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My Friends Or My Man‌ Should you have to choose? !
April !!!!!!!!!!! <=5>>!
Letter to Family And Friends Of Girlfriends Talk From Founder and Editor-in-Chief Janice L .Carter Hey everyone, hope all is well! Are you all as excited, as I am that it is officially spring time? I am so ready to shed some layers of clothes and enjoy the sun filled days, still nights, warmth and beauty that spring tends to bring us. Although we can’t help but to be affected by all of the commotion going on across the world or even here in our own city with these senseless crimes. We must realize that our life is not promised to us and it is what we make it to be. It is up to us to search deep within to make our days, our surroundings and visuals brighter. April is the beginning month of the wedding season, make sure to check out the articles, there are some very interesting point of views. Feel free to send us your comments, we would love to hear from you. It also seems to be a different cause for every month, and this is great because hopefully it slows people down long enough to pay attention to some serious conditions that we as people seem to neglect until it is too late. This month is Stress Awareness, which is nothing to play with. Stress symptoms can affect your body, your thoughts and feelings, and your behavior. Being able to recognize common stress symptoms can give you a jump on managing them. Stress that's left unchecked can contribute to health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity and diabetes. Serious business right? So take care of your self. Other things going on this month “Sexual Assault Awareness” and “National Humor”. Crazy how up and down things in life can be, but you have to be aware of the real things going on with you and around you. If you are purchasing a special gift this month for that special someone in your life doesn’t forget the gemstone is diamond and the flower is sweet pea. Put a smile on someone face! Enjoy this month issue, and as always I appreciate the support. feedback, comments and articles are always welcome.
Here is some great advice on dealing with stress from one of our face book friends:
Giving stress its own nickname instead of calling it stress, can knock the steam right out of it, for example, I sometimes say, I'm having a "Falling down day"! LOL I got that from the movie "falling down" featuring Michael Douglas, and I'm not to messed with on those day's - Keenya Murray
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Stress Awareness Month Have you ever had a funny feeling that something just wasnʼt right? I bet you would be lying to yourself if you said you havenʼt. As strong as we would like to think we are, we have to admit that stress is apart of everyoneʼs life rather you know it or not. Signs of stress may be cognitive, emotional, physical or behavioral. Signs include poor judgment, a general negative outlook, excessive worrying, moodiness, irritability, agitation, inability to relax, feeling lonely, isolated or depressed, aches and pains, diarrhea or constipation, nausea, dizziness, chest pain, rapid heartbeat, eating too much or not enough, sleeping too much or not enough, social withdrawal, procrastination or neglect of responsibilities, increased alcohol, nicotine or drug consumption, and nervous habits such as pacing about, nail-biting and neck pains. Here are some ways to deal with stress: 1.Share your feelings 2.Exercise regularly 3.Learn to breathe 4. Re-phase the problem 5.Set priorities 6. Do something everyday that you enjoy 7. Acceptance Remember –Life is not perfect, Circumstances are never perfect, you are not perfect and other people are not perfect.
Stress affects us all. If you can spot the symptoms, you can manage them.!
Emotional/cognitive symptoms
Physical symptoms
Emotional and cognitive symptoms of stress include: • Feeling irritable • Feeling frustrated at having to wait for something • Feeling restless • Unable to concentrate • Becoming easily confused • Having memory problems • Thinking about negative things all the time • Negative self-talk • Having marked mood swings • Eating too much • Eating when you are not hungry • Finding it difficult to concentrate • Not having enough energy to get things done • Feeling you can't cope • Finding it hard to make decisions • Having emotional outbursts • Generally feeling upset • Lack of sense of humor
Physical symptoms of stress include: • Muscle tension • Low back pain • Pains in shoulders or neck • Pains in chest • Stomach/abdominal pain • Muscle spasms or nervous tics • Unexplained rashes or skin irritations • 'Pounding' or 'racing' heart • Sweaty palms • Sweating when not physically active • 'Butterflies' in stomach • Indigestion and 'the gurgles' • Diarrhea • Unable to sleep or excessive sleep • Shortness of breath • Holding breath
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Rest In Peace Nate Dogg
Elizabeth Rosemond "Liz" Taylor (February 27, 1932 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; March 23, 2011)!
