIP paper brought a lot of challenges to planning


Karen demonstrated a ‘can do’ attitude and demonstrated PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY and took SHARED ACCOUNTABILITY despite the challenges faced and made suggestions on how the business could improve the processes and save costs


No LIP timelines have been missed and has helped the business improve process and save costs

The training on the new glue pot technology was successfully delivered and the training has helped reduce waste

April Winner





The +4+ Letter of January, February and March were due towards the end of May. He was not in the factory during this period and had never worked with data for the +4+ bonus scheme In less than a month, Mamoshoeu was able to interpret and draw inferences on all +4+ data. Mamoshoeu dedicated additional time and effort to convert the data into a readable format and in addition, created a system to handle the data. Through this he displayed behaviors of SUPPORTING OTHERS and showed SHARED ACCOUNTABILITY in ensuring this task was completed



Need for inverter parts that were not easily accessible on time, providing a possibility of the Kenya factory loosing 50 million sticks


Casper went the extra mile in finding the parts within a short space of time, on the verge of a long weekend. The long weekend made it impossible to secure a courier service to take the Inverter to Kenya. Casper sacrificed his long weekend with his family and went to Kenya to drop off the Inverter. In doing so, Casper demonstrated behaviors ensuring that there was CUSTOMER FOCUS and took PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to ensure Kenya received the parts in time


July Winner

Casper Rossouw

His selfless actions of going to Kenya saved the Kenyan factory from losing 50 million sticks

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June Winner

Mamoshoeu Mohlala

Charmas Radebe

While at work, Charmas noticed that one of the sprinkler supply pipes to the factory had burst. He notified his team of the problem and offered to come out of his night-shift cycle to fix the burst sprinkler pipe immediately Charmas displayed PRIDE IN BEHAVIOR and took PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY by working outside his shift and excavating the ground around the burst pipe to ensure that the pipe was fully fixed


The whole sprinkler system was put at risk: in the event of a fire the sprinkler system would not have been able to extinguish effectively in the designated area

The business was able to deliver on its commitment of delivering +4+ letter to all on time

Santiago Rabelini


May Winner

Karen Grobler

August Winner

Bel Persencer


During a brand change over from non-LIP to a LIP SKU, incorrect cigarette material was supplied to all the PS machines



Due to a situation of high absenteeism within the FMD department, FMD was at risk of not supplying Filters to SMD effectively

Bel displayed great attention to detail while at his machine, as the controls in place indicated to Bel that the material was correct. However, he showed great PRIDE IN HIS BEHAVIOR by physically examining the cigarette paper and noticing that it was wrongly supplied. In doing so, he demonstrated high levels of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY by thoroughly checking the supplied materials and ensuring that it met the LIP requirements




By inspecting the materials, Bel was able to avoid production of 9 million non-LIP product versus LIP product

Zakes Mabi

Zakes assumed a leadership role towards the rest of the his peers by reorganizing workgroups to ensure that the interruption of supply was minimized. In doing so, Zakes demonstrated SHARED ACCOUNTABILITY and CUSTOMER FOCUS by emphasizing and ensuring the importance of Filters supplied to SMD No LIP timelines have been missed and has helped the business improve process and save costs

OurWorld | 13

hr update October Winner

r Septembe r e n Win

Phillip Macu

Fanie Venter


The FMD number 2 machine was experiencing problems with high standard deviations of physical quality parameters. At this time, the FMD Technical Team were fully occupied with the Filtromat layout change project and were therefore unable to fully attend to this problem



The Heidelberg factory had run out of specific material and arranged to get some of the material from the Mozambique factory. Phillip was asked at very short notice to drive and collect the material form the Mozambique border and to return the same day to prevent a stoppage of machines. Phillip had to travel 900kms to the border and back on two occasions within the same week


Phillip volunteered to drive to the border without hesitation, even though the request would have gone beyond his normal working hours. At the border Phillip experienced issues with the customs clearance of the material, which resulted in further delays. Phillip took PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY and SHARED ACCOUNTABILITY to ensure he had received the materials even if it meant driving back to Heidelberg in the middle of the night. Phillip left the factory at 8am and only returned the next morning at 3.30am. He did this on two occasions in the same week

Fanie, being the PT for FMD number 2 machine, took PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to resolve the standard deviation issue whilst the technical team were unavailable. Fanie went above his usual work duties and changed the PIV gearbox, which resolved the high standard deviations problem. While doing this, Fanie went above his daily duties and continued to support others in the department. He displayed PRIDE IN HIS BEHAVIOR and took PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to ensure the product of FMD was of a high quality

2ND PRIZE Bel Persence

Based on Leadership Team Votes


Nominations should be linked to a demonstravtion of effective behaviors that drive our business results

Leslie Helling

Due to the great success of our 2012 campaign,we have decided to continue the campaign into 2013! The mechanics to nominate a colleague remain the same, the overall prizes remains the same but the creative look and feel has been updated. The reason for the update to the creative look and feel of the campaign, is to keep in line with the updated BAT Global Creative Identity [CI] guidelines as explained by Sanele Shabalala of CORA.


After a change over, the machine crew did not communicate with the feeder driver to change the CRT. This lead to the wrong CRT being fed to the machine. This occurred while Leslie was working at the Lab and not on the floor.


After collecting samples on the relevant machine, Leslie went to the feeders and discovered that the wrong tobacco was being used. Production was stopped on this machine once Leslie made this discovery.

Impact 3RD PRIZE Zakes Mabi

All permanent employees of BATSA at Heidelberg site are eligible to nominate and also be nominated – with the exception of OLT


November Winner

1ST PRIZE Phillip Macu


By changing the gearbox, Fanie was able to resolve the quality issue and regain quality standards. Fanie remained focused to deliver the best possible quality filters to SMD, and in doing so he showcased his continuous drive towards Customer Focus

If the materials were not received by Phillip, the factory [with the exception of the PS machine] would have come to a standstill

Overall Top 3 Winners

A reminder as to how you can nominate your fellow colleagues, what we re looking for and what’s in it for them if they are declared winners!



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The role model behaviour campaign is back with a new look!

