Resident camp at camp gallahue

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Camp Gallahue � Resident camp

Camp open houses Sunday, April 13 | 3-5 p.m. | Sunday, June 1 | 2-4 p.m. 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46214

Resident camp at Camp Gallahue How to register

… is a camping experience for girls to live in the outdoors for three or more days. Girls from different troops and/or groups sign up as individual campers and are placed in units according to their desired session. The girls and their counselors plan activities, taking advantage of the opportunities available to them.

• Complete one 2014 Resident Camp Individual Registration Form for each camper and session. Please print clearly. • List a second and third choice only if your camper wants placed in those sessions. We will refer to those choices if we cannot place a camper in her first choice.

Campers! Start planning now for a summer you will never forget. Resident camp is an experience filled with excitement, delight, laughter, and friendship. For more information about the various camps, please visit our website at

• If your camper wishes to attend more than one session, complete one registration form for each session and number the forms in order of preference.

Resident camp staff

• Online registration is also available at if you are using a credit card to pay the full amount.

Members of our camp staff are enthusiastic, talented, fun-loving and caring individuals. They are selected based on their experience, ability to serve as role models and their genuine desire to work with children. Our staff is committed to creating a caring and supportive environment that respects each girl as an individual.

• Mail completed registration form with full or half payment to: Girl Scouts of Central Indiana 2611 Waterfront Parkway East Drive Suite 100 Indianapolis, IN 46214 OR fax completed forms with credit card information for full or half payment to 317.931.3346

Staff candidates are recruited from colleges and universities, local community agencies and referrals. Individuals must be at least 18 years old and complete a thorough application process which includes a background check. The health and safety of our campers is always the first priority of the staff.

OR deliver completed forms and full or half payment to a Girl Scouts of Central Indiana service center. If applying for a Program Assistance Grant (PAG), please submit application with your registration form. A $10 deposit per girl is required.

Staff training prior to camp includes supervising and caring for campers, activity programming, first aid and CPR, team building, and much more.

• Full fee must be paid no later than: May 23 for all June camp dates June 23 for all July camp dates Failure to do so will result in loss of the reservation.


• A confirmation packet including health form will be mailed to all registered individuals.

bus transportation. Please plan to arrive 15-20 minutes prior to pick-up and drop-off times. We will be conducting head checks before children will be allowed to board buses/vans. The buses must leave at the scheduled time to make it to the next stop on time. We will not be able to wait.

• Any incomplete forms or registrations without payment will be returned. If forms must be returned to you for any reason, the receipt date for processing purposes will be based on the date in which complete forms and payment (or PAG form) is received in our office.

Girl Scout Service Center at Kokomo 815 W Superior St, Kokomo

When to register

Sunday check-in Sunday bus leaves Friday drop off

• Registration opens in Friday, January 17.

Registration closes

11 a.m. 11:30 a.m. (bus to camp) 3 p.m. (bus from camp)

• Registration closes two weeks prior or when session is full.

Girl Scout Service Center at Lafayette 615 N 18th St, Lafayette

Refund procedure

Sunday check-in Sunday bus leaves Friday drop off

The fee for resident camp is not designed to cover the entire cost of a girl’s stay at camp. The remaining cost is covered by various funding sources that support Girl Scouts. For this reason the refund policy is as follows:

11:30 a.m. Noon (bus to camp) 2:30 p.m. (bus from camp)

Flying J Truck Stop in Spiceland Highway Location: I-70 Exit 123 5300 S State Road 3

• Bus fees are not refundable.

Sunday check-in Sunday bus leaves Friday drop off

• Refunds are given only if cancellation is received two weeks prior to session. • $25 of fee will be retained for handling charges. The $10 deposit for PAG’s will not be refunded if we place your child in a program .

12:15 p.m. 12:45 p.m. (bus to camp) 1:30 p.m. (bus from camp)

Girl Scout Service Center at Terre Haute 1100 Girl Scout Ln, Terre Haute Sunday check-in Sunday bus leaves Friday drop off

• Refunds will not be given to campers who are no-shows or who leave camp early . No refunds will be made for a child leaving early regardless of the reason. We will try to place your daughter in another session if she cannot attend camp for failure to pass the lice exam. If she cannot be placed, there will not be a refund.

