Annual report 2013

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2013 ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Annual Report | 1

The Girl Scout Promise On my honor, I will try: To serve God and my country, To help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law.

The Girl Scout Law I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout.

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Girl Scouts of Central Indiana Service Centers 855.GSCIN.4U | 317.924.6800


Girl Scout Service Center at Bloomington 1000 N Walnut St, Suite I Bloomington, IN 47404

Girl Scout Service Center at Kokomo 815 W Superior St Kokomo, IN 46901

Girl Scout Service Center at Columbus 1300 Hutchins Ave Columbus, IN 47201

Girl Scout Service Center at Lafayette Ste 203 615 N 18th St Lafayette, IN 47904

Girl Scout Service Center at Daleville 13555 W CR 550 S P.O. Box 587 Daleville, IN 47334 Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis Ste 100 2611 Waterfront Parkway E Dr Indianapolis, IN 46214

Girl Scout Service Center at Richmond 3765 National Rd E Richmond, IN 47374 Girl Scout Service Center at Terre Haute 1100 Girl Scout Ln Terre Haute, IN 47807 /GirlScoutsofCentralIndiana @girlscoutsIN

Board of directors Board Officers Crystal Livers-Powers, Chair Carolyn Bunzendahl, 1st Vice Chair Diana Sullivan, 2nd Vice Chair Blaire Dougherty, Treasurer Nicole Harper, Ph.D., Secretary Members-at-Large Dr. Terry Whitt Bailey Sylvia M. Bogle Katasha Butler, Pharm.D. LuAnne Christofaro Bettye Dobkins Patty Feilen Beth Forman Jasmin French Stephanie Gossman Elizabeth Helms Karen Celestino Horseman Patricia A. Jones

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Sarah Kendall Shelly Langona Deborah Lyons Jeffrey Mastin Barb Miller Peggy Naile Betsy Phillips Connie Saywell Sue Springirth Crystal Williams Heather Zoellick

Leadership report

Greetings! Did you know that women make up half of the U.S. population but they represent only three percent of CEOs of Fortune 500 companies and only one out of five girls believes she has what it takes to be a leader? The State of Girls: Unfinished Business is an innovative report from the Girl Scout Research Institute that identifies key issues and trends affecting girls’ healthy development in today’s world. The results are promising but we have more work to do. One common hindrance for girls is identifying with a role model they want to emulate. This year, we launched the Campaign to Build Women Leaders, a capital campaign to build a Leadership and Learning Center. This centralized facility will be a place where volunteers can seek development opportunities that will increase their knowledge and leadership skills, and in turn enhance Girl Scouts, and the future of Indiana businesses. We are so very proud of all of our girls and appreciate this opportunity to highlight their accomplishments through the power of Girl Scouts. We salute our volunteers, community supporters, donors, alumnae, and staff for their endless commitment to Girl Scouts. Inspire others with your Girl Scout experiences and invest in a girl. Warmest regards,

Crystal Livers-Powers Board Chair

Deborah Hearn Smith Chief Executive Officer

2013 Annual Report | 5

Mission statement: Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. Members: 40,302, 32% of whom are economically challenged Volunteers: 16,383 Board Chair: Crystal Livers-Powers Chief Executive Officer: Deborah Hearn Smith Jurisdiction: 45 counties in central Indiana

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Girl Scout Gold Award: In 2013, 30 Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors earned this highest honor. Their projects ranged from starting an engineering club for girls to writing a natural disasters curriculum for Carmel Clay Schools. Girl Scout Silver Award: A record-breaking 194 Girl Scout Cadettes earned the Girl Scout Silver Award in 2013. To earn this honor, a girl must show that she is a leader who is organized, determined, and dedicated to improving her community. Girl Scout Bronze Award: The Girl Scout Bronze Award is the highest honor a Girl Scout Junior can earn. In 2013, 485 girls worked with their troops to plan and complete a project. Girls will develop more confidence and make a difference sister Girl Scouts.

Financial assistance: Girl Scouts of Central Indiana provided $362,732 in financial assistance to girls and troops.

Program activities offered: In 2013, 422 program activities were offered, impacting 21,078 girls and 11,402 adults.

Summer camp: In 2013, 4,730 girls attended summer resident and day camp, while 13,961 girls, adults, and family members visited one of Girl Scouts of Central Indiana’s five camp properties for program activities.

Community service: Girls gave approximately 90,000 hours in service to their communities.

Operation: Cookie Drop: Girl Scouts and community members across central Indiana donated more than 78,599 packages of Girl Scout cookies to soldiers at home and abroad.

Volunteers: In the 293 adult learning sessions offered, 4,165 volunteers received education to better serve girls. Girl Scout Cookie Program: In 2013, 19,954 girls learned the five skills through selling Girl Scout cookies with 3,425 volunteers.

Food Pantry Project: Girl Scout families and friends donated 474 cases of fall product items to food pantries across central Indiana.

2013 Annual Report | 7

Girl Scout Gold Award recipients reach out to seniors, minorities Michelle Pea | Senior Memories Michelle built a raised wheelchair accessible garden for Sugar Grove Senior Living Center in Plainfield. It allows residents to continue a hobby many once enjoyed without having to bend over or kneel to the ground. The garden is located in the Memory Care Unit of the living center, which is where the residents with Alzheimer’s stay. Gardening keeps their hands busy and their minds active—one of the best things they can do. Michelle graduated from Plainfield High School and studies Russian and international relations at Purdue University. She is the daughter of Sherri and Michael Pea.

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Shivani Bajpai | Healthcare Beyond the Barriers Shivani targeted South Asian immigrants who are not proficient in English, and therefore are hesitant to reach out for simple healthcare in local hospitals. She compiled a variety of basic elements of a hospital experience into an assistance booklet and translated it into four Indian languages (Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, and Gujrati). She hopes to continue translating the booklet for more languages and deliver it to hospitals, private practices, and religious centers. Shivani graduated from Carmel High School and is studying biology at IUPUI. She is the daughter of Sarita and Anil Bajpai.

We all scream for ice cream Who says having a little ice cream can’t be good for you? It certainly was helpful for Girl Scouts of Central Indiana. On Friday, July 12, in honor of National Ice Cream Month, American Dairy Association of Indiana celebrated its 24th annual Ice Cream Social on Monument Circle. Each year the American Dairy Association of Indiana selects a not-for-profit to be the sole beneficiary of the annual ice cream social. Girl Scouts of Central of Indiana was chosen for 2013 and 2014. For just $5, each ice cream lover received a generous bowl of vanilla ice cream and could choose from the many toppings available, including a selection of Girl Scout cookie crumbles. Thanks to the ice cream lovers in central Indiana, the 2013 social brought in $8,282.