In doing so, Leslie prevented non-confirming product (expensive blend being used on an export VFM product) to be sent to the market, which could have resulted in fair amount of waste of materials. Through this Leslie displayed that he took personal responsibility of ensuring he alerted the correct stakeholders and that production was stopped. Even though this was outside of his scope and duties for the shift

‘All brand identities need to evolve periodically so as to keep them fresh and relevant to the times. Towards the end of 2012, BAT Globe House released a revised set of CI Guidelines to all end markets around the world. The result being that our creative makes use of brighter colours, whilst using a lot of white aswell. They also introduced new fonts for us to use, which helps to give our communication more energy and interest. Avni has worked with our design agency, to produce the 2013 campaign. It successfully introduces the new creative look and feel, whilst still having a recall from the 2012 campaign.’

Personal Responsibility Shared Accountability Supporting Others Consumer/Customer focus Pride in Behavior


Nomination category:

top 10 nominees each month will receive a voucher valued at R300 [taxable]

Monthly category:

each month there will be 1 winner and they will receive a voucher valued at R1000 [taxable]

Finalist category:

all monthly winners will be eligible for 1 of 3 annual finalist vouchers valued at R5000, R3500, R2500 [taxable]

ur YOU or yo one could be colleague inners! of 2013 w someone Nominate ud lets be pro now and together!

OurWorld | 15

money matters

money matters

Retirement lump sum

How much to take?

Let’s consider two scenarios: Example 1: A person has R4 million in a taxincentivised pension fund on retirement and they buy a pension of R17 000 a month (R204 000 a year). Assuming this is their only income, it would put them on a marginal tax rate of 25%. So the knee-jerk assumption may be to take the first R315 000, as well as the next R315 000, because they will only pay tax at a rate of only 18% on the second R315 000 – a saving of seven percentage points.

Example 2:

by Bruce Cameron One of the important questions you must answer when you have reached retirement is - How much should I take as a cash lump sum from the retirement savings account?

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Well, this depends on what type of retirement savings plan you have. Provident Fund. If you belong to a provident fund, you have no choice: you receive all your retirement savings as a cash lump sum. This lump sum is subject to specified tax rates. Pension Fund or Retirement Annuity. If you retire from a pension fund or a retirement annuity (RA) fund, you have choices. You are allowed to take up to one-third of your retirement savings in cash. This cash portion is also subject to specific tax rates. Defined-Benefit Fund. If you are a member of this type of fund, where the fund provides a pensionable income until the last member or spouse dies, you may want to have more control over your capital.

Currently, it is a no-brainer that you should take the tax-free amount of R315 000. If you decide to take more as a lump sum, you need to base your decision on your marginal rate of taxation. If you are on the top marginal rate of 40 %, you should consider taking the other amounts and reinvest the money.

Understanding deferred tax Unfortunately, however, decisions around retirement lump sums are not straightforward and cannot just be based on your marginal tax rate. An important concept to consider is deferred tax.

A person has R10 million in a taxincentivised pension fund when they retire and they want a pension of R42 000 a month (R504 000) a year. Assuming this is their only income, it will put them on a marginal tax rate of 38%. In this case, it may appear best to take R3.3million as a cash lump sum, because they will pay no tax on the first R315 000, save 20 percentage points on the second R315000, 11 percentage points on the next R315 000 and two percentage points on the rest.

Other tax issues for consideration The immediate problem with the above examples is that they do not take into account the progressive rates of marginal income tax. For example, the first R160 000 you earn in a year is tax-free and the next R90 000 is taxed at 28%, so you are not saving as much as you might think. There are a range of tax issues that you need to seek advice about, for example, understand the primary tax rebate that is available to all taxpayers. This was R11 440 in the 2012/13 tax year. Anyone aged 65 and older receives a secondary rebate (R6 390), and those

75 and older receive a third rebate (R2 130).

Taxation of Retirement Lump Sums In The Future

Deferred tax: When you retire and draw a pension bought with the proceeds of a pension or an RA fund, you are taxed at your marginal rate of income tax when you receive your pension. The ongoing investment returns are also taxed.

Taxation is seldom static, and in recent years this uncertainty has applied particularly to the taxation of retirement savings. Seek advice from a specialist who is up-to-date on changes to tax laws and how new tax laws may influence where and how you invest your money.

Retirement fund tax incentives: The investment returns on retirement fund savings are not subject to income tax, capital gains tax or dividend withholding tax if they are held in a retirement or pension fund. In other words, if the lump sums that were taken out of a retirement fund are re-invested in a retirement fund, your capital can grow without being taxed.

Understanding additional factors Youri Dolya, best practice leader at Alexander Forbes Retail highlights and additional range factors that need to be considered: Identify product restrictions. For example, you may want to invest money outside of a guaranteed annuity. Understand the tax exemptions of withdrawals allowed from retirement funds. Highlight any previously disallowed contributions, which will be added to the tax-free portion. Medical scheme contributions are deductible from your taxable income. Consider your level of debt. Carefull consider how much of your retirement lump sum you can sue to settle debt.

In Conclusion

The general rule when it comes to tax is that you must make decisions on the basis of the taxation rules that exist at the time, and not what may or may not happen in the future. With all the facts, figures and decisions that need to be made around large sums of money, the bottom line is that it will be best to seek the assistance of a financial adviser you can trust.

OurWorld | 17

money matters

money matters The reality though is that we aren’t all good drivers. If you drive badly the technology will prove it, and this may result in the insurer concluding that you are a higher risk. If you are a higher risk, there is a good chance that you will end up paying a higher premium. The use of telematics is only one of the tools that insurers may use to compete for your business. Lower premiums are another incentive. But through all of this technology and pricing, what do you need to be cautious of when comparing policies and insurers?

by Angelique Arde

Types of car insurance

Increasingly, insurers are using telematics to encourage you to drive better on the promise that if you do you will be rewarded with a lower premium. Telematics is information technology that combines telecommunications (like a GPS) and informatics (storing and analysing data). This technology can be used to track and recover your vehicle if it is stolen, as well as monitor your driving behaviour. 18 | OurWorld

This technology is an attractive proposition. Not only because we all think we are good drivers and deserve to be rewarded for that, but also because everyone would like some say in how much insurance they pay. If an insurer can incentivise us to drive better and reward us for it, everyone’s a winner. Well, that’s the theory anyway.

