CEO Update: August 2015

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A note from the CEO, Deborah Hearn Smith What an incredible season it has been for Girl Scouts of Central Indiana and the greater Girl Scouting community across the world. Girl Scouts from across the country set up camp on the White House South Lawn for the ultimate camp out hosted by First Lady Michelle Obama and President Obama. Girl Scout leaders Anna Maria Chávez, Kathy Hopinkah Hannan and Girl Scout Catherine Riordan traveled to Rome to attend the International Catholic Conference on Guiding (ICCG) World Council. Girl Scout Ambassador Sara Zaloudek interviewed Congresswoman Susan Brooks to learn what skills girls and women need to be successful. Honorees have been selected for the Lieutenant Governor’s Leadership Luncheon. Angela Braly, Congresswoman Susan Brooks, Mari Hulman George and Jennett Hill will all be honored. We hope you can join us. I am excited to share with you the great strides we are making in the Girl Scout Leadership and Learning Center at Camp Dellwood. Because of you, we are one step closer to having a facility to support and develop adult volunteers’ growth, so they can impact the lives of our girls. Girl Scouts are changing the world. When girls succeed, so does society. Together, we will empower girls to reach their fullest potential and build a better world. Every gift makes an impact. Sincerely,

Deborah A. Hearn Smith Chief Executive Officer

Put on your hard hat! Construction is underway. Thanks to the support of hundreds of donors and Girl Scout families, construction is underway on our $6 million Girl Scout Leadership and Learning Center at Camp Dellwood. We still need your support to raise the remaining funds to complete the project.

There are several ways to give or make a pledge. You can make a direct payment online; invest in a Chair for a Girl campaign; make a tribute gift in honor of someone special and encourage your friends and your employer to support the capital campaign. Donations are tax deductible. For more information, visit capitalcampaign or contact Charlitta Winston, capital campaign manager, at 317.924.6838 or

The ultimate Girl Scout camp out at the White House Fifty Girl Scouts and volunteers from across the country pitched their tents and unrolled their sleeping bags in preparation for the ultimate camp out on the White House South Lawn on June 30. First Lady Michelle Obama, Girl Scouts’ honorary national president, hosted this incredible event as part of her Let’s Move initiative against childhood obesity, which encourages children and their families to enjoy the outdoors. Girls spent the afternoon climbing a rock wall, tying knots, and participating in orienteering exercises to earn the new outdoor badge. The group also was given a tour of the First Lady’s garden and ate a healthy meal in the State Dining Room. After dinner President Obama and the First Lady joined the girls for a sing-a-long around a campfire. As the sky grew dark and the stars shone bright, NASA staff and scientistsincluding astronaut Cady Colemanhelped girls decipher the night sky.

Girl Scouts meet Pope Francis in Vatican City

The camp out was quickly moved indoors to the Eisenhower Executive Office when storms rolled in. It was an amazing opportunity for all girls who participated-an experience they won’t soon forget!

Girl Scout leaders Anna Maria Chávez and Kathy Hopinkah Hannan traveled to Rome for an audience with Pope Francis on June 26 alongside Girl Scout Catherine Riordan, one of the 2014 National Young Women of Distinction, to attend the International Catholic Conference on Guiding (ICCG) World Council. Girl Scouts’ presence at the ICCG World Council reaffirms and strengthens the organization’s 100-year-old relationship with the Catholic Church and is a refelction 2

of the renewed commitment to faith development for all girls.

“Faith is at the heart of Girl Scouts, and is woven into everything the organization does to inspire girls to take action to make the world a better place,” says Anna Maria Chávez, CEO of Girl Scouts of the USA. “To have the opportunity to make this journey to the center of Catholicism and have


Portraits in Leadership Girl Scouts of the USA released an inspiring new video series called Portraits in Leadership. So far, Girl Scouts from more than 20 congressional districts have met with their female represntatives in the United States Congress. Girl Scout Ambassador Sara Zaloudek from Westfield met and conducted an interview with Congresswoman Susan Brooks. Congresswoman Brooks shared with Sara her unique leadership journey as well as the skills girls and women need to be successful as women leaders in Congress and in life. This opportunity provided Sara and other Girl Scouts the ability to learn directly from today’s female leaders. Anna Maria Chávez, CEO of Girl Scouts of the USA notes,

“the future of our nation will require the leadership skills of both men and women for America to retain our competitive advantage and ensure that the American century extends for another 100 years. I believe you can’t be what you can’t see, and offering girls the opportunity to learn directly from today’s female leaders is such an important part of the Girl Scout experience. Portraits in Leadership marks an historic meeting of the minds—it’s one generation of female leaders engaging with and advising the next.”

Did you know... In the 113th Congress, 70 percent of the women in the U.S. Senate and 57 percent of the women in the House of Representatives are Girl Scout alumnae.

an audience with Pope Francis is an honor I share with my colleagues across the Girl Scout movement. We are delighted to be able to work with such wonderful organizations in the U.S. as the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry to help girls across the country explore and deepen their faith.” Girl Scouts of the USA National President Kathy Hopinkah Hannan also notes,

Top: Congresswoman Susan Brooks poses with Girl Scout Ambassador Sara Zaloudek as they hold her Girl Scout Gold Award certificate. Bottom: Sara shares her Gold Award project board, Lorene’s Forget-Me-Not Sensory Garden, with Congresswoman Brooks.

“At Girl Scouts, faith unifies us and inspires us to take care of each other and the world around us. Girl Scouts’ inclusive culture embraces all faiths and cultures, and reflects our commitment to encouraging girls to enter their own faith journey to find inspiration and meaning.” 3

Top: Anna Maria Chávez with Pope Francis Left: Girl Scout Catherine Riordan with Pope Francis All photos courtesy of “L’Osservatore Romano” SCV. All image rights and copyrights reserved to the photographic service of “L’Osservatore Romano.”



Indinapolis, IN Permit No. 5677

Girl Scouts of Central Indiana Suite 100 2611 Waterfront Parkway East Drive Indianapolis, IN 46214

Angela Braly

Susan Brooks

Reserve your seat for the Lieutenant Governor’s Leadership Luncheon! November 10 marks the annual Lieutenant Governor’s Leadership Luncheon. This year the luncheon will be held at the Indiana Roof Ballroom. Doors will open at 11:30 a.m., and the program will begin at noon. Join us as we honor four women who each exemplify the values that Girl Scouts instills in girls’ lives that build leaders in all fields. This year’s honorees include: Angela Braly, founder and president, the Braly Group; Congresswoman Susan Brooks; Mari Hulman George, chairman of the board of directors for the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Corporation, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Foundation, and Hulman & Company; and Jennett Hill, senior vice president and general counsel, Citizens Energy Group.

Mari Hulman George

Jennett Hill

Individual ticket • $150 | Table of 10 • $2,500 Help us support Girl Scouts of Central Indiana and celebrate women who epitomize the Girl Scout mission of building girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. To reserve your seat or for more information, contact: Karen Schuman at 317.924.6852 or

Indiana Lieutenant Governor’s Leadership Luncheon Honoring women of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. November 10 • Indiana Roof Ballroom

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