Noon 12:30 p.m. (bus to camp) 1:30 p.m. (bus from camp)

Nora Elementary School 1000 E 91st St, Indianapolis (northside) Sunday bus check-in Noon Sunday bus leaves 12:30 p.m. (bus to camp) Friday drop off 1:45 p.m. (bus from camp)

Car transportation Parents are welcome to drive their campers to and from camp. Drop off and pick up times are:

Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr (west side of Building 1), Indianapolis

Camp Gallahue Sunday drop off 2 - 4 p.m. Friday pick up 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Sunday bus check-in 12:45 p.m. Sunday bus leaves 1:15 p.m. (bus to camp) Friday drop off 1:30 p.m. (bus from camp)

Bus transportation Optional bus transportation is available. Qualified public carriers transport girls to and from Camp Gallahue. The bus fee is $30 per person. This fee is non-refundable, not included in the camp fee, and is $30 regardless if the camper is utilizing the bus for one-way or round-trip transportation. The following bus stops are used for resident camp

O’Malia’s Food Market 8904 S Meridian St, Indianapolis (southside) Sunday bus check-in 1:30 p.m. Sunday bus leaves 2 p.m. (bus to camp) Friday drop off 12:30 p.m. (bus from camp)



Camp Gallahue � Resident camp

Questions and answers

cell phones to camp. Parents are always welcome to call the camp director for an update on their daughter.

Who may attend Girl Scout camp? Camp sessions are open to all girls entering grades 2-12 in the fall regardless of race, color, creed, or national origin. All girls who are registered Girl Scout members may attend. Girls who are no longer active in a troop or have never been members may attend camp by paying a one time fee of $30.* For girls with a chronic illness or disability, a written statement from her physician is required and must indicate the girl can participate in routine activities without harm to herself.

What health precautions are taken? Is a physical exam required? All campers attending camp this summer must have a medical history form that has been signed by their doctor, which means they need to have been seen by a doctor in the last 24 months. A resident camp health history and exam form will be included in the camper’s confirmation packet. As part of our check-in procedures, all campers must be seen at the infirmary on opening day. We will do a head check and discuss any special needs with each camper. If your daughter is on medication, we will administer her medication as noted on the bottle. Campers are required to turn in all medications, both prescribed and over-thecounter, in the original containers, to the health director on opening day.

*Includes Girl Scouts of the USA membership fee. Please fill out the girl member registration form in the back of this book along with the camp registration form.

Can my daughter request to go to camp with a buddy?

What if my daughter has special needs?

Resident camping is about camping with friends, both old and new. Girls may request to stay in the same unit with one girl in the same session. Please write the buddy’s name in the appropriate space on the application. Requests must be mutual and only one buddy will be honored. Please mail in the two forms at the same time or we might not be able to place both girls in the same session. Because making new friends is also important, only one request per girl, per unit will be honored.

At camp, we make every effort to allow all girls to enjoy our camp sessions. If you have concerns about your daughter’s ability to participate in our camp, please call us before registering her for camp. For girls with a chronic illness or disability, a written statement from her physician is required and must indicate the girl can participate in routine activities without harm to herself. Routine activities include hiking at least two miles each day, living in a tent with steps, showering and changing clothes by herself, and walking up and down sizeable hills possibly in the dark with a buddy. If your daughter cannot do these activities without help, we can suggest other camp opportunities that she might enjoy. Unfortunately, we cannot offer one-on-one helpers for campers.

Can I take my camper out of camp to play sports? Can I pick her up early? We do appreciate all campers remaining in camp for the entire session. It is disruptive to your daughter and the other campers in her unit if you pick her up midway through her session and bring her back a day later.

How may I contact my camper? May I visit or call her?

During the horse session, how many lessons will she have? What might she learn about horses at camp?

Parents and other family members may visit the camps during their designated open house. We do not accept visitors during resident camp as seeing a mom or dad may spark homesickness in many campers. Also, because telephone calls from home tend to increase the likelihood of homesickness, we ask that you refrain from calling camp. We need to keep our phone lines available for business and emergency purposes. We also ask that you do not allow your daughters to bring

Weather permitting, girls in Yearlings will go riding in the ring two times. They will also have two ground lessons. Campers in Hoofprints will be split into four riding groups. Each day, the groups will rotate through cleaning, tacking, and riding the horses. Each girl will have time to ride each day, not including opening day, closing day, and Sundays. Girls attending Ringmasters, and Mini Wranglers and Wranglers will also have time to ride each day. They will spend some of their time


at the barn learning more advanced horse care and do some trail riding. Yearlings will not leave the riding ring.

