Facilitator newsletter January 2014

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January 2014

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Happy New Year!


Happy New Year


Happy New Year (continued)


Welcome New Facilitators


We hope each of you have faired well this winter and continue to be healthy, safe and warm. Even with our crazy Indiana weather, the show must go on and we continue to stay busy with face-to-face learning sessions, webinars and collaborations with other departments such as product sales and the various cookie college programs in January. In some areas, one-on-ones are being preformed and service units are asking for sessions to be offered during their meetings and/or for service unit retreats. Many of these developments have been initiated by facilitators. Great work everyone! At our monthly meeting in January, we reflected on the training needs calendar you helped us create at last August’s facilitator update.





New Leader

Outdoor Ceremonies

Outdoor Girl Award

Bridging Grade Levels Registrar





Bridging Grade Levels Service Team Outdoor

Grade Levels Service Unit Teams

CTO Service Unit Manager Registrar

CTO Grade Levels Fall Product Songs/Games Ceremonies





Investiture Grade Levels New Leader Ceremonies Basic Outdoor

Ceremonies Grade Levels Investitures New Leader Girl Awards

Kaleidoscope Ceremonies Investiture Grade Levels Outdoor

Grade Levels WebEx


Save the Date


KUDOS Cookie College


Volunteer Services Staff




Happy New Year! (Continued) As we look forward to events and opportunities in 2014, volunteer services would like to encourage you to continue these efforts preparing our Girl Scout leaders. What can you do or share with your local service unit? Is your service unit planning a camporee? Maybe you can offer 10-minute sessions on how to prepare for your first camporee. Do you have 4th and 5th graders going to Junior Jam? Offer a session on SWAPS, meal planning and/or packing. At the very least encourage them to participate in our Junior Jam webinars.

You are an integral part of your service team. Talk to your service unit manager and attend service team meetings. Ask to be placed on the agenda and share your knowledge and expertise with our Girl Scout volunteers. This is a perfect opportunity to find out what their learning needs are. Topics may include: communications, conflict resolution, quick games to fill 5-10 minutes, how to pack for a weekend trip, how to handle the difficult parent. We have service unit “Short and Snappy” 15-20-minute trainings you can lead located in the Facilitator Speedway under Roadmaps. http://gscifs.shutterfly.com/ Perhaps you have your own mini session that you are already leading. f you have topics, please share them with Meg and we will post them on the Speedway. If you do lead a session at your service unit meetings, please shoot us an email so we can give participants and you credit on E Council (a roster of attendees is needed). If you need help with planning a session design or need materials for your session, contact Meg, Maria or Kerri. We are looking forward to what 2014 brings. With your ideas and support, we continue to impact girls lives in central Indiana, fulfilling our mission of building girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. Thank you for all that you do! Meg, Maria and Kerri




Welcome New Facilitators September 28, 2013, Math and Science Center, Indianapolis

Volunteer Services welcomed our new group of adult learning facilitators: Meredith McWilliams, Fishers; Lori Wickstrom; Carmel West; Heather Roberts, North Delaware; Grace George, Franklin Township; Gabrielle Godsey, Vigo County; and Anita Lewis, Marion County. Many members of this group have already facilitated or co-facilitated with many of you in winter sessions or upcoming days of learning in your community. Welcome new facilitators!

Don’t be afraid of hosting a webinar session Come and learn the ins and outs of using the tools within WebEx without leaving the comfort of your own home. Introduction to WebEx for Facilitators Thursday, February 6 7-8 p.m. Contact Kerri Hoffman to register khoffman@girlscoutsindiana.org or 317.924.6818

Resources for facilitators We found this website which provides great tips and ideas for facilitating learning sessions. Check it out! http://www.leadstrat.com/ JANUARY



Save the Date! 

NEW: Facilitating Adult Learning offered in two sessions instead of one full day.

Session 1: How to engage, debrief, summarize and apply. Managing participant behaviors. (Need a facilitator for both dates. Contact Maria if interested.) Tuesday, March 11, 6-9 p.m. Indianapolis service center Wednesday, April 9, 6-9 p.m. Indianapolis service center Session 2: Administrative-Session designs, Facilitator Speedway, Webinars, forms (led by GSCI staff) Tuesday, March 18, 6-9 p.m. Indianapolis service center Wednesday, April 16, 6-9 p.m. Indianapolis service center 

May 16-21 —Summer Safety School, Camp Gallahue


June 21, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.—Service Team training conference, including Facilitating Adult Learning (FAL), Chapel Rock Christian Church, Indianapolis


September 13 -Facilitator Update

KUDOS to our Cookie College Adult Session Facilitators From January 18 –23, GSCI offered learning opportunities on cookie etiquette, finance, parent involvement and other information to support a successful 2014 cookie season. More than 1,400 registered girls and 700 adults participated at various locations throughout central Indiana in a cookie college session. Community partners and staff led girl sessions and several of our adult facilitators and cookie volunteers led adult sessions. Thank you to all volunteers who made this first-time event a success at the following locations: Janet Royer-Terre Haute, Char Lee-Bloomington, Connie Holzhausen-Columbus , Natasha Harris-Lafayette, Nancy Bellinger-Muncie, Meredith McWilliams-Carmel, Marcia EcksteinKokomo, Abbie Wehr-Camp Ada, Erin Patterson, Connie Dumas, Jane Darlage, Jennifer Honaker, Susan Parsons, Doris Shellenbarger and Linda Dillon – various Indianapolis locations.

Volunteer Services Staff Meg Booth , Director of Volunteer Services, mbooth@girlscoutsindiana.org, 317.924.6839 Maria Quiroz-Southwood, Adult Development Manager, mquiroz@girlscoutsindiana.org, 317.924.6862 Kerri Hoffman, Volunteer Services Manager, khoffman@girlscoutsindiana.org, 317.924.6818



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