Volunteer Cookie Manual 2018-2019

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Quick Reference Program Dates – December 14, 2018 – May 5, 2019 Council Phone Number—212-645-4000 Email—customercare@girlscoutsnyc.org www.girlscoutsnyc.org/cookies

eBudde Login Info eBudde website: eBudde.littlebrownie.com____________________________________ eBudde Login: your email address____________________________________________ New Password: __________________________________________________________ Digital Cookie Login: your email address_______________________________________ Digital Cookie Password: ___________________________________________________

Cookie Chair Contact Info Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Service Unit: __________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________________________________ Home Phone Number: __________________________________________________________ Cell Phone Number: ___________________________________________________________ Best to call between: ___________________________________________________________ Please don’t call after: __________________________________________________________

Girl Scouts of Greater New York Cookie Team Heather Reine Associate Director, Product Programs hreine@girlscoutsnyc.org Lauren O’Connell Coordinator, Product Programs loconnell@girlscoutsnyc.org


Betty Brandt Product & Retail Sales Specialist bbrandt@girlscoutsnyc.org

TABLE OF CONTENTS GET READY TO GO FOR BOLD™! This Girl Scout Cookie Season®, we’re celebrating the spirit and creativity of all Girl Scouts as they sell America’s favorite treats and Go for Bold™. Whether embarking on a brave new adventure or finding the courage to talk to her first customer, every girl finds her own type of bold in the Girl Scout Cookie Program®. Girls have amazing experiences–and build lifelong skills, friendships and confidence along the way. As a Girl Scout Cookie volunteer, you’re supporting the largest girl-led entrepreneurial program in the world. Thank you for all you do for girls!!! Section 1 ORANGE: Why should girls sell cookies? 5 Skills and Cookie Executive Team………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..page 4 GSGNY Product Programs………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………page 5 Section 2 PURPLE: My role as a volunteer Volunteer Responsibilities……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………...page 6 Financial Responsibilities………..…………………………………………………………………………………………….…………….…………page 7 Section 3 GREEN: Selling Cookies in NYC How Girls Sell Cookies.………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...………..page 8 Digital Cookie……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………..…page 9 Booth Basics……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…..…………………….page 10 Booth Tips………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………..…………………page 11 Section 4 BLUE: Understanding Cookie Program Basics Cookie Calendar……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………..…………..page 12 Cookie Lineup…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…..…..…page 13 Cookie Resources…………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………….… page 14 Volunteer Resources…………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………..page 15 5 Steps to Success………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………….……..page 16 Cookie Proceeds and Rewards…………………………………………………………………….……………………...………………..pages 17-18 Safety Tips…………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………….……………………………page 19 Top Selling Tips…………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………..page 20 Section 5 RED: Using eBudde to Manage and Enter Sales The Business of Cookies………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………page 21 Placing Orders and Managing the Cookie Program…………………………………………………………………….………………..page 22 eBudde Fingertip Facts…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………..pages 23-29 Section 6 YELLOW: Deliveries and Post Initial Order Cupboard Pickup How do I Get My Cookies Delivery Page…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…….page 30 Post Sale Orders………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………..page 31


2018-2019 GIRL SCOUT COOKIE PROGRAM® THE GIRL SCOUT COOKIE PROGRAM® HELPS EMBOLDEN GIRL SCOUTS® BY BUILDING THESE FIVE ESSENTIAL SKILLS. GOAL SETTING—as she sets cookie program goals and makes a plan to reach them. DECISION-MAKING—as she and her troop decides how they will spend the cookie money. MONEY MANAGEMENT—as she makes a budget, takes orders and handles customers’ money. PEOPLE SKILLS—as she learns to talk and listen to all kinds of people while selling cookies. BUSINESS ETHICS—as she is honest and responsible every step of the way. Your time and talents are valuable to girls and to the Girl Scout Cookie Program®. Thank you for helping build a program where girls learn, grow and make a lasting impact on the world.

GSGNY COOKIE EXECUTIVES Our Cookie Executive Team is made up of girls who sell over 500 packages of cookies. These girls are invited to act as advisors to the Product Programs Department allowing participation in special events and meetings in a true board room setting.



Girl Scouts of Greater New York Events and Programs:

Cookie University A fun, hands-on, interactive way for younger girls to develop and build on the five essential skills connected with the Girl Scout Cookie Program. Visit www.girlscoutsnyc.org for dates and locations.

GSGNY Cookie Rally! Date and Location TBD This is a great opportunity for our whole council to join together and kick off a successful cookie season. Event details will be available online.

Plan a troop event to celebrate all the fun, learning, and excitement that selling cookies has powered for girls over the last 100 years. National Cookie Weekend will be February 22-24, 2019.

Cookie Pro GSUSA’s Cookie Pro Contest 2019 is an exciting opportunity for Girl Scouts nationwide to celebrate their cookie entrepreneur skills – girls can unlock an awesome, limited-edition Cookie Pro 2019 patch while earning a chance to win a VIP Experience.

GSGNY Gift of Caring The Gift of Caring program is a council-wide service project that gives the community the chance to donate cookies to military troops overseas and other nonprofit partners. The program provides Girl Scouts the opportunity to learn philanthropy. Customers purchase virtual packages of cookies that Girl Scouts of Greater New York donates to our nonprofit Gift of Caring partners. Our girls and customers have been so successful in collecting donations, we have been able to increase the number of organizations we donate to. We now collect donated packages for: USO, Military Personnel, Veterans Hospitals, City Meals, City Harvest, and NYC Department of Homeless Services. Please visit www.girlscoutsnyc.org/cookies for the most up-to-date details.