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Girl Scouts collaborates with IMS In October, nearly 3,200 girls and volunteers made their way to the first Slumber at the Speedway event. The two-day event kicked off Friday night as troops camped in turn three at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Friday night activities included a sing-a-long, movie, and games under the stars. The second day started early with breakfast, interactive activities and fun for the whole family. Girl Scouts of Central Indiana partnered with IUPUI, Children’s Museum of Indianapolis, Dow Agro Sciences, Purdue Extension and other community organizations to provide S.T.E.M. and health and fitness-focused activities. The day was even more special as Girl Scouts made a lap around the race track on their bicycles. On December 3, Girl Scouts of Central Indiana participated in its first Giving Tuesday campaign. Giving Tuesday is a national movement that brings attention to registered non-profit organizations at the beginning of the holiday season. Girl Scouts of Central Indiana used its Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts to encourage individuals to share their Girl Scout experiences and give a donation to support the mission. All were entered into a drawing for an Indianapolis Motor Speedway Grand Prix Prize pack that included apparel, gift certificates, and four tickets to the new Indianapolis Grand Prix race. Girl Scouts of Central Indiana is appreciative of its continued partnership with the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. 10 | Girl Scouts of Central Indiana

2013 Annual Report | 11

The Women’s Equality Day Luncheon, hosted by Girl Scouts of Central Indiana, was held at the Girl Scout Service Center at Terre Haute on August 29. The annual luncheon commemorates the passage of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote. About 200 women attended the luncheon, including Dr. Dottie King, president of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. Indiana’s 50th Lieutenant Governor, Sue Ellspermann, served as the keynote speaker. She was elected to the Indiana House of Representatives in 2010 and was sworn in as lieutenant governor on January 4. Lt. Governor Ellspermann spoke about how Women’s Equality Day, August 26, relates to women today; why she became involved with politics; how important it is for women and young girls to be involved in their communities regarding issues that are important to them; and how important it is for women to exercise their right to vote. 12 | Girl Scouts of Central Indiana

Dr. Dottie L. King, president of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College and Lieutenant Governor Sue Ellspermann

Community partners support Women’s Equality Day Luncheon

Photo courtesy of Elmer Denman, IPFW

Hoosier Girlz FIRST LEGO League team embraces diversity Hoosier Girlz is one of the FIRST LEGO League (FLL) teams supported by Girl Scouts of Central Indiana. Based in Bloomington, and partially sponsored by Honda Manufacturing of Indiana and Motorola, the Hoosier Girlz team has become a force to be reckoned with in the FLL circuit. The team is comprised of 10 girls, all between the ages of 10 and 12, with a rich cultural heritage that includes families from Columbia, India, Indonesia, Korea, and Tanzania. This rich heritage inspired Hoosier Girlz throughout their FLL experience. Because of the large international population in Bloomington who are unfamiliar with tornadoes, the Hoosier Girlz came up with the idea of creating a comic book to teach tornado safety to kids. To

ensure broad comprehension, they translated it into the top five non-English languages spoken at their school: Spanish, Korean, Russian, Chinese, and Indonesian. The Hoosier Girlz also did a phenomenal job during their FLL competition season. At the Columbus Qualifying Tournament, they received the highest robot score (333 points) and the highest average score (301 points) under Robot Performance, and ended in 1st place overall. At the state championship, they won the robot reliability traveling trophy for most consistent robot scores, took the 1st place Innovative Solution prize for their project, and finished with the 14th highest score in the robot game (303 points).

2013 Annual Report | 13

Girl Scouts launches Campaign to Build Women Leaders Girl Scouts of Central Indiana launched a $6 million capital campaign to build a Leadership and Learning Center at Camp Dellwood. The Leadership and Learning Center will develop a new cadre of women leaders, allow volunteers from across Indiana to share ideas about the attributes of leadership, while reinforcing that equity and equality are critical to developing the future leaders in Indiana. The center will include: technology and resource center; space for volunteer collaboration and education; program services; administrative offices; Girl Scout cookie distribution area; and a Girl Scout store. Led by local business leader Denny Sponsel, the Campaign to Build Women Leaders has already secured $1.6 million toward the goal. Alumna and longtime adult volunteer, Georgina Perkins, is

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helping to develop plans to reach out to other Girl Scout alumnae for their support of the capital campaign. Girl Scout troops and families have been asked to help raise $1 million of the $6 million. Troops have developed innovative ways to raise funds to support the campaign. Girl Scouts of Central Indiana is confident that 2014 will be a successful year as plans continue to break ground in the fall of 2014. The state-of-the-art, 25,000 square-foot facility at Camp Dellwood will benefit this and future generations of Girl Scouts who will be prepared to make the world a better place. For more information, contact Charlitta Winston, capital campaign manager, at 855.GSCIN.4U.

2013 Capital Campaign Donors

Ms. Linda Davis

Mr. and Mrs. Clete Kunce

Ms. M. Catherine Ritchie

Mr. and Mrs. Nayan Acharya

Ms. Bettye Dobkins

Ms. Debra Ladyman

RJE Business Interiors, LLC

Mrs. Tara Allen

Tai`Yanna S. Dorsey

Ms. Tiffany Lemons

Ms. Cynthia Roath

Allen Whitehill Clowes Charitable Foundation

Mrs. Tonya Douglas

Mr. and Mrs. Christian LeSesne

Mr. and Mrs. James Rodriguez

CSO Architects, Inc.

Ms. Natalie DuBois

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Loftus

Ms. Lisa Rogers

Mrs. Blaire Dougherty

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Long

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rogerson

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Feilen

Ms. Deborah Lyons

Ms. Rosemary Rothkopf

Ms. Elizabeth Forman

Hillary Macy

Rowland Design, Inc.

Mrs. Jasmin French

Mr. Jeffrey Mastin

Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Runion

Ms. Jennifer Frechette

Mr. and Mrs. Marc’ Maxey

Dr. and Mrs. Robert Saywell

Mrs. Elaine Gill

Mr. and Mrs. Roger McCloud

Sease, Gerig & Associates

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Gorden

Ms. Margaret McPeek

Mrs. Brittany Sechuga

Patricia R. Handfield

Mr. and Mrs. Eric and Jodi Mellinger

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Schmidt

Dr. Nicole Harper

Ms. Kathy A. Mikula

Mr. and Mrs. Tom L. Schuman

Mr. Terry Hayes

Ms. Peggy Naile

Mr. Ebenezer and Deborah Hearn Smith

Ms. Elizabeth Helms, APRN, BC

Ms. Ashleigh Neal

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Springirth

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Heltzel

Nicholas H. Noyes Jr. Memorial Foundation, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sullivan

Ms. Barbara Nichols

Ms. Margaret Sutton

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Barlow Mrs. Mary Ann Barrett Ms. Megan Bauer Mrs. Sheryl Becker Ms. Robyn Beechler Mr. and Mrs. David Bixler Ms. Kimberly Black Mr. and Mrs. James Booth Mr. and Mrs. David Broekers Ms. Melissa Brown Dr. and Mrs. David E. Burns Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Buse Mr. Carl Bender and Judge Barbara Brugnaux Daniel Burke Erin Busk

Ms. Holly Elizabeth Herbert Mrs. Kerri Hoffman Ms. Ann A. Homrighous

Mr. and Mrs. Francis Noone

Ms. Jaime Hubbard

Ms. Kendra Nowell

Indianapolis Downtown Optimist Club Foundation

Ms. Sheila Pain Ms. Ashley Pasch

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carter

Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership

Mr. and Mrs. Neil Pasch and Family

Ms. Annette Childress

Andrea M. Irelan

Mr. and Mrs. Gesue Christofaro

Mr. and Mrs. James Isenhour

Mr. Temara Payton

Ms. Ratasha C. Colbert

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Jackson

Colors, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. William Jannetta

Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Cook

Mrs. Patricia A. Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Conard Combs

