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giulia.benedett@icloud.com +39 346 2381 396


Milano (It aly)


“ L’architettura è un fatto d’arte, un fenomeno che suscita emozione, al di fuori dei problemi di costruzione, al di là di essi. La Costruzione è per tener su: l’Architettura è per commuovere ” Le Corbusier

Giulia Benedetti giulia.benedett@icloud.com +39 3462381396 Milano (Italy)


Curriculum Vitae

“MEDUSOZOA” Research project for Porto Vecchio in Trieste with Dontstop architettura “La Fabbrica Paesaggio” Project for Loropiana with Dontstop architettura London Möbius Tech-a Master Thesis project

DE OTIO | Ab aqva crescere Piranesi Prix de Rome 2016

Osmotic Memory Project for First Master Design Studio

New linking borders between art, housing and green spaces Project for Gardens of Culture in Porta Genova workshop

Z-SHAPE STUDIO Project for Third Design Studio Corporate identity design Logo design and corporate identity image for company

Paintings Personal collections of paintings

EDUCATION 02|2018 Inscription to the Order of Architects of Milan. (n matricola 20135) 09|2016 State Exam for Qualification to the profession of Architect. Milano 10|2016

08|2016 09|2016 10|2014 10|2016

Master’s Degree in Architectural Design - Politecnico di Milano Master’s degree 110L/110 at School of Architecture and Society at Politecnico di Milano. With the project ‘London Möbius Tech-a’ a smart library in the southwork of London. With Prof. Guya Bertelli Thesis selected for graduates award 2016 from Ordine degli Architetti PCC Milano. Thesis selected for the exhibition ‘Musei e paesaggi culturali’ ICOM 2016. Accademia Adrianea di Architettura ‘Piranesi Prix de Rome’. 1th Prize XIV International Seminar and Museum Design Competition. Designing Villa Adriana Water architecture and archaeological landscape. Villa Adriana_Tivoli Master in Architecture - Politecnico di Milano Master course in Architecture at School of Architecture and Society at Politecnico di Milano.

10 | 2011 Bachelor in Architecture - Politecnico di Milano 09 | 2014 Bachelor degree with the thesis La ‘re’ponse au site’ nella traiettoria integrativa e

additiva tra natura e cultura nell’opera realizzata di Le Corbusier: prototipi e regolazioni paradigmatiche tra architettura, citta’ e ambiente with Prof. Alberto Aschieri.

03 | 2014 International Workshop - Gardens of Culture in Porta Genova

Expose, inhabit and communicate the project of public space. Directed by Prof. Alberto Aschieri and with the contribution of Prof. Roberto Spagnolo, Prof. Fabrizio Zanni and Prof. Cristiana Achille.

09|2006 06|2011

Maturita’ scientifica - Liceo scientifico Don Bosco Secondary school diploma with grade 86/100, final work L’arte come fine with a real painting to portray the double idea of woman in the novel Il Piacere of Gabriele D’Annunzio.

WORK 03|2017 Dontstop Architettura - Milano

Collaboration as designer from the urban scale of projects like “Il Cortile” of Base in Milan, to competitions as the new production factory of the Loropiana group and for the Barilla brand. Team work for the design of the common areas of the building under construction in Maggiolina and for ephimeral installations such as the Casa of Mantegna in Mantua during the FestivaLetteratura.

10|2016 02|2017

LPS / Landscape and Public Space - Lab. Project for public spaces in the contemporary ladscape. ‘A journey through the river Senna’ With Prof. Guya Bertelli. Politecnico di Milano. Collaboration as tutor assistant.

08|2016 Le Mura Interior Partner - Verona 12|2016 Collaboration as interior designer. I followed different interior design projects. Main project: Adiatek Pavillion for 2017 exhibition in Verona.

05|2016 07|2016

YellowOffice - Milano Internship as design assistant. I followed different projects at different design scale. Main project: Lungolago Kashar a Tirana.


II INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP_LASUE 2015. The necessary project of public space in the relation between present and memory. Project study area P.ta Genova. Fondation Gianfranco Ferrè. Via Tortona 37, Milano. Employed as Lasue Tutor and as design assistant for the presentation of architectural research.


