ELPG 042 - Leopoldo 04A-2022
University of the Potomac Course Syllabus Course Number: ELPG 042 Course Title: Advanced Writing Credits: 64 Clock Hours Instructor Name: Professor Geraldine Leopoldo, M.A. Instructor Email Address: geraldine.leopoldo@potomac.edu Instructor Phone Number: (312) 956-9489 voice/text Mondays - Thursdays 8 am or by appointment Office Hours: Campus: Chicago Loop - ONLINE Term / Dates: Term 04A: 3/7/22 - 4/28/22 Class Day / Time: Wednesdays - 8:40am - 5:20pm Google Meet Link: https://meet.google.com/eaq-ifhn-tfm
Course Description: The goal of this course is to provide students with advanced instruction in the writing process and transition from writing sound paragraphs to connecting them to construct essays. Students learn to use increasingly complex transitional structures, to create thesis statements and conclusions, and to edit their work for completeness, logic, and balance. Students who successfully complete the course are able to use pre-writing strategies such as brainstorming and mind mapping, to draft and revise their compositions, and to use more advanced structures such as passive voice, quotations, and reported speech to add variety to their writing. Compositions are developed through the process of peer critiquing and editing.Prerequisite/Placement: Completion of ELPG 030, ELPG 031, ELPG 032, EPT placement score of 51 to 61, or a corresponding score on a standardized exam such as IELTS™ or TOEFL iBT®.
Course Objectives: By the end of the course students will be able to: ● use clear and descriptive language to accurately express thoughts and ideas ● recognize and avoid sentence fragments and run-on sentences ● utilize transition words and connectors to combine paragraphs into a cohesive essay Textbook Information: LONGMAN ACADEMIC WRITING SERIES 4 READER+ W/ DIGITAL RESOURCES OSHIMA & HOGUE COPYRIGHT: 1/1/2021
ISBN13: 9780136838586 EDITION: 5TH
The above textbook is an essential part of the course and must be brought to each class. Students who do not have the book after the 2nd class session will not be allowed to attend class or will have points deducted.
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ELPG 042 - Leopoldo 04A-2022
Ordering Textbooks: Textbooks are available through the eCampus web portal. To order your books for the 04A Term, follow these instructions: 1. Login to:
2. SELECT A SEMESTER: "SECTION 04A 2022 Chicago Campus" 3. SELECT A DEPARTMENT: Select one of the following options depending on your course ELPA, ELPG, ELPT, or GRAM 4. Once you have selected the course type, select your course from the options provided. 5. When you select a course, the row will be highlighted and confirmed with a check mark. NOTE: You can select more than one course. 6. Click the CONTINUE button once you've selected your courses. 7. The textbook, purchasing options, and price will appear. NOTE: If an ebook is available, we strongly suggest this as an option since book deliveries will be delayed due to COVID-19. 8. Make your purchase using credit card or PayPal options. Students are able to rent their textbook, if this option is listed on the eCampus webpage. Students should select the book and see if this option is there. Renting can save over the cost of purchasing: ● When checking out, even if paying with Financial Aid, you will need to provide a valid debit or credit card as collateral. ● Remembering the due date is the customer's responsibility - it is visible when ordering, and in your Account at the Online Bookstore anytime. The rental book (s) must come back to us on time and in resalable condition. ● Ship your rental book back by the rental due date using the prepaid UPS label available in your account at the Online Bookstore. If you want to purchase it, or extend the rental period, you can do that in your account as well. More questions - please visit the Help Desk online or call us at 1-877-284-6744 You may also contact your Professor or Student Services at il.studentservices@potomac.edu if you have any questions.
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Academic Policies and Procedures: All academic and non-academic policies and procedures are available in the University of the Potomac course catalog. For information on attendance, academic integrity, plagiarism, copyright infringement, or any other academic and non-academic policies or procedures, please refer to the University catalog. Methods of Instruction: A variety of instructional techniques will be used in this course including lectures, discussions, and activities. The instructor will lead discussions of course theory and may include other assigned readings, case studies, team exercises, and group or individual projects. Note that the Class Outline is subject to change/adjust and additional assignments may be made as the course progresses. Final Grading Elements: Assignment
Online Discussion Posts
PPT Oral Presentation & Assignments
Homework Workbook
Mid-term Project
Final Project
Grading Scale: Letter
90% - 100%
80 % - 89%
70% - 79%
60% - 69%
0% - 59%
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Makeup Assignments: Students may be allowed to make up missed assignments at instructor’s discretion with exception of midterm and final exams. Students who miss a midterm or a final exam due to a medical emergency must submit a doctor’s note for approval by the Academic Dean. If approved, the instructor will submit a request for testing to the Academic Affairs staff who will schedule and proctor the exam. TURNING IN ASSIGNMENTS AND E-MAIL PROCEDURES Sending Assignments All homework assignments must be submitted through the Moodle Room or as instructed. Students will lose 10% per day for late assignments up to 3 days. After 3 days, assignments will not be accepted and a zero will be recorded. Exceptions can be arranged if the instructor is contacted ahead of time. Exceptions will also be made for documented emergencies. General Email When sending emails please identify yourself fully by your name and class, not simply by an email address. In all emails sent to your instructor and/or other members of the class it is expected that students follow rules of common courtesy in all email messages. If any email is deemed inappropriate or offensive, they will be forwarded to an online administrator and appropriate action will be taken, not excluding expulsion from the course. Your University of the Potomac email is the preferred email for communication, let your instructor know and/or contact IT support at helpdesk@potomac.edu if you are having trouble accessing your student account and messages. Composing Email It is suggested that students compose emails on their computer using a word processor program like Microsoft Word first or Google Docs, then copy and paste them into an email messaging system on the Learning Management System. This way, students can retain a copy of all email communications and avoid unexpected email wipeouts. Responding to Email Most instructors will check their email Monday through Sunday. Online instructors are expected to respond to student questions within 24 hours. In the event of extenuating circumstances, the school will make every attempt to be sure the student has a response within a reasonable timeframe. Safeguards It is recommended that you backup your work and even make a hard copy for your personal record.