Types of car insurance Different types of insurance cover you for different types of risk. The amount of risk you want to take will essentially determine how much you want to spend on insurance. For example: Comprehensive. This type of cover is all-inclusive. This means that your car is covered against most risks, such as theft, damage to your car, and damage to a third party in the event of an accident that you cause. However, do spend some time trying to understand your policy. Insurance companies seldom give 100% insurance and you will typically have to pay an amount in when making a claim – this is known as the “excess payment”. In addition to this, watch out for typical exclusions. Don’t assume that your comprehensive policy includes cover for towing and storing your car following an accident. Also, free car hire following an accident or the theft of your car may not be included. Hail damage, or cover for accessories such as a sound system or canopy may also be excluded. Fire, theft and third party. As the

name suggests, this cover is limited to covering your vehicle in the event of fire, and theft and for third party liability. Third Party insurance means that the insurer will pay out for the damage to the other party’s car in an accident, but not for the damage to your vehicle. Third party. This is cover for any damage that you cause to another party’s vehicle. But be careful, it provides you with no personal cover at all. With this type of cover there’s no protection for you should your vehicle get stolen or destroyed in a fire. This is the bare minimum level of cover.

Confirm if there are discounts. Find out if the insurance policy you are selecting offers discounts for safety and security devices, such as immobilisers or gear-locks, that are added to the car. Insure the regular driver. Make sure that the regular driver of the vehicle is insured. If there are other people that may need to use the vehicle, add them to the policy as a “specified driver”. Some companies will not pay out if an unspecified driver was the using the vehicle at the time of an accident. Understand how your accessories may influence the policy. Non-standard accessories and additions to a vehicle, such as extra sound systems, lowprofile mags, performance enhancing hardware and so on, will definitely influence the terms and conditions of your policy. You need to understand what accessories to include and how they increase the monthly premium. If there is an accident or theft, notify your insurer as soon as possible. If an incident has taken place, it is highly advisable to contact your insurer on the same day. They will clarify the documentation and types of statements you need to submit.

excere magnieni

Car insurance tips Keeping safe on the roads, and making sure your car stays safe are tricky enough in South Africa. Throw into the mix the regular calls and SMS’s we receive about cheaper car insurance, and it becomes downright tiring and confusing. Here are some basic tips to consider when trying to get the best out of an insurance policy: Understand the cover that you need. Whether you have just bought a new vehicle and are driving it off the showroom floor, or have been driving your car for the last 5 years, take time to think about the risks you need to cover yourself for. For example, a brand new car will require a higher premium than an older car. A car used for business will also mean a higher premium. Age influences the premium. The age of the driver and the type of car influences the calculation of the premuim. For example, young males below the age of 25, seeking insurance for a high-performance vehicle will normally end up with very high premiums. Make sure that the policy you choose has carefully considered the age of drivers and the types of cars being insured.

Understand what you need and what you get Driving without insurance is definitely high risk. With the levels of crime that we all experience from time to time, and the range of different drivers and vehicles we have on South African roads, it is only a matter of time before something may go wrong. It is extremely important that you take some time to think about how much risk you are prepared to take. Then after you have decided that you need insurance, it is important that you understand what you are getting.

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ehs update

hr matters

Safety and security regulations protect us!

Welcoming new colleagues

When a new person joins us at Heidelberg, it can be a stressful time for them as they are now entering a new career in a new environment. Each one of us can play a part in making this new person feel welcome, especially on their first day! Below are a few tips on what you can do to help them.

Greet them warmly

At BATSA, Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) regulations are not only a legal and social obligation that needs to be in place for business operations, they are also designed to protect us and the environment within which we work. This is the main reason why Ridwan Haffajee wants everybody at BATSA to acknowledge that “day-to-day safety and security procedures are just as important as productivity and management targets”. The security personnel we have on site are trained professionals who also have to meet BATSA corporate standards. Ridwan reminds us that without the support and respect from the entire BATSA team, simple day-to-day security and safety procedures become an unnecessary challenge.

Day-to-day safety and security tips Consider these basic tips from the security team: Park in designated areas. There is a specific business process in place that helps control and manage traffic. Obey the rules of the parking areas and you will make it easier for yourself and your colleagues.

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by Ridwan Haffajee

Clearly display your ID card at the main gate. Security have strict identification and check-in procedures that need to be followed. By making your ID card visible at all times, you help them speed up this process and minimise the possibility of strangers getting on to the premises.

Respect procedures around roller shutter doors. There is regular CCTV evidence of people disobeying the rules around the roller shutter doors. It is simple, the rules are in place for safety and security reasons. People who break these rules are putting themselves at risk.

Clearly display your ID card when moving between areas. Different areas of the factory have different EHS standards that need to be in place. Security needs to link your security status to safety compliance laws. They have been trained to help you stay safe.

Accept the random selector search machine. The setting of this machine is random and can apply to anybody. If you are selected, security are obliged to body search you – there are no exceptions. Also, keep in mind that security has the authority to search people on the premises, anytime, anywhere.

Declare – Declare – Declare. If you forget to declare the small things, you create big problems for yourself and security. You do not want your job and reputation to be put at risk for a simple thing of forgetting to tell security that you have some cigarettes or personal equipment in your possession. If you bring a firearm to site, you need to have the license in your possession, and it needs to be discharged and stored according to strict procedures.

Professional security trained to respect people. The security people on site have been trained to respect you and the business they serve. They are experienced in identifying problems and can quickly discern when there are safety and security problems. By adhering to the day-to-day tips, you make their job easier, and they can in turn ensure your personal safety and security.

The first thing you want to do is warmly greet the new person. It will begin to break down any fears they may be experiencing on day 1. Remember, you were new too and for some of us that day was really very awkward. So extend some common courtesy and make the effort to greet the new person first thing. Even if the manager has introduced the new person, take time out to go and re-introduce yourself one-on-one. It will make the world of difference. Smile and shake hands with the new person. Remind this person that you are very happy to have them on board.

Show them around Because some of us have been at Heidelberg for a long time, we have tended to get too close to things. We easily forget that new people do not know where the cafeteria and bathrooms are located. Again, even if the manager has shown them around, ask the new person if they need a reminder where the basics are – like the toilets and the canteen.

Invite them to tea or lunch It’s nice not to have to sit alone in the canteen on your 1st day. Invite the new person to tea or lunch in the canteen – then do not spend the entire time talking shop. Instead, focus on getting to know the new person a little bit and vice versa. You can use this opportunity to start building a harmonious relationship with your new co-worker.

