Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast 2016 Annual Report

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2016 Annual Report | Girls Change the World

Girl Scout Mission Statement Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.

The Girl Scout Promise On my honor, I will try: To serve God and my country, To help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law.

The Girl Scout Law I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout.

“Ours is a circle of friendships united by ideals.” - Juliette Gordon Low, Girl Scouts’ Founder

Girl Scouts are FRIENDS. 2


Dear Friends of Girl Scouts, Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast (GSWISE) remains committed to delivering a Girl Scout experience that helps every girl thrive through the support of caring, committed adults who help develop her courage, confidence, and character. While the Girl Scout program is as relevant today as it was more than 104 years ago, we worked throughout the year to bring our infrastructure into the 21st century to improve our customer experience. Our ‘new ways of work’ included the implementation of the online MY GS member community for our girls and volunteers to join and renew their membership; the Volunteer Toolkit, which provided troops an online communication system to help them stay organized with activities; and a new streamlined website was launched for which has increased our customer engagement.

“I hope many girls will get to have this same kind of experience because that’s what

Girl Scouts do: they go on adventures and make memories forever.”

Our council continues to grow and serve more girls and adult members! In the 2015-2016 membership year, GSWISE moved up in girl market share to #2 in the country for all girls in grades K-12, serving 29,273 Girl Scouts in southeastern Wisconsin. Our success is not in the numbers of members we serve, but in the stories our members share about the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Our founder, Juliette Gordon “Daisy” Low, envisioned a movement that would inspire girls to discover, connect, and take action to make their world a better place. Today, we continue her vision and thank you for helping us provide opportunities for girls to make friends, try new things, discover their passions, and reach their fullest potential in a safe, girl-led environment. We believe in the power of every girl! Yours in Girl Scouting,

- Juliette Gordon Low Girl Scouts’ Founder Christy L. Brown, JD Chief Executive Officer, GSWISE

Carita Twinem, JD, LLM, CPA Chair, GSWISE Board of Directors, April 2016

Girl Scouts are SISTERS. 4


Girl Scouts are COMMUNITY BUILDERS. Organic Farming Produces Gold and Global Impact Keelin’s year-and-a-half Gold Award project journey to build a water-conserving organic garden included research for viable solutions, development of a website and social media tools to drive awareness, recruiting volunteers and identifying partners both locally and abroad. She then traveled to Ninh Thuan, Vietnam, where, with the help of Venture Crew 183, she planted six tiered planters and six flat beds, constructed a water-conserving sub pump tube system, and built approximately 400 seedling planters. As a result of her efforts, these citizens now know how to plant produce plants that will help sustain them and reduce hunger in their community. In addition, her partner agency in Vietnam plans to implement her methods in additional villages that are lacking food sources, thus increasing the impact of her project.

Since 1916, Girl Scouts have been earning their Girl Scout Gold Awards, the highest achievement in Girl Scouting, by leading “Take Action” projects that create meaningful, sustainable change in their communities and around the world. Keelin is a Girl Scout who saw the need for change as a young girl and has grown to become a courageous leader and visionary change maker. Adopted from Vietnam at six months old, Keelin wanted her Girl Scout Gold Award project to help the underprivileged rural community in Ninh Thuan, Vietnam. After some research, she realized that living in America, we rarely have to wonder where our next meal will come from, but this is not the case for communities around the world. It was particularly difficult for her to see the visible results of hunger – especially witnessing young children rummaging for food in garbage dumps. She knew that when she was old enough, she wanted to give back in appreciation for the comforts and opportunities she was provided in her life.

“This experience has inspired my future ambitions and given me a greater perspective of my privileged life in relation to others’. Now that I have accomplished this project and seen what I’m capable of, I believe my future ambitions are limitless.” - Keelin, Girl Scout Gold Awardee

Keelin received her Girl Scout Gold Award in spring of 2016, and was honored as Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast’s Young Woman of Distinction at the Girl Scout Gold Award level. She is truly an inspiring example of how girls are changing the world today.

2016 Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awardees 469 6


13 7

Girl Scout Leadership Experience Outcomes

2016 Membership Overview

Every spring, each registered Girl Scout is asked to participate in the Girl Scout Voices Survey. This survey gives girls a voice in Girl Scouting and allows for evaluation and measurement of success of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. The following outcomes data represents input from Girl Scouts throughout southeastern Wisconsin at all levels in membership year 2016.

For the 2015-2016 membership year, Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast (GSWISE) delivered programs to 29,273 girls (18% of girls in market) in Kenosha, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Walworth, Washington and Waukesha counties and provided opportunities for every girl to grow her leadership potential.

Because of Girl Scouts, I… …have a stronger sense of self …can develop meaningful and healthy relationships …know how to educate and inspire others

2016 Girl Membership by Race



92% Other Races 1%

…possess practical, healthy living skills


Multiple 4%

…promote inclusiveness of all girls …feel empowered to make a difference in the world

American Indian 0% Asian American 2% Black/African American 13% Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander Unknown 0% 23%


Ozaukee 1%

Other 1%

Racine 10% Milwaukee 51% Waukesha 25%

2016 Girl Membership by Level Senior 3%

White 57%

Ambassador 1%

Daisy 30%

Junior 24%

Hispanic: 9%*


Kenosha 6% Washington 6%

Cadette 12%


This data is from the 2016 Girl Scout Voices Survey and includes results from volunteer-led troops as well as community outreach troops.

2016 Girl Membership by County

*Hispanic (or Latina/Latino) is defined as an ethnicity (and not a race) and is therefore reported separately.

Brownie 30%


Community Impact Year-In-Review

Elevating Leadership for All Girls

The Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE) providess personal leadership development for girls in grades K5-12 to Discover who they are, Connect with others, and Take Action to make the world a better place. Girl Scouts engage in cooperative, hands-on, girl-led activities which are age-appropriate and guided by supportive adults and peers to build self-confidence and leadership.

For more than 50 years, Girl Scouts of Southeastern Wisconsin has been serving girls in economically distressed neighborhoods to give every girl the opportunity to pursue the Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE) providing the tools and financial support needed to help them build courage, confidence, and character.


