Inlund booklet

Page 1

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Contents 1. Symbol of new Lund................................................. 3 1.1 Concept 1.2 Name

2. Building in the context...............................................4 2.1 IN Lund visitor center 2.2 The building gives shape to the square 2.2.1 Open multifunctional space 2.2.2 Exhibition, test bed and energy production spaces 2.2.3 Flowering tree garden 2.2.4 Circulation free linear spaces

3. Architecture..................................................................6 3.1 Shape 3.2 Structure 3.3 Facade 3.4 Foundation 3.5 Layout 3.5.1 Multispace and room division 3.5.2 Mezzanine

4. Energy plus building................................................... 9 4.1 Renewable Energy Sources 4.1.1 Solar cells 4.2.2 Biomass CHP boiler 4.2.3 Human energy 4.2 Passive Design 4.2.1 Shape 4.2.2 Location 4.2.3 Orientation 4.2.4 Insulation 4.2.5 Windows 4.2.6 Natural ventilation

Aerial Image of INLund

5. Modularization..............................................................12 5.1 Modular structure 5.2 What can happen in 10 years

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1. Symbol of new Lund 1.1 Concept The main idea of the project is to create a symbol of new Lund, which will signal the future, openness and innovation. Besides, it should reflect the progressive nature of Lund and all aspects of its identity. However, it is obvious that no progress could ever be done without the achievements of the past and no identity could ever be revealed without looking at past. Therefore, we strongly believe that the new building should not only reflect the future Lund but also respect the deep historic background of Lund and incorporate its traditional character. On this base, an inspiration for the shape of the building is taken from the old part of the city centre with its vernacular gable architecture. While it is the best form in terms of energy efficiency of the building, the building will give also visitors sense of warmth being a “home” for collaboration of different groups of people. Furthermore, this shape also makes Hållbarhetshus stand out against the background of a modern building. While the traditional gable roof is an inspiration from the past, technical building equipment, applied materials, façade design and many other features show a new sustainable innovative side of Lund. As a result, the hållbarhetshus reflects a complete identity of new Lund incorporating previous and future achievements.

Photos of Lund: old and new parts

1.2 Name Thinking about a new name for the building, we would like to emphasize two functions of the Hållbarhetshus: as a testbed for technical innovations and a testbed for collaboration. Taking into consideration this idea, our name proposal sounds like “InLund”. That includes three different meanings:

Lund INnovative

Lund INtegrative



Lund INformative









Traditions Innovative


Always on the cutting edge Papercrete developing new sustainable Greenery technology

Papercrete Greenery

Papercrete Greenery






Provide information about new technologies, being transparent and accessible for all

Unite different groups of people, encouraging them to collaborate and socialize

In addition, we propose the logo shown below for the building, which shows Lund as a home of new technologies and as a place that is inviting and welcoming for all.

Te c h n olo gie s

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2. Building in the context

2.2.1 Open multifunctional space

2.1 IN Lund visitor centre

In a close future Ideon and LTH campus will experience a new birth. The arrival of a tramway line linking the “old” Lund together with its future will give the opportunity to densify this area of Lund. “InLund” visitor centre will be the catalyst of the transformations to occur. Since the building will be the first to come, before the square has been drawn, it will stand in an angled position to be more visible and to catch as much daylight as possible on square and the roof.

2.2 The building gives shape to the square

The angled position of the building and its modular structure helps to define freely the spaces of the square. It enhances the relation between the building indoor activities and the outdoor ones. In addition, “In Lund” visitor centre becomes a sign for the future tramway stop. Finally the visitor centre will stand from the newer buildings defining the square borders. With this way of placing the visitor centre, four strong areas are created on the square.