VOLUNTEER RESPONSIBILITIES It’s a labor of love! The main responsibility of the Girl Scout Cookie volunteer is to: 

Be a registered Girl Scout adult volunteer. Honor and live by the Girl Scout Promise and Law. Follow all policies and meet all deadlines.

 

Here’s an overview of your roles and responsibilities: Before the cookie program begins  Complete or refresh training.  Set the troop up in eBudde™ (the baker’s online order management system-opens January 14, 2019). See pages 26-32.  Download the eBudde™ Troop App to your mobile phone or tablet. 

Ensure you have access to internet/computer.

During the cookie program  Enter orders from girl order cards and keep eBudde up to date.  Monitor online sales from the Digital Cookie® platform, which will be visible in eBudde.  Coordinate booths (or ask another volunteer to do so).  Arrange cookie pickups from the Cookie Cupboard for Catch Up Cookie orders or Booths.  Allocate Booth cookies, Catch Up Cookie orders, and postinitial order cookie orders to the girls. After the cookie program ends  Fill out rewards order in eBudde.  Pick up and distribute girl rewards in a timely manner.  Keep troop records.  Celebrate with the girls! Questions? Contact your Service Unit Cookie Manager first—they are an incredible resource! Make sure to include your troop number and descriptive question so they can best help.




The troop is financially responsible for: 

Any cookies ordered through eBudde and delivered or picked up at a cookie cupboard. Troop must be aware of total number of cookies submitted in their eBudde order – check for unusual quantities before hitting submit. Troop must count and sign for all cookies at delivery and from cupboards. The signed receipt is FINAL! There are no exchanges/returns! All girl payments received for cookies and all money collected at booths. Provide parents with receipts for money collected. Troops should make timely deposits of all money into the troop account. Any lost or stolen money is the troop’s responsibility. All girl rewards earned by the troop. Troop must distribute all girl rewards to each girl upon receipt.

       

The family is financially responsible for:    

All cookies ordered by their Girl Scout. All money collected from customers for the cost of cookies. Families must turn in payments to troop by given deadlines. Any lost or stolen money is the responsibility of the guardian who signed the girl product permission slip.

What’s the return policy? The council does not accept returns or exchanges.

What if a package is damaged? If a package is damaged, the package will be replaced by the Product Programs team for a non-damaged package of the same cookie flavor. Please contact council and provide photos of the damaged package.

Damaged means: Crushed package Sealed but empty package Unsealed package



Selling practices vary from council to council. In our area, girls participate in the cookie program through these channels: 1. Order taking Girls ask neighbors, friends and family members to place orders for cookies and they collect payment in full for the order. They write their orders on the paper order card, which is turned in to the cookie volunteer. The volunteer enters these orders in eBudde™ and records and reconciles money collected. 2. Booths/direct sales Troops buy cookies and sell them directly to customers, often at booths in high-traffic areas such as grocery stores, malls, sporting events, and neighborhood centers. Booth times and locations are submitted by the troop leader, approved by Council, and uploaded into eBudde. 3. Digital CookieŽ Girls over the age of 13 or parents of younger girls will receive an invite from the GSUSA Digital Cookie system which allows them to participate. Girls create customized websites and send emails to family and friends, asking them to buy cookies. Customers purchase cookies online and have the option for the cookies to be shipped directly to their homes or delivered by the girl. Orders appear automatically in eBudde. Find out more at girlscoutsnyc.org.


DIGITAL COOKIE Digital Order Card Troop Volunteers and Digital Cookie Parents love the convenience of using digital cookie and girls who participate in digital cookie sell more cookies than girls who participate in the traditional cookie program alone. Help the girls in your troop reach their goals with Digital Cookie. In order for a girl to participate in DOC Council must have her registration data correct and complete. This includes the accurate name, birth date, troop number, grade level, and parent/guardian email address for each girl.  Service Unit Cookie Managers should work with troop leaders to make sure that their girls’ information is accurate and up to date.  Council can help Service Unit Cookie Managers access troop rosters that list our current registration information.  Changes may be made by visiting “My GS” from our website, www.girlscoutsnyc.org.  If additional assistance is required, or if you have a parent or leader who does not receive the DOC link, please email doc@girlscoutsnyc.org 