Girl Scouts Faith (left) and Katelyn (right) were awarded GSUSA’s Lifesaving Medal of Honor (only 43 out of 2.7 million girls nationwide received this prestigious award last year)



7,966 dedicated adult members

in USA for Girl Market Share! (up from #3 in 2014-2015)

+1,131 followers (27% increase)


outdoor experiences for girls at 7 GSWISE camp properties, Camp iGirl or new CampHERO


New CampHERO GSWISE launched CampHERO, a partnership with Milwaukee Area Technical College, Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission, and Spectrum, which provided 24 Girl Scouts the opportunity to explore careers and train with professional firefighters, police officers and EMTs.

GSWISE’s Latina Initiative offers mothers and daughters the opportunity to develop new leadership skills together, aligning with the unique cultural values and language needs of their community.


The Power of Being Latina event connected 10 Hispanic businesswomen with 70 new Latina Girl Scouts to bridge the cultural gap and establish their comfort and confidence in Girl Scouting.

girls participated through the

Latina and Urban Initiatives The Urban Initiative provides opportunities for girls to participate in out-of-school time staffled Girl Scout troops, summer workshops, camp and sports experiences, serving nearly 6,000 girls living in low-income central city neighborhoods throughout Southeastern Wisconsin.

Thanks to the generosity of individuals, organizations and foundations, financial aid is available for all girls to participate in the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Support her today at!


Girl Scouts are ENTREPRENEURS. The Girl Scout Cookie Program: More than Cookies

Girl Scouts Builds Future STEM Leaders

A well-known component of Girl Scouting is the Cookie Program, the largest girl-led entrepreneurial program in the world where girls learn business and financial skills to power new, unique and amazing experiences. Through “learning by earning,” Girl Scouts develop five essential skills: goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics, which develop them into financially empowered girl leaders.

The GSWISE STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Initiative is grounded in the Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE), which ensures that activities are girl-led, involve learning by doing, and cooperative learning. Impact goals are to increase girls’ interest in STEM, develop confidence in their STEMrelated abilities, educate girls about STEM careers, and connect girls to volunteer STEM professionals. This year, GSWISE provided nearly 12,000 girls with handson experiences in STEM programming.

Top Cookie


Thin Mints

of girls learned how to be respectful of others and take

responsibility for their actions

17,000+ girls sold over 2.5 million became effective money managers and improved critical thinking

as a Girl Scouts in the worldwide FLL Robotics competitions. Team LOL (Lots of LEGOs) dominated the FLL season when they created a 100% recyclable

89% of girls who participate in

Girl Scout STEM programs feel empowered to make a difference in the world

L-cup, winning the Champion’s award at regionals, sectionals, and state, winning the LEGOLAND National Tournament in California, and by invite-only competed for the Global Innovation award in Washington, D.C.

boxes of Cookies


G GSWISE had 15 FIRST® LEGO® League (FLL) teams with 97 girls who competed (

GSWISE girls earned more than

$1.8 million

to fuel their leadership experiences

GSWISE’s new CodeGirl helps to close the gender gap by exposing girls to the science of writing computer code and by creating awareness of Computer Science careers. During this membership year, 2,722 girls received education in coding and exposure to STEM mentors in partnership with local schools and community event providers.

#CodeGirl Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast

Girl Scouts are INNOVATORS. 12


Girl Scouts are EXPLORERS. Opportunities through Girl Scouts open doors and minds In summer 2016, Ki’ya boarded a plane for a two-week Girl Scout Destinations trip that would take her to London, Wales, and Ireland. She was thirteen years old, flying alone for the first time, and would be traveling with a troop she had only communicated with online. Yet she started her adventure with the spirit to make new friends, try new things, and explore new countries and cultures. Her courage and confidence came from being a Girl Scout. “I’m a different person with the Girl Scouts. I’m very comfortable, I feel safe, and I can be me,” she shared. Since Ki’ya’s mother, Rochelle, enrolled her in Girl Scouts, she has seen a positive change in her daughter’s maturity, character and leadership skills. “I am thankful to Girl Scouts for providing

Ki’ya and our family the financial support which allowed her to participate in these life-changing experiences that she otherwise may not have been able to pursue,” Rochelle stated. As a young girl, Ki’ya dreamed of traveling around the world. With Girl Scouts, her dream became a reality because of the generous support of donors and corporate sponsors, and her dedication to selling Girl Scout Cookies. In addition to her Destinations trip, her Girl Scout Leadership Experience has taken her camping in the Boundary Waters, and to Camp iGirl at Alverno College where she spent a week learning new technology, media and marketing skills. “I never thought about working with computers and being an artist,” she stated. Her next adventure? To use the skills she learned and pursue a career in technology.

“I’m a different person with the Girl Scouts. I’m very comfortable, I feel safe, and I can be me.” - Ki’ya, Girl Scout Cadette

The Girl Scout Leadership Experience is available for all girls! Support her today at



Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast

Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast

Statement of Financial Position as of September 30, 2016

Statement of Financial Position as of September 30, 2016


Liabilities and Net Assets

Operating Revenue

Current Assets

Current Liabilities

Contributions and Special Events United Way Product Sales Program Fees Investment Income Other

Cash & cash equivalents Short-term investments Accounts receivable Inventories Prepaid expenses Current portion of unconditional promises to give

Total current assets Property and Equipment

1,752,869 243,787 125,273 344,317 84,019

$ $

Reserve funds Segregated pension fund Campership trust Endowment funds Land and building held for sale

3,316,087 9,426,731

8,048,816 2,652,027 276,355 1,347,317 53,388



Other Assets Long-term portion of unconditional promises to give Other assets Beneficial interest in trust

Total other assets

Total Assets


Total current liabilities

201,952 606,609 113,066 349,031





Total investments

Accounts payable Accrued expenses Deferred revenue Current portion of defined benefit pension obligation

56,190 26,594 141,240


Long-term Liabilities Long-term deferred revenue Long-term defined benefit pension bligation

175,000 2,658,008

Total Operating Revenue

Operating Revenue 452,633 844,470 6,529,725 1,350,025 555,877 650,225

Program Services Support Services

9,625,946 1,323,260


Total Operating Expenses


Total Liabilities



Net Operating Income

$ (566,251)

Non-Operating Activities

$ 256,509

Change in Net Assets

$ (309,742)

Net Assets - Beginning of Year


Net Assets - End of Year


Total net assets

18,398,048 1,180,137 19,578,185 1,061,958 600,936

$ 21,241,079

Product Sales 63%

Operating Expenses Support Services 12%




Program Fees 13%

Operating Expenses


Unrestricted Undesignated Board designated Total unrestricted Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted

Other Contributions 6% 5% United Way 8%


Total long-term liabilities

Net Assets

Investment Income 5%

Program Services 88%

Total Liabilities and Net Assets $25,344,745

The financial records of Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast, Inc., as of and for the twelve months ending September 30, 2016, were audited by CliftonLarsonAllen LLP.