Jack Justus

Core Planning Strategies, LLC

Dr. and Mrs. Tom Kaplan

Ms. Stacy Covitz

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Keely

Sarah Crain

Dr. Marie Kerbeshian

Ms. Amanda Curry

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kidwell

Mrs. Cheryl Curry

Ms. Kathy Kirklin

Dr. Katasha Butler Mrs. Carolyn Bunzendahl Charla J. Cannon

Reverend and Mrs. James Payton Mrs. Georgiana Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Phillips Ms. Patricia Pickerel Mrs. Linda Poer Mrs. Donna Polky Ms. Deana Potterf Mr. and Mrs. Mark Powers Mr. and Mrs. James Pree Mrs. Maria Quiroz-Southwood R. B. Annis Educational Foundation

Ms. Liberty Sutton Mrs. Jennifer Swartz Ms. Sarah Thomas Mrs. Carla K. Tucker Ms. Terencia Turner Ms. Kathy J. Tyson United Way of Central Indiana Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vondrak Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Wahlstrom Mr. Adam Weiss Mrs. Lorena Wever Mrs. Meisha Wide Ms. Ashley Williams Mr. and Mrs. Willie Wilson Ms. Ellen M. Winking Mrs. Charlitta Winston Mr. David Woods Ms. Jennifer Wright

2013 Annual Report | 15

2013 Donors *Denotes board member

25,000 and up

Mr. William Fry

Fifth Third Bank

Weston Wabash Foundation

First Financial Bank

1,000-4,999 Allison Transmission

Alcoa, Inc.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

Caterpillar Foundation

Ms. Katherine Armington

Girl Scouts of the USA

Aveda Experience Center

Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College

Dr. Terry Whitt Bailey*

10,000-24,999 American Dairy Association of Indiana, Inc. BMO Harris Bank Citizens Energy Group Dean Foods Eugene and Marilyn Glick Family Foundation Ms. Marianne Glick Lilly Endowment, Inc. MetLife Foundation St. Vincent Health

5,000-9,999 Bedel Financial Consulting Firestone Building Products Company Honda Mfg. of Indiana, LLC Indiana Sports Corporation Jean and Mora Morris Fund for Youth, a Fund of the Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County, Inc.

Ball State University Barnes & Thornburg LLP Mr. and Mrs. William J. and R. Jean Beard

Firstperson, Inc. Ms. Elizabeth Forman* Mrs. Patricia Fox Mrs. Deirdre Gengenbach Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Goddard Ms. Elizabeth Helms, APRN, BC* Ice Miller LLP Indiana State University Foundation Indiana University Health North

Ms. Elaine Bedel

Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

Ms. Mary Boelke

Indianapolis Colts

Bose Public Affairs Group

Indianapolis Motor Speedway

Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Buse

Indianapolis Power & Light Company

Patricia and Dr. Kelley Carr

The Indianapolis Star

Central Indiana Community Foundation

Ingersoll Rand

Ms. Julie Chase

Ivy Tech Community College

Circle City Chapter of the Links

Mrs. Geraldine Johnson

Ms. Bonnie Closey Columbus Area Chamber of Commerce

The Irving S. and Alwyn N. Johnson Family Foundation

Community Health Network

Mr. and Mrs. James Kent

The Conover Foundation, Inc.

Key Bank

Dr. David Crabb

KSM Business Services

Crowe Horwath LLP

Ms. Debra Ladyman

CSO Architects, Inc.

Lankton Family Foundation


Ms. Patricia Lee

Kappa Delta Foundation

Mrs. Blaire Dougherty*

Ms. Deborah Lyons*

Keep America Beautiful, Inc.

Downtown Optimist Foundation

MacAllister Machinery Company, Inc.

Kroger Company

Duke Realty Corporation

Marion County Public Health Department

Marsh Supermarkets, Inc.

Emmis Communications

McCaw Family Foundation

Moorehead Family Foundation


Mr. and Mrs. Roger McCloud Meyer Najem

16 | Girl Scouts of Central Indiana


Dr. Kathleen Shoemaker

Mr. Russell Hart

Ms. Julie Standley

Montgomery County Community Foundation


Mrs. Marsha Hearn-Lindsey

Ms. Ann Stankiewicz

Mr. and Mrs. James Morris

Denny and Cathy Sponsel

Hendricks Regional Health

Ms. Tracy Swearingen

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sullivan*

Holt Legal Group

Swinging Mates Square Dance Club

The National Bank of Indianapolis

Hoosier Park Racing and Casino

Taylored Systems, Inc.

University of Indianapolis

Mrs. Kathryn Huehl

Ms. Kelly Toetz

USA Funds

Joseph and Emily Huntzinger

Ms. Kathy Tyson

Dr. Jeffrey Weidner

Industrial Dielectrics

Ms. Janis Watts


Mr. and Mrs. Scott Jackson

WTHR Channel 13

Dr. and Mrs. Irving Johnson

Motorola Foundation Mutual of America Ms. Peggy Naile* NCAA Dr. and Mrs. Blake Neubauer North American Midway Entertainment Old National Bank - Indianapolis One America Financial Partners Inc.


Optimist Club of North Side Indianapolis, Inc.

Ms. Lucille Bartley

Pacers Sports & Entertainment

Mr. and Mrs. David Blackburn

Plews Shadley Racher and Braun, LLP

Mr. Michael Blickman

PNC Bank

Boomerang Development, LLC

Mr. and Mrs. Ken Reese

Dr. Christopher Luis Burcham

Relocation Strategies, Inc.

Ms. Kimberly Burke

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rhodes

Dr. and Mrs. David Burns

Mrs. Nancy Menard Riddle

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carter

Riverview Hospital

Church, Church, Hittle & Antrim

RJE Business Interiors, LLC

Central Indiana Bicycling Foundation

Rowland Design, Inc.

Community Bank

Rabbi Dennis and Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso

Dr. James Conwell, PhD, PE

Dr. and Mrs. Robert Saywell* Dr. and Mrs. Michael Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Tom Schuman Mr. and Mrs. David G. Sease Sease, Gerig & Associates Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Semler Mrs. Yvonne Shaheen

Mr. and Mrs. Billy Beechler, Jr.

D.J. Agnus Scientech Education Foundation Ms. Bettye Dobkins* Eli Lilly and Company Foundation, Inc. Frank M. Selmier Trust Frederick Benson Trust

Mrs. Patricia A. Jones* Ms. Heather Kahl Ms. Susan Kindig The Kiwanis Club of Cicero Indiana, Inc. Ms. Shelly Langona* Ms. Theresa Lawrence Ms. Jean Leonard Mr. and Mrs.Christian LeSesne Ms. Roxanne Lockhart Ms. Dian Moore Ms. Janet Morehead Ms. Janis Norris Mrs. Deborah Paul Mrs. Georgiana Perkins Mrs. Marie Pickens Mr. and Mrs. George Plews Mrs. Linda Poer Mr. and Mrs. Mark Powers* Ms. Tanya Schnelzer

100-499 Agricor, Inc Ms. Kristi Ailes Ms. Rosalie Alexander Mr. and Mrs. David Allen Alorica Mrs. Elizabeth Amy Ms. Judith Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Stefan S. Anderson Dr. Pamela Wang Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Steve Armstrong Ms. Sara Arnett AT&T Services, Inc. Ms. Sue Atkinson Baesler’s Market Mr. Benjamin Baker Mrs. Ritabeth Baker Mrs. Gail Barrett Mrs. Nikki Barrett Mrs. Cheryl Beatty Dr. Gregory Beck