Once the DOC program is activated  Parents/guardians will receive a message to the email address we have on file.  This message will contain instructions on creating their girl’s DOC site and how to begin to receive and accept orders.  All DOC online orders will automatically be imported into eBudde where they will be credited to the girl and funds credited to the troop. Shipping/handling fees are paid by the customer. Customers have 3 options: Donated cookies: purchase “virtual” cookies that will be donated to Gift of Caring. Direct shipped delivery: purchase cookies that are shipped to customer address provided. Girl delivery: customers can order online and pay with credit card, during the initial program period (December 14th - January 20th). Cookies will be delivered to the troop with the troop’s initial order. All digital orders are pre-paid by the customer online and the amount paid is entered into the eBudde system for credit to the girl and troop. Girls will also be eligible to earn rewards for DOC orders placed. Accessing Digital Cookie as a volunteer: 1. Watch for an email from email@email.girlscouts.org with the subject of “Register for the Digital Cookie Platform Today”. If you are using a gmail email address, please check your promotions tab for the email. 2. Click on the green button in the email. 3. Create a password and use your email address and password to login. 4. View the safety video and sign the terms and conditions. 5. Check out your troop’s progress on your digital cookie dashboard. 6. There is a set of Terms & Conditions for each role so if you have multiple roles you will sign multiple Terms & Conditions. 7. If you are also a parent, you can expect a parent email to arrive about a week after your volunteer email. You do not need to register again if you are using the same email for all roles. 8. If you use different email addresses for different roles (i.e. one for your Girl Scout volunteer communication that is different than your email used as a parent) you will have separate accounts for each role and need to register each of them. 9. When logging in, you will be prompted to select a role, parent, troop leader, or SU. If you have one email address on file for all roles, you can switch between them using the “Select a Role” button at the top.


DIGITAL COOKIE Order Received-Shipped, Donated or Delivered Here is what you need to know about orders your Girl Scouts might have received.

Shipped/Donated orders: In eBudde you can look on the Girl Orders tab to see how many packages each girl has sold. You do not need to provide any inventory to her for those orders. You will see a credit for the full amount paid for those orders.

Shipped Order Number of boxes

You can also see the amount as a Deposit in your Deposits tab in eBudde.


Amount Paid


Council will adjust the amount of your troop’s ACH withdrawal to reflect the deposits that have already been made into your account for the Digital Cookie orders.

DOC Ship/Donate orders reflect in “Pkgs Received”

ALL DOC orders reflect in “Deposits Made”

All Digital Cookie sales will add to your troop’s total cookies sold and each girl’s total cookies sold. They will be reflected in your Sales and Per Girl Average and count towards any rewards the girl may be eligible to receive.



Delivered Orders: On your Digital Order Card troop dashboard you can see if any of your girls have pending orders. (See “Troop Dashboard” for more info)

When the parent approves the order, the amount the customer paid will show as a credit on the girl order tab for that girl. NOTE-it does NOT automatically assign cookies for delivered orders to the girl. You will check cookies out for all orders she needs to deliver the same way you do for traditional deliveries. In-person delivery orders are essentially a deposit only.

(See Shipped & Donated orders for a view of the payment screens) The amount the customer paid will also reflect in your deposit tab in eBudde. Council will adjust the amount of your troop’s ACH withdrawal to reflect the deposits that have already been made into your account for the Digital Cookie orders.



Booths What are booths? Booths are a designated time period where a troop picks a location and sells cookies to the public. Booths are a great way for troops to increase cookie sales, work as a team, and reach out to the community – while also having a lot of fun! How does my troop get a booth? There are 2 ways: -Troops can apply for a booth on credit through eBudde with their initial cookie order. If you apply during the initial order period, leaders and girls receive a special reward! These cookies are delivered with your initial delivery. -Troops can also apply for a booth any time during the post-sale/Cookie Cupboard period. Troops can apply for as many booths as they want as long as they pay any outstanding balance on a previous booth first. A single troop can only have one booth out on credit at a time, and the minimum/maximum requirements must be adhered to. -Minimum order for a booth sale is 180 packages (15 cases) and maximum order is 360 packages (30 cases). How does my troop apply for a booth? There are 3 ways: -Initial Sale: Booth cookies are ordered on the “Initial Order” tab. Booth locations and timeframes (required) are submitted on the “Booth Sites” tab. All booths MUST BE APPROVED by the Product Programs Department on the “Booth Sites” tab before the sale can take place. -Post-Initial Order Period/Cupboard: An electronic Booth Application Form is available at www.girlscoutsnyc.org. -***NEW*** Council sponsored booths: Troops can select one of the council sponsored booth locations listed on the Booth Sites tab. Troops are responsible for providing their own cookies and all other booth rules apply to these locations. How and when will my booth on credit be paid for? Booth payments are taken by ACH debit sweep. If your booth was in March or April: your troop account will be debited the 3rd week of May. If your booth was in May: your troop account will be debited the 3rd week of June. Troop eligibility for a line of credit is determined by the Girl Scouts of Greater New York. The invitation to receive a booth on credit is extended at the discretion of Girl Scouts of Greater New York, and this privilege can be revoked from any troop at any time. Only one booth will be awarded to a troop on credit at a time. All payment issues must be fully paid and resolved with Girl Scouts of Greater New York by the final booth sweep deadline indicated above. Uncollected funds can result in a delay in registration and program participation and other actions deemed necessary by GSGNY. Troops must participate in the regular cookie program in order to receive a booth on credit. ***NEW*** There will be a permanent cookie cupboard and pop-up shop in Manhattan for booths. In order for a troop to be considered for certain council booths (pop-up shop, GSUSA) the troop must participate in both the Fall Product Program and the Cookie Program. All links and details on the booth process, payment, etc. will be posted on and updated at www.girlscoutsnyc.org/cookies.


BOOTH TIPS Offer a Girl Scouts® Gift of Caring™ option During booths, ask customers to donate cookies to a worthy program. Promote the option with posters and a special box (or wagon) for donated cookies (or tally donated boxes on a large chart).