The audited financial statements, on which the above and left are based, are available for inspection at the administrative office of Girls Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast, Inc., 131 South 69th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


Those who lead do so by inspiring others. Girl Scouts is the world’s leading organization dedicated to developing girls as leaders. It all began in 1912 when Juliette “Daisy” Gordon Low formed the first troop and girls were given the opportunity to learn essential skills to achieve success as women. Today, more than 59 million Girl Scout alumnae give back to their communities by serving as mentors, volunteers, and donors to continue the leadership legacy. Kerrie Hoffman is one of those lifelong Girl Scouts. She began her journey in second grade as a Brownie and achieved Ambassador status by the end of high school. She credits Girl Scouts for her path to success, “The all-girl environment is supportive, allowing girls to take more risks. It creates a safe haven to try new things because there’s no fear of being laughed at.” She has applied that learned confidence in her adult life, studying medical technology at Purdue University, and then worked as a medical technologist at West Allis Memorial Hospital where she realized an affinity for troubleshooting.

This led to a very successful career transition into the world of information technology with Johnson & Johnson, and then as a Business Unit CIO (Chief Information Officer) at Johnson Controls. She has lived around the world, including stints in Florida, New Jersey, and Singapore. Now that she calls Milwaukee home, she serves as a board member for Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast (GSWISE) because she wants to “keep building courageous women leaders.” Her daughter is a Girl Scout and Kerrie spent three years as her GSWISE troop leader. “I never thought I’d be where I am today. The leadership I learned comes from Girl Scouts, so it feels natural that I would want to give back.”

“I never thought I’d be where I am today. The leadership I learned comes from Girl Scouts, so it feels natural that I would want to give back.” - Kerrie Hoffman, Board Member, Donor, and Volunteer

What drives Kerrie to continue to support GSWISE financially and through her leadership? “Giving to support basic human needs is good and serves immediate needs, but giving to Girls Scouts is serving these needs in the long term. The key to overcoming poverty is to teach people how to earn a better income. If you teach girls how to be leaders, it sticks with them forever, that’s what Girl Scouts do,” she stated.

Join Kerrie by donating to GSWISE today at

Girl Scouts are LEADERS. 18


GSWISE Endowment Funds

Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast Donors

Donors who invest in an endowment are investing in the excellence of GSWISE today, tomorrow, and for future generations of girls. Creating an Endowment Fund is a unique way of ensuring a source of income to GSWISE with annual distributions from each fund to help maintain services to girls. A donor-named endowment may be started with a minimum donation of $50,000. To learn more about GSWISE endowments, contact Mary Pat Beals, Chief Development Officer, at (414)443-3903 or • Alice Chester Trust Endowment Fund: supports maintenance, operations, and programming at Camp Alice Chester. • Betty Becker Camp Scholarship Endowment Fund: supports camping scholarships in Kenosha.

• Racine County Trust: provides funds for activities, projects, and expenses in Racine County.

• Elizabeth & Mary Beth Malm Endowment Fund: supports scholarships for low-income girls.

• Serge Logan Fund: supports girls in Racine County.

• Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast Endowment Fund: supports program delivery at GSWISE.

• Silver Brook Property Fund: supports maintenance, operations, and programming at Camp Silver Brook.

• Marion Chester Read Fund: supports council expenses such as maintenance, insurance, utilities, etc.

• Alvina T. Skinkle Outreach Endowment Fund: supports outreach activities throughout the southeast area.

• Martha & Jack Prince Fund: supports maintenance of the display case outside of Marion Chester Read Resource Center.

• Stocker Camp Pottawatomie Hills Fund: supports Pottawatomie Hills equipment.

• Mary T. Kubale Fund: supports camping opportunities for in-need girls.


• Racine Campership Trust: provides camperships for Racine County.

• Wider Opportunity Endowment Fund: provides travel scholarships for girls in the Kenosha area.

Thank you to our many generous supporters! Gifts and pledges received from October 1, 2015 – September 30, 2016. $100,000+


Margaret A. Cargill Foundation United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County

A. O. Smith Foundation, Inc. Theresa Barry & Aly El-Ghatit Dohmen Greater Milwaukee Foundation • LIFT Milwaukee Neighborhoods Kerrie & Jim Hoffman Melitta S. and Joan M. Pick Charitable Trust Opus Foundation Read Foundation, Inc. Roehl Foundation United Way of Kenosha County

$25,000-99,999 Bader Philanthropies, Inc. David and Julia Uihlein Charitable Foundation Rockwell Automation Charitable Corporation United Way of Racine County

$10,000-24,999 ABC Bakers Karen & Mark Bitzan Brewers Community Foundation, Inc. Chapman Foundation Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. Jane Bradley Pettit Foundation Joy Global Foundation Serge Logan* Racine Community Foundation Spectrum United Way of Washington County Waukesha County Community Foundation • Women and Girls Fund of Waukesha County

$2,500-4,999 Associated Bank Christy L. Brown & Brian Bullock Sandi & Brian Cadwallader Cotter Consulting Jackie & Garth Ertl Estate of Esther G. Runkel Kenosha Community Foundation • The LaFave Family Fund Bernard & Karen Kubale Michael Best & Friedrich LLP Northwestern Mutual Foundation, Inc. Lois Quinn