CARGO11 STUDIO ASSOCIATO - Milano Internship as design assistant. I followed different projects at different design scale. Main project: Residenza San Nabor, Seregno (MI).

SOFTWARE Microsoft 98/2000/XP/Vista/7/8 Mac OS Microsoft Office Word/ Excel/ Power Point/ Publisher/ Explorer Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Adobe LightRoom Adobe Acrobat AutoCAD 2D/3D Sketch Up with VRay Vectorworks Basic Cinema 4d and VRay Agisoft Photoscan Rdf



Project for the common areas of the building under construction Tower e Garden of Abitare In Maggiolina with Dontstop Architettura.

07|2018 Branding Design and Coordinated image for Consulenza Sicura srl. 08|2018 07|2018 Executives drawings for restructuring of the common areas and player rooms for Ac. 08|2018 Milan, Centro Sportivo Milanello in Carnago. 06|2018 Re-design of the logo and corporate image for Realtrailer srl, YParco srl and RoadRailLink.

04|2017 Executive project “Il Cortile” of Base, urban micro-regeneration with Dontstop of the ex 07|2018 industrial former in Via Tortona a Milano. 09|2017 Temporary installation “Cosa hanno in comune Filosofi ed Architetti” in Casa del Mantegna of Mantova. FestivaLetteratura 2017

04|2017 Manifesto for Urban Creative Districts. International research in collaboration with

Sino European Innovation Institute and Dontstop Architettura, launched during the Design Week 2017 with a conference at the Icon Design Talks in the Microsoft Lounge, Feltrinelli Milano.

03|2017 “Medusozoa”. With Giovanni Damiani Architetti and Dontstop Architettura. Research

project for Porto Vecchio in Trieste. Presentation during the Milano Arch Week 2017 in Teatro Agora’ - La Triennale di Milano.

12|2016 Projet proposal for Exhibition pavillion Adiatek for the Fiera of Verona and personalization for car. Collaboration with Le Mura Interior Partner.

07|2015 Editing of the book “Garden of culture. Inhabit, expose and communicate project for

public space”. I International Workshop_Lasue 2014. Project study area P.ta Genova. By Alberto Aschieri. Maggioli. On publication 2016.


Project for Laboratorio di Progettazione Architettonica A.A. 2011-2012, presented during the exhibition “Laboratori di Progettazione I” Settembre 2012 and in the text “Progettare il dislivello. Architetture a Cap Martin” a cura di Simona Gabrielli, MaggioliPolitecnica.

05|2014 International Workshop. “Gardens of culture in Porta Genova. Milano. Expose, inhabit, communicate-projects for public space”. Director: Prof. A. Aschieri-Prof. R. Spagnolo

04|2014 Exhibition “Atmospheres” 1000 Human Environment.

Campus Leonardo - Fuorisalone, Milano Design Week.

01|2012 Part of the team Lasue (Laboratory Architectural, Social, Urban and Environmental) 07|2015 Researches. Dastu Politecnico di Milano.

COMPETITIONS 07|2018 “C.A.M.P.O. \ Community Area Pavilion One-off” project with Dontstop for Barilla Pavilion International Competition.

05|2018 Competition Cobra Reloaded. By Martinelli Luce with patronage of ADI Associazione for Design Industriale.

03|2018 “Ecostudentato Doria 56” for Dontstop Architettura, in collaboration with UniHusing 04|2018 project for a call for urban regeneration “C40 Reinventing Cities”. Comune di Milano for Viale Doria.

12|2017 “La Fabbrica Paesaggio” project in competition for a new production facility of

the Loropiana signature part of the LVHM group, in Ghemme (No) with Dontstop Architettura.

10|2017 Honorable Mention for “Premio Tesi di Laurea Roberto Spagnolo” for the year 2017, Thesis: ‘London Mobius Tech-A’ with Fabio Alampi and Francesca Ambrosi.

09|2017 Finalist project “The Secret Room of all Religions”, Archmedium Competitions. RCC Pro - Rome Contemporary Chapel.

09|2016 First Prize “Piranesi Prix de Rome”, International Call for Museography in Villa Adriana, Tivoli.

