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March 2018
Unveiling Plaque Report - page 16
Unveiling of the Commemorative Plaque by Ms Ann Vickers, Ms Julie Lee, Mr Craig Forster and Mr Ron Gregory The Community Centre exists to help, support and encourage people of this rural area to enrich their lives by developing friendships and new learning skills.
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FROM THE EDITORS DESK IT’S ALWAYS INTERESTING TIMES around Girgarre, especially right now, there’s so much on. Dig into the dark recesses at the back shed and the kitchen cupboards; brave the dust and Daddy Long leg spiders and see if you can find a treasure to sell at the town garage sale. Your unloved items may be just the thing someone is looking for. There’s a info re registration on page 3. The Sound Shell frame has gone up with amazing skill and speed, “It looks beautiful” to quote locals Doc McDonald and Loraine Warde, as they kindly send me the daily updates, worth a look, photos on page 7. The Music Supermarket is really ringing and singing now that Graeme Leak is at the helm, encouraging the volunteers on their very creative ways. Although, it could sound more like hammering, sawing and snipping as they set about building the new instruments for the Junkestra. There are regular rehearsals happening too, they change week by week so check with Graeme on his webpage - or ph: 0427 693 960 or keep an eye on the notice on the Supermarket door. The days and time of rehearsals and when
the workshop is open are listed there. More on Graeme’s program is on page 4 /5. Please support our Kinder, order your to Hot Cross Buns for Easter from them. There are 18 small newbies at the Kinder this year, all having fun with Robyn and the staff. Order form is on page 13. A potted history of the Memorial Hall is on page 19 along with the fees for Hiring as reviewed by a recent meeting of the Hall committee. Finally, would you please try to stick to the deadline (20th of the month) for items to be included in the Gazette. It is a big job (volunteered) and if you know you have something you would like to see in it then please don’t wait until the last minute to get it to me. Thank you. There’s plenty more in this issue too, enjoy your Gazette.
CONTACT THE COTTAGE Girgarre Community Group Inc. (The Cottage) _________________________________________
ADVERTISE WITH US _________________________________________
E-mail: Coordinator :Kezia Talbot
The Girgarre Gazette is delivered to over 400 people, is published on Issuu and is distributed via the Girgarre Post Office, Rob Varcoe’s shop in Kyabram, Nanneella, Store, Rushworth, Corop, Stanhope and electronically via email. The Gazette is produced for the benefit of the community by the Girgarre Community Group Inc. (The Cottage).
Do you have something you would like us to share? We would love to hear
Join our email list! Drop us a line and we will add you to our distribution list. E:
A1601 ABN: 66 944 230 13127 Olympic St. (P.O. Box 35), Girgarre, 3624 Phone: (03) 5854 6482 Fax: (03) 5854 6484
from you!
Deadline for publication is the 20th of the month. Email: Connect with us on Facebook. Girgarre Community Cottage
COST Business card $7 p/mth: $40 p/6 mth: $80 p/a Quarter page. $15 p/mth: $80 p/6 mth: $160 p/a Half page $30 p/mth: $160 p/6 mth: $330 p/a Full page $50 p/mth: $280 p/6 mth: $560 p/a Gazette is designed by HiViz Event Management & Promotions.
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NEW AND INTERESTING POSSIBILITIES with rhythm and sound have begun in Girgarre now that Graeme Leak has settled back into the community. Graeme, you will remember, was here as Artist in Residence last year. On Monday 19 Feb. quite a few locals turned out to welcome Graeme back into the fold with a BBQ tea in the park. “I feel like I am back amongst friends,” Graeme said “the enthusiasm and willingness of those of you who were part of the sound and music program last year was heart warming. Last year’s program culminated in a magic concert with the school students around the school buildings. This time the 8 - 10 week program will mainly focus on the development of the 'Junkestra' concept already in place here in Girgarre. I intend to end up with a workable ‘Orchestra‘ so that we’ll be a highlight as featured artists for the opening concert of the Gargarro Sound Shell on April 14th.” A Junkestra is certainly not your traditional idea of an orchestra but one that will include instruments and instrumentalists of any or no experience, made from just about anything from biscuit tins to a cricket bat. He’s very keen to include new people into this already very active town’s music-making, including kids and folks from neighbouring communities, not forgetting any experienced musicians who would love to be part of it. Starting out where he left off with the junk and found percussion instrument collection from last year, Graeme has already held a number of workshop and rehearsal sessions. The response has been good and the players already have learned simple rhythm and a few tools about conducting. The difference in this
year’s program compared to last years, is that mainstream instruments are being added to the mix. Wind, brass, percussion and keyboards - players of any level are welcome to bring their instruments. Rhythm will be the main building block - exploring different ways of playing in time together and learning to follow a conductor, melody and harmony will be introduced as the program progresses. If you’re not experienced but would love be part of it, then there will be single string instruments tuned to the open strings of a guitar - E,A,D,G,B,E. Graeme will guide you through a simple process designed to make it easy to play and inclusive for everyone. When heard as a whole what you will create will be surprisingly beautiful. Graeme is a very talented man in this field. This is an opportunity not to be missed. There’s so much about the next few weeks that are exciting. The final 2 weeks of Graeme’s residency will be devoted to building a new public installation of tuned bells along the style of Chinese Bells. These will be made from recycled fire hydrants and he also has plans to bring the prototype Piano fence over near the Rec Reserve up to a better standard and to protect it from the elements. Keep an eye on the notice on the door of the supermarket for times of rehearsals and when the workshop will be open. take a peek through the door and you may find yourself drawn into a world of camaraderie and friendship not to mention harmony. The Big Reveal will happen at the concert when the sound shell has it’s grand opening. (more details on the opening ceremony next month).