Racine Community Foundation • Arthur C. Naleid Fund Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c. Snap-on, Inc. TEMPO Waukesha Michael Wysong

$1,000-2,499 Anonymous (2) Albert J. & Flora H. Ellinger Foundation, Inc. Barbara Alderson Alverno College Nicole Best Nancy & Gary Bluemel Krista Brookman DeVona Wright Cottrell Davidson & Harley Fund, Inc. Heidi Deininger Diversified Insurance Solutions Elmore & Alyce Kraemer Charitable Trust Mary & James Fleming Deborah Ford Elizabeth Forman & Scott Bolens Friends of Nashotah, Inc. Greater Delafield Community Fund

Greater Milwaukee Foundation • Anthony & Andrea Bryant Family Fund • Camp for Kids • Martha & Jack Prince Fund • Summer Grants for Kids • Walter & Ruth Olsen Fund Jane Gellman Great-West Financial Darryl Green Guaranty Bank Suzanne Hallchurch Johnson Controls Foundation Kenosha Community Foundation • The Women’s Fund KPMG Judith Mann Anne Martino Camela Meyer Milwaukee Brewers Baseball Club Robert Monnat Mukwonago Community Commission William Murgas Thomas & Frances* Myers Andy Narrai & Nancy Hernandez Norman A. Schowalter Community Trust *Deceased


Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast Donors

Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast Donors

Thank you to our many generous supporters!

Thank you to our many generous supporters!

Oscar C. & Augusta Schlegel Foundation Kelsey Palmer Brenn Alicia & Thomas Pavlic Marcelline Pelzer Richfield Lions Club Rising Stars Meadow Springs Day Camp Carol & Tim Robinson Erika Sander Schwab Charitable Fund • The Bob and Hanna Nevins Family Fund Virginia Schwartz Carol & Norman Seeger Joan Shafer Billie Jean Smith Lauren & Nick Sollazo Lora Strigens The Lynde & Harry Bradley Foundation Carita Twinem Simon Wallace Kristin & Mark Ward West Bend Community Foundation • Ziegler Family Foundation Fund Woman’s Club of Wisconsin Sandy & Paul Wysocki Youth Service America


$250-999 American Transmission Company Stacie Andritsch Glenna Antrim Jeanine M. Bajczyk Christa Baldridge Bane Nelson, Inc. Mary Pat Beals Bergen County United Way’s Charitable Flex Fund Sarah Berndt Sarah Bernstein Bill of Rights Institute Cheryl Biro Kathleen & Richard Boemer Cindy Buser Patricia Cadorin Ashley & Pete Caruso Center for Self-Sufficiency, Inc. Charter Manufacturing Company Foundation Barbara Chase Keith Christiansen Lisa Christiansen Lisa Cieslak Anza D`Antonio Wendy Dahl Gussie Daniels Ellen & David Easley Lauralee Egli Christine Eldredge Enterprise Rent-A-Car

The Filippa DiBella Foundation, Ltd. Susie & David Fondrie Lisa DeLaney Anna Doll Michelle Fobair Food Services, Inc. Linda & William Frank Chris Friedl Girl Scout Troop 2061 Anthonie Goedheer Michelle Goetsch Leslie Gonzalez Greater Milwaukee Foundation • Allan C. Kieckhafer Charitable Fund • David C. Scott Fund • William J. and Doris M. Willis Fund Rose Grinder-Mondragon Beth Hahn & Eric Jaeger Kate Hamm Gail Hanson Elizabeth A. Hastings Leslie Hauser HCR ManorCare Gives Lori & William Heck Holland Family Scholarship Fund Jda Software Nicole Jamieson Marilyn W. John John Oster Family Foundation, Inc.

Marie & Michael Johnson Johnson Bank Lori Kasun Abbe C. Kaye Kenosha Women’s Network The Keyes Charitable Trust Beth Knickerbocker Kathleen Kocovsky Sarah Lynne Kramer Kathryn J. Laur Toni Letizia Kathy & David Littlejohn Magdalena Lopez Laura & Jeffrey Lukas Mary Beth Malm Manpower, Inc. Ann S. Maurer Leann Meiners William N. Mergenthaler Elizabeth Miller Mitchell Field Rotary Club Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corp. Mukwonago Lions Foundation, Inc. Beryl & John Mulhern Mutual of America Betty Jo & James Nelsen New Berlin Lioness Club New Berlin Lions Club, Inc. Glenn Nieman Nonprofit Center of Milwaukee, Inc.

Oconomowoc Junior Woman’s Club Kristine Ols Optimist Club of West Bend Elizabeth Orelup Shirley & Charles Osborn, Jr. Joseph P. Owen, Jr. Lisa Persohn Lori Peterson Rita Petretti Suzanne & Richard Pieper Pleasant Prairie Woman’s Club Karen Plunkett Muenster Precision Gears, Inc. Kathy J. Ramsey Sara Reeder Gregg A. Remter Robert W. Baird & Co. Foundation Lynn Roeglin Elizabeth Rolinski SC Johnson Lisa & Kenneth Schuppner Schwab Charitable Fund • D. R. E. A. M. Fund Chris & Harry Schwartz Verna & David Seitz Vickie Silberschmidt Shannon Small Caroline Kubale Smith Patrisha Smith Debra Solomon-Domash Kristina Somers

Rose Purpero Spang Andrea & Steven St. Thomas Mary St. Ville & Duncan Delhey Becky Standley Jean Stevens Linda & Richard Styza Mark Thomas & Cristy GarciaThomas United Way of Metropolitan Chicago Brenda Vento Charles G. Vogel Walmart Foundation Waukesha Noon Lions Club Wenthe-Davidson Engineering Co. West Bend Noon Kiwanis Gertrude Wilkinson Sherry & Greg Williams Nancy & Marco Wishart Andrea Yanacheck Mary Lou Young Gertrude Zauner Sharon & Douglas Ziegler

$100-249 Anonymous (1) Marianna & Tim Alho Lynn & William Alvey Amazon Smile Foundation Rita & Matt Andis Diane Barnes Cynthia Wise Barnicki