Dr. Rachelle Galvin

Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-theWoods

Ms. Mary Garretson

Mr. Ebenezer and Deborah Hearn Smith

Mrs. Sheryl Becker

Mrs. Ann Grimes

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Snyder

Ms. Robyn Beechler

Mr. Timothy Beck

2013 Annual Report | 17

Mayor Duke Bennett

Christian Church Foundation

Ms. Debbie Driskell

Ms. Winifred Goldblatt

Ms. Shelly Binkley

Ms. Nancy Christy

Mr. Scott Duff

Mr. Juan Gonzalez

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Boldt

City of Terre Haute

Mr. Robert Duffy

Mr. Randy Good

Mr. Treva Bostic

Dr. Georgia Clark

Duke Energy

Ms. Jodi Goodman

Dr. and Mrs. Ryan Brashear

Ms. Georgia Clarke

Mrs. Connie Dumas-Coleman

Ms. Melissa Gossman

Ms. Karen Brinkman

Ms. Sallyanne Cochran

Kimberly Dunn

Ms. Joanne Gott

Ms. Juanita Briones

Ms. Ratasha Colbert

Mrs. Deborah Dunn

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Greene

Mrs. Tonya Brothers-Bridge

Mr. and Mrs. Conard Combs

Mr. and Ms. Mark Dwyer

Mrs. Suzanne Griffith

Mr. and Mrs. Jay Brownell

Ms. Jennifer Combs

Mr. and Mrs. Kent Eaton

Ms. Nancy Halter

Mr. and Mrs. David Brownfield

Conner Prairie

Ms. Ann Edmonds

Hamilton Center

Ms. Janet Browning

Conway Corporation

Mr. Richard Ellery

Hamilton South Eastern Service Unit

Mr. Carl Bender and Judge Barbara Brugnaux

Ms. Brenda Cook

Ms. Jane Englert

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hanenkratt

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bruns

Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Cook

Miriam Epple-Heath

Ms. Lisa Hanshmaker

Mr. and Mrs. Don Corneglio

Ms. Ann Erdely

Ms. Kim Harlow

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Cottrell

Ms. Pamela Erickson

Mr. Robert Hart

Mr. Jeffrey Lane Coulter

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Esterline

Ms. and Mr. Tonia Hassinger

Dr. Sara Cox and Mr. Scott Cox

Mrs. Stephanie Ewing

Mrs. Krissa Hatfield

Mrs. Carla Crandall

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Feilen*

Mr. Terry Hayes

Mrs. Janet Cridlin

Ms. Sandra Ferguson

Mrs. Michelle Hazel

Ms. Erica Crowell

Ms. Cathryn Ferree

Mrs. Noreen Heithecker

Ms. Charlotte Curdes

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Filis

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Heltzel

Mrs. Cheryl Curry

Ms. Lisa Finch

Ms. Brenna Hendricks

Ms. Aline Danielson

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Flanagan

Ms. Holly Elizabeth Herbert

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Davis

Ms. Mary Foster

Mr. and Mrs. James Hester

Ms. Susie Davis

Ms. Deborah Freeland

Ms. Mary Hill

Mr. Larry Delia

Mr. James Freeman

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hoefer

Delta Theta Tau Sorority, Inc.

Furniture Gallery

Ms. Debra Hoffa

Ms. Linae Devaisher

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Fusile

Mrs. Karen Holly

Mr. and Mrs. John Ditslear

Mrs. Janet Gaines

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Holzhausen

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dougherty

Mrs. Sarah Gaspary

Ms. Ann Homrighous

Ms. Shannon Dougherty

Ms. Susan Gentry

Ms. Kelly Honn

Ms. Victoria Dowell

Ms. Sue Ann Gilroy

Ms. Brenda Horn

Mr. and Mrs. Randy Dresslar

Ms. Cynthia Godsey

Mr. Joshua Howard

Mrs. Heather Bunning Mr. Howard E. Trivers and Ms. Catherine Buyarski Mrs. Carolyn Bunzendahl* Ms. Marilyn Burger Mr Daniel Burke Ms. Judith Burke C.T. Enterproses Inc. Mrs. Jill Caldwell Mrs. Tamara Candler Carmel Central Service Unit Carmel East Service Unit Carmel West Service Unit Ms. Donna Carroll Mr. Matthew Belsley and Mrs. Lara Chandler-Belsley Mr. and Mrs. Doug Chappell Dr. Kristin Charpentier Ms. Crystal Christensen

18 | Girl Scouts of Central Indiana

Ms. Jaime Hubbard

Mr. Joseph Komenda

Mr. Jeffrey Mastin*

Mrs. Shelley Naum

Ms. Janice Huber

Mr. Robert Konrad

Ms. Susan Mathews

Mrs. Dawn Neathery

Ms. Cynthia Hubert

Mrs. and Mr. Judith Koor

Ms. Stacy Maurer

Ms. Barbara Nichols

Mrs. Maura Huff

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Kramer

Mr. and Mrs. Marc’ Maxey

Ms. M. Jacqueline Nytes

Dr. Patricia Hughes

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kriech

Ms. Carol Mays

Ms. Melissa OMaley

Ms. Tamara Hull

Mrs. Melissa Kult and Mr. George Kult

Ms. Carrie McCammon

Ms. Beverly Orkmon

Ms. Judy Hund

Ms. Stephanie Land

Ms. Clarica McCauley

Mrs. and Mr. Pam Orr

Huntington Bank

Landscape Solutions LLC

Mrs. Anietra McCombs

Ms. Elizabeth Osborn

Mr. Todd Hustel

Mrs. Roxanne Lane

Ms. Yolanda McDaniel-Wood

Ms. Kathy Osborn

Mrs. Sharyl Hynes

Ms. Tara Lane

Mrs. Nancy McDonald

Mrs. Kathleen Overbye

Indiana Restoration & Cleaning Services

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Larimore

Mr. and Mrs. Mike McGrath

Mrs. Tanya Stuart Overdorf

Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership

Ms. Marian Larson

Mrs. Mary Alice McMahon

Ms. Lorelee Palmetier

Ms. Lynne Iwanski

Dr. Jeanette Lawson, D.D.S.

Ms. Gail McNierney

Ms. Ashley Pasch

Dr. Robin Ledyard

Ms. Margaret McPeek

Mr. and Mrs. Neil Pasch and Family

Ms. Kathleen Lee

Ms. Angela Meacham

Mrs. Deborah Patterson

Ms. Krista Lemaster

Ms. Jennifer Mellinger

Mr. Temara Payton

Mrs. Ann Levinsohn

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Melton

Reverend and Mrs. James Payton

Ms. Melissa Liggin

Ms. Jane Merrill

Mrs. Alyce Penry

Ms. Barbara Owens Lightfoot

Mr. Douglas Metcalf

Ms. Yvonne Perkins

Ms. Deeann List

Ms. Helen Metken

Ms. Sarah Perone

Mr. Joseph Loftus

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Meyer

Ms. Sarah Petry

Mr. and Mrs. George Long

Mrs. Marjorie Meyer

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Phillips

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Long

Ms. Kathy Mikula

Ms. Nicole Pierce

Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Lopp

Ms. Suzan Miller

Ms. Jennifer Ping

Dr. and Mrs. Paul Maier

Ms. Barbara Mitchell

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Pitcouk

Main Street Greensburg

Ms. Maureen Behrens Moon

Mrs. Donna Polky

Mrs. Jenna Majors

Mrs. Kara Morefield

Ms. Deana Potterf

Mrs. Nora Mann

Ms. Janet Morehead

Mr. John Poulin

Ms. Bella Manolov

Ms. Kathryn Morris

Ms. Denise Preece

Mrs. Judith Marten

Mr. David Mueller

Mr. Douglas Preece

Alicia Martin

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Munds

Prestige Performance II, Inc.

