Nº 17 Iarn\ / Winter 2012 / 2013
„la vida loca!”
Interviu cu / Interview with
Be Blue Air is published by JustVISION under the Blue Air brand.
La mul]i ani! Happy Birthday! ~n decembrie s\rb\torim 8 ani de momente frumoase, de zboruri line [i peste 8,8 milioane de pasageri care au ales s\ c\l\toareasc\ `n Europa cu Blue Air! Blue Air `mpline[te `n aceast\ lun\ frumoasa vârst\ de 8 ani! 8 ani de experien]\, 8 ani de siguran]\ [i de evolu]ie continu\. ~n toat\ aceast\ perioad\, pres\rat\ de o istorie scris\ aici, `n România, pentru români, prin pasiunea oamenilor din companie [i cu suportul partenerilor no[tri, am dat contur celor mai frumoase vise. Vis\m la vremuri `n care peste jum\tate din popula]ia României va zbura cel pu]in o dat\ pe an cu avionul, vis\m la aeroporturi moderne, vis\m la cât mai multe curse care s\ aduc\ familiile mai aproape. ~ns\, spre deosebire de cei din jurul nostru, nu ne mul]umim doar cu visele [i trecem la ac]iune. Iat\ cum, cu bune [i rele, cu eforturi uria[e, am reu[it s\ continu\m ceea ce le-am promis pasagerilor no[tri: s\ oper\m zboruri `n 30 de destina]ii, la pre]uri mici, astfel `ncât s\ le oferim – `n special românilor -, [ansa de a c\l\tori `n Europa al\turi de cei dragi. Prima aeronav\ Blue Air decola pe 13 decembrie 2004 de pe Aeroportul Interna]ional Aurel Vlaicu - B\neasa, cu destina]ia Timi[oara. De atunci, aeronavele Blue Air au efectuat sute de mii de kilometri, ajungând s\ zboare pe cele mai mari aeroporturi europene. De la Lisabona la Dublin, de la Larnaca la Paris [i de acolo la Bac\u, aeronavele Blue Air br\zdeaz\ `n fiecare zi cerul. ~mpreun\ cu partenerii [i echipa foarte dinamic\ [i ambi]ioas\ a
companiei noastre, am reu[it s\ construim un brand 100% românesc, recunoscut [i respectat pe pia]a din Europa. Timpul a zburat [i iat\-ne al\turi la ceas de s\rb\toare! V\ urez BUN VENIT la bordul aeronavelor Blue Air, mul]umindu-v\ c\ a]i ales compania noastr\, [i v\ doresc un zbor placut!
Nº 17, December 2012 / February 2013
In December we celebrate 8 years of beautiful moments, of smooth flights and more than 8.8 million passengers who chose to travel in Europe with Blue Air!
Blue Air celebrates the 8th anniverssary this month! 8 years of experience, 8 years of safety and continuous development. During this period, of history written here in Romania, for Romanians, through the passion of people in the company and the support of our partners, we gave shape to the most beautiful dreams.
We dream of a time when over half of the Romanian population will fly at least once a year, we dream of modern airports, of many flights that bring families closer. But unlike those around us, we do not just content ourselves with dreams and move to action. And so, with good and bad, with great efforts, we are able to continue what we promised our passengers: to operate flights to 30 destinations, at low prices, to offer - especially Romanians - the chance of traveling to Europe togheter with their loved ones. The first Blue Air aircraft took off on December 13th, 2004 from Aurel Vlaicu International Airport – Baneasa, destination: Timisoara. Since then, Blue Air aircrafts have flown hundreds of thousands of kilometers, reaching the largest European airports. From Lisbon to Dublin, from Larnaca to Paris and from there to Bacau, Blue Air aircrafts fly across the skies every day. Together with our partners and a very dynamic and ambitious team, we have managed to build a 100% Romanian brand, known and respected in the European market. Time flew and here we are after 8 years! WELCOME on board Blue Air’s aircrafts, thank you for choosing our company, and have a pleasant flight!
BeBlueAir No 17 December 2012 / February 2013 Revista Oficial\ a companiei Blue Air Official Publication of Blue Air Company
29. Chris Simion „Dragostea dureaz\ 3 ani / Love lasts three years”
Napoli / Naples Delicatesa italian\ / The Italian delicacy
Media Project Manager Camelia L\z\roiu clazaroiu@justcpr.ro Managing Editor Mario Alexandru mario.alexandru@justcpr.ro Senior Editors Alex Firescu (alex@justcpr.ro) M\d\lina R\coreanu Stelu]a N\stase Marcella Dr\gan Senior Art Directing (mstef@justcpr.ro) Just Communication & PR Translator Just Vision Matei Predescu DTP Dorule] Damaschin dtp@justcpr.ro
Barcelona „la vida loca!”
Paris Când Parisul e `mbr\cat `n haine de s\rb\toare.../ When Paris is dressed up for holiday... Blue Business Interview: Nicu[or Stan Ambasad’Or-ul evenimentelor de copii / Children events ambasad’Or
Sibiu Vino `n atelierul lui Mo[ Cr\ciun! Te a[teapt\ petreceri cu juni [i lole / Come to Santa's workshop! Parties await you with blokes and broads
Porni]i Plugul Fe]i Frumo[i! / Get on plowing, lads!
8 ani cu Blue Air / 8 years with Blue Air
Ovidiu D\sc\lescu Directorul de Calitate Siguran]\ Securitate al Blue Air / Quality Safety Security Director of Blue Air
Photo Tudor R\voiu, Monica Minerva, Costin Gheorghe, Ana A. Negru, turistintransilvania.com, elephant.ro, Shutterstock, Dreamstime. Corector Irina Soril\
Advertising Camelia {tef cstef@justcpr.ro
Published by JustCPR office@justcpr.ro 3, Lungule]u Street sect. 2, Bucharest Tel.: +40 031 40 41 138 +0724 357 227
S\rb\tori cu delicii festive / Holidays with festive delicacies
Don’t miss
Contributors Mirela Secan Director Marketing, Blue Air Raluca P\una Online Marketing Manager, Blue Air Flavia Covaciu PR Manager Ambasad’Or Printed by Everest R\spunderea asupra con]inutului articolelor revine `n exclusivitate autorilor acestora. Reproducerea par]ial\ sau total\ a oric\rui text, fotografie sau imagine grafic\ din con]inutul revistei, f\r\ acordul scris al editorului, constituie infrac]iune. Toate drepturile de vânzare a spa]iilor de publicitate apar]in editorului revistei.
CHRIS SIMION „ ~mi place Barcelona, acolo ai sentimentul c\ toat\ lumea e `n vacan]\, oricând, la orice or\”
"I like Barcelona, there you get the feeling that everybody is on vacation, at any time and hour".
9 Nº 17, December 2012 / February 2013
Regizoarea celebrei piese „Dragostea dureaz\ trei ani” a exprimat poetic `n interviul nostru totul despre c\l\toriile sale. C\l\torii la care a visat toat\ copil\ria, devenite acum amintiri ce palpit\ `n sufletul ei, pentru c\ spune ea, nu au fost deloc `ntâmpl\toare.
The director of the famous play "Love lasts three years" offered a poetic insight on her travels in this interview. Travels she had always dreamt of as a child, now turned into memories that vibrate in her soul because, as she says, they were not random at all.
„DRAGOSTEA DUREAZ| 3 ANI LOVE LASTS THREE YEARS” „Dragostea dureaz\ trei ani”, o pies\ iubit\, o pies\ v\zut\ [i cu siguran]\ rev\zut\ de mii de iubitori de teatru. De când se joac\? Premiera a avut loc `n anul 2006 [i de atunci pân\ ast\zi am jucat 531 de reprezenta]ii, iar `n acest moment se joac\ la Godot Cafe Teatru. A debutat `n L\pt\ria lui Enache, iar dup\ ce Teatrul Na]ional a intrat `n consolidare, ne-am mutat. A]i primit vreun premiu pentru aceast\ pies\? Nu, de[i este recordul Teatrului Românesc Independent de dup\ anul 1989. E mai bine c\ nu a primit niciun premiu. Pentru c\ azi, deseori când iei un premiu `n teatru acesta nu esste dat corect, a[a c\ mai bine nu `l iei. De ce a]i ales s\ face]i regie? E o `ntâmplare. Marile momente din via]a mea sunt `ntâmpl\ri. Nu le-am premeditat. Am cunoscut domeniul acesta la vârsta de 19 ani, iar prima dat\ am intrat `ntr-un teatru la 16 ani, adus\ cu for]a de Piti[. Unde? La Teatrul Bulandra... Zic cu for]a
pentru c\ f\ceam parte din Cenaclul Literal condus de maestrul Piti[. Ne-a invitat s\ vedem monologul „Cântec despre mine insumi”. Am ie[it de acolo [i am jurat c\ nu o s\ mai intru `ntr-o sal\ de teatru. Nu `n]elegeam ce e chestia asta cu teatrul. O plictiseal\ cumplit\ de dou\ ore... Am ie[i de acolo [i am spus c\ prefer s\ joc fotbal, sau s\ fac orice atlceva... Dup\ o ceart\ cu p\rin]ii pe care am avut-o `n clasa a -XII-a , eu chitit\ s\ dau la psihologie, m-am refugiat `n Teatrul Na]ional pentru c\ era singura cl\dire luminat\ la miezul nop]ii, când eu am fugit din cas\. Acolo repeta Grigore Gon]a „Numele Trandafirului”. Am nimerit la o repeti]ie general\ la acest spectacol [i atunci s-a declan[at marele mister numit regie. Am zis c\ vreau s\ fac [i eu ce face domnul... De aici a decurs totul, e pur [i simplu menire. Eu cred c\ fiecare avem o menire [i cred c\ la mine a fost [utul acela pe care ]i-l d\ cineva la un moment dat. Am latura aceasta mistic\ [i cred c\ lucrurile nu sunt `ntâmpl\toare. Cu siguran]\ exist\ ceva paralel care ne conduce.
"Love lasts three years", a much loved performance, a piece seen time and again by many theater enthusiasts. How long has it been on schedule? The premier was held in 2006 and since then we have had 531 performances and at this time it is played at Godot Cafe Theater. It made its debut in the pub "Laptaria lui Enache" and after the National Theater underwent overhauling, we moved. Were given any award for this piece? No, although it is a record of the Independent Romanian Theater after 1989. It's better that it did not get any award. Because these days, when you get an award in theater, it is not given rightfully, so it's better not to receive it at all. Why did you choose theater direction? It just happened. The grand moment of my life simply happened. I never premeditated them. I came across this field at the age of 19 and the first time I ever walked into a theater was at 16, brought by Pitis by use of
force. Where? At Bulandra Theater. I say by use of force because I was part of the literature circle led by master Pitis. He invited us to see the monologue "Song about myself". I came out of that place swearing never to set foot into a theater hall ever again. I didn't understand this theater thing... It was just two house of pure boredom. I came out of there thinking I would rather play soccer, or do whatever else... After an argument with my parents that I had when I was in 12th grade and determined to pursue psychology in college, I ran away from home and took refuge in the National Theater because it was the only building lit up at midnight. Grigore Gonta was rehearsing "The name of the rose" inside. I happened to see a general rehearsal of this show and that is when the grand mystery called directing presented to me. So I though that I wanted to do what that man was doing... And everything derived from that, it's like a calling. I think we all have a calling and I think in my case it just took a jolt, a wake-up call. I have this mystical side and I think things don't happen randomly.
• ~n 1999, `mpreun\ cu scriitorul francez Pascal Bruckner, `nfiin]eaz\ Compania de Teatru „D'AYA”, o companie independent\ de teatru care `n 14 ani de activitate a realizat numeroase turnee [i a ob]inut numeroase premii na]ionale [i internationale. ~n proiectele teatrului joac\ nume mari ale scenei române[ti: Maia Morgenstern, Oana Pellea, Manuela H\r\bor, Cristi Iacob, Vlad Zamfirescu, Doru Ana, Anca Sigart\u [i al]ii. Pre[edinte onorific: Pascal Bruckner.
• In 1999, together with the French writer Pascal Bruckner, establishes the D'AYA Theater Company, an independent theater company which during its 14 years of activity organized numerous tours and obtained numerous national and international awards. The projects of the theater include important names of the Romanian stage: Maia Morgenstern, Oana Pellea, Manuela Harabor, Cristi Iacob, Vlad Zamfirescu, Doru Ana, Anca Sigartau and more. Honorific president: Pascal Bruckner.
• ~n 2006 ini]iaz\ proiectul Teatrul Undercloud din L\pt\ria Enache/ Terasa Motoare • Din 2008 este directorul Festivalului de Teatru Independent Undercloud.
• In 2006 she initiates the project Undercloud Theater of Laptaria Enache / Terasa Motoare • Since 2008 she has been the director of the Undercloud Independent Theater Festival
10 BLUEVIP INTERVIEW Câteva cuvinte despre piesele pe care le regiza]i acum. „Ho]ii de frumuse]e” a lui Pascal Bruckner, „Vizita”, „Dl. Goe” [i „Un pedagog de [coal\ nou\”, pe care le montez la Teatrul Ion Creang\ [i la Teatrul Evreiesc de Stat. Pascal Bruckner a fost prezent pe 30 noiembrie la premiera oficial\ a spectacolului. Un text care `i are `n distribu]ie pe actorii Florin Zamfirescu, Ioana Pavelecu, Medeea Marinescu [i `nc\ trei actori tineri. Cum a primit Pascal Bruckner vestea c\ `l ve]i regiza? S\ `l citez? A spus c\ ideea spectacolului este peste romanul lui. E o `ncurajare [i `n acela[i timp o responsabilitate foarte mare. `n momentul `n care ataci un autor atât de cunoscut cum e el [i atât de bun, e riscant pentru tine ca regizor... Fiindu-i fidel\ am reu[it s\
aduc un plus prin spectacol textului pe care el l-a scris. E un spectacol necesar.
There is definitely something parallel that leads us.
De ce?
A few words on the plays that you are currently directing..
Expune o problematic\ a omului contemporan, respectiv faptul c\ nu accept\m `mb\trânirea [i nu accept\m nimic din ce e natural [i firesc. E o tem\ pe care el o propune `ntr-un secol `n care oamenii au nevoie de confruntarea asta. Un alt text pe care am avut curajul s\ `l pun `n scen\ este Maitreyi a lui Mircea Eliade, cu Maia Morgenstern, Aylin Cad`r [i Vlad Zamfirescu.
Pascal Bruckner's "Beauty stealers", "The Visit", "Mr. Goe" and "The new school teacher" which I am setting in stage at Ion Creanga Theater and at the State Jewish Theater. Pascal Bruckner was present on November 30th at the official premier of the show. It is a text that features actors Florin Zamfirescu, Ioana Pavelecu, Medeea Marinescu and three more young actors.
Exist\ un actor cu care comunicarea este atât de facil\, `ncât l-a]i lua `n orice spectacol?
What did Pascal Bruckner think about you directing his works?
Primeaz\ mai mult latura uman\ `n rela]ia mea regizor-actor, decât latura profesional\. Prefer s\ am `n distribu]ie oameni [i
Can I quote him? He said that the direction of the performance went beyond his novel. It is both an encouragement and a huge responsibility. When you OMUL PESC|RU{ sau DRUMUL SPRE FRUMOS 2012, dup\ „Pesc\ru[ul Jonathan Livingstone” Primul spectacol de teatru acrobatic din România jucat `ntr-un cinematograf, inspirit de Cirque du Soleil - Grand Cinema Digiplex Distribu]ia: Trupa de acroba]i Xtreme-Doru Mois, Casian B\descu, Alina Gheorghe, M\d\lina Croitoru, Alina Ulmeanu. Voci actori: Marius Manole - Pesc\ru[ul Jonathan Livingston, Cristi Iacob - Chiang, inteleptul stolului, Vitalie Bichir - tat\l lui
Livingston , Carla Maria Teaha - mama lui Livingston, Drago[ Olaru - Sullivan, discipolul lui Chiang, Gabriela Iacob - Fletcher Lynd. Vocile actorilor au fost inregistrare `n studiorile Radio Guerrilla. Costume: Mirela Diaconu. Concept video-proiectie: Grafica Online. Scenariul [i regia: Chris Simion
approach such a good and famous author like him, it is risky for you as director... Remaining true, I managed to add extra value to the text that he wrote by means of performance. It is a must-see performance. Why? We expose the matter of the contemporary man, respectively the fact that we do not accept aging and we do not accept anything that is natural and normal. It's a theme which he proposes in a century when people need this confrontation. Another text that I had the courage to stage was Maitreyi by Mircea Eliade, featuring Maia Morgenstern, Aylin Cadir and Vlad Zamfirescu.
11 Nº 17, December 2012 / February 2013
OMUL PESC|RU{ or DRUMUL SPRE FRUMOS 2012, based on the novella “Jonathan Livingstone Seagull” The first acrobatic theatre performance played in a Romanian movieplex, inspired by Cirque du Soleil – Grand Cinema Digiplex Cast: acrobatic group Xtreme, Doru Mois, Casian Badescu, Alina Gheorghe, Madalina Croitoru, Alina Ulmeanu. Voices: Marius Manole - Seagull Jonathan Livingston, Cristi Iacob - Chiang, the wisest gull Vitalie Bichir – Livingston’s father
pe urm\ arti[ti. Teatrul nu e o meserie, nu e ca la fabric\. Partea asta cu tehnica, cu talentul, cu harul poate s\ aduc\ un plus spectacolului. Toate distribu]iile pe care le fac, le fac la modul \sta. S\ vorbim despre c\l\torii. V\ mai aminti]i prima vaca]\ `n afara ]\rii? Prima mea ie[ire din ]ar\ a fost `n Egipt, cu teatrul. Iar o alt\ chestie foarte tare, pentru c\ `]i spuneam c\ lucrurile din via]a mea nu sunt `ntâmpl\toare, este
Carla Maria Teaha – Livingston’s mother Drago Olaru – Sullivan – Chiang’s disciple Gabriela Iacob - Fletcher Lynd.. Voices: Radio Guerilla station has recorded the voices. Costumes: Mirela Diaconu. Video Projection Concept: Grafica Online. Directing and scenario: Chris Simion
c\ atunci când eram foarte mic\ mi-am dorit s\ atac trei destina]ii: Egipt, Grecia [i India. Destina]ii care au avut un impact la nivel teoretic pentru toat\ cultura mea format\ `n perioada adolescen]ei. S-au `ntâmplat exact `n ordinea asta. A fost `ntâi Egiptul, Grecia [i ulterior India. Care a fost destina]ia care v-a marcat, care v-a fascinat... India, evident. Poate [i pentru c\ aveam un bagaj teoretic foarte mare [i citisem foarte mult
~n România Chris Simion este singurul artist care de]ine drepturile de a dramatiza [i de a regiza orice roman scris de scriitorul francez Pascal Bruckner, acesta fiind chiar pre[edintele onorific al Companiei de teatru pe care Chris Simion o conduce.
Is there any actor so easy to communicate with that you would feature them in any performance? The human side comes first in my relation of director-actor, rather than the professional side. I prefer to see human act, then artists. Theater is not like a job, it's not like working in a factory. This part with the technique, talent, gift may add value to the performance. I always cast my actors using this conception. Let's talk about your travels. Can you recall your first vacation abroad? My first travel abroad was in Egypt, with the theater group. And one other cool thing, because I told you that things in my
life are not random, is that when I was very young, I wanted to go to three destinations: Egypt, Greece and India. Destinations with a deep theoretical impact on the cultures that I knew and assimilated as a teenager. And they did happen in this exact order. First came Egypt, then Greece and India last. What was the destination that was remarkable to you, that fascinated you... India, by all means. Maybe also because I knew so much about it and had read so much in this respect. I was privileged enough to go there twice and to see nine cities. It's obvious that no matter how much time you spend, you can't really reach a
In Romania Chris Simion is the only artist to hold the rights to stage and direct any novel written by French writer Pascal Bruckner, the latter actually being the honorific president of the Theater Company that Chris Simion runs.
`n direc]ia asta. Pentru c\ am avut privilegiul s\ merg de dou\ ori [i s\ c\l\toresc `n nou\ ora[e. E clar c\ oricât ai sta acolo nu ai cum s\ ajungi la un nivel profund. Tot turist râmâi din p\cate... [i dac\ ai sta acolo o via]\, tot turist vei r\mâne pentru c\ genetic e[ti construit altfel. Aici, `n India am primit cea mai mare lec]ie de via]\. Nimeni nu mi-a dezechilibrat-o. Am re`nv\]at s\ zâmbesc, oamenii [tiu s\ te priveasc\ `n ochi, au ochii vii. Au energia simpl\ [i natural\ pe care europenii au piedut-o. Pot s\ v\ spun c\ datorit\ teatrului am b\tut toate continentele... Am ajuns chiar [i `n Australia. Exist\ o cultur\ care v\ place `n mod deosebit? Chiar dac\ zece ani de zile m-am direc]ionat c\tre cultura indian\, asta nu `nseamn\ c\ structura mea interioar\ s-a modificat `ntr-un fel. Cred foarte mult c\ p\mântul \sta din care am ie[it poate s\-mi ofere tot ceea ce am eu nevoie pentru a evolua spiritual. Cel mult pot compara o cultur\ sau filosofie cu alta [i pot s\ fac asta la nesfâr[it. Dar s\ m\ vând altei culturi `mi este imposibil. Care este ora[ul `n care a]i dori s\ tr\i]i? Barcelona este ora[ul `n care m-a[ muta [i mâine. Când am fost aici am avut sentimentul c\
toat\ lumea este `n vacan]\, oricând, la orice or\... Barcelona este ora[ul care-]i impune sentimentul libert\]ii. `]i impune s\ fii a[a cum e[ti tu. F\r\ nici un fel de prejudecat\. A[ putea s\ compar acest ora[ cu Vama Veche. Oamenii sunt liberi, se manifest\ relaxat. Mi-a pl\cut Barcelona enorm [i pentru c\ a coincis cu lectura c\r]ii „Umbra Vântului” a lui Carlos Ruiz Zafon. Am v\zut Barcelona citind aceast\ carte [i c\utând destina]iile pe care le aveam acolo. Cartea a fost un ghid, poate fi ghidul oricui... Barcelona are mister... Dar Parisul? Am montat la Paris „Dragostea dureaz\ trei ani”. Am f\cut ruta Bucure[ti- Paris, de parc\ eram pe ruta Bucure[ti- Ploie[ti. M\ duceam s\ v\d teatru, actori, s\ v\d produc]iile de teatru. E foarte diferit s\ te duci `n excursie, neangajat `n nici un sistem [i s\ te duci cu treab\. Parisul pe care `l tot vindem nu-l mai reg\se[ti decât `n principalele obiective turistice. Toat\ doza de romantism pe care ]i-o vinde orice agen]ie o g\se[ti la Luvre sau la Versailles. Dar Parisul uman este din punctul meu de vedere cam urât. Este o na]ie plin\ de snobism [i orgoliu. Dac\ vrei lec]ii de mândrie, mergi la Paris.
deeper level. You're bound to remain a tourist. Even if you were to spend your entire lifetime there, you'll still be a tourist because you are genetically different. Here, in India, I learnt my most significant lesson of life. Nobody was ever able to make me forget it. I learned to smile once more; people know how to look you in the eye, their eyes are so vivid. They have the simple and natural energy that Europeans lost. I can say that thanks to the theater I was on every continent... I even reached as far as Australia. Is there a culture that you particularly like? Even if for ten years I was immersed in Indian culture, it doesn't mean my inner structure has modified in any way. I strongly believe that this land I came out of can offer me everything I need to spiritually evolve. The most I can do is to compare one culture or philosophy tradition to another and I can go on doing that forever. But to switch to another culture is impossible for me. Which is the town you'd like to live in? Barcelona is a town I'd move to no later than tomorrow. When I was there I got the feeling that everyone was on vacation, at any time and hour... Barcelona is a city that renders a feeling of free-
dom. It makes you be who you are. No preconceptions. I could compare this city to Vama Veche. People are free, they live a relaxed life. I liked Barcelona a lot also because visiting it coincided with reading the book "La sombra del viento" by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. I saw people of Barcelona reading the book and looking for the destinations written there. The book was a guide and it can be anyone's guide. Barcelona has mystery... What about Paris? We staged "Love lasts three years" in Paris. I was going from Bucharest to Paris and back as if it had been a local commute. I went there to see theater plays, actors, to see theater productions. It's a different experience to go there on vacation, not tied to any system as opposed to going there on business. The Paris we're always portraying in our minds is only present in the main tourist attractions. All the romanticism that any tourist agency sells, you can find at the Louvre or the Versailles. But the human Paris is quite ugly, from where I stand. It is a country packed with snobbism and pride. If you need pride lessons, go to Paris.
M\d\lina R\coreanu
• 20 August 1977, Bucure[ti
• August 20th 1977, Bucharest
• Universitatea de Art\ Teatral\ [i Cinematografic\ „I.L.Caragiale” Bucure[ti, 1999 - Teatrologie, 2005 - Regie Teatru, clasa profesorilor Tudor M\r\scu [i Mihai Manolescu. • Regizor, scriitor • Membru al Uniunii Scriitorilor din România, sec]ia teatru.
• The University of Theater and Movie Art "I.L.Caragiale", Bucharest, 1999 - Theatrology, 2005 - Theater direction, the class of professors Tudor M\r\scu and Mihai Manolescu. • Director, writer • Member of the Writer's Union of Romania, department of theater.