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INSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION Academic Integrity and Ethics The goal of the Academic Integrity Policy is to define what constitutes appropriate research and reporting methodologies in the academic community and to provide assurance that each student is able to work in an atmosphere free of intellectual dishonesty. Breaches of the Academic Integrity Policy are considered serious violations of trust and may result in censure, failure, or dismissal from the University. Academic dishonesty may take many forms, and each is considered an equally serious offense. For example: Plagiarism includes the intentional use or representation of the thoughts, ideas, of words of another as one’s own work in any assignment including the paraphrasing of information, the duplication of an author’s words or ideas without identifying the source and the failure to properly cite quoted material. Cheating includes the intentional giving or receiving (or attempts thereof) of any assistance not authorized in advance by the instructor, including the use of notes, copying or prior knowledge of examination materials. Plagiarism Detection Software To help provide an environment conducive to academic integrity, Potomac uses plagiarism detection software. Your instructor may use this software to make sure that no portion of an essay, research paper, or any writing assignment has been plagiarized from another source. Any student caught cheating or plagiarizing will receive a failing grade for the assignment and possibly for the course. For additional information on Academic Integrity and Ethics at Potomac, please see the current Academic Catalog. Learning Resource Center Students may access the Potomac College Learning Resource Center via the internet. The Learning Resource Center will provide you access to all of the electronic resources available through University of the Potomac. Library Services Contact the Library: By phone - 202-274-2331 or 1-888-686-0876 ext 2331
By email – library@potomac.edu
There are links for ALL of our electronic resources in the Moodle Room via the student resources link.
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Writing Style Potomac students are required to use the writing format of the American Psychological Association Sixth Edition (APA) in all formal writing assignments. Tutoring SMARTHINKING is a tutoring service that offers academic support. This service will connect you to a tutor anytime, from any internet connection. For Smarthinking.com access, please contact the librarian for registration information. Please check directly with your Professor or with Student Support Services if you are interested in tutoring services. ONLINE ATTENDANCE & PARTICIPATION Students are expected to arrive at each class online lecture session on time and to stay for the entire duration of class. Students who miss more than 30 minutes of class due to coming in late, leaving early, or taking unscheduled breaks will be marked absent. Full-time program of study in the ESL program consists of 18 hours per week: 8 hours of Lecture (Listening & Speaking, Reading or Writing), 6 hours of Grammar, and 4 hours of Professional Tracks Workshops (Academic English, Business, Computer Technology, Hospitality & Tourism, and Healthcare & Medicine). International Students are required to attend 18 hours each week in order to maintain their status. Students must maintain a minimum of 80% attendance in order to satisfy Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements. Students who do not meet a minimum of 80% attendance requirement will receive an F grade for the course. Students are required to attend TWO hour and a half lecture class (AM and PM) on Google Meet. Assignments must be turned in on a timely manner according to instructions made by your instructor, and there are also two attendance windows each week of a session to perform on MOODLE: ● First – midnight Sunday through midnight Wednesday, and ● Second – midnight Wednesday through midnight Sunday Participation in any one of the course activities during each attendance window will be considered as attendance. Please contact your faculty directly for specifics on participation expectations. For additional information on Attendance please see The University’s Academic Catalog.