Be as helpful as you can We are all busy people at Heidelberg. But try and make time to be as helpful as you can to your new team member. You know how everything works here and the new person is still trying to find their way around the factory. Your helpfulness to your new colleague will be greatly appreciated.

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Anda Ntlama joined BATSA as a Business Analyst in January 2013 and has been tasked to recognise and manage a range of IT project demands for various departments in the company. Identifying business requirements, managing changes and liaising with business stakeholders of departments such as Quality Assurance, HR, Finance and Supply Chain are certainly going to keep Anda busy for some time to come as he gets up to speed with the pace with which business can happen at BATSA.

Kholeka, a Production Scheduler that recently joined BATSA from Atlas Copco in January 2013, emphasises that what gets her attention about BATSA is that it’s obvious that “people simply want to get things done“.

newkid Kholeka Gamede What gets you up in the morning when it’s batsa time?

The pace of this fmcg environment and the team of people I’ve been exposed to have been very motivating. Everybody I’ve met is not only helpful but also seems energised and driven by what they do in this fast-paced environment. What has been your biggest challenge so far?

Learning my way around the plant has been a big learning curve for me. It’s been amazing to experience how big the plant is and how many people I meet along the way. Fortunately though, the biggest problem I’ve got to solve is to help ensure that that there 22 | OurWorld

is enough tobacco in stock, so this does keep me focussed. We are all born for a reason and living a life in fear is half-lived. What books are you reading at the moment?

At the moment I’ve got three books on my bedside table – the Bible, Steven Covey’s “Seven Habits of Highly Successful People” and “The Animal Farm”. I haven’t started “The Animal Farm” yet but it intrigues me and I’ll get there soon. What do you see for yourself in the near-future?

I can only see myself learning, and then learning some more as I try and grab on to

Analysing someone new

on the block the business learning experiences that I see here at batsa. Hopefully I’ll be able to use this knowledge to contribute to the company as this is what I believe in – learning and then contributing to the people around me and the environment that I am in. On a personal level, I’ve almost completed my swimming lessons. I almost drowned as a child and besides wanting to learn how to swim I want to overcome this fear. These lessons have actually revealed to me that I love being in the water and I know that this will mean a lot to my son as we grow up together.

Anda Ntlama Hailing from the historic Buffalo City, or East London as many of us know it, Anda promises to bring many of the qualities from that part of the country such as resilience, getting on with life regardless of the circumstances, and being positive. Anda considers his Bachelor of Administration degree at the University of the Western Cape, with a major in Information Systems, as a proud and much satisfying opportunity. What Motivates You at BATSA?

tell us



we didn’t know about you I married my high school sweetheart I’m a proud Soweto girl I love spending time with sharp people as they inspire and teach me I’m all about balance in life and remain loyal to my spiritual beliefs I’m committed to my gym programme

Three important things come to mind. Firstly, the fact that I have been blessed with such a great opportunity. Many people would love to be in the position that I am in, and I believe I have to make the most of it as many people within BATSA have showed faith in me. Secondly, I have been given an opportunity to step into a permanent Business Analyst role and I need to make the most of it. Lastly, BATSA is a Global company filled with brilliant individuals and is obviously a hive of opportunity. I am here to soak it all in. What Sport Do You Enjoy? Rugby, rugby, and then some more rugby. I’m going to nail my colours to the mast and say that the Sharks are one of the greatest teams to ever take to the rugby field.

Watching the Sharks, Springboks, Kaizer Chiefs and Manchester United achieve on the field bring me much joy and motivation. What’s in Your CD Player at the Moment? I’m currently listening to Mobi Dixon of Dance is Kulcha Records (watch out for this boy, he is going to be big) and Old School Mix – I’ve been told that I was born in the wrong era. On A Business Level, What Do You Wish For The Future? I want to learn as much as possible from the different departments during my time here at BATSA. I want to equip myself with the right tools and skills set to be able to execute my roles and responsibilities flawlessly, move up within the ranks and make the most of every opportunity that comes my way. I hope that my learning path includes international travel within the group. On a Personal Level, What’s On Your Bucket List? I am not growing any younger and I need to make the most of my opportunities now so that I can comfortably settle down in a few years. You know, have a wife and kids, a white picket fence, two dogs named Mercedes and Benz, and hopefully retire comfortably by the coast somewhere.

How About Sharing Some Favourite Thoughts? I Will Not Lose! Every person has a good side and a bad side – you need to choose what you want to look at. Thoughts About BATSA – Heidelberg The people here have really impressed me. Being new to an organisation can be intimidating, but the Heidelberg bunch has really made me feel like part of the team. What has really stood out the most is how everyone has always been prepared to help and assist me get up to speed. I really appreciate that.

Tell us something about yourself we don’t know Within a month at Heidelberg I have already been given two nicknames: Tiny and Fuzzy Bear. On a more serious side, what really bugs me is people who complain. Life is too short to complain about unnecessary things. We should always try and look on the positive side.

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hr update spotlight Jazzman’s commitment goes back to 1977 when he started with Dr Rupert’s Rembrandt Group, which then became BATSA. To this day Jazzman’s attitude to work is widely respected within the company, with some commenting that “they don’t make men like this anymore”.

Tell us a bit about yourself

business stays competitive and sustainable. Experience, diverse skills and an attitude of helpfulness are extremely valuable assets in a mentoring relationship. Learning is a lifelong process and all people involved in mentor type relationships benefit from each other. Younger or new people to the business have an opportunity to absorb and observe the skills and attitudes that have made a mentor successful in their position, and mentors in turn learn from

I like to work! What drives me to come to work is actually respect for myself, respect for my environment, and respect for the people around me. I am married with my eldest child already working and my youngest child in Grade 7. Looking after my family is very important to me. Jazz is the music that gives me energy and puts a song in my heart and I’m currently listening to Hugh Masekela.

35 Years of respect and counting! Joseph “Jazzman” Nkosi

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Acknowledging the value of mentors in business

Hello BATSA people, let’s take some time to hear some words of wisdom from a man that has not taken sick leave for more than 35 years.

