Be blue air august - 2012

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Nยบ 15 August September 2012










Be Blue Air este o publica]ie editat\ de JustCPR sub brandul Blue Air. Be Blue Air is published by JustCPR under the Blue Air brand.




Nº 15, August September 2012



Suntem `n plin sezon de var\ [i este vremea vacan]ei. Acum, fiecare dintre noi `[i dore[te s\ plece m\car pentru câteva zile, s\ scape de stres, s\ uite de grijile cotidiene. Nimic nu este mai frumos decât mirosul vacan]ei! {i, tocmai pentru c\ suntem diferi]i cu to]ii, avem nevoie de vacan]e diferite. Blue Air v\ este al\turi pentru a v\ atinge scopul: o vacan]a relaxat\ `n destina]ia preferat\. Folosind doar mediul online, v\ pute]i baza pe site-ul Blue Air pentru planificarea vacan]ei pân\ `n cel mai mic detaliu, de la idei de vacan]\ la transport [i cazare. {i, mul]umit\ tehnologiei de ast\zi, Blue Air v\ st\ la dispozi]ie cu noua versiune a site-ul pentru telefonul mobil. Pute]i achizi]iona acum biletele de avion direct de pe telefonul mobil accesând Site-ul este optimizat pentru navigarea de pe device-uri mobile, este ergonomic, prietenos, rapid, iar traficul de date este simplificat, astfel `ncât clien]ii Blue Air s\ nu aib\ costuri mari de utilizare. Oricare ar fi destina]ia dumneavoastr\ de vacan]\, c\l\toria perfect\ `ncepe cu un zbor sigur [i pl\cut. La Blue Air, suntem con[tien]i de acest lucru [i c\ut\m constant moduri noi de a `mbun\t\]i serviciile pe care vi le oferim. ~n acest num\r al revistei Be Blue Air ve]i afla mai multe despre serviciile oferite, cât [i informa]ii despre destina]iile `n care oper\m. V\ las s\ v\ `ntoarce]i la planificarea vacan]ei visurilor dumneavoastr\ [i v\ doresc s\ v\ bucura]i de un zbor pl\cut cu Blue Air!

Its summer time and this means vacation. Now everyone wants to travel somewhere at least for a few days to get rid of stress, to forget about their worries. Nothing is more beautiful than the smell of holiday. And, just because we all are different, we need different holidays. Blue Air is close to you, to help you achieve your goal, which is a relaxed holiday in your preferred destination. Using the online medium only, you can count on the Blue Air website as a tool to plan your trip down to the smallest details, starting from vacation ideas to transport and accommodation solutions. And thanks to today's technology the new version of the website for mobile phones is now available. You can purchase airline tickets directly from your mobile phones via The website is optimized for browsing and buying Blue Air tickets on mobile devices. It is ergonomic, easy to use, fast, and data traffic is minimal. No matter the choice of your destination, the trip always starts with a safe and enjoyable flight. Here, at Blue Air, we are aware of this and we are constantly looking for new ways to improve our services for you. In this issue of Be Blue Air, you will learn more about our services and our destinations. I will let you get back to planning the smart vacation of your dreams and wish you to enjoy your flight with Blue Air!

Sherif Ussama Director General/General Director

Blue Air Everyone knows football. Everyone knows politics. Everyone knows everything. Reality says different. BRAND Turn to professionals!



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Media Project Manager Camelia L\z\roiu Managing Editor Mario Alexandru Senior Editors Andra Cr\ciun (, Alex Firescu (, Sasa Duma, Andreea C\linescu, Dan Marcoci, Kira Stanciu Senior Art Directing mstef ( Just Communication & PR Translator Just Vision Costin L\z\roiu, Matei Predescu DTP Dorule] Damaschin Photo Adrian Paul Gheorghiu, Monica Minerva, Shutterstock, Dreamstime, Etiquette Magazin, AG Weinberger (arhiva personala), Ana A. Negru Corector Vestina Leanc\ Advertising Camelia {tef Alexandru Miholca Printed by Everest Published by JustCPR 3, Lungule]u Street sect. 2, Bucharest Tel.: +40 031 40 41 138, 0724 357 227 Contributors Cristina Maier, University of West Australia Ana A. Negru, Revista Satul Florin St\ncescu, Etiquette Ciprian Ciuclea, Art Director, Blue Air

BeBlueAir Nr. 15 August - Septembrie 2012 Revista Oficial\ a companiei Blue Air

6. Interviu cu Alexandru Ciucu/ Interview with Alexandru Ciucu 8. Un prieten pentru aventura de precizie/ A friend for a precise adventure

10. Back to the future Interviu cu A.G. Weinberger/ Interview with A.G. Weinberger 14. Vene]ia/Venice. Ora[ul plutitor/The floating city



Nº 15, August September 2012

20. Marele bal Dior Le Grand Bal Dior 22. Roma/Rome Cetatea Etern\/ The Eternal City 28. Londra/London Pe urmele Tor]ei Olimpice/Following the Olympic Flame 31. Catania ~n inima Siciliei/ In the Heart of Sicily 36. Satu Mare Nou [i vechi `n ora[ul de pe Some[/New meets old in the town by the Somes 40. Satul Pârâul cu Brebi/ The Village of the Beaver Creek 48. Mileniile Bac\ului/ The Millennia of Bacau 51. Blue Corporate 56. Doi pentru Blue Air/ Two for Blue Air Interviu cu Radu Zaharescu [i Ion Ancu]a/ Interview with Radu Zaharescu and Ion Ancu]a 62. Corporate Info Destina]ii recomandate/ Recommended Destinations 78. Blue IT. Gadget 79. Osteria Gioia, Italiano vero! 80. Blue Events


De[i foarte tân\r, Alexandru Ciucu este unul dintre cei mai importan]i creatori de mod\ din România. Dou\ branduri solide - „Tata [i fiul” [i “Alexandru Ciucu” - ambele, bine a[ezate `n pia]a de gen, l-au f\cut extrem de cunoscut. {i pentru c\ „lucrurile mari se `ntâmpl\ simplu”, i s-a `ntâmplat, simplu, s\ devin\ furnizorul oficial al Casei Regale a României.

„~MI PLACE RIVIERA. ”I LIKE THE RIVIERA. ACOLO MI SE IT'S WHERE MY ~MPLINESC VISELE” DREAMS COME TRUE” Although very young, Alexandru Ciucu is one of the most important fashion designers in Romania. Two solid brands - "Tata [i fiul" and "Alexandru Ciucu" -, both well established on the targeted market, have made him well known. And because "big things happen simply" it simply happened that he became the official supplier of Romania's Royal House. Interviu cu Interview with Alexandru Ciucu

Munci]i [i c\l\tori]i mult, domnule Ciucu. Dar, e timpul vacan]elor. V\ place marea? Foarte mult.

You work and travel a lot, Mr. Ciucu. But it's vacation time. Do you like the sea? Very much.

Prefera]i agita]ia plajelor continentale sau v\ atrage misterul insulelor? Dat fiind faptul c\ prezent\rile de la Monte Carlo m\ re]in acolo o perioad\ important\ de timp, al\turi de clien]ii mei, sunt influen]at [i atras de Riviera Francez\. O zon\ foarte important\ pentru mine. O adev\rat\ `ncântare, indiferent dac\ unii obiecteaz\ c\ nu prea e

Do you prefer the agitation of continental beaches or are you rather drawn to the mystery of island beaches? Given the fact that the fashion shows keep me in Monte Carlo for a fair amount of time, being with my clients, I am influenced and drawn to the French Riviera. A very important area for me. A true delight, regardless whether some object they don't really have the



Nº 15, August September 2012

SERIAL BLUE FOILETON ~n num\rul urm\tor, o istorie a brandului „Alexandru Ciucu”

In the next issue, “Alexandru Ciucu” Brand History

nisip, c-ar fi prea multe pietre... Dar tocmai pietrele dau apei imaginea aceea incredibil\; culoarea aceea turcoaz, extraordinar\, atunci când marea e agitat\, cel pu]in la Nisa, pe Promenade des Anglais. Dac\ n-ar fi pietrele, ar trebui s\ existe mult nisip alb, ca efectul s\ fie acela[i. ~ns\, `n Europa, acest mix e foarte rar.

time, that there are too many rocks... But it's the very rocks that give the water that incredible look; that turquoise, extraordinary color, when the sea if agitated, at least in Nice, on Promenade des Anglais. If it weren't for the rocks, it would take a lot of white sand to have the same effect. But in Europe, this couple is very rare.

{i, `n afar\ de Rivier\? Insula Santorini este un alt loc superb, care mi-a pl\cut foarte mult. Apoi Creta. ~mi place [i la Barcelona, dar nu la fel de mult ca pe Riviera Francez\. A, da, [i mai exist\ la Livorno o plaj\ „alb\”, extraordinar\.

And outside the Riviera? Santorini Island is another superb place, which I liked very much. Then Crete. I also like Barcelona, but not as much as the French Riviera. Oh, yes, and there is an extraordinary "white" beach at Livorno too.

Care sunt insulele unde n-a]i fost dar a]i vrea s\ fi]i? N-am fost niciodat\ `n Palma de Mallorca, de exemplu. Am auzit tot felul de p\reri extreme. Apoi, n-am fost - de[i am stat doi ani `n Italia - `n Sardinia, ori `n Capri... De[i, dac\ m\ gândesc bine, am ajuns la Napoli de câteva ori; n-am luat niciodat\ vaporul spre Capri. Apoi a[ vrea s\ merg `n Corsica. Nici `n Malta nu am fost. ~n schimb, am ajuns `n insulele Croa]iei.

What are the islands you haven't been to but wish you had? I was never in Palma de Mallorca, for example. I heard all sorts of extreme opinions. And then - even though I lived in Italy for two years I was never in Sardinia, or in Capri... Although, if I come to think about it, I did reach Naples a few times; but I never took the ferry to Capri. And then I would also like to go to Corsica. I haven't seen Malta either. But I did make it to the Islands of Croatia.

Ave]i un top al destina]iilor inevitabile? Da! Capri `nainte de toate. Apoi Sardinia, Corsica, Malta [i Palma de Mallorca. Ei, da, am mai auzit de o insul\, frumoas\ [i s\lbatic\ – Formentera.

Do you have a top of must-see destinations? Yes! Capri before all. Then Sardinia, Corsica, Malta and Palma de Mallorca. And then I heard of another island, beautiful and wild Formentera.

Ce ne recomanda]i s\ bem [i s\ mânc\m atunci când vom ajunge pe Rivier\? De b\ut, Mojito. Eu sunt mare fan Mojito pentru c\ merge cu trabuc, iar `n materie de trabuc sunt un apasionado. De mâncat, un lup de mare, g\tit tradi]ional. ~mi las\ gura ap\. Peste carnea fript\ pe gr\tar se pune un dressing f\cut din ro[ii tocate m\runt, - ca pentru bruschete -, ardei, pu]in\ ceap\, nimic foarte pr\jit, doar pu]in c\lit, amestecat cu ulei de m\sline, nu mult. E simplu [i minunat. Mie, `n general, nu-mi place buc\t\ria alambicat\.

What do you recommend we drink and eat when we go to the Riviera? In terms of drinks, Mojito. I am a huge fan of Mojito because it goes so well with a cigar, and when it comes to cigars, I am an apasionado. In terms of foods, seawolf, traditionally cooked. My mouth is watering. On top of the grill-cooked meat they pour some sort of dressing made of tomatoes finely ground, like for the bruschetta, peppers, a bit of onions, not over-cooked, just a little, mixed with olive oil, a few drops. It's simple and wonderful. I generally don't like complicated foods.

~n consecin]\, unde ve]i evada `n 2012? La Monte Carlo. Anul acesta trebuie s\ merg acolo, din nou. De data asta, pentru prima oar\, cu Blue Air. Apropo! {ti]i c\ eu le-am f\cut uniformele?!

So, where will escpe in 2012? To Monte Carlo. This year I have to go there, again. This time, for the first time with Blue Air. By the way... By Mario Alexandru Did you know I made their uniforms?!


PENTRU AVENTURA DE PRECIZIE FOR A PRECISE ADVENTURE A[adar, vara, b\rba]ii cu atitudine nu dorm. ~[i fac planuri de vacan]\, vizând col]uri de lume pe care abia ]i le po]i imagina. Gândesc ac]iunea `n cele mai mici detalii, se dezbrac\ de rutina cotidian\, se `ncarc\ de adrenalin\ doar gândindu-[i urm\toarele mi[c\ri. ~[i simt pulsul, mu[chii `ncorda]i, pielea ferm\ sub pânza sub]ire a bluzei de in. Un ultim gând, o ultim\ analiz\ - pu]ine haine, periu]a de din]i, guma de mestecat, cheia motorului, o hart\, un binoclu, toate `n rucsacul de pe um\r, prieteni buni pentru urm\toarea incursiune `ntr-o “crevas\” a timpului. {i pentru c\, la rândul s\u, timpul devine extrem de important `n goana dup\ adrenalin\, b\rbatul adev\rat nu-[i uit\ acas\, niciodat\, prietenul cel mai bun - ceasul s\u de mân\. Pentru astfel de ocazii, solu]ia cea mai bun\ este Certina, prietenul cel mai bun al b\rbatului de ac]iune! De la mijlocul secolului trecut, compania elve]ien\ de orologerie dezvolt\ faimosul Sistem DS Double Security (Dubla Securitate), conferind ceasului robuste]e excep]ional\ [i rezisten]\ deosebit\ `n cazul scufund\rilor [i al [ocurilor, evident, nedorite. Timp de 50 de ani, Certina s-a dezvoltat `n tandem cu sportul extrem [i aventura excursiilor de top, completând de-a lungul anilor imaginea unor mari campioni - Muhammad Ali, Mike Doohan, Alex Criville, Petter Solberg, Sete Gibernau [i Thomas Luthi.

And so, in summer, men with attitude don't sleep. They make vacation plans in places of the world you could barely imagine. They plan their actions in the smallest of details, break loose of the daily routine, charge up with adrenalin, thinking only of their next moves. They feel their pulse, their tense muscles, their firm skin under the thin fabric of the flax shirt. One last thought, one last analysis - few clothes, the toothbrush, chewing gum, motorcycle key, a map, a binocular, all in the backpack, good friends for the next plunge into a time "crevasse". And because, in turn, time becomes extremely important in the chase after adrenalin, real men never leave at

home their trusty friend - the wristwatch. For this kind of occasions, the best solution is Certina, the best friend of men of action. From the middle of the last century, the Swiss company has been developing the famous DS System (Double Security), conferring the watch exceptional robustness and outstanding resistance in case of diving and shocks. For 50 years, Certina grew alongside extreme sports and the adventure of top trips, helping to complete throughout the years the image of great champions - Muhammad Ali, Mike Doohan, Alex Criville, Petter Solberg, Sete Gibernau and Thomas Luthi.

Don't hesitate to join them!

Nu ezita s\ te numeri printre ei! De peste 100 de ani, din 1888, fra]ii Adolf [i Alfred Kurth au pornit o afacere cu mecanisme de `nalt\ calitate pentru ceasuri [i piese de schimb `n Grenchen, Elve]ia. ~n 1938, jubileul de 50 de ani a marcat triumful unei afaceri de familie ce devenise acum o societate pe ac]iuni. Pentru a s\rb\tori transformarea, compania a fost rebotezat\ cu un nume cunoscut astazi `n `ntreaga lume: Certina, din denumirea latina Certus ce `nsemn\ „sigur, hot\rât”.

More than 100 years ago, in 1888 brothers Adolf and Alfred Kurth have started a business with high quality watch movements and spare parts in Grenchen, Switzerland. In 1938, the 50 years jubilee marked the triumph of a family business that had now turned into a joint-stock company. In order to celebrate the transformation, the company was renamed with a name today known throughout the entire world: Certina, from the Latin word certus which meant "sure, definite, determined".


BACK TO THE FUTURE Interviu cu / interview with A.G. Weinberger „Hm... Eu vin din viitor, cum s\ v\ spun despre ceva ce abia peste câ]iva ani ve]i experimenta?”

Toat\ suflarea muzical\ din România, [i nu numai, este de acord c\ în aceast\ parte de continent „nu poate fi vorba de blues f\r\ unul dintre reprezentan]ii s\i cei mai de seam\” anume A.G.Weinberger. Despre el, prestigioasa revist\ de gen din Detroit, „Big City Blues Magazine”, „spunea c\ este un adev\rat misionar în promovarea blues-ului, în întreaga lume”.

"Well... I come from the future, how can I tell about something that you are only going to experience in a few years' time?"

Desfacerea acestor produse se f\cea la talciocul de duminic\ sau în mod privat la client acas\. La un moment dat, încercând s\ m\ „independentizez” de sursa mea, mi-am f\cut un mic stoc de câteva sute de discuri, de toate felurile, cu gândul de a-mi face propria re]ea de distribu]ie. Am vândut tot ce însemna rock, pop, progresiv, disco, dar am r\mas cu acele câteva discuri de jazz [i blues pe care am început s\ le [i ascult. Pân\ atunci, nu prea am avut ocazia, pentru c\ le-am vândut imediat [i nu puteam s\ le scot din ]ipla de plastic. Cântam deja la chitar\ de la vârsta de 10 ani. Am ascultat muzici diverse la radio, la casetofon, dar când am pus dublu album „Spectrum”, al lui Billy

Why jazz, Mr. Weinberger? Why American blues? The answer is more pragmatic than you would think... In the late 70s, when I was 12, 13 years old, I got into a network that distributed order-based vinyl records. I bought the records straight from the source and sold them on with a small commission. My clients would give me lists with their preferences and I passed them on to my source who "imported" them from Hungary, Yugoslavia, the German Democratic Republic or Poland. It was a well-established network that brought from overseas chocolate, blue jeans, soap, contraceptives, coffee, butter, books, magazines, films on video tapes. Everything that people could not find in stores in Romania

De ce jazz, domnule Weinberger? De ce blues american? R\spunsul e mai pragmatic decât crede]i... La sfâr[itul anilor ’70, pe când aveam 12-13 ani, am intrat într-o re]ea care distribuia discuri vinil la comand\. Eu cump\ram discurile direct de la surs\ [i le vindeam mai departe cu un mic comision. Clien]ii mei îmi d\deau listele cu preferin]ele lor, iar eu transmiteam mai departe sursei mele care le „importa” din Ungaria, Iugoslavia, RDG sau Polonia. Era o re]ea bine pus\ la punct, care aducea de peste grani]\ ciocolat\, blugi, s\pun, anticoncep]ionale, cafea, unt, c\r]i, reviste, filme pe casete video. Tot ce nu se g\sea atunci în magazinele din România.

Cobham, [i l-am auzit acolo pe chitaristul Tommy Bolin, [tiam c\ aud ceva ce îmi va marca toat\ via]a. {i a[a s-a [i întâmplat! Cum a]i descoperit blues-ul american? Este el, cu adev\rat, simbolul/esen]a unei culturi? V\ reg\si]i deplin în aceast\ muzic\? Era în ’78, într-o sâmb\t\ de iunie, când se juca semifanala Campionatului Mondial de Fotbal din Argentina. Urm\ream programul televiziunii maghiare - ca toat\ lumea din fâ[ia de vest a României, pe atunci. Înainte de meci, au dat o emisiune muzical\ - ca în fiecare sâmb\t\, de fapt, dar de data aceasta era ceva special. A fost o transmisie direct\ de la Montreux Jazz Festival,



Nº 15, August September 2012

din Elve]ia. Era extraordinar. Protagonistul concertului era un chitarist afro-american, care cânta la un Fender Telecaster ro[u, [i m-a acaparat deplin cu ritmurile, cu vocea [i cu modul de a mânui chitara. M\ sim]eam eu pe scen\, în locul lui. {tiam c\ aud ceva foarte familiar [i cunoscut dintr-o existen]\ precedent\. M\ sim]eam pe drumul meu. Acest chitarist se numea Muddy „Mississippi” Waters. Referitor la a doua parte a întreb\rii dvs, cu siguran]\, la un moment dat, Blues-ul a reprezentat esen]a culturii afro-americane rurale. În anii ’40, când Blues-ul a ajuns în centrele urbane industriale [i comerciale din Nord [i Nord-Estul Statelor Unite, a devenit o form\ de entertainment exotic pentru public [i o form\ de existen]\ pentru practican]ii lui - cei care oricum se sim]eau dezn\d\jdui]i [i frustra]i în mediul urban, dur [i nemilos. Din momentul în care s-a strecurat elementul pecuniar, Blues-ul [i-a schimbat pentru totdeauna rostul [i însemn\tatea original\. Practic, de la a[a-zisa Invazie Britanic\ din anii ’60, nu mai putem vorbi de Blues pur mai degrab\ avem de-a face cu genul Crossover, în care se reg\sesc amestecate mai multe genuri [i influen]e. Iar în zilele noastre, chiar c\ nu mai putem vorbi de o form\ autentic\ de Blues. Este [i firesc pe undeva; dac\ în]elegem c\ Blues [i Jazz sunt o parte important\ din coloana sonor\ a vie]ii, atunci trebuie s\ accept\m tendin]ele de a reda întocmai paranoia vie]ii de azi cu ritmurile [i cu amestecul multicultural [i multidisciplinar cu care ne surprinde. Cu toate astea, am convingerea c\ evolu]ia are [i ea o limit\. Când a]i început s\ cânta]i la chitar\ [i în ce m\sur\ începuturile au avut sau nu

leg\tur\ cu blues-ul? La vârsta de 10 ani, dup\ ce am ie[it din coma de patru zile, indus\ de o meningit\. Când mam trezit, [tiam exact c\ vreau s\ devin un chitarist de Rock’n Roll. M\ întreb acum, oare ce [tia un pu[ti ca mine dintr-un ora[ de grani]\ într-o ]ar\ comunist\ [i izolat\ despre Rock’n Roll? Iar de atunci îmi reglez fiecare zi în aceast\ direc]ie. Blues-ul [i Jazz-ul m-au cuprins în jurul vârstei de 12-13 ani. A]i tr\it ani buni în fenomenul muzical [i în business-ul de gen de peste Ocean. A]i devenit un „american”, prin muzic\, prin stare, prin adaptarea la acest spa]iu cultural? Eu cred c\ am devenit „american” în mentalitate înca de la vârsta de 7-8 ani, când a[tept\m s\ apar\ submarinul american, stând pe podul central deasupra râului Cri[ul Repede, luni la rând, în fiecare zi la prânz, când mergeam acas\ de la [coal\. M-am dus în America s\ m\ m\sor pe cea mai grea [i sincer\ pia]a muzical\ din lume. Am c\utat r\spunsuri la întreb\rile mele existen]iale, am c\utat spa]iu unde pot respira liber, unde m\ pot elibera spiritual [i unde pot s\-mi transform visele `n realitate. Acolo, nimeni nu întreab\ pe ce limb\ plângi când te doare ceva. Acolo, nimeni nu este deranjat de faptul c\ ai putea fi diferit de ei. Acolo am în]eles c\ America nu este doar o ]ar\, ci mai degrab\ este un Principiu, care este disponibil oricui. Acest principiu îns\ numai pe acel teritoriu vast func]ioneaz\, nic\ieri altundeva. Acel imens teritoriu nu poart\ constiparea [i frustrarea creat\ de spa]iile mici [i de orgoliile milenare istorice. Acolo se vorbe[te aceea[i limb\. Acolo, nimeni nu[i bag\ nasul în treburile celuilalt. Live and let live.

