Bright. Brave. Bold. Like a Girl Scout.
Juliette Handbook
Table of Contents Introduction to Girl Scouts...........................................................1 Our History............................................................................1 Organizational Structure.....................................................2 The Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE) ....................3 Why Juliettes?.............................................................................4 The Juliette Difference.........................................................5 Juliette Meeting Structure...................................................6 Becoming a Juliette...............................................................7 How to Participate in Girl Scouting .............................................8 Journeys & Badges................................................................8 Events & Activities................................................................9 Community Service..............................................................9 Product Programs...............................................................10 Travel Opportunities...........................................................10 Highest Awards....................................................................11 The Bronze Award.........................................................11 The Silver Award..........................................................12 The Gold Award............................................................13 Juliette High Award Grant Application........................13 Scouting for Adults.....................................................................14 Adult Membership..............................................................14 Juliette Parents...................................................................14 Communication.........................................................................15 Additional Resources.................................................................17
Introduction to Girl Scouts Our History
Welcome to the Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta Juliette Program! This handbook is an excellent resource to help you begin your journey with Girl Scouts. Girl Scouts was founded in 1912 by Juliette Gordon Low. She envisioned an organization that would prepare girls to meet the world with courage, confidence, and character. In the midst of the Progressive Era — and at a time when women in the United States couldn’t yet vote — this nearly deaf 51-year-old woman sparked a worldwide movement inspiring girls to come together to embrace their individuality, strength, and intellect. Juliette, affectionately known as “Daisy” by her family and close friends, gathered 18 girls in her hometown of Savannah, Georgia, to share what she had learned abroad about a new outdoor and educational program for youth. With this, the Girl Scout Movement was born. Juliette and these first Girl Scouts blazed trails and redefined what was possible for themselves and girls everywhere. That small gathering of girls has now grown into a global movement where all girls can see themselves reflected. Today there are 2.5 million Girl Scouts in 92 countries and more than 50 million alumni. Together, they unite across distance and decades with lifelong friendships, shared adventures and the desire to do big things to make the world a better place. 1
Organizational Structure Before we dive into the Juliette Program, here’s some information regarding the broader structure of the Girl Scouts organization: Juliettes are Leaders
The Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE)
Girl Scouts of the USA, or GSUSA, refers to our organization on a national level. GSUSA determines our National Program Pillars (STEM, Outdoor, Life Skills and Entrepreneurship). Together, they work to spearhead our organization by building and implementing our program, brand and operational infrastructure. Councils are organized by region; There are 112 Girl Scout councils in the United States. The Council Leadership Team and Staff support the service units and administrative volunteers. Your Juliette Coordinator is a member of the Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta Council Staff. Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta is one of the few councils with a dedicated staff member devoted to Juliettes. Juliette Coordinator
Juliettes are Individuals
Email Phone Troops are groups of Girl Scouts who participate in events and earn badges and patches together. Troops are led by a volunteer Troop Leader. That said, Juliette Girl Scouts can do anything Girl Scouts in a troop can do, but instead of being led by a volunteer Troop Leader, they are parent-led or self-led. A Service Unit contains Girl Scout Troops and Juliettes from a particular geographic community or ZIP Code and is led by a dedicated volunteer team. These volunteers organize events and provide resources and training to the Troop Leaders and adult volunteers under their purview. These volunteers are your first point of contact. You can reach out to them with questions or concerns about product programs, (Cookie Program/Treats and Keeps) events and trainings.
Juliettes are Adventurers
Service Unit Director Email Phone
The Girl Scout Leadership Experience, or GSLE, contains all Girl Scout Programming, including badge work, camp, Highest Awards and more. It's a collection of engaging, challenging and fun activities like earning badges, going on trips, selling cookies, exploring science, getting outdoors and doing community service projects. The Girl Scout Leadership Experience focuses on four primary areas: STEM, Life Skills, Outdoors and Entrepreneurship. The interactive activities feature cooperative, hands-on learning that the girls themselves lead. They get to develop their own ideas, build teams, and experience the joy of making a positive impact. At Girl Scouts, she will:
Discover. Find out who she is, what she cares about, and what her talents are.
Connect. Collaborate with others, both locally and globally, to expand her horizons.