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one man's trash is another man's treasure Saturday March 24 2018 8am – 2pm
Only you know what’s hiding in the garage, garden shed, maybe in the back of a kitchen cupboard. Dust it off and make a few dollars. If you don’t think there are enough unloved items left at your place, then why not get together with your friends and neighbours and make a combined effort of it. Register with the Cottage by 19 March.
Registrations $5 per site. Prepaid at Cottage appreciated or will be collected on the day. Please contact Cottage on 58 546 482. Include your name, address, phone and brief description of items e.g. Household, shed clearance, plants and much more. Maps may be purchased from Cottage $2 on the day, from 7.45am.
Get your map from 27 Olympic St, Girgarre.
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Graeme Leak with Wallace Williams
Sue Bond and Laurella Simpson
Foreground. Lyn Cosham, Val Maudsley and Maureen Shepherd
Lambo Wever and Joe Gadinski
Photos by Graeme Leak and Irene Labbett
Above: Doc’s a master at cooking sausages, overseen by Jenny Wadelton and Sandra McDonald.
Right: Sunset over the channel.
Pete Gibson - a study on a paint drum guitar
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THE BEAUTIFUL COLOURS OF GIRGARRE Technology for Seniors - Cottage Classes Join the Girgarre Quilters The quilters meet weekly on a Friday in the Girgarre Hall supper room from 9.30am Bring your material and sewing machine. Enquiries: Nola Marke 58 548 226
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED ___________________________________________
The Community Car The community car is a wonderful asset for the folk here in Girgarre who may not be able to drive themselves. It’s a much needed, and appreciated, service coordinated by the Community Cottage. Volunteers are needed and the Cottage will cover the cost of the required police check. You can assist as often or a little as you want. Local trips (Kyabram/Shepparton) as well as Melbourne trips need to be filled. Contact Kezia 585 46482 if you willing to help.
The Nursery Stall at the Market The volunteers on the nursery stall at the market would appreciate a little help too. If you can spare an hour or so now and again, phone Carol 5854 6371 or Loraine 0438 546 237.
Do you feel frustrated when at your computer or Smart Phone, not knowing where to start? Do you find the choices overwhelming? Would you like to know how to: connect with the people on the phone via text. Take and send photos easily or how to organise your email, use free services to communicate, on phone lines or Skype. Download apps for emergency services, sporting results and areas of interest or understand the power and usage of Facebook . Using technology you can easily get important information on the web, accessing it anytime on an iPhone or other Smartphone. Use Skype for face-to-face visits with your grandchildren, no matter what their age, including when they are away at university and so much more. Technology for Seniors is the right place to find the answers. Simplify your life and FINALLY enter the Electronic Age with ease. Contact the Cottage on 58546482 Will be conducted on Tuesdays between 2-3pm. Proposed dates are: March: 20. April:3/17. May:1. Not in June July: 3/17. Not in August. Sept 4/18. October 2/16/30. November 20. December 4. Free sessions - thanks to FRRR
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GIRGARRE REVIVAL NEWS HOPE YOU’VE BEEN WATCHING ALL THE ACTION OVER ON THE GARDENS SITE. Day by day the Sound Shell grows. The curvy pipe frame was up on the 22nd Feb, looking very graceful from the roadway as you approach from the north. Doc McDonald says they intend to spray seed the earth bank to get the grassy bank going quickly. The Official Opening will be on April 14. More detail next edition. Photos below Doc McDonald/ Loraine Warde
The boxing comes off
The slab goes down
Step one, bend it…. they weren’t sure it would.
Step two—hoisting the frame, so far so good
From this….. this! Elegant, isn’t it?
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GIRGARRE DEVELOPMENT GROUP Celebrating the Achievements of our Town Key Points from the minutes of the last Development Group Meeting. By Jan Smith.
Solar Farm Proposal An exciting proposal was presented by Peter Leeson, Managing Director of the Leeson Group who attended the Development Group Meeting. Peter spoke about the proposal to build a $160,000,000 solar farm west of Girgarre on Mason Road. All who attended were enthralled by this development – at this stage the group has submitted a planning permit to the Shire. Peter also stated the Leeson Group are community minded and once the proposal gets a green light, the firm is keen to invest back to the local community.
Australian Consolidated Milk The new Milk Processing Plant to be built next to the former Heinz Factory. 400 applicants recently attended employment opportunity information evenings held by ACM. Land forming is in its final grade, gravelling of the site will commence when soil testing is complete. It is expected to begin footings next week with concrete works to quickly follow. The second stage of the development has now been brought forward.
Girgarre Revival RAV Small Town Transformation Grant. Three big dates to remember Saturday April 14: The planned opening of the Sound Shell project will take place. Graeme Leak is well set up in the old supermarket and rehearsals are well under way. Check out or on supermarket door for rehearsal times. I encourage you to all consider taking part. It is a simple process, if you can count to 4, you will be in (See Page 4/5). Graeme recently held meetings with Patrick Cronin and Lisa Smith. Patrick is a renowned musician and
producer who has spent the last 5 years working as a producer at the Art Centre - Patrick has now gone out on his own, making him available to assist us produce our performance at the opening of the Sound Shell. Graeme and Patrick are cooking up ideas for cameo performances from groups and individuals. Keep an eye on the Gazette and elsewhere for updates on the program. Friday May 11: Launch of the Giant Quilt Project. Photos of the Patchwork taking shape with Gloria Loughman and the local Patch workers are on page 6. Saturday June 9: Sound and light show with Robin Fox Robin Fox has been in town this week preparing for his performance in the old Heinz Factory. At the end of the Development Group meeting 8 of us had a preview of just what is in store for us at this June performance- it will be a once in a life time experience for us all. (Continued page 9). Photo: Mike Sparke, Andrea Fahey, Laurance Roberts.