How often do campers swim and shower? Weather permitting, all campers have the opportunity to swim and shower every day of their session with the exception of opening and closing days.

Will my daughter need money at camp? No, she will not have the opportunity to purchase anything while at camp. She will receive her T-shirt at the end of the session. If, however, your daughter is in a session that will be traveling out of camp, you may send extra money along with her. We ask that your daughter does not bring an excessive amount, as her needs will be taken care of while attending camp. The money you send will be spent on anything she wants.

What if my daughter gets homesick? Because homesickness is common at camp, especially for first time campers, our staff members are trained to provide a caring, supportive environment for your child. Homesickness usually passes in a day or two. Please do not be alarmed if the first letter you receive from your daughter reflects her feeling of homesickness. It was probably written at a low time, and by the time you receive it your daughter is having a great time playing with her new friends. Your encouraging attitude both before and during camp will help prevent homesickness. Please remember that campers who overcome homesickness have met a real challenge and can feel a sense of pride in themselves. If a camper’s homesickness should persist, the parents/ guardians will be notified by the camp director. More information on homesickness will be mailed with confirmations. Campers do not have access to phones and may not bring cell phones.

What grade does my daughter need to be in to attend camp sessions at camp? The grades listed for each session are the grades that your daughters should be going into in the fall. All campers must be entering second grade or higher to attend resident camp this summer.

How can I prepare my camper? It is important for parents to talk with their camper about what to expect at camp this summer. Be sure to emphasize the good time she will have. The American Camp Association has great resources for parents available at

What is camp life like? All campers are expected to participate in all-camp kapers, including making their bed, maintaining their living area, and rotating responsibilities in the dining hall. Each camper is also responsible for her own personal care and grooming. Campers will sleep either in a unit house with their counselors in a separate room nearby, or in platform tents with the counselors in their own tent in the unit. Campers are given a voice in planning all activities, which could include art projects, swimming, cookouts, and campfire activities. Also, campers will earn age-level appropriate Girl Scout recognitions.

What if the weather is bad? While at camp, every counselor is in touch with the camp director who has access to a weather radio. We are aware of any storms headed our way and have procedures in place to protect our campers. Some activities may be affected by weather, and in this case refunds are not issued. Please keep in mind that there is only one phone line that does need to be kept open during inclement weather in case of emergency.



Camp Gallahue ďż˝ Camp quiz

Are you ready for camp? Take the quiz and find out! Circle the answer that best describes you. Add up the numbers for your total score. 1 = NO WAY 2 = MAYBE





You enjoy staying overnight at a friend's house.




You're good at being part of a team.




You shampoo and brush/comb your own hair.




When you see a bug, spider, or mouse, you don't like it, but you can handle it.




You make your own bed and keep track of your own things.




You love to make new friends and do things with other girls.




You like sleeping in an outdoor platform tent.




You like to help plan activities that you are participating in.




Walking to another building to use the bathroom and sink is no big deal.




You're okay sleeping in a tent with 3-4 other girls and an adult nearby.




You're willing to help with Kapers (camp chores: cleaning, setting tables, etc.).




You love singing songs, playing games having lots of fun!




You live by the Girl Scout Law.




You can't wait to get to camp!




You relax and enjoy yourself when your daughter is at a sleepover.




It would be fun only communicating by snail mail while your daughter is away.




You would be okay following the policies and procedures that apply to camp.




You're prepared to not see your daughter for several days.

1 2 3

You're comfortable with your daughter living and playing in an outdoor, rustic setting where it may rain and there are things such as bugs and spiders.

1 2 3

You're willing to work with your daughter to ensure she is comfortable with being more independent at camp than she might be used to.

1 2 3

You believe Girl Scout camp provides girls with a fun and rewarding experience that builds girls of courage, confidence, and character.




You trust the camp director and counselors with your daughter's safety.




