Club Rock NIght - 06 December 2008

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ClubRock Night New concept Night Starting December 06, 2008

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Ro ck ’7 0.

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Blood On De Densfloor is a Registred Trade Mark

Live Rock Space Disco Non Disco Acts

Rock or

r Disco?

Ready to

o Party?


From 22.00 to 03.00 am

Ah,Wildness! (Live - Indie Rock Soul)

. Tiger Shit! Tiger! Tiger! (Live - New Wave Punk)

. Jennifer Manzo e John Marangoni (Dj Set - Indie Disco)

. + Guests..


Lucignolo Lab Via Bassa 10, Sommacampagna Verona In Collaboration With

Francesco Martinelli Studio Ventisette

Dress code: Rock’70.

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