PUBLICATIONS “Il Progetto di Rigenerazione Urbana” - F. Schiaffonati, G. Castaldo, M. Mocchi, Maggioli Editore, Luglio 2017. “Manifesto for Urban Creative Districts” - Dontstop Architettura, Marzo 2017. Rivista LAB2.0, “Piranesi Prix De Rome XIV Edizione”, pag. 34-35, 23 Giugno 2017 Rivista Online KooZArch, “De Otio | Ab aqva crescere”, 15 Agosto 2017 ( http://bit.ly/2eVXYiW ) “Progettare il dislivello. Architetture a Cap Martin” a cura di Simona Gabrielli, MaggioliPolitecnica. 2016


Project for Porto Vecchio in Trieste The reflection on the city of Trieste and more specifically the area of Porto Vecchio is the result of years of interest in the redevelopment of a part of urban fabric completely disused, which became the center of the national debate. The project presents itself as a general reflection on the future of medium-sized cities, the basis of the Italian system and the widespread quality of European life. Understanding how we can design and build a meaningful context for their (re) position on the international map in an increasingly global, fast society that develops with finance and relationship systems that often bypass territorial networks.

The project aims to send a metaphorical suggestion represented by the jellyfish, able to re-activate through a shock of energy a part of the city with great potential and through activators such as the innovation basin, the port of tourism and commerce, the urban mooring and a sub-network of activities and functions sends activation pulses to the entire city. The proposal will become a book published in 2018 with the title “MEDUSOZOA \ a project for Porto Vecchio�.

With Giovanni Damiani Architetti and Dontstop Architettura

gite infoturismo Carso

produzione culturale


farm market

spazi educazione

ristorazione km0 visite bici


mercato del pesce



eventi barcolana parco picnik

festival darsena

eventi culturali internazionali

eventi culturali pesca turismo servizio barche

noleggio barche manifestazioni sportive


Activities of the project

View of the city

La Fabbrica Paesaggio Project for Loropiana

An architectural project that enhance human excellence with naturally lit work spaces overlooking the landscape courts. It favors the quality of the productions with a rationalization of the flows of people and goods. Respect the environment with an articulation of volumes that limits the impact on the landscape and favors the application of innovative and sustainable technologies and it adapts over time thanks to the internal flexibility and the replicability of the building type. It defines a new landmark by weaving a perceptual relationship with the landscape and abstracting the textures of the fabrics to the architectural scale. The definition of different types of green background characterizes the work spaces according to the use and the typologies of work that are carried out inside.

With Dontstop Architettura


The north west landscape has the function to mitigate and developpes in high, in order to recreate the pianura padana shrub vegetation,destroyed by deforestation and agricultural conversion during IXX and XX century.


The internal courts are inspired by medieval hortus conclusus that join together endemic species, flowering, plants and shrubs in a simbolic and natural composition natural minimazing the artificial of design and decoration.



The part in front of the common services and community places (cafe and canteen) recreates a productive landscape full of fruit trees, shrub and aromatic plants. The blooms seasonality and the height average of fruit plants enhances the function of visual filter between the inside of the building and the surrounding panorama.

The part in front of the most visible facades re-proposes the typical meadow of mountain pastures, characterized by autochthonous essences and seasonal blooms.

Landescapes of the project

Spaces of the project

London Mo‌bius Tech-a Thesis project for Master’s Degree

The architectural exercise has the purpose to work both at an global and territorial scale, defining a system able to connect and characterize the waterfront of Southwark in London, both at the architectural scale, with a public library which finds its reasons in the context, critically interpreting the surroundings and together being part of the system at the larger scale. The reading and description of the city and on the historical traces was conditioned by the suggestion of a broadening of the Thames River and of the subsequent definition of a system that occupies extensively all residual open spaces of the waterfront. The system is made up of a longitudinal linking element, some transverse structural elements and some anchorage on the river, responding to the different spatial condition of the waterfront. The architectural elements fits in this system becoming itself a structural linking device, starting from the regulative form of the bridge and the spiral. The library components are a technological wall, containing and generating knowledge, and an open cube with a descendant spiral, linked to rooms and facilities, sustained by a set of giant order pillars.

