Spring Program Guide

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SPRING Girl Scout

Program Activity and Adult Learning Guide


Girl Scouts of Central Indiana Service Centers and Showcases Phone: 855.GSCIN.4U | 317.924.6800 Fax: 317.924.2976 Web: girlscoutsindiana.org

Share your Girl Scout stories! /GirlScoutsofCentralIndiana @girlscoutsIN

Girl Scout Service Center at Bloomington 1000 N Walnut St, Ste I Bloomington, IN 47404 Tue–Fri | 1-6 p.m. Showcase open Saturday | 9 a.m.-noon*

Girl Scout Service Center at Kokomo 815 W Superior St Kokomo, IN 46901 Mon-Fri | 1-6 p.m.

Girl Scout Service Center at Columbus 1300 Hutchins Ave Columbus, IN 47201 Tue–Fri | 1-6 p.m. Showcase open Saturday | 9 a.m.-noon* Girl Scout Service Center at Daleville 13555 W CR 550 S Daleville, IN 47334 Mon-Fri | 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Showcase open Saturday | 9 a.m.-noon* Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Ste 100 Indianapolis, IN 46214 Mon-Fri | 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Showcase open Saturday | 9 a.m.-noon*

Girl Scout Service Center at Lafayette 615 N 18th St, Ste 203 Lafayette, IN 47904 Mon, Wed, Thur, Fri | 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. and 2:30-4 p.m. Tue | 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. and 2:30-6 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Richmond 1421 N A Street Richmond, IN 47374 Mon-Fri | 1-6 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Terre Haute 1100 Girl Scout Ln Terre Haute, IN 47807-4698 Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri | 10 a.m.-noon and 1-4 p.m. Thur | 10 a.m.-noon and 1-6 p.m.

*Closed on Saturdays, June 1-July 31

Girl Scouts of Central Indiana service centers will be closed: Martin Luther King Jr. Day Monday, January 20 Presidents Day Monday, February 17

Girl Scout Mission

Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.

The Girl Scout Promise

On my honor, I will try: To serve God and my country, To help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law.

Memorial Day Monday, May 26*

*The service center at Indianapolis will close at noon on Friday, May 23 due to Indy 500 race traffic.

Independence Day Friday, July 4

The Girl Scout Law

I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout.

Greetings! The State of Girls: Unfinished Business is an innovative report from the Girl Scout Research Institute that identifies key issues and trends affecting girls’ healthy development in today’s world. Statistic indicators focused on issues such as the health, safety, and educational achievement of girls, as well as demographic trends. The results are reassuring, but we have more work to do to encourage all girls to discover their values, interests, and skills; connect with others, and take action to create sustainable solutions to issues important to them. Together we can get her there by raising awareness and educating the public about the state of girls today, funding programs and continuing research on issues impacting girls. Girl Scouts of Central Indiana is dedicated to making certain that all girls reach their full potential through quality programming that will build girls of courage, confidence, and character. To reach out to all girls to instill confidence, leadership skills, and a collaborative spirit, we have integrated fun, imagination, and the joy of anticipation into everything we do. Our recruitment effort focuses on that “canhardly-sleep-because-you’re-waiting-for-the-nextday” feeling. Our membership recruitment campaign is designed to show girls and adults that, with us, they’ll always have something to be excited about. Share the Girl Scout message with a friend, co-worker, classmate or family member and make a difference in their lives! Thank you for your time and enthusiasm for Girl Scouts. Enjoy browsing our 2014 spring Program and Adult Learning Guide, and visit girlscoutsindiana.org to register for program activities and events. It has never been easier to get girls involved in Girl Scouts. Warmest regards,

Deborah Hearn Smith Chief Executive Officer

Girl Scout Showcase

Starter kit with bridging package Each starter bag includes the basic items every girl needs to begin her Girl Scout Journey!

Girl Scouts of Central Indiana Showcase Locations

Purchase any Basics in a Bag Jan 2 through June 15 and receive a free canvas backpack, bridging kit (certificate plus an age level bridging award), and coupon for future purchases.

Bloomington, Columbus, Daleville, Indianapolis, Kokomo, Lafayette, Richmond, and Terre Haute

Visit any Showcase to take advantage of the new Girl's Guide price of $16.87!

We’ve got it covered!

Call 317.924.6860 or 855.GSCIN.4U

Revenue generated from your shop purchase helps provide program activities and services to girls in central Indiana. Thank you for your support!

Girl Scout Daisy

Girl Scout Brownie

Girl Scout Junior

Girl Scout Cadette/Senior/Ambassador





Flag Patch

Flag Patch

Flag Patch

Flag Patch

Troop Numerals

Troop Numerals

Troop Numerals

Troop Numerals

Daisy Pin

Brownie Pin

Girl Scout Pin

Girl Scout Pin (optional)

Insignia Tab

Insignia Tab

Insignia Tab

Insignia Tab





Girl Scout Daisy Journey Book

Girl Scout Brownie Journey Book

Girl Scout Junior Journey Book

Girl Scout Grade Level Journey Book

The Daisy Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting

The Brownie Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting

The Junior Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting

Girl Scout Grade Level Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting

Free Bridge Kit: Bridging Award and Certificate

Free Bridge Kit: Bridging Award and Certificate

Free Bridge Kit: Bridging Award and Certificate

Vest: $55.87 Sash: $44.62

Vest: $56.87 Sash: $46.12

Vest: $61.62 Sash: $46.62

Tunic: $53.12 Vest: $54.87

Price based on 4-digit troop number and regular sized tunics, vests, and sashes. Deduct $1.25 per number if fewer digits are needed. Plus-sized tunics and vests are slightly more. Call for details.

For uniform guidelines and where to place insignia, visit girlscoutsindiana.org/girls/uniform. 4

Super Troop Super Troop began August 1, 2013 and ends June 30, 2014 Super Troop criteria (must complete eight of the below) • Participated in Early Bird, or if a new troop, 80% of troop registered by October 1. • Participate in the Fall Product Program with a troop sale average 25% higher than council average (2012-2013 council average is $318 sold per participating troop. To qualify, troops need to sell at least $398.41). • Participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program with a troop per girl sales average 25% higher than council average (2012-2013 council average is 158 packages sold per girl. To qualify, troops need to have a per girl average of 198). • Help increase girl or adult membership. Do one of the following: Add two girls to your troop   Recruit a new leader   Recruit a new volunteer to assist in a council event   Help at a council led recruitment event • Attend four service unit meetings or events. • Attend one council program or troop camp at a council facility overnight. • 80% of families in your troop make a donation to the council’s annual campaign. • Complete a journey and submit a photo of your Take Action project with your Super Troop report. • Attend one adult learning opportunity: Core learning opportunity Enrichment learning opportunity • Submit Troop Annual Report to your service team manager no later than July 1. Super Troop incentives • Certificate of authorization to purchase the Super Troop patch at your local Showcase • News release in local paper (actual print of article is determined by newspaper) • Acknowledgement in council e-news and on council Facebook page • Coupon booklet:

Two 10% discounts at Showcase up to $200 purchase

Super Troop T-shirt for entire troop

• Option to purchase Super Troop patches for $1/patch.



Super Troop

Super Troop report (must be submitted by July 1) Troop number: __________________________________________________________________ Contact name:__________________________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________________ Phone number:(_________________ ) _______________________________________________ Email contact:___________________________________________________________________ Service unit:____________________________________________________________________ Service center location for T-shirt pick-up:______________________________________________

Step 1: Check the eight activities your troop accomplished. The • items must be completed:  Participated in Early Bird if a returning troop.  Participate in the Fall Product Program with a troop per girl sales average 25% higher than council average (2012-2013 council average is $318 sold per participating troop. To qualify, troops need to sell at least $398.41).  Participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program with a troop per girl sales average 25% higher than council average (2012-2013 council average is 158 packages sold per girl. To qualify, troops need to have a per girl average of 198).  Help increase girl or adult membership. Do one of the following:

Add two girls to your troop Recruit a new leader Recruit a new volunteer to assist in a council event Help at a council led recruitment event

 Attend four service unit meetings or events  Attend one council activity/event or troop camp at a council facility overnight  80% of families in your troop make a donation to the council’s annual campaign  Complete a journey and submit a photo of your Take Action project with your Super Troop report.  Attend one adult learning opportunity: Core learning opportunity Enrichment learning opportunity  Submit Troop Annual Report to your service unit manager no later than July 1. Step 2: Please include photo of your troop participating in their Take Action Project with this report. List on the back of the photo all girls’ first and last names which appear in the picture. Submit this report with your photo to dkeely@girlscoutsindiana.org or mail to: Attn: Diana Keely Girl Scouts of Central Indiana Suite 100, 2611 Waterfront Parkway East Drive, Indianapolis IN 46214 Step 3: Please include separate page with a list of T-shirt sizes and quantities for your troop, including leaders. Step 4: You will receive an email letting you know when you can pick up your T-shirts. T-shirts will be ready for pick up at your local service center after August 30, 2014.


2013 Girl Scout Cookie Program

A cookie can do a world of good! Much more than a way to raise money, the Girl Scout Cookie Program is a hands-on leadership and entrepreneurial program. Here are a few examples of how participating in the cookie program teaches Girl Scouts skills that will help them grow into leaders in their own lives, leaders in business and leaders in the world: 1. Goal Setting Your Girl Scout sets cookie sales goals individually and with her team, creates a plan to reach them, and develops cooperation and team building skills all along the way! 2. Decision-Making Your Girl Scout helps decide how her team will spend their cookie money, furthering her critical thinking and problem solving skills that will help her in many aspects of her life. 3. Money Management Your Girl Scout takes cookie orders, handles customers’ money and gains valuable and practical life skills around financial literacy. 4. People Skills Your Girl Scout learns how to talk to, listen to and work with all kinds of people while selling cookies. These experiences help her develop healthy relationship and conflict resolution skills she can use throughout her life. 5. Business Ethics Your Girl Scout is honest and responsible at every step of the Girl Scout Cookie Program. Her business ethics here reinforce the positive values she is developing as a Girl Scout.


visit girlscoutsindiana.org/cookies

2013 Girl Scout Cookie Program

Mark your calendar January 11

Girl Scout Cookie Program start date

January 30-February 5

Girl Scout cookie delivery

February 7

National Girl Scout Cookie Day

February 8

Cookie Booth weekend - hot spots

February 15

Cookie Booth weekend – hot spots

February 22

Cookie Booth weekend – hot spots

March 1

Last chance cookie booth weekend

March 8

Last chance cookie booth weekend

March 17

Money due in bank

May 1 Recognition shipments

$4 per package $0.03 for program assistance grants $0.65 for troop proceeds* *Troops can choose to donate 10 or 15 cents per package of their troop proceeds toward the capital campaign. Please see your capital campaign packet for more details. $0.84 for camping services $0.96 cost of Girl Scout cookies $1.52 for program services to troops 8

Operation: Cookie Drop Last year, Girl Scouts of Central Indiana donated more than 6,400 cases to the military women and men at Camp Atterbury, the Marines, the Navy, the Army, and more than 60 National Guard armories within our council jurisdiction. Girl Scout cookies will be donated to active and retired military, as well as other military affiliated institutions.

2014 recognitions Initial order Girls who sell 200 packages on their initial order will get a 7� teddy bear with an “I love Girl Scout cookies� T-shirt.

Troop concert Troops that average 225+ packages per girl selling will receive tickets to a troop concert event for their troop!

Troop reward If a troop averages 150+ packages per girl selling, every selling girl in that troop will receive this T-shirt! 9

visit girlscoutsindiana.org/cookies

Activities registration procedures Registration closes two weeks prior to event or when event is full, unless otherwise noted. Each troop is responsible for providing only enough adults to meet Safety-Wise ratios. Girls registering individually should also be accompanied by an adult. Only registered Girl Scouts may participate in council activities unless specified in the program description. At times, the number of adults able to attend will be limited to the Girl Scout Safety-Wise adult-to-girl ratio. Due to limited space, non-Girl Scout siblings/ friends (tag-a-longs) are not permitted unless specified by program description.

Refund policy

Program registration opens: Jan 17

Cancellations must be received 15 days before event in order to receive a refund.

Registration policy All participants must be registered in advance. You may register by mail, fax, or online.

Register online

Registration for events closes at least two weeks prior to the event or when registration has reached maximum capacity.

Go to girlscoutsindiana.org/activities to find the program. From there you will register on E Council: • Pop-up blockers will prevent the registration form from appearing. You must disable your pop-up blocker to register.

All registrations must be accompanied by payment in full unless otherwise indicated. Registration can be mailed at any time and will be accepted for any event that has not been filled to capacity.

• Make sure all names and addresses are entered correctly. • Once your registration has been submitted, you will see a pop-up window that tells you your registration has been successfully completed. This means that your registration has been submitted; it does not mean you are automatically accepted for the event. After the placement date, you will receive correspondence from the council indicating whether or not you have been selected to attend.

Program Department contact information The description for each program event lists the name of the program staff member who is managing that activity. These program managers may be contacted via email at: Meisha Wide • Northeast and Northwest quadrants mwide@girlscoutsindiana.org

• Confirmations will be sent to the leader’s address on file.

Jaime Hubbard • STEM jhubbard@girlscoutsindiana.org

Register by mail

Meisha Wide • Southwest quadrant amartin@girlscoutsindiana.org

Mail the completed registration form to: Girl Scouts of Central Indiana Attn: Program Registration Suite 100 2611 Waterfront Parkway East Drive Indianapolis, IN 46214

Barbara Nichols • Outdoor program bnichols@girlscoutsindiana.org Kendra Nowell • Central region knowell@girlscoutsindiana.org Katie Wahlstrom • Math and Science Center kwahlstrom@girlscoutsindiana.org

Register by fax

Alicia Martin • Southeast quadrant ewinking@girlscoutsindiana.org

Send the completed form to Attn: Program Registration at 317.931.3346.


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 100

Program activities by region

Kendra Nowell | Alicia Martin | Meisha Wide


Bring on the Bronze Camp Adventure Patch Program Girl Scout Getaways Going for the Gold Junior Jamboree Leader Webinar Program Aide Online Learning Striving for Silver VIT Online Learning Wacky Weather


Airport Bat Amazing Air Animal Habitats at Garfield Conservatory Animals Everywhere Overnight Aquatic Day Ballet 101 Barbie Be Anything Do Everthing Baskets and Mugs in Clay! Between Earth and Sky Birdfeeder in Clay Birding Overnight Birds of Prey Bubble Fest Bubble Fest for Juniors Bug Fest 2014 Build A Shaker Cadette Challenge Camp Adventure Patch and Outdoor Basics Learning Career Expo Challenger Learning Center Community Earth Day Celebration at the JCC

Cosmetology Overnight Elephant's On Parade In Clay Engineering IUPUI Everything’s Coming Up Daisies Exploration S.T.E.M. at IUPUI Fun Sweet Times Game Design Garden Fun Gardens Galore Get Moving Camp Style Girl Scout Birthday Party Girl Scout Campout at Victory Field Girl Scout Day with the Butler Bulldogs Girl Scout Night with the Indiana Fever Go Ape Going Green Festival Hiker at Eagle Creek Home Run! Hoosier Outdoor Experience How Animals Survive Indiana State Fair 2014 Indianapolis School of Ballet presents Carnival of the Animals IUPUI Computer Journey to the Jungle Junior CSI Kitchen Chemistry Lady Justice Log Cabin and Mug in Clay Loom Birthday Party Make Your Own Compass Masquerade Me & My Gal Self Defense Mothers' Day Lunch Music Day at Butler University Mystery Overnight Night with the Stars Pacer Pride and My Guy by my Side Priate Fun Puppets On the Pad Safe Sitter Science of Sound Scout Day at the Indianapolis Boat, Sport and Travel Show Senses Badge at Garfield Conservatory and Gardens Silly Safaris Pets for Brownies Silly Safaris Program for Daisies


Spring Fling Tech Savvy Girls The Easy Breezy Way Turtles and Bowls in Clay Valentine's Day in Clay Where Do Animals Live Without a Trace Worm's Life


A Walk Through History 3D Celebration Journals Animal Families Be a Sister to Every Girl Scout Bird Feeder in Clay Book Artist Calling All Picassos Celebrating Community Christian Youth Theater Confident Self-Defense Cooking with the Chef Crazy for Cats Crossfit Fun Fest Digital Photographer Elephants on Parade–In Clay! Family Fun Night at Hoosier Park First Aid Froyo & Yo-yo's Geocaching Outing Get Inspired by Paint Hello Hibachi Herbal Art Spa Hip Hop Dance Moves Horse Love I love GLAMping! Camping in Style Imagine What I Can Be Innovation Station It's Your Story—Paint It! IUK Science Day Jolly Good Day Light Horse Trail Ride Metallic Owls Micro-gardening in Spring Monon Center: Animal Habitats Monon Center: Animal Helpers Monon Center: Bugs, Bugs, Bugs Monon Center: Camper Monon Center: Hiker Monon Center: Home Scientist

Monon Center: Pets Monon Center: Spring Wildflowers Monon Center: Trail Blazer Monon Center: Tricky Trees Monon Center: Water, Water, Everywhere Royal Etiquette Tea Party Savor The Flavor Science of Seasons Senses for Safety Starry Night Sky Stone Jewelry Workshop Sweet Signs The Cat in the Hat Tune In: Behind the Scenes of WQME Tuscany Excursion What's a Healthy Supermarket Wide World of Wellness Women in Hi-Tech's Passport to Hi-Tech Wonderful Wire Sculptures


Bakers-in-Training Birding and Bird Feeding Calling all Picasso's Camp Adventure Patch and Outdoor Basics Learning Chemistry Discovery Day with Iota Sigma Pi Discover Computer Science through Games Fishing Fun Fit Chic Jr Hand Tossed Life at the Beach: Girl Scouts Weekend at Indiana Beach Miss & Me Sleepover Mona Lisa NanoDays Discovery National Girls and Women in Sports Day Native American Gardening at the Village Pig Farm at Fair Oaks Princess Night with My Guy at Chick-fil-A Purdue Convocations Purdue SpringFest Roll and Zap at Skate America

Society of Women Engineers Girl Scout Day at Purdue Strong Bones, Strong Girls at Fair Oaks Farm Train Ride to Canal Town

First Aid Juniors & Cadettes


Gardener Badge at Detmer Park

Ancient Women Animal Wild with Silly Safaris Camp Adventure Patch and Outdoor Basics Learning Chocolate Boutique Chocolate Maker Coin-ology FiberFest Girl Scout Day Flower Badge for Juniors Girl Scout Day with the Cincinnati Reds Habitats Badge for Juniors It's Your Planet–Love It! Sampler Making Maple Syrup Maple Syruping Now We're Cooking Predators in Peril - Cincinnati Zoo Overnight Putting It Together–Woodworking Workshop Raising Bison Sleep With the Manatees– Cincinnati Zoo Overnight Spring In the Country Sugar Crème Sweetness Viva! Hispanic Culture Fair


A Hole in One Al White Memorial Hike Animal Habitats at Karst Farm Park Animal Signs Hike Beeswax Camp Courage Miss Firefighter Camp Courage Young Firefighter Camp Sampler CareerExpo Commu-neigh-cation Cooking at Camp with Herbs CSA Round-Up 2014 DIY Art Day Drive-Into Rio 2 Explore Marengo Caves First Aid Daisies & Brownies


Flip Zone for Brownies Flip Zone for Daisies Flip Zone for Juniors Flower Power Getting to Know a Horse Girl Scout Birthday Bash Got Herbs? Great Gardens Hiking at Flatwoods Park Holler Hopping Zip Lines Horse Care and Ownership Ice Age Innovative Inventors ISU Soccer Clinic IU College Tour IU Music Sampler IU Sports Sampler Jump 'N Play Jump-n-Joey's Junior Jam 2013 Junior Jamboree 2013 Judges Just You and Me Lil Rascals Me and My Guy Messy Science Music at the Woods Musical Petting Zoo PBS Kids Philharmonic Youth Orchestra Invitational Pippi Longstocking– Child Superhero Rosie's Herbal Story Safe Sitter Senses Badge at Karst Farm Park Sherlock Scouts Spectacular Science Spring Concert in Columbus Step in to the Saddle Tadger Tales uPaint Exploration uPaint Mother's Day uPaint Valentine's Day Visit the Mine What Do You Do with Animal Poo? Wild Wild West Overnight To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 100

Program activities by level

program activities A Hole in One Airport Bat Al White Memorial Hike Amazing Air Animal Families Animal Wild with Silly Safaris Aquatic Day Bakers-in-Training Ballet 101 Barbie Be Anything Do Everthing Be a Sister to Every Girl Scout Beeswax Between Earth and Sky Bird Feeder in Clay Birding and Bird Feeding Birds of Prey Bubble Fest Bug Fest 2014 Build A Shaker Calling all Picassos Camp Adventure Patch and Outdoor Basics Learning Camp Adventure Patch Program Camp Courage Young Firefighter Chocolate Boutique Christian Youth Theater Community Earth Day Celebration at the JCC Confident Self-Defense Cooking with the Chef Crazy for Cats CrossFit Fun Fest Drive-Into Rio 2 Elephant's On Parade In Clay Everything’s Coming Up Daisies Family Fun Night at Hoosier Park FiberFest Girl Scout Day First Aid Daisies & Brownies Fishing Fun Fit Chic Jr Flip Zone for Daisies Froyo & Yo-yos Fun Sweet Times Garden Fun Getting to Know a Horse Girl Scout Birthday Bash Girl Scout Birthday Party Girl Scout Campout at Victory Field

Girl Scout Day with the Butler Bulldogs Girl Scout Day with the Cincinnati Reds Girl Scouts Day Camp at Mounds State Park Girl Scout Night with the Indiana Fever Going Green Festival Hand Tossed Hello Hibachi Hip Hop Dance Moves Home Run! Hoosier Outdoor Experience Horse Care and Ownership Horse Love How Animals Survive I love GLAMping! Camping in Style Imagine What I Can Be Indiana State Fair 2014 Indianapolis School of Ballet presents Carnival of the Animals ISU Soccer Clinic It's Your Planet - Love It! Sampler IU Music Sampler IU Sports Sampler Jolly Good Day Journey to the Jungle Jump 'N Play Jump-n-Joey's Just You and Me Life at the Beach: Girl Scouts Weekend at Indiana Beach Lil Rascals Loom Birthday Party Maple Syruping Masquerade Me & My Gal Self Defense Me and My Guy Micro-gardening in Spring Miss & Me Sleepover Monon Center: Bugs, Bugs, Bugs Monon Center: Hiker Monon Center: Home Scientist Monon Center: Pets Mothers' Day Lunch Music at the Woods Musical Petting Zoo NanoDays Discovery


National Girls and Women in Sports Day Native American Gardening at the Village Pacer Pride and My Guy by My Side Philharmonic Youth Orchestra Invitational Pig Farm at Fair Oaks Pippi Longstocking–Child Superhero Priate Fun Princess Night with My Guy at Chick-fil-A Purdue Convocations Purdue SpringFest Raising Bison Roll and Zap at Skate America Rosie's Herbal Story Royal Etiquette Tea Party Savor the Flavor Scout Day at the Indianapolis Boat, Sport and Travel Show Silly Safaris Program for Daisies Spring Concert in Columbus Spring Fling Spring In the Country Starry Night Sky Strong Bones, Strong Girls at Fair Oaks Farm Sweet Signs Tech Savvy Girls The Cat in the Hat Train Ride to Canal Town Tune In: Behind the Scenes of WQME Tuscany Excursion uPaint Exploration uPaint Mother's Day uPaint Valentine's Day Valentine's Day in Clay Visit the Mine Viva! Hispanic Culture Fair What's a Healthy Supermarket Wide World of Wellness Wild Wild West Overnight Women in Hi-Tech's Passport to Hi-Tech Worm's Life Wonderful Wire Sculptures

program activities A Hole in One

Girl Scout Night with the Indiana Fever

Orchestra Invitational

A Walk Through History

Going Green Festival

Pig Farm at Fair Oaks

Airport Bat

Got Herbs?

Al White Memorial Hike

Hand Tossed

Pippi Longstocking–Child Superhero

Amazing Air

Hello Hibachi

Animal Families

Hiker at Eagle Creek

Animal Wild with Silly Safaris

Hip Hop Dance Moves

Aquatic Day

Home Run!


Hoosier Outdoor Experience

Ballet 101

Horse Care and Ownership

Barbie Be Anything Do Everthing

Horse Love

Baskets and Mugs in Clay!

How Animals Survive


I love GLAMping!

Roll and Zap at Skate America

Birding and Bird Feeding

Imagine What I Can Be

Royal Etiquette Tea Party

Birdfeeder in Clay

Indiana State Fair 2014

Savor the Flavor

Birds of Prey

Indianapolis School of Ballet presents Carnival of the Animals

Scout Day at the Indianapolis Boat, Sport and Travel Show

ISU Soccer Clinic It's Your Planet–Love It! Sampler

Senses Badge at Garfield Conservatory and Gardens

Calling all Picassos

It's Your Story–Paint It! IU Music Sampler

Senses Badge at Karst Farm Park

Camp Adventure Patch and Outdoor Basics Learning

IU Sports Sampler

Camp Adventure Patch Program

Jolly Good Day

Camp Courage Young Firefighter

Journey to the Jungle

Camp Sampler

Jump 'N Play

Celebrating Community


Chocolate Boutique

Just You and Me

Christian Youth Theater

Kitchen Chemistry

Spring Fling

Community Earth Day Celebration at the JCC

Life at the Beach: Girl Scouts Weekend at Indiana Beach

Spring In the Country Starry Night Sky

Confident Self-Defense

Lil Rascals

Step in to the Saddle

Cooking with the Chef

Log Cabin and Mug in Clay!

Crazy for Cats

Loom Birthday Party

Strong Bones, Strong Girls at Fair Oaks Farm

CrossFit Fun Fest

Make Your Own Compass

DIY Art Day

Making Maple Syrup

Sweet Signs

Drive-Into Rio 2

Maple Syruping

Elephant's On Parade In Clay


Family Fun Night at Hoosier Park

Me & My Gal Self Defense

FiberFest Girl Scout Day!

Me and My Guy

First Aid Daisies & Brownies

Messy Science

Fishing Fun

Metallic Owls

Fit Chic Jr

Micro-gardening in Spring

Turtles and Bowls in Clay!