All musicians in Romania and abroad agree that in these parts of territory "one cannot talk about blues without one of its most representative figures" namely A.G. Weinberger. The famous specialty magazine from Detroit "Big City Blues Magazine" said about him that "he is a true missionary in promoting blues all around the world".

during those times. Exhibiting these products took place at Sunday fairs or privately, at clients' homes. At a certain point, trying to become more independent from my source, I made a small stock of a few hundred records, all genres, thinking of making my own distribution network. I sold everything related to rock, pop, progressive, disco, but I was stuck with the few records of jazz and blues which I even started listening to. Until that point, I really never had the chance, because I sold the records right away and I couldn't get them out of the plastic wrapping. I had already been playing guitar since the age of 10. I had been listening to various music genres on the radio, on the cassette player, but when I played the double album "Spectrum" by Billy Cobham and heard the guitarist Tommy Bolin I knew I was hearing something that would influence the rest of my life. And it did. How did you discover American blues? Is it really the symbol/essence of a culture? Do you completely identify with this music? It was back in '78, Saturday, month June, when they were playing the semifinals of the World Football Championship in Argentina. I was watching the program of the Hungarian television - just like everyone else in the western side of Romania, at that time. Before the match, they broadcasted a music show - like each Saturday, but this time it was something special. It was a live transmission from Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland. It was extraordinary. The main performer of the concert was an African-American guitarist who played a red Fender Telecaster and he completely fascinated me with his rhythms, voice and his way of handling the guitar. It was like I was on stage instead of him. I knew I was hearing something awfully familiar, something I knew

Attila G Weinberger


Data [i locul na[terii: 30 august 1965, Oradea, jud Bihor Ocupa]ie: muzician, chitarist, cânt\re], compozitor, produc\tor [i promotor muzical, realizator [i prezentator radio -TV Gen muzical: blues, electric modern blues, jazz-rock, blues-rock, hard - rock Instrumente: solist vocal, chitar\, muzicu]\ Activitate: 1984 – prezent Case de discuri: BogFoot Records, Zone Records, Genius Colabor\ri: Metropol, Transylvanian Blues Community, Weinberger Blues Machine, A.G. Weinberger Band

BLUEVIP INTERVIEW Sunte]i „predispus” la o crea]ie continu\, în interior? Resim]i]i o anume deta[are fa]\ de lumea din jur? V\ inspir\? Sigur c\ da, dar nu pot tr\i cu indeferen]\. Observ totul, m\ intereseaz\ antropologia [i m\ implic. Nu vreau s\ m\ deta[ez de realitate, de ce a[ vrea s\ fac asta? A[ mai fi autentic, dac\ m-a[ închide într-un turn de filde[? Toate cântecele mele sunt descrierile fidele ale vie]ii mele reale. Încerc s\ redau adev\rul meu, pe care îl tr\iesc [i pe care mi-l asum. Sunte]i, într-adev\r, un misionar întru promovarea blues-ului în lume, a[a cum scria „Big City Blues Magazine” din Detroit, în paginile sale? Probabil. Oricum, m\ onoreaz\ aceast\ descriere. Big City Blues este una dintre cele mai prestigioase reviste de specialitate din lume. Câte ]\ri a traversat „misiunea” dumneavoastr\? Care dintre ele v-a inspirat cu adev\rat? Care v-a f\cut s\ o recrea]i în art\? Am trait în opt ]\ri, perioade mai mici sau mai mari. Dar, cel mai mult am tr\it în SUA - aproape [apte ani. Cu siguran]\ experien]a traiului în aceste ]\ri [i-a f\cut loc în edificiul meu pe care îl construiesc. Pove[tile de carier\, de dragoste, întâlnirile importante, luptele, concertele, dezam\girile, victoriile tr\ite pe meleagurile str\ine se reg\sesc în piesele [i în scrierile mele. Trebuie men]ionat îns\ c\ eu niciodat\ nu am plecat cu inten]ia de a emigra, cel pu]in pân\ acum. Exist\ momente, st\ri, întâmpl\ri „de netr\it” în alte conjuncturi, care v-au marcat trecerea printr-un spa]iu cultural? Prea multe, unele chiar epice pentru mine. Nu [tiu dac\ spa]iul desemnat acestui interviu îmi permite enumerarea lor. Cu siguran]\ voi reveni cu ele sub o alt\ form\,

poate într-o carte. Într-o lume absolut real\, unde v\ sim]i]i, pe deplin, acas\? Unde be]i cel mai bun vin? Unde mânca]i cel mai bine? Care este locul la care reveni]i din timp în timp? Tr\iesc cu acest privilegiu de a nu avea r\d\cini. Sunt de nic\ieri [i de pretutindeni. Prin urmare, nu m\ simt acas\, dar nu m\ simt nici str\in, oriunde m-a[ afla. Sunt un om global, care se simte acas\ pe Planeta sa. Vin bun g\sesc peste tot, mâncare bun\ asemenea. Iubirea m\ a[teapt\ în fiecare clip\, pe fiecare latitudine [i longitudine, iar o chitar\ [i o scen\ g\sesc oriunde. Nu cred în organiz\ri statale [i în grani]e. Care este locul, din aceast\ lume, care v-a f\cut s\ sim]i]i c\ merit\ s\ tr\i]i, atunci [i acolo? În Las Vegas, Nevada, în momentul ini]ierii mele în tainele Artei Regale. Ce film ruleaz\ pe retina dumneavoastr\, atunci când le cânta]i oamenilor blues american? Nu cred c\ trebuie s\ mistific\m a[a... Un concert este un lucru extrem de complex. Cântatul propriu-zis, pe scen\, reprezint\ doar 25-30 la sut\ din tot ceea ce înseamn\ o apari]ie pe o scen\ cât de mic\ sau mare s\ fie ea. Trebuie s\ fiu atent la multe aspecte, atât înainte, cât [i în timpul derul\rii unui concert. Dar, dac\ publicul - pentru care se fac toate aceste lucruri, pleac\ satisf\cut, cu un con]inut de care î[i va aduce aminte cu pl\cere, atunci toat\ echipa mea se poate relaxa lini[tit\. Am fost cu to]ii la în\l]imea a[tept\rilor. Job well done. Spune]i-ne, v\ rog, tot ce înseamn\ viitor pentru A.G. Weinberger. Hm... Eu vin din viitor, cum s\ v\ spun despre ceva ce abia peste câ]iva ani ve]i experimenta?

Date and place of birth: August 30th 1965, Oradea, Bihor County Occupation: musician, guitarist, singer, composer, music producer and promoter, radio-TV producer and presenter Musical genre: blues, electric modern blues, jazz-rock, blues-rock, hard-rock Instruments: vocals, guitar, harmonica Activity: 1984 – present day Records company: BogFoot Records, Zone Records, Genius Collaboration: Metropol, Transylvanian Blues Community, Weinberger Blues Machine, A.G. Weinberger Band



Nยบ 15, August September 2012

from a previous existence maybe. I felt I had found my way. This guitarist was named Muddy "Mississippi" Waters. Regarding the second part of your question, there was definitely a point when Blues represented the essence of the rural AfricanAmerican culture. In the 40s, when Blues reached the urban industrial and commercial centers in the North and North-East of the United Stated, it became a form of exotic entertainment for the public and a form of existence for those who played it and who felt ill-hoped and frustrated in the harsh and unforgiving urban environment. The moment money had a role in all this, Blues changed its nature and original meaning forever. Basically, from the so-called British invasion of the 60s, we no longer can speak of pure Blues - rather we are dealing with the Crossover genre, one in which several genres and influences are to be found. And nowadays, we really can't speak of an authentic form of Blues. And somehow it's only natural; if we understand that Blues and Jazz are an important part of the soundtrack of life, then we have to accept the trend of reproducing the very paranoia of life as we live it today, with its rhythms and multicultural blends which are always surprising. However, I am convinced that evolution has its limits. When did you start playing the guitar and to what extent did it have anything to do with blues? At age 10, after I came out of a four-day coma, induced by meningitis. When I woke up, I knew I wanted to become a Rock'n Roll guitarist. Now I wonder what a kid like me in a border town in a communist and isolated country knew about Rock'n Roll. And I've been adjusting this path ever since. Blues and Jazz got to

me around the age of 12, 13. You lived a fair number of years in the musical environment and in the specialized business media across the Ocean. Did you become "American" through music, through states, by adapting to this cultural space? I think I became an "American" as mindset ever since I was 7-8 years old, when I stood waiting for the American submarine on the central bridge above the river Crisul Repede, for months in a row, every day at lunch, when I would return home from school. I went to America to measure myself against the toughest and most sincere music market in the world. I searched for answers to my existential questions, I looked for some space where I could breathe freely, where I could free myself spiritually and where I could make my dreams come true. Over there, nobody asks you what language you cry in when something hurts. Over there nobody is bothered by the fact that you could be different than they are. Over there I understood that America is not only a country, but rather a Principle which is available to anyone. But this principle only works on that vast territory, no place else. That huge territory does not bear the grudge and frustration created by small spaces and historic and millenary vanities. Over there they speak the same language. Over there nobody interferes with someone else's business. Live and let live. Are you "predisposed" to continuous, inner creation? Do you feel a certain detachment from the surrounding world? Does it inspire you? Of course, but I can't live indifferently. I observe everything, I am interested in anthropology and I do get involved. I don't want to get detached from reality, why would I

want to do that? Would I still be authentic if I locked myself in an ivory tower? All my songs are loyal descriptions of my real life. I try to reproduce my own truth that I live and that I assume. Are you really a missionary for promoting blues throughout the world as "Big City Blues Magazine" from Detroit wrote in its pages? Perhaps. Anyway, I feel honored by this description. Big City Blues is one of the most prestigious specialty magazine in the world. How many countries have you visited with your "mission"? Which of them really inspired you? What made you recreate it in art? I have lived in eight countries for longer or shorter periods. But I lived the longest in the USA almost seven years. Definitely, the experience of living in these countries had an impact on the creation that I'm working on. Stories of career, of love, important meetings, the fights, concerts, disappointments, victories experienced in foreign lands are found in my songs and compositions. But I have to say that I never left with the intention to immigrate, at least not until now. Are there moments, states, events you could not have lived in other circumstances that had an impact on you as you crossed some cultural space? Too many, some even epic for me. I don't know if the space assigned for this interview allows me to list them. I will definitely tell them in another form, maybe in a book. In an absolutely real world, where do you feel completely at home? Where do you drink the best wine? The best food? Which is the place you like to come back to every once in a while?

I live with this privilege of not having roots. I am from nowhere and from everywhere. As such, I don't feel at home but I don't feel a stranger either, wherever I may be. I am a global person, one who feels at home on his planet. A good wine and good food are to be found everywhere. Love I can find at any moment, at any latitude and longitude, and I can find a guitar and stage everywhere. I don't believe in state organizations and borders. What is the place in this world that made you feel that it is worth living, then and there? Las Vegas, Nevada, when I was initiated in the secrets of Royal Art. What do you see when you play American blues to people? I don't think it's such a mystical thing. A concert is a very complex matter. The singing itself on stage represents only 25-30% of what stage performance is however small or big it may be. I have to pay attention to several aspects, both before and during the unfolding of a concert. But if the public - for which all these things are put on - leaves satisfied with something they will remember with pleasure, then my entire team can breathe relaxed. We all lived up to the expectations. Job well done. Tell us a few things from the future of A.G. Weinberger. "Well... I come from the future, how can I tell about something that you are only going to experience in a few years' time?"

By Mario Alexandru


VENETIA VENICE LADOMINANTE SERENISSIMA ORA{UL PLUTITOR THE FLOATING CITY Construit\ pe 118 insuli]e, Vene]ia pare c\ plute[te pe ape, fiind de altfel singurul ora[ european unde str\zile nu sunt folosite pentru transport rutier, ci doar pentru promenade. Re]eaua de transport `n Vene]ia este preponderent desf\[urat\ pe ap\, de[i prin Ponte della Liberta se poate ajunge aici de pe continent [i cu trenul sau cu

Built on 118 little islands, Venice seems to be floating on water, being actually the only European city where streets are not used for road transport, but

for walking. The transport network in Venice is mainly done on water, even though through Ponte della Liberta one can reach here from the mainland


F\r\ `ndoial\ “cel mai frumos ora[ construit de om”, a[a cum `l numea Luigi Barzini, `n The New York Times, Vene]ia a purtat de-a lungul timpului nume precum “La Dominante”, “Serenissima”, “Regina Adriaticii”, “Ora[ul Apelor”, “Ora[ul M\[tilor”, “Ora[ul Podurilor”, “Ora[ul Plutitor” sau “Ora[ul Canalelor”, toate aceste denumiri spunând povestea unui ora[ unic.

ma[ina. Vene]ia este legat\ de o serie de peste 150 de canale, peste care trec 400 de poduri. De asemenea, ora[ul este str\b\tut [i de multe alei antice. Centrul istoric al Vene]iei este `mp\r]it `n [ase cartiere (sestieri) – Cannaregio, Castello, Dorsoduro, San Marco, San Polo [i Santa Croce. De asemenea, pentru turi[tii care vor s\ cuprind\ `ntr-o vizit\ la Vene]ia cât mai multe cuno[tin]e despre

also by train or car. Venice is tied by a series of more than 150 canals, crossed overhead by 400 bridges. Furthermore, the city is also packed with lots of ancient pathways. The historic

center of Venice is divided into six neighborhoods (sestieri) Cannaregio, Castello, Dorsoduro, San Marco, San Polo and Santa Croce. Also, for the tourists who want to comprise



Nº 15, August September 2012

Without a doubt "the most beautiful city built by man" as it was called by Luigi Barzini in The New York Times, Venice borne across time names like "La Dominante", "Serenissima", "The Queen of the Adriatic", "Water City", "Mask City", "Bridge City", "The floating city" or "The City of Canals", all these names telling the story of a unique city.

ora[ul italian, `n jurul s\u se afl\ [i alte insule superbe, printre care celebrul Murano – renumit pentru sticla de Murano, Padua, Torcello sau Verona. Transportul pe canalele vene]iene se face fie prin re]eaua de transport `n comun – celebrele Vaporetti, dar [i cu taxiurile pe ap\, numite Motoscafi. S\ nu uit\m nici de pitore[tile gondole, dar preg\ti]i-v\ s\ pl\ti]i un pre] considerabil pentru o plimbare destul de scurt\. Aflat\ `n `ntregime `n Patrimoniul UNESCO din anul 1987, Vene]ia este unul dintre cele mai reprezentative ansambluri arhitecturale, ilustrând vârste timpurii ale istoriei [i ere de m\re]ie. Cel mai important stil arhitectural al Vene]iei este stilul gotic. De asemenea, arhitectura gotic\ vene]ian\ - o combina]ie `ntre elemente gotice [i influen]e otomane [i bizantine – este la loc de cinste. Iat\ câteva exemple: Palatul Dogilor [i Ca’ d’Oro. Dincolo de stilul gotic vene]ian, `ntâlnim [i cl\diri construite `n stil renascentist [i baroc, printre care Ca’ Pesaro sau Ca’ Rezzonico. O vizit\ `n Vene]ia pentru un turist obi[nuit `nseamn\, de cele

with a visit to Venice as much knowledge of the Italian city, around the city there are also other superb islands including the famous Murano - famous for the glass of Murano, Padua, Torcello or Verona. The transport on the Venetian canals is done using the common transportation network - the famous Vaporetti, but also by water taxis, called Motoscafi. Let's not forget the picturesque gondolas, but be prepared to pay a considerable price for a fairly short ride. Included in its entirety in UNESCO Patrimony since 1987,

Venice is one of the most representative architectural complexes, illustrating early stages of its history and grand époques. The most important architectural style of Venice is the Gothic style. Also, the Venetian Gothic architecture - a combination of Gothic elements, Ottoman and Byzantine influences - is in high regard. Here are some examples: Duke Palace and Ca' d'Oro. Beyond the Venetian Gothic style, we also come across buildings built in Renaissance and Baroque style, including also Ca' Pesaro or Ca' Rezzonico.


mai multe ori, câteva zile `n care vei `ncerca s\ cuprinzi chintesen]a locului. De aceea, cu siguran]\ nu vei avea timp s\ vizitezi toate obiectivele despre care ai citit `n traveler’s guides sau pe internet sau cele pe care le recomand\ autorit\]ile locale `n bro[uri publicitare. Dar, asigur\-te c\ ai destul timp s\ prinzi esen]a ora[ului!

OBIECTIVE ~N TOP Cele mai importante obiective turistice, odat\ ajuns `n Vene]ia, sunt Bazilica San Marco [i Pia]a San Marco, `n care este amplasat\ cl\direa. Intrarea `n partea principal\ a bisericii este gratuit\. ~n schimb, pl\te[ti tax\ pentru intrarea `n micile muzee aflate `n interiorul bazilicii. Unul dintre acestea te va conduce pe acoperi[ul bazilicii, unde se deschide o vedere interesant\ asupra pie]ei. Un alt punct propice unei panorame asupra ora[ului o reprezint\ Turnul Campanile. Fii atent la ora la care se trag clopotele din turn, dac\ nu vrei s\ fii asurzit; asigur\-te totu[i c\ vei vedea clopotele `n timpul vizitei tale. Cea mai important\ atrac]ie a Vene]iei, dup\ Basilica San Marco, este Palatul Dogilor, iar un tur al Palatului include [i o plimbare pe celebra Punte a Suspinelor.

A visit to Venice for a regular tourist means most times only a few days during which they try to assimilate the very essence of the place. That is why you will definitely not have time to visit all the objectives you have read about in traveling guides or on the Internet or those that local authorities recommend in publicity brochures. But make sure you have enough time to get the essence of the place.

the building is to be found. The access through the front entrance of the church is free. On the other hand, you will pay a fee for entering into the small museums inside the church. One of these museums will lead you to the roof of the basilica, where you can have an interesting view of the piazza. Another spot offering a panorama on the city is the Campanile tower. Pay attention to the hour at which they toll the bells if you want to preserve your hearing, but make sure that you get to see the bells during your stay. The most important attraction in Venice, after Basilica San Marco is the Duke

TOP OBJECTIVES The most important objectives, once you Venice, are Basilica San and San Marco Piazza,

tourist reach Marco where


Days of Operation Lu/Mo

RO Bucharest RO Bac\u



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Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip

Turismul a fost - `nc\ din secolul al XVIII-lea - o parte semnificativ\ a industriei `n Vene]ia, gra]ie patrimoniului s\u cultural, dar [i peisajelor sale unice. Mai târziu - `n secolul al XIX-lea - a devenit un centru preferat pentru boga]ii [i faimo[ii vremii. Ora[ul a r\mas `n vog\ [i `n secolul XX. De asemenea, evenimente renumite `n `ntreaga lume - printre care [i Carnavalul de la Vene]ia, Bienala de la Vene]ia sau Festivalul de Film de la Vene]ia, au loc aici `n fiecare an, atr\gând numero[i turi[ti.

Tourism was since the 18th century a significant part of the industry in Venice, thanks to its cultural patrimony, but also to its unique landscapes. Later - in the 19th century - it became a favorite center for the rich and famous of the time. The city remained fashionable in the 20th century too. Also, events famous around the world - including the Carnival of Venice, the Venice Biennale or the Film Festival of Venice - take place here every year, drawing countless tourists.




Nº 15, August September 2012

Dar ca s\ cuno[ti sufletul ora[ului nu este suficient s\ vizitezi Pia]a San Marco sau Palatul Dogilor. Rezerv\-]i trei-patru ore pentru a r\t\ci la `ntâmplare pe alei [i str\zi l\turalnice. Vei `ntâlni cele mai interesante p\r]i ale ora[ului, baruri [i restaurante cu meniuri locale tradi]ionale, pe care n-ai s\ le `ntâlne[ti `n aglomera]ia turistic\ din San Marco. Pentru un tur superb al lagunei, alege o plimbare cu Vaporetto 1, cel care merge de-a lungul Marelui Canal. Odat\ plecat, te mai po]i opri pentru o demonstra]ie de sticl\rit pe insula Murano, apoi pentru o plimbare `n insula Burano, renumit\ pentru cl\dirile sale colorate. {i dac\ e[ti atras de natur\, mai degrab\ decât de cl\diri [i aglomera]ii urbane, `n insula Torcello, la numai o or\ distan]\ de Burano, vei g\si ceea ce cau]i – o rezerva]ie natural\ [i priveli[ti remarcabile, dar [i o biseric\ din secolul al VII-lea, cu minunate mozaicuri.

Casa `n care a locuit Casanova

I Casanova’s House



Palace and a tour of the Palace also includes a walk on the famous Bridge of Sighs. But to get to know the soul of the city it's not enough to visit San Marco Piazza or the Duke Palace. Reserve three-four hours to wander randomly through side alleys and streets. You will come across the city's most interesting places, bars and restaurants with local traditional menus, which you will never see with all the tourist fretting in San Marco. For a super tour of the lagoon, choose a walk with Vaporetto 1, the one that runs along the Great Canal. Once you leave, you can still stop for a glass-crafting demonstration on the Murano island, then for a short stroll in Burano island, famous for its colorful buildings. And if you are drawn to nature rather than to urban buildings and crowds, Torcello island is just one hour away from Burano and there you will find what you are looking for - a natural reservation and remarkable sights, as well as a church of the 7th century, with marvelous mosaics.

