2015 Girl Program & Adult Learning Guide
August 2015-January 2016
Girl Scouts of Central Indiana Service Centers and Showcases Connect with us! 855.GSCIN.4U | 317.924.6800 317.924.2976 Created by Joris Hoogendoorn from the Noun Project
Be in the know! girlscoutsindiana.org
Girl Scout Service Center at Bloomington 1000 N Walnut St, Ste I • Bloomington, IN 47404 Tue–Fri | noon-5 p.m. beginning August 1 Showcase open Saturday | 9 a.m.-noon*
Girl Scout Service Center at Columbus 1300 Hutchins Ave • Columbus, IN 47201 Tue–Fri | noon-5 p.m. beginning August 1 Showcase open Saturday | 9 a.m.-noon*
Share your Girl Scout stories! /GirlScoutsofCentralIndiana @girlscoutsIN
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Girl Scout Service Center at Daleville 13555 W CR 550 S • Daleville, IN 47334 Mon-Fri | 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Showcase open Saturday | 9 a.m.-noon*
Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Ste 100 Indianapolis, IN 46214 Mon-Fri | 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Showcase open Saturday | 9 a.m.-noon*
Girl Scout Mission
Girl Scout Service Center at Kokomo 815 W Superior St • Kokomo, IN 46901 Tue–Fri | noon-5 p.m. beginning August 1 Showcase open Saturday | 9 a.m.-noon*
The Girl Scout Promise
Girl Scout Service Center at Lafayette 8439 State Rd 26 E • Lafayette, IN 47905 Tue–Fri | 10 a.m.-5 p.m. beginning August 1 Showcase open Saturday | 9 a.m.-noon*
Girl Scout Service Center at Richmond 3765 National Rd E • Richmond, IN 47374 Tue–Fri | noon-5 p.m. beginning August 1 Showcase open Saturday | 9 a.m.-noon*
Girl Scout Service Center at Terre Haute 1100 Girl Scout Ln • Terre Haute, IN 47807-4698 Tue–Fri | noon-5 p.m. beginning August 1 Showcase open Saturday | 9 a.m.-noon*
Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. On my honor, I will try: To serve God and my country, To help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law.
The Girl Scout Law
I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout.
*Closed on Saturdays, June 1-July 31
Girl Scouts of Central Indiana service centers will be closed: Labor Day September 7, 2015 Thanksgiving November 26-28, 2015
Inventory and Winter Break December 25, 2015 - January 3, 2016 Showcases will be closed beginning December 17, 2015
Martin Luther King Jr. Day January 18, 2016
Memorial Day May 30, 2016
Presidents Day February 15, 2016
Independence Day July 4, 2016
Greetings! Girl Scouts of Central Indiana is dedicated to ensuring all girls reach their full potential through providing quality programming that builds girls of courage, confidence, and character. We have imparted fun, imagination, and the joy of anticipation into everything we do. The 2015 Fall Program and Adult Learning Guide is full of activities to empower girls to discover, connect and take action through programming led by experts in their field; inspirational mentors; staff and volunteers. Girl Scouts is, and always has been, the organization best positioned to offer girls the tools needed to be successful leaders. Experience the "I-can-hardlysleep-because-I’m-so-excited-for-the-adventures-instore-for-the-next-day” feeling. Share the Girl Scout message with a friend, coworker, classmate or family member, and tell them how excited we are to build the Leadership and Learning Center at Camp Dellwood, which will be the center of programs and training activities for girls and adults for years to come. Invite them to make a difference in a girl’s life and to get involved by visiting girlscoutsindiana.org and registering for events. Thank you for your time and devotion to Girl Scouts of Central Indiana. Enjoy browsing our 2015 Fall Program Guide. It has never been easier to get girls involved in Girl Scouts! I can’t wait to be the star of my own story, be an explorer on a real-life adventure, be a Girl Scout!
Warmest regards,
Deborah Hearn Smith Chief Executive Officer
Girl Scout Showcase
On your mark... Get set... Go! Your Girl Scout Adventure begins NOW! Starter Kits contain everything
you need for a great year in Girl Scouts. We have eliminated the guess work and included The Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting, American flag patch, council ID set, insignia tab, World Trefoil pin and age level membership pin. Just select your official uniform item (sash, vest, tunic), Journey book, troop numerals and FREE BAG, and you're on your way! First year
Essential Kits A Girl Scout can
still receive a FREE BAG after her first year, each level, by purchasing the Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting, Skill Building sets or a Journey book plus Girl Scout branded clothing and/or merchandise, up to a total purchase of $50. See Showcase for details.
ry ow e v r e h s e v r e ry girl des 4
Super Troop Super Troop begins August 1 and ends June 30. Super Troop criteria (must complete eight of the below) •
Participated in Early Bird, or if a new troop, 80 percent of troop registered by October.
Participate in the Fall Product Program with a troop sale average 25 percent higher than council average (2014-2015 council average is $589 sold per participating troop-to qualify troops would sell at least $736).
Participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program with a troop per girl sales average 25 percent higher than council average (2014-2015 council average is 154 packages sold per girl-to qualify troops would have a per girl average of 192).
Help increase girl or adult membership. Do one of the following: •
Add two girls to your troop
Recruit a new leader
Recruit a new volunteer to assist in a council event
Help at a council led recruitment event
Attend four service unit meetings or events.
Attend one council program or troop camp at a council facility overnight.
80 percent of families in your troop make a donation to the council’s capital campaign.
Visit the website, www.girlscoutsindiana.org/capitalcampaign/home-of-our-own to make your gift.
Complete a journey and submit a photo of your Take Action project with your Super Troop report.
Attend one adult learning opportunity: •
Core learning opportunity or enrichment learning opportunity
Submit Troop Annual Report to a service center no later than July 1.
Super Troop incentives •
Certificate of authorization to purchase the Super Troop patch at your local Showcase
News release submitted in local paper (actual print of article is determined by newspaper)
Acknowledgement in council e-news and on council Facebook page
Coupon booklet: •
Two 10 percent discounts at Showcase up to $200 purchase
Super Troop T-shirt for entire troop registered troop and two adult T-shirts *additional adult T-shirts can be purchased for $8
Super Troop
Super Troop report (must be submitted by July 1) Troop number: ___________ Contact name:____________________________________ Address: ________________________________ City: ___________________________ ZIP code: ___________________ Phone number: (___________)___________________ Email: ___________________________________ Service unit:_____________________ Service center location for T-shirt pick up:________________________________________ Place your T-shirt order. Tally the total number of each size: Youth S:_____ YM: _____ YL: _____ Adult S: ______ M: ______ L: ______ XL: ______ XXL: ______ XXXL: ______ XXXXL: ______ Place you patch order. Total patches: __________ Step 1: Check the eight activities your troop accomplished. The * items must be completed: * Participated in Early Bird if a returning troop Participate in the Fall Product Program with a troop sale average 25 percent higher than council average (2014-2015 council average is $589 sold per participating troop-to qualify troops would sell at least $736) Participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program with a troop per girl sales average 25 percent higher than council average (2014-2015 council average is 154 packages sold per girl-to qualify troops would have a per girl average of 192) * Help increase girl or adult membership. Do one of the following:
• Add two girls to your troop • Recruit a new leader • Recruit a new volunteer to assist in a council event • Help at a council led recruitment event
Attend four service unit meetings or events Attend one council activity/event or troop camp at a council facility overnight 80 percent of families in your troop make a donation to the council’s capital campaign. Please visit www.girlscoutsindiana.org/capitalcampaign/home-of-our-own to make your gift. Complete a journey and submit a photo of your Take Action project with your Super Troop report Attend one adult learning opportunity: Training attended: ________________________________________ Date: _____________
*Submit Troop Annual Report to your service center manager no later than July 1. Step 2: Please include photo of your troop participating in their Take Action Project with this report. List on the back of the photo all girls’ first and last names which appear in the picture. Submit this report with your photo to dkeely@girlscoutsindiana.org or mail to: Attn: Diana Keely Girl Scouts of Central Indiana 2611 Waterfront Parkway East Drive Suite 100, Indianapolis IN 46214 Step 3: Go to your local service center to pick up your T-shirts. T-shirts will be ready for pick up at your local service center after August 30.
Girl Scout Fall Program What can a girl do? Beginning October 1, 2015: • This is a way for troops to earn money while promoting reading, goal setting, financial awareness, and communication skills. Troops earn 10 percent of gross sales to fund troop activities. • Girls can take orders for magazines, delicious nut products and candy. • It’s easy to earn troop funds when girls go online to learn about Internet safety and send emails to friends and family offering them a wide variety of magazines to purchase online. No hassle, no product to handle, nothing to deliver! Troops earn $2 per girl for participation in online program. Emails will also connect customers to the online nut store. • Girls also get a patch from sending 12 emails and this year there is a bonus patch for girls sending 25 emails! • Customers can now purchase nut/candy items to help feed the hungry right here in central Indiana. Donations of $5 will purchase a nut/candy item to be donated to food pantries. • Troops can help support their council. • Girls earn awesome rewards! Contact your service unit manager or the Product Sales Department office at 877.474.2249 to find out when materials will be available in your area!
New products this year Black forest trail mix • Caramel caps with sea salt • Honey mustard pretzel mix
2014 dates Before October 1
Troops trained by service unit
October 1–16
Girls take orders
October 19
Troop orders due in Nut-E
October 20
Troop payment due in bank
October 21
Troop orders due to SU fall product manager
October 24
Service unit orders due to service centers
By November 13
Girl recognitions delivered to service units
By November 13
All product delivered to service units
By December 1
All product delivered to customers 7
To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 10
Program activity descriptions
o r f a r G i a i rl h
We invite you to invest in a girl by sponsoring a chair. Join us in recognizing Girl Scouts of Central Indiana’s commitment to building girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place by sponsoring a chair for $1,500. Your investment will support volunteers’ growth and development for years to come, enabling them to create an encouraging environment where girls can flourish and feel comfortable being themselves. We invite you to invest in a girl by sponsoring a chair. Make your mark on the Girl Scout Leadership and Learning Center, or commemorate someone who’s made a difference in your life. Please complete and submit the form on the adjacent page, or reserve your chair online. This is a limited opportunity. Only 300 chairs will be available.
Chair for a Girl sponsorship form Only 300 chairs are available. Mr.
Other _______________________
Name _________________________________________________________________ Company or organization ___________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________ City ________________________________________ State ___________ ZIP________ Home phone __________________________ Cell phone _________________________ Email_______________________________________________________________ I am a Girl Scout alumna
Sponsorship I want to support the Chair for a Girl campaign by making a commitment to purchase. _________ number of chairs x $1,500 = ______________________ Total gift amount
Charge my credit/debit card Card number ____________________________________________________________ Signature____________________________ Exp. date ______________ CVV __________ I will pay my pledge in:
One installment
12 monthly installments
24 monthly installments
Other instructions _____________________________________________________
Signature • Your signature is required to complete your pledge. Signature ___________________________________________ Date _______________ If you have any questions, please contact Charlitta Winston, 317.924.6838 | 855.GSCIN4U, cwinston@girlscoutsindiana.org or visit our website at www.girlscoutsindiana.org/capitalcampaign. All gifts to Girl Scouts of Central Indiana are tax deductible as allowed by law.
Submit your sponsorship online:
To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 108
Program activity descriptions our Embrace y
and be fearless! 10
Activities registration procedures
Refund policy
Registration closes two weeks prior to event or when event is full, unless otherwise noted. Each troop is responsible for providing only enough adults to meet Safety-Wise ratios. Girls registering individually should also be accompanied by an adult. Only registered Girl Scouts may participate in council activities unless specified in the program description. At times, the number of adults able to attend will be limited to the Girl Scout Safety-Wise adult-to-girl ratio. Due to limited space, non-Girl Scout siblings/ friends (tag-a-longs) are not permitted unless specified by program description.
Cancellations must be received in writing 15 days before event in order to receive a refund.
Registration policy All participants must be registered in advance. You may register by mail, fax, or online. Registration for events closes at least two weeks prior to the event or when registration has reached maximum capacity.
Register online
All registrations must be accompanied by payment in full unless otherwise indicated.
Go to girlscoutsindiana.org/activities to find the program. From there you will register on Ecouncil:
Registration can be mailed at any time and will be accepted for any event that has not been filled to capacity.
• Pop-up blockers will prevent the registration form from appearing. You must disable your pop-up blocker to register. • Make sure all names and addresses are entered correctly.
Program Department contact information
• Once your registration has been submitted, you will see a pop-up window that tells you your registration has been successfully completed. This means that your registration has been submitted; it does not mean you are automatically accepted for the event. After the placement date, you will receive correspondence from the council indicating whether or not you have been selected to attend.
The description for each program event lists the name of the program staff member who is managing that activity. These program managers may be contacted via email at: Blair Adams • South quadrant 317.924.6834 • badams@girlscoutsindiana.org Lindsay Hale • Northwest qudrant 317.924.6857 • lhale@girlscoutsindiana.org Jaime Hubbard • STEM 317.924.6856 • jhubbard@girlscoutsindiana.org
• Confirmations will be sent to the leader’s address on file.
Diana Keely • Northeast quadrant 317.924.6856 • dkeely@girlscoutsindiana.org
Register by mail
Barbara Nichols • Outdoor program 317.924.6864 • bnichols@girlscoutsindiana.org
Mail the completed registration form to: Girl Scouts of Central Indiana Attn: Program Registration Suite 100 2611 Waterfront Parkway East Drive Indianapolis, IN 46214
Kendra Nowell • Central region 317.924.6811 • knowell@girlscoutsindiana.org Katie Wahlstrom • Math and Science Center 317.924.6809 • kwahlstrom@girlscoutsindiana.org
Register by fax Send the completed form to Attn: Program Registration at 317.931.3346.
To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 108
Marshall Starke
De Kalb
Kosciusko Whitley
Bubble Fest for Juniors
Program activities by region
Delaware Madison
Fountain Boone Montgomery
Hamilton Henry
Vermillion Hendricks
Clay Decatur Bartholomew
Monroe Brown
Jennings Lawrence
Franklin Owen
Lindsay Hale | Kendra Nowell Blair Adams | Diana Keely
All Bring on the Bronze Classroom
Bring on the Bronze Webinar
Cadette Trees Camp Dellwood Outdoor Skills Day
Buccaneer Feast Bugs Badge for Brownies
Camp Outdoor Skills Day Volunteers Celebrate Science Indiana Circus Fit
Ms. S.T.E.M.: An Exploration in Careers Mystery Festival Detective Badge Night with the Stars Outdoor Adventure Club Outdoor Adventure Club Day Hike at Camp Dellwood Outdoor Adventures Creek Stomping Painting at Camp Dellwood
Circus Fit All-Access Pre-show
Pumpkin Creatures
Extreme Tech Careers: Robots Rule!
Robot Creations Rock Climbing
Fair Trade- Making A Difference
S.T.E.A.M. Up Overnight
Fall Into Clay!
Safe Sitter
Feast With the Witches
Science of Lighting/Glow Skate Party
Flower Crafts Camp Adventure Patch and Basic Flowers Badge at Garfield Outdoor Learning Conservatory Camp Adventure Patch Fun with Tech: Gadgets and Volunteers Gizmos Cookie Biz Get It Out There! Going for the Gold Classroom Girl Scout Day with the Indianapolis Colts Going for the Gold Webinar
Science of Roller Skating SciGirls and WFYI Seed Mosaics Shake’n Up Science Silly Safaris Daisies Silly Safaris Pets badge
Science of Color
Girl Scouts Rev Racing Experience Snow White The Director's Cut! Girls Night with Indy Eleven
Striving for Silver Classroom
Giving Back
Striving for Silver Webinar
Hiker Badge
Program Aide Pin
Central 2015 Fall Fest
2015 Fall Fest Volunteers A Banner Year A Pledge and a Promise Animal Habitats Badge Animals Everywhere Overnight Archeology
Toss of Faith with the Indianapolis Colts
Holiday Nature Crafts Holiday Sing Holliday Park Overnight at the Nature Center Hoosier Outdoor Experience
Trees Badge Northeast Black Light Zumba
Blue Lotus Fish Farming Book Artist Exploration
Horse back riding at Trinity Farms Candy Chemistry Horse care and Ownership How To Kill A Mocking Jay Sleepover
Barbie Be Anything Do Everything Introduction to Springboard Diving at the Science Center
Career Skill Builders: Business Etiquette Career Skill Builders: Web Designer Cats on Canvas
Barbie Holiday Event
Letter-Boxing Days at the IMA
Celebrate Confidence
Between Earth and Sky
Lights, Camera, Aspire
Celebration Journals
Birds of Prey
Me & My Gal: Self Defense
Cheese Louise, it's Amish Cheese!
Black Hat Dash
Microsoft Tech Savvy Girls
Digital Photographer in Action
Bounce, Tumble and Dive
Mocking Jay Sleepover
Drawing Technique Masters
Brownie Senses Badge
Mom and Me Fitness
Fantastic Faces – Frogs on Canvas Food for Thought
Bubble Fest
Gallons of Fun at the Levee Get Fired Glitters of Gratitude Go Figure (Skating) Hip-Hop Dance Moves Jazzy Jeweler Designer Magical Theater at the Levee Meaning of Mean (Me & You) Meet the Author Next Great Architects: Bird House Design Next Great Architects: Build A Model
Extreme STEM Careers: Under Construction Fall Pottery Fun Fall Pottery Painting Feast of the Hunter's Moon Food From Field and Stream Herp, Herp, Hooray! Historic Homestead and Farm Tour Horses In a Galaxy Far, Far Away Imagination Station It’s Your Planet–Love It! Sampler
Covered Bridge Festival? CSA Camporee CSA Round-Up Dance World Expanding Your Horizons Fall Brownie Overnight Fall Brownie Overnight Volunteers Fall Kids Feast at Anderson Orchard Glass Ornament Making Green Thumb Hiking at Trevlac Bluffs
Next Great Architects: Residential Design
It’s Your Planet–Love It! Sampler Volunteer Overnight
Origami Cranes, The Art of Japanese Paper Folding
Monster Mash Skate Mystery Luncheon
Our world, Our voice
Ooey Gooey Goblins
Poodle Skirt Pop
Royal Etiquette Tea
Practice with Purpose
Run the Bases with the Reds
Shrimp Farm
Sew and Sew
Skate Safe and Play Fair!
Share a Story with Seniors
Snow Flake Skate
Sweet Pie Baking Friends
Splashin' Around with Friends!
Take Aim for Archery
Indiana University Brownie Math and Science Day
The Incredible Snowflake
S.T.E.M. Adventures at Exploration Acres
Lil' Rascals
Winterfest with Winter Princess
SWE Girl Scout Day at Purdue
Camp Sycamore Valley Outdoor Skills Day
Tree Identification and Leaf Hunt
Camp Sycamore Valley Outdoor Skills Day Volunteers Ecosystem Hike Fall Colors Hike Geocaching Outing History Hike Outdoor Adventure Club Day Hike at Camp Sycamore Valley Pioneer Girl's Life Woodland Treasure Hunting Yoga Masters Zumba Kids Northwest Awesome Apple Adventure
Car Care Expert Discover Glass Fusing
Wolf Park Howl Night After Hours South Festival of Trees African Drumming Animal Habitats at Trevlac Bluffs Apple-icious Brownie Outdoor Badge at Camp Gallahue Cadette Outdoor Badge at Camp Gallahue Camp Gallahue Outdoor Skills Day Camp Gallahue Outdoor Skills Day Volunteers Camp Na Wa Kwa Outdoor Skills Day Camp Na Wa Kwa Outdoor Skills Day Volunteers
Hit the Slopes Holiday at the Farm Holler Hoppin' Zip Lines Hoosier Hunt Imagination Stage Indian Dance Indiana University Soccer Game Indiana University Volleyball Game
Me & My Gal: Self Defense Night at the Museum Not Just Popcorn Ornament Pottery Painting Pumpkins and Pizza Sherlock Scouts Spectacular Science Super Senses Sycamore Animal Habitats Badge Sycamore Hiker Badge The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Tough Cookie Mud Run Tough Cookie Mud Run Volunteers Trash to Treasure: "Upcycling" Twist and Shout Cheerleading Yoga: Beautiful inside and out
To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 108
Program activities by level
program activities 2015 Fall Fest A Pledge and a Promise Animal Habitats at Trevlac Bluffs Awesome Apple Adventure Barbie Be Anything Do Everything at the Science Center Between Earth and Sky Bicentennial Celebration Birds of Prey Black Hat Dash Blue Lotus Fish Farming Bounce, Tumble, and Dive Bubble Fest Camp Adventure Patch and Basic Outdoor Learning Camp Dellwood Outdoor Skills Day Camp Gallahue Outdoor Skills Day Camp Na Wa Kwa Outdoor Skills Day Camp Sycamore Valley Outdoor Skills Day Candy Chemistry Cats on Canvas Celebrate Science Indiana Cheese Louise, it's Amish Cheese! Circus Fit Circus Fit All-Access Pre-show Cookie Biz Dance World Explore the world of Theatre Fall Kids Fest at Anderson Orchard Fall Pottery Fun Fall Pottery Painting Fantastic Faces: Frogs on Canvas Feast of the Hunter's Moon Feast With the Witches Festival of Trees Foods from Field and Stream Gallons of Fun at the Levee Get Fired Girl Scout Night with Indy Eleven
Go Figure (Skating) Hiking at Trevlac Bluffs Hip-Hop Dance Moves Historic Homestead Farm Tour Hit the Slopes Holiday at the Farm Holiday Nature Crafts Holiday Sing Hoosier Hunt Hoosier Outdoor Experience Horse care and Ownership Imagination Station Indiana University Soccer Game Indiana University Volleyball Game It’s Your Planet – Love It! Sampler Lil' Rascals Magical Theater at the Levee Me & My Gal: Self Defense Microsoft Tech Savvy Girls Mom and Me Fitness Monster Mash Skate Next Great Architects-Bird House Design Night at the Museum Not Just Popcorn Ooey Gooey Goblins Ornament Pottery Painting Our world, Our voice Pumpkinfest Poodle Skirt Pop Royal Etiquette Tea Run the Bases with the Reds Share a Story with Seniors American Senior Communities Sherlock Scouts Shrimp Farm Silly Safaris Program for Daisies Snow Flake Skate Snow White Spectacular Science Splashin' Around with Friends! S.T.E.M. Adventure at Exploration Acres
Super Senses Sweet Pie Baking Friends The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Toss of Faith with Indianapolis Colts Tough Cookie Kids Mud Run and Trefoil Tromp Tough Cookie Mud Run Twist and Shout Cheerleading Winterfest with Winter Princess Wolf Park Howl Night After Hours Yoga: Beautiful inside and out Yoga Masters Zumba Kids
program activities 2015 Fall Fest A Pledge and a Promise Animal Habitats at Trevlac Bluffs Archaeology Awesome Apple Adventure Barbie Be Anything Do Everything at the Science Center Barbie Holiday Event Bicentennial Celebration Birds of Prey Black Hat Dash Blue Lotus Fish Farming Bounce, Tumble, and Dive Brownie Hiker Brownie Outdoor Badge at Camp Gallahue Brownie Senses Badge Bubble Fest Bugs Badge for Brownies Camp Adventure Patch and Basic Outdoor Learning Camp Dellwood Outdoor Skills Day Camp Gallahue Outdoor Skills Day Camp Na Wa Kwa Outdoor Skills Day Camp Sycamore Valley Outdoor Skills Day Candy Chemistry Cats on Canvas Celebrate Confidence Celebrate Science Indiana Celebration Journals Cheese Louise, it's Amish Cheese! Circus Fit Circus Fit All-Access Pre-show Cookie Biz Dance World Discover Glass Fusing Ecosystem Hike Explore the world of Theatre Fair Trade: Making A Difference Fall Brownie Overnight Fall Colors Hike Fall Into Clay! Fall Kids Fest at Anderson Orchard Fall Pottery Fun Fall Pottery Painting Fantastic Faces: Frogs on Canvas Feast of the Hunter's Moon Feast With the Witches Festival of Trees Flower Crafts Food for Thought
Foods from Field and Stream Gallons of Fun at the Levee Geocaching Outing Get Fired Girl Scout Night with Indy Elelven Giving Back Glass Ornament Making Glitters of Gratitude Go Figure (Skating) Herp, Herp, Hooray! Hiker Badge Hiking at Trevlac Bluffs Hip-Hop Dance Moves Historic Homestead and Farm Tour History Hike Hit the Slopes Holiday at the Farm Holiday Nature Crafts Holiday Sing Hoosier Hunt Hoosier Outdoor Experience Horse back riding at Trinity Farms Horse care and Ownership Imagination Stage Imagination Station Indian Dance Indiana University Soccer Game Indiana University Volleyball Game Introduction to Springboard Diving It’s Your Planet – Love It! Sampler IU Brownie Math and Science Day Letter-Boxing Days at the IMA Lil' Rascals Magical Theater at the Levee Me & My Gal: Self Defense Microsoft Tech Savvy Girls Mom and Me Fitness Monster Mash Skate Mystery Luncheon Next Great Architects: Bird House Design Next Great Architects: Build A Model Next Great Architects: Residential Design Night at the Museum Not Just Popcorn Ooey Gooey Goblins Origami Cranes, The Art of Japanese Paperfolding Ornament Pottery Painting Our world, Our voice
Outdoor Adventures Creek Stomping Paint Your Pet Pioneer Girl's Life Poodle Skirt Pop-Marion Pumpkin Creatures Pumkpinfest Pumpkin Harvest Train and Winter Express Pumpkins and Pizza Robot Creations Rock Climbing Royal Etiquette Tea Run the Bases with the Reds Science of Color Science of Roller Skating SciGirls and WFYI Seed Mosaics Sew and Sew Share a Story with Seniors Sherlock Scouts Shrimp Farm Silly Safaris Pets Badge for Brownies Skate Safe and Play Fair! Snow Flake Skate Snow White Spectacular Science Splashin' Around with Friends! S.T.E.M. Adventure at Exploration Acres Super Senses SWE Girl Scouts at Purdue University Sweet Pie Baking Friends Talapia Farm The Incredible Snowflake The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Toss of Faith with the Indianapolis Colts Tough Cookie Mud Run Tree Identification and Leaf Hunt Twist and Shout Cheerleading Winterfest with Winter Princess Wolf Park Howl Night After Hours Yoga: Beautiful inside and out Zumba Kids
To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 106
Program activities by level
program activities 2015 Fall Fest A Banner Year Animal Habitats at Trevlac Bluffs Animal Habitats Badge Animals Everywhere Overnight Archaeology Awesome Apple Adventure Barbie Holiday Event Bicentennial Celebration Birds of Prey Black Hat Dash Blue Lotus Fish Farming Bounce, Tumble, and Dive Bring on the Bronze Classroom Bring on the Bronze Webinar Bubble Fest for Juniors Buccaneer Feast Camp Adventure Patch and Basic Outdoor Learning Camp Dellwood Outdoor Skills Day Camp Gallahue Outdoor Skills Day Camp Na Wa Kwa Outdoor Skills Day Camp Sycamore Valley Outdoor Skills Day Candy Chemistry Cats on Canvas Celebrate Confidence Celebrate Science Indiana Celebration Journals Cheese Louise, it's Amish Cheese! Circus Fit Circus Fit All-Access Pre-show Cookie Biz Dance World Digital Photographer in Action Discover Glass Fusing Drawing Technique Masters Ecosystem Hike Explore the world of theatre Extreme STEM Careers: Under Construction Extreme Tech Careers: Robots Rule! Fair Trade- Making A Difference Fall Colors Hike Fall Kids Fest at Anderson Orchard Fall Pottery Fun Fall Pottery Painting Fantastic Faces – Frogs on Canvas Feast of the Hunter's Moon Feast With the Witches Festival of Trees Flowers Badge at Garfield Conservatory Food for Thought Foods from Field and Stream Fun with Tech: Gadgets and Gizmos
Gallons of Fun at the Levee Geocaching Outing Get Fired-Richmond Get It Out There! Girl Scout Day with the Indianapolis Colts Girl Scout Night with the Indy Eleven Girl Scouts Rev Racing Experience Giving Back Glass Ornament Making Glitters of Gratitude Go Figure (Skating) Green Thumb Herp, Herp, Hooray! Hiking at Trevlac Bluffs Hip-Hop Dance Moves Historic Homestead and Farm tour History Hike Hit the Slopes Holiday at the Farm Holiday Nature Crafts Holiday Sing Holler Hoppin' Zip Lines Holliday Park Overnight at the Nature Center Hoosier Hunt Hoosier Outdoor Experience Horse back riding at Trinity Farms Horse care and Ownership Horses at Ponies and Kids Imagination Stage Imagination Station Indian Dance Indiana University Soccer Game Indiana University Volleyball Game Introduction to Springboard Diving It’s Your Planet-Love It! Sampler Jazzy Jeweler Designer Letter-Boxing Days at the IMA Lil' Rascals Magical Theater at the Levee Me & My Gal: Self Defense Microsoft Tech Savvy Girls Mom and Me Fitness Monster Mash Skate Ms. S.T.E.M.: An Exploration in Careers Mystery Festival Detective Badge Mystery Luncheon Next Great Architects-Build A Model Next Great Architects-Residential Design Night at the Museum Not Just Popcorn Ooey Gooey Goblins Origami Cranes, The Art of Japanese Paperfolding