Flip Zone for Brownies

Miss & Me Sleepover

uPaint Exploration

Froyo & Yo-yos

Monon Center: Bugs, Bugs, Bugs

uPaint Mother's Day

Fun Sweet Times

Monon Center: Hiker

uPaint Valentine's Day

Garden Fun

Monon Center: Home Scientist

Geocaching Outing

Monon Center: Pets

Valentine's Day In clay

Get Inspired by Paint

Mothers' Day Lunch

Getting to Know a Horse

Music at the Woods

Girl Scout Birthday Bash

Musical Petting Zoo

Girl Scout Birthday Party

NanoDays Discovery

Girl Scout Campout at Victory Field

National Girls and Women in Sports Day

Girl Scout Day w/ the Butler Bulldogs Girl Scout Day with the Cincinnati Reds

Native American Gardening at the Village

Women in Hi-Tech's Passport to Hi-Tech

Girl Scouts Day Camp at Mounds State Park

Pacer Pride and My Guy by My Side

Wonderful Wire Sculptures

Philharmonic Youth

Worm's Life

Bubble Fest Bug Fest 2014 Build A Shaker

Predators in Peril–Cincinnati Zoo Overnight Priate Fun Princess Night with My Guy at Chick-fil-A Puppets On the Pad Purdue Convocations Purdue SpringFest Raising Bison

Sherlock Scouts Silly Safaris Pets for Brownies Society of Women Engineers Girl Scout Day at Purdue Spectacular Science Spring Concert in Columbus

Tadger Tales Tech Savvy Girls The Cat in the Hat Train Ride to Canal Town Tune In: Behind the Scenes of WQME Tuscany Excursion

Visit the Mine Viva! Hispanic Culture Fair Wacky Weather


What Do You Do with Animal Poo? Wild Wild West Overnight

To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 106

Program activities by level

program activities 3D Celebration Jouranls

Getting to Know a Horse

Music Day at Butler University

A Hole in One

Girl Scout Birthday Party

Musical Petting Zoo

A Walk Through History

Girl Scout Campout at Victory Field

NanoDays Discovery

Airport Bat

Girl Scout Day w/ the Butler Bulldogs

Al White Memorial Hike

Girl Scout Day with the Cincinnati Reds

National Girls and Women in Sports Day

Ancient Women

Girl Scouts Day Camp at Mounds State Park

Animal Habitats at Garfield Conservatory Animal Habitats at Karst Farm Park Animal Wild with Silly Safaris Animals Everywhere Overnight Aquatic Day Bakers-in-Training Ballet 101 Baskets and Mugs in Clay Beeswax Birdfeeder in Clay Birding and Bird Feeding Birding Overnight Birds of Prey Bring on the Bronze Classroom Bring on the Bronze Webinar Bubble Fest for Juniors Bug Fest 2014 Calling all Picassos Camp Adventure Patch and Outdoor Basics Learning Camp Adventure Patch Program

Girl Scout Night with the Indiana Fever Go Ape

Native American Gardening at the Village Now We're Cooking Pacer Pride and My Guy by My Side PBS Kids Philharmonic Youth Orchestra Invitational

Going Green Festival

Pig Farm at Fair Oaks

Great Gardens Habitats Badge for Juniors

Pippi Longstocking–Child Superhero

Hand Tossed

Priate Fun

Hello Hibachi

Princess Night with My Guy at Chick-fil-A

Hiking at Flatwoods Park

Puppets On the Pad

Hip Hop Dance Moves

Purdue Convocations

Holler Hopping Zip Lines

Purdue SpringFest

Home Run!

Raising Bison

Hoosier Outdoor Experience

Roll and Zap at Skate America

Horse Care and Ownership Horse Love I love GLAMping! Camping in Style Ice Age Imagine What I Can Be Indiana State Fair Indianapolis School of Ballet presents Carnival of the Animals

Royal Etiquette Tea Party Savor the Flavor Science of Seasons Science of Sound Scout Day at the Indianapolis Boat, Sport and Travel Show Sherlock Scouts Sleep With the Manatees - Cincinnati Zoo Overnight

Camp Courage Young Firefighter

Innovative Inventors

Chemistry Discovery Day with Iota Sigma Pi

ISU Soccer Clinic It's Your Planet–Love It! Sampler

Chocolate Maker

IU Music Sampler

Christian Yout hTheater

IU Sports Sampler


Jolly Good Day

Community Earth Day Celebration at the JCC

Journey to the Jungle

Confident Self-Defense

Jump 'N Play

Cooking at Camp with Herbs


Cooking with the Chef

Junior CSI

Cosmetology Overnight

Junior Jam 2013

CrossFit Fun Fest

Just You and Me

Digital Photographer

Kitchen Chemistry

Sweet Signs

Discover Computer Science through Games

Lady Justice

Tech Savvy Girls The Cat in the Hat

DIY Art Day

Life at the Beach: Girl Scouts Weekend at Indiana Beach

Drive-Into Rio 2

Lil Rascals

Elephant's On Parade In Clay

Log Cabin and Mug in Clay

Tune In: Behind the Scenes of WQME

Exploration S.T.E.M. at IUPUI

Loom Birthday Party

Explore Marengo Caves

Make Your Own Compass

Family Fun Night at Hoosier Park

Maple Syruping

FiberFest Girl Scout Day


First Aid Juniors & Cadettes

Me & My Gal Self Defense

Fishing Fun

Me and My Guy

Fit Chic Jr

Metallic Owls

Flip Zone for Juniors

Micro-gardening in Spring

Flower Badge for Juniors

Miss & Me Sleepover

Wacky Weather

Flower Power

Mona Lisa

What Do You Do with Animal Poo?

Froyo & Yo-yos

Monon Center: Animal Habitats

What's a Healthy Supermarket

Fun Sweet Times

Monon Center: Camper

Where Do Animals Live

Gardener Badge at Detmer Park

Monon Center: Spring Wildflowers

Wide World of Wonders

Gardens Galore

Monon Center: Water, Water, Everywhere

Geocaching Outing

Mothers' Day Lunch

Women in Hi-Tech's Passport to Hi-Tech

Get Moving Camp Style

Music at the Woods

Wonderful Wire Sculptures

Society of Women Engineers Girl Scout Day at Purdue Spring Concert in Columbus Spring Fling Starry Night Sky Step in to the Saddle Stone Jewelry Workshop Strong Bones, Strong Girls at Fair Oaks Farm Sugar Crème Sweetness

Train Ride to Canal Town Turtles and Bowls in Clay! Tuscany Excursion uPaint Exploration uPaint Mother's Day uPaint Valentine's Day Valentine's Day In clay Visit the Mine


Viva! Hispanic Culture Fair

program activities 3D Celebration in Journals A Hole in One A Walk Through History Airport Bat Al White Memorial Hike Animal Signs Hike Animal Wild with Silly Safaris Aquatic Day Baskets and Mugs in Clay Beeswax Birdfeeder in Clay Birding and Bird Feeding Birds of Prey Book Artist Bug Fest 2014 Bug Fest 2014 Volunteers Cadette Challenge Camp Adventure Patch Program Camp Courage Miss Firefighter CareerExpo Challenger Learning Center Chocolate Maker Christian Youth Theater Coin-ology Commu-neigh-cation Community Earth Day Celebration at the JCC Confident Self-Defense Cooking at Camp with Herbs Cooking with the Chef CrossFit Fun Fest CSA Round-Up 2014 DIY Art Day Drive-Into Rio 2 Elephant's On Parade In Clay Explore Marengo Caves Family Fun Night at Hoosier Park FiberFest Girl Scout Day First Aid Juniors & Cadettes Fishing Fun Fit Chic Jr Froyo & Yo-yos Fun Sweet Times Game Design Geocaching Outing Getting to know a Horse Girl Scout Birthday Party Girl Scout Campout at Victory Field Girl Scout Day w/ the Butler Bulldogs Girl Scout Day with the Cincinnati Reds Girl Scout Getaways

Girl Scout Night with the Indiana Fever Going Green Festival Hello Hibachi Holler Hopping Zip Lines Home Run! Hoosier Outdoor Experience Horse Care and Ownership Horse Love I love GLAMping! Ice Age Indiana State Fair 2014 Indianapolis School of Ballet presents Carnival of the Animals Innovation Station ISU Soccer Clinic It's Your Planet - Love It! Sampler Volunteer Overnight IU College Tour IU Music Sampler IU Sports Sampler IUK Science Day IUPUI Computer Journey to the Jungle Jump 'N Play Jump-n-Joey's Junior Jamboree 2013 Judges Just You and Me Life at the Beach: Girl Scouts Weekend at Indiana Beach Lil Rascals Log Cabin and Mug in Clay Loom Birthday Party Make Your Own Compass Me & My Gal Self Defense Me and My Guy Micro-gardening in Spring Mona Lisa Monon Center: Animal Helpers Monon Center: Trail Blazer Monon Center: Tricky Trees Mothers' Day Lunch Music at the Woods Music Day at Butler University Mystery Overnight NanoDays Discovery National Girls and Women in Sports Day Native American Gardening at the Village Night with the Stars Now We're Cooking Pacer Pride and My Guy by My Side


Philharmonic Youth Orchestra Invitational Pig Farm at Fair Oaks Pippi Longstocking–Child Superhero Princess Night with My Guy at Chick-fil-A Program Aide Online Learning Puppets On the Pad Purdue Convocations Purdue SpringFest Putting It Together– Woodworking Workshop Raising Bison Roll and Zap at Skate America Royal Etiquette Tea Party Safe Sitter Savor the Flavor Science of Sound Scout Day at the Indianapolis Boat, Sport and Travel Show Sleep With the Manatees– Cincinnati Zoo Overnight Spring Concert in Columbus Spring Fling Starry Night Sky Step in to the Saddle Stone Jewelry Workshop Striving for Silver Classroom Striving for Silver Webinar Strong Bones, Strong Girls at Fair Oaks Farm Sugar Crème Sweetness Sweet Signs Tadger Tales Volunteers Tech Savvy Girls The Cat in the Hat The Easy Breezy Way Train Ride to Canal Town Tune In: Behind the Scenes of WQME Turtles and Bowls in Clay Tuscany Excursion uPaint Exploration uPaint Mother's Day uPaint Valentine's Day Valentine's Day In clay Visit the Mine Viva! Hispanic Culture Fair What's a Healthy Supermarket Wide World of Wellness Without a Trace Women in Hi-Tech's Passport to Hi-Tech To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 106

Program activities by level

program activities A Hole in One A Walk Through History Airport Bat Al White Memorial Hike Animal Signs Hike Animal Wild with Silly Safaris Aquatic Day Baskets and Mugs in Clay Beeswax Birdfeeder in Clay Birds of Prey Bug Fest 2014 Bug Fest 2014 Volunteers Camp Adventure Patch Program Camp Adventure Volunteers Camp Courage Miss Firefighter Camp Sampler Volunteers CareerExpo Challenger Learning Center Chocolate Maker Christian Youth Theater Coin-ology Commu-neigh-cation Community Earth Day Celebration at the JCC Confident Self-Defense Cooking at Camp with Herbs Cooking with the Chef CrossFit Fun Fest CSA Round-Up 2014 DIY Art Day Drive-Into Rio 2 Elephant's On Parade In Clay Exploration S.T.E.M. at IUPUI Explore Marengo Caves Family Fun Night at Hoosier Park FiberFest Girl Scout Day! Fishing Fun Fit Chic Jr Froyo & Yo-yos Fun Sweet Times Game Design Geocaching Outing Getting to Know a Horse Girl Scout Birthday Party Girl Scout Campout at Victory Field Girl Scout Day w/ the Butler Bulldogs Girl Scout Day with the Cincinnati Reds

Girl Scout Getaways Going for the Gold Classroom Going for the Gold Webinar Going Green Festival Hello Hibachi Holler Hopping Zip Lines Hoosier Outdoor Experience Horse Care and Ownership Horse Love I love GLAMping! Indiana State Fair 2014 Indianapolis School of Ballet presents Carnival of the Animals Innovation Station ISU Soccer Clinic IU College Tour IU Music Sampler IU Sports Sampler IUK Science Day IUPUI Computer (Seniors) Junior Jamboree 2013 Judges Just You and Me Life at the Beach: Girl Scouts Weekend at Indiana Beach Lil Rascals Log Cabin and Mug in Clay Loom Birthday Party Maple Syruping Me & My Gal Self Defense Me and My Guy Micro-gardening in Spring Mothers' Day Lunch Music at the Woods Mystery Overnight National Girls and Women in Sports Day Native American Gardening at the Village Night with the Stars Now We're Cooking Pacer Pride and My Guy by My Side Philharmonic Youth Orchestra Invitational Pig Farm at Fair Oaks Pippi Longstocking–Child Superhero Princess Night with My Guy at Chick-fil-A Purdue Convocations Purdue SpringFest


Putting It Together–Woodworking Workshop Raising Bison Roll and Zap at Skate America Royal Etiquette Tea Party Safe Sitter(Seniors) Scout Day at the Indianapolis Boat, Sport and Travel Show Spring Concert in Columbus Spring Fling Starry Night Sky Step in to the Saddle Stone Jewelry Workshop Strong Bones, Strong Girls at Fair Oaks Farm Sugar Crème Sweetness Tadger Tales Volunteers The Cat in the Hat The Easy Breezy Way Train Ride to Canal Town Tune In: Behind the Scenes of WQME Turtles and Bowls in Clay! Tuscany Excursion uPaint Exploration uPaint Mother's Day uPaint Valentine's Day Valentine's Day In Clay Visit the Mine VIT Online Learning Viva! Hispanic Culture Fair What's a Healthy Supermarket Wide World of Wellness Without a Trace

See page 43 for info about our scholarships!


girlscoutsindiana.org /activities








Valentine's Day in Clay |S|A Cookie College |AA



Cookie College |AA


Elephants on Parade–In Clay |AA



Bakers-in-Training | D|B|J Bring on the Bronze Webinar |J


Striving for Silver Webinar |C Cookie College |AA


Going for the Gold Webinar |S|A


AA | All Ages  D | Daisy  B | Brownie  J | Junior  C | Cadette  S | Senior  A | Ambassador

Tech Savvy Girls |B


Cookie College |AA







Elephants on Parade–In Clay |AA


Valentine's Day in Clay |D|B Cookie College |AA


Bring on the Bronze Classroom |J Going for the Gold Classroom |S|A I Love GLAMping! |AA Striving for Silver Classroom |C

26 27 28 29 30 31

Tech Savvy Girls |J Valentine's Day in Clay |J|C Cookie College |AA



Tech Savvy Girls |B

Tech Savvy Girls |D


1 2 3 4


January 2014









Bubble Fest |D|B|J Cooking with the Chef |C|S|A Flip Zone for Brownies |B Puppets on the Pad |B|J|C Stone Jewelry Workshop |J|C|S|A Tech Savvy Girls | J



Camp Adventure Patch |B Elephants on Parade–In Clay |D|B Flip Zone for Daisies |D Horse Care and Ownership |AA Nat'l Girls and Women in Sports Day |AA Purdue Convocations |AA Senses Badge at Karst Farm Park |B Tech Savvy Girls |B


Barbie Be Anything, Do Everything |D|B Tech Savvy Girls |J



Scout Day at Ford Indianapolis Boat Sport and Travel Show |B


VIT Online Learning |S|A



Journey to the Jungle |D|B|J|C Musical Petting Zoo |D|B



Herbal Art Spa |B|J|C


Bring on the Bronze Webinar |J Tune In: Behind the Scenes of WQME |D|B|J



Log Cabin and Mug in Clay |B|J|C|S|A


Elephants on Parade–In Clay |B|J|C|S


Going for the Gold Webinar | S|A uPaint Valentine's Day |AA


Bubble Fest |D|B|J




Striving for Silver Webinar | C Wonderful Wire Sculptures |D|B|J


Bubble Fest |D|B


Bubble Fest |D|B




Be a Sister to Every Girl Scout |D Bring on the Bronze Classroom |J Bubble Fest |D|B|J Celebrating Community |B Christian Youth Theater—Peter Pan |AA Get Inspired by Paint |B Going for the Gold Classroom | S|A IU Sports Sampler |AA Monon Center: Animal Habitats |J Safe Sitter |C Striving for Silver Classroom |C Viva! Hispanic Culture Fair |AA


Exploration S.T.E.M. at IUPUI |J|S|A Step into the Saddle |B|J|C|S|A


Animal Signs Hike |C|S|A Book Artist |C IUPUI Computer |C|S Monon Center: Animal Helpers |C Monon Center: Pets |D|B Music at the Woods |AA Royal Etiquette Tea Party |AA Strong Bones, Strong Girls |AA Wonderful Wire Sculptures |D|B|J

Cooking with the Chef |D|B|J Program Aide Online Learning |C Society of Women Engineers Girl Scout Day |D|B Wonderful Wire Sculptures |D|B|J Challenger Learning Center |B



February 2014








March 2014






Between Earth and Sky |D Sense Badge at Garfield Conservatory |B Wacky Weather |B|J


Bird and Bird Feeding | AA Cadette Challenge |C CareerExpo |C|S|A Elephants On Parade–In Clay |J |C Flip Zone for Daisies |D Holler Hopping ip Lines |J|C|S|A Tech Savvy Girls |B


Bring on the Bronze Webinar |J Imagine What I Can Be |D|B|J Philharmonic Youth Orchestra Invitational | AA Wacky Weather |B|J


Birds of Prey |AA Make Your Own Compass |D|B|J|C Musical Petting Zoo |J Striving for Silver Webinar |C Tune In: Behind the Scenes of WQME |C|S|A


Bakers-in-Training |D|B|J Worm's Life |D|B


Brid Feeder in Clay |B|J|C|S|A


Bird Feeder in Clay |AA Girl Scout Birthday Bash |D|B Wacky Weather |B|J




Worm's Life |D|B

Hip Hop Dance Moves |D|B|J What's a Healthy Supermarket |AA Worm's Life |D|B


Ancient Women |J Birds of Prey |AA Crazy for Cats |D|B|J Wacky Weather |B|J


Ancient Women | J Crazy for Cats |D|B|J Going for the Gold Webinar | S|A What's a Healthy Supermarket |AA


AA | All Ages  D | Daisy  B | Brownie  J | Junior  C | Cadette  S | Senior  A | Ambassador

Holler Hopping Zip Lines |J|C|S|A Ice Age |J|C Tech Savvy Girls |C|S|A The Easy Breezy Way |C|S|A


Build a Shaker |D|B Geocaching Outing |B|J|C|S|A Holler Hopping Zip Lines |J|C|S|A Horse Care and Ownership |AA Tech Savvy Girls |J


Bird and Bird Feeding | AA Cadette Challenge |C CareerExpo |C|S|A Elephants On Parade–In Clay |J |C Flip Zone for Daisies |D Holler Hopping ip Lines |J|C|S|A Tech Savvy Girls |B


Bring on the Bronze Classroom |J Flip Zone for Juniors ||J Girl Scout Brithday Party | AA Going for the Gold Classroom |S|A Loom Birthday Party |B|J|C Maple Syruping |AA PBS Kids |J Roll and Zap at Skate America |AA Starry Night Sky |AA Striving for Silver Classroom |C Tech Savvy Girls |D Tuscany Excursion |AA


Animal Habitats at Karst Farm Park |J Bubble Fest |D|B|J Camp Adventure Patch |B Flip Zone for Daisies |D Masquerade |D|B|J Pippi Longstocking-Child Superhero |AA Tech Savvy Girls |C


Innovative Inventors |J Night with the Stars |C|S|A


Innovative Inventors ||J Worm's Life |D|B


Animals Everywhere Overnight |J Going Green Festival |AA Hip Hop Dance Moves |D|B|J Messy Science |B


Cosmetology Overnight | J FiberFest Girl Scout Day |AA Hip Hop Dance Moves |D|B|J Messy Science | B


Discovering Computer Science Through Games |J Getting to Know a Horse |AA Horse Love |AA Monon Center: Camper |J Monon Center: Hiker |D|B Monon Center: Trail Blazer |C Safe Sitter |C|S


Animal Families |D|B Digital Photographer |J Getting to Know a Horse |AA Hello Hibachi |AA ISU Soccer Clinic |AA IUK Science Day |C|S|A Step into the Saddle |B|J|C|S|A


Al White Memorial Hike |AA Confident Self-Defense | AA Going Green Festival |AA Mona Lisa |J| C Pig Farm at Fair Oaks |AA Safe Sitter | C|S Silly Safaris Pets for Brownies |B Sill Safaris Program for Daisies |D Wacky Weather |B|J


Bird Feeder in Clay |AA Camp Sampler |B Crazy for Cats |D|B|J FiberFest Girl Scout Day |AA Girl Scout Day with Butler Bulldogs |AA IU College Tour | C|S|A Jump 'N Play | D|B|J| C Tadger Tales |B Tadger Tales Volunteers |C|S|A Women in Hi-Tech's Passport to Hi-Tech | D|B|J| C


Bubble Fest |D|B Getting to Know a Horse |AA Junior CSI |J Making Maple Syrup |B Masquerade |D|B|J Program Aide Online Learning |C The Cat in the Hat |AA VIT Online Learning |S|A



girlscoutsindiana.org /activities








Camp Adventure Patch |J Community Earth Day Celebration at the JCC |AA DIY Art Day |B|J|C|S|A Flip Zone for Daisies |D Holler Hopping Zip Lines |J|C|S|A Tech Savvy Girls |J


Tech Savvy Girls |B


A Hole in One |AA A Walk Through History |B|J|C|S|A Ballet 101 |D|B|J Elephants On Parade–In Clay |S|A Fishing Fun |AA Flip Zone for Brownies |B Flower Badge for Juniors |J Holler Hopping Zip Lines |J|C|S|A Jump-n-Joey's |D|B|J|C|S|A Purdue Springfest |AA Sherlock Scouts |J Spring Concert in Columbus |AA Tech Savvy Girls |D


Barbie Be Anything, Do Everything |D|B Camp Adventure Patch |D Hiking at Flatwoods Park |J Holler Hopping Zip Lines |J|C|S|A Horse Care and Ownership |AA Pacer Pride and My Guy by My Side |AA Tech Savvy Girls |C Turtles and Bowls in Clay |AA




28 First Aid Daisies & Brownies |D|B First Aid Juniors & Cadettes |J|C Garden Fun |D|B Musical Petting Zoo |J Wacky Weather |B|J uPaint Mother's Day |AA


Flower Power |J Going for the Gold Webinar |S|A Kitchen Chemistry |B|J Wacky Weather |B|J


Birds of Prey |AA Herbal Art Spa |B|J|C Pirate Fun |D|B|J Rosie's Herbal Story |D Wacky Weather |B|J


Amazing Air |D|B Animal Habitats at Garfield Conservatory |J Everything's Coming Up Daisies |D How Animals Survive |D|B Wacky Weather |B|J


Program Aide Online Learning |C VIT Online Learning |S|A Wacky Weather |B|J


uPaint Mother's Day |AA


Bring on the Bronze Webinar |J Kitchen Chemistry |B|J


Jolly Good Day |D|B Kitchen Chemistry |B|J Turtles and Bowls in Clay |AA Where Do Animals Live |J


Amazing Air |D|B Everything's Coming Up Daisies |D NanoDays Discovery |D|B|J|C

Flower Power |J Hand Tossed |D|B|J


Striving for Silver Webinar |C


Drive-In to Rio 2 |AA Got Herbs? |B Kitchen Chemistry |B|J The Easy Breezy Way |C|S|A What's Healthy Supermarket |AA


Amazing Air |D|B Birds of Prey |AA Everything's Coming Up Daisies |D Metallic Owls |B|J

Metallic Owls |B|J What's a Healthy Supermarket |AA

Me & My Gal Self Defense |AA Wild Wild West Overnight |D|B Without a Trace |C|S|A




Birding Overnight |J

Mystery Overnight |C|S|A



Bring on the Bronze Classroom |J Getting to Know a Horse |AA Going for the Gold Classroom |S|A Lil' Rascals |AA Me & My Gal Self Defense |AA Monon Center: Bugs, Bugs, Bugs |D|B Monon Center: Spring Wildflowers |J Monon Center: Water, Water, Everywhere |J Now We're Cooking |J|C|S|A Safe Sitter |C|S Savor the Flavor |AA Striving for Silver Classroom |C uPaint Mother's Day |AA Wild Wild West Overnight |D|B


Cooking at Camp with Herbs |B|J|C|S|A Game Design |C|S|A Habitats Badge for Juniors |J Spring Fling |AA Sweet Signs |AA Wide World of Wellness |AA


Camp Courage Miss Firefighter |C|S|A Camp Courage Young Firefighter |D|B|J Chemistry Discovery Day with ISP |D|B|J Explore Marengo Caves |J|C|S|A Get Moving Camp Style |J Getting to KNow a Horse |AA Monon Center: Home Scientist |D|B Monon Center: Tricky Trees |C Music Day at Butler University |J|C Purdue Springfest |AA Spring in the Country |D|B

Commu-neigh-cation |C|S|A It's Your Story—Paint It! |B IU Music Sampler |AA Metallic Owls |B|J Science of Sound |J| C

1 2 3 4 5


April 2014












Great Gardens |J Micro-gardening in Spring |AA Striving for Silver Webinar |C

First Aid Daisies & Brownies |D|B First Aid Juniors & Cadettes |J|C Going for the Gold Webinar |S|A Herbal Art Spa |B|J|C


Birds of Prey |AA Bring on the Bronze Webinar |J Micro-gardening in Spring |AA Musical Petting Zoo |D|B


Froyo & Yo-yos |AA




Baskets and Mugs in Clay |B|J|C|S|A


uPaint Exploration |AA






3D Celebration Journals |J|C Gardener Badge at Detmer Park |J Great Gardens |J Hiker at Eagle Creek |B


AA | All Ages  D | Daisy  B | Brownie  J | Junior  C | Cadette  S | Senior  A | Ambassador


Tech Savvy Girls |B The Easy Breezy Way |C|S|A

Bring on the Bronze Classroom |J Going for the Gold Classroom |S|A Native American Gardening at the Village |AA Striving for Silver Classroom |C Tech Savvy Girls |B



Home Run! |D|B|J|C Mother's Day Lunch |AA Spectacular Science |B Tech Savvy Girls |D

Horse Care and Ownership |AA Puppets On the Pad |B|J|C|S|A Tech Savvy Girls |C

Program Aide Online Learning |C VIT Online Learning |S|A

Girl Scout Campout at Victory Field |AA



Miss & Me Sleepover |D|B|J



Junior Jam 2014 |J Junior Jamboree 2014 Judges |C|S|A


Science of Seasons |J


Bring on the Bronze Webinar |J Christian Youth Theater–The Wizard of Oz |AA Going for the Gold Classroom |S|A ISB Presents Carnival of the Animals |AA Lady Justice |J Raising Bison |AA Safe Sitter |C|S Striving for Silver Classroom |C Visit the Mine |AA


3D Celebration Journals |J|C Beeswax |AA Commu-neigh-cation |C|S|A Horse Love |AA


3D Celebration Journals |J|C Step into the Saddle |B|J|C|S|A


May 2014

1 2 3


girlscoutsindiana.org /activities













Coin-ology |J|C|S|A


23 Sugar Créme Sweetness |J|C|S|A


Sugar Créme Sweetness |J|C|S|A





TUESDAY Herbal Art Spa | B|J|C





Horse Care Ownership |AA


Program Aide Online Learning |C Tech Savvy Girls |C VIT Online Learning |S|A





Just You and Me |D|B|J|C|S|A



Family Fun Night at Hoosier Park |AA





Predators in Peril-Cincinnati Zoo Overnight |J|C Safe Sitter |C|S Sleep with the Manatees-Cincinnati Zoo Overnight |J|C


Animal Wild with Silly Safaris |AA


Life at the Beach: Girl Scouts Weekend at Indiana Beach |AA Princess Night with My Guy at Chick-fil-A |AA

Step into the Saddle |B|J|C|S|A Girls of Distinction |AA


June 2014


girlscoutsindiana.org /activities








Chocolate Boutique |J|C|S|A






Chocolate Maker |D|B


Coin-ology |J|C|S|A





AA | All Ages  D | Daisy  B | Brownie  J | Junior  C | Cadette  S | Senior  A | Ambassador









Program Aide Online Learning |C VIT Online Learning |S|A






Putting it Together-Woodworking Workshop |C|S|A



1 2 3 4 5


July 2014































Indiana State Fair 2014 |AA Program Aide Online Learning |C VIT Online Learning |S|A




Bring on the Bronze Classroom |J Bug Fest 2014 |AA Going for the Gold Classroom |S|A Striving for Silver Classroom |C



1 2


August 2014

Program activity descriptions Council program activities conducted at council program sites are listed below. These council sites are funded by proceeds from the Girl Scout Cookie Program, donations from individuals, foundations, and corporations, along with contributions from United Ways and United Funds. Adult fees are used to maximize opportunities for girl participation.