That Jazzman has got many years of experience at solving problems and keeping his part of the BATSA machine rolling smoothly is beyond doubt. It is from these wiser and more experienced colleagues amongst us that we need to look to for important business and life lessons. In fact, since humans have lived in close social groups we have learnt our norms, values and behaviours by the example that our mentors and elders leave with us. Mentoring has recently become an important management approach to help foster the growth and development of younger generations. By having access to our older colleagues on an informal, as well as part of a formal development strategy, it allows us to develop helpful relationships that can cultivate appropriate values and attitudes that ensure the

their students and when they help others develop and grow. At BATSA, we believe in providing an environment where the mentoring of colleagues and fellow workers can take place informally, as well as on a formal learning development path. The benefits of mentoring to our business range from building a learning organisation, the development of skills and leadership for future survival, to high levels of morale and motivation. We are all encouraged to look around us and observe our colleagues who perform their tasks and responsibilities with commitment and skill. Make the time to get to know these colleagues and generate opportunities to learn from them.

hr spotlight update

A message to the youngsters To the younger generations out there, who are now constantly being exposed to the culture and values of “fame and glory”, consider aspiring to the tried and tested values from a previous generation. Although people from all generations are destined to get their shot at “fame and glory”, when we look around us we see countless role models who take pride in getting on with life and taking care of more important things like family, friends, colleagues and their communities. When asked for a word of wisdom from Jazzman, he quickly answered “live with respect inside you, and God will bless you. Start by respecting yourself, the people you report to and the place where you are working. Without respect – you will get nowhere”. Powerful words from a powerful man who has seen and experienced much in his life.

“live with respect inside you, and God will bless you. Start by respecting yourself, the people you report to and the place where you are working. Without respect – you will get nowhere”. OurWorld | 25



Who is Piet?

“I started work for the company in 1983, before it was known as BATSA, and I was an administrative clerk in the production department. I am now a production technician and appreciate the importance of my role in keeping production rolling.”

30 years in the family Piet Lombard Some memories from the old days?

Any plans to travel the world during retirement?

When I started, I had to document production figures and help gather information for production planning. In those days, we didn’t have computers so all of the work was done by hand and personal observation. However, you’d like to know that it was actually very accurate. We didn’t really make mistakes in those days, because if there was a mistake, it took a very long time to correct the mistake and get the production process going again. Those days taught me not to make mistakes.

My wife has to carry on working for a while before she retires, so I’m going to take it a bit “rustig” for a while. I’m sure I’ll stay busy because I’m not used to sitting around and doing nothing.

What has kept you at BATSA for so long? When people ask me what does it take to work at a place for 30 years, there are two things that come to mind – money (of course), and being happy, being at peace. BATSA has been a very good employer to me and they have looked after me in many ways. This place is like a family, and it is family that keeps you going.

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A last thought about your time at BATSA? Let me put it this way. There have been times that made my heart sore and there were good times. There were times when there was uncertainty about how things would turn out, yet we managed to face and get through those serious problems. I can honestly say that it has been a good experience. This has been like a “school of life” for me that I have enjoyed very much. I can honestly recommend this place to anybody, but they must know that when you get here, you need to know how to work together. When I retire at the end of this year I’ll miss the people here. That will be the hardest thing for me about retirement.

Being motivated is a habit. Unfortunately, so is being unmotivated. Vince Lombardi, the legendary American football coach from the 1960’s, has inspired people in all walks of life for decades. He had an uncomplicated approach to winning and was a master at motivating his teams.

40 years after his death, his approach to challenges and the will to win is still admired. The title of this piece is based on one his many famous quotes: “Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing”. Therefore, “Being motivated is a habit – Unfortunately, so is being unmotivated”.

What lessons are we willing to consider from such a simple, yet powerful observation of human nature? OurWorld | 27


Everyday life tests our motivation Think about when we are most motivated. It is when our hopes, dreams and plans seem to be coming together. Having the confidence and security that our plans are coming together makes our step lighter and our perception of the world brighter. Let’s face it though, there are many realities that surround our personal and working lives that often test those dreams and plans. And regardless of how many positive quotes and thoughts we may try to surround ourselves with, there will be times that we find ourselves demotivated. When our hopes, dreams and plans seem threatened, it is in these times that frustration and anxiety creep in relatively quickly and begin to influence how we behave as we go along our daily paths. Frustration and anxiety inevitably result in stress which in turn has mental and physiological consequences that are often difficult to control, and therefore influence us more than we realise. It is in a stressful state of mind that we create misguided and even untrue perceptions in our mind, and this can lead to a powerful negative impact on our motivation levels. Before we know it, we can be “thrown from the horse of motivation”.

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Take time to use your initiative –

make a habit of solving problems and seizing opportunities.

Knowing when you are losing motivation It is at the point of “being thrown off the horse of motivation” that we have an opportunity to learn about ourselves and what we need to do to “get back on to the horse of motivation”. Fortunately, there are two steps we can take to get back to a more balanced perception of what may be taking place around us, and they are not complicated: Become aware of, or even write down the experiences and feelings that make you lose control of your emotions and perceptions. Slow down. Make time, and take time to breathe, pause and reflect. Motivation is not something that will find us. Motivation is something that we must find through practice. Yes, it is something that we must find through habit. To start developing the power of motivation in our own lives, the most important skill we need to develop is self-awareness. We need to start becoming aware of when we start to lose sight of that personal goal. We need to start becoming aware of when we are losing the personal energy to solve problems at work or even at home. If we don’t develop this inner awareness, the only time we’ll realise that we have “been thrown off the horse” of motivation, is when we are in a place of stress and frustration. Stress and frustration

because our dreams and plans aren’t working out. When we are in a place of stress, frustration and demotivation, the reality is that our thoughts often get clouded and we can find ourselves making bad decisions. Which in turn doesn’t help at all in getting back to the place of being motivated. By developing self-awareness, we can slow down, take a step backwards and reflect on situations before they have a negative impact on our motivation. With clear reflection and an understanding of what is really important to us, we keep hope and optimism alive within ourselves. With hope and optimism inside of us, we can stay motivated. Without it, we become paralysed.

Make a habit of staying motivated!

tension, disappointment or hurt to dissipate, or evaporate from our minds and bodies. This is where a time for meditation and prayer can

Slow down. Make time, and take time to breathe, pause and reflect.

The power of staying motivated Making a habit of being aware of when we are stressed or anxious allows us to create a space in our daily lives where we make time to relax, breath and reflect. This can in turn help us get to a mental place where we no longer have judgment or expectations of how “things have to work out”. Taking time each day to allow ourselves to de-stress allows

be a powerful addition to our lives. Here are some basic daily habits that you can practice to bring hope, dreams and motivation together. Take time to look after yourself – make a habit of looking after your body and your thoughts. Take time to know yourself – make a habit of thinking about the things that make you lose control and therefore motivation. Take time to achieve – make a habit

of always striving to meet standards of excellence in everything you do. Take time to commit to something – make a habit of always having a vision or a goal. Take time to use your initiative – make a habit of solving problems and seizing opportunities.

