CONTROL: HAVE POWER; to have power over a person, company, country. LIMIT/MANAGER; to limit something or make it happen in a certain way. STAY CLAM; to manager to make yourself remain calm, even though you are upset or angry. CUNT: (tabboo; slang) – a woman’s VAGINA and other sexual organs. A very offensive word used to insult and to show anger or dislike ROLL: LIST OF NAMES; an oficial list of names. SOUND; a deep continous sound OUR MEANING: Cunt; ANYONE who identifies as a fucking badass genderless unicorn. Someone who doesn’t take SHIT from anyone else and doesn’t stay neutral when it comes to controversial situations. Anyone who fights on a daily basis, to not only survive but to LIVE their most authentic self and help/inspire others to do the same.
Cover art by/ Capa por:
Li Rodrigues
Carta da Editora: Mais uma vez chegamos ao mês de Março e como muitxs de vocês sabem, este é o mês em que temos tanto a responsabilidade como entusiasmo de editar mais uma zine. Por consequência dos acontecimentos que marcaram os últimos meses de 2016 ( Brexit, Pulse, Trump... etc) o tema deste #10 quase que escolheu-se a si próprio. Carrie Fisher deixou um legado único, seja como Princesa Leia o símbolo da Resistência e da Rebeldia, seja pelo seu ativismo social, usando a comédia para falar de assuntos que ainda são vistos como demasiado "pesados". Desde o seu feminismo constante, ao discutir abertamente doenças mentais e como essas muitas vezes incapacitam-nos não só psicologicamente como fisicamente e socialmente, o seu historial de abuso de drogas ou como o estatuto de celebridade fizeram-na questionar muitas das suas escolhas enquanto atriz e pessoa. No passado dia 21 de Janeiro, a sua imagem tornou-se num ícone não oficial da marcha das Mulheres, anti-trump. E que força nos trouxe esta demonstração de Resistência. Resistir é lutar, resistir é encarar o futuro com todas as forças por mais sombrio e assustador que pareça, resistir é deixarmos de ser controlados pelos outros e passar a controlar a nossa vida, resistir é continuar a viver o nosso Eu mais genuíno, através dos nossos grupos de amigos, das nossas famílias, das nossas identidades, das nossas vozes e da nossa arte. - RS ENG: Editors letter: March is here and like many of you already know, this is the month where we feel the responsibility and enthusiasm to publish a new Zine. After all the terrible events that populated the last few months of 2016 (Brexit, Pulse, Trump etc...) the theme for nr 10 almost chose itself before our eyes. Carrie Fisher left an incredible and unique legacy, as Princess Leia, the symbol of the Resistance and Rebellion, and also for her constant social activism, using comedy as a way to talk about issues that are usually put to the side for being too "heavy". From feminism, to openly discussing the effects of mental diseases and how those affect us physically and socially as well as psychologically, her history with drug abuse or how her stardom led her to question a lot of her decisions as an actress and as a human. Last month, January 21st, her image became a non-official icon for the Women's March. And what a huge amount of Force this demonstration of Resistance provided to all of us. To resist is to fight, to take on the future with all the strenght we have even when it seems so dark and scary, to resist is to stop being controlled by others and taking control, to resist is to keep on living our most authentic Self, through our group of friends, our families, our identities, our voices and our art. - RS CARRIE FISHER
(1956 – 2016)
Movimento “imaginário” anti-violação. Esse chão que pisas Sou eu, não vês? Essa água que bebes Sou eu, não me vês? Ignoras-me. Consomes-me. E eu, de tão tua que sou Desapareço pelo céu Suavemente tiras me o véu Eu, nua e gélida Desprotegida Somente nua aos teus olhos Tocas-me. Sou frágil. Parto. Continuas a não me ver Essa água… são as lágrimas Dói tanto, não imaginas. Para, por favor. Devolve-me. Quero voltar a ser minha. Não adianta. Já me tiraste tudo. Não vias o meu sangue? A dor que causavas Porque me ignoravas? Fiquei ali, na rua Nua… crua Tu, todo contente prosseguiste Quem era eu? E que dor era aquela?
Cátia Barros
Love for Russia Manifest: Last week, human rights in Russia took a turn for the worse. Vladimir Putin has signed a law that sees domestic violence being partially decriminalized in Russia. While many shrugged or just uttered some harsh words and continued going about their own business, others understood that domestic violence IS their own business. It is everyone’s business. Some defend the new legislation, which gives permission to Russian aggressors to abuse their family at their own wish without facing serious repercussions such as the ones which most of the world see as vile and punishable legally. Domestic aggressors in Russia may now beat their wives, husbands, children, parents - those who they should show the most affection – and face nothing but a small fine. It is now a civil offense, not a criminal one. They face none to minor, insignificant punishments for terrible actions. We joined our forces to let the world know this is not okay. This is not right. This is not humane. We, as women and allies, as feminists, as people manifest our compassion to our Russian sisters, brothers and every person who may now become part of statistics without even being seen as a victim of domestic violence. Where does one draw the line between what is violence and what they call discipline is? Should the line between abuse and discipline be measured in bruises, repeated offenses, and broken bones? The answer is simple: NO! Abuse is abuse, no matter where it happens or who the victim is, and law MUST punish it. People of the world, join us in our fight in support of Russian domestic violence victims! We created the #LOVEforRUSSIA hashtag and invite and motivate you to join us defending them, in hopes of reaching the right people who will understand that their action does not reflect a humane act. To back off, to straighten laws up. To protect everyone! So take our words or create your own and share your own pictures with the hashtag #LoveforRussia. Share your picture and words with the world. Our Russian sisters and brothers need to know they do not stand alone. We need to let our friends in Russia we are on their side, let’s let them know what the black dot on someone’s palm means. Let’s help those who we see with it. We, together, manifest our disappointment, our anger, our deep sorrow in knowing this awful excuse for a law passed. We manifest that LOVE DOES NOT LEAVE BRUISES, LAWS SHOULD NOT BREAK BONES and NO ONE, NO ONE IS A POLITICAL PUNCHBAG. We might be just a few, but if you join us in this fight, we might cause change. Change for good! Please join us in this fight for Russia to back off this unjust law. Let love win over hate! Love, Team #LoveforRussia
Sexual Resistance, or the price to have her by Esther Caulfield
I insist to resist the temptation to exist In bed with you 1 + 2 I try to tell myself I’m now free from my chains free from societies rules but with threesomes who gains? The two who have some fun, or the one who might end in pain? Pain, not suffer I know I’d be just another and he’s hers and his is she I want her mine Inside of me Not him, not even a bit, glad it’s not the price to be with her. Why even think of this? After all, I’m just another; we’re friends, that’s it but I know I’m not just the other (woman). She likes me I like her back I’ll have her that’s the plan. But in the end, we both know Kisses and moans were there just for the show We might even cum We might even cuddle, at the end of the day, her heart and soul belong to another.