Ornament Pottery Painting Our world, Our voice Outdoor Adventure Club Outdoor Adventure Club Day Hike at Camp Dellwood Outdoor Adventure Club Day Hike at Camp Sycamore Valley Paint Your Pet Painting at Camp Dellwood Pioneer Girl's Life Poodle Skirt Pop-Marion Practice with Purpose Pumpkin Creatures Pumpkin Fest Pumpkin Harvest Train and Winter Express Pumpkins and Pizza Robot Creations Rock Climbing Royal Etiquette Tea Run the Bases with the Reds Science of Color Science of Lighting/Glow Skate Party SciGirls and WFYI Seed Mosaics Sew and Sew Share a Story with Seniors Sherlock Scouts Shrimp Farm Snow Flake Skate Snow White Spectacular Science Splashin' Around with Friends! Super Senses Sweet Pie Baking Friends-American Senior Communities Take Aim for Archery Talapia Farm The Director's Cut! The Incredible Snowflake The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Tough Cookie Mud Run Trash to Treasure: "Upcycling" Tree Identification and Leaf Hunt Twist and Shout Cheerleading Winterfest with Winter Princess Wolf Park Howl Night After Hours Woodland Treasure Hunting
program activities 2015 Fall Fest 2015 Fall Fest Volunteers Animal Habitats at Trevlac Bluffs Awesome Apple Adventure Bicentennial Celebration Birds of Prey Black Hat Dash Black Light Zumba Blue Lotus Fish Farming Book Artist Exploration Bounce, Tumble, and Dive Buccaneer Feast Cadette Outdoor Badge at Camp Gallahue Cadette Trees Camp Adventure Patch Volunteers Camp Outdoor Skills Day Volunteers Camp Gallahue Outdoor Skills Day Volunteers Camp Na Wa Kwa Outdoor Skills Day Volunteers Camp Sycamore Valley Outdoor Skills Day Volunteers Celebrate Confidence Celebrate Science Indiana Celebration Journals Cheese Louise, it's Amish Cheese! Circus Fit Circus Fit All-Access Pre-show Cookie Biz CSA Camporee CSA Round-Up Dance World Discover Glass Fusing Ecosystem Hike Expanding Your Horizons Extreme Tech Careers: Robots Rule! Fall Brownie Overnight Volunteers Fall Colors Hike Fall Kids Fest at Anderson Orchard Fall Pottery Fun Fall Pottery Painting Feast of the Hunter's Moon Festival of Trees Food for Thought Foods from Field and Stream Fun with Tech: Gadgets and Gizmos Gallons of Fun at the Levee Geocaching Outing
Get Fired Get It Out There! Girl Scout Night with Indy Eleven Girl Scouts Rev Racing Experience Giving Back Glass Ornament Making Go Figure (Skating) Herp, Herp, Hooray! Hiking at Trevlac Bluffs Historic Homestead and Farm Tour History Hike Hit the Slopes Holiday at the Farm Holiday Nature Crafts Holiday Sing Holler Hoppin' Zip Lines Hoosier Hunt Hoosier Outdoor Experience Horse back riding at Trinity Farms Horse care and Ownership Horses at Ponies and Kids Imagination Stage Indian Dance Indiana University Soccer Game Indiana University Volleyball Game Introduction to Springboard Diving It’s Your Planet – Love It! Sampler Volunteer Overnight Lil' Rascals Magical Theater at the Levee Me & My Gal: Self Defense Meaning of Mean (Me & You) Meet the Author Microsoft Tech Savvy Girls Mocking Jay Sleepover Mom and Me Fitness Monster Mash Skate Ms. S.T.E.M.: An Exploration in Careers Next Great Architects: Build A Model Next Great Architects: Residential Design Night at the Museum Night with the Stars Not Just Popcorn Ooey Gooey Goblins Farm Anderson Origami Cranes, The Art of Japanese Paperfolding
Ornament Pottery Painting Our world, Our voice Outdoor Adventure Club Outdoor Adventure Club Day Hike at Camp Dellwood Outdoor Adventure Club Day Hike at Camp Sycamore Valley Painting at Camp Dellwood Pioneer Girl's Life Poodle Skirt Pop-Marion Program Aide Pin Pumpkin Fest Pumpkin Harvest Train and Winter Express Rock Climbing Royal Etiquette Tea Run the Bases with the Reds Safe Sitter Sew and Sew Science of Lighting/Glow Skate Party Shake’n Up Science Shrimp Farm Snow Flake Skate Splashin' Around with Friends! S.T.E.M. Adventures at Exploration Acres S.T.E.A.M Up Overnight Striving for Silver Classroom Striving for Silver Webinar SWE Girl Scout Day at Purdue Take Aim for Archery Talapia Farm The Director's Cut! The Incredible Snowflake The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Toss of Faith with the Indianapolis Colts Tough Cookie Mud Run Trash to Treasure: "Upcycling" Trees Badge Twist and Shout Cheerleading Winterfest with Winter Princess Wolf Park Howl Night After Hours
To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 106
Program activities by level
program activities 2015 Fall Fest 2015 Fall Fest Volunteers African Drumming Animal Habitats at Trevlac Bluffs Awesome Apple Adventure Bicentennial Celebration Birds of Prey Black Hat Dash Black Light Zumba Blue Lotus Fish Farming Bounce, Tumble, and Dive Camp Adventure Patch Volunteers Camp Outdoor Skills Day Volunteers Career Skill Builders: Business Etiquette Career Skill Builders: Web Designer Camp Gallahue Outdoor Skills Day Volunteers Camp Na Wa Kwa Outdoor Skills Day Volunteers Camp Sycamore Valley Outdoor Skills Day Volunteers Car Care Expert Celebrate Confidence Celebrate Science Indiana Circus Fit Circus Fit All-Access Pre-show Cookie Biz CSA Camporee CSA Round-Up Discover Glass Fusing Ecosystem Hike Fall Brownie Overnight Volunteers Fall Colors Hike Fall Kids Fest at Anderson Orchard Fall Pottery Fun Fall Pottery Painting Feast of the Hunter's Moon Festival of Trees Food for Thought
Gallons of Fun at the Levee Geocaching Outing Get Fired Go Figure (Skating) Going for the Gold Classroom Going for the Gold Webinar Hiking at Trevlac Bluffs History Hike Hit the Slopes Holiday at the Farm Holiday Sing Holler Hoppin' Zip Lines Hoosier Hunt Hoosier Outdoor Experience Horse back riding at Trinity Farms Horse care and Ownership Horses at Ponies and Kids Indiana University Soccer Game Indiana University Volleyball Game Introduction to Springboard Diving Lights, Camera, Aspire Lil' Rascals Magical Theater at the Levee Me & My Gal: Self Defense Meaning of Mean (Me & You) Meet the Author Mocking Jay Sleepover Mom and Me Fitness Monster Mash Skate Night at the Museum Night with the Stars Not Just Popcorn Ooey Gooey Goblins Ornament Pottery Painting Our world, Our voice Outdoor Adventure Club Outdoor Adventure Club Day Hike at Camp Dellwood Outdoor Adventure Club Day Hike at Camp Sycamore Valley Pioneer Girl's Life Poodle Skirt Pop
Pumpkin Harvest Train and Winter Express Pumpkin Fest Rock Climbing Royal EtiquetteRun the Bases with the Reds Safe Sitter Science of Lighting/Glow Skate Party Sew and Sew Shake’n Up Science Shrimp Farm Snow Flake Skate Splashin' Around with Friends! S.T.E.M. Adventures at Exploration Acres Talapia Farm The Director's Cut! The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Toss of Faith with the Indianapolis Colts Tough Cookie Mud Run Tough Cookie Mud Run Volunteers Trash to Treasure: "Upcycling" Winterfest with Winter Princess Wolf Park Howl Night After Hours
girlscoutsindiana.org /activities
Holler Hoppin' Zip Lines |J|C|S|A
Holler Hoppin' Zip Lines |J|C|S|A
AA | All Ages D | Daisy B | Brownie J | Junior C | Cadette S | Senior A | Ambassador
Outdoor Adventure Club |J|C|S|A
August 2015
Animal Habitats at Trevlac Bluffs |AA Archaeology |B|J CSA Camporee| C|S|A Ecosystem Hike |B|J|C|S|A Fall Into Clay! |B Holler Hoppin Zip-Lines |J|C|S|A Outdoor Adventures Creek Stomping |B Run the Bases with the Reds |AA
Bring on the Bronze Classroom|J|C|S|A Brownie Outdoor Badge at Camp Gallahue |B Cadette Outdoor Badge at Camp Gallahue |C Going for the Gold Classroom |S|A Holler Hoppin Zip-Lines |J|C|S|A Hoosier Outdoor Experience |AA Pioneer Girl's Life |B|J|C|S|A Splashin' Around with Friends! |AA Striving for Silver Classroom |C Super Senses|D|B|J
Bring on the Bronze Classroom|J|C|S|A Fall Brownie Overnight |B Fall Brownie Overnight Volunteers |C|S|A Geocaching Outing |B|J|C|S|A Going for the Gold Classroom |S|A Holler Hoppin Zip-Lines |J|C|S|A Striving for Silver Classroom |C
History Hike |B|J|C|S|A Holler Hoppin' Zip Lines |J|C|S|A Tree Identification and Leaf Hunt |B|J|C
Archaeology |B|J Discover Glass Fusing |B|J|C|S|A Microsoft Tech Savvy Girls |C
Microsoft Tech Savvy Girls |J|C Sew and Sew |J|C|S|A
Microsoft Tech Savvy Girls |J|C
Archaeology |B|J Bugs Badge for Brownies |B Share a Story with Seniors |D|B|J
Cheese Louise, it's Amish Cheese! |D|B|J Flower Crafts |B Flowers Badge at Garfield Conservatory |J Get Fired |AA Going for the Gold Webinar |S|A Science of Color |B|J
Circus Fit |AA
Science of Color |B|J Trees Badge |C
Food for Thought |B|J
Bring on the Bronze Webinar |J Science of Color |B|J
Science of Color |B|J Striving for Silver Webinar |C Take Aim for Archery |J|C
Going for the Gold Webinar |S|A Green Thumb |J It’s Your Planet – Love It! Sampler Volunteer Overnight |C
Night at the Museum |AA
Fall Brownie Overnight |B Fall Brownie Overnight Volunteers |C|S|A Poodle Skirt Pop |AA
A Banner Year |J A Pledge and a Promise |D|B Camp Adventure Patch and Basic Outdoor Learning |D|B|J Camp Adventure Patch Volunteers |C|S|A Camp Outdoor Skills Day Girl Volunteers |C|S|A Car Care Expert |S|A Hiking at Trevlac Bluffs |AA History Hike |B|J|C|S|A It’s Your Planet – Love It! Sampler |D|B|J Letter-Boxing Days at the IMA |B|J Lil Rascals |AA Meet the Author |AA Outdoor Skills Day |D|B|J Practice with Purpose |J Tough Cookie Mud Run |AA Trash to Treasure: "Upcycling" |J|C|S|A Woodland Treasure Hunting |J
Bring on the Bronze Classroom |J|C|S|A Brownie Hiker |J Brownie Outdoor Badge at Camp Gallahue |B Cadette Outdoor Badge at Camp Gallahue |C Digital Photographer in Action |J Explore the World of Theatre |D Girl Scout Night with Indy Eleven |AA Going for the Gold Classroom |S|A Hoosier Outdoor Experience |AA Horsecare and Ownership |AA Horseback Riding at Trinity Farms |B|J|C|S|A Outdoor Adventure Club Day Hikes |J|C|S|A SciGirls and WFYI |B|J Shrimp Farm |AA Splashin' Around with Friends! |AA Striving for Silver Classroom |C
Explore the World of Theatre |D Fall Brownie Overnight |B Fall Brownie Overnight Volunteers |C|S|A Indian Dance |B|J|C Indiana University Women’s Volleyball Game |AA Lights, Camera, Aspire |C|S|A Yoga Masters |D
A Banner Year |J A Pledge and a Promise |D|B Zumba Kids |D|B|J
September 2015
October 2015
Fall Pottery Painting |AA Microsoft Tech Savvy Girls |J
Shake’n Up Science |C|S|A Striving for Silver Webinar |C
Between Earth and Sky |D Brownie Senses Badge |B
Candy Chemistry |D|B|J
Going for the Gold Webinar |S|A Science of Color |B|J
Ooey Gooey Goblins |AA
Fair Trade: Making a Difference |B|J Food for Thought |B|J Trees Badge |C
Fair Trade: Making a Difference |B|J Fall Pottery Fun |AA Science of Color |B|J
Birds of Prey |AA Bring on the Bronze Webinar|J Monster Mash Skate |AA Paint Your Pet |D|B|J Shake’n Up Science |C|S|A
Take Aim for Archery |J|C
Blue Lotus Fish Farming |AA Cats on Canvas |D|B|J Fall Pottery Painting |AA
AA | All Ages D | Daisy B | Brownie J | Junior C | Cadette S | Senior A | Ambassador
Celebrate Confidence |B|J|C|S|A Fall Into Clay! |B Geocaching Outing |B|J|C|S|A Outdoor Adventure Club Day Hikes |J|C|S|A
Microsoft Tech Savvy Girls |J Our World, Our Voice |AA Sew and Sew |J|C|S|A
Bring on the Bronze Classroom |J|C|S|A Fair Trade: Making a Difference |B|J Going for the Gold Classroom |S|A Indiana University Women’s Soccer Game |AA Pioneer Girl's Life |B|J|C|S|A Spectacular Science |D|B|J Striving for Silver Classroom |C
Get Fired |AA Microsoft Tech Savvy Girls |D|B|J|C
Microsoft Tech Savvy Girls |B
Camp Adventure Patch and Basic Outdoor Learning |D|B|J Fair Trade: Making a Difference |B|J Fall Colors Hike |B|J|C|S|A Foods from Field and Stream |D|B|J|C Glitters of Gratitude |B|J Meaning of Mean (Me & You) |C|S|A Microsoft Tech Savvy Girls |D Pumpkin Creatures |B|J
Bring on the Bronze Classroom|J|C|S|A CSA Round-Up |C|S|A Feast of the Hunter's Moon |AA Going for the Gold Classroom |S|A Holler Hoppin Zip-Lines |J|C|S|A Pumpkin Creatures |B|J Striving for Silver Classroom |C
Bicentennial Celebration |AA Birds of Prey |AA Pumpkinfest |AA
Pumpkin Harvest Train and Winter Express |AA
Buccaneer Feast |J|C The Legend of Sleepy Hollow |AA
Night at the Museum |AA Rock Climbing |B|J|C|S|A
CSA Round-Up|C|S|A Fun with Tech: Gadgets and Gizmos |J|C
Expanding Your Horizons |C Explore the World of Theatre |B|J
2105 Fall Fest |AA 2105 Fall Fest Volunteers |C|S|A A Banner Year |J A Pledge and a Promise |D|B Drawing Technique Masters |J Explore the World of Theatre |B|J Feast With the Witches |D|B|J Festival of Trees |AA Go Figure (Skating) |AA Hoosier Hunt |AA Ms. S.T.E.M.: An Exploration inCareers |J|C Pumpkins and Pizza |B|J Royal Etiquette Tea |AA Twist and Shout Cheerleading |D|B|J|C
Dance World |D|B|J|C Horses |J|C|S|A Letter-Boxing Days at the IMA |B|J Mystery Luncheon |B|J Ooey Gooey Goblins |AA Royal Etiquette Tea |AA The Legend of Sleepy Hollow |AA
A Banner Year |J A Pledge and a Promise |D|B Awesome Apple Adventure |AA Black Hat Dash |AA Bounce, Tumble, and Dive |J|C|S|A Camp Adventure Patch and Basic Outdoor Learning |D|B|J Camp Adventure Patch Volunteers |C|S|A Camp Outdoor Skills Day Girl Volunteers |C|S|A Cats on Canvas |D|B|J Horse Care and Ownership |AA Horseback Riding at Trinity Farms |B|J|C|S|A Introduction to Springboard Diving |J|C|S|A Outdoor Skills Day |D|B|J Rock Climbing |B|J|C|S|A S.T.E.M. Adventures at Exploration Acres |AA Tilapia Farm |AA Yoga: Beautiful Inside and Out |D|B|J
Awesome Apple Adventure |AA Book Artist Exploration |AA Camp Adventure Patch and Basic Outdoor Learning |D|B|J Camp Adventure Patch Volunteers |C|S|A Camp Outdoor Skills Day Girl Volunteers |C|S|A Celebrate Science Indiana |AA CSA Round-Up |C|S|A Fall Kids Fest at Anderson Orchard |AA Fall Pottery Fun |AA Feast of the Hunter's Moon |AA Imagination Stage |B|J|C Me & My Gal: Self Defense |AA Next Great Architects: Bird House Design |D|B Next Great Architectsa: Residential Design |B|J|C Outdoor Skills Day |D|B|J Zumba Kids |D|B|J Yoga: Beautiful Inside and Out |D|B
1 2 3
girlscoutsindiana.org /activities
Extreme Tech Careers: Robots Rule! |J|C
Camp Adventure Patch and Basic Outdoor Learning |D|B|J Camp Adventure Patch Volunteers |C|S|A Extreme S.T.E.M. Careers: Under Construction |B|J|C Fun with Tech: Gadgets and Gizmos |J|C Holiday Park Overnight at the Nature Center! |J Mom and Me Fitnesse |AA Not Just Popcorn |AA Origami Cranes, The Art of Japanese Paper Folding |B|J|C Ornament Pottery Painting |AA Robot Creations |B|J|C Skate Safe and Play Fair! |B Snow White |D|B|J Yoga: Beautiful Inside and Out |D|B|J Wolf Park Howl Night After Hours |AA
African Drumming |S|A Animals Everywhere Overnight |J Camp Adventure Patch and Basic Outdoor Learning |D|B|J Camp Adventure Patch Volunteers |C|S|A Camp Outdoor Skills Day Girl Volunteers |C|S|A Dance World |D|B|J|C Explore the World of Theatre |D|B Gallons of Fun at the Levee |AA Girl Scouts Rev Racing Experience |J|C Hip-hop Dance Moves |D|B|J In a Galaxy Far, Far Away... Imagination Station |D|B|J Magical Theater at the Levee |AA Not Just Popcorn |AA Outdoor Skills Day |D|B|J Silly Safaris: Pets Badge |B Silly Safaris: Daisies |D SWE Girl Scout Day at Purdue University |B|J|C Yoga: Beautiful Inside and Out |D|B|J
Microsoft Tech Savvy Girls |J
Sew and Sew |J|C|S|A
Science of Roller Skating |B Seed Mosaics |B|J
Bring on the Bronze Classroom |J Giving Back |B|J Glitters of Gratitude |B|J Going for the Gold Classroom |S|A Meaning of Mean (Me & You) |C|S|A Microsoft Tech Savvy Girls |D Seed Mosaics |B|J Sherlock Scouts |D|B|J Striving for Silver Classroom |C
Glass Ornament Making |B|J|C|S|A
Mystery Festival Detective Badge |J Ornament Pottery Painting |AA
Birds of Prey |AA Science of Color |B|J
Mystery Festival Detective Badge |J Ornament Pottery Painting |AA
Mocking Jay Sleepover |C|S|A Not Just Popcorn |AA
Holiday Park Overnight at the Nature Center! |J Not Just Popcorn |AA Painting at Camp Dellwood |J|C
Bring on the Bronze Classroom |J Going for the Gold Classroom |S|A Next Great Architects: Build A Model |B|J|C Night with the Stars |C|S|A Not Just Popcorn |AA Safe Sitter |C|S|A Striving for Silver Classroom |C Twist and Shout Cheerleading |D|B|J|C
16 17 18 19 20 21
Get Fired | AA Going for the Gold Webinar |S|A Hiker Badge |B
Animals Everywhere Overnight |J Black Light Zumba |C|S|A Not Just Popcorn |AA
Science of Color |B|J Striving for Silver Webinar |C
Glass Ornament Making |B|J|C|S|A Origami Cranes, The Art of Japanese Paper Folding |B|J|C
Microsoft Tech Savvy Girls |B
Bring on the Bronze Webinar |J Sweet Pie Baking Friends |D|B|J
Jazzy Jeweler Designer |J| Science of Color |B|J
9 10 11 12 13 14
Microsoft Tech Savvy Girls |C
2 3 4 5 6 7
Bring on the Bronze Classroom|J|C|S|A Camp Adventure Patch and Basic Outdoor Learning |D|B|J Fall Into Clay! |B Get It Out There! |J|C Going for the Gold Classroom |S|A Striving for Silver Classroom |C
Herp, Herp, Hooray! |D|B|J|C|S|A
November 2015
December 2015 Bubble Fest |D|B Going for the Gold Webinar |S|A
Animal Habitats Badge |J Cookie Biz |AA Holiday Nature Crafts |D|B|J|C The Incredible Snowflake |B|J|C
Bubble Fest |D|B Cookie Biz |AA Holiday at the Farm |AA Painting at Camp Dellwood |J|C Winterfest with Winter Princess |AA
Bubble Fest |D|B Bubble Fest for Juniors |J Career Skill Builders: Business Etiquette |S|A Career Skill Builders: Web Designer |S|A Cookie Biz |AA Holiday at the Farm |AA Splashin' Around with Friends! |AA The Incredible Snowflake |B|J|C Zumba Kids |D|B|J
Striving for Silver Webinar |C
Cookie Biz |AA Ornament Pottery Painting |AA
Cookie Biz |AA
Ornament Pottery Painting |AA
Snow Flake Skate |AA
Holiday Sing |AA Ornament Pottery Painting |AA
14 15 16 17 18 19
Circus Fit: All Access Pre-show |AA Cookie Biz |AA Our World, Our Voice |AA
AA | All Ages D | Daisy B | Brownie J | Junior C | Cadette S | Senior A | Ambassador
Me and My Guy: Colts Blue Pride |AA Toss of Faith with The Indianapolis Colts |AA
Barbie Be Anything Do Everything at the Science Center |D|B Barbie Holiday Event |B|J Historic Homestead and Farm Tour |D|B|J|C
Barbie Holiday Event |B|J Bubble Fest |D|B Bubble Fest for Juniors |J Cookie Biz |AA Science of Light/Glow Skate Party |J|C|S|A Splashin' Around with Friends! |AA
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Bring on the Bronze Webinar|J Bubble Fest |D|B
1 2 3 4 5
girlscoutsindiana.org /activities
Cookie Biz |AA
S.T.E.A.M. Up Overnight |J|C
Fantastic Faces: Frogs on Canvas |D|B|J
Cookie Biz |AA
Hit the Slopes |AA
Bring on the Bronze Webinar |J
Striving for Silver Webinar |C
Going for the Gold Webinar |S|A
25 26 27 28 29 30
Cookie Biz |AA
Cookie Biz |AA
Cookie Biz |AA
Cookie Biz |AA
Cookie Biz |AA
1 2
January 2016
girlscoutsindiana.org /activities
AA | All Ages D | Daisy B | Brownie J | Junior C | Cadette S | Senior A | Ambassador
Celebration Journals |B|J|C
Celebration Journals |B|J|C
SWE Girl Scout Day at Purdue University |B|J|C
Top Chef |J|C|S
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
February 2016
Travel to Washington D.C. Girl Scouts Style! |C|S|A
Travel to Washington D.C. Girl Scouts Style! |C|S|A
Travel to Washington D.C. Girl Scouts Style! |C|S|A
April 2016
Lights, Camera, Aspire |C|S|A
Lights, Camera, Aspire |C|S|A
8 9
Travel to Washington D.C. Girl Scouts Style! |C|S|A
Travel to Washington D.C. Girl Scouts Style! |C|S|A
March 2016
Program activity descriptions Council program activities conducted at council program sites are listed below. These council sites are funded by proceeds from the Girl Scout Cookie Program, donations from individuals, foundations, and corporations, along with contributions from United Ways and United Funds. Adult fees are used to maximize opportunities for girl participation.
! Recognition
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This symbol notes a fun fact about a program activity; from interesting tib-bits about the program event, to mond-blowing information about just how skilled and knowdgeable the professional leading the program is, to trivia about the location.
This symbol notes that there is a social media component to the program.
2015 Fall Fest
2015 Fall Fest Volunteers
Grades: Family
Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Office Code: 2056
Office Code: 2056
The Spook-tacular event of the year will soon be at Camp Dellwood! Dare to be scared on our haunted Disney villains trail, or visit our friendly trail for early trick or treating. Troops and families are invited to navigate their way through our creepy camp of eerie sights and sounds! There will be many activities to choose from: crafts, witches boo-ffet concession stand, games and trick-or-treating.
We need your help with our annual Fall Fest! This year's theme is Disney villains. We are looking for troops and individuals to help make this event a boo-last! We need help setting up scary scenes along the trail, passing out candy, setting up decorations, helping with activities and much more! As a volunteer, you will receive free admittance to the program, free camping on Friday and/or Saturday night, free dinner on Saturday.
$9/girl (+1 year of age) • $9/adult Oct 24 • 5-9 p.m.
Free Camp Dellwood Oct 24 • noon-9 p.m. 2301 N Girl School Rd, Indianapolis Camp Dellwood Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.8664 2301 N Girl School Rd, Indianapolis Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 106
Program activity descriptions
A Banner Year
African Drumming
Grades: 4, 5
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Office Code: 2050
Office Code: 2052
This year's women candidates are not the first women to run for the presidency, nor will they be the last. More than one hundred years ago, Victorians were involved in the process of fighting for issues and pushing for a favorite candidate. Artful marketing wins the day in this thoughtful look at running for president. Create your slogan and start your own capital campaign, and take a tour of President Harrison's mansion.
Learn to play a variety of percussion instruments from Africa, including drums, wood blocks, shakers and bells. This interactive music class will focus on the basics of rhythm, pulse and musical creativity Have a blast working together to create unique sounds. Fun patch included.
$6/girl • $1/adult
Indiana State University Fine Arts Building, Rm 409 649 Chestnut St, Terre Haute
$12/girl • $1/adult Nov 7 • 1-3 p.m.
Session A: Sept 5 • 10 a.m.-noon Session B: Sept 26 • 10 a.m.-noon
Contact: Blair Adams • 317.924.6834
Session C: Oct 10 • 10 a.m.-noon Session D: Oct 24 • 10 a.m.-noon
Animal Habitats at Trevlac Bluffs
Benjamin Harrison Home 1230 N Delaware St, Indianapolis
Grades: All
Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811
From the tops of the trees to the bottom of decomposing logs, animal habitats are everywhere! We will explore Trevlac Bluffs' 100+ acres of forested wetlands, including a mature upland forest with trees three feet in diameter and a large pond on a guided tour.
Office Code: 2052
Inside Government badge
A Pledge and a Promise Grades: K, 1, 2, 3 Office Code: 2050
$2/girl • $1/adult
Girls can make a difference in home, at school, and in their communities to make our country a better place! Indiana's President, Benjamin Harrison, had the Pledge of Allegiance written in 1892. A pledge, like a star on our flag, is something small that means something much bigger. What promise will you keep, starting today? Take home a poster and a handheld flag. After the program, see the first floor of the President's mansion.
Sept 27 • 1-3 p.m. Trevlac Bluffs Nature Preserve 4625 SR 45, Nashville Contact: Blair Adams • 317.924.6834 Girl Scout Juniors: Animal Habitats badge
$6/girl • $1/adult Session A: Sept 5 • 12:30-2 p.m. Session B: Sept 26 • 12:30-2 p.m. Session C: Oct 10 • 12:30-2 p.m. Session D: Oct 24 • 12:30-2 p.m. Benjamin Harrison Home 1230 N Delaware St, Indianapolis Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811 Celebrating Community badge
ant fo e m s a w e f i L good friends
and great adventure! Animal Habitats Badge
Animals Everywhere Overnight
Grades: 4, 5
Grades: 4, 5
Office Code: 2056
Office Code: 3125
Explore animals of the wild in their natural habitats. We will explore Eagle Creek Park and learn how animals in the wild eat, how they play and how we can help them.
Eagle Creek Park, Ornithology Center 6515 Delong Rd, Indianapolis
Do you love animals? Then come for a hands-on look at different kinds of animals and their habitats. On Saturday morning, Silly Safaris will be sending out a Funologist to lead an interactive animal show. This will be a very high energy show, so be ready to have fun learning about your favorite animals and their favorite places and spaces! Fee includes program, a light breakfast, and Animal Habitats badge. Bring a snack to share.
Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
$15/girl • $2/adult
$6/girl • $2/adult Dec 3 • 5-6 p.m.
Nov 6-7 • 7 p.m.-10 a.m.
Animal Habitats badge
Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis Contact: Katie Wahlstrom • 317.924.6809 Animal Habitats badge
To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 108
Program activity descriptions
Archaeology Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5
Barbie Be Anything Do Everything at the Science Center
Office Code: 3125
Grades: K, 1, 2, 3
September is Archaeology Month in Indiana. Celebrate with us as you become an archaeologist! Dig through the past to find artifacts left from people long ago. Sift through the unknown as you record and classify the artifacts you discover. Archaeology fun patch included.
Office Code: 3125
What do you want to be when you grow up? Dive into different careers focusing on math and science. Practice your math skills while designing a new wardrobe for your doll, and see what it takes to be a vet. Girls will receive the Girl Scout Barbie Be Anything Do Everything Fun patch and activity book.
$5/girl • $1/adult Session A: Sept 27 • 1-2:30 p.m.
$12/girl • $1/adult
Session B: Sept 27 • 3:30-5 p.m.
Session A: Dec 13 • 1-3 p.m.
Session C: Sept 28 • 5-6:30 p.m.
Session B: Dec 13 • 3:30-5:30 p.m.
Session D: Sept 29 • 5-6:30 p.m.
Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis
Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis
Contact: Katie Wahlstrom • 317.924.6857
Contact: Katie Wahlstrom • 317.924.6809
Awesome Apple Adventure Grades: All
Barbie was born in 1959 and has since held more than 150 careers.
Barbie Holiday Event
Office Code: 2054
Ever wonder what it takes to grow those delicious apples you eat? Come learn what it takes at the Chandler's Apple Farm. On your tour you will explore the 52 acre farm and learn everything from planting all the way to harvesting and selling. Pick a peck of apples from part of the original orchard.
Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5 Office Code: 2050
Chandler's Apple Farm 2849 S CR 825 E, Fillmore
Design and create a holiday ensemble for Barbie. We will take you systematically though the process of working with a simple pattern and sewing a holiday gown and jacket. Choose from a wide variety of festive fabrics, sequins, beads, and laces to create a special couture outfit. Tables will be turned into mini runways, and hot chocolate and cookies will be served. Fee includes a Barbie Be Anything fun patch, activity book, Art Lab fun patch and a new outfit you can take home for Barbie.
Contact: Lindsay Hale • 317.924.6857
$18/girl • $1/adult
$11/girl • $1/adult Session A: Oct 3 • 10 a.m.-noon Session B: Oct 10 • 10 a.m.-noon
Session A: Dec 6 • 12:30-2:15 p.m.
Chandler's Apple Farm is family owned and operated and has nearly 200 varieties of apples!
Session B: Dec 13 • 3:15-5 p.m. The Art Lab 2070 E 54th St, Indianapolis Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811
Sign up for any activity as a troop or do one on your own! Between Earth and Sky
Birds of Prey
Grades: K, 1
Grades: All
Office Code: 2056
Office Code: 2056
Explore the conservatory. Learn, play, do: participate in fun activities that will help you work towards earning your Journey badge.
Have you ever glared at a hawk up close or hooted like an owl? See birds of prey up close while learning about their individual behaviors, eating habits, conservation and more. Examine their beaks, feet and other adaptations that make them successful birds of prey. Ornithology Center patch included. Gate fee is waived for participants.
$5/girl • $2/adult Oct 20 • 6:30-7:30 p.m. Garfield Park Conservatory and Gardens 2505 Conservatory Dr, Indianapolis
$6/girl • $2/adult
Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
Session A: Oct. 1 • 5-6:30 p.m. Session B: Oct 29 • 5-6:30 p.m.
Bicentennial Celebration
Session C: Nov 18 • 5-6:30 p.m.
Grades: All
Eagle Creek Park, Ornithology Center 6515 Delong Rd, Indianapolis
Office Code: 2056
It is Indiana's 200th birthday! Indiana's 2016 Bicentennial celebration aims to honor our state's 200 years of history. Earn a special patch by participating in this year’s celebration! To earn this special patch, participate in one of the following areas: arts and culture, sports and outdoor recreation, culinary and agro-tourism or heritage. When you register, your troop will be sent one passport booklet to catalogue each activity you attend and a booklet of information. You might take a picture of the troop participating or have your troop write a few sentences explaining what they did. Once you fulfill the requirements, mail your passport back to Barb Nichols to receive your troop's patches. Fee includes passport booklet and fun patch.
Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.686
Throughout the year Eagle Creek Park is home to 260 of the 400 bird species seen in Indiana.
Black Hat Dash Grades: All Office Code: 2050
Lace up your running shoes for a spook-tacular walk/run for the whole family. Witches, ghosts, and goblins of all ages are welcome to take part in the 2nd annual Black Hat Dash at The Children's Museum of Indianapolis. A 2k/5k frightfully fun run and weirdly wonderful walk are available to participate in. There will be tons of family fun entertainment and activities. Fee includes registration packet, T-shirt, a ticket to Pirate's Revenge haunted house.
Note: To register find the link on October 1 on the activity finder. $5/girl • $5/adult Oct 1
$15/girl • $20/adult
Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
Oct 10 • 9-11 a.m. The Children's Museum 3000 N Meridian St, Indianapolis Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811
To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 108
Program activity descriptions
Black Light Zumba
Bon Voyage to London and Paris
Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Office Code: 2015
Office Code: 2056
We take the "work" out of workout, by mixing low-intensity and high-intensity moves for an interval-style, calorie-burning dance fitness party. During this fun dance party we will turn on the black lights, so wear something that glows. Fun patch included.