By Andreea C\linescu 3



primul pod construit peste canalele vene]iene [i un important centru de shopping [i fashion 2






an important fish and fresh local products market





located on the island with the same name and housing inside some paintings of Tintoretto




built by the survivors of a plague in order to thank the divinity for their lives



closed for a decade, but completely rebuilt just recently

`nchis\ pentru un deceniu, dar ref\cut\ complet recent



a doua biseric\ vene]ian\ ca importan]\, ad\poste[te mormintele a 25 de dogi, dar [i importante lucr\ri de art\

not as full of tourists as San Marco, it offers a rather more local feel



aflat\ pe insula cu acela[i nume, ad\poste[te la interior câteva picturi ale lui Tintoretto construit\ de supravie]uitorii ciumei pentru a mul]umi divinit\]ii pentru via]a lor

the first bridge built over the Venetian canals and an important shopping and fashion center


o important\ pia]\ de pe[te [i de produse locale proaspete nu atât de plin\ de turi[ti ca San Marco, ofer\ un aer local



the second Venetian Church as importance, housing the tombs of 25 dukes, as well as important arts works


“Creatorii de mod\ sunt ultimii magicieni, acum c\ zâna norocoas\ a Cenu[\resei nu `[i mai r\spânde[te magia.” Christian Dior Christian Dior la balul mascat Dior

MARELE BAL DIOR ~n anul 1951, Prin]esa Margareta a ales Parisul, [i Dior, pentru a-[i s\rb\tori cea de-a 21-a aniversare, `n memorabila sa rochie alb\ de bal. ~nsu[i numele Dior este o invita]ie la bal, asociat cu magia aristocratic\ a acestor momente de elegan]\ pur\, suspendate `n timp. S\ `nceap\ petrecerea ...

Arta petrecerilor `n anii ‘20, din Granville pân\ la Paris Christian Dior s-a n\scut `n Granville, unde tradi]ia anual\ a Carnavalului a stârnit dragostea designerului pentru m\[ti [i opulen]\. Crescut `n aceast\ atmosfer\ festiv\, Dior `ncepuse deja s\ creeze costume pentru prietenii s\i. Prima sa comand\ a fost un frumos costum Neptun, realizat `n anii ’20. ~n perioada interbelic\, tân\rul Christian Dior s-a bucurat din plin de pl\cerile suprarealiste ale Parisului, mergând la “cele mai spectaculoase baluri”, unde arti[tii, aristocra]ii [i cet\]enii de rând ai Parisului se `ntâlneau `ntr-o desf\[urare comun\ de bucurie [i fast. Dintre to]i organizatorii acestor memorabile recep]ii, Contele Etienne de Beaumont r\mâne cea mai fascinant\ gazd\ a anilor ’20. „Balul Jocurilor”, „Balul Ornament” [i “Petrecerea Diadema” au fost adev\rate spectacole, unde au putut fi admirate cele mai incredibile [i amuzante costume. Christian Dior, la vremea respectiv\ un tân\r galerist de art\, era un obi[nuit al acestor petreceri extravagante, unde fiecare dintre invita]i avea ocazia s\ `[i lase frâu liber imagina]iei. Aceast\ pasiune pentru costume extravagante [i momente intense de bucurie, `l vor influen]a pentru tot restul vie]ii...

1951: “Petrecerea Secolului” Carismaticul Christian Dior iubea balurile mascate. Numeroase fotografii ale vremii `l `nf\]i[eaz\ pe acesta `mbr\cat fie `ntr-un costum de rege leu magistral, la „Balul Regilor [i Reginelor” din 1949, fie `n simplu chelner la „Balul Lun\-peste-Ap\” organizat de familia Noaille `n 1951, sau `ntruchipându-l pe Barbey d’Aurevilly la „Balul Arti[tilor” din 1956. ~ns\, dac\ ar fi s\ alegem un singur bal, „Petrecerea Secolului” organizat\ de Carlos de Beistegui `n Vene]ia le-a dep\[it pe toate celelalte `n inimile celor care au avut onoarea de a se afla acolo, printre care se num\ra [i Christian Dior: „Aceasta a fost cea mai frumoas\ petrecere pe care am avut ocazia s\ o v\d pân\ acum [i pe care `mi va fi dat s\ o mai v\d vreodat\. Splendoarea costumelor a concurat, aproape, cu fine]ea trimuf\toare a personajelor pictate de Tiepolo pe frescele murale.” Christian Dior ~ntorcând spatele Razboiului Rece [i greut\]ilor din perioada imediat urm\toare acestuia, milionarul hispanic originar din Mexic a



Nº 15, August September 2012

organizat „Petrecerea Secolului” pentru a s\rb\tori renovarea Palazzo Labia. ~n armonie cu tema secolului al 18-lea `n Vene]ia, cei 1200 de invita]i au sosit la petrecere `n gondole. Aristocra]i excentrici, arti[ti de renume, gentilomi cosmopoli]i [i noua „nobilime” de la Hollywood au defilat `n ]inute de bal, peruci pudrate [i m\[ti artizanale. Orson Welles l-a personificat pe Othello, Gene Tierney a `ncântat privirile tuturor `ntr-un costum r\v\[itor de fermier\, iar Begum a fost de-a dreptul uluitoare `n ]inuta sa. Christian Dior a participat la aceast\ c\l\torie `n timp, profund fascinat de spectacol. Desinerul a creat costume elegante pentru mai multe doamne, inclusiv costumul de ciob\ni]\ al Baronesei Alain de Rothschild [i rochia alb\ cu crinolin\ de inspira]ie Marie Antoinette purtat\ de celebra actri]\ Josette Day. Apari]ia spectaculoas\ a distinsei aristocrate Daisy Fellowes a dezv\luit-o pe aceasta `ntr-o crea]ie special\ Dior, care evoca America secolului al 18-lea surprins\ `n filmul lui Cecil Beaton. ~ncoronat\ cu pene de menur, ea a purtat o rochie alb\ de bal, pres\rat\ cu fâ[ii de [ifon animal print, unul dintre motivele preferate ale Casei Dior. Christian Dior a f\cut [i el o impresie puternic\, datorit\ piesei create `mpreun\ cu Salvador Dali [i muza sa, Gala. ~mpreun\ cu ace[tia, Dior a creat o serie de costume pentru el [i prietenii s\i, reprezentând cei [ase Gigan]i din Vene]ia. Apari]ia lor a fost un adev\rat vârtej de frumuse]e [i desf\tare. „Petrecerea Secolului” va r\mâne `ntip\rit\ `n istoria Dior ca o minunat\ `ntruchipare a secolului al 18-lea, un ideal de rafinament [i fantezie.

Dior conduce Balul „Carnavalet” (S/S 1949), gulerele sale misterioase, „Schumann” [i cascada diafan\ de tul (S/S 1950), trenele din „Soirée Etoilée” (A/W 1955-56) [i broderiile rafinate ale „Balului Prim\verii” (S/S 1956) - toate aceste rochii extravagante [i ]inute de sear\ vaporoase au construit legenda Casei Dior. Visul debutantelor... Chiar [i ast\zi, tinerele care `[i fac debutul `n societate opteaz\ pentru crea]iile spectaculoase ale Casei Dior. Rochia Dior Mitzah lila purtat\ de Lauren Bush `n 2000 [i ]inuta ro[ie flamboiant\ aleas\ de zei]a indian\ Leana Mallya pentru cel mai recent bal din 2011, au luminat evenimentele debutantelor din secolul 21. Mo[tenitoarele unor maniere alese [i a unei elegan]e `ncânt\toare, acestea sunt noile prin]ese moderne Dior. Ast\zi, spiritul balurilor Dior tr\ie[te prin extravagan]\ prezent\rilor de mod\, precum „Balul Artistului”, organizat la Organeria Versailles `n 2007, care a propus o succesiune de rochii incredibile ca omagiu adus vechilor mae[tri: Goya, Velazquez [i Vermeer. Acela[i spirit grandios a dat via]\ balurilor organizate la Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte pentru lansarea parfumului Poison `n 1985 [i a parfumului Dune `n 1991, ca s\ nu mai vorbim de petrecerea organizat\ la Opéra Garnier `n 2007 pentru Midnight Poison. Ast\zi, la fel ca [i atunci, reginele Balului sunt starurile de cinema [i femeile elegante de pretutindeni, `ncânt\toarele femei moderne pline de glamour [i fantezie, a[a cum le define[te Dior. Dior a f\cut cele mai frumoase femei din lume s\ str\luceasc\ la balurile contemporane: Hélène David-Weill, Pre[edintele Muzeului

de Arte Decorative din Paris, vorbe[te `ndelung despre sosirea sa la faimosul “Bal Oriental” g\zduit de Baronul de Rédé `n Paris pe 5 Decembrie 1969, `mbr\cat\ `ntr-o rochie de [ifon Dior `mpodobit\ cu pietre. Mai mult, nu este deplasat s\ b\nuim c\ multe celebrit\]i au ales Dior tocmai pentru a fi `n centrul aten]iei la incredibilul “Bal Alb-Negru” pe care autorul Truman Capote l-a organizat `n 1966 la Plaza Hotel din New York. Casa Dior a contribuit cu siguran]\ la prestigiul faimosului „Bal Proust” la Château de Ferrières din 1971, unde Liz Taylor a ap\rut acoperit\ `n diamante, iar Marisa Berenson a f\cut senza]ie `mbr\cat\ `n Marchesa Casati, prefigurând unul dintre cele mai memorabile momente ale prezent\rilor de mod\ Dior Haute Couture. Cântecul unei epoci, Marile Baluri au marcat `ntotdeauna momente de schimbare [i au `ncheiat cicluri mai vechi. ~ntre pofta de via]\ [i nostalgia unei epoci binecuvântate, Christian Dior a fost profund `ndr\gostit de aceste reminiscen]e de elegan]a pur\. Toat\ via]a sa, designerul a urmat visul frumuse]ii [i fericirii reprezentate de Baluri. Un excentric ascuns `n spatele unei fa]ade clasice, el `ndr\gea turnurile dramatice ale evenimentelor [i reinventarea de sine prin magia hainelor. Fiind juc\u[ [i plin de exaltare, balurile au reprezentat dragostea sa pentru mister [i elegan]\. Momente trec\toare de excentrism, prezent\rile de mod\ Dior Haute Couture sunt ast\zi ultimele vestigii ale acestei splendori extravagante. Dior este un bal nesfâr[it...

Dior Archive


Coloseum, interior, arena de lupta /Inside the Colosseum

“Roma... Niciun ora[ din lume nu-]i este egal [i niciunul nu-]i este nici m\car pe aproape� spunea Cicero despre ora[ul c\utat [i iubit ast\zi de milioane de turi[ti, fie pentru lec]ia sa deschis\ de istorie antic\, fie pentru expozi]iile [i muzeele de art\, ce ad\postesc operele marilor arti[ti italieni.



NÂş 15, August September 2012



“Rome... No city in the world equals it and no city comes even close" said Cicero about the city that to this day is cherished and sought by millions of tourists, whether it's for its open air class in ancient history, or for the arts exhibitions and museums, filled with the works of the unrivaled Italian artists.


O ZI LA VATICAN Pelerini la por]ile Romei, vom dedica prima zi Vaticanului. Pentru c\, nu-i a[a, Sfântul Scaun poart\ aura sacralit\]ii [i respir\ art\ `n stare pur\. Muzeele Vaticanului se afl\ la loc de cinste pe lista celor mai mari edificii de gen din `ntreaga lume, al\turi de Ermitaj [i Luvru. ~nc\perile lor ad\postesc unele dintre cele mai importante capodopere ale artei universale, [i nu e nimic exagerat `n aceast\ afirma]ie; vorbim aici de impresionanta colec]ie de art\ a Bisericii Romano-Catolice, conservat\ de-a lungul secolelor. Cu siguran]\, nu vom rata Capela Sixtin\ [i minunata oper\ rafaelian\. Apoi, ne vom `mp\ca `n sine, `n fa]a capodoperelor lui Michelangelo, Leonardo, Titian, Poussin, Fra Angelico, Caravaggio. De la muzeu ne vom l\sa pa[ii s\ descopere drumurile spre Basilica San Pietro, `ntr-o incursiune `nv\luit\ de spiritul catolicismului. Pe fa]ada bisericii `[i decupeaz\ profilul statuile Mântuitorului, Sfântului Ioan Botez\torul, celor 11 apostoli ai lui Iisus. Sub bol]i, descoperim statuile sfin]ilor `ntemeietori ai ordinelor religioase [i monumente funerare. Magica “La Pieta”, a lui Michelangelo, ne inund\ chipul `n lumina tinere]ii Fecioarei. Dedesubt, `n Grot\, se `ntind mormintele `nal]ilor Bisericii de la Roma.

Roma, Vatican / Florindeii

ONE DAY AT THE VATICAN Pilgrims at the gates of Rome, we shall dedicate the first day to Vatican. Because, it's true, the Holy Chair bears the aura of sacredness and it breathes art in pure form. The museums of Vatican occupy leading positions on the list of the world's greatest edifices of the kind, next to Hermitage and the Louvre. Their rooms house some of the most important masterpieces of universal art and there is nothing exaggerated about that statement; we're talking here about the impressive arts collection of the Roman-Catholic Church, preserved throughout centuries. We will definitely not

miss the Sistine Chapel and the wonderful Raphaelite works. Then, at peace with ourselves, we will admire the masterpieces of Michelangelo, Leonardo, Titian, Poussin, Fra Angelico, Caravaggio. From the museum, our steps guide us to discover the roads towards the Basilica San Pietro, an incursion engulfed in catholic spirit. The facade of the church reveals the profiles of the statues of Jesus, Saint John the Baptist and the 11 apostles of Jesus. Under the arches we can discover the statues of the saints who founded religious orders and funerary monuments.



Nº 15, August September 2012

ANCIENT ROME Sus pe acoperi[, unde vom ajunge cu liftul, [i de acolo pe Loggia Panoramica, urcând pe o uria[\ scar\ `n spiral\, ne vom sim]i, mai `ntâi, inima cerându-[i dreptul la emo]ii; apoi ne vom obi[nui, treptat, cu toat\ splendoarea Vaticanului [i a Romei. La plecare, vom topi `n istorii, alte câteva secunde, oprindu-ne `n Piazza San Pietro. Aici e centrul Vaticanului, aici sunt sufletele martirilor, de aici r\sun\ discursurile Papei.

ROMA ANTIC| La na[terea zorilor zilei a doua, romane, ne vom `ntoarce `n istorie. Centrul Capitalei este istoria `ns\[i. Ruinele renasc Imperiul [i gloria. Dealul Capitoliului – `n Piazza Campidoglio –, unul dintre cele [apte ale Romei antice, este locul unui minunat belvedere asupra Cet\]ii Eterne. Muzeul Capitoliului ap\r\ `nc\ ruinele Templului dedicat lui Jupiter. Continu\m s\ descoperim Roma antic\, odat\ cu Forumul Roman – cândva Forum Magnum - centrul politic, economic [i religios al vechii capitale imperiale, `nconjurat `nc\ de ruinele cl\dirilor guvernamentale antice. Colosseum, `nc\ o istorie pe care o retr\im. Numit oficial Amfiteatrul Flavian - dup\ familia care l-a ridicat – acesta era „Circul”. Arena luptelor `necate `n sângele gladiatorilor, p\mântul crudelor execu]ii. Aceasta a r\mas pân\ azi, cea mai mare aren\ ridicat\ de romani. Un pont: La Forumul Roman [i la Colosseum intri cu aceia[i bani, pe acela[i bilet. Doar c\ la Forum, cozile sunt mult mai mici decât la Colosseum. A[a c\, este mult mai bine s\ intra]i pe aici. Cel mai bun loc pentru a-]i procura biletul este intrarea `n Forum de pe Via di San Gregorio. Panteonul r\mâne una dintre cele mai bine p\strate cl\diri antice din lume [i, evident, unul dintre punctele esen]iale ale Cet\]ii. Valea dintre Dealul Capitoliului [i Dealul Palatin, fost centru al lumii vestice timp de un mileniu, `i aduna aici pe cei mai impozan]i [i mai importan]i romani – de la oratori la solda]i, vor fi trecut pe aici ca Roma, detaliu/detail Fontana di Trevi

Michelangelo's magic "La Pieta" floods our faces in the light of the Virgin's youth. Underneath, in the Cave, lie the tombs of High Churchmen of Rome. Above, on the roof, where the elevator takes us, and from there to the Loggia Panoramica, climbing a huge spiral staircase, we feel our hearts pounding with excitement; then we gradually get used to the splendor of Vatican and Rome. As we leave, we plunge into other highlights of history as we stop in the Piazza San Pietro. This is the center of Vatican, this is where the souls of martyrs are, this is where the Pope's speeches resonate.

At the dawn of the second day in Rome, we go back into history. The center of the Capital is history itself. The ruins bring back the Empire and the glory. The Capitol Hill - in Piazza Campidoglio -, one of the seven hills of ancient Rome, is the place of a great panoramic view onto the Eternal City. The Capitol Museum still houses the ruins of the Temple dedicated to Jupiter. We continue to discover ancient Rome with the Roman Forum - once Forum Magnum -, the political, economical and religious center of the old imperial capital, still surrounded by the ruins of ancient government buildings. The Coliseum, another piece of relived history. Officially

Roma, Mandarina


Coloseum, iluminare de sear\

I Inside the Colosseum by night


dubbed the Flavian Amphitheater - after the family that built it - this used to be the "Circus". The arena of the blood-soaked fights between gladiators, the place of fierce executions. To the day, it's the biggest arena built by the Romans. A useful tip: the same ticket will get you access to both the Roman Forum and the Coliseum. Except that for the Forum, lines are much smaller than at the Coliseum. So, it's much better to enter this way. The best spot to get your ticker is the entry into the Forum on Via di San Gregorio. The Pantheon remains one of the best preserved ancient buildings in the world, and, obviously, one of the essential highlights of the City. The valley between the Capitol Hill and the Palatine Hill, a former center of the western world for a millennium, used to reunite there the most powerful and influential Romans of the time - from orators to soldiers, they will all have paraded there to showcase their qualities and worth. Via Appia Antica - stretches from St. Sebastian Gate to Brindisi, on the southern coastline of Italy. On this path we will come across catacombs, churches, funerary sculptures and ruins. We will "examine" them while on foot, riding a bike or by Archeobus. This bus leaves every half-hour from the center of Rome.

THE CITY'S MUSEUMS We can't leave the Capitol Hill before we visit the Capitol Museums, found on one side and the other of the Piazza Campidoglio. They still keep the oldest public arts collection in the world, its old items - an



Nº 15, August September 2012

s\-[i demonstreze calit\]ile [i m\iestria. Via Appia Antica – se `ntinde de la Poarta St Sebastian la Brindisi, pe coasta sudic\ a Italiei. Vom `ntâlni pe acest drum catacombe, biserici, sculpturi funerare [i ruine. Le vom „cerceta”, fie la pas, fie cu bicicleta ori cu Archeobus-ul. Acesta din urm\ pleac\ la fiecare jum\tate de or\ din centrul Romei.

MUZEELE CET|}II Nu vom putea p\r\si Dealul Capitoliului pân\ nu vizit\m Muzeele Capitoline, amplasate de-o parte [i de alta a Pie]ei Campidoglio. Ele p\streaz\ cea mai veche colec]ie public\ de art\ din lume, vechile sale obiecte - un grup antic de lucr\ri din bronz – datând din anul 1471. De aici, `n func]ie de rezisten]a fizic\ [i dietele urmate, plec\m c\tre unul dintre cele mai importante muzee ale Romei - Galeria Borghese, considerat\ cea mai frumoas\ colec]ie de mici dimensiuni din lume. Vom g\si aici superbele statui timpurii ale unui Bernini, precum [i picturi ale lui Caravaggio, Rafael [i Titian, aflate `ntr-o vil\ superb\, construit\ `n 1961. ~n parcul Villa Borghese se afl\ [i Villa Giulia (o capodoper\ a Rena[terii) [i Muzeul Na]ional Etrusc `nc\rcat de comori ale marii civiliza]ii precursoare celei romane.


ZIUA BISERICILOR O alt\ zi ar putea fi ziua bisericilor romane. Fie c\ vorbim de primele biserici cre[tine, de bisericile baroce ori renascentiste, cu toate reprezint\, dincolo de aportul lor de spiritualitate, minunate mostre artistice, l\ca[uri `n care [i-au exprimat talentul, la tinere]e ori maturitate, marii arti[ti ai Rena[terii. M\rturii `n acest sens stau Biserica subteran\ San Clemente, Santa Maria in Trestevere - prima biseric\ din Roma dedicat\ Sfintei Fecioare Maria -, Santa Prassede, Biserica S. Stefano Rotondo, Santa Maria Sopra Minerva, Santa Maria del Popolo, San Carlo alle Quatro Fontane (San Carlino), San Luigi dei Francesi, Santa Maria della Vittoria, Sant’Andrea al Qurinale, Sant’Ignazio sau Sant Ivo alla Sapienze, considerat\ capodopera lui Boromini.

O masina “italiano vero”

I The most popular “italiano vero” car

DESTINA}II DIN/C|TRE ROMA / Vara 2012 DESTINATIONS FROM/TO ROME / Summer 2012 Destinations RO Bucharest RO Bac\u

Days of Operation Lu/Mo


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Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip




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ancient group of bronze works dating from year 1471. From here, depending on the physical strength and on the diets kept, we set off towards one of the most important museums in Rome - the Galeria Borghese -, considered one of the most beautiful small size collections in the world. Here we will find the superb early statues of Bernini, as well as paintings of Caravaggio, Raphael and Titian, housed in a superb villa, built in 1961. Villa Borghese Park also houses Villa Giulia (a Renaissance masterpiece) and the National Etruscan Museum packed with treasures of the great civilization that preceded the Romans.

Another day of our journey could be dedicated to the Roman churches. Whether we are referring to the first Christian churches, or to Baroque or Renaissance churches, they all represent, beyond their spirituality, great artistic achievements, places where the Great Renaissance artists devoted their talents, as young or accomplished artists. Proof in this sense stand the subterranean church of San Clemente, Santa Maria in Trestevere - the first church in Rome dedicated to Saint Virgin Mary - Santa Prassede, Church S. Stefano Rotondo, Santa Maria Sopra Minerva, Santa Maria del Popolo, San Carlo alle Quatro Fontane (San Carlino), San Luigi dei Francesi, Santa Maria della Vittoria, Sant'Andrea al Quirinale, Sant'Ignazio or Sant Ivo alla Sapienze, considered a Boromini's masterpiece.

By Andra Cr\ciun


~n urm\ cu o lun\ [i mai bine, la 19 mai 2012, Flac\ra Olimpic\ ajungea pe teritoriul Angliei, la Land's End, cel mai vestic punct de pe uscatul Angliei. De acolo, de la “cap\tul p\mântului”, avea s\ `nceap\ drumul Fl\c\rii Olimpice `n Anglia, un drum de 70 de zile, ce se va `ncheia `n 27 iulie, ziua `n care se va da startul unei noi edi]ii a Jocurilor Olimpice, g\zduite anul acesta de Londra.