Li Rodrigues @li.prouvaire /
“If there was a better way to go then you’ll find me I can’t help, the road just rolls out behind me Be kind to me, or treat me mean I’ll make the most of it, I’m an extraordinary machine.” Fiona Apple
Shapeless Diary Série de auto-retratos que retrata a história de uma rapariga que vai “nadando” pela imprevisibilidade da vida, e onde a sua preparação para o que se segue se forma nos momentos em que está sozinha, aceitando o facto de que só ela estará consigo para sempre.
Inês Caldas
era em forma de leque
já vivemos coisas boas uma das partes mais pequenas
e más encaixava ao meio
Satisfeitas e integradas Transitoriamente
Distantes e cépticas
deixou de ser rentável o riso que ainda habitávamos quando nos pediram a vida . keep walking . habituo-me ao escuro e à queda das pestanas após os pesticidas
. keep walking
Rita Grácio
Andreia Cunha
NO CAPS By Beatrice Bay
to sabotage my life is the easiest way to make it more exciting to have a routine is the easiest way not to have panic attacks my mind is split and my heart is heavy my spirit is broken and my brain is fiery nothing makes sense, i feel so alone cant trust my body cant trust my soul cant trust nobody end up the night at home its not that im bored i have things to do but i dont wanna do them in the state i’m going through you just gotta keep on going thats my daily mantra but i feel it more like a jail sentence to continue on is not my choice my choice is how to do it in spite of wanting the clock to stop every single thing is a question i cannot answer anymore looking in people’s eyes has become a crippling chore do they notice im not there, do they notice im not going anywhere will they ask whats wrong with me or just complain im not listening time is elastic and only summer has gone pass me feels like im someone new, someone without a home to go back to my memories feel like dreams and my body is an old building in the middle of an empty road everybody passes through me and looks with pitty and sympathy thinking someone should probably help but not them and not today how do i go on if i cant make up my own mind every thing i loved i have lost i dont know who i was before, not anymore not anymore i am not a bad person that is for sure but why does life feel like a chore when i know there is so much more to explore
Homem de barba que toca guitarra (não és o novo B Fachada)
É uma cena super original, Quanto tempo demoraste a aprender a cantar mal? A academia nada com eles queria Daí a apatia que por trás dos óculos se via Os coelhos acabam por escolher sempre o mesmo buraco Sabes que o teu pai nunca fez parte de um sindicato Quando o privilégio vê-se pelo brilho do teu sapato Não é nada facil crescer sem nenhum percalço
Inês Lobo Temias 2017
Russian Ballerina
Limpei-te a boca com urtigas Ma Vlast! Num sofá de pau-rosa contávamos os cobres Colhias um alfinete madrepérola do bolso Dos shorts e perguntavas se podias Dois gatos a beber água do bidê Um vulto a minha cabeça jorra vidreos Esmigalhados para dentro de uma jarra que Deita fora leite e que espalha Ma Vlast! Deito-te de ventre para baixo nos tacos Uma fábrica de pelo eriçado escuros encerados As tuas unhas cravadas no soalho
Rafaela Jacinto 2016
Inês Sambas
… e porquê, meu Deus, porquê? Porque é que eles, ogres devoradores de criancinhas ao pequeno-almoço, não permitem que as tuas portas e janelas, que encerram as salas embaciadas de choros, gritos, lamentações torturadas, sangue…, sejam abertas e entrem enxurradas de ar fresco? Que fiques limpo de todos os fantasmas podres que erram histéricos pelos teus aposentos velados com teias poeirentas, pingando bílis. Porque é que eles não deixam que irrompa novamente a vida nas tuas veias e o ar nos teus pulmões, e exorcizes a dor que em ti foi, e resplandeças em glória? Choro o teu passado turvo que apavora os vivos e encarcera os espíritos tristes que te habitam. Meu amigo, que sempre conheci póstumo, como me gostaria reconhecer-te renascido. Morra a besta sistemática nacional! Se a besta é portuguesa eu quero ser espanhola! A besta cheira mal da boca! Morra a besta, morra pim!!! R.I.R. (Rest In Rage), my dear friend.
Marie, 3 de Agosto de 2016
CUNTRULES Never compromise Never apologize Never judge Never be intimidated Always be inspired Always be aware Always stay close Always fight back Question everything