Take Action. Do something to make the world a better place.
To learn more, visit: 2
The Juliette Difference
Why Juliettes? There are many reasons why people choose Juliettes, but here are some of the most common: A troop has disbanded, but a Scout still wants to participate in Girl Scouts to earn badges, go to camp and earn High Awards. A troop meeting time changed or no longer works for a Scout's schedule. A Scout is uninterested in their troop's topics and wants to focus on their own interests at their own pace. The Juliette Program offers a solution to many of these concerns and problems: Juliettes can earn badges, go to camp, earn High Awards and participate in all the same events as traditional Girl Scouts.
There are several unique differences between Juliettes and traditional Girl Scouting, such as:
Juliettes choose activities, badgework and events that speak to their passions and interests. And, they can work on them at their own pace.
Juliettes have access to Juliette-exclusive events that are designed and delivered by GSGATL staff and adult volunteers. Most of these events are virtual, but there are plenty of hybrid and in-person opportunities through the Juliette Program, Council and your Service Unit. Juliettes can apply for a High Awards Grant to offset a High Award Project's expenses. Juliettes can participate in specialty troops (ex: Juliettes have their own team with the Girls Empowering Movement). Troop Proceeds from Product Programs go to the overall Juliette program, not directly to the Juliette Girl Scout. However, sales-based "Cookie Dough" and other similar incentives awarded to individual Girl Scouts are granted individually and can go towards qualifying Girl Scout purchases. Supervising adults and caregivers take on facilitating and leading program materials: badge activities, Journeys, Take-Action Projects and High Awards. The Juliette Council puts out a monthly newsletter that details many opportunities and events for Juliette Girl Scouts. That said, parents take on the responsibility of identifying ways for their Girl Scout to participate, including service unit and council events, camps, experiences and other opportunities.
To learn more, visit:
To learn more, visit:
Juliette Meeting Structure
Becoming a Juliette
Juliette Girl Scouts can do anything Girl Scouts in a troop can do, but instead of being led by a volunteer Troop Leader, they are parent-led or self-led. Try setting aside a specific hour or so each week or every other week to help your Girl Scout complete badgework, work towards High Awards or participate in Product Programs. If interested, your Girl Scout can also participate in the once-per-month virtual event hosted by your Juliette Coordinator (see our website and newsletter for more information).
Joining the Juliette Program: To join, visit our website at Once there, choose the button that reads “Find Troops” to register as a Juliette. After selecting “Find Troops,” the website will direct you to a second page, which will ask your personal information, including your ZIP Code. The ZIP Code you enter dictates your Service Unit.*
You can start each "meeting" with the Girl Scout Promise and Law:
After entering your ZIP Code and any other pertinent details you wish to include, select “Search” at the bottom of the page. A list of troops in your area will come up. To register as a Juliette, scroll to the bottom of the list and select “Apply to participate without a troop.”
Girl Scout Promise On my honor, I will try: To serve God and my country, To help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law.
Next, the website will prompt you to log in or create an account. After the account is verified, you will continue member registration from the “Add Membership” details screen. Under “Girl Participant,” the participation type will be auto-filled with “Non-Troop Member (Girls).”
Girl Scout Law I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout.
Transfering Into the Juliette Program: If you have already renewed your membership or joined a troop and wish to transfer, please send an email to your Juliette Coordinator so they can submit a transfer on your behalf. Make sure to include the following information: Girl Scout’s name, Girl Scouts GSUSA (if you have it), caregiver’s name, caregiver’s email and current troop number.
Once you have completed the member and caregiver details, you will be able to make your payment and accept the Girl Scout Promise and Law.
You can also contact our Member Care Team at 800-771-1139, and they will be able to walk you through the process of joining, renewing or transferring to Juliettes. As a reminder, A Service Unit* contains Troops and Juliettes from a particular geographic community or ZIP Code and is led by a dedicated volunteer team. These volunteers organize events and provide resources and training to the Troop Leaders and adult volunteers. These volunteers are your first point of contact. You can reach out to them with any questions or concerns about product programs (Cookie Program/Treats and Keeps), events, and trainings.