Pascal Bruckner / Chris Simion
8 c\r]i publicate, cele mai cunoscute sunt ultimele doua romane „Ce ne spunem, când nu ne vorbim” [i „~n fiecare zi, Dumnezeu se roag\ la mine”
8 books published, the most notorious being the last two novels “What we say when we do not speak” and “Every day God prays to me”
• 2012 - Maitreyi de Mircea Eliade cu interven]ii din Dragostea nu moare de Maitreyi Devi • 2012 - Omul pesc\ru[ sau Drumul spre frumos dup\ nuvela Pescarusul Jonathan Livingstone • 2011 - Ce ne spunem când nu ne vorbim dup\ Chris Simion • 2010 - 7 Blesteme • 2010 - Oscar [i tanti roz • 2009 - Te iubesc! Te iubesc? sau Cum s\ fim ferici]i `n cuplu • 2008 - 2009 - Bad Bad Stories sau Pove[ti de noapte bun\ pentru adul]i • 2008 - 2009 - C\l\toria • 2008 - 2009 - Maitreyi • 2007 - 2009 - {i caii se `mpu[c\, nu-i a[a? (Premiul „Cel mai bun spectacol”,Gala VIP 2008) • 2006 - 2009 - Hell (2006 - Premiul de Excelen]\ `n Gala Antidrog acordat de Guvernul României) • 2006 - 2009 - Dragostea dureaz\ 3 ani • 2009 - Scaunele
• 2012 - Maitreyi by Mircea Eliade with highlights from It does not die by Maitreyi Devi • 2012 - The seagull man or The path to beauty after the story Jonathan Livingstone Seagull • 2011 - What we say when we do not speak) by Chris Simion • 2010 - 7 Curses • 2010 - Oscar and the Lady in Pink • 2009 - I love you! Or do I? or How to live happily as a couple • 2008 - 2009 - Bad Bad Stories or Bed Stories for Adults • 2008 - 2009 - The Journey • 2008 - 2009 - Maitreyi • 2007 - 2009 - They Shoot Horses, Don't They? (Best performance Award, VIP Gala 2008) • 2006 - 2009 - Hell (2006 - Excellence Award granted by the Romanian Government in the Anti-drug Gala) • 2006 - 2009 - Love lasts three years • 2009 - The Chairs
• • • • •
2002 - 2007 - Un spectacol de teatru 2007 - C\l\toria 2002 - ~n fiecare zi, Dumnezeu se roag\ la mine 1999 - 2001 Copilul divin de Pascal Bruckner 2000 - C\l\tor `n noapte de Salah Abd Es Sabour • 2001 - No flash • 1998 - Pesc\ru[ul Jonathan Livingstone • 1997 - Disperarea de a fi
• • • • •
• 1997 - Disperarea de a fi dup\ cartea cu acela[i nume de Chris Simion • 1999-2001 - Copilul divin dup\ romanul cu acela[i nume de Pascal Bruckner • 2000 - ~n fiecare zi, Dumnezeu se roag\ la mine dup\ romanul cu acela[i nume de Chris • 2001 - No Flash dup\ via]a pictorului Jean Michel • 2002 - 2007 - Un spectacol de teatru dup\ un scenariu neterminat scris de Aureliu Manea • Dragostea dureaz\ 3 ani dup\ romanul cu acela[i nume de Frederic Beigbeder • Hell dup\ romanul cu acela[i nume de Lolita Pille • {i caii se `mpu[c\, nu-i a[a? dup\ romanul cu acela[i nume de Horace Mccoy • Maitreyi dup\ romanul cu acela[i nume de Mircea Eliade • C\l\toria dup\ „Pesc\ru[ul Jonathan Livingstone” de Richard Bach • Sechestrata de la poitiers dup\ Andre Gide • Portretul lui Doria Grey dup\ Oscar Wilde • Ho]ii de frumuse]e dup\ Pascal Bruckner • Iart\-m\, ajut\-m\ dup\ Frederic Beigbeder
• 1997 - The despair of being after a novel by Chris Simion • 1999-2001 - The divine child after the novel by Pascal Bruckner • 2000 - Every day God prays to me after a novel by Chris Simion • 2001 - No Flash after the life of painter Jean Michel • 2002 - 2007 - A theater performance after an unfinished script by Aureliu Manea • Love lasts three years after the novel by Frederic Beigbeder • Hell after the novel by Lolita Pille • They Shoot Horses, Don't They? after the novel by Horace Mccoy • Maitreyi Maitreyi after the novel by Mircea Eliade • The Journey after Jonathan Livingstone Seagull by Richard Bach • La Séquestrée de Poitiers after Andre Gide • The Picture of Dorian Gray after Oscar Wilde • The beauty stealers after Pascal Bruckner • The beauty stealers after Frederic Beigbeder
• 1995 - burs\ de studii în filosofia hindus\ la Sanskriti Kendra în New Delhi • 1999 - stagiu de regie [i dans african la Academia de Teatru din Limoges - Fran]a , condus\ de Silviu Purc\rete
• 1995 - grant for the study of Hindu philosophy at Sanskriti Kendra in New Delhi • 1999 - study of direction and African dance with the Theater Academy of Limoges - France, led by Silviu Purcarete
2002 - 2007 - A theater performance 2007 - The Journey 2002 - Every day God prays to me 1999 - 2001 The divine child by Pascal Bruckner 2000 - A traveler into the night by Salah Abd Es Sabour • 2001 - No flash • 1998 - Jonathan Livingstone Seagull • 1997 - The despair of being
NAPOLI NAPLES DESTINA}II DIN NAPOLI / Iarn\ 2012 - 2013 DESTINATIONS FROM NAPLES / Winter 2012 - 2013 Destinations
Days of Operation Lu/Mo
RO Bucharest
Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip
Cunoscut pentru pizza [i traficul haotic, celebru pentru atmosfera vibrant\ de pe str\zi, Napoli are atât de mult\ energie [i istorie, `ncât trebuie s\-l descoperi la pas. De s\rb\tori, `ntregul ora[ devine o imens\ pia]\ de Cr\ciun ticsit\ cu figurine simpatice [i scenele Na[terii Domnului.
Known for the pizza and chaotic traffic, famous for its vibrant street atmosphere, Naples packs so much energy and history that you can only discover it step by step. During the holidays, the entire city becomes a huge Christmas piazza, packed with cute figures and scenes from the birth of Christ.
NAPOLI DELICATESA ITALIAN| Zona metropolitan\ se `ntinde de-a lungul golfului Napoli `ntr-o regiune fertil\ cu promontorii [i ape turcoaz, sub prezen]a tot mai atent\ a vulcanului Vezuviu. Grecii au c\l\torit pe mare [i au fondat `ncânt\toarea colonie Napoli, iar romanii au construit pie]e dr\gu]e [i a[ez\ri de-a lungul ]\rmului. `n timpul incursiunii la ruinele bine conservate din Pompei [i Herculaneum vei afla mai multe am\nunte despre via]a de zi cu zi a romanilor din zona Napoli. Ora[ul are unul dintre cele mai mari [i mai animate centre istorice din Europa. De la malul m\rii str\du]ele [erpuiesc pân\ pe faimoas\ Spaccanapoli. Aici vei g\si o atmosfer\ haotic\ cu vânz\tori ambulan]i, arhitectur\ plin\ de culoare [i scutere zgomotoase. Pentru un r\gaz viziteaz\ una dintre bisericile din centrul Na]ional de Arheologie nu departe de centrul istoric. `ncânt\toare sunt parcurile [i gr\dinile, cea mai captivant\ fiind Orto Botanico, una dintre cele mai mari gr\dini botanice din Italia, cu o colec]ie enorm\ de plante exotice aduse din toat\ lumea. Pe falez\ vei descoperi Castel dell’Ovo (Castelul Ou), despre care legenda spune c\ a fost construit deasupra unui ou amplasat de c\tre poetul Virgil. Localnicii consider\ c\ “atât timp cât oul rezist\, ora[ul Napoli este `n siguran]\”. Din partea superioar\ a castelului vei avea o priveli[te superb\ asupra insulei Capri [i a Golfului Napoli. Lâng\ Castel este pitorescul Borgo Marinario, un port mic, cu b\rcu]e [i restaurante populare.
PIZZA MOLTO BUONA `n napoli, oamenii sunt la fel de calzi [i de prieteno[i precum atmosfera. Delicatesele culinare se topesc `n gur\, iar grija [i mândria italian\ de a preg\ti [i prezenta alimentele “ca la carte” este uimitoare. Pizza este una dintre cele mai bune pe care ai gustat-o vreodat\! Trebuie
NAPLES - THE ITALIAN DELICACY The metropolitan area stretches along the Naples Bay in a region fertile in headlands and turquoise waters, all towered by might volcano Vesuvius. The Greek traveled by sea and established the lovely colony of Naples, and the Romans built
nice markets and settlements along the shoreline. During the visit to the well preserved ruins of Pompeii and Herculaneum, you will learn more about the daily lives of Romans in the Naples area. The city has one of the biggest and most animated his-
Nº 17, December 2012 / February 2013
PONTURI DE C|L|TORIE ~N NAPOLI • Napoli, ora[ul de pe coasta de sud-vest a Italiei, are o clim\ tipic mediteraneean\, cu ierni blânde [i veri calde. `n luna decembrie, temperatura maxim\ este de 13 grade Celsius, iar ora[ul nu este aglomerat, cei mai mul]i turi[ti planificând vacan]ele pentru lunile de var\ sau pentru toamn\.
• Napoli este un ora[ frumos care merit\ descoperit [i la pas, atrac]iile sunt apropiate una de alta, iar marea este `ntotdeauna pe fundal. Ai nevoie doar de o hart\ pe care o po]i cump\ra de la un oficiu turistic [i, este de preferat, s\ alegi una detaliat\, cu str\zile ordonate alfabetic. Taxiul este un mijloc de
neap\rat s\ mergi la faimosul “Da Michele”, unde blatul este sub]ire, iar pizza Margherita este fenomenal\. Un alt loc pentru o cin\ savuroas\ este “L’Europeo dei Mattozzi”, unde patronul Alfonso Mattozzi preg\te[te pl\cinte colorate, glazurate cu mozzarella [i cu
transport eficient [i deloc scump. Unele sunt disponibile 24 de ore, altele au pauz\ pe timp de noapte. Costul minim al unei c\l\torii este de 4,5 Euro, iar tariful de pornire este de 3 Euro de la 7 am la 10 pm [i de la 5,5 Euro pe timp de noapte. • Evit\ autobuzele seara [i `n weekend, sunt super aglomerate.
sos ro[u m\t\sos. Dar, pentru o pizza cu adev\rat de neuitat, ia funicularul pentru a ajunge `n cartierul istoric Vomero la Pizzeria “La Notizia”, unde pizza este u[oar\ [i crocant\, un amestec perfect de sos [i brânz\. Secretul? Gazdele folosesc pu]ine ingrediente,
Biletele nu sunt vândute `n ma[ini, trebuie s\ le cumperi de la tutungerii, baruri, chio[curi de ziare. xist\ controlori `n autobuze care verific\ biletele [i aplic\ amenzi de 42 de Euro pentru contravenien]i. •{ofatul pân\ la hotel este o provocare pentru c\ str\zile sunt `nguste [i labirintice, unele au sens
toric centers of Europe. Starting from the seashore, streets run along in curves to the famous Spaccanapoli. Here, you will find a chaotic atmosphere with street merchants, colorful architecture and noise scooters. For a break, visit one of the churches of the historic center, the famous Duo-
unic [i exist\ multe zone pietonale. De aceea este mai bine s\ alegi tramvaiele, autobuzele, metroul, furnicularele sau trenul pentru a ajunge la obiectivele turistice. Biletele sunt valabile `n `ntreaga re]ea de transport public, costul fiind de 1,10 Euro/bilet valabil 90 de minute [i 3,10 Euro pentru un card de o zi.
mo, dedicated to San Gennaro, the gothic church Santa Chiara or the National Museum of Archaeology, not far from the historic center. Parks and gardens are lovely as well, the most captivating being Orto Botanico, one of the largest botanic gardens in Italy, with an enormous collection
Dac\ ai timp, planific\-]i [i o incursiune `n ora[ul antic Pompei. Ghidul te va conduce pe str\zile unde stau de veghe Forumul [i casele ridicate de `mp\ra]ii romani. Tot aici se afl\ Templul lui Apollo, Templul lui Vespasian [i Casa B\ilor Termale. S\p\turile sunt `nc\ `n curs [i, recent, au fost descoperite Casa Br\]\rii de Aur [i fântânile din Gr\dina Domusului Roman. Mai nou, `n zon\ se produce vin, exact ca `n ora[ul vechi. Rezultatul? „Villa dei misteri”, un vin extrem de fin, care este `nvechit `n butoaie de stejar [i distribuit `ntr-o edi]ie limitat\. `n zilele senine vei z\ri silueta Vulcanului Vezuviu din Golful Napoli care, `n ciuda puterii sale distructive, este prietenul locuitorilor [i al turi[tilor. Din 1944, vulcanul doarme sub atenta supraveghere a geologilor (care `i m\soar\ tot timpul temperatura) [i `[i a[teapt\ turi[tii pe craterul s\u.
Nu trebuie s\ te dep\rtezi prea mult de centrul aglomerat, pentru a descoperi faimoasele bijuterii de coral de la “Torre del Greco” [i produsele din piele: pantofi, gen]i [i haine, o mare parte dintre ele fiind fabricate `n Italia de Nord. Napoli are [i multe magazine de antichit\]i, majoritatea fiind situate pe Via Santa Maria di Constantinopoli. Via San Gregorio din apropiere este c\ptu[it\ cu magazine cu sculpturi lucrate manual (ilustrând numeroase scene cu Na[terea Domnului). Nu uita s\ explorezi [i pie]ele pline cu jambon, brânz\ de toate tipurile, pâine preparat\ `n cas\, ciocolat\ [i pr\jituri! `n multe magazine vei g\si unele dintre cele mai bune vinuri italiene, ideale pentru a le lua la un picnic, `ntr-unul din parcurile din Napoli. Insula Capri din apropiere este recunoscut\ pentru sandalele lucrate manual [i pentru hainele lejere, iar de pe Coasta
of exotic plants brought from all over the world. On the seafront you will discover the Castel dell'Ovo (Egg Castle) of which legend has it that it was built on top of an egg put there by poet Virgil. Locals consider that "as long as the egg endures, the city of Naples is safe". From the upper side of the castle you will have a beautiful view on the islands of Capri and the Naples Bay. Near the castle there is the picturesque Borgo Marinario, a small harbor, with little boats and popular restaurants.
PIZZA MOLTO BUONA In Naples, people are as warm and friendly as the atmosphere itself. The cuisine delicacies melt in your mouth and the Italian care and pride of preparing and presenting the dishes "by the book" is amazing. Pizza is one of the best you've ever
tasted. You have to go to the famous "Da Michele", where the dough is thin and the pizza Margherita is phenomenal. Another place for a tasty dinner is “L'Europeo dei Mattozzi”, where patron Alfonso Mattozzi prepares colorful pies, glazed with mozzarella and silky red sauce. But, for a truly unforgettable pizza, take the funicular to get to the historic neighborhood of Vomero at the Pizzeria "La Notizia", where pizza is light and crunchy, a perfect mixture of sauce and cheese. The secret? Hosts use few ingredients, but of highest quality!
A HIKE ON THE ACTIVE VOLCANO If you have the time, plan a visit to the ancient city of Pompeii. The guide will lead you across the streets where the Forum and houses erected by Ro-
TRAVEL TIPS TO NAPLES • Naples, the city on the south-western coast of Italy, has a typically Mediterranean climate, with mild winters and hot summers. In December, the maximum temperature is 13 degrees Celsius and the city is not crowded, most tourists planning their vacations for summer or autumn months.
• Naples is a beautiful city that deserves to be discovered on foot; tourist attractions are close to one another and the sea is always against the background. You only need a map which you can buy from a tourist office. It is recommended that you choose a detailed one, with the streets in alphabetic order. Taxi is an
Nº 17, December 2012 / February 2013
JEWELS, DELICACIES AND SELECT WINES Amalfi cump\r\ hârtie artizanal\ produs\ `n moara de hârtie!
NAPOLI, SCENA NA{TERII DOMNULUI Cr\ciunul la Marea Mediteran\ este u[or diferit fa]\ de alte ]\ri. E pu]in probabil s\ ai parte de s\rb\tori albe, dar napoletanii compenseaz\ prin alte frumuse]i, cum ar fi c\su]ele [i figurinele create cu ocazia Cr\ciunului. Me[terii nu realizeaz\ numai figurine tradi]ionale, ci includ [i caractere contemporane cum ar fi Silvio Berlusconi, Barack Obama, dar [i vedete de televiziune simpatice. Ei lucreaz\ de zor pe tot parcursul anului, iar `n decembrie atmosfera de pe Via San Gregorio Armeno este una special\. Strada devine o pia]\ de c\su]e, unde vei vedea me[terii populari la lucru [i, chiar dac\ nu cumperi, `i po]i admira `n voie. `n Museo di San Martino sunt expuse scene ale Na[terii
efficient and inexpensive transportation means. Some are available 24 hours/day, others take a break at night. The minimum cost of a ride is 4.5 Euros and the startup fee is 3 Euros as of 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. and then 5.5 Euros at night. • Avoid buses and night and n the weekend because they are crowded. Tickets are not sold
Domnului din secolele XVIII [i XIX, inclusiv celebra scen\ Presepe di Cuciniello cu 162 de oameni, 80 animale, 28 de `ngeri [i 450 de miniaturi. Scenele Na[terii Domnului care i-au f\cut celebri pe napoletani sunt prezente `n tot ora[ul, `n fiecare cas\, `n vitrinele magazinelor [i `n biserici. Mercatino di Natale de pe San Gregorio Armeno este mai mult decât o Pia]\ de Cr\ciun! `nc\ din secolul al XI-lea, acesta este locul perfect pentru a achizi]iona obiecte de ceramic\, broderii [i decora]iuni de Cr\ciun. `n Porta Nolana - o alt\ Pia]\ de Cr\ciun - te po]i delecta cu vin fiert, nuci [i biscui]i. Tot aici g\se[ti [i fructe de mare, proaspete, pentru o cin\ tradi]ional\ napoletan\. Localnicii preg\tesc la ceas festiv spaghete cu scoici, cod s\rat rumenit la gr\tar, pe[te capitone, salat\ cu ardei, conopid\ [i m\sline [i se r\sfa]\ cu pr\jituri cu miere, ciocolat\ [i alune.
on the bus, you have to get them from kiosks, bars or newspaper stands. There are control agents on the buses checking the tickets and applying sanctions in the form of 42-Euro fines. • Driving to the hotel is a challenge because streets are narrow and maze-like, some are one way and there are lots of
man emperor stand watch. You will also discover the Temple of Apollo, the Temple of Vespasian and the House of Thermal Baths. Digging is still underway and recently they discovered the House of the Golden Bracelet and the fountains of the Roman Dome. As a novelty, wine is being produced in the area, just like in the old city. The result? "Villa dei misteri", a remarkably fine wine which is aged in oak wood barrels and distributed in limited edition. On sunny days, you will see the profile of Mount Vesuvius of the Naples Bay which, despite its destructive power, is actually a friend of the locals and tourists. As of 1944 the volcano has been sleeping under the careful supervision of geologists (who are always measuring the temperature), awaiting tourists on its crater.
pedestrian areas. That is why, in order to reach the tourist objectives, it's best to choose trams, buses, subway, funiculars or trains. Tickets are valid for the entire public transportation grid, the cost being of 1.10 Euros/ticket which is valid for 90 minutes and 3.10 Euros for a one-day travel pass.
You don't have to stray too far from the crowded center to discover the famous coral jewels from "Torre del Greco" and leather products: shoes, purses and clothes, the most part being made in northern Italy. Naples also has antiques stores, most of them situated on Via Santa Maria of Constantinopoli. Via San Gregorio in the vicinity is packed with stores with hand-crafted sculptures (illustrating numerous scenes of the Birth of Christ). Don't forget to explore the piazzas selling bacon, all sorts of cheese, home-baked bread, chocolate and cookies! In many stores you will find some of the best Italian wines, ideal to take over a picnic in one of the parks of Naples. The Island of Capri situated nearby is known for the hand-crafted sandals and cozy clothes and on the Amalfi Coast you can buy paper made by the local paper mill.
NAPLES, THE SCENE OF THE BIRTH OF CHRIST Christmas on the Mediterranean Sea is a bit different from other countries. It's unlikely that you will see snow during the holidays, but the locals compensate such absence through other attractions, such as the houses and figures created for Christmas. Craftsmen make not only the traditional figures, but they also include contemporary figures such as Silvio Berlusconi, Barack Obama, and television stars. They work hard all across the year and in December the atmosphere of Via San Gregorio Armeno is a special one. The street becomes a piazza of houses, where you will see craftsmen work and even if
BUN|T|}I CU LINTE PENTRU NOROC De Sarb\tori, atmosfera magic\ [i prietenoas\ `nv\luie ora[ul [i ofer\ oamenilor veselie [i a[tept\ri mari pentru noul an. Ca [i `n alte tradi]ii, napoletanii consider\ ceremonia de Anul Nou un adev\rat cadou, care `i face s\ uite de problemele de peste zi [i `i `ndeamn\ s\ `[i dedice timpul toasturilor [i focurilor de artificii. „Capodanno” (sfâr[itul de an) este animat de sunetele de zampogne (similar cu cimpoiul) [i de sutele de tarabe care vând dulciuri [i capitone (pe[te) – despre care tradi]ia spune c\ „aduce noroc la cump\na dintre ani”. Locuitorii sunt supersti]io[i, motiv pentru care, la cin\, preg\tesc feluri de mâncare cu fructe, cotechino [i zampone (tipuri de mezeluri italiene pe baz\ de carne de porc) cu linte. Carnea de porc simbolizeaz\ „bog\]ia vie]ii `n anul care vine”, iar lintea aduce „bani [i noroc”. Miezul nop]ii este momentul cel mai fascinate, când italienii organizeaz\ tombole [i ies la balcoane pentru a aprinde pocnitori [i artificii. ~n plus, unii dintre ei arunc\ de la fereastr\ lucrurile vechi de care nu mai au nevoie `n cas\, ar\tând astfel c\ sunt gata s\ primeasc\ Anul Nou. Rezultatul este uimitor: ora[ul pare asediat [i este imposibil s\ te plimbi pe str\zi! Cel mai bine este s\ alegi cina `ntr-un restaurant sau s\ mergi `n Piazza del Plebiscito, pentru concerte [i focuri de artificii.
you can't buy, you can still stand and watch in admiration. In Museo di San Martino are displayed scenes of the Birth of Christ from the 18th and 19th century, including the famous Presepe di Cuciniello, with 162 people, 80 animals, 28 angels and 450 miniatures. The scenes of the Birth of Christ which made the Naples locals famous are present all throughout the city, in each home, in store showcases and in churches. Mercatino di Natale on San Gregorio Armeno is more than a Christmas Piaz-
za! Ever since the 11th century, this is the favorite place to procure ceramic items, embroideries and decorations for Christmas. In Porta Nolana - another Christmas Piazza - you can enjoy hot wine, nuts and biscuits. Here you will also find fresh sea fruit for a traditional Neapolitan dinner. Locals prepare spaghetti with shells, cod fish roasted on grill, capitone fish, pepper salad, cauliflower and olives and then enjoy cookies with honey, chocolate and nuts.
Stelu]a N\stase
For the holidays, the magic and friendly atmosphere engulfs the city and offers people joy and big expectations for the New Year. Just like other traditions, the locals of Naples consider the New Year ceremony a true gift that makes them forget about daily problems and urges them to dedicate their time to toasts and fireworks. "Capodanno" (end of the year) is animated by the zampogne sounds (similar to the bagpipes) and by the hundreds of stands that sell sweets and capitone (fish) - of which tradition has it that "it brings good fortune on the night between years". Locals are superstitious, reason for which for dinner they prepare dishes with fruits, cotechino and zampone (types of Italian salami based on pork) with lentil. Pork symbolizes the "richness of life in the year to come" and lentil stands for "money and good fortune". Midnight is the most fascinating moment, when Italians organize raffles and go out in their balconies to light up fireworks. Moreover, some of them will toss out of their windows old things they no longer need in their household, thus showing they are ready to welcome the New Year. The result is amazing. the city appears under siege and it is impossible to walk on these streets. It's best to choose to have dinner in a restaurant or to go in Piazza del Plebiscito for concerts and fireworks.
Nº 17, December 2012 / February 2013
BARCELONA Exist\ nenum\rate locuri `n lume c\rora ar trebui s\ le mul]umim pentru c\ ne prilejuiesc momente de `ncântare. Unul din aceste locuri, urbea despre care se spune c\ ar fi cel mai `ndr\git t\râm din lume, este Barcelona. O iubesc cei tineri, dar [i cei mai `n vârst\, o iubesc `ndr\gosti]ii care simt pulsul ora[ului dup\ ora 23. Barcelona i[i a[teapt\ turi[tii oricând, chiar [i de Cr\ciun... `mpodobit\ de s\rb\toare, adorabil\, fermec\toare, spectaculoas\ atât ziua, cât [i seara. There are numerous places in this world we should be thankful for for bringing us moments of joy. One of such places, the city they say is perhaps the dearest place on the planet, is Barcelona. The young love it, as well as the elderly and so do the lovers getting a feel of the city after 23.00 hours. Barcelona awaits its tourists, even for Christmas... Decorated for the holidays, adorable, charming, spectacular both by day and night.
„la vida loca!”
POVESTE DE CR|CIUN LA BARCELONA Barcelona este genul de ora[ `n care ai mereu ce s\ faci. S\rb\torile de iarn\ sunt un prilej bun pentru o vizit\ `n Barcelona, asta dac\ vrei s\ te bucuri de un Cr\ciun `nconjurat de o arhitectur\ vie, cu mozaicuri multicolore create de marele arhitect Gaudi. Unul dintre cele mai frumoase parcuri ale metropolei este Guell, construit ini]ial pentru aristocra]ia barcelonez\, devenit azi locul de relaxare dedicat tuturor celor care iubesc natura. Aici te `ntâmpin\ fântâna multicolor\ `n form\ de dragon, dar [i Casa Batlo, `n traducere Casa Oaselor, a c\rei structur\ scheletic\ are o form\ special\. De Cr\ciun, atât barcelonezii, cât [i turi[tii, obi[nuiesc s\ venereze na[terea Mânturitorului `n Sagrada Familia, o biseric\ uria[\, foarte `nalt\, cu turnuri care dau impresia c\ str\pung cerul. Este foarte frumoas\, e fragil\ [i parc\ `]i aminte[te de turnurile de nisip construite pe malul m\rii. Turistul care va face primii pa[i prin Barcelona, pe timp de iarn\, `[i va arunca fularul, apoi se va lipsi ca o Baba Dochia [i de celelate haine groase... Lunile friguroase au temperaturi de 10-15 grade celsius, iar albul z\pezilor nu se arat\ niciodat\. Iarna `n Barcelona te `ntâmpin\ cu str\du]ele curate, care te ademenesc cu zarva lor. Vei tr\i povestea Cr\ciunului peste tot, iar ieslele cu personaje din ceramic\ - de `n\l]imea unui copil de [apte ani -, o spun cel mai bine. Nu lipsesc magii din scenele pastorale jucate de actori talenta]i [i nici Maria [i Iosif care `[i ]in pruncul `n bra]e `ntr-un decor exotic, cu mii de mozaicuri colorate. Un joc fascinant de culori, muzic\, podoabe de s\rb\toare, care blocheaz\ privitorul [i `i a[terne la picioare spiritul S\rb\torilor. Totul e viu, totul pulseaz\, totul e cântec [i spectacol.
CHRISTMAS STORY IN BARCELONA Barcelona is the kind of city where there's always something to do. Winter holidays are a good occasion for a visit to Barcelona, if you want to enjoy Christmas surrounded by vivid architecture with multicolor mosaic created by the great architect Gaudi. One of the most beautiful parks of the city is the Guell, initially built for the Barcelona aristocracy, today turned into a relaxation spot dedicated to all those who cherish nature. Here you are greeted by the multicolor fountain in the shape of a dragon, as well as by the Casa Batlo, translated as the Bone House, the skeletal structure of which has a special shape. For Christmas, both locals and tourists celebrate the Birth of the Lord in Sagrada Familia, a huge church, very tall, with towers that seemingly pierce through the sky. It is very beautiful as well as fragile, reminding of the sand towers
built on the sea shore. The tourist taking their first steps through Barcelona during winter will throw away their scarf and then shed all the other winter clothes. Cold winters bring temperature of 10-15 degrees Celsius and the white of snow never shows up. Winter in Barcelona greets you with clean streets which capture you with their noise. You will get to live the Christmas story all over the place and the mangers with ceramic figures - as tall as a seven-year old tell the whole story. The magi are also present in the pastoral scenes played by talented actors as are Mary and Joseph who hold their offspring in an exotic scenery, with thousands of colorful mosaics. A fascinating game of colors, music, holiday jewels which capture the viewer and prepare him for the Holiday spirit. Everything is alive, pulsating, everything is about singing and performing.
FOR THE NEW YEAR, LOVERS COME TO THE MAGIC FOUNTAINS OF MONTJUIC Montjuic is the hill dominating the center of Barcelona. For the New Year, lovers come here, as well as those who wish to enjoy wonderful landscapes, because on the one side you get an overview on the city and on the other you get to see the new harbor. The funicular to Tibidabo or the cable car to Montjuic offer view on the city that take your breath away and the most interesting tourist objectives are Museum Miro and the National Art Museum of Catalonia. A splendid thing is the Magic fountain of Montjuic, decorated for the winter holidays with thousands of vivid light. Under the hill there is Barcelona Harbor, a former fish-
Nº 17, December 2012 / February 2013
DE ANUL NOU ~NDR|GOSTI}II VIN LA FÂNTÂNILE MAGICE DE PE MONTJUIC Montjuic este dealul care domin\ centrul ora[ului Barcelona. De Anul Nou, aici vin cei `ndr\gosti]i, dar [i cei care doresc s\ se bucure de peisaje minunate, pentru c\ pe de o parte ai o panoram\ a ora[ului, iar pe cealalt\ parte, vezi portul nou. Funicularul spre Tibidabo sau telecabina spre Montjuic ofer\ priveli[ti ale ora[ului care `]i taie respira]ia, iar cele mai interesante obiective turistice sunt Muzeul Miro [i Muzeul Na]ional de Art\ Catalon\. Marea splendoare este Fântâna magic\ de la Montjuic, `mpodobit\ pe timpul S\rb\torilor de iarn\, cu mii de lumini… „vii”. Sub deal se afl\ Portul Barceloneta, un fost s\tuc de pescari, `mpânzit de restaurante ce ofer\ meniuri cu specific marin\resc [i cafenele a[ezate strategic.