Days of Operation Lu/Mo

RO Bucharest RO Bac\u







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Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip

LONDRA LONDON Pe parcursul celor 70 de zile, Flac\ra Olimpic\ va str\luci de-a lungul `ntregului teritoriu britanic, fie c\ vorbim de aglomer\ri urbane ori de tablouri cu peisaje s\lbatice, de o frumuse]e tulbur\toare, de ora[e moderne sau de zone precum Loch Ness sau Stonehenge. Peste 1000 de ora[e, or\[ele [i c\tune vor fi “luminate” de Flac\ra Olimpic\, purtat\ de 8000 de persoane. Dup\ mai bine de dou\ luni de c\l\torie, `n ultima s\pt\mân\, aceasta se va afla pe teritoriul Londrei, acolo turi[tii veni]i la Olimpiad\ au [ansa s\ descopere cele mai c\utate puncte de atrac]ie ale capitalei britanice, precum [i altele, `nc\ necunoscute.

ZIUA 64 WALTHAM FOREST Tor]a va ajunge la Waltham Forest, Londra, locul unde va avea loc, pe 21 iulie, o ceremonie de celebrare a evenimentului. Prima regiune ofer\ turi[tilor care vor reface Periplul Tor]ei, un „preview” a ceea ce `nseamn\ Londra, cu mixul acela vibrant de stiluri, oameni [i culturi.

Throughout the 70 days, the Olympic Flame will shine across the entire British territory, whether it be urban centers or sceneries with wild landscapes

of breathtaking beauty, modern cities or areas such the Loch Ness or Stonehenge. More than 1,000 cities, towns and villages will be "enlightened" by the Waltham Forest


Bexley Wing, St James' Hospital.



Nº 15, August September 2012

A month or more ago, on May 19th 2012, the Olympic Flame reached English territory, at Land's End, the most western points on English dry land. From there, from the “end of the world”, the Olympic Flame would begin its journey into England, a 70-day trip which will come to an end on July 27th, the day when a new edition of the Olympic Games begins, this year hosted by London.

FOLLOWING THE OLYMPIC FLAME Orice `]i st\ la dispozi]ie - de la terase, baruri, restaurante tradi]ionale sau moderne, la oaze de shopping. Pentru cei care prefer\ `ns\ aerul original, este imperios necesar\ o vizit\ la Epping Forest, cel mai mare spa]iu public deschis din Londra, unde se poate ajunge fie pe jos, fie cu bicicleta sau chiar c\lare. Tot aici se afl\ [i conacul de vân\toare al Reginei Elisabeta, deschis publicului. Mai multe rezerva]ii naturale pot fi vizitate la Waltham Forest, dar nu trebuie uitate [i Galeria William Morris, Muzeul Vestry House sau satul Walthamstow.

ZIUA 65 BEXLEY Fl\c\ra Olimpic\ va ajunge la Bexley, un alt „perimetru” verde al Londrei, unde sunt disponibile baze sportive de ultim\ or\. Cunoscut drept „Gr\dina Angliei”, Bexley este celebru pentru cele 90 de parcuri [i 400 de cluburi sportive. Nu lipsesc, `ns\, nici oportunit\]ile de shopping.

ZIUA 66 WANDSWORTH ~n cea de-a 66-a zi, flac\ra va fi la Wandsworth, renumit pentru parcurile sale superbe, dar [i pentru serviciile de calitate. De altfel, este cel mai interesant reziden]ial al Londrei. Odat\ ajuns la Wandsworth, n-ai cum s\ te plictise[ti, pentru c\ po]i vedea aici una dintre cele 500 de cl\diri importante ale ]\rii [i cel mai mare “bazin” de verdea]\ din interiorul Londrei, acolo unde d\inuie victorianul Battersea Park, cu multiple facilit\]i pentru sport [i recreere. Wandsworth se afl\ `n imediata vecin\tate a terenurilor pe care se vor desf\[ura meciurile de tenis de la JO 2012 - All England Lawn Tennis Club.



Ealing, Town Hall

Olympic Flame, carried by 8,000 people. After more than two months of traveling, in the last week, it will arrive in London where tourists brought by the Olympics have a chance to discover the most sought after attraction points of the British capital, as well as others, yet unknown.

DAY 64 WALTHAM FOREST In day 64 the Flame will reach Waltham Forest, London, the place where a ceremony will take place on July 21st to celebrate the event. The first region offers tourists who will remake the Route of the Flame a preview on what London means, with that vibrant mix of styles, people and cultures. Everything is at your disposal from pubs and terraces, bars, traditional or modern restaurants, to shopping oases. For those who prefer a more original take, a visit to Epping Forest is a must, the biggest open public space in London, where one can reach either on foot, or by bicycle or even on horseback. This is also the hunt-


ing mansion of Queen Elisabeth, which is open to the public. Several natural reservations can be visited at Waltham Forest, but also the William Morris Gallery, Vestry House Museum or Walthamstow village.

DAY 65 BEXLEY Day 65 - the Olympic Flame will come to Bexley, another green perimeter of London, but also one where state of the art sports bases are available. Known as "England's Garden", Bexley is famous for its 90 parks and 400 sports clubs. But shopping opportunities are not missing either.

DAY 66 WANDSWORTH In the 66th day, the Flame will be in Wandsworth, famous for its superb parks, as well as for its high quality service. Actually, it is the most interesting residential spot in London. Once you reach Wandsworth, you cannot be bored because you can see here one of the country's 500 most important cities

Haringey, Turnpike Lane

30 BLUEDESTINATION OLYMPIC GAME ZIUA 67 EALING Urm\toarea oprire va fi, `n cea de-a 67-a zi, la Ealing. O zon\ cunoscut\ `n Londra drept „Regina Suburbiilor”, celebr\ gra]ie studiourilor de film Ealing. Tot aici se afl\ [i unele dintre cele mai mari comunit\]i de imigran]i din Anglia. Polonezii, afganii, irakienii, irlandezii, iranienii, japonezii [i somalezii numesc acest loc „acas\”.

and the biggest green "basin" inside London, where the Victorian Battersea Park awaits tits visitors, with multiple sports and recreation facilities. Wandsworth

theaters and galleries. Moreover, at White Hart Lane, you will get the chance to visit the headquarters of football club Tottenham Hotspur as well as Bruce Castle or Alexandra Palace.


ZIUA 68 HARINGEY Flac\ra e la Haringey pentru o nou\ ceremonie. Arealul este renumit pentru diversitatea sa cultural\, vorbindu-se `n zon\ peste 200 de limbi. Te vei r\t\ci aici printre zeci de magazine [i boutique-uri de carte sau de art\. Nu lipsesc nici parcurile recunoscute [i premiate la nivel na]ional, [i nici pub-urile, cluburile, cinematografele, teatrele [i galeriile. Tot aici, la White Hart Lane, vei avea ocazia s\ vizitezi sediul clubului de fotbal Tottenham Hotspur, precum [i Castelul Bruce ori Alexandra Palace.

ZIUA 69 LONDRA ~n penultima zi a periplului britanic, Tor]a Jocurilor Olimpice din 2012 va ajunge la Westminster, inima Londrei, cu siguran]\ cea mai aglomerat\ zon\ a capitalei [i preferat\ a turi[tilor din lumea larg\. Nu po]i rata nimic, dar mai ales Parlamentul, Piccadily Circus, Trafalgar Square, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey sau Palatul Bunckingham; galerii celebre precum Tate sau National Gallery. Parcurile Regale Hyde Park, Green Park, St Jame's Park sunt o dovad\ a faptului c\ centrul Londrei nu este doar o zon\ urban\, ci [i una de recreere. Pasiona]ii de spectacole, shopping sau distrac]ie nu trebuie s\ rateze Covent Garden, teatrele din West End [i nici Chinatown sau Soho. Din centrul Londrei, Flac\ra va ajunge pe 27 iulie la Stadionul Olimpic din Londra pentru ceremonia de deschidere a Jocurilor Olimpice. Tor]a a fost [i anul acesta, ca de fiecare dat\, aprins\ de razele soarelui `n Templul Herei de pe muntele Olimp, fiind `nmânat\, dup\ un periplu elen, gazdelor londoneze pe stadionul Panathinaikos din Atena. Cei care au avut cinstea de a o aduce `n Anglia au fost prin]esa Anne, Sebastian Coe - pre[edintele Comitetului de Organizare, Boris Johnson - primarul Londrei, precum [i ambasadorul Jocurilor Olimpice, David Beckham.

is located in the immediate vicinity of the terrains which will host the tennis matches at the Olympic Games 2012 - All England Lawn Tennis Club.

DAY 67 EALING The next stop will be at Ealing, in the 67th day. An area known in London as "the Queen of Suburbs", famous due to the film shooting studios in Ealing. This is also the place of one of the biggest immigrant communities in England. The Polish, Afghans, Iraqi, Irish, Iranians, Japanese and Somali call this place "home".

DAY 68 HARINGEY The flame is at Haringey for a new ceremony. The area is famous for its cultural diversity, being host to speakers of more than 200 languages. You will lose your way among dozens of stores and boutiques dealing books or arts. There are also famous parks, awarded with national titles, as well as pubs, clubs, cinemas,

In the penultimate day of the British journey, the Olympic Flame for the 2012 Olympics will reach Westminster, the very heart of London, definitely the busiest area of the capital and a favorite spot of tourists all around the world. You can't miss anything, but especially the Parliament, Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square, the Big Ben, Westminster Abbey or Buckingham Palace, or famous galleries such as the Tate or the National Gallery. Royal parks - Hyde Park, Green Park, St. James's Park - are proof of the fact that the center of London is not just an urban area, but also a recreational one. Tourists keen on shows, shopping or entertainment will surely not want to miss Covent Garden, the West End theaters, Chinatown or Soho. From downtown London, the Flame will reach on July 27th the Olympic Stadium in London for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. The flame was this year too, like always, lit up by the sun rays in Temple of Hera on mount Olympus, being handed over, after a Greek itinerary, to the London hosts on Panathinaikos stadium in Athens. Those who had the honor to bring it to England were Princess Anne, Sebastian Coe - the president of the Organizing Committee, Boris Johnson - the Mayor of London, as well as the ambassador of the Olympic Games, David Beckham.

By Andreea C\linescu



Nr. 15 June - July 2011



De[i nu la fel de cunoscut [i de atr\g\tor pentru turi[ti precum Palermo, Siracusa sau chiar Cefalu, Catania este cel de-al doilea ora[ ca m\rime din Sicilia [i un important centru economic, industrial [i turistic al Italiei. Mai mult decât atât, a fost adesea numit\ Sillicon Valley-ul european.

Although not as well-known and attractive for tourists as Palermo, Syracuse or even Cefalu, Catania is the second largest town in Sicily as well as an important economic, industrial and tourist center of Italy. Moreover, it was often dubbed the European Silicon Valley.

LA POALELE ETNEI Catania are ie[ire la Marea Ionic\, [i st\ sub spectrul amenin]\tor al Muntelui Etna, numit de localnici “A Muntagna”. Vulcanul se `n\l]\ atotputernic peste Catania, hot\rând adesea destinul cet\]ii. Erup]iile sale au pârjolit ora[ul de [apte ori, episodul cel mai negru fiind cel desf\[urat `n secolul al XVII-lea. ~n anul 1669 Catania a fost `nghi]it\ de lav\, 24 de ani mai târziu, un cutremur devastator distrugând a[ezarea pân\ la temelii.

CATANIA BAROC| Dup\ ultimul dezastru, zona veche a ora[ului a fost reconstruit\ `n stil baroc, cu pie]e [i str\zi ample. {ocant [i surprinz\tor, materialul de construc]ie predominant este lava, elementul care distinge Catania `ntr-un decor unic `n lume, culorile omniprezente fiind albul [i negrul. Vizita noastr\ `ncepe `n centrul vechi al Cataniei - „ancor\” a istoriilor trecute -, din Piazza Duomo, materializarea gândurilor unui personaj celebru, Giovanni Battista Vaccarini, din Palermo. Pia]a [i cl\dirile care o str\juiesc, toate fac parte, dintr-un proiect uimitor realizat de Vaccarini. La rândul ei, „patroana” ora[ului, Sf. Agata, este onorat\ printr-un dom dedicat, edificiu `n\l]at pe locul unei biserici din sec. al XI-lea, distrus\ aproape `n `ntregime de erup]ia din 1693. Structura bisericii

AT THE FOOT OF MOUNT ETNA Catania borders into the Ionic Sea and sits under the menacing gaze of Mount Etna, dubbed "A Muntagna" by locals. The volcano rises almighty over Catania, often deciding the fate of the settlement. Its eruptions scorched the town seven times, the most destructive episode being the one registered in the 17th century. In year 1669, Catania was covered in lava and 24 years later a devastating earthquake distroied the town to the ground.

BAROQUE CATANIA After the last disaster the old area of the town was rebuilt in Baroque style, with ample squares and streets. Shockingly

and surprisingly, the predominant construction material is lava, the element that makes Catania unique in the world, the omnipresent colors being white and black.Our visit begins in Catania's old center - an „anchor” of past events - starting from Piazza Duomo, which is the materialization of a famous character, Giovanni Batista Vaccarini, from Palermo. The squares and buildings surrounding it are all part of an amazing design made by Vaccarini. In her turn, the "patron" of the town, St. Agatha, is given honor in the form of a dedicated dome, an edifice built on the place of a church of the 11th century, destroyed almost completely during the 1693 eruption. The structure



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I Castello

actuale este conceput\ `n stil baroc, completat, `n amfiteatru, de câteva coloane romane. Astfel de elemente de sorginte roman\ se reg\sesc [i `n ruinele b\ilor romane, aflate `n subsolul monumentului. La interior, tema baroc\ revine odat\ cu capele ornate [i o fresc\ `nf\]i[ând imagini ale cutremurului din 1693. ~n Biserica Sf. Agata odihne[te marele fiu al Cataniei, compozitorul Bellini, al\turi de trei regi aragonezi, Frederick II, Louis [i Frederick III. Fa]ada domului este flancat\ de Palatul Episcopului [i de Porta Uzeda. ~n stânga se afl\ Badia di St. Agata, `nc\ o capodoper\ a lui Vaccarini. Pe celelalte laturi ale pie]ei se afl\ Muzeul Diocezei [i Municipalitatea, construit\ `n 1741. Centrul ansamblului este dominat de simbolul ora[ului - Liotru (Fontana dell’Elefante) - o fântân\ `n form\ de elefant sculptat `n lav\, având `n fundal un obelisc egiptean.

RUINELE GRECO-ROMANE Sub ora[ul de ast\zi se afl\ ora[ul roman care l-a precedat; iar `ntr-un strat inferior, ora[ul grec pe care a fost construit. Multe dintre monumentele romane antice au fost distruse de cutremure. Multe dintre ruinele antice `[i a[teapt\ vizitatorii `n centrul ora[ului, ca parte a Parcului Arheologic Greco-Roman din Catania. Printre fostele edificii antice se num\r\ Teatrul Greco-Roman (construit pe locul unui teatru grecesc, `n sec. II), Odeonul (cu o capacitate mai mic\ [i folosit la ocazii intime), Amfiteatrul (de[i cel mai mare amfiteatru din Sicilia, a fost aproape `n totalitate `ngropat [i este imposibil de vizitat), Acropolele din Montevergine, Apeductul Roman, Forumul Roman, arcadele sparte romane, bazilicile cre[tine, hypogea, monumentele funerare [i catacombele, Colonadele Romane. S-au mai p\strat aici [i structuri termale romane, cele mai cunoscute fiind Termele Achilliene.

LA PAS PRIN CATANIA Dac\ pornim din Piazza del Duomo, putem merge c\tre sud, pe sub arcul Porta Uzeda, ridicat `n sec XVII, `ndreptându-ne apoi c\tre port. ~n drum, se afl\ [i renumita pia]\ de pe[te, spontan\ [i

of the current church is in Baroque style, finished like an amphitheater by Roman columns. Such elements of Roman descent are also to be found in the ruins of Roman baths, located in the basement of the monument. On the inside, the Baroque theme comes back in the form of decorated heads and a fresco depicting images of the 1693 earthquake. In St. Agatha Church lies the eternal resting place of Catania's son, composer Bellini, next to three Aragon men, Frederick II, Louis and Frederick III. The facade of the dome is flanked by the Bishop's Palace and the Uzeda Gate. To the left there is Badia di St. Agatha, yet another masterpiece of Vaccarini's. On the other sides of the square lies the Diocese Museum and the Municipality, built in 1741. The center of the complex is dominated by the town's symbol - Liotru (Fontana dell'Elefante) - an elephant-shaped fountain sculpted in lava, having an Egyptian obelisk at the rear.

GREEK-ROMAN RUINS Underneath today's town lies

the old Roman town that preceded it and in yet another inferior level lies the Greek town onto which it was built. Many of the ancient Roman monuments were destroyed by earthquakes. Many of the ancient ruins await their visitors in the town center, as part of the Greek-Roman Archaeological Park of Catania. The remains of ancient edifices include the Greek-Roman theater (built on the spot of a Greek theater, in the 2nd century), the Odeon (with a smaller capacity and used for more private occasions), the Amphitheater (although the largest amphitheater in Sicily, it was almost entirely buried and it is impossible to visit), the Acropolis of Montevergine, the Roman Aqueduct, the Roman Forum, the broken Roman arcades, the Christian basilicas, the hypogea, the funerary monuments and catacombs, the Roman Colonnades. Some Roman thermal structures are also preserved here, the most famous being the Achillian Baths.

ON FOOT AROUND CATANIA If we set off from Piazza del Duomo, we can go south, under the arch of Porta Uzeda, built in the 17th century, then heading back to the harbor. On the way there is also the famous fish market, spontaneous and surprising. If we go towards the SW, we soon reach the Piazza Federico di Svevia where we will see the old fortress of Castello Ursino, built in the 13th century by Frederick II of Hohenstaufen, on a rocky hill, overlooking the sea. Etna's eruption of 1669 “built” in its turn a new coastline, in front of the castle, making it farther from the sea. But one of the most famous streets of Catania is Via Etnea, considered a Las Ramblas of Barcelona. Many imposing buildings and churches are found here, the street being the town


Situat într-o zon\ superb\ a sta]iunii Jupiter, Hotelul MAJESTIC parte a Re]elei Hoteliere „Phoenicia” - ofer\ servicii de cea mai bun\ calitate. Complexul MAJESTIC este un parc natural cu vegeta]ie autohton\ [i exotic\, alei pavate cu piatr\ natural\ [i b\nci pentru relaxare. Cele 174 de camere duble [i 8 apartamente ale hotelului ofer\ priveli[ti minunate, fie asupra zonei verzi, fie asupra M\rii Negre [i a Lacului Jupiter. Plaja Jupiter, în zona sa cea mai larg\ [i mai ofertant\ pentru turi[ti, este situat\ în fa]a hotelului, la numai câteva minute de mers pe jos. De asemenea, hotelul MAJESTIC este situat în imediata vecin\tate a sta]iunii Neptun [i foarte aproape de Plaja „La Steaguri”. Turi[tii care aleg s\ petreac\ aici câteva zile de vacan]\, vor avea parte de cele mai variate servicii – de la piscina exterioar\, între]inut\ la standarde maxime, la sal\ de fitness, program zilnic de

Hotel Majestic Jupiter

aqua-gym, salon de înfrumuse]are, masaje de relaxare [i terapeutice, anima]ie la piscin\, pân\ la programe de divertisment, în fiecare sear\, la terasa din vecin\tatea piscinei. Copiii se vor putea bucura de dou\ spa]ii de joac\, interior [i exterior [i, de asemenea, de o zon\ de agrement destinat\ lor, la piscin\. În plus, hotelul ofer\ o parcare generoas\, internet wi fi, o sal\ de conferin]e, dou\ baruri – la piscin\ [i în interiorul hotelului -, dar [i o zona de restaurant-teras\, unde se poate servi un prânz românesc [i interna]ional de excep]ie. Beneficiind de o recondi]ionare recent\, în 2012, camerele sunt curate [i mobilate modern, dispunând de TV, telefon, frigider [i aer condi]ionat. Pre]ul caz\rii include un mic dejun extrem de variat [i adaptat tuturor stilurilor de via]\ [i alimenta]ie, incluzând aici [i alimenta]ia copiilor. Ca un plus de culoare, pentru cei pasiona]i, spa]iile comune ale hotelului – recep]ie, lobby, bar, holuri.

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Catania, Teatrul romano-grec

surprinz\toare. Dac\ ie[im c\tre SV, vom ajunge curând `n Piazza Federico di Svevia unde vom vedea vechea fort\rea]\ Castello Ursino, construit\ `n sec XIII de Frederick al II-lea de Hohenstaufen, pe un deal stâncos, deasupra m\rii. Erup]ia Etnei din 1669 a „construit”, la rândul ei, o nou\ linie de coast\, `n fa]a castelului, `ndep\rtându-l de mare. Dar una dintre cele mai renumite str\zi din Catania este Via Etnea, considerat\ o Las Ramblas a Barcelonei. Multe cl\diri impozante [i multe biserici `[i au locul aici, strada constituind centrul de shopping al ora[ului, renumit pentru magazinele [i boutique-urile sale. Districtul vestic se `ntinde pe Via Vittorio Emanuele II [i, `mpreun\ cu Via Etnea reprezint\ inima ora[ului. Drumul nostru `ncepe din Piazza S. Francesco, unde se afl\ o biseric\ monumental\, continuând c\tre Via Crociferi, strada baroc\ a Cataniei, prin excelen]\. Vom intra apoi prin Arcul S. Benedetto, monument flancat de Badia Grande [i Badia Piccola. ~n stânga vedem bisericile S. Benedetto [i S. Francisco Borgia, `ntr-o ve[nic\ apropiere. Printre ele se furi[eaz\ str\du]a `ngust\ care ne scoate c\tre Palazzo Asmundo. ~naintând pe Via Crociferi, vom ajunge la complexul de cl\diri al Jezui]ilor, care ad\poste[te Institutul de Art\. Drumul nostru se va sfâr[i la por]ile Villei Cerami, sediul Facult\]ii de Drept.