3D Celebration Journals

A Walk Through History

Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Office Code: 2051

Office Code: 2056

It’s time to celebrate another amazing year of Girl Scouts! Create a unique accordion folding journal where you can record all your memories from the year and collect autographs from girls in your troop.

Take a walk through history as you discover Mounds State Park. Learn how Native Americans and pioneers used this landscape. End with a tour of the historic Bronnenberg home. $2/girl • $1/adult

$11/girl • $1/adult

Apr 13•11 a.m.

Session A: May 3 • 9-10:15 a.m. Session B: May 3 • 10:30-11:45 a.m.

Mounds State Park
 4306 Mounds Road, Anderson

Session C: May 8 • 4:45-6 p.m.

Contact: Barb Nichols

Session D: May 10 • 12:30-1:45 p.m.
 Ten West Center for the Arts 10 W Church St, Fortville

A Hole in One Grades: Family Office Code: 2053

Practice your mini golf skills at Otte Golf while you work your way around 18 holes of putt putt fun. Family members are welcome. Bring and register a non-Girl Scout friend for a free patch. Mini golf fun patch included. $6/girl • $6/adult Apr 13 • 2-10 p.m. Otte Golf & Family Fun Center
 681 S Sheek Rd, Greenwood Contact: Meisha Wide


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 106

Program activity descriptions

Airport Bat

Ancient Women

Grades: All

Grades: 4, 5

Office Code: 2056

Office Code: 2052

Help the Indianapolis airport and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Work in a park with conservation planning, habitat health and recovery, and planting additional habitat for the endangered Indiana bat, Mitosis Sodalis. It could be yourTake Action project for the It's Your Planet—Love It! Journey. Please call Todd Cavender at 317.487.5329 to schedule your time.

What was life like for a young woman who lived in Egypt around 600 B.C.E.? Learn about the hairstyle, cosmetics and jewelry, how she hunted, and how she became a mummy, the ancient Adena culture, and throw an ancient spear. Girl fee includes a patch. $2/girl • $1/adult Session A: Mar 6 • 4-6 p.m.

Sodalis Nature Park
 7700 S CR 975 E, Plainfield

Session B: Mar 13 • 4-6 p.m.

Contact: Barb Nichols

Joseph Moore Museum, Earlham College 801 National Road West, Richmond

Al White Memorial Hike

Contact: Alicia Martin

Grades: Family

Animal Families

Office Code: 2056

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3

Take a hike with your family and Girl Scouting friends at Bradford Woods (Old Camp Bradford) to welcome the spring. No pre-registration required. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m.

Office Code: 2051

Animal families come in all different shapes and sizes. Find out how animals adapt to live in these families and survive in their habitats. Learn about animals that are pets, too!

$5/girl • $5/adult Mar 15 • 9-1 p.m.

$6/girl • $1/adult

Bradford Woods
 7551 Beech Grove Rd, Martinsville

Mar 22 • 11 a.m-noon Muncie Children's Museum
 515 S High St, Muncie

Contact: Barb Nichols

Amazing Air

Animal Habitats at Garfield Conservatory

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3 Office Code: 3125

Grades: 4,5

We know we need air to survive, but what else can it do? See how amazing air can be! Make sound with it, make objects move, mix air and water, and much more. Amazing Air patch included.

Office Code: 2056

Learn all about animals and where they live. Find out how animals survive in the wild as you earn the Animal Habitats badge.

$5/girl • $1/adult

$6/girl • $1/adult

Session A: Apr 8 • 6-7:15 p.m.

Apr 8 • 5:15-6:15 p.m.

Session B: Apr 9 • 4:30-5:45 p.m.

Garfield Park Conservatory and Gardens
 2505 Conservatory Dr, Indianapolis

Session C: Apr 10 • 6-7:15 p.m. Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis

Contact: Barb Nichols

Contact: Katie Wahlstrom


Animal Habitats at Karst Farm Park

Animals Everywhere Overnight

Grades: 4, 5

Grades: 4,5

Office Code: 2056

Office Code: 3125

Touch real animal furs, skulls and other parts before taking a walk to search for signs of animal life. Do an experiment to study insulation, make a craft to take home, and even do a service project to help wildlife! Part of this activity will be outside, please dress for the weather..

Enjoy hands-on, high energy activities as you study different kinds of creatures while learning about animals that live in your community and how to care for them. Silly Safaris will be sending out a Funologist to lead an interactive animal show. Earn your Animal Habitats badge and the Animals in your Community badge. Cost includes program, light breakfast, and two badges. Please bring a snack to share.

$3/girl • $1/adult Mar 2 • 1-3 p.m. Karst Farm Park
 2450 Endwright Rd, Bloomington

$15/girl • $2/adult Mar 14-15 • 7 p.m.-10 a.m.

Contact: Barb Nichols

Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood
 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis

Animal Signs Hike

Contact: Katie Wahlstrom

Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Office Code: 2056


Learn how to identify where animals have been on this walk through fields and forests at Flatwoods Park. Make an animal track field guide to take home. Please dress for the weather. Hot cocoa will be provided.

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Office Code: 2051

Go on a cooking journey in a bakery cafe! Learn about restaurant food preparation and breadmaking—make your very own French baguette to bake on-site and take home. Of course, every baker needs her own paper baking hat and apron!

$2/girl • $1/adult Feb 8 • 1-3 p.m. Flatwoods Park
 9499 Flatwoods Rd, Gosport

$15/girl • $1/adult Session A: Jan 30 • 4:30-6 p.m.

Contact: Barb Nichols

Session B: Mar 26 • 4:30-6 p.m.
 Panera Bread
 2415 Sagamore Pkwy S, Lafayette

Animal Wild with Silly Safaris Grades: Family Office Code: 2052

Are you wild about animals? Join a Funologist from Silly Safaris and make an animal connection, new animal friends and learn about wild animal conservation. Come with your family or your troop. $6/girl • $2/adult Jun 21 • 10-11 a.m. Brookville Lake
 10064 Overlook Rd, Brookville Contact: Alicia Martin


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 100

Program activity descriptions

Ballet 101

Baskets and Mugs in Clay

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Office Code: 2050

Office Code: 2056

Learn all about music, dance, and see costumes up-close before the upcoming ballet production of Carnival of the Animals. Make a mask of one of the animals from the show and practice animal moves in the rehearsal studio! For the grand finale, wear your mask and march in the Carnival of Girl Scouts . Maximum two adults per troop.

Create a clay project as potter Jeremy South takes you step-by-step building a basket by hand and a mug on the pottery wheel! Pick up your completed art piece in 3-4 weeks.

$10/girl • $1/adult

Billericay Park
 12690 Promise Rd, Fishers

$22/girl • $1/adult May 21 • 6-7:30 p.m.

Session A: April 13 • 1-3 p.m. (Grades K-2)

Contact: Barb Nichols

Session B: April 13 • 3:30-5:30 p.m. (Grades 3-5) Scottish Rite Theater
 650 N Meridian St, Indianapolis

Be a Sister to Every Girl Scout

Contact: Kendra Nowell

Grades: K, 1 Office Code: 2051

Barbie Be Anything, Do Everything

Discover how Girl Scout sisters in other countries have fun and learn about cultures in Africa and Asia through art.

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3 Office Code: 2050

$4/girl • $2/adult

Sequins, beads,feathers—design and sew special clothes for Barbie as you learn about being a fashion designer with Catherine Barinas. Take home the Girl Scout Barbie Be Anything, Do Everything fun patch and activity book, an Art Lab fun patch, and the outfit you make for Barbie. Don't forget to bring your Barbie!

Session A: Feb 22 • 1:30-2:30 p.m.
 Session B: Feb 22 • 2:45-3:45 p.m.
 David Owsley Museum of Art, BallState University 2000 W University Ave,

$18/girl • $1/adult


Session A: Feb 2 • 12:30-2:30 p.m.

Grades: All

Session B: Apr 6 • 3-5 p.m

Office Code: 2053

What's that buzz? Hunter's Honey Farm, of course! This fourth generation family has been keeping bees since 1910. Visit a live hive, roll a beeswax candle, bottle a 6 oz. Honey Bear, and do a tasting of honey. Fun patch included.

The Art Lab
 2070 E. 54th St, Indianapolis Contact: Kendra Nowell

$12/girl • $12/adult May 10 • 10 a.m.-noon Hunter's Honey Farm
 6501 W Honey Lane, Martinsville Contact: Meisha Wide


Sign up for any activity as a troop or do one on your own!

Between Earth and Sky

Birding and Bird Feeding

Grades: K, 1

Grades: All

Office Code: 2056

Office Code: 2056

Enjoy fun activities to help achieve the Journey badge while exploring the conservatory and park.

Discover which birds call Indiana home, how to identify common birds, and how to attract them to your backyard. Build your own bird feeder, too! Fee includes supplies. Volunteer help needed.

$5/girl • $1/adult Mar 25 • 5:15-6:15 p.m.

$7/girl • $1/adult

Garfield Park Conservatory and Gardens
 2505 Conservatory Dr, Indianapolis

Mar 16 • 2-3:30 p.m. Prophetstown State Park 4112 SR 225 E, West Lafayette

Contact: Barb Nichols

Contact: Barb Nichols

Bird feeder in Clay

Birding Overnight

Grades: All Office Code: 2051/2056

Grades: 4, 5

Potter Jeremy South takes you step-by-step on how to build a bird feeder on the pottery wheel. Learn about birds, too! Pick up your completed art piece in 3-4 weeks.

Office Code: 3125

Contact: Barb Nichols

Spend the night at the Math and Science Center and become an expert in bird watching A.K.A. birding. Discover new birding technology as you do some owling, work with computers, make a bird house, and more! You will learn how to attract birds using our Butterfly Garden and receive the Birding badge. Please bring a snack to share. Fee includes program, badge, birdhouse, and a light breakfast.

Session B: Mar 8 • 10 a.m. – noon • (Grades K-5)

$8/girl • $2/adult

Session C: Mar 8 • 1 p.m.-3 p.m. (Grades 6-12)

Apr 11-12 • 7 p.m.-11 a.m.

The Anderson Center for the Arts 32 W 10th St Anderson

Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis

Session D: Mar 12 • 5:30-7 p.m. (Grades K-5)

Contact: Katie Wahlstrom

$22/girl • $1/adult Session A: Mar 19 • 6-7:30 p.m (Grades 2-12) Billericay Park 12690 Promise Rd, Fishers

Session E: Mar 12 • 7-8:30 p.m. (Grades 6-12) Monon Community Center
 1195 Central Park Dr W, Carmel


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 100

Program activity descriptions Birds of Prey

Book Artist

Grades: All

Grades: 6, 7, 8

Office Code: 2056

Office Code: 2051

Have you ever glared at a hawk up close or hooted like an owl? See birds of prey up close while learning about their individual behaviors, eating habits, conservation, and more. Examine their beaks, feet, and other adaptations that make them successful birds of prey. Ornithology Center badge included. Gate fee is waived for participants.

Explore the art of bookbinding, learn the different parts of a book, try out artist techniques, and create your very own unique book! Turn ordinary paper into extraordinary artwork. Try different types of binding like gluing, stitching, and folding your own scrapbook, planner, or personal journal. Badge included. $16/girl • $1/adult

$6/girl • $1/adult

Feb 8 • 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m.

Session A: Mar 4 • 5-6:30 p.m.

The Anderson Center for the Arts 32 W 10th St Anderson

Session B: Mar 13 • 5-6:30 p.m.
 Session C: Apr 10 • 5-6:30 p.m.
 Session D: Apr 15 • 5-6:30 p.m.
 Session E: May 6 • 5-6:30 p.m. Eagle Creek Park
 6515 Delong Rd Indianapolis Contact: Barb Nichols


Bring on the Bronze Classroom

Bring on the Bronze Webinar

Grades: 4, 5

Grades: 4, 5

Office Code: 2054

Office Code: 2054

What is the highest award a Girl Scout Junior can earn? The Girl Scout Bronze Award! Now, would you like to learn more about how to achieve this high honor? Then this informational session would be the best place to start. Learn about each of the seven steps required on the journey toward the Girl Scout Bronze Award. Examine the differences between a service and a take action project. Finally, put together a check-list of the elements required to make your Girl Scout Bronze Award Take Action project a success. While this session is recommended for any girl interested in pursuing her Girl Scout Bronze Award, you are also encouraged to invite adult mentors (i.e. Girl Scout leader, parent, etc.) who will be supporting you during the process to attend this session. Please note: This is the same activity as the Bring on the Bronze Webinar.

Please note: This is the same activity as the Bring on the Bronze Classroom. All participants must have access to high speed Internet with either a speaker/mic or telephone (preferably speaker phone). Webcam not required. $2/girl • adults free Time: 5:30-7 p.m.
 Session F: Jan 30 Session G: Feb 4 Session H: Mar 11 Session I: Apr 23 Session J: May 6 Online Contact: Jaime Hubbard

$4/girl • $1/adult Session F: Jan 11 • 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Bloomington
 1000 N Walnut St, Ste 1, Bloomington Session G: Feb 22 • 9-10:30 a.m.


Camp Sycamore Valley
 8439 SR 26 E, Lafayette Session H: Mar 9 • 12:30 - 2 p.m. Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis Session I: Apr 26 • 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Shelby County Public Library 57 W Broadway St, Shelbyville Session J: May 17 • 1 - 2:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Terre Haute 1100 Girl Scout Ln, Terre Haute Session K: May 18 • 2:30 - 4 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Daleville
 13555 W CR 550 S, Daleville Session L: Aug 24 • 9 - 10:30 a.m. Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis Contact: Jaime Hubbard


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 100

Program activity descriptions

Bubble Fest

Bubble Fest for Juniors

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3

Grades: 4,5

Office Code: 3125

Office Code: 3125

Stand inside a huge bubble, measure big bubbles, use different instruments to create bubbles, discover "walls" of bubbles, and more! Pop on in and enjoy the fun all while earning the Math and Science Center Bubble Fest patch.

Did you miss Bubble Fest as a Girl Scout Brownie? Here's your chance to experiment with bubbles! Math and Science Bubble Fest patch included. $5/girl • $1/adult Session A: Feb 22 • 4-5:15 p.m.

$5/girl • $1/adult

Session B: Feb 23 • 4:30-5:45 p.m.

Session A: Feb 21 • 4:30-5:45 p.m.

Session C: Feb 27 • 6-7:15 p.m.

Session B: Feb 21 • 6-7:15 p.m.

Session D: Mar 1 • 4-5:15 p.m.

Session C: Feb 22 • 10-11:15 a.m.

Session E: Mar 2 • 4:30-5:45 p.m.

Session D: Feb 22 • noon-1:15 p.m.

Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis

Session E: Feb 22 • 2-3:15 p.m.
 Session F: Feb 23 • 1-2:15 p.m.

Contact: Katie Wahlstrom

Session G: Feb 23 • 2:30-3:45 p.m.
 Session H: Feb 27 • 4:30-5:45 p.m.

Bug Fest 2014

Session I: Feb 28 • 4:30-5:45 p.m.

Grades: All

Session J: Feb 28 • 6-7:15 p.m.

Office Code: 2056

Session K: Mar 1 • 10-11:15 a.m.

Explore the benefits of bugs! Try cricket spitting, visit a butterfly tent, and pet live insects. You can earn a Doctor of Bugology Degree by visiting several of the scheduled stations. Earn a fun patch and get a special bug treat.

Session L: Mar 1 • noon-1:15 p.m.
 Session M: Mar 1 • 2-3:15 p.m.
 Session N: Mar 2 • 1-2:15 p.m.

$2/girl • $1/adult

Session O: Mar 2 • 2:30-3:45

Aug 24 • 1-5 p.m.

Math and Science Center
 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis

Southeastway Park
 5624 S Carroll Rd, New Palestine

Contact: Katie Wahlstrom

Contact: Barb Nichols


Bug Fest 2014 Volunteers Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Camp Adventure Patch and Outdoor Basics Learning

Office Code: 2056

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Troops and individuals are needed to help make this event fun. Volunteers will receive a fun patch and special bug treat.

Office Code: 2056

Earn Girl Scouts of Central Indiana's own Camp Adventure patch and learn about the basics of camping! While girls are earning the patch, leaders will take outdoor basic learning. See adult learning section for description.

$1/girl • $1/adult Aug 24 • noon-5:30 p.m. Southeastway Park
 5624 S Carroll Rd, New Palestine

$3/girl • $3/adult Session A: Feb 16 • 3-5 p.m. (Grades 2-3)

Contact: Barb Nichols

Camp Ada
 4731 W CR 600 S, Spiceland

Build A Shaker

Session B: Mar 2 • 3-5 p.m. (Grades 2-3)

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3

Camp Sycamore Valley
 8439 SR 26 E, Lafayette

Office Code: 2050

Shake, rattle, and roll! Tour the Rythm! Discovery Center, make your own shaker, and participate in an interactive drum circle.

Session C: Apr 6 • 3-5 p.m. (Grades K-1) Camp Dellwood
 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis

$15/girl • $10/adult

Session D: Apr 27 • 3-5 p.m. (Grades 4-5)

Mar 23 • 9-11a.m.

Camp Dellwood
 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis

Rhythm! Discovery Center
 110 W Washington St, Suite A, Indianapolis Contact: Kendra Nowell

Contact: Barb Nichols

Cadette Challenge

Camp Adventure Patch Program Grades: All

Grades: 6, 7, 8

Office Code: 2056

Office Code: 2056

Visit all five of our council's camps, complete the requirements for each, and earn a patch for each camp creating the Camp Adventure patch! Requirements can be found at girlscoutsindiana. org/activities/anytime-activities. Before visiting any council camp, you must fill out a facilities reservation form or reserve online through E Council. Purchase the patches in a Showcase store; patch is $.85 and sections are $1.25.

Want a challenge? Like to try something new? Compete against each other in team building games. We challenge you to emerge a leader! Lunch included. $10/girl • $10/adult Mar 16 • 10-3 p.m. Camp Dellwood
 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis

Contact: Barb Nichols

Contact: Barb Nichols


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 100

Program activity descriptions

Sign up for any activity as a troop or do one on your own! Camp Adventure Volunteers

Camp Sampler

Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Grades: 2, 3

Office Code: 2056

Office Code: 2056

Help lead activities at Camp Adventure Patch and Outdoor Basics Learning. Choose the date and camp that best suits you.

Have fun at camp making candles, cooking a snack over the fire, and hiking around camp. Spend an afternoon exploring with us!

Free for girls and adults

$7/girl • $1/adult

Contact: Barb Nichols

Mar 8 • 1-4:15 p.m. Camp Gallahue 6758 N Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown

Camp Courage Miss Firefighter

Contact: Barb Nichols

Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Office Code: 2053

Camp Sampler Volunteers

Step inside Bloomington’s very own firefighter practice tower where you will get a rigorously fun peek into the world of fire fighting. Put out a car fire, race to put on a firefighter suit, crawl through tiny spaces, and more! Fun patch included.

Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 10, 11, 12 Office Code: 2056

Help facilitate activities at Camp Sampler.

$10/girl • $2/adult

Free for girls and adults.

Apr 12 • 1-4 p.m.

Mar 8 • noon-5 p.m.

Bloomington Practice Tower
 3230 S Walnut St, Bloomington

Camp Gallahue 6758 N Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown

Contact: Meisha Wide

Contact: Barb Nichols

Camp Courage Young Firefighter


Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Office Code: 2053

Office Code: 2053

Stop, drop, and roll! Discover the basic skills of fire safety from certified firefighters at the firemen training tower. Try dragging hoses, crawling through tubes, and more. Fun patch included.

What do you want to be when you grow up? With so many options, how do you decide? At CareerExpo, you will have the opportunity to learn from experts on how to plan for your future career, prepare for an interview, and use social media to connect with professionals. Girl fee includes refreshment and patch.

$8/girl • $2/adult Apr 12 • 9-11 a.m. Bloomington Practice Tower
 3230 S Walnut St, Bloomington

$5/girl • $1/adult

Contact: Meisha Wide

Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girl School Rd, Indianapolis

Mar 16 • 3-6 p.m.

Contact: Meisha Wide


Celebrating Community Grades: 2, 3

Chemistry Discovery Day with Iota Sigma Pi

Office Code: 2051

Grades: 4, 5

Explore symbols in art, including those that relate to certain places. Learn about personal symbols seen in portraits and identify appropriate symbols for yourself!

Office Code: 2054

Venture into the labs of Purdue University and try your hand at unlocking some of chemistry's mysteries with the help of members from Iota Sigma Pi. While conducting hands-on activities, you will also learn skills vital to the work of a chemist. Adult registration limited to Safety-Wise ratios. Girl fee includes patch and lunch. Adult fee includes lunch.

$4/girl • $2/adult Feb 22 • 1:30-2:30 p.m. David Owsley Museum of Art
 2000 W University Ave, Muncie

$10/girl • $4/adult

Challenger Learning Center

Apr 12 • 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Purdue University,
West Lafayette

Office Code: 3125

Contact: Jaime Hubbard

Ever wonder what it is like to work on a space shuttle? Or why they call " Houston" when they have a problem? You can perform a simulated task of working on a space shuttle and in mission control, and make a comet, investigate falling particles, and much more! On Sunday afternoon, visit the Challenger Learning Center of Decatur Township to complete our mission. You will receive the Challenger Learning Center Patch. Drivers will be needed for transportation to the Decatur Challenger Learning Center. Girls will be asked to please bring a snack to share for Saturday night. More information will follow after registration is received. Cost includes; program, patch, dinner, breakfast, lunch, and snacks.

Chocolate Boutique Grades: K, 1, 2, 3 Office Code: 2052

Can you tell the difference between high-end chocolate and low-end chocolate? Learn how on this chocolate production facility tour, see how they personalize their chocolate, prepare some products for restaurant distribution, and make bread and pastries! Girl fee includes fun patch. $6/girl • $5/adult Jul 22 • 2-2:45 p.m.

$30/girl • $8/adult

Ghyslain Chocolate
 350 W Deerfield Rd, Union City

Feb 1-2 • 5 p.m.-3 p.m.

Contact: Alicia Martin

Math and Science Center
 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis

Chocolate Maker

Contact: Katie Wahlstrom

Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Office Code: 2052

Make and decorate your chocolatey dessert! Learn the difference between high-end and low-end chocolate, how a cocoa pod becomes chocolate, and how products are prepared for distribution. Girl fee includes fun patch. Girls and adults will get to make a chocolate cup. $11/girl • $10/adult Jul 16 • 2-3:15 p.m. Ghyslain Chocolate
 350 W Deerfield Rd, Union City Contact: Alicia Martin


Program activity descriptions

Christian Youth Theater Grades: Family

Community Earth Day Celebration at the JCC

Office Code: 2051

Grades: Family

Be amazed by the colorful costumes, exciting stories, bright lights, and live music all performed by local area youth! Patch included.

Office Code: 2054

As Girl Scouts, we are always looking for ways to make the world a better place. Join the fun at this year's annual Community Earth Day Celebration at the JCC! With more than 50 booths, learn about ways to care for the earth and live environmentally friendly. This would make a great adventure to add to your It's Your Planet—Love It! Journey. Fee includes patch only, it does not include cost incurred while attending the event. Please note: Adults and siblings only need to register if they would like to receive the patch, otherwise admission to the celebration is free.

$6/girl • $5/adult Peter Pan • May 17 • 11 a.m-1 p.m. Westfield High School 18250 N Union St, Westfield The Wizard of Oz • Feb 22 • 11 a.m-1 p.m. Booth Tarkington Civic Theatre 3 Center Green, Suite 200, Carmel


$3/girl • $3/adult

Grades: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Apr 27 • 1-4 p.m.

Office Code: 2052

Arthur M. Glick JCC 6701 Hoover Rd, Indianapolis

Discover how coins are made, see a real bar of silver, and learn all about coin collecting on a tour of Silvertowne! Fun patch included.

Contact: Jaime Hubbard

$2/girl • $1/adult

Confident Self-Defense

Session A: Jun 11 • 2-3 p.m.

Grades: All

Session B: Jul 9 • 2-3 p.m.

Office Code: 2051

Silvertowne 120 E Union, Winchester

Develop the self-confidence needed to help defend yourself or loved ones against unwanted contact.

Contact: Alicia Martin

$10/girl • $10/adult Session A: Mar
15 • 10-11 a.m. (Grades K-5)


Session B: Mar
15 • 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. (Grades 6-12)

Grades: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Office Code: 2056

Girl Scout Service Center at Daleville 13555 W CR 550 S, Daleville

Horses have a unique way of communicating with each other and with us. Learn more about communication through equine assisted learning exercises through team building activities. This is a non-riding workshop. $15/girl • $10/adult Session A: Apr 5 • 10 a.m.-noon Hope for Hearts Farm
 1005 W SR 45, Morgantown Session B: May 10 • 10 a.m.-noon Trinity Farm
 10310 S CR0, Clayton Contact: Barb Nichols


Cooking at Camp with Herbs

Crazy for Cats

Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Office Code: 2056

Office Code: 2051

Taste the herbs from the garden in a feast at camp! This is a great way to earn your Simple Meals, New Cuisine, Locavore or Dinner Party badges.

Do you love art? And cats? Be inspired by American artist Laurel Burch as you create a colorful feline masterpiece using pencils, crayons, and paint!

$5/girl • $5/adult

$11/girl • $1/adult

Apr 19 • 10-2 p.m.

Session A: Mar 6 • 4:45-6 p.m.

Camp Na Wa Kwa
 7865 E CR 300 N, Poland

Session B: Mar 8 • 12:30-1:45 p.m.
 Session C: Mar 8 • 2-3:15 p.m.

Contact: Barb Nichols

Session D: Mar 13 • 4:45-6 p.m. Ten West Center for the Arts 10 W Church St, Fortville

Cooking with the Chef Grades: All Office Code: 2051

CSA Round-Up 2014

Grab your apron and cap and get in the kitchen with Chef Kay of Kay's Bistro. Learn top chef skills and experience behind-the-scenes of a kitchen.

Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Office Code: 2056

Camp with your troop at the CSA Round-up Camporee! Spend Saturday doing lots of fun activities, and cap it off with a variety show you put together! Saturday dinner is the only meal provided.

$4/girl • $4/adult Session A: Feb 1 • 1-3 p.m.
(Grades K-5) Session B: Feb 23 • 1-3 p.m. (Grades 6-12) Kay's Bistro
 2201 South Western Ave, Marion

$18 /girl • $18/adult Oct. 10-12 • 3 p.m.-noon

Cosmetology Overnight

Camp Gallahue
 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown

Grades: 4, 5

Contact: Barb Nichols

Office Code: 3125

The Math and Science Center presents Cosmetology: The Science of Makeup. Learn how science plays a huge role in how we keep ourselves looking our best! Make your own bath and beauty products, learn about skin care, and practice how to put on makeup. (Note to parents: light-colored eye shadow, cheek, and lip color will be applied). Cost will include program, badge, and a light breakfast. Girls will be asked to please bring a snack to share. Girls will receive the Cosmetology fun patch. $15/girl • $2/adult Mar 7-8 • 7 p.m.-9 a.m. Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis Contact: Katie Wahlstrom


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 100

Program activity descriptions

Digital Photographer

DIY Art Day

Grades: 4, 5

Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Office Code: 2051

Office Code: 2053

Lights, camera, action! Learn all about photography, including video, film, still, and digital. Take an in-depth look into different types of cameras, learn how to set up a photo shoot, and compose portraits while understanding how lighting and point of view affect a photograph. Create your own photo project and share your photos with others. Badge included. Please prepare to bring at least one digital camera per four girls.

