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If You Want to Dance It’s OK Innella Kurotsu

Giovanni Sayuri

Tokyo, 2018-2019

If You Want to Dance It’s OK is a project that visually explores the identities of our closest community members, in Tokyo. While all our friends strive to define their own identities in a context - Japan - that tends to uniform all individualities, we have realized that with a simple gesture, we are able to turn them into blank canvases.



If You Want to Dance It’s OK allows our closest friends to define one another in a way that is representative of both parties involved in this portraying process. If You Want to Dance It’s OK critically reflects upon the disposability and objectification of our identities, the control of our society and the freedom of anonymity.


目をつぶってな こわい


the mustache are you done

袋は 大丈夫 どっちですか いらない

I can’t breathe


これ確かに 輪郭を描くのが難しい

ティティティ こうなぞる感じ

please not really ugly

スーパーさんの お買い物袋 乳白色 46枚 100円

Pellegrini Codignola Ghella Onorato Voerman Muscolino Muscolino Muscolino Colaleo 鈴木 強谷 八木 中村 村上 緒方 藤平

Ettore Silvia Barbara Domenica Rob Simone Nicola Agata Stella 歩 鮎美 里見 翼 真希 淳二 美生

thanks to Olivero


draw the back of my head too


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