LA MAS| {I LA PLAJ| Pentru a cunoa[te, cu adev\rat, deliciul buc\t\iei cataneze vom degusta pentru `nceput renumitele Pasta alla Norma, din penne, vinete, sos de ro[ii [i brânz\ Ricotta. Carnea de cal este extrem de popular\ aici, g\sind multe locuri `n care putem comanda un astfel de preparat, inclusiv la col] de strad\. Desigur, nu vom rata nici produsele de patiserie, mai ales Cannolo alla Ricotta, micul dejun specific cu Granita, sau portocalele ro[ii. {i dac\ ne r\mâne timp pentru o zi de relaxare, e bine de [tiut c\ La Plaja este o zon\ frumoas\ a Cataniei, cu nisip fin. ~ns\ foarte c\utate de turi[ti sunt plajele Taormina - la 50 de km de Catania, sau Giardini Naxos, la 60 de km.

shopping center, famous for its stores and boutiques. The western district stretches on Via Vittorio Emanuele II and, together with Via Etnea, it represents the heart of the town. Our walk begins from Piazza S. Francesco, where a monumental church stands, continuing towards Via Crociferi, the Baroque street of Catania. We then go through Arc S. Benedetto, a monument flanked by Badia Grande and Badia Piccola. To the left we can see the churches S. Benedetto and S. Francisco Borgia, always close to you. Between the two of them we can see a narrow street that leads towards Palazzo Asmundo. Going forwards on Via Crociferi, we reach the complex of Jesuit buildings which houses the Arts Institute. Our walk ends at the gates of Villa Cerami, the headquarters of the Faculty of Law.


Catania,Greek-Roman Theater

AT LUNCH AND AT THE BEACH In order to really get to know the delicious Catania cuisine, for starters we will taste the famous Pasta alla Norma, made of pasta, eggplants, tomato sauce and Ricotta cheese. Horse meat is extremely popular here and one can find lots of places where such dishes can be ordered, some of these places being located right at street corners. Surely, we can't miss pastry products, especially Cannolo alla Ricotta, the specific breakfast made with Granita, or red oranges. And if there is time left for a day of relaxation, it's good to know that La Plaja is a beautiful area of Catania, with fine sand. On high demand by tourists are the Taormina beaches - 50 km off Catania, or Giardini Naxos, 60 km away.

By Andra Cr\ciun

Iulie-august FESTIVALUL FANFARELOR - EDI}IA A III-A Loca]ia: Pia]a Libert\]ii, Parcul Central Coorganizator: Centrul Cultural G.M. Zamfirescu, Consiliul Jude]ean Satu Mare Joi, 9 august CONCERT SIMFONIC ~N AER LIBER, JOC DE LUMINI {I ARTIFICII. Loca]ia: P-]a 25 Octombrie - platou Coorganizator: Centrul Cultural G.M. Zamfirescu, Filarmonica Dinu Lipatti

Sambata, 11 august A TREIA ~NTĂ‚LNIRE INTERNA}IONAL| A SCRIMERILOR S|TM|RENI. Loca]ia: Sala de scrim\ ,, Alexandru Csipler" Satu Mare. Organizator: Prim\ria municipiului Satu Mare 20 - 26 august ZILELE CULTURALE PARTIUM Loca]ia: Gr\dina Romei, Turnul Pompierilor, P-]a 25 Octombrie. Coorganizator: Funda]ia Identitas Satu Mare.

24 - 26 AUGUST S|RB|TOAREA RECOLTEI. Loca]ia: Casa {vabilor, Filarmonica Dinu Lipatti. Organizator: Forumul Democrat German Duminic\, 9 septembrie CONCERT DE MUZIC| KLEZMER Loca]ia: Sinagoga ,,Share Tora", str. Decebal Satu Mare. Coorganizator: Centrul Cultural G.M. Zamfirescu

Septembrie - octombrie ZILELE MUZICALE S|TM|RENE EDI}IA XXXV Loca]ia: Filarmonica Dinu Lipatti, Catedrala romano- catolic\ Coorganizator: Filarmonica Dinu Lipatti 29 - 30 septembrie OKTOBER FEST - EDI}IA A II-A Loca]ia: Cortul de la Hotel Dana1 Organizator: Forumul Democrat German, Asocia]ia Camera Me[te[ugarilor Satu Mare


Castrum Zotmar, Saltzmarkt, Szotmar, S\tmar – sunt numele sub care a fost cunoscut de-a lungul anilor unul dintre cele mai cochete ora[e române[ti. Satu Mare, `nc\ un mister demn de descoperit atât pentru români, cât [i pentru turi[tii care ajung `n România. Ora[ul, traversat de râul Some[, este poarta de intrare `n Maramure[ul autentic românesc.


ZOTMAR SALTZMARKT SZOTMAAR SATMAR SATU MARE Satu Mare a fost men]ionat documentar, pentru prima oar\, `n secolul al X-lea - o fort\rea]\ pe nume Castrum Zotmar. Fort\rea]a a fost distrus\ de otomani [i, mai apoi, de regimul habsburgic. Ulterior a fost reconstruit\ de austrieci, iar din 1721 a devinint „ora[ regal liber”. Ora[ul s-a aflat sub domina]ia Ungariei `n timpul celui de-al doilea r\zboi mondial, pân\ `n 1944, când a fost

Satu Mare was first mentioned in writing in the 10th century - a fortress named Castrum Zotmar. Then, the fortress was destroyed by the Ottomans and then again by the Habsburg

regime. Afterwards, it was rebuilt by the Austrians, and since 1721 it became a "free royal town". The town was placed under Hungarian domination during the second world war until 1944,



Nº 15, August September 2012

Castrum Zotmar, Saltzmarkt, Szotmar, Satmar - these are the names by which one of the most chic Romanian towns was known throughout the years . Satu Mare, another mystery worth discovering both by Romanians and by tourists who come to Romania. The town, crossed by river Somes, is the entry gateway to the genuine Romanian Maramures.

NEW MEETS OLD IN THE TOWN BY THE SOMES eliberat de Armata Român\. Au trecut decenii pân\ când Satu Mare a redevenit un ora[ prosper. Noul mileniu a adus cu sine schimb\ri rapide [i o evolu]ie continu\. Ora[ul are ast\zi 60 de biblioteci publice, 2 cinematografe, teatre, o filarmonic\, 17 muzee, dou\ galerii de art\ [i un centru de promovare a crea]iei.

ORA{UL VECHI S|TM|REAN Zona cea mai atractiv\ este Ora[ul Vechi. ~n centrul acestuia se deschide Pia]a Libert\]ii, acolo unde g\se[ti cele mai importante monumente arhitecturale – Catedrala Romano-Catolic\, Turnul Pompierilor, Hotelul Dacia [i Casa Dacia. Centrul este renumit [i pentru Sinagoga din Strada Decebal. G\si]i aici [i Casa Ormos, Teatrul de Nord, Biserica Reformat\ [i Prim\ria. Foarte aproape te po]i odihni `ntr-unul dintre cele mai mari parcuri ale ora[ului, „Gr\dina Romei”, adev\rat\ oaz\ de lini[te.

ARHITECTUR|. SPIRITUALITATE. PATRIMONIU Catedrala Romano-Catolic\ a fost construit\ `n stil neo-clasic, `ntre anii 1785-1798, [i extins\ apoi de-a lungul anilor. Este, f\r\ `ndoial\, un important reper pentru turi[ti [i s\tm\reni. La intrare, Catedrala este str\juit\ de [ase coloane cu capiteluri corintiene. Deasupra intr\rii se afl\ trei statui reprezentându-i pe Sfin]ii Apostoli Petru [i Pavel, `n centru aflându-se cea a Mântuitorului Iisus. ~n ni[ele aflate sub cele dou\ turnuri ale catedralei se afl\ statuile sfin]ilor maghiari Ladislau [i {tefan. Biserica „Sf. Arhangheli Mihail [i Gavril", de asemenea o bijuterie arhitectural\, este realizat\ `n stil architectural tradi]ional românesc, cu pronaosul flancat de dou\ turnuri laterale cu logii. Subsolul catedralei g\zduie[te o colec]ie impresionant\, de peste 500 de c\r]i vechi române[ti, 40 de icoane pe sticl\ [i lemn, alte obiecte de art\. Catedrala ortodox\ Adormirea Maicii Domnului, este o construc]ie `n stil românesc, - unul dintre obiectivele cel mai c\utate

when it was freed by the Romanian Army. Decades passed until Satu Mare became once more a thriving town. The new millennium brought along rapid changes and a continuous evolution. The city hosts today 60 public libraries, 2 cinemas, theaters, a philharmonic, 17 museums, two art galleries and a center for promoting creation.

THE OLD TOWN OF SATU MARE The most attractive area is the Old Town. In the center thereof opens the Liberty Square where you can find the most important architectural monuments - the RomanCatholic Cathedral, the Firefighters' Tower, Hotel Dacia and Casa Dacia. The center is known for the Synagogue on Decebal Street. There are also the Casa Ormos, North Theater, Reformed Church and the City Hall. Close by you can rest in one of the town's biggest parks, "Garden of Rome", a true oasis of peace.

ARCHITECTURE. SPIRITUALITY. PATRIMONY The Roman-Catholic Church was built in neo-classical style, between the years 1785 - 1798 and then enlarged through the years. It is, undoubtedly, an important landmark for tourists and locals alike. At the entrance, the Cathedral is guarded by six columns with Corinthian capitels. Above the entrance there are three statues representing Saint Apostles Peter and Paul, while at the center there is that of Savior Jesus. In the niches located under the two cathedral towers lie the statues of Hungarian saints Ladislau and Stephan. Church „St. Archangels Michael and Gabriel", also an architectural marvel, is executed in a traditional Romanian architectural style, with the pronaos flanked by two lateral towers with loggias. The basement of the cathedral hosts an impressive collection comprising more than 500 old Romanian books, 40 glass and wood icons on and other art objects. The orthodox cathedral The Holy


de turi[tii ajun[i pe malul Some[ului. Aici se mai afl\ Biserica Romano-Catolic\ Calvaria, construit\ `n 1844, pe ruinele bisericii vechii cet\]i Castrum Zotmar, ce a fost reconstruit\ `n `ntregime `n anii 1908-1909. Biserica Reformat\ Maghiar\, cunoscut\ ca „Biserica cu lan]uri” (una dintre cele mai vechi biserici din ora[) se afl\ `n centrul Pie]ei P\cii. Monumentul g\zduie[te o colec]ie impresionant\ [i valoroas\ de farfurii, discuri [i pahare din anii 1657-1679, precum [i clopotul din Satu Mare, datând din 1633. Mobilierul din interior a fost realizat, din stejar, `ntre 1799-1807, de me[terul Frits Iosif.

MODERNIZAREA MULT-A{TEPTAT| Dac\ pân\ nu demult, s\tm\renii se ar\tau dornici s\ „evadeze” `n weekend-uri c\tre vecinii maghiari, preferând mall-urile [i cinematografele din ]ara vecin\, de ceva timp Satu Mare `i atrage cu propriul centru comercial, Grand Mall Satu Mare, deschis `n incinta unei cl\diri din secolul al XVIII-lea, renumitul Vigado. Tot aici exist\ singurul cinema 3D din ora[.

Sleep of Virgin Mary is a construction in Romanian style, with a specific outer belt - one of the most sought after objective for tourists reaching the Somes banks. The Calvaria Roman-Catholic Church is also here, built on the ruins of the church of the old Castrum Zotmar fortress, in 1844, totally rebuilt in years 1908-1909. The Hungarian Reformed Church, known as "the church with chains" (one of the oldest churches in town) is at the center of Peace Square. The monument hosts an impressive and valuable collection of plates, discs and glasses from years 1657-1679 as well as the bell of Satu Mare, dating back from

1633. The furniture at the interior was executed between the years 1799 and 1907, out of oak-wood by master craftsman Frits Iosif.

THE LONG-AWAITED MODERNIZATION If not long ago, locals of Satu Mare were eager to "escape" during weekends to their Hungarian neighbors, preferring the malls and cinemas in the neighboring country, for some time now, Satu Mare has been offering them its own commercial center, the Grand Mall of Satu Mare, opened inside a 18th century building, the famous Vigado. This is also where the only 3D cinema in town is found.

By Sa[a Duma



Turnul Pompierilor - un simbol al ora[ului vechi, restaurat `n 2005 Teatrul de Nord - Construit `n 1889 `n stil neo-clasic Casa Alb\ - una dintre cl\dirile cu cea mai frumoas\ arhitectur\ din ora[, are – a[a cum indic\ [i numele - fa]ada par]ial alb\. A fost construit\ `ntre 1911-1912, dup\ planurile arhitec]ilor Ede [i Miklos Schneider. Cl\direa Prim\riei – una dintre cele mai `nalte cl\diri din România Muzeul de Art\ din Satu Mare - g\zduit de cea mai veche cl\dire din ora[. Biblioteca Jude]ean\ Monumentul Osta[ului Român - realizat de sculptorul Emil Mereanu, ridicat `n 1963 Parcul Vasile Lucaciu Lupa Capitolin\ - statuia Lupoaiceai, o copie a Lupoaicei Napocene, realizat\ de Radu Ciobanu Atelierele memoriale Aurel Popp [i Paul Erdos

The Firefighters' Tower - a symbol of the old town, restored in 2005 North Theater - Built in 1889 in neo-classical style The White House one of the buildings with the most beautiful architecture in town which has, as the name suggests, a facade partially white. It was built between 1911-1912, following the plans of architects Ede and Miklos Schneider. City Hall building - one of the tallest buildings in Romania The arts museum in Satu Mare hosted by the oldest building in town The County Library The Monument of the Romanian Soldier executed by sculptor Emil Mereanu, erected in 1963 Vasile Lucaciu Park Capitoline Wolf - the statue of the She-Wolf, a copy of the Cluj - Napoca Wolf, made by Radu Ciobanu Memorial workshops Aurel Popp and Paul Erdos


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Suntem din nou `n Maramures. Aproape de Bude[ti [i Ocna {ugatag, la poalele dealurilor, este Breb sau“satul pârâului cu brebi”, cum a fost atestat `n 1360 ( fiind vorba de mamiferul disp\rut de la noi ). Ca s\ ajungi acolo, cobori un drum, parc\ inten]ionat [erpuit, ca s\ te introduc\ treptat, dar sigur, `ntr-o alt\ lume.



Când am ajuns noi, era o lini[te de se auzeau numai greierii, coco[ii sau câte-un câine l\trând [i nu vedeai nici ]ipenie de om. De ce? Pentru c\ toat\ lumea era la biserica din sat, fiind duminic\, iar clopotele anun]au `nceperea slujbei. A[a c\ am mers [i noi `ntr-acolo [i tare mult mi-a pl\cut s\ v\d c\, pân\ [i feti]ele, oricât de mici

When we got there, it was so quiet that only the grasshoppers and roosters could be heard, and maybe some dog barking, and there was no sight of man any-

where. Why? Because everyone was at the village church, given that it was Sunday, and the bells heralded the beginning of the service. So we went there too and



Nยบ 15, August September 2012

We are once more in Maramures. Close to Budesti and Ocna Sugatag, at the feet of the hills, lies Breb or "the village of the beaver creek" as it was attested in 1360 ("breb" referring to the species of beaver which once inhabited these lands). In order to get there, you have to go down a road packed with serpentine twists and turns, that gradually and slowly introduce you to another world.

Text [i foto/Text and photography: Ana A. Negru

it was very nice to see that even the little girls, no matter how young, were wearing the flowery garments, the white embroidered shirts and the traditional fabrics, going holding hands with their mothers or grandmothers. I went into the church where I attended the service, next to the locals.

OLD HOUSES, STORY-TELLERS After going out of the church, we headed down a

erau, purtau sumanele `nflorate, c\m\[ile albe brodate [i pânz\turile tradi]ionale, mergând de mân\ cu mamele sau cu bunicile lor. Am intrat `n biseric\, unde am asistat la slujb\ al\turi de enoria[i.

CASE B|TRÂNE{TI, PURT|TOARE DE POVE{TI Dupa ce-am iesit de la biserica, am urmat o uli]\ [i ne-am afundat `n sat. Lini[tea e primul sentiment care te cuprinde când avansezi printre casele b\trâne[ti, din lemn fumuriu, cu por]i vechi – unele datând din 1918, sculptate, bine`n]eles, dup\ cum e tradi]ia lemnului `n Maramure[. `n Breb, majoritatea caselor sunt din lemn, `n forma bârnelor lungi a[ezate orizontal [i cioplite `n patru muchii, ceea ce `nseamn\ c\ s-a p\strat arhitectura tradi]ional\ de-a lungul vremii; [i mi-ar pl\cea s\ cred c\ nu din cauza s\r\ciei... Arcadele [i c\priorii de la fa]ad\ poart\ sculpturi cu motive decorative. Apoi, un lucru pe care toate casele din Breb `l au `n comun, este modul `n care sunt stivuite, pe peretele din fa]a casei, lemnele gata t\iate. Forma [i structura acoperi[ului este `n patru ape. De asemenea, mi-au atras aten]ia ancadramentele de la ferestre, frumoase elemente decorative [i care, prin culoare – albastru, verde sau alb -, contrasteaz\ cu pere]ii exteriori din lemn.

street and got deep into the village. The silence, it's the first feeling that comes over you when you walk through the old houses, made of smoked wood, with their old gates some dating from 1918, and sculpted according to the wood tradition in Maramures. In Breb, most houses are wooden, in the form of long beams placed horizontally and carved into four edges, which means that traditional architec-

Duminic\, când clopotele anun]au `nceperea slujbei, toat\ lumea este la biserica din sat.

E fantastic s\ vezi atâta art\ `n jurul t\u, chiar [i la gardurile care `mprejmuiesc casa, ce sunt f\cute din nuiele `mpletite. Apoi, u[ile [i ramele lor, por]ile mari [i intr\rile `n grajduri sunt adev\rate opere de art\ popular\, ornamentate cu motive puternic soase `n relief. Am avut ocazia s\ vedem oale puse pe „clenci” ( un fel de cuier din lemn ) [i fasole pus\ la uscat `n prispa casei. Fiind zi de s\rb\toare, s\tenii aveau motiv s\ se odihneasc\ stând de vorb\ cu vecinii lor, `n fa]a por]ii. Ne-am oprit [i noi de vorb\ cu dân[ii, pentru c\ acolo, oricum nu po]i trece a[a, pur [i simplu, pe lâng\ cineva, f\r\ s\ fii `ntrebat de unde e[ti, unde stai, pentru cât timp [i altele. Dup’-aceea, când ajunsesem aproape `n cap\tul str\du]ei, mi-a atras aten]ia fa]ada unei case [i prispa b\trâneasc\. ~mi transmitea o atmosfer\ similar\ cu nemurirea, de parc\ `n acel loc [i moment, `nghe]ase timpul. Cum nu m\ mai s\turam privind-o, m-am apropiat un pic de gardul casei, ca s\ v\d mai bine... Ei, [i cum m\ uitam eu `n curtea oamenilor, iese din cas\ o femeie, cam la 55 de ani. Eu o salut, iar ea-mi r\spunde: „No, ap\i vini]i pe-aicia [i p\ la mine nu trece]i? Haide]i `n\untru!” A fost o invita]ie care ne-a surprins pl\cut, pentru c\ oricum `mi doream s\ intru `n acea cas\ de poveste...


Sunday bells annonce the beginning of the procession. Everybody is in the Church.

ture was kept throughout time; and I would so much like to believe that it's not because of poverty... The arcades and timbers at the facade bear sculptures with decorative motifs. Then, one thing that all the houses in Breb have in common is the way in which is stacked on the wall in front of the house the ready-cut wood. The form and structure of the roof is pyramid-shaped. I was also impressed with the window frames which are beautiful decorative elements and, by their color - blue, green or white - come in contrast with the outer wooden walls. It is fantastic to see so much art around you, even at the fences surrounding the house, which are made of knitted straw. Then, their

doors and frame, the big gates and entrances in barns are genuine popular art works, decorated with embossed motifs. We had the occasion to see pottery put on "clenci" (a sort of wooden rack) and beans put to dry on the house stoop. And because it was a holiday, the villagers had a reason to rest, chatting with their neighbors by the gate. We stopped to have a word with them, because there you can't just walk around, passing someone without being asked where you are from, where you are staying, for how long and many more. Afterwards, when we got close to the end of the street, I


Diminea]a devreme. Biserica din sat.

Ca s\ v\ face]i o idee mai clar\, s\ [ti]i c\ a[a e `n Breb [i `n general, `n Maramure[. Pentru c\ aceea[i primire am avut-o peste tot `n satele de-acolo. Ospitalitatea, generozitatea [i bun\tatea sunt la ele acas\ acolo [i nu le po]i trece cu vederea. }i se lipesc de suflet, pentru c\ sunt autentice. ~n plus, s\tenii au m\sur\ bun\ la cânt\rit omul din priviri. De cum te v\d, de cum deschizi gura, ei deja [tiu cine [i cum e[ti ca om. Nu conteaz\ c\ nu te-au mai v\zut pân\ atunci. E suficient\ prima impresie [i aceasta e decisiv\ pentru ei. Tanti Maria ne-a ie[it `n `ntâmpinare, ne-a deschis poarta larg [i ne-a poftit `n casa ei – decorat\ toat\ tradi]ional, cu [tergare viu colorate, ]oluri [i vase de ceramic\ pe pere]i. ~n câteva minute, mâncam din prajitura f\cut\ de dânsa – t\iat\ `n buc\]i mari, ca pentru oameni s\n\to[i [i beam sucul sau apa oferite cu drag\ inim\. Si apoi, pret de jumatate de ora, doar am vorbit. Ne-a povestit


Early in the morning. Village Church.

was made aware of the facade of a house and its old stoop. It conveyed an atmosphere similar to immortality, as if in that place and moment, time had stood still. And since I couldn't have enough of it, I got a bit closer to the fence of the house, to have a better look... Well, as I was standing there looking at those people's yard, a woman around 55 years of age came out. I say hello, and she answers: „Well, you come all this way and don't pay me a visit? Go on inside!” It was an invitation that

caught us by surprise - because I was dying to get into that story house anyway... Just so you get a clearer idea, let me tell you that that this normally happens in Breb and in Maramures. Because we got the exact same welcome all across the other villages in the area. The hospitality, generosity and kindness are rules of conduct there and you can't pass them by. They just stick to your soul, because they are authentic. Besides, villagers have a good measure of knowing someone only by looking at them. As soon as they see you, as soon as you open your mouth, they already know who and how you are as a person. Never mind they never saw you before. The first impression is enough and it is decisive for them. Madam Maria came to our welcome, opened the gate wide and let us into her home - all decorated traditionally, with colorful towels, garments and pottery on the walls. Within a few minutes, we were eating the cake she had made - cut in big pieces, and we were drinking the juice or water she offered us open-heartedly. And then we went on chatting for half an hour. She told us about her family, her children - all five of them, about the wedding habits in the village of Breb and about the activity of the „Mihai Eminescu Trust Foundation " in her village. This organization from Great Britain run by Prince Charles himself hired Madam Maria's husband to take care of the three traditional houses brought in Breb from neighboring villages (two



Nº 15, August September 2012

de familia ei, de copii – 5 la num\r, de obiceiurile de nunt\ din Breb [i despre activitatea Funda]iei “Mihai Eminescu Trust” `n sat. Aceast\ organiza]ie din Marea Britanie patronat\ de `nsu[i Prin]ul Charles, l-a angajat pe so]ul d-nei Maria s\ se `ngrijeasc\ de cele trei case tradi]ionale aduse `n Breb din sate vecine (dou\ din Fere[ti [i una din Berbe[ti) [i de gradinile aferente. D-na Maria ne-a povestit cum `n anul 2004 prin]ul le-a vizitat cas\, a stat pe aceea[i bancheta pe care am stat noi [i a mâncat bucate tradi]ionale g\tite de dumneaei. “Prin]ului i-au placut sarmalele mele!”, a spus mândr\ doamna Maria. Am fost surprin[i de cele auzite, mai ales c\, la prima impresie, Breb este locul unde te a[tep]i cel mai pu]in la neprev\zut. Cert este c\ oamenii de aici te impresioneaz\ prin naturale]ea, generozitatea [i ospitalitatea lor, `ncât nu po]i decât s\-]i dore[ti s\ te reintorci, pân\ ce valul schimb\rii nu va atinge prea mult [i acest minunat [i tainic loc.

from Feresti and one from Berbesti) and their afferent yards. Mrs. Maria told us how in year 2004 the prince visited their house, sat on the same bench as we did and ate the traditional foods she cooked. "The prince liked my cabbage rolls!"

ple around here are also impressive by their naturalness, generosity and hospitality, so much so that you want to return. Until the day that the wind of change will finally taint this wonderful and magic place too...