Mr. Jeffrey Martin

Ms. Lynn Murphy

Ms. Judith Higgins Price

Ms. Kathy Lynn Mason

Ms. Andrea Myers

Mrs. Alissa Pryor

Ms. Beverly Jackson Ms. Tamyra Jenkins Mrs. and Mr. Wendy Johnson Mrs. Beverly Johnson Ms. Colette Johnson Jo-She-We Service Unit 653 Ms. Heather Judy Ms. Vandana Kapur Mr. and Mrs. Scott Keaton Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Keely Dr. Christine Kennedy Ms. Susan Kerns Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kidwell Dr. Dottie King Ms. Kathy Kirklin Kiwanis Club of Greater Terre Haute Mr. Jon Kizer Ms. Mary Beth Kohart Kokomo Lions Club

2013 Annual Report | 19

20 | Girl Scouts of Central Indiana

Ms. Jennifer Puterbaugh

Ms. Megan Schuman

Mr. and Mrs. Derrick Swift

Mrs. Maria Quiroz-Southwood

Mrs. Sarah Schwartzkopf

Terre Haute Savings Bank

Mrs. Julie Ragsdale

Ms. Eileen Scott

Ms. Beverly Thomas

Mr. Charles Randolph, Jr

Ms. Sherry Seiwert

Ms. Heather Timmons

Dr. and Mrs. George Rapp

Ms. Sharon Semones

Ms. Starla Trigg

Mrs. Phyllis Reasoner

Ms. Leslie Seville

Troop 3147

Reynolds B. Hart Endowment Fund

Mr. Brandon Shanafelt-Blake

Mrs. Carla Tucker

Ms. Cristina Rhodes

Mrs. Gina Sheets

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Van Hoorde

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rice

Ms. Penny Sheppard

Ms. Kristen Vance

Ms. Rebecca Richardson

Ms. Jennifer Sherman

Mrs. Heather VanVoorhis

Ms. Courtney Richey

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shoaf

Ms. Jennifer Ann Victory-Newberg

Ms. Katherine Ricketts

Mrs. Barbara Short

Mr. and Mrs. Karl Volkmar

Ms. Sandra Ridley

Ms. Jessica Sickler

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vondrak

Mr. and Mrs. William Riggs

Ms. Debra Slough

Ms. Richelle Wakefield

Ms. Catherine Ritchie

Mr. and Mrs. Ron Smith

Ms. Michele Walker

Mr. Mark Robbins

Mr. Timothy Smith

Ms. Janice Ward

Ms. Patricia Roberts

Ms. Martha Smith

Mr. Christopher Waters

Ms. Mary Robertson

Ms. Susanne Sogard

Mrs. Evona Watson

Ms. Lynn Rodwell

Mrs. Joan Soller

Ms. Diana Watson

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rogerson

Mrs. Janet South

Mrs. Kathleen Visovatti Weaver

Mr. Dennis Rosebrough

Ms. Lori Sparks

Mr. Steve Weber

Ms. Ellen Rosenthal

Mrs. Kyle Squires

Ms. Kathleen Weimer

Dr. and Mrs. Max Rudicel

Mr. and Mrs. C.W. St. Dennis Jr.

Mrs. Kyleen Welling

Ms. Cynthia Rumbaugh

Mrs. Charlene Stacy

Ms. Shonnailia Welling

Mr. and Mrs. Don Russel

Ms. Beth Stafford

Ms. Kathleen Wendling

Ms. Lillian Sams

Ms. Linda Staletovich

Mr. Kyle Wenger

Dr. and Mrs. Rick Sasso

Ms. Janet Stanley

Ms. Shelia Western

Mr. Ryan Sautbine

Ms. Ann Stewart

Ms. Brittany Whalen

Mrs. Denell Schacht

Ms. Erin Stout

Mrs. and Mr. Jeffrey and Elvira Whitaker

Ms. Diane Scherb

Ms. Therese Stropky

Ms. Patricia Whitcomb

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schiffman

Mrs. Shelley Suarez

Mrs. Meisha Wide

Ms. Brianna Schroeder

Mrs. and Mr. Susan Sullivan

Ms. Christy Wieringa

Mr. Max Schumacher

Ms. Margaret Sutton

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wieten

Ms. Judith Wiggins

Mr. Robert Augustine

Ms. Beverly Bitzegaio

Ms. Malaika Caldwell

Mrs. Jeanette Wiles

Mrs. and Mr. Paula Augustine

Mr. and Mrs. David Bixler

Ms. Deborah Calhoun

Mr. Donald Willsey

Mrs. Marcie Aukerman

Ms. Kimberly Black

Ms. Carolyn Callecod

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wilson

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Bachman

Ms. Donna Blackmon

Mr. and Mrs. John Calley

Mr. and Mrs. Willie Wilson

Mrs. Casey Bailarger

Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bohannon

Mr. Javier Campos

Ms. Brenda Wilson

Ms. Brenda Baker

Mrs. Sonya Bolon

Ms. Charla Cannon

Ms. Christine Wilson

Ms. Melissa Balint

Mr. and Mrs. James Booth

Dr. Winna Cargile

Mr. Michael Wilson

Mrs. Jennifer Banner

Ms. Sandra Borders

Ms. Edwina Carlton

Ms. Ellen Winking

Ms. Julie Barber

Ms. Rosemary Borek

Shirley Carpenter


Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Barlow

Ms. Rebecca Bormann

Mr. Dennis Carson

Ms. Jennifer Wolfgram

Mrs. Angela Barnes

Mr. and Mrs. Agustin Bosio

Mrs. Judy Cass

Mr. David Woods

Ms. Tracy Barnes

Mrs. Lee Bosse

Ms. Jessica Castellanos

Mrs. Kimberly Worland

Mrs. Mary Ann Barrett

Ms. Barbara Boyd

Mrs. Natalie Catton

Mrs. Lynn Wrablik-Reilly

Mr. and Mrs. Noel Bartlett

Ms. Barbara Bridges

Mr. Rob Caylor

Mr. and Mrs. William Yates

Mrs. Cynthia Bates

Dr. and Mrs. Ben Bromley

Ms. Julie Chastain

Ms. Deanna Zacheri

Ms. Breyann Bates

Mrs. and Mr. Shelia Brooks

Mr. and Mrs. Gesue Christofaro

Ms. Tamara Zahn

Mrs. Christina Bauer

Mrs. Carol Brost

Ms. Linda Christy

Ms. Heather Zoellick*

Ms. Megan Bauer

Mrs. India Brown

Ms. Kiersten Clifford

Ms. Therese Zook

Ms. Sandra Beaty

Mr. Michael Brown

Ms. Deidra Coates

Ms. Aryss Beebe

Rhonda Brown

Ms. Jessica Coe

Ms. Brittney Bell

Mrs. Susan Brown

Mrs. Susanna Coleman

Mrs. Krista Bell

Ms. Tricia Brown

Ms. Leah Colville

Ms. Cindy Benedict

Mrs. Diana Bryant

Ms. Joni Comstaoc

Mrs. Kathryn Benedict

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bulan

Ms. Kimberly Conn

Ms. Carol Bennett

Ms. Jenny Burch

Alejandro Contreras

Ms. Pamela Bennett

Mrs. Jennifer Burke

Mrs. Annie Cook

Mr. Michael Bensi

Mrs. Melissa Burnside

Mr. Jeffrey Cook

Mr. and Mrs. Brad Bergman

Mrs. Donna Burrow

Ms. Andrea Coons

Ms. Deborah Berry

Ms. Erin Busk

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Cooper

Ms. Katherine Berry

Ms. Joann Butler

Ms. Ashley Cox

Mr. Peter Berzins

Ms. Jayne Byrd

Mrs. Renee Cox

Mr. Matthew Best

Mrs. Deana Byrnes

Mrs. Christine Cozzolino

Mrs. Carmandy Bird

Mrs. Lori Cain

Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Crackel

99 and below Mrs. Caroline Abeleda Mr. Rick Adams Ms. Amy Ahlersmeyer Mr. Hudson Akin Mrs. Debra Alexander Mrs. Janet Allaby Mrs. Tara Allen Ms. Janet Ambery Ms. Dawn Anderson Ms. Mary Andreu Ms. Robinette Angle Ms. Stephanie Arnold