Spend the evening being crafty with pottery painting, felting, cupcake decorating, and more! Try projects you've never done before. Projects for girls only. $20/girl • $2/adult Apr 27 • 5-8 p.m. uPaint Pottery Studio
 1820 E Main St, Plainfield Contact: Meisha Wide

$14/girl • $1/adult Mar 22 • 9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Drive-In to Rio 2

The Anderson Center for the Arts 32 W 10th St Anderson

Grades: Family Office Code: 2053

Did you know there are less than 400 drive-in theaters left operating in the U.S.? Spend an evening under the stars watching Rio 2 on the old school big screen. Make your own mask before the movie begins. Bring and register a non-Girl Scout friend for an additional patch.

Discover Computer Science through Games Grades: 4, 5 Office Code: 2054

Do you enjoy playing video games? Have fun learning to write your own computer program with Scratch, including animation, computer game development, and audio. Activities will help earn the Entertainment Technology badge! Girl fee includes lunch, and a patch. Adult fee includes lunch.

$4/girl • $8/adult Apr 17 • 7:30 p.m. Centerbrook Drive-In Theatre
 6735 SR 67 N, Martinsville Contact: Meisha Wide

$8/girl • $5/adult Mar 29 • 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Purdue University, West Lafayette Contact: Jaime Hubbard


Elephants On Parade–In Clay!

Exploration S.T.E.M. at IUPUI

Grades: All

Grades 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12

Office Code: 2050/2051/2056

Office Code 2054

Create a clay project as potter Jeremy South takes you step-by-step building an elephant by hand and a hollow tree-shaped vase on the pottery wheel. Learn about elephants and all the common things they share with us. Girl fee includes fun badge. Pick up your completed art pieces in 3-4 weeks.

What does S.T.E.M. mean? The Women in Science and Society of Women Engineers at IUPUI want to open your eyes to this exciting world! Learn what it stands for and participate in hands-on activities. Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors will have the opportunity to get more information about S.T.E.M. in higher education.

$18/girl • $1/adult

$7/girl • $1/adult

Session A: Jan 22 • 5:30-7 p.m. (Grades K-5)

Session A: Feb 15 • 9 a.m.-noon. (Grades 4-5)

Session B: Jan 22 • 7-8:30 p.m. (Grades 6-12)

Session B: Feb 15 • 1-3 p.m. (Grades 9-12)

Monon Community Center
 1195 Central Park Dr W, Carmel

Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis 420 University Blvd., Indianapolis Contact: Jaime Hubbard

$20/girl • $1/adult Session C: Jan 25 • 10 a.m.-noon (Grades K-5)

Everything’s Coming Up Daisies

Session D: Jan 25 • 1-3 p.m.
(Grades 6-12)

Grades: K, 1

The Anderson Center for the Arts 32 W 10th St, Anderson

Office Code: 3125

Become a botanist or plant scientist as you discover the fun of seeds and plants! Learn what it takes to get your daisies to bloom. Daisy Fun patch included.

Contact: Meisha Wide $20/girl • $2/adult Session E: Feb 12 • 6-7:30 p.m. (Grades 2-9)

$5/girl • $1/adult

Billericay Park 12690 Promise Rd, Fishers

Session A: Apr 8 • 4:30-5:45 p.m.

Contact: Barb Nichols

Session B: Apr 9 • 6-7:15 p.m.

$22/girl • $1/adult

Session C: Apr 10 • 4:30-5:45 p.m.

Session F: Feb 16 • 1-2:30 p.m. (Grades K-3)

Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis

Session G: Feb 16 • 3:30-5 p.m. (Grades K-3)

Contact: Katie Wahlstrom

Session H: Mar 16 • 1-2:30 p.m. (Grades 4-8) Session I: Mar 16 • 3:30-5 p.m. (Grades 4-8)

Explore Marengo Caves

Session J: Apr 13 • 1-2:30 p.m. (Grades 9-12)

Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Session K: Apr 13 • 3:30-5 p.m. (Grades 9-12)

Office Code: 2056

The Art Lab
 2070 E 54th St, Indianapolis

Take a trip to Marengo Caves for a caving challenge. Enjoy two walking tours and participate in the Underground Adventure. Warning: Crawling in caves can get muddy!

Contact: Kendra Nowell

$38/girl • $38/adult Apr 12 • 10:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Marengo Caves 400 Indiana 64, Marengo Contact: Barb Nichols


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 100

Program activity descriptions

Family Fun Night at Hoosier Park

First Aid Daisies & Brownies

Grades: Family

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3

Office Code: 2051

Office Code: 2053

Learn about basic horse safety and watch horse races at Hoosier Park! Get your picture taken with the winning horses in winners circle and get a souvenir photo. Guided tours will also be available. The evening includes dinner (hot dog, chips, and drink), fun patch and T-shirt (patch and T-shirt for girls only).

In an emergency, you know to dial 911, but what happens afterward? Hendricks Regional Health staff will assist you as you role play calling 911, learn how to treat minor injuries, and make a first aid kit while earning your Brownie First Aid badge. $7/girl • $1/adult Session A: Apr 29 • 4:30-6 p.m.

$2/girl • $1/adult

Session B: May 13 • 4:30-6 p.m.

Jun 13 • 6-8 p.m.

Hendricks Regional Health
 1000 E Main St, Danville

Hoosier Park Racing
 4500 Dan Patch Cir, Anderson

Contact: Meisha Wide

FiberFest Girl Scout Day

First Aid Juniors & Cadettes

Grades: Family

Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Office Code: 2052

Learn how artisans utilize a variety of fabric, textiles, threads, yarns, and fibers to create art, jewelry, clothing, accessories, home décor, and more. The Jay County Fiber Fest and Spin-In is an annual event devoted to fiber arts with classes, petting zoo, storytelling, sheep shearing, a border collie demonstration, live demos, food, and more. Girl fee includes commemorative patch. Friday event hours are 10 a.m.-7 p.m.; Saturday event hours are 9 a.m.-4 p.m. You are welcome to stay the entire day, but please plan to check in between the hours listed for the date you choose.

Office Code: 2053

$3/girl • $1/adult Session A: Mar 7 • 11 a.m.-3 p.m.

Hendricks Regional Health
 1000 E Main St, Danville

Session B: Mar 8 • 9 a.m.-noon

Contact: Meisha Wide

Jay County Fairgrounds 4-H Building
806 E Votaw, Portland

Fishing Fun

Emergency situations can be scary, but not as much when you are prepared. Join the Hendricks Regional Health team as you learn the first steps to take in an emergency; make and use a first aid kit; prevent outdoor and weather related injuries; look for signs of shock and learn to treat it; and earn your First Aid badge. $7/girl • $1/adult Session A: Apr 29 • 4:30-6 p.m.
 Session B: May 13 • 4:30-6 p.m.

Contact: Alicia Martin

Grades: All Office Code: 2056

Practice your casting skills, learn how to tie a knot, and enjoy pond fishing! Learn how to safely put a worm on your hook and take a fish off your hook. $2/girl • $1/adult Apri 13 • 2-3:30 p.m. Prophetstown State Park 4112 SR 225 E, West Lafayette Contact: Barb Nichols


Flip Zone for Brownies

Flower Badge for Juniors

Grades: 2, 3

Grades: 4, 5

Office Code: 2053

Office Code: 2056

Spend an afternoon enjoying high-energy activities from obstacle courses to learning new gymnastic skills! Work toward the Fair Play and My Best Self badges. Fun patch included.

Discover the beauty and function of flowers as we talke a walk through the park. Badge included. $4/girl • $1/adult Apr 13 • 2-3:30 p.m.

$8/girl • $1/adult Session A: Feb 23 • 3-5 p.m.

Southeastway Park 5624 S Carroll Rd, New Palestine

Session B: Apr 13 • 3-5 p.m.

Contact: Barb Nichols

The Flip Zone
 880 Andico Rd, Plainfield

Flower Power

Contact: Meisha Wide

Grades: 4, 5 Office Code: 2053

Flip Zone for Daisies

Enjoy the beauty of flowers and plants as you discover how they can be used as food, medicine, and even have a secret language! Examine some samples, taste herbs, make a flower craft, and plant a seed to take home, all while earning your Flower badge.

Grades: K, 1 Office Code: 2053

Test your bravery and strength on the gymnastics floor. Learn about the importance of staying active and healthy through a variety of activities. This program supports your Respect Myself and Others petal. Fun patch included.

$6/girl • $4/adult Session A: Apr 2 • 6-7 p.m.

$8/girl • $1/adult

Session B: Apr 22 • 6-7 p.m.

Session A: Feb 16 • 3-5 p.m.
 Session B: Mar 2 • 3-5 p.m.

Haw Creek Heritage Arts Center
 111 Aiken St, Hope

Session C: Mar 16 • 3-5 p.m.

Contact: Meisha Wide

Session D: Apr 27 • 3-5 p.m.

Froyo & Yo-yos

The Flip Zone
 880 Andico Rd, Plainfield

Grades: All

Contact: Meisha Wide

Office Code: 2051

Can you "walk the dog" or "rock the baby?" Learn how the yo-yo has been able to provide simple fun for kids of all ages.A world reknowned yo-yo champion will show you cool tricks, too! End with a delicious froyo treat from Orange Leaf.

Flip Zone for Juniors Grades: 4, 5 Office Code: 2053

$6/girl • $6/adult

Ready for a high-energy fun filled afternoon? Participate in a variety of physical activities and learn why it is important to eat healthy and stay active! Fun patch included.

May 12 • 6-7:30 p.m. Orange Leaf 4723 S Scatterfield Rd, Anderson

$8/girl • $1/adult Mar 9 • 3-5 p.m. The Flip Zone
 880 Andico Rd, Plainfield Contact: Meisha Wide


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 100

Program activity descriptions

Fun Sweet Times

Gardener Badge at Detmer Park

Grades: All

Grades: 4, 5

Office Code: 2050

Office Code: 2056

Claire's Boutique is the place to be for a sweet time and fun activities the Sunday before Valentine's Day. Show your friends how fun it is to be a Girl Scout! Bring and register a non-Girl Scout friend and receive a special prize, a $5 Claire's gift card, and 20% off your purchase.

Visit Detmer Park gardens and learn about how plants grow, what kinds grow best in your area, and help tend the community garden. You’ll also plant some seeds to take home and make a small terrarium. Dress for the weather!

$10/girl • $1/adult

May 8 • 4-6 p.m.

$3/girl • $1/adult

Feb 9 • 6-7:30 p.m.

Will Detmer Park
 4140 W Vernal Pk, Bloomington

Claire's Boutique, Circle Centre Mall
 49 W Maryland St, Indianapolis

Contact: Barb Nichols

Contact: Kendra Nowell

Gardens Galore

Game Design

Grades: 4, 5

Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Office Code: 2056

Office Code: 2050

Take an in-depth look at video game design and all the cool technology that comes with it.

Learn all about plants and gardening in the Conservatory and Children's Garden. Get your hands dirty earning your Gardener badge.

$8/girl • $1/adult

$6/girl • $1/adult

Apr 19 • 10 a.m.-noon

Apr 29 • 5:15-6:15 p.m.

Tilt Studios
 49 W Maryland St, Indianapolis

Garfield Park Conservatory and Gardens
 2505 Conservatory Dr, Indianapolis

Contact: Kendra Nowell

Contact: Barb Nichols

Garden Fun

Geocaching Outing

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3

Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Office Code: 2056

Office Code: 2056

It's time to get out and have some fun in the Children's Garden! Make some of your own garden plants to take home.

Learn about the activity of geocaching, which combines GPS technology with the outdoors. Hit the trails and embark on an hour-long high-tech scavenger hunt. Prizes for all!

$6/girl • $1/adult

$3/girl • $1/adult

Apr 29 • 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Mar 23 • 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Garfield Park Conservatory and Gardens
 2505 Conservatory Dr, Indianapolis

Mounds State Park
 4306 Mounds Rd, Anderson

Contact: Barb Nichols

Contact: Barb Nichols


Girl Scouts of Central Indiana scholarships for Girl Scouts graduating in the spring of 2014 Application requirements and information Complete applications must be postmarked by March 1 and mailed to: Attention: Scholarship Application Girl Scouts of Central Indiana 2611 Waterfront Parkway East Drive, Suite 100 Indianapolis, IN 46214 In order to apply, applicant must be: • A member of Girl Scouts of Central Indiana. • Eligible for graduation within the current academic year. • Planning to attend an institute of higher learning. A complete application packet will include: • Completed application form. • Official transcript from the applicant’s high school, with class size and ranking noted. • Three letters of reference from adults who are not relatives. ₀₀ Girl Scout reference letter ₀₀ Academic reference letter ₀₀ Personal/character reference letter Guidelines for consideration • Strength of commitment to Girl Scouting, e.g. length of membership, Girl Scout Silver Award and/or Girl Scout Gold Award, level of participation in various program activities. • Scholastic record, e.g. class rank, grade point average, difficulty of course work. • Extra-curricular activities, e.g. athletics, civic organizations, student government, leadership roles. • Personal statement Questions should be directed to: Meisha Wide, program development manager 317.924.6858 mwide@girlscoutsindiana.org Please visit girlscoutsindiana.org for a complete scholarship application.


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 100

Program activity descriptions

Get Inspired by Paint

Getting to Know a Horse

Grades: 2, 3

Grades: All

Office Code: 2051

Office Code: 2053

Learn how artists use shapes, lines, and colors to paint a feeling or mood. Get inspired by paintings on a guided tour that lets you explore new artistic elements.

What do horses eat? How is a hoof structured? What are withers? Find these answers and more as you set out to learn the basics of horses. Learn how to groom, identify parts of and feed a horse, walk a horse, and clean out a stall. This is a nonriding program. Program is for girls only.

$4/girl • $2/adult Feb 22 • 2:45-3:45 p.m.

$7/girl • $2/adult

David Owsley Museum of Art, Ball State University 2000 W University Ave, Muncie

Session A: Mar 1 • 1:30-3:30 p.m.
 Session B: Mar 22 • 1:30-3:30 p.m.

Get Moving Camp Style

Session C: Mar 29 • 1:30-3:30 p.m.

Grades: 4, 5

Session D: Apr 12 • 1:30-3:30 p.m.

Office Code: 3125

Session E: Apr 26 • 1:30-3:30 p.m.

Get started on the Get Moving Journey by making recycled paper, working with solar energy, and experimenting with how wind produces energy with our working windmills. Find out how alternative methods of energy can really help our planet. Leaders will get a list of what has been completed. Go Green fun patch included. Girl fee includes patch, snack, and supplies.

Four Willows Farm
 1213 N Franklin Road, Greenwood

$7/girl • $1/adult

Office Code: 2053

Apr 12 • 1-4:30 p.m.

Girl Scouts may be turning 102, but we're not too old to have some fun! Play games, make party favors, and celebrate being a Girl Scout. Make your own ice cream to work up an appetite for sweet treats everyone will enjoy. Have a blast at our birthday bash!

Contact: Meisha Wide

Girl Scout Birthday Bash Grades: K, 1, 2, 3

Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis Contact: Katie Wahlstrom

$6/girl • $4/adult Mar 12 • 6-7 p.m. Haw Creek Heritage Arts Center
 111 Aiken St, Hope Contact: Meisha Wide


Girl Scout Birthday Party

Girl Scout Day with Butler Bulldogs

Grades: Family

Grades: Family

Office Code: 2050

Office Code: 2050

It's the 4th annual Girl Scout Birthday Party at Skateland! Bring your friends and family to skate, play games, win cool prizes, and participate in various activities while we celebrate Girl Scouts' Birthday. Fee includes admission, pizza, drink, and cake for all; skate rental for girls and TAGS; patch for girls.

Come out to Hinkle Fieldhouse and enjoy a men's basketball game with your friends and family! Meet "Hink" the mascot and get exclusive access to shoot hoops on the court after the game. Girl Scouts of Central Indiana guests will be recognized at half time.

$12/girl • $5/adult • $8/TAGS

Mar 8 • 4:30 p.m.

$7/girl • $18/adult

Mar 9 • noon-3p.m. Skateland
3902 N Glen Arm Rd, Indianapolis

Hinkle Fieldhouse
 4600 Sunset Blvd, Indianapolis

Contact: Kendra Nowell

Contact: Kendra Nowell

Girl Scout Campout at Victory Field

Girl Scout Day with Cincinnati Reds

Grades: Family

Grades: Family

Office Code: 2051

Office Code: 2052

The Indianapolis Indians are excited to host a Girl Scout Campout again! The evening includes sleeping in the outfield, watching a movie on the video board, and snacks. For more information and to register, call the Indians Box Office at 317.269.3545.

Enjoy a fun day at the ball park with the Cincinnati Reds! Read the enewsletter for game date and pricing. All tickets and registration will go through the Reds website: reds.com/girlscouts.

Game only: $9/girl • $9/adult for reserved seat $13/girl • $13/adult for box seat

TBA (schedule not available at print time)

$TBA/girl • $TBA/adult Great American Ball Park
 100 Joe Nuxhall Way, Cincinnati, OH

Campout package: $16/girl • $16/adult for reserved seat $20/girl • $20/adult for box seat

Contact: Alicia Martin

Girl Scout Getaways

May 30 • 7:15 p.m. Victory Field
 501 W Maryland St, Indianapolis

Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Office Code: 2056

Visit the Girl Scout destination website for tips and ideas on how to plan troop getaways: http:// forgirls.girlscouts.org/travel/take-a-trip/getaways/ Online Contact: Barb Nichols


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 100

Program activity descriptions

Going for the Gold Classroom Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 Office Code: 2054

Are you interested in earning your Girl Scout Gold Award—the highest award a girl can earn in Girl Scouting? Then this informational session would be the best place for you to start. Take a closer look at the journey you will take in your quest for the Girl Scout Gold Award. Learn about each of the seven steps to process, then take a closer look at the Standards of Excellence set forth by our Girl Scout Gold Award Committee. Finally, end with helpful hints on how to prepare for your proposal interview. While this session is required for any girl interested in pursuing her Girl Scout Gold Award, you are encouraged to invite adult mentors who may provide support for you during your project (i.e. Girl Scout leader, parent, etc.) to attend. Please note: This is the same activity as the Going for the Gold Webinar.

Girl Scout Night with the Indiana Fever

$4/girl • $1/adult

Grades: Family

Session F: Jan 11 • 9-10:30 a.m.

Office Code: 2050

Girl Scout Service Center at Bloomington
 1000 N Walnut St, Ste 1, Bloomington

Cheer on the Fever with friends and family on Girl Scout Night! Enjoy a pre-game discounted dinner at Hard Rock Cafe downtown. Be the first to register and get exclusive on-court opportunities. Read the enewsletter and activity finder for game date and more details.

Session G: Feb 22 • 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Camp Sycamore Valley
 8439 SR 26 E, Lafayette Session H: Mar 9 • 4:30-6 p.m.

$TBA/girl • $TBA/adult

Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis

TBA (schedule not available at print time) Bankers Life Fieldhouse 125 S Pennsylvania St, Indianapolis

Session I: Apr 26 • 1:30-3 p.m. Shelby County Public Library 57 W Broadway St, Shelbyville

Contact: Kendra Nowell

Session J: May 17 • 9 - 10:30 a.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Terre Haute 1100 Girl Scout Ln, Terre Haute Session K: May 18 • 2:30 - 4 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Daleville 13555 W CR 550 S, Daleville Session L: Aug 24 • 1 - 2:30 p.m. Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis Contact: Jaime Hubbard


Going for the Gold Webinar

Got Herbs?

Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12

Grades: 2, 3

Office Code: 2054

Office Code: 2053

Please note: This is the same activity as the Going for the Gold Classroom. All participants must have access to high speed Internet with speaker/ mic or telephone (preferably a speaker phone). Webcam not required.

Making snacks with fresh herbs! Members of the Wabash Valley Herb Society will help you make veggie dips, learn how different herbs look and smell differently, and make an energy snack to take home. Work toward your snacks badge. Girl fee includes snack and herb patch.

$2/girl • adults free

$5/girl • $3/adult

Time: 5:30-7 p.m.

Apr 17 • 5-7 p.m.

Session F:Jan 16
 Session G: Feb 5

Girl Scout Service Center at Terre Haute 1100 Girl Scout Ln, Terre Haute

Session H: Mar 6

Contact: Meisha Wide

Session I: Apr 22
 Session J: May 13

Great Gardens


Grades: 4, 5

Contact: Jaime Hubbard

Office Code: 2053

Spring has sprung and it is time to get your hands dirty. Explore the history and beauty of garden design, lean how to choose garden plants that grow well in Bartholomew County, and start a seed experiment to try at home. By the end of the day, your thumbs will be as green as a lettuce leaf!

Going Green Festival Grades: All Office Code: 2050

How much water would a washer waste if a washer would waste less? Challenge your skills at spotting energy foes, plant your own garbage garden, and create masterpieces of recycled art while saving green to be green. Meet members of environmental awareness organizations and businesses from around the state to show you how to reduce, reuse, recycle.

$6/girl • $4/adult Session A: May 8 • 6-7 p.m.
 Session B: May 20 • 6-7p.m. Haw Creek Heritage Arts Center
 111 Aiken St, Hope Contact: Meisha Wide

$5/girl • $5/adult Session A: Mar 14 • 10a.m.-2p.m.

Habitats Badge for Juniors

Session B: Mar 15 • 11a.m.-4p.m.

Grades: 4, 5

Indiana State Museum
 650 W Washington St, Indianapolis

Office Code: 2056

Get down and dirty while you explore and help local Indiana habitats.

Contact: Kendra Nowell

$4/girl • $1/adult Apr 19 • 2-3:30 p.m.
 Southeastway Park 5624 S Carroll Rd, New Palestine Contact: Barb Nichols


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 100

Program activity descriptions

Hand Tossed

Herbal Art Spa

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Office Code: 2050

Office Code: 2051

Take a day during your spring break and enjoy pizza making 101 with Greeks Pizzeria! Tour a real pizza kitchen, learn about the history, and make your very own pizza!

Every girl deserves to be pampered! Make your own spa products using 100 percent natural ingredients and learn about the science behind them. Each session will make a different product you can take home and enjoy, including soap, shampoo, salt/sugar scrub, roll-on perfume, and luxury bath salts.

$6/girl • $2/adult Apr 2 • 10-11:30 a.m. Greeks Pizzeria
 30 N Main St, Zionsville

$10/girl • $1/adult Session A: Feb 11 • 5-7 p.m.

Contact: Kendra Nowell

Session B: Mar 18 • 5-7 p.m. Session C: Apr 15 • 5-7 p.m.

Hello Hibachi

Session D: May 13 • 5-7 p.m.

Grades: All

Session E: Jun 3 • 5-7 p.m.

Office Code: 2051

Herbal Art Studio
 11650 Lantern Rd #205, Fishers

Experience the entertainment of Hibachi chefs and learn about Japanese culture. Discover what games Girl Scouts in Japan play and how they have fun! Fee includes lunch.

Hiker at Eagle Creek

$14/girl • $12/adult

Grades: 2, 3

Mar 22 • 1 p.m.

Office Code: 2056

 7325 E 96th St, Indianapolis

Let an Eagle Creek guide take you on new adventures! Explore the park and learn fun things about hiking and earn the Girl Scout Brownie Hiker badge. Gate fee will be waived for participants. Girl fee includes badge. $5/girl • $1/adult May 8 • 5-6 p.m. Eagle Creek Park
 6515 Delong Rd, Indianapolis Contact: Barb Nichols


Hiking at Flatwoods Park

Holler Hopping Zip Lines

Grades: 4, 5

Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Office Code: 2056

Office Code: 2056

Study park maps, pick a route, grab a snack, and hit the trail! Learn trail signs, what to wear and take on a hike, and enjoy a fun walk in the woods. Work on the the It's Your Planet—Love it! Journey. Please dress for the weather..

Experience a true country adventure as you soar over the ravines and hollers of beautiful Brown County. Hopper Hoppin' is constructed with six separate zip lines totaling more than 1,100 feet for an approximate hour-and-a-half experience. The family friendly zip lines allow you to feel like you are flying as the ground falls away 50 feet below . Land lightly on your feet as the ground rises back up to meet you on the other side. Requirements: Minimum age: 7 years old Minimum weight: 60 lbs Supervision: Girls must be accompanied by participating adult. If you have a large troop, please register for more than one session— maximum 10 people per session.

$3/girl • $1/adult Apr 6 • 1-3 p.m. Flatwoods Park
 9499 Flatwoods Rd, Gosport Contact: Barb Nichols

Hip Hop Dance Moves Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Office Code: 2051

$33/girl • $33/adult

Dance, dance, dance! Learn some of the hottest dance moves from experts at Cole Academy and how to live a fun and healthy lifestyle.

Time: 10:30 a.m. • noon • 2 p.m. • 3:30 p.m. • 5:30 p.m. each day Session A-E: Mar 16

$6/girl • $1/adult Session A: Mar 7 • 4-5 p.m.

Session F-J: Mar 23

Session B: Mar 14 • 4-5 p.m.

Session K-O: Mar 30

Session C: Mar 20 • 4-5 p.m.

Session P-T: Apr 6

Cole Academy Muncie
 400 S Keesling Rd, Muncie

Session U-Y: Apr 13 Session Z-DD: Apr 27 Rawhide Ranch
 1292 S SR 135, Nashville Contact: Barb Nichols


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 100

Program activity descriptions

Home Run!

Horse Care and Ownership

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Grades: All

Office Code: 2050

Office Code: 2056

Celebrate Mother's Day with an afternoon at Victory Field! Speak with women in baseball and meet Rowdie the mascot before the game, run the bases after. Fee includes a Knot Hole Membership Card (lawn or reserved seat admission to all 72 games), T-shirt, and meal voucher (hot dog, chips, water).

There's a lot to do when you own a horse! Take a barn tour, learn about where horses live, and what they eat and drink. This is a non-riding workshop.

$16/girl • $13/adult

Session C: Apr 6 • 2-3:30 p.m.

$15/girl • $5/adult Session A: Feb 16 • 2-3:30 p.m.
 Session B: Mar 23 • 2-3:30 p.m.

May 11 • noon (Game starts at 1:35 p.m.)

Session D: May 4 • 2-3:30 p.m.

Victory Field
 501 W Maryland St, Indianapolis

Session E: June 8 • 2-3:30 p.m.
 Trinity Farm
 10310 S CR 0, Clayton

Contact: Kendra Nowell

Contact: Barb Nichols

Hoosier Outdoor Experience Grades: Family

Horse Love

Office Code: 2056

Grades: All

Enjoy a weekend of hands-on activities provided by the State Parks of Indiana. This activity is open to the public, the fee is for a fun patch. Try rock climbing, mountain biking, kayaking and more—all in one place!

Office Code: 2051

Agape is a Greek word meaning "unconditional love," and the staff at Agape Therapeutic Riding Resources want to share their love for horses with you! Therapeutic riding enhances the cognitive, physical, emotional, and social wellbeing of individuals with disabilities through lessons teaching horseback riding and general horsemanship skills. Learn all about therapeutic riding, as well as have a chance to ride and learn to care for the horses.

$2/girl • $1/adult Session A: Sept 20 • 10-6 p.m.
 Session B: Sept 21 • 10-6 p.m. Fort Harrison State Park
 6002 Post Rd, Indianapolis 
 Contact: Barb Nichols

$12/girl • $12/adult Session A: Mar 29 • 10-11:30 a.m.
(Grades K-5) Session B: May 10 • 10-11:30 a.m. (Grades K-5) Session C: Mar 29 • 12:30-2 p.m.
(Grades 6-12) Session D: May 10 • 12:30-2 p.m. (Grades 6-12) Agape Therapeutic Riding Resources
 24970 Mt Pleasant Rd, Cicero


How Animals Survive

Imagine What I Can Be

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Office Code: 2056

Office Code: 2051

From cool colors to stealth skills, animals have some pretty cool ways of surviving in the wild. Find out some unique animal adaptations and meet live animals.