From the Impressive St. Paul’s Cathedral to the famed Eiffel Tower, discover two of Europe’s most popular cities. Marvel at the Arc de Triomphe, experience the luxury of Versailles, and pose for a picture in Trafalgar Square. Among the highlights of your tour will be a special pinning ceremony at Pax Lodge, the WAGGGS Centre in London. We will have a meeting to discuss all the details of planning this trip, how to earn money to attend, and meet the chaperones.
Nov 6 • 7-8 p.m. $6/girl • $1/adult Noblesville Athletic Club 411 S Harbour Dr, Noblesville
Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6858
Oct 2017 Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
Blue Lotus Fish Farming Grades: Family
Office Code: 2051
There’s more than corn in Indiana! Learn about the industry of fish farming, or “aquaponics,” which is what the professionals call it. You will learn about the seafood supply industry and how Blue Lotus is working to provide the freshest and healthiest products possible leading the industry toward a sustainable and socially responsible future. Fun patch included.
Pax Lodge is one of four World Centres of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS).
Book Artist Exploration Grades: 6, 7, 8 Office Code: 2051
Explore the art of bookbinding in this creative workshop. Learn about the different parts of a book, try out artist techniques, and create your very own unique book! Explore a variety of traditional bookbinding tools and processes. Learn how books are made and try gluing, stitching, or folding your own scrapbook, planner or personal journal.
$3/girl • $1/adult Oct 8 • 5:30-6:30 p.m. Blue Lotus Aquaponics Hartford City Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6856
$17/girl • $1/adult Oct 3 • 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. The Anderson Center for the Arts 32 W 10th St, Anderson Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6856 Book Artist badge
Bounce, Tumble, and Dive
Bring on the Bronze Classroom
Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Grades: 4, 5
Office Code: 2050
Office Code: 2053
Join us for an introduction to the dry land side of springboard diving. Learn skills on the trampoline, the floor and dryland board. No experience? No problem. Strap into one of our somersaulting belts, and our coach can safely help you through all skills and even somersaults. Check out Introduction to Springboard diving on page 59 if you LOVE diving you can do both programs in the same day!
What is the highest award a Girl Scout Junior can earn? The Girl Scout Bronze Award! Ready to learn more about how to achieve this high honor? This informational session is the best place to start. Learn about each of the seven steps required on the journey toward the Girl Scout Bronze Award. Examine the differences between a service and a take action project. Put together a checklist of the elements required to make your Girl Scout Bronze $2/girl • $1/adult Award Take Action project a success. While this Session A: Oct 10 session is recommended for any girl interested in pursuing her Girl Scout Bronze Award, you are also 10 a.m.-6 p.m. • In one hour sessions encouraged to invite adult mentors (i.e. Girl Scout IUPUI Natatorium leader, parent, etc.) who will be supporting you 901 W New York St, Indianapolis during the process to attend this session. Session B: Oct 10 Note: This is the same training as the Bring on the Bronze Webinar. Registration closes one week prior. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. • In one hour sessions Lawrence North High School 7802 Hague Rd, Indianapolis
$4/girl • $1/adult
Session C: Oct 10
Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girl School Rd, Indianapolis
Session A: Sept 13 • 12:30-2 p.m.
10 a.m.-6 p.m. • In one hour sessions
Session B: Sept 19 • 9-10:30 a.m.
North Central High School, Indianapolis
Girl Scout Service Center at Daleville 13555 W CR 550 S, Daleville
Session D: Oct 10 10 a.m.-6 p.m. • In one hour sessions
Session C: Sept 20 • 12:30-2 p.m.
Richmond High School, Richmond Session E: Oct 10
Girl Scout Service Center at Bloomington 1000 N Walnut St, Ste I, Bloomington
10 a.m.-6 p.m. • In one hour sessions
Session D: Oct 4 • 12:30-2 p.m.
Centerville High School, Centerville
Girl Scout Service Center at Terre Haute 1100 Girl Scout Ln, Terre Haute
Session F: Oct 10
Session E: Oct 18 • 12:30-2 p.m.
10 a.m.-6 p.m. • In one hour sessions
Camp Ada 4731 W CR 600 S, Spiceland
Noblesville High School, Noblesville Session G: Oct 10
Session F: Nov 8 • 12:30-2 p.m.
10 a.m.-6 p.m. • In one hour sessions Westfield High School, Westfield
Camp Sycamore Valley 8439 St Rd 26 E, Lafayette
Session H: Oct 10
Session G: Nov 15 • 12:30-2 p.m.
10 a.m.-6 p.m. • In one hour sessions
Girl Scout Service Center at Kokomo 815 W Superior St, Kokomo
Pendleton High School, Pendleton
Session H: Nov 21 • 9-10:30 a.m.
Session I: Oct 10
Girl Scout Service Center at Columbus 1300 Hutchins Ave, Columbus
10 a.m.-6 p.m. • In one hour sessions Whiteland High School, Whiteland
Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859
Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811
To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 108
Program activity descriptions
Bring on the Bronze Webinar
Brownie Outdoor Badge at Camp Gallahue
Grades: 4, 5 Office Code: 2053
Grades: 2, 3
Note: This is the same training as the Bring on the Bronze Classroom. All participants must have access to high speed Internet with either a speaker/microphone or a telephone (preferably a speakerphone). Web cam not required. Registration closes one week prior.
Office Code: 2056
Make a day of earning the brand new Outdoor badge! Through fun activities you will have the opportunity to earn different sections of the Outdoor badge. $6/girl • $3/adult
$2/girl • Free/adult
Session A: Sept 19 • 12-4 p.m.
Session A: Sept 16 • 5:30-7 p.m.
Session B: Sept 20 • 12-4 p.m.
Session B: Oct 29 • 5:30-7 p.m. Session C: Nov 10 • 5:30-7 p.m.
Camp Gallahue 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown
Session D: Dec 1 • 5:30-7 p.m.
Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
Session E: Jan 26 • 5:30-7 p.m. Hosted online
Brownie Senses Badge
Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859
Grades: 2, 3
Brownie Hiker
Engage your senses as we use smells, tastes and more to explore the world around us. See how in tune your senses are.
Office Code: 2056
Grades: 2, 3 Office Code: 2056
$6/girl • $2/adult
Explore the woodland trails of Hayes Arboretum. Make a snack, learn fun songs, and look under logs for salamanders, all while having fun in the woods. Fee includes Hiker badge.
Oct 20 • 5:15-6:15 p.m. Garfield Park Conservatory and Gardens 2505 Conservatory Dr, Indianapolis
$6/girl • $1/adult
Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
Sept 19 • 10 a.m.-noon
Senses badge
Hayes Arboretum 801 Elks Rd, Richmond Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864 Hiker badge
Salamanders are capable of regenerating lost limbs within in a few weeks, including tails and toes, allowing them to survive attacks from predators.
Bubble Fest
Buccaneer Feast
Grades: K, 1, 2, 3
Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Office Code: 3125
Office Code: 2050
We are bubbling over with math and science! Stand inside a huge bubble, make big bubbles to measure, use different instruments to create bubbles, discover "walls" of bubbles, and more! Pop on in and enjoy the fun, and take home the Math and Science Center Bubble Fest patch.
Session B: Dec 1 • 6:15-7:30 p.m.
AVAST! Calling all mateys who are not faint of heart! The Children's Museum Guild's witches invite you to join them for an evening of food, fun, music, and more at our first ever Buccaneer Feast! As their special guests, you will get to enjoy dinner, nighttime access to exhibits, music, dancing, games, and a Frightening adventure as you tour their 2015 Haunted House, "Pirate's Revenge!"Gather all your mateys and join them for some pirate fun...if ye dare!
Session C: Dec 2 • 4:30-5:45 p.m.
$25/girl • $25/adult
Session D: Dec 2 • 6:15-7:30 p.m.
Oct 16 • 5:30-8:30 p.m.
Session E: Dec 4 • 4:30-5:45 p.m.
The Children's Museum of Indianapolis 3000 N Meridian St, Indianapolis
$5/girl • $1/adult Session A: Dec 1 • 4:30-5:45 p.m.
Session F: Dec 4 • 6:15-7:30 p.m.
Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811
Session G: Dec 5 • 10-11:15 a.m. Session H: Dec 5 • noon-1:15 p.m.
Bugs Badge for Brownies
Session I: Dec 5 • 2-3:15 p.m.
Grades: 2, 3
Session J: Dec 6 • 1-2:15 p.m.
Office Code: 2056
Session K: Dec 6 • 2:30-3:45 p.m.
Come learn all about creepy crawly bugs as we explore the garden for bugs, see live critters, and make a buggy craft. You will go home knowing all about these cool creatures.
Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis Contact: Katie Wahlstrom • 317.924.6809
$6/girl • $2/adult Session A: Sept 29 • 5:15-6:15 p.m.
Bubble Fest for Juniors
Session B: Sept 29 • 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Grades: 4, 5
Garfield Park Conservatory and Gardens 2505 Conservatory Dr, Indianapolis
Office Code: 3125
Missed Bubble Fest as a Brownie? Here is your chance to experiment with bubbles! Math and Science Center Bubble Fest patch included.
Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864 Bugs badge
$5/girl • $1/adult Session A: Dec 5 • 4-5:15 p.m. Session B: Dec 6 • 4:30-5:45 p.m. Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis Contact: Katie Wahlstrom • 317.924.6809
Join the conversation! @girlscoutsin 35
To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 108
Program activity descriptions
Cadette Outdoor Badge at Camp Gallahue
Camp Adventure Patch and Basic Outdoor Learning
Grades: 6, 7, 8
Grades: K, 1, 2 ,3, 4,5
Office Code: 2056
Office Code: 2056
Archery is the theme for the newest Girl Scout Outdoor badge! Spend a day at Camp Gallahue earning this new badge by developing a steady hand, a good eye and a disciplined mind. You will learn a basic understanding of archery safety, parts of the bow and arrows and scoring.
Want to earn the Camp Adventure patch? We can help you get started on your journey towards earning this patch that is specific to Girl Scouts of Central Indiana. To earn this patch, visit each of our camps and learn information specific to each camp.
$6/girl • $3/adult
Leaders, while the girls are off earning their patch, you will take Outdoor Basics Training. This Session A: Sept 19 • noon-4 p.m. course will prepare you to take your girls on a day Session B: Sept 20 • noon-4 p.m. or overnight camping experience. Learn what Camp Gallahue outings are appropriate for girls at each age level, what to expect on your adventure and what to 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown pack. Fee includes meal planning, fire building, Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864 and safety and hygiene. Archery badge $3/girl • $3/adult Session A: Sept 26 • 1-3 p.m.
Cadette Trees
Camp Gallahue 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown
Grades: 6, 7, 8
Session B: Oct 3 • 1-3 p.m.
Office Code: 2056
Join us for tree-filled fun! We will learn all about trees and their importance to both the park and in the tropical conservatory.
Camp Sycamore Valley 8439 St Rd 26 E, Lafayette
$7/girl • $2/adult
Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis
Session C: Oct 10 • 1-3 p.m.
Oct 13 • 5:30-7 p.m.
Session D: Oct 11 • 1-3 p.m.
Garfield Park Conservatory and Gardens 2505 Conservatory Dr, Indianapolis
Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis
Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
Session E: Nov 7 • 1-3 p.m.
Trees badge
Camp Na Wa Kwa 7865 E CR 300 N, Poland Session F: Nov 8 • 1-3 p.m. Camp Ada 4731 W CR 600 S, Spiceland Session G: Nov 14 • 1-3 p.m. Camp Ada 4731 W CR 600 S, Spiceland Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
s Happy trail to you! Camp Adventure Patch Program
Camp Adventure Patch Volunteers
Grades: All
Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Office Code: 2056
Office Code: 2056
Did you know we have five different camps in our council? This program gives you a reason to visit each of them. The Camp Adventure patch is divided into five sections. After you visit and complete the requirements for a camp, purchase that camp's section of the patch in the Showcase. Wear the sections separately, or as you complete each section, piece them together to form the Camp Adventure patch.
Help lead activities at Camp Adventure Patch and Outdoor Basics Learning. Choose the date and camp that best suits you. Session A: Sept 26 • noon-3 p.m. Camp Gallahue 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown Session B: Oct 3 • noon-3 p.m. Camp Sycamore Valley 8439 St Rd 26 E, Lafayette
Note: Before you plan your visit to any of the council camps, you must fill out a facilities reservation form or reserve online.
Session C: Oct 10 • noon-3 p.m. Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis
Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
Session E: Nov 7 • noon-3 p.m. Camp Na Wa Kwa 7865 E CR 300 N, Poland Session G: Nov 14 • noon-3 p.m. Camp Ada 4731 W CR 600 S, Spiceland Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
Program activity descriptions
Camp Outdoor Skills Day Girl Volunteers
Car Care Expert
Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Office Code: 2054
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Office Code: 2056
Driving is an exciting step towards independence, but a lot of responsibility comes with car ownership. Join us in mastering maintenance tips to keep your car in top form and learn the rules of the road. Bring your own car or borrow one to $1/girl • $1/adult learn how to care for it in this hands on workshop. Don't have your license yet? That is okay; this Session A: Sept 26 • 11 a.m.-4 p.m. workshop will get you prepared before you head Camp Gallahue out on the road. 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown $3/girl • $3/adult Session B: Oct 3 • 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Sept 26 • 9 a.m.-noon Camp Sycamore Valley Mann Chevy Buick 8439 St Rd 26 E, Lafayette 110 S Center St, Flora Session C: Oct 10 • 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Contact: Lindsay Hale • 317.924.6857 Camp Dellwood Car Care badge 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis Help lead activities at camp in outdoor skills, games and badge work. Lead hikes, and earn Program Aide hours at the same time.
Session D: Nov 7 • 11 a.m.-4 p.m.
Career Skill Builders: Business Etiquette
Camp Na Wa Kwa 7865 E CR 300 N, Poland Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 Office Code: 2053
Candy Chemistry
Want to learn some skills that can help you get a step ahead in the business world and earn your Business Etiquette badge? The faculty and staff of Purdue University College of Technology will to show you how. Join us on their Richmond campus to learn the skills that could help you learn how to network with professionals or even ace an interview. You will also have an opportunity to learn how to conduct yourself at a business luncheon. Fee include a light lunch.
Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Office Code: 2051
Can you guess what can fizz and can melt? Candy can! Join your fellow Girl Scouts for an exploration of your taste buds and a little chemistry fun! $5/girl • $2/adult Oct 6 • 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Basket Pizzazz Note: Consider making your visit to campus a whole day event, and join us in the morning to 2159 Glebe St, Ste 100, Carmel earn your Web Designer badge listed on the Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6856 adjacent page.
The human tongue has on average of 3,000-10,000 taste buds
$8/girl • $5/adult Dec 5 • 12:30-3:30 p.m. Purdue University College of Technology, Richmond 2325 Chester Blvd, Richmond, IN Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859
Career Skill Builders: Web Designer
Celebrate Confidence
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12
Office Code: 2053
Office Code: 2051
Are you looking to gather some skills that can will help you in the future? Join the faculty and staff of Purdue University College of Technology on their Richmond campus to learn the skills to build a website. You will have the opportunity to earn your Web Designer badge through hands-on opportunities in the college’s computer lab.
Let’s have a party! Celebrate the uniqueness of you with your Girl Scout friends. Learn about girls of courage and confidence through history and what they did to make their mark. Take home fun accessories and goodies to help remind you just how courageous you are! Fee includes a gift bag and fun patch.
Note: Consider making your visit to campus a whole day and join us in the afternoon to earn your Business Etiquette badge listed on the previous page.
$5/girl • $1/adult Session A: Oct 25 • 2-3:30 p.m. Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5 Session B: Oct 25 • 4-5:30 p.m. Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
$3/girl • $1/adult Dec 5 • 9 a.m.-noon
Claire's Boutique Purdue University College of Technology, 2109 State Rd 9 S, Sp-G03 • Anderson Richmond Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6858 2325 Chester Blvd, Richmond, IN Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859
Celebrate Science Indiana
Internet users are not patient: the consumer only waits an average of 4-20 seconds for a web page to load.
Grades: Family Office Code: 2053
Celebrate Science Indiana (CSI) is an event that is fun for the whole family. Meet scientists and student exhibitors through hands on activities and discussions about science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). With your troop, family, or a group of friends, spend the day completing different activities to earn a special patch.
Cats on Canvas Grades: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Office Code: 2051
Love to paint and love cats? You will not want to miss this purr-fect opportunity use your imagination to create a colorful cat on canvas to take home with you! We will be using acrylic paint on 6x6" canvas boards to create your masterpiece.
Note: Program fee covers the cost of the patch only; parking and any cost incurred while attending the festival is not included. (Parking at the fairgrounds is $5 per car due at the gate.)
Session B: Oct 10 • 10-11:15 a.m.
Adults and siblings/non Girl Scout friends only need to register for the program if they would like to receive the patch; otherwise, admission to the festival is free.
Session C: Oct 10 • 11:30-12:4 5 p.m.
$3/girl • $3/adult
Session D: Oct 10 • 1-2:15 p.m.
Oct 3 • 10:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
Ten West Center for the Arts 10 W Church St, Fortville
Blue Ribbon Pavilion, Indiana State Fairgrounds 1202 E 38th St, Indianapolis
Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6856
Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859
$11/girl • $1/adult Session A: Oct 8 • 4:45-6 p.m.
To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 108
Program activity descriptions
Celebration Journals
Circus Fit
Grades: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Grades: All
Office Code: 2051
Office Code: 2050
Hold on tight to your favorite memories with this super-fun project that will help wrap up your amazing year in Girl Scouts. We will be creating 3-D folding journals that can turn into an autograph book and memory keeper for all your Girl Scout sisters to sign!
Get moving! Staying healthy and fit in your everyday life is important. Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey are teaming up with our council to help us have fun staying fit! SeptemberDecember you or your troop can participate in an interactive fitness program that you can easily incorporate in your daily routine. You will receive bi-weekly fitness routines, journals, goal sheets, and healthy eating tips electronically via Circus Fit to help you track your progress! Kick-off the school year on a great start and continue through the year. Incorporate this program into your troop meetings and in other fun ways. A fitness fun patch is included!
$11/girl • $1/adult Session A: Feb 18 • 4:45-6 p.m. Session B: Feb 20 • 10-11:15 a.m. Session C: Feb 20 • 11:30-12:45 p.m. Session D: Feb 20 • 1-2:15 p.m. Ten West Center for the Arts 10 W Church St, Fortville
Note:This fitness program is open to everyone, no circus tickets purchase necessary.
Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6856
$3/girl • Free/adult Sept 1 • 9 a.m.
Cheese Louise, it's Amish Cheese!
Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811
Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Office Code: 2051
Circus Fit: All Access Pre-Show
Soft cheese, sweet cheese, and smelly cheese! Explore the cheeses and other yummy snacks made with milk from local Amish farms. Learn about what it means to be organic and additive free. Lactose free cheeses are available too.
Grades: Family Office Code: 2050
This VIP show is open to all Girl Scouts that participated in the Circus Fit program and has a purchased ticket to the circus. You are invited to the Circus Fit program on the arena floor of The Greatest Show on Earth. Following the live Circus Fit program, you will be the first on the floor for the exclusive All Access Pre-Show! Talk about VIP service! You do not want to miss this exclusive experience!
$4/girl • $2/adult Session A: Sept 15 • 5:30-6:30 p.m. Session B: Sept 24 • 5:30-6:30 p.m. Amish Cheese Shop 2001 IN-1, Cambridge City Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6856
The longer that cheese is aged naturally, the sharper cheese becomes.
Dec 7 • 5 p.m. Bankers Life Fieldhouse 125 S Pennsylvania St, Indianapolis Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811
Be a #cookieboss Cookie Biz
Covered Bridge Festival
Grades: All
Grades: All
Office Code: 2000
Office Code: 2052
Want to be a #cookieboss this Girl Scout Cookie Program season? Join us for a Cookie Biz workshop; you will have the opportunity to work on the requirements for a Cookie Business or Financial Literacy badge. Through fun activities, you will also refine your goal setting, decisionmaking, money management, business ethics and people skills that will be help you set up for success in the 2016 Cookie Sale.
The Covered Bridge Festival is Indiana’s largest festival and offers an array of arts and crafts, antique shops, food, and entertainment. What better way to explore the festival sites and the bridges than through a scavenger hunt! Visit historic buildings, breathtaking views, and, of course, the covered bridges Parke County has to offer. Fun patch included. $4/girl • Free/adult
Note: Check on girlscoutsindiana.org on October 1 for locations, dates and times
October 7 • 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Covered Bridge Festival 401 E Ohio St, Rockville
Dec 3-9 and Jan 14-20
Contact: Lindsay Hale • 317.924.6857
This fall festival celebrates the county's 31 covered bridges and has been held each year since 1957. To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 108
Program activity descriptions
CSA Camporee
Dance World
Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Office Code: 2056
Office Code: 2052
If you loved Junior Jam, you will love this, too! Want a challenge? Like to try something new? This day is for you and your troop to compete against other troops in team building games. We challenge you to build your skills and come out a leader! Your troop can come just for the day or camp overnight. Join us for the challenge!
Are you a dancing queen? Enter into the world of hip-hop, pom and jazz and get your feet and body moving! Learn basic techniques, methods and a routine incorporating a variety of styles. You will learn the importance of teamwork and determination with experienced dance coaches. Dancer badge included for Girl Scout Brownies, fun patch included for all other levels.
Note: You will be staying in our platform tent units and will be responsible for providing your own food and equipment.
$9/girl • $1/adult Session A: Oct 17 • 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Grades: K, 1, 2, 3
$7/girl • $7/adult Sept 27 • 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Session B: Oct 17 • 1-2:30 p.m. Camp Gallahue Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown Session C: Nov 7 • 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Grades: K, 1, 2, 3 Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864 Session D: Nov 7 • 1-2:30 p.m. Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
CSA Round-Up
Kicks Unlimited Dance 2110 W Vernal Pike, Bloomington
Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Contact: Blair Adams • 317.924.6834
Code: 2056
This year’s theme is board games! Join in the fun and hang out with other older Girl Scouts! Camp with your troop at the CSA Round-up camporee! This popular event is once again returning with lots packed into the weekend. Spend Saturday doing lots of fun activities, and cap it off with a variety show you plan! Saturday dinner is provided, all other meals are on you. Fun patch included.
Girl Scout Brownies: Dancer badge
Digital Photographer in Action Grades: 4, 5 Office Code: 2051
Lights, camera, action! Learn all about photography, including video, film, still, and digital. $18/girl • $18/ adult Take an in-depth look into different types of cameras. Learn how to set up a photo shoot and Oct 2-4 • 6 p.m.- noon compose portraits, while understanding how Camp Gallahue lighting and point of view affect a photograph. Find 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown out how to transfer pictures to a computer and make adjustments to take home a finished print. Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864 Note: Badges will be distributed at the end of the program. Please prepare to bring at least one digital camera per four girls. $15/girl • $1/adult Sept 19 • 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. The Anderson Center for the Arts 32 W 10th St, Anderson Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6856 Digital Photography badge
Discover Glass Fusing
Ecosystem Hike
Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Office Code: 2054
Office Code: 2056
Experience the world of glass fusing! Learn how to score, cut and nip glass to make a sun catcher. Included is a 4" glass base, decorative glass, supplies and firing. Completed pieces can be picked up at a later date or shipped for an additional fee. Workshop is for girls only. Fun patch included.
Mounds State park is home to three unique habitats. Learn about the animal and plants that live in each area in this interactive hike. This is a great opportunity to help you earn your It's Your Planet-Love It! Journey. $3/girl • $3/adult Sept 27 • 11 a.m.-noon
$14/girl • $1/adult
Mounds State Park 4306 Mounds Rd, Anderson
Sept 28 • 6-7:30 p.m. uPaint Pottery Studio 1820 E Main St, Plainfield
Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
Contact: Lindsay Hale • 317.924.6857
Mounds State Park features 10 unique earthworks built by prehistoric Indians known as the Adena-Hopewell people.
Drawing Technique Masters Expanding Your Horizons
Grades: 4, 5 Office Code: 2051
Grades: 6, 7, 8
Learn all about the art of drawing in this very fun and informative workshop! Learn a variety of drawing techniques and try different drawing media including graphite, charcoal and pastels. You will learn the basics of drawing including composition, lighting, and tonal values through a series of fun projects!
Office Code: 2053
Ok, you can admit it: science, technology, engineering, and math are cool! At the Expanding Your Horizons Conference, we will show you how fun science, technology, engineering and math can really be! Hands-on workshops will allow you to participate in fun and challenging activities led by women with S.T.E.M. careers who live and work in the Wabash Valley. The registration will open October 5.
$13/girl • $1/adult Oct 24 • 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. The Anderson Center for the Arts 32 W 10th St, Anderson
Register online: www.smwc.edu/eyh Select three workshops that you cannot wait to experience. Requests will be granted on a first come, first served basis, so register early! SaintMary-of-the-Woods College will make every effort to put you in at least one of your top choices. You will attend two workshops.
Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6856 Drawing badge
$20/girl • $20/adult Oct 31 • 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College 1 St Mary of Woods Coll, St Mary-Of-The-Woods Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859
To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 108
Program activity descriptions
Sign up for any activity as a troop or do one on your own! Explore the World of Theatre
Extreme S.T.E.M. Careers: Under Construction
Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Grades: 4, 5
Office Code: 2051
Office Code: 2053
Expand your artistic horizons and learn important skills that will apply to your “It’s Your Story, Tell It!” Journey by participating in these fun, interactive workshops. Each workshop is designed to give you a look into how theatre is created as well as a brief history of Booth Tarkington Civic Theatre. Taught by experienced instructors, learn about storytelling, theatre terminology, stage makeup, improvisation, and basic performance technique. Troop leaders and family members are invited to observe the final presentation at the end of the session.
Do you like to help fix things around the house? When you pass a construction site are you curious about what is happening? Are you curious about what a career in construction might be like? The student and faculty members of Purdue University's Women In Construction Management and Building Construction Management organizations are ready to help you discover the opportunities! They will lead you on a journey through hands-on labs, such as crane operation, drywall repair, and hand tools, and share with you what careers are available in the field. Fun patch included.
Note: Sign your group up early! This is a popular program and class size is limited.
$5/girl • $1/adult
$17/girl • $1/adult (Session A, B and C)
Nov 14 • 8:30 a.m.-noon
$12/girl • $1/adult (Session D and E)
Purdue University, West Lafayette
Session A: Sept 12 • 10:30 a.m.-noon Grades: K, 1
Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859
Session B: Sept 19 • 10:30 a.m.-noon Grades: K, 1
Extreme Tech Careers: Robots Rule!
Session C: Oct 24 • 9 a.m.-noon Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5
Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Session D: Oct 31 • 9 a.m.-noon Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5
Office Code: 2053
Robots help us manufacture cars, perform delicate surgery, and vacuum the living room. Learn how to make a small robot obey your every command. Teach it to dance and draw designs! You will use a computer lab and learn an fun drag– and–drop programming language that is great for beginners.
Session E: Nov 7 • 9 a.m.-noon Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5 Booth Tarkington Civic Theatre 3 Center Green, Carmel Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6856
$3/girl • $1/adult Nov 13 • 6-8 p.m. IUPUI School of Informatics and Communications Technology Complex 535 W Michigan St, Indianapolis Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859
Fair Trade: Making a Difference
Fall Brownie Overnight Volunteers
Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5
Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Office Code: 2050
Office Code: 2056
Want to make a difference in the world? Shop fair trade! Join Global Gifts to learn how fair trade affects the lives of artisans, especially women and girls all over the world. Explore different cultures across many continents through a scavenger hunt. Do you know how many cocoa beans it takes to make a chocolate bar? Take the chocolate quiz to find out and be rewarded with a sample of fair traded chocolate and brownies. Will it be your lucky day? The winner of a drawing will win a special gift! Fair trade patch and goodies bag will be given to each participant. Activities will help you on your way to earning the It's Your World -Change It! Journey.
Come out and help Brownie troops have a great weekend. Check out the description of Fall Brownie Overnight for details.
$3/girl • $1/adult
Fall Colors Hike
Note: Fee covers cost of your meals. $10/girl • $10/adult Session A: Sept 11-12 • 5 p.m.-3 p.m. Session B: Sept 12-13 • 5 p.m.-3 p.m. Camp Gallahue 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
Session A: Oct 7 • 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Session B: Oct 11 • 3-4 p.m.
Office Code: 2056
Session C: Oct 14 • 6:30-7:30 p.m. Global Gifts-Nora Plaza 1300 E 86th St, Indianapolis
Join the naturalist on a colorful adventure. Learn about different trees and why their leaves change into glorious yellow, reds and browns. Activities can be applied to help you earn your It's Your Planet-Love it! Journey and Hiker badge.
Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811
$3/girl • $3/adult
Session D: Oct 18 • 3-4 p.m.
1.2 million small-scale farmers and workers benefit from the fair trade system.
Oct 11 • 11 a.m.-noon Mounds State Park 4603 Mounds Rd, Anderson
Fall Brownie Overnight
Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
Grades: 2, 3 Office Code: 2056
Ariel the mermaid needs your troop's help saving our water! Work towards earning your WOW! Journey while having fun with the mermaids in our lake. Camp in tents with your troop; make a splash and go for a swim; paddle across the lake in a canoe, and have a blast at camp!. Note: Lunch will be provided each day. You will be responsible for all other meals. $12/girl • $12/adult Session A: Sept 11-12 • 6 p.m.-3 p.m. Session B: Sept 12-13 • 6 p.m.-3 p.m. Camp Gallahue 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 108
Program activity descriptions
Fall Into Clay!
Fall Pottery Painting
Grades: 2, 3
Grades: All
Office Code: 2050
Office Code: 2052
Create a planter and tray with clay. Learn ways you can keep growing your plants through the winter. Make your favorite leaf impression in clay.
Experience the world of painting pottery! See firsthand how bisque pieces are fired in the kiln. Paint a fall themed piece of pottery using your creativity with all different stamps, stencils and sponges. Fee includes pottery piece, paints and supplies and fun patch.
Note: Projects are glazed during the workshop, fired and returned to troop leaders 3-4 weeks after your visit. $19/girl • $1/adult
Note: Completed pieces will be kiln fired and available for pick up or can be shipped for an additional fee.
Session A: Sept 27 • 1-2:30 p.m. Session A: Sept 27 • 3:30-5 p.m.
$12/girl • $1/adult
Session C: Oct 25 • 1-2:30 p.m.
Session A: Oct 8 • 6-8 p.m.
Session D: Oct 25 • 3:30-5 p.m.
Session B: Oct 26 • 6-8 p.m.
Session E: Nov 8 • 1-2:30 p.m.
$13/girl • $1/adult
Session F: Nov 8 • 3:30-5 p.m.
uPaint Pottery Studio The Art Lab 1820 E Main St, Plainfield 2070 E 54th S, Indianapolis Contact: Lindsay Hale • 317.924.6857 Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811 Session C: Oct 3 • 9-10:30 a.m. Session D: Oct 7 • 6-7:30 p.m.
Fall Kids Fest at Anderson Orchard
uPaint Pottery Studio 3113 Smith Valley Rd, Ste D, Greenwood
Grades: Family
Contact: Blair Adams • 317.924.6834
Office Code: 2052
Fall is here; let's celebrate by learning all about Anderson Orchard. Pick your very own apples, slurp down an ice cold apple slushie, and play fun games with your troop or family. Fee includes a bag of apples to take home, a yummy cider slush and a fun patch.