Motivation is not something that will find us. Motivation is something that we must find through practice. Yes, it is something that we must find through habit. OurWorld | 29

health matters

health matters

It is important to be able to recognise the warning signs of excessive stress:

Coping with Work Stress in Today’s Economic Climate Recent studies from the United Kingdom reveal that in 2011 and 2012, 40% of all workrelated illnesses were linked to stress.

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Feelings of anxiety, short temper or depression Withdrawing from loved ones and friends Irregular sleep patterns

Although this is a statistic from a study done in another country, what is important to acknowledge is that stress is having an increasingly negative effect on people’s lives throughout the world. We may not know it, but many of us, if not all of us, are feeling the effects of the pressured times that we live in. Each one of us deals with this stress differently, and this in turn means that each one of us feels the effects of stress in different ways.

What Causes Stress at Work? Research indicates that there are some common trends that cause stress in the work place: Work load and delivery pressure. Lack of managerial support. Interpersonal relationships that may result in bullying and threats of violence.

Health problems such as headaches, muscle tension and stomach ache Loss of sex drive Abuse of substances in order to try and cope with stress Apathy and loss of interest in your life

When Do I Know That Stress is Influencing Me? The problem with stress at work is that it ultimately affects our confidence and ability to do our job properly. This in turn influences the productivity and happiness of the teams that we work with. If we ignore the signs of stress, we are creating a prime situation for bigger problems for ourselves as well as the business that we are committed to. OurWorld | 31

health matters How Can I Reduce Stress at Work? There is no simple way of managing stress, but the good news is that it is all up to you. Your emotions and attitudes are felt by others around you and if you are good at managing stress, the more positive others around you will feel. You will also find that if you are good at managing stress, that other people’s stress will not really influence you. By being aware of ourselves, and the three trends that cause stress that are described above, we can start to learn better ways of managing stress at work. Here are some basic steps that you can take to reduce stress around you: Commit to always improving your communication skills – this will help improve your relationships with co-workers and management, and can also have a positive impact by reducing unnecessary work pressure. Avoid making repeated mistakes – this could mean on a personal level, as well as on a work level. Do you have habits or attitudes that you know could frustrate others, or result in problems? Try and avoid them in order to reduce the stress you feel in your life. Take responsibility for yourself – acknowledge that the steps to improving your physical and emotional well-being are your responsibility. Small steps of personal responsibility will result in positive spin-off effects in both your personal and work life.

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health matters

Stress Reduction Tip 1:

Stress Reduction Tip 3:

Take Care of Yourself

Watch What You Eat

If you start to recognise the warning signs of stress in yourself or your colleagues, it is important to know that it will only get worse if it is ignored. Take steps to create balance in your life and reach out to others before the problem generates negative consequences for your life. You can take a big step towards managing the effects of stress in your life by starting to become more aware of your emotional and physical health. The better you feel about yourself, the more resilient you will feel about stress that comes your way – the stronger you will feel to face the challenges that life and people can throw at you each day. Some good news is that taking care of yourself doesn’t require a massive change in your lifestyle. By slowing down and taking problems and challenges one step at a time you can avoid feeling overwhelmed by problems and challenges. Think of a hurdles race. It is not possible to get to the end of the race by trying to jump all of the hurdles at the same time – you can only tackle one hurdle at a time. One down, one more to go.

A healthy diet goes much further than we realise in managing stress during the day. Many dieticians and nutrition experts point out that a number of small regular meals are the best way to maintain appropriate blood sugar levels. Low blood sugar levels are known to make people irritable and anxious - quite simply, our body is sending the brain a message to “go out and find food”.

Stress Reduction Tip 4:

Control the Intake of Stimulants

It’s simple – alcohol, nicotine or medication needs to be consumed in moderation. Besides the dependency problems that we all know about, the reality is that if we do not consume stimulants in moderation, we will take ourselves on a mental and emotional roller coaster – which in turn increases stress.

Stress Reduction Tip 6:

Prioritise and Organise

Stress Reduction Tip 2: Get Physical

Although exercise may feel like the last thing you want to do when you are feeling stressed, the reality is that we have bodies that need to move. Getting into the habit of regular exercise, even if it is only a 20 minute walk, is a powerful stress reliever. There are a range of chemical reactions that take place inside of us when we exercise that result in increased mental and physical energy.

Get yourself into a space where you understand what your priorities are. Typically, health, family, work, finances and community are the factors that drive us. If you focus all your energy on one area, the other areas will undoubtedly come under stress. By developing the self-control to be balanced in all these areas you will find that you will be in a better place to handle stressful situations. More importantly, your colleagues, friends and family will recognise your ability to stay balanced which will inevitably result in better relationships – which is fundamental to managing day-to-day stress.

Stress Reduction Tip 5:

Sleep Well

There is a reason that sleep deprivation is frowned upon as a means of interrogation by the Geneva Convention. Lack of sleep results in a complex range of reactions that take place in the body and the brain, most of them harmful to your health. A lack of sleep will therefore leave you vulnerable to even more stress. A good night’s sleep is the perfect medicine for keeping your emotions balanced and well prepared to handle daily stress.

Dealing with stress is never easy – but by developing the right personal skills and attitudes to cope within stressful situations, we can lead more meaningful and powerful lives. OurWorld | 33

sports update

hr update


itiat n I s t r o p S g elber

BATSA Heid By Sanele Shabalala, Corporate Affairs Manager

a narrow win with a final score of 3-1. Many people are already calling for a rematch.

There is no doubt that sport plays an important part in any organisational culture and in the integration of people in all sectors of society – and BATSA is no different. Thus we decided to – a few years ago – launch internal sports initiatives that included netball, cricket and soccer amongst other sports codes. Various departments at BATSA Heidelberg now have the opportunity to show what they are made of on the sports field.