Let Barbie show you how you can dream to be anything and explore careers in many different fields. Dress up like an astronaut or a chef or a doctor. Use your imagination and dream of all the things you can be!

$5/girl • $1/adult

$4/girl • $1/adult

Apr 8 • 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Mar 11 • 5-6 p.m.

Garfield Park Conservatory and Gardens
 2505 Conservatory Dr, Indianapolis Contact: Barb Nichols

Imagine That!
 1800 S Plate St, Kokomo

I love GLAMping!

Indiana State Fair 2014 Grades: Family

Grades: All

The Indiana State Fair continues to be the one event which brings families together to experience the very best of Indiana. With 17 days of entertainment, exhibits, and delicious (crazy) food, there truly is fun at every turn! A limited number of discounted armbands will be available for purchase. Please read the enewsletter and check Facebook for more information closer to the event.

Office Code: 2051

Who says you can't camp indoors? Pitch a tent and learn the basics about camping without the creepy crawly outdoor friends and a little extra glam—just the way girls like it. $4/girl • $2/adult Jan 11 • 3-5 p.m. Gas City Gymnasium 210 W North A St, Gas City

$TBD/girl • $TBD/adult Aug 1-17 Indiana State Fairgrounds 1202 E 38th St, Indianapolis

Ice Age Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Office Code: 2056

Nothing is constant except for change... And Indiana sure has changed a lot! Take a step back in time to explore Indiana's ice age. During this 90- minute program, you will learn about the types of plants and animals that thrived in the cold environment. Rhinos? Mastodons? Camels? Absolutely! $4/girl • $1/adult Mar 30 • 2-3:30 p.m. Paynetown State Recreation Area (Monroe Lake)
 4850 S SR 446, Bloomington Contact: Barb Nichols


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 100

Program activity descriptions

Indianapolis School of Ballet presents Carnival of the Animals

Innovative Inventors

Grades: All

Office Code: 2053

Office Code: 2050

Watch creativity and science come together as you design a sturdy bridge that can hold up to the weight test! Use your S.T.E.M. skills to work toward your Product Design badge. Admission to the museum is an additional $4/person.

Grades: 4, 5

The animals are having a carnival, and you are invited! Be transported into a world of ballet where kangaroos, fish, birds, and more come alive on stage. Dress as your favorite wild animal and stay after the show for a backstage tour of the theater. Learn about the lights, wings, and everything it takes to make a ballet production happen. Bring your cameras and get your picture taken with the ballerinas and ask them questions!

$4/girl • $2/adult Session A: Mar 21 • 5-6 p.m.
 Session B: Mar 28 • 5-6 p.m.

$16/girl • $20/adult

Terre Haute Children's Museum
 728 Wabash Ave, Terre Haute

May 17 • 3-6p.m.

Contact: Meisha Wide

Scottish Rite Theater
 650 N Meridian St, Indianapolis

ISU Soccer Clinic

Contact: Kendra Nowell

Grades: All Office Code: 2053

Innovation Station

Show off your athleticism in this hands-on soccer clinic hosted by Indiana State University women's soccer team. After you've honed your new skills, enjoy watching the team play!

Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Office Code: 2051

Imagine all the things you could invent with the help of technology! Learn about robots, how they work and how they apply to entertainment technology.

$6/girl • $6/adult Mar 22 • noon-2 p.m. Indiana State University, Terre Haute

$4/girl • $1/adult

Contact: Meisha Wide

Mar 18 • 5-6 p.m. Imagine That!
 1800 S Plate St, Kokomo, IN 46902

It's Your Planet—Love It! Sampler Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Office Code: 2054

Enjoy fun and exploration of the It's Your Planet— Love It! Journey. You will have an opportunity to sample different activities inspired by the Between Earth and Sky, WOW! and Get Moving! Journey books. Grab a friend and show her what Girl Scouting is all about. Girl fee includes a participation patch. $5/girl • $1/adult Sept 27 or Oct 4* • 10 a.m.-noon *Pending Slumber at the Speedway

Camp Ada
 4731 W CR 600 S, Spiceland Contact: Jaime Hubbard


It's Your Planet—Love It! Sampler Volunteer Overnight

IU College Tour

Grades: 6, 7, 8

Office Code: 2053

Office Code: 2054

Spend the day at Indiana University Bloomington learning about the college admissions process, walk around the beautiful campus, check out a dorm room, and more! This informative event is a great opportunity to talk to university experts, ask questions and jumpstart your college searching process.

Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Are you interested in working on your Service to Girl Scouting Bar or your Program Aide pins? If so, here is an opportunity for you! On Friday night, join other Girl Scout Cadettes as you work together to further develop skills that you will need to be successful when you work with younger girls. Saturday morning you will have a chance to put these new skills into action as we host an It's Your Planet—Love It! Sampler event for Girl Scout Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors. We also have planned a few surprises that will help jumpstart your own journey experiences. Girl fee includes a participation patch, light breakfast, and snack. Adult fee includes light breakfast and snacks.

$5/girl • $5/adult Mar 8 • 1-4 p.m. Indiana University, Bloomington
 Contact: Meisha Wide

IU Music Sampler

$7/girl • $4/adult

Grades: All

Sept 26-27* or Oct 3-4 • 7 p.m..-1 p.m.

Office Code: 2053

*Pending Slumber at the Speedway

It’s Your Story—Paint It!

What does it take to be a great musician, singer, or dancer? Tau Beta Sigma will show you! Play a new instrument, learn dance moves, and how to use your diaphragm to sing a song. Explore a variety of music styles, how they are used, and watch a live ensemble performance! Girl fee includes a fun patch.

Grades: 2, 3

$5/girl • $1/adult

Office Code: 2051

Apr 5 • 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

Learn all about painting in a new way, explore how to be inspired and how to paint it; even try painting without brushes! Activities include painting real world scenes, moods, and a mural. Girl fee includes the Painting badge.

Indiana University Bloomington

$5/girl • $5/adult

Grades: All

Camp Ada
 4731 W CR 600 S, Spiceland Contact: Jaime Hubbard

Contact: Meisha Wide

IU Sports Sampler

Apr 5 • 9:30a.m.–noon.

Office Code: 2053

The Anderson Center for the Arts 32 W 10th St Anderson

How do athletes get so good at their sport? Get an exclusive peek into the world of Indiana University’s sports teams. Try serving a volleyball or practice your soccer skills at stations set up by the student athletes. Afterward, watch the IU women’s basketball team play the Minnesota Badgers! Girl fee includes a fun patch. $5/girl • $5/adult Feb 22 • 1-5 p.m. Mellencamp Pavilion
 1001 E 17th St, Bloomington Contact: Meisha Wide


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 100

Program activity descriptions

IUK Science Day

Journey to the Jungle

Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Office Code: 2051

Office Code: 2056

Enjoy a spectacular day filled with science exploration in the science labs at Indiana University, Kokomo. Discover the scientist in you by exploring things from engineering and chemistry to birds and amphibians. Lunch included.

Take a trip to a tropical rainforest and discover all about this unique ecosystem. See where tropical fruits come from, meet a rainforest animal, and learn what you can do to save these areas in the world. Girl fee includes a Rainforest patch.

$10/girl • $5/adult

Session A: Feb 25 • 5:15-6:15 p.m.
(Grades K-3)

$7/girl • $1/adult

Mar 22 • 8 a.m.-2 p.m.

Session B: Feb 25 • 6:30-7:30p.m. (Grades 4-8)

Indiana University Kokomo 2300 Washington St, Kokomo

Garfield Park Conservatory and Gardens
 2505 Conservatory Dr, Indianapolis Contact: Barb Nichols

IUPUI Computer Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Jump 'N Play

Office Code: 2054

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

IUPUI’s Computer and Informational Technology department wants to introduce you to the virtual world! Learn etiquette basics for living in the digital world, along with beginner web design skills. Activities will support either the Netiquette badge for Cadettes or the Website Designer badge for Seniors.

Office Code: 2053

Jump for joy in inflatables and arcade games set up just for you! Caution: Extreme fun may result. $6/girl • $6/adult Mar 8 • 9-11 a.m. JR Funnigans Jump N Play
 8407 E US 36, Avon

$3/girl • $1/adult Feb 8 • 1-4 p.m.

Contact: Meisha Wide

Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
 420 University Blvd., Indianapolis


Contact: Jaime Hubbard

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Jolly Good Day

Office Code: 2053

Celebrate spring by sliding down massive inflatable slides and running through a gigantic obstacle course! Visit Jumpin Joeys 14,000 sq ft of adrenaline-pumping fun.

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3 Office Code: 2051

Have a jolly good day with the wonderful stories of world traveler, Colonel Archibald Pepperwhistle. Learn about his international travel and have fun dressing like the colonel! Dinner included. This activity helps Girl Scout Brownies work toward the Great Day badge.

$6/girl • $1/adult Apr 13 • 2-4 p.m. Jump-n-Joey's
 108 North Curry Pike, Bloomington

$5/girl • $5/adult

Contact: Meisha Wide

Apr 16 • 6-7:30 p.m. Pepperwhistle Bakery & Café
 106 N Main St, Kokomo


Sign up for any activity as a troop or do one on your own! Junior CSI

Junior Jamboree 2014 Judges

Grades: 4, 5

Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Office Code: 2054

Office Code: 2056

Earn your Detective badge in the lab with the Forensic Science Club at IUPUI! Use observation to visualize characteristics of a room, learn how to use coding to communicate secretly, examine fingerprints, and microscopes to compare trace evidence such as fibers and soils. Put all your newly developed skills to solve a crime by looking for clues in a mock crime scene. Girl fee includes lunch and a patch. Adult fee includes lunch.

If you loved Junior Jam as a Girl Scout Junior, you'll love coming back to help be a judge! Sleep in the basement of the Lodge, in the valley, or come for the day. All your meals are included, along with a cool T-shirt. Any Girl Scout who has completed Program Aid Learning may participate. If you have not completed it, you can still do so online. Look for the Program Aide Learning description in this guide for more information. Come and share in the fun!

$15/girl • $12/adult

$6/girl • $6/adult

Mar 1 • 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

May 2-4 • 4 p.m.-noon

Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
 420 University Blvd., Indianapolis

Camp Gallahue
 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown

Contact: Jaime Hubbard

Contact: Barb Nichols

Junior Jam 2014

Junior Jamboree Leader Webinar

Grades: 4, 5

Grades: Adult

Office Code: 2056

Jamming in the USA is the theme for the 2014 Junior Jam! Take a road trip across America while you compete in the time-honored favorite camping and games competition for all Girl Scout Juniors in the council. Come for the weekend or the day. Troops will be responsible for their own food, camping equipment, and campsite set-up in the valley or in platform tent units. Platform tents are available on a first come, first served basis. Junior Jam webinars are available for new troop leaders.

Office Code: 2056

$10/girl • $10/adult


May 2-4 • 4 p.m.-noon

Contact: Barb Nichols

What is Junior Jam, and why should you take your troop? This webinar will answer all of your questions about the event and help you prepare to enjoy this exhilarating weekend. girls free • adults free Session A: Feb 10 • 6-7 p.m.
 Session B: Mar 13 • 6-7 p.m.
 Session C: Apr 1 • 5:30-6:30 p.m.

Camp Gallahue
 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown Contact: Barb Nichols


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 100

Program activity descriptions

Lemonade Day: May 17 What is Lemonade Day?

Lemonade Day, held each year in cities across America is a fun, entrepreneurial and a experimental learning program that teaches children not only how to start their own business by operating a lemonade stand, but fundamental lessons about life and success for themselves. It is a financial literacy & entrepreneurship project, and it’s also fun.

How do Girl Scouts sign up?

Register online at girlscoutsindiana.org, or complete the registration form and return it to your local Girl Scout service center. When you register online you will receive a confirmation form to pick up your backpack. For additional information contact Carolyn Payton at cpayton@girlscoutsindiana.org or 317.924.6803 or Meisha Wide at mwide@girlscoutsindiana.org or 317.924.6858. Visit lemonadeday.org to learn more!

Just You and Me

Kitchen Chemistry

Grades: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5

Office Code: 2056

Office Code: 3125

Bring your favorite female adult with you to camp for the weekend! Spend time together swimming, cooking out, making crafts, and enjoying all camp has to offer. Stay in platform tents or in one of Camp Gallahue' s beautiful units.

Acids, bases, and density—oh my! Experiment with polymers, reactions, and acids and bases all while using supplies you can find in your kitchen. Explore the possibilities of chemistry. Girl fee includes the Kitchen Chemistry patch. This program helps Girl Scout Brownies work toward the Home Scientist badge.

$35/girl • $35/adult Jun 20-21 • 6-5 p.m.

$5/girl • $1/adult

Camp Gallahue
 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown

Session A: Apr 16 • 5-6:30 p.m.
 Session B: Apr 17 • 6-7:30 p.m.

Contact: Barb Nichols

Session C: Apr 22 • 5-6:30 p.m.
 Session D: Apr 23 • 5:30-7 p.m.
 Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis Contact: Katie Wahlstrom


Lady Justice

Lil' Rascals

Grades: 4, 5

Grades: All

Office Code: 2050

Office Code: 2053

Does the legal field interest you? Come out for this exclusive program presented by the Indiana State Bar Association Women in the Law Division! You will have a great time while taking an in-depth look into the world of law. Workshops will cover topics including laws and procedures, ethics, and career choices within the legal field. The program will conclude with an interactive mock trial. You will earn a special patch. Fee includes lunch. As a bonus, you have a chance to win a $100 book award from Books-A-Million and an engraved gavel by submitting a one-page letter explaining your interest in the legal field. All submissions will be judged by a panel of school teachers, and the winner will be announced at the end of the program! Participation in the book award is not mandatory for this program. All submitted papers must be post marked by April 30.

Visit Rascal's Fun Zone for unlimited attractions, including two hours of indoor and outdoor gocarts, mini golf, blaster boats, a game of minibowling and four tokens to use at the arcade. Adults wishing to participate must pay the girl fee. Fun patch included.

$10/girl • $7/adult

Create a clay project as potter Jeremy South takes you step-by-step through building a log cabin by hand and a mug on the pottery wheel. Learn a little about log cabins and how they were constructed. Warm up with hot chocolate! Pick up your completed art pieces in 3-4 weeks.

$14/girl • adults free Apr 26 • 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Rascal's Fun Zone
 629 N US 31, Whiteland Contact: Meisha Wide

Log Cabin and Mug in Clay Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Office Code: 2051/2056

May 17 • 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Indiana University School of Law
 530 W New York St, Indianapolis Contact: Kendra Nowell

$22/girl • $1/adult

Life at the Beach: Girl Scouts Weekend at Indiana Beach

Session A: Feb 19 • 6-7:30 p.m. Billericay Park
 12690 Promise Rd, Fishers

Grades: Family

Contact: Barb Nichols

Office Code: 2051

Session B: Feb 19 • 5:30-7 p.m. (Grades K-5)

There's more than corn in Indiana! Roller coasters, water slides, and lakeside summer fun is waiting for you and your family.

Session C: Feb 19 • 7-8:30 p.m. (Grades 6-12) Monon Community Center
 1195 Central Park Dr W, Carmel

$15/girl • $15/adult • 1-day ride/water pass
 $25/girl • $25/adult • 2-day ride/water pass Jun 14-15 Indiana Beach
 5224 E Indiana Beach Rd, Monticello


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 100

Program activity descriptions

Loom Birthday Party

Maple Syruping

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Grades: All

Office Code: 2050

Office Code: 2056

Make your very own loom bracelet and charms while celebrating Girl Scouts' 102nd birthday! Hosted by Claire's Boutique, participate in handson activities and enjoy a sweet treat. Receive a $5 Claire's gift card and 20% off your purchase.

Witness the history of syrup making, try hands-on syrup activities, and taste the results! Dress for the weather. $4/girl • $1/adult Session A: Mar 9 • 12:30-2 p.m.

$10/girl • $1/adult

Session B: Mar 9 • 3-4:30 p.m.

Mar 9 • 6-8 p.m.

Southeastway Park 5624 S Carroll Rd, New Palestine

Claire's Boutique, Castelton Square Mall
 6020 E. 82nd St, Indianapolis Contact: Kendra Nowell

Contact: Barb Nichols

Make Your Own Compass

Masquerade Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Office Code: 2050

Office Code: 2056

Session A: Mar 4 • 5:15-6:15 p.m. (Grades 4-8)

The tradition of Mardi Gras dates back to ancient Roman Carnivals and has since become a celebration throughout the world. Experience some of the best Mardi Gras traditions, including mask making, King Cake, and parties; celebrate with a carnival and Mardi Gras trivia; catch some doubloons or beaded necklaces!

Session B: Mar 4 • 6:30-7:30 p.m. 
(Grades 2-3)

$16/girl • $1/adult

Garfield Park Conservatory and Gardens
 2505 Conservatory Dr, Indianapolis

Session A: Mar 1 • 10 a.m.-noon

Contact: Barb Nichols

Session C: Mar 2 • 3-5 p.m.

Making Maple Syrup

The Art Lab
 2070 E 54th St, Indianapolis

Grades: 2, 3

Contact: Kendra Nowell

Find out how magnets and compasses work and make your own compass to take home and use. Girl Scout Brownies, use this activity to earn your Letterboxer badge. $6/girl • $1/adult

Session B: Mar 2 • 12:30-2:30 p.m.

Office Code: 2052

Travel back in time to discover how maple syrup was made by Native Americans and early settlers. Next, make your way to the sap house (constructed of reclaimed materials) for a lesson in maple syrup production in today’s world! Enjoy a pancake lunch and taste local maple syrup. Girl fee includes a maple syrup fun patch. $9/girl • $5/adult Mar 1 • 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Cope Environmental Center
 4910 Shoemaker Rd, Centerville Contact: Alicia Martin


Me & My Gal Self Defense

Metallic Owls

Grades: All

Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5

Office Code: 2053

Office Code: 2051

Martial arts is more than kicking and punching! Develop leadership skills and a success-oriented mindset while enjoying time with your family. Work on self-defense skills and learn how to deal with bullies and peer pressure.

Design a glittering work of art on aluminum sheet metal! Carve into the metal to create textures and be creative with color and permanent markers. $11/girl • $1/adult Session A: Apr 3 • 4:45-6 p.m.

$10/girl • $10/adult

Session B: Apr 5 • 12:30-1:45 p.m.

Session A: Apr 25 • 6:30-8 p.m.

Session C: Apr 5 • 2-3:15 p.m.

Session B: Apr 26 • 2-3:30 p.m.

Session D: Apr 10 • 4:45-6 p.m.

Level 10
 5135 S Emerson Ave, Indianapolis Contact: Meisha Wide

Ten West Center for the Arts 10 W Church St, Fortville

Me and My Guy

Micro-gardening in Spring Grades: All

Grades: All

Office Code: 2051

Office Code: 2056

Learn how to start your own snazzy spring flower and veggie gardens with master gardener Bruce Ruch!

Enjoy this special weekend with your favorite adult male. Stay in one of our platform tents or bring your own tent and stay in the valley. Lunch will be provided. This is a perfect way to spend some quality time together.

$3/girl • $1/adult Session A: May 6 • 5:30-6:30 p.m.

$12/girl • $5/adult

Session B: May 20 • 5:30-6:30 p.m. (Veggies)

Sept 6-7 • 10 a.m.-noon

Marion Girl Scouts Cabin 222 W Spencer Ave, Marion

Camp Gallahue
 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown Contact: Barb Nichols

Miss & Me Sleepover Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Messy Science

Office Code: 2051

Grades: 2, 3

Bring your favorite adult female and spend the night singing songs, playing games, and making spring-themed gifts to share with a special lady in your life!

Office Code: 2053

Grab your lab coat and goggles and get ready to do some messy science! Learn about mixing, measuring, electricity, and explosions. Earn your Home Scientist badge. Admission to museum after program event is an additional $4/person.

$12/girl • $12/adult May 16-17 • 5 p.m.-10 a.m.
 Camp Sycamore Valley
 8439 SR 26 E, Lafayette

$4/girl • $2/adult Session A: Mar 7 • 5-6 p.m.
 Session B: Mar 14 • 5-6 p.m. Terre Haute Children's Museum
 727 Wabash Ave, Terre Haute Contact: Meisha Wide


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 100

Program activity descriptions

Mona Lisa

Monon Center: Bugs, Bugs, Bugs

Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3

Office Code: 2050

Office Code: 2051

March is Youth Art Month—visit the Sullivan Munce Cultural Center for a tour, take an in-depth look at Leonardo da Vinci, and create your own Mona Lisa masterpiece!

Have you ever seen bugs in action? Grab a butterfly net and head out on the trail to catch spring insects. Search for insect homes, look under logs, and build a bug. Please dress for the weather and wear good walking shoes.

$10/girl • $1/adult

$7/girl • $1/adult

Mar 15 • 1-3 p.m.

Apr 26 • 1-2:30 p.m.

Sullivan Munce Cultural Center
 225 W Hawthorne St, Zionsville Contact: Kendra Nowell

Monon Community Center
 1195 Central Park Dr W, Carmel

Monon Center: Animal Habitats

Monon Center: Camper Grades: 4, 5

Grades: 4, 5

Office Code: 2051

Office Code: 2051

Learn basic camping skills in Central Park East! Practice setting up a tent, making a treat over the fire, and learning about creatures that visit your campsite. Please dress for the weather.

Learn about Indiana's wildlife habitats in the middle of a city—there's more than you think! Take a winter walk outside to investigate places creatures live. Please dress for the weather.

$7/girl • $1/adult

$7/girl • $1/adult

Mar 29 • 1-3 p.m.

Feb 22 • 10-11 a.m. Monon Community Center
 1195 Central Park Dr W, Carmel

Monon Community Center
 1195 Central Park Dr W, Carmel

Monon Center: Animal Helpers

Monon Center: Hiker Grades: K, 1, 2, 3

Grades: 6, 7, 8

Office Code: 2051

Office Code: 2051

Learn how to plan a hike, basic hiking skills, and practice your new knowledge out on the trails of Central Park East. It will be a great outdoor adventure! Please dress for the weather and wear good shoes for walking.

Animals are our helpers and have been providing people with food, clothing, and transportation for ages. Explore how animals keep us safe, provide companionship, and help people with disabilities. $7/girl • $1/adult

$7/girl • $1/adult

Feb 8 • 1-2:30 p.m.

Mar 29 • 10-11:30 a.m.

Monon Community Center
 1195 Central Park Dr W, Carmel

Monon Community Center
 1195 Central Park Dr W, Carmel


Monon Center: Home Scientist

Monon Center: Trail Blazer

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3

Grades: 6, 7, 8

Office Code: 2051

Office Code: 2051

Be a chemist, create static electricity, or cause something to bubble up—all while playing in the kitchen! This badge will help you discover science all around you. Bring along your imagination and discovery skills.

Have you ever thought about blazing a trail in the woods? Start out by learning how to use a compass and then head outside to practice navigating a small course on the trails of Central Park East. Please dress for the weather.

$7/girl • $1/adult

$7/girl • $1/adult

Apr 12 • 10-11:30 a.m.

Mar 29 • 4-5:30 p.m.

Monon Community Center
 1195 Central Park Dr W, Carmel

Monon Community Center
 1195 Central Park Dr W, Carmel

Monon Center: Pets

Monon Center: Tricky Trees

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3

Grades: 6, 7, 8

Office Code: 2051

Office Code: 2051

Pets: Some are cute and cuddly, others can be slippery and slimy. Do you have a favorite animal? When you finish this badge you will know how to pick out the best pet for you and how to care for them.

Can you tell how old a tree is without cutting it down? Hike along the trails at Central Park East and learn about maple syrup, leaves, and everything Indiana trees. Please dress for the weather and bring along a tote bag for tree samples.

$7/girl • $1/adult

$7/girl • $1/adult

Feb 8 • 10-11 a.m.

Apr 12 • 1-2:30 p.m.

Monon Community Center
 1195 Central Park Dr W, Carmel

Monon Community Center
 1195 Central Park Dr W, Carmel

Monon Center: Spring Wildflowers

Monon Center: Water, Water, Everywhere

Grades: 4, 5 Office Code: 2051

Grades: 4, 5

Each spring, before the leaves get big and shade the ground, spring flowers pop up. Search for Spring Beauties, Trout Lilies, and Marsh Marigolds. Please dress for the weather and wear good walking shoes. See you on the trail!

Office Code: 2051

Water: It’s wet, a home for animals, we can’t live without it, and it’s everywhere. Visit natural bodies of water at Central Park East and explore the world of water. Please dress for the weather and wear waterproof shoes.

$7/girl • $1/adult Apr 26 • 10-11:15 a.m.

$7/girl • $1/adult

Monon Community Center
 1195 Central Park Dr W, Carmel

Apr 26 • 3:30-5 p.m. Monon Community Center
 1195 Central Park Dr W, Carmel


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 100

Program activity descriptions

Mothers' Day Lunch

Musical Petting Zoo

Grades: All

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Office Code: 2050

Office Code: 2053

Enjoy a rockin' Mother's Day lunch at the Hard Rock Café! Activities include a photo booth, picture frame decorating, massages from Aveda, and a yummy lunch.

What do a violin, viola, cello, and bass all have in common? They're all in the string family! Discover how each one sounds when you test it out. You will also create your very own musical instrument. Girl Scout Juniors, earn part of your Musician badge.

$33/girl • $1/adult May 11 • noon-2p.m.

$4/girl • $2/adult

Hard Rock Cafe 49 S Meridian St, Indianapolis

Session A: Feb 25 • 5:30-6:15 p.m.
(Grades K-3) Session B: May 6 • 5:30-6:15 p.m.
(Grades K-3)

Contact: Kendra Nowell

Session C: Mar 4 • 5:30-6:15 p.m.
(Grades 4-5)

Music at the Woods

Session D: Apr 29 • 5:30-6:15 p.m. (Grades 4-5)

Grades: All

Columbus Indiana Philharmonic
 315 Franklin St, Columbus

Office Code: 2053

Enjoy a fun-filled day of music exploration and discovery at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. Learn about careers in music while you try new instruments and write your own song! The day will end with a performance to share your new skills. Girl Scout Juniors, earn your Musician badge.

Contact: Meisha Wide

$3/girl • $1/adult

Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

It is the night before the Miss Teen U.S.A. pageant, and Miss Kansas has been found... dead. Join us for a night of mystery, fun, and figuring out whodunit! You will become a Miss Teen character as you unravel clues throughout the evening to help solve the mystery. After signing up, you will be sent more information with a description of the character you will be playing. Clues will be given, and your job is to solve the mystery! Fee includes dinner and light breakfast.

Office Code: 2050

$15/girl • $15/adult

Visit Butler University and participate in our first Scouting for Music Day! The sisters of Tau Beta Sigma and other students from Jordan College of the Arts will be hosting a day of fun that gives you the chance to experience music on a college campus. Learn about different instruments and composers, see a live concert, and create your own musical performance. Bring a sack lunch to eat while you take a guided tour of campus.

Apr 4-5 • 6 p.m.-9 a.m.