You think your daughter would enjoy sleeping in a tent with 3-4 other girls.




You're confident in your daughter's ability to maintain her hygiene.

1 2 3

You're confident in your daughter's ability to make her own bed and keep track of her own things.


FOR GIRLS Typical day at resident camp


7:15 a.m.

Wake up

If you scored: 14-25 points You're adventurous, but it might be a good idea for you to wait until next year to come to resident camp.

8:15 a.m.


9 a.m.

Opening flag ceremony

26-35 points You might enjoy a mini session or bring a buddy with you to camp. You'll feel more comfortable!

1:30 p.m. Afternoon activities (swimming, arts and crafts, nature)

Late afternoon showers, resting (depends on unit)

36-45 points You're a pro! We'll see you at camp.

6 p.m.


7:15 p.m.

Closing flag ceremony

7:30 p.m.

Evening activity

9:30-10 p.m.

Lights out (depends on age)

9:30 a.m. Morning activities (arts and crafts, canoeing, nature) Noon



_______ TOTAL POINTS Typical day at horse camp

If you scored: 11-18 points It might be a good idea for your Girl Scout to wait until next year to come to resident camp. 26-35 points Your Girl Scout might enjoy a mini session or make sure she has a buddy to make her feel more comfortable. 36-45 points You and your Girl Scout are ready for this new adventure! You're confident in her abilities and willing to help her prepare. 33

6 a.m.

Wake up / breakfast (patrols take turns getting up early)

6:30 a.m.

Round up horses from pasture; take turns grooming, saddling, riding, cleaning bar



1:30 p.m.


2:30 p.m.

Afternoon activities (art projects, nature)

7:15 p.m.

Closing flag ceremony

7:30 p.m.

Showers and ground lessons at barn

9:30 p.m.

Lights out (depends on age)