Furthermore, in support of the internal tournament we are in the process of establishing four soccer fan clubs: Kaizer Chiefs, Orlando Pirates, Manchester United and Arsenal. These various fan clubs will be organised through CORA and the Sport Committee. All BATSA – Heidelberg employees are invited to join and be part of this initiative by signing up for any of their favourite clubs. More information about these fan clubs will be made available in due course. Employees must note that we will have our internal games while still taking part in the Lesedi Corporate League.

However, due to organisational changes, which resulted in a newly formed cell structure at Heidelberg, we had to rethink the way we would run the Sports Initiative. Last year, we helped establish the Lesedi Corporate Soccer League which involved almost all corporates situated in the Lesedi Municipal Area. We participated with great success we might add, and placed third overall. But despite our BATSA success, the structure undoubtedly excluded many participants. It is therefore with great excitement that we are re-introducing our internal tournament and already our first two teams have played against each other. OLT Eleven and Floor Eleven delivered a great game with Dirk Eloff in the goals, Tom Hex on the side and Jerry Chirambo and Claudio Wuld in the middle of the park. Floor Eleven was often in trouble but managed to secure

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Of course, we have not forgotten about our netball teams. Our selected BATSA team will soon be participating in its first corporate tournament. We are holding thumbs ladies! Lastly, following an employee survey, BATSA will be opening our first gym facility in April this year. It costs only R90 per month and will be located a few steps away from our reception area. The gym will open in April 2013. The biggest loser 2013 competition begins in May 2013.

Here’s to a healthy and sports filled Heidelberg year!

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caught on camera

ards w A e c i v r e Long S

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caught on camera


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caught hr update on camera

rds a w A t n e m Retire

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caught on hr camera update

Team Bu i


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hr update

did you know?

The 8 South African inventions that changed the world!

KREEPY KRAULY The swimming pool vacuum cleaner was invented by Ferdinand Chauvier, a hydraulics engineer who came to South Africa from the Belgian Congo in 1951. Chauvier quickly realised that there was a huge market for taking the hassle out of cleaning swimming pools, and went about inventing a machine that

OIL FROM COAL Sasol is the world’s first - and largest - oil-fromcoal refinery. It is situated in Sasolburg in South Africa and provides 40% of the country’s fuel. The history of Sasol began in 1927 when a White Paper was tabled in Parliament to investigate the establishment of a South African oil-from-coal industry. It was realised then that, because South Africa did not have crude oil reserves, the country’s balance of payments had to be

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would do the job automatically, efficiently powered by the ordinary operation of the pool’s filter. But it wasn’t until 1974 that the first Kreepy Krauly was born in Chauvier’s Springs home. He died in 1985, but Kreepy Kraulys continue to keep thousands of pools clean in South Africa and the world over.

protected against increasing crude oil imports. After many years of research and international negotiations, the South African Coal Oil and Gas Corporation was formed in 1950. Major milestones include the first automotive fuel (1955), the construction of the National Petroleum Refiners of South Africa (1967) and the establishment in 1990 of its first international marketing company, Sasol Chemicals Europe. Sasol has developed world-leading technology for the conversion of low-grade coal into value-added synfuels and chemicals.

THE HEART TRANSPLANT The world’s first heart transplant was performed by Dr Chris Barnard in Cape Town on 3 December 1967. Barnard was born in the town of Beaufort West in 1922. The seeds of his future career were sown when one of his patients delivered a baby boy with a heart defect which could not be remedied. The baby died, causing him to think deeply about the need for remedial surgery and the replacement of heart valves. A turning point came when Barnard was offered a chance to work in Minneapolis in the US under Professor Wagensteen, a great teacher of experimental surgery. The heart-lung machine was perfected, and this turned out to be the gateway to cardiac surgery. The idea of transplanting occurred to Barnard. If it was possible with kidneys, why not the heart? After more years of study in the US, he returned to South Africa with a parting gift from Prof Wagensteen – a heartlung machine. Groote Schuur hospital was waiting his return in 1958 to start the first heart unit to perform a cardiac bypass operation. After performing the first successful kidney transplant on Edith Black, in October 1967 Barnard informed Professor Val Schrire, who had built up the cardiac clinic: “Everything is ready for a heart transplant. We have the team and we know how to do it.” In November 1967, Schrire called Barnard and told him that there was a suitable patient for a heart transplant. Louis Washkansky was suffering from heart failure and was prepared to take the chance. The rest is history. Barnard passed away in Cyprus, Greece on 2 September 2001 from an acute asthma attack.



Pratley’s famous glue is the only South African invention that has been to the moon. In 1969 the putty was used to hold bits of the Apollo XI mission’s Eagle landing craft together. Krugersdorp engineer George Pratley invented his famous sticky stuff in the 1960s while looking for a glue that would hold components in an electrical box. Pratley died in 1983 and today the company is run by his son, Kim. Hundreds of tons of Pratley putty have been exported all over the world, and the company has diversified into other products.

The computed axial tomography scan, or CAT scan, was developed at Tufts University in the UK by South African physicist Allan Cormack and Godfrey Hounsfield of EMI Laboratories. Their achievement secured them the 1979 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Cormack’s interest in the problem of X-ray imaging of soft tissues or layers of tissue of differing densities was first aroused when he took up the parttime position of physicist for a hospital radiology department. The two-dimensional representations of conventional X-ray plates were often unable to distinguish between

THE APS THERAPY Gervan Lubbe was flicking through an American medical journal one day when he stumbled across an article about pain relief. After reading all he could on the topic, he wondered whether it would be possible to electronically stimulate the body’s natural nerve impulses to relieve pain. Lubbe, had always had a keen interest in medicine, but never thought he was clever enough to be a doctor. So in his spare time he studied human anatomy and physiology until he thought he knew enough about the causes

of arthritic pain. Then he set out inventing a device that would alleviate the problem. After building the first prototypes and obtaining approval from the health department and the Food and Drug Administration in the United States, Lubbe formed the company Tech Pulse in 1993 to produce, market and distribute the Action Potential Stimulation device. Today, Lubbe’s devices are sold in 41 countries, including the US, Europe and the Middle East. In South Africa alone, over 40 000 people use the little machines to relieve pain.