Give away bite-sized samples Let customers have a taste so they can try something different—they may even find a new favorite. Keep the variety’s nutrition label in full view in case a customer has food sensitivities. (The troop would need to purchase these packages)

Share goals with customers They love to hear how girls are making a difference, so encourage girls to make posters, banners or t-shirts to get the word out.

Make cookie bundles Attach a ribbon and a handmade card for maximum impact. Try creating a chocolate lovers bundle with a mix of Thin Mints, Tagalongs, and Samoas.

Give away recipes Encourage customers to try something new by offering a recipe card with every purchase of multiple packages.



Checklist of Important Dates Activity Cookie materials distributed to troops at service unit meetings Fall Corporate Cookie Connection ACH forms due Traditional order card program begins DOC (Digital Cookie) opens Cookie rally eBudde opens Delivery changes/new delivery options Order taking ends Catch up cookie program begins Girl orders due to troop leaders eBudde entry deadline ACH sweep Drive-through Booths begin Home delivery begins Cupboards open (discretion of individual cupboards) Home delivery ends Spring Corporate Cookie Connection Cupboards close DOC (Digital Cookie) ends Catch up cookie program ends Last booths Rewards due


Date November 2018 November 6, 2018 November 16, 2018 December 14, 2018 December 14, 2018 December 2018 January 14, 2019 January 14, 2019 January 20, 2019 January 21, 2019 January 25, 2019 February 1, 2019 February 4, 2019 March 2, 2019 March 2, 2019 March 4, 2019 Week of March 4th, 2019 March 16, 2019 April 25, 2019 Week of April 29, 2019 May 5, 2019 May 5, 2019 May 5, 2019 May 5, 2019



Be sure to take advantage of all the resources available online to guide you through a fun and successful Girl Scout Cookie Program®. Girl Scouts of the USA: Locate info on the Girl Scout Cookie Program and national cookie badges and pins. GirlScoutCookies.org Baker Website: The website of our official Girl Scout Cookie baker. Find girl activities, marketing ideas, Girl Scout Cookie facts, cookie sale resources and clip art to help girls prepare for the cookie program. LittleBrownie.com GSGNY Website: www.girlscoutsnyc.org Visit our site to find procedures, forms, manuals and other helpful information. eBudde™: Your Command Center for managing the cookie program. Order cookies, track girl activity and order girl rewards. ebudde.LittleBrownie.com eBudde™ Troop App: Place orders on your mobile devices. Video training and eBudde help are built right in. Learn more and download the app at LittleBrownie.com. eBudde™ Booth Sale Recorder: Record sales in real time at booths, making record-keeping a snap. Download this free app in iPhone App Store or through Google Play. Girl Scouts® Cookie VIP eTraining™: Get step-by-step Girl Scout Cookie Program® training whenever you’d like it! VIPeTraining.LittleBrownie.com (Or visit LittleBrownie.com for a link) Girl Scouts® Built by Me™ Cookie Planner: An online tool to help plan a custom cookie season. CookiePlanner.LittleBrownieBakers.com Digital Cookie®: Girl Scouts can set up their own personalized website, take credit card payments and ship cookies directly to their customers. Girl Scouts® Cookie Locator™ by Little Brownie Bakers®: Help friends locate the closest cookie booth with this app. CookieLocator.LittleBrownie.com (Girl Scouts® Cookie Finder on girlscouts.org can also be used to locate cookies.) Little Brownie Bakers® YouTube Channel: Check out our library of inspiring videos featuring real Girl Scout stories and selling tips. youtube.com/LittleBrownieBakers



Girl Scout volunteers are not only special—they're busy! We have lots of fun resources that make your season quick, easy and delightful. Find them at LittleBrownie.com.


5 STEPS TO GIRL SCOUT COOKIE SUCCESS KICK OFF GIRL SCOUT COOKIE SEASON Help girls get ready by selecting learning activities that fit their experiences and interests. You can start by creating a custom plan with the Girl Scouts® Built by Me™ online tool. Next, kick off your first cookie meeting with a video! Girls Scouts® Cookies Live™ videos are engaging, interactive shows that inspire girls to reach high goals. Girls learn selling tips and have loads of fun along the way. First-time sellers love Girl Scouts® Cookie Rookie™. Made especially for young girls, this show teaches cookie names, how to ask customers to buy and more essential skills. Turn teens into Girl Scouts® Cookie Captains™. Keep experienced teens interested in the cookie program and give them a chance to give back with the Cookie Captain program. Older girls love being mentors to Cookie Rookies.

SET GOALS AND TRACK PROGRESS When you help girls set high goals for the Girl Scout Cookie season, they learn an important skill for life. Encourage girls to set two types of goals: Something they’d like to try and something they can do to help others.

HAVE A FAMILY PARTY Hold a short family meeting so girls can tell their families about their goals and ask for assistance. Find resources for communicating with families at LittleBrownie.com.

START WITH TRUSTED CUSTOMERS Family and friends make great cookie customers. If girls need more customers to reach their goals, they can participate in a booth with your troop. An adult volunteer can also help find success using the Girl Scouts Digital Cookie® platforms.

CELEBRATE AND SHARE YOUR SUCCESS When girls reach their goals, celebrate! Thank customers, share your cookie stories or throw a party for your troop.



PROCEEDS COOKIE PROCEEDS How the cookie crumbles

(when Council goal is reached) Percentages are based on the traditional $5 per package price.