Camp Gallahue ďż˝ Resident camp

Resident camp sessions at a glance

Session 1 June 8-13




Surf Divas

You Can't Do That at Camp

Best Day Ever

Grades 4-8

Grades 4-6

Grades 3-5 Hoofprints grades 6-8

Art Attack

Slumber Party

Pony Tales 1

Grades 4-8

Grades 5-8

Grades 3-5

Gallahue's Quarter Quell

Hawaiian Luau

Sampler 1

Grades 5-8

Grades 3-5


Summer Fun

Pony Tales 2

Grades 4-8

Grades 4-8

Grades 3-5

Session 5 July 6-11

Under the Sea

Hagrid's First Years

Give Camp a Chance

Grades 4-6

Grades 2-5

Session 6 July 13-18

Kamp Katniss

Night Owls

Sampler 2

Grades 5-8

Grades 4-6

Grades 3-5

Session 7 July 20-25

Catching Fire

Under the Big Top

Aqua Sampler

Session 2 June 15-20

Session 3 June 22-27

Session 4 June 29-July 4

Grades 5-8

Grades 4-8

Grades 6-12

Grades 4-8



Grades 3-5

Hoofprints 2 Buckmasters Grades 7-9

Yearlings Grades 4-8

Ringmasters Grades 7-10 Hoofprints Grades 6-8

Art Colony Harley's Hill


Valley 2

Valley 3

Grades 6-8

Wondering Adventures


Junior Counselor

District Gallahue

Journey into the Wilderness 2

Grades 7-12

Grades 6-12

Grades 6-8

Discover Chicago

Junior Bronze Award

Grades 7-12

Grades 4-5

Hogwart's Express

Warrior Princess

Master Camp Chef

Grades 5-8

Grades 6-12

Grades 7-12

Camp Gallahue's Got Talent

Light's Out

Mini Sail/ Spinnakers

Camp Gallahue's Got Talent Grades 4-8

Grades 7-12 Blast off to Space Camp Grades 4-8 Project Camp Runway Grades 6-12

Journey into the Wilderness 1

Grades 6-9

Grades 7-10

Grade 12

In-spa-ration Grades 5-8

Grades 7-12

Ring Masters Trailblazers Grades 7-10

Junior Counselor Grade 12

Wranglers Grades 9-12

Snapshots Grades 6-12

Moonlight Mischief Grades 5-8

Mini Wranglers Grades 8-10


CIT Grades 10-11

Junior Counselor Grade 12


Camp Gallahue � Resident camp

Mini sessions

Trip units

Give Camp a Chance

Blast off to Space Camp • 1 week

Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5 This three-day session is perfect if you've never been to camp before and just want to try it out. Spend two nights in Hillcrest and your days doing general camp activities like swimming and crafts. Units are smaller to give girls more of the attention they might need. This is a good stepping-stone from day camp to resident camp! Pick-up on Tuesday July 8 is between 7-8 p.m. Drop-off on Wednesday, July 9 is from 2-4 p.m. No bus service on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Enjoy a trip to Huntsville Space Center! Enjoy a few days at Camp Gallahue with traditional camp activities. On Friday, you'll head to the space center where you will experience flight simulators and build your own rocket; explore the space shuttle; go to a hands-on lab; and spend the night in the Space Camp Habitats. You'll return to Camp Gallahue on Saturday evening and pick-up is on Sunday morning. There will be no bus transportation from camp.



Session 1: July 6-8

July 13-20

Session 2: July 9-11

Discover Chicago • 1 week

Just You and Me


Grades: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Visit Chicago and discover art, drama, water taxis, lots of shopping, and play in one of the great lakes! Chicago is a great city to visit in the summer, enjoy the Navy Pier, walking along the magnificent mile, and visiting Millennium Park—discover all of this and more. There is something for everyone to do! We will travel by school bus and stay in a hostel Monday through Thursday. End the week back at camp before you leave on Friday.

June 20-21


Check-in: June 20 � 5-6 p.m.

June 22-27

Grades: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Bring your favorite female adult with you to camp for the weekend. Swim, cookout, make crafts, and enjoy all camp has to offer. Sleep in platform tents in one of Camp Gallahue’s beautiful units. This is a perfect way to spend time together! To register, visit the activities finder at

Check-out: June 21 � 5 p.m.


Horse units

Hoofprints • 2 weeks Grades: 6, 7, 8 What could be better than being with a group of girls who love horses as much as you do? Learn riding skills and how to care for horses. Spend time each day grooming, tacking, riding horses, and learn the basics so you can move on to our more advanced horse activities. You'll also get to experience bareback riding, bathing horses, confidence-building games, and competing in a fun show! Don't forget all the traditional camp activities like camping out and swimming availble.

Girl Scouts of Central Indiana offers a wide range of horseback riding programs aimed to help girls experience the joy and adventure of this exciting sport. Whether a girl dreams of being an Olympian, riding in rodeo, or simply loves to ride horses every summer, campers will be taught in a safe and comfortable learning environment. Our instructors all have previous experience teaching horseback riding, and provide close and constant supervision during all aspects of the riding program.


Emphasis in all programs and levels is on skill development, progression and expanding knowledge of horses and horse care. Girls will take part in the horse care and management by feeding, cleaning and grooming. Within their registered program, campers are placed in classes based on their skill level. Classes are kept small with a ratio of at least 1 instructor to 6 campers. Campers in riding programs will also participate in other camp areas and activities.

Session 1: June 8-20 Session 2: July 13-25

Hoofprints 2 Buckmasters • 2 weeks Grades: 7, 8, 9 If you mastered Hoofprints, you're ready for Buckmasters! Get more experience with riding, controlling, and handling a horse. Learn skills for more advanced sessions in the future. Spend the morning with the horses and your afternoon at the lake, doing crafts, or archery. $303 June 22-July 4

Mini Wrangler • 2 weeks Grades: 8, 9, 10 Let's hit the trails! If you have completed Hoofies and Ringmasters, you are ready for more trail riding with the horses. Be prepared to do overnight trips, as well as exploring trails within and surrounding Gallahue. You must be able to trot and handle a horse on your own. Note: You must take the proficiency test at the Camp Gallahue open house on Sunday, June 1, 2-4 p.m. The Mini-Wrangler proficiency test includes control of the horse at a walk, trot, and canter; hands, body position, saddle; and bridle a horse, seat, leg. $303 July 13-25



Camp Gallahue � Resident camp

Ponytails • 1 week Grades: 3, 4, 5 Are you horse crazy? Explore the world of horses at this beginner horse session for younger girls. Ride twice, plus learn all about horses and participate in other camp activities like swimming, art projects, and cooking out. This unit will stay in Hillcrest, our indoor facility with three wings, electricity and flush toilets. $190 Session 1: June 15-20 Session 2: June 29-July 4

Ringmasters • 2 weeks Grades: 7, 8, 9, 10 Are you interested in becoming a better rider? Ringmasters is for girls who have completed Hoofprints, and are interested in learning more and becoming more independent with horses . Learn to canter, trail ride, and become more familiar with the care of a horse. Try bareback riding, bathing horses, confidence-building games, and competing in a fun show!