Mystery Overnight Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Office Code: 3125

Feb 8 • 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College
 1 St Mary of Woods College, St Mary-of-the-Woods Contact: Meisha Wide

Music Day at Butler University

Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis Contact: Katie Wahlstrom

$5/girl • $1/adult Apr 12 • 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Butler University
 4600 Sunset Blvd, Indianapolis Contact: Kendra Nowell


NanoDays Discovery

Night with the Stars

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Office Code: 2054

Office Code: 3125

Explore a tiny part of science with the students, faculty, and staff of the Brick Nanotechnology Center as they lead you in an exploration of a miniscule world, where materials have special properties and new technologies have a spectacular promise! Girl fee includes a special event patch.

Stay up late and explore the starry skies with state-of-the-art telescopes! You will also be working with computers and doing fun astronomy activities. Fee includes the activity, Astronomy patch, and a light breakfast. Please bring a snack to share.

$3/girl • $1/adult

Mar 28-29 • 7 p.m.-9 a.m.

$8/girl • $2/adult

Apr 9 • 6-8 p.m.

Math and Science Center
 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis

Brick Nanotechnology Center
 1205 W State St, West Lafayette

Contact: Katie Wahlstrom

Contact: Jaime Hubbard

Now We're Cooking

National Girls and Women in Sports Day

Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Office Code: 2052

Grades: All

Come to learn outdoor cooking, leave with a full belly! Session A is for Girl Scout Juniors. You will use three kinds of outdoor cooking: pie irons, Dutch ovens, and foil cooking to make your lunch. On the menu is pudgy pie pizza, vegetable foil packs, and dump cake. Session B is for Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors. You will cook your dinner over a fire, a camp stove, and Dutch ovens. The cost includes all food, table service, and a fun patch. Please bring your own drinks.

Office Code: 2051

Purdue University Athletics hosts its National Girls and Women in Sports Day. Meet athletes from several women's sports; participate in a pre-game carnival and interactive sports clinics; and attend a Lady Boilermaker basketball game! $6/girl • $6/adult Feb 16 • TBA Purdue University, West Lafayette

$10/girl • $10/adult

Native American Gardening at the Village

Session A: Apr 26 • 10 a.m.-1 p.m. 
(Grades 4-5)

Grades: All

Camp Ada
 4731 W CR 600 S, Spiceland

Session B: Apr 26 • 2-6 p.m. (Grades 6-12)

Office Code: 2056

Contact: Alicia Martin

Warm weather means it's time for planting! Learn about the heritage variety of plants used by historic Native Peoples and the tools used to keep a garden tidy. Build a fence and plant some plants. $2/girl • $1/adult May 18 • 2-3:30 p.m. Prophetstown State Park 4112 SR 225 E, West Lafayette Contact: Barb Nichols


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 100

Program activity descriptions

Grades: Family

Philharmonic Youth Orchestra Invitational

Office Code: 2051

Grades: All

Dress in your best blue and gold matching attire and cheer on the Pacers next to your guy! Decorate posters before the game for your favorite player. Prizes will be awarded to the best Pacer pride drssed guy/daughter pair. Fee includes hot dog, chips, small soda, and souvenir.

Office Code: 2053

Upper balcony: $13.60/girl • $13.60/adult Lower balcony: $21.30/girl • $21.30/adult

$2/girl • adults free

Pacer Pride and My Guy by My Side

Enjoy the entertainment of a local string concert performed by more than 100 middle school musicians! For the first time ever, four local orchestras will come together to bring the night alive with beautiful music. Mar 11 • 7-8pm

Apr 6 • 6 p.m.

Columbus East High School
 230 S Marr Rd, Columbus

Bankers Life Fieldhouse 125 S Pennsylvania St, Indianapolis

Contact: Meisha Wide

Contact: Kendra Nowell

Pig Farm at Fair Oaks

PBS Kids

Grades: Family

Grades: 4, 5

Office Code: 2054

Office Code: 2053

Experience a brand new pig farm, explore the education center, tour the dairy, and more! You'll receive a special passport to participate in the Strong Bones, Strong Girls program. Show your completed passport to redeem a special participation patch and free kiddie cone.

Explore the art of entertainment technology at Wonderlab! Use a teleprompter to create a script, use items found around the house to create animation, and see exactly what it takes to create the entertainment we have today. Special Guests: PBS Kids!

$5/girl • $5/adult

$11/girl • $5/adult

Mar 15 • noon-4 p.m.

Session A: Mar 9 • 1:30-2:30 p.m.

Fair Oaks Farms
 856 N Oaks Farms, Fair Oaks

Session B: Mar 9 • 3-4 p.m.
 304 4th St, Bloomington Contact: Meisha Wide


Pippi Longstocking— Child Superhero

Pirate Fun

Grades: All

Office Code: 2050

Office Code: 2053

Aye, mates! Visit Beef and Boards for a special showing of Pirates Live. Before the show, participate in a hands-on activity and enjoy a live meet and greet from the cast after the show.

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Pippi does all sorts of things children wish they could do—she also stands up to bullies! For a fabulous romp through the increasingly ridiculous, join Pippi and her friends at Cardinal Stage Company's live production of Pippi Longstocking. After the show, stay for a talk-back with the cast and director. You'll be able to meet Pippi, take pictures, and ask questions about the production.

$14/girl • $14/adult Apr 15 • 10 a.m.-noon Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre
 9301 N Michigan Rd, Indianapolis Contact: Kendra Nowell

$9/girl • $16/adult Mar 2 • 4-6 p.m.

Princess Night with My Guy at Chick-fil-A

Ivy Tech John Waldron Auditorium
 122 S Walnut St, Bloomington Contact: Meisha Wide

Grades: All Office Code: 2051

Predators in Peril— Cincinnati Zoo Overnight

A magical evening awaits you and your guy. Join your Girl Scout sisters and their dates for dinner and enchantment. Meal is not included.

Grades: 2, 3

$2/girl • $1/adult

Office Code: 2052

Session A: Jun 14 • 5 p.m.

Predators are important to a healthy ecosystem. Explore the zoo at night and go behind-thescenes at the zoo's kitchen where food for thousands of animals is prepared each day! Fee includes a special patch, breakfast, and admission on Sunday so you can explore the rest of the day. Please note: Registration closes one month prior to the event so arrangements can be secured.

Session B: Jun 14 • 6 p.m.
 Session C: Jun 14 • 7 p.m. Chick-fil-A
 3836 South St, Lafayette

$37/girl • $37/adult Jun 28-29 • 6:30 p.m-9 a.m. Cincinnati Zoo
 3400 Viine St, Cincinnati, OH Contact: Alicia Martin


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 100

Program activity descriptions

Sign up for any activity as a troop or do one on your own! Program Aide Online Learning

Puppets On the Pad

Grades: 6, 7, 8

Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Office Code: 2056

Office Code: 2050

Program Aide learning continues on from the LIA award in teaching Girl Scout Cadettes to assist younger girls with their Take Action projects. This also makes your troop eligible for several council opportunities such as being a Junior Jam judge, or helping at Brownie Spring overnight. You must be a Cadette in grades 6-8. Please register so we know what troops/ individuals are taking the learning session. The learning session is done on your own time. You will need to use some of the new journey books; check with your service unit if you need to borrow them from other leaders. The learning session can be split up. Completing the learning session earns you the Program Aide pin. Girls who complete 25 hours of leadership after the learning session will also earn the Program Aide patch.

The Art Lab and Adzooks Puppets bring you Puppets on the Pad. This half-day workshop will combine hands-on puppet making with high tech apps that turn your puppet creations into web superstars! Enjoy a performance from Adzooks Puppets and create your own puppet and puppet personality with help from the puppeteers and artists from The Art Lab. That’s not all! Create stages and short videos captured on the iPad. Links to the video will be archived on The Art Lab website for you to share with friends and family. Fee includes Art Lab fun patch. $24/girl • $1/adult Session A: Feb 23 • 1-5 p.m.
 Session B: May 4 • 1-5p.m. The Art Lab
 2070 E 54th St, Indianapolis

Free Session A: Feb 1

Contact: Kendra Nowell

Session B: Mar 1
 Session C: Apr 1

Purdue Convocations

Session D: May 1

Grades: Family

Session E: Jun 1

Office Code: 2051

Session F: July 1

Enjoy a family performance of Charlotte's Web put on by college students.

Session G: Aug 1

$8/girl • $8/adult


Feb 16 • 3 p.m.

Contact: Barb Nichols

Purdue University,
West Lafayette


Purdue SpringFest

Raising Bison

Grades: Family

Grades: Family

Office Code: 2054

Office Code: 2052

Spring Fest is an annual event showcasing the lighter side of higher education. Learn about animals, art, astronomy, and more in two full days of hands-on activities. It's part education, part entertainment, and all fun! Fee includes patch only; it does not include parking or any cost incurred while attending the festival. Please note: Adults and siblings only need to register for the program if they would like to also receive the patch, otherwise admission to the festival is free.

Visit a working bison farm and learn how it works, what parts of the bison can be brought to market, what products are made using bison, and how important they were to the Native Americans. Try something new—taste food made with bison meat! Meat will also be available to purchase and take home. Girl fee includes fun patch.

$3/girl • $3/adult

Circle L Bison Farm
 5337 S 700 E, Waldron

$4/girl • $2/adult May 17 • 3-4:30 p.m.

Session A: Apr 12 • 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

Contact: Alicia Martin

Session B: Apr 13 • 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
 Purdue University, West Lafayette

Roll and Zap at Skate America

Contact: Jaime Hubbard

Grades: Family Office Code: 2051

Putting It Together— Woodworking Workshop

Grab your roller skates and get ready to have some fun. Enjoy an afternoon of skating, laser tag, and music! You will receive unlimited pizza and soda with your admission. Bring a non-Girl Scout friend to be entered in a drawing for more prizes.

Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Office Code: 2052

Make three cool projects: nail art, bird house, and wooden letter wall art! Girl Scout Cadettes, earn your Woodworking badge. Girl fee includes all supplies, a drink, and badge. Please bring a lunch. Adult fee includes a drink.

$10/girl • $10/adult Mar 9 • 1:30-4 p.m. Skate America
 135 South Earl Ave, Lafayette

$15/girl • $1/adult Jul 26 • 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

Rosie's Herbal Story

Camp Ada
 4731 W CR 600 S, Spiceland

Grades: K, 1 Office Code: 2053

Contact: Alicia Martin

Did you know that Rosie the Rose is also an herb? Join members of the Wabash Valley Herb Society and learn about recycling and compost. Plant herb seeds in recycled containers and make small compost bins to take home! Everyone will enjoy an herbal snack. Fee includes snack, materials, and herb patch. $5/girl • $3/adult 
Apr 15 • 5-7 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Terre Haute 1000 Girl Scout Ln, Terre Haute Contact: Meisha Wide


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 100

Program activity descriptions

Royal Etiquette Tea Party

Savor The Flavor

Grades: All

Grades: All

Office Code: 2051

Office Code: 2051

Hear ye, hear ye. Come one, come all! Join the lovely ladies of Girl Scouts for a tea party as we learn manners and etiquette.

Sample some of the season's most delicious fresh fruits ripe for the picking. Learn food preservation basics to can and make jam. Taste and compare different fruit jams to find out which is your favorite!

$10/girl • $10/adult Feb 8 • 1-2:30 p.m.

$11/girl • $1/adult

Crystal Tea Room
 502 W Jefferson St, Kokomo

Session A: Apr 26 • 10-11 a.m. (Grades K-5) Session B: Apr 26 • noon-2 p.m. (Grades 6-12)

Safe Sitter

Minnetrista 1200 N Minnetrista Pkwy, Muncie

Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Office Code: 2052/2053

Science of Seasons

Babysitting is an important business. If you're between the ages of 11-14, earn your official Safe Sitter certification! You will gain confidence as you learn to deal with problem behavior; take care of injuries; recognize how a child's age affects behavior; keep yourself safe; and run your babysitting business. Please bring a sack lunch. Fee includes Safe Sitter certification. Adults are not needed to stay for class.

Grades: 4, 5 Office Code: 2051

Journey over to the outdoor learning center to discover the how, what, where, and why of all the seasons! $6/girl • $1/adult May 24 • 11 a.m.-noon

$48/girl • adults free

Muncie Children's Museum 515 S High St, Muncie

Session A: Feb 22 • 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
 Session B: Mar 15 • 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
 Session C: Mar 29 • 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Science of Sound

Session D: May 17 • 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Session E: Jun 28 • 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Office Code: 2050

Visit the Rhythm! Discovery Center and learn how science and percussion relate by participating in several hands-on activities.

Ransburg YMCA
 501 N Shortridge, Indianapolis
 Contact: Alicia Martin

$15/girl • $10/adult

$40/girl • adults free

Apr 5 • 10-11:30a.m.

Session F: Apr 26 • 8 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

Rhythm! Discovery Center
 110 W Washington St, Suite A, Indianapolis

Hendricks Regional Health
 1000 E Main St, Danville

Contact: Kendra Nowell

Contact: Meisha Wide


Scout Day at the Ford Indianapolis Boat, Sport and Travel Show

Sherlock Scouts

Grades: Family

Office Code: 2053

Office Code: 2056

Based on a real case, Wonderlab is once again missing Olive, the stuffed otter from the Discovery Garden. Use your skills of science and the powers of deduction like Sherlock Holmes to find her! Learn about fingerprints, invisible inks, and using a microscope while earning your Detective badge.

Grades: 4, 5

Learn all of the essentials you need for backyard journeys and adventures in the woods! Explore canoeing, kayaking, casting a fishing pole, climbing a rock wall, snorkeling, and the essentials of catch and release in a trout pond. Fee includes activities, a patch, and general admission to the event. Children 5 and under are not eligible but admission is free.

$11/girl • $5/adult Session A: Apr 13 • 1:30-2:30 p.m.

$8 girl • $10 adult

Session B: Apr 13 • 3-4 p.m.

Feb 17 • 11 a.m.-8 p.m.

 304 4th St, Bloomington

Indiana State Fairgrounds 1202 E 38th St, Indianapolis

Contact: Meisha Wide

Contact: Barb Nichols

Silly Safaris Pets for Brownies Grades: 2, 3

Senses Badge at Garfield Conservatory and Gardens

Office Code: 3125

Do you love animals? Learn all about different kinds with a Silly Safaris funologist! This will be a very high-energy show, come ready to have fun and interact with animals. You will also be earning your Pets badge.

Grades: 2, 3 Office Code: 2056

Engage your senses to explore the world around you. See how in tune your senses are while earning your Senses badge.

$7/girl • $1/adult

$6/girl • $1/adult

Mar 15 • noon-1 p.m.

Mar 25 • 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis

Garfield Park Conservatory and Gardens
 2505 Conservatory Dr, Indianapolis

Contact: Katie Wahlstrom

Contact: Barb Nichols

Silly Safaris Program for Daisies

Senses Badge at Karst Farm Park

Grades: K, 1

Grades: 2, 3

Office Code: 3125

Office Code: 2056

Do you love animals? Learn all about different kinds with a Silly Safaris funologist! This will be a very high-energy show, come ready to have fun and interact with animals. You will also be earning the Math and Science Center patch.

Explore all of your senses and earn the Senses badge! Go on a scavenger hunt and play games. Part of the program will be outdoors, please dress for the weather. Badge not included.

$7/girl • $1/adult

$3/girl • $1/adult

Mar 15 • 10:30-11:30 a.m.

Feb 16 • 1-3 p.m.

Math and Science Center
 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis

Karst Farm Park
 2450 Endwright Rd, Bloomington

Contact: Katie Wahlstrom

Contact: Barb Nichols


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 100

Program activity descriptions

Sleep With the Manatees— Cincinnati Zoo Overnight

Spectacular Science

Grades: 5, 6, 7, 8

Office Code: 2053

Office Code: 2052

Science is all around, from the soda you drink to creating rockets. Make your own ice cream and silly putty, create explosions, and use the power of static electricity! Learn all about the various uses of chemistry while earning your Home Scientist badge. Fee includes museum admission.

Grades: 2, 3

Take a behind-the-scenes tour of the manatee tank, visit the bird house, and world of insects! Learn about biodiversity, eco-regions, the Florida manatee, and human impact. Fee includes a special manatee patch, breakfast, and admission on Sunday so you can explore the rest of the day. Please note: Registration closes one month prior to the event so arrangements can be secured. Men cannot spend the night due to sleeping arrangements.

$11/girl • $5/adult Session A: May 11 • 1:30-2:30 p.m.
 Session B: May 11 • 3-4 p.m.

$37/girl • $37/adult

 304 4th St, Bloomington

Jun 28-29 • 6:30 p.m-9 a.m.

Contact: Meisha Wide

Cincinnati Zoo
 3400 Vine St, Cincinnati, OH

Spring Concert in Columbus

Contact: Alicia Martin

Grades: All Office Code: 2053

Society of Women Engineers Girl Scout Day at Purdue

Let the Columbus Philharmonic Youth Orchestra with more than 50 young musicians dazzle you! Participate in a short Q&A after the show. Fee includes a fun patch.

Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5 Office Code: 2054

Visit Purdue for a day of hands-on, educational engineering activities! Work with student and professional engineers in four activities which demonstrate several areas of engineering. You will also receive your Society of Women Engineers Girl Scout Event patch. Fee includes lunch and snacks.

$2/girl • adults free

$10/girl • $4/adult

Spring Fling

Apr 13 • 4-5 p.m. North Christian Church
 850 Tipton Ln, Columbus Contact: Meisha Wide

Feb 1 • 9:45 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

Grades: All

Purdue University,
West Lafayette

Office Code: 2050

Contact: Jaime Hubbard

Come out for fun, crafts, breakfast and the best egg hunt ever! Fee includes breakfast, craft, egg hunt, and fun patch. $7/girl • $4/adult Apr 19 • 9 a.m.-noon Camp Dellwood
 2301 N Girl School Rd, Indianapolis Contact: Kendra Nowell


Spring In the Country

Starry Night Sky

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3

Grades: All

Office Code: 2052

Office Code: 2051

Welcome spring with a fun time in the country! Enjoy crafts, activities, and a special hunt. Bring a picnic lunch and an item to donate to the canned food drive. Both girls and adults will be able to participate. Girl fee includes a patch.

Gaze at the twinkling night sky at the Indiana University Kokomo observatory. Discover what you can see with the help of a giant telescope, and learn about the constellations in the early spring!

$5/girl • $5/adult

Mar 9 • 7 p.m.

$2/girl • $1/adult

Apr 12 • 10 a.m.-1 p.m.

IUK Observatory
 502 W Jefferson St, Kokomo

Camp Ada
 4731 W CR 600 S, Spiceland Contact: Alicia Martin


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 100

Program activity descriptions

Step into the Saddle

Striving for Silver Classroom

Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Grades: 6, 7, 8

Office Code: 2056

Office Code: 2054

You've learned about horse care, now it's time to step into the saddle. Learn the basics of riding and preparation and how to saddle a horse. Giddy up! Please note: Adults who want to ride must pay the girl fee.

Are you interested in earning your Girl Scout Silver Award—the highest honor a Girl Scout Cadette can earn? Then this informational session would be the best place for you to start. We will outline each of the eight steps required on the journey toward earning your Girl Scout Silver Award. You will also take a closer look at what is required to choose, design, and implement a Girl Scout Silver Award Take Action project. While this session is recommended for any girl interested in pursuing her Girl Scout Silver Award, you are encouraged to invite adult mentors (Girl Scout leader, parent, etc.) who will supporting you during the process to attend with you. Please note: This is the same activity as the Striving for Silver Webinar.

$30/girl • $5/adult Session A: Feb 15 • 2-4 p.m.
 Session B: Mar 22 • 2-4 p.m.
 Session C: May 3 • 3-5 p.m.
 Session D: June 7 • 3-5 p.m. Trinity Farm
 10310 S CR 0, Clayton Contact: Barb Nichols

$4/girl • $1/adult Session F: Jan 11 • 1-2:30 p.m.

Stone Jewelry Workshop Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Girl Scout Service Center at Bloomington
 1000 N Walnut St, Ste 1, Bloomington

Office Code: 2056

Session G: Feb 22 • 1-2:30 p.m.

Visit Mounds State Park and learn how to craft a simple pendant by wrapping fine wire around a stone.

Camp Sycamore Valley
 8439 SR 26 E, Lafayette
 Session H: Mar 9 • 2:30-4 p.m.

$6/girl • $1/adult Feb 23 • 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis

Mounds State Park
 4306 Mounds Rd, Anderson

Session I: Apr 26 • 9:30-11 a.m. Shelby County Public Library 57 W Broadway St, Shelbyville

Contact: Barb Nichols

Session J: May 17 • 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Terre Haute 1100 Girl Scout Ln, Terre Haute Session K: May 18 • 4:30-6 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Daleville 13555 W CR 550 S, Daleville Session L: Aug 24 • 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis Contact: Jaime Hubbard


Striving for Silver Webinar

Sugar Crème Sweetness

Grades: 6, 7, 8

Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Office Code: 2054

Office Code: 2052

Please note: This is the same activity as the Striving for Silver Classroom. All participants must have access to high speed Internet with either a speaker/mic or telephone (preferably a speaker phone). Web cam not required.

Did you know that the sugar cream pie is the state pie of Indiana? Take a tour of the Wick's Pie facility! Everyone will receive a sugar cream pie to take home. Girl fee includes a patch. You will have the opportunity to purchase additional pies at the end of the tour. Please note: Participants must be at least 10 years old.

$2/girl • adults free Time: 5:30-7 p.m.

$5/girl • $4/adult

Session F: Jan 23

Session A: Jun 17 • 9:30-10:30 a.m.

Session G: Feb 6

Session B: Jun 17 • 10:30-11:30 a.m.

Session H: Mar 4

Session C: Jun 24 • 9:30-10:30 a.m.

Session I: Apr 24

Session D: Jun 24 • 10:30-11:30 a.m.

Session J: May 20 Online

Wick's Pies
 100 Cherry St., Winchester

Contact: Jaime Hubbard

Contact: Alicia Martin

Strong Bones, Strong Girls at Fair Oaks Farm Grades: Family Office Code: 2051


Experience a real working dairy, explore the education center, take a tour, and more. You'll receive a special passport to participate in the Strong Bones, Strong Girls program. Show your completed passport to redeem a special participation patch and free kiddie cone! $5/girl • $5/adult Feb 8 • 12-4 p.m. Fair Oaks Farms
 856 N Oaks Farms, Fair Oaks


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 100

Program activity descriptions

Sweet Signs

Tech Savvy Girls

Grades: All

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Office Code: 2051

Office Code: 2051

Sign language is just like any other verbal language. Learn basic phrases and gestures to communicate in sign. End the day enjoying a sweet treat!

Learn how to use all of the latest Microsoft software technologies: Daisies, learn about the violet petal and how to use technology to keep in touch with others. Brownies, learn how to paint a digital picture; participate in an Internet research project; letter writing; and learn a new Internet game! Juniors, learn how to be a digital photographer and the techniques of the entertainment industry. Cadettes, learn about how to be safe while using the web and how to make movies. Fee includes a badge and snack.

$3/girl • $1/adult Apr 19 • 1-3 p.m. The Grand Cupcakery 428 S Washington St, Marion

Tadger Tales

$3/girl • $1/adult

Grades: 2, 3

Session A: Jan 5 • 2:30-5:30p.m.
(Grades K-1)

Office Code: 2056

Session B: Feb 9 • 2:30-5:30p.m. (Grades K-1)

Take a walk and learn about the mystical Tadger friend who lives in the woods. Make a fun nature craft and snack.

Session C: Mar 9 • 2:30-5:30p.m. (Grades K-1) Session D: April 13 • 2:30-5:30p.m. (Grades K-1)

$10/girl • $1/adult

Session E: May 11 • 2:30-5:30p.m. (Grades K-1)

Mar 8 • 1-4:15 p.m.

Session F: Jan 12 • 2:30-5:30p.m.
(Grades 2-3)

Camp Gallahue 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown

Session G: Jan 26 • 2:30-5:30p.m. (Grades 2-3) Session H: Feb 16 • 2:30-5:30p.m. (Grades 2-3)

Contact: Barb Nichols

Session I: Mar 16 • 2:30-5:30p.m. (Grades 2-3)

Tadger Tales Volunteers

Session J: April 20 • 2:30-5:30p.m. (Grades 2-3)

Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Session K: May 18 • 2:30-5:30p.m. (Grades 2-3)

Office Code: 2056

Session L: Jan 19 • 2:30-5:30p.m.
(Grades 4-5)

Help facilitate the Tadger Tales Program.

Session M: Feb 2 • 2:30-5:30p.m. (Grades 4-5)

Free for girls and adults

Session N: Feb 23 • 2:30-5:30p.m. (Grades 4-5)

Mar 8 • noon-5 p.m.

Session O: Mar 23 • 2:30-5:30p.m. (Grades 4-5)

Camp Gallahue 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown

Session P: Mar 30 • 2:30-5:30p.m. (Grades 4-5) Session Q: April 27 • 2:30-5:30p.m. (Grades 4-5)

Contact: Barb Nichols

Session R: May 25 • 2:30-5:30p.m. (Grades 4-5) Session S: Mar 2 • 2:30-5:30p.m. (Grades 6-8) Session T: April 6 • 2:30-5:30p.m. (Grades 6-8) Session U: May 4 • 2:30-5:30p.m. (Grades 6-8) Session V: June 1 • 7-8pm (Grades 6-8) Microsoft Store, The Fashion Mall at Keystone 8701 Keystone Crossing, Indianapolis


The Cat in the Hat Grades: Family

Tune In: Behind the Scenes of WQME

Office Code: 2051

Grades: All

For the first time ever on the Booth Tarkington Civic Theatre stage, the Dr. Seuss classic book comes to life. The Cat in the Hat is the perfect friend for a boring rainy afternoon. From games and mischief to Thing One and Thing Two, The Cat brings all sorts of trouble to this grey day—but will Sally and her brother be able to explain the mess to Mother? This Dr. Seuss classic leaps onto the stage with chaotic exuberance in this adaptation from the National Theatre in London.

Office Code: 2051

You're on the air! WQME radio will teach you what it means to be responsible for what you say on the radio. Visit the news room, see the green screen, and learn about how this small town radio station is making an impact on the world. $3/girl • $1/adult Session A: Feb 4 • 4-5 p.m. (Grades K-5) Session B: Mar 4 • 4-5 p.m. (Grades 6-12)

$8/girl • $10/adult

 1102 E 6th St, Anderson

Mar 1 • 2 p.m. Booth Tarkington Civic Theatre
 3 Center Green, Suite 200, Carmel

Turtles and Bowls in Clay Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

The Easy Breezy Way

Office Code: 2056/2051

Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Create a clay project as potter Jeremy South takes you step-by-step through building a turtle by hand and a bowl on the pottery wheel. Learn a little about turtles and their habitats. Pick up your completed art pieces in 3-4 weeks.

Office Code: 2050

Homework or work got you down? Spend a mother-daughter evening at Aveda and learn how to properly manage stress! Practice with aroma therapy, pressure points, and breathing exercises, along with receiving a stress relief goodie bag.

$22/girl • $1/adult Session A: Apr 6 • 5:30-7 p.m. (Grades K-5)

$25/girl • $5/adult

Session B: Apr 6 • 7-8:30 p.m. (Grades 6-12)

Session A: Mar 30 • 6-7 p.m.
 Session B: Mar 30 • 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Monon Community Center
 1195 Central Park Dr W, Carmel

Session C: Mar 30 • 7-8 p.m.

Contact: Meisha Wide

Session D: Apr 17 • 6-7 p.m.

Session C: Apr 16 • 6-7:30 p.m.

Session E: Apr 17 • 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Billericay Park
 12690 Promise Rd, Fishers

Session F: Apr 17 • 7-8 p.m.