!!Ask Dr. Robinson From the Live Sex Talk Blogtalkradio Show, Dr. Robinson a.k.a the Love Doctor sets out to help you seek the answers you need. Please remember these answers are sincerely of ones experience and opinions only.
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Instructions 1!. Start off National Humor Month on April 1 by playing a funny practical joke on someone. 2. ! Celebrate National Humor Month by telling 1 joke a day for the entire month of Humor Month. 3. ! Celebrate National Humor Month with a night out at a comedy show. 4. ! Read a funny book during Humor Month. 5. ! Celebrate Humor Month by doing something that brings joy and laughter to your life. 6!. Celebrate Humor Month by making a collage of all your funny photos. 7!. Celebrate Humor Month with a family movie night watching all comedy movies. 8!. Hold a joke contest at work for Humor Month. Award a funny movie to the winner. 9!. Celebrate Humor Month by learning sign language of funny words. 10!. Donate a couple humor books to your local library for Humor Month. 11!. Watch funny sitcoms/TV shows throughout Humor Month. 12!. Celebrate Humor Month by writing a personal thank you to a comedian. 13!. List to funny stand up comedian CD's during Humor Month. 14!. Send your friends and family funny cards during Humor Month. 15!. Where funny t-shirts and hat during Humor Month. 16!. Venture out and take a risk by performing jokes on an Open Mic night held at a local venue. 17. M ! ake a family laugh library by tape recording of each family member laughing. Keep these recordings for your family archives. 18. T ! hrow a Humor theme party to celebrate Humor Month. Have your guests come dressed as their favorite comedian. 19!. Humor is all about smiles so make someone smile for Humor Month by doing something that will make him or her smile. If you are at Starbucks, pay the coffee bill for the person standing in line behind you. That is sure to make them smile.
Laughter is an instant vacation. ~Milton Berle
! !
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Still Making History! P%$!T+-!X&+/h5!
Tia Norfleet The First African American Female NASCAR Driver !
A Native of Suffolk, Virginia, Tia started driving go-carts in 1995 -2000 with 22 top 10s, 6 top 5 place finishes and 2 wins. She then moved up to the Bandoleros Series 2000-2003, accumulated 3 top 10s and 2 top 5 place finishes. In 2004, Tia began racing in NASCAR's late model series with 18 starts with 2 top 15 place finishes. In the drag racing circuit, she had amassed an impressive 52 starts with 37 wins. Tia has tested under NASCAR crew chief, Carl Long and is the daughter of the legendary Bobby Norfleet, protege of the late Wendell Scott, who was the first African American to win a championship race in NASCAR. Like that of her father and Wendell Scott, Tia also races with the historical number 34. !
Tia Norfleet is the Founder and CEO of Tia Norfleet Motorsports, LLC. She is the only driver to be endorsed by the hip-hop and R&B music industry a $7.5 billion dollar industry and have the endorsement of the 114 historical colleges. !
Did you Know?
Deborah Sampson (1760 -1827) First woman to serve in the Army
Deborah Sampson was the first known American woman to impersonate a man in order to join the army and take part in combat. She was born in Plympton, Massachusetts, on December 17, 1760 as the oldest of three daughters and three sons of Jonathan and Deborah Sampson. Her family descended from one of the original colonists, Priscilla Mullins Alden, who was later immortalized in Longfellow's poem, "The Courtship of Miles Standish." Deborah's youth was spent in poverty. Her father abandoned the family and went off to sea. Her mother was of poor health and could not support the children, so she sent them off to live with various neighbors and relatives. At the young age of eight to ten, Sampson became an indentured servant in the household of Jeremiah Thomas in Middleborough. For ten years she helped with the housework and worked in the field, hard labor developed her physical strength. In winter, when there wasn't as much farm work to be done, she was able to attend school. She learned enough so that after her servitude ended in 1779, she was hired as a teacher in a Middleborough public school. On May 20, 1782, when she was twenty-one, Sampson enlisted in the Fourth Massachusetts Regiment of the Continental Army at Bellingham as a man named Robert Shurtleff (also listed as Shirtliff or Shirtlieff). On May 23rd, she was mustered into service at Worcester. Being 5 foot 7 inches tall, she looked tall for a woman and