We were very surprised to hear this, especially since, at a first sight, Breb is least of all a place where you would expect such things. The fact is that peo-

Ana A. Negru


Pentru fiecare dintre noi „acas\” are o semnifica]ie diferit\. „Acas\” este locul unde te a[teapt\ familia de care `]i este dor de s\rb\tori, sau locul unde te retragi cu drag la sfâr[itul zilei; „acas\” ui]i de stres [i reu[e[ti s\ te relaxezi dup\ o zi obositoare la serviciu. „Acas\” sim]i mirosul de ceai la micul dejun [i aroma de vin fiert cu scor]i[oar\ `n serile friguroase de iarn\. Nimeni, niciodat\, când va rosti „acas\” nu se va gândi doar la patru pere]i reci.


Cum transformi o cas\ `n ... „acas\” De aceea, Adama nu construie[te doar apartamente, ci locuin]e din care lipse[te doar c\ldura sufleteasc\ pentru a deveni adev\rate c\mine. Pentru dezvoltatorul imobiliar Adama, „acas\” `nseamn\ confort [i siguran]\. Iar ansamblul rezidential Evocasa Completa, din Bac\u, a fost special creat pentru a `ndeplini nu doar cele mai simple necesit\]i ale unei familii, ci chiar [i dorin]ele celor mai preten]io[i clien]i. Evocasa Completa beneficiaz\ de acces rapid la mijloacele de transport `n comun, este situat `n imediat\ apropiere de centre comerciale, lâng\ Arena Mall, dar [i de [coli cu renume pentru calitatea educa]iei oferite, sau policlinici; `n plus este dotat cu spa]ii de joac\ special amenajate pentru copii. Locatarii Evocasa Completa beneficiaz\ de finisaje de calitate, ascensoare moderne, parcare suprateran\, zone verzi amenajate, loc de joac\ pentru copii la distan]\ fa]\ de strad\, standarde interna]ionale de protec]ie `mpotriva cutremurelor [i a incendiilor, spa]ii de depozitare, paz\ 24h/24h, camer\ de luat vederi la intr\rile `n cl\dire [i parc\ri. ~n privin]a apartamentelor, facilit\]ile sunt nenumarate, de la u[a metalic\ la intrare, ferestre PVC sau aluminium cu termopan, preg\tire pentru aerul condi]ionat, central\ termic\ pentru fiecare apartament, contoare individuale pentru gaz, ap\, energie electric\, parchet [i echipamente sanitare de cea mai bun\ calitate. Evocasa Completa pune la dispozi]ie apartamente de dou\ [i trei camere, cu plata avantajoas\ [i `n RATE LA DEZVOLTATOR pe termen lung. Pre]ul unui apartament cu 2 camere porne[te de la 50.199 EUR, TVA inclus `n timp ce apartamentele cu 3 camere pornesc de la 65.556 EUR, cu TVA inclus.

Departe de a fi doar centru comercial-industrial aflat `n plin\ ascensiune, Bac\ul este [i un ora[ al tradi]iilor [i al culturii. Odat\ ajuns `n Bac\u este imposibil s\ nu remarci lini[tea, cur\]enia [i buna organizare a ora[ului. La prima vedere, Bac\ul nu pare a fi o `ncântare din punct de vedere turistic. ~ns\ o plimbare de doar o zi prin ora[ dezv\luie ochilor cl\diri `nc\rcate de pove[ti istorice. Descoperirea ora[ului poate `ncepe de la casele memoriale l\sate `n urm\ de personalit\]i celebre ale secolelor trecute. S-au n\scut [i au tr\it `n Bac\u poe]ii George Bacovia [i Vasile Alecsandri, pictorul Nicu Enea, zoologul Ion Borcea, muzeograful Iulian Antonescu [i sculptorul George Apostu. De asemenea, bisericile vechi, datând toate din secolele XV - XIX, sunt o adev\rat\ `ncântare pentru privire [i spirit. Cea mai important\ atrac]ie turistic\ este Biserica Sf. Precist\, un monument istoric de importan]\ na]ional\, fiind cea mai veche construc]ie din Bac\u. Construc]ia din piatr\, `n stilul moldovenesc, `mpreun\ cu „Turnullocuin]\” [i „Curtea domneasc\”, formeaz\ „Complexul medieval”, `mprejmuit de zidul de c\r\mid\ cu arhitectur\ feudal\, Alexandru Vod\, fiul lui {tefan cel Mare folosind-o drept re[edin]\ `ntre 1481-1496. Situat pe râul Bistri]a [i foarte aproape de Siret, peisajele naturale de o deosebit\ frumuse]e din imediata apropiere a ora[ului cu siguran]\ v\ vor câ[tiga inima. Bac\ul este un ora[ potrivit ca re[edin]\ pentru to]i iubitorii de natur\. ~nconjurat de adev\rate opere de art\ naturale, p\duri, lacuri [i râuri cu ape reci [i repezi, ora[ul ofer\ locuitorilor s\i nenum\rate destina]ii de petrecere a timpului `n aer liber, ori de câte ori simt nevoia, f\r\ a avea grija distan]elor prea mari pân\ `n punctul `n care doresc s\ ajung\.

Adama este un dezvoltator de top, activ `n România, Moldova, Ucraina [i Turcia. Compania a construit pân\ `n prezent peste 1500 de apartamente [i câteva zeci de mii de metri p\tra]i de spa]ii comerciale [i birouri, `n cadrul a numeroase proiecte finalizate:

`n Bucure[ti – Evocenter One, Evocasa Armonia, Edenia Titan, Evocasa Optima, Evocasa Selecta, `n Ploie[ti – Evocasa Orizont, Bac\u – Evocasa Completa, Bra[ov – Evocasa Viva, Ia[i – Copou Bellevue [i Cluj. Num\rul unit\]ilor vândute de c\tre Adama se ridic\ la peste 1.000.

48 BLUEDESTINATION La prima vedere, Bac\ul nu pare o ofert\ turistic\ de nerefuzat, ci mai degrab\, un ]inut al „tranzi]iilor” gr\bite, c\tre alte z\ri. {i totu[i, „De orbitoare galantare / De diamant, [i de rubin... / [i de averi, ora[u-i plin”, dup\ cum ni l-a „re-atestat” Bacovia, emblematicul fiu al urbei.

DESTINA}II DIN/C|TRE BAC|U / Vara 2012 DESTINATIONS FROM/TO BACAU / Summer 2012 Destinations

Days of Operation Lu/Mo

IT IT IT IT IT IT BE UK IE FR Bac\u, Calea Moine[ti


Bac\u, Moine[ti Boulevard

Roma Milano/Bergamo Bologna Torino/Cuneo Catania Vene]ia Bruxelles Londra Dublin Paris

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Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip


BACAU Ora[ul se deschide la mai pu]in de 10 km de crucea Siretului cu Bistri]a, cam pe unde se alipesc Colinele Tutovei cu Pietricica [i Barboiu, [i a ad\stat s\ fie atestat `nc\ din paleolitic, adic\ de la facerea lumii. Unii spun chiar c\ numele-i „Bacovia” st\ scris demult, pe h\r]ile pictate ale Palatului Prim\riei din Floren]a - ceea ce n-ar fi chiar o exagerare, dat fiind faptul c\ romanii veneau pe timpul lor pân\ la S\rata, vecin\ cu Bac\ul, ca s\ ia sare. Apoi, vestigiile de primprejur, r\mase de la daci [i de la romani, [i de la bunii [i str\bunii lor, spun [i ele c\ via]\ de om a fost aici demult.

The town opens at less than 10 km away from the crossing of river Siret with river Bistrita, right about where the hills of Tutova come together with Pietricica and Barboiu, and seems to be attested right back from the Paleolithic, when the world came into making. Some even say that the name

of "Bacovia" stands written in the old days in the painted maps of the City Hall Palace in Florence which is not so far fetched, considering that the Romans came in those times all the way to Sarata, neighboring Bacau, to get salt. Then there are the relics all around, remaining from the Dacs



Nº 15, August September 2012

At a first sight, Bacau does not appear to be a tourist destination not to miss. It's rather a land of hasty "transitions" to other realms. And still, "Blinding glass/ Both diamond and ruby... / And fortunes alike, to the town's might..." as the poet Bacovia, the emblematic son of the town, described it.

Chiar Nicolae Densu[ianu, `n a sa “Dacia preistoric\”, spune c\ la Sulta (Ag\[) stau m\rturie urmele unor vechi aur\rii dacice [i c\ pe `ntinsul Bac\ului sunt dovezi ale unor zone populate, cândva, de pelasgi. Doar problema numelui le-a dat b\t\i de cap vechilor profesori. Iorgu Iordan sus]inea ipoteza c\ “Bac\u” deriv\ din maghiarul “bako” (un ungur Bako, din C\lug\ra), - ceea ce-ar fi-nsemnat c\l\u, n\tâng, neghiob. Ha[deu a `nclinat, zice-se, c\tre o etimologie turanic\, iar Iorga a considerat str\-slavul „bâc” (zimbru, taur, bour), drept originea denumirii. Fapt este c\ Bac\ul a “ob]inut” prima atestare documentar\ la 1408, prin privilegiul lui Alexandru cel Bun, acordat negustorilor din Lvov. Sub numele de Bacovia sau Ad Bacum, ora[ul apare men]ionat `n arhivele, pe h\r]ile [i `n alte documente. Pe la sfâr[itul secolului al XIV-lea, a[ezarea era bine structurat\, prosper\ [i cu recunoa[tere `n domeniul militar [i comercial.

PRIMA ZI Dup\ fuga secolelor, ceea ce distinge ast\zi Bac\ul, `n puzderia obiectivelor turistice moldave, sunt urmele l\sat\ de importan]a galerie a personalit\]ilor, care s-au n\scut [i au tr\it aici – Bacovia, Alecsandri, Nicu Enea, Ion Borcea, Iulian Antonescu, George Apostu. Astfel, odat\ ajun[i `n Bac\u, pute]i face un periplu prin via]a [i arta acestor oameni, vizitând casele lor memoriale - Vasile Alecsandri (str. George Apostu, nr. 3), George Bacovia (str. George Bacovia, nr. 13) [i Nicu Enea (str. Nicu Enea, nr. 31) -, ca o `ntoarcere `n timp.

Bac\u, Biserica Fericitul Ieremia


Bac\u, Biserica Fericitul Ieremia

and the Romans, and from their forefathers and they also tell the story of past lives of men. Nicolae Densusianu himself in his work "Dacia preistorica" (Prehistoric Dacia) says that at Sulta (Agas) stand as evidence the marks of some old Dacian goldsmiths shops and that throughout Bacau there are evidence of areas once populated by Pelasgian people. The title matter gave headaches to old scholars. Iorgu Iordan supported the idea that "Bacau" is a derivative from the Hungarian "bako" (a Hungarian man, Bako, from Calugara) which meant executioner, or dull, silly. Hasdeu, on the other hand, was more in favor of a Turanic etymology, while Iorga considered the old Slavic word "bac" (urus, bull, buffalo) as the origin of the town's name. It is a fact that Bacau "obtained" the first documentary note around 1408, courtesy of ruler Alexander the Good, as a

favor to the merchants of Lvov. Under the name Baccovia or Ad Bacum, the town is found mentioned in the archives of Vatican, on the maps of the Middle Ages and in other documents too. And at the end of the 14th century, the settlement was well structured, prosperous and acknowledged as a military and commercial site.

FIRST DAY After the march of centuries, what is distinguished in Bacau nowadays, among the handful of Moldavian tourist objectives, are the memories left behind by the important gallery of figures who were born and lived here - Bacovia, Alecsandri, Nicu Enea, Ion Borcea, Iulian Antonescu, George Apostu. Thus, when you arrive in Bacau, you can take a tour through the life and art of these people, visiting their memorial houses Vasile Alecsandri (3 George Aposu Street) George Bacovia (13 George Bacovia Street) and


Aeroportul International Bac\u International Airoport Bac\u

Apoi, urma]i-v\ curiozitatea, `ndreptându-v\ c\tre Muzeul Jude]ean de Istorie „Iulian Antonescu”; sau spre una din sec]iunile Muzeului de {tiin]e ale Naturii – fie `n Parcul Cancicov, fie la Observatorul Astronomic (str. Trotu[ nr.8), fie la Vivariul din str. Popa [apc\ nr. 3. [i, dac\ mai pute]i, spre sear\, pute]i intra ori la Expozi]ia permanent\ de Art\ (str. Nicolae Titulescu nr. 23) ori la Galeriile de Art\ (str. M\r\[e[ti, nr. 12) sau, de ce nu, la Centrul de Cultur\ [i Art\ „George Apostu”, cea mai tân\r\ institu]ie `n domeniu.

BAC|U, ~N DOU| ZILE {i, a doua zi, obi[nui]i cu poezia ora[ului, pute]i `ncepe un alt periplu, cel al vechilor biserici, aproape toate datând din sec XV - XIX. Pe strada 9 Mai, la num\rul 48, se afl\ Biserica Sf. Precista. Monument istoric de importan]\ na]ional\, cea mai veche construc]ie din Bac\u, biserica a fost ctitorit\ de Alex\ndrel, fiul lui [tefan cel Mare, la sfâr[itul secolului al XV-lea. Construc]ia e din piatr\, `n stilul moldovenesc. ~mpreun\ cu „Turnul-locuin]\” [i „Curtea domneasc\”, formeaz\ “Complexul medieval”, `mprejmuit de zidul de c\r\mid\ cu arhitectur\ feudal\. De aici v\ pute]i `ndrepta spre Biserica Sf. Ierarh Nicolae din Bulevardul Unirii, num\rul 4. Construit\ `n prima jum\tate a secolului al XIX-lea, de c\minarul Pavel Cristea [i de protoiereul Ioan Enache Petrovici, biserica are un Paraclis zidit `n 1871, pictura fiind realizat\ `n 1897, de un pictor necunoscut. Al\turi se afl\ ruinele unei bisericu]e contemporane cu {tefan cel Mare. Apoi, v\ r\mâne de v\zut Biserica Catolic\ din strada Ana Ip\tescu, num\rul 4 - monument din prima jum\tate a secolului al XIX-lea, construit\ prin munca credincio[ilor [i prin bun\voin]a [i ajutorul financiar al `mp\ratului Habsburg. Biserica este str\juit\ de statuile Sfântului Francisc de Assisi [i a Sfântului Iosif.


Centrul ora[ului Bac\u, vedere din turnul catedralei Bac\u City Center, view from the cathedral tower

Nicu Enea (31 Nicu Enea Street) - as a travel back in time. Then, follow your curiosity, heading towards the County Museum of History "Iulian Antonescu" or towards one of the sections of the Museum of Natural Sciences either in Park Cancicov, or to the Astronomic Observer 8 Trotus Street), or to the Vivarium on 3 Popa Sapca Street. And, if you still have the energy, in the evening you can either enter the Permanent art exhibition (23 Nicolae Titulescu Street) or the Arts Galleries 12 Marasesti Street); or, why not, the Center of Culture and Art "George Apostu", the youngest institution in the field.

BACAU IN TWO DAYS And, the second day, now accustomed with the poetry of the town, you can begin taking another tour, that of old churches, some as old as the 15th - 19th centuries. On 9 Mai Street, at number 48, there is Church St. Precista. A historic monument of national importance, the oldest edifice in Bacau, the church was erected by Alexan-

drel, the son of Stephen the Great, at the end of the 15th century. The construction is made of stone, in Moldavian style. Together with the "Dwelling-tower" and the "Royal court", it forms the "Medieval complex", surrounded by brick walls with feudal architecture. From here, you can head to Church St. Hierarch Nicholas on 4 Unirii Boulevard. Built in the first half of the 19th century by chimney maker Pavel Cristea and protopope Ioan Enache Petrovici, the church features a chapel built in 1871, the painting being made in 1897 by an unknown painter. Next to it are the ruins of a church from the times of Stephen the Great. Then, one last thing to see is the Catholic Church on 4 Ana Ipatescu Street - a monument from the first half of the 19th century, built with the labor of the local believers and courtesy of the good will and financial support of the emperor of Habsburg. The church is guarded by the statues of Saint Francis of Assisi and of Saint Joseph.

By Andreea C\linescu






N潞 15, August September 2012



Flota Blue Air este constituit\ `n prezent din aeronave moderne, Boeing 737, seria 737-300, seria 737-400 [i seria 737-500, cu capacita]i `ntre 126 [i 170 de locuri.

Blue Air fleet currently consists of Boeing 737 modern aircrafts, 737-300 series, 737-400 series and 737-500, with capacities between 126 and 170 seats.

BOEING 737 - 300

BOEING 737 - 400

BOEING 737 - 500

Num\r maxim de pasageri/ Maximum number of passengers


Num\r maxim de pasageri/ Maximum number of passengers


Num\r maxim de pasageri/Maximum number of passengers (Economy Class)


Vitez\ de croazier\/Cruising speed

795 km/h

Vitez\ de croazier\/Cruising speed

795 km/h

Vitez\ de croazier\/Cruising speed

795 km/h

Greutatea maxim\ de decolare/ Maximum takeoff weight

61 234 kg

Greutatea maxim\ de decolare/ Maximum takeoff weight

68 038 kg

Greutatea maxim\ de decolare/ Maximum takeoff weight

60 554 kg

Trac]iunea motorului/Engine thrust

20-22 Klb

Trac]iunea motorului/Engine thrust

23.5 Klb

Trac]iunea motorului/Engine thrust

20 Klb

3900 km

Distan]a maxim\ de zbor/ Maximum range (full payload)

4200 km

Distan]a maxim\ de zbor/ Maximum range (full payload)

4400 km

Distan]a maxim\ de zbor/ Maximum range (full payload)




Bac\u Barcelona Bologna Brussels Bucharest Catania Dublin Larnaca

Lisbon London Madrid Malaga Milan(Bergamo) Naples Nice Paris

Rome Satu Mare Sibiu Stuttgart Turin Cuneo Valencia Venetia

George Enescu Airport El Prat Marconi Brussels Airport (Zaventem) Henri Coand\(Otopeni) Fontanarossa Dublin Larnaka

Lisbon Luton Barajas Malaga Orio al Serio Naples C么te d'Azur Beauvis

Fiumicino Satu Mare Sibiu Stuttgart Olimpica Manises Marcolo Polo




Din 25 martie 2012, odat\ cu `nceperea oper\rii zborurilor pe Aeroportul Interna]ional “Henri Coand\”, pasagerii Blue Air pot beneficia de un tratament special `n cadrul celor dou\ Business Lounge. Aceast\ facilitate aduce un plus de confort celor care a[teapt\ s\ fie `mbarca]i pentru zborurile companiei noastre. Pasagerii care [i-au achizi]ionat serviciul “Business Lounge” vor primi de la biroul de ticketing Blue Air o invita]ie personalizat\, `n baza c\reia vor avea acces `n unul dintre cele dou\ saloane, dup\ efectuarea `n prealabil a formalit\]ilor de check-in, Control Securitate [i Frontier\. ~n cadrul Business Lounge ave]i la dispozi]ie o gam\ variat\ de produse [i servicii: mini-bar (produse de patiserie, b\uturi alcoolice, cafea, lapte, ceai, sucuri), spa]iu special amenajat pentru fum\tori, acces Internet Wireless, computere, TV (canale na]ionale [i interna]ionale), fax [i copiator, publica]ii na]ionale [i interna]ional, anun]uri audio [i monitoare cu situa]ia zborurilor, facilit\]i pentru persoane cu mobilita]i reduse (lift, toalete, asisten]\) Tariful este de 20 euro de persoan\.

From March 25th, 2012, with the start of our flights from Bucharest "Henri Coanda" International Airport, Blue Air passengers can enjoy special treatment in the Business Lounge. This service provides added comfort to those waiting to be boarded on our flights. Passengers who have purchased the "Business Lounge" service will receive from the Blue Air ticketing office a personalized invitation, based on which they will have access to one of the two lounges, after previously conducting the check-in, Security Control and Frontier formalities. In the Business Lounge you have at your disposal a wide range of products and services: Mini-bar (pastries, alcoholic drinks, coffee, milk, tea, juice), specially designed smoking space, wireless Internet access, computers, TV (national and international channels), fax and copier, national and international publications, audio announcements and flight status monitors, facilities for people with reduced mobility (lift, toilets, assistance) The price for the Business Lounge is 20 euro per person.

Serviciul este disponibil doar pentru plec\rile din Bucure[ti - Aeroportul Interna]ional “Henri Coand\” [i poate fi achizi]ionat `n cadrul procesului de cump\rare a biletului de avion sau ulterior, direct de pe site-ul companiei Blue Air, prin Call Center sau la Agen]iile partenere.