With F. Alampi - F. Ambrosi

Public space



Detailed plan

Activities of the project

View from the city

Rooftop garden

Art box

View of the city


DE OTIO | Ab aqva crescere Piranesi Prix de Rome - 1st Prize

The project arises from the Latin philosophical concept of otio, meant as the aesthetic contemplation of nature and archaeology.

The main purpose of the project is to build a new cultural connection, a complex system in which an exhibition and thermal pavilion and a monumental fountain work together at a larger scale, rendering a both composite and impalpable space in a mixture of architecture, nature and archaeology inside Villa Adriana. The pavilion structures itself with geometrical volumes linked by a continuous stand and by a crowning element which reacts to the sequence of built spaces that are crossing and carving it.

With F. Alampi - F. Ambrosi - C. Gaspari D. D’Agostino - B. Sarisakal - G. Kaya



Site plan Villa Adriana




Monumental fountain


Osmotic Memory

Project for First Master Design Studio In the first studying phase the memory of places was considered a crucial element, then identifying the stable contextual elements and defining an orthogonal matrix in order to generate alignments and connections towards the city inside a strongly introverted area. At the beginning the closing wall is an insurmountable element: in the project it should become thicker and able to change and reflect the different condition of the city. It should be able to connect the inside with the outside though a dynamic - osmotic - balance between residential and industrial fabric, between the new agricultural space and the city, between memory and new perspectives. The former train path was identified as a variation component and used as new linking passage along the area. Along the borders, different buildings regulate the relationship with the outside. With F. Alampi - F. Ambrosi

More details: https://osmoticmemory.wordpress.com


Exhibition | Market


Memory museum


Assonometric view

Inside the area, some “rooms� were defined, separated through physical limits (new buildings, new ecoforest), and connected through metabolic paths at different levels. The former slaughter building, in the South part of the area, is the core of the project. It becomes part of the osmotic border as an exhibition hall, working together with a new building, the market, and with the great square, which opens up the area to the people and to the city.


View from the city

Detail | greenhouse

New linking borders between art, housing and green spaces

Project for Gardens of Culture in Porta Genova workshop The workshop experience, between design exercise and theoretical contributes (lectures of Franco Purini, Vittorio Gregotti, Mauro Galantino, Roberto Spagnolo), addressed the transformation area of Porta Genova train station in Milan. The description of the “physical and cultural” environment of the city and the critical interpretation of the context had a fundamental part in the definition of the architectural system. The project, pointing at “exhibit - inhabit - communicate”, organize itself starting from the great central void of the green space as relational space, then defining its borders: the train station becomes part of a the XXI century Arts Museum; the closing wall at the South of the area becomes thicker and hosts students housing; the backside of buildings facing the station area renovates with the definition of new public “redent” for studying, culture and free time.

With F. Ambrosi


Direction system

Development area

All together these elements generate a complex system of new linking borders between art, housing and green spaces.





Project for Third Design Studio In the complex and conflicting setting of an industrial and logistics cluster on demise, closely linked with an “urbanized countryside� and the strong sign of the river infrastructure, the design exercise has the aim to define a new identity and a new meaning for the area at a territorial and architectural scale. The description of places and of the urban textures and the subsequent comprehension and identification of the main elements of the built space, open space and relational space were the starting point for the design phase. At the territorial and urban scale, there is a new configuration of the complex open space system, defining a technological and cultural path able to connect the city from the mountain to the river, identifying two architectural elements as polar cores. At the architectural scale, the definition of a passingthrough system at different heights levels, inside an existing backyard, in which secret gardens, exhibition spaces and study and research areas come one after the other.

With F. Ambrosi

Z-Shape system

Secret garden sections

View from the secret garden

Stationery design The project of the corporate image of the companies starts from the analysis of the type of users and customers, the design of the new logo becomes the initial part with greater importance. The development of business cards, letterheads and envelopes completes the renewal of the corporate image, the site update accordingly respects the designed graphics.

Paintings Realized with different materials on wood and canvas. Lover of gold leaf and paint that give a dense and voluminous texture, experimentation with new materials such as plastics and resins but also use flowers and primary materials such as salt.

" Per capire un quadro, ci vuole una sedia " Paul Klee

giulia.benedett@icloud.com +39 346 2381 396 Milano (It aly)

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