she had bound her breasts tightly to approximate a male physique. Other soldiers teased her about not having to shave, but they assumed that this "boy" was just too young to grow facial hair. She performed her duties as well as any other man. Back home, rumors circulated about her activities and she was excommunicated from the First Baptist Church of Middleborough, Massachusetts, because of a strong suspicion that she was "dressing in man's clothes and enlisting as a Soldier in the Army." At the time of her excommunication, her regiment had already left Massachusetts. Sampson was sent with her regiment to West Point, New York, where she apparently was wounded in the leg in a battle near Tarrytown. She tended her own wounds so that her gender would not be discovered. As a result, her leg never healed properly. However, when she was later hospitalized for fever in Philadelphia, the physician attending her discovered that she was a woman and made discreet arrangements that ended her military career. Sampson was honorably discharged from the army at West Point on October 25, 1783 by General Henry Knox. Deborah Sampson returned home, married a farmer named Benjamin Gannett, and had three children. She also taught at a nearby school. About nine years after her discharge from the army, she was awarded a pension from the state of Massachusetts in the amount of thirty-four pounds in a lump payment. After Paul Revere sent a letter to Congress on her behalf in 1804, she started receiving a U.S. pension in the amount of four dollars per month. In 1802, Sampson traveled throughout New England and New York giving lectures on her experiences in the military. During her lectures, she wore the military uniform. Deborah Sampson Gannett died April 29, 1827 in Sharon, Massachusetts, at age sixty-six. Her children were awarded compensation by a special act of Congress "for the relief of the heirs of Deborah Gannett, a soldier of the Revolution, deceased."
It’s A Sweet Thang ! Meet Ms. Twylla C. Brown
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Karin Hiebert
April is the Official Sexual Assault and Abuse Awareness Month If it's not sexual crimes we read about in the papers, or sexual assaults and child abuse stories, we are subjected to reading and hearing about the sex offenders who are getting away with sentences which do not fit the crime of these heinous acts committed against men, women and children. As harsh as it may sound these offenders are getting away with murder. (Souls die) Many victims end up dead or live a dead life. Often suicide is their only answer to end the pain after they have made every attempt to regain control over their lives. Self-destruction is a common side effect, as is the chase of living a normal life, doing everything and anything to 'get over it' or to forget about it and put it in the past. Those of us, who survive, are usually left with little support from our government, and health care systems. We may be referred to some free clinics, or may be offered to join group support, or at best, handed a pamphlet of 'resources in your area' where you can find support. Much of the support available comes from therapists who only have text book experience, knowledge or insight from other survivors which they have successfully or unsuccessfully 'treated' Please Psychiatrist; Hand me a gun!
Psychiatrists will
dole out labels, and prescriptions for every symptom or complaint that the survivor presents at each visit, often creating a psychopharmacology mess. These doctors- professionals, often contribute to the addiction to prescription medications including providing the patient with enough medication to overdose. Might as well hand them (the patient / survivor) a gun. Unless you can afford the 'real deal' therapy (which is on your own dime) or have monies to purchase books that could possibly help, or have the time to spend countless hours at your nearby library; you are basically 'shit out of luck' If victims don't have access to a computer for additional help, or to find access to more help, and the ability to connect with other survivors, they too are left with less tools or help and support. Victims of assault often blame themselves, they feel immense shame no matter how many times they are told "it wasn't your fault" We might believe that, and we may even know it, deep down within our core- but, it continues to resurface: often without our being aware that it is happening. Drugs, legal or prescribed are used, and abused to help these thoughts -feelings and the actions of the survivor that occur at anytime in their chaotic life.