Contact: Barb Nichols

Session G: May 25 • 6-7 p.m.
 Session H: May 25 • 6:30-7:30 p.m. Session I: May 25 • 7-8 p.m. Aveda, The Fashion Mall at Keystone
 8701 Keystone Crossing, Indianapolis Contact: Kendra Nowell


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 100

Program activity descriptions

Tuscany Excursion

uPaint Valentine's Day

Grades: All

Grades: All

Office Code: 2051

Office Code: 2053

Stop in and taste varieites of extra virgin olive oils and experience a traditional European market. From balsamic to raspberry, and more!

Experience the world of pottery! See first-hand how bisque pieces are fired in the kiln. Paint a Valentine's Day heart mug using your creativity. Fee includes a classic dinner plate and supplies. Completed pieces can be picked up later or shipped for an additional charge. Workshop is for girls only.

$7/girl • $/adult Mar 9 • 3-5 p.m. The Olive Mill
 10 S Rangeline Rd, Carmel

$12/girl • $1/adult Feb 5 • 6-7:30 p.m.

uPaint Exploration Grades: All

uPaint Pottery Studio
 1820 E Main St, Plainfield

Office Code: 2053

Contact: Meisha Wide

Experience the world of pottery! See first-hand how bisque pieces are fired in the kiln. Paint a dinner plate using your creativity with all different stamps, stencils, and sponges. Fee includes a classic dinner plate and supplies. Completed pieces can be picked up later or shipped for an additional charge. Workshop is for girls only.

Valentine's Day in Clay Grades: All Office Code: 2050

Create a clay project as potter Jeremy South takes you step-by-step through building Valentine's by hand and a heart bowl on the pottery wheel. Learn a little about turtles and their habitats. Fee includes a fun badge. Pick up your completed art pieces in 3-4 weeks.

$11/girl • $1/adult May 14 • 6-7:30 p.m. uPaint Pottery Studio
 1820 E Main St, Plainfield

$22/girl • $1/adult

Contact: Meisha Wide

Session A: Jan 18 • 1-2:30 p.m. (Grades K-3) Session B: Jan 18 • 3:30-5 p.m.
(Grades K-3)

uPaint Mother's Day

Session C: Jan 19 • 1-2:30 p.m. (Grades 4-8)

Grades: All

Session D: Jan 19 • 3:30-5 p.m.
(Grades 4-8)

Office Code: 2053

Session E: Jan 21 • 6:30-8 p.m.
(Grades 9-12)

Experience the world of pottery. See first-hand how bisque pieces are fired in the kiln. Paint a dinner plate as a gift for Mother's Day! Fee includes a classic dinner plate and supplies. Completed pieces can be picked up later or shipped for an additional charge. Workshop is for girls only.

The Art Lab
 2070 E 54th St, Indianapolis Contact: Kendra Nowell

$11/girl • $1/adult Session A: Apr 26 • 9-10:30 a.m.
 Session B: Apr 30 • 6-7:30 p.m. uPaint Pottery Studio
 1820 E Main St, Plainfield Contact: Meisha Wide


Visit the Mine

VIT Online Learning

Grades: All

Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12

Office Code: 2053

Office Code: 2056

Visit Shireman Homestead to learn about the history of miniature horses and coal mining. View a model coal mine, take a wagon ride across a covered bridge, explore the natural obstacle course and general store, and visit with all the miniature animals at the farm! Please bring a sack lunch.

Volunteer in training (VIT) is the second part of our leadership series. This activity is offered for Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors. Becoming a VIT gives you the opportunity to help troops and continue your help with council events. Please register online so we know you have taken the course. Completing the learning session earns the VIT pin.

$8/girl • $8/adult May 17 • 1-3 p.m.


Shireman Homestead
 7060 W 200 N, Columbus

Session A: Feb 10
 Session B: Mar 1

Contact: Meisha Wide

Session C: Apr 1
 Session D: May 1
 Session E: Jun 1
 Session F: July 1
 Session G: Aug 1 Online Contact: Barb Nichols


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 100

Program activity descriptions

Wacky Weather Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5 Office Code: 3125

Weather is more than just rain. Experiment the wacky world of weather in the lab as you create test tube blizzards, tornados, and more! Find out what causes snow days. Fee includes a Wacky Weather fun patch. $5/girl • $1/adult Session A: Mar 11 • 5-6:30 p.m.
 Session B: Mar 12 • 5-6:30 p.m.
 Session C: Mar 13 • 5-6:30 p.m.
 Session D: Mar 15 • 2-3:30 p.m. Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N. Girls School Rd, Indianapolis Session E: Mar 25 • 5-6:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Bloomington 1000 N Walnut Suite H, Bloomington Session F: Apr 1 • 5-6:30 p.m. United Way of Bartholomew County-Columbus
 1531 13th St #1100, Columbus Session G: Apr 8 • 5-6:30 p.m.

Viva! Hispanic Culture Fair

Girl Scout Service Center at Terre Haute 1100 Girl Scout Lane, Terre Haute

Grades: Family

Session H: Apr 15 • 5-6:30 p.m.

Office Code: 2052

Girl Scout Service Center at Daleville 13555 W CR 550 S, Daleville

Celebrate hispanic culture with food, music, games, arts and crafts, and a variety of interactive booths! Join Indiana University East students as they host this special event in celebration of World Thinking Day. The event is free, fee is for fun patch.

Session I: Apr 22 • 5-6:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Richmond 3765 National Rd E, Richmond

$2/girl • $2/adult

Session J: Apr 29 • 5-6:30 p.m.

Feb 22 • noon-3 p.m.

Camp Sycamore Valley
 8436 SR 26 E, Lafayette

IU East Library Hayes Hall
2325 Chester Blvd, Richmond

Contact: Katie Wahlstrom

Contact: Alicia Martin


What Do You Do with Animal Poo?

Where Do Animals Live

Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5

Grades: 4, 5

Office Code: 2056

Office Code: 2056

Why... Study it of course! Scat (animal poo) can tell us all kinds of interesting things about what animals are up to. During this two-hour study program, you will make your own clay models of several types of animal doo-doo, mix together an edible model of raccoon poo for a tasty treat (really!), and go on a hike to look for real scat in the woods. Maximum two adults allowed per troop.

Explore animals of the wild in their natural habitats. Visit Eagle Creek Park and learn what they eat, how they play, and how we can help them! Fee includes the Animal Habitat badge. Gate fee will be waived for participants.

$8/girl • $1/adult

Eagle Creek Park
 6515 Delong Rd, Indianapolis

$5/girl • $1/adult Apr 16 • 5-6 p.m.

Feb 9 • 2-3:30 p.m.

Contact: Barb Nichols

Paynetown State Recreation Area Monroe Lake
4850 S SR 446, Bloomington

Wide World of Wellness

Contact: Barb Nichols

Grades: All

What's a Healthy Supermarket

Office Code: 2051

Explore the state-of-the-art facilities of Anderson University, home of the Indianapolis Colts training camp. Learn about careers in kinesiology and how they help athletes stay in tip top performance shape! The 132,000 square-foot center provides programming for health, recreation, and wellness in many forms.

Grades: All Office Code: 2051

Take a tour and taste some yummy foods that have no high-fructose corn syrup and no artificial additives! Learn about Earth Fare’s “Food Philosophy” and about their mission is to connect communities and improve lives through food. This program will help you earn the Snacks badge (Brownies), the Simple Meals badge (Juniors), and the Locavore badge (Seniors).

$3/girl • $1/adult Apr 19 • 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Kardatzke Wellness Center 1100 E 5th St, Anderson

$4/girl • $1/adult Session A: Mar 6 • 4-5 p.m.

Wild Wild West Overnight

Session B: Apr 3 • 4-5 p.m.

Grades: 1, 2, 3

Earth Fare-Carmel 1392 South Rangeline Road, Carmel

Office Code: 2056

Cowgirls, head down to Camp Gallahue for some wild west fun! Enjoy activities about the old west and Native Americans, sing songs and tell stories while enjoying a snack. Troops are responsible for their own food and will stay in the platform tents.

Session C: Mar 20 • 4-5 p.m. Session D: Apr 17 • 4-5 p.m. Earth Fare-Noblesville 13145 Levinson Lane, Noblesville

$10/girl • $10/adult Session A: Apr 25-26 • 6 p.m.-3p.m.
 Session B: Apr 26-27 • 6 p.m.-3 p.m.
 Camp Gallahue
 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown Contact: Barb Nichols


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 100

Program activity descriptions

Without a Trace

Wonderful Wire Sculptures

Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Office Code: 3125

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Something terrible has happened! A very important Girl Scout has gone missing and it is up to you and your team of detectives to unravel the forensic clues in the crime scene and help find her. Fee includes program materials, Special Agent badge, dinner, and breakfast.

It’s time to use your creativity to build a one-ofa-kind 3-D masterpiece! Let your imagination run wild as you create unique sculptures out of wood, wire, and beads.

Office Code: 2051

$12/girl • $1/adult

$15/girl • $15/adult

Session A: Feb 1 • 9:15-10:15 a.m.

Apr 25-26 • 7 p.m.-9 a.m.

Session B: Feb 1 • 10:30-11:30 a.m.

Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis

Session C: Feb 6 • 5-6 p.m.
 Session D: Feb 8 • 12:30-1:30 p.m.

Contact: Katie Wahlstrom

Ten West Center for the Arts 10 W Church St, Fortville

Women in Hi-Tech's Passport to Hi-Tech

Worm's Life

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3

Office Code: 2054

Office Code: 3125

Join local high tech companies and universities on a journey around our increasingly high tech world. Visit interactive exhibits and try hands-on experiements designed to inspire your interest in biology, chemistry, engineering, manufacturing, computer science, and more. Learn more about studying technology in college from IUPUI and Purdue University and what a career is like from Rolls-Royce, Dow AgroSciences, Roche Diagnostics, and Cummins. This program event is hosted and sponsored by Indiana Women in Hi Tech.

It's a worm's life! Lean all about live worms, what they like to eat, how long they are, and why they are so slimy. Girl fee includes a Worm’s Life fun patch. Please note: Select sessions are during spring break $5/girl • $1/adult Session A: Mar 20 • 5-6:30 p.m.
 Session B: Mar 21 • 4:30-6 p.m.
 Session C: Mar 21 • 6:30-8 p.m.
 Session D: Mar 26 • 2-3:30 p.m.

$8/girl • $7/adult

Session E: Mar 26 • 5-6:30 p.m.

Mar 8 • 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

Session F: Mar 27 • 2-3:30 p.m.

Conner Prairie
 13400 Allisonville Rd, Fishers

Session G: Mar 27 • 5-6:30 p.m.

Contact: Jaime Hubbard

Math and Science Center
 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis Contact: Katie Wahlstrom


Explore the world’s largest children’s museum with your Girl Scout troop! • Explore galleries • See a planetarium show • Engage in hands-on programs focusing in areas such as: • • • •

Character education Life science Flight Engineering

Visit childrensmuseum.org/scouts for more information and to register.


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 100

Wabash Valley Area Nature Retreat and Activity Center Badge Work  Nature Hikes Day Camps  Hayrides  Bonfires  Fundraisers  Parties Classes & Projects  Bridging Ceremonies Instructors available for Puppet Making, Sculpting, Tie Dying, Leatherwork, Arts and Crafts, Nature Hikes, and more




EXPERIENCE ART TOGETHER The Art Lab is a locally owned and managed art studio and classroom that provides adults and children with creative avenues of self-expression and opportunities to enhance their own lives and community.

facebook.com/artlabindy 84





A $25 (RACER) membership includes tons of goodies, exclusive events and other rad stuff. As a Kids Club member, you will have the opportunity to meet drivers and riders and attend exclusive events available only to Indianapolis Motor Speedway Kids Club members. ImS.cOm/GIRLScOUTS or (800) 822-InDy Please enter GSKID or mention this ad to receive your discount at checkout! WHAT’S THERE TO DO? In addition to our world-famous on-track product, we packed the infield with live music, entertainment and vendors. We also have a FREE Kids Zone full of music, dancing, games, prizes and fun! Remember: Kids 12 and under are admitted FREE to all IMS races when accompanied by an adult with a General Admission ticket. InDy500KIDS.cOm


Adult learning

General information Session cancellations

Staff contacts

Meg Booth Director of Volunteer Services 317.924.6839 mbooth@girlscoutsindiana.org

• Sessions not meeting enrollment minimums by the registration deadline may be cancelled.

Maria Quiroz-Southwood Adult Development Manager 317.924.6862 mquiroz@girlscoutsindiana.org

• If you are unable to attend a session for which you have registered, call 317.924.6862 so the facilitator can be notified not to expect you.

• Pre-registration is required so we can notify you if a session is cancelled.

Session refunds • Refunds are issued if the session is cancelled due to lack of minimum enrollment.

Kerri Hoffman Volunteer Services Manager 317.924.6818 khoffman@girlscoutsindiana.org

• If you cannot attend a session for which you have paid, you can transfer to another session by notifying us before enrollment deadline or you can send another person in your place. Refunds are made if you notify us prior to deadline.

Recommended adult learning for new leader success Girl Scouting 101

Session locations

Introduction to GSCI: Volunteer Essentials QuickStart Guide

We strive to offer sessions at convenient locations and where the majority of volunteers drive no more than 30 miles. Learnings can come directly to your service unit if you request them 4 weeks in advance and provide a minimum of 10 volunteers.

New Leader Workshop Grade Level CPR/First Aid

Session facilitators

Basic Outdoor Skills

In almost all cases, facilitators are volunteers just like you. They receive no compensation and are giving their time to make Girl Scouts an enjoyable and worthwhile experience for the girls and for you. If you are interested in becoming a council facilitator, contact Meg Booth.

Advanced Outdoor Skills

Adult learning session calendar Learning sessions are often added to the calendar. For the most current information, go to girlscoutsindiana.org/activities. Session fees • All core learning sessions are free except for CPR/First Aid. • A minimal fee is charged for some sessions which must accompany your registration. • Pay fees by cash, check, money order, MasterCard, Visa, or Discover. Make checks and money orders payable to GSCI. Do not send cash in the mail.

Please visit girlscoutsindiana.org for a complete list of adult learning opportunities and locations. 86

Adult learning recommendations For a successful year, take the following workshops:

New Leaders Online: Girl Scouting 101 password: aboutGS101


Introduction to GSCI


+ Leader



Grade Level

= Prepared Leader

Experienced Leaders Grade Level



= Prepared Leader

Visit girlscoutsindiana.org to register. Registration procedures

Adult learning registration

Registration can be done by mail, walk-in at any service center, fax, telephone, email or online. The adult learning registration form can be found on girlscoutsindiana.org. Be sure to complete the entire form with all contact information.

• Pre-registration is required to attend adult learning sessions. We will call or email you if a session is canceled. • Enrollment is on a first-come, first-served basis.

• To register online, go to the activity finder on girlscoutsindiana.org and click on "Adult Learning."

• Registration for sessions closes one week prior to scheduled session. Call volunteer services after the registration deadline to check on session availability.

• To register by mail, phone, fax, or email, send completed registration form and required fee, if applicable, to:

• If a session is filled, call volunteer services to place your name on a waiting list.

• You may bring a sack meal if your session is near or covers that portion of the day. • As children can be distracting to participants and the session facilitator, we ask you to refrain from bringing children to adult learning sessions.

Girl Scouts of Central Indiana ATTN: Volunteer Services Suite 100 2611 Waterfront Parkway East Drive Indianapolis, IN 46214

Phone: 317.924.6862 Fax: 317.931.3350 Email: mquiroz@girlscoutsindiana.org • Registrations are accepted at any service center location.


girlscoutsindiana.org /volunteers

Adult learning

Adult learning

session helps volunteers understand procedures, standards and practices, forms, and information that is specific to our local council. This session is delivered one on one or in small groups at the service unit level and is delivered by a membership development manager, any service team member, facilitator, or mentor.

Girl Scouts of Central Indiana offers a blend of adult learning methods to fully prepare adults who work with girls. Adults learn skills to engage girls in the Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE). If you are attending a classroom format, bring paper, pen, and Journey book as appropriate. If you are attending outdoor sessions, bring a hat, bandana, or fire scarf and wear appropriate outdoor clothing and footwear. For all day learnings, you may want to bring a sack lunch and beverage. Descriptions of core sessions are provided, however there are many other options available. For the most current listings and descriptions, visit girlscoutsindiana.org/activities.

Who should attend: New troop leaders and assistant leaders Fee: None Time: 30-60 minutes

New Leader Workshop New Leader Workshop is what every new troop leader and assistant leader needs. Learn the essentials of troop management and safety while making sure girls are having fun. Explore the resources available for you and your girls. New leaders who attend this session receive a troop start-up kit and Volunteer Essentials.

Core leadership development

Who should attend: All new leaders, volunteers, and anyone who needs information on the Girl Scout Leadership Experience and Journeys.

The Girl Scout Leadership Experience is girl focused and about activities being girl led, learning by doing, and cooperative learning. Learn how to engage girls in planning and having fun, while gaining specific knowledge, skills, behaviors, and values in Girl Scouting. Core sessions offer learning opportunities for new and experienced volunteers.

Fee: None Time: 2 hours Session A: Jan 14 � 6-8 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Ste 325, Indianapolis

Girl Scouting 101 Online

Session B: Jan 15 � 10 a.m.-noon

This online home-study contains information on Girl Scouts basics, ways girls can participate, what girls do in Girl Scouting, Girl Scout cookies, Girl Scout mission, Promise and Law, staying safe, ages and stages of girl development for each grade level, and what’s next for you as a volunteer.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church 10655 Havertsick Rd E, Carmel Session C: Feb 4 � 6-8 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Daleville 13555 W CR 550 S, Daleville

Who should attend: All new Girl Scout volunteers, parents, and community members.

Session D: Feb 11 � 6-8 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Lafayette 615 N 18th St, Lafayette

Fee: None Time: 45 minutes

Session E: Feb 22 � 9:30-11:30 a.m.

Login at http://training.girlscouts.org and select Girl Scouting 101 in English or Spanish. The password is “aboutGS101” for English and Spanish. Enter your personal information and select “Central Indiana” from the drop down box as your council.

Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Ste 325, Indianapolis Session F: Mar 22� 9:30-11:30 a.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Lafayette 615 N 18th St, Lafayette

Introduction to GSCI: Volunteer Essentials Quick-Start Guide

Session G: Mar 27� 6-8 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Ste 325, Indianapolis

Introduction to GSCI: Volunteer Essentials QuickStart Guide is designed for all new volunteers. The


Session H: Apr 10 � 6-8 p.m.

Session H: May 13 � 7-8:30 p.m.

Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Ste 325, Indianapolis


Session I: May 19 � 6-8 p.m.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church 10655 Havertsick Rd E, Carmel

Session I: July 9 � 10 a.m.-noon

Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Ste 325, Indianapolis

Session J: July 19 � 9:30-11:30 a.m.

Session J: July 29 � 6-8 p.m.

Girl Scout Service Center at Lafayette 615 N 18th St, Lafayette

Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Ste 325, Indianapolis

Girl Scout Brownie

Grade Level

Session A: Jan 28 • 7-8:30 p.m.

Grade level learning explores appropriate expectations and behavior for each grade level. Sessions help leaders learn to create a girlled environment. Discover activities, awards, and resources specific to each grade level. Appropriate grade level sessions are perfect for new leaders and experienced leaders who have troops bridging to the next level.


Who should attend: All leaders, advisors, program facilitators, and volunteers or anyone who needs information on working with girls at specific grade levels.

Session D: Mar 12 • 10 a.m.-noon

Session B: Feb 12 • 6-8 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Ste 325, Indianapolis Session C: Mar 3 • 7-8:30 p.m. Webinar St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church 10655 Havertsick Rd E, Carmel Session E: Apr 23 • 6-8 p.m.

Fee: None Time: 2 hours, classroom session

Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Ste 325, Indianapolis

Girl Scout Daisy

Session F: May 7 • 7-8:30 p.m.

Session A: Jan 27 • 7-8:30 p.m.



Session G: June 18 • 10 a.m.-noon

Session B: Feb 18 • 7-8:30 p.m.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church 10655 Havertsick Rd E, Carmel


Session H: July 9 • 10 a.m.-noon

Session C: Feb 24 • 6-8 p.m.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church 10655 Havertsick Rd E, Carmel

Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Ste 325, Indianapolis

Session I: July 19 • 12:30-2:30 p.m.

Session D: Mar 12 • 10 a.m.-noon

Girl Scout Service Center at Lafayette 615 N 18th St, Lafayette

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church 10655 Havertsick Rd E, Carmel Session E: Mar 17 • 6-8 p.m.

Girl Scout Junior

Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Ste 325, Indianapolis

Session A: Feb 5 � 7-8:30 p.m.

Session F: Mar 25� 7-8:30 p.m.

Session B: Mar 5 • 6-8 p.m.


Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Ste 325, Indianapolis


Session G: Apr 17 � 6-8 p.m.

Session C: Mar 20 • 7-8:30 p.m.

Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Ste 325, Indianapolis



girlscoutsindiana.org /volunteers

Adult learning

Session D: Apr 24 � 6-8 p.m.

Session H: May 3 � 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

Our Lady of Mt Carmel, St. Thomas Aquinas Room 14598 Oakridge Rd, Carmel

Girl Scout Service Center at Daleville 13555 W CR 550 S, Daleville

Session E: May 22 � 7-8:30 p.m.

Session I: May 17 � 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.


Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Ste 325, Indianapolis

Girl Scout Cadette, Senior, Ambassador

Session J: Jun 14 � 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.

Session A: Feb 27 • 7-8:30 p.m.

Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Ste 325, Indianapolis

Webinar Session B: Apri 15 • 7-8:30 p.m.

Session K: Aug 9 � 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.


Multi-grade level

Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Ste 325, Indianapolis

Session A: Feb 13 • 7-8:30 p.m.

Session L: Aug 23 � 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.


Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Ste 325, Indianapolis

Session B: Apr 9 • 7-8:30 p.m. Webinar

Service team development

CPR/ First Aid Each troop is required to have one adult volunteer certified as a first aider to be present at troop meetings and activities. Sessions are offered through GSCI, but volunteers can receive certification from other community providers.

Learn and develop leadership skills in organizing and empowering others. These sessions will help you with successful recruitment and retention of girls and adults and support you in a successful membership year.

Session A: Jan 11 � 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.

Service Unit Manager

Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Ste 325, Indianapolis

Get the tools and skills to run a great Girl Scout year. Learn tips on recruiting, managing and building your service team. Tips on how to delegate, plan meetings, as well as procedures for finances, money earning activities, conflict resolution and much more.

Session B: Feb 8 � 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Columbus 1300 Hutchins Ave, Columbus Session C: Feb 22 � 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.

Who should attend: New and returning service unit managers, any service team member.

Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Ste 325, Indianapolis

Fee: None

Session D: Mar 8 � 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

Time: 2-3 hours, classroom session Webinars are also available

Trinity Lutheran Church 4025 Highland Center Rd, Brookville

July 23 � 6-9 p.m.

Session E: Mar 22 � 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.

Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Ste 325, Indianapolis

Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Ste 325, Indianapolis Session F: April 5 � 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Bloomington 1000 N Walnut St, Ste 1, Bloomington Session G: Apr 19 � 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Ste 325, Indianapolis


CPR/First Aid Our courses are led by certified CPR/First Aid Instructors who will provide participants with a two year American Safety and Health Institute certification in adult, child and infant CPR, First Aid and AED. The cost is $40. Preregistration is required. Classes are regularly added. Each troop is required to have at least one CPR/First Aid certified adult. To add a session in your area, contact Kerri Hoffman at khoffman@girlscoutsindiana.org.

Community Troop Organizer

Event Planning

There’s more to it than flyers in September. Learn about recruitment, calendar planning, consistent messaging, keys to retention, and tips for dealing with difficult people. Discuss strategies on tracking and placing girls and supporting adult volunteers.

Want to host a successful service unit event? This session has been developed for anyone interested in planning and coordinating a well organized event. Discover resources and staff that will help make your event flow better. Learn how to delegate and involve girls throughout the planning process.

Who should attend: Service unit community troop organizers, service unit managers, any service team member

Fee: None Time: Average 1-3 hours

Fee: None

Apr 30 �6-9 p.m.

Time: 2-3 hours, classroom session

Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Ste 325, Indianapolis

Session A: July 8 � 6-9 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Daleville 13555 W CR 550 S, Daleville Session B: July 16 � 6-9 p.m.

Super Saturday Carmel

Girl Scout Service Center at Lafayette 615 N 18th St, Lafayette

March 29 • 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

Session C: July 24 � 6-9 p.m.

St. Vincent Carmel 13500 N Meridian St, Room 255

Girl Scout Service Center at Bloomington 1000 N Walnut St, Ste 1, Bloomington

Learning sessions include: Various grade levels Various service team sessions


girlscoutsindiana.org /volunteers

Adult learning

Summer Safety School May 16-18 • Camp Gallahue Advanced Outdoor Cooking Advanced Outdoor Skills Archery Basic Outdoor Skills Firebuilding Small Craft Safety

Songs Telescope workshop Water Rescue Register online or contact Kerri Hoffman at 317.924.6818 for more information.

Core outdoor skills development

Registrar Get the tools and skills to manage a successful registration process for your service unit. Includes E Council learning, entering with data integrity, what you need to do with information on the membership registration forms, and timelines for processing membership registrations. Who should attend: New and returning service unit registrars

Before a girl can experience the benefits of hiking, camping, and more, adult volunteers need to know essential information to have successful, safe outings. Some sessions are offered for leaders to learn alongside their troops so both can gain ever-increasing confidence and skills.

Fee: None

Basic Outdoor Skills

Time: 2-3 hours, classroom or session + additional technical learning

Get prepped to take the girls on a day or overnight camping experience. Know what appropriate outings are for girls at each grade level as well as your girls specifically. Know what to expect and to pack for your first outing and how to involve girls in the planning and duties while camping. Learn how to build fires and create simple meal plans including safety and hygiene.

Session A: Apr 10 � 7-8:30 p.m. (Early bird update) Webinar Session B: July 16 � 7-8:30 p.m. (New registrars) Webinar Session C: Aug 12 � 7-8:30 p.m. (New registrars)

Who should attend: Registered adults who want to plan a fun, successful outdoor experience with their girls.


Fee: None Time: 2 hours Session A: March 15 � 10 a.m.-noon Camp Dellwood
 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis Session B: May 17 � 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Camp Gallahue 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown


Advanced Outdoor Skills

Outdoor Cooking

This session will help volunteers prepare for an overnight experience in a cabin, building or tent. In addition to these skills, learn safe and appropriate fire building skills, discuss menus and food preparation, tying knots, and knife safety.

Bring a fire scarf and your taste buds to this one! Outdoor cooking isn’t difficult, but it helps to have some practice. You will learn the practice of safe fire-building and cook entrees, sides and snacks using several different techniques. Some recipes will be classics for Dutch ovens and pie-irons, and some may be creative, like muffins in orange cups. We’ll have a chance to sample everything we cook, so let us know of any dietary restrictions or allergies when you register.

If available, bring a pocket knife, sit-upon, and the book Outdoor Education in Girl Scouting. Who should attend: Registered adults who want to plan an overnight outdoor experience with their girls in cabins or in tents. Fee: $10 for meals

Who should attend: Any registered adult interested in cooking outdoors

Time: 3-4 hours, classroom and hands-on session

Fee: $10

Prerequisite: Basic Outdoor Skills

Time: 3-4 hours

May 17�1:30-5 p.m.