The multifunctional plaza is situated on the east of the visitor centre and connected to the main entrance and the Barista café. The square shape of this plaza is supported by some bleachers steps allowing for outdoor events, café terraces, outdoor cinema, games etc. The building pattern (wooden beams of the modules) is extended on the ground creating a structure on this multifunctional plaza. 2.2.2 Exhibition, test bed and energy production spaces Along the main streets (southern and western façade) are two spaces mainly dedicated to pedestrian circulation, this is why they are suited for exhibitions, explanations about the test bed will be inserted in the facades. Moreover, the stationary bikes and the roof water recycling pond are competing the energy panel of the building and strengthening the indoor outdoor connection. The bikes are directly accessible from the building through the western entrance. 2.2.3 Flowering tree garden Along the northern facade a gravel and flowering trees garden allows for stationary activities. The blooming trees will create a small event when the spring arrives. 2.2.4 Circulation free linear spaces The inner border of the square, along the new buildings, is a free space for circulation and access to offices. It will benefit from the garden next to it, enabling workers to take a break outdoors.

Square and context plan. scale 1/2500 Borders New tramline Slow Car ways Shared connections for pedestrians and cyclists Square functions Open multifunctional space Circulation free linear spaces Flowering tree garden Exhibition, test bed and energy production spaces Programmatic plan

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Square and siteplan. scale 1/500


Square section South-North direction. scale 1/200

Square section West-East direction. scale 1/200

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3. Architecture

3.3 Facade

InLund is an innovative sustainable building inspired by traditional swedish architecture. The building gable form and structural materials relate to Lund’s vernacular architecture, but its details and technical solution reveal a modern innovative approach. We believe that in order to be on the cutting edge it is necessary to be based on past achievements. It means that we need to take the best from the past and develop it with the help of new technologies. That’s why our design distils classic architecture to its elements and adapts it to contemporary needs, resulting in a simple, solid shelter that is welcoming for everybody

According to the program, InLund is considered as a testbed and a demonstration object for sustainability. Therefore, among other features, we propose such a façade system which will serve these two purposes in a very dynamic way. The idea is to fill the façade space between the wooden frames with different kind of innovative sustainable materials, such as bio facade, papercre, corc, wood and etc. They can be literally tested in real conditions and serve as informative show room for visitors at the same time. Moreover, the samples of materials can be continuously replaced creating a dynamic Interactive facade patchwork façade.

3.1 Shape We have cleaned the architecture of traditional swedish house and created an adapted roof shape which has a perfect angle for placing solar spots. However, we make sure that the transformed gable is still recognizable and helps identify the structure as a “home” for new technologies

Wood Testbed facade

Traditional gable roof

Shape is adapted for placing solar spots


Papercrete Greenery

InLund - a combination of traditions and latest technologies

3.2 Structure The structure of the building is represented by timber grid that has a historical reference. Skåne, as an agricultural region, is not very rich in wood, therefore, historically, wood was used only for a frame of buildings and the space in between was filled with another material. We decided to keep this traditional feature, but give it a modern appearance with a dynamic pattern to the façade. In addition, wood is a local ecological material that can be fully recycled without any harmful impact on the environment.

Exterior image. A view from Sölvegatan

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3.3.2 Mezzanine

3.3 Foundation As the task is to create a building with the possibility to be moved, we believe that it is necessary to eliminate the environmental footprint of the building. Therefore, proposed low impact foundation allows building to be elevated above the ground. While it will have a minimal influence on the land during the exploitation and after, this solution also reduces the material useage and cost of its constructionin comparison with the conventional one.

3.3 Layout

Due to high ceiling of the building, which is required by a multispace, there is a possibility to locate rooms on the second level creating mezzanine floor. While it reduces the footprint of the building, making it more compact, at the same time it creates additional opportunities for activities such as exhibition space, watching the conference from upstairs or just sitting. Furthermore, there is a technology room, which will facilitate innovative cogenerator producing energy for the building. The idea is that it will become an exhibition itself and an attraction for visitors since they will be interested in seeing how it works with details and explanations.