2013 Annual Report | 21

Ms. Sarah Crain

Ms Amanda Eha

Ms. Rosemily Geyer

Dr. and Mrs. Chuck Hazelrigg

Ms. Amanda Curry

Mr. and Mrs. Brad Ehrlich

Dr. Gina Gibau

Mrs. Sue Heck

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Dallas

Mrs. Barbara Ellsworth

Ms. Earline Gibson

Mrs. Sara Heim

Ms. Lori Danielson

Mr. and Mrs. GIlbert English

Ms Alaina Gilbert

Mrs Amanda Helman

Mr. and Mrs. James Davis

Ms. Jennifer Erickson

Mr. Roy Gilbert

Mrs. Karrissa Hendricks

Ms. Linda Davis

Mr. and Mrs. Troy Everett

Mrs. Elaine Gill

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Henke

Mr. Marsh Davis

Mrs. Paula Evorts

Ms. Sandra Gillott

Mr. Brian Henning

Ms. Kristen Dawn

Ms. Teresa Exline

Ms. Kathleen Glass

Joanne Hester

Mrs. Peggy Deakyne

Mrs. Kelly Favory

Mrs. Rose Glaze

Ms. Lindsay Hicks

Dr. Linda DeClue

Ms. Marjorie Fernandez

Mr. and Mrs. Rob Godwin

Ms. Kristie Hill

Mr. Phillip DeHaven

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Findley

Mr. and Mrs. David Goller

Ms. Anna Hinchman

Mrs. J.M. Dejarnatt

Mrs. Sandy Fink

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Gorden

Mrs. Lydia Hittle

Ms. Gloria Delong

Ms Amber Fischvogt

Ms. Sheila Greenwald

Ms. Jill Hobaugh

Mr. Robert Demuth

Ms. Chastity Fouce

Ms. Erica Greenwood

Mrs. Kerri Hoffman

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Denney

Ms. Kathy Fox

Ms. Susan Gresham

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hofmann

Miss. Allison DeVane

Mr. and Mrs. John Frazier

Mr. and Mrs. Carl and Lynn Griffin

Ms. Kathy Hoke

Mr. and Mrs. Stewart DeVane

Mrs. Cindy Frey

Mr. Julio Guerra

Ms. Julia Holliday

Mrs. Dawn Dickey

Miss Becky Fromm

Mr. Michael Hadley

Ms. Dianne Hong

Ms. Jan Dickson

Mr. and Mrs. Jason Frost

Ms. Laura Hale

Mrs. Lora Hoover

Ms. Shannon Dimock

Mrs. Kristy Fry

Mr. Art Hall

Ms. Sherry Hoskins

Ms. Bonnie Dolick

Ms. Lacy Gabrielle

Mrs. Samantha Halvorson

Mrs. Kyla Houston

Ms. Cheryl Donaldson

Mrs. Donna Gadient

Ms. Avie Halvorson

Ms. Natasha Houston

Ms. Tai`Yanna Dorsey

Mrs. Gwendolyn Galbreath

Mr. Thomas Hamer

Ms. Kimberly Howland

Ms. Tamera Doty-Davis

Ms. Bonnie Gallivan

Ms. Martha Handly

Ms. Suzanne Huber

Mr. and Mrs. Cas Downs

Mrs. Bionca Gambill

Mrs. Jamie Handy

Mrs. Mary Huff

Mrs. Lisa Drake

Ms. Suzanne Ganly

Mr. Bill Harris

Ms. Pamela Humes

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Drnevich

Ms. Beth Garrison

Ms. Pamela Harris

Mrs. Olivia Huser

Ms. Lisa Dungan

Mr. and Mrs. Jason Gasaway

Ms. Vicky Harrison

Mr. and Mrs. Andy Illyes

Ms. Karen Eastburn

Ms. Susan Gath

Mrs. Elizabeth Harshaw

Inexpensively, LLC

Mrs. and Mr. Anita Edenfield

Ms. Elizabeth Gedeon

Ms. Bonnie Haruch-Kenyon

Mrs. Alicia Ingram

Ms. Jodena Edens

Ms. Beth Gehlhausen

Mr. and Mrs. James Hausmann

Andrea Irelan

Ms. Becky Edwards

Ms. Kory Gentry

Ms. Fredia Haviland

Ms. Joan Isaac

Mrs. Kristen Edwards

Ms. Patricia Gerde

Ms. Carol Hayes

Mrs. Sara Jacobi

22 | Girl Scouts of Central Indiana

Ms. Jenna James

Ms. Fran Lake

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mayer

Ms. Ashleigh Neal

Mrs. Janet Jaros

Ms. Sharon Langlotz

Ms. Grace Maze

Mrs. Andrea Neely

Ms. Bonnie Jenkins

Mr. and Mrs. W. Lasater

Mr. Tom McClanahan

Ms. Janet Neighbours

Ms. Jill Jesse

Ms. Kathy Lawrence

Mr. and Mrs. Brian McDonald

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nelson

Ms. Erica Johnson

Ms. Mary Lawson

Mrs. Denise Miller McGee

Mrs. Lanette Nelson

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jones

Ms. Angela Lee

Mr. and Mrs. William McGowan

Mrs. Tracy Nestander

Ms. Ferzelle Jones

Mr. Paul Lee

Mrs. Sherry McGowan

Mr. and Mrs. John Newlin

Ms. Karen Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lee

Mrs. Danielle McGrath

Ms. Jessica Nickloy

Ms. Stacy Lynne Jones

Mr David Leisure

Ms. Jennifer McLean

Ms. Theresa Nicola

Mrs. Mary Jovanovich

Ms. Tiffany Lemons

Mrs Amanda Meko

Ms. Stacey Noelle

Ms. Stacey Junderman

Ms. Christine Lenges

Mr. and Mrs. Eric and Jodi Mellinger

Mr. Steven Nontell

Mr. Jack Justus

Mrs. Rachel Leslie

Mr. and Mrs. Alan Metzger

Ms. Laurie North

Ms. Marydella Kamper

Mrs. Susan Lewis

Mr. Steven Meyer

Ms. Kendra Nowell

Mr. Robert Kantner

Ms. Laura Lightbody-Steadham

Mrs. Heather Miklozek

Ms. Ann O’Hara

Mr. Matthew Kelly

Ms. Sue Hochstetler Liming

Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Milito

Mrs. Patricia Oman

Mr. and Mrs. Corey Kendall

Ms. Tiffany Linza

Mr. and Mrs. Nathan and Joan Miller

Mrs. Eleanor O’Neal

Mr. Walter Kendall III

Dr. Nancy Litzenberger

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mills

Ms. Melinda Orange

Ms. Kimberly Kenneson

Ms. Rebekah Snyder Logan

Mrs. Kimberly Mills

Mr Alan O’Rear

Mr. R. Stephen Kincade

Ms. Jessica Lockwood

Ms. Jane Mills

Mr. and Mrs. William Osman

Mrs. Mary King

Ms. Stacy London

Ms. Christne Mitchell

Mrs. Caryn O’Sullivan

Ms. Cynthia King

Ms. Carole Longardner

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Molloy

Mrs. Linda Pace