Survivors do not know how to love, or be loved after assault. Survivors have been robbed of one of the most wonderful and pleasurable gifts known to mankind. It's called Sex; they simply do not know how to enjoy it, or believe that there is, or will ever be a time where they will find interest in a healthy sexual relationship. There are things that a survivor simply will never share or talk about to a therapist or to anyone. There are things that a therapist also, simply won't ask a survivor. The questions that need to be asked aren't. The therapy that the survivor needs isn't provided, mostly because the therapists are unaware of the survivor's needs, or wants because he or she won't "bring it up" therefore the real present, current issues, challenges or problems are never addressed. - No one is creating awareness around this particular topic that needs to be discussed, shared, and treated. There can't be a solution to a problem, or problems, if we don't know what the problem is, or if there even is one. Child Abuse and Sexual Assault Awareness Month- April It isn't enough to talk with our children about 'strangers' anymore these days, because most often the persons committing the atrocious assaults are not strangers: the perpetrators are friends, family, coaches, and people that we know. The sex offenders are people in power positions, they are the very people who our children trust, and the very people we as parents trust to take care of our children. Day care workers, babysitters, and teachers are just a few of these potential child abusers who we need to be watchful of. What happens when someone is sexually assaulted? Essentially the victim has been robbed. The attack and assault regardless of the degree of the assault, where or how it happened, or how many times it happened and 'who' did it causes extreme immediate and ongoing prolonged affects to the victim for the rest of their life. Even if there has been treatment, therapy, or support and the person assaulted goes from 'victim' to 'survivor' the life and lives of those who have been exposed to this nasty epidemic will be changed forever. Assault of this nature affects everyone. It's time to do something different; because what we are doing just isn't working.
Simple 50 Pound Slim Down How would you like to be 50 pounds lighter 12 months from now? !50 pounds comes out to about 3 pants sizes. !Can you image how you would look 3 sizes smaller? You'd look like a whole new, younger person. !It's actually much easier than you think. !I'm not talking about invasive, costly surgery, dangerous pills or potions, or grueling routines. !All it takes is losing one pound each week. One measly pound. !Hang with me for a minute and I will break it down mathematically. A pound is 3,500 calories—spread that over 7 days and you need a 500 calorie deficit each day to lose 1 pound in a week. !Your 500 calorie deficit can be done by a combination of increased calorie exertion (exercise) as well as a decrease in calories consumed (eating less).!!Follow these steps: • First, record your normal weekly exercise – look at everything from walking to participating in sports to exercising in the gym. This is your starting point. From here you'll need to burn an additional 3500 calories on top of your normal weekly exercise. !If you don't currently exercise, then any new activity will count towards your 3500 calorie weekly goal. ! • Second, record your normal weekly food intake – this may be an eye-opener when you see how many calories you eat in a day. Record everything honestly, since you are only cheating yourself by not recording everything. Calculate the total number of calories that you eat in an average day. • Now divide the 3500 calories between your activity list and your food list. You could choose to eliminate 1000 calories each week and burn off an additional 2500. Or you may decide to burn 3000 calories and eat 500 fewer calories. Here are 7 simple ways to cut 250 calories: 1. Drink plain coffee instead of a sweetened holiday coffee drink. Flavored coffee drinks are delicious but filled with way too much sugar. Drop 250 calories (or more) when you stick with plain coffee or tea instead of sugar-filled holiday coffee drinks. 2. Just say NO! to the holiday treats. A single slice of fruitcake may seem innocent enough, besides everyone is eating them at the office meeting, why shouldn't you? You know that all those holiday treats are packed with fat and calories. For each tempting treat that you refuse to eat, imagine the 250 calories falling off of your waistline, and smile to yourself. 3. Jog for 30 minutes. Want in on a little secret? The hardest part about a simple 30 minute jog is the act of getting your shoes on and walking out the door. It's true. 4. Exchange 20 oz of regular soda for water. You know that soda is filled with tons of sugar, so why are you still drinking it? Every time you crave an ice cold cola picture swallowing spoonfuls of white sugar. That's probably the easiest way to weight gain. Stick with water and kiss those extra calories goodbye. 5. Swim laps for 30 minutes. If your response to my jogging suggestion was ‘I have bad joints', then you are in luck. Swimming is one of the best aerobic activities you can do, and it is impact-free. When you swim you recruit your entire body, a process which requires lots of energy—AKA calories. 6. Eat an apple instead of a cookie. Do you always go for something sweet after dinner? While your first instinct may be to reach for a cookie or a bowl of ice cream, why not consider what nature has to offer? Fruit is sweet, natural and lower in calories than traditional desserts. 7. Come give my fitness routine a try. I have the whole calorie-burning equation down to a science, and I'd love nothing more than to help you achieve your fitness goal. My workouts have been known to burn up to 500 calories at a time, so what are you waiting for? Losing 50 pounds in 12 months is very possible. Simply use the tips above to create your daily 500 calorie deficit and you'll be shedding the weight in no time.!!And if you'd rather have me do most of the work for you, then call or email to set up your no obligation consultation. !When you work with me, there's a good chance that those 50 pounds will come falling off in less than 12 months. That wouldn't be so bad, would it?