The service is available only for Departures from Bucharest "Henri Coanda" International Airport and can be purchased while booking your ticket or later, directly from the Blue Air website, Call Center or partner agencies.



Tot `ncepand cu 25 martie 2012, pute]i beneficia de Serviciul Protocol pe Aeroportul Interna]ional “Henri Coand\”. Aceast\ facilitate este disponibil\ atât pentru plecare, cât [i pentru retur. Pasagerii care opteaz\ pentru Serviciul Protocol - Plec\ri se vor prezenta la biroul de ticketing Blue Air din cadrul Aeroportului de unde vor fi prelua]i de c\tre personalul Serviciului Protocol - AIHCB, dup\ efectuarea formalita]ilor de check-in. Pasagerii vor fi condu[i cu prioritate pentru realizarea formalit\]ilor de Control Securitate [i Frontier\ [i vor fi invita]i `n Salonul de Protocol. Aici ave]i la dispozi]ie o gam\ variat\ de produse [i servicii: minibar (produse de patiserie, cafea, lapte, ceai, sucuri), spa]iu special amenajat pentru fum\tori, acces Internet Wireless, computere, TV (canale na]ionale [i interna]ionale), fax [i copiator, publica]ii na]ionale [i interna]ionale, anun]uri audio [i monitoare cu situa]ia zborurilor, facilit\]i pentru persoane cu mobilit\]i reduse (lift, toalete, asisten]\) Pentru `mbarcare, pasagerii vor fi condu[i la avion, cu un microbuz de protocol, sau la poart\ de `mbarcare cu acces direct la avion, dup\ caz. Pasagerii care opteaz\ pentru Serviciul Protocol - Sosiri vor fi `ntâmpina]i la avion [i vor fi condu[i `n Salonul de Protocol, dac\ doresc. Ulterior, pasagerii vor fi condu[i prioritar pân\ la punctul de trecere a Frontierei [i vor fi `ndruma]i c\tre sala de vam\. Personalul Serviciului Protocol nu se va implica sub nicio form\ `n recuperarea bagajelor [i controlul vamal. Serviciul este disponibil atât pentru Plec\rile din Bucure[ti - Aeroportul Interna]ional „Henri Coand\”, cât [i pentru Sosiri [i poate fi achizi]ionat `n cadrul procesului de cump\rare a biletului de avion sau ulterior, direct de pe site-ul companiei Blue Air, prin Call Center sau la Agen]iile partenere.

Also starting with March 25th, 2012, you can benefit from the Protocol Service in Bucharest "Henri Coanda" International Airport. This service is available for both Departures and Arrivals. Passengers who choose the Protocol Service - Departures have to go to the Blue Air ticketing office in the airport from where they will be picked up by the staff of AIHCB Protocol, after the check-in. Passengers will be escorted with priority for Security and Border Control formalities and will be invited to the Protocol lounge. Here you have at your disposal a wide range of products and services: mini-bar (pastries, coffee, milk, tea, juice), specially designed smoking space, wireless Internet access, computers, TV (national and international channels), fax and copier, national and international publications, audio announcements and flight status monitors, facilities for people with reduced mobility (lift, toilets, assistance) For boarding, passengers will be escorted to the plane either with a protocol minibus or to the gate with direct access to the aircraft, as appropriate. Passengers who choose the Protocol Service - Arrivals will be met at the plane and escorted to the Protocol lounge, if they wish. Later, passengers will be escorted with priority up to the Border where they will be directed to the Customs hall. Protocol staff will not engage in any form to retrieve the luggage of the passenger and in the Customs Control formalities. The service is available for Departures and Arrivals from Bucharest "Henri Coanda" International Airport and can be purchased while booking your ticket or later, directly from the Blue Air website, Call Center or partner agencies.



Nº 15, August September 2012

The company Blue Air has launched a version for the mobile phone. It can be accessed at The mobile version of the website was optimized for navigation with mobile phones and it is easy to use, featuring an intuitive interface. Access and you can acquire your plane ticket directly from your mobile phone. The website is optimized for navigation with mobile devices, it is ergonomic, easy to use, quick and the data traffic is minimum in order to maintain low costs of usage for Blue Air clients.


Compania Blue Air a lansat versiunea pentru telefonul mobil. El poate fi accesat la Versiunea mobil\ a site-ului a fost optimizat\ pentru navigarea de pe telefoane mobile [i este u[or de folosit, cu o interfa]\ intuitiv\. Acceseaza [i i]i po]i achizi]iona biletul de avion direct de pe telefonul t\u mobil. Site-ul este optimizat pentru navigarea de pe device-uri mobile, este ergonomic, u[or de folosit, rapid iar traficul de date este minim, astfel `ncât clien]ii Blue Air s\ nu aib\ costuri mari de utilizare.

CHECK IN ONLINE GRATUIT Serviciul de check-in online este disponibil pentru cursele cu plecare din Bucure[ti, Bac\u, Sibiu, Roma, Larnaca, Nisa, Malaga, Barcelona, Paris, Bruxelles, Milano, Satu Mare [i Valencia. Pentru celelalte zboruri, check-inul se efectueaz\ `n aeroport, `nainte de plecare, [i este gratuit.


The online check-in service is available for the flights having as points of departure Bucharest, Bacu, Sibiu, Rome, Larnaca, Nice, Malaga, Barcelona, Paris, Brussels, Milan, Satu Mare and Valencia. For the other flights, the check-in is done in the airport, before departure, and it is also free.


C\l\tore[ti frecvent?Fii smart! Alege MyBlue Smart Money! Pentru c\ ne dorim s\ recompens\m fidelitatea pasagerilor no[tri, am introdus serviciul MY BLUE Smart Money. Printr-o simpl\ ~NREGISTRARE GRATUIT| pe site-ul Blue Air ve]i acumula puncte cu fiecare c\l\torie, beneficiind apoi de reduceri tarifare la biletele de c\l\torie c\tre orice destina]ie Blue Air.

You travel often? Be smart! Choose MyBlue Smart Money! Because we wish to reward the loyalty of our passengers, we have introduced the service MY BLUE SMART MONEY. With a simple FREE REGISTRATION on the Blue Air website, you will accumulate points with each trip and then benefit from price discounts for plane tickets to any destination covered by Blue Air.

Cum po]i s\ te `nscrii `n Programul de Fidelizare myBlue Completeaz\ formularul de pe website Ulterior `nscrierii, un e-mail automat va fi generat de sistem cu num\rul cardului, parola [i num\rul de puncte disponibile. Vei primi informa]iile pe adresa de e-mail cu care te-ai `nscris. Avantaje programului myBlue Folose[ti punctele acumulate pentru a achizi]iona bilete de avion Blue Air! Po]i beneficia de cardul myBlue indiferent unde ai domiciliul sau care i]i este destina]ia! Blue Air `]i ofer\ un bonus initial de 10 puncte ~l po]i folosi la agen]ia Blue Air din Otopeni, dar [i când achizi]ionezi bilete prin Call Center Nu ai nevoie de cardul fizic, po]i achizi]iona bilete pe baza num\rului de card myBlue.

How to register in myBlue Loyalty Program. Fill in the form on the website. Pursuant to the registration, an automated e-mail will be generated by the system with the number of the card, the password and the number of available points. You will get the information at the e-mail address which you used to register. The advantages of myBlue! You get to use the accumulated points in order to acquire Blue Air plane tickets! You can benefit from the myBlue card regardless of where you live or what your destination is! Blue Air offers an initial bonus of 10 points. You can use it at the Blue Air agency in Otopeni, but also when you acquire tickets via the Call Center! You don't need the actual card itself, you can just get the tickets based on the myBlue card number.


DOI PENTRU TWO FOR BLUE AIR Domnii Ion Ancu]a - Inginer Sef, [i Radu Zaharescu - Director Tehnic, sunt [efii Departamentului Tehnic al Companiei Blue Air. Ei [i echipa pe care o conduc ]in avioanele `n aer. F\r\ experien]a lor extraordinar\, pu]ine din aeronavele flotei ar mai putea zbura câte 340 de ore pe lun\, a[a cum se `ntâmpl\ azi. Ce le-a unit destinele acestor oameni? ~n primul rând, pasiunea lor, necondi]ionat\, pentru avia]ie.

„Tehnicul `nseamn\ pentru compania noastr\... esen]a mi[c\rii” ”The technical department is for our company... the essence of motion” Interviu cu Radu Zaharescu [i Ion Ancu]a Interview with Radu Zaharescu and Ion Ancu]a Când [i `n ce condi]ii a]i venit la Blue Air, domnilor? Ion Ancu]a: ~n 2006. Blue Air era `n plin\ dezvoltare [i domnul R\caru, directorul general de atunci al companiei, ne-a rugat s\ venim aici. Am acceptat invita]ia [i am g\sit aici o echip\ tân\r\ cu care am recl\dit Blue Air. Dac\ am reu[it este [i meritul celor cu care am lucrat [i lucr\m zi [i noapte, ca s\ sus]inem compania. Vrem s\ ar\t\m c\ se poate face avia]ie, la cele mai `nalte standarde, `n România. La urma urmei, ]ara lui Vlaicu, Coand\ [i Vuia nu e o ]ar\ doar pentru str\ini, ci [i pentru noi, care, genetic, suntem programa]i s\ perform\m `n activit\]i tehnice de avia]ie.

When and under what conditions did you come to Blue Air, gentlemen? Ion Ancu]a: In 2006. Blue Air was growing and Mr. Racaru, the company's general director at the time, asked us to come here. We accepted the invitation and here we found a young team with which we built Blue Air. And we succeeded due to the people with whom we work day and night in order to support the company. We want to show that aviation can be done at the highest standards in Romania, too. After all, the country of Vlaicu, Coanda and Vuia is not just one for



Nยบ 15, August September 2012

Mr. Radu Zaharescu - Technical Director and Mr. Ion Ancuta - Maintenance Manager are the chiefs of the Technical Department of Blue Air Company. They and the team keep airplanes in the sky. Without their extraordinary experience, few of the airplanes in the fleet could fly 340 hours per month as they currently do. What brought these people together?! First of all their unconditioned passion for aviation.

foreigners; it's also for us who are genetically programmed to perform in technical aviation activities. What does the technical service mean in an aviation company? Radu Zaharescu: The essence of motion. If there is no technical backup, planes don't move. Any flight activity is based on the technical activity. Pre and after flight controls, the major controls that are undertaken in hangars or in various other adequate facilities, they all allow keeping the airplanes at the standards required by the manufacturer and by the flight safety documents. Are there teams specialized in various types of airplanes, or is there just one team which includes specialists in various machines and operations? I.A.: Each type of airplane needs a specialized team that has acquired many training courses and a lot of experience.

Ce `nseamn\ serviciul tehnic, `ntr-o companie de avia]ie? Radu Zaharescu: Esen]a mi[c\rii. Dac\ nu exist\ tehnic, nu se mi[c\ avioanele. Orice activitate de zbor are la baz\ activitatea tehnic\. Controalele de preg\tire `nainte [i dup\ zbor, controalele majore, care se fac `n hangar sau `n diverse alte facilit\]i corespunz\toare, toate permit p\strarea avioanelor la standardul cerut de fabricant [i de documentele de siguran]\ a zborului. Exist\ echipe specializate pe diferite tipuri de aeronave sau exist\ o singur\ echip\ `n componen]a c\reia intr\ speciali[ti pe diverse aparate [i opera]iuni? I.A.: Fiecare tip de avion are nevoie de o echip\ specializat\, care are `n spate multe cursuri de preg\tire [i mult\ experien]\.

In the case of Blue Air, how does the team look like? I.A.: At this point, the Technical Direction includes 111 persons; 53 involved in the hangar activities, at Baneasa, and another 53 involved in the activities of direct lines - which ensures the flight plan: preparation before take-off and after landing. Five persons make up the management team, constituting the management of the technical activity. With regard to the hangar activity, at each 500 hours of flight is executed a technical maintenance control and at 4,000 hours - or 15 months - there is a hangar maintenance control - "the heavy maintenance". Blue Air performs a control at every 4,000 hours - and not 15 months - because it has many flight hours.

~n cazul Blue Air, cum arat\ echipa? I.A.: ~n acest moment, Direc]ia Tehnic\ num\r\ 111 persoane; 53 implicate `n activitatea de hangar, la B\neasa, [i alte 53, implicate `n

How many airplanes are operated at this point by Blue Air? R.Z.: 10 airplanes. Each of them undergoes a hangar maintenance control, as I said, every 4,000 hours. Depending on the com-


activitatea de linie direct\ – cea care asigur\ planul de zbor: preg\tirea `nainte de decolare [i dup\ aterizare. Cinci persoane compun echipa de management, constituind conducerea activit\]ii tehnice. ~n ceea ce prive[te activitatea de hangar, la fiecare 500 de ore de zbor se execut\ un control de `ntre]inere tehnic\, iar la 4000 de ore sau 15 luni -, se efectueaz\ un control de `ntre]inere de hangar „heavy maintenance”. Blue Air face control, de fiecare dat\, la 4000 de ore - [i nu la 15 luni -, pentru c\ zboar\ foarte mult. Câte aeronave exploateaz\ `n acest moment Blue Air? R.Z.: 10 aeronave. Fiecare dintre ele intr\ la control `ntre]inere hangar, a[a cum spuneam, la 4000 de ore. ~n func]ie de complexitatea interven]iei, r\mâne aici perioade cuprinse `ntre dou\ s\pt\mâni [i trei luni. Toat\ `ntre]inerea este f\cut\ `n cadrul companiei? Face]i `ntre]inere [i pentru alte companii? R.Z.: Am reu[it s\ men]inem `n interiorul companiei `ntre]inerile de linie [i de hangar pân\ la un anumit nivel (C6). Am f\cut-o foarte bine [i la un cost foarte bun – mult mai bun decât dac\ am fi externalizat activitatea. Acum `ncerc\m s\ atragem c\tre noi [i al]i clien]i, pentru lucr\ri de hangar. Sunt companii importante din Europa pentru care facem acest gen de `ntre]inere. Am avut `n `ntre]inere de linie o companie din Slovacia, vreo doi ani, pân\ când au `nv\]at [i ei. Acum facem `ntre]inere de hangar pentru Blue Panorama din Italia, care are [ase avioane 737, pentru care noi suntem certifica]i. I.A.: Din ultimele eviden]e [i analize, apar costuri de `ntre]inere la companii, altele decât Blue Air, de patru ori mai mari fa]\ de cele pl\tite de compania noastr\ pentru acela[i gen de servicii, realizate de echipa tehnic\ pe care o are. Eu spun c\ este o realizare. Cum reu[i]i s\ v\ p\stra]i `n echip\ astfel de oameni, foarte buni, pe a[a timpuri? I.A.: Cu eforturi, desigur. Tenta]ia de a pleca afar\ e mare. Pia]a, `n avia]ie, este una special\, mai ales `n ceea ce prive[te for]a de munc\, iar `ntre]inerea, dup\ cum a]i v\zut, cost\ foarte mult. Câ]iva dintre oamenii care au lucrat cu noi, au plecat deja. Azi se afl\ `n Sco]ia, Anglia, Malta. ~n locul lor, am adus foarte mul]i tineri – de la liceul de avia]ie, din cadrul Facult\]ii de Aeronautic\. Am angajat oameni doar pe profil - cu foarte mici excep]ii – oferindu-le [ansa de a se forma profesional. E complicat s\ devii personal certificat, autorizat `n avia]ie. S\ fii de]in\tor de licen]\ tehnic\ aeronautic\. Dureaz\ foarte mult timp. R.Z.: Iar autoriza]ia trebuie men]inut\ prin diverse recuren]e [i cursuri de preg\tire. I.A.: Noutatea este c\, `n acest an, se afl\ la noi un student str\in, din anul IV la „Ecole Superieure Technique Aeronautique de Paris”, care face trainingul la Blue Air. R.Z.: Adic\, mai nou, `ncep s\ vin\ ei la noi. Omul a citit pe net ce face Compania Blue Air, a avut curiozitatea s\ vad\ cum este România, a aplicat [i a ob]inut aprobarea pentru a face trainingul aici, din 4 iunie [i pân\ pe 28 septembrie. Aeronavele `n serviciu func]ioneaz\ din plin. ~n aceste condi]ii apar probleme importante?

plexity of the intervention, it will stay here intervals ranging between two weeks and three months. Is all maintenance done within your company? Do you provide maintenance for other companies too? R.Z.: We managed to keep within the company all line and hangar management up to a certain level (C6). We did so well and at a very good cost - much better than if we had outsourced the activity. Now, we are trying to draw in new clients, for hangar works. There are important companies in Europe for which we do this kind of maintenance. We provided line maintenance to a company in Slovakia, for about two years, until they learnt how to do it themselves. Now we are providing hangar maintenance for Blue Panorama in Italy that has six 737 airplanes for which we have certification. I.A.: From the last records and analyses, there are maintenance costs at companies other than Blue Air four times greater than those paid by our company for the same kind of services, performed by a technical team that they have. I think that is remarkable. How do you manage to keep in your team such well-trained personnel during these harsh times? I.A.: With effort, of course. The temptation to go and work abroad is big. The aviation market is a special one, particularly with regard to the labor force and the maintenance, as you saw, costs very much.



Nº 15, August September 2012

I.A.: Pentru astfel de momente speciale avem oameni preg\ti]i, cu experien]a necesar\, pentru a putea interveni la fa]a locului. Ei merg unde e necesar, rezolv\ problema [i aduc avioanele acas\. ~n momentul `n care un avion este declarat inoperant, un altul duce echipa de interven]ie [i aduce pasagerii. Tehnicienii autoriza]i trebuie s\ mearg\ s\ evalueze, s\ intervin\ [i s\ aduc\ avionul `napoi, `n mai pu]in de 10 ore de la eveniment, ceea ce este un lucru extraordinar. Pu]ini sunt cei care reu[esc s\ fac\ asta. Inten]iona]i s\ spori]i num\rul aeronavelor din flota? R.Z.: Ne gândim la acest lucru. Peste câ]iva ani o s\ revenim, poate, la modele NG. I.A.: Noi, inginerii [i tehnicienii, avem o mare durere `n suflet – faptul c\ nu mai exploat\m Boeing 737 NG, pe care l-am avut `n flot\. Pe de alt\ parte, eu cred c\ Blue Air [i-a p\strat op]iunea de a achizi]iona aeronave noi. A[tept\m cu ner\bdare [i suntem dispu[i s\ facem toate eforturile pentru a le avea. Sper din tot sufletul. Din câte `n]eleg, 2013-2014 ar putea fi anul `n care acestea vor intra `n flot\. {i vor fi noi [i proprietate Blue Air, ceea ce ar fi extraordinar. Cu cât avioanele sunt mai noi, costurile pentru `ntre]inere sunt mai mici. Ar fi o mare satisfac]ie s\ `ntre]inem avioane noi. De curând v-a]i mutat pe Otopeni. E mai bine, e mai r\u? I.A.: Flexibilitatea [i disponibilitatea Aeroportului Otopeni e mult

Some of the people that worked with us are already gone. Today they are in Scotland, England, Malta. In their place we brought many young personnel - from the aviation high-school, and from the Faculty of Aeronautics. We hired only people from the domain - with few exceptions - offering them the chance to get professional training. It's complicated to become certified, authorized personnel in aviation. To hold an aeronautic technical license. It takes a long time. R.Z.: And the authorization must be maintained with various verifications and training courses. I.A.: The novelty is that this year we have a foreign student, 4th year at „Ecole Superieure Technique Aeronautique de Paris” who is being trained at Blue Air. R.Z.: I mean, for a change, foreigners are starting to come to us. This guy read on the Internet what the Blue Air Company does, he was curious to see Romania, he applied and got the authorization to get training here, starting June 4th up to September 28th. The operated airplanes fly many hours. In these conditions, do any important problems occur? I.A.: For such special moments we have trained people, with the required experience, in order to be able to provide support at the scene. They go wherever it is required, solve the problem and bring the airplanes home. When a plane is declared unable for operation, another


mai mare decât a Aeroportului B\neasa, atât din punct de vedere al tranzitului pasagerilor, cât [i `n privin]a activit\]ii tehnice. ~n ce const\ un control tehnic de rutin\? I.A.: Aceast\ opera]iune începe cu un control vizual al avionului, un „walk around”, care const\ în verificarea minu]ioas\ a st\rii fizice a acestuia. Porne[te de la jamba din partea stâng\, în apropierea sc\rii principale de urcare a pasagerilor, urmând profilul aeronavei pân\ la revenirea în acela[i punct. Asta înseamn\ s\ vezi fuzelaj, ro]ile trenului de aterizare, trenul de aterizare, senzori, tuburile „Pitot” - care dau informa]ii despre presiunea dinamic\, senzori de temperatur\ exterioar\, de altitudine. Zilnic se execut\ verificarea presiunii ro]ilor. Este obligatorie. Ro]ile sunt umflate cu azot, de asemenea un element obligatoriu. Dac\, în caz excep]ional, aduci avionul dintr-o zon\ - de exemplu Africa - unde e[ti obligat s\ folose[ti aer, vii acas\, faci service cu azot inaintea reintroducerii avionului in programul de zbor. Apoi, se face verificarea calelor de bagaje, verificarea sistemului de iluminare exterioar\, verificarea fizic\ a aripilor avionului, suprafe]e de comand\ [i tot ce ]ine de acestea. Urmeaz\ controlul interior - verificarea componentelor din cabin\ [i func]ionarea lor, verificarea cabinei pasagerilor [i componentele din cabin\, verificarea siguran]ei [i disponibiliz\rii echipamentelor de avarie – tobogane, butelii de incendiu, butelii de supravie]uire cu oxigen, folosite în cazuri excep]ionale, pentru pasageri -, verificarea toaletelor sisteme de detec]ie incendiu în toalete -, verificarea buc\t\riilor [i elementelor parte a acesteia. R.Z.:În concluzie, se verific\ tot. Iar aceste lucr\ri nu se fac la bunul plac al fiec\ruia. Exist\ cartele de lucru, documente în baza c\rora se fac aceste verific\ri. Este ca un checklist, documentul fiind distribuit de [eful de tur\ sau de responsabilul de avion, echipei cu care lucreaz\. Fiecare verific\ [i semneaz\ pentru ceea ce a f\cut [i a verificat. Acesta este primul control al zilei. Controlul de diminea]\. La venire se întâmpl\ acela[i lucru plus verificarea minu]ioas\ [i fizic\ a ro]ilor. Cât st\ aeronava la sol? I.A.: De la 30 pân\ la 45 de minute, la Blue Air. Recordul nostru este de 30 de minute, timp `n care reu[im, dup\ aterizare, s\ debarc\m, s\ aliment\m, s\ `mbarc\m, s\ facem verificarea fizic\ – fiecare om din echip\ [tie ce are de f\cut, la exterior, la interior, `n cabin\ - unde se intereseaz\, direct la pilo]i, de starea aparatului [i verific\ jurnalul de bord. Dup\ verificare, dac\ remedierea unui eventual defect se poate face `n termenul de 30 de minute, `n regul\, dac\ nu, se aman\ zborul pân\ la remedierea problemelor. Noi suntem foarte

one takes the intervention team and brings the passengers back. Authorized technicians go to evaluate, intervene and bring the airplane back in less than 10 hours from the event, which is quite extraordinary. There are few others that pull this off. Do you intend to increase the number of your planes? R.Z.: We are considering it. In a few years' time we will get back, perhaps, to the NG models. I.A.: We, the engineers and technicians, have this aching issue the fact that we no longer exploit the Boeing 737 NG which we used to have in our fleet. On the other hand, I believe Blue Air has kept its option to acquire new planes. We are waiting anxiously and are willing to spare no effort to have them. I definitely hope we will. As far as I understand it, 2013-2014 could be the time when we will have them in our fleet. And they will be new and a property of Blue Air, which is extraordinary. The newer the planes, the lower the maintenance costs. It would be a big satisfaction to maintain new airplanes. You have recently moved to Otopeni. Is it better, worse? I.A.:The flexibility and availability of Otopeni Airport are superior to those of Baneasa Airport both from the standpoint of passenger traffic and from that of the technical activity. What does a routine technical control consist in? I.A.: This operation begins with a visual inspection of the airplane, a "walk-around", which consists in a thorough verification of the physical state of the airplane. It starts from the strut on the left side, close to the main passenger ladder, following the profile of the airplane until we get back to the same point. This means the fuselage, wheels of the landing gear, landing gear, sensors, "Pitot" tubes - feeding information on dynamic pressure, exterior temperature sensors, and altitude sensors. The pressure of the wheels is checked daily. It's mandatory. Wheels are inflated with nitrogen, also a mandatory feature. If, exceptionally, you bring the plane from an area - for instance Africa - where you must use air, when you come home you service it with nitrogen before entering the aircraft in the flight schedule. Then, there is the verification of the luggage compartment, verification of the exterior lighting system, physical verification of the airplane's wings, control surfaces and everything related to that. Then there is the interior check - checking the components in the cabin and their operation, checking the passengers cabin and the cabin components, checking the safety and availability of the emergency equipment - the slides, fire extinguishers, oxygen survival cylinders, used in

CURICULLUM VITAE RÉSUMÉ RADU ZAHARESCU • director tehnic, Blue Air • absolvent Facultatea de Aeronave, 1995 • a lucrat la Tarom pân\ la 31.11. 2006 • a lucrat `n Irlanda, pentru Shannon Aerospace [i Ungaria pentru Lufthansa Budapesta • a venit la Blue Air `n 200 • este c\s\torit • are o fiic\ de opt ani.

