“Volunteers are the only human beings on the face of the earth who reflect this nation’s compassion, unselfish caring, patience, and just plain loving one another.” —Erma Bombeck
Pledge Of Allegiance
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Addams Family Grace
We’ve filled our plates and dishes, With food that is nutritious, And all that we can wish is,
To thank you very much.
Da da da da (snap snap)
Da da da da (snap snap) Da da da da, da da da da,
Da da da da (snap snap)
God Bless America
By Irving Berlin
God Bless America, land that I love.
Stand beside her and guide her
Through the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans white with foam.
God Bless America, my home sweet home.
God Bless America, my home sweet home.
Girl Scout Promise and Law
Girl Scout Promise
On my honor, I will try:
To serve God* and my country,
To help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law.
*Members may substitute for the word God in accordance with their own spiritual beliefs. Girl Scout Law
I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout.
Special Thank You’s
A special THANK YOU goes out to everyone who participated in making this event a success, including:
Volunteer Recognition Committee
• Rhonda Boston
• Frances Koren
• Cheryl Vaughan
• Frederica Edwards
• Elizabeth Atkins
• Joyce Brisbane
• Nicole Santos
• Merle France
• Donna France
• Francina Wearing
• Pamela Lloyd
• Mirella Vargas
• Dian Champhers
• Valerie Bell
• Florence Buckley
• Mary Ann Hellenbrecht
• Denia Cambell and Kayla Torain, Staff Committee Liaisons
• Zuhey Perallon
• CEO Karen Lundgard
Gifts & Goody Bags
• Mary Ann Hellenbrecht
• Frances and Mary Koren
Creator of the Center Pieces
• Donna France
A Tribute to our Green Angels
Angel in Green
Having left mortal earth, I passed through Heaven’s Gate
And while anxiously awaiting the outcome of my fate I walked among the Angels all robed in purest white
Whereupon I saw one figure which cast a greenish light. She sat upon a misty cloud, a harp held to her breast
In a flowing, blowing gown of green unlike all the rest; I asked what great deed she’d done to earn the special hue
That gave her color where others had none, or maybe just a few.
She said “On earth I sought no fame, fortune was not my goal, I shunned the power of politics and worked without a toll; I spent my time with children, helping them to grow
For as you reap in life, so must you learn to sow.”
“You see”..., she said, “the dividends while growing up I’d share I returned where many others were too self-involved to care.
Girl Scouting was my choice of roads to follow in my quest For among the girls I found a love deeper than the rest.”
“A teacher was I, my work was hard, I had no diploma or pay
But where family and institutions failed, I help show them the way.
The lessons I taught were obscure and difficult to see
For they didn’t have names like ‘spelling’, ‘math’, or geometry’.”
“They were lessons in life delivered through guided experience
And they taught such things as character, spirit, and confidence. Though on earth my life was blessed, it’s even more so today
For when I look down I see my work, as my girls show others the way.”
“On earth, Girl Scouting taught me to leave things better than before
And the same applies to that mortal place where life never was a bore.
Now having lived by that Girl Scouting rule in every earthly endeavor
I have become an Angel in Green and shall be a Girl Scout forever.”
Administrative Roles
Association Chairs: Encourages and provides for maximum participation of delegate members in council planning and policy-making.
Service Unit Managers: Responsible for the development, extension, and maintenance of girls and adult members, and for ensuring that girls and adult Girl Scouts receive the services and experience they need.
Council Trainers: Provides quality Leader Training and CPR/First Aid training to adult volunteers, based on GSUSA and Girl Scouts of Greater New York guidelines, curriculum, and resources.
Short-Term Volunteers: Supports the council and our community by enabling meaningful opportunities for Girl Scouts and families, including through leadership of Affinity Troops, which provide Girl Scout space and time to explore shared topics of interest.
Heritage Committee: This committee prioritizes Girl Scout traditions, including extensive knowledge of flag ceremonies, uniforms, and songs. They elevate traditional events, including Juliette Low’s Birthday, Girl Scout Week, and Leader’s Day. They also collect, organize and preserve memorabilia, photos, and books. This committee consists of new and experienced troop leaders who share a common goal of preserving Girl Scout traditions.
Girl Scouts for All troop leaders: Support Girl Scouts with disabilities, learning differences, and accommodation requests. The goal of these troops is to provide an experience where Girl Scouts have access to empowering, girl-led programs.
Volunteer Recognition Committee: The committee’s purpose is to thank GSGNY adult volunteers and our community leaders. They review and recommend approval or denial of applications for formal Volunteer Recognitions. They also play an active role in planning and implementing the Annual Adult Recognition Event.
Service Unit Cookie Managers: Implements Girl Scout Cookie Program strategies and procedures and provides primary Service Unit support to Troop Cookie Managers.
Cookie Cupboard Managers: Serves as host and record keeper of additional cookies distributed to troops for deliveries and in-person sales during Cookie season.
Volunteer Camp Trainers: Collaborate with staff to provide instruction to Girl Scouts of Greater New York troop leaders and adult volunteers on outdoor skills, safe campfire activities, outdoor cooking methods, kaper charts, and safety. This training is a weekend experience at Camp Kaufmann, from Friday to Sunday.
Highest Awards Coaches: Highest Awards Coaches support Girl Scouts through their Silver and Gold Award process by providing training, guidance, and mentorship. There are three areas of responsibility: Reviewer, Trainer, and On-Call Mentor.