TÂRGUL DE CR|CIUN CU CAGANER {I BU{TEANUL TIO DE NADAL LA BARCELONA Spiritul Cr\ciunului nu lipse[te cu des\vâr[ire, chiar dac\ afar\ sunt `ntre 16 [i 20 de grade. Magazinele, mall-urile, str\zile [i balcoanele s-au `nve[mântat de s\rb\toare, cu mii de lumini]e, palmieri `mpodobi]i, flori ro[ii, ghirlande [i oferte ademenitoare. Locuitorii Barcelonei fac shopping din timp, câteva zile fiind `nchise majoritatea supermarket-urilor [i mini-shop-urile. Este momentul `n care un nou val de turi[ti apare pe ]\rmul portului din Barcelona, iar englezii, italienii, francezii [i olandezii se bucur\ de soarele c\ruia `i duc lipsa la ei acas\. Amplasat\ `n apropierea Catedralei Gotice, Pia]a Santa Lucia din Barcelona este locul unde Cr\ciunul prinde via]\. Aici se desf\[oar\ târgul, `n perioada 1 - 24 decembrie, care g\zduie[te `n fiecare iarn\ comercian]i de cadouri [i suveniruri de s\rb\toare. Primul iarmaroc de acest gen a fost organizat `n iarna lui 1786. Are 300 de standuri [i ofer\ juc\rii, decora]iuni de Cr\ciun handmade, vase, vâsc sau br\du]i pentru `mpodobit. De asemenea, pe Las Ramblas, arti[tii stradali ofer\ spectacole siropoase, ce atrag privirile iubitorilor de show. Acesta este locul unde se adun\ p\rin]i [i pitici laolalt\ pentru a perpetua tradi]ia catalan\ de a lovi cu b\]ul un bu[tean acoperit cu o p\tur\, pentru ca cei mici s\ primeasc\ dulciuri [i pr\jituri. Bu[teanul se nume[te Tio de Nadal, iar pe data de 13 decembrie, de ziua Sfintei Lucia, este adus `n cas\ pentru a fi a[ezate lâng\ el cadourile pentru copiii cumin]i. Tot `n aceast\ pia]\ se cânt\ colinde [i au loc numeroase concursuri. „Noche Vieja” este petrecerea `n stil spaniol dedicat\ Revelionului. Cele mai atractive sunt petrecerile dansante cu salsa, flamenco, concerte live, festivaluri care se desf\[oar\ o s\pt\mân\ `ntreag\, `nainte de Anul Nou. La miezul nop]ii dintre ani trebuie respectat\ o tradi]ie care, dup\ cum spun spaniolii, aduce mult\ prosperitate. Dup\ fiecare dintre cele 12 b\t\i ale ceasului, trebuie s\ m\nânci câte o boab\ de strugure. Este un obicei foarte vechi, p\strat `nc\ din timpul Imperiului Roman, simbolul fiind acela c\
ermen village, packed with restaurants offering fish-based menus and cafes strategically situated.
THE CHRISTMAS FAIR WITH EL CAGANER AND THE TIO DE NADAL IN BARCELONA Christmas spirit is not entirely missing even though the outside temperature is somewhere between 16 and 20 degrees. Stores, malls, streets and balconies are
all dressed up for holiday with thousands of small lights, decorated palm trees, red flowers, garlands and tempting offers. Locals of Barcelona do their shopping in time as for a few days most supermarkets and mini-stores are closed. It is the time when a new wave of tourists appears on the shore of the harbor in Barcelona and the English, Italian, French and Dutch are enjoying the sun which they miss in their own countries. Located in the vicinity
TRAVEL TIPS TO BARCELONA rope. They even have a counter at the bar to count the Martinis sold throughout time! (Address: C. Aribau 162, metro: Hospital Clinic)
Restaurants on Ramble are the most generous ones but fairly expensive because here is where most tourists rush. On high demand by tourists are the "all-you-caneat" restaurants where a meal costs 13 Euros on Rambla and around 10 Euros in Plaza Espagna. A large glass of sangria may cost up to 8 or 9 Euros, and a medium pot of wine is 19 Euros. Paella portions go for 10 up to 17 Euros, this traditional food being very tasty in Barcelona. Also, a tuna salad may cost 4 Euros and a chicken one, very tasty, 6.5 Euros. Seashells and sea fruit cost between 8 and 10 Euros and beer in bars costs between 2.5 and 4 Euros.
Is a small, private bar, the ideal place for jazz, blues and tango lovers, with a wide range of very fine alcoholic beverages. SASITAS Working hours: up to Is a modern disco (pop 04:00 (closed on Monday) (Address: C/Comptessa de music), with a restaurant and Sobradiel 8, metro: Jaume 1) dance hall, open daily up to 03:00. (Address: C. Nou de la Rambla 22, metro: Liceu) DRY MARTINI The pub that offers tasty cocktails and traditional foods, starting at 18:30. And, let's not forget that here they serve the best Martini in Eu-
WHERE DO WE HAVE FUN IN BARCELONA? BOADAS Is considered one of the most famous bars in the world, known for its phenomenal cocktails! Prices: cocktail 4.5 - 5 Euros, beer 3 Euros Working hours: 20:00 03:00 (closed on Sunday) (Address: C. De Tallers 1, El Raval, metro: Catalunya)
GIMLET Is recommended especially to jazz lovers. Prices: a cocktail goes for 5 up to 7 Euros and beer for 4 Euros. Working hours: 12:00:00 02:00:00 (closed on Sunday) (Address: C. De Rec 24, El Born, metro: Jaume 1)
PONTURI DE C|L|TORIE ~N BARCELONA UNDE MÂNC|M {I LA CE PRE} Restaurantele de pe Rambla sunt printre cele mai ofertante, dar cu toate astea destul de scumpe, pentru c\ aici se concentreaz\ marea mas\ a turi[tilor care poposesc la Barca. Foarte c\utate de turi[ti sunt restaurantele „all-youca-eat”, unde o mas\ cost\ 13 euro pe Rambla [i `n jur de 10 euro `n Plaza Espagna. Un pahar mare de sangria poate costa `ntre 8-9 euro, iar o caraf\ de vin potrivit\ 19 euro. Paella sunt de la 10 - 17 euro, foarte bune `n Barceloneta. De asemenea, o salat\ de ton poate costa 4 euro, iar una de pui, foarte delicioas\, 6,5 euro. Scoicile [i fructele de mare sunt `n jur de 8 pân\ la 10 euro, iar berea din baruri are pre]uri de la 2,50 euro, pân\ la 4 euro.
func]ionare: 20:00 – 03:00 (duminic\ `nchis). (C. De Tallers 1, El Raval, metrou: Catalunya). Preturi: coctail 4.5 [i 5 Euro, bere 3 Euro.
GIMLET Este recomandat mai ales celor care iubesc jazzul. Pre]uri: un cocktail cost\ `ntre 5 [i 7 Euro, berea 4 Euro. Orar de func]ionare: 12:00 – 02:00 (duminic\ `nchis). (C. De Rec 24, El Born, metrou: Jaume 1).
HARLEM JAZZ CLUB Este un bar mic, intim, locul ideal iubitorilor de jazz, blues [i tango, cu o gam\ variat\ de b\uturi alcoolice foarte fine. Orar de func]ionare: pân\ la ora 04:00 (luni `nchis). (C/Comptessa de Sobradiel 8, metrou: Jaume 1).
DRY MARTINI Este localul care ofer\ cocktail-uri, mânc\ruri gustoase tradi]ionale `ncepând cu orele 18:30. (C. Aribau 162, metrou: Hospital Clinic)
BOADAS Este considerat unul dintre cele mai speciale baruri din lume, pentru renumitele cocktail-uri. Orar de
transmi]i prin cele 12 boabe de strugure dulcea]a pentru fiecare lun\ din anul ce vine. Dac\ vei poposi aici pân\ pe data de cinci ianuarie, ei bine ai ocazia s\ te bucuri de Cabalgata de los Reyes Magos, sau Parada Celor trei Regi desf\[urat\ atât pe uscat, cât [i pe ap\, din care nu lipsesc b\rcile ornate colorat [i costumele tradi]ionale pompoase. Evenimentul e cu adev\rat extravagant [i ofer\ turi[tilor prilejul de a cunoa[te mai bine tradi]ia catalan\.
SHOPPING LA BERCELONA DE CR|CIUN, ~N CELE MAI RENUMITE CENTRE COMERCIALE ALE ORA{ULUI E greu s\ spui NU atunci când vine vorba de shopping. Mai ales la Barcelona de Cr\ciun… Aici exist\ faimoasa linie de 5 kilometri, unde g\se[ti cele mai mari magazine a[ezate `n zone pietonale, toc-
SASITAS Cu muzic\ pop, discotec\ modern\ cu restaurant, sal\ de
of the Gothic Cathedral, Santa Lucia Market of Barcelona is the place where Christmas comes to life. Here is where the fair takes place between the 1st and 24th of December, hosting winter merchants of gifts and holiday souvenirs. The first fair of this sort was organized in the winter of 1786. It has 300 stands and they offer toys, handmade Christmas decorations, vessels, mistletoe or small trees for decorating. Also, on Las Ramblas, street artists put on juicy performances drawing the gazes of show lovers. It is the place
where parents and kids reunite to perpetuate the Catalan tradition of hitting with a stick a log covered with a blanket in order for the little ones to receive sweets and cookies. The log is called Tio de Nadal and on December 13th, on Santa Lucia Day, it is brought indoors to place next to it the gifts for the good children. In this market they sing carols and numerous contests take place. Noche Vieja is the Spanish-style party dedicated to the New Year. The most attractive are the dance party involving salsa, flamenco, live concerts, festivals that take place for a whole week before the New Year. At midnight between the years, one must respect a tradition that, as the Spanish say, brings prosperity. After each of the 12 strokes of the clock, you have to eat one grape. It is a really old habit, kept ever since the time of the Roman Empire, the symbol being that through the 12 grapes you symbolize the sweetness of each month of the year to come. If you come here until January 5th, you get the chance to enjoy the Cabalgata de los Reyes Magos or the Parade of the Three Kings held both on dry land and on water, occasion on which you can see beautifully decorated boats and festive traditional costumes. The event is truly extravagant and offers tourists the opportunity to better know the Catalan tradition.
SHOPPING IN BARCELONA FOR CHRISTMAS, IN ONE OF THE MOST FAMOUS COMMERCIAL CENTERS OF THE CITY It's hard to say NO when it comes to shopping. Especially in Barcelona on Christmas time... Here there is the famous 5-kilometer line where you can find the biggest stores located in pedestrian areas precisely in order for the activity - extremely important to some - called shopping to be able to take place unhindered by traffic.
mai pentru ca ac]iunea - extrem de important\ pentru unii - numit\ shopping, s\ se desf\[oare ne`ngreunat din cauza traficului. Vitrinele se mândresc cu nume celebre ca Versace, Bally, Cartier, Armani, Calvin Klein, Valentino sau Burberry. Cele mai mari centre comerciale sunt El Corte Ingles [i Fnac, sub acoperi[ul c\rora ve]i g\si orice, de la pantofi, la haine luxoase de blan\ sau bijuterii. Alte magazine cu renume sunt Maremagnum, Centrul Comercial Glories, L’illa, Diagonal Mar [i La Rocca Village.
VIA}A DE NOAPTE ~N BARCELONA PENTRU TOATE GUSTURILE {I TOATE BUGETELE Restaurantele de pe Rambla sunt printre cele mai ofertante, dar cu toate astea destul de scumpe, pentru c\ aici se concentreaz\ marea mas\ a turi[tilor care poposesc la Barca. Foarte c\utate de turi[ti sunt restaurantele „all-you-can-eat”, unde o mas\ cost\ 13 euro pe Rambla [i `n jur de 10 euro `n Plaza Espagna. Un pahar mare de sangria poate costa `ntre 8 [i 9 euro, iar o caraf\ de vin potrivit\ 19 euro. Por]iile de paella sunt `ntre 10 [i 17 euro, aceast\ mâncare tradi]ional\ fiind foarte gustoas\ `n Barceloneta. De asemenea, o salat\ de ton poate costa 4 euro, iar una de pui, foarte delicioas\, 6,5 euro. Scoicile [i fructele de mare sunt `n jur de 8 pân\ la 10 euro, iar berea din baruri are pre]uri de la 2,50 pân\ la 4 euro.
Showcases pride in famous brands such as Versace, Bally, Cartier, Armani, Calvin Klein, Valentino or Burberry. The biggest commercial centers are El Corte Ingles and Fnac where you will find anything from shoes to luxury fur coats and jewels. Other renowned stores are the Maremagnum, Glories Commercial Center, L'illa, Diagonal Mar and La Rocca Village.
well as complete meals, extremely tasty. There are all sorts of bars and visitors can choose the pub depending on the budget they have available. Usually these places stay open until 2 or 3 at night and if they have the authorization, they can receive customers until as late as 5 in the morning. The most well-known are Bar Kasparo, Bar Bogado, Cafe de l 'Opera, Ra or English Oasis Cafe. For Christmas streets become crowded. Young people eager to get a place in the bars or clubs that vibrate with music and energy are scattered around the city and the noises that have priority are the beats of rock & roll, jazz or the Catalan ones, a combination of salsa and flamenco. Party loving tourists say that here for Christmas but also in the New Year's Eve life becomes vibrant, tumultuous and sparkling. It is a time when enthusiasm engulfs everybody.
NIGHTLIFE IN BARCELONA FOR ALL TASTES AND BUDGETS These lands yielded the expression "la vida loca"! The city is full of bars, clubs, pubs and cafes for any type of tourist coming here to have a taste of the nightlife of Barcelona. The most appreciated are the stylish, peaceful cafes offering a wide range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, as
M\d\lina R\coreanu
DESTINA}II DIN BARCELONA / Iarn\ 2012 - 2013 DESTINATIONS FROM BARCELONA / Winter 2012 - 2013 Destinations
Days of Operation Lu/Mo
RO Bucharest
Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip
Totul e str\lucitor, totul e proasp\t [i chiar dac\ ai motive s\ vizitezi Parisul `n orice zi din an, ei bine iarna, de S\rb\tori, `l vei cunoa[te altfel. Dac\ vei colinda str\zile sale de Cr\ciun, privind vitrinele, vei dezgropa basme uitate poate de mult\ vreme [i te vei sim]i ca-n paradis. Pentru c\ a[a e Parisul iarna, o urbe „condimentat\” cu frumuse]i de-a dreptul halucinante. DESTINA}II DIN PARIS / Iarn\ 2012 - 2013 DESTINATIONS FROM PARIS / Winter 2012 - 2013 Destinations
Days of Operation Lu/Mo
RO Bucharest RO Bac\u
• •
Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip
• •
Nยบ 17, December 2012 / February 2013
Everything is bright, everything is fresh and even if you have reasons to visit Paris in any day of the year, in winter, during the holidays, you will get to know it quite differently. If you walk its streets on Christmas, admire its showcases, you will dig up long forgotten fairy tales and feel as if in paradise. Because this is what Paris is like in winter, a city "spiced" with breathtaking beauty.
Moulin Rouge
LUMINILE DE CR|CIUN PE CHAMPS ELYSEES, FEERIA CE D| STARTUL S|RB|TORILOR Momentul `n care Parisul `mbrac\ haine de Cr\ciun `ncepe cu milioanele de lumini [i leduri aprinse pe marele bulevard Champs Elysees. Totul pulseaz\ [i creeaz\ iluzia ninsorii. De aceast\ noapte plin\ de lumini se vor bucura atât localnicii, cât [i turi[tii veni]i din toate col]urile lumii. Evenimentul are loc spre sfâr[itul lunii noiembrie, iar cei care sunt `n vizit\ prin Paris pot spune c\ nu au trecut pe aici f\r\ s\ simt\ m\car un pic din spiritul Cr\ciunului. Te va `nv\lui mirosul de Camembert, de croissante, lâng\ care vei asorta o cea[c\ de ceai fierbinte la un restaurant de pe malul stâng al Senei. Te po]i r\sf\]a `ntr-o lume de pl\ceri vinovate, a[a cum numai un parizian sau un turist adaptat la via]a de aici o poate face. Vei `nv\]a acolo arta de a zâmbi, arta de a gusta [i a degusta, arta de a atinge sau cea de a mânca din meniuri sofisticate, savuroase, cu o urm\ de rafinament pe care numai parizienii o au. Aici Ora[ul Luminilor `]i arat\ fa]a isoric\, iar La Rive Gauche ne aminte[te c\ `n acest loc au tr\it via]a lor boem\ intelectualii din Paris. Era cuibul studen]ilor, al filozofilor, dar [i cuibul marilor arti[ti sau scriitori. Numele lor sunt r\sun\toare - Camus, Jean Paul Sartre, Picasso, Modigliani, Matisse sau controversatul Henry Miller. Spiritul Cr\ciunului parc\ `i readuce la via]\, iar cu un minim de efort te po]i `ntoarce `n lumea fascinant\ pe care au tr\it-o.
Nº 17, December 2012 / February 2013
Atmosfera de s\rb\toare este amplificat\ `n capitala Fran]ei de târgurile de Cr\ciun, evident nelipsite din marile ora[e la final de noiembrie [i `n decembrie. Cel mai vast este târgul de pe Champs Elysees, care porne[te de la rondul Champs Elysees-Clemenceau [i se `ntinde pân\ la Place de la Concorde (Metro Concorde). Unul din boutique-urile renumite, unde se vând cele mai multe bun\t\]i specifice Cr\ciunului este Maison de l'Alsace, aflat pe acela[i bulevard, la num\rul 39. ~n celelalte cartiere ale ora[ului sunt inaugurate pie]ele L'Arche de Noel a la Defense, Place Saint Sulpice sau Place Saint Germain des Pres. Una dintre cele mai frumoase este Pia]a de Cr\ciun Disney Village, unde s\rb\torile devin parc\ desprinse din pove[ti, un loc ce se adreseaz\ mai ales copiilor. Pentru turi[tii sofistica]i, care doresc s\ se bucure de farmecul s\rb\torilor cheltuind bani mul]i pe cadouri scumpe, cel mai potrivit este târgul Lille, care abund\ `n magazine cu produse handmade [i prezen]a unor piese vestimentare ale caselor de mod\ celebre. Nu trebuie ocolite nici târgurile specializate pe delicatese fran]uze[ti, ca Metro Montparnasse Binevenue, din fa]a sta]iei de metrou Montparnasse, sau târgul amplasat `n cartierul Montmartre, lâng\ Metro Abbesses, unde sunt expuse spre vânzare antichit\]i pre]ioase.
The moment Paris dresses into the Chirstmas clothes begins with millions of lights and LEDs lit up on the grand Champs Élysées Boulevard. Everything pulses and creates the illusion of snow. This night bathed in lights will be enjoyed both by locals and by tourists from all corners of the world. The event is held in late December and those who are visiting Paris will feel even if for a little the Christmas spirit. You will be tempted by the smell of Camembert, croissants, which you can enjoy over a cup of hot tea in a restaurant on the left side of Seine. You can indulge into a world of guilty pleasures, such as only a Parisian or tourist adapted
to this life can. You will learn the art of smiling, the art of tasting, the art of touching or the art of eating sophisticated, delicious dishes, with a tint of refinement that only Parisians have. Here, the City of Lights reveals its historic side, and La Rive Gauche reminds that in this place once lived their lives the intellectual elite of Paris. It was the gathering place of students, philosophers, but also of great artists and writers. Their names speak for themselves - Camus, Jean Paul Sartre, Picasso, Modigliani, Matisse or the controversial Henry Miller. The Christmas spirit brings them back to life and with a bit of imagination you can go back to the fascinating world they lived in.
BLUEDESTINATION PARIS des Pres. One of the most beautiful ones if the Christmas Market of Disney Village, where holidays seem to be taken out from fairy tales, a place that is mostly addressed to children. For the sophisticated tourists who want to enjoy the charm of the holidays spending lots of money on expensive gifts, the best place is the Lille fair which is abundant in stores with handmade items and clothes belonging to famous brands. You shouldn't avoid the fairs specialized on French delicacies, such as Metro Montparnasse Bienvenue, in front of the metro station Montparnasse, or the fair located in Montmartre neighborhood, near Metro Abbesses, where precious antiquities are exhibited for sale.
Adul]ii privesc totul aici cu ochi de copil. Cei mici vin [i nu vor s\ mai plece... Anul Nou la Disneyland Paris este un loc magic, unde atmosfera de familie `mbinat\ cu distrac]ie la cote maxime, d\ un rezultat bun: o vacan]\ de vis! C\l\toria pe Main Street, un bulevard transformat `ntr-o ]ar\ a minunilor de iarn\, cu z\pad\ pe str\zi [i l\mpi sclipitoare, cu artificii deasupra Castelului Frumoasei din P\durea Adormit\, cu dimine]i lene[e `n prima zi din noul an sunt pl\cerile mari ale unui sejur la Disney Park. Aceasta este destina]ia perfect\ pentru familiile cu copii. Nu trebuie ratat\ `ntâlnirea cu starurile din desenele animate [i nici plimb\rile pe patinoar. Aventura `n zona La Vilette este minunat\! Aici exist\ un muzeu de [tiin]\ amplasat `n parcul public traversat de canalul Ourcq. Cel mai vizitat este Geode, domul de argint cu sistem de film IMAX, unde copiii, al\turi de p\rin]i pot vizualiza filme pe ecrane de zece ori mai mari decât cele normale. Alte splendori sunt Muzeul de Art\ din Africa [i Oceania, precum [i Târgul Colonial, care uime[te turi[tii cu basoreliefuri ce `nf\]i[eaz\ bog\]iile pe care Fran]a le-a ob]inut de la coloniile sale. Cel mai potrivit loc de cazare este Hotel Disneyland 5*. Decor `ncânt\tor `n stil victorian [i servicii la cel mai `nalt nivel. Este un loc lini[tit, unde turi[tii vor tr\i experien]a anilor 80', dup\ ce se `ntorc din
The holiday atmosphere is amplified in the French capital by the Christmas fairs which are held in all big cities in late November and all of December. The biggest is the fair on Champs Élysées which begins at the Champs Élysées-Clemenceau roundabout and stretches all the way to Place de la Concorde (Metro Concorde). One of the famous boutiques where they sell lots of delicacies specific for Christmas is Maison de l'Alsace, located on the boulevard with the same name at number 39. In the other neighborhoods of the city are inaugurated the piazzas L'Arche de Noel a la Defense, Place Saint Sulpice or Place Saint Germain
Here adults see everything with children's eyes. The little ones come here and don't ever want to go away. The New Year at Disneyland Paris is a magic place, where the family atmosphere combined with full grade entertainment produce good results: a dreamlike vacation! The trip on Main Street, a boulevard turned into a country of winter wonders, with snowy streets and bright lamps, with fireworks above the Sleeping Beauty, with lazy mornings on the day of the New Year are the grand pleasures of a vacation to Disney Park. This is the perfect destination for families with children. One must not miss the encounter with the cartoon figures, nor the walks on the skating ring. The adventure in the area of La Vilette is wonderful! Here there is a Science Museum located in the public park run across by the Ourcq canal. The most visited is the Geode, the silver dome with an IMAX film system, where children, next to
NÂş 17, December 2012 / February 2013
their parents, can watch movies on screens ten times the size of normal ones. Other splendors are the Museum of Art in Africa and Oceania, as well as the Colonial Fair which amaze tourists with bas-relief portraying the riches that France got from its colonies. The most suited accommodation spot is the Hotel Disneyland 5* which offers an enchanting scenery in Victorian style and services at the highest level. It is a peaceful place where tourists get to live the experience of the 80s after returning from the very noisy parks. Breakfast and tea are served at the Castle Club and when at tables, tourists are greeted by characters of the Disney world. The most beautiful restaurant is "Inventions" and the company of Mickey Mouse or of the beautiful Snow White is ever present.
THE WORLD OF CAFES ON MONTMARTRE IS BURSTING WITH LIFE ON CHRISTMAS A Christmas stroll without destination through Montmartre could be the perfect relaxation recipe for a tourist to Paris, for a vacation in a city subject to so many stereotypes. It is the neighborhood where, especially for the holidays, you are greeted by a bohemian world with jazz tunes, the frenzy of fairs and souvenirs, ambulant actors, Santa Clauses telling untold stories. Here, the boutiques located in key spots, are an opportunity for anyone to buy anything. These are the favorite spots of shopping fans! It is the neighborhood where cafes entice you to taste the best coffee in the world, as well as cocktails with sophisticated names and divine taste, the effect being that you only want to
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TOP OBIECTIVE TURISTICE DIN PARIS • Moulin Rouge, cabaret celebru, locul `n care a luat na[tere forma modern\ a dansului can-can. Ast\zi Moulin Rouge este un obiectiv turistic de seam\, ce ofer\ dans [i divertisment tuturor celor care `i calc\ pragul.
• Bulevardul Champs Elisees cunoscut `n Fran]a sub numele de "La plus belle avenue du monde" (Cel mai frumos bulevard din lume), care se `ntinde de la Pia]a
Concorde pân\ la Arcul de Triumf. • Turnul Eiffel, locul care `[i trage numele de la designer-ul s\u Gustave Eiffel, cea mai `nalt\ cl\dire din Paris, cu peste 200 de milioane de vizitatori, de la inaugurarea lui `n 1889.
• Domul Invalizilor,
opulente castele din `ntreaga lume, cu peste 2100 de ferestre, 1250 de [eminee [i 67 de sc\ri interioare.
• Muzeul Luvru, cel mai vizitat muzeu de art\ din lume, un monument plin de `nc\rc\tur\ istoric\ [i un muzeu na]ional al Fran]ei.
• Arcul de Triumf,
unde se afl\ cenu[a celui o construc]ie-monument mai mare geniu militar francare a fost `n\l]at peste cez Napoleon (1769-1821) . r\m\[i]ele unui soldat ne• Palatul Versailles, cunoscut mort la datorie unul dintre cele mai mari [i `n Primul R\zboi Mondial.
cele dou\ parcuri extrem de g\l\gioase. Micul dejun [i ceaiul sunt servite la Castle Club, iar la mese turi[tii sunt `ntâmpina]i de personaje din lumea Disney. Cel mai frumos restaurant este „Inventions”, iar compania lui Mickey Mouse sau a frumoasei Alba ca Z\pada este nelipsit\.
LUMEA CAFENELELOR DIN MONTMARTRE E PLIN| DE VIA}| ~N TIMPUL CR|CIUNULUI Un hoin\rit de Cr\ciun f\r\ destina]ie prin Montmartre ar putea fi relaxarea total\ a unui turist venit `n Paris, pentru un sejur `ntr-un ora[ supus atâtor cli[ee. Este cartierul unde, mai ales de s\rb\tori, e[ti `ntâmpinat de o lume boem\, de acorduri de jazz, de frenezia zonei, de târguri cu suveniruri, de actori ambulan]i, de Mo[i Cr\ciuni care vorbesc monosilabic... Aici, boutique-urile postate `n locuri cheie, de unde oricine poate cump\ra orice sunt preferatele turi[tilor dornici de cump\r\turi. Este cartierul `n care cafenelele te `ncurajeaz\ s\ gu[ti poate cea mai bun\ cafea din lume, dar [i cocktail-uri cu nume sofisticate [i gust divin, cu efect care te ]inte[te `n repaos al\turi de prieteni vechi sau abia `ntâlni]i. Aici, de Cr\ciun, tonul devine vesel, iar râsul s\n\tos, iar dac\ te-ai sim]it vreodat\ singur, sentimentul acesta e anihilat `ntr-o cafenea din Montmartre. Cartierul arti[tilor ridic\ lent un v\l... Un v\l al istoriei. ~n majoritatea pere]ilor din cafenele descoperi pl\ci memoriale cu numele arti[tilor care au fost cândva clien]i fideli.