Grades:9, 10, 11, 12 If you loved the Mini Wranger trip and can't wait to spend more time on a horse, this is it! Spend a week away from Camp Gallahue camping, bonding with your horse, trail riding, eating on the trail, and participating in a cattle drive. There will also be a hayride, bonfire party, and time to relax! Successful completion of the pre-camp proficiency test is mandatory for admittance into the session. You must take the test at the Camp Gallahue open house on June 1, 2-4 p.m.

Session 1: June 8-20 Session 2: July 13-25

Ringmasters Trailblazers • 2 weeks Grades: 7, 8, 9, 10 Have you already been to Hoofprints and Ringmasters, but aren't quite old enough for Mini Wranglers? In this session, work on more trail riding skills, as well as more advanced riding in the ring. Play games on horseback and compete in a fun show!

$303 July 6-11


Yearlings • 1 week

June 22-July 4

Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Enjoy two ground lessons where you learn the basics of caring for a horse and two riding lessons to test your new skills. This is a good starting point for young campers who want to learn more about horses! $190 July 6-11


Themed camp sessions

Catching Fire • 1 week Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Are you ready to compete for the 75th Hunger Games? Even if you didn’t make it to our games last summer, you can still come and compete for the title of victor. This time our games will focus on the lake. "May the odds be ever in your favor!"

denotes a session that is new this year

Art Attack • 1 week Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Art fanatics, you'll love this week at camp! Spend your free time making all your favorite camp crafts from bead making to tie dying to making our own piñatas. Enjoy traditional camp activities, too.

$180 July 20-25


CIT • 2 weeks

June 15-20

Grades: 10, 11 The counselor-in-training (CIT) program is for girls who are going into 10th grade in the fall and want to learn leadership skills to work with younger Girl Scouts. Improve your knowledge of outdoor activities and help younger girls enjoy their camp experience! Week one will focus on learning leadership skills and go on an overnight hiking trip near camp for team building. Week two you will help out in different areas of camp while still experiencing camp as a camper!

Aqua Sampler • 1 week Grades: 3, 4, 5 Enjoy this fun introduction to the aquatic world swimming, canoeing, sailing, and fishing! This unit will live in Hillcrest, an indoor facility. Hillcrest has three wings, with electricity and flush toilets. $180 July 20-25


Best Day Ever • 1 week

July 13-25

Grades: 3, 4, 5 Each day participate in activities like making glowing lanterns from Tangled, archery like Merida from Brave, ride a horse like Mulan; go swimming and canoeing in the lake, have a camp fire in the valley. Each day will be the best day ever! Stay in Hillcrest, which has three wings, with electricity and flush toilets.

Cookie Getaway • 1 week Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Take a trip to Savannah, Ga. with top cookie sellers! Registration for any remaining spots will open to all girls after April 1. Go white water rafting in Gatlinburg, Tn., and enjoy a dolphin cruise, exploring Tybee island, and visiting the birthplace of Juliette Gordon Low. You must be able to travel comfortably with staff and volunteer chaperones. Adult space is limited to six registered volunteers. For more information and to register, please contact Ashley Pasch, product sales manager.

$180 June 8-13

Camp Gallahue’s Got Talent • 1 week


Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 This week is all about your talents! Compete in a camp singing contest lip syncing or singing your favorite song, a variety show, and all sorts of other crazy acts. End the week with your unit bringing all these acts to dinner and performing them for the whole camp. Enjoy traditional camp activities, too.