Ms. Joyce Kinnaman

Mr. Thomas Lopez-Lauterio

Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Montague

Mrs Amy Pache

Rep. Cindy Kirchhofer

Ms. Amy Lowe

Ms. Beth Moody

Mrs. Barbara Pagach

Ms. Madison Kirchner

Ms. Darlene Lugenbuhl

Ms. Bethany Moore

Mrs. Jen Panich

Mrs. Sarah Knisely-King

Mrs. Katherine Lux

Ms. Jasmine Moore

Ms. Tara Parchman

Mrs. Monica Kozlowski

Ms. Jennifer Lynch

Ms. Lynn Morales

Ms. Jayne Parsons

Ms. Christine Kramer

Mr. and Ms. John MacDonald

Mr. and Mrs. Danny Morris

Mrs. Lori Pasheilich

Mr. and Mrs. Adam Kreuzman

Ms Hillary Macy

Mrs. Jessica Morton

Ms. Heather Pattengale

Mr. and Mrs. Terry Kuhn

Mrs. Vicki Mahon

Mrs. Jacqueline Moses

Ms. Koni Patterson

Mrs. Anita Kumari

Ms. Brenita Malone

Ms. Kristin Munn

Mrs. Sally Peck

Mrs. Ann Kuzee

Mr. and Mrs. James Manubay

Ms. Dana Murphy

Ms. Jill Penman

Ms. Gabrielle Lacy

Ms. Mildred Martin

Mrs. Christy Myers

Mr. Christopher Petrell

Ms. Nancy LaFon

Ms Amanda Massey

Mr. Jay Nawrocki

Annetta Petty

2013 Annual Report | 23

24 | Girl Scouts of Central Indiana

Ms. Marlyn Pfisterer

Ms. Tracy Rippy

Mrs. Christianna Shelby

Mr. and Mrs. Keith Phelps

Mr. Robert Roach

Ms Alice Shelton

Mr. Travis Phifer

Ms. Cynthia Roath

Mrs Alaina Shonkwiler

Phillips & Associates, LLC

Ms. Mary Robb

Mr. and Mrs. Tim Silhavy

Ms. Patricia Pickerel

Mrs. Janet Roberts

Ms. Nellie Simbol

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pierret

Mrs. Ruth Roberts

Mrs. Leslie Simich

Ms. Susan Pippenger

Ms. Linda Roberts

Mrs. Stacy Smiley

Ms. Lori Pitman

Ms. Margaret Roberts

Mrs Amanda Smith

Ms. Barb Pittsford

Ms. Jill Robinson

Ms. Karen Blackwell Smith

Mrs. Cathie Plecker

Ms. Stacy Robinson

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Smith

Ms. Trisha Poer

Ms. Stephanie Robinson

Ms. Joi Smith

Mrs. Danielle Sites Polk

Mrs. Cynthia Rockwell

Ms. Sherrell Smith

Ms. Susan Powers

Mr. and Mrs. James Rodriguez

Mr. and Ms. Brian Snay

Mr. and Mrs. James Pree

Mrs. Beth Rominger

Mrs. Catherine Snederker

Ms. Jennifer Preston

Ms. Elizabeth Ross

Mrs. Laura Sniadecki

Mrs. Opal Propes

Mrs. Trena Roudebush

Mr. Anthony Soller

Mrs. Karen Williams Pryor

Ms. Karen Ruprecht

Ms. Karen Soper

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Purvis

Mr. and Mrs. James Rupska

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Sorvig

Mrs. Laurie Quinn

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Russell

Ms. Tessa Sowers

Ms. Teri Rafert

Ms. Diana Sanders

Stadler and Company, Inc

Mrs. Kim Ramirez

Ms. Miyishah Sapp

Ms. Margaret Stamm

Mrs. Eleanor Ramseier

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schleeter

Ms. Joy Starks

Shelley Raper

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Schmidt

Mr. and Mrs. John Stevenson

Reddy Law Firm, LLC

Mr. and Mrs. John Schneider

Ms. Jennifer Still

Ms. Chanel Reeder

Mr. Ralph Schnell

Ms. and Mr. Lisa Stocks

Mrs. Lisa Rees

Mr. and Mrs. Brad Schrock

Mr. Greg Stout

Mr. Todd Relue

Ms. Beth Schumacher

Mr. and Mrs. K. Sullivan

Ms. Christine Reppert

Mrs. Kristy Schwenk

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sullivan

Ms. Beth Reynolds-Camp

Ms. Margaret Schwier

Ms. Angie Sutton

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rhykerd

Mrs. Brittany Sechuga

Ms. Liberty Sutton

Ms. Cynthia Richardson

Mr. and Mrs. David Selm

Ms. Stacey Swan

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Riggs

Ms. Lisa Shahar

Mrs. Jennifer Swartz

Mrs. Mary Riley

Mrs. Kathleen Shank

Ms. Suzanne Sweeney

In Honor of The Gengenbachs C.E. Young and Associates In Honor of Marianne Glick Mr. and Mrs. James Morris

Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Swensson

Ms. Jennifer Voreis

Mrs. Elizabeth Wright

Ms. Alexandra Sylvia

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Wahlstrom

Ms. Jennifer Wright

Dr. Terri Talbert-Hatch

Mrs. Deborah Waldkoetter

Dr. Mandy Wyant

Ms. Sarah Tam

Ms. Jody Walker

Mr. Jeff Wyatt

Ms. Valerie Tamblyn

Ms. Kim Walsh

Ms. Yong Pei Xie

Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Tamez

Mr. and Mrs. John Wanchow

Mr. Curtis Young

Mrs. Susan Teague

Ms. Angela Warren

Ms. Sally Young

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tempero

Ms. Kimberley Warrum

Mr. and Mrs. John Young, Jr.

Mrs. Jennifer Templeton

Reverend Nichele Washington

Mr. Philip Zillinger

Ms. Mary Tepp

Mrs. Mary Weasner

Mrs. Amy Zimmer

Mrs. and Mr. Beth Tevlin

Ms. Shirley Weedling

In Honor of Dr. Louis Hart Mr. and Mrs. Brad Sloniker

Mr. Doug Thompson

Dr. and Mrs. Jeff Weidner

Tribute Gifts

In Honor of Becky Ireton Mrs. Paige Dooley

Ms. Sarah Thomas

Mr. Adam Weiss

Mrs. Kara Thompson

Mrs. Kelly Wells

Mr. Scott Thompson

Ms. Cheryl Wendholt

Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Todd

Mrs. Linda West

Ms. Yvonne Todd

Mrs. Lu Carole West

Mrs. Denetta Tompkins-Johnson

Ms. Kathy Wethington

Ms. Joan Trendell

Mrs. Lorena Wever

Tri Kappa Fowler Omicron Chapter

Ms. Pennie White-Fields

Tribal Trails Girl Scout Council, Inc.