To learn more, visit:
To learn more, visit:
Events & Activities
How to Participate in Girl Scouting
Juliettes can meet other girls in their area while earning badges, completing Journeys or learning more about the outdoors at council-sponsored events. Service Units also offer many events and service opportunities, which are great for Juliettes to meet other Girl Scouts in their area.
Journeys & Badges
You can find events in the Juliette Newsletter (link below) or by visiting our website: If you are not receiving our Juliette Newsletter by email, please be sure to check your spam folder or reach out to your Juliette Coordinator to be added to the mailing list. To learn more, visit:
Community Service For each program grade level, girls can choose Journeys that guide them towards becoming leaders in their community. Juliettes can also earn badges through a variety of skill-building activities, many of which complement the Journeys. You can use the Volunteer Toolkit to plan badge activities and programs with your Juliette. We highly recommend purchasing the Girl Scout “Handbook” and the “Girl’s Guide to Scouting” relevant to your Girl Scout’s age and program level. You can find these, as well as digital badge activity PDFs at You can find other helpful resources for Girl Scouting at Home at the following links:
Part of the Girl Scout Law is to “make the world a better place.” Juliettes can work independently or with their Girl Scout community to carry out this tradition. Juliettes can also pass along what they’ve learned, gain leadership skills, and earn special mentoring awards by helping younger Girl Scouts at troop meetings, events, camps and more. Whether girls engage in short-term projects, like collecting toys for kids, or long-term efforts, like weekly shifts at a soup kitchen, their work helps the community.
GSUSA: GSGATL: Award & Badge Explorer:
To learn more, visit:
Product Programs
Highest Awards
Juliettes can participate in the Treats and Keeps Program in the fall and the Cookie Program in the spring to fund their Girl Scout activities while learning useful business skills, which include goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills and business ethics.
The Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards are the highest awards in Girl Scouting. Juliettes can earn these awards by leading a take-action project to improve their local community. To learn all about the Girl Scout High Awards Process, including the qualifications, steps to apply, Young Women of Distinction, scholarship opportunities and to access the applications please visit:
Your Juliette Coordinators will provide information regarding these programs via email at the start of each program.
For more information on how to order Gold, Silver, and Bronze Award pins and emblems, visit:
Treats and Keeps Program Early September through Mid-November
The following information breaks down each award, as well as the Juliette High Award...
Cookie Program Early December through the end of March Please note, Juliettes participate in the Cookie Program as their own individual troop. Troops must order cookies by the case and are financially responsible for all cases purchased. Troop Proceeds from Product Programs go to the overall Juliette program, not directly to the Juliette Girl Scout. However, sales-based "Cookie Dough" and other similar incentives are awarded individually and can go towards qualifying Girl Scout purchases. To learn more, visit:
Travel Opportunities
The Bronze Award
Here are the Girl Scout Bronze Award qualifications: Girl Scout is in fourth or fifth grade (or equivalent) Girl Scout is registered as a Girl Scout Junior Girl Scout has completed a Junior Journey Girl Scout has the support of a Bronze Award Trained Girl Scout volunteer who is not related to them. If you are in need of assistance in finding a qualified volunteer, your Juliette Coordinator can guide you and offer more information.
Visit to learn more and to download our Bronze Award Guidelines document.
Through Girl Scout Destinations, Juliettes can experience leadership opportunities and cross-cultural understanding through regional, national and international travel.
After completing your project, please submit a Bronze Award Report Form found here: Please note, the Bronze Award is awarded on the “On My Honor” system — meaning, once you have completed the Bronze Award Report, the Girl Scout has successfully achieved her Bronze Award and you can purchase the Bronze Award Insignia Pin.
Girl Scout travel opportunities allow girls to pack their bags full of inspiring, life-changing experiences and memories. To learn more, visit: 10
11 TheHighest Silver Award Awards TheHighest Gold Award Awards
Here are the Girl Scout Silver Award qualifications:
Here are the Girl Scout Gold Award qualifications:
Girl Scout is in the sixth, seventh, or eighth grade
Girl Scout is in high school (ninth through twelfth grade, or equivalent)
Girl Scout is a registered Girl Scout Cadette
Girl Scout is registered as a Girl Scout Senior or Girl Scout Ambassador
Girl Scout has completed a Cadette Journey Girl Scout has the support of a Silver Award Trained Girl Scout volunteer who is not related to them. If you are in need of assistance in finding a qualified volunteer, your Juliette Coordinator can guide you and offer more information.