Camp Facilitators and Volunteers: Ensures that Girl Scouts are receiving a high-quality program in a safe environment. Through the sharing of best practices and expertise, they are a great resource for leaders and fellow volunteers. Intergenerational experiences are highly encouraged so we can keep old traditions alive and welcome new ones.
STEM Champion Committee: This committee promotes and expands the efforts of Council’s STEM goals in order to serve and reach more girls and volunteers. Members are subject matter experts in STEM or active participants in GSGNY STEM programs. They support staff-led STEM programs such as cybersecurity, robotics, and computer science opportunities, and also serve as mentors and a resource to volunteers leading STEM programs.
Borough Program Committee (one committee per borough): Borough Program Event members share their talents, skills, and expertise in organizing borough events that are aligned with the council’s strategic program goals and expand its reach in the following program areas: STEM, Outdoors, Entrepreneurship and Life Skills. Members of these committees are experts in the Girl Scout Leadership Experience.
Global Volunteer Committee: This committee organizes global education events. In partnership with GSUSA and GSGNY, they help build a strong global presence at the council level and support special Global Girl Scouting Days. This committee consists of experienced troop leaders who have knowledge and understanding of Global Girl Scouting.
Troop 6000 Leaders - Troop 6000 meets in shelters across the city. Troop meetings are facilitated by trained troop leaders – women also living in the shelter system paired with community-based volunteers – and give girls the opportunity to make new friends, earn badges, and see themselves as leaders in their communities.
Earned Awards
Description of Recognitions
• Learning and Development Pin
• Years of Service Pin
• Years of Membership Numeral
Borough Level Awards
• GSGNY Leader of Excellence Award
• GSGNY Outstanding Volunteer Award
• Outstanding Service Team Member
• Skyline Award
• Super Service Certificate
• New Leader Council Level Awards
• Essential Women Award
• Volunteer of Excellence
• Virtual Volunteer of Excellence
• Impact Award
• Appreciation Pin
• Honor Pin
• Thanks Badge
• Thanks Badge II
• Greater New York Executive Award
Congratulations to all recipients!
Description of Recognitions
Learning and Development
Recognizes adult co-leaders who demonstrate competence, continuous improvement and participate in training that will increase their skills when working with girls.
Years of Service Pin
Recognizes years of active volunteer service in any Girl Scout council. Recognizes the total years of service by adults at five-year intervals.
Years of Membership
Recognizes years of membership in any Girl Scout council. Recognizes the total years of membership by adults, including girl and adult years at five-year intervals.
GSGNY Leader of Excellence
Recognizes a troop co-leader whose performance in working with girls is outstanding and merits recognition.
Outstanding Service Team Member
Recognizes a Service Unit Team Member who has demonstrated outstanding service to her geographic service area.
GSGNY Outstanding Volunteer
Recognizes an adult in a leadership position, or position other than leadership (i.e. troop cookie parent), whose service benefits the geographic area beyond the expectations of position.
Skyline Award
Recognizes the contribution of a volunteer who serves at the troop or service unit level.
Super Service Certificate
Recognizes the contributions of an individual or group outside of the Girl Scouts organization.
New Leader
Leaders who joined during the membership year, and completed training for the role are eligible for this pin.
Volunteer of Excellence
Volunteers who have contributed outstanding service while partnering directly with girls in any pathway to implement the Girl Scout Leadership Experience through use of the National Program Portfolio; OR who contributed outstanding service in support of the council’s mission delivery goals.
Virtual Volunteer of Excellence
Recognizes an adult registered member whose performance in working with troops, virtually, is outstanding and merits recognition.
Appreciation Pin
Recognizes a volunteer giving exemplary service in support of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience which has had a measurable impact on at least one geographic area of service.
Honor Pin
Recognizes the contribution of a volunteer who serves at the troop or service unit level.
Thanks Badge
Volunteer whose ongoing commitment, leadership, and service have had an exceptional, measurable impact on meeting the mission-delivery goals and priorities of the entire council or the entire Girl Scout Movement.
Thanks Badge II
Previous Thanks Badge recipient who has continued to provide exemplary service in a leadership role, resulting in a measurable impact that benefits the entire council or the entire Girl Scout Movement.
Greater New York Executive Award
Recognizes an adult member who has previously received the Thanks Badge II and who has continued to contribute in extraordinary ways that benefit the total council or the entire Girl Scout movement.
Impact Award
Recognizes an individual or group outside of the Girl Scouts organization.
Essential Women Award
Recognizes any adult volunteer who introduces an adult to Girl Scouting who then starts a troop and continues as a successful leader for at least one year.
President’s Volunteer Service Award
The President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) is an award from the Corporation of National & Community Service which recognizes incredible individuals who are committed to a high level of volunteer and service. These individuals work tirelessly to help solve some of the toughest challenges facing their communities, and our nation.
Valuable is the work you do…
Valuable is the work you do.
Outstanding is how you always come through. Loyal, sincere, and full of good cheer, Untiring in your efforts throughout the year…
Notable are the contributions you make.
Trustworthy in every project you take. Eager to reach your every goal, Effective in the way you fulfill your role.
Ready with a smile like a shining star, Special and wonderful—that’s what you are.
July 20-25, 2026
Join us (and 10,000+ Girl Scouts) at the 2026 Girl Scout Convention in Washington, DC, as we celebrate the spirit, individuality, and self-confidence that make Girl Scouts shine.