Colleen Beilfuss Julia Belmont Susan Bennett Jennifer Berg Diane & Dennis Block Kathryn Bloomberg Katherine Borsecnik & Eugene Weil Marci & Barry Brandt Lisa & Alan Bronikowski Brookfield Kiwanis Club Brian Brown Violetta Kapsalis Buhler & Robert Buhler Jennifer Bujas Rebecca Burton Carla Butenhoff Sharon & Mark Cameli Elizabeth Chapman Charter Wire Company Jennifer & Michael Chartier Gig Chingo-Harris Holli Clark Katie Clark Margaret J. Clippert & Robert Henke Diane Conrad Vera Cornell Carla Cross Cheryl & Charles D’Amico Dorothy Dean Rick Dembinski Mary Dessereau Patti & John Dew

Angela M. Dicastri The Honorable Jean DiMotto Sharon & Eugene Dodd Amy Dretzka Roberta Drews Renee Dries Philip H. Eckert Ronda Ewald Elliot Farkas Rachael & Dan Feller Meghan Findley Ginny Finn & Evan Lenhardt Gina Madrigrano Friebus & William Friebus Barbara D. Froemming Cheryl Fuchs Karin & Richard Gale Kim Gallion GE Foundation GE Healthcare Linda Gehring Geo-Synthetics Joanne Graham Linda Greene Christine Grota & Richard Merkel Sarah Halstead Lorie & Robert Hamilton Kelly Harycki Madeleine Harycki Helen Mueller Hauser Adele Helmle Glenda & Michael Herro


Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast Donors

Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast Donors

Thank you to our many generous supporters!

Thank you to our many generous supporters!

Robin & Brian Higgins Pauline Hoff Carol & Arthur Hokanson Virginia Holahan Mary Hollenback Deanna Holloway John Holtz John & Maureen Horgan John R. Howman Barbara Hufschmidt Nancy & Kevin Iuliano Barbara Jackson Carolyn Jelinski Lynda & Darrell Jobman Dawn L. Johnson Imogene P. Johnson Judy Johnson Phillips Samantha Johnson Willie Johnson, Jr. Amy Jones Keona Jones Sandra & John Kallis Emily & Tom Kaplan Kern Family Foundation Kelly King Chele C. Kirsch Gerda Klingbeil Helen Knauer Linda & Fred Kuhn Holly Kull Jean Levenhagen Susan Lievrouw Sally A. Lindner


Laura & Bob Lindsay LMI Packaging Solutions Denise Lubotsky Deborah Lukovich Dr. Marlena Mackie Lori Mai Melanie Mailloux & Daniel Mielnicki Shannon & Lorenzo Majewski Robert Malm Jean Mantz Domonique Martinez Laura & Jay Matter Shanyce Matthews-McGee Carol Mayer Autumn Merriman Marvin McGhee Rosanne McGuire Caitlin Meilahn James Meinert Menomonee Falls Lions Club MetalTek International - WI Centrifugal Division Milwaukee Kappa Delta Alumnae Chapter (JC) Mind 2 Mind Consulting Services Modine Manufacturing Co. Monica Moe Shavonn Montgomery Brown Margaret Moore Lee Morriss Patricia Mueller Charmaine Myers

Kara Nehring Martha Nicks Mary & Robert Nowakowski Deborah & Tim Nustad Christine & Jame O’Brien Kathleen O’Brien, SSSF Oconomowoc Festival of the Arts Roberta Oldenburg Susan J. Olson Leah & Wes Orloff Rebecca Osborn Sonia Ost Marguerite Papenfus Monica Parkes Donna Peterson Gladys Peterson Diane & Charles Pittelkow Pleasant Lake Property Owners Assoc., Inc. Deborah & Paul Poletti Kathryn Potos Jamie Pratt Kasandra Preston Lisa M. Privatt Gail Proft Mary Ann & John Prokop Kim & Todd Prudlow Irene Quintero Rita & John Race Ruth Raczka Miriam Reading Kevin Reardon

Shelly & Scott Reid Leslie F. Reinhart Philip Reitz Lynn Revoy Terri Rexroat Brett Rohlwing Caitlin Rowland Sandra L. Rubin Heather Rudolf Elizabeth Runyon Daniel Sapiro Jennafer Savage Deborah Schleif Christine A. Schlosser Dee & Robert Schulz Mary & Philip Schuman Janice Sciano Judith & Robert Scott Karen & David Seemuth Lisa J. Segalla Marsha Sehler Peter Selstad Judith & William Sherry Linsey & John Sieger Cynthia Siemers Sandra Siira Theresa & John Singer Susan Skaros Sarah & William Slaughter Doris Small Brenda Smith Timothy Smith Susan Sobczak

Spano Pratt Executive Search Rebecca & Dennis St. Martin Samantha Stark Christine Steele Lara & Jeff Steinbach The Streich Family Foundation, Inc. Teri & Stan Strub Jennifer Studebaker Summit Credit Union Sussex Lions Club Barbara Tays Dave Testerson Sarah Thierman Debra & Dave Thornton Roberta & Greg Thorpe Kathy & Michael Tomasini United Way of Dodge County Renee Vanselow Vanessa Varela Jill Vaughan Karen Vernal Bonnie Vick Michelle Villanueva Gregory Ware Dee Warzyn Pauline Warzyn Joyce & Howard Washechek Waukesha Kiwanis Club Anthony Weasler Deborah L. Weier Nancy & Eugene Weil Matthew Weimer

Gwendolyn Weithaus Robin Wetherbee Jane & Bill Wetterberg Serena White Whitefish Bay Woman’s Club Sandra Wiegand Donita Wilbon Amy Williamson Barbara Winkler Pratibha Wojtal Mary Worley Nancy Wosyk Amanda Wright Georgia Yanicke Dr. & Mrs. Laurens D. Young Mary Jo Zachow Daniel Zautis Elizabeth Zaza

Up to $100 Anonymous (3) Shirley & Seymour Abrahamson Debra Adams Kathryn Adams Nicole Adams Sally & Todd Agger Dana & Saul Aguero Cheri & Robert Albrecht Claire Allen Alonzo Cudworth American Legion Post No. 23 American Legion Post No. 36 Jennifer & Mike Anderes