Fantastic Faces: Frogs on Canvas Grades: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Office Code: 2051
Love frogs and silly faces? Use your creativity to make some of your own. Paint an adorable frog onto canvas using acrylic paint on 6x6" canvas boards.
$7/girl • $7/adult Oct 3 • 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Anderson Orchards $11/girl • $1/adult 369 E Greencastle Rd, Mooresville
Session A: Jan 23 • 10-11:15 a.m.
Contact: Blair Adams • 317.924.6834
Session B: Jan 23 • 11:30-12:45 p.m.
Paul and Carolyn Anderson started Anderson Orchard in 1969.
Session C: Jan 23 • 1-2:15 p.m. Ten West Center for the Arts 10 W Church St, Fortville Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6856
r. e d u o l h g u La Climb higher. . r e t h g i r b e Shin 47
To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 108
Program activity descriptions
Feast of the Hunter's Moon
Festival of Trees
Grades: Family
Grades: All
Office Code: 2056
Office Code: 2050
The past is yours to savor at the Feast of the Hunters' Moon. At this historic reenactment, you can recapture 18th century life at Fort Ouiatenonthe first fortified European outpost in what is now Indiana. Continuous, free programming is held on five stages including French and Native American music and dance, fife and drum corps performances, along with hands-on activities. Participate in a special scavenger hunt as you wander the grounds of Fort Ouiatenon, and receive a recognition at the completion of the scavenger hunt. Use this program to work toward the Girl Scout Junior Playing the Past badge or towards the Girl Scout Brownie Making Games badge.
Come out to the Grover Museum and place your original handmade craft on our council's tree. During your personal time or troop meeting prior to the date, create an original craft in the theme of "A Few Of My Favorite Things", then hang it on the tree to be displayed during the holiday season for everyone to appreciate! Stay around and explore the beautiful Grover museum. $2/girl • $1/adult Oct 24 • 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Grover Museum 52 W Broadway St, Shelbyville Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811
Note: Fee covers the cost of the scavenger hunt recognition. It does not include admission to Feast of the Hunters' Moon.
Flower Crafts
$3/girl • $3/adult
Grades: 2, 3 Office Code: 2056
Session A: Oct 3 • 9-5 p.m.
There are all different kinds of flowers in the garden this time of year. Come get inspired by Fort Ouiatenon flowers in our garden and make flower crafts. 3129 S River Rd, West Lafayette $6/girl • $2/adult Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864 Sept 15 • 6:30-7:30 p.m. Session B: Oct 4 • 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Garfield Park Conservatory and Gardens 2505 Conservatory Dr, Indianapolis
Feast With the Witches
Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4 Office Code: 2050
Flowers Badge at Garfield Conservatory
Ahoy mateys! The Children's Museum of Indianapolis guild's witches would like to invite you lovely "lasses" to join them aboard "Pirate's Revenge!" This year's friendly feast with the witches offers two opportunities to dine with the witches. Enjoy music performed by Ruditoonz, play games, create crafts and embark on a lights on' adventure of the haunted house: "Pirate's Revenge!" Aye...we hope to see you thar!
Grades: 4, 5 Office Code: 2056
Flowers are more than just beautiful. Learn all about flowers and why they are important. Learn about the anatomy of their plant parts, and make a fun flower craft.
$18/girl • $18/adult
$6/girl • $2/adult
Session A: Oct 24 • 9-10:30 a.m.
Sept 15 • 5:15- 6:15 p.m.
Session B: Oct 24 • 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Garfield Park Conservatory and Gardens 2505 Conservatory Dr, Indianapolis
The Children's Museum of Indianapolis 3000 N Meridian St, Indianapolis
Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811
Flowers badge
Food for Thought Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Office Code: 2051
How can a garden help so many people? You will learn about the mission of A.S.P.I.R.E Indiana's Harvestland Farm and how their organically grown food provides employment opportunities for disadvantaged individuals. Activities can be applied towards It's Your World-Change it! Journey. $3/girl • $1/adult Session A: Sept 23 • 5:30-6:30 p.m. Grades: 2-5 Session B: Oct 14 • 5:30-6:30 Grades: 6-12 Aspire Harvestland Farm 6775 State Rd 32, Anderson Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6856
Foods from Field and Stream Grades: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Explore. Discover.
Office Code: 2056
Discover the important foods that native people gathered and prepared to feed their families. This program provides you a great jump-start towards earning your It's your Planet-Love It! Journey. Note: Shellfish and nuts will be present; however, participants can eat what they choose.
Fun with Tech: Gadgets and Gizmos
$3/girl • $4/adult Oct 11 • 2-4 p.m.
Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Prophetstown State Park 5545 Swisher Rd, West Lafayette
Office Code: 2053
Experiment with easy-to-use, snap-together bits of electronics to create art, whimsy or small machines. Using off-the-shelf products, such as LittleBits and MakeyMakey, learn about the circuits that power phones, tablets, and computers, and see what you can build!
Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
$3/girl • $1/adult Session A: Oct 2 • 6-8 p.m. Session B: Nov 14 • 9-11 a.m. IUPUI School of Informatics and Communications Technology Complex 535 W Michigan St, Indianapolis Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859
To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 108
Program activity descriptions
Gallons of Fun at the Levee
Get It Out There!
Grades: Family
Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Office Code: 2051
Office Code: 2050
Check out the shark tank, watch the penguins dance in their suits, or make friends with an 18-foot alligator. All of these attractions and more are open to explore at the Newport Aquarium. Fun patch included.
Come out and learn the fundamentals of marketing and branding with the Team at PERQ marketing. You will work in groups to create a brand image, come up with a product your team wants to sell, and decide who you want to sell your product to. Maybe you will want to sell friendship bracelets and you think that your friends who are 10-12 years old will buy them. You will work together to develop a company name, create a cool logo, and then create your very own newspaper advertisement or billboard design and a radio or TV commercial.
$14/girl • $20/adult Nov 7 • 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Newport Aquarium Newport on the Levee, Cincinnati, Ohio Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6856
$3/girl • $1/adult
Geocaching Outing
Nov 8 • noon-2 p.m.
Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
PERQ 7225 Georgetown Rd, Indianapolis
Office Code: 2056
Learn about the activity of geocaching, which combines GPS technology and the outdoors. We will hit the trails and embark on a high-tech scavenger hunt to discover more about our park's resources. Girl Scout Juniors: use this program to help earn your Geocacher badge.
Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811 Girl Scout Juniors: Consumer Insights badge
Girl Scout Cadettes: Marketing badge
$3/girl • $3/adult Session A: Sept 13 • 11 a.m.-noon
Girl Scout Getaways
Session B: Oct 25 • 11 a.m.-noon
Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Mounds State Park 4603 Mounds Rd, Anderson
Office Code: 2056
Check out the Girl Scout destination website for tips and ideas on how to plan your troop's next getaway! See Wicked on Broadway in New York City; explore the wilderness on the ultimate canoe trip; visit Juliette Gordon Low's birthplace in Atlanta, Ga.; tour our nation's capital; make a fun discovery in the windy city and much more!
Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
Get Fired Grades: All Office Code: 2051
Visit: forgirls.girlscouts.org/travel/take-a-trip/ getaways/
Tap into your artistic and creative side and get ready to make a masterpiece! You will make a work of art to take home and enjoy.
Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
$5/girl • $1/adult Session A: Oct 15 • 4-5:30 p.m. Session B: Nov 12 • 4-5:30 p.m. Get Fired Pottery Studio 1611 Chester Blvd, Richmond Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6856
Girl Scout Night with Indy Eleven
Giving Back
Grades: Family
Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5
Office Code: 2050
Office Code: 2050
Come out and enjoy a fun filled evening with the Indy Eleven soccer team. You will have the opportunity to engage in a panel discussion with an all women panel on women in sports. You and your troop or family can participate in various activities on the field before the game. Fee includes ticket to the game, hot dog, chips, soft drinks and access to pre-game activities.
Do you enjoy lending a helping hand to others or raising money for a good cause? Join the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy to learn skills that can help you improve the world around you. Participants will also learn about career tracks interested in giving back to the community. $3/girl • $1/adult
$21.50/girl • $21.50/adult
Nov 15 • 1-3 p.m.
Sept 19 • 5 p.m.
Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis 301 W New York St, Indianapolis
Carroll Stadium Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811 1001 W New York St, Indianapolis Philanthropist badge
Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811
The team was founded in 2013, and they made their debut in the North American Soccer League on April 12, 2014.
Glass Ornament Making Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Office Code: 2052
Girl Scouts Rev Racing Experience
Experience the art of glass fusing at uPaint’s new location in Greenwood! Learn how to score, cut, and nip glass to make a glass ornament. Fee includes 4” glass base, decorative glass, supplies and firing.
Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Office Code: 2053
Through leadership development, financial literacy and healthy lifestyle programs, the Rev Racing Motorsports Academy teaches valuable life lessons from the experience of a real life race shop. Within this immersive learning program, girls will have access to the necessary tools and skills to become effective leaders as they get behind the wheel of racing simulators, gain hands-on experience with pit crew equipment and jump into actual racing gear. Girl fee includes activities, fun patch and lunch. Adult fee includes lunch.
Note: Completed pieces will be kiln fired and available for pick-up one week after date of event or can be shipped for an additional charge. $14/girl • $1/adult Session A: Nov 5 • 6-8 p.m. uPaint Pottery Studio 3113 Smith Valley Rd, Ste D, Greenwood Blair Adams • 317.924.6834
$25/girl • $10/adult
Session B: Nov 24 • 6-8 p.m.
Nov 7 • 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
uPaint Pottery Studio Rev Racing 1820 E Main St, Plainfield 5294 E 65th St, Indianapolis Contact: Lindsay Hale • 317.924.6834 Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859
Join the conversation! @girlscoutsin 51
To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 108
Program activity descriptions
Glitters of Gratitude
Going for the Gold Classroom
Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Office Code: 2051
Office Code: 2053
Do you sparkle with gratitude? Use the tools of gratitude, yoga, mindfulness, and meditation to explore ourselves and our role in today's world. We will create a glitter globe to remind us of the small, daily sparkles of life. We will make a gratitude jar for us and our families to help foster gratitude each day in our lives. This program will help you work on It's Your World-Change it! Journey.
Are you interested in earning your Girl Scout Gold Award—the highest award a girl can earn in Girl Scouting? If so, then this informational session would be the best place for you to start. Take a closer look at the journey you will take in your quest for the Girl Scout Gold Award. Learn about each of the seven steps to process, and then take a closer look at the Standards of Excellence set forth by our Girl Scout Gold Award Committee. Finally, end with helpful hints on how to prepare for your proposal interview. While this session is required for any girl interested in pursuing her Girl Scout Gold Award, you are encouraged to invite adult mentors who may provide support for you during your project (i.e. Girl Scout leader, parent, etc.) to attend.
$12/girl • $1/adult Session A: Oct 11 • 2-3:30 p.m. Session B: Nov 15 • 4-5:30 p.m. The Urban Chalkboard 452 E Carmel Dr, Carmel
Note: This is the same training as the Going for the Gold Webinar. Registration closes one week prior.
Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6856
The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit language, and loosely means "union" or "joining."
$4/girl • $1/adult Session A: Sept 13 • 4:30-6 p.m. Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girl School Rd, Indianapolis
Go Figure (Skating)
Session B: Sept 19 • 1-2:30 p.m.
Grades: All
Girl Scout Service Center at Daleville 13555 W CR 550 S, Daleville
Office Code: 2051
Bring out your family or troop and make it a fun late afternoon at the ice rink. You will receive an ice skating lesson, make a fall craft and practice your skating skills. Fee covers admission and skate rental.
Session C: Sept 20 • 4:30-6 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Bloomington 1000 N Walnut St, Ste I, Bloomington Session D: Oct 4 • 4:30-6 p.m.
$8/girl • $8/adult
Girl Scout Service Center at Terre Haute 1100 Girl Scout Ln, Terre Haute
Oct 24 • 3-5:30 p.m.
Session E: Oct 18 • 4:30-6 p.m.
Fishers Forum Ice Arena 9022 E 126th St, Fishers
Camp Ada 4731 W CR 600 S, Spiceland
Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6856
Session F: Nov 8 • 4:30-6 p.m. Camp Sycamore Valley 8439 State Road 26 E, Lafayette Session G: Nov 15 • 4:30-6 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Kokomo 815 W Superior St, Kokomo Session H: Nov 21 • 1-2:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Columbus 1300 Hutchins Ave , Columbus Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859
Going for the Gold Webinar
Herp, Herp, Hooray!
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Grades: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Office Code: 2053
Office Code: 2056
Note: This is the same training as the Going for the Gold Classroom. All participants must have access to high speed Internet with either a speaker/microphone or a telephone (preferably a speakerphone). Web cam not required. Registration closes one week prior.
Meet some of the park's amphibian and reptile friends. They will be ready for hibernation and will not be seen again until spring. This is a great opportunity to work towards earning your It's Your Story-Tell It! Journey.
$2/girl • Free/adult
Nov 1 • 2-4 p.m.
Session A: Sept 15 • 5:30-7 p.m. Session B: Oct 28 • 5:30-7 p.m.
Prophetstown State Park 5545 Swisher Rd, West Lafayette
Session C: Nov 12 • 5:30-7 p.m.
Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
$2/girl • $3/adult
Session D: Dec 2 • 5:30-7 p.m. Session E: Jan 28 • 5:30-7 p.m.
Hiker Badge
Hosted online
Grades: 2, 3
Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859
Office Code: 2056
Every trail leads to a new adventure - let an Eagle Creek guide take you on new adventures! Explore the park and learn fun things about hiking! Gate fee will be waived.
33 Girl Scouts earned their Gold Award this year at Girls of Distinction.
Green Thumb
$5/girl • $2/adult
Grades: 4, 5
Nov 12 • 5-6 p.m.
Office Code: 2052
Eagle Creek Park, Ornithology Center 6515 Delong Rd, Indianapolis
Start your own garden at Indiana State University's Community Garden. You will get to explore the garden where more than 100 people grow their own food, learn about different types of plants and how they grow, and even get to plant and take home seeds of your own!
Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864 Hiker badge
Hiking at Trevlac Bluffs
$7/girl • $1/adult
Grades: All
Sept 25 • 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Office Code: 2052
Indiana State University's Community Garden 219 N 11 St, Terre Haute
Named for its towering 200-foot eastern hemlock bluffs, enjoy the sights and sounds of nature in beautiful Brown County at this stunning land preserve. Explore the upland forest, which includes the relic stands of eastern hemlock trees, and venture to the lowlands to investigate the pond.
Contact: Blair Adams • 317.924.6834 Gardener badge
$2/girl • $1/adult Sept 26 • 1-3 p.m. Trevlac Bluffs Nature Preserve 4625 SR 45, Nashville Contact: Blair Adams • 317.924.6834 Girl Scout Brownies: Hiker badge
To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 108
Program activity descriptions
Hip-Hop Dance Moves
Hit the Slopes
Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Grades: Family
Office Code: 2052
Office Code: 2000
This exciting and fast paced dance class will leave you feeling fresh! Learn various styles of hip-hop, push creativity, and boost your confidence. All music and moves are age appropriate in this fun and open hip-hop dance class. Fun patch included. $11/girl • $1/adult
There is no better time to spend with your fellow scout sisters than on the slopes! Fill your winter with fun and fitness while learning to ski or just having fun tubing down the hill! Ski lesson (if needed) and patch are included. Bring a snack to be enjoyed out on the deck or inside the picnic room and make it a full day.
Nov 7 • 11-11:45 a.m.
2 hour tubing ONLY | $20/girl • $20/adult
Noblesville Athletic Club 411 S Harbour Dr, Noblesville
3 hour tubing ONLY | $25/girl • $25/adult 8 hour tubing ONLY | $28/girl • $28/adult
Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6858
All day ski/tube package | $45/girl • $45/adult Jan 31
Historic Homestead and Farm Tour Grades: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Perfect North Slopes 19074 Perfect Pl Ln, Lawrenceburg
Office Code: 2056
Contact: Diana Keely • 316.924.6856
Join us for a tour of the Historic Farm at Prophetstown, including the chicken coop, machine shed, horse barn and more. Then we will head inside the farmhouse and warm-up with hot drinks and fun old-fashioned games. Girl Scout Juniors: This program will help you earn your Playing the Past badge.
The word 'ski' has its origins in the Norwegian word skíð which means a piece of wood!
Holiday at the Farm Grades: Family
$3/girl • 4/adult
Office Code: 2052
Have a letter to send to Santa? Bring it, and celebrate the winter holidays on the farm by taking a wagon ride, making ornaments, caroling, and visiting Mr. Claus himself! Don't forget to visit the holiday treat house for some hot cocoa and yummy snacks. Fun patch included.
Dec 13 • 2-4 p.m. Prophetstown State Park 5545 Swisher Rd, West Lafayette Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
History Hike
$8/girl • $8/adult
Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Session B: Dec 5 • 5-7 p.m.
Session A: Dec 4 • 5-7 p.m.
Office Code: 2056
Shireman Homestead 7060 W 200 N, Columbus
Travel back in time with a naturalist for this hour-long hike. We will travel through 2,000 years of history, while we learn about the Native Americans, pioneers and amusement park that called this land home. Use this program to help you with the "It's Your Planet" Journey, and the "It's Your Story" Journey.
Contact: Blair Adams • 317.924.6834
$3/girl • $3/adult Sept 6 • 11 a.m.-noon Mounds State Park 4603 Mounds Rd, Anderson Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
nd a m l a c p e Ke enjoy the great outdoors! Holiday Nature Crafts
Holiday Sing
Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Grades: Family
Office Code: 2056
Office Code: 2050
Everyone loves nature, so let's make some nature crafts! Use this program to help you earn a badges or Journey you might be working on.
Come out and enjoy a joyous holiday sing-a-long with fellow Girl Scouts. In addition to the sing, girls are welcome to come and explore the galleries of the Indiana State Museum, and enjoy the holidays in nostalgic Celebration Crossing. Embrace the spirit of the season and bring a donation we will deliver to a community organization.
$6/girl • $2/adult Dec 3 • 5:15-6:15 p.m. Garfield Park Conservatory and Gardens 2505 Conservatory Dr, Indianapolis Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
$5/girl • $5/adult Dec 12 • noon Indiana State Museum 650 W Washington St, Indianapolis Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811
To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 108
Program activity descriptions
Holler Hoppin' Zip Lines Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Office Code: 2056
This program is perfect for you to use toward our newest Outdoor badge. Girl Scout Ambassadors: use this program toward you Ultimate Recreation Challenge. Part of the badge requirements are to go zip-lining! Experience a true country adventure as you soar over the ravines and hollers of beautiful Brown County. Hopper Hopping is constructed with six separate zip-lines totaling more than 1,100 feet for an approximate hour and a half experience. The family friendly zip-lines allow you to feel like you are flying as the ground falls away up to 50 feet below. Land lightly on your feet as the ground rises back up to meet you on the other side. Notes: There is a weight restriction of minimum 60 pounds/ minimum 7 years old and maximum of 275 pounds. Girls must be accompanied by participating adult. If you have a large troop, please register for more than one session. Maximum 10 people per session. Large troops must split up and register for separate session. $36/girl • $36/adult Dates: Aug 23
camping: it's "in-tents!"
Aug 30 Sept 6 Sept 13 Sept 20 Sept 27
Holiday Park Overnight at the Nature Center
Oct 4 Oct 11
Grades: 4, 5 Office Code: 2056
Times for dates above:
Join us for an overnight adventure! Eat dinner around the campfire, meet a live owl, dissect owl pellets and go on a night hike. In the morning, eat a pancake breakfast and take another hike. Fee includes meals.
10:30 a.m.-noon noon-1:30 p.m. 2-3:30 p.m. 3:30-5 p.m.
$20/girl • $4/adult
5:30-7 p.m.
Nov 13-14 • 6 p.m.-9 a.m.
Rawhide Ranch Holliday Park 1292 S SR 135, Nashville 6363 Spring Mill Rd, Indianapolis Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864 Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864 Camper badge
Hoosier Hunt
Horseback Riding at Trinity Farms Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Grades: Family
Office Code: 2056
Office Code: 2052
You know all about horse care, now it is time to step into the saddle! Learn how to saddle a horse and the basics of riding your horse.
Love a good scavenger hunt? Then try your hand at this self-guided tour of Indiana University's beautiful campus in downtown Bloomington. Bring your completed map back to the Indiana University Visitors Center and receive a cool prize! Families are welcome to attend. Fun patch included.
Note: Adults wanting to ride need to pay the $30 fee. (Register as a girl.) $30/girl • $5/adult Session A: Sept 19 • 2-4 p.m.
$2/girl • $1/adult
Session B: Oct 10 • 2-4 p.m.
Oct 24 • 12-4 p.m.
Trinity Farms 10310 S CR 0, Clayton
Indiana University Sample Gates, E Kirkwood Ave, Bloomington
Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
Contact: Blair Adams • 317.924.6834
Girl Scout Juniors: Horseback Riding badge
Hoosier Outdoor Experience
Horse care and Ownership
Grades: Family Office Code: 2056
Grades: All
Join thousands of Hoosiers in the fun at Fort Benjamin Harrison State Park and experience hands on outdoor living skills. Race remote controlled boats, fish, watch water dog demonstrations, go fossil hunting, ride a pony, go for a hay ride or horse drawn carriage ride, experience what it is like to ride in a Jeep and much more. Use this day to help you earn badges or work toward earning Journeys. This year, you can buy your patch at any of our showcases. This is a wonderful family event. No pre-registration is required. It is an open event to the public.
Office Code: 2056
Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
Do you want to own a horse of your own one day? Join us and learn all there is about taking care of a horse. Tour a barn, learn about where horses live and what they eat and drink. This is a non-riding workshop. $15/girl • $5/adult Session A: Sept 19 • 4:30-6:30 p.m. Session B: Oct 10 • noon-2 p.m. Trinity Farms 10310 S CR 0, Clayton
Session A: Sept 19 • 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Session B: Sept 20 • 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Fort Harrison 6002 Post Rd, Indianapolis Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Office Code: 2056
Do you love horses? Would you like to learn how to ride a horse? This program will help you. $15/girl • $15/adult Oct 17 • 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Ponies and Kids 5534 N 150 W, West Lafayette Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864 Girl Scout Juniors: Horseback Riding badge
To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 108
Program activity descriptions
Imagination Stage
Introduction to Springboard Diving Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Office Code: 2050
Office Code: 2052
$12/girl • $1/adult
Join us for an introduction to competitive springboard diving. Learn skills from both the one meter and three meter boards. No experience required. Participants only need to know how to swim unassisted in deep water. Check out Bounce, Tumble, Dive on page 33 to experience even more diving - you can do both of these programs in the same day!
Oct 3 • 1-3 p.m.
$2/girl • $1/adult
Girl Scout Service Center at Terre Haute 1100 Girl Scout Ln, Terre Haute
Session A: Oct 10
Step into another time and put yourself in the shoes of a female from the past. Pick a costume and decide who you are, how you behaved, what your favorite hobbies and skills are, etc. You'll enact your character as the adults guess what era you are re-enacting. Fun patch included.
10 a.m.-6 p.m. • In one hour sessions
Contact: Blair Adams • 317.924.6834
IUPUI Natatorium 901 W New York St, Indianapolis
In a Galaxy Far, Far Away… Imagination Station
Session B: Oct 10 10 a.m.-6 p.m. • In one hour sessions
Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Lawrence North High School, Indianapolis
Office Code: 2053
Session C: Oct 10
Have you ever wanted to explore the world around you, or perhaps take a closer look at the world of science fiction? Consider letting your imagination loose as you explore Imagination Station, with various hands on activities.
10 a.m.-6 p.m. • In one hour sessions North Central High School, Indianapolis Session D: Oct 10 10 a.m.-6 p.m. • In one hour sessions
$8/girl • $1/adult
Richmond High School, Richmond
Nov 7 • 1-3 p.m.
Session E: Oct 10 Imagination Station 10 a.m.-6 p.m. • In one hour sessions 600 N 4th St, Lafayette Centerville High School, Centerville
Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859
Session F: Oct 10
Indian Dance
10 a.m.-6 p.m. • In one hour sessions
Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Noblesville High School, Noblesville
Office Code: 2052
Session G: Oct 10
Bharatanatyam is one of the oldest dance forms of India. Learn the wide range of movements from postures, rhythmic patterns, leg movements and facial expressions that make this dance style unique. If you are looking to try something new and exciting, this workshop is for you! Fun patch included.
10 a.m.-6 p.m. • In one hour sessions Westfield High School, Westfield Session H:Oct 10
$12/girl • $1/adult
10 a.m.-6 p.m. • In one hour sessions Pendleton High School, Pendleton
Sept 12 • 1-3 p.m.
Session I: Oct 10
Indiana State University, Landini Center for Performing and Fine Arts, Rm 161 300 N 7th St, Terre Haute
10 a.m.-6 p.m. • In one hour sessions Whiteland High School, Whiteland Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811
Contact: Blair Adams • 317.924.6834
Indiana University Brownie Math and Science Day
Indiana University Women’s Volleyball Game Grades: Family
Grades: 2, 3
Office Code: 2052
Office Code: 3125
Bump, set, spike! Join the Indiana University women's volleyball team for their match against Northern Arizona. You will receive on-court recognition, and will form a high-five tunnel as players are introduced. Fun patch included.
Betty Brownie and Indiana University professors and graduate students bring science and math to life! Hosted by the physics department with support from other university departments, you will work with college students and professors as you get a hands-on look at science and math while earning the Betty Brownie Patch. Cost includes program, Betty Brownie fun patch, and a snack.
$2/girl • $2/adult Sept 12 • 7-9 p.m. Indiana University Gymnasium 2721 E 10th St, Bloomington
Note: Leaders,use this opportunity to take some hands-on science training . Because of space in the labs, please adhere to Safety Wiser ratios for adult participation. Lunch is not provided, but troops who choose to bring their own lunch may arrive at noon, and space will be provided to eat.
Contact: Blair Adams • 317.924.6834
It’s Your Planet – Love It! Sampler
$5/girl • $5/adult
Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Nov 14 • 12:30-4 p.m.
Office Code: 2053
IU Swain Hall Enjoy fun and exploration of the It's Your Planet— Love It! Journey. You will have an opportunity 157 727 E 3rd St, Bloomington to sample different activities inspired by the Contact: Katie Wahlstrom • 317.924.6809 Between Earth and Sky, WOW! and Get Moving! Journey books. Grab a friend and show her what Girl Scouting is all about. Fee includes a fun patch.
Indiana University Women’s Soccer Game
$5/girl • $1/adult
Grades: Family
Sept 26 • 10 a.m.-noon
Office Code: 2052
Camp Sycamore Valley 8439 State Rd 26 E, Lafayette
Cheer on the Indiana University women's soccer team, as they face off against Ohio State University! Run out onto the field to form a highfive tunnel for introductions and the national anthem. Fun patch included.
Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859
$2/girl • $1/adult Oct 18 • 1-3 p.m. Indiana University, Armstrong Stadium 1606 N Fee Ln, Bloomington Contact: Blair Adams • 317.924.6834
The Hoosiers return 16 letterwinners from last year's team and also welcome eight newcomers to the team.
Join the conversation! @girlscoutsin 59
To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 108
Program activity descriptions
It’s Your Planet – Love It! Sampler Volunteer Overnight
Let's Travel! Destination Trips
Grades: 6, 7, 8
Office Code: 2056
Office Code: 2053
Did you know that you can participate in adventures all across the country and the world? Through Girl Scout hosted destination trips, you can do just that! Contact Barb Nichols to get all the information you need to get started on the Destination trip of your dreams. Check out www.girlscouts.org/destinations for more information on next summer's trips.
Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Are you interested in working on your Service to Girl Scouting Bar or your Program Aide pins? If so, here is an opportunity for you! On Friday night, join other Girl Scout Cadettes as you work together to further develop skills that you will need to be successful when you work with younger girls. Saturday morning you will have a chance to put these new skills into action as we host an It's Your Planet—Love It! Sampler event for Girl Scout Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors. Girl fee includes a fun patch, light breakfast, and snack. Adult fee includes light breakfast and snacks.
Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
Letter-Boxing Days at the IMA Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5
$7/girl • $4/adult
Office Code: 2050
Sept 25-26 • 7 p.m.-1 p.m.
Join the Art Lab for letter boxing! Letter boxing is the ultimate treasure hunt! Search for small boxes hidden on the IMA grounds, follow the clues, decipher codes and stamp your own small notebook or passport with stamps left in hidden letterbox sites. Create your own stamp and leave behind your mark! Before you leave, pick up your own letterbox and stamp, hide it and leave a clue card for others to find your troops’ letterbox site. Fee includes an Art Lab fun patch, your own personal handmade stamp and a letter-boxing journal or passport.
Camp Sycamore Valley 8439 State Rd 26 E, Lafayette Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859
Jazzy Jeweler Designer Grades: 4, 5 Office Code: 2051
Add a little more glitz and glam to your outfits by learning to design your own jewelry! Girl Scout Juniors will explore different techniques and materials needed while learning from an artist who makes jewelry. Find out how to make jewelry from metal and create jewelry inspired by another culture. Explore how to transfer everyday objects into unique pieces of jewelry. Girl Scout Juniors will take their newly learned skills to share with others by making a very special piece of jewelry to give to someone else.
$12/girl • $1/adult Session A: Sept 26 • noon-2 p.m. Session B: Sept 26 • 1-3 p.m. Session C: Sept 26 • 2-4 p.m. Session D: Sept 26 • 3-5 p.m. Session E: Oct 17 • noon-2 p.m. Session F: Oct 17 • 1-3 p.m.
$15/girl • $1/adult
Session G: Oct 17 • 2-4 p.m.
Nov 4 • 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Session H: Oct 17 • 3-5 p.m.
The Anderson Center for the Arts 32 W 10th St, Anderson
Indianapolis Museum of Art 4000 Michigan Rd, Indianapolis
Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6856
Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811
Jeweler badge
The Museum has a collection of more than 54,000 works spanning 5,000 years and has a 152-acre campus.
Lights, Camera, Aspire
Lil Rascals
Grades: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Grades: All
Office Code: 3125
Office Code: 2052
Lights, Camera, Aspire! Love making short videos of your friends, dream of being a TV news anchor, reporter, videographer, or plan and run big events? Join us for a weekend or two or at camp where you will learn from professionals and test your newly learned skills as we work together to create a short film showcasing our wonderful camps.
Looking for something fun and adventurous to do this spring? Visit Rascal's Fun Zone for unlimited attractions including 2 hours of indoor and outdoor go-carts, mini golf, blaster boats, a game of mini bowling and four tokens to use at the arcade. Fun patch included. Note: Adults wishing to participate should register as a girl .
In Session A we will travel to DePauw University where the Media Fellows program will show us some techniques for filming, shooting, and editing film. Learn from professors and student mentors who are experts in their fields.
$15/girl • $1/adult Sept 26 • 10:30 a.m-12:30 p.m. Rascal's Fun Zone 629 N US 31, Whiteland
In Session B we will travel to WFYI Indianapolis where we will work with green screens and with a freelance videographer who will show us the art and science of filmmaking.
Contact: Blair Adams • 317.924.6834
Magical Theater at the Levee
In Session C join us for a week at camp where you will travel to our Girl Scout camps and create a short film. Not only will you be helping us make a wonderful video to promote our camps, but this is a great opportunity to help you build your portfolio for college admissions! You can sign up for one, two or all three sessions. Sign up for all three sessions for a flat fee of $185! Cost includes meals, snacks, and transportation to the events from the Math and Science Center or from Camp Na Wa Kwa.