Miss Molly Wilkens

Troop 3129

Mrs. Meredith Williams

Mr. and Mrs. David Tucker

Ms. Ashley Williams

Mr. Scott Tuley

Mrs. Judith Wilson

Mrs. Cindi Turner

Ms. Heather Wininger

Ms. Terencia Turner

Ms. Crystal Wirtz

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Unger

Mrs. Dana Reed Wise

Ms. Jean Upton

Mrs. Mary Ann Wohlford

Ms. Madenna Urbanski

Mrs. Amy Wolfe

Ms. Suzanne Van Reed

Mr. and Mrs. James Wood

Ms. Cassie Vanderpool

Mrs. Joyce Wood

Ms. Chrissy Vasquez

Ms. Christine Woodward

Ms. Kory Vitangeli

Mrs. Donna Wright

In Honor of Courtlyn Victoria Bales-Hall Mr. and Ms. Jamie Rovan In Honor of Laura Chandlee Belsley and Emma Belsey Mr. and Mrs. C.W. St. Dennis Jr. In Honor of Ann Marie Bill Ms. Judith Berning In Honor of Emma St. Dennis Mrs. and Mr. Lara Chandler-Belsley In Honor of Bettye Dobkins Ms. Patricia Handfield In Honor of Amelia & Sophia Donnelly Mrs. Gwen Donnelly In Honor of Amelia Donner Mr. and Mrs. Todd Howard In Honor of Sara Errington Ms. Sue Errington In Honor of Bev Ferguson Mrs. Nancy Showalter In Honor of Maci Frantz Ms. Annie Frantz In Honor of Tuna Gamoian Mrs. Deanna Gamoian

Ms. Carol Tully In Honor of Susan Gooch Mrs. Lara Mann In Honor of GSCI Development Team Mrs. Morgan Hoover

In Honor of Dr. Dottie King Dr. Janet Clark Mrs. Karen Dyer In Honor of Amber Kriech Ms. Jaime Hubbard In Honor of Deb Lyons Dr. Cynthia Adams In Honor of Laura Malliete Mrs. Lisa Gray In Honor of Thea-Rose McIntosh Ms. Karen Bravo In Honor of Gemma Mitsch Mrs. Jeryl Mitsch In Honor of Kate Moberg Ms. Grace McMenamin In Honor of Jim & Jackie Morris Mrs. Sally Butler In Honor of Elizabeth E. Pcolinski Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bammann In Honor of Gail Riley Miriam Epple-Heath

2013 Annual Report | 25

Memorial Gifts

Ms. Pamela McCreary Bharati

Henry County United Fund

In Memory of Caroline R. Adams Mrs. Deirdre Gengenbach

Ms. Michael Coscia

Montgomery County United Fund For You

Franciscan St. Francis Health Medical Department

Shelby County United Fund for You

Mrs. Georgiana Perkins Mrs. and Mr. Maeve Van Hoorde

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Gudemen

United Way of Central Indiana

In Memory of Nell Akers Mrs. Phyllis Reasoner

Mr. & Mrs. M. L. Hendrick

In Memory of Alice Baker Mrs. Karen Brown

Ms. Lisa Kolisek

In Memory of Mrs. Virgal Caine Dr. Virginia Caine MD

Ortho Indy

Dr. and Mrs. Ned Lamkin

In Memory of Eileen Ann Carr Ms. Lolita Carr

Mrs. Patricia Rash

In Honor of Deborah Hearn Smith Mrs. Sharon Pierce

In Memory of Ali Cook Ms. Leeann Murray

Mr. and Mrs. David G. Sease

In Memory of Joyce Dunkin Mr. and Mrs. Tom Davis

In Honor of Kyle Ann Rosebrough Mr. Dennis Rosebrough In Honor of Rabbi Sandy Sasso Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Alpert Mrs. Gale Halperin Ms. Marullen Katzman Mrs. Shari Lipp-Levine Mrs. Jena Schevitz In Honor of Sarah Schinbeckler Ms. Mary Boyer In Honor of Yvonne Shaheen Mrs. Holly Johnson

In Honor of Diana Sullivan Ms. Diane Billings

Micromed LLC

Ms. Kathleen Clevenger

Mrs. Christian York

Ms. Vickie Firkins

In Memory of Jane Elizabeth Gainer Main Street United Methodist Church

In Honor of Brandy Wade Ms. Brenda Wade In Honor of Claire Weems Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Perry In Honor of Sandy Welliver Ms. Caroline S. Cox-Smith

In Memory of Autumn R. Greeno Ms. Joyce Ann Houchens In Memory of Kathryn Huehl Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Nicely Ms. Sally M. Peck

In Honor of Grace Wiles Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Wiles

Mrs. Georgiana Perkins

In Honor of Annice Willard The Capital Group Companies, Inc.

Ms. Ruth Tout

In Honor of Ashley Worthen Ms. Kelly McNutt

YMCA of Greater Indianapolis

In Honor of Vicki Zeller Ms. Lori Rowan

26 | Girl Scouts of Central Indiana

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ravneberg Ms. Janet Ward In Memory of Kanette Joy Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Jay Anderson Avon Service Unit

Mrs. Mary Jaffe Mrs. Kathy Noel Rapp Medical Systems In Memory of Dorthy Livers-Thomas Ms. Teresa Hammons-Donohue

United Way of Bartholomew County, Inc. United Way for Clinton County, Inc. United Way of Franklin County United Way of Grant County United Way of Greater Lafayette United Way of Howard County United Way of Jay County United Way of Johnson County, Inc. White County United Way

In Memory of Betty Miller Mrs. and Mr. Christine Plews

Gifts In Kind

In Memory of Ophelia L. Miller


Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mumford

City of Marion

In Memory of Dannee Neal Dr. Katasha Butler

Clique Photography

In Memory of Pat Nesky Mrs. Rae A. Farrow


In Memory of Samantha Smulyan Mr. Jeff Smulyan In Memory of Alma Swingley Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Frazier In Memory of Beverly J. Williams American Legion Post 374

Aqua Systems, Inc.

Cummins CVS Caremark EA Outdoor Services Eli Lilly Fever Basketball, LLC Gene B. Glick Co Good’s Candy Shop

In Memory of Amanda E. Zook Ms. Therese Zook

Grant County Master Gardners Association

United Way

Indiana American Water

Carroll County United Fund

Indiana CPA Society

Decatur County United Fund, Inc.

Indianapolis Motor Speedway

Hilton Indianapolis

K’s Bistro Lino’s Coffee Little Caesars Pizza Markeys Audio Visual, Inc.

2013 Financials Girl Scouts of Central Indiana continues to have strong financial results. In accordance with the highest standards for non-profit financial management, 84 cents of every dollar provides programming for girls.

Mr. and Mrs. Christian LeSesne Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Alexander

Contributions and grants

Mr. Brad Anderson Mrs. Michele Dole


Ms. Cathy Greene Orange Leaf


Pepsi Beverage Company Printing Partners Purdue Extension - Grant County


Purdue Extension Family Nutrition Program Services for the Visually Verdeyen Landscape Architecture Group, Inc.


United Way allocations


Investment income


Purdue University The Grand Cupcakery

Program service fees



Product programs Administration

YMCA - Grant County

10% 6%





2013 Annual Report | 27

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