Through efficient and deliberate use of space, we have created a multifunctional flexible plan which responds to the program of the building. Facilities

3.3.1 Multispace and rooms division Meeting

The multispace room is designed as a flexible spacious premise that can accommodate different scale of events at the same. It can be achieved with the help of mobile panels, which can easily form the space after the needs appear. The panels can be combined and create a range of possibilities for shaping the rooms. Each panel has a wheel system which allows moving them in the fastest and most convenient way. In addition, the material for panels is sound absorbing and therefore the necessary level of noise protection will be provided. The ecological aspect of sound absorbing material is also taken into consideration. It is represented by special kind of polyester fibre which is fully recyclable.


Meeting and Lecture

Taking about accessibility of the multispace during different activities, the proposed layout provides independent entrances to each part of the space – cafÊ, multiroom and meeting room. Moreover, toilet facilities are placed in a way which allows visitors to reach it without disturbing any neighbouring event.



Mobile panels

Facilities Secondary Entrance

Meeting room Multiroom

Accessibility of multispace Facilities

Small workshops Mobile sound - absorbing panels


Mobile sound - absorbing Main Entrance panels


Exhibition Possibilities of dividing the space with mobile panels



Meeting and Lecture Facilities


Small workshops

Home of New Technologies Facilities










Interior image. Conference in the multispace

1st floor plan




A Multi space A01 A02 A03 A04

Auritorium.............131,8m2 Meeting room.........25,0m2 CafĂŠ.......................19,7m2 Community terrace...38m2

B Kitchen B01 Kitchen.....................19,7m2 B02 Storage for kitchen....4,1m2

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C Service C01 Toilet.................14,6m2 C02 Cloak room........5,6m2 D Management D01 Storage.............18,9m2 D02 Mechanic room..18,9m2 E Administrative E01 Work station......18,9m2

2nd floor plan


4. Energy plus building 4.1 Renewable Energy Sources In order to be a positive energy building INLund produces more energy than it consumes. This is achieved by using on-site renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics, a biomass CHP boiler (cogenerator) and human recourse energy. The proposed passive design of the building also reduces the overall energy consumption. 4.1.1 Solar cells INLund is designed in a way that the south-facing part of the roof has a larger surface in order to accomodate the solar cells. In addition, the 30 degrees angle of this roof gives the oppurtunity for an optimum sunlight consumption of the solar cells.

4.2.3 Human energy To awaken the importance of energy, INLund will possess a leading system in terms of human energy production, transorming the building into a fantastic generator. Due to the visualised process of producing and consuming energy, people can learn sustainability themselves in terms of energy. To realise this Generating floor concept ‘INLund’ contains three technologies of energy generating and heating as following. Steps

OUTDOOR WORKOUT GEAR GENERATING ELECTRICITY Several outdoor gym gears will be installed on the square. Each gear is connected with an electricitygenerator. When people stay on the square during daytime they can exercise with the gears. While Piezeoelectric elements they are exercising electricity is produced. The produced electricity can be kept in a battery in the mechanic+ room in INLund. This idea is already realised in the case of ‘The California Fitness Health − Centre’ in Hong Kong. Floor

Outdoor workout gym generator

Energy overall concept Give energy to the building

+ − Energy

Human body heat system Outdoor gym generator

Human energy concept

Solar cells

4.2.2 Biomass CHP boiler The Biomass CHP (combined heat and power) based on ORC technology produces energy and heats the building. The boiler is a reduced energy, economical and eco-friendly model, running on biomass and vegetal oil. ORC is an outstanding technology for distributed production of combined heat and power from various renewable energy sources.