THE DOLOSSE HARBOUR CONCRETE BLOCKS Dolosse are large, unusually shaped concrete blocks weighing up to 20 tons. The structures are designed to break up wave action and protect harbour walls and coastal installations. Designed by Eric Merrifield and first installed in East London harbour, they are now used all over the world. The Coega Project, comprising an industrial development

hr update such tissues. More information could be gained if X-rays of the body were taken from several different directions, but conventional X-ray techniques made this procedure problematic. In the early 1960s, Cormack showed how details of a flat section of soft tissues could be calculated from measurements of the attenuation of X-rays passing through it from many different angles. He thus provided the mathematical technique for the CAT scan, in which an X-ray source and electronic detectors are rotated about the body and the resulting data is analysed by a computer to produce a sharp map of the tissues within a cross-section of the body.

THE SPEED GUN The South African-made speed gun, developed by Somerset West inventor Henri Johnson, was formally launched at The Oval in England during the 1999 Cricket World Cup. In 1992 Johnson invented the Speedball which was manufactured by South African firm Electronic Development House. The device accurately measures the speed and angles of speeding objects such as cricket and tennis balls. Generally referred to as a “speed gun”, Johnson’s gizmo is sold in cricketing countries and in the US and Europe.

complex and deepwater port 20 kilometres east of the city of Port Elizabeth, recently made history with the casting of the biggest dolosse on the African continent. The first of the 26 500 thirty-ton dolosse that will be used on the two breakwaters for the deep-water harbour of Ngqura have already been made. According to Deon Retief, the partner responsible for the Nqura breakwater design at Prestedge Retief Dresner Wijnberg, the dolosse will form the top layer of the main breakwater which, at 2.5 kilometres long, is the “largest by far” in Africa.


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Here are 6 events that are happening in and around Gauteng in May and June. Why not plan ahead and attend one of them with your family?


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Gauteng entertainment


702 MOTHERS DAY CONCERT 13 May 2013 [tbc] The 702 Mother’s Day Concert at the Zoo in association with SPAR for the perfect way to spend quality time with your Mother. So grab a blanket and pack a picnic basket full of your Mother’s favourite treats and head to the Zoo for a special day out for the whole family. The concert will be hosted by 702 Talk Radio presenters and the entertainment will be performed by the superb Johannesburg Festival Orchestra, The Mzansi Youth Choir, Nomfundo Xaluva and Joseph Clark

Running WALLY HAYWARD MARATHON, HALF MARATHON AND 10KM 01 May 2013 • This event starts in Centurion. There is even a 1 km event for Kiddies • Child Welfare Tshwane will be supervising Kiddies entertainment for only R30 per child, while parents participate • The Wally is the last chance to qualify for the Comrades Marathon in Gauteng • All finishers, in all distances, will qualify for a free goody bag and a medal • Race t-shirts will be available for R40 each • Walkers are welcome in this wellknown race – a memorial to Wally Hayward, a running legend Where: Centurion Start: Hoërskool Zwartkop, Mopanie Road Contact: Bert van den Raad on +27 (0)82 922-6817

Fashion SOWETO FASHION WEEK 23 May 2013 to 26 May 2013

After the worldwide explosion of this prestigious event in 2012, Soweto Fashion week is back at it again, this time with an international presence and combination of Las Vegas USA and Switzerland designers coming in to embellish our upcoming Sowetan and South African Designers in South Africa. Soweto Fashion week has plenty of new creations to introduce to the world of Fashion markets in 2013 and beyond. Venue: Klip Town Square Time: 15h00 Contact: +27 (0)11 024-6343

Entrance Fee: R55 per person R34 for pensioners Free for children under 3 years old Time: 12h00 to 15h00 - Gates open at 09h00 Venue: Johannesburg Zoo

Wildlife AQUARIUM EXPO 08 June 2013 to 10 June 2013 [tbc] This event will provide you with information on the exciting new products for home aquariums, purchase new livestock, listen to local and international speakers giving demonstrations and lectures and check out fantastic display tanks._Bring the whole family to enjoy the many exhibitors showcasing and selling all the latest gadgets for your aquarium or for those interested in building a new home aquarium. This event is joined together with The Home Expo so you can also see the latest in home improvements. The Aquarium Expo is being held in the Centre Court at Emperors Palace which has many facilities on offer such as bars, restaurants, fast food, an arcade, theatre, shopping, movies and more. There is also ample parking and accommodation nearby. Tickets will be available at the door for R45. This ticket gives you access to both The Home Expo and Aquarium Expo. Children under 12 enter free. Times: 10h00 to 18h00 Venue: Emperors Palace, Centre Court, 64 Jones Road, Kempton Park, Johannesburg.

Music Cars GAUTENG MOTOR SHOW 01-02 June 2013 The Annual Gauteng Motor Show is one of the largest, most action packed motoring events in South Africa and promises to bring more action packed excitement in the years to come. Showcasing all aspects of the motoring industry, the Gauteng Motor Show also offers an entertainment line-up unlike any other motoring event in South Africa. Be thrilled by knuckle biting aerobatic displays, drifting, bike stunts, advance driving experiences, track experiences, go-kart rides, simulators, helicopter rides, competitions, a wide range of kiddies entertainment and music! The event is a fun family day out, offering something for men, women and children of all ages. Exciting surprises are up for grabs. Of all the motor shows in South Africa the Gauteng Motor Show 2013 is the one not to be missed!

KE-MUSIC-TAL-CONCERT 09 June 2013 [tbc] Ebony Park Music Concert will be a talent concert, for young people passionate about the music industry to showcase their talent. Ke-Music-Tal-Concert shall and will be a music promotion and a community entertainment event, it shall be an event to reassure locally, not exposed, and (unsigned) artists of what lays ahead of them in the music industry and to pave ways for them to bigger music stages. KeMusic-Tal-Concert shall be staged and performed by artists all from local and surrounding areas of the greater Midrand, all artists shall be given a chance to perform three of their best tracks, they shall be allowed only 15 minutes on stage, allowing five minutes and less on stage per track. Ke-Music-TalConcert stage, ten Afro-Pop artists, five Gospel artists, five Hip Pop artists and ten Kwaito artists. All artists to perform on this event are from Tembisa, Ivory Park, Ebony Park, Midrand, Alexandra, Soweto and other nearby locations

Tickets are available at the gate R85 adults, R45 children Venue: Zwartkops Raceway situated on the R55 (just off the N14) travelling towards Pretoria West (just before Laduim and Erasmia)

Venue: Ivory Park Ext 7 Main Park, Big Screen Time: 12h00 to 18h00 Entrance Fee: Free Contact: Raymond on +27 (0)79 802-7677 or +27 (0)82 739-5177

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