Girgarre and Music go Hand in Glove.
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Jigarre Jammin’ Jigarre Jammin’ resumed after the summer break with between 60 & 70 musicians joining in for a wonderful day of music. Many attendees were first timers who came to Jig Jam because they had enjoyed the Muster so much. Most attended Graeme’s workshop and enjoyed the experience.
Girgarre Farmers, Craft and Produce Market
marketing. Duncan also said that there was an open invitation to anybody interested in the group’s activities to visit.
Recreation Reserve Greg Fitzpatrick reported that the that Shire of Campaspe Council have installed 2 new evaporative air coolers in the Recreation Reserve following a storm that extensively damaged the two older air cons. Greg reported that Club members are extremely appreciative of the Shire of Campaspe support. Greg also reported that the committee are still waiting on costings for the tennis court upgrade.
The market committee will meet this coming week to discuss planning for the next 10 years of the market. Doug is still extremely committed to the market but his health and fitness levels are not enabling him to return Friends of the Garden. to the active role of management but is still happy to Bernie Ryan reported on the progress of the two be a mentor to the market committee. Big thanks to plantings in the Botanical Gardens. The first planting Bill, Ian and Denis for stage one of permanent marking has just been weeded and mulched while an inspection of market sites. of the last planting of 550 trees along the Grand Avenue was almost perfect, in fact, only 8 trees have Sound Shell Development died and they will be replaced in the autumn. Sandra reported for Doc that the builder was on track, the plumber was on site and that next week the roof CFA George and Jon reported that it had been a very would be installed. Power connection has been quiet time for the brigade. problematic but hopefully will be sorted in the coming RSL Rob Axen reported on the unveiling of the week. All agreed that the Sound Shell shape is more than anyone could have hoped for and how extremely happy they were with the development of this space. Photos page 7
Tennis Club Duncan Rodrick reported on a good year for the Tennis Club. Both senior teams just missed making the finals but all were happy with their season.
Growers Group Duncan Rodrick reported that the group had a very informative visit to Bunbartha Beef retail store in Shepparton. You will all remember Kelly as she was a stall at our market until her business growth didn’t allow time for markets any more. Duncan reported how impressed the group was with Kelly’s inspirational story and just what can be achieved with good
installation dedicated to the settlement of Soldier Settler families from the first World War. Rob expressed his thanks to all who assisted the RSL with this project and especially to the ladies who prepared the scrumptious afternoon tea. Full story of RSL Unveiling the Plaque Ceremony on pages 16/17. Afternoon tea, Girgarre Style
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GIRGARRE COMMUNITY COTTAGE Greetings everyone! Our big event for this month is the Town Garage sale; we currently have seven with three being held on one site, making it very easy for the savvy bargain hunters. Garage sale is on the 24th of March. To register your interest please contact The Cottage, registration is $5 and you have until the 29th of March. Maps will be produced and able to be purchased from the Cottage on the day from 7.45am for $2.00.. This event is advertised on our Facebook page, ABC radio “What’s on”, on the Shire’s website, their newsletter and in the Free Press. In conjunction with Sandy Fletcher (Post Office), we are working on holding a Mother’s Day Classic this year. It will involve a 4km walk, at Progress Park and all monies raised will go towards Breast Cancer research. More information to follow. Our “Tech for Seniors” program started with a bang, a great session, very informative and goals achieved. Feedback included; “I’ve just sent my first text”, Ï have sent a photo” and “I managed to delete my old messages” and finally “I
turned on my phone!” Winning! This program runs on alternative Tuesday afternoons and will cover topics such as using computers, tablets and mobile phones for such things as; photo sharing, email accounts & emailing, photo shopping, internet browsing and looking at useful apps’. The wonderful Rod McQueen will be facilitating these sessions, which will be free-of charge. We plan to run the program according to participants wants and needs, so if you are interested in learning a specific aspect of technology use, this might be the place for you. More information to follow, however if you are interested please give me a ring. Our visitor numbers to The Cottage are increasing dramatically, which is great for all involved and remember we are always looking forward to seeing you, so please drop in and say hello. It is that time of year when I have funding reports due, so I must say goodbye and go and crunch some figures. Take care and bye for now. Kezia
Seniors Program
Current Events at a Glance
6 - in house
Saturday 24: Jigarre Jammin’.- 10.30-4pm in the hall $2
13 - Merry Melodies in RSL Shepparton
Tuesday 27: Development Group: 7.30pm in Hall
20 - in house
27 - Chanter Estate Military Museum. Port for lunch ($5 p/p)
Saturday 14: Sound Shell Opening Ceremony
Anzac Day: Wednesday 25 at 5.50am. Dawn Service at the Memorial, Station St. Girgarre RSL Golf and Bowls tournament, Wednesday 25 pm at Valley View. Contact John Crilly 0437 438 077 (RSL Secretary)
3 - in house
10 - Merry Melodies in RSL Shepparton
17 - in house
24 - cards with Megan
May (details next month)
October: •
Sunday 21: Open Garden Program
Friday - Sunday 9,10,11: Primary School Centenary
2020 : The Cricket Club is planning to commemorate 100 years of cricket in the district in 2020. Contact Gary Lennie 0459 233 020 if you have any info, photos, stories to help them compile their centenary display. Photos will be scanned and returned. Thank you.