BODY HEAT HOLDING VENTILATION SYSTEM Every human movement emit some heat and it is easily gone. Klas Johansson, a head of Jernhusen’s Outdoor workout gym generator environmental division invented keeping body heat system and applied it at the Stockholm Central Station. Emitted body heat of passengers is collected though the ventilation and is collected body heat is kept in the water. when temperature decreases in the hall of the station, the kept heat emitted from the water tank. + − FLOOR GENERATOR Generating floor Floor generator Human body heat systemhas been used in Tokyo Station’s Marunouchi North Exit since October, 2006. The floor has piezoelectric element beneath its surface. The elementsOutdoor can produce if it receives some workout gym electricity generator Steps pressure by foot steps. According to the report (East Japan Railway Company,2008) this floor produces a maximum of 10,000 watt-seconds per day in a period of an experiment for energy generating at Tokyo Station. INLund will have floor generator on its floors and steps. Every human movement inFloorIN Lund will therefore contribute to sharing energy. Piezeoelectric elements

radiation and heat losses 8% thermal oil ECO

+ −

+ − Human body heat system

Generating floor

hot water ECO thermal output 75%

biomass primary energy input (NCV) = 100%


Give energy to the building

combusion air pre-heater

Piezeoelectric elements

+ −


Biomass CHP boler


electricity output 15%

thermal oil boiler

Energy overall concept

heat and electricity losses ORC 2%

Generating floor

Energy concept Flooroverall generator

Human body heat system

Give energy to the building


Energy Floor

Piezeoelectric elements

+ −

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Energy overall concept


4.2 Passive Design

4.2.4 Insulation

4.2.1 Shape

The traditional shape of a Swedish townhouse is slightly changed by moving the roof ridge into northern direction to create more space for solar cells. The angle of 30 degrees is also beneficial for sunlight consumption of the solar cells. 4.2.2 Location INLund is placed on the northern side of Sölvegatan. The main reason for this place is the higher amount of sunlight which can be achieved by the building compared to the southern part of the street. The northern part has a beneficial sitiuation, because the street facing the southern side of the building creates more open space with less shadowing than in the southern part of Sölvegatan.

The insulation layer is represented by the new bio-composite sustainable material called Hempcrete. This mixture of hemp and lime-based binder has the highest thermal and acoustic qualities, as well as its outstanding ability to regulate the moisture inside the building - depending on the circumstances absorbing and/or releasing moisture in the air. The process of filling wooden frame with Hempcrete allows to create a tight building envelope. In such way, single wall structure provides sufficient insulation and does not require additional one. As a final layer for the external façade, lime stucco is applied as a breathable and natural material that works together with Hempcrete. It will protect the façade during the change of the tested façade materials. As an environmental friendly material, Hempcrete is not carbon neutral, but even carbon negative, because there is more CO2 locked-up in the process of growing and harvesting of the hemp than is released in the production of the lime binder. Besides, as it is completely recyclable, demolished Hempcrete walls can be used as a natural fertilizer. Due to fast growth and insensitiveness to cold temperature, hemp can be planted in Sweden and give a harvest every year. In additions, hemp has a positive effect on soil and therefore it can benefit crops Insulation grown after it has been harvested.



Location of the building


4.2.3 Orientation




South The rectangular footprint of the building is slightly rotated to provide best direction for the solar cell. Based on this rotation, the solar cells are facing south directly, which implicates a higher consumption of sunlight. The modularized structure of the facade allows different opportunities to place the windows and to test different types of highly insulated glass.

Fresh air

Polluted air

Moreover, the percentage of windows on each side depends on its cardinal direction. The highest percentage of windows will be on the eastern facade (mainPolluted entrance) to use the morning sun to give the air Fresh air cafe and reception sunlight and to create an interaction between building, open square and the tram station. The windows of the southern facade just have the function to interact with the pedestrian way, therefore the southern facade will have a much lower percentage of windows to avoid the building to overheat and keep the multispace and meeting area calm.