Troop proceeds and reward opportunities for girls   

Troops will earn 80 cents per package sold. If the council meets the goal of 1.5 million packages, troops will earn an extra 5 cents per package. When troop PGA is 130 packages or higher, each girl selling in the troop will receive the Cookie CEO Patch. When a troop orders and schedules a Booth with the Initial Order: -Leader will receive the Tote Bag, Go For Bold Pin, and volunteer patch. -Each girl in the troop who sold during the initial order period will receive the Booth Patch and lapboard.

We have the cookies customers look forward to every year! Girl Scout Cookies are $5.00 per package for traditional varieties. Specialty cookies are $6.00 per package.



New and Returning Reward Items GSGNY is truly girl-led! We listened to our girls’ suggestions and requests. Cookie Dough Redeemable for GSGNY programs, events, and in our retail shop at 40 Wall Street. Cookie dough cannot be used at other councils or online. (Cookie dough is not cumulative. Girls will receive the highest amount earned). The Cookie Executive Team (500+ packages sold) These girls are invited to act as advisors to the Product Programs Department allowing participation in special events and meetings in a true board room setting. Be a Philanthropist You can donate your camp experience and sponsor a girl who could otherwise not afford to visit Camp Kaufmann. Your name will be memorialized on a plaque in Cookie Hall and one in the Council office. Dinner and a Broadway Show with the CEO Girls who sell 2500+ packages will join our CEO for a night on the town – dinner and a Broadway show. New Reward Bar Patches Girls who sell over 1000 packages will now receive the highest reward bar patch earned. Bar patches will be added for 2000+, 3000+, 4000+, and 5000+ packages sold. New Digital Cookie Reward Levels Rewards have been added for girls who sell 350+ packages and 600+ packages through the Digital Cookie platform.



Be sure girls understand and follow these safety rules: • Show you’re a Girl Scout—Wear the Girl Scout membership pin and/or Girl Scout clothing to identify yourself as a Girl Scout. • Buddy up—Always use the buddy system. It’s not just safe, it’s more fun. • Be streetwise—Become familiar with the areas and neighborhoods where you will be selling Girl Scout Cookies®. • Partner with adults—If you are a Girl Scout Daisy, Brownie or Junior you must be accompanied by an adult when taking orders or selling/delivering product. If you are a Girl Scout Cadette, Senior or Ambassador you must “buddy up” when selling doorto-door. Adults must be present at all times during cookie booths. • Plan ahead—Always have a plan for safeguarding money. Avoid walking around with large amounts of it or keeping it at home or school. Give proceeds to supervising adults who should deposit it as soon as possible. • Do not enter—Never enter the home or vehicle of a person when you are selling or making deliveries. Avoid selling to people in vehicles or going into alleys. • Sell in the daytime—Sell only during daylight hours, unless accompanied by an adult. • Protect privacy—Girls’ names, addresses and email addresses should never be given out to customers. Use a group contact number or address overseen by an adult for customers to request information, reorder or give comments. Protect customer privacy by not sharing their information except for the product sale. • Be safe on the road—Always follow safe pedestrian practices, especially when crossing at intersections or walking along roadways. Be aware of traffic when unloading product and passengers from vehicles. • Be net wise—Take the Girl Scout Internet Safety Pledge before going online and follow the specific guidelines related to marketing online. http://girlscouts.org/help/internet_safety_pledge.asp

Visit girlscoutcookies.org for even more safety tips. Source: Girl Scouts of the USA


TOP SELLING TIPS Share these awesome tips from real Girl Scouts. Door-to-door sales Encourage girls to canvass their communities, apartment buildings, community centers, places of worship, and extracurricular activity sites with buddies and adult partners, leaving no doorbell unrung! Don’t forget to use your DOC Credit Card App. Online sales Customers buy more cookies when girls sell online. Girls can send friends and family to their website to order and pay for their cookies online. It’s a faster, easier way to reach new high goals! Social networking Online social networking sites are a great place for teens (13 and older with parental permission) to ask for cookie orders. Be sure girls follow the GSUSA safety guidelines for online marketing. Telephone sales It’s fast and easy to sell Girl Scout Cookies® by phone. • Girls can review order cards from previous years and contact these customers again. • Once cookies have been delivered, girls may want to call customers, thank them for their orders and ask if they need additional cookies. • Try a text-a-thon. Girls may want to text their friends and family to let them know it’s cookie time and to ask for orders.


Workplace sales • Girls can contact business owners or managers to request permission to sell Girl Scout Cookies at a workplace. • Girls can either make a quick “sales pitch” at a staff meeting or make sales calls around the office, depending on the wishes of the business. • Once employee sales are completed, the business may allow girls to leave an order card in a visible spot. Leave a note from your team outlining their goals and plans for the cookie proceeds. (Remember not to list the girls’ last names or phone numbers on the order card or note). An adult at work may oversee the card, but it is the girl’s responsibility to fill all orders, write thank-you notes and oversee delivery. • Girls should establish a date and time to pick up the order card and deliver the cookies. Booths help girls reach more customers Booths are a great way to increase your team’s success. Remember, you must have the appropriate permission from authorities and your council before the booth. Possible high-traffic locations include: • Grocery stores • Sporting events • Parks • Banks • Malls • Universities



Here’s how our council handles... eBudde Initial Order Process: The Leader submits the troop Initial Order via eBudde by 11:59 pm on February 1, 2019. (See details and step by step instructions on eBudde on pages 26-32). All orders are final, no returns or exchanges.