Beverly Andersen Elizabeth Anderson Jenni L. Andreas Diane Ansaldi Jenna Archer Valerie Asakura Amy & Kent Attwell Brenda Baas Badger Trails, Inc. Mary Baer Nancy Barr Leticia Barreiro Jessica Bauer-Phipps Kathryn & William Baumgart Annette Beamon Mary Beaumont Judy Becker Kathleen Beckmann Sonja K. Becvar Ruth Behrend* Jennifer & Thomas Benner Anita & Richard Bensman Karrie Berg Carol Bergman Lana & Paul Berweiler Betty Brinn Children’s Museum Suzan Bieszk Sue Blaser Stacey & Paul Bodi Betty Boehme Karen Boehme Vera & Ross Boone

Brenda & Joel Borgman Kristin Boudreau Amelia Breitlow Jessica & Benny Brojde Susan M. Bronk Joyce Brown Kelli & Timothy Brownewell Marion Bruhn Sandra Burant Jolene Burge & Jason Strzelecki Kathy & John Burlingham Alicia Buttchen Leslie Cameron Catrina Cane Erika & Kevin Cannaday Mary C. Cannon Natalie & Jeffrey Chapman Ming Chen & Lan Zhang Vincent Christie III Roxanne & Jay Ciatti Lisa & Edward Clark Sharon & Patrick Clark Amanda Clark Kathleen & Steven Clark Casey & Jonathan Cohn Michelle Cooper Marcia Cornnell Jeanne & Timothy Crawford Leslie Cripe Jane & William Crise Patricia & Phillip Crump Maureen Cunningham *Deceased


Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast Donors

Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast Donors

Thank you to our many generous supporters!

Thank you to our many generous supporters!

John Czarnecki Peter Daleiden Brigette David Dani Dekker Shircel & Curt Shircel Patricia Deklotz Emily Dell Revord & John Revord Diamond Transportation Diana Lopez Diaz Jesus Diaz Mary Clare & Phillip Dibb Margaret Done Mary Elaine & Roland Dretzka Jodi & Timothy Droese Matthew Drouhard Rebecca & Martin Eberhardt Kim Ehlert Susan & Thomas Ela Sivakama & Logan Elangovan Jean Elste Lisa & Jeff Erickson Sandy Erickson Deborah Evans-Rosales Kristine & Glenn Evenson Donald Ewart Ann Marie Fabos Laura Fait Victorine & Noel Fanta Kelley Farnsworth Susan & Scott Feldman Pauline & Salvatore Ferrara Mary Jo Fields


Frances Finkler Gena Fischer Shirley Fischer Alexandra Fisher Michelle Fleischmann Claire Flitcroft Gina & Michael Follstad Janet & Stan Fox Marcia Frankiewicz Karen Freibergs Susan & Kenneth Freitag Paul & Sid Freitag-Fey Cheryl Friday Rosemarie Fridrick Rosemary Fritchen Rose Fritz Barbara Froemming Jann Fujimoto Stacey Gardiner Michelle Garringan-Kronschnabl & Kevin Kronschnabl Wendi Gaspar Tina Gaulden Terilynn Geissner Phyllis & Arthur Gemer Anna Geraci & John Bollwark Heather Gergen Valerie Gerlach Leola & Walter Getka Janet & Dennis Gilboy Kim Good Janine Graber

Allison & Kevin Grabowski Loretta Gradus Katherine Graef Julie & James Graf William Grenke Mary Groff Jane & Timothy Grube Ruth & Paul Guenther Sara Guenther Tammy & Michael Haase Sarah Hambrook & Michael Mitchell Wendy & Sheldon Hanneman Tabitha & Bryan Hansen Joan & Ron Harkins Shelly & Michael Hart Ann Hasselkus Patricia Haukohl Maryann & Thomas Hausmann Kathleen Heidemann Lorraine & Scott Heins Debra & Glen Helmbrecht Cindy Hemm April & Richard Hepp Patricia Hepp Veryl & Fred Hermes Kathleen Hernandez Barb Hill Betty Hilton Leah & Thomas Hinze Ali Ho Molly & Jeff Hoehn

Karen & John Hoffman Mary Holmes Sandra Holzhauer Jodi Hoover & Adam Rowlands Horne Mudlitz VFW Auxiliary #6377 Jana Hoyer Candice Hoze Amy & Chris Hueckstaedt Stephanie & Matthew Huff Katrina Hull Amy & Charles Hume Dawn Hutchison-Weiss & Christopher Weiss Judith Ish Anna Jacobi Marilyn Jacobs Brandy Jadczak Cathy Jakicic Thomas F. Janczak Sara & Ryan Janecek Molly Jasmer Rebecca & Robert Jenkins Mary Jo & Alan Johnson Helen Johnston Jacqui & Mike Jones Marjorie Jothen Sue Joys Debra & Jiro Kaisserlian Pamela Kallas Bill Kenton Jennifer & Tom Kenton

Azeeza & Sham Khan Julie & Peter Kinzelman Amy Klapper Heather & Aaron Klug Annette Knoll Michelle G. Knudten Rebecca & William Komisar Daniel Kopp Kevin Kopps Harry Koroghlanian Gwen & David Koscinski Katrina Koutalis Shawn A. Kozey Monica Krack Gale & Kyle Kramer John Kraniak Kelly & Paul Kuglitsch Peter J. Kujawa Marta Kultgen Susan L. Kurtz Cathy & Richard Labinski Amy Peters Lalios Janine & Jerome Lange Gary Langhoff Rebecca Lanser Caroline Laubenheimer Kimberly & John Laufer Jim Layton Chris Leach Telethia Lebron Goldie & Glenn Lerer Julie Levins