Grades: Family Office Code: 2051
Experience the magic of Wizardz Magic Theater! You and your family can enjoy a fun show featuring comedy and illusions. Express your creativity when audience participation is encouraged. Fun patch included. $6/girl • $10/adult
$15/girl • Session A
Session B: Nov 7 • 5 p.m. show starts
$15/girl • Session B
Session B: Nov 7 • 8 p.m. show starts
$180/girl • Session C $185/girl • Session D (all sessions)
Wizardz Magic Theater Newport on the Levee, Cincinnati, OH
Session A: Sept 12-13 • 10 a.m.-9 a.m.
Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6856
Math and Science Center 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis Girls will travel to DePauw University, Greencastle Session B: Apr 8-9, 2016 • 7 p.m.-5 p.m. Math and Science Center 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis Girls will travel to WFYI, Indianapolis Session C: June 12-17, 2016 • 6 p.m.-4 p.m Camp Na Wa Kwa 7865 E CR 300 N, Poland Session D: All 3 sessions above Contact: Katie Wahlstrom • 317.924.6809 or Blair Adams • 317.924.6834
To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 108
Program activity descriptions
Meaning of Mean (Me & You) Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Office Code: 2051
Every Girl Scout knows what it takes to be a friend. Girls will gain tools to be a good sister Girl Scout and how to display self-confidence. Are you struggling with those "mean" ones? Come and be empowered with mindfulness, meditation, and yoga to explore how we can be our kindest selves and discover our voice . Let's build our best selves, and learn to understand others. This program will help you work towards earning It's Your Story: Tell It! and It's Your World-Change It! Journeys. $12/girl • $1/adult Session A: Oct 11 • 2-3:30 p.m. Session B: Nov 15 • 4-5:30 p.m. The Urban Chalkboard 452 E Carmel Dr, Carmel Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6856
Meet the Author Grades: C,S,A Office Code: 2051
Meet Madalyn Kinsey, author of young adult novels The Ghost of Cheeney Creek and Mystery of Gatewood Airport, featuring 14-year old Vanessa and her teen-aged cousins and friends. Learn how she gets her story ideas and the process she follows to write. You’ll have a chance to brainstorm ideas for your own book, learn how to outline your story, and get started writing your own book, story, poem or play. You’ll also learn about short-story writing, journaling, TV script writing and other forms of creative writing. Hear other participants act out your play or script. Includes fun patch.
Never stop learning. Me & My Gal: Self Defense Grades: All Office Code: 2052
$5girl • $1/adult
Specializing in helping kids develop leadership skills and success-mindset as well as helping families spend quality family time together; Level 10 is not your average "kicking & punching" karate school. Girls will work on self-defense skills and learn how to deal with bullies and peer pressure.
Sept 26 • 10 a.m. Carmel location: TBA Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6856
$10/girl • $10/adult Oct 3 • 1:30-3 p.m. Level 10 Martial Arts 5135 S Emerson Ave, Indianapolis Contact: Blair Adams • 317.924.6834
Mocking Jay Sleepover
Microsoft Tech Savvy Girls
Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Office Code: 2050
Office Code: 2051
The end is near: come out for this exclusive Hunger Games lock-in! Watch the final movie of this series at the theater next door, stay up all night testing your skills in Hunger Game themed games. Come dressed up in your best District 10 outfit, and be ready for the revolution! Fee includes movie ticket, snacks, unlimited arcade games, activities and pizza.
Learn how to use all the latest Microsoft software technologies: Girl Scout Daisies, learn about the violet petal and how to use technology to keep in touch with others. Girl Scout Brownies, learn how to paint a digital picture; participate in an internet research project; letter writing; and learn a new internet game! Girl Scout Juniors, learn how to be a digital photographer and the techniques of the entertainment industry. Girl Scout Cadettes, learn about how to be safe while using the web and how to make movies. Fee includes badge and a snack.
$25/girl • $17/adult Nov 20 • 7 p.m.-8 a.m. Tilt Studios 37 Maryland St, Indianapolis
$3/girl • $1/adult Session A: Sept 14 • 5:30-8 p.m. Grades: 5-8 • Digital Photography
Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811
Session B: Sept 21 • 5:30-8 p.m. Grades: 4-5 • Entertainment Technology
Session C: Sept 28 • 5:30-8 p.m. Grades: 6-8 • Digital Movie
Mom & Me Fitness
Session D: Oct 5 • 5:30-8 p.m. Grades 2-3: Computer Expert
Grades: All
Session E: Oct 11 • 3-4 p.m. Grades: K-1
A great way to incorporate fitness into your life is by participating with someone you love. Bring your mom or favorite adult female friend to this fitness fun event! Complete a fun fitness routine and learn workout skills to use at home. Get hands-on with a healthy eating activity. Learn how to juice, and make healthy smoothies. Staying fit and eating healthy is easy to do with proper training from professionals and an exciting jump-start. You will become a positive agent of change!
Katniss’ signature braid took only 20 minutes to style.
Office Code: 2050
Session F: Oct 19 • 5:30-8 p.m. Grades: 4-5 • Digital Photography Session G: Oct 26 • 5:30-8 p.m. Grades: 4-5 • Entertainment Technology Session H: Nov 2 • 5:30-8 p.m. Grades: 6-8 • Digital Movie Session I: Nov 9 • 5:30-8 p.m. Grades: 2-3 • Computer Expert
$5/girl • $5/adult Nov 14 • 2-4 p.m.
Session J: Nov 15 • 3-4 p.m. Grades: K-1
BeNow Fitness 9607 N College Ave, Indianapolis
Session K: Nov 23 • 5:30-8 p.m. Grades: 4-5 • Digital Photography
Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811
Microsoft Store ! Keystone at the Crossing, Indianapolis Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6856
Muscle is three times more efficient at burning calories than fat.
To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 108
Program activity descriptions
Monster Mash Skate
Mystery Festival Detective Badge
Grades: Family
Grades: 4, 5
Office Code: 2054
Office Code: 3125
Have a monstrously good time at Hot Skates with all your Girl Scout friends! Join us for a great night of fall fun, games and skating. Listen to festive music and enjoy fall treats. Feeling extra festive? Come dressed in costume, too!
What happened to Felix Navidad the millionaire? Become a Forensic Scientist as you try to solve the case of the missing millionaire. Work with fingerprints, Ph testing, fiber analyses, and much more as you work to solve the case. You must help solve the case and find out what happened to Felix, before someone else disappears! Fee includes Detective badge.
$6/girl • $6/adult Oct 29 • 5:30-8:30 p.m.
Hot Skates $5/girl • $1/adult 241 Casco Dr, Avon Session A: Nov 17 • 4:30-6 p.m. Contact: Lindsay Hale • 317.924.6857 Session B: Nov 17 • 6:30-8 p.m. Session C: Nov 19 • 4:30-6 p.m.
Ms. S.T.E.M.: An Exploration in Careers
Session D: Nov 19 • 6:30-8 p.m. Math and Science Center 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis
Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Office Code: 2053
Contact: Katie Wahlstrom • 317.924.6809
Are you interested in learning more about how S.T.E.M. is used in real life? Would you like find out what it is like to be a S.T.E.M. professional? Come participate in fun hands-on activities led by professional women in such fields as medicine, engineering and business. You will have a chance to talk to professionals about their favorite classes in school, how they got interested in S.T.E.M., why their careers are rewarding and fun, and what advice they have for girls like you!
Detective badge
Mystery Luncheon Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5 Office Code: 2054
Dress to impress and come play an active part at our fairy tale themed mystery luncheon. Sip on some sweet teas and give yourself some food for thought while you solve the puzzle. The table that solves the puzzle will receive a prize.
$4/girl • $1/adult Oct 24 • 9 a.m.-1 p.m. IUPUI Campus Center 420 University Blvd, Indianapolis
$12/girl • $12/adult Oct 17 • noon-2 p.m.
Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859
Crystal Tea Room 502 W Jefferson St, Kokomo Contact: Lindsay Hale • 317.924.6857 Junior Detective badge
Science is magic that works. Next Great Architects: Bird House Design
Next Great Architects: Build A Model
Grades: K, 1, 2
Grades: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Office Code: 2051
Office Code: 2051
How cool will it be to create a neighborhood for your favorite-feathered friends? Your first client as an architect will be, birds! Decorate a birdhouse using your creativity! Once all are finished, we will put them together to form Indy's newest community. In addition, for your hard work in changing the lives of our feathered friends, you will receive a Next Great Architects fun patch and certificate.
Have you ever been in a building that has a scale model of the building in a glass case? Wouldn't it be cool to make one of those yourself? Join us as we build a model of a house. You will earn a Next Great Architects fun patch and certificate!
$10/girl • $1/adult
Session B: Nov 21 • 2-3:30 p.m. Grades: 6, 7, 8
$10/girl • $1/adult Session A: Nov 21 • noon-1:30 p.m. Grades: 3, 4, 5
Oct 3 • 10-11:30 a.m.
Fishers Public Library 5 Municipal Dr, Fishers
Fishers Public Library 5 Municipal Dr, Fishers
Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6856
Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6856
To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 108
Program activity descriptions
Night at the Museum Grades: All Office Code: 2052
Living history is about to take on a whole new meaning! Come join us at the Johnson County Museum of History for an evening screening of Night at the Museum, followed by a self-guided scavenger hunt through the various exhibits. But, be careful...some of the exhibits are particularly life-like! Fun patch included. $5/girl • $1/adult Sept 18 • 5-9 p.m. Johnson County Museum 135 N Main St, Franklin Contact: Blair Adams • 317.924.6834
Design is a journey to discovery.
Night with the Stars Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Office Code: 3125
Join us for a night with the stars at the Math and Science Center. Stay up late and explore the skies with state-of-the-art telescopes. You will also work with our computers and enjoy fun astronomy activities. Fee includes astronomy fun patch and a light breakfast. You will be asked to bring a snack to share.
Next Great Architects: Residential Design
$8/girl • $2/adult
Grades: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Nov 20-21 • 7 p.m.-9 a.m.
Office Code: 2051
Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis
Have you ever wanted to design your own house? Have you ever wanted to rearrange the furniture in your house to try out a new layout for the design? Join us as we produce a floor plan of your personal design. You will earn a Next Great Architects fun patch and certificate!
Contact: Katie Wahlstrom • 317.924.6809
$10/girl • $1/adult Session A: Oct 3 • noon-1:30 p.m. Grades: 3, 4, 5 Session B: Oct 3 • 2-3:30 p.m. Grades: 6, 7, 8 Fishers Public Library 5 Municipal Dr, Fishers Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6856
A star is a massive, bright, sphere of very hot gas called plasma, which is held together by its own gravity.
Not Just Popcorn
Origami Cranes: The Art of Japanese Paper Folding
Grades: Family Office Code: 2052
Grades: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Butter on popcorn is old news! Not Just Popcorn features nearly 400 flavors of popcorn—all made from scratch and by hand! Your senses will be delighted, as you tour this one-of-a-kind popcorn factory and learn about the unique history of this female-owned business. Save room in your tummy, because a take home popcorn sample and fun patch are included!
Office Code: 2051
Learn fascinating origami techniques in this art workshop. You’ll learn to make a paper crane that actually flaps its wings! $11/girl • $1/adult Session A: Nov 5 • 4:45-6 p.m. Session B: Nov 14 • 10-11:15 a.m.
$5/girl • $5/adult
Session C: Nov 14 • 11:30-12:45 p.m.
Session A: Nov 6 • 6-8 p.m.
Session D: Nov 14 • 1-2:15 p.m.
Session B: Nov 7 • 4-6 p.m. Session C: Nov 13 • 6-8 p.m.
Ten West Center for the Arts 10 W Church St, Fortville
Session D: Nov 14 • 4-6 p.m.
Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6856
Session E: Nov 20 • 6-8 p.m. Session F: Nov 21 • 4-6 p.m.
Not Just Popcorn 114 E Main Cross St, Edinburgh
Origami is a Japanese word and it literally means to fold (oru) paper (kami).
Ornament Pottery Painting
Contact: Blair Adams • 317.924.6834
Grades: All
Carol Buck opened her doors for business in 1989 and sold eight flavors of popcorn. 18 years later: she has created more than 240 flavors!
Office Code: 2052
Ooey Gooey Goblins
Experience the world of painting pottery! See firsthand how bisque pieces are fired in the kiln. Paint a special ornament using your creativity with all different stamps, stencils and sponges. Workshop is for girls only. Fun patch included.
Grades: All
Note: Completed pieces can be picked up at a later date or shipped for an additional fee.
Office Code: 2054
$11/girl • $1/adult
Love getting creative in the kitchen? Then join us for a Halloween themed night at Create-A-Cake! You will get to decorate two jumbo cupcakes. Be ready to be creative and express yourself! Includes fun patch.
Session A: Nov 14 • 9-11 a.m. Session B: Nov 19 • 6-8 p.m. Session C: Dec 8 • 6-8 p.m.
$7/girl • $1/adult
Session D: Dec 12 • 9-11 a.m.
Session A: Oct 17 • 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
uPaint Pottery Studio 3113 Smith Valley Rd, Ste D, Greenwood
Session B: Oct 17 • 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Contact: Blair Adams • 317.924.6834
Session C: Oct 17 • 4-6 p.m.
Session E: Nov 17 • 6-8 p.m.
Session D: Oct 21 • 4:30-6:30 p.m.
Session F: Dec 12 • 6-8 p.m. Create-A-Cake Session G: Dec 17 • 6-8 p.m. 2033 S Elizabeth St, Kokomo Contact: Lindsay Hale • 317.924.6857
Contact: Lindsay Hale • 317.924.6857
To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 108
Program activity descriptions
Our World, Our Voice
Outdoor Skills Day
Grades: All
Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Office Code: 2051
Office Code: 2056
Join the women of Kappa Delta Sorority at Ball State University for a fun evening focused on building confidence. A craft and a snack will be provided.
Come and work on portions of the new Outdoor badge for your grade level! We will have stations set up for you to work on the sections of the newest badge! Learn outdoor skills, play outdoor games, and become familiar with our camps.
$2/girl • $1/adult
$6/girl • $3/adult
Session A: Oct 19 • 6-8 p.m.
Session A: Sept 26 • noon-4 p.m.
Session B: Dec 7 • 6-8 p.m.
Camp Gallahue 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown
Ball State University, Muncie Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6856
Session B: Oct 3 • noon-4 p.m. Camp Sycamore Valley 8439 St Rd 26 E, Lafayette
Outdoor Adventure Club
Session C: Oct 10 • noon-4 p.m.
Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis
Office Code: 2056
Do you love to hike? Camp? Explore the outdoors? Come and explore our camps and Indiana's famously beautiful State Parks. Learn new outdoor skills and trainings as we go. This is a perfect opportunity to work on earning the new Outdoor badges and Camp Adventure patches! Registration is required for each outing. Come to this information meeting to get more details and the schedule for the adventures ahead in the winter and spring.
Session D: Nov 7 • noon-4 p.m. Camp Na Wa Kwa 7865 E CR 300 N, Poland Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
Outdoor Adventure Club Day Hikes Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Office Code: 2056
Aug 22 • 2-4 p.m.
Join us for a day hike at Camp Dellwood in Session Camp Dellwood A. Or take a day hike at Camp Sycamore Valley with Session B and learn all about staying warm 2301 N Girl School Rd, Indianapolis with a Cold Weather Camping 101 tutorial. Or sign Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864 up for both and become a hiking superstar! Don't forget your snack and water bottle. Free Session A: Sept 19 • 1-4 p.m. Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis Session B: Oct 25 • 1-4:30 p.m. Camp Sycamore Valley 8439 St Rd 26 E, Lafayette Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
Creativity takes courage. Outdoor Adventures Creek Stomping
Painting at Camp Dellwood
Grades: 2, 3
Office Code: 2056
Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Office Code: 2056
Come and join us for a wonderful evening of nature painting! Experienced artist Marilyn Todd will showcase her art and teach you her tricks of the trade. Each person will take home a finished canvas of beautiful daisies. Get a step closer towards the legacy Artist badge. Fee includes cost of supplies.
The creeks and wetlands of Holliday Park are full of amazing little critters. Come explore and learn about all the aquatic wildlife and work towards earning your Outdoor Adventure Badge. Be sure to dress for a muddy adventure! $6/girl • $1/adult
$15/girl • $15/adult
Sept 27 • 1:30-2:30 p.m.
Session A: Nov 13 • 6-9 p.m. Holliday Park Grades 4, 5 6363 Spring Mill Rd, Indianapolis Session B: Dec 4 • 6-9 p.m. Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864 Grades 6, 7, 8 ! The park has 94 acres of nature to explore Camp Dellwood and a 3.5 mile trail that winds around the 2301 N Girl School Rd, Indianapolis banks of the White River. Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864 Artist badge
To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 108
Program activity descriptions
Pioneer Girl's Life
Program Aide Pin
Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Grades: 6, 7, 8
Office Code: 2056
Office Code: 2056
Step back into pioneer times at Mounds State Park. Tour the historic Bronnenberg Home, try your hand at what it takes to live in an old-fashioned home and make a pioneer toy. A great activity to help you with the It's Your Story- Tell It! Journey.
Program Aide training continues from the LIA award in training to assist younger girls with their take action projects. This also makes your troop eligible for several council opportunities such as being a Junior Jam Judge, or helping at Brownie Spring overnight. Please register online so we know what troops/ or individuals are taking the training. To get the training please go to: Leadership Development listed under "Girls" on our homepage. The training is done on your own time at your own pace - all you need is a group of friends, some basic art supplies, a Journey book and time. You can even split up the web training to meet your needs, and you can check with your service unit to borrow the Journey books from other leaders. Completing the training earns the Program Aide pin (available in the Showcase). Girls who complete 25 hours of leadership after the training will also earn the Program Aide patch (available in the Showcase).
$3/girl • $3/adult Session A: Sept 20 • 11 a.m.-noon Session B: Oct 18 • 11 a.m.-noon Mounds State Park 4603 Mounds Rd, Anderson Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864 Girl Scout Juniors: Playing in the Past badge
Poodle Skirt Pop Grades: All Office Code: 2051
You and your Girl Scout sisters can go back in time and enjoy the cool times of the 1950's. Make your own poodle skirt and accessories before the James Dean Festival and Car Show. Learn about the far out cars of that era and draw your dream car.
Registration opens Oct 1 Registration closes Dec 31 Hosted online Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
$4/girl • $1/adult Sept 11 • 6-8 p.m. Marion Girl Scout Cabin, Marion
Pumpkin Creatures
Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6856
Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5 Office Code: 2050
Turn an ordinary pumpkin into a princess, an animal, a monster, a superhero or your own unique creation. We’ll turn colored pumpkins into any of these things using colored modeling clay, yarn, pipe cleaners, felt, toothpicks, papers and paints. Put your pumpkins on display in front of your home just in time for Halloween!
Practice with Purpose Grades: 4, 5 Office Code: 2054
Skating is a great way to keep healthy and have fun with friends. Learn how to skate and practice the moves both on and off the rink. We will have special guests from Nap Town Derby Girls to help us achieve our skating goals too. All will earn the Practice with Purpose badge.
$16/girl • $1/adult Session A: Oct 4 • 1-2:30 p.m. Session B: Oct 11 • 3:30-5 p.m.
$5/girl • $5/adult
The Art Lab 2070 E 54th St, Indianapolis
Sept 26 • 10 a.m.-noon
Hot Skates Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811 241 Casco Dr, Avon Contact: Lindsay Hale • 317.924.6857
Robot Creations
Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Grades: All
Office Code: 2050
Office Code: 2054
How cool is this? Create and program robots with LEGO bricks, using both your hands and mind while collaborating and experimenting with other Girl Scouts in this exclusive opportunity with Sylvan Learning Center. Robotics fun patch is included.
Enjoy a nice fall evening at the Country Market in Zionsville! Learn about how our food is planted, harvested, and processed into the foods we love daily. Hop on a hayride to see how honey is harvested from the bee hives and pick your pumpkin from the pumpkin patch.
$15/girl • $1/adult
$7/girl • $1/adult Oct 1 • 4:30-6 p.m.
Session A: Nov 14 • noon-2 p.m.
The Country Market 795 S US Highway 421, Zionsville
Sylvan Learning Center 8450 Westfield Blvd, Ste 210, Indianapolis
Contact: Lindsay Hale • 317.924.6857
Session B: Nov 14 • noon-2 p.m.
Sylvan Learning Center 77 S Girls School Rd, Park 77, Ste 210, Indianapolis
The world's heaviest pumpkin weighed in at 2,096.6 pounds!
Session C: Nov 14 • noon-2 p.m.
Pumpkins and Pizza
Sylvan Learning Center 8729 US 31 S, Indianapolis
Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5
Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811
Office Code: 2050
The LEGO® name is made from the first two letters of the Danish words" leg" and "godt", meaning “play well.”
Are you ready to decorate your home with unique pumpkins carved to perfection? Come out and learn the tricks to carving a spooktacular design on your very own pumpkin. After you have worked up an appetite from your hard work, enjoy a pizza party with your sister Girl Scouts!
$10/girl • $5/adult
Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Oct 24 • noon-2 p.m.
Office Code: 2052
Rock Climbing
Session A: Oct 9 • 6-8 p.m.
Cagney's Pizza King 33 E Broadway St, Shelbybville
Session A: Oct 10 • 3-5 p.m. $7/girl • $1/adult
Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811
Let your feet leave the ground, and take on new heights! Challenge yourself physically and mentally. Learn climbing lingo and try your hand at rock climbing. Franklin Parks and Recreation 396 Branigin Boulevard, Franklin Contact: Blair Adams • 317.924.6834
Learn the lingo: A belay is used to keep a climber from falling as he/she is climbing.
To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 92
Program activity descriptions
Royal Etiquette Tea
Science of Color
Grades: All
Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5
Office Code: 2051
Office Code: 3125
Hear ye, hear ye. Come one, come all and join the lovely women of Girl Scouts for a tea party as you learn manners and etiquette, just like royalty!
Become a colorologist as you combine the exciting world of chemistry and color! We will be experimenting with color mixing, chemical reactions and art. A rainbow may be amazing in the sky but you should see them in the lab. Come and see just how science and art blend together. Science of color fun patch included.
$15/girl • $15/adult Session A: Oct 17 • 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Session B: Oct 24 • 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Prime 47 $5/girl • $1/adult 14390 Clay Terrace Blvd, Carmel Session A: Sept 15 • 4:30-6 p.m. Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6856
Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis
Run the Bases with the Reds
Session B: Sept 15 • 6:30-8 p.m. Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis
Grades: Family Office Code: 2051
Session C: Sept 16 • 4:30-6 p.m.
Buy some peanuts and crackerjacks at the most exciting baseball field in the Midwest. Cheer on the Reds vs the Mets at this family fun event.
Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis
$10/girl • $17/adult
Session D: Sept 16 • 6:30-8 p.m.
Sept 27 • 1:10 p.m. first pitch
Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis
Great American Ball Park 100 Joe Nuxhall Way, Cincinnati
Session E: Sept 17 • 4:30-6 p.m. Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis
Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6856
Session F: Sept 17 • 6:30-8 p.m.
Safe Sitter
Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis
Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Office Code: 2050
Session G: Sept 30 • 5-6:30 p.m.
Safe Sitter is a nationally recognized program for medically accurate babysitting and home preparation class. In this hands-on class you will learn how to handle emergencies such as injuries and choking while caring for children. You will also learn safe childcare responsibilities, basic first aid and rescue techniques. Through games, activities, and role-play, you will become an all-star sitter. Fee includes a kit with manual and bag. Bring a sack lunch.
Girl Scout Service Center at Richmond 3765 National Rd E, Richmond Session H: Oct 7 • 5-6:30 p.m. Camp Sycamore Valley 8439 St Rd 26 E, Lafayette Session I: Oct 28 • 5-6:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Bloomington 1000 N Walnut St, Ste I, Bloomington
$48/girl • Free/adult Nov 21 • 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Session J: Nov 4 • 5-6:30 p.m. Ransburg YMCA Girl Scout Service Center at Terre Haute 501 N Shortridge Rd, Indianapolis 1100 Girl Scout Ln, Terre Haute Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811 Session K: Nov 11 • 5-6:30 p.m. Girl Scout Cadettes: Babysitter badge
SciGirls and WFYI
United Way of Bartholomew County 1531 13th St #1100, Columbus
Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5
Session L: Nov 18 • 5-6:30 p.m.
Office Code: 3125
Girl Scout Service Center at Daleville 13555 W CR 550 S, Daleville
Meet the WFYI SciGirls and join them as they take the plunge into the Catalina reefs learning all about environmental issues. Silly Safari’s will also bring out animals! Find out just how the environment can effect animals. Watch a short SciGirl episode at the WFYI TV station, then get hands-on and discover how you can affect the environment.
Contact: Katie Wahlstrom • 317.924.6809
Science of Light/Glow Skate Party Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Office Code: 2050
$5/girl • $2/adult
Ever wonder who creates those awesome light shows at roller rinks? Find out with us and learn about the different types of lights used in a roller rink. Then apply the Pythagorean Theorem to understand the design of a roller rink. With all your new insight, you will get to have a blast skating in an exclusive black light Glow Skate Party!
Sept 19 • 9 a.m.-noon WFYI Indianapolis 1630 N Meridian St, Indianapolis Contact: Katie Wahlstrom • 317.924.6809
Seed Mosaics
$10/girl • $1/adult Dec 6 • 7-9 p.m. Skateland 3902 Glen Arm Rd, Indianapolis Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811
The largest parade of roller skaters took place in Paris on June 15, 2008. The parade consisted of 1.188 participants who skated for 12.68 miles.
Science of Roller Skating
Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5 Office Code: 2050
Beans and seeds can be used for more than planting and eating. Seeds come in a variety of colors, textures and patterns and are used to create art in many cultures. We will look at some interesting seed art, and then you can create your very own! Pick from some simple template designs, learn to glue, arrange beans and seeds, and take away a beautiful work of art. Art Lab fun patch included. $16/girl • $1/adult
Grades: 2, 3
Session A: Nov 15 • 12:30-2:15 p.m.
Office Code: 2050
Session B: Nov 22 • 3:15-5 p.m.
Do you love learning how things work? Come learn all about roller skates by assembling a pair of skates yourself. Explore the ins and outs in the operations of a roller rink and then design your on skating rink and compare with your fellow Girl Scouts. After this fun and hands on lesson, you will enjoy your very own skate party!
The Art Lab 2070 E 54th St, Indianapolis Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811
$10/girl • $1/adult Nov 22 • noon-3 p.m. Skateland 3902 Glen Arm Rd, Indianapolis Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811
Join the conversation! @girlscoutsin 73
To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 108
Program activity descriptions
Sign up for any activity as a troop or do one on your own! Service Project At Sodalis Park
Shake’n Up Science
Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Office Code: 2056
Office Code: 3125
If your troop is looking for a take action project for the It’s Your Planet-Love It! Journey, join other troops to help plant trees to help Sodalis Park continue to be a conservation area for bat habitat and wetland mitigation. To register, contact Timothy Method, environmental and conservation program director at Indianapolis International Airport at tmethod@indianapolisairport.com
That’s right, we are shake’n up science as we try to clone some of our favorite shakes, smoothies and sodas. Using some of the Todd Wilbur (professional food hacker) recipes we will work to try to recreate some of our favorite name-brand drinks. Don’t miss out trying your hand at creating a scientifically delicious clone! Girls will receive a Shake’n up Science fun patch.
$5/girl • $1/adult Sodalis Park Session A: Oct 27 • 4:30-6 p.m. 7700 S CR 975 E, Plainfield Session B: Oct 27 • 6:30-8 p.m. Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864 Session C: Oct 29 • 4:30-6 p.m. Session D: Oct 29 • 6:30-8 p.m.
Sew and Sew
Math and Science Center 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis
Grades: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Contact: Katie Wahlstrom • 317.924.6809
Office Code: 2051
Learn a timeless skill that you can use for the rest of your life. Become a seamstress and learn hands-on sewing basics on a sewing machine. You'll be making handcrafted sewing gifts for all your friends and family in no time. You will even get to take a home a sewing masterpiece for yourself!
Share a Story with Seniors Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Office Code: 2051
Grab your favorite storybook or listen to one told by one of our friends at Stonebrooke Rehabilitation Center. Share in fun story time and crafts with the residents and work on your It's Your Story-Tell It Journey. Snacks and fun patch included.
$18/girl • $1/adult Session A: Sept 21 • 4-5 p.m. Grades: 3, 4, 5 Session B: Sept 21 • 5:15-6:15 p.m. Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Session C: Oct 19 • 4-5 p.m. Grades: 3, 4, 5
$2/girl • $1/adult
Session D: Oct 19 • 5:15-6:15 p.m. Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Stonebrooke Rehabilitation Center 990 N 16th St, New Castle
Sept 29 • 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Session E: Nov 16 • 4-5 p.m. Grades: 3, 4, 5
Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6856
Session F: Nov 16 • 5:15-6:15 p.m. Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 A Sewing Studio Village of West Clay, Carmel Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6856
Explore. Dream. . r e v o c Dis
To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 108
Program activity descriptions
Sherlock Scouts
Silly Safaris: Pets Badge
Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Grades: 2, 3
Office Code: 2052
Office Code: 3125
Use your skills of science and the powers of deduction, just like Sherlock Holmes! Based off a real case, WonderLab is once again missing Olive, the stuffed otter, from Discovery Garden. Learn about fingerprints, use a microscope, and talk to an evidence technician from the Indiana State Police Department. Fee includes admission to the museum.
Have a pet, want a pet or just love animals? Learn all about different animals as a Silly Safaris' funologist leads you through the program. You will get to interact with different animals. This will be a very high-energy show, so come ready to have fun and learn about animals! Fee includes Pet badge. $7/girl • $1/adult
$12/girl • $5/adult
Nov 7 • 10:30-11:30 a.m.
Session A: Nov 15 • 1:30-2:30 p.m.
Math and Science Center 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis
Session B: Nov 15 • 3-4 p.m. Wonderlab 305 4th St, Bloomington
Contact: Katie Wahlstrom • 317.924.6809 Pets badge
Contact: Blair Adams • 317.924.6834
Silly Safaris: Daisies
Girl Scout Junior: Detective badge
Grades: K, 1
Shrimp Farm
Office Code: 3125
Join the fun with Silly Safaris as you learn about different kinds of animals. A Silly Safaris' funologist will leaded you through the program as you interact with different animals. This will be a very high-energy show so come ready to have fun and learn about animals! Includes an animal fun patch.
Grades: Family Office Code: 2054
There really is more than corn in Indiana! Join us for an up-close and personal look at 500,000 shrimp raised right here in Indiana. Learn all about shrimp and shrimp farming, aquaculture. Ask your questions to the pros, take a tour of the farm and taste the freshest shrimp nearly 800 miles away from the Gulf.
$7/girl • $1/adult Nov 7 • noon-1 p.m.
$5/girl • $5/adult
Math and Science Center 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis
Sept 19 • 10-11 a.m.
Contact: Katie Wahlstrom • 317.924.6809
RDM Aquaculture, LLC 101 N 850 E, Fowler Contact: Lindsay Hale • 317.924.6857
RDM Aquaculture LLC farm is a family owned business that the Brown family started in Fowler in 2009.
Skate Safe and Play Fair!
Snow White
Grades: 2, 3
Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Office Code: 2054
Office Code: 2050
Come be a part of our team! Join us at Hot Skates in Avon for a morning of skating, games and an overall fun time!