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English in the Classroom: University of the Potomac serves students from over 65 countries around the world. English is the international language that brings them together. Speaking only English in the classroom will help you learn English faster. It is also a sign of respect to those who do not speak your native language. Students are asked to speak only English in the classroom. Students who violate this policy and disrupt the learning process will be reported to Academic Affairs. Students with Disabilities Students wishing to avail themselves of special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act must disclose special needs at time of admissions; accordingly, every effort is made to make reasonable accommodations. Certain programs may require manual dexterity. Please consult a campus Admissions Office for further information. For physically challenged students, Potomac is located on ground level or has appropriate elevator service with ramps to facilitate easy entry. Restrooms are equipped with wide doorways and bars to ensure accessibility. If a student wishes to request academic adjustment or auxiliary aids, please contact the Disabilities Coordinator. They may request academic adjustments or auxiliary aids at any time. Campus Security Potomac is committed to providing a safe environment for students to learn and staff to work. A copy of the latest campus security report and details on how to report a crime are available online at http://student.potomac.edu Chicago Campus Contact Information: Location: Chicago Loop 828 South Wabash Avenue Chicago, IL 60659 Phone: 773-866-0111
Office of Student & Retention Services: il.studentservices@potomac.edu Website: https://potomac.edu/locations/chicago-university/
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Course Outline - Term: 04A Title: ELPG 042 - Advanced Writing
Instructor: Prof. Geraldine Leopoldo, M.A
Class Days & Times: Wednesdays, 8:40am - 5:20pm Google Meet Link: https://meet.google.com/eaq-ifhn-tfm Date
Session 1 3/9/2022 Part I: Writing A Paragraph Chapter 1: Paragraph
W Structure e e Session 2 k 3/9/2022 1
Chapter 2: Unity & Coherence
W e e k 2
Topics and Activities (subject to change)
Discussion Questions
Writing: Effective and Appropriate paragraphs; Topic Sentences, Fact & Opinion, Main Idea, Conclusions, Informative Summary, Organize Ideas, Edit simple text Reading: Distinguish between the main idea and text to answer specific questions Speaking: Clarify points in an academic discussion using simple language
Write a paragraph of 10 to 15 sentences on the topic of communication. Use the writing model on page 3 to help you. Follow the steps of the writing process.
Writing: Support a main idea with explanations, write a paragraph on an academic topic in field of study, use limited discourse to link sentences smoothly, use outlines to organize ideas, edit, and improve simple sentences Reading: Distinguish between the main idea and related ideas to answer questions Speaking: signal a review or revision of assumptions during a discussion, clarify points to make in an academic discussion
Write a paragraph of 10 to 15 sentences on the topic related to health and medicine. Choose one topic to write about. Use the writing model on page 23 to help you. Follow the steps of the writing process.
Chapter 3: Using Outside Sources
How Technology Aids Language
Chapter 4: From Paragraph to Essay
Thesis Statements
Session 3 3/16/22 Session 4 3/16/22 Session 5 3/23/2022 Chapter 5: Process Essays Writing an Essay
W e e Session 6 k 3 3/23/2022
Chapter 6: Cause and Effect Essays
Write about one of the following: -What to do in case of an earthquake -How o perform a particular science experiment -How to conserve energy
Write a Cause & Effect Essay on a topic related to psychology.
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ELPG 042 - Leopoldo 04A-2022 Session 7
W 3/30/2022 e e k Session 8 4 3/30/2022 Midterm Exam Session 9
Chapter 7 Comparison / Contrast Essays
Importance of Cultural Values
Chapter 8 Argumentative Essays
What is the most important technology in society today?
Midterm Exam
Part III: Sentence Structure
W e 4/6/2022 e k Session 10 5 4/6/2022
Session 11
W e e k Session 12 6 4/13/2022
Chapter 9 Types of Sentences GRAMMAR – Independent Clauses • Dependent Clauses
Chapter 10 Parallelism and Sentence Problems GRAMMAR – Parallelism with Coordinators: And, Or, But • Parallelism with Correlative (Paired) Conjunctions
Parallel Structure
Chapter 11 Noun Clauses GRAMMAR – Sentences Beginning with It • Special Verb Tenses in That Clauses • If / Whether Clauses • Question Clauses
Letter of Inquiry
Chapter 12 Adverb Clauses GRAMMAR – Time Clauses • Place Clauses • Distance, Frequency, and Manner Clauses • Reason Clauses • Result Clauses • Purpose Clauses • Contrast Clauses • Conditional Clauses Chapter 13 Adjective Clauses GRAMMAR – Relative Pronouns as Subjects • Relative Pronouns as Objects • Possessive Adjective Clauses • Relative Pronouns as Objects of Prepositions • Relative Pronouns in Phrases of Quantity and Quality • Adjective Clauses of Time and Place Chapter 14 Participles and Participial Phrases GRAMMAR – Reduced Adjective Clauses • Position and Punctuation of Participial Phrases • Present Participial Phrases • Past Participial Phrases • Perfect Form Participial Phrases • Participial Phrases and Writing Style • Reduced Adverb Clauses Review
4/13/2022 Session 13 4/20/2022
W e e Session 14 k 4/20/2022 7 Review
Session 15
W 4/27/2022 e e Session 16 k 4/27/2022 8
Write a paragraph on: -Preventative Healthcare -Energy Source of the Future -Changes in men’s and women’s roles
Final Exam
Revised: 03//2022
Adverb Clauses
Important Event
Participial Phrases
DQ 8.1: Provide a 3-2-1 Reflection. DQ 8.2: Post a self-critique of your presentation and respond to the following:
Created & Approved by: Academic Team
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