Sharon D. Lewis Liberty Mutual Foundation Elaine & George Linn Kerri Lintott Jane Lippert Jennifer & Michael Lisser Elizabeth Loehne Ann M. Loyd Anne & LeRoy Lutz Courtney Lutz Mary Maaske Cary & David Madrigal Linda Madsen Casandra & Mark Mahoney Chantele Mallett Erica & Brennon Manske John Marita Joan Maronde Melissa Maroszek & Brian Harris Christina & Michael Mascitti Karen & Tom Mashek Linda Matter LaVerne McCoy Kimberly Mcgee Jennifer McGeoghegan Elmer Megna Maura Metz Pamela & Rob Metzdorf Jennifer & Paul Meyer Beth Meyer & Dale Stohre Lynn Michelau

Mary Miklautsch Kelly & Anthony Miller Marilynn Miller Kristie Millikin Lynne Milner Stacy Mitz Sue Molina Lisa Morgan Danielle Mosley Mayaar Muezzin Patricia Munford Natalie Muris Mary & Mike Mutza Darlene Nash Mackenzie Nash Nora Naylor Susan & Ed Neckar Jon Neikirk Nan & Dennis Nelson Marie Nichols Connie Nowik Lois Nusslock Patricia & John O’Connell Kelly & Kevin O’Neill Elizabeth & Jim Orth Nan & Morris Oscherwitz Donna & Scott Ottesen Mary Otto Esther Pagan Maura & Harry Palzewicz Donna Pasternak Audrey Pavlik

Shelia Payton Shirley Peavie Tracey & Michael Pelishek Maribel Perez Janelle & Scott Petinga Cassie Platt Thomas Plevak Jo Lynn Plonski Frances Halas & John Poirier Crystal Polak Susan Ponzi Jennifer Potters Cathy Poulson Chelsea Powell Charlyn Pozza Kim Preston Karen & Edward Purcell Amy & James PutnamEfthimiou Maureen Quinlan Hayes Mahala Rankin Patricia Ransom Judith Rauls Toby Recht Rose Marie Reich Jenniey Remzsa Jayne Rickert Mary Ellen Rinaldi Valerie Ritter Elizabeth Robinson Sherrell & Clinton Rodgers Alora Rodriguez


Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast Donors

Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast Donors

Thank you to our many generous supporters!

Thank you to our many generous supporters!

Angelina Rodriguez Anita Rodriguez & Kenneth Kauer Peggy John Roell Donna Roesch Beverly Rogge Cindy Rooks Wilda Rosario Karyl Rosenberg Geri & Jeff Roskopf Pamela Rossi Jean & Jeffrey Rude Barbara Runge Lynn Rusy & David Brabson Tamara Rynes Lila Saavedra Nancy Sala Griselda & Saleh Salem Lisa Sanborn Tomas R. Sanchez, Jr. Lori Saqer Raifeh Saqer Neeti Saraswat Elizabeth Saunderson Eldred Schaible Jennifer & Dan Schambow Jackie Scharfenberg Phyllis Scharfenberg Nancy Scharmach Mary Mulligan Scheive

Jean Schemel Mara & Patrick Scherer Marlene Schilffarth Linda & Larry Schneider School Sisters of St. Francis Sharon Seiser Gina & Gregg Shaffer Jennifer Shaw Heidi & Dennis Sheen Rebecca Sheperd Ann & Charles Sherry Thelma Sias Barbara Siegert Mary Sue & James Siepmann Susan Siewert Erica Silberschmidt William Simon Kirsten & Todd Sivak Sharon Slavin-Brink Virginia Smeiska Gail Smith Janet Smith Tonia Smith Mary Ann Sobczyk Mary Spiegelberg Dora & Scott Steinbach Crystal & Dave Stevens Kristie & Kyle Stuckert Madhuri Subbineti Katie Sudmeier

Susan Sun-LaSovage & Robert LaSovage Paulette & Perry Szuminski Christine & John Thomsen Charlotte Topel Rebecca & Lucas Torres Cherrye Trotman Valerie G. Trower Margaret Troyer Mary & Walter Turner Irene Turowski United Way Fox Cities Alexander Unold Carl Vanderwerff Linda VanDyne Jessica & Frank Vento Debra Verrier Kathleen & Daniel Voss Elizabeth & John Ward Katrina Warren Alicia Washington-White Shannon E. Watry Heidi Weed David Weil Suzy Weisman Nancy Weix Christel Wendelberger Kelley Whalen Mary & Greg Whitfield Jan & Dick Whittow

Mary & Warren Widicus Sharon & Rolland Wilson Carole & Monte Witkowski Deborah & Jeffrey Wittrock Sara & Daryl Woelfel Monica & Chris Wolfe Marlene & Gerald Yerges Shannon & Kenneth Young Jane Zellmer Rosa & Scott Zibell Jill & Mark Zoromski

Every effort was made to list donors correctly. If there is a discrepancy, please contact Jennifer Chartier at 414-443-3909 or


Juliette Gordon Low Society

In Honor Of

The Juliette Gordon Low Society honors the circle of donors who have given or indicated their intention to make a planned or estate gift to GSWISE.

Karen Boehme

Mary Albrecht Barbara Alderson Lillian Allen* Leona Atley Estate Elaine & Steven Azuma MaryLee Bahr & Carl Ealy Betsy Barr* Kathy Barth Elizabeth Bell* William Benjamin* Roseann Bladauf-Shales Diane & Dennis Block Elizabeth Brown Christine Bukowski Mary Bullamore Susan Cable Cheryl Campbell Julie Whelan Capell Marion Chester Read* Diane Conrad Mark* & Clare Cronce Rita Czukas Marianne Deabler Jamie Dertz Martha & Norm Eckstaedt Deidra Y. A. Edwards Ellen Ellefsen Zetmeir Estate of Hannah Stocker Sarah Fuerstenau Molly T. Fuller Debra Fulton

Christy L. Brown

Joanne Graham Donna Hansen Pat* & Lee Hartz Mary* & Richard Henszey Claire Hiller Carol & Don Huebler Annette Ishmael Gwen Jackson Laurie Jacobs Barbara Jakus Marilyn W. John Cathie & Dave Johnson Earlene Jornt-Girman Pamela Kandziora Patti Keating Kahn Willough Kelnhofer Estate Debra Kenner-Klepp Pearl Koniak-Seavitte Patricia A. Krolikowski Bernard & Karen Kubale Mary Kubale* Susan L. Kurtz Katherine Lingle Serge Logan* Mary Beth Malm Jo Ann Mann* Mary McCormick Sandra McNeely Delores Melito* Estate of Carlotta Millholland