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GIRGARRE COMMUNITY COTTAGE WHAT IS THE GIRGARRE COMMUNITY COTTAGE? A community space where you can: Join classes and learn new things Library Books, magazines and DVDs Meet new people Socialise and make friends Hold meetings Free use of computers, Wi-Fi and the internet Get assistance with community / shire issues Be safe and welcomed at all times Access activities during school holidays Book the Community Car Assist others by volunteering Fundraise for worthy causes Training courses Access printing, fax and photocopying services Cook meals for seniors Access the District Library Access Foodshare packages Contact - Cottage 5854 6482
DONATIONS WELCOME The Cottage collects the items listed below for refurbishment and redistribution to others in need. Any toiletries that you may have collected on your travels are welcome and old mobile phones and spectacles (These are distributed to the disadvantaged folk around Australia). Bras are collected for overseas aid and new Nappies, Pilchers, Baby Wraps, Breast Pumps, Mastectomy Items, Cotton Clothing suitable for Fiji climate, (one size fits all size) are appreciated. Enquiries to Kezia at the Girgarre Community Cottage. PH:5854 6482. Monday to Thursday 10am-3pm
FOR HIRE Girgarre Community Cottage has a number of specialty items that are available for hire for people within the community. Items are available at a charge of $5 per month and a fully refundable (upon return of the item) $30 deposit. Contact the Cottage, Mon-Thurs 10am3pm on 5854 6482 to arrange for delivery or pick-up. Items available include: Shower Chair Walkers Porta cot Childs Car Seat (birth to 4 years old). Walking Sticks Large Wheel Chair Baby Bath High Chair.
Utilities Room for Hire Need a space to: Hold a meeting? Do some training? Meet socially or hold an activity? Have an event? We have a room for hire- including tea and coffee facilities. Call the Cottage on 5854 6482 for more information.
FOOD BANK Food parcels are available to those in need even if this is to alleviate pressure so bills can be paid or school shoes purchased. Confidentiality ensured. Available Mondays-Thursdays 10 -3pm. Alternatively, please phone Kezia on 5854 6482 Mob: 0404 686 344 THE CARPET BOWLERS held their Annual Meeting on the 22nd February. The President for 2018 is Erin Owens. Sec. Theo George and Treas. Rob Varcoe. Fees for this year are: Yearly membership fee: Adults $5. Juniors $3. Nightly fee: Adults $5, Juniors $2. The season will start on Thursday March 29 when there will be an evening in the Hall to draw the raffle (no bowls that evening). Tickets are $1 each. The prizes are separate draws for three very nice baskets of Easter eggs. Sure to go down well. Look out for raffle ticket sellers in and around Kyabram or buy a ticket from Theo or Rob. The season proper starts on Thursday April 5 beginning at 7pm until 8.15pm, in the Girgarre Hall. More adults and juniors are very welcome.
BOOK SWAP Like to read? Come to the Cottage and swap a book, or take one for free. MON-THURS 10-3PM
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GIRGARRE COMMUNITY COTTAGE CONTACT THE COTTAGE Girgarre Community Group Inc. (The Cottage) A1601 ABN: 66 944 230 13127. Olympic St. (P.O. Box 35), Girgarre, 3624. Phone: (03) 5854 6482 Fax: (03) 5854 6484 Cottage coordinator is Kezia Talbot Anyone with clean denim, please drop off at the cottage so Ros can make quilts. Stains don’t matter.
WANT TO HELP? If you would like to help out at the Cottage or offer to teach a class or be on the Committee of Management, please drop in for more information. Your commitment can be short term/ long term, whatever suits you! Committee of Management Meetings are the 3rd Monday of the month, 10:30am at the Cottage. PRESIDENT: Theresa Biggs. VICE PRES: Joan Scott SECRETARY: Avis Weller ASSIST SECRETARY: Helen Young TREASURER: Allan Ohlin General Committee - Wendy Burke. Malcolm Biggs. Ros Fraser. John and Loraine Ward. Sally Canny. Cottage PH: 585 46482
Prescription Service for Girgarre Amcal, Stanhope and Kyabram, offer a prescriptions drop off service to the local Girgarre community. Leave your scripts at the Community Cottage between 10am - 3pm Monday to Thursday for collection by the chemist the following afternoon. All prescriptions must be collected the following day (or drop off arranged when leaving your script). Please note - no medications will be stored at the Cottage. For all questions and queries on the service, please call Kezia on 5854 6482 or drop in at the cottage, 27 Olympic St Girgarre or email
Supporting your community car
Wow! What a hectic few weeks. The gnomes are taking advantage of cooler weather, using a limited window of opportunity before Easter to propagate natives and other species. Success rate for cuttings started now is generally high and tapers off very quickly during Autumn. Depending on variety, and our level of success most will be ready next year. We have recently potted on a limited number of non natives after just 6 weeks. Nursery Plants currently available include; pink lavatera (deciduous hibiscus) in flower, gardenias, begonias, ferns, westringia (native rosemary) and a range of callistemon (bottlebrush). Tip from Mum (1916 - 2003). Complete pruning of species that suffer frost burn, including pelargonium, prior to Anzac day to avoid damaging new growth. Otherwise wait until likelihood of frosts has passed. Please phone if you are unable to visit us during open hours. We are happy to make appointments if a volunteer is available and if you love gardening as we do, come and give us a hand, especially on market days. It’s good fun. Contacts: Carol Ohlin 58 546 371, Loraine Warde 58 546 287
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It says 'I Photos love you toSwan bits’- nice... Robyn
GIRGARRE COMMUNITY KINDERGARTEN year welcomed 18 three and four year old children and their families this year. The first few weeks of term one has seen the children growing familiar with the kindergarten educators- Robyn, Kerrie and Kylie and other children. We have also begun transition with children getting to know routines of the kindergarten day and limits and rules within the kindergarten environment. As educators we have spent the first few weeks observing the children during play and learning about their different personalities, interests and capabilities. Safe to say- all children are enjoying attending Girgarre Community Kindergarten so far (not a tear has been
shed by the children or adults). We have started the program very open ended with play based activities such as playdoh with basic utensils; home corner of baby dolls and a kitchen area; lightbox with different coloured shapes and figurines to the group time mat area being changed daily with resources the children would like out for the sessionwe’ve had floor puzzles to the trainset and everything in between! We are looking forward to a productive and fun filled year for both staff and the children at Girgarre Community Kindergarten - Robyn Swan
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SPECIAL EVENTS School Centenary Celebrations - 9, 10 & 11 NOVEMBER 2018 If you have any photos or stories or if you could help in any way, please contact the Girgarre Primary Schools 58546275 or Jenny Wadelton 58522301. Email: Let your friends and anyone you know who may be interested in attending won’t you..