A TOP OF TOURIST ATTRACTIONS IN PARIS • Moulin Rouge, a famous cabaret, the place where the modern form of the can-can dance took shape. Today Moulin Rouge is an important tourist objective, thrilling with dances and entertainment all those who venture in. • The Champs Élysées Boulevard,
de la Concorde all the way to the Arch of Triumph.
biggest and most opulent castles in the world, with • The Eiffel Tower, more than 2,100 windows, the place that takes its name 1,250 fireplaces and 67 intefrom its designed Gustave rior staircases. • The Louver, in most Eiffel, the tallest building in Paris, with more than 200 visited arts museum of the million visitors as of inaugu- world, a monument full of ration, held in 1889. historic significance and the national museum of France. • Dôme des
where the ashes of the known in France by the phrase "La plus belle avenue greatest French military gedu monde" (The most beau- nius Napoleon lies. tiful boulevard in the world) • The Palace of Versailles, one of the which stretches from Place
sit back with old or new friends. Here, for Christmas, the tone of the voice becomes cheerful, the laughter vigorous, and if you ever
• The Arch of Triumph, a monument-
building that was erected on the remains of an unknown soldier dead on duty during the First World War.
feel lonely, this feeling is annihilated in a cafe in Montmartre. The artists' neighborhood slowly lifts the veil... The veil of history. On
Nº 17, December 2012 / February 2013
„Le Consulat” este localul `n care Van Gogh obi[nuia s\ ia masa, dar [i localul unde a fost turnat filmul lui Woody Allen - “Everybody says I love you”. Aici se afl\ cel mai vechi cabaret din Paris, „Au Lapin Agile”, al c\rui nume provine de la o pictur\ umoristic\ a lui Andre Gill, cu un iepure care sare peste o crati]\ ce fierbe. Cabaretul era frecventat de Renoir, Picasoo, dar [i de poe]ii Apollinaire [i Paul Verlaine. Peisajul din strad\, din cartierul Montmartre, mai ales `n s\rb\torile de iarn\ este str\lucitor. Podoabe, lumini la geamurile cafenelelor, lumân\ri, socializare, cafea sorbit\ cu pove[ti vechi, istorisite de oamenii locului `n fa]a turi[tilor din toat\ lumea. Dintre cafenelele celebre se disting Cafe de Flore, Les Deux Magots, Café des Deux Moulins, toate cu decoruri aproape neschimbate de mai bine de un secol, ce p\streaz\ amintirea unor personaje celebre care le-au trecut pragul.
most walls of the cafes you will discover memorial plates with the names of the artists who once were loyal clients. „Le Consulat” is the place where Van Gogh used to dine, as well as the place where Woody Allen's „Everybody says I love you” was shot. This is where the oldest cabaret house in Paris is, „Au Lapin Agile”, the name of which comes from a humor painting of Andre Gil, a rabbit that jumps over a boiling pot. The cabaret was be visited by Renoir, Picasso, but also by poets like Apollinaire and Paul Verlaine. The street landscape
in the Montmartre neighborhood is bright, especially during the winter holidays. Jewels, lights on cafe windows, candles, socializing, coffee enjoyed with old stories told by locals in front of tourists from all over the world. Of the famous cafes the most distinguished are Cafe de Flore, Les Deux Magots, Café des Deux Moulins, all with sceneries almost unchanged for well over a century, maintaining the memory of famous characters who once set foot inside.
Stelu]a N\stase
Nº 17, December 2012 / February 2013
A [tiut mereu s\ ri[te atunci când a fost cazul [i a câ[tigat. A [tiut s\ parieze pe num\rul câ[tig\tor [i iat\ c\ afacerile pe care le dezvolta de 21 ani incoace sunt `n continuare prospere. Nicu[or Stan este unul dintre oamenii de afaceri din România care a [tiut s\ treac\ peste criza financiar\ men]inându-[i afacerile pe profit.
He always knew to risk when necessary and won. He knew to bet on the winning number and look, the business he has been developing for 21 years are still prosperous. Nicusor Stan is one of the businessmen in Romania who knew to pass over the financial crisis, keeping his business on profit.
ACASA, LA AMBASAD'OR HOME, AT AMBASAD'OR I-am adresat domniei sale câteva `ntreb\ri, din ale c\ror r\spunsuri sper\m s\ `nv\]\m cum putem intra `n lumea business-ului, [i cum ne putem men]ine pe o linie cresc\toare. Se `ncheie `nc\ un an, tragem linie [i ne evalu\m realiz\rile. Ce pute]i spune despre anul 2012, din punctul dumneavoastr\ de vedere? Anul acesta pentru noi a fost un an bun având `n vedere c\ mul]i al]ii au fost nevoi]i chiar s\ `[i `nchid\ afacerile `n timp ce noi evolu\m. Am reu[it s\ `mi men]in pozi]ia `n pia]a organizatorilor de evenimente atât prin raportul calitate pre], cât [i prin evolu]ia ofertelor destinate clien]ilor. Dup\ p\rerea mea, este foarte important s\ iei contact permanent cu cerin]ele [i nevoile oamenilor, pentru c\ `n definitiv pentru ei muncim – pentru a le oferi evenimentul privat mult visat. Vorbi]i despre evolu]ie, `ntr-o pia]\ unde managerii investesc extrem de precaut. La ce fel de evolu]ie v\ referi]i? Investesc `n afacerea mea din fiecare profit, deoarece f\r\ investi]ie nu po]i avea continuitate. Este adevarat c\ e greu, dar efortul merit\ din plin. Consider c\ investi]iile mele m-au ajutat s\ am un an bun, ba mai mult decat atât
s\ `mi extind afacerea cu locul de joac\ pentru copii, pe care urmeaz\ s\ `l inaugurez pân\ de Cr\ciun. Ce a[tept\ri au [i care sunt cele mai exigente cerin]e ale clien]ilor care v\ calc\ pragul? Oamenii sunt foarte diferi]i [i `[i doresc ca evenimentul lor s\ fie perfect. Noi interac]ion\m personal cu fiecare client `n parte, pentru a `n]elege exact de ce are nevoie [i pentru a-i personaliza evenimentul ca acesta s\ ias\ a[a cum [i-a dorit. Acesta a fost unul dintre motivele principale pentru care am deschis Ambasad’Or Play. Copii cu vârste pân\ `n 16 ani au nevoie de un spa]iu al lor, special amenajat [i organizat pentru astfel de petreceri. ~n incinta Ambasad’Or Events le-am organizat de fiecare dat\ un col]i[or al lor, mai mic sau mai mare `n func]ie de natura evenimentului, `ns\ de acum, au propriul lor Ambasad’Or, Ambasad’Or Play C\rui target v\ adresa]i cu acest nou loc de joac\ [i ce v\ face s\ crede]i c\ va avea acela[i succes ca [i Ambasad’Or Events Am p\strat exclusivismul cu care ne-am obi[nuit clien]ii [i ne dorim s\ `i avem ca [i clien]i `n primul rând pe copii celor care [i-au petrecut cele mai impor-
I asked Him a few questions, of which answers we hope to learn how we may enter in the business world, and how can we maintain ourselves on an ascending line. One more year is finishing, we draw the line and evaluate our realizations. What can you tell about the 2012 year from your point of view? This year was a good year to us, taking into account that many others had even to close their business while we evolve. I was able to keep my position on the market of event organizations, both by the quality price report, and by the evolution of the offers for clients. In my opinion, it is very important you stay permanently in touch with the people's requirements and needs, because we are finally working for them - to offer them the so long dreamed on private event. You talk about evolution, on a market where the managers invest extremely cautioned. What kind of evolution you refer to? I invest in my business by each profit, because without the investment, you can't have a continuity. It is true that it's difficult, but the efforts entirely deserves its effort. I think that my investments
helped me to have a good year, and moreover than that, to extend my business with the playing place for children, which I am to inaugurate by Christmas. What expectances do they have and which are the most exigent requirements of the clients who crossed over your threshold? People are very different and they want that their event to be perfect. We are personally interacting with each and every client, to understand exactly what they need and to personalize the event for this is as they wished to be. This was one of the main reasons which for we opened Ambasad'Or Play. Children of up to 16 years need a space of themselves, especially arranged and organized for such parties. In the Ambasad'Or Events precinct, we organized them every time a corner of them, smaller or larger, depending on the kind of event, but since now, they have their own Ambasad'Or, Ambasad'Or Play Which target you address to by this new place for fun and what makes you believe that it will have the same success like Ambasad'Or Events I kept the exclussivism we have familiarized our clients with and we wish to have mainly the children who spent their most
tante momente din via]a lor, `n Ambasad’Or Events. Pentru acea[tia am construit locul de joac\ pe 4 nivele, cu tematici diferite, pentru vârste diferite. Copiii pot intra `n lumea basmelor, `n lumea desenelor animate [i `n lumea jocurilor de ultim\ genera]ie, pe care le iubesc. Ne mândrim cu o echip\ de profesioni[ti care au ales cu mare aten]ie jocurile, astfel `ncât am eliminat comportamentul agresiv sau jocurile declarate daun\toare pentru o dezvoltare proprie, psihic\ [i fizic\. Pentru construc]ia [i echiparea locului de joac\ am beneficiat de consultan]\ de specialitate din toate domeniile importante, ca de exemplu: arhitectur\, psihologie infantil\, pedagogie etc.
Ce v-a]i propus s\ aduce]i nou fa]\ de celelalte locuri de joac\ pentru copii? ~n primul rând o ofert\ `mbatabila, din punct de vedere al raportului calitate pre]. Apoi, locul de joac\ este cel mai bine dotat [i utilat, fa]\ de celelalte existente pe pia]\, p\str\m exclusivismul [i glamour-ul cu care ne-am obi[nuit clie]ii [i astfel suntem siguri c\ pe lâng\ cei fideli, vom avea din ce `n ce mai mul]i noi clie]i atra[i de petrecerile la care au participat `n loca]iile noastre, `n calitate de invita]i. Nu exist\ reclam\ mai bun\ decât m\rturia unui eveniment reu[it. Cum arat\ luna decembrie la Ambasad'Or? Plin\. Suntem rezerva]i pentru petrecerile de sfâr[it de an ale
important moments of their lives, as clients, at Ambasad'Or Events. We built the place for fun on 4 levels for them, with different themes, for different ages. The children may come in the world of stories, in the animated world and in the world of last generation games, which they love. We are proud of a professional team, who has very carefully chosen the games, so that we removed the aggressive behavior or the damaging games, for their own development, psychical and physical. For the construction and equipment of the place for fun, I benefitted of specialization advisory from all the important fields, like: architecture, infantile psychology, teaching, etc.
What have you proposed to bring as novelty towards the other places for fun for children? First, a crushing offer, from the point of view of the quality price report. Then, the place for fun is the best endowed and machined, compared to the other existent on the market, we keep the exclussivism and glamour we have been accustomed our clients and this way we are sure that besides the loyal ones, we will have more and more new clients, attracted by the parties they participated in our places, as guests. There is no better advertisement than the witness of a successful event.
Nº 17, December 2012 / February 2013
celor mai importante companii na]ionale [i multina]ionale. Fiind `n post,nu avem nun]i, `ns\ p\str\m tradi]iile, iar `n ziua de Cr\ciun vom avea un brunch deosebit, dedicat tuturor celor care nu mai doresc s\ stea acasa `n aceast\ zi frumoas\ [i nu mai doresc s\ `[i piard\ timpul g\tind sau fiind gazda pentru invita]i [i familie. La noi, pot fi gazdele perfecte [i le pot oferi invitatilor atât un meniu tradi]ional cât [i unul special, `nso]it de b\uturi fine [i muzic\ de calitate. Personal, mi se pare cel mai potrivit mod de a petrece ziua de Cr\ciun, p\strând totodat\ [i tradi]ia de a lua masa `n familie.
Ce i-a]i sf\tui pe tinerii antreprenori, care isi doresc sa deschida o afacere azi? Sa `[i fac\ un plan de afaceri pe urmatorii 5 ani, minimum. Filozofia investitorului român este aceea a imbog\]irii peste noapte, fapt care nu doar c\ nu este realizabil, este chiar re]eta sigur\ a falimentului. Profitul nu apare niciodat\ peste noapte,
Contact: Adresa/Adress: E-mail: Telefon/Phone: Website: Facebook:
Str. Aromei, nr. 96, sector 2, Bucure[ti office@ambasador-play.ro 0728700334/0728700336 www.ambasador-play.ro http://www.facebook.com/AmbasadOrPlay
How is December at Ambasad'Or? Full. We are reserved for the parties of the end of year of the most important national and multi-national companies. Being on duty, we don't have weddings, but we keep the traditions, and on Christman we will have a special brunch, designed to all those who don't want to stay home on that
beautiful day and don't want to spare their time anymore cooking or being a host for guests and family. At us, they may be the perfect hosts and may offer their guests both a traditional menu and a special one, accompanied by fine drinks and qualitative music. I, personally, consider that it is the best way to spend the Christman day, keeping the tradition of having lunch in the family, at the same time. What would you advise the young contractors, who want to open a business nowadays? To make a business plan for the following 5 years, minimum. The philosophy of Romanian investor is of enriching by night, fact that is not just impossible, but also the safe receipt of bankruptcy. The profit does never appear by night, or without a prior investment.
Nº 17, December 2012 / February 2013
sau f\r\ o investi]ie prealabil\. Trebuie s\ [tii ce vrei, s\ [tii cum se poate ob]ine acest lucru [i s\ ai un minim de investi]ie. Este o re]et\ grea, dar sigur\. ~n orice caz, statisticile spun c\ pentru a afla re]eta succesului trebuie s\ dai faliment cel pu]in o dat\ `n via]\. Eu zic c\ statisticile se mai [i in[eal\ [i c\ trebuie s\ fii hot\rât [i perseverent, pân\ când `]i atingi obiectivul. Sunte]i tat\l unui b\iat [i a dou\ feti]e. Ce drum i-a]i sf\tui pe copii dumneavoastr\ s\ aleag\ din punctul de vedere al carierei? Deocamdat\ sunt mici, `ns\ [tiu sigur c\ Alex va fi un lider excelent. Reu[e[te s\ organizeze echipele din Ambasad’Or chiar [i acum – atunci când `[i dore[te ceva, mobilizeaz\ pe toat\ lumea pân\ când ob]ine acel „ceva”. Are un caracter puternic [i asta m\ face s\ cred c\ `i va fi u[or s\ reu[easc\ `n via]\. Feti]ele sunt `nc\ prea mici ca s\ ne gândim la asta, `ns\ eu `mi doresc s\ `i implic `n activit\]i din care s\ fie r\spl\ti]i `nc\ de la 16 ani. Mi-am propus, ca `n vacan]e, s\ le dau oportunitatea s\ munceasc\, pentru a aprecia
valoarea muncii [i a câ[tigurilor pentru care au depus eforturi. Ce planuri aveti de sarbatori? Sarbatorile le voi petrece acasa, la Ambasad'Or :), unde v\ a[tept [i pe dumneavoastr\ s\ petrecem `mpreun\. Nic\ieri nu e mai bine ca acas\ [i, anul acesta, ca `n fiecare an, vom s\rb\torii autentic române[te dar `n stilul Ambasad’Or. Sper s\ avem [i z\pad\ de Cr\ciun, dac\ nu, cel pu]in de Revelion. ~mi place ca fiecare sezon s\ `[i pastreze frumuse]ea [i natura sa ne ofere ce are ea mai frumos, pentru a ne bucura din plin de spectacolul ei.
You have to know what you want, to know how this can be obtained and have a minimum of investment. It is a difficult, but safe receipt. However, the statistics say that in order to find the success receipt, you have to be bankrupted for at least once in your life. I say that the statistics are sometimes wrong and that you must be decided and perseverent, until you reach your goal. You are the father a one boy and two girls. What road would you advice your children to choose from the carrier point of view? They are small yet, but I know for sure that Alex will be an excel-
lent leader. He realizes to organize the teams of Ambasad'Or even now - when he wants something, he mobilizes all until he obtains that "something". He has a strong character and that makes me believe that he will not have difficulties to success in life. The girls are too small, yet, to think about that, but I want to involve them in the activities whereby to be rewarded yet from 16 years old. I proposed myself, that during the holidays, to give them the opportunity to work, to appreciate the value of labor and of the earnings which for they made efforts. What plans do you have on holidays? The holidays I will spend home, at Ambasad'Or :), where I am waiting for you, too, to have fun together. Nowhere is better than home and, this year, like every year, we will celebrate authentically Romanian, but in the Ambasad'Or style. I hope to have snow for Christmas, too, if not, at least for the New Year Eaves. I like that every season to keep its beauty and the nature offer us what it has most beautiful, to fully enjoy its show.
Flavia Covaciu
Ora[ul medieval este un mare cavaler care `[i r\sfa]\ oaspe]ii, indiferent de sezon. Te a[teapt\ voie bun\ `n atelierul lui Mo[ Cr\ciun, ritualuri cu m\[ti care aduc noroc, bun\t\]i cu specific s\sesc [i destindere la SPA, mixul perfect pentru s\rb\tori.
DESTINA}II DIN/C|TRE SIBIU / Iarn\ 2012 - 2013 DESTINATIONS FROM/TO SIBIU / Winter 2012 - 2013 Destinations
Days of Operation Lu/Mo
DE Stuttgart
Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip
The medieval town is like an oversized knight spoiling his guests, regardless of the season. Santa's workshop awaits you with good mood, rituals with masks that bring good luck, delicacies of Saxon specificity and SPA relaxation, the perfect blend for the holidays
Fortifica]iile medievale, bisericile gotice, cl\dirile renascentiste [i elegantele palate baroce dau un [arm deosebit Sibiului, transformându-l `n acela[i timp `ntr-un obiectiv de patrimoniu cultural de `nalt rang. Centrul istoric este u[or de explorat, trebuie doar s\ te la[i `n voia pa[ilor `n Ora[ul de Sus, pe strada Nicolae B\lcescu, denumit\ de localnici „Corso”; s\ te plimbi printre [irurile de case de secolul XIX, cedând ispitei `ntr-una din numeroasele cafenele, ber\rii sau pizzerii. Pia]a Mare, animat\ de dou\ fântâni [i `nconjurat\ de cl\diri din perioada Rena[terii este loca]ia multor manifest\ri culturale, dar [i un loc de `ntâlnire [i promenad\. Podul Minciunilor, simbolul Sibiului, este considerat un loc romantic, unde `[i d\deau `ntâlnire `ndr\gosti]ii, de[i pe seama acestuia circul\ cel pu]in patru legende. B\trânii locului `i atribuiau „tr\s\turi“ umane. Ei spuneau c\ podul „simte“ fiecare neadev\r rostit de cei care `l str\bat [i `ncepe s\ scâr]âie amenin]\tor. O alt\ poveste spune c\ studen]ii de la Academia Militar\, dup\ ce furau inimile junelor naive le promiteau `ntâlniri sub clar de lun\, de care uitau. Dedic\ o zi [i Palatului Brukenthal, cel mai mare muzeu din sudestul Europei, fosta re[edin]\ a baronului Samuel Von Brukenthal, guvernator al Transilvaniei. Ai de explorat camere dedicate antichit\]ii cu temple `chinate zeilor, camere cu expozi]ii din Evul Mediu, Muzeul Farmaciei, g\zduit de o cl\dire `n care a func]ionat prima farmacie de pe teritoriul ]\rii noastre. O alt\ pies\ de rezisten]\ a muzeului este biblioteca cu volume ale M\n\stirii dominicane [i ale patricienilor sibieni. Dac\ vremea e frumoas\, viziteaz\ Muzeul Satului, `n aer liber, cu un lac imens, mori de ap\ [i poduri plutitoare.
ATELIERUL LUI MO{ CR|CIUN LA TÂRGUL DE LA SIBIU Peste 65 de c\su]e, bradul frumos `mpodobit [i ieslea sculptat\ din lemn te a[teapt\ la Târgul de Cr\ciun de la Sibiu, deschis `n perioada 24 noiembrie – 26 decembrie. ~n fiecare an, acest eveniment recreeaz\ atmosfera de lini[te [i bucurie specific\ Cr\ciunului [i te invit\ s\ descoperi bun\t\]ile din c\su]ele comercian]ilor, s\ cân]i [i s\ dansezi al\turi de arti[ti. Turt\ dulce, castane coapte, gula[ [i mânc\ruri tradi]ionale argentiniene, toate servite `n c\su]ele „vegheate“ de bradul `nalt de 25 de metri. Surpriza de anul acesta este Atelierul lui Mo[ Cr\ciun, unde cei mici vor `nv\]a lucruri noi [i vor putea fi creativi realizând, cu mânu]ele lor, diverse cadouri. ~n atelierul Micul Brutar vor prepara aluatul [i vor deprinde secretele mae[trilor brutari, care le vor d\rui o diplom\, precum [i un [or] cu bonet\ de Mici brutari ai Târgului de Cr\ciun din Sibiu. ~n Atelierul de decorat turt\ dulce se vor `ntrece pentru a crea cele mai frumoase turte dulci, iar `n Atelierul de f\cut lumân\ri, copii vor `nv\]a cum se fabric\ lumân\rile [i vor crea o lumânare deosebit\, dup\ imagina]ia lor. Anul acesta va fi amplasat\ o nou\ c\su]\ pentru iesle, mai mare decât cea de anul trecut, cu un loc special pentru animale vii, unde copiii vor avea acces. ~n apropierea ieslei [i a bradului, va fi amplasat\ o scen\ de dimensiuni mici pentru grupurile de colind\tori care vin s\ `nveseleasc\ Sibiul.
CALENDARUL CEPEI {I URSITA FETELOR La vest de Sibiu, o salb\ de sate române[ti - c\rora le-a priit de minune aerul civiliza]iei s\se[ti - alc\tuie[te cea ce se nume[te de secole `ncoace „M\rginimea Sibiului“. Printre cele mai vestite a[ez\ri
The medieval fortifications, the Gothic churches, Renaissance buildings and the elegant Baroque palaces confer a special appeal to Sibiu, turning it into a high-ranking objective of cultural patrimony. The historic center is easy to explore, you just have to let your steps guide you through the Upper Town, on Nicolae Balcescu Street, dubbed by locals "Corso"; you have to take a stroll among the rows of houses of the 19th century, giving in to the temptation to go into one of the numerous cafes, beerhouses or pizza houses. The Grand Square, animated by two fountains and
surrounded by buildings from the Renaissance period, is the place for many cultural events, as well as a place to have a leisurely walk. The Bridge of Lies, the symbol of Sibiu, is considered a romantic place, where lovers would meet, although at least four legends exist surrounding this place. The elderly used to assign human "traits" to it. They said that the bridge "feels" each lie that is uttered by those crossing it and that it squeaks horribly because of that. Another story has it that students from the Military Academy, after making young and naive dames fall in love with them and
Nº 17, December 2012 / February 2013
promising to meet them under the clear moon, they would simply forget about it. Take a day to go to Palace Brukenthal, the biggest museum in South-Eastern Europe, the former residence of Baron Samuel Von Brukenthal, former governor of Transylvania. You have to explore the rooms dedicated to the antiquity with temples erected for the gods, rooms with exhibitions from the Middle Ages, Pharmacy Museum, hosted by a building where the first pharmacy in Romania ever existed. Another pièce de résistance of the museum is the library of the Dominican monastery and of the patricians of Sibiu. If weather allows it, visit the Village Museum in open air, with a huge lake, watermills and floating bridges.
SANTA'S WORKSHOP AT THE FAIR IN SIBIU More than 65 houses, the nicely decorated Christmas tree and the manger sculpted from
wood await at the Christmas Fair in Sibiu, open during November 24th - December 26th. Each year, this event recreates the atmosphere of peace and joy specific to Christmas and invites you to discover the delicacies in the merchants' houses, to sing and dance along with artists. Gingerbread, baked chestnuts, goulash and traditional Argentinean foods, all served in the huts "towered" by the 25-meter tall Christmas tree. This year's surprise is Santa's Workshop, where the little ones will learn new things and be able to get creative by making their own presents. In the Little Baker's workshop the dough is going to be prepared and children will learn the secrets of master chefs who will award diplomas, as well as an apron and hood as Little bakers of the Sibiu Christmas Fair. In the Gingerbread decoration workshop, children will compete to make the most beautiful gingerbreads and in the Candle-
Foto: turistintransilvania.ro
sunt S\li[te, Sibiel, Tilisca, R\[inari, Poiana Sibiului, Miercurea Sibiului. Cele mai importante obiceiuri ale m\rginenilor se redescoper\ cu prilejul s\rb\torilor de iarn\: „Colindatul feciorilor“ [i „Ceata junilor“, dar [i dansurile b\rb\te[ti precum C\lu[arii, Brâul [i Sârba. S\rb\torile ]in 12 zile, din Ajunul Cr\ciunului pâna la celebrarea Sfântului Ion. La eveniment particip\ tot satul, de[i colind\ doar copiii [i fl\c\ii strân[i `n cete. Vor intra `n biseric\ `n ziua de Cr\ciun, vor merge la concertele de colinde, iar a doua zi vor dansa `n fa]a bisericii, `mpodobi]i, ca de s\rb\toare. Patru zile dup\ Cr\ciun, toate cetele se reunesc `ntr-una din marile s\rbatori ale M\rginimii, `ntâlnirea Jocurilor. Se cânt\ [i se joac\ `n hor\, iar perechea aleas\ s\ comande (judele junilor [i judeceasa), mul]ume[te cetelor unite. Este o manifestare de unitate, `n care tinerii `[i `nt\resc leg\turile dintre ei. Unii dintre localnici `nc\ mai respect\ tradi]iile [i cred c\ `n noaptea de Anul Nou umbl\ norocul pe drum. De aceea, nimeni nu `nchide por]ile casei ca s\ poata intra norocul la ei. Agricultorii fac calendarul cu ceap\ pentru a vedea ce luni sunt ploioase, iar fetele recurg la diferite supersti]ii pentru a-[i afla ursita.
light workshop, children will learn how candles are made and they will make a special candle by their own imagination. This year a new house will be brought for the manger, bigger than last year, with a special place for live animals and where children will have access to. In the vicinity of the manger and of the Christmas tree will be placed a small-size stage for the groups of carol singers who come to cheer up Sibiu.
THE ONION CALENDAR AND THE FATE OF GIRLS West of Sibiu, a chain of Romanian villages - which seemed to have enjoyed the air of Saxon civilization - makes up what has been
called for centuries "Marginimea Sibiului". The most notorious settlements are Saliste, Sibiel, Tilisca, Rasinari, Poiana Sibiului, Miercurea Sibiului. The most important habits of the locals are unraveled during the winter holidays: "Carol singing for lads" and "The youth gang", as well as the manly dances such as the Calusarii, Braul and Sarba. The holidays go on for 12 days, from Christmas Eve to the celebration of Saint John. The entire village partakes in the event, although only the children and blokes packed in gangs sing carols. They will go to church on Chirstmas, they will go to carol singing concerts and the second day they will dance in front of the
Nยบ 17, December 2012 / February 2013
church, dressed up for the holiday. Four days after Christmas, all the gangs reunite for one of the great holidays of Marginimea, the Encounter of Games. People sing and dance in a circle and the pair chosen to lead (the judge of the lads and the judge of the young ladies) thanks the united gangs. It is a manifestation of unity, in which the young ones can strengthen their relations. Some of the locals still stand by this tradition and believe that on the night of the New Year's Eve one can stumble across good luck as it walks down the street. That is why nobody locks the gates of their houses, so that good fortune can enter; farmers make the onion calendar in order to see which months are going to be rainy, and girls try various superstitions to find what is in store for them.