Prerequisite: Basic Outdoor Skills recommended

Camp Gallahue 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown

Session A: Apr 5 � 8 a.m.-noon (Beginner)


Camp Sycamore Valley
 8439 SR 26 E, Lafayette

Session B: Apr 5 � 1-4 p.m. (Advanced)

This is a hands-on session where you will learn the three parts of the fire triangle, identify the three types of firewood, how to lay, light and extinguish a safe fire, and how to recognize minimal impact for campfires.

Session C: May 17 � 1:30-5 p.m. (Advanced) Camp Gallahue 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown

Who should attend: Any registered adult who has not taken Outdoor Cooking or Camping Anywhere.


We offer a variety of workshops that will enhance your experiences and activities with girls. We have provided just a few of the many opportunities.

Fee: None Time: Average 1 hour May 17�1:30-5 p.m.


Camp Gallahue 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown

Investiture, Rededication, Bridging, Court of Awards, Scout’s Own – Find out about these special milestones and how we can help our girls design their own unique celebrations. Fee: None

Adult Girl Camping Prep

Time: Average 1 hour

Firebuilding, packing, outdoor cooking, pitching a tent

Session A: Jan 11 �9:30-10:30 a.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Ste 325, Indianapolis

Volunteers and girls welcome! Must be 2:1 adult ratio

Session B: Feb 12 �6:30-7:30 p.m. IPS School #91 5111 Evanston Ave, Indianapolis

Mar 22 � 9 a.m.-1 p.m. West Park 2700 W 116th St, Carmel

Session D: Feb 19 � 10-11 a.m. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church 10655 Haverstick Rd E, Carmel


girlscoutsindiana.org /volunteers

Adult learning

Become an archery facilitator 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. • $65/adult May 3

May 17

May 18

Camp Ada

Camp Gallahue

Camp Gallahue

Session E: Feb 22 � 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Session B: Feb 19 �11 a.m.-noon

Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Ste 325, Indianapolis

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church 10655 Haverstick Rd E, Carmel

Flag Ceremonies

Session C: May 3 � 9:30-10:30 a.m.

Gear up for festivals and Flag Day. We’ll talk a bit about the history of our American flag, etiquette and retirement, and practice indoor and outdoor flag ceremonies plus proper flag folding.

Session D: May 3 � 9:30-10:30 a.m.

Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Ste 325, Indianapolis Girl Scout Service Center at Lafayette 615 N 18th St, Lafayette

Fee: None Time: Average 1 hour


Geocaching and Letterboxing

Special Whatchamacalits, Affectionately Pinned Somewhere! See lots of these cute trading pieces, and start making a good handful of them. Bring your own creative ideas if you have them! Bring notebook, pen, scissors, white glue, and grocery sack to carry home items.

Geocaching is one of the hottest new high-tech, family-friendly sports. Use a handheld GPS unit to find secret boxes other people have hidden. Find it, sign the book, maybe trade a few SWAPS, and then register your find online. Letterboxing is an older version of geocaching, using traditional compasses and fancier puzzles, and trading images with artfully carved rubber stamps. Bring a compass and/or a GPS unit, if you have one. Car navigation systems don’t work too well for this. Dress to be outdoors and do a bit of hiking.

Fee: varies Time: Average 1 hour

Troop Travel Explore the many options you have when traveling with your Girl Scouts. Discover the steps involved in having a successful, safe troop trip as well as what type of travel is appropriate for each grade level. The world is waiting to be explored!

Fee: varies Time: Average 1 hour

Songs and Games

Fee: varies

Songs and games are a special part of Girl Scout history, and they create special memories for each girl. Learn some classics, and try some new ones! Fun for all ages, but geared mostly toward Daisies, Brownies and Juniors. If you would like to record the songs in class for practice later, bring your own recording device.

Time: 1-2 hours

Safety and Girl Scouts

Every adult in Girl Scouting is responsible for the physical and emotional safety of girls. This is demonstrated by following the 12 Girl Scout Safety Guidelines on the next page at all times and by following the Girl Scout Safety Activity Checkpoints guidelines when engaging in activities with girls. These resources can be found on our website.

Fee: None Time: Average 1 hour Session A: Jan 11 �10:30-11:30 a.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Ste 325, Indianapolis


Girl Scout Safety Guidelines 1. Follow the Safety Activity Checkpoints. Instructions for staying safe while participating in activities are detailed in the Safety Activity Checkpoints. Read the checkpoints, follow them, and share them with other volunteers, parents, and girls (as grade-level appropriate) before engaging in activities with girls. These are found at girlscoutsindiana.org in the volunteer section of our website. 2. Arrange for proper adult supervision of girls. Your group must have at least two unrelated, approved adult volunteers present at all times, plus additional adult volunteers as necessary, depending on the size of the group and the ages and abilities of girls. Adult volunteers must be at least 18 years old and must be screened by the council before volunteering. One lead volunteer in every group must be female. 3. Get parent/guardian permission. When an activity takes place that is outside the normal time and place, advise each parent/guardian of the details of the activity and obtain permission for girls to participate. 4. Report abuse. Sexual advances, improper touching, and sexual activity of any kind with girl members are forbidden. Physical, verbal, and emotional abuse of girls is also forbidden. Report any suspected abuse or neglect to the Indiana Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline at 800.800.5556, and contact Meg Booth, Director of Volunteer Services, at 317.924.6839 to alert the council that you have made the call. Under Indiana law, each citizen of Indiana is considered a “mandated reporter” and State law requires the Department of Child Services to protect the identity of the reporter. 5. Be prepared for emergencies. Work with girls and other adults to establish and practice procedures for emergencies related to weather, fire, lost girls/adults, and site security. Always keep handy a well-stocked firstaid kit, girl health histories, and contact information for girls’ families. 6. Travel safely. When transporting girls to planned Girl Scout field trips and other activities that are outside the normal time and place, every driver must be an approved adult volunteer and have a good driving record, a valid license, and a registered/insured vehicle. Insist that everyone is in a legal seat and wears her seat belt at all times, and adhere to state laws regarding booster seats and requirements for children in rear seats. 7. Ensure safe overnight outings. Prepare girls to be away from home by involving them in planning, so they know what to expect. Avoid having men sleep in the same space as girls and women. During family or parentdaughter overnights, one family unit may sleep in the same sleeping quarters in program areas. When parents are staffing events, daughters should remain in quarters with other girls rather than in staff areas. 8. Role-model the right behavior. Never use illegal drugs. Don’t consume alcohol, smoke, or use foul language in the presence of girls. Do not carry ammunition or firearms in the presence of girls unless given special permission by Girl Scouts of Central Indiana council for group marksmanship activities. 9. Create an emotionally safe space. Adults are responsible for making Girl Scouting a place where girls are as safe emotionally as they are physically. Protect the emotional safety of girls by creating a team agreement and coaching girls to honor it. Agreements typically encourage behaviors like respecting a diversity of feelings and opinions; resolving conflicts constructively; and avoiding physical and verbal bullying, clique behavior, and discrimination. 10. Ensure that no girl is treated differently. Girl Scouts welcome all members, regardless of race, ethnicity, background, disability, family structure, religious beliefs, and socioeconomic status. When scheduling, helping plan, and carrying out activities, carefully consider the needs of all girls involved, including school schedules, family needs, financial constraints, religious holidays, and the accessibility of appropriate transportation and meeting places. 11. Promote online safety. Instruct girls never to put their full names or contact information online, engage in virtual conversation with strangers, or arrange in-person meetings with online contacts. On group websites, publish girls’ first names only and never divulge their contact information. Teach girls the Girl Scout Online Safety Pledge (at www.girlscouts.org/help/Internet_safety_pledge.asp) and have them commit to it. 12. Keep girls safe during money-earning. Girl Scout cookies and other council-sponsored product sales are an integral part of the program. During Girl Scout Product Programs, you are responsible for the safety of girls, money, and products. In addition, a wide variety of organizations, causes, and fundraisers may appeal to Girl Scouts to be their labor force. When representing Girl Scouts, girls cannot participate in money-earning activities that represent partisan politics or that are not Girl Scout–approved product sales and efforts.


girlscoutsindiana.org /volunteers

Adult learning

Outdoor Skills Weekend March 14-15 Camp Dellwood

April 4-5 Camp Sycamore Valley

Put the o-u-t back into Scouting! Learn everything you need to know about taking your troop camping. Participants can stay overnight Friday. Visit girlscoutsindiana.org/activityfinder for more details.

Safety Activity Checkpoints

Journey books

Safety Activity Checkpoints are in-depth safety guidelines that adult volunteers use for Girl Scout activities, ranging from canoeing to surfing to selling cookies. Girls can also use these checkpoints to ready their group for a girl-led activity. When preparing for any activity with girls, always begin with the Safety Activity Checkpoints written specifically for that particular activity. Each Safety Activity Checkpoint offers information such as where to do the activity, how to include girls with disabilities, where to find basic and specialized gear required for the activity, how to prepare yourselves in advance, and what specific steps to follow on the day of the activity. If Safety Activity Checkpoints do not exist for an activity, check with the council program department as some activities are allowed only with written council pre-approval, only for girls 12, and over and some activities are off-limits completely. Safety Activity Checkpoints can be found on our website.

The core program of Girl Scouts, these books are complete with a girl book and adult book. Available at Showcase locations.

Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting The Girl’s guides are printed resources for girls at each grade level. There are activities that can be integrated with journeys, information on legacy badges to earn, and skill building badges to earn. Available at Showcase locations.

Blue Book of Basic Documents This book explains the governing policies for Girl Scouts as a national organization and is applied to Girl Scouts of Central Indiana. Found on our website in the Volunteer Resources section.

Volunteer Connections Enewsletter A weekly Girl Scouts of Central Indiana enewsletter for volunteers delivered via email. Subscribe through the website at girlscoutsindiana.org to learn about events and more.

Girl Scouts of Central Indiana and GSUSA resources and publications


Volunteer Essentials

Retail shops at our eight service center locations.

Volunteer Essentials is the national volunteer handbook to use as needed. This online resource can be found at girlscoutsindiana.org in the Volunteer Resources section. You can obtain a printed copy of Volunteer Essentials by attending a grade level learning.

Transforming Leadership A comprehensive look at the Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE). Available at Showcase locations.


It’s Your JourneyCustomize It! A detailed look at how to take any Journey book and make it a unique, positive experience for you and your girls.


Service Team Learning

Girl Scouts of Central Indiana volunteer service team members and staff All GSCI volunteers and staff can serve as a wealth of resources. Find out who the membership development manager is assigned to your geographical area and learn who your service unit service team members are, including the service unit manager, community troop organizer and registrar.

Online Girl Scouts of Central Indiana girlscoutsindiana.org Girl Scouts of the USA girlscouts.org

June 21 Service Team Manager Community Troop Organizer Registrar Treasurer Event Planning Facilitating Adult Learning For more information, contact Meg Booth at mbooth@girlscoutsindiana.org or 317.924.6839.


girlscoutsindiana.org /volunteers

Adult learning

Adult recognition

Thanks Badge II The Thanks Badge II honors a previous Thanks Badge award recipient who has continued to provide exemplary service in a leadership role which resulted in a measurable impact benefitting the council or entire Girl Scout Movement.

It’s about the girls! The focus of adult recognition awards is impact on girls, the council, and the Girl Scout Movement. We encourage nominations from girls, parents, volunteers and staff. The nomination should be results oriented, measurable, and include real impact stories. Find nomination forms, award criteria guidelines and other helpful information on our website at girlscoutsindiana.org.

President’s Award The President’s Award recognizes the effort of a service team, committee, or volunteer team whose exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience surpasses team goals and results in significant, measurable impact toward reaching the council’s overall goals.

Girl Scouts of the USA recognitions awarded at the council level

Girl Scouts of the USA recognition awarded at the National level

A nomination form is completed and submitted to Volunteer Services by February 1 and nominations are reviewed by the council’s recognition committee and approves or denies the nomination.

A council or individual completes the GSUSA nomination form(s) in full and submits along with two letters of endorsement to the director of adult outreach at any time. The nomination is submitted to the Vice President of Global Girl Scouting at GSUSA. This prestigious national award is reviewed by the International Commissioner and approved by the Girl Scouts of the USA National Board of Directors. The Vice President of Global Girl Scouting is responsible for acquiring the medal and coordinating the presentation of the award to the nominee.

Appreciation Pin The Appreciation pin recognizes an individual’s exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. This service, having measureable impact on at least one geographic area of service or service unit, helps reach and surpass the mission-delivery goals of the area. The service performed by the candidate is above and beyond the expectations for the position held.

Juliette Gordon Low World Friendship Medal The Juliette Low World Friendship Medal is awarded to individuals and councils who have enriched and leveraged the global understanding of Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting to grow responsible global citizens. Criteria include impact on girls, commitment, global awareness, leadership and membership.

Honor Pin The Honor Pin recognizes an individual’s exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. This service, having measurable impact on two or more geographic areas of service or service units, allows the council to reach and surpass its mission-delivery goals. The service performed by the candidate is above and beyond the expectations for the position held.

Girl Scouts of Central Indiana recognition awarded at the council level

Thanks Badge The Thanks Badge honors an individual whose ongoing commitment, leadership, and service have had an exceptional, measurable impact on meeting the mission-delivery goals and priorities of the entire council or the entire Girl Scout Movement. The outstanding service performed by the candidate results in outcomes that benefit the total council or the entire Girl Scout organization and is significantly above and beyond the call of duty.

This award is open to all adult leadership roles, including troop, camp, series, events and travel pathways to girls’ participation in Girl Scouting. A nomination form and at least one letter of support as defined in the nomination guidelines are submitted to Volunteer Services by February 1. The nomination is reviewed by the council’s recognition committee and approves or denies the nomination.


Leadership of Excellence Award The Leadership of Excellence Award recognizes an adult volunteer who demonstrates a profound direct impact on the lives of girls and serves as a positive role model. The impact must benefit the Girl Scout Leadership Experience and address the three leadership keys, Discover, Connect and Take Action. At least one of the five outcomes in each of the leadership keys must be identified.

• “The troop has done many community service projects.” How many projects? What are they? Who have they served? Who benefitted? What need have they met?

Girl Scouts of the USA recognition awarded at the service unit level

• “She ensures that the girls in her troop have a balanced experience in Girl Scouting.” What makes it balanced? What kind of experiences? What new skills have the girls learned?

• “The girls in the troop have benefited from their community service.” How have girls benefited from their service? What skills have they developed? What have they learned?

A nomination form is completed and submitted to the service team recognition coordinator or to Volunteer Services by March 1. Nominations are reviewed by the service team recognition committee and approves or denies the nomination.

Helpful definitions Mission Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.

Volunteer of Excellence This award recognizes volunteers who have contributed outstanding service while partnering directly with girls in any pathway to implement the Girl Scout Leadership Experience through use of the National Program Portfolio or who have contributed outstanding service in support of the council’s mission delivery to girl and adult members.

Vision Girl Scouts strives to be the premier leadership organization for girls and experts on their growth and development. Goals Each local council sets their own goals based on national goals, initiatives, and direction. Each service unit within Girl Scouts of Central Indiana has annual membership girl recruitment goals which are communicated to the service unit manager and/or service team through the membership development manager assigned to the service unit. In addition, the service unit manager and/or service team is responsible for setting other additional goals, for example, planning a specific number of events and activities to recruit a specific number of girls. The membership development manager and/or service unit manager can help you find out the goals.

Tools and tips for writing successful nominations Nomination guidelines

The nomination should be results oriented, measurable and include real impact stories. GSUSA has designed the guidelines and provided examples on how to write nominations that demonstrate measurable impact. It does not need to be difficult; some simple numbers will do. Some basic questions to ask and answer as nominations are written include How many? What? How? Who? Keep the 3 keys to leadership, Discover, Connect, and Take Action in mind. Here is an example:

Mission Delivery Thriving mission delivery grows and sustains membership through volunteer delivery of the GSLE using the national portfolio.

• “Brittany has been a leader for several years.” How many years? What kind of leadership qualities does she bring?

The Girl Scout Leadership Experience-GSLE The three keys to leadership: girls discover themselves and their values; connect with others; and take action to make the world a better place. At Girl Scouts, everything centers around the girl: activities are girl-led, which gives girls the opportunity to learn by doing in a cooperative learning environment.

• ”She has retained girls in her troop.” How many girls has she retained? “Her troop participates in service unit events.” What events specifically? How many events?


girlscoutsindiana.org /volunteers

Adult learning

National Girl Scout Program Portfolio The National Girl Scout Program Portfolio consists of The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting, the National Leadership Journeys and Skill Building Badge Sets. The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting Girls at every grade-level have a Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting. Through fun activities, girls can earn a variety of badges to build the skills and gain the confidence they’ll use to change the world. They can even develop and complete activities to make their own badge. All badges are called National Proficiency Badges and are grouped in the categories: Legacy, Financial Literacy, Cookie Business, Skill-Building, and Make Your Own. Daisies continue to earn Petals, as well as four new Leaves. National Leadership Program through Journeys At the core of the GSLE are national leadership journeys, fun and challenging experiences grouped around a theme and spread over a series of sessions. Each journey has all the important components of the GSLE sewn right in. Leadership journeys ensure that every Girl Scout in every pathway receives a consistent, highquality experience that engages girls in realizing specific leadership benefits. Each journey offers opportunities to enjoy the longstanding traditions of Girl Scouting, from ceremonies and songs to earning awards and related skill badges. So, to guide girls on a great journey, all you need is enthusiasm and a sense of adventure. Skill Building Badge Sets The Skill-Building Badge Activity Sets offer girls the opportunity to earn additional badges throughout their Leadership Journeys. These activities are designed to turn the experiences and inspiration of the Journeys into tangible skills that girls can use throughout their lives.

Informal Adult Recognition Awards Recognition-Do it often and make it meaningful-Get creative! Informal recognitions are day-to-day ways to say “thank you” to volunteers. These sincere expressions of appreciation are based on specific contributions and are given in a timely manner. Informal recognition is powerful and effective, because volunteers feel valued by a personal touch. Informal Ways to Recognize Volunteers • Girl Scout tokens-check the Girl Scout catalogue or shop online on our website at girlscoutsindiana.org. • Celebrate Leader Appreciation Day on April 22 • Certificates • Personal handwritten note cards • Scrapbook • Telephone call • Electronic greeting cards • Flowers • Framed photo or picture collage • Themed recognition (hearts, shamrocks, stars, angels) • Fun awards (bones-wishbone, funny bone, backbone; hats; gems and rocks; hand; puzzle piece) • One minute praise to say thanks

Troop Committee Thank You Gift Ideas • First Aider – small travel first aid kit • Troop Camper – whistle

Pathways Pathways are the flexible ways girls and adults can participate in Girl Scouting such as troop, camp, events, series, travel, and virtual.

• Treasurer – coin purse • Fall Product Manager – nut dish • Cookie Sale Manager – cookie jar or cookie cutters

Need some support writing nominations?

• Record keeper – pen and pencil set

We want to ensure the success of adult recognition nominations. If you need help or have questions, contact Ann Homrighous, director of adult outreach, at 317.924.6842 or email ahomrighous@girlscoutsindiana.org.

• Refreshment Coordinator – coffee mug • Transportation Coordinator – key chain or set of maps


Service Unit Recognition Ideas • Celebrate with an Investiture and Rededication Ceremony or other Girl Scout traditions

Volunteer Service Award Pin Pins to recognize years of service in Girl Scouting are available in five year increments up to 30 years. Pins can be purchased at your local Showcase.

• Public acknowledgement in your local newspaper

Official Volunteer Pin Volunteer pins may be purchased at the Showcase by any Girl Scout volunteer.

• Service unit honor rolls for example, leaders with 12 girls or more, leaders returning for the 2nd year, leaders who are creative in having girls plan and implement activities, or volunteer learning stars who have completed recommended adult learning sessions within 6 months.

Online Resources In looking at Girl Scout recognition research the type of recognition that volunteers say they appreciate the most is recognition from troops, individual girls and parents. Find tools on girlscoutsindiana.org to recognize leaders and other volunteers informally.

• Volunteer thank you kits Online Resources • Free e-cards for every occasion at Americangreetings.com

President’s Volunteer Service Award The President’s Volunteer Service Award is part of the Points of Light and is a way to thank and honor Americans who, by their demonstrated commitment and example, inspire others to engage in volunteer service. As an affiliate of GSUSA your local troop or service unit can register to be a Certifying Organization. Go to presidentialserviceawards.gov to learn more about these awards and how to become a Certifying Organization. Use GSU003 as your ID when registering.

• E-cards at BlueMountain.com • E-cards and greeting cards at hallmark.com • Virtual Flowers at iflowers.com

Other Girl Scout and community resources Grade Level Volunteer Pins Volunteer pins for each grade level are available through all Showcase locations. These pins are great resources to welcome and thank volunteers into roles working directly with girls or supporting a grade level behind the scenes. These position pins are not earned, but given in recognition of service supporting Girl Scouts in a variety of ways.


Adult Position Pins Each position an adult member in Girl Scouting can hold has a corresponding position bar. Visit your local Showcase to purchase your categorical color position bar.


girlscoutsindiana.org /volunteers


Council Event Registration Form Girl Scouts of Central Indiana

Please register online at girlscoutsindiana.org or fax the following form to 317.931.3346 or mail to Girl Scouts of Central Indiana, Suite 100, 2611 Waterfront Parkway East Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46214. Use one registration form for each event. This form may be copied or saved to your computer and emailed. Print clearly and complete all sections. If you have a multi-age level troop, girls need to attend the age-level appropriate to the event (i.e. Girl Scout Brownies cannot attend events for Girl Scout Juniors even if they are in the same troop).

Troop #

Grade level


Event title

Office code Event date

Event time

Please print the name(s) of those attending this event. Use an additional paper if necessary. Name Grade Name Grade Girl  Adult Girl  Adult Girl  Adult Girl  Adult Girl  Adult Girl  Adult Girl  Adult Girl  Adult Girl  Adult Girl  Adult Total # Girls Adults Total due:

Individual cost $ $

Total $ $ $

In order for your registration to be processed it must be accompanied by payment in full unless otherwise indicated.

Select payment (please check one)   Cash  Check  Credit Card  Cookie Dough If paying by credit card, card holder’s name______________________________________________________ Card type_______________ Card no__________________________________ Exp. date_________________ Leader’s name___________________________________________________________________________ Home mailing address_________________________City/ZIP code___________________________________ Day phone (____ )_________________ Cell (____ )________________ Eve. phone (_____ )_______________ Please select how you would like to receive your bill (please check one)   USPS mail   E-mail AGREEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING I understand that if we are selected for this event, I am financially responsible for the above number of girls/adults and will owe the event balance amount unless I have cancelled in writing 15 calendar days prior to the program event.

Name (please print) _______________________________________________________________________ Signature__________________________________________ Date _________________________________


Program Assistance Grant Application Girl Scouts of Central Indiana

Please complete the Program Assistance Grant Application online at girlscoutsindiana.org, or mail the following form to Girl Scouts of Central Indiana, Suite 100, 2611 Waterfront Parkway East Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46214. Grants are given for individual girl or troop participation in Girl Scouts of Central Indiana and Girl Scouts of the USA endorsed events such as GSUSA national and international Destinations, resident and day camp, and council, service unit, or troop program activities. Grants are only given to registered Girl Scouts. • Each girl may apply for one troop, one camp and one individual grant per year. • Financing is seldom more than matching funds with the exception of extreme need and or unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the applicant. • All applicants will be notified by mail as to the disposition of the requests. The grant committee will look at the following factors when evaluating a grant request. • The application request is based on a realistic goal and includes a sound financial plan. • The financial resources of the applicant, including any special circumstances. • The degree to which the applicant has used her own resources to help pay for the cost of the opportunity. Type of PAG requested:   Troop (see section I)   Individual (see section II)   Camp (see section II) Girl Scouts of Central Indiana should make PAG check payable to:

Section I: Troop PAG (circle appropriate grade level) Girl Scout Daisy  Girl Scout Brownie  Girl Scout Junior  Girl Scout Cadette/Senior/Ambassador Troop number_____________Leader’s name________________ Phone (______ ) _________________ Street address _______________________________________ # participating (G)______ (A) ______ City, state, ZIP____________________________________________ County____________________ Are all girls are registered Girl Scouts?   Yes   No I have reviewed the Safety-Wise section appropriate to this activity and assure that all requirements will be met. Leader signature_________________________________________________ Date _______________

Troop PAG applicants please continue to section IV.

Section II: Individual PAG (circle appropriate grade level) Girl Scout Daisy  Girl Scout Brownie  Girl Scout Junior  Girl Scout Cadette/Senior/Ambassador Girl’s name____________________________________________ Troop number________________ Street address_______________________________ City, state, ZIP___________________________ County/Service unit________________________________ Phone (_______ )____________________ Number of years in Girl Scouting______Grade in fall_________________ Birth date__________________ Does girl receive free/reduced lunch at school?   Yes   No Girl wishes to attend the following program activity:___________________________________________ Council program activity:   Troop program activity   Day camp   Resident camp Girl signature_____________________________________________________ Date______________ Parent name printed __________________________________________________________________ Parent/guardian signature___________________________________________ Date______________ Camp applicants please continue to section III; individual applicants please continue to section IV.




Program Assistance Grant Application Girl Scouts of Central Indiana

Section III: Camp PAG (circle appropriate grade level) Submit a $10 deposit with your PAG application. The application will not be processed until the $10 fee has been received by GSCI.

Girl Scout Daisy  Girl Scout Brownie  Girl Scout Junior  Girl Scout Cadette/Senior/Ambassador Parent/guardian name_________________________________________ Troop number____________ Work phone ______________________________ Cell phone ________________________________ Complete only if different from girl’s information. Street address_____________________________________________________________________ City, state, ZIP_________________________________ County/Service unit______________________ Camp attending ________________________ Camp dates_____ Session number or name __________ _

Camp applicants please continue to section IV.

Section IV: Event details and participation Location_______________________________________Transportation________________________ Detailed description of event___________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Dates of trip_______________________________________________________________________ Have reservations been made?   Yes   No What are your sleeping arrangements?   Tents   Hotel   Other Do you have additional insurance other than Girl Scouts?   Yes   No A complete itinerary must be submitted including dates, times, places and accommodations with a full list of girls and adults. Has troop/girl received a grant for a Girl Scout activity in the past year?   Yes   No Did the troop/girl participate in the Fall Product Sale Program?   Yes   No If no, why not?______________________________________________________________________ Did the troop/girl participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Sale Program?   Yes   No If no, why not?______________________________________________________________________

All applicants please continue to Section V.


Program Assistance Grant Application Girl Scouts of Central Indiana Section V: Budget Total anticipated cost

Total amount girl/troop can pay

If other, please specify

Transportation____________ Troop__________________________ _________________________ Camp fee________________ Parent/guardian__________________ _________________________ Program fee______________ Girl’s earnings____________________ _________________________ Other___________________ Other__________________________ _________________________ Total____________________ Total__________________________ _________________________ Total annual income: (Please check the appropriate amount)  $0-$12,000  $15,001-$18,000  $21,001-$25,000  $30,001-$40,000  $50,001-$60,000  $12,001-$15,000  $18,001-$21,000  $25,001-$30,000  $40,001-$50,000  Over $60,000

Number of people supported by this income: ______________________________________________ Answer the following questions. Please attach additional sheet if necessary. What is the trip goal?_________________________________________________________________ Are there any special circumstances? (This question must be answered in order for your application to be considered.) ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Is the parent/guardian a troop leader?____________________________________________________ The following questions must be filled out for processing: Does your child receive free or reduced lunch?

☐ Yes

☐ No

What is your child's school district? _____________________________________________________________

Please allow 4 weeks for processing.

Award amount ___________ Requisition # ____________





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