July 16-20 Savannah, Ga. Contact: Ashley Pasch

$180 Session 1: June 8-13 (Grades 4-8) Session 2: July 6-11 (Grades 7-12)



Camp Gallahue � Resident camp

District Gallahue • 1 week

Hawaiian Luau • 1 week

Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 You’ve read the books, seen the movie, now experience the excitement for yourself! Learn survival skills and then go on a hunt to sleep out in camp overnight by finding your equipment. Work as a team to get more goods. Learn what survival skills you need to prepare yourselves. Bring your skills to the group to help everyone stay together. Remember “May the odds be ever in your favor!”

Grades: 5, 6, 7, 8 Let’s take a trip to Hawaii! Enjoy a luau party, make shell necklaces, and surf on stand up paddle boards. Decorate your unit to look tropical and take in all the beach and lake have to offer along with all traditional camp activities. $180 June 22-27


Hogwart’s Express • 1 week

June 15-20

Grades: 5, 6, 7, 8 Hogwarts will come to life this week at Camp Gallahue. Explore the world of Harry Potter. If you love potions, sorting hats, and Quidditch, this is the session for you. Enjoy plenty of swimming and other camp activities, too!

Gallahue’s Quarter Quell • 1 week Grades: 5, 6, 7, 8 Are you ready to compete for the 75th Hunger Games? Even if you didn’t make it to our games last summer, you can still come and compete for the title of victor. This time our games will focus on the lake. "May the odds be ever in your favor!"

$180 June 29-July 4


In-SPA-ration • 1 week

June 22-27

Grades: 5, 6, 7, 8 Pamper yourself this week as your unit turns into a spa. Relax with soothing music and enjoy activities like massages, facials, aromatherapy, water aerobics, and yoga. Enjoy plenty of swimming and other camp activities, too!

Goonies • 1 week Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Explore Camp Gallahue for the pirate’s loot! As a P.I.T. (pirate-in-training) you'll learn and practice the most important piratical skills: shrinking heads, making maps, hunting buried treasure, climbing the rigging, and having a shipwreck breakfast!

$180 June 22-27

$180 June 29-July 4

Hagrid’s First Years • 1 week Sessions fill quickly … register early! Check our website before you register to find out which sessions are still available. It is updated daily.

Grades: 4, 5, 6 Harry Potter fans—you'll love this! Take Care of Magical Creatures, Potions, and Herbology classes. Top off the week with a game of Quidditch. Enjoy other activities such as swimming, canoeing, archery, and art projects. $180 July 6-11


Junior Counselor • 2 weeks

Journey into the Wilderness • 1 week

Grades: 12 This year there is a new format for Junior Counselors. As a high school senior, you can choose which two-week session to come to and live in your own unit. Start off with special training, including team building, camp rules, and outdoor living skills. Using these skills, you will help run camp in different areas and still get a little camp time of your own! This is a perfect transition from CIT to becoming a counselor after you graduate from high school. You may sign up for more than one session. Fee includes T-shirt, camp picture, and other camp materials. Option for lifeguard and small craft certification will be available.

Grades: 6, 7, 8, Spend time at camp while completing all the requirements for a Journey! We will work on It’s Your Planet—Love It! in the first week and It’s Your World—Change It! the second week. Weeks are not continuous; you can come to one or the other, or both! Price is for one week. $180 Session 1: June 8-13 Session 2: June 15-20

Lights Out • 1 week

$90/two-week session.

Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9 Find out what happens at camp after the sun goes down with night activities. Enjoy star-gazing, night canoeing, games, and traditional camp activities!

Session 1: June 8-20 Session 2: June 22-July 4 Session 3: July 13-25


Junior Bronze Award • 1 week

July 6-11

Grades: 4, 5 Earn your Girl Scout Bronze Award and go to resident camp at the same time! Take a week to spend at camp doing all your favorite activities, while working toward your Bronze Award. Imagine what you can accomplish when you team up with others and use your special skills and interests to take action and make a difference in the world!

Master Camp Chef • 1 week Grades: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 If you like cooking and challenges, try to be the master chef of Camp Gallahue. Take the challenge and cook a meal with mystery ingredients. The judges will taste your dishes and award the winners. Enjoy traditional camp activities, too.



June 22-27

June 29-July 4

Kamp Katniss • 1 week

Mini Sail • 1 week

Grades: 5, 6, 7, 8 You’ve read the books, seen the movie, now come experience the excitement for yourself! Work with your unit to learn survival skills to help prepare for an overnight in camp. Work as a team to get more goods. Bring your skills to the group to help everyone stay together. Remember “May the odds be ever in your favor!”