BROAD HOLIDAY On December 28th in Chirpar village, near Sibiu, people attend a cheerful holiday. The suite symbolizes the handover of the guild crate to the new leaders and apprentices, accompanied by characters in funny costumes, called "broads", who protect the crates. The groups are made up of women, men and children, and the peak point is represented by the moment when all participants put down their masks. By snaps and the noise of the bells, they cast away evil spirits. After the show, the broads go from house to house where they serve them wine, cabbage rolls and donuts, partying until morning.
OCNA SIBIULUI, THE SPA CENTER OF ARDEAL Also called the "Ardeal shoreline", the tourist resort is situated 17 km away from Sibiu and it has lots of saline lakes. The old salt mines, filled with water, became lakes used for therapy purposes and balneary treatments. The natural factors of treatment are the water of salty lakes, trapped heat, the fossil sapropelic mud, mineral waters and the moderate climate. Thanks to these elements, Ocna Sibiu is a place where
BLUEDESTINATION SIBIU S|RB|TOAREA LOLELOR Pe 28 decembrie `n comuna Chirp\r, lâng\ Sibiu, asist\ la o s\rb\toare vesel\. Alaiul simbolizeaz\ `nmânarea l\zii de breasl\ noilor conduc\tori [i calfelor, fiind `nso]i]i de personaje costumate comic, numite „lole“, care protejeaz\ l\zile. Grupurile sunt formate din femei, b\rba]i [i copii, iar punctul culminant este reprezentat de ridicarea m\[tilor tuturor participan]ilor. Prin pocnete [i zgomotul t\l\ngilor, ei alung\ spiritele rele. Dup\ spectacol, lolele merg pe la case, unde sunt servite cu vin, sarmale [i gogo[i, petrecând pân\ diminea]\.
they treat illnesses of locomotion, rheumatism dysfunctions, dysfunctions of the nervous and gynecologic system. Healing comes from a room which is totally shrouded in darkness in which steam is released with a nice and soothing smell. If you have no health issues, you can benefit from the SPA center with interior pool, Jacuzzi, sauna and massage.
OCNA SIBIULUI, CENTRUL SPA AL ARDEALULUI Denumit\ [i „Litoralul Ardealului“, sta]iunea turistic\ este situat\ la 17 km distan]\ de Sibiu [i dispune de numeroase lacuri saline. Vechile mine de sare, umplute cu ap\ au devenit lacuri folosite `n scop terapeutic, `n curele balneare. Factorii naturali de tratament sunt, a[adar, apa lacurilor s\rate, heliotermia, n\molul sapropelic fosil, apele minerale [i climatul moderat. Gra]ie acestora, la Ocna Sibiului se pot trata boli ale aparatului locomotor, afec]iuni reumatismale, ale sistemului nervos [i ginecologic. Vindecarea vine dintr-o camer\ aflat\ `n bezn\ total\ `n care sunt elibera]i aburi cu un miros pl\cut [i relaxant. Dac\ nu ai vreo problem\ de s\n\tate, po]i profita de centrul de SPA cu piscin\ interioar\, jacuzzi, saun\ [i masaj.
RÂ{NOV – LEGENDE MEDIEVALE La 143 km de Sibiu, Râ[novul `]i propune o incursiune prin locuri `n care legende romantice cu cavaleri [i prin]ese sunt reconstituite `n cetatea medieval\, muzica istoriei se aude `n bisericile ora[ului, iar aerul curat, lini[tea, mâncarea bun\ te `ntâmpin\ `n pensiuni. Viziteaz\ Cetatea Râ[nov bine p\zit\ de o gard\ care impresioneaz\ prin costuma]ia de secol XVII. Toat\ frumuse]ea locului poate fi admirat\ prin binoclul existent `n cetate, iar la `n\l]ime, `ntr-un loc special amenajat, vei vedea Mun]ii Bucegi, Piatra Craiului [i Depresiunea Bra[ovului.
RASNOV MEDIEVAL LEGENDS 143 km away from Sibiu, Rasnov proposes an incursion through places where romantic
Stelu]a N\stase
FLASH INFO Climate: Sibiu is located in an area of moderate continental climate, the temperatures being influenced by the mountains in the vicinity. Winters are safe from heavy blizzards, springs are beautiful, summers are chill and autumns long. In December the lowest temperature is only 3OC. Ideal destination for: culture, relaxation, traditions, ski.
Cuisine specialties: Deer bourguignon in slightly spicy pastry - deer stew with vegetables, served in a dough "plate"; Saxon chicken specialty made of chicken and baked potatoes - chicken breast cubes with vegetables and white sauce, next to potatoes baked in oven, with bacon and garlic; Beans soup in bread loaf, Gura Raului Cake - honey, milk, wild
FLASH INFO Clim\: Sibiul este amplasat `ntr-o zon\ cu climat continental moderat, temperaturile fiind influen]ate de mun]ii din vecin\tate. Iernile sunt ferite de viscole grele, prim\verile sunt frumoase, verile r\coroase [i toamnele târzii. ~n luna decembrie se `nregistreaz\ maxim 3°C. Destina]ie ideal\ pentru: cultur\, relaxare, tradi]ii, schi
Specialit\]i culinare: Burghinion de c\prioar\ `n foietaj u[or picant – o toc\ni]\ de c\prioar\, cu legume, servit\ `ntr-o
„farfurie” din aluat; Specialitate s\seasc\ din pui cu cartofi ]\r\ne[ti - cubule]e de piept de pui cu legume [i sos alb, al\turi de ni[te cartofi grozavi, la cuptor, cu bacon [i usturoi; Ciorb\ de fasole `n chifl\, Pr\jitura Gura Râului – cu miere, lapte, gem de m\ce[e, Rulad\ cu nuci [i miere.
Ce s\ faci: Viziteaz\ singura ciocolaterie veritabil\ din Sibiu, Bur Chocolat! Vei degusta ciocolat\ belgian\ [i praline `ntr-un spa]iu intim, iar gazda `]i ofer\ [i un pahar cu vin fiert din partea casei.
legends with knights and princesses are brought back to life in the medieval fortress, the music of history hears in the town churches and the clean air, peace, good food await in guesthouses. Visit Rasnov Fortress, well guarded by a guard that impresses through his 17th century costume. All the beauty of the place can be admired through the binoculars available in the fortress and from a height, in a specially designed spot, you get to see the Bucegi Mountains, Piatra Craiului and the Brasov depression.
Ce s\ nu faci: `n comuna sibian\ Boi]a nu ai voie s\ fumezi pe strad\. Este prima localitate din România care poate spune c\ a intrat `n Uniunea European\, la fiecare col] de strad\ exist\ câte o pl\cu]\ pe care scrie „Interzis fumatul pe strad\!“ De luat `n geant\: o can\ cu fa]ada Muzeului Brukenthal, linguri]e decorative, cristalele decorative, medalii aniversare, replici ale bijuteriilor antice - toate de la magazinul de suveniruri al Muzeului Brukenthal.
rose jam, Roulade with nuts and honey.
What to do: Visit the only genuine chocolaterie in Sibiu, Bur Chocolat! You will taste Belgian chocolate and pralines in an intimate space, and the host will also offer you a glass of hot wine, on the house. What not to do: In the village of Boita you are not allowed to smoke on the streets. It is the first settlement in Romania which can pride itself for being part of the European Union as with each street corner you get to find a plate saying "Smoking on the streets is forbidden!" To take in your purse: A mug with the facade of Brukenthal Museum, decorative spoons, decorative crystals, anniversary medals, replicas of antique jewels - all from the souvenir store of the Brukenthal Museum.
PORNI}I PLUGUL FE}I FRUMO{I! (GET ON PLOWING, LADS!) Chiar dac\ vremurile se schimb\, tradi]iile r\mân neschimbate `n Bucovina, iar cele care `nso]esc S\rb\torile de Iarn\ sunt dintre cele mai `ndr\gite. Ele aduc veselie, un nou `nceput [i un an curat pe care toat\ lumea `l dore[te mai bun [i mai `mbel[ugat. Ur[ii din As\u / Bears of As\u
{i pentru a fi siguri c\ anul care vine va fi bun, bucovinenii `l `ntâmpin\ a[a cum au f\cut-o din mo[i-str\mo[i: cu colind\tori, cu joc de capre [i de ur[i, cu c\iu]i [i harapi, cu voie bun\, cu Plugu[orul [i g\l\gie mult\, ca s\ se sperie duhurile rele, s\ fug\ [i s\ nu intre `n noul an. Tradi]ie str\mo[easc\, p\strat\ cu sfin]enie de tineri [i b\trâni deopotriv\, c\ci cetele de colind\tori care anun]\ noul an sunt formate din prichindei
Even if times change, traditions remain unaltered in Bucovina and those surrounding the winter holidays are the most popular. They bring joy, a new beginning and a new and clean year that everybody wants to be better and more prosperous.
Ansamblul „Codrule]ul din Vorona” / Folklore group „Codrule]ul din Vorona”
[i din mo[negi. Preg\tirile `ncep din timp, cei mai b\trâni `nva]ându-i pe cei mai tineri cum s\ joace fiecare joc `n parte, cum s\ fac\ m\[tile [i costumele, cum s\ aleag\ versurile ur\turilor, c\ci, aici se mai p\streaz\ obiceiul de a include `n ur\tur\ [i `ntâmpl\rile neobi[nuite de peste an din sat. {i uite a[a, creaturi care au tr\it al\turi de b\trânii satelor bucovinene prind via]a `n fiecare
To make sure that the upcoming year is going to be better, locals of Bucovina greet it as they have been from times ancient: with carol singers, dances with goat and bear characters, whips, joy, the well-known carol "Plugusorul" (The plow) lots of noise to scare the evil spirits away and not let them into the new year. Romanian tradition kept strictly by both the young and the elderly, the groups of carol singers hailing
the New Year are made up of little children and old men. Preparations begin in advance, the elderly teaching the young how to play each game, how to make the masks and costumes, how to choose the lines of the songs, because here they still stick by the habit of including in the carols the unusual events that happened in that year in the village and there you have it, creatures who lived by the side of the elder-
Ansamblul folcloric „Dorna Dorului” / Folklore group „Dorna Dorului” Ansamblul „Poieni]a” din Poiana Stampei(stânga) / Folklore group „Poieni]a” of Poiana Stampei(left)
Colind\tori din Cioc\ne[ti / Carols singers of Cioc\ne[ti
iarn\ [i pornesc colindul [i ur\turile la oamenii gospodari, s\ anun]e `nnoirea timpului [i s\ s\deasc\ bel[ug pe la casele pe care le colind\.
De vreo 15 ani ele se adun\ [i pe str\zile ora[ului Vatra Dornei, umplându-l pentru o zi de masca]i [i fiin]e ciudate. {i asta pentru c\ `n fiecare an, `ntr-una din zilele dinly of Bucovina villages come to life each winter and begin singing while visiting the villagers, hailing the renewal of time and planting the seeds of prosperity in each house they go to. For about 15 years now they have been present on the streets of Vatra Dornei too, filling these streets with masks and bizarre beings. That is because each year, on one of the days between Christmas and the New Year, the City Hall of the Municipality of Vatra Dornei, the Foundation "Dorna Dorului" and the Culture House "Platon Pardau" organize in the center of the town the National Festival of Winter Traditions and Popular Habits "Porniti Plugul Feti Frumosi" (Get on plowing, lads!), reaching in 2012 its 16th edition. The event reunites carol singers from Bucovina, from all over Moldova and even from beyond the river Prut, each participant bringing to Dorna the most beautiful and old traditions of the places they come from. In turn, guests are rewarded for their carols with a glass of hot wine, perfect to get them warmed up.
Ur[ii din As\u / Bears of Asau
tre Cr\ciun [i Anul Nou, Prim\ria Municipiului Vatra Dornei, Funda]ia Cultural\ „Dorna Dorului” [i Casa de Cultur\ „Platon Pardau” organizeaz\ `n centrul ora[ului Festivalul Na]ional de Datini [i Obiceiuri Populare de Iarn\
„Porni]i Plugul Fe]i Frumo[i”, ajuns `n 2012 la cea de-a XVI-a edi]ie. Evenimentul adun\ colind\tori din Bucovina, din `ntreaga Moldov\ [i chiar de peste Prut, fiecare participant
Ansamblul Codrule]ul din Vorona / Folklore group Codrule]ul din Vorona
aducând `n Dorna cele mai frumoase [i vechi tradi]ii ale locurilor de unde vin. La rândul lor oaspe]ii sunt r\spl\ti]i pentru ur\tur\ cu un col\cu] [i cu un pahar de vin fiert, ca s\ se mai `nc\lzeasc\.
Marecella Dr\gan Photojournalist Festivalul Na]ional de Datini [i Obiceiuri Populare de Iarn\ „Porni]i Plugul Fe]i Frumo[i” www.marcelladragan.ro National Festival of Winter Traditions and Popular Habits „Porni]i Plugul Fe]i Frumo[i" (Get on plowing, lads!) www.marcelladragan.ro
Plugul tras de boi Plough pulled by oxen
Colind\tori din Fl\manzi
Nº 17, December 2012 / February 2013
Ovidiu D\sc\lescu
N潞 17, December 2012 / February 2013
Flota Blue Air este constituit\ `n prezent din aeronave moderne, Boeing 737, seria 737-300, seria 737-400 [i seria 737-500, cu capacit\]i `ntre 126 [i 170 de locuri.
Blue Air fleet currently consists of Boeing 737 modern aircrafts, 737-300 series, 737-400 series and 737-500, with capacities between 126 and 170 seats.
BOEING 737 - 300
BOEING 737 - 400
BOEING 737 - 500
Num\r maxim de pasageri/ Maximum number of passengers
Num\r maxim de pasageri/ Maximum number of passengers
Num\r maxim de pasageri/Maximum number of passengers (Economy Class)
Vitez\ de croazier\/Cruising speed
795 km/h
Vitez\ de croazier\/Cruising speed
795 km/h
Vitez\ de croazier\/Cruising speed
795 km/h
Greutatea maxim\ de decolare/ Maximum takeoff weight
61 234 kg
Greutatea maxim\ de decolare/ Maximum takeoff weight
68 038 kg
Greutatea maxim\ de decolare/ Maximum takeoff weight
60 554 kg
Trac]iunea motorului/Engine thrust
20-22 Klb
Trac]iunea motorului/Engine thrust
23.5 Klb
Trac]iunea motorului/Engine thrust
20 Klb
3900 km
Distan]a maxim\ de zbor/ Maximum range (full payload)
4200 km
Distan]a maxim\ de zbor/ Maximum range (full payload)
4400 km
Distan]a maxim\ de zbor/ Maximum range (full payload)
Bac\u Barcelona Bologna Brussels Bucharest Catania Dublin Larnaca
Lisbon London Madrid Malaga Milan (Bergamo) Naples Nice Paris
Rome Satu Mare Sibiu Stuttgart Turin Cuneo Valencia Venice
George Enescu Airport El Prat Marconi Brussels Airport (Zaventem) Henri Coand\ (Otopeni) Fontanarossa Dublin Larnaka
Lisbon Luton Barajas Malaga Orio al Serio Naples C么te d'Azur Beauvais
Fiumicino Satu Mare Sibiu Stuttgart Olimpica Manises Marcolo Polo
Din 25 martie 2012, odat\ cu `nceperea oper\rii zborurilor pe Aeroportul Interna]ional “Henri Coand\”, pasagerii Blue Air pot beneficia de un tratament special `n cadrul celor dou\ Business Lounge. Aceast\ facilitate aduce un plus de confort celor care a[teapt\ s\ fie `mbarca]i pentru zborurile companiei noastre. Pasagerii care [i-au achizi]ionat serviciul “Business Lounge” vor primi de la biroul de ticketing Blue Air o invita]ie personalizat\, `n baza c\reia vor avea acces `n unul dintre cele dou\ saloane, dup\ efectuarea `n prealabil a formalit\]ilor de check-in, Control Securitate [i Frontier\. ~n cadrul Business Lounge ave]i la dispozi]ie o gam\ variat\ de produse [i servicii: mini-bar (produse de patiserie, b\uturi alcoolice, cafea, lapte, ceai, sucuri), spa]iu special amenajat pentru fum\tori, acces Internet Wireless, computere, TV (canale na]ionale [i interna]ionale), fax [i copiator, publica]ii na]ionale [i interna]ionale, anun]uri audio [i monitoare cu situa]ia zborurilor, facilit\]i pentru persoane cu mobilit\]i reduse (lift, toalete, asisten]\). Tariful este de 20 euro de persoan\.
From March 25th, 2012, with the start of our flights from Bucharest "Henri Coanda" International Airport, Blue Air passengers can enjoy special treatment in the Business Lounge. This service provides added comfort to those waiting to be boarded on our flights. Passengers who have purchased the "Business Lounge" service will receive from the Blue Air ticketing office a personalized invitation, based on which they will have access to one of the two lounges, after previously conducting the check-in, Security Control and Frontier formalities. In the Business Lounge you have at your disposal a wide range of products and services: Mini-bar (pastries, alcoholic drinks, coffee, milk, tea, juice), specially designed smoking space, wireless Internet access, computers, TV (national and international channels), fax and copier, national and international publications, audio announcements and flight status monitors, facilities for people with reduced mobility (lift, toilets, assistance). The price for the Business Lounge is 20 euro per person.
Serviciul este disponibil doar pentru plec\rile din Bucure[ti - Aeroportul Interna]ional “Henri Coand\” [i poate fi achizi]ionat `n cadrul procesului de cump\rare a biletului de avion sau ulterior, direct de pe site-ul companiei Blue Air, prin Call Center sau la Agen]iile partenere.
The service is available only for Departures from Bucharest "Henri Coanda" International Airport and can be purchased while booking your ticket or later, directly from the Blue Air website, Call Center or partner agencies.
Tot `ncepând cu 25 martie 2012, pute]i beneficia de Serviciul Protocol pe Aeroportul Interna]ional “Henri Coand\”. Aceast\ facilitate este disponibil\ atât pentru plecare, cât [i pentru retur. Pasagerii care opteaz\ pentru Serviciul Protocol - Plec\ri se vor prezenta la biroul de ticketing Blue Air din cadrul Aeroportului de unde vor fi prelua]i de c\tre personalul Serviciului Protocol - AIHCB, dup\ efectuarea formalit\]ilor de check-in. Pasagerii vor fi condu[i cu prioritate pentru realizarea formalit\]ilor de Control Securitate [i Frontier\ [i vor fi invita]i `n Salonul de Protocol. Aici ave]i la dispozi]ie o gam\ variat\ de produse [i servicii: minibar (produse de patiserie, cafea, lapte, ceai, sucuri), spa]iu special amenajat pentru fum\tori, acces Internet Wireless, computere, TV (canale na]ionale [i interna]ionale), fax [i copiator, publica]ii na]ionale [i interna]ionale, anun]uri audio [i monitoare cu situa]ia zborurilor, facilit\]i pentru persoane cu mobilit\]i reduse (lift, toalete, asisten]\). Pentru `mbarcare, pasagerii vor fi condu[i la avion, cu un microbuz de protocol, sau la poart\ de `mbarcare cu acces direct la avion, dup\ caz. Pasagerii care opteaz\ pentru Serviciul Protocol - Sosiri vor fi `ntâmpina]i la avion [i vor fi condu[i `n Salonul de Protocol, dac\ doresc. Ulterior, pasagerii vor fi condu[i prioritar pân\ la punctul de trecere a Frontierei [i vor fi `ndruma]i c\tre sala de vam\. Personalul Serviciului Protocol nu se va implica sub nicio form\ `n recuperarea bagajelor [i controlul vamal. Serviciul este disponibil atât pentru Plec\rile din Bucure[ti - Aeroportul Interna]ional „Henri Coand\”, cât [i pentru Sosiri [i poate fi achizi]ionat `n cadrul procesului de cump\rare a biletului de avion sau ulterior, direct de pe site-ul companiei Blue Air, prin Call Center sau la Agen]iile partenere.
Also starting with March 25th, 2012, you can benefit from the Protocol Service in Bucharest "Henri Coanda" International Airport. This service is available for both Departures and Arrivals. Passengers who choose the Protocol Service - Departures have to go to the Blue Air ticketing office in the airport from where they will be picked up by the staff of AIHCB Protocol, after the check-in. Passengers will be escorted with priority for Security and Border Control formalities and will be invited to the Protocol lounge. Here you have at your disposal a wide range of products and services: mini-bar (pastries, coffee, milk, tea, juice), specially designed smoking space, wireless Internet access, computers, TV (national and international channels), fax and copier, national and international publications, audio announcements and flight status monitors, facilities for people with reduced mobility (lift, toilets, assistance). For boarding, passengers will be escorted to the plane either with a protocol minibus or to the gate with direct access to the aircraft, as appropriate. Passengers who choose the Protocol Service - Arrivals will be met at the plane and escorted to the Protocol lounge, if they wish. Later, passengers will be escorted with priority up to the Border where they will be directed to the Customs hall. Protocol staff will not engage in any form to retrieve the luggage of the passenger and in the Customs Control formalities. The service is available for Departures and Arrivals from Bucharest "Henri Coanda" International Airport and can be purchased while booking your ticket or later, directly from the Blue Air website, Call Center or partner agencies.
Nº 17, December 2012 / February 2013
The Blue Air company has launched the mobile version of the website. It can be accessed at m.blueairweb.com. The mobile version of the website was optimized for navigation with mobile phones and it is easy to use, featuring an intuitive interface. Access m.blueairweb.com and you can book your plane ticket directly from your mobile phone. The website is optimized for navigation with mobile devices, it is ergonomic, easy to use, quick and the data traffic is minimal in order to maintain low costs of usage for Blue Air clients.
Compania Blue Air a lansat versiunea website pentru telefonul mobil. Acesta poate fi accesat la m.blueairweb.com. Versiunea mobil\ a site-ului a fost optimizat\ pentru navigarea de pe telefoane mobile [i este u[or de folosit, cu o interfa]\ intuitiv\. Acceseaz\ m.blueairweb.com [i `]i po]i achizi]iona biletul de avion direct de pe telefonul t\u mobil. Site-ul este optimizat pentru navigarea de pe device-uri mobile, este ergonomic, u[or de folosit, rapid iar traficul de date este minim, astfel `ncât clien]ii Blue Air s\ nu aib\ costuri mari de utilizare.
CHECK-IN ONLINE GRATUIT Serviciul de check-in online este disponibil pentru cursele cu plecare din Bucure[ti, Bac\u, Sibiu, Roma, Larnaca, Nisa, Malaga, Barcelona, Paris, Bruxelles, Milano, Torino (Cuneo) [i Valencia. Pentru celelalte zboruri, check-inul se efectueaz\ `n aeroport, `nainte de plecare, [i este gratuit.
The online check-in service is available for the flights departing from Bucharest, Bacau, Sibiu, Rome, Larnaca, Nice, Malaga, Barcelona, Paris, Brussels, Milan, Turin (Cuneo) and Valencia. For the other flights, the check-in is done in the airport, before departure, and it is free.
C\l\tore[ti frecvent? Fii smart! Alege MyBlue Smart Money! Pentru c\ ne dorim s\ recompens\m fidelitatea pasagerilor no[tri, am introdus serviciul MyBlue Smart Money. Printr-o simpl\ ~NREGISTRARE GRATUIT| pe site-ul Blue Air ve]i acumula puncte cu fiecare c\l\torie, beneficiind apoi de reduceri tarifare la biletele de c\l\torie c\tre orice destina]ie Blue Air.
Do you travel often? Be smart! Choose MyBlue Smart Money! Because we wish to reward the loyalty of our passengers, we have introduced the MyBlue Smart Money service. With a simple FREE REGISTRATION on the Blue Air website, you will accumulate points with each trip and then benefit from price discounts for plane tickets to any Blue Air destination.
Cum po]i s\ te `nscrii `n Programul de Fidelizare MyBlue Completeaz\ formularul de pe website. Ulterior `nscrierii, un e-mail automat va fi generat de sistem cu num\rul cardului, parola [i num\rul de puncte disponibile. Vei primi informa]iile pe adresa de e-mail cu care te-ai `nscris. Avantajele programului MyBlue Folose[ti punctele acumulate pentru a achizi]iona bilete de avion Blue Air! Po]i beneficia de cardul myBlue indiferent unde ai domiciliul sau care `]i este destina]ia! Blue Air `]i ofer\ un bonus ini]ial de 10 puncte. ~l po]i folosi la agen]ia Blue Air din Otopeni, dar [i când achizi]ionezi bilete prin Call Center! Nu ai nevoie de cardul fizic, po]i achizi]iona bilete pe baza num\rului de card myBlue. Pentru fiecare segment de zbor achizi]ionat, prime[ti 5 puncte MyBlue, echivalent a 5 euro.
How to register in MyBlue Loyalty Program Fill in the form on the website. Pursuant to the registration, an automated e-mail will be generated by the system with the number of the card, the password and the number of available points. You will get the information at the e-mail address which you used to register. The advantages of MyBlue You get to use the accumulated points to buy Blue Air plane tickets! You can benefit from the myBlue card regardless of where you live or what your destination is! Blue Air offers an initial bonus of 10 points. You can use it at the Blue Air agency in Otopeni, but also when you buy tickets via the Call Center! You don't need the actual card, you can just get the tickets based on the myBlue card number. For each one-way ticket booked, you recive 5 MyBlue points, the equivalent of 5 euro.
Nº 17, December 2012 / February 2013
Cu 8 ani `n urm\, prima aeronav\ Blue Air decola, c\tre un viitor plin de provoc\ri, pe 13 decembrie 2004, de pe Aeroportul interna]ional Aurel Vlaicu-B\neasa, cu destina]ia Timi[oara. De atunci, aeronavele Blue Air au efectuat sute de mii de kilometri, ajungând s\ zboare pe cele mai mari aeroporturi europene. De la Lisabona la Dublin, de la Larnaca la Paris [i de acolo la Bac\u, aeronavele Blue Air br\zdeaz\ `n fiecare zi cerul. ~mpreun\ cu partenerii [i echipa noastr\ foarte dinamic\ [i ambi]ioas\, am reu[it s\ construim un brand 100% românesc, recunoscut [i respectat pe pia]a din Europa.
8 years ago, on December 13th, 2004, the first Blue Air aircraft took off towards a challenging future from Aurel Vlaicu International Airport (Baneasa), destination: Timisoara. Since then, Blue Air aircrafts have flown hundreds of thousands of kilometers, reaching the largest European airports. From Lisbon to Dublin, from Larnaca to Paris and from there to Bacau, Blue Air aircrafts fly across the skies every day. Together with our partners and a very dynamic and ambitious team, we have managed to build a 100% Romanian brand, known and respected in the European market.
Compania Blue Air a luat na[tere din pasiune pentru domeniul avia]iei [i din dorin]a de a transforma transportul aerian `ntr-un serviciu accesibil unui num\r cât mai mare de români. ~n 2004, compania avea 7 pilo]i [i o aeronav\. Putem spune c\, de[i drumul parcurs pân\ ast\zi nu a fost unul u[or, a fost totu[i unul care s-a bucurat de mai mult cer senin decât de furtuni. Am `nceput prin a educa pia]a local\ cu privire la zborurile low-cost, iar apoi am introdus pe pia]a din România conceptul de smart flying. ~ns\, `n tot acest timp, nu ne-am pierdut cel mai important lucru: considera]ia pentru pasagerii no[tri. Iar ace[tia ne-au r\spl\tit, fiindu-ne al\turi. Popularitatea curselor Blue Air variaz\ `n func]ie de profilul pasagerilor. Astfel avem destina]ii de vacan]\ (Spania, Portugalia, Italia [i Cipru pentru vacan]ele de var\ [i Germania pentru anotimpul rece), destina]ii populare pentru excursii de week-end (Paris, Milano, Londra) sau ora[e c\tre care exist\ un trafic relativ constant, `n interes de business (Nisa, Bruxelles sau Dublin).