Sylvia Moldenhauer* Margaret Moore Lee Morriss Estate of Margaret Nadeau Nancy Noeske* Palmer Foundation Sheila Porter Martha & John Prince Alice Read & Dr. Drew Palin Agnes Reinhard Anita Rodriguez & Kenneth Kauer Mary Roggeman Jeanne Sanchez-Bell Mary & Philip Schuman Betsy Seidenschwartz Wendy Slocum Rose Purpero Spang Deborah Taylor Kim Thiermann Marilyn Treder Deborah T. Wallendal Deborah Weaver Gertrude Wilkinson Clara Wulfing* Barbara Wyatt Sibley Mary Jo Zachow

Betty Boehme

Virginia Finn-Lenhardt

Alanna Bullock Christy L. Brown & Brian Bullock

Kathleen O’Brien Patricia Munford

In Memory Of Margaret “Betsy” Barr Mary Jo Zachow

Mary Behrendt Helen Mueller Hauser

Helen & Alec Bernstein Sarah Bernstein

Gladys Bluemel Nancy Bluemel

Eleanore “Dolly” Brown Brian Brown Jill Vaughan

Marion Chester Read *Deceased

Joan & Ron Harkins Pauline Hoff


Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast Donors

Board of Directors 2015-2016

Thank you to our many generous supporters! Jo Ann Mann

In Memory Of Karen Grenke William Grenke

Marylee Hanson Gary Balcerzak Christy L. Brown & Brian Bullock Susan & Thomas Ela Thomas Ewing Gail Hanson Shelly & Michael Hart Kathleen Heidemann Dawn L. Johnson Kern Family Foundation Jane Lippert Pamela & Robert Metzdorf Nan & Dennis Nelson Frances Halas & John Poirier Deborah & Paul Poletti Kathryn Potos Mary Ellen Rinaldi Daniel Sapiro Karen & David Seemuth Cristy Garcia-Thomas & Mark Thomas Jan & Dick Whittow

Pat Hartz Paul & Sid Freitag-Fey

Susan & Scott Feldman Jane Gellman Emily & Tom Kaplan Judith Mann Nan & Morris Oscherwitz Mary Mulligan Scheive William Simon Christine Steele David Weil Katherine Borsecnik & Eugene Weil Nancy & Eugene Weil

Dean Meinen Teri & Stan Strub

Joan Mulligan Mary Mulligan Scheive

Frances Meyers Elizabeth Anderson Marci & Barry Brandt Violetta Kapsalis Buhler & Robert Buhler Sharon & Mark Cameli Elizabeth Chapman Natalie & Jeffrey Chapman Cheryl & Charles D’Amico Diamond Transportation

Elliot Farkas Karin & Richard Gale Geo-Synthetics Glenda & Michael Herro John R. Howman Amy & Charles Hume Barbara Jackson Mary Jo & Alan Johnson Annette Knoll Rebecca & William Komisar Jim Layton James Meinert Tammie Miller Charmaine Myers Patricia & John O’Connell Rebecca Osborn Shirley & Charles Osborn, Jr. Philip Reitz Mary Sue & James Siepmann Jill & Mark Zoromski

Rosemary Quinlan Maureen Quinlan Hayes

Joanne Radomski

Board Chair


Kathleen O’ Brien 

Christine Baranoucky 

Kerrie Hoffman

Marci Pelzer

Alverno College

Marquette University

Johnson Controls, Inc.

Time Warner Cable

Managing Director, Donor Relations

Vice President Information Technology

Senior Director of Community Investment

Karla Krehbiel

Cynthia Short

Johnson Bank

Translator Co-Founder and CEO

Senior VP for Academic Affairs Emerita

First Vice-Chair Tom Myers 

St. Augustine Preparatory Academy

Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c.

Chief Financial Officer

Regional President

Krista Brookman

Julie Ledger 

Billie Jean Smith

Second Vice-Chair


Nicole Best

Opus Development Company, L.L.C.

Michael Best & Friedrich LLP

Vice President, Inclusive Leadership Initiative


Cathy Poulson

GSWISE is honored to be a United Way Program Partner United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County United Way of Kenosha County United Way of Racine County United Way of Washington County

Intellectual Property Attorney

VP and General Manager

Heartland Advisors, Inc.

Maria Smith 

SVP, Chief Financial Officer & Chief Administrative Officer

Deirdra Copeland

Sharlie McCain 

BMO Financial Group

Northwestern Mutual

Director of Education


Global Head of Enterprise Resource Groups

Assistant Director, Human Resources, Enterprise Solutions/ Planning and Resource Management

Mark Thomas

Lora Strigens Marquette University

DeVona Wright Cottrell

Associate Vice President for Finance, University Architect

Robert W. Baird & Co.

Anne Martino

Director / Associate General Counsel

Aurora Health Care

Mary Jo Zachow

Mary Jane Young

Kelsey Palmer Brenn

Treasurer Carita Twinem  Community Volunteer

Chief Executive Officer

Deborah Ford University of WisconsinParkside Chancellor

Veronica Gunn

Christy L. Brown

Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin

Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast

Vice President Population Health

Vice President, Consumer Insights & Innovation

La Causa Charter School

Sojourner Family Peace Center Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

Sandy Wysocki United Performing Arts Fund Chief Development Officer

Robert Monnat Mandel Group, Inc.

Girl Members

Partner / Chief Operating Officer

Abena May  Brooke McArdle Ananya Murali  Tien Vo

Andrew Narrai Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c. Chief Marketing Officer

Completed term in April 2016 Elected Board Chair, April 2016

 



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“My daughter always comes back happy and filled with new confidence and joy at forming relationships. She enjoys the counselors and navigating her way through independence from her mom. She loves the nature scene and being able to go.” - GSWISE Girl Scout Camper Parent 800-565-GIRL

Photo Credit: Teri Pias, Day Camp by Community Volunteer


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