This musical adaptation of the classic fairy tale includes magic mirrors, seven silly dwarfs and a heroic prince. This fun activity relates to the It's Your Story-Tell It! Journey. Beef and Boards fun patch included.
$5/girl• $5/adult Nov 14 • 10 a.m.-noon
$14.50/girl • $14.50/adult Hot Skates Nov 14 • 10-11 a.m. 241 Casco Dr, Avon Beef and Boards Contact: Lindsay Hale • 317.924.6857 9301 N Michigan Rd, Indianapolis Fair Play badge Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811
Snow Flake Skate
Grades: Family
Office Code: 2054
Come enjoy an amazing night with your fellow Girl Scouts and families! Skate the night away enjoying holiday music and games. There will also be some holiday treats to enjoy at this Girl Scout exclusive night. $6/girl • $6/adult
Snow White premiered in Hollywood on December 21, 1937 Dress up as the dwarf that you relate to most and post your picture the Girls Scouts of Central Indiana Facebook page by 10 a.m. on Nov 14. The top 10 most creative pictures as determined by our communications team will be presented with a prize at the show.
Spectacular Science
Dec 10 • 5:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.
Hot Skates Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Office Code: 2052 241 Casco Dr, Avon Science is all around us, from the soda you drink to creating super-powered rockets. Learn how to make your own ice cream, create explosions, and tattoo a banana! Admission to the museum is included in registration fee.
Contact: Lindsay Hale • 317.924.6857
$12/girl • $5/adult Session A: Oct 18 • 1:30-2:30 p.m. Session B: Oct 18 • 3-4 p.m. Wonderlab 305 4th St, Bloomington Contact: Blair Adams • 317.924.6834 Girl Scout Brownies: Home Scientist badge
To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 108
Program activity descriptions
S.T.E.A.M. Up Overnight Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Office Code: 2050
Join us for a fun lock-in at Central Library in downtown Indianapolis! Come experience a unique opportunity to spend the night in the library. There will be many fun and exciting science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (S.T.E.A.M) activities. Build a robot or try 3-D printing. You will have the opportunity to earn badges throughout the event! Food and beverages are included. $4/girl • $2/adult Jan 8 • 7 p.m.-7 a.m. Central Libray 40 E St Clair St, Indianapolis Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811
d Be brave an try new things!
Indianapolis Public Library's physical collection of over 2.1 million items includes a variety of formats: books, books on tape, magazines, large print materials, compact discs and DVD's.
S.T.E.M. Adventures at Exploration Acres Grades: Family Office Code: 2053
Splashin' Around with Friends!
Ready for adventure? Get ready to explore! Check out the largest corn maze in northwest Indiana at Exploration Acres. Join us for a few hours or stay for the entire day, that’s up to you. Don’t limit your exploration to just the maze, be sure to stop by the barn and try your hand at some “outdoor science”.
Grades: Family Office Code: 2054
Celebrate your Girl Scout sisterhood and your Girl Scout leadership skills with a swim party at Buccaneer Bay. The summer is gone and the weather is cold, so come inside to enjoy a swim with friends! At this event, step up and be the leader you are meant to be and make new friends on this very special day! Fun patch included.
Note: Fee includes admission only; it does not include other expenses, such as food.
$10/girl • $10/adult
Check in will be at 11 a.m. Outdoor Science activities will be available in the barn noon -2 p.m.
Session A: Sept 19 • noon-7 p.m.
$6/girl • $6/adult
Session B: Sept 20 • noon-7 p.m.
Oct 10 • 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Session C: Dec 5 • noon-7 p.m.
Exploration Acres 6042 Newcastle Rd, Lafayette
Session D: Dec 6 • noon-7 p.m. Buccaneer Bay 4343 South St, Lafayette Contact: Lindsay Hale • 317.924.6857
Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859
Striving for Silver Classroom
Striving for Silver Webinar
Grades: 6, 7, 8
Grades: 6, 7, 8
Office Code: 2053
Office Code: 2053
Are you interested in earning your Girl Scout Silver Award - the highest honor a Girl Scout Cadette can earn? If so, then this informational session is the best place for you to start. We'll outline each of the eight steps required on your path. You will also take a closer look at what is required to choose, design, and implement a Girl Scout Silver Award Take Action project. While this session is recommended for any girl interested in pursuing her Girl Scout Silver Award, you are encouraged to invite adult mentors (Girl Scout leader, parent, etc.) who will be supporting you during the process to also attend. Registration closes one week prior.
All participants must have access to high speed Internet with either a speaker/microphone or a telephone (preferably a speakerphone). Web cam not required. Registration closes one week prior.
Note: This is the same training as the Striving for Silver Webinar.
Session E: Jan 27 • 5:30-7 p.m.
$4/girl • $1/adult
Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859
Note: This is the same training as the Striving for Silver Classroom $2/girl • $Free/adult Session A: Sept 17 • 5:30-7 p.m. Session B: Oct 27 • 5:30-7 p.m. Session C: Nov 11 • 5:30-7 p.m. Session D: Dec 15 • 5:30-7 p.m. Hosted online
Session A: Sept 13 • 2:30-4 p.m. Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girl School Rd, Indianapolis
Super Senses
Session B: Sept 19 • 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Office Code: 2052
Girl Scout Service Center at Daleville 13555 W CR 550 S, Daleville
We use our senses every day, to see, smell, touch, taste, and hear; but do know how super they actually are? Go on a scavenger hunt, learn how to confuse your sense of taste and smell, and find out if you are a supertaster! Admission to the museum is included in registration fee.
Session C: Sept 20 • 2:30-4 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Bloomington 1000 N Walnut St, Ste I, Bloomington Session D: Oct 4 • 2:30-4 p.m.
Allergy Note: we will be using apples for one of the experiments.
Girl Scout Service Center at Terre Haute 1100 Girl Scout Ln, Terre Haute
$12/girl • $5/adult
Session E: Oct 18 • 2:30-4 p.m.
Session A: Sept 20 • 1:30-2:30 p.m. Camp Ada Session B: Sept 20 • 3-4 p.m. 4731 W CR 600 S, Spiceland Wonderlab Session F: Nov 8 • 2:30-4 p.m. 304 4th St, Bloomington Camp Sycamore Valley Contact: Blair Adams • 317.924.6834 8439 St Rd 26 E, Lafayette Girl Scout Brownies: Senses badge Session G: Nov 15 • 2:30-4 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Kokomo 815 W Superior St, Kokomo Session H: Nov 21 • 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Columbus 1300 Hutchins Ave, Columbus Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859
To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 108
Program activity descriptions
Society of Women Engineers Girl Scout Day at Purdue University
Take Aim for Archery
Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Office Code: 2051
Office Code: 2053
Set your eyes on the target and take aim for a fun session of archery practice! Come and learn how to shoot the target. Will you get a bullseye?
Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Join the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) at Purdue University for a fun day of hands-on engineering activities! Learn about the many different ways engineering is used every day and try your skills in several of these areas. Lunch and fun patch included.
$12/girl • $1/adult Session A: Sept 17 • 5:30-6:30 p.m. Grades: 4, 5 Session B: Oct 15• 5:30-6:30 p.m. Grades: 6, 7, 8
$12/girl • $5/adult (Session A) $10/girl • $5/adult (Session B) Session A: Nov 7 • 9:30 a.m.–3 p.m. Grades: 6, 7, 8 Session B: Feb 13 • 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5
Koteewi Range: Sport & Target Archery Center 22735 Essig Ave, Noblesville
Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6856
Purdue University West Lafayette, IN Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859
The Director's Cut! Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Office Code: 2050
For more than six decades, SWE has given women engineers a unique place and voice within the engineering industry.
Are you an aspiring actress or thespian or maybe have a general interest in acting? If this is you, you don't want to miss out! Come and learn the best techniques in show business. You will work under the direction of professionals to enhance your acting skills.
Sweet Pie Baking Friends
$12/girl • $1/adult
Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Office Code: 2051
Oct 17 • 1-3 p.m.
The holidays are great times to share family traditions and what's the best way to share traditions? Baking! Join the residents of Stonebrooke Rehabilitation Center for some sweet baking lessons and learn some of their cooking secrets. You will bake pies to be enjoyed by the residents and guests. This program will help with your It's Your Story: Tell It! Journey. Fun patch included.
Tilt Studios Theatre 37 Maryland St, Indianapolis Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811
$4/girl • $1/adult Nov 10 • 5:30-6:30 p.m. Stonebrooke Rehabilitation Center 990 N 16th St, New Castle Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6856
The Incredible Snowflake
Toss of Faith with The Indianapolis Colts
Grades: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Office Code: 2051
Grades: Family
Amaze your family and friends with this truly incredible three-dimensional snowflake! Create a wonderful addition to your Christmas décor that will be the talk of the holidays.
Office Code 2050
Come out and cheer on your favorite football team The Indianapolis Colts and enjoy an exclusive opportunity on the field after the big game. You will get the opportunity to participate in the Colts’ exclusive annual faith based post-game round up! You and your troop, family, and friends will take photos on the official Colts field, receive an autographed card and listen to Colts players and coaching staff talk about their life and game experiences. This is an exclusive opportunity you do not want to miss. Fee includes game ticket, exclusive post -game round up, on field photo opp, and autographed card. Event helps you work towards earning your My Promise My Faith pin.
$11/girl • $1/adult Session A: Dec 3 • 4:45-6 p.m. Session B: Dec 5 • 10-11:15 a.m. Session C: Dec 5 • 11:30-12:45 p.m. Session D: Dec 5 • 1-2:15 p.m. Ten West Center for the Arts 10 W Church St, Fortville Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6856
Dec 20 • 1 p.m. game kicks off
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
$54/girl • $54/adult
Grades: Family
Lucas Oil Stadium 500 S Capitol Ave, Indianapolis
Office Code: 2052
Be a part of the Legend! Take a walk around the farm, get spooked in the haunted village, and enjoy a wagon ride. But, watch out for that horse rider… Fun patch included.
Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811
Note: Very young children are encouraged to come during "kid-friendly" hour between 5-6 p.m.
Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Touch of the Tropics Code:2056
$8/girl • $8 adult
Delve into an ecological paradise, walk amid lush rainforests and beneath towering volcanoes Session A: Oct 16 • 6-9 p.m. in enchanting Costa Rica. Transport yourself Session B: Oct 17 • 6-9 p.m. deep into a misty cloud forest, get up close to Shireman Homestead the world’s most magnificent plant and animal habitats, and see sensational waterfalls and 7060 W 200 N, Columbus hot springs. From beginning to end, experience Contact: Blair Adams • 317.924.6834 natural beauty and thrilling adventures beyond what you ever imagined. We will have a meeting to discuss all the details of planning this trip, how to earn money to attend and meet the chaperones. $2,255/girl Oct 2016 Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
Nearly one quarter of Costa Rica's land area is protected jungle, rich with wildlife including spider monkeys and quetzal birds.
To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 108
Program activity descriptions
Tough Cookie Mud Run
Travel to Washington D.C. Girl Scouts Style!
Grades: Family Office Code: 2056
Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Are you a tough cookie? Bring out the whole family to have some fun and get down and dirty as you run, climb and crawl through muddy obstacles on the trails of Camp Gallahue. Test your abilities in fun fitness activities.
Office Code: 2056
Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
Mar 27-31
Travel to Washington, D.C., the heart of American politics. Connect with our nation’s history and culture as you take in the museums, monuments and memorials. Walk along Capitol Hill, the place that’s shaped our past, present and future. We will $10/girl • $10/adult take a five day trip and spend a great time exploring Sept 26 • 9:30 a.m. check in our Nation’s Capital. We will have a meeting to 10 a.m. race start discuss all the details of planning this trip; how to Camp Gallahue earn money to attend and meet the chaperones. 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown $1,629/girl Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
Tough Cookie Mud Run Volunteers
Tree Identification and Leaf Hunt
Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Office Code: 2056
Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Calling all superstar volunteers! We need helping hands to help pass out water, hand out T-shirts and help guide runners on the trail. Fee includes T-shirt and other fun goodies!
Office Code: 2056
What do you think of when you think of Fall? Trees? Changing leaves? Come and learn to identify different trees throughout Indiana using a $10/girl • $10/adult dichotomous key, collect their leaves, and make a leaf booklet. A great time to explore the natural Sept 26 • 9-11:30 a.m. wonders of Indiana and work towards It’s your Camp Gallahue Planet-Love It! Journey. 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown $3/girl • $4/adult Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864 Sept 6 • 2-4 p.m.
Trash to Treasure: "Upcycling"
Prophetstown State Park 5545 Swisher Rd, West Lafayette
Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
Office Code: 2052
Practice using resources wisely by learning how artists "upcycle" discarded items and why sustainability practices are important for our earth. You will get to create an art journal using discarded hardback books that have been retrieved from ISU's Recycle Center. Fun patch included. $12/girl • $1/adult Sept 26 • 2:30-5 p.m. Indiana State University Fine Arts Building, Rm 119 649 Chestnut St, Terre Haute Contact: Blair Adams • 317.924.6834
Trees Badge
Grades: 6, 7, 8
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Office Code: 2056
Office Code: 2056
What could be more beautiful than trees in the fall? Join us and learn all about the wonderful world of trees. From the shade to the science, the fruit to the forest, and legends to the lumber: to know trees is to love them!
Volunteer In Training (VIT) is the second part of the Girl Scout teen leadership series. Becoming a VIT gives girls the opportunity to help troops and continue to help with council events. Please register through ecouncil to let us know you have taken the course, and then you can find the training on our homepage listed under GirlsLeadership Development. Completing the training earns the VIT pin.
$5/girl • $2/adult Session A: Sept 30 • 5-6:30 p.m. Session B: Oct 14 • 5-6:30 p.m.
Eagle Creek Park, Ornithology Center 6515 Delong Rd, Indianapolis
Registration opens Oct 1 Registration closes Dec 31
Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
Hosted online.
Trees badge
Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864
Twist and Shout Cheerleading
Winterfest with Winter Princess
Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Office Code: 2052
Grades: All
Ready, set, okay! It's time for a little cheer, a little tumble, and a whole lot of fun! Learn tumble skills, sideline cheers, jump technique and cheer routines. Fun patch included.
Office Code: 2051
Meet the Winter Princess in her Winter Wonderland. Receive a royal wristband that lets you to do all the special crafts in the gallery. Come and explore the special exhibits, tour the building, and visit the Passport Gallery where you can take a “trip around the world” and visit countries like China, France, Egypt, Greece and Australia. Fee includes crafts, a goodie bag and fun patch.
$9/girl • $1/adult Session A: Oct 24 • 1 p.m.-2:30 p.m. Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Session B: Nov 21 • 1 p.m.-2:30 p.m. Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
$9/girl • $1/adult
Session C: Oct 24 • 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Grades: K, 1, 2, 3
Dec 4 • 4-8 p.m. The Anderson Center for the Arts 32 W 10th St, Anderson
Session D: Nov 21 • 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Grades: K, 1, 2, 3
Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6856
Kicks Unlimited Dance 2110 W Vernal Pike, Bloomington Contact: Blair Adams • 317.924.6834
Join the conversation! @girlscoutsin 83
To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 108
Program activity descriptions
Wolf Park Howl Night After Hours
Woodland Treasure Hunting
Grades: Family
Grades: 4, 5
Office Code: 2053
Office Code: 2056
Have you ever wondered how wolves talk to each other? Grab your fellow Girl Scouts or family and join us for an evening at Wolf Park. We will begin with a special educational presentation as you get ready to observe the main pack. Be prepared to try out your best howl! Remember to come dressed to be outside. Want to learn a little bit more? Then make plans to stick around for the after-hours activities. Girl fee includes admission, bottle of fur, and special craft. Non-Girl Scout under 13 years of age and TAGS fee includes admission and special craft. Adult fee includes admission only.
Go hunting with high tech treasures at Hayes Arboretum. Use a GPS unit or a smart phone to locate geocaches in the woods and learn the ins and outs of this fun, family friendly activity. $6/girl • $1/adult Sept 26 • 10 a.m.-noon Hayes Arboretum 801 Elks Rd, Richmond Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864 Geocacher badge
$ 5.50/girl • Girl Scout less than 13 years of age $ 7.50/girl • Girl Scout 14 years of age and up $4.50/girl • Non-Girl Scout under 14 years of age $6.50/girl • Non-Girl Scouts 14 years of age and over $1/girl • under 5 years of age $6.50/adults
Yoga: Beautiful Inside and Out Grades: K, 1, 2, 3 Office Code: 2052
Learn about yoga while nurturing healthy bodies, happy minds and playful souls. Discover the Nov 14 • 7:30 p.m. freedom of expression through movement Wolf Park connecting breath and body. This session will 4004 E 800 N, Battle Ground leave you with compassion for yourself and others. Fun patch included. Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859 $12/girl • $1/adult Session A: Oct 3 • 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Grades K, 1 Session B: Oct 10 • 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Grades K, 1 Session C: Nov 7 • 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Grades 2, 3 Session D: Nov 14 • 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Grades 2, 3 Girl Scout Service Center Bloomington 1000 N Walnut St, Ste I, Bloomington Contact: Blair Adams • 317.924.6834
Join the conversation! @girlscoutsin 84
Just try it!
What grand adventure can you not wait to jump in to? Discover a new talent, learn a new skill and make a new friend!
Yoga Masters
Zumba Kids
Grades: K, 1
Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Office Code: 2051
Office Code: 2051
This is a fun and playful class introducing yoga poses, breath and relaxation. Learn tips on how to have a healthy, happy day while managing stress. Fun patch included.
Perfect for our younger Zumba® fans! Daisies, brownies and juniors get the chance to be active and jam out to their favorite music. Zumba® Kids classes feature kid-friendly routines based on original Zumba® choreography. We break down the steps, add games, activities and cultural exploration elements into the class structure. Fun patch included.
$11/girls • $1/adult Sept 12 • 11-11:45 a.m. Noblesville Athletic Club 411 S Harbour Dr, Noblesville
$11/girls • $1/adult
Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6858
Session A: Sept 5 • 11-11:45 a.m.
Concentrating on breathing and feeling a stretch teaches to keep you mind settled and focused.
Session B: Oct 3 • 11-11:45 a.m. Session C: Dec 5 • 11-11:45 a.m. Noblesville Athletic Club 411 S Harbour Dr, Noblesville Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6858
Central Indiana Dance Ensemble under the artistic direction of
Suzann DeLay
utcracker The
December 11, 2015 at 7:30 pm December 12, 2015 at 2:00 pm & 7:30 pm December 13, 2015 at 2:00 pm Zionsville Performing Arts Center 1000 Mulberry Street • Zionsville • IN
Special Girl Scout Ticket Pricing*
For more information, call • 317-844-7453 or visit • www.cidedance.org/girl-scouts/ Be a part of our Sugar Plum Fairy Dessert Party before each matinee at 12:30 pm. Enjoy a treat, make a craft and have a special photo taken with our cast. Tickets to this event are in addition to the performance tickets and each guest must have a ticket. *Special Commemorative Patch available for registered Girl Scouts.
To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 108
Program activity descriptions
“footsteps of ameRican saints” seRies featuRing: motheR theodoRe gueRin Boy scouts and giRl scouts of all ages invited. satuRday octoBeR 10, 2015 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (5 p.m. mass afteRwaRds) come join us at st. lawRence paRish, 6944 e 46th stReet RegistRation fee of $10 peR scout includes patch, lunch, and cRaft supplies. the catholic committee on scouting seRves all scouts in the aRchdiocese thRough RetReats and Religious emBlem pRogRams. visit us online at: hiBneRjohn.wix.com/indplsccs oR connect with us on the following social media:
faceBook: indy ccs
leadeR: ________________________________________ e-mail: ________________________________________
phone: ________________________________ paRish: ________________________________
numBeR of attendees: ___ cuB scouts (pack # ___) ___ Daisies/Brownies (Troop # _____)
____ Boy scouts (tRoop #______) ____ Girl Scouts (Troop #______)
Make checks out to “CCS Indianapolis”. Send check and registration to: St. Lawrence Parish c/o CCS Retreat 6944 E 46th Street • Indianapolis, Indiana 46226
Adult learning
General information Meg Booth Director of Volunteer Services 317.924.6839 mbooth@girlscoutsindiana.org
2. Sessions not meeting enrollment minimums by the registration deadline may be cancelled. 3. Pre-registration is required, so we can notify you if a session is cancelled.
Maria Quiroz-Southwood Adult Development Manager 317.924.6862 mquiroz@girlscoutsindiana.org
4. If you are unable to attend a session for which you have registered, call 317.924.6862 so the facilitator can be notified not to expect you. Session refunds
Kayleigh Graul Volunteer Services Manager 317.924.6839 kgraul@girlscoutsindiana.org
• Refunds are issued if the session is cancelled due to lack of minimum enrollment. • If you cannot attend a session for which you have paid, you can transfer to another session by notifying us before enrollment deadline, or you can send another person in your place. Refunds are made if you notify us prior to deadline.
Recommended adult learning for new leader success
Girl Scouting 101 (online. Password: aboutGS101)
Session locations
Introduction to GSCI: Volunteer Essentials Quick-Start Guide
Basic Outdoor Skills
We strive to offer sessions at convenient locations and where the majority of volunteers drive no more than 30 miles. Trainings can come directly to your service unit if you request them four weeks in advance and provide a minimum of five volunteers.
Advanced Outdoor Skills
Session facilitators
New Leader Workshop Grade Level CPR/First Aid
In most cases, facilitators are volunteers just like you. They receive no compensation and are giving their time to make Girl Scouts an enjoyable and worthwhile experience for the girls and for you. If you are interested in becoming a council facilitator, contact Meg Booth.
Adult learning session calendar
Training sessions are often added to the calendar. For the most current information, go to www.girlscoutsindiana.org/activities. Session fees • Most learning sessions are free, except where indicated.
Adult learning registration
• All payments must accompany registration and may be paid by cash, check, money order, MasterCard, Visa or Discover. Make checks and money orders payable to GSCI. Do not send cash in the mail.
• Enrollment is on a first-come, first-served basis.
• Pre-registration is required to attend adult training sessions. We'll call or email you if a session is cancelled. • Registration for sessions closes one week prior to scheduled session. Call the adult development manager after the registration deadline to check on session availability.
Session cancellations 1.
Registration closes one week prior to sessions.
• If a session is filled, call the adult development
Please visit girlscoutsindiana.org for a complete list of adult learning opportunities and locations. 88
Adult learning recommendations For a successful year, take the following workshops:
New Leaders Online: Girl Scouting 101 password: aboutGS101
Introduction to GSCI
+ Leader
Grade Level
= Prepared Leader
Experienced Leaders Grade Level
= Prepared Leader
Visit girlscoutsindiana.org to register. Learning."
manager to place your name on a waiting list.
• To register by mail, phone, fax, or email, send completed registration form and required fee, if applicable, to:
• You may bring a sack meal if your session is near or covers that portion of the day. • As children can be distracting to participants and the session facilitator, we ask you to refrain from bringing children to adult training sessions.
Registration procedures Registration can be done by mail, walk-in at any service center, fax, telephone, email, or online. The adult learning registration form can be found on girlscoutsindiana.org. Be sure to complete the entire form with all contact information.
Girl Scouts of Central Indiana Suite 100 ATTN: Volunteer Services 2611 Waterfront Parkway East Drive Indianapolis, IN 46214
Phone: 317.924.6862 Fax: 317.931.3350 Email: mquiroz@girlscoutsindiana.org • Registrations are accepted at any service center location.
• To register online, go to the activity finder on girlscoutsindiana.org and click on "Adult
Online learning We are currently offering Girl Scouting 101, Daisy, Brownie and Junior grade level sessions and Registrar training. Visit girlscoutsindiana.org to view these sessions.
girlscoutsindiana.org /volunteers
Adult learning
Adult learning
be delivered by a membership development manager, or any service team member. Who should attend: Registered adult members
Girl Scouts of Central Indiana offers a blend of adult training methods to fully prepare adults who work with girls. Adults learn skills to engage girls in the Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE). If you are attending a classroom session, bring paper, pen, and Journey book as appropriate. If you are attending outdoor sessions, bring a hat, bandana or fire scarf, and wear appropriate outdoor clothing and footwear. For all day trainings, you may want to bring a sack lunch and beverage. For the most current listings and descriptions check the Adult Learning calendar at girlscoutsindiana.org.
Fee: None Time: 30-60 minutes
New Leader Workshop
New Leader Workshop is what every new troop leader and assistant leader needs. Learn the essentials of troop management and safety while making sure girls are having fun. Explore the resources available for you and your girls. New leaders who attend this session receive a troop start up kit and Volunteer Essentials. Who should attend: All new leaders, volunteers and anyone who needs information on the Girl Scout Leadership Experience and Journeys.
Core leadership development
Fee: None Time: 2 hours
The Girl Scouts Leadership Experience is girl focused and about activities being girl led, learning by doing, and cooperative learning. Learn how to engage girls in planning and having fun, while gaining specific knowledge, skills, behaviors, and values in Girl Scouting. Core sessions offer training opportunities for new to experienced adults.
Session 27: Aug 4 • 6-8 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Daleville 13555 W CR 550 S, Daleville Session 28: Aug 20 • 6-8 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Indianapolis Session 29: Aug 27 • 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Girl Scouting 101 Online
Girl Scout Service Center at Lafayette 8489 SR 26 E, Lafayette
This online home-study contains information on Girl Scouts basics, ways girls can participate, what girls do in Girl Scouting. Participants review key principals of Girl Scouts and how girls thrive in Girl Scouts.
Session 30: Aug 29 • 9:30-10:30 a.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Indianapolis
Who should attend: Anyone new to Girl Scouting, volunteers, parents, and community members.
Session 31: Aug 31 • 10 a.m.-noon Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Indianapolis
Fee: None Time: 45 minutes
Session 32: Sept 1 • 6-8 p.m.
Login at http://training.girlscouts.org and select Girl Scouting 101 in English or Spanish. Enter your personal information and select “Central Indiana” from the drop down box as your council.
Girl Scout Service Center at Bloomington 1000 N Walnut St, Ste I, Bloomington Session 33: Sept 9 • 6-8 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Kokomo 815 W Superior St, Kokomo
Introduction to GSCI: Volunteer Introduction to GSCI is designed for all new volunteers. The session helps volunteers understand procedures, standards and practices, forms, and information that is specific to our local council. This session is delivered one on one or in small groups at the service unit level or may
Session 34: Sept 16 • 10 a.m.-noon Girl Scout Service Center at Terre Haute 1100 Girl Scout Ln, Terre Haute
Session 35: Sept 19 • 9:30 -11 a.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Indianapolis
Taller Para Líderes en Español
Session 36: Sept 21 • 7-9 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Terre Haute 1100 Girl Scout Ln, Terre Haute
¡Un taller para líderes en Girl Scouts! Usted aprenderá los elementos esenciales de cómo manejar una tropa y como mantener las niñas seguras mientras están participando en actividades divertidas. Exploré los recursos disponibles para usted y para las niñas.
Session 37: Sept 22 • 10 a.m.-noon St. Elizabeth Ann Seton 10655 Haverstick Rd E, Carmel Session 38: Sept 24 • 6-8 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Richmond 3765 National Rd E, Richmond Session 39: Oct 3 • 9:30-11:30 a.m. John Claire Girl Scout Cabin 1089 South Park, Batesville
¿Quién debe asistir? Nuevas(os) líderes, voluntarias activas que quieran fortalecer sus habilidades o cualquier persona que necesite información sobre la experiencia de liderazgo en el programa de Girl Scouts.
Session 40: Nov 4 • 6-8 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Indianapolis Session 41: Nov 15 • 2-4 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Richmond 3765 National Rd E, Richmond Session 42: Nov 19 • 10 a.m.-noon Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Indianapolis
Aug 29 Spanish Oaks Apartment Clubhouse 3645 Wingate Ct, Indianapolis
Session 43: Dec 3 • 6-8 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Indianapolis Session 44: Jan 9 • 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Oct 17 Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Parkway E Dr, Indianapolis
Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Indianapolis Session 45: Jan 27 • 6-8 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Indianapolis
Nov 7 Kaleidoscope Brownburg East Middle School 1250 Airport Rd, Brownsburg
girlscoutsindiana.org /volunteers
Adult learning
Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Indianapolis
Grade Level
Grade level training helps volunteers foster a girl-led environment whether girls are Daisies or Ambassadors. Discover activities, awards and resources specific to each grade level. These sessions are perfect for new and experienced volunteers who have troops bridging to the next level.
Session 11: Aug 29 • 10:30 a.m.-noon Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Indianapolis Session 12: Sept 19 • 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Indianapolis
Who should attend: All leaders, advisors, program facilitators and volunteers or anyone working with girls at specific grade levels.
Session 13: Oct 7 • 10 a.m.-noon
Fee: None
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton 10655 Haverstick R E, Carmel
Time: 2 hours, classroom session
Session 14: Nov 14 • 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Girl Scout Daisy
Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Indianapolis
Summarizes the Journey books available for Girl Scout Daisies, awards, characteristics and appropriate expectations of this age level. Learn how to weave Girl Scout traditions into your troop. Receive tools and suggestions for troop meetings. Also covers utilizing available resources including parent and community help.
Girl Scout Daisy and Brownie This session incorporates both Daisy and Brownie activities, expectations and Journeys for these grade levels. Session 10: Oct 3 • noon-2 p.m. John Claire Girl Scouts Cabin 1089 S Park, Batesville
Session 10: Aug 19 • 10 a.m.-noon
Super Saturday Super Saturdays are learning events hosted by local service unit volunteers. You do not need to be a member of hosting service unit to attend. For complete details of each event, visit girlscoutsindiana.org. Carmel Super Saturday Sept 12
Super Sunday Richmond Oct 4
St. Vincent Carmel Hospital 3500 N Meridian St, Carmel
Girl Scout Service Center at Richmond 3765 National Rd E, Richmond
Columbus Super Saturday October 24
Lafayette Super Saturday Oct 17
United Way of Bartholomew County, 1531 13th St, Ste 1100, Columbus
Girl Scout Service Center at Lafayette 8439 SR 26 E, Lafayette
Greenwood Super Saturday Sept 19
Daleville Super Saturday Oct 24
Mt. Auburn United Methodist Church, 3100 W Stones Crossing, Greenwood
Girl Scouts Service Center at Daleville 13555 W CR 550 S, Daleville
New sessions are frequently added. Check www.girlscoutsindiana.org/activities & your volunteers connections email for updates!
Session 11: Oct 7 • 6-8 p.m.
Experience with Girl Scout traditions, program, travel and camping opportunities. Learn about finances, available resources, characteristics, and appropriate expectations for this age level.
Girl Scout Service Center at Kokomo 815 W Superior St, Kokomo Session 12: Nov 15 • 4-6 p.m.
Session 1: Oct 3 • 2:30-4:30 p.m.
Girl Scout Service Center at Richmond 3765 National Rd E, Richmond
John Claire Girl Scout Cabin 1089 S Park, Batesville
Session 13: Dec 8 • 6-8 p.m.
Session 2: Oct 6 • 6-8 p.m.
Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Indianapolis
Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Indianapolis
Girl Scout Brownie
Girl Scout Cadette, Senior, Ambassador
Summarizes the Journey books available for Girl Scout Brownies, awards, characteristics and appropriate expectations of this age level. Learn how to blend traditions, program and camping opportunities with the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Receive tools and tips for parent and community help.
This session will discuss opportunities, awards and adventures older girls can enjoy through Girl Scouts. Discuss topics that are essential to retaining and nurturing girls through middle and high school. Session 1: Oct 3 • 10 a.m.