Delivery Process: This year, we will have 3 Drive Thru locations and we are rolling over delivery sites in eBudde. What does this mean? It means that every leader who chooses to pick up at a Drive Thru will receive the Cookies on the Go patch. It also means you can see and select your delivery location (for returning troops) in eBudde. More information on this process can be found on page 33. Troops that are requesting home delivery must have an order of 70 cases or more. Reminder: any delivery discrepancies must be noted on the delivery ticket and signed by both the recipient and the delivery agent.

ACH Process: Troop ACH information is due to council by November 16, 2018. Any troop that does not submit the ACH form or an ACH confirmation form will not have access to eBudde. ACH information will be rolled over in eBudde. Please verify that the last 4 digits of the routing and account numbers are still the same. The initial program sweep is scheduled for February 4, 2019. All funds due to council must be available at the time of the sweep. If the ACH cannot be processed, the troop order may not be submitted to the bakery. Any bounced ACH fees will be charged to the troop. *Reminder: deposit checks early. They can take up to 7 business days to clear. If the troop chooses to accept checks, we recommend that you only accept checks up to $50. Please have all funds in your account one week before the sweep. Note: Council does not reimburse for bounced check fees.

Rewards: Rewards are sent to the Service Unit Cookie Managers. They will reach out to the Troop Leaders to let you know when and where you can pick up your rewards.



ORDERS AND MANAGING THE SALE MANAGING THE COOKIE PROGRAM Meet eBudde™—the power tool for cookie volunteers The online eBudde™ system is the home base for cookie volunteers. It’s where you’ll enter cookie orders, reserve cookie booths, manage pickups, place girl rewards orders and more.

Girl Scouts® Cookie Locator™ Girl Scouts® Cookie Locator™ by Little Brownie Bakers® is the most delicious app ever! Cookie customers can use their smartphones to find cookie booths nearby. Girl Scouts® Cookie Finder can also be used to locate cookies.

eBudde™ Booth Scheduler Sign up for Girl Scout Cookie booths approved by the council. Please keep Booth Scheduler in eBudde up-to-date so customers can find you with the Cookie Locator mobile app. eBudde™ Cupboard Keeper The Cupboard Keeper mobile app helps cookie cupboards digitally track cookie pick-ups. Volunteers place orders in eBudde, then sign for their cookies at the cupboard and a receipt is sent electronically and recorded in eBudde. Be sure anyone picking up cookies is registered in eBudde.

eBudde™ Help Center The eBudde Help Center is a dedicated website that provides direct support to volunteers using eBudde for both digital and traditional sales.

EBUDDE™ APPS eBudde™ Troop App The eBudde Troop App makes it easy for you to manage the Girl Scout Cookie Program® on the go. This year, you can use the app to enter initial orders, plus sign up for booths, total cookie orders at your booth site, access Girl Scouts® Cookie VIP eTraining™, exchange cookies with other troops and more—all from your mobile device!

eBudde™ Booth Sale Recorder With the Booth Sale Recorder app for smartphones, volunteers can enter the number of cookie packages sold at the cookie booth, select which girls will receive credit and send the information directly to their eBudde accounts.



eBudde is a cookie volunteer’s best friend. Here’s where you’ll order cookies, track deliveries and more. You will receive eBudde training that will make the season a snap. Here are some quick reference facts on how to use the eBudde system.

This will bring you to the Cookie Tech Portal Screen where you can change your information. You will need to enter your current password before making any changes. Once you have made your changes, click Update Profile.

GETTING STARTED Go to ebudde.com.LittleBrownie.com When accessing eBudde™ for the first time this season: 1. You will receive a welcome email with a LOGIN link. 2. Click on the LOGIN link within the email. 3. On the PASSWORD screen, set up your new password and confirm. 4. At the PROFILE screen, enter the new password you set up in Step 3. Review/enter all additional information. 5. Select eBudde. If no changes needed to be made, click cancel. eBudde tools are collected in tabs you’ll see at the top of the page. Click each tab to execute various tasks.

Troop Dashboard This is the screen you will see every time you log into eBudde. Important messages from council and/or your service unit may be posted on this screen. Troop checklist for tracking activity in eBudde is available here.




Contacts Tab Review information.

e Help? BeSettings Tab 1. Select the specific troop whose information you want to edit from the list to the left of your screen. 2. Click the Edit Settings button. Some fields are not accessible for troops. Make sure all information is correct. 3. Enter Troop Goal (pkgs). 4. Make sure level is correct. For multi-grade troops, select the level of the majority of the girls. 5. Troop banking information will roll over in eBudde. If information is incorrect, you will need to submit a new ACH form. 6. Girls Registered and Girls Selling will be automated. 7. Click UPDATE to accept all changes. sure to check out our eBudde™ Microburst Training videos on YouTube. Visit us at www.youtube.com/user/

If you need to change your information, click edit. You will be brought to the Contact Info page. Choose Update Contact Info.


tips on how to get the most from the cookie season. And also check out the Help Center for additional resources, including council information, eBudde Help and links to Microburst training videos.


FINGERTIP FACTS EBUDDE™ FINGERTIP FACTS Girls Tab All registered girls’ names should appear on this tab. If you are missing girls, please check your online roster in the VTK and contact your Troop Support Specialist. Council will be uploading all girls this year.