1969 Preps Girgarre School Back – Craig Newlan, ___, Mark Healey, Ashley Walker, Peter Dickman, John Fearn, Paul Thomson. Middle – Lewis Watson, Leslie Turpin, ___, ___, Glenn George, Shane Walsh, ___, ___. Front – Gillian Varcoe, Christine Walley, Jenny Gilmour, Catherine Flanagan, Sue Osborne, Cheryl Baker, Joanne Creswell. Teacher – Hazel Billman.
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SPECIAL EVENTS Butterflies in the Park Enter a beautiful butterfly world
Kyabram Fauna Park 10-12 March 2018 Come and experience a pop-up butterfly enclosure designed to thrill all who see it. See the life cycle display. Take part in the craft activities, story telling and giveaways. Activities included in park entry or membership. Enclosure closes at 2pm Monday before the butterfly release at 4pm. Sponsored by the Shire of Campaspe and the Kyabram Fauna Park .
Mack Truck Muster & Vintage Machinery Rally
17 & 18 March 2018 The most Mack trucks in the one place at one time in Australia? Come to Kyabram Showgrounds for a magnificent display, suitable for young and old. Some trucks restorable, others magnificently restored. The Giant Majestic Steam Engines and their little cousins chugging along. There’ll be Vintage machinery working, classic cars and sleeper cutting. Something for everyone. Entry $5 per adult, children under 16 years of age free. Contacts: Greg Ross 03 58594231 Mob. 0419 113 728. Secretary - Barb Thomson 585 22 302 Mob. 0439 448 444 . email:
82 ALLAN STREET KYABRAM OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK LUNCH AND DINNER. MONDAY – FRIDAY $10.00 LUNCHES AVAILABLE Come in, relax and enjoy our fabulous modern facilities Quality Bistro Dining, Sun Shaded Playground, Foxtel, Live Entertainment, Off street parking, Sports Bar, Landscaped courtyard with barbeque facilities, Conference rooms, TAB, Keno and Eftpos Facilities. Ph: 5852 2431
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SPECIAL EVENTS SECOND THOUGHTS OFTEN TURN INTO THE BEST THOUGHTS DON’T THEY? For the Girgarre RSL members contemplating the installation of a plaque dedicated to the battlefields of WW1, to commemorate the end of the war, their second thoughts were directed instead towards the pioneering soldier settlement families that came to Girgarre following the end of the war. The research from by the Girgarre Living History book and the group seeking to establish a Rail Trail coincided and were the catalyst for the re think. Many of the RSL members were also involved in all the groups so it was no surprise when the ideas soon began to coalesce. The end result was the fitting display on the Gabion wall, officially unveiled on Sunday.25th..February. A large crowd of locals and visitors, past residents and students,
many of them descendants of pioneering families, gathered to take part, followed by afternoon tea in the hall. In 1916 the State Government provided an area of 1,154,500 acres across the State to be made available for returning soldiers. In Girgarre 4,450 acres were subdivided into 88 blocks. Soldier Settlement began in 1918 when the ‘Closer Settlement’ Board assessed the suitability of applicants and if needed, provided training at either Dookie or Werribee Agricultural Schools , or on other established farms as experience on a farm was required. However, many of the soldier settlers were accepted into the Soldier Settlement Scheme despite having insufficient capital, no experience on the land or war wounds, or some with ‘shell-shock’ that made them unsuitable. Successful applicants were allocated a block
of land and received a £500 loan to buy stock, farming equipment and seed so they could support themselves and their families. It was not easy; the land had to be cleared of weeds and rabbits, houses built, and women and children also worked hard to make payments even though commodity prices did not meet the cost of production, or provide for the basic needs of families. Many succumbed, within 5 years 28 had left. By 1933 legislation was introduced to enable the State to pay settlers to leave the land. Many families did endure however, and the unveiling on the 25th was dedicated to the forebears of all the families present, many still here and so important to the success of the district today (from the notes of Neil Grummitt and John Crilly).