Session 10: Aug 29 • 10:30 a.m.-noon
Camp Gallahue 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown
Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Indianapolis
Online Learning
Session 11: Sept 3 • 10 a.m.-noon Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Indianapolis
These grade level sessions can be done from your home, office or the volunteer station at any Girl Scouts center. Share journey ideas, successes and discuss obstacles that you want to overcome. It’s a wonderful way to learn from people throughout the council without having to drive to a session from any internet browser.
Session 12: Sept 19 • 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Indianapolis Session 13: Oct 19 • 6-8 p.m.
Girl Scout Daisy Webinar
Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Indianapolis
Summarizes Journey books for Girl Scout Daises. Reviews awards, characteristics and expectations of this age level. Receive tools for troop and parents meetings, including community and Council resources.
Session 14: Nov 14 • 9:30-11:30 a.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Indianapolis
Girl Scout Junior
Session 5: Jan 13 • 7-8:30 p.m.
Summarizes the Journey books available for Girl Scout Juniors. Covers awards earned at this level, including the Bronze Award, but does not replace required training. Blend the Girl Scout Leadership
girlscoutsindiana.org /volunteers
Adult learning
Need a learning session in your area?
To request a session, visit girlscoutsindiana. org and complete our online form under volunteers/learning session request.
Girl Scout Brownie Webinar
CPR/ First Aid
Summarizes Journey books for Girl Scout Brownies. Review Bronze Award, characteristics and expectations of this age level. Receive tools for troop and parent meetings, including community and Council resources.
CPR/ First Aid - In Person Our Courses are led by certified CPR/First Aid instructors who will provide participants with a two year certification with a nationally recognized organization ( adult, child and infant CPR, First Aid and AED). Preregistration is required. Classes are regularly added. Sessions range from $40$50 depending on provider and location. Every troop is required to have at least one CPR/First Aid certified adult. To add a session in your area, contact volunteer@girlscoutsindiana.org
Session 5: Jan 19 • 7-8:30 p.m.
Girl Scout Junior Webinar Summarizes the Journey books available for Girl Scout Juniors. Covers awards earned at this level, including the Bronze Award, but does not replace required training. Blend the Girl Scout Leadership Experience with Girl Scout traditions, program, travel and camping opportunities. Learn about finances, available resources, characteristics, and appropriate expectations for this age level.
Fee: $40 Session 1: Aug 22 • 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis
Session 5: Sept 24 • 7-8:30 p.m.
Session 2: Sept 12 • 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Session 6: Dec 10 • 7-8:30 p.m.
CPR Institute, LLC 8028 S Emerson Ave, Ste I, Indianapolis
Girl Scout Cadette, Senior, Ambassador Webinar
Session 3: Sept 19 • 10 a.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Richmond 3765 National Rd E, Richmond
Summarizes Journey books for older Girl ScoutsCadette, Senior and Ambassador. Review Silver and Gold Awards, characteristics and expectations of this age level. Receive tools for troop management while exploring the Girl Scout Leadership Experience for their age group.
Session 4: Oct 3 • 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Terre Haute 1100 Girl Scout Ln, Terre Haute Session 5: Oct 17 • 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Session 5: Oct 29 • 7-8:30 p.m. Session 6: Nov 18 • 7-8:30 p.m.
Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Indianapolis
Session 7: Dec 8 • 7-8:30 p.m.
Session 6: Oct 31 • 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Multi-age Level Troop Management Webinar
CPR Institute, LLC 8028 S. Emerson Ave, Ste I, Indianapolis
Learn components of how to effectively manage a multi-age level troop: incorporating parent involvement, keeping in mind Safety Wise guidelines, understanding the pro's and con's and how your different age groups function as a "unit" and within their own age level. Get ideas on how to plan activities within the Journeys that cross al age levels.
Session 7: Dec 12 • 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Indianapolis Session 8: Jan 9, 2016 • 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. CPR Institute, LLC 8028 S Emerson Ave, Ste I, Indianapolis
Session 5: Sept 23 • 7-8:30 p.m.
Session 9: Jan 23 • 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Session 6: Oct 14 • 7-8:30 p.m.
Session 4: Sept 19 • 1:30 p.m.
Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Indianapolis
First United Methodist Church. 1700 W State St, West Lafayette
Blended Learning Check Off Session
Session 5: Oct 3 • 1-2 p.m.
This blended CPR/First Aid learning session combines online training of concepts and knowledge with a face-to-face skills session in which one does hands-on practice in front of a certified Instructor. The online portion of this session must be completed prior to the check off session (Links will be e-mailed to all participants upon close of registration). Hands-on skills participation is required. This session is non-refundable.
Girl Scout Service Center at Terre Haute 1100 Girl Scout Ln, Terre Haute
Duration: Online session takes approx 2 hours/ allow 30 minutes for in-person check off session.
Session 8: Nov 7 • 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Session 6: Oct 17 • 1-2 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Indianapolis Session 7: Oct 31 • 1-2 p.m. CPR Institute, LLC 8028 S. Emerson Ave, Ste I, Indianapolis
Fee: $40
10:40-11:40 a.m.
Kaleidoscope Brownsburg East Middle School 1250 Airport Rd, Brownsburg
Session 1: Jul 15 • 1-2 p.m. CPR Institute, LLC 8028 S Emerson Ave, Ste I, Indianapolis
Session 9: Dec 12 • 1-2 p.m.
Session 2: Aug 22 • 1-2 p.m.
Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Indianapolis
Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis
Session 10: Jan 9, 2016 • 1-2 p.m.
Session 3: Sept 12 • 1-2 p.m.
CPR Institute, LLC 8028 S Emerson Ave, Ste I, Indianapolis
CPR Institute, LLC 8028 S Emerson Ave, Ste I, Indianapolis
Session 11: Jan 23, 2016 • 1-2 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Indianapolis
Facilitating adult learning Help others find their footing. Become a council facilitator Sept 19 Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Ste 325, Indianapolis For more information, contact Meg Booth at mbooth@girlscoutsindiana.org or 317.924.6839
girlscoutsindiana.org /volunteers
Adult learning
Service team development
Community Troop Organizer There’s more to it than flyers in September. Learn about recruitment, calendar planning, consistent messaging, keys to retention, and tips for dealing with difficult people. Discuss strategies on tracking and placing girls and supporting adult volunteers.
Contact Maria Quiroz Southwood for a customized workshop in your community to meet the needs of your service unit. Learn and develop leadership skills in organizing and empowering others. These sessions will help you with successful recruitment and retention of girls and adults and support you in a successful membership year.
Who should attend: Service unit community troop organizers, service unit managers, any service team member Fee: None
Service Unit Manager
Time: 2-3 hours, classroom session
Get the tools and skills to run a great Girl Scout year. Learn tips on recruiting, managing and building your service team. Tips on how to delegate, plan meetings, as well as procedures for finances, money earning activities, conflict resolution and much more.
Session 3: Aug 8 • 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Grace United Methodist Church 1300 E Adams Dr, Franklin Session 4: Aug 9 • 2-4 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Richmond 3765 National Rd E, Richmond
Who should attend: New and returning service unit managers, any service team member.
Session 5: Aug 11 • 6-8 p.m.
Fee: None Time: 2-3 hours, classroom session
Girl Scout Service Center at Daleville 13555 W CR 550 S, Daleville
Session 4: Aug 8 • 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Session 6: Aug 15 • 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Grace United Methodist Church 1300 E Adams Dr, Franklin
Girl Scout Service Center at Bloomington 1000 W Walnut St, Ste I, Bloomington
Session 5: Aug 22 • 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Session 7: Aug 15 • 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Girl Scout Service Center at Lafayette 8489 SR 26 E, Lafayette
Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Ste 100, Indianapolis
Session 6: Aug 22 • 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Session 8: Aug 19 • 6-8 p.m.
Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Indianapolis
Girl Scout Service Center at Kokomo 815 W Superior St, Kokomo
Session 7: Aug 29 • 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Session 9: Aug 22 • 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Girl Scout Service Center at Columbus 1300 Hutchins Ave, Columbus
Girl Scout Service Center at Lafayette 8926 SR 26 E, Lafayette
Did you know? Girl Scouts of Central Indiana is no longer coordinating lifeguards and archery facilitators for any camp. We strongly encourage all service units to have individials certified in artchery, lifeguarding and small craft. See dates and locations under outdoor activities.
Session 10: Aug 22 • 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Session 3: Aug 15 • 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Ste 100, Indianapolis
Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Ste 100, Indianapolis
Session 11: Aug 29 • 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Outdoor skills
Girl Scout Service Center at Columbus 1300 Hutchins Ave, Columbus
The outdoor experience has always been an important component of the Girl Scout program. Before a girl can experience the benefits of hiking, camping, and more, adult volunteers need to know essential information to have successful, safe outings. Some sessions are offered for leaders to learn alongside their troops so both can gain ever-increasing confidence and skills.
Registrar Registrar training has been divided into three learning sessions: Online Learning Sessions focusing on E Council, a webinar focusing on registrar’s responsibility to the service unit and how to work with both leaders and community troop organizers, and update information based on GSUSA materials.
Venture Out! Whether you're an outdoors expert or the furthest thing from it, you can learn practical tips and tricks that will benefit both you and your girls. Read other volunteers' stories, and explore the joys of taking girls outside with Venture Out!, a fun, interactive "outdoor" adventure made possible by Girl Scouts of the USA's Elliott Wildlife Values Project.
Get the tools and skills to manage a successful registration process for your service unit. Includes E Council training, entering with data integrity, what you need to do with information on the membership registration forms, and timeline for processing membership registrations. Session 1: Aug 20 • 7-8:30 p.m. Session 2: Sept 9 • 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
To participate and receive credit for this online session, visit the online learning section at girlscoutsindiana.org under volunteers , then click "adult learning."
Session 3: Oct 6 • TBA
Event Planning Want to host a successful service unit event? This session has been developed for anyone interested in planning and coordinating a well organized event. Discover resources and staff that will help make your event flow better. Learn how to delegate and involve girls throughout the planning process.
Adult Girl Camping Prep
Fee: None Time: Average 1-3 hours
Firebuilding, packing, outdoor cooking, pitching a tent
Session 8: Aug 8 • 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Grace United Methodist Church 1300 E Adams Dr, Franklin
Volunteers and girls welcome! Must be 2:1 girl to adult ratio.
Session 9: Aug 29 • 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Columbus 1300 Hutchins Ave, Columbus
Sept 12 � 4-8 p.m. West Park 2700 W 116th St, Carmel
Treasurer Learn how to prepare the service budget, monitor accounts, review Girl Scouts of Central Indiana procedures with troop annual reports, solicitations of contributions and other helpful tips on how to manage troop and service unit funds. Fee: None Time: 2 hours
girlscoutsindiana.org /volunteers
Adult learning
Camp Adventure and Outdoor Basics
Adult Outdoor Skills Combination Gain skills and ideas to use with your girls when you take them camping. This overnight sessions covers Basic Outdoors, Advanced Outdoors, Firebuiliding, Outdoor Cooking, songs and activities in a hands on learning environment. By the time you leave camp you’ll not only be ready to take the girls camping, but you’ll have an outline for your next adventure. Fee include breakfast and lunch.
Learn basic outdoor skills while your troop earns Girl Scouts of Central Indiana's own Camp Adventure Patch. By the end of these sessions you and your troop will have the confidence to explore the camp again on your own. Fee: $5 Session 1: Sept 26 • 1-3 p.m.
Camp Gallahue Fee: $10 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown Session 1: Sept 11-12 • 7 p.m.-1 p.m. Session 2: Oct 3 • 1-3 p.m. Camp Dellwood Camp Sycamore Valley 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis 8439 SR 26 E, Lafayette Session 2: Sept 18-19 • 7 p.m.-1 p.m. Session 3: Oct 10 • 1-3 p.m. Camp Gallahue Camp Dellwood 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis Session 3: Oct 9-10 • 7 p.m.-1 p.m. Session 4: Nov 14 • 1-3 p.m. Camp Na Wa Kwa Camp Ada 7865 E County Rd 300 N, Poland 4731 W CR 600 S, Spiceland
Kaleidoscope Nov 7 • Brownsburg East Middle School 1250 Airport Rd, Brownsburg Fee: $20, includes lunch
Hands-on Outdoor Learning
Don’t miss this full day of learning event for adult volunteers!
Nov 6 Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis
This event offers a wide variety of core leadership development sessions and enrichment for all adult volunteers no matter what level of experience. Topics include troop travel, junior jam prep, ceremonies, orienteering, SWAPS, yoga, crafts and much more!
Fee: $10 Includes lodging, Friday snacks and Saturday breakfast
Registration for this fun day opens online on Oct 1.
Adult/Girl Camping Prep
Small Craft and Canoe
Learn outdoor camping and cooking skills side by side with girls. Sessions include dinner. Adult to girl ratio no more than 1:2.
Get the information and skills necessary to prevent, recognize and respond to small boat emergencies. Learn the fundamentals of canoeing a lake. This class will give you the certification necessary for American Camp Association Standards and Girl Scout Safety Activity Check Points. You will get wet.
Fee: $6 Session 1: Sept 12 • 4-8 p.m.
West Park 2700 W 116th St, Carmel Fee: $30
Archery Certification
Duration: 4 hours
(NADA Level 1 certification) – Become a certified archery instructor through this 1 day course. Certification lasts for 2 years.
Session 2: Aug 1 • 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Fee: $65
Session 3: Aug 29 • 9 a.m.-1 p.m
Session 1: Aug 8 • 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Camp Gallahue 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown
Camp Gallahue 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown
Camp Ada 4731 W CR 600 S, Spiceland
Safety and Girl Scouts
Every adult in Girl Scouting is responsible for the physical and emotional safety of girls. This Camp Dellwood is demonstrated by following the 12 Girl Scout 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis Safety Guidelines on the next page at all times and by following the Girl Scout Safety Activity Session 3: Oct 17 • 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Checkpoints guidelines when engaging in Camp Gallahue activities with girls. These resources can be found on our website. 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown Session 2: Aug 15 • 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Session 4: Oct 24 • 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Safety Activity Checkpoints
Camp Sycamore 8489 SR 26 E, Lafayette
Safety Activity Checkpoints are in-depth safety guidelines that adult volunteers use for Girl Scout activities, ranging from canoeing to surfing to selling cookies. Girls can also use these checkpoints to ready Lifeguard Training their group for a girl-led activity. When preparing for Learn job-specific training to become a lifeguard. any activity with girls, always begin with the Safety This course includes the responsibilities of Activity Checkpoints written specifically for that a lifeguard, training in first aid/CPR, spinal particular activity. Each Safety Activity Checkpoint injury management and preventative disease offers information such as where to do the activity, transmission. Participate must have strong how to include girls with disabilities, where to find swimming skills and be at least 18 years old. basic and specialized gear required for the activity, how to prepare yourselves in advance, and what Fee: $60 specific steps to follow on the day of the activity. If Safety Activity Checkpoints do not exist for an activity, Duration: 7-8 hours check with the council program department as some activities are allowed only with written council preSession 2: Aug 1 & 2 • 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. approval, only for girls 12, and over and some activities Camp Gallahue are off-limits completely. Safety Activity Checkpoints 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown can be found at girlscoutsindiana.org. Session 3: Aug 29 & 30 • 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m Camp Gallahue . 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown
girlscoutsindiana.org /volunteers
Adult learning
Safety guidelines 1. Follow the Safety Activity Checkpoints. Instructions for staying safe while participating in activities are detailed in the Safety Activity Checkpoints. Read the checkpoints, follow them, and share them with other volunteers, parents, and girls (as grade-level appropriate) before engaging in activities with girls. These are found at girlscoutsindiana.org in the volunteer section of our website. 2. Arrange for proper adult supervision of girls. Your group must have at least two unrelated, approved adult volunteers present at all times, plus additional adult volunteers as necessary, depending on the size of the group and the ages and abilities of girls. Adult volunteers must be at least 18 years old and must be screened by the council before volunteering. One lead volunteer in every group must be female. 3. Get parent/guardian permission. When an activity takes place that is outside the normal time and place, advise each parent/guardian of the details of the activity and obtain permission for girls to participate. 4. Report abuse. Sexual advances, improper touching, and sexual activity of any kind with girl members are forbidden. Physical, verbal, and emotional abuse of girls is also forbidden. Report any suspected abuse or neglect to the Indiana Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline at 800.800.5556, and contact Meg Booth, Director of Volunteer Services, at 317.924.6839 to alert the council that you have made the call. Under Indiana law, each citizen of Indiana is considered a “mandated reporter” and State law requires the Department of Child Services to protect the identity of the reporter. 5. Be prepared for emergencies. Work with girls and other adults to establish and practice procedures for emergencies related to weather, fire, lost girls/adults, and site security. Always keep handy a well-stocked firstaid kit, girl health histories, and contact information for girls’ families. 6. Travel safely. When transporting girls to planned Girl Scout field trips and other activities that are outside the normal time and place, every driver must be an approved adult volunteer and have a good driving record, a valid license, and a registered/insured vehicle. Insist that everyone is in a legal seat and wears her seat belt at all times, and adhere to state laws regarding booster seats and requirements for children in rear seats. 7. Ensure safe overnight outings. Prepare girls to be away from home by involving them in planning, so they know what to expect. Avoid having men sleep in the same space as girls and women. During family or parentdaughter overnights, one family unit may sleep in the same sleeping quarters in program areas. When parents are staffing events, daughters should remain in quarters with other girls rather than in staff areas. 8. Role-model the right behavior. Never use illegal drugs. Don’t consume alcohol, smoke, or use foul language in the presence of girls. Do not carry ammunition or firearms in the presence of girls unless given special permission by Girl Scouts of Central Indiana council for group marksmanship activities. 9. Create an emotionally safe space. Adults are responsible for making Girl Scouting a place where girls are as safe emotionally as they are physically. Protect the emotional safety of girls by creating a team agreement and coaching girls to honor it. Agreements typically encourage behaviors like respecting a diversity of feelings and opinions; resolving conflicts constructively; and avoiding physical and verbal bullying, clique behavior, and discrimination. 10. Ensure that no girl is treated differently. Girl Scouts welcome all members, regardless of race, ethnicity, background, disability, family structure, religious beliefs, and socioeconomic status. When scheduling, helping plan, and carrying out activities, carefully consider the needs of all girls involved, including school schedules, family needs, financial constraints, religious holidays, and the accessibility of appropriate transportation and meeting places. 11. Promote online safety. Instruct girls never to put their full names or contact information online, engage in virtual conversation with strangers, or arrange in-person meetings with online contacts. On group websites, publish girls’ first names only and never divulge their contact information. Teach girls the Girl Scout Online Safety Pledge (at www.girlscouts.org/help/Internet_safety_pledge.asp) and have them commit to it. 12. Keep girls safe during money-earning. Girl Scout cookies and other council-sponsored product sales are an integral part of the program. During Girl Scout Product Programs, you are responsible for the safety of girls, money, and products. In addition, a wide variety of organizations, causes, and fundraisers may appeal to Girl Scouts to be their labor force. When representing Girl Scouts, girls cannot participate in money-earning activities that represent partisan politics or that are not Girl Scout–approved product sales and efforts.
Girl Scout University provides leadership and professional development to empower YOU to empower her. gsuniversity.girlscouts.org
Girl Scouts of Central Indiana and GSUSA resources and publications
Volunteer Connections Enewsletter A weekly Girl Scouts of Central Indiana enewsletter for volunteers delivered via email. Subscribe through the website at girlscoutsindiana.org to learn about events and more.
Volunteer Essentials and Into Girl Scouts of Central Indiana
Volunteer Essentials is the national volunteer handbook to use as needed. This online resource can be found at girlscoutsindiana.org in the Volunteer Resources section. You can obtain a printed copy of Volunteer Essentials by attending a grade level learning.
Retail shops at our eight service center locations.
Girl Scouts of Central Indiana volunteer service team members and staff All GSCI volunteers and staff can serve as a wealth of resources. Find out who the membership development manager is assigned to your geographical area and learn who your service unit service team members are, including the service unit manager, community troop organizer and registrar.
Journey books The core program of Girl Scouts, these books are complete with a girl book and adult book. Available at Showcase locations.
Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting The Girl’s guides are printed resources for girls at each grade level. There are activities that can be integrated with journeys, information on legacy badges to earn, and skill building badges to earn. Available at Showcase locations.
Online Girl Scouts of Central Indiana girlscoutsindiana.org Girl Scouts of the USA girlscouts.org
Blue Book of Basic Documents This book explains the governing policies for Girl Scouts as a national organization and is applied to Girl Scouts of Central Indiana. Found on our website in the Volunteer Resources section.
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girlscoutsindiana.org /volunteers
Adult learning
Adult recognition
provide exemplary service in a leadership role which resulted in a measurable impact benefitting the council or entire Girl Scout Movement.
It’s about the girls! The focus of adult recognition awards is impact on girls, the council, and the Girl Scout Movement. We encourage you to nominate great volunteers and staff. The nomination should be results oriented, measurable, and include real impact stories. Find nomination forms, award criteria guidelines and other helpful information on our website at girlscoutsindiana.org.
President’s Award The President’s Award recognizes the effort of a service team, committee, or volunteer team whose exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience surpasses team goals and results in significant, measurable impact toward reaching the council’s overall goals.
New this year: Nominations forms can be completed online on our website: www.girlscoutsindiana.org/volunteers/ volunteerrecognition
Girl Scouts of the USA recognition awarded at the National level A council or individual completes the GSUSA nomination form(s) in full and submits along with two letters of endorsement to the director of adult outreach at any time. The nomination is submitted to the Vice President of Global Girl Scouting at GSUSA. This prestigious national award is reviewed by the International Commissioner and approved by the Girl Scouts of the USA National Board of Directors. The Vice President of Global Girl Scouting is responsible for acquiring the medal and coordinating the presentation of the award to the nominee.
Girl Scouts of the USA recognitions awarded at the council level All nomination forms are due to Volunteer Services on February 1. Appreciation Pin The Appreciation pin recognizes an individual’s exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. This service, has measureable impact on one geographic area of service or service unit, helps reach and surpass the mission-delivery goals of the area. The service performed by the candidate is above and beyond the expectations for the position held.
Juliette Gordon Low World Friendship Medal The Juliette Low World Friendship Medal is awarded to individuals and councils who have enriched and leveraged the global understanding of Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting to grow responsible global citizens. Criteria include impact on girls, commitment, global awareness, leadership and membership.
Honor Pin The Honor Pin recognizes an individual’s exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. This service, having measurable impact on two or more geographic areas of service or service units, allows the council to reach and surpass its mission-delivery goals. The service performed by the candidate is above and beyond the expectations for the position held.
Girl Scouts of Central Indiana recognition awarded at the council level Required: In addition to a complete nomination, at least one letter of support must be submitted. See award guidelines for more information.
Thanks Badge The Thanks Badge honors an individual whose ongoing commitment, leadership, and service have had an exceptional, measurable impact on meeting the mission-delivery goals and priorities of the entire council or the entire Girl Scout Movement. The outstanding service performed must benefit the entire council and be significantly above and beyond the call of duty.
Leadership of Excellence Award The Leadership of Excellence Award recognizes an adult volunteer who demonstrates a profound direct impact on the lives of girls and serves as a positive role model. The impact must benefit the Girl Scout Leadership Experience and address the three leadership keys, Discover, Connect and Take Action. At least one of the five outcomes in each of the leadership keys must be identified.
Thanks Badge II The Thanks Badge II honors a previous Thanks Badge award recipient who has continued to
• “She ensures that the girls in her troop have a balanced experience in Girl Scouting.” What makes it balanced? What kind of experiences? What new skills have the girls learned?
Girl Scouts of the USA recognition awarded at the service unit level A nomination form is completed and submitted to the service team recognition coordinator or to Volunteer Services by April 1. Nominations are reviewed by the service team recognition committee who approves or denies the nomination. The service team submits a list of recipients to volunteer services by April 1.
Helpful definitions Mission Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.
Volunteer of Excellence This award recognizes volunteers who have contributed outstanding service while partnering directly with girls in any pathway to implement the Girl Scout Leadership Experience through use of the National Program Portfolio or who have contributed outstanding service in support of the council’s mission delivery to girl and adult members.
Vision Girl Scouts strives to be the premier leadership organization for girls and experts on their growth and development. Goals Each local council sets their own goals based on national goals, initiatives, and direction. Each service unit within Girl Scouts of Central Indiana has annual membership girl recruitment goals which are communicated to the service unit manager and/or service team through the membership development manager assigned to the service unit. In addition, the service unit manager and/or service team is responsible for setting other additional goals, for example, planning a specific number of events and activities to recruit a specific number of girls. The membership development manager and/or service unit manager can help you find out the goals.
Tools and tips for writing successful nominations Nomination guidelines
The nomination should be results oriented, measurable and include real impact stories. GSUSA has designed the guidelines and provided examples on how to write nominations that demonstrate measurable impact. It does not need to be difficult; some simple numbers will do. Some basic questions to ask and answer as nominations are written include How many? What? How? Who? Keep the 3 keys to leadership, Discover, Connect, and Take Action in mind. Here is an example:
Mission delivery Thriving mission delivery grows and sustains membership through volunteer delivery of the GSLE using the national portfolio. The Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE) The three keys to leadership: girls discover themselves and their values; connect with others; and take action to make the world a better place. At Girl Scouts, everything centers around the girl: activities are girl-led, which gives girls the opportunity to learn by doing in a cooperative learning environment.
• “Brittany has been a leader for several years.” How many years? What kind of leadership qualities does she bring? • ”She has retained girls in her troop.” How many girls has she retained? “Her troop participates in service unit events.” What events specifically? How many events? • “The troop has done many community service projects.” How many projects? What are they? Who have they served? Who benefitted? What need have they met?
The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting Girls at every grade-level have a Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting. Through fun activities, girls can earn a variety of badges to build the skills and gain the confidence they’ll use to change the world. They can even develop and complete activities to make their own badge.
• “The girls in the troop have benefited from their community service.” How have girls benefited from their service? What skills have they developed? What have they learned?
girlscoutsindiana.org /volunteers
Adult learning
National Leadership Program through Journeys At the core of the GSLE are national leadership Journeys, fun and challenging experiences grouped around a theme and spread over a series of sessions. Each Journey has all the important components of the GSLE sewn right in. Journeys ensure that every Girl Scout receives a consistent, high-quality experience that engages girls in realizing leadership potential.
• Scrapbook • Telephone call • Electronic greeting cards • Flowers • Framed photo or picture collage • Themed recognition (hearts, shamrocks, stars, angels) • Fun awards (bones-wishbone, funny bone, backbone; hats; gems and rocks; hand; puzzle piece)
Skill Building badge sets The Skill-Building Badge Activity Sets offer girls the opportunity to earn additional badges throughout their Leadership Journeys. Activities are designed to turn the experiences and inspiration of the Journeys into tangible skills that girls can use throughout their lives.
• One minute praise to say thanks
Troop Committee thank you gift ideas • First Aider – small travel first aid kit • Troop Camper – whistle
Pathways Pathways are the flexible ways girls and adults can participate in Girl Scouting such as troop, camp, events, series, travel, and virtual.
• Treasurer – coin purse • Fall Product Manager – nut dish • Cookie Sale Manager – cookie jar or cookie cutters
Need some support writing nominations?
• Record keeper – pen and pencil set
We want to ensure the success of adult recognition nominations. If you need help or have questions, contact Meg Booth, director of volunteer services, at 317.924.6839 or email mbooth@girlscoutsindiana.org.
• Refreshment Coordinator – coffee mug • Transportation Coordinator – key chain or set of maps Service unit recognition ideas • Celebrate with an Investiture and Rededication Ceremony or other Girl Scout traditions
Informal Adult recognition awards Recognition-do it often and make it meaningful-get creative! Informal recognitions are day-to-day ways to say “thank you” to volunteers. These sincere expressions of appreciation are based on specific contributions and are given in a timely manner. Informal recognition is powerful and effective, because volunteers feel valued by a personal touch.
• Public acknowledgement in your local newspaper
Informal ways to recognize volunteers • Check out Pinterest for great ideas!
• Volunteer thank you kits
• Service unit honor rolls for example, leaders with 12 girls or more, leaders returning for the 2nd year, leaders who are creative in having girls plan and implement activities, or volunteer learning stars who have completed recommended adult learning sessions within 6 months.
Online resources • Free e-cards for every occasion at Americangreetings.com
• Girl Scout tokens-check the Girl Scout catalogue or shop online on our website at girlscoutsindiana.org.
• E-cards at BlueMountain.com
• Celebrate Leader Appreciation Day on April 22
• E-cards and greeting cards at hallmark.com • Virtual Flowers at iflowers.com
• Certificates • Personal handwritten note cards
Other Girl Scout and community recognitions Grade level volunteer pins Volunteer pins for each grade level are available through all Showcase locations. These pins are great resources to welcome and thank volunteers into roles working directly with girls or supporting a grade level behind the scenes. These position pins are not earned, but given in recognition of service supporting Girl Scouts in a variety of ways. Adult position pins Each position an adult member in Girl Scouting can hold has a corresponding position bar. Visit your local Showcase to purchase your categorical color position bar. Volunteer service award pin Pins to recognize years of service in Girl Scouting are available in five year increments up to 30 years. Pins can be purchased at your local Showcase. Official volunteer pin Volunteer pins may be purchased at the Showcase by any Girl Scout volunteer. Online resources In looking at Girl Scout recognition research the type of recognition that volunteers say they appreciate the most is recognition from troops, individual girls and parents. Find tools on girlscoutsindiana.org to recognize leaders and other volunteers informally. President’s Volunteer Service Award The President’s Volunteer Service Award is part of the Points of Light and is a way to thank and honor Americans who, by their demonstrated commitment and example, inspire others to engage in volunteer service. As an affiliate of GSUSA your local troop or service unit can register to be a Certifying Organization. Go to presidentialserviceawards.gov to learn more about these awards and how to become a Certifying Organization. Use GSU003 as your ID when registering.
Join the conversation! @girlscoutsin 105
girlscoutsindiana.org /volunteers
Adult learning
2015/2016 Feld Entertainment Events In Indianapolis With Special Pricing Just for GIRL SCOUTS and their family and friends! Special Added September date for Disney On Ice with…
Disney On Ice presents Frozen September 3-‐7, 2015 Bankers Life Fieldhouse Girl Scout performances: Fri., Sept. 4, 7 p.m. discounted tickets at $37.20 & $26.20 Sat., Sept. 5, 7 p.m. discounted tickets at $37.20 & $26.20 Sun., Sept. 6, 7 p.m. discounted tickets at $37.20 & $26.20 Mon., Sept. 7, 7 p.m. discounted tickets at $37.20 & $26.20 On-‐line Order Form: https://fs7.formsite.com/finchandfinch/DISNEYONICE/index.html Enter a fantastical winter wonderland beyond all imagination at Disney On Ice presents Frozen Presented by Stonyfield YoKids Organic Yogurt. The heartwarming Academy Award®-‐winning film is now LIVE and skating into your town with dazzling special effects, astonishing skating, and inspiring songs like “Let It Go.” Join Anna and Elsa, Olaf, Kristoff and Sven as they journey to discover that true love is the most magical power of all, with special guest appearances by your most beloved Disney Princesses and favorite Disney characters. This unforgettable celebration of love and friendship will leave your family with memories to last a lifetime.