Repeat for each girl.


BOOTH – *This booth order will be delivered with your initial order.* Click BOOTH at the bottom of screen, click in the highlighted fields to begin entry. Press the TAB key to enter in packages and variety the number of cookies for your booth. Click OK to save changes. Reminder—the Booth order must be between 180-360 packages and entered as packages.


OTHER – Click OTHER at the bottom of screen, click squares to begin entry. Press the TAB key to enter in Packages, by variety, the number of cookies for other sales. Click OK to save changes. This line is for any additional cookies your troop wishes to purchase.


SAVE the page.


Carefully review the totals at the bottom. Reminder:


eBudde will round your order up to full cases. These additional packages will be part of the ACH sweep. If


correct, click Submit order. You cannot change the order after it has been submitted. Contact the product programs staff if there are any problems. Orders must be submitted by 11:59 pm on February 1, 2019

You can place initial orders from your mobile device with the eBudde Troop App. Video training and eBudde help are built right in! 9.

Print/Save copy for your records.

Reminder: Council will upload Girl Delivered DOC orders by January 23rd.

Initial Order Tab 1.

Click each girl’s name; go to bottom of screen, click in highlighted fields to begin entry.


TAB to enter your girls total cookie order in packages by variety. (Including Gift of Caring Cookies. GOC is our Gift of Caring Program. These cookies are “virtual” and will not be delivered to your troop. Council will handle the inventory and distribution of GOC sales).

3. Click OK button to save changes for the girl.


When you submit your initial order, you will get a prompt in eBudde reminding you to “enter or select your delivery information”. Click “ok” and then go to the Delivery tab on the top of the page.



If you have the same delivery address for your cookies as last year: Please follow the order entry eBudde instructions in the manual and the supplemental instructions below. Note: you will not be allowed to select your delivery station until you submit your initial order.


If you have the same delivery address as last year, but your contact person has changed, or you want to request a certain date and time for delivery: Follow these steps. A. Go to the Delivery Tab on the left side. B. Click on Settings. C. Click on Edit Settings. D. Check the box for “I Know the Date”. E. Check the box for “I Know the Time”. F. Enter desired date and time frame. G. If you have more than one date you can accept delivery, enter the information in the Delivery Ticket Spec. Instr. box. Enter any other special instructions in this box as well. H. If you have more than one troop delivering to your location, you can add the troop numbers in the Comments for SU/Troop box.


3. If you are a new troop or have a new delivery site: Please fill out the form at https://tinyurl.com/ ydgbbc48. Fill out the new delivery form by January 14th and we will upload your delivery information into eBudde. Once we have added the information, you can continue with the eBudde instructions in the manual and the supplemental instructions on the next page.


FINGERTIP FACTS EBUDDE™ FINGERTIP FACTS Delivery Tab 1. The Delivery Station Tab page will ask you the following: (see image below). A. Who is picking up your cookies? -Select “someone from my troop” if the cookies are going to your location. -Select “some other troop” if they are going to another location. B. Will you be picking up for more than one troop? Yes or No -If yes, please add other troop numbers (only two additional places to add. You will add the other troops in the Delivery Settings). -If no, select no. -Remember: you must have 70 cases minimum for delivery. C. Please choose your Delivery Station: pull the scroll down and select your delivery location or drive thru from the list. They are in alphabetical order. Please do not select someone else’s location unless you have spoken to the troop leader first. D. In the upper left hand corner, press “submit my info”.

2. Print/Save Confirmation Form. 3. If you do not see your delivery site location, or if you need to change your delivery site location, please contact us. 4. If your order is under 70 cases and you need to combine with another troop, please contact your Note: please consider the convenience ond speed of the Drive-Thru—it is a win-win!


Girl Orders Tab This tab gives you a view of the girl sales which includes Digital Cookie Orders and is now by variety. **NEW** You will be able to allocate booth cookies to the girls as well as post initial orders here for the girls and they will count towards their rewards. 1. Click on the girl’s name. 2.

Click Add Trans


Green boxes will appear across the bottom of the screen.

-Record the total number of boxes, in appropriate column -Choices are Initial, GOC, Booth, Other, Specialty Booth, and Specialty Other 1. Initial -Initial column is locked. -No changes can be made to the initial order once it has been submitted. 2. GOC -For “virtual” donated packages. -Girls will collect payment at time of order. -These additional orders will increase the amount of money owed by the girl and the troop. -No cookies will be received by the troop. -Cookies will be sent directly to one of our Gift of Caring partners by the council. 3. Booth (also Specialty Booth) -Record cookies sold at booths. -Record total packages to be allocated to each girl. 4. Other (also Specialty Other) -Record any additional orders picked up by the girl (these can be catch-up orders for new girls/new troops or additional orders that were picked up at one of the cookie cupboards). -After allocating cookie packages click the OK button on the bottom right or just hit ENTER -Click SAVE button on the top left to save your transaction. -Repeat for each girl as needed.



Booth Sites Tab

No action required during initial order period. You will use this tab for any catch-up orders and any other orders you are picking up at the cupboard (see page 34).