Grades: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Feel the wind in your face as you learn the basics and beyond about sailing, including the difference between a jib and when to jibe. Participate in the Gallahue Regatta, and sail over to the point on the lake for a cookout. Enjoy traditional camp activities during the week, too. $180


July 6-11

July 13-18



Camp Gallahue � Resident camp

Moonlight Mischief • 1 week

Slumber Party • 1 week

Grades: 5, 6, 7, 8 Are you a night owl? Do you like to stay up a little later than others? Would you like to go canoeing in the dark? Play tricks on the camp counselors? Explore camp at night and traditional camp activities during the day!

Grades: 5,6,7,8 Popcorn, stargazing, campfires, and s’mores! Stay up late to star gaze, enjoy a spa night, and sleeping in. Have a slumber party under the stars with all of your new camp friends. $180


June 15-20

July 20-25

Snapshots • 1 week

Night Owls • 1 week Grades: 4, 5, 6 Discover Gallahue at night with night hikes, canoeing in the dark, and stargazing. Explore bat calling, nighttime kickball, flashlight tag, and more!

Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Spend the week taking pictures, scrap booking, and making other crafts with your photos. We can supply a digital camera or bring your own. Enjoy traditional camp activities, too.



July 13-18

July 13-18

Project Camp Runway • 1 week

Spinnakers • 1 week

Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Are you into fashion? Do you like to design? Each day you will be given a project to make; it might be a dress costume or a puppet, maybe even jewelry. Present your design in a runway competition. Enjoy traditional camp activities, too!

Grades: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 For those of you who have already done Mini Sail, here is the next step! Now that you are familiar with the basics, take your sunfish sailboat out and really let the sails out and fly with the wind! Do you know what a spinnaker is?



July 20-25

July 6-11

Sampler • 1 week

Summer Fun • 1 week

Grades: 3, 4, 5 Sample camp activities for six adventurefilled days. Try hiking, swimming, a morning of horseback riding, and camping out. This is the perfect session for first-time campers. Samplers will stay in Hillcrest an indoor facility with three wings, electricity and flush toilets.

Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Sample everything Gallahue has to offer. This includes one morning of horseback riding, swimming, canoeing in the lake, hiking, cooking out, and making crafts. Having fun at camp is what this week is all about! $180


June 29-July 4

Session 1: June 22-27 Session 2: July 13-18


Surf Divas • 1 week Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Be a lake diva and spend your time at the beach. Try stand up paddle boarding or windsurfing, canoeing, kayaking, and sailing around the lake. Watch a movie on the beach, cookout at the point, and make tie dye beach wear! $180 June 8-13

Under the Big Top • 1 week Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Perform a circus for the rest of camp with your unit! Juggle or spin plates, try dressing like a poodle and do dog tricks. This week will be the greatest show on earth. Enjoy traditional camp activities, too. $180 July 20-25

Under the Sea • 1 week

Wandering Adventurers • 2 weeks

Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Spend time at the lake swimming, boating, and snorkeling. This week will keep you in the cool waters discovering seashells, playing games in the water, watching movies on the beach, and cooking out in a canoe.

Grades: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Do you want to spend two weeks at camp, but aren’t into horses? Are you into trying new things? Ride your bike to Lake Lemon, hike the Tecumseh trail from Morgan Monroe State Forest, and spend the night on the trail. Take time to windsurf or kayak on the lake. Spend two weeks learning that you are an adventurer! You must bring your own bike. Back packing equipment will be provided.

$180 July 6-11

Warrior Princess • 1 week


Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Welcome to Gallahue forest, home of the famous bandit Robyn Hood and her band of merry women. This week has it all: royal banquets, festivals, dinner in the lair of the merry women, archery tournaments, and more!

June 8-20

You Can’t Do That at Camp • 1 week Grades: 4, 5, 6 Did you ever want to make a huge fort to sleep in? Or wear your pajamas all day? Have a mud fight? Do all this and more for an entire week! You will be able to plan with your group new and crazy things to do at camp. Let your imagination run wild.

$180 June 29-July 4

$180 June 8-13



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