Send email to: indygroupsales@sbcglobal.net to receive info via email. *See separate advertisement page for DisneyLive!, Ringling Bros. & Barnum & Bailey and January Disney On Ice.* 106
2015/2016 Feld Entertainment Events In Indianapolis With Special Pricing Just For GIRL SCOUTS and their family and friends! Disney Live! Three Classic Fairy Tales Sunday, Nov. 1 @ 12 p.m., 3 p.m., 6 p.m. Bankers Life Fieldhouse Girl Scout Pricing: $22 & $16.50 On-‐line Order Form: https://fs7.formsite.com/finchandfinch/DISNEYLIVE/index.html
Prepare to step into a world of wonder where wishing is only the beginning and dreams really do come true in Disney Live! presents Three Classic Fairy Tales Presented by Stonyfield YoKids Organic Yogurt. Join Mickey, Minnie, Donald and Goofy as they bring the timeless fairytale adventures of Cinderella, Beauty and The Beast, and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to life right in Indianapolis for 1 day only!
Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey® Presents Circus XTREME December 3-‐6, 2015—performance times listed below in link. *Friday Exclusive CIRCUS FIT event—see separate page for details. Bankers Life Fieldhouse Girl Scout pricing: $16.50 & $11 On-‐line Order Form: https://fs7.formsite.com/finchandfinch/RINGLINGBROS/index.html ®
Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Presents Circus XTREME -‐ It’s time for your family to be amazed by all the X-‐TRAORDINARY things you know and love about America’s favorite live family entertainment experience. Be astonished by UN-‐XPECTED circus spectacles you’ve never seen before and that can’t ® be seen anywhere else but at The Greatest Show On Earth . Get ready for an X-‐HILARATING adventure with X-‐TRAORDINARY circus artists and ® magnificent X-‐OTIC animals! It’s time to awaken the spirit of Children Of All Ages and stir the imagination of your family! Ringling Bros. Presents Circus XTREME.
Disney On Ice presents Let’s Celebrate! Presented by Stonyfield YoKids Organic Yogurt January 20-‐24, 2016 —performance times listed below in link Bankers Life Fieldhouse Girl Scout pricing: $22 & $14.30 On-‐line Order Form: https://fs7.formsite.com/finchandfinch/DISNEYJAN/index.html
Make an ordinary day extraordinary when Disney On Ice presents Let’s Celebrate! Presented by Stonyfield YoKids Organic Yogurt brings more than 50 Disney characters to your hometown for one colossal party on ice! This action-‐packed, all-‐new show features a magical montage of celebrations and is set to a blend of contemporary music and favorite Disney songs. It’s one colossal party on ice, with all your favorite Disney friends! Join Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse as they celebrate a Very Merry Unbirthday Party with Alice and the Mad Hatter; Mardi Gras with Princess Tiana and Prince Naveen; a Royal Valentine’s Day Ball with the Disney Princesses; a Hawaiian luau with Lilo & Stitch; a winter wonderland with Woody, Jessie and Buzz Lightyear; a Halloween haunt with the Disney Villains and more in a magical medley of holidays, celebrations and festivals from around the globe.
Send email to: indygroupsales@sbcglobal.net to receive info via email.
girlscoutsindiana.org /volunteers
Council Event Registration Form Girl Scouts of Central Indiana
Please register online at girlscoutsindiana.org or fax the following form to 317.931.3346 or mail to Girl Scouts of Central Indiana, Suite 100, 2611 Waterfront Parkway East Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46214. Use one registration form for each event. This form may be copied or saved to your computer and emailed. Print clearly and complete all sections. If you have a multi-age level troop, girls need to attend the age-level appropriate to the event (i.e. Girl Scout Brownies cannot attend events for Girl Scout Juniors even if they are in the same troop).
Troop #
Grade level
Event title
Office code Event date
Event time
Please print the name(s) of those attending this event. Use an additional paper if necessary. Name Grade Name Grade Girl Adult Girl Adult Girl Adult Girl Adult Girl Adult Girl Adult Girl Adult Girl Adult Girl Adult Girl Adult Total # Girls Adults Total due:
Individual cost $ $
Total $ $ $
In order for your registration to be processed it must be accompanied by payment in full unless otherwise indicated.
Select payment (please check one) Cash Check Credit Card Cookie Dough If paying by credit card, card holder’s name______________________________________________________ Card type_______________ Card no__________________________________ Exp. date_________________ Leader’s name___________________________________________________________________________ Home mailing address_________________________City/ZIP code___________________________________ Day phone (____ )_________________ Cell (____ )________________ Eve. phone (_____ )_______________ Please select how you would like to receive your bill (please check one) USPS mail E-mail AGREEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING I understand that if we are selected for this event, I am financially responsible for the above number of girls/adults and will owe the event balance amount unless I have cancelled in writing 15 calendar days prior to the program event.
Name (please print) _______________________________________________________________________ Signature__________________________________________ Date _________________________________
Program Assistance Grant Application Girl Scouts of Central Indiana
Please complete the Program Assistance Grant Application online at girlscoutsindiana.org, or mail the following form to Girl Scouts of Central Indiana, Suite 100, 2611 Waterfront Parkway , Indianapolis, IN 46214. Grants are given for individual girl or troop participation in Girl Scouts of Central Indiana and Girl Scouts of the USA endorsed events such as GSUSA national and international Destinations, resident and day camp, and council, service unit, or troop program activities. Grants are only given to registered Girl Scouts. • Each girl may apply for one troop, one camp and one individual grant per year. • Financing is seldom more than matching funds with the exception of extreme need and or unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the applicant. • All applicants will be notified by mail as to the disposition of the requests. The grant committee will look at the following factors when evaluating a grant request. • The application request is based on a realistic goal and includes a sound financial plan. • The financial resources of the applicant, including any special circumstances. • The degree to which the applicant has used her own resources to help pay for the cost of the opportunity. Type of PAG requested: Troop (see section I) Individual (see section II) Camp (see section II) Girl Scouts of Central Indiana should make PAG check payable to:
Section I: Troop PAG (circle appropriate grade level) Girl Scout Daisy Girl Scout Brownie Girl Scout Junior Girl Scout Cadette/Senior/Ambassador Troop number_____________Leader’s name________________ Phone (______ ) _________________ Street address _______________________________________ # participating (G)______ (A) ______ City, state, ZIP____________________________________________ County____________________ Are all girls are registered Girl Scouts? Yes No I have reviewed the Safety-Wise section appropriate to this activity and assure that all requirements will be met. Leader signature_________________________________________________ Date _______________
Troop PAG applicants please continue to section IV.
Section II: Individual PAG (circle appropriate grade level) Girl Scout Daisy Girl Scout Brownie Girl Scout Junior Girl Scout Cadette/Senior/Ambassador Girl’s name____________________________________________ Troop number________________ Street address_______________________________ City, state, ZIP___________________________ County/Service unit________________________________ Phone (_______ )____________________ Number of years in Girl Scouting______Grade in fall_________________ Birth date__________________
School________________________________________________________________________________ Does girl receive free/reduced lunch at school? Yes No Girl wishes to attend the following program activity:___________________________________________ Council program activity: Troop program activity Day camp Resident camp Girl signature_____________________________________________________ Date______________ Parent name printed __________________________________________________________________ Parent/guardian signature___________________________________________ Date______________ Camp applicants please continue to section III; individual applicants please continue to section IV.
Program Assistance Grant Application Girl Scouts of Central Indiana
Section III: Camp PAG (circle appropriate grade level) Submit a $10 deposit if you you are applying for a Girl Scouts of Central Indiana sponsored camp with your PAG application. The application will not be processed until the $10 fee has been received by GSCI.
Girl Scout Daisy Girl Scout Brownie Girl Scout Junior Girl Scout Cadette/Senior/Ambassador Parent/guardian name_________________________________________ Troop number____________ Work phone ______________________________ Cell phone ________________________________ Complete only if different from girl’s information. Street address_____________________________________________________________________ City, state, ZIP_________________________________ County/Service unit______________________ Camp attending ______________________ Camp dates_________ Session number or name _________ School________________________________________________________________________________ _
Camp applicants please continue to section IV.
Section IV: Event details and participation Location_______________________________________Transportation________________________ Detailed description of event___________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Dates of trip_______________________________________________________________________ Have reservations been made? Yes No What are your sleeping arrangements? Tents Hotel Other Do you have additional insurance other than Girl Scouts? Yes No A complete itinerary must be submitted including dates, times, places and accommodations with a full list of girls and adults. Has troop/girl received a grant for a Girl Scout activity in the past year? Yes No Did the troop/girl participate in the Fall Product Sale Program? Yes No If no, why not?______________________________________________________________________ Did the troop/girl participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Sale Program? Yes No If no, why not?______________________________________________________________________
All applicants please continue to Section V.
Program Assistance Grant Application Girl Scouts of Central Indiana Section V: Budget Total anticipated cost
Total amount girl/troop can pay
If other, please specify
Transportation____________ Troop__________________________ _________________________ Camp fee________________ Parent/guardian__________________ _________________________ Program fee______________ Girl’s earnings____________________ _________________________ Other___________________ Other__________________________ _________________________ Total____________________ Total__________________________ _________________________ Total amount requested ____________________________________ Total annual income: (Please check the appropriate amount) $0-$12,000 $15,001-$18,000 $21,001-$25,000 $30,001-$40,000 $50,001-$60,000 $12,001-$15,000 $18,001-$21,000 $25,001-$30,000 $40,001-$50,000 Over $60,000
Number of people supported by this income: ______________________________________________ Answer the following questions. Please attach additional sheet if necessary. What is the trip goal?_________________________________________________________________ Are there any special circumstances? (This question must be answered in order for your application to be considered.) ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Is the parent/guardian a troop leader?____________________________________________________ The following questions must be filled out for processing: Does your child receive free or reduced lunch?
☐ Yes
☐ No
What is your child's school district? _____________________________________________________________ Please allow 4 weeks for processing.
Award amount ___________ Requisition # ____________
Due to high demand for service unit camporees at Camp Dellwood and Gallahue, a service unit will only be allowed to reserve one of these two camps one time every two years.
Camp reservation procedures Reservation procedures
Cancellation procedures
Thank you for your interest in making a reservation for a Girl Scout camp site! Our reservations procedures are specific to the type of reservation you wish to make. Please review the details of our reservation policy for program center opportunities, learning opportunities, bridging ceremonies, or group camping and of our reservation policy for summer programs
The full fee for use of the facility is due in the office one month before the reservation. If payment is not received in the office one month prior to your reserved date your reservation will be cancelled. The funds will be transferred to another date if • a cancellation is received three weeks prior to the event. • weather conditions occur causing travel to be hazardous or camp to close.
Please note: Unless specifically stated, reservations may only be made by a group leader for their group. An online submission of a reservation request does not guarantee the reservation. Your request will be processed on a first come, first served basis. You will be contacted via email, mail or phone to either confirm your reservation or inform you that the date you selected is full. Check in for all overnight facilities is 4 p.m. and check out is at 2 p.m. If you need the facility either before or after these specified times you must reserve an additional date.
If the camp is closed due to weather or any other reason, your group will be notified and given the opportunity to reschedule. When it is necessary to cancel please contact the council office as soon as possible so that another group might be considered. Someone is always expecting your group; please notify the office even at the last minute if you plan not to attend. You may call 317.924.6827 or 317.924.6856 at any hour and leave a message.
Please note the processing dates below. Please do not submit your forms until the first day of the processing date. Otherwise, they will be held until the processing date for consideration Processing dates for all camps (must reserve entire facility): September 1
January 1
Processing dates for units (reserve individual facilities): October 1
February 1
Facilities Reservation Form Camp Ada Instructions: 1. Send completed form to Girl Scouts of Central Indiana’s Indianapolis office without payment. 2. A confirmation packet will be mailed to you when placed. Full fee with troop camping billing form and user agreement must be received at the Indianapolis office one month prior to camping date reserved. Mail to: Girl Scouts of Central Indiana Suite 100, 2611 Waterfront Parkway East Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46214 or fax 317.931.3346 Troop number _____________________ Service unit _______________________________________________ Contact person ____________________________________________________________________________ Day phone ____________________________________ Evening phone ________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________________________ City ____________________________________________ State _________ ZIP code ____________________ Email ____________________________________________________________________________________ Dates requested Please indicate your preference for facilities and dates below. For fee information, please see second pages. 1st choice: Arrival date ________________________
Departure date _____________________
2nd choice: Arrival date _______________________
Departure date _____________________
3 choice: Arrival date ________________________
Departure date _____________________
Dates requested ( ) indicates sleeping capacity
1st choice ________________________
2nd choice ________________________ Building 1A (12) Building 1B (12) 3rd choice ________________________ Building 1C (12) Building 2D (12) Building 2E (12) Building 2F (12) Marcy’s Manor (150 seating capacity) Day/Evening use only Primitive (N/A) Alll Camp (150) Service units and council only Day use only (please indicate time of use) ______________________________________________ Arrival time Departure time Payment schedule: Do not send any payment with reservation request. Once the reservation has been approved you will receive a confirmation in the mail or by email. Reminder: The full fee must be paid 1 month before the property is used. Failure to do so will result in the cancellation of the reservation. Processing dates for troops: (for individual unit/facilities only) October 1 for January-August February 1 for September-December
Processing dates for service units: (for “all camp” use only) September 1 for January-August January 1 for September-December
Check all that apply:
Girl Scout age level:
Service unit
Troop Other (council, etc.) Check in at 4 p.m. Check out at 2 p.m.
Daisy (grades K-1) Brownie (grades 2-3) Junior (grades 4-5) Cadette (grades 6-8) Senior (grades 9-10) Ambassador (grades 11-12)
Number of adults ______________________ Number of girls ______________________
Facility Usage Fees Facility
Sleeping Capacity
Fees per night (April-October 31)
Fees per night (November-March 31)
Building 1A
Building 1B
Building 1C
Building 2D
Building 2E
Building 2F
Marcy’s Manor
Seats 150
$50 day/evening use only
Day/evening use (no site)
$5 $20 per troop per 2.5 hours
All camp*
$75 per night
(must provide own facilitator) (Apr-Oct)
*All camp only available to service units and council*
Camping Equipment (please indicate quantity) _____ 2 person tents _____ Dutch ovens _____ Pie irons _____ Patrol box of equipment _____ Propane lantern
_____ Propane camp stove _____ Propane cooker (1 large burner) _____ Portable fire bowls (includes all safety equipment) _____ Roasting forks
Program Equipment (please indicate quantity) _____ Parachute _____ Turkey Trot Trail Guide _____ Flag
Camping Activities _____ Archery Equipment ($20 per troop per 2.5 hours) • Available April 1-October 30 Girls must be age 9 or above in order to use archery equipment. You must arrange for your own certified archery instructor. Archery must be reserved through the council office prior to facility usage. Must arrange own archery certificiation at least two weeks prior to your stay.
Equipment MUST be reserved through the service center at least one week prior to camping. The troop/group will assume full responsibility for any damage to buildings and property incurred while using council owned property. Signature of person in charge ________________________________________
Facilities Reservation Form Camp Dellwood Instructions: 1. Send completed form to Girl Scouts of Central Indiana’s Indianapolis office without payment. 2. A confirmation packet will be mailed to you when placed. Full fee with troop camping billing form and user agreement must be received at the Indianapolis office one month prior to camping date reserved. Mail to: Girl Scouts of Central Indiana Suite 100, 2611 Waterfront Parkway East Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46214 or fax 317.931.3346 Troop number _____________________ Service unit ______________________________________ Contact person ___________________________________________________________________ Day phone ____________________________ Evening phone _______________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________ City ___________________________________ State _________ ZIP code ____________________ Email ___________________________________________________________________________ Dates requested Please indicate your preference for facilities and dates below. For fee information, please see second pages. 1st choice: Arrival date ________________________
Departure date _____________________
2 choice: Arrival date _______________________
Departure date _____________________
3rd choice: Arrival date ________________________
Departure date _____________________
Dates requested ( ) indicates sleeping capacity
1st choice ________________________
2nd choice ________________________ Program Center 1 (20) Program Center 2 (20) 3rd choice ________________________ Chalet (30) Mender (12) Innisfree (36) Pinewood (36) Program Center Multipurpose Room Rotherwood (24) Sleepy Hollow (36) Reminder: The full fee must be paid 1 Romany (36) month before the property is used. Failure Woodland (36) to do so will result in the cancellation of the reservation. Lodge, with or without kitchen (seating capacity 150 Primitive (N/A) Amphitheatre (seating capacity 200) Alll Camp (April-October 308, November-March 104) Service units and council only Day use only (please indicate time of use) ______________________________________________ Arrival time Departure time Payment schedule: Do not send any payment with reservation request. Once the reservation has been approved you will receive a confirmation in the mail or by email. The full fee must be paid 1 month before the property is used. Failure to do so will result in the cancellation of the reservation. Processing dates for service units: (for “all camp” use only) September 1 for January-August January 1 for September-December
Processing dates for troops: (for individual unit/facilities only) October 1 for January-August February 1 for September-December
Check all that apply:
Girl Scout age level:
Service unit
Troop Other (council, etc.) Check in at 4 p.m. Check out at 2 p.m.
Number of adults
Daisy (grades K-1) Brownie (grades 2-3) Junior (grades 4-5) Cadette (grades 6-8) Senior (grades 9-10) Ambassador (grades 11-12)
______________________ Number of girls ______________________
Facility Usage Fees Facility
Sleeping Capacity (Apr, May, Aug-Sept)
Sleeping Capacity (November-March)
Fees per night
Program center, 1 or 2
20 per wing
20 per wing
$20 each wing
Innisfree (9 platforms tents)
Pinewood (9 platforms tents)
Rotherwood (6 platforms
Sleepy Hollow (9 platforms
Romany (9 platforms tents)
Lodge (seating 150)
$25 without kitchen $40 with kitchen
Amphitheater (seating 200)
$20/troop for 2.5 hrs Apr, May, Aug-Oct
Pool (Max 72)
$25/troop for 2.5 hrs
Day/evening use (no site)
$5 per day or evening
All camp*
$165/night Apr, May, Aug-Oct $70/night Nov-Mar
tents) tents)
Aug only
*All camp only available to service units and council*
Camping Equipment (please indicate quantity)
Camping Activities
_____ 2 person tents _____ Pie irons _____ Roasting forks _____ Portable fire bowls (includes all safety equipment)
_____ Archery Equipmentl April 1-October 31
_____ Dutch ovens _____ Patrol box of equipment _____ Propane lantern _____ Propane camp stove _____ Propane cooker (1 large burner)
Program Equipment (please indicate quantity) _____ Parachute _____ Flag _____ Compass box _____ Obstacle course
_____ Wildflower Trail guides _____ Bridge (need truck/van to
transport if offsite use)
Girls must be age 9 or above in order to use archery equipment. You must arrange for your own certified archery instructor. Must arrange own archery certificiation at least two weeks prior to your stay.
_____ Pool • August 7-31* Check one: 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 1-3:30 p.m.
Must provide own certified lifeguard. Must provide council a copy of certification at least 2 weeks prior to your stay.
Reminder: The full fee must be paid 1 month before the property is used. Failure to do so will result in the cancellation of the reservation.
The troop/group will assume full responsibility for any damage to buildings and property incurred while using council owned property. Signature of person in charge ________________________________________
Facilities Reservation Form Camp NaWaKwa Instructions: 1. Send completed form to Girl Scouts of Central Indiana’s Indianapolis office without payment. 2. A confirmation packet will be mailed to you when placed. Full fee with troop camping billing form and user agreement must be received at the Indianapolis office one month prior to camping date reserved. Mail to: Girl Scouts of Central Indiana Suite 100, 2611 Waterfront Parkway East Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46214 or fax 317.931.3346 Troop number _____________________ Service unit ______________________________________ Contact person ___________________________________________________________________ Day phone ____________________________ Evening phone _______________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________ City ___________________________________ State _________ ZIP code ____________________ Email ___________________________________________________________________________ Dates requested Please indicate your preference for facilities and dates below. For fee information, please see second pages. 1st choice: Arrival date ________________________
Departure date _____________________
2 choice: Arrival date _______________________
Departure date _____________________
3 choice: Arrival date ________________________
Departure date _____________________
nd rd
Dates requested ( ) indicates sleeping capacity
1st choice ________________________
2nd choice ________________________ Hise-Clark Program Center (26-28), seating capacity (80) Conley Lodge (40), seating capacity (100) 3rd choice ________________________ Deerpath (40) Americana (32) Voyager (24) Trailblazer (32) Pioneer (32) Amphitheatre (seating capacity 300) Alll Camp (April 1-October 31 • 186, November 1-March 31 • 80) Service units and council only Day use only (please indicate time of use) ______________________________________________ Arrival time Departure time Payment schedule: Do not send any payment with reservation request. Once the reservation has been approved you will receive a confirmation in the mail. The full fee must be paid 1 month before the property is used. Failure to do so will result in the cancellation of the reservation. Processing dates for troops: (for individual unit/facilities only) October 1 for January-August February 1 for September-December
Processing dates for service units: (for “all camp” use only) September 1 for January-August January 1 for September-December
Reminder: The full fee must be paid 1 month before the property is used. Failure to do so will result in the cancellation of the reservation.
Check all that apply:
Girl Scout age level:
Service unit
Troop Other (council, etc.) Check in at 4 p.m. Check out at 2 p.m.
Daisy (grades K-1) Brownie (grades 2-3) Junior (grades 4-5) Cadette (grades 6-8) Senior (grades 9-10) Ambassador (grades 11-12)
Number of adults ______________________ Number of girls ______________________
Facility Usage Fees Facility
Sleeping Capacity Sleeping Capacity (Apr, May, Aug-Oct) (Nov-Mar 31)
Fees per night
Hise-Clark Program Center
Conley Lodge
40 (seats 100-120)
40 (seats 100-120)
Deerpath (8 cabins/sleeps 4 each)
Americana (8 tents/sleeps 4 each)
Voyager (2 tents/sleeps 4 each & 2
Trailblazer(8 cabins/sleeps 4 each)
Pioneer (8 tents/sleeps 4 each)
Amphitheatre (seats 300)
Pool/shower house
$25/troop for 2.5 hrs Open approx. Aug 7-31*
Climbing wall/Zip-Line
$20/troop for 2.5 hrs (Apr, May, Aug-Oct)
$10 (Apr, May, Aug-Oct)
Archery equipment
$20/troop for 2.5 hrs (Apr, May, Aug-Oct)
Day/evening use (no site)
$5 day or evening
All Camp *
60 (using lodge) 80 (without lodge)
$150/night Apr, May, Aug-Oct $55/night Nov-Mar
yurts/sleeps 8 each)
*All camp only available to service units and council. Does not include facilitator fees*
Camping Activities _____ Pool Check one :
10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 1:30-3:30 p.m. Must provide own certified lifeguard. Must provide council a copy of certification at least 2 weeks prior to your stay.
_____ Canoes April 1-October 31 Must provide own certified small craft adult. Must provide council a copy of certification at least 2 weeks prior to your stay.
____ Climbing wall/Zip-line
April 1-October 31
Must provide own facilitator.
_____ Archery equipment
April 1-October 31
Must provide own certified achery adult. Must provide council a copy of certification at least 2 weeks prior to your stay. Girls must be age 9 or above in order to use archery equipment.
Activities must be reserved through the council office at least one week prior to usage. The troop/group will assume full responsibility for any damage to buildings and property incurred while using council owned property. Signature of person in charge ________________________________________
Facilities Reservation Form Camp Sycamore Valley Instructions: 1. Send completed form to Girl Scouts of Central Indiana’s Indianapolis office without payment. 2. A confirmation packet will be mailed to you when placed. Full fee with troop camping billing form and user agreement must be received at the Indianapolis office one month prior to camping date reserved. Mail to: Girl Scouts of Central Indiana Suite 100, 2611 Waterfront Parkway East Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46214 or fax 317.931.3346 Troop number _____________________ Service unit ______________________________________ Contact person ___________________________________________________________________ Day phone ____________________________ Evening phone _______________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________ City ___________________________________ State _________ ZIP code ____________________ Email ___________________________________________________________________________ Dates requested Please indicate your preference for facilities and dates below. For fee information, please see second pages. 1st choice: Arrival date ________________________
Departure date _____________________
2 choice: Arrival date _______________________
Departure date _____________________
3 choice: Arrival date ________________________
Departure date _____________________
nd rd
Dates requested ( ) indicates sleeping capacity
1st choice ________________________
2nd choice ________________________ Troop Cabin (30) Unit 1-4 A-Frames (20) 3rd choice ________________________ Unit 2-5 Eagles Nests (24) Lodge, with kitchen (seating capacity 80) Lodge, without kitchen (seating capacity 80) Reminder: The full fee must be paid 1 Catherine's Cabin (20) month before the property is used. Failure Kathy's Corner (20) to do so will result in the cancellation of the Graham Hall (10) reservation. Primitive (50) Pool/shower house (N/A) Archery (2.5 hours) Alll Camp April 1-October 31 (174), November 1-March 31 (80) Service units and council only Day use only (please indicate time of use) ______________________________________________ Arrival time Departure time
Payment schedule: Do not send any payment with reservation request. Once the reservation has been approved you will receive a confirmation in the mail. Processing dates for troops: (for individual unit/facilities only) October 1 for January-August February 1 for September-December
Processing dates for service units: (for “all camp” use only) September 1 for January-August January 1 for September-December
Check all that apply:
Girl Scout age level:
Service unit
Troop Other (council, etc.) Check in at 4 p.m. Check out at 2 p.m.
Daisy (grades K-1) Brownie (grades 2-3) Junior (grades 4-5) Cadette (grades 6-8) Senior (grades 9-10) Ambassador (grades 11-12)
Number of adults ______________________ Number of girls ______________________
Facility Usage Fees Facility
Sleeping Capacity (Apr, May, Aug-Sept)
Sleeping Capacity (Nov-Mar)
Fees per night
Troop Cabin
Unit 1-4 A- frame cabins
Unit 2-5 Eagles Nest on stilts
Catherine's Cabin
Kathy's Corner
Lodge with kitchen
seating for 80
Lodge without kitchen
seating for 80
Graham Hall
Pool/shower house (max 50)
$25/troop for 2.5 hrs (Aug only)
Archery (equipment)
$20/troop for 2.5 hrs (Apr, May, Aug-Oct)
Day/evening use (no site)
$5 per day or evening
All camp**
$125/night Apr, May, Aug-Oct $60/night Nov 1-Mar 31
*All camp only available to service units and council* **All camp only available to servie units and council
Camping Activities _____ Pool
August 7-31* Must provide own certified lifeguard. Must provide council a copy of certification at least 2 weeks prior to your stay.
_____ Archery equipment
April 1-October 31
Must provide own certified achery adult. Must provide council a copy of certification at least 2 weeks prior to your stay. Girls must be age 9 or above in order to use archery equipment.
Activities must be reserved through the council office prior to facility usage.
Camping Equipment (please indicate quantity) _____ Books _____ Pie irons _____ Roasting forks _____ Corn poppers _____ Dutch ovens _____ Griddles
_____ 2 person tents _____ Cast iron skillets _____ Flag _____ Nesting pots _____ Coffee pots _____ Parachute
_____ Cooking utensils _____ Doughboy sticks _____ Sports equipment (basketball, soccer ball, utility ball, possibly badminton/tennis raquets)
The troop/group will assume full responsibility for any damage to buildings and property incurred while using council owned property. Signature of person in charge ________________________________________
Facilities Reservation Form Camp Gallahue Instructions: 1. Send completed form to Girl Scouts of Central Indiana’s Indianapolis office without payment. 2. A confirmation packet will be mailed to you when placed. Full fee with troop camping billing form and user agreement must be received at the Indianapolis office one month prior to camping date reserved. Mail to: Girl Scouts of Central Indiana Suite 100, 2611 Waterfront Parkway East Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46214 or fax 317.931.3346 Troop number _____________________ Service unit ______________________________________ Contact person ___________________________________________________________________ Day phone ____________________________ Evening phone _______________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________ City ___________________________________ State _________ ZIP code ____________________ Email ___________________________________________________________________________ Dates requested Please indicate your preference for facilities and dates below. For fee information, please see second pages. 1st choice: Arrival date ________________________
Departure date _____________________
2 choice: Arrival date _______________________
Departure date _____________________
3 choice: Arrival date ________________________
Departure date _____________________
nd rd
Dates requested ( ) indicates sleeping capacity, winter/summer
1st choice ________________________
2nd choice ________________________ Ardath (30/40) Art Colony (40) 3rd choice ________________________ Village (40) Reservation (40) Lodge Basement (50) Reminder: The full fee must be paid 1 Lodge Upstairs Day/Evening Use Only (200 seating capacity) month before the property is used. Failure to do so will result in the cancellation of the Hillcrest-wing 1 (14) reservation. Hillcrest-wing 2 (12) Hillcrest-wing 3 (14) Harley’s Hill (20) Primitive (N/A) Amphitheatre (N/A) Alll Camp (April, May, Aug-Oct • 250, November-March • 120) Service units and associations only Day use only (please indicate time of use) ______________________________________________ Arrival time Departure time Payment schedule: Do not send any payment with reservation request. Once the reservation has been approved you will receive a confirmation in the mail or by email. Processing dates for service units: (for “all camp” use only) September 1 for January-August January 1 for September-December
Processing dates for troops: (for individual unit/facilities only) October 1 for January-August February 1 for September-December
Check all that apply:
Girl Scout age level:
Service unit
Troop Other (council, etc.) Check in at 4 p.m. Check out at 2 p.m.
Number of adults
Daisy (grades K-1) Brownie (grades 2-3) Junior (grades 4-5) Cadette (grades 6-8) Senior (grades 9-10) Ambassador (grades 11-12)
______________________ Number of girls ______________________
Facility Usage Fees Facility
Sleeping Capacity (April-October)
Sleeping Capacity (November-March)
Fees per night
Art Colony
Lodge Basement
Lodge Upstairs (seats 150)
$50 day/evening use only
Hillcrest, wings 1 or 3
14 each
14 each
$14 each
Hillcrest, wing 2
Harley’s Hill (4 huts each sleep 5)
Day/evening use (no site)
$20/troop for 2.5 hrs Apr, May,
$25/troop for 2.5 hrs Apr, May,
All camp*
$190/night Apr, May, Aug-Oct $85/night Nov-Mar
Aug-Oct Aug-Oct
*All camp only available to service units and council*
Camping Equipment (please indicate quantity) _____ 2 person tent _____ Pie irons _____ Roasting forks _____ Portable fire bowls (includes all safety equipment) _____ Dutch ovens
_____ Patrol box of equipment _____ Propane lantern _____ Propane camp stove _____ Propane cooker (1 large burner)
Camping Activities _____ Archery equipment Apr, May, Aug-Oct Girls must be age 9 or above in order to use archery equipment. Must arrange for your own certified archery instructor. Must provide copy of certification to council at least 2 weeks prior to arrival. Equipment and camping activities MUST be reserved through the service center at least one week prior to camping.
Program Equipment (please indicate quantity) _____ Parachute _____ Earth ball
_____ Waterfront Apr, May, Aug-Oct Check one: 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 1-3:30 p.m. Must arrange for your own certified lifeguard/small craft facilitator. Must provide copy of certification to council at least 2 weeks prior to arrival. Check activities that apply: Swimming (temp must be 70 degrees or above to swim) Canoes Kayaks Rowboats Pontoon boat
The troop/group will assume full responsibility for any damage to buildings and property incurred while using council owned property. Signature of person in charge ________________________________________
I can't wait to
To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 106
Suite 100 2611 Waterfront Parkway East Drive Indianapolis, IN 46214 girlscoutsindiana.org • 855.GSCIN.4U
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Girl Program & Adult Learning Guide
August 2015 -January 2016