Blue Air was born out of passion for aviation and the desire to transform air transport into a service accessible to a large number of Romanians. In 2004, the company had 7 pilots and one aircraft. We can say that although the road has not been easy, it was one with sunny skies rather than storms. We have educated the local market about low cost flights and then we introduced the smart flying concept. But all this time, we haven’t lost the most important thing: the care and consideration for our passengers. And they have rewarded us by flying with Blue Air. The popularity of our flights varies according to the passenger profile. We have holiday destinations (Spain, Portugal, Italy and Cyprus for summer holidays and Germany for winter escapes), popular destinations for city breaks (Paris, Milan, London) or cities with steady business traffic (Nice, Brussels or Dublin).
GHEORGHE RAC|RU „Avia]ia este ca un virus. Odat\ intrat\ `n sânge, nu mai ai sc\pare. Da, trebuie s\ fii acolo 100% [i s\ nu `]i oferi absolut niciun moment de relaxare, deoarece `n acest domeniu nu ai voie s\ faci nici cea mai mic\ eroare. Dar, frumuse]ea unei aeronave `n decolare sau lini[tea ce se a[terne pe pist\ dup\ aterizare nu pot fi comparate cu nimic `n aceast\ lume. Am `nceput acest business cu o echip\ mic\, dar am ales speciali[ti `n domeniu. Doar oameni cu preg\tire extraordinar\ [i cu experien]\ `n pilotaj. Tocmai pentru c\ eram foarte la `nceput, nu ne puteam permite s\ `ncepem cu amatori. {i iat\ c\ s-a dovedit a fi o strategie de succes.”
C\pitan de aeronav\ timp de 25 de ani [i apoi de]in\tor al diferitelor pozi]ii de management pentru compania na]ional\ de transport aerian, Gheorghe Rac\ru este cel care a fondat compania Blue Air [i i-a urm\rit atent fiecare pas c\tre succes.
“Aviation is like a virus. Once it’s in your blood, you’re hooked. Yes, you have to be there 100% and never relax, because in this field you cannot make the slightest error. But the beauty of an aircraft during take-off or the silence that settles on the runway after landing cannot be compared to anything in this world. We started this business with a small team, but with people with extraordinary training and experience. We could not afford to hire amateurs. And surely it proved to be a successful strategy.”
Aircraft captain for 25 years and general manager of the national air transport company, Gheorghe Racaru is the founder of Blue Air. He has carefully followed each step towards its success.
~n primul rând, flexibilitatea [i tarifele foarte mici pentru biletele de avion achizi]ionate din timp. ~ncerc\m tot timpul s\ fim aten]i la nevoile pasagerilor no[tri. De aceea am `nceput operarea de pe aeroporturi din ]ar\ [i am ajuns s\ conect\m Moldova cu principalele ora[e din Europa. {tim cu to]ii c\ `n România drumul c\tre aeroport este jum\tate din stres, mai ales pentru cei din ora[ele de provincie. Iat\ de ce, Bac\ul a devenit o baz\ strategic\ pentru noi, iar `n acest moment de acolo oper\m deja 8 destina]ii. ~n martie 2012 am avut un pas important de f\cut: mutarea oper\rii pe Aeroportul Interna]ional Henri Cond\ – Otopeni, decizie care a atras dup\ sine modificarea profilului pasagerilor care c\l\toreau cu o companie low cost. Iat\ de ce, segmentul de pasageri care aleg s\ zboare cu Blue Air `n interes de business, practic s-a triplat numai `n acest an. O puternic\ tr\s\tur\ româneasc\ este aceea c\ ne-am adaptat la toate schimb\rile [i putem sublinia faptul c\ nu ne-a fost team\ s\ gândim `n afara barierelor. Am deschis curse `n premier\, am introdus rute interna]ionale, am realizat parteneriate care s\ ofere pasagerilor no[tri mai mult decât un simplu serviciu de transport aerian. {i nu ne oprim aici. Suntem con[tien]i c\ este loc de mai bine [i c\ permanent trebuie s\ ne `mbun\t\]im felul `n care ne fideliz\m pasagerii. {i promitem s\ urm\rim permanent acest lucru!
Firstly, the flexibility and low prices for airline tickets purchased in advance. We always try to take into consideration the needs of our passengers. This is why we started operating from airports in the country and now we connect Moldavia with the main European cities. We all know that in Romania the drive to the airport is half the stress. So Bacau became a strategic base for us and, at this time, we have 8 destinations from/to Bacau. In March 2012 we took an important step: we moved our flights to Henri Coanda International Airport (Otopeni), a decision that changed the passenger profile of a low cost airline. This is why the number of our business passengers almost tripled this year alone. A strong Romanian feature is that we can adapt to all changes and we emphasize that we haven’t been afraid to think outside the box. We introduced new routes, international routes, we have partners that offer our passengers more than just a flight. And we won’t stop here! We are aware that there is room for improvement and that we must constantly gain the loyalty of our passengers. And we promise to do that!
O pozi]ionare strategic\ `n rândul companiilor aeriene la nivel european. Desigur, va fi dificil, `ntr-o pia]\ atât de competitiv\ [i, mai ales, `n condi]iile economice actuale, atât din România, cât mai ales la nivel interna]ional. De aceea, cheia st\ `n calitatea serviciilor oferite pasagerilor, `n men]inerea unor pre]uri mici [i, de ce nu, `n inova]ie. Pentru Blue Air, inova]ia se traduce prin facilitarea procesului de rezerv\ri online (prin introducerea unor sisteme performante, a unor noi op]iuni de plat\ online, precum [i prin dezvoltarea versiunii de mobile a site-ului: m.blueairweb.com), promo]ii [i programe de fidelizare. Deja lucr\m la multe surprize pentru 2013!
A strategic position among the European airlines. Of course, it will be difficult in a market as competitive as this, especially in the current economic conditions, both in Romania and especially internationally. Therefore, the key lies in the quality of services provided, in maintaining low prices and, why not, in innovation. For Blue Air, innovation translates into easy online booking process (through new online payment options, as well as developing a mobile version of the website: m.blueairweb.com), promotions and loyalty programs. We are already preparing more surprises for 2013!
• Pre]urile nu sunt condi]ionate `n niciun fel (de week-end, de sejur minim sau de segment) • Dac\ te decizi din timp unde vrei s\-]i petreci vacan]a sau pur [i simplu când vrei s\ zbori, te vei bucura de cele mai mici pre]uri pentru biletele de avion • Dispunem de aeronave moderne [i de echipaje extrem de calificate • Flexibilitatea sistemului nostru de vânz\ri [i programul de zbor • 1499 este Call Center-ul non-stop din România • De asemenea, avem Call Center extern non-stop `n: Belgia, Fran]a, Germania, Italia, Portugalia, Spania, Marea Britanie, Olanda, Cipru [i Bulgaria • Operare pe Aeroportul Interna]ional Henri Coand\ - Otopeni • Pasagerii no[tri pot alege dintr-o gam\ extrem de diversificat\ de extra servicii: Extra leg room, Asigurare de c\l\torie, Business [i Protocol, Taxi Transfer, Hotel sau Hostel • Agen]ii Blue Air `n aproape toate aeroporturile care asigur\ asisten]a pasagerilor no[tri
• •
• • • • • •
Prices are not conditioned in any way by weekend or by minimum stay If you decide in advance where you want to spend your vacation or simply when you want to fly, you will book tickets at the lowest prices We have modern aircrafts and qualified personnel The flexibility of our sale system and flight schedule 1499 is the non-stop Romanian Call Center We also have non-stop Call Centers in: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, UK, Holland, Cyprus and Bulgaria Flights operated on Henri Coanda International Airport (Otopeni) Our passengers may choose diverse extra services, like: Extra leg room, Travel Insurance, Business and Protocol services, Taxi Transfer, Hotel or Hostel Blue Air agents in almost all airports who assist our passengers
OVIDIU D|SC|LESCU DIRECTORUL DE CALITATE SIGURAN}| SECURITATE AL BLUE AIR QUALITY SAFETY SECURITY DIRECTOR OF BLUE AIR De ce a]i ales aceast\ meserie? A]i spus la un moment dat c\ v-a]i dorit s\ deveni]i arhitect, `ns\ nu a fost s\ fie... V-a atras altceva?
Why did you choose this job? Once you said that you wanted to become an architect, but it wasn't meant to be... Did something else catch your interest?
Ca structur\ sunt considerat o fire artistic\. Sunt un bun desenator, am talent la pictur\, motiv pentru care am urmat din clasa a V-a cursurile de specialitate de la Liceul de art\ plastic\ „Tonitza”. Eram foarte bun la `nv\]\tur\ - la toate materiile cu excep]ia muzicii -, a[a c\ ai mei au stabilit c\ trebuie s\ fac un liceu de tradi]ie. Am absolvit, printre frunta[i, Liceul Gh. Laz\r, la clasa special\ de matematic\, dar am continuat, `n paralel, pentru `nc\ doi ani, specializarea `n pictur\ la Liceul „Tonitza”. ~n clasa a XII-a m\ gândeam s\ devin architect `ns\, dup\ trei luni de studiu la plan[et\, care nu s-au potrivit deloc cu anii mei de [evalet, am concluzionat c\ arhitectura nu-i de mine, eu visând la scenografie. A[adar, am plecat mai departe spre Politehnic\ [i am ales spontan avia]ia. Mi s-a p\rut c\ este o industrie prea costisitoare, ca s\ nu fie luat\ `n serios chiar [i `n România. Tat\l meu mi-a fost al\turi sus]inând c\ mai bine fac inginerie de orice fel, numai arhitect s\ nu ajung, deoarece `n România acelor vremuri via]a arti[tilor era dificil\, iar creativitatea le era `ngr\dit\. A[a se face c\ am intrat cu concuren]\ mare, dar f\r\ emo]ii, la „Aeronave”. Ast\zi pot spune c\ alegerea meseriei a fost un pariu, iar eu nu am fost con[tient la acel moment de acest risc. S-a `ntâmplat s\ m\ pasioneze ce am `nv\]at, iar de 33 de ani continui aceast\ activitate cu o foarte mare pl\cere.
As nature, I consider myself an artistic nature. I am a good sketch artist, I am good at painting, and therefore I attended starting with the 5th grade the specialized courses of Tonitza Art High-School. I was a very good student in all fields, except music and so my parents decided I had to attend a high-school with a good background. I graduated as one of the best students from Gh. Lazar High-School, in a special mathematics class, but in parallel I also went on for two more years studying painting at Tonitza. In the 12th grade I was considering becoming an architect, but, after three months of drawing board practice, not matching at all my former easel ability and my dreams for scenography, I came to the conclusion that I was not cut out for architecture. And so, I moved on pursuing the Polytechnic University and spontaneously chose aviation. I thought it was an industry involving too much money not to be taken seriously even in Romania. My father backed me up saying I was better off becoming any kind of engineer, rather than architect, because in Romania at that time, artists had a rough life and their creativity was limited. Later on I was accepted after tough competition by the "Aeronautics Institute". Today I can say that choosing this occupation was a gamble, and I wasn't aware at that time of that risk. But I liked very much what I was doing and now, 33 years later, I am still doing it passionately..
A]i mai cochetat apoi cu desenul, cu pictura?
Did you draw, paint after that?
Ciudat, dar de 25 de ani nu am mai desenat o linie. A[ putea s\ fac asta [i mâine, dar nu mai simt o nevoie l\untric\. Dragostea de avia]ie a reu[it s\-mi umple tot timpul, tot spa]iul. Sunt inginer de recep]ie [i control `n zbor, iar asta e cea mai mare `mplinire. Noi suntem practic ni[te „cronicari ai zbur\torilor”. Pot spune chiar c\ dezvolt\m un sindrom de „tat\ - socru mic”: Exact cum un tat\ de fat\ `[i cre[te copila, o `nconjoar\ cu toat\ grija [i la un moment dat o d\ de bun\ voie unui gineric\, ca s\-[i ia zborul la casa ei, tot a[a preg\te[ti cu grij\ [i r\spundere un avion, pe care `l dai pilo]ilor ca s\-i fac\ pe pasageri ferici]i, ducându-i s\n\to[i [i confortabil unde-i poart\ destinul. Cam acestea sunt sentimentele pe care le tr\im noi, tehnicii [i personalul de sol, pentru avioane [i echipaje!
Strange enough, I haven't drawn a line in 25 years. I could do it tomorrow, but I just don't feel this inner impulse. The love for aviation managed to fill most of my time and space. I am a receptions flight test engineer and this is my greatest achievement. We are basically "witnesses and historians" of most difficult pilot's flights. I can even say it's a bit like the syndrome of a daughter's father: Just like a father raises her daughter, surrounds her with all the care and love and at one moment in time, happily entrusts her to a son in law, to go set up her own family, the same way we carefully and diligently prepare an aircraft for flight and pass it to the pilots to make passengers happy, flying them safe and sound to their destiny. These are feelings that technical staff and ground crew experience towards the aircraft and flight crews!
Ce presupune un zbor sigur?
What does a safe flight involve?
Tot ceea ce facem! Un zbor sigur este acela `n care aeronava a evoluat pe traiectoria prestabilit\, `n intervalul de timp alocat, iar personalul navigant [i toate sistemele tehnice aflate la bord au lucrat `n
Everything we do. We call it, a safe flight, if the aircraft followed a preset flight path, within estimated time interval and flight crew and all technical systems on board operated in the designed parameters. As
Nº 17, December 2012 / February 2013
Pentru Directorul de Calitate al companiei Blue Air, siguran]a [i confortul pasagerilor sunt prioritare. Dup\ o discu]ie am\nun]it\ cu Ovidiu D\sc\lescu, am `n]eles [i noi c\ aceast\ munc\ e titanic\. Responsabilit\]ile sunt enorme, iar sistemul de control [i supracontrol se practic\ la nivel individual. Având mai bine de 30 de ani de munc\ `n ingineria aviatic\, domnul D\sc\lescu ne-a dezv\luit, `n timpul interviului, “secrete” uimitoare despre preg\tirea de zbor a unui avion. Totul `ncepe de jos, de la sol… [i cu mult timp `naintea decol\rii!
parametri de func]ionare proiecta]i. Observa]i c\ m-am ferit de superlative, pentru ca un zbor sigur nu `nseamn\ un zbor ideal. Un zbor poate s\ fie departe de ideal, gândindu-m\ la `ntârzieri de trafic, turbulente [i alte fenomene meteorologice, ratarea unei ateriz\ri, ciocnirea cu o pas\re, oprirea unui motor, dar este important s\ fie `n continuare un zbor sigur, pentru ca toate aceste situa]ii au fost luate `n calcul de c\tre constructorul avionului, iar echipajul a fost antrenat `n simulator ca s\ le rezolve.
For the Quality Safety Security Director of Blue Air, passenger safety and comfort are essential. After a thorough discussion with Ovidiu Dascalescu, we came to understand that this is a task for titans. Responsibilities are enormous and the control and over-control system is done individually. Having more than 30 years of experience in aviation engineering, Mr. Dascalescu revealed to us during the interview some amazing "secrets" about the flight preparation of an aircraft. It all starts down, on the ground... a long time before take-off!
you noticed, I did not use superlative phrasings, because a safe flight does not mean a perfect flight. A flight may be far from ideal, and I mean traffic delays, air turbulence, adverse weather, missing a landing approach, impact with birds, inflight engine shutdown, but it will be still called a safe flight because all these abnormal situations have been anticipated and solved by the aircraft manufacturer design and the crew has been trained to cope with them during flight simulator sessions.
Siguran]a se construie[te zi de zi [i `ncepe cu munca de proiectare, apoi construc]ia avionului, precum [i sumele enorme care sunt investite `n toate aceste etape, dar [i ulterior. De aceea vorbim despre Asigurarea Calit\]ii `n activitatea de zbor, adic\ oameni [i echipamente care s\ func]ioneze predictibil [i repetabil la standarde `nalte. Calitatea se produce `n activitatea tehnic\ [i de zbor, iar departamentul meu o m\soar\ prin Audituri interne. Practic, ne asiguram c\ fiecare activitate se desf\[oar\ `ntr-un ambient adecvat, dup\ proceduri aprobate, de c\tre oameni califica]i, folosind instruc]iuni de lucru corecte [i consumând materiale garantate. Siguran]a zborului este o activitate focalizat\ pe evenimentele de zbor care urm\re[te s\ descopere cauzele reale pentru care, `n desf\[urarea unei „activit\]i de calitate”, mai apar totu[i sincope. Inspectorii departamentului determin\ frecven]a [i importan]a fiec\rui eveniment de zbor [i calculeaz\ un grad de risc poten]ial. Dac\ valoarea calculat\ pentru factorul de risc se apropie de o limit\ prestabilit\ guvernamental, atunci inspectorii alerteaz\ Directorul General care decide [i aplic\ m\suri corective imediate. Securitatea aeroportuar\ este activitatea care fere[te pasagerul, de la intrarea `n aeroport [i pân\ la `mbarcarea `n avion, de neglijen]e, de probleme cu bagajele, de comportamentul recalcitrant sau lipsit de educa]ie al altor persoane. Se verific\ de o manier\ discret\ [i civilizat\ dac\ documentele de c\l\torie [i de identitate ale pasagerului sunt compatibile cu reglement\rile legale din ]ara de origine [i de destina]ie. Se verific\ bagajele pasagerului ca s\ nu contravin\ diverselor restic]ii legale [i s\ nu fie deteriorate la transport. ~n rezumat, se asigur\ pasagerului un grad de `ncredere [i comfort pe timpul c\l\toriei, deoarece acesta este convins c\ va fi ferit de surprize nepl\cute, c\ to]i ceilal]i tovara[i de drum [i bagajele lor au fost verificate printr-un control riguros. V\ ghida]i dup\ o legisla]ie european\ pentru a efectua transportul aerian de pasageri la cele mai `nalte standarde de siguran]\?
Safety feature is being built day by day and it begins with the design work, then manufacture and operation of the aircraft, as well as the enormous amount of money invested in early stages and long afterwards. This is why we are talking about Quality Assurance of flight, meaning people and equipment that operate predictably and in a repeated manner at high standards. Quality is pursued in the maintenance and flight operations activity and my department measures it by internal audits. Basically, we make sure that each activity is held in an adequate environment, following approved procedures, by qualified people, using correct task cards and installing guaranteed materials. Flight safety is an activity focused on flight events which aims to discover the root causes why failures do occur while performing qualitative activities. The inspectors from the Safety department determine the frequency and severity of each flight event and calculate a potential risk factor. If the calculated value for the risk factor nears a limit preset by the government, then the inspectors alert the Accountable Manager who decides and applies immediate corrective measures. Airport security is the activity that keeps the passengers free off luggage problems, reckless behavior or misdemeanor of other persons. Keeping a low profile, the security staff verifies if travel and identity documents of the passenger are compatible with the legal regulations in the country of origin and destination. They verify the luggage of the passengers so that it does not conflict with various legal restrictions and that it is not deteriorated upon transport. Briefly, the passengers are ensured a high degree of trust and comfort throughout the trip because they are convinced that they will be protected from unpleasant surprises and that all the other travelers and their luggage have been verified by rigorous control. Do you align to some European legislation in order to perform passenger air travel at the highest standards of safety?
Cel mai adesea, `n Europa, zbor `nseamn\ s\ te deplasezi dintr-o ]ar\ `ntr-alta. De fiecare dat\ pleci dintr-un loc cu o legisla]ie [i ajungi `ntr-unul cu o alt\ legisla]ie. `ntreaga activitate cap\t\ un aspect interna]ional. Pentru a nu avea fluctua]ii `n calitatea [i siguran]a zborului când survolezi o ]ar\ dup\ alta, e necesar\ o anumit\ armonie. Uniunea European\ a realizat acest deziderat, motiv pentru care `n domeniul avia]iei civile exist\ o serie de reglement\ri obligatorii [i `n avantajul pasagerilor. Acesta trebuie s\ [tie la ce servicii s\ se a[tepte la sol [i `n avion. Informa]iile minimale pe care le prime[te pasagerul aflat la sol sau la bordul unei aeronave sunt acelea[i pentru toate companiile aviatice. De asemenea, datorit\ acestor reglement\ri nu exist\ momente `n care pilotul s\ zboare `n necunoscut. El [tie `nc\ de la decolare, ora [i minutul `n care va ajunge `n orice punct de pe traseu. Este avertizat permanent dac\ ninge, plou\, bate vântul pe rut\, ce alte avioane are prin preajm\ ori care este situa]ia la aterizare.
Most often, in Europe, to fly means to move from one country to the other. Each time you leave from a place following a certain legislation and end up in a place abiding by another. The entire flying activity tends to be an international one. To avoid flight quality and safety fluctuations while you are flying over several countries, a certain harmony is required. The European Union has achieved this harmony and for this reason a series of mandatory regulations govern the field of civil aviation in the benefit of passengers. Passengers should be aware of expected quality level of service they are entitled to on ground and on flight. The minimum information that the passengers receive while on the ground or onboard of aircraft is guaranteed the same for all the aviation companies. Moreover, due to these regulations there are no such moments when the pilots do not control where they are flying. Even before take-off, they know the hour and minute when they will cross any point of their route. They are permanently warned if it is going to snow, to rain, if wind is blowing on the way, what other aircraft is flying in the neighborhood and what the landing conditions are.
Cum demonstreaz\ compania Blue Air preocuparea pentru siguran]a [i confortul pasagerilor s\i?
How does the Blue Air company make proof of its concern for the safety and comfort of its passengers?
Este simplu. Dac\ Uniunea European\ si Guvernul Romaniei prin reprezentantul sau legal, Autoritatea Aeronautic\ Civil\, nu sunt
It's easy! If the European Union and the Romanian Government, through its legal representative, the Civil Aeronautic Authority, are
Nº 17, December 2012 / February 2013
convin[i c\ Blue Air are capacitatea s\ zboare `n siguran]\, atunci nu ne vor l\sa s\ facem acest lucru. Exist\ foarte multe inspec]ii inopinante [i audit\ri periodice ale Autorit\]ii Aeronautice prin care verific\ permanent Calitatea [i Siguran]a zborului `n Blue Air. Avem manuale prin care ne-am angajat s\ `ndeplinim anumite proceduri [i verific\ri periodice, iar Autoritatea verific\ s\ facem ce am promis. Este un sistem intern de control [i supracontrol al lucr\rilor la avion, dar nu `n sensul elimin\rii sau dilu\rii r\spunderii. Exist\ o list\ de piese esen]iale la care facem „dubl\ inspec]ie” adic\ doi oameni supercalifica]i efectueaz\ unul dup\ altul [i independent unul de altul aceea[i lucrare, dup\ care `mpart `n mod egal r\spunderea legal\. Realitatea este c\ fiecare lucr\tor `n avia]ie, pornind de la pozi]ia cea mai modest\, a[a cum este - de exemplu - un ucenic mecanic, garanteaz\ cu propria carier\ c\ totul este bine acolo unde a lucrat el. Sunt r\spunderi individuale, iar oamenii trebuie s\ `n]eleag\ [i s\ fie extrem de aten]i. Sunt ajuta]i [i instrui]i s\ poat\ produce „calitatea” cerut\ `n avia]ie. Documenta]ia primar\ despre activitatea la avion este extrem de elaborat\. Un avion are `n jur de 14 „c\r]i de telefon” (atât sunt de groase aceste manuale!) doar ca s\ afli din ce piese este alc\tuit, cum s\ le desfaci [i cum s\ le pui la loc. Mai sunt alte 6 „c\r]i de telefon” despre cum se piloteaz\ avionul, pe care pilo]ii le poart\ permanent `n faimoasele lor gen]i de naviga]ie. Documenta]ia despre piesele de schimb respect\ politica B2B (back to birth) prin care se cere s\ cuno[ti istoricul fiec\rui [urub, de la mama lui. Documenta]ia despre lucr\ri la avion respect\ politica DFP (dirty finger print) prin care se cere s\ ai documentul original cu “amprenta” olograf\ a executantului. Adun\m toate documentele despre tot ce s-a f\cut la avion, cu semn\tura fiec\rui technician. Iar toate acestea `nseamn\ zeci de kilograme, an de an. Când mut\m un avion dup\ 20 de ani, mut\m cam o ton\ de documenta]ie! Cum comenta]i cele dou\ propozi]ii: „Cel mai bun pilot este cel `n via]\” [i „`nainte de a fi sus este mai important s\ fii jos!” S-ar adresa pilo]ilor... Este o `nv\]\tur\ de via]\. Este foarte greu... Am reu[it s\ m\ apropii de oamenii „din spatele pilo]ilor” [i v\ pot spune c\ sunt extrem de profesioni[ti si exigen]i cu ei `nsu[i. Nu intuie[ti u[or c\ sunt capabili de sensibilit\]i sau remarci filosofice. Ei spun c\, `n general, [coala de Avia]ie `i cerne. Cei nes\bui]i si cei mai slabi dintre ei se autoelimin\ pe cale natural\ pân\ ajung s\ aib\ [i pasageri `n avion. Nu e bine s\ fii “over confident” sau mult prea `ncrez\tor `n tine, s\ ai “wishful thinking” adic\ s\ crezi c\ lucrurile vor evolua `ntotdeauna `ntr-o manier\ avantajoas\ ]ie... Trebuie s\ accept\m c\ exist\ eroare uman\, sl\biciuni umane, c\ omul nu este o ma[in\rie. Cealalt\ cugetare arat\, `n opinia mea, respectul fa]\ de meserie fiind o r\st\lm\cire la „totul este bine când se termin\ cu bine”. Un pilot nu ezit\ s\ vin\ la [eful direct [i s\ declare c\ ast\zi nu se simte bine, ast\zi nu crede c\ e cel mai bun moment al lui, totul `n interesul pasagerului. Un pilot este con[tient c\ este creditat cu enorma `ncredere: a pilo]ilor care l-au antrenat [i calificat, a tehnicienilor care i-au dat avionul pe mân\, a pasagerilor pl\titori de la bord.
not convinced that Blue Air has the capacity to fly safely, then they won't let us fly. There are many spot inspections and scheduled audits performed by the Aeronautic Authority whereby are permanently checked the Quality and Safety of Blue Air flights. We have manuals whereby we undertook to fulfill certain procedures and scheduled routine checks, and the Authority verifies that we do as we promised. There is an internal control and oversight system of aircraft operations, but not in the direction of eliminating or diminishing individual liability. There is a list of essential aircraft parts subject of double inspection work, meaning that two qualified staff perform one after the other and independently from one another the same check, and equally share legal liability. The reality is that each aviation worker, starting with the lowest position, as, for instance, a mechanic apprentice, guarantees with his own career that the work he performed is fine. There are individual responsibilities and people have to understand and be extremely cautious. They are helped and trained to produce the "quality" required by aviation. The primary documentation for aircraft maintenance and operation is extremely elaborated. A plane has about 14 "Yellow Pages" manuals (that's how thick these manuals are) just to describe the parts it is made of, how to dismantle and put them back on. There are 6 more "Yellow Pages" annuals about how to fly the airplane and the pilots are always carrying them in their famous navigation bags. The documentation about spare parts complies with the B2B policy (back to birth) whereby is required to trace every bolt history since fabrication. The documentation about aircraft maintenance and operation complies with the DFP policy (dirty finger print) whereby is required to have the original documents bearing every performer writing and signature. We collect and archive this huge amount of documentation about the work done at the aircraft, with the signature of every person involved. And this weighs dozens of kilos every year. When we move an airplane after 20 years, we move about a ton of documentation! What is your take on these two sentences: "The best pilot is a living one" and "Before going up, it's more important to be down". I think they're addressed to the pilots... It's a lesson. It is very difficult. I managed to get closer to the people "behind the pilot uniform" and I can testify they are professionals and very demanding with themselves. You don't easily guess that they are capable of sensitivity or philosophical insights. They say that aviation training school filters them regularly. The reckless ones and the weak ones give up naturally before ever getting a chance to have their own passengers. It's not good to be overconfident, to have wishful thinking, convinced things will always go in a direction that suits you best. We have to deal with human error, human weakness because humans are not behaving as machines. The other saying goes to show the respect for the job; it's kind of "all's well that ends well". A pilot does not hesitate to go in front of his boss and to declare himself unfit for flight because today he is not feeling well, that it's probably not his best moment, if that is in the best interest of the passengers. A pilot is aware that he holds the credit for an enormous amount of trust: that of the pilots who trained him, that of the
Tu, ca pilot, trebuie s\ transpor]i pasagerii sigur [i comfortabil din punctul A `n punctul B. Nu e nevoie s\ cau]i o aterizare uns\, aplaudat\ de pasageri. Fii precaut! Gânde[te-te `nainte! Anticipeaz\! Tocmai de asta pilo]ii au o vorb\ `ntre ei - „Fii totdeauna cu ochii min]ii cu 5 minute `naintea avionului”! Dac\ sim]i, dar nu po]i s\ dovede[ti c\ tehnica nu a func]ionat cum trebuie, c\ evolu]ia avionului nu a fost cea a[teptat\, vino [i raporteaz\. D\ prilejul ca avionul s\ poat\ fi reparat `nainte de zborul urm\tor! Altfel, pre]ul pe care ai putea s\ `l pl\te[ti va fi prea mare pentru tine, pentru familia ta, pentru pasageri.
technicians who handed over the plane, that of the passengers onboard. You, as a pilot, have to fly the passengers safely and comfortably from point A to point B. You don't have to pursue to make a smooth, silky-like landing, to get applauses. Be cautious! Think ahead! Anticipate! That is why pilots have a saying: "Always use your mind to be 5 minutes ahead of the airplane"! If you feel, but can't prove that the technology did not operate properly, that the plane evolution was not as expected, go and report it. Give a chance for the plane to be repaired before the next flight! Otherwise, the price you may end up paying will be too high for you, for your family, for the next passengers.