Present and former Crs. Above: Vicki Neale, Kirsten Munro and Leanne Pentreath, Shire of Campaspe. Below: Former Deakin Shire Cr Murray McDonald. Below Right. Jan Smith & Sandra McDonald. Laurie Young & Neil Grummitt.
Photos: Irene Labbett & Jenny Wadelton
Michael, Jenny, former Shire of Deakin Cr. Bill and Maureen Leahy
Ms Ann Vickers, representing the pioneer family of Grace and Athol Vickers. (They owned the same block where Craig Forster lives today), waiting with John Crilly to participate in the unveiling of the plaque.
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Two mates from Girgarre school days reminisce about their time playing footy for the Stanhope 2nds. Graeme Dellar (Echuca) and Ron Gregory (Girgarre).
Descendants of Soldier Settler, George Thomas Pyke.
Doc Mc Donald and John Crilly
Singalong to songs of the war years from WW1 and on through the years with the
Pure Drop Band
Entry: $20 includes afternoon tea. Bookings: Beryl 0408 137 635 Bev 0417 360 687. A Kyvalley Community Park & Pool sponsored event.
Above: Bebbington grandchildren . Gale Rogers, Marion Spencer, Anne Bebbington, Merlin Sharples, Dorothy Rosenberg
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The following dump points are available in the Shire of Campaspe and adjoining townships to support RV tourists:
In 2018 immunisations will be conducted in Girgarre by appointment only.
Girgarre Camp Ground. Morgan Crescent, Girgarre Kyabram Fauna Park. 75 Lake Road, Kyabram Lockington Travellers Rest. Panoo Road, Lockington Aysons Reserve. 799 Burnewang Road, Burnewang
Echuca Holiday Park. 52 Crofton Street, Echuca (free if staying - $15 for others) Rochester Caravan Park. 1 Church Street, Rochester $5 Echuca Rotary Park. 17 Rose Street, Echuca donation box.
Flu vaccinations are available at council’s regular immunisation sessions across the shire. The vaccination is free for people over 65 years and at risk groups, and $29 per dose for all other people. Pre-payment is required for each vaccination which can be made at any council customer service centre. Simply take your receipt to any immunisation session as proof of payment. Please utilise this local service when your child’s immunisations are due to ensure this service remains within this community. For further information contact Immunisation Program Coordinator on 1300 666 535 at the Shire.
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Girgarre Memorial Hall The Centre of our Town
THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE GIRGARRE MEMORIAL HALL in the early years of the 20th century was a real milestone for the vibrant and new, small community. As the population grew and schools and shops began to establish, the small town and district population began to forge an identity of their own. The need for a central place to meet was hardly surprising and keenly felt enough for a group to get together and plan to build one, large and grand enough to suit a growing community's needs well into the future. The foundation stone was laid on the 2nd August 1921 by Walter [Wattie] Williams, father of Dulcie McDonald and one of the five Trustees who went guarantor for a loan. The others being George and Hugh McQueen, John McDonald and George Frowd. Completed with a lot of local spirit and a largely volunteer labour force, the hall was finished in record time by 1922, testament to what an active community can achieve if it sets it’s mind to it. The large, well preserved building has seen improvements and additions over the years. Standing proudly as the centrepiece of Girgarre, it continues to serve as the hub of the community as it has done for almost ninety-six years; the place where so much
of the current Small Towns Revival, the Moosic Muster and local activities are centred. It’s a matter of pride for the local community that the Hall is one of the most used halls in the Shire of Campaspe. … The Memorial Hall is owned by the Shire and administered by a Committee known as the Girgarre Memorial Hall Committee who meet four times a year. The current Committee comprises President Dennis Hammond, Vice-Pres. Rob Axen, Sec/Treas. Sandra McDonald, Booking Officer Sandy Fletcher, Jan Smith, Joy Walton and George DiaBatista. Meetings are held at 6:45 pm on a Tuesday night prior to the Development Group meetings at 7:30 pm. The next meeting will be Tues 27th March. Anyone interested in assisting that hard working committee maintain what is one of our most important community assets, please feel free to join, your presence would be greatly appreciated. The Hall is available for hire by contacting Sandy Fletcher at the Girgarre Post Office on 58546324. For other enquiries Phone Sandra McDonald on 58546324
……..………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… >>>>…………… • Meetings $15
Hall Hire Fees for 2018
Bond $50
Hall $80 Supper Room $40
Bond for a function with alcohol $200
Hall and Supper Room $110
Shire Insurance $25
Supper Room with all facilities $60
Hall and Supper Room with all facilities $150
Shire Insurance for a function with alcohol $40 GST is included.
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OUR COMMUNITY Rushworth and District Community Bank How does banking with your local Community Bank support Girgarre? The Rushworth & District Community Bank opened 15 years ago and provides Bendigo Bank and Rural Bank banking products and services to Rushworth and the surrounding townships of Stanhope, Girgarre, Colbinabbin and Murchison. The Rushworth Community Bank is a franchise of the Bendigo Bank, guaranteed by it and relies upon you to bring your banking to them to grow the profits that they then to re invest back into the community. Christine Borger, (pictured) chair of the volunteer board of the Rushworth and District Community Bank said recently “We have had a partnership with the people of Girgarre and happily supported the Moosic Muster, Girgarre Football Netball Club, SGR Giants, Goulburn Murray Cricket Association, Girgarre Primary School and Girgarre RSL over many years. We have invested in excess of $50,000 to date into these community groups with the aim of supporting the hard working volunteers of these organisation and thereby ensuring Girgarre and district can continue to thrive and grow. We encourage you to support us by doing your banking with the Community Bank. The more you bank with us, the more our profits increase and the more we can continue to re-invest back into Girgarre. We welcome enquiries. Come into the Community Bank branch, in Rushworth (weekdays) or Stanhope Customer Service Centre (Monday & Thursdays), or call 5856 2122 and find out how together we can help your community of Girgarre! This is what Community Banking is.”