Girl Scout has completed one of the following prerequisite paths: Earned the Girl Scout Silver Award as a Girl Scout Cadette (sixth through eighth grade, or equivalent) and completed one Senior or Ambassador leadership Journey Completed two Senior or Ambassador Journeys at the appropriate Girl Scout level
Visit to learn more and to download our Silver Award Guidelines document.
The Gold Award has a very specific process. To earn your Gold Award, please visit and complete the steps listed under “I want to be a Gold Award Girl Scout.”
After completing your project, please submit a Silver Award Report Form found here: This form must be completed by September 30th of the Girl Scout’s 9th Grade year. The Silver Award is an optional prerequisite to earning the Gold Award. Please note, the Silver Award is awarded on the “On My Honor” system — meaning, once you have completed the Silver Award Report, the Girl Scout has successfully achieved her Silver Award and you can purchase the Silver Award Insignia Pin.
Juliette High Award Grant Application
Are you gearing up for your High Award? Apply for a grant to fund your project! When girls are in a troop, money earned from Cookies and Treats & Keeps can support their high award projects and Juliettes have the same opportunity through the High Award Grant. Awards are based on application submissions and completion of the High Award project. Grants will be awarded quarterly, on the following schedule: Submissions Between 10/1 - 12/31: Awarded in January Submissions Between 1/1 - 3/31: Awarded in April Submissions Between 4/1 - 6/30: Awarded in July Submissions Between 7/1 - 9/30: Awarded in October Apply here:
Scouting For Adults Adult Membership
Juliette Parents and caretakers are encouraged, but not required, to participate in Girl Scouts as Adult Members. Adult Members have access to important trainings and resources, including the Volunteer Toolkit, as well as our online training platform (gsLearn). To register, visit Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select “Join as an adult member.” Follow the prompts to complete your adult registration.
This handbook contains most of the information regarding the Juliette Program, but you can also find more details by visiting our website at That said, we understand that sometimes you may need to reach out to someone directly. So, please use this guide to help determine the best individual(s) to contact.
Juliette Coordinator
Connecting to Juliettes – Requests for the handbook, badge materials, and access to the digital mailing list (newsletters, e-blasts, etc. – approx. one to three emails a month) Training opportunities for parents and Juliettes Juliette-specific event information Recruitment Presentation requests (current Troop Leaders and SUMs) Questions on how to get started with the Girl Scout Cookie Program or Treats and Keeps
Whether or not Juliette Parents become Adult Members, they will be invited to specific Juliette Parent Information sessions regarding the Juliette Program, Product Programs, etc. These sessions will be announced in our Juliette Newsletter and on our website.
Highest Awards | |
Juliette Parents
Finding a Bronze Award or Silver Award volunteer who is not related to your Girl Scout to assist in the High Awards process Inquiries about completing Highest Awards, scholarships, and Young Women of Distinction
Connecting with your Girl Scout family is an essential part of the Juliette Program. Check out our Juliette Facebook page:
Product Programs The work of today is the history of tomorrow, and we are its makers. - Juliette Gordon Low
Help using Product Programs technology, including Digital Cookie and eBudde Product exchanges, refund, returns, and damages
To learn more, visit: 14
Customer Service/Membership
Additional Resources | 800-771-1139
Transferring to Juliettes Registering as an Adult Member General questions about Girl Scouts
To order badges, sashes, vests, and other program materials, visit our store in Mableton, GA: Badge and Sash 5601 North Allen Road Mableton, GA 30126 Shop online at: Or call 770.702.9606 for more information.
Additional resources to leverage: Juliette Website: GSGATL Website: GS From Home: Juliette Newsletter: Connecting with your Girl Scout family is a very important part of the Juliette Program. Here are a few ways to plug in: Juliette Facebook (For PARENTS): Juliette Instagram: GSGATL Facebook: GSGATL Instagram: 16
She Was Born to Be a Leader.
Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta 5601 North Allen Road, SE | Mableton GA, 30126 800-771-1139 |