Cum v\ sim]i]i `n familia Blue Air? Pentru mine Blue Air `nseamn\ foarte mult. Nu mi-a trecut niciodat\ prin cap c\ voi ajunge s\ lucrez aici. Sunt angajat `n cadrul companiei din anul 2007. Am venit `n Blue Air dup\ 27 de ani de munc\ `n Tarom. Sunt genul de b\rbat al unei singure femei (cu care am 25 de ani de c\snicie!), [i am fost angajatul unei singure companii. Tarom-ul m-a adus spre o important\ func]ie tehnic\ la momentul respectiv. ~mi d\duse cam tot ceea ce `mi dorisem, inclusiv formarea [i `ncrederea mea ca inginer... Nu doream s\ plec mai departe, mai ales c\ primele `ncerc\ri de avia]ie privat\ e[uaser\, tulburând destinele profesionale ale multor ingineri valoro[i. Nu aveam motive s\ plec. Nu am depus niciodat\ un CV sau o cerere de angajare, dar `ntr-o zi am primit un telefon de la directorul companiei Blue Air (fost Tarom-ist de marc\!) care `mi spunea c\ are nevoie de mine. Asta a fost. La Tarom devenisem unul din mul]ii speciali[ti blaza]i, `n curs de plafonare `n timp ce la Blue Air cineva avea nevoie de mine [i era dispus s\ pl\teasc\ priceperea mea! Dintr-odata m\ simteam din nou util, `ntinerisem! Cam a[a am ajuns `n acel an la Blue Air, o mân\ de ingineri, „cei [apte magnifici” veni]i de la Tarom , care al\turi de tineri ingineri de la Aerostar [i Romaero au demonstrat c\ `n cinci ani se poate construi o companie de Boeing-uri cu dimensiuni apropiate de ale Tarom-ului, dar cu un infinit mai mare succes comercial. Evident, suntem mai pu]ini numeric, dar mai bine pl\ti]i, muncim mai mult, dar nu cu ochii la ceas, suntem `nconjura]i de mult tineret respectos [i receptiv, iar prin grija directorilor [i patronatului suntem degreva]i de toat\ ap\sarea sistemului ierarhic [i administrativ de la stat. ~n decembrie aniversam ziua de na[tere a companiei: 8 ani de Blue Air, iar `n momentul `n care am f\cut poze festive cu cei care lucreaz\ aici am fost uimit de cât de pu]ini oameni rezolv\ func]ional probleme mari. Cu cinci oameni gestion\m tone de documenta]ie [i tehnologii pentru avioane, cu trei fete derul\m toate transporturile de marf\, al]ii trei rotesc zilnic 40 de echipaje pe 2 aeroporturi `n planificarea de zbor! Dupa ce am ajutat la organizarea bazei de repara]ii BlueAir, ca inginer [ef, privesc actuala func]ie de la Calitate drept o nou\ provocare [i am emo]iile unui debutant. Sunt con[tient c\, prin fi[a postului, func]ia de director timoreaz\ [i `ndeamn\ interlocutorii la pruden]\, dar sper c\ personalitatea [i firea titularului s\ `ncurajeze dialogul [i s\ m\ transforme `ntr-un partener de n\dejde. Nu regret nicio clip\ decizia de a veni in Blue Air [i tr\iesc bucuria realiz\rilor zilnice, al\turi de to]i colegii mei de aici!
How do you feel in the Blue Air family? Blue Air means a lot for me. I never thought I could end up working here. I have been employed by this company since 2007. I came to Blue Air after 27 years of service with Tarom. I am the kind of man who stands by one woman (to whom I am married for 25 years) and have been the employee of a single company. Tarom offered me an important technical position at that time. It gave me everything I needed, including my training and confidence as an engineer. I did not want to move on, especially since the first attempts of private aviation had failed, troubling the professional careers of many worthy engineers. I had no reasons to leave. I never applied for a job or submitted resumes, but one day I received a call from the director of Blue Air (former and famous Tarom employee himself) telling me he needed me. That was it. With Tarom I became just one of the many bored specialists, having the same routine, while with Blue Air I was someone needed and they were willing to pay for my skills! Once more I felt useful again, rejuvenated. That is how that year, a handful of engineers, "the magnificent seven", left Tarom, raised to the challenge of Blue Air and together with young engineers from Aerostar and Romaero proved that in five years one can built a company with Boeing aircraft comparable to Tarom Boeing fleet, but with infinitely more commercial success. Clearly, we are less in numbers, but better paid, we work harder, but not under stress, we are surrounded by many respectful and receptive young people and due to the care of the directors, we are relived from all the hierarchy and administrative pressure, specific to state owned companies. In December we celebrate the company's birthday: 8 years of Blue Air and when we took pictures for our working staff album, I was amazed to see how few people solve huge functional problems. We have five people handling tons of documentation and aircraft technology, we have three girls handling all freight transports, another three people daily roaster 40 crews on 2 airports in their flight planning! After I helped to organize the Blue Air repair base as Chief Engineer, I accepted the current position of Quality Safety Security Director as a new challenge and I am nervous as a beginner. I am aware that according to my job description, the position of director may be intimidating and makes people act cautiously, but I hope that the personality and nature of the holder will encourage dialogue and turns me into a reliable partner. I don't regret for a second the decision to come to Blue Air and live the joy of daily achievements, alongside my colleagues!
Nº 17, December 2012 / February 2013
Iar familia de acas\?
What about your family?
E clasic\ pentru avia]ie... So]ia mea m-a sus]inut `ntotdeauna! Ne-am cunoscut `n liceu. Ea a terminat tot specializarea Aeronave, `ns\ este un domeniu destul de dur pentru o femeie, unde activitatea de lâng\ avion este tradi]ional rezervat\ b\rba]ilor. Acum lucreaz\ `n poli]ie, este comisar [ef, iar calculatoarele de bord [i pilo]ii automa]i `nv\]a]i `n facultate, au ajutat-o s\ se adapteze rapid. Cel mai important este c\ eu am avut sus]inerea familiei când am decis s\ vin la Blue Air, pentru c\, v\ spun sincer, este foarte greu s\ `]i depui o demisie dup\ 27 de ani de munc\ `n acela[i loc. Am dou\ fete care urmeaz\ Medicina [i Dreptul. E clar c\ niciuna nu va continua tradi]ia `n avia]ie! Sunt `n]eleg\toare cu mine, se descurc\ foarte bine, de multe ori [i f\r\ mine. Nu sunt geloase pe avioane, au zburat de mici si nu le este fric\, `n]eleg ce [i de ce fac, [i m\ accept\ a[a cum sunt. Sper ca fetele mele s\ aib\ noroc `n via]\ [i oameni providen]iali al\turi, a[a cum am avut eu norocul s\ am! S\ fie inspirate [i s\ aleag\ drumul drept.
It's a classic aviation man's family. My wife has always backed me up. We met in high-school. She also has a degree in Aeronautics, but this is a tough job for a woman, because the activity near a plane is traditionally reserved to men. Now she works in law enforcement, she is a chief commissioner and flight computers and autopilots she learned about in college helped her adapt quickly. Most important of all, I always had the support of my family when I decided to join Blue Air, because, honestly, it's very difficult to resign from a position you've held for 27 years with the same company. I have two daughters attending Medical School and Law School. Clearly neither will pursue a career in aviation. They are very kind to me, they managed pretty well, often even without my help. They are not jealous on airplanes, they have been flying since they were very young and they understand what I do, why I do and take that for granted. I hope my girls will have good fortune in life and will meet the right people, as I did! I wish them to be inspired and stay on the right track!
Unde v\ place cel mai mult s\ c\l\tori]i `n Europa?
Where do you like to travel most of all in Europe?
~mi place foarte mult Parisul. Recomand tuturor s\ viziteze acest ora[ muzeu, este o destina]ie minunat\. La fel de mult `mi plac Praga [i Londra. Dup\ ce le-ai v\zut pe toate cele enumerate anterior [i crezi c\ nimic nu te mai impresioneaz\, Roma e nea[teptat de fascinant\! Departându-ne de Europa, pentru noroco[ii cu viz\, ar mai fi New York-ul, de care eu, personal, am `nceput s\ m\ entuziasmez abia dup\ ce m-am re`ntors acas\, iar pentru c\l\torii temerari ar fi India, o ]ar\ cât un continent cu toate formele de relief, cu toate zonele climatice, cu toate religiile, florile [i animalele P\mântului, strânse `ntr-un singur loc.
I enjoy Paris very much. I recommend everybody to visit this museum city, it's a wonderful destination. I like Prague and London just as much. After visiting all others and thinking nothing will impress me anymore, there comes Rome with unexpected beauty! Moving away from Europe, for those lucky enough to get a visa, I propose New York. I started to warm up to this awesome city, only after returning home. For adventurous travelers India is a must, it's a country as a continent with all kinds of landscapes, with all climates, religions, flowers and animals of the Earth in one place.
M\d\lina R\coreanu
69 69
FOCUS Bucure[tiul este capitala României [i cel mai mare ora[ al ]\rii. Cunoscut odinioar\ ca Micul Paris, reprezint\ ast\zi un adev\rat centru cultural `n continu\ schimbare. Printre obiectivele turistice se num\r\ Palatul Parlamentului, Palatul Cotroceni (re[edin]a preziden]ial\), Muzeul Na]ional de Art\, Muzeul Satului.
FOCUS Bucharest is Romania's capital and the country's largest city. Once known as the Little Paris, today it stands for a genuine cultural center in continuous change. The tourist objectives also include the Palace of Parliament, Cotroceni Palace (the presidential residence), the National Art Museum, Village Museum.
INFO Aeroportul Bucure[ti B\neasa „Aurel Vlaicu” se afl\ la o distan]\ de doar 10 km de centrul ora[ului, iar accesul este asigurat de autobuze [i taxiuri.
INFO The Airport "Aurel Vlaicu" of Bucharest-Baneasa is just 10 km away from the city downtown and the access is ensured by buses and taxi cabs.
FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant Patru Anotimpuri {os. Nordului nr. 7-9 sector 1, Bucure[ti Tel.: +4/ 0726 330 022 Fax: +4/ 021 232 01 34 Cafenea RandezVouz 1 Str. Tudor {tefan nr. 7-9 Zona Doroban]i Tel.: +4/ 021 230 88 90 Club Bamboo Str. Ramuri Tei nr. 39 Tel.: +4/ 0726 226 266
FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Four Seasons Restaurant No.7-9 Soseaua Nordului Street, District 1, Bucharest Tel.: +4/ 0726 330 022 Fax: +4/ 021 232 01 34 Cafenea RandezVouz 1 No.7-9 Tudor Stefan Street, Dorobanti Area Tel.: +4/ 021 230 88 90 Club Bamboo No.39 Ramuri Tei Street Tel.: +4/ 0726 226 266 HOTELS Grand H. Marriott 90 Calea 13 Septembrie Street Tel.: +4/ 021 403 00 00 Fax: +4/ 021 403 00 01 Graffiti Hotel No.25 Albac Street Tel.: +4/ 021 231 79 79 Fax: +4/ 021 231 77 99 info@graffitihotel.ro, rezervari@graffitihotel.ro
HOTELURI Grand H. Marriott Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 90 Tel.: +4/ 021 403 00 00 Fax: +4/ 021 403 00 01 Graffiti Hotel Str. Albac nr. 25 Telefon: 004 021 231 79 79 Fax: 004 021 231 77 99 info@graffitihotel.ro, rezervari@graffitihotel.ro
DESTINA}II DIN BUCURE{TI / Iarn\ 2012 - 2013 DESTINATIONS FROM BUCHAREST / Winter 2012 - 2013 Destinations
Days of Operation Lu/Mo
Stuttgart Paris Nisa Madrid Barcelona Malaga Valencia Roma Bologna Napoli Catania Milano/Bergamo Vene]ia Londra Dublin Larnaca Bruxelles
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FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant Amarante Str. Spiru Haret nr. 8 Tel.: +4/ 0234 511 829 www.amarante.ro Cafe du Theatre Str. Nicolae B\lcescu nr. 6 Tel.: +4/ 0234 510 055 Club Anatura Str. 9 Mai, nr. 35 Tel.: +4/ 0234 523 186 HOTELURI Hotel President Str. Ioni]\ Sandu Sturdza nr. 11 Tel.: +4/ 0234 588 000 Fax: +4/ 0234 588 200 Hotel Dumbrava Str. Dumbrava Ro[ie nr. 2, 600 045, Bac\u Tel.: +4/ 0234 513 302 Fax: +4/ 0234 588 399 PONT: Uit\-te la stele! Observatorul Astronomic Victor Anestin din Bac\u are `n dotare toate instrumentele necesare pentru a deslu[i drumul astrelor.
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Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip
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FOCUS Covering 25 hectares, park Cancicov is an attraction you should not miss. Here are located the statues of numerous Romanian personalities, such as Mihai Eminescu and Ion Creanga.
FOCUS ~ncepi cu o por]ie mare de distrac]ie `n parcul Port Aventura. Adrenalin\ la maximum! Nu rata nici celebra catedral\ Sagrada Familia, proiectat\ de Antoni Gaudí.
FOCUS Start with a large dose of entertainment in park Port Aventura. Adrenalin to the maximum! Don’t miss the famous cathedral Sagrada Familia, designed by Antonio Gaudi.
INFO De la aeroportul Barcelona (El Prat) ajungi `n maximum 15 minute `n centrul ora[ului, distan]a fiind de numai 13 km.
INFO From the Barcelona airport (El Prat) you reach the city downtown in maximum 15 minutes, at a distance of only 13 km.
FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant Amarante No.8 Spiru Haret Street Tel.: +4/ 0234 511 829 www.amarante.ro Cafe du Theatre No.6 Nicolae Balcescu Street Tel.: +4/ 0234 510 055 Club Anatura No.35 9 Mai Street Tel.: +4/ 0234 523 186
FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant SAUC Ptge. Lluís Pellicer, 12 baixos 08036, Barcelona Tel.: +34/ 933 210 189 www.saucrestaurant.com Cafeneaua Xix Carrer de Rocafort nr. 19 Tel.: +34/ 932 343 14 www.xixbar.com Clubul Tablao Flamenco Cordobes Muzic\ [i dans popular spaniol La Rambla nr. 35
FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant SAUC Ptge. Lluís Pellicer, 12 baixos 08036, Barcelona Tel.: +34/ 933 210 189 www.saucrestaurant.com Xix Cafe No.19 Carrer de Rocafort Tel.: +34/ 932 343 14 www.xixbar.com Clubul Tablao Flamenco Cordobess Popular music and dance No.35 La Rambla
HOTELS Hotel President No.11 Ionita Sandu Sturdza Street Tel.: +4/ 0234 588 000 Fax: +4/ 0234 588 200 Hotel Dumbrava No.2 Dumbrava Rosie Street, 600 045, Bacau Tel.: +4/ 0234 513 302 Fax: +4/ 0234 588 399 TIP: Take a look at the stars! The Astronomical Observatory “Victor Anestin” in Bacau is equipped with all the necessary instruments to unravel the paths of the stars.
HOTELURI Best Western Hotels AlfaAeropoerto Situat la 2 km de aeroport 08040, Barcelona c/K, s/n, Mercabarna-Zona Franca Hotel Eurostars Barbera Parc Carretera Nacional 150 KM 6.7, City Barberà del Vallès, 08210 Tel.: +34/ 937 003 900 www.eurostarshotels.com PONT: Plimb\-te pe cel mai elegant bulevard din ora[, Passeig de Gràcia, unde se afl\ dou\ celebre cl\diri construite de Gaudí, Casa Milà.
HOTELS Best Western Hotels AlfaAeropoerto Situated at 2 km from the airport 08040, Barcelona c/K, s/n, Mercabarna-Zona Franca Hotel Eurostars Barbera Parc Carretera Nacional 150 KM 6.7 City Barberà del Vallès, 08210 Tel.: +34/ 937 003 900 www.eurostarshotels.com TIP: Walk along the most elegant boulevard in the city, Passeig de Gràcia, where two famous buildings are located, built by Antoni Gaudí, Casa Milà.
INFO The International Airport Bacau is situated at a distance of only 5 km from the downtown.
DESTINA}II DIN BAC|U / Iarn\ 2012 - 2013 DESTINATIONS FROM BACAU / Winter 2012 - 2013
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INFO Aeroportul Intena]ional Bac\u se situeaz\ la o distan]\ de doar 5 km de centrul ora[ului.
Destinations Jo/Th
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FOCUS ~ntins pe 25 de hectare, parcul Cancicov este o atrac]ie pe care nu trebuie s\ o ratezi. Aici sunt amplasate busturile a numeroase personalit\]i române[ti, precum Mihai Eminescu [i Ion Creang\.
Days of Operation Lu/Mo
Roma • Milano/Bergamo Bologna Torino/Cuneo Bruxelles • Londra • Dublin
Destinations Jo/Th
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RO Bucharest
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Days of Operation Lu/Mo
Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip •
Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip
Nº 17, December 2012 / February 2013
FOCUS Napoli este renumit pentru centrul s\u istoric, intrat `n patrimoniul cultural mondial UNESCO `n anul 1995. Castelul Sant Elmo este locul din care po]i privi `ntregul ora[.
FOCUS Naples is renowned for its historic center, designated a UNESCO world cultural patrimony in year 1995. The Sant Elmo Castle is the place offering a view of the entire city.
INFO Aeroportul se afl\ la 5 km de ora[. Accesul de la aeroport se face cu autobuzul – Linia ANM 3S sau cu ANM Alibus.
INFO The airport is 5 km from the city. Access from the airport to Naples is done by bus – Line ANM 3s or ANM Alibus.
FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant Aceto Antonio Via Depretis nr. 143, 80100, Napoli Tel.: +39/ 081 551 0138 Cafenea Santa Lucia Str. Santa Lucia nr. 90, 80132, Napoli Tel.: +39/ 081 764 0267 Club Miragespa Str. Porta Posillipo nr. 135 d/e, 80123, Napoli Tel.: +39/ 081 769 1436
FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant Aceto Antonio No.143 Via Depretis, 80100, Tel.: +39/ 081 551 01 38 Santa Lucia Cafe No.90 Santa Lucia Street, 80132, Naples Tel.: +39/ 081 764 02 67 Club Miragespa No.135 d/e Porta Posillipo Street, 80123, Naples Tel.: +39/ 081 769 14 36
HOTELS HOTELURI Hotel Bella Capri Hotel Bella Capri No.48 Partenope Street, Str. Partenope nr. 48, 80121, Naples Tel.: +39/ 081 764 01 11 80121, Napoli Tel.: +39/ 081 764 0111 Fax: + 39/ 081 764 97 43 Fax: +39/ 081 764 9743 Hotel Il Convento Hotel Il Convento No.137/A Speranzella Street, Str. Speranzella nr. 137/A, 80134, Naples 80134, Napoli Tel.: +39/ 081 403 977 Tel.: +39/ 081 403 977 Fax: +39/ 081 400 332 Fax: +39/ 081 400 332 TIP: In addition to the famous PONT: Pe lâng\ pizza napo- Neapolitan pizza, have a taste letan\, gust\ [i pr\jitura Babà of the Babà (or Babbà) cake, (sau Babbà), f\cut\ dintr-un a sort of brioche made from a aluat u[or, aerat. light, aerated dough.
DESTINA}II DIN NAPOLI / Iarn\ 2012 - 2013 DESTINATIONS FROM NAPLES / Winter 2012 - 2013 Destinations
FOCUS De pe Colline du Chateau ai perspectiva fascinant\ a portului [i a `ntregului ora[. INFO De la aeroportul Nisa (22 km de Monaco; 6 km de Nisa) se poate circula cu trenul regional SNCF sau cu autobuzul 200. FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant Le Tire Bouchon Str. Prefecture nr. 7 Str. Abbaye, 06300 Vieux Cafenea Le Pure Str. Terrasse nr. 2 Tel.: +33/ 0493 622 749 Club La Bodeguita del Havana Str. Chauvain nr. 14 Tel.: +33/ 0493 926 724
Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip
INFO From the airport of Nice ( 22 km of Monaco; 6 km of Nice) you can travel by the regional SNCF train or by bus with no. 200. FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant Le Tire Bouchon No.7 Prefecture Street Str. Abbaye, 06300, Vieux Le Pure Cafe No.2 Terrasse Street Tel.: +33/ 04 93 62 27 49 Club La Bodeguita del Havana No.14 Chauvain Street Tel.: +33/ 04 93 92 67 24
HOTELURI Hotel Negresco Str. Anglais nr. 37, 06000, Nice Tel.: +33/ 0493 166 400 Fax: +33/ 0493 883 568 Hotel Excelsior Avenue Durante nr. 19, 06000, Nice Tel.: +33/ 0493 881 805 Fax: +33/ 0493 883 869 reservation@excelsiornice. com PONT: Cele mai frumoase muzee se afl\ `n partea veche a ora[ului (Cimiez), unele vizitându-se gratuit!
Destinations Jo/Th
FOCUS From the Colline du Chateau you get a fascinating perspective of the harbor and the entire city.
HOTELS Hotel Negresco No.37 Anglais Street, 06000 Tel.: +33/ 04 93 16 64 00 Fax: +33/ 04 93 88 35 68 Hotel Excelsior No.19 Avenue Durante, 06000, Nice Tel.: +33/ 04 93 88 18 05 Fax: +33/ 04 93 88 38 69 reservation@excelsiornice. com TIP: The most beautiful museums can be found in the old side of the town (Cimiez). A part of them can be visited for free!
DESTINA}II DIN NISA / Iarn\ 2012 - 2013 DESTINATIONS FROM NICE / Winter 2012 - 2013
Days of Operation Lu/Mo
RO Bucharest
FOCUS The cathedrals of Notre Dame, Sacre Coeur, Louvre Museum, the Arch of Triumph and the Eiffel Tower are just some of the marvels of Paris. We recommend you stay more than just an weekend!
INFO Aeroportul din Paris este amplasat la 84 de km de ora[ [i la 122 de km de celebrul parc Disneyland. Po]i ajunge la ambele destina]ii men]ionate cu autobuzul.
INFO The airport in Paris is located at 84 km away from the city and 122 km away from the famous park Disneyland. You can reach both mentioned destination by bus.
FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant Les Alchimistes Str. Favart nr. 16, 75002, Paris Tel.: +33/ 01 42 96 69 86 Fax: +33/ 01 40 20 92 95 Cafenea Jardin des Tuileries 75001, Paris Tel.: +33/ 01 47 03 94 84 Club Le Batofar Francois Mauriac nr. 13 Tel.: +33/ 09 71 25 50 61
FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant Les Alchimistes No.16 Favart Street, 75002, Paris Tel.: +33/ 01 42 96 69 86 Fax: +33/ 01 40 20 92 95 Jardin des Tuileries Cafe 75001, Paris Tel.: +33/ 01 47 03 94 84 Club Le Batofar No. 13 Francois Mauriac Street Tel.: +33/ 09 71 25 50 61
HOTELURI Hotel Oceania Paris Porte de Versailles Str. d'Oradour-sur-Glane nr. 52, 75015, Paris Tel.: +33/ 02 98 44 38 38 Fax: +33/ 02 98 43 69 69 Hotel Amadeus Mon Reve Avenue Felix Faure nr. 76, 75015, Paris Tel.: +33/ 01 45 54 35 63 Fax: +33/ 01 45 54 59 17 PONT: Dac\ vrei s\ vizitezi catedrala Notre Dame din Paris, po]i face acest lucru duminica. Te vei delecta [i cu un concert de org\.
Destinations Jo/Th
HOTELS Hotel Oceania Paris Porte de Versailles No.52 d'Oradour-sur-Glane Street, 75015, Paris Tel.: +33/ 02 98 44 38 38 Fax: +33/ 02 98 43 69 69 Hotel Amadeus Mon Reve No.76 Avenue Felix Faure, 75015, Paris Tel.: +33/ 01 45 54 35 63 Fax: +33/ 01 45 54 59 17 TIP: If you want to visit the cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, you can do it on Sunday. You will be able to enjoy an organ concert.
DESTINA}II DIN PARIS / Iarn\ 2012 - 2013 DESTINATIONS FROM PARIS / Winter 2012 - 2013
Days of Operation Lu/Mo
RO Bucharest
FOCUS Catedralele Notre Dame, Sacre Coeur, Muzeul Luvru, Arcul de Triumf [i Turnul Eiffel sunt doar câteva din minun\]iile Parisului. ~]i recomand\m s\ stai mai mult de un week-end!
Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip
Days of Operation Lu/Mo
RO Bucharest
Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip
FOCUS Mergi s\ vizitezi singura cetate conservat\ `n totalitate pân\ ast\zi: Bologna. Peste100 de turnuri ridicate, arcade `ntinse pe km `ntregi [i Biblioteca Universal\ ce cuprinde peste 200 de mii de volume.
FOCUS Go and visit the only fortress preserved entirely to this day: Bologna. Over 100 high towers, arcades stretching over miles and the Universal Library comprising over 200 small volumes.
FOCUS Punctul forte al ora[ului este Grand Place sau Pia]a Central\. Plimb\-te prin imensa pia]\ pentru a intra `n farmecul de poveste al capitalei belgiene.
FOCUS The strong point of the town is the Grand Place or the Central Square. Take a walk through the immense square in order to feel the fairy tale charm of the Belgian capital.
FOCUS Spiritul Cataniei este definit cel mai bine de Castelul Ursino. Acest simbol al ora[ului, veche fort\rea]\ modernizat\ [i extins\ `n ziua de ast\zi, reprezint\ [i locul de odihn\ al mai multor regi [i regine.
FOCUS The spirit in Catania is best defined by Castle Ursino. This symbol of the town, an old fortress modernized and extended recently, represents also the rest place of several kings and queens.
INFO Aeroportul Bologna este situat la 6 km de ora[. Transportul este asigurat de autobuze, pre]ul unei c\l\torii find de 5 euro.