Lose it in 24 Days! In 24 MINUTES you will FEEL the difference! In 24 HOURS you will KNOW the difference! In 24 DAYS you will SEE the difference! The 24-Day Challenge is a SYSTEM that is producing up to 10 inches and 10 lbs LOST on average in 24 DAYS. Energize your mind and body, feed your muscles and starve your fat as you lose inches, improve health and melt away body fat in a way that will fit into your busy life and be realistic for any hectic schedule. This jump start program will teach your body to continue losing body fat and increasing lean muscle. 100% OF CHALLENGE COST GOES TOWARDS YOUR NUTRITION! COACHING IS FREE! Join us on this win to lose journey!
Eat It Early Here's an easy way to lose fat and slim down: Eat the bulk of your carbohydrates early in the day.!!Since carbohydrates are easily turned into fat, eating them early in the day will give your body plenty of time to metabolize them. !Rather than eating a light breakfast and a large dinner, eat your biggest meal early in the day and your lightest meal for dinner.
Broiled White Fish with Brown Rice & Veggies
This is a great meal for cutting calories and dropping weight. Watch your portions with the brown rice in order to stay within your daily calorie goal. White fish is packed with protein - just what you need for toning your body. !Servings: 2 H ! ere's what you need: • 2 fillets white fish • 1 teaspoons olive oil • 1 lemon • seafood seasoning • paprika • 1/2 red bell pepper, cut into bite-sized chunks • 1/2 cup broccoli florets • 2/3 cup brown rice, cooked • 2 Tablespoons salsa 8. Preheat broiler. Grease your broil pan with the olive oil. Place the fillets and bell pepper in the pan, squeeze the lemon juice over it. Sprinkle with seafood seasoning and paprika. 9. Place the pan under the broiler for 5-7 minutes, watching closely to prevent burning. Add the broccoli and cook for another minute until soft. 10. Mix the cooked brown rice with the salsa and divide between two plates. Place a fillet on each bed of rice along with half of the veggies. Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 203 calories, 3g fat, 24g carbohydrate, 3g fiber, and 19g protein.!!
Email: Phone: 614-207-7170 Web: MYROKKI!
Melody Moment
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Missing from: Columbus, Ohio
Missing from: Westerville, Ohio • Missing since: 2/4/2011
• Missing since: 2/28/2011
• Missing age: 17
• Missing age: 14
• Current age: 17
• Current age: 14
• Date of birth: 7/15/1993
• Date of birth: 1/29/1997
• Gender: Female
• Gender: Female
• Race/Ethnicity: White
• Race/Ethnicity: Black
• Height: 5'4"
• Height: 5'9"
• Weight: 135 lbs.
• Weight: 160 lbs.
• Hair color: Red
• Hair color: Blonde • Eye color: Brown
Shelisa Marie Mackey !
• Eye color: Green
Deanna M Mundy! Contact
Columbus Police Department at (614) 6454545.!
Blendon Township Police Department at (614) 882-8500.
Missing from: Columbus,Ohio
Missing from: Columbus, Ohio
• Missing since: 1/27/2011
• Missing since: 1/27/2011
• Missing age: 11
• Missing age: 12
• Current age: 11
• Current age: 12
• Date of birth: 12/14/1999
• Date of birth: 8/29/1998
• Gender: Female • Race/Ethnicity White
• Gender: Female • Race/Ethnicity: White
• Height: 4'5"
• Height: 5'0"
• Weight: 90 lbs.
• Weight: 100 lbs.
• Hair color: Brown
• Hair color: Brown
• Eye color: Green
Katiera Peyton Harvey!
Contact Columbus Police Department at (614) 6454545.
• Eye color: Brown
Tamarah Constance Harvey!
Columbus Police Department at (614) 645-4545.
Jason Stanley
Height: 5'11"
Missing from: Whitehall, Ohio
Weight: 175 lbs.
Missing since: 3/18/2011
Hair color: Black
Missing age: 17
Eye color: Brown
Current age: 17
Contact Whitehall Police Department at (614) 2376333.!
! Date of birth: 1/29/1994 Gender: Male Race/Ethnicity: Black