Hemp Insulation components



Natural hempcrete insulation

5% 5 %12°

15 %


15 %

70 % 10 %

70 %

10 %

Orientation and windows percentage

Orientation and window percentage

Orientation and window percentage

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4.2.5 Windows Every window of INLund will be a testbed for new highly insulated glass to reduce the need for air conditioning and heat. To provide shading opportunities we propose to use smart glass window technology. The windows automatically adapt to the outside temperature to reduce the need for air conditioning and heat. In warm days the windows reflect the sunlight and heat away from the building and keep the indoor temperature cool. When the outdoor temperature drops the windows become s transparent and lets free solar heat inside. The smart glass windows can easily be installed without electrical wiring or computerized systems and it is possible to install them before, during or after building construction. RavenWindow TM

4.2.6 Natural ventilation Concerning the cost and the environmental impact of energy use, IN Lund uses natural ventilation to ensure safe healthy and comfortable conditions for its visitors. Inlets in the facade are placed in lower height to supply fresh air low in the building.North In addition to that outlets are placed on top of the northern part of the roof to exhaust warm and polluted air through air rise. All inlets and outlets have the possibility to be closed on demand. Natural ventilation provides free cooling without the use of mechanical systems and reduces building construction cost as well as energy consumption compared to air-condition systems and circulating fans.

Fresh air

Polluted air

Natural ventilation


70 %

Bicycle lane Tramline Pedestrian Square Traffic diagram

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5. Modularization

5.1 What will happen in 10 years

5.1 Modular structure

The prefabricated module solution is not only helpful to build in a short construction time, but will also allow 3 different options after 10 years.

In order to build INLund in time and decrease the construction cost, we propose a prefabricated modular unit and an assembling way of construction. As the structure of INLund is planned with simple module, the building can be assembled with few modular units. The size of the module is considered to fit the size of a transportation mode, which should not exceed 6.6 by 5.0 metres. Due to modula structure, the cost of the building and its construction time will be reduced.

MOVE SOMEWHERE AND RE-ASSEMBLE The modular concept is also considered to be movable, for example, after 10 years. Thanks to the modular structure, the building can easily be divided into several parts and re-assembled on a new place.

fter 10 years

Timber column


If it is impossible to find a new location for the building, all materials of INLund can be reused or recycled fordecrease different purpose. To build ‘IN Lund’ in time and the construction cost, we propose prefabricated modular unit and -as sembling way of construction. As the plan of ‘IN Lund’ SPREAD OUT is planned withAs simple module, be- as an idea, inthe 10building years,can building’s modules can be spreaded out in town and become a part of new sembled with few modulated units. The size of module buildings. ‘IN Lund’ is a testbed architecture itself. For the 10 years, people can test and observe new is considered size of a transportation mode, which is not technologies canstructure apply for buildings. Architects, students, engineers and any citizen can use exceed 6.6 by 5.0 metre. Due towhich modulated INLund as will a laboratory. construction cost and period be reduced. Later those technologies and architectural techniques can spread out around

whole of Lund. In such a way the visitor centre will always stay in Lund as a reminder of its progressive sustainable development.

3 P O SSIBLI T I E S F OR FUTURE Energy Generating Floor

prefabricated module is not only for building in a short construction period, but also for considering 3 different options after10 years



Envelope Frame

Pair Glass



This modular concept is also considered movable possi bility after 10 years.Thanks to modular structure, building can be easy divided into several parts and re-assemble on a new place.

RECYCLE FOR OTHER PURPOSE materials of ‘IN LUND’ can be reused or recycled for different purpose.

After 10 Years


As an idea, in 10 years, building’s modules can be spread out in the town and become a part of new buildings.‘IN LUND’ is a testbed architecture itself. For the 10 years, peopls can test and observe new technologies which can apply for a building. Architects, students, engineer and any citizen can use IN LUND as laboratory. After that technologies and architectural techniques can be stread out whole Lund. In such a way the visitor centre will always stay in Lund as a reminder of its progressive sustainable development. Testbed Panel Supporter

Modular and its assembly Detailunits illustration of modular units and its assemblity

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New Location


Lund spread out


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