INFO Bologna Airport is situated 6 km from the town. The transport is ensured by buses, the price for a travel ticket being 5 euro.
INFO Cei 16 km `ntre aeroport [i ora[ul Bruxelles se pot parcurge rapid cu trenul, expresul sau autobuzul.
INFO The 16 km from the airport to the city of Brussels can be covered fast by train, express or bus.
FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant L'Altro Mondo Str. Grétry 46 Grétrystraat Tel.: +32/ 2 219 69 90 Cafenea El Greco Grand Place 36 Grote Markt Club You Night Club Str. Duquesnoy nr. 18, 1000, Bruxelles Tel.: +32/ 2 639 14 00
FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant L'Altro Mondo Grétry 46 Grétrystraat Street Tel.: +32/ 02 219 69 90 Cafenea El Greco Grand Place 36 Grote Markt You Night Club No.18 Duquesnoy Street, 1000, Brussels Tel.: +32/ 02 639 14 00
INFO Dac\ iube[ti farmecul provinciilor siciliene, Catania este ora[ul ideal pentru a te relaxa al\turi de familie. Aeroportul este la o distan]\ de 5 km fa]\ de centrul ora[ului.
INFO If you love the charm of the Sicilian province, Catania is the ideal town to relax close to your family. The airport is situated at a distance of 5 km from the downtown.
HOTELURI Hotel Le Plaza Boulevard Adolphe Maxlaan nr. 118-126, 1000, Bruxelles Tel.: +32/ 2 278 01 00 Fax: +32/ 2 278 01 01 Louise Hotel Str. Veydt nr. 40, B-1050, Brussels Tel.: +32/ 2 537 40 33 Fax: +32/ 2 534 40 37 info@louisehotel.com PONT: Dac\ ajungi `n Bruxelles nu uita s\ cumperi un Manneken Pis. Nu [tii ce este? Reprezint\ cel mai popular [i renumit suvenir din partea locului.
HOTELS Hotel Le Plaza No.118-126 Boulevard Adolphe Maxlaan, 1000 Tel.: +32/ 02 278 01 00 Fax: +32/ 02 278 01 01 Louise Hotel No. 40 VeydtStreet, B-1050, Brussels Tel.: +32/ 02 537 40 33 Fax: +32/ 02 534 40 37 info@louisehotel.com TIP: If you reach Brussels, don't forget to buy a Manneken Pis. You don't know what that is? It represents the most popular and famous souvenir around.
FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant Il Cuciniere Str. Capuana nr. 145 Tel.: +39/ 095 747 07 02 Fax: +39/ 095 747 01 72 Cafenea Cafe del Mar Str. Lungomare dei Ciclopi nr. 119 Club Banacher Str. Vampolieri nr. 2
FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant Il Cuciniere No.145 Capuana Street Tel.: +39/ 095 747 07 02 Fax: +39/ 095 747 01 72 Cafe del Mar Cafe No.119 Lungomare dei Ciclopi Street Club Banacher No.2 Vampolieri Street
HOTELURI Hotel Katane Palace Str. C. Finocchiaro Aprile 110 Tel.: +39/ 095 747 07 02 Fax: +39/ 095 747 01 72 www.katanepalace.it Albergo Savona Str. Vitt. Emanuele nr. 210 Tel.: +39/ 095 326 982 Fax: +39/ 095 326 982 info@hotelsavona.it PONT: Dac\ ajungi `n Catania este p\cat s\ nu mergi pân\ la baza vulcanului Etna. Nu uita s\ te echipezi corespunz\tor, deoarece nici clima [i nici traseul nu sunt blânde.
HOTELS Hotel Katane Palace 110 C. Finocchiaro Aprile Street Tel.: +39/ 095 747 07 02 Fax: +39/ 095 747 01 72 www.katanepalace.it Albergo Savona No.210 Vitt. Emanuele Street Tel.: +39/ 095 326 982 Fax: +39/ 095 326 982 info@hotelsavona.it TIP: If you reach Catania, it would be a shame not to go at the feet of volcano Etna. Don't forget to dress properly as climate and the course itself are not mild.
FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant Day Str. Industria nr. 35, 40138, Bologna Tel.: +39/ 051 210 66 11 Fax: +39/ 051 533 524 Cafeneaua Break And Coffe Sas Str. Tombetto nr. 2, 40056, Crespellano Club Domino Str. Castiglione nr. 16, 40125, Bologna Tel.: +39/ 051 232 641
FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant Day No.35 Industria Street, 40138, Bologna Tel.: +39/ 051 210 6611 Fax: +39/ 051 533 524 Break And Coffe Sas Cafe No.2 Tombetto Street, 40056, Crespellano Club Domino No.16 Castiglione Street, 40125, Bologna Tel.: +39/ 051 232 641
HOTELURI Grand H. Baglioni Str. Indipendenza nr. 8, 40121, Bologna Tel.: +39/ 051 225 445 Fax: +39/ 051 234 840 Hotel 4 Viale Masini Hotel Designe Viale Angelo Masini nr. 4/3 40126, Bologna Tel.: +39/ 051 255 035 PONT: Nu rata specialit\]ile culinare de aici. Una dintre acestea este renumitul sos Bolognese pentru paste.
HOTELS Grand H. Baglioni No.8 Indipendenza Street, 40121, Bologna Tel.: +39/ 051 225 445 Fax: +39/ 051 234 840 Hotel 4 Viale Masini Hotel Designe No.4/3 Viale Angelo Masini, 40126, Bologna Tel.: +39/ 051 255 035 TIP: Don't miss the local food specialties. One of them if the famous Bolognese sauce for pasta.
DESTINA}II DIN BOLOGNA / Iarn\ 2012 - 2013 DESTINATIONS FROM BOLOGNA / Winter 2012 - 2013 Destinations
Days of Operation Lu/Mo
RO Bucharest RO Bac\u
Destinations Jo/Th
Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip
Days of Operation Lu/Mo
RO Bucharest RO Bac\u
• •
DESTINA}II DIN CATANIA / Iarn\ 2012 - 2013 DESTINATIONS FROM CATANIA / Winter 2012 - 2013 Destinations
• •
Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip
Days of Operation Lu/Mo
RO Bucharest
Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip
LA BLUE AIR ~}I ALEGI LOCUL ~N AVION! WITH BLUE AIR YOU GET TO CHOOSE YOUR SEAT IN THE PLANE! Pentru ca fiecare zbor s\ fie cât mai pl\cut [i confortabil, v\ oferim posibilitatea de a v\ alege locul `n avion. Op]iunea de selec]ie a unui loc `n avion se realizeaz\ `n momentul rezerv\rii biletului, sau, ulterior, prin intermediul Call Center, online, sau prin agen]ie contra sumei de 3 euro/segment.
To make each Blue Air flight as pleasant and comfortable as possible, we offer the possibility to choose your own seat in the airplane. The option to select a seat in the airplane is available the moment you book the ticket or afterwards, via the Call Center service, online, or via an agency for the sum of 3 Euros / segment.
„Heraldica”,„Peisaj fantastic `n alb [i negru”,„Gr\dina cu giuvaere - bijuterii de sear\ [i de gal\” sunt o parte a noilor colec]ii din por]elan nobil, pe care atelierul de por]elanuri pictate manual Wagner Arte Frumoase [i Pove[ti le-a lansat cu ocazia sezonului 2013.
Heraldica. O colec]ie de obiecte func]ionale, dedicat\ `n exclusivitate domnilor, cu un decor inspirat din lumea blazoanelor [i a simbolurilor reg\site `n emblemele familiilor regale. Este o linie de obiecte din por]elan cu forma robust\ ce se preteaz\ perfect caracterelor tari [i iubitorilor de istorie. Peisaj fantastic `n alb [i negru. Simplitatea liniei `n tu[ delimiteaz\ hot\rât albul por]elanului de negrul desenului, ceea ce inspir\ elegan]\ [i sobrietate. Aurul inserat cu delicate]e `n decor aduce pre]iozitate, unicitate
[i `nnobileaz\ piesele de por]elan. Este o colec]ie pentru cunosc\tori [i pentru cei care prefer\ arta `n alb [i negru. Gr\dina cu giuvaere - bijuterii de sear\ [i de gal\ Este o colec]ie `n serie foarte mic\, piese de bijuterie extrem de pre]ioase [i spectaculoase prin designul [i pictura manual\ pe por]elan semnate de Ana Wagner. Argintul, aurul [i pietrele pre]ioase ca smaraldul, morganitul sau safirul vor face ca piesele de bijuterie s\ inspire elegan]\ [i str\lucire feeric\, pentru o sear\ de bal sau cea din Ajunul Cr\ciunului.
Toate colec]iile de obiecte [i bijuterii stau sub conceptul [i design-ul Anei Wagner. Decorul este realizat `n tehnica picturii manuale [i a tehnicii de imprimerie decalcomanie, de cele mai multe ori innobilate cu aur [i platina, `n atelierul de crea]ie Wagner - Bucure[ti. Fiecare pies\ ce poart\ marca Wagner Arte sau semn\tura Anei Wagner reprezint\ o lucrare de art\ miniatural\, pies\-unicat lucrat\ cu extrem\ minu]iozitate [i pasiune. Lucr\rile Wagner reprezint\ arta pur\ ce poate fi transmis\ din genera]ie `n genera]ie! Obiectele noilor colec]ii se g\sesc, la Wagner Maison de la Porcelaine din Cotroceni, str. Dr. Staicovici 19. www.wagnerarte.ro
Nº 17, December 2012 / February 2013
LAUNCHED THEIR COLLECTION OF PORCELAIN 2013 “Heraldica”, “Fantastic landscape in black and white”, ”Treasure garden - evening and gala jewels” are a part of the new collections of noble porcelain which the hand-crafted porcelain workshop Wagner Arte Frumoase si Povesti launched for year 2013
Heraldica. A collection of functional items, exclusively dedicated to gentlemen, with a scenery inspired from the world of blazons and symbols found on the logos of royal families. It is a line of porcelain items with robust shape which fits perfectly with strong characters and persons who appreciate history. Fantastic landscape in black and white The simplicity of the ink line delimitates firmly the white of the porcelain from the black of the drawing, which inspires elegance and sobriety. The gold delicately inserted into the landscape brings preciousness, uniqueness and renders nobility to the
porcelain pieces. It is a collection for connoisseurs and for those who prefer art in black and white. Treasure garden - evening and gala jewels It is a small-series collection with extremely precious and spectacular items, remarkable through design and the hand-made drawings signed by Ana Wagner. Silver, gold and precious stones such as emerald, morganite and sapphire will make the jewel items inspire elegance and brightness, for a ball evening or for the Christmas Eve.
All the collections of items and jewels bear the concept signature and design of Ana Wagner. The scenery is made using hand paintings and engraving by decalcomania, most of the times using gold and platinum, everything taking place in the Wagner creation workshop in Bucharest. Each piece bearing the signature of Wagner Arte or the signature of Ana Wagner represents a work of art in miniature, one of a kind pieces crafted with extreme care and passion. Wagner items represent pure art that can be transmitted from generation to generation. The items of the new collections are found at Wagner Maison de la Porcelaine in Cotroceni, 19 Sr. Staicovici Street, www.wagnerarte.ro
ANA KARENINA! O poveste romantic\, plin\ de elegan]\, dar matur\, `mbinat\ cu elemente antice, auriu, argintiu [i pus\ `n valoare de violet, verde puternic, negru [i vi[iniu. Anna Karenina î[i afirm\ personalitatea înc\ de la `nceputul operei al c\rui nume `l poart\, îns\, doar pe parcurs o putem în]elege mai bine. Tot a[a, noua colec]ie cu elementele ei spectaculoase [i magia pe care o eman\, te va l\sa s\ o descoperi treptat [i `]i va acapara puternic, interesul. Ea, personajul principal, afi[eaz\ o t\rie de caracter impresionant\, care o va ajuta s\ dep\[easc\ momentele grele pe care le `ntâmpin\. Tot a[a, femeia Meli Melo, cea care alege s\ defileze purtând aceste noi accesorii, se va transpune `ntr-o lume `n centrul c\reia str\luce[te [i `n care `i este pus\ `n valoare personalitatea puternic\. De aceea, `i propunem ]inute care vorbesc despre ea, care ascund pove[ti ve[nice [i care sunt mereu preg\tite s\ fac\ senza]ie. Accesorii masive, culori care te surprind la fiecare pas, gen]i [i plicuri cu aplica]ii bogate, opulen]\ [i mister, pietre supradimensionate [i cristale. Le recomand\m atât ziua, cât [i seara, dar mai ales pentru sezonul petrecerilor, care se apropie.
A romantic story, overflowing with elegance, yet mature, combined with antique elements, gold, silver and highlighted by colors such as violet, crude green, black and cherry. Anna Karenina asserts her personality ever since the beginning of the novel bearing the same name, but, only gradually do we get to grasp her better. In the same way, the novel collection with its spectacular elements and the magic that it projects will allow you to discover it slowly, capturing your interest as it does so. She, the leading character, displays impressive strength and resolution which will help her overcome the difficult moments awaiting her. Likewise, the Meli Melo woman, the one who chooses to parade wearing these new accessories, will immerse into a world in the center of which she will glow and where her unique personality is properly unraveled. That is why we propose items that speak about her, that hide never-ending stories and that are always ready to strike sensation. Massive accessories, colors that surprise with every step, purses and bags with rich applications, opulence and mystery, oversized stones and crystals. We recommend them both by day and by night, especially for the party season which is approaching.
Nยบ 17, December 2012 / February 2013
Anna Lesko a intrat perfect, `n pielea personajului, misterioas\, a pus `n valoare fiecare accesoriu. Toate acestea, `ntr-o loca]ie perfect\ cu cadre senza]ionale.
Fii [i tu Anna Karenina!
Anna Lesko fit right into the character; she displayed an elegant, mysterious attitude, highlighting each accessory. All in tone with the perfect location and sensational scenery.
Be Anna Karenina!
S|RB|TORI CU DELICII FESTIVE HOLIDAYS WITH FESTIVE DELICACIES Francezii, spaniolii [i italienii se `ntrec la ceas aniversar `n cele mai bune deserturi, iar rezultatele `]i fur\ sim]urile: delicatese crocante cu brânz\, mixuri de migdale, miere [i zah\r pudr\, dar [i diferite sortimente de pâine dulce cu stafide [i fructe confiate care merg de minune cu o ciocolat\ cald\ sau cu un vin dulce. The French, the Spanish and the Italian compete at anniversaries to offer the best deserts and the results are simply breathtaking: crunchy cheese delicacies, blends of almonds, honey and powdered sugar, as well as various sorts of sweet bread and raisins and dehydrated fruits that go marvelously with a cup of hot chocolate or sweet wine.
Cr\ciunul `n stil fran]uzesc f\r\ La Bûche de Noël (Bu[teanul de Cr\ciun) nu are niciun farmec. Bu[teanul este vedeta s\rb\torilor de iarn\, fiind prezent `n fiecare cas\. ~n trecut, `n Ajunul Cr\ciunului, francezii aduceau `n cas\ un bu[tean mare de lemn de esen]\ tare pe care `l stropeau cu ulei, sare [i vin `n timp ce spuneau rug\ciuni. Bu[teanul era apoi aprins cu t\ciunii de anul trecut pentru c\ cenu[a era considerat\ protectoarea de r\u a casei. Aceast\ tradi]ie a `nceput `n secolul al XII-lea [i s-a men]inut pân\ `n secolul XIX, atunci când [emineele au fost `nlocuite cu sobe [i bu[tenii mai mici au fost plasa]i pe mese ca decora]iuni. Azi, bu[tenii sunt comestibili, fiind preg\ti]i dintr-un cozonac acoperit cu ciocolat\ [i decorat cu migdale, bomboane, fructe sau caramel. Pentru a-i da aspect de scoar]\ de copac, francezii modeleaz\ ciocolata cu furculi]a. Bun\t\]ile nu mai contenesc pân\ `n ianaurie, când fiecare vitrin\ de boulangerie este ticsit\ de Galette des Rois - pr\jitura magilor preg\tit\ cu ocazia Epifaniei (Botezul Domnului), atunci când cei trei magi au venit s\-l vad\ pe copilul Iisus. Vei descoperi un produs de patiserie crocant, cu o crust\ de unt, umplut cu crem\ de migdale, iar `n sudul Fran]ei vei savura brio[e umplute cu fructe confiate. Francezii experimentez\ diverse sortimente cum ar fi Galette des Rois cu l\mâie [i fistic sau cu coaj\ de portocal\ confiat\ [i scor]i[oar\. Tradi]ia spune c\ norocosul care va descoperi o figurin\ mic\ `n crema de migdale este `ncoronat rege pentru o zi [i are onoarea de a purta o coroan\, activitate amuzant\, `n special, pentru copii.
French-style Christmas without La Bûche de Noël (Christmas Yule Log) has no appeal. The Yule Log is the star of winter holidays, being present in all homes. In times past, on Christmas Eve, the French would bring into their homes a big wooden log which they sprinkled with oil, salt and wine as they said prayers. The log would then be set on fire using the timbers of the previous year because the ash was considered a protector of the house against evil. This tradition began in the 12th century and was maintained until the 19th century, when fireplaces were replaced by stoves and smaller logs were put on tables as decoration. Nowadays, logs are eatable, being prepared in the form of a chocolate covered roll cake decorated with almonds, bonbons, fruits and caramel. In order to give it a tree bark aspect, the French model the chocolate by fork. All the delicacies keep coming until January, when every boulangerie is packed with Galette des Rois - the cake of the magi prepared on the occasion of the Epiphany (Baptism of the Lord), when the three magi came to see baby Jesus. You will discover a crunchy pastry product, with a buttery crust, filled with almond cream and in southern France you will enjoy muffins filled with dehydrated fruits. The French also experiment various sorts such as Galette des Rois with lemon and pistachios or dehydrated orange peel or cinnamon. Tradition has it that the lucky man to discover a small figure in the almond cream is crowned king for a day and has the honor to wear a crown, which is particularly fun for children.
79 Nº 17, December 2012 / February 2013 79
Dac\ Cr\ciunul te g\se[te la Marea Mediteran\, pe t\râm spaniol, `ncearc\ dulcele favorit al barcelonezilor - Turrón (o nuga cu migdale) sau Polvorones un desert festiv din past\ de migdale. Turrón a fost creat de arabi `n secolul al XV-lea [i a devenit desertul favorit al Regelui Felipe al II-lea al Spaniei, iar buc\tarul s\u [ef, Martinez Montino, a scris cartea „Conduchos of Christmas" `n care descria `n detaliu re]eta de turrón. ~n secolul al XVI-lea, „Manual de Mujeres" (Manualul femeilor), cu re]ete de bun\t\]i culinare, prezenta [i re]eta de turron. Pentru preg\tirea acestuia se foloseau miere [i albu[uri de ou. Odat\ ce mierea era carmelizat\ se ad\gau semin]e de pin, migdale sau alune decojite sau pr\jite. Amestecul era apoi fiert, r\cit [i t\iat felii. Turrón este azi cea mai popular\ alegere de Cr\ciun, fiind un mix `ntre migdale, zah\r pudr\ [i miere la care se adug\ coniac sau fructe confiate. Este creat `ntr-o varietate de feluri, cum ar fi turrón blando (u[or) [i turrón duro (consistent). Calitatea migdalelor `mparte turrón `n Suprema (cel mai bun) [i Estandar (standard) sau popular. Are [i arome diferite de ciocolat\, kiwi, carmael, nuci [i este ca un baton sau ca o pr\jitur\ rotund\.
If Christmas finds you in the Mediterranean Sea, on the Spanish shoreline, try the favorite desert in Barcelona - the Turrón (nougat with almonds) or Polvorones, a festive desert made of almond paste. Turrón was created by the Arabs in the 14th century and became the favorite desert of King Philip the 2nd of Spain, and his master chef, Martinez montino, wrote the book "Conduchos of Christmas" in which he described in detail the recipe for turrón. In the 16th century, Manual de Mujeres" (Women's manual) with recipes for cuisine dishes also presented the recipe for the turrón. In order to prepare it, they used honey and egg whites. Once the honey was caramelized they added pine seeds, almonds or peeled or fried nuts. The blend was then boiled, cooled and sliced. Turrón is today the most popular choice for Christmas, being a blend of almonds, powder sugar and honey to which is added brandy or dehydrated fruits. It is created in a variety of ways, such as the turrón blando (light) and turrón duro (consistent). The quality of the almonds divides the turrón into the Suprema (the finest) and Estandar (standard) or popular. It also has various flavors of chocolate, kiwi, caramel, nuts and it is like a baton or round cake.
Simbolul suprem al patiseriei din Napoli sunt delicioasele sfogliatelle preg\tite din straturi de aluat sub]ire, crocant, umplute cu brânz\ ricotta semi-dulce. Tot aici vei savura [i panetonne, un desert specific ora[ului Milano care a devenit popular [i `n sudul Italiei. Are forma Domului din Milano [i este `mpânzit de stafide [i fructe confiate, fiind numai bun cu o b\utur\ cald\ sau cu un vin dulce. Nu po]i refuza nici tiramisu, desertul cu straturi de pi[coturi `nmuiate `n cafea [i glazurate cu mascarpone. Ocazional, napoletanii `mprumut\ [i din deserturile de Cr\ciun ale celorlalte ora[e, cum ar fi pandoro specific Veronei - o pâine dulce `n form\ de stea pudrat\ cu zah\r [i adesea umplut\ cu `nghe]at\. Pandolce este adoptat din Genova fiind preg\tit din aluat dulce [i fructe confiate. Din regiunea Ferrara provine panpepato - un tort mare de turt\ dulce cu scor]i[oar\, cui[oare, nuc[oar\, miere, ciocolat\ [i fructe confiate.
The supreme symbol of pastries in Naples is the delicious sfogliatelle prepared from layers of fine dough, crunchy, filled with semi-sweet ricotta cheese. Here you will also enjoy the panetonne, a desert specific to the city of Milan which became popular in southern Italy too. It is shaped like the Dome of Milan and it is packed with raisins and dehydrated fruits, going perfectly with a cup of something hot or sweet wine. You can't refuse tiramisu, the desert with layers of ladyfingers soaked in coffee and glazed with mascarpone. Occasionally, locals of Naples borrow from the Christmas deserts of the other cities, such as the pandoro specific to Veronna, a sweet loaf of bread shaped like a star, coated with powder sugar and often filled with ice-cream. Pandolce is adopted from Geneva and is made from sweet dough and dehydrated fruits. The region of Ferrara gives the panpepato - a big cake of ginger bread with cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, honey, chocolate and dehydrated fruits.
Stelu]a N\stase
DON’T MISS I21.LOVE THE 90’S 12.2012
• Vineri, 21 decembrie 2012, Concert extraordinar la Sala Polivalent\ din Bucure[ti. Recitalurile vor avea loc în cadrul spectacolului ”I Love the 90’s” care îi mai are ca invita]i pe Delia [i Animal X. st • Friday, 21 of December 2012, an extraordinary concert takes place in Bucharest at Sala Polivalenta.It will be part of “I love the 90’s” show. Delia and Animal X are among the invited performers.
• Dac\ în anii anteriori, „Cr\ciun Vienez” a oferit românilor reprezenta]ii deosebite prin participarea arti[tilor de prim\ clas\, Asocia]ia Cultural\ „Maria Domina” continu\ tradi]ia cu un concert de Cr\ciun, pe 21 decembrie la Sala Palatului din capital\. Edvin Marton evolueaz\ atât în calitate de violonist cât [i de dirijor. • If in previous years „Craciun Vienez” has offered the romanians extraordinary performances with top artists, the “Maria Domina” cultural association now continues the tradition wih a christmas concerct which will take place on the 21st of december at Sala Palatului in Bucharest. Edvin Marton performs both as violonist and director.
HOLOGRAF 25-26.02.2013
• Cele dou\ concerte ale trupei Holograf au fost reprogramate pentru 25 [i 26 februarie 2013. Ele se vor desf\[ura la Sala Palatului din Bucure[ti. • The two Holograf shows have been postponed for 25th and 26th of February 2013. They are going to take place at Sala Palatului in Bucharest.
Nº 17, December 2012 / February 2013
CHRIS DE BURGH 24.02.2013, Royal Albert Hall, London • Chris de Burgh (n\scut Christopher John Davison, la15 Octombrie 1948) a cântat [i `n România. Faimosul interpret al melodiei “The Lady in Red”, ne invit\ acum la Londra. • Chris de Burgh (born Christopher John Davison on the 15th of October 1948) has played in Romania aswell. The famous interpretor of “Lady in Red” now invites us in London.
OLIVIA NEWTON-JOHN 13.03.2013, Royal Albert Hall, London • {i pentru c\ englezi [tiu s\ fac\ [i s\ asculte muzic\, tot la Londra, tot `n prim\var\, “A Summer Night” cu Olivia Newton-John, va rasuna `n cea mai popular\ „pop” loca]ie, la Royal Albert Hall • And because the English know what good music is, in London aswell, in spring “A Summer Night” with Olivia Newton-John is gonna rock in the most popular location, Royal Albert Hall
JUSTIN BIEBER 16.03.2013, Barcelona, Palau Sant Jordi • Justin Drew Bieber, cântere]ul canadian de pop [i R&B, concerteaz\ pe 16 martie 2013 la Palau Sant Jordi din Barcelona Cânt\retul, compozitorul [i actorul Justin Drew Bieber, este partener cu Raymond Braun Media Group (RBMG), Braun and Usher. Fanii mizicii pop au acum ocazia s\ zboare pân\ la Barcelona.
• The canadian pop and R&B singer ,Justin Drew Bieber is performing on the 16th of March 2012 at Sant Jordi Palace in Barcelona. The singer,composer and artist Justin Drew Bieber is a Raymond Braun Media Group (RBMG),Braun and Usher partner.Pop music fans now have the opportunity to see him in Barcelona.
ICE SCULPTING FESTIVAL Ianuarie/January.2013, Londra/London, Anglia/England
• ~n fiecare an, sculptori `n ghea]\ din toat\ lumea se strâng la Londra pentru a lua parte la Festivalul de Sculptur\ `n Ghea]\. Sculpturile sunt expuse `n trei loca]ii din Londra: Montgomery Square, Canada Square Park [i Jubilee Place. Se consum\ b\uturi [i mânc\ruri de iarn\, exist\ [i o cazemat\ din z\pad\ unde copiii se pot juca, precum [i clase de studiu de 20 de minute unde adul]ii pot `nv\]a principiile sculpturii `n gheata.
• Each year in January, ice sculptors from around the world gather in London, England to compete in the annual Ice Sculpting Festival. The sculptures are exposed at three spaces in London-Montgomery Square, Canada Square Park and Jubilee Place. Winter foods and drinks can be purchased, and there is a snow pit for kids to play in, as well as 20 minute master classes where adults can learn the basics of ice sculpting.
Februarie/Martie 2013, February/March 2013, Limassol, Cyprus
Carnavalul de la Limasol are loc `n onoarea obiceiurilor str\vechi, printr-un festival antrenant. Festivit\]ile `ncep odat\ cu L\sata Secului cu Carnavalului Regelui. Str\zile din Limasol prind via]\, pline de marionete plutitoare, costume colorate, cântece, dans [i muzic\ life. Marea Parad\ din Limasol este momentul principal al Carnavalului, aici adunându-se vizitatori din toat\ lumea.
The Limassol Carnival Parade in Cyprus honors these ancient customs in an entertaining festival. The festivities initially begin on Shrove Thursday with the King Carnival. The streets of Limassol come to life with elaborate floats, colorful costumes, singing, dancing, and live music. The Grand Parade of Limassol is the highlight of the Carnival, where crowds and spectators from around the world gather.
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Nº 17 Iarn\ / Winter 2012 / 2013
„la vida loca!”
Interviu cu / Interview with
Be Blue Air is published by JustVISION under the Blue Air brand.