possibility PROJECT
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a space for girls with ideas
Girl Scouts Heart of the South’s new startup incubator program for young female entrepreneurs igg
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At Girl Scouts Heart of the South, we believe that with access to the right tools, community and coaching, girls with ideas for new businesses, new non-profits, inventions or other entrepreneurial aspirations can achieve greater success. By encouraging young women and their startup efforts, we are discovering untapped talent and equipping girls with the skills and experience necessary you to level tomorrow’s rd entrepreneurial playing field - today! m rea
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Located at the GSHS Memphis Regional Service Center, this fully-equipped entrepreneurship laboratory and lounge offers a casual and inviting space for girls to meet and develop their ideas.
Female-owned firms and organizations continue to grow in number at rate in terms of both revenue and employment, the share of female-owned, hi over the past 16 years. Even after successfully launching a business, the m themselves gazing at a glass ceiling, much like their mothers and grandmo
Girl Scouts Heart of the South wants girls to shatter that glas
possibility PROJECT
provides girls with the resources, mentors and opportunities required to help them launch and grow their own businesses and innovations. Girl Scouts Heart of the South’s Possibility Project is a guided, four-month program aimed to give young female entrepreneurs a head-start in the business world. The Possibility Project is dedicated to finding and fostering tomorrow’s female success stories - today! Through participation in The Possibility Project, girls will learn how to: Look for Future Trends Scan the Landscape for Opportunities Identify a Need Assess the Competition Create an Endeavor and Personalize It Create an Asset Map Including Online Resources Prepare for Challenges Determine Where Innovation Needs to Happen and Think Outside of the Box!
The Possibility Place is fully-equipp to help m
es exceeding the national average; however, igh-level firms has remained essentially unchanged majority of women business owners (91%) still find others before them.
ss ceiling as they reach for the stars!
Participation in The Possibility Project experience culminates with the girls’ opportunity to present their now fully-developed ideas to a panel of interested judges (and potential investors) at The Possibility Project Idea Fair. Participants are coached and guided on their presentation for the Possibility Project Idea Fair throughout the Possibility Project experience as the Idea Fair is the participants’ chance to meet and “pitch” to female entrepreneurs, business women and financial mentors who know a great idea when they hear it.
The Idea Fair is where participants’ dreams really can come true!
a space for girls with ideas
Girls throughout our council jurisdiction will have the opportunity to participate in the Possibility Project experience. Greater Memphis area Girl Scouts will take part in The Possibility Project at the Memphis Service Center’s new Possibility Place - A Space for Girls with Ideas. This vibrant new entrepreneurship laboratory and lounge area offers a casual and inviting space for girls to meet and develop their ideas.
ped with a computer lab and all the resources necessary make their dreams come true!
possibility PROJECT
Every girl has a dream, and every girl should have the opportunity to see that dream succeed!
a space for girls with ideas
The Possibility Project provides the tools, the resources and the experience necessary to help them make those dreams come true. At Girl Scouts Heart of the South, the possibilities are endless! We support the efforts of women and girls because we know - girls CAN!
Help her launch her dream!
Mentoring and support make the real difference in women helping women get ahead. Mentor our Innovative Girls! In March of 2014, Forbes Magazine reported that women have a more difficult time finding mentors than men do. One out of 5 women says she has never had a mentor at work. Often it’s because women feel their time is too limited to volunteer to take a younger woman under their guidance. But not in Girl Scouts. Girl Scouting is about leading and guiding, giving girls the courage, confidence and character to succeed. Our volunteers are at the heart of everything we do. Become a volunteer and mentor our young entrepreneurs! Support the Possibility Project! Our creative and ambitious young women need female
717 South White Station Road, Ste. 2 Memphis, TN 38117 | (901) 767-1440
business leaders not only as mentors but also as financial sponsors. Sponsoring means advocating for girls and actively helping them to advance through your contribution of funds and resources. Your generous support will help these young women to succeed in achieving their dreams! Get Involved! Do you know a girl with great ideas? Are you that girl? You don’t have to be a Girl Scout currently involved in a troop to participate in the Possibility Project. To get started, or to recommend a young woman for the program, contact Girl Scouts Heart of the South today!