GIRGARRE SENIORS and WORDS ON WHEELS _____________________________________________ The Girgarre Seniors meet every Tuesday at 10.45am at the Girgarre Community Cottage Join them for lunch on the 1st Tuesday of the month, then fortnightly. They also conduct shopping trips, and provide transport to Shepparton for Merry Melodies and other outings. WOW meets on the 3rd Tuesday evening every month for a meal and activities, from 6pm. $5 donation towards costs appreciated. Contact Debra 58546482 or the Cottage. Held in the Community Cottage.
Girgarre Farmers’ Produce Market A Slice of True Country Life
SECOND SUNDAY OF MONTH 2018 DATES 14 January , 11 February, 11 March, 8 April Stall Bookings: Doug (Produce): 5857 2270 Carol (Craft): 5854 6371 Like us out on Facebook: @girgarrefarmersmarket
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GIRGARRE UKULELE MATES (GUM) ___________________________________________
The group meets every 1st and 3rd (and 5th) Wednesday afternoon at 1.30pm in the Activities Room at the Girgarre Community Cottage. This fun group comes together and fills the area with beautiful music. The group is appropriate for both new and experienced players of the ukulele and we would love to include you in their next get together. Phone Lyn for more information on 5859 0297
Zoos are calling on you to recycle your old mobile phone, routers, ADSL modems and cables to help save one of our closest living relatives. A rare mineral ore called coltan, found in many mobile phones and other items, is mined in gorilla habitat. The mining is accelerating the decline in gorilla numbers and at least 10 other African primate species. By simply recycling an old mobile phone, the pressure on gorilla habitat is reduced and money raised from refurbished mobile phones supports conservation projects in Africa.
GIRGARRE (CAMPASPE) REGIONAL LIBRARY DEPOT _____________________________________________
The library is free to join At Girgarre Community Cottage you can access books, DVDs, talking books and magazines. You can choose from thousands of titles ordered online at and delivered to the Cottage. We welcome everyone to attend the Library to borrow books and enjoy our resources. The more members we have the more resources we are able to obtain, so why not become a member today! If you would like a book not on our shelves Wendy (our Shire Librarian) will bring a copy to the Cottage. Please note - If you have borrowed in Girgarre and ARE RETURNING ITEMS TO Echuca, Kyabram, Rochester, Rushworth or Tongala, be advised you will need to use the After Hours Chute to avoid the gates alarming, as these branches have a new high tech system. If you are unable to attend the cottage, we are able to deliver your books to you. Please phone the Girgarre Community Cottage on 5854 6482
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OUR COMMUNITY JIGARRE JAMMIN'' ___________________________________________
Next Jigarre Jam
February 24 from 10.30 - 4pm
Mondays 10am-12pm
$2 donation appreciated plus a small plate of afternoon tea to share. Come make some musical magic! E: T: 5852 1995/0429149246
STANHOPE MEN’S SHED ___________________________________________
All families welcome. Children 0-5years. Parents stay and play with their children, encouraging socialisation, engaging in creativity and having lots of fun. Many facets of learning are experienced and the building of self esteem. Please bring a piece of fruit or snack.
OPEN Mon, Wed and Fri, 9:00am to 12 Noon 3 Tivey Grove Membership $35 pa.
Girgarre Playgroup Co-coordinator - Sharon Pell
Tea & coffee, chat, computers, wood and metal lathes.
Food relief packages and nursery supplies are available to families at Playgroup. For more details call the Girgarre Community Cottage on 5854 6482.
Contact Des on 0457 300 321 EVERYONE WELCOME
Ph.: 5831 4838 Fax: 5831
Email: Website:
Page 23
8am—1pm on the village green. Email Phone 0497720773
MOGS is in BIG TROUBLE! No experience necessary. Community singing for everyone. Simple tunes and harmonies and popular songs. Words provided. $2 per session. More info Irene 58521995. Kyabram Community Learning Centre. 4th Wednesday every month FebNov. 1:30 -2..30pm. contact: Irene 58 521 995/0429 Please note: March 28 will start a 2 until 3pm.
GEORGE HAS CAUGHT GOLD FEVER! But so far, that’s all! Girgarre local George DiBattista has found a new hobby that sees him venturing out into the Rushworth bush in search of the source of his fever-gold! And it’s certainly elusive but the detector has no problem in locating ring pulls, lead shot and bits of ferrous junk. George has joined the Rushworth Prospecting Club, they venture out into the bush on monthly outings. Success has not come George's way as yet, but one can only hope. Share your big find with the Gazette first, won’t you George?
Volunteers at the Community Cottage Nursery are having trouble with stray cats fouling the garden beds and damaging plants. They now have a CAT
TRAP to deal with the problem. If Moggy is your best friend and companion who can do no wrong, but he’s a bit of a wanderer, or worse - then we suggest it would be a good idea to ground him, keep him out of trouble, especially at night. Any queries please contact the Community Ranger on (03) 54812200.