Council Sites

Rewards Tab 1. Click FILL OUT next to Final Rewards Order. *NOTE-this is a NEW change* 2. Click on individual girls’ names to review Girl orders and select t-shirt size and other options for rewards for each girl. (if applicable). 3. SUBMIT GIRL ORDER. 4. Enter or review total rewards earned. 5. Click SUBMIT to submit your troop order. Remember all sales now count towards rewards (booth orders, post initial additional orders, catchup orders). If a t-shirt size is not selected, an Adult Medium will be ordered by default. All rewards at the 500+ level will be sent directly to the girl and her family


There will be a number of council booth locations listed in eBudde. If you wish to take part in one of those, follow the instructions below. 1. Select COUNCIL SALES from the dropdown list. 2. Click on Plus Sign next to the borough where you would like to hold your sale. 3. Click on Plus Sign next to the location you would like to sell at. 4. Choose the date and time. This will bring up a new screen where you can enter your troop number. 5. You will receive a message that your time is reserved. If you decide not to hold a booth you signed up for, make sure you remove your troop from the list so the slot will be available for another troop to select.



Troop Requests 1. Select MY SALES from the dropdown list. 2. Click ADD A LOCATION. 3. Fill in location site information, date and time range. 4. Click ADD. Request will be pending until approved or denied.

REMEMBER: Please keep Booth Scheduler in eBudde™ up to date with your group’s times and dates. This data powers Girl Scouts® Cookie Locator™ and allows customers to find you. If there is a change in your booth location, you will be able to go into eBudde and update the information or you can fill out the Booth Change form found on our website on the Cookie Resources page. The information on this tab also determines when we sweep your troop account for your booth cookies.

Payment Tab All deposits will be entered by council staff when the ACH clears and is confirmed. You do not need to enter any information on this tab.

Sales Report Tab This is a summary of all the troop sales, including Digital Cookie, troop rebate, cupboard transactions, and amount due to Council.

Reports Tab A great place to find your troop reports.

Need a Little More Help? Be sure to check out our eBudde™ Microburst Training videos on YouTube. Visit us at www.youtube.com/user/LittleBrownieBakers and click on the eBudde Microburst Training playlist for more helpful tips on how to get the most from the cookie season. And also check out the Help Center for additional resources, including council information, eBudde Help and links to Microburst training videos.




Cookies by the carload

If your troop or combined troops order is at least 70 cases, you can have them delivered to you. Follow the delivery steps in eBudde.

Use this guide to approximate how many cases of cookies will fit in your vehicle. The amounts assume the car will be empty except for the driver and uses all space except the driver’s seat. Safety Note: Avoid carrying cookie cases and children in the passenger area of a vehicle at the same time.

Drive Thru: If you would like your cookies ASAP and want to get a cool reward as a leader, pick up on March 2, 2019 at one of our 3 drive through locations (see below).

Picking Up Cookies 3 Drive Thru Locations in 2019 Drive Thru Date: March 2, 2019 Staten Island: Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, 1641 Richmond Avenue Queens: Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 92-96 220th Street, Queens Village Brooklyn: Brooklyn Cyclones Parking Lot If you fail to pick up your cookies from the drive thru, there will be a $75 re-stocking fee.

Steps for a Successful Cookie Pickup 1.

Bring enough vehicles to fit all your cases of cookies.


Arrive as close to your scheduled time as possible.


Have your eBudde delivery confirmation with case count.


Count as cookies are loaded into vehicles.


Make sure your cookie count is correct before signing for cookies received.


Once you sign, your troop is financially responsible for those cookies.


Shortages from initial delivery will not be replaced, unless a discrepancy is discovered before the receipt is signed.


Car Type

Number of Cases

Compact Car Hatchback Car Mid-size sedan Sport utility vehicle

23 30 35 60

Station wagon Minivan (seats in) Pick-up truck (full bed) Cargo van (seats in)

75 75 100 200


DO I GET MY ® GIRL SCOUT COOKIES GIRL SCOUT COOKIES® Post Initial Order Cupboard Pick Up: You can order additional cookies and pick them up at a cupboard near you. Picking up at a cupboard is easy. All cupboard orders will be submitted through eBudde as a pending order. All cupboards need a pending order to ensure cookies are available. Troops who do not submit a pending order prior to pick up may not be able to get their entire request. Follow these NEW steps: 1. Open the Transactions Tab. 2. Click Add a Transaction button. 3. Click in the Pickup square and a new window appears. 4. Choose the pickup date and time of your choice. PICK UP DATES MUST BE AT LEAST 48 HOURS AFTER ENTRY. 5. Click Save/Print. 6. Your pickup date is now set. A receipt number is automatically generated. Choose the following information from the drop down boxes: A. TYPE = Normal B. 2nd PARTY = Cupboard C. Choose the Cupboard Name D. MOVEMENT = Add Product E. Fill in correct number of cases/packages by flavor. F. Click Save/Print for transaction receipt. G. Take receipt to cupboard for pickup. H. If you are not printing at the moment click Okay. I. Click Save button to save transaction. J. Verify the transaction was saved. K. When you go to the cupboard, you will pay for your order with your credit/debit card. L. The Cupboard Manager will enter payment and write a receipt. NOTE: Your troop will show a pending transaction on the Transactions Tab.  Pending orders are marked “yes” until picked up at cupboard. “Yes” is removed after pick up.  Pending orders will be released by the cupboard managers after pick up.  Troops sign receipt at pickup and keep all signed receipts for your records.  There are no returns!



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