Music for everyone. Come along and join a group of happy folk for a great day out. Play along, listen or sing along. $2 entry and a plate of afternoon tea. Next J.J. is March 24th, 10.30 - 4pm, in the Girgarre hall. ST ANDREWS COMMUNITY MEAL __________________________________________
Every Monday night except public and school holidays. Free of charge and open to people wishing for fellowship of others in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Tea/coffee available from 5:30 pm and two course meal is served from 6 pm. Ph: 58 521 039
St Andrews Church Street Kyabram
Community Meal
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3 Wallace St, Girgarre Ph: 5854 6517M: 0417 324 314
Russell Wheelhouse Livestock Transport Girgarre For all of your livestock transport needs Mobile: 0430 432 687 Ph: 5854 6370
Brad Canny Electrical Domestic, Commercial & Industrial. REC 26754 Brad Canny Electrical is a new sparky around town serving all areas of the Goulburn Valley for all your electrical needs. Born and bred locally, why not give Brad a call when you are in need of an electrician.
PH: 0467 546 461
BEAU JANGLES DOG GROOMING PHONE GLENNIS: 5857 2915 Hydro Bath ~ Nail Trimming Grooming ~ Clipping 54 Brudenell St, Stanhope
Page 25
CLASSIFIEDS & SERVICES Mechanical Repairs and Servicing General Engineering Licensed VicRoads Tester # 11233 LV HV LP
GIRGARRE POST OFFICE ________________________________________ OPENING HOURS: 9.00AM - 5.00PM MON–FRI 9.00AM - 11.00AM SAT Use our new electronic terminal for all your Bill Pay and Banking needs. Cash out facility available. Newspapers, milk and some grocery lines. We would love to see you. So support us and keep your money local.
ALL GREETING CARDS $1 Stockist of the Girgarre History Book. $30 Tongala bread available Mon, Wed & Fri
5854 6200
STANHOPE PUB Bar/Bistro/Pizzeria & Bottle Shop Accommodation & Function Room Courtesy bus for a gold coin donation Open Sun - Thu 2pm Fri - Sat 12 Noon Dinner available Tue - Sun 6pm - 8:30pm 67 Midland Hwy, Stanhope T: 03 5857 2293
LETHAL LEIGH’S LAWN SERVICES Great prices Reliable Service Lawn mowing (ride on & push mower) Whipper snipping Leaf blowing Light tree & hedge trimming Chainsaw work Mini garden mulcher Light rubbish & garden waste removal (6x4 trailer with crate) Call Leigh 0459 778 606 Caitlin 0428 128 938
0438 076 727
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Group Function
Contact Name
Contact Ph.: 03
Girgarre Community Cottage
Committee President Coordinator
Theresa Biggs Kezia Talbot
5854 6419 5854 6482
Girgarre Community Car
Community Car Transport
Cottage Staff
5854 6482
Girgarre Seniors
Seniors Activities and Events
Debra Stelzer
5854 6482
Girgarre Open Garden Committee
Open Garden Festival
Loraine Warde
Girgarre Green Thumbs Nursery
Nursery Sales
Carol and Loraine
5854 6482
Girgarre Playgroup
0-5 yrs. Mondays 10am-12
Sharon Pell
5854 6482
Girgarre Ukulele Mates
1st & 3rd Wed (& 5) 1:30pm
Lyn Cosham
5859 0297
Girgarre Line Dancers
Line Dancing
Gloria Atkins
Girgarre Patchwork Quilters
Quilters and Sewing Group
Nola Marke
5854 8226
Girgarre Craft Market
Carol Ohlin
5854 6371
Girgarre Community Kindergarten
Robyn Swann
5854 6368
Girgarre Primary School
Peter Caldow
5854 6275
Girgarre RSL Club
Returned Services League
Laurie Young
5854 6303
Girgarre CFA
Country Fire Authority
Maree Gadzinski
5854 6264
Stanhope/Girgarre Lions Club
2nd & 4th Wednesday 7pm Stanhope Hotel
Avis Weller
5854 6383
Girgarre Christian Church
Christian Church
Ron Gregory
5854 6382
Stanhope Men’s Shed
Have fun and create.
Des Crichton
0457 300 321
Girgarre Memorial Hall Committee
Memorial Hall
Sandra McDonald
5854 6324
Girgarre Development Group (GDG)
Girgarre Improvements
Jan Smith
5854 6283
Gargarro Botanic Gardens Bookings / Enquiries Acoustic Music
Athol McDonald Bernie Ryan Doug Gray Irene Labbett
5854 6324 5857 2407 58572270 5852 1995/ 0429 149246
Girgarre Living History
Book Titled “Girgarre” Recording History.
Athol McDonald Jenny Wadelton
5854 6324 5852 2301
Girgarre Recreational Reserve
Recreation Reserve
Greg Fitzpatrick
5857 2567
Girgarre Football /Netball Club
Brendon Nicholson
0439 462 226
Girgarre Cricket Club
Mick Coyne
0488 296 566
Girgarre Carpet Bowls
Thursdays 7pm, Girgarre Hall From April - August
Theo George Rob Varcoe
0428 740 976 0409 975 997
Girgarre Tennis Club
Pres. Michelle Turpin Sec. Fiona Smith
040 656 4199 040 850 2274
GDG sub groups Gargarro Project Friends of the Gardens - Chairperson Girgarre Farmers Market Jigarre Jammers
0438 546 237
0400 539 778
Page 27
April 8th is our $2000 draw.April 14th is our first home game and we are having a band Three's a Crowd, with meals available from 6pm. Contact Kasey Cooper
Page 28
Locally owned
FREE Delivery
Riverside Plaza SHEPPARTON
for Girgarre Gazette Readers
Tel: 5821 0955
Queen Size Sleepmaker Miracoil Elm Mattress Firm Medium or Plush