• technical director, Blue Air • graduate of the Faculty • este pasionat de avia]ie of Airplanes, 1995 • nu-i plac avioanele de hârtie • cea mai mare dorin]\: s\ zboare • worked for Tarom until 31.11. 2006 la New York cu Blue Air, `ntr-un • worked in Ireland for Shannon Boeing 737NG 900 Aerospace and in Hungary for • `i place America Lufthansa Budapest, • joined Blue Air in 2006 • is married • has an eight-year old daughter


Others: • is passionate about aviation • doesn't like paper planes • his biggest wish is to fly to New York with Blue Air in a Boeing 737NG 900 • likes America .



Nº 15, August September 2012

exceptional cases, for passengers - checking the toilets - fire detection system inside the toilets, checking the kitchens and their elements. R.Z.: As a conclusion, we check everything. And these activities are not carried out without regulations. There are procedures, documents based on which these checks are conducted. It's like a sort of checklist, the document being distributed by the head of shift or the plane responsible person to the team they are working with. Each will check and sign for what they have done and checked. This is the first control of the day. The morning control. When it arrives, the same thing happens again and there is a thorough inspection of the wheels too

aproape de performan]a Boeing-ulului din acest punct de vedere. R.Z.: Fiecare lucrare se certific\ `n jurnalul de bord sau `n alte documente. Fiecare om semneaz\ pentru fiecare lucrare f\cut\. Exist\ un altul care inspecteaz\ [i verific\ dac\ ceea ce s-a f\cut este bine. Unele lucr\ri au dubl\ inspec]ie. I.A.: ~n ceea ce ne prive[te, ne-am propus [i am reu[it ca, `n afar\ de maintenance–ul de baz\, s\ facem [i maintenance preventiv, ceea ce ne-a ajutat foarte mult `n exploatare. R.Z.: Am reu[it toate acestea pentru c\ am format o echip\ solid\ de `ntre]inere tehnic\ [i am reu[it s\ men]inem tot maintenance-ul `n interiorul companiei, nefiind obliga]i s\ externaliz\m. Acesta a fost [i este un punct foarte important `n succesul Blue Air.

How much time does a plane spend on the ground? I.A.: From 30 minutes to 45 minutes, at Blue Air. Our record is 30 minutes, time in which we manage, after landing, to unload the passengers, refuel, embark, make the physical check - each person in the team knows what they have to do on the outside, inside, the cabin what to ask the pilots, to check the state of the aircraft and the flight log. After the verification, if the remediation of a possible fault can be done within 30 minutes, fine, if not, the flight is delayed until the problems are solved. We are very close to the performance of Boeing from this point of view. R.Z.: Each aspect is registered in the onboard log or in other documents. Each person signs for each job done. There is another person who inspects and verifies that everything was done accordingly. Some things are checked twice. I.A.: As far as we are concerned, we aimed and succeeded to perform a preventive maintenance in addition to the basic maintenance, which helped us a great deal in exploitation. R.Z.: We succeeded in doing all these because we put together a solid technical maintenance team and we managed to keep all maintenance activities within the company, not being forced to outsource. This was and is a key point in the success of Blue Air.

Exist\ vreo problem\ care v\ nemul]ume[te? I.A.: Exist\, desigur, [i ne`mpliniri. Iar una dintre ele este aceea c\, la nivel na]ional, nu exist\ o strategie pentru dezvoltarea avia]iei civile. Nu exist\ o preocupare sau, dac\ exist\, e prea firav\ [i noi nu o vedem. N-am auzit s\ existe `n cadrul Ministerului Transporturilor un departament care s\ se lupte, cu fermitate, pentru promovarea avia]iei civile române[ti [i pentru interesele companiilor civile. Faptul c\ Blue Air, fiind o companie româneasc\ mic\ [i care se confrunt\ cu multe probleme, nu reu[e[te s\ se dezvolte a[a cum ar dori, este o consecin]\ a faptului c\ strategia na]ional\ pe avia]ie lipse[te cu des\vâr[ire.

Is there any problem that causes dissatisfaction? I.A.: There are, of course, frustrations. And one of them is that, nationwide, there is no strategy for the development of civil aviation. There is no concern, or, if there is, it's too faint and we can't see it. I am not aware of any department within the Ministry of Transport that firmly struggles to promote the Romanian civil aviation in the interest of civil aviation companies. The fact that Blue Air, because it is a small Romanian company facing many problems, can't develop as it would like, these are consequences of the fact that a national strategy for aviation is totally missing.

CURICULLUM VITAE RÉSUMÉ ION ANCU}A • inginer [ef, Blue Air • absolvent Facultatea de Automatic\ [i Facultatea de Electronic\ • a lucrat la Tarom pân\ la 31.11. 2006 • a venit la Blue Air `n 2006 • este c\s\torit • so]ia lucreaz\ `n avia]ie, fiica este masterand `n avia]ie

Altele: • este pasionat de avia]ie • `i mai plac fotbalul [i tenisul • cea mai mare dorin]\, s\ zboare `n jurul lumii cu Blue Air, „o companie mare [i frumoas\” • `i place America • `i mai plac Fran]a, Australia, Noua Zeeland\, Africa

• chief engineer, Blue Air Others: • graduate of the Faculty of • Is passionate about aviation Automation and Faculty • likes football and tennis of Electronics • his biggest with is to fly • worked for Tarom until around the world with Blue Air 31.11. 2006 "a big and beautiful company" • joined Blue Air in 2006 • likes America • is married • also likes France, Australia, • his wife works in aviation, his New Zealand, Africa daughter has an MA in aviation.



FOCUS Bucure[tiul este capitala României [i cel mai mare ora[ al ]\rii. Cunoscut odinioar\ ca Micul Paris, reprezint\ ast\zi un adev\rat centru cultural `n continu\ schimbare. Printre obiectivele turistice se num\r\ Palatul Parlamentului, Palatul Cotroceni (re[edin]a preziden]ial\), Muzeul Na]ional de Art\, Muzeul Satului.

FOCUS Bucharest is Romania's capital and the country's largest city. Once known as the Little Paris, today it stands for a genuine cultural center in continuous change. The tourist objectives also include the Palace of Parliament, Cotroceni Palace (the presidential residence), the National Art Museum, Village Museum.

INFO Aeroportul Bucure[ti B\neasa „Aurel Vlaicu” se afl\ la o distan]\ de doar 10 km de centrul ora[ului, iar accesul este asigurat de autobuze [i taxiuri.

INFO The Airport "Aurel Vlaicu" of Bucharest-Baneasa is just 10 km away from the city downtown and the access is ensured by buses and taxi cabs.

FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant Patru Anotimpuri {os. Nordului nr. 7-9 sector 1, Bucure[ti Tel.: +4/ 0726 330 022 Fax: +4/ 021 232 01 34 Cafenea RandezVouz 1 Str. Tudor {tefan nr. 7-9 Zona Doroban]i Tel.: +4/ 021 230 88 90 Club Bamboo Str. Ramuri Tei nr. 39 Tel.: +4/ 0726 226 266

FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Four Seasons Restaurant No.7-9 Soseaua Nordului Street, District 1, Bucharest Tel.: +4/ 0726 330 022 Fax: +4/ 021 232 01 34 Cafenea RandezVouz 1 No.7-9 Tudor Stefan Street, Dorobanti Area Tel.: +4/ 021 230 88 90 Club Bamboo No.39 Ramuri Tei Street Tel.: +4/ 0726 226 266

HOTELS Grand H. Marriott Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 90 Tel.: +4/ 021 403 00 00 Fax: +4/ 021 403 00 01 Graffiti Hotel Str. Albac nr. 25 Telefon: 004 021 231 79 79 Fax: 004 021 231 77 99,

HOTELS Grand H. Marriott 90 Calea 13 Septembrie Street Tel.: +4/ 021 403 00 00 Fax: +4/ 021 403 00 01 Graffiti Hotel No.25 Albac Street Tel.: +4/ 021 231 79 79 Fax: +4/ 021 231 77 99,

Days of Operation Lu/Mo



INFO Aeroportul Intena]ional Bac\u se situeaz\ la o distan]\ de doar 5 km de centrul ora[ului. FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant Amarante Str. Spiru Haret nr. 8 Telefon: +4/ 0234 511 829 Cafe du Theatre Str. Nicolae B\lcescu nr. 6 Tel.: +4/ 0234 510 055 Club Anatura Str. 9 Mai, nr. 35 Telefon: +4/ 0234 523 186 HOTELS Hotel President Str. Ioni]\ Sandu Sturdza nr. 11 Tel.: +4/ 0234 588 000 Fax: +4/ 0234 588 200 Hotel Dumbrava Str. Dumbrava Ro[ie nr. 2, 600 045, Bac\u Tel.: +4/ 0234 513 302 Fax: +4/ 0234 588 399 PONT: Uit\-te la stele! Observatorul Astronomic Victor Anestin din Bac\u are `n dotare toate instrumentele necesare pentru a deslu[i drumul astrelor.

Destinations Jo/Th


DE Stuttgart • • FR Paris • • • FR Nisa • • ES Madrid • • ES Barcelona • • ES Malaga • • • ES Valencia • • • • IT Roma • • • • IT Bologna • • IT Napoli • IT Catania • • IT Milano/Bergamo • • • IT Vene]ia • • UK Londra • • • IE Dublin • CY Larnaca • • • • BE Bruxelles • • • PT Lisabona • • Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are



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• round-trip

FOCUS Covering 25 hectares, park Cancicov is an attraction you should not miss. Here are located the statues of numerous Romanian personalities, such as Mihai Eminescu and Ion Creanga.

FOCUS ~ncepi cu o por]ie mare de distrac]ie `n parcul Port Aventura. Adrenalin\ la maximum! Nu rata nici celebra catedral\ Sagrada Familia, proiectat\ de Antoni Gaudí.

FOCUS Start with a large dose of entertainment in park Port Aventura. Adrenalin to the maximum! Don’t miss the famous cathedral Sagrada Familia, designed by Antonio Gaudi.

INFO De la aeroportul Barcelona (El Prat) ajungi `n maximum 15 minute `n centrul ora[ului, distan] a fiind de numai 13 km.

INFO From the Barcelona airport (El Prat) you reach the city downtown in maximum 15 minutes, at a distance of only 13 km.

FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant Amarante No.8 Spiru Haret Street Tel.: +4/ 0234 511 829 Cafe du Theatre No.6 Nicolae Balcescu Street Tel.: +4/ 0234 510 055 Club Anatura No.35 9 Mai Street Tel.: +4/ 0234 523 186

FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant SAUC Ptge. Lluís Pellicer, 12 baixos 08036, Barcelona Tel.: +34/ 933 210 189 Cafeneaua Xix Carrer de Rocafort nr. 19 Tel.: +34/ 932 343 14 Clubul Tablao Flamenco Cordobes Muzic\ [i dans popular spaniol La Rambla nr. 35

FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant SAUC Ptge. Lluís Pellicer, 12 baixos 08036, Barcelona Tel.: +34/ 933 210 189 Xix Cafe No.19 Carrer de Rocafort Tel.: +34/ 932 343 14 Clubul Tablao Flamenco Cordobess Popular music and dance No.35 La Rambla

HOTELS Hotel President No.11 Ionita Sandu Sturdza Street Tel.: +4/ 0234 588 000 Fax: +4/ 0234 588 200 Hotel Dumbrava No.2 Dumbrava Rosie Street, 600 045, Bacau Tel.: +4/ 0234 513 302 Fax: +4/ 0234 588 399 TIP: Take a look at the stars! The Astronomical Observatory “Victor Anestin” in Bacau is equipped with all the necessary instruments to unravel the paths of the stars.

HOTELS Best Western Hotels AlfaAeropoerto Situat la 2 km de aeroport 08040, Barcelona c/K, s/n, Mercabarna-Zona Franca Hotel Eurostars Barbera Parc Carretera Nacional 150 KM 6.7, City Barberà del Vallès, 08210 Tel.: +34/ 937 003 900 PONT: Plimb\-te pe cel mai elegant bulevard din ora[, Passeig de Gràcia, unde se afl\ dou\ celebre cl\diri construite de Gaudí, Casa Milà.

HOTELS Best Western Hotels AlfaAeropoerto Situated at 2 km from the airport 08040, Barcelona c/K, s/n, Mercabarna-Zona Franca Hotel Eurostars Barbera Parc Carretera Nacional 150 KM 6.7 City Barberà del Vallès, 08210 Tel.: +34/ 937 003 900 TIP: Walk along the most elegant boulevard in the city, Passeig de Gràcia, where two famous buildings are located, built by Antoni Gaudí, Casa Milà.

INFO The International Airport Bacau is situated at a distance of only 5 km from the downtown.

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Days of Operation Lu/Mo


Roma • Milano/Bergamo • Bologna • Torino/Cuneo • Catania Vene]ia • Bruxelles • Londra • Dublin Paris


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Destinations Jo/Th

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Days of Operation Lu/Mo

RO Bucharest






• Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip

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FOCUS ~ntins pe 25 de hectare, parcul Cancicov este o atrac]ie pe care nu trebuie s\ o ratezi. Aici sunt amplasate busturile a numeroase personalit\]i române[ti, precum Mihai Eminescu [i Ion Creang\.


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Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip





FOCUS Mergi s\ vizitezi singura cetate conservat\ `n totalitate pân\ ast\zi: Bologna. Peste100 de turnuri ridicate, arcade `ntinse pe km `ntregi [i Biblioteca Universal\ ce cuprinde peste 200 de mii de volume.

FOCUS Go and visit the only fortress preserved entirely to this day: Bologna. Over 100 high towers, arcades stretching over miles and the Universal Library comprising over 200 small volumes.

FOCUS Punctul forte al ora[ului este Grand Place sau Pia]a Central\. Plimb\-te prin imensa pia]\ pentru a intra `n farmecul de poveste al capitalei belgiene.

FOCUS The strong point of the town is the Grand Place or the Central Square. Take a walk through the immense square in order to feel the fairy tale charm of the Belgian capital.

FOCUS Spiritul Cataniei este definit cel mai bine de Castelul Ursino. Acest simbol al ora[ului, veche fort\rea]\ modernizat\ [i extins\ `n ziua de ast\zi, reprezint\ [i locul de odihn\ al mai multor regi [i regine.

FOCUS The spirit in Catania is best defined by Castle Ursino. Thissymbol of the town, an old fortress modernized and extended recently, represents also the rest place of several kings and queens.

INFO Aeroportul Bologna este situat la 6 km de ora[. Transportul este asigurat de autobuze, pre]ul unei c\l\torii find de 5 euro.

INFO Bologna Airport is situated 6 km from the town. The transport is ensured by buses, the price for a travel ticket being 5 euro.

INFO Cei 16 km `ntre aeroport [i ora[ul Bruxelles se pot parcurge rapid cu trenul, expresul sau autobuzul.

INFO The 16 km from the airport to the city of Brussels can be covered fast by train, express or bus.

FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant L'Altro Mondo Str. Grétry 46 Grétrystraat Tel.: +32/ 2 219 69 90 Cafenea El Greco Grand Place 36 Grote Markt Club You Night Club Str. Duquesnoy nr. 18, 1000, Bruxelles Tel.: +32/ 2 639 14 00

FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant L'Altro Mondo Grétry 46 Grétrystraat Street Tel.: +32/ 02 219 69 90 Cafenea El Greco Grand Place 36 Grote Markt You Night Club No.18 Duquesnoy Street, 1000, Brussels Tel.: +32/ 02 639 14 00

INFO Dac\ iube[ti farmecul provinciilor siciliene, Catania este ora[ul ideal pentru a te relaxa al\turi de familie. Aeroportul este la o distan]\ de 5 km fa]\ de centrul ora[ului.

INFO If you love the charm of the Sicilian province, Catania is the ideal town to relax close to your family. The airport is situated at a distance of 5 km from the downtown.

HOTELS Hotel Le Plaza Boulevard Adolphe Maxlaan nr. 118-126, 1000, Bruxelles Tel.: +32/ 2 278 01 00 Fax: +32/ 2 278 01 01 Louise Hotel Str. Veydt nr. 40, B-1050, Brussels Tel.: +32/ 2 537 40 33 Fax: +32/ 2 534 40 37 PONT: Dac\ ajungi `n Bruxelles nu uita s\ cumperi un Manneken Pis. Nu [tii ce este? Reprezint\ cel mai popular [i renumit suvenir din partea locului.

HOTELS Hotel Le Plaza No.118-126 Boulevard Adolphe Maxlaan, 1000 Tel.: +32/ 02 278 01 00 Fax: +32/ 02 278 01 01 Louise Hotel No. 40 VeydtStreet, B-1050, Brussels Tel.: +32/ 02 537 40 33 Fax: +32/ 02 534 40 37 TIP: If you reach Brussels, don't forget to buy a Manneken Pis. You don't know what that is? It represents the most popular and famous souvenir around.

FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant Il Cuciniere Str. Capuana nr. 145 Tel.: +39/ 095 747 07 02 Fax: +39/ 095 747 01 72 Cafenea Cafe del Mar Str. Lungomare dei Ciclopi nr. 119 Club Banacher Str. Vampolieri nr. 2

FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant Il Cuciniere No.145 Capuana Street Tel.: +39/ 095 747 07 02 Fax: +39/ 095 747 01 72 Cafe del Mar Cafe No.119 Lungomare dei Ciclopi Street Club Banacher No.2 Vampolieri Street

HOTELS Hotel Katane Palace Str. C. Finocchiaro Aprile 110 Tel.: +39/ 095 747 07 02 Fax: +39/ 095 747 01 72 Albergo Savona Str. Vitt. Emanuele nr. 210 Tel.: +39/ 095 326 982 Fax: +39/ 095 326 982 PONT: Dac\ ajungi `n Catania este p\cat s\ nu mergi pân\ la baza vulcanului Etna. Nu uita s\ te echipezi corespunz\tor, deoarece nici clima [i nici traseul nu sunt blânde.

HOTELS Hotel Katane Palace 110 C. Finocchiaro Aprile Street Tel.: +39/ 095 747 07 02 Fax: +39/ 095 747 01 72 Albergo Savona No.210 Vitt. Emanuele Street Tel.: +39/ 095 326 982 Fax: +39/ 095 326 982 TIP: If you reach Catania, it would be a shame not to go at the feet of volcano Etna. Don't forget to dress properly as climate and the course itself are not mild.

FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant Day Str. Industria nr. 35, 40138, Bologna Tel.: +39/ 051 210 66 11 Fax: +39/ 051 533 524 Cafeneaua Break And Coffe Sas Str. Tombetto nr. 2, 40056, Crespellano Club Domino Str. Castiglione nr. 16, 40125, Bologna Tel.: +39/ 051 232 641

FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant Day No.35 Industria Street, 40138, Bologna Tel.: +39/ 051 210 6611 Fax: +39/ 051 533 524 Break And Coffe Sas Cafe No.2 Tombetto Street, 40056, Crespellano Club Domino No.16 Castiglione Street, 40125, Bologna Tel.: +39/ 051 232 641

HOTELS Grand H. Baglioni Str. Indipendenza nr. 8, 40121, Bologna Tel.: +39/ 051 225 445 Fax: +39/ 051 234 840 Hotel 4 Viale Masini Hotel Designe Viale Angelo Masini nr. 4/3 40126, Bologna Tel.: +39/ 051 255 035 PONT: Nu rata specialit\]ile culinare de aici. Una dintre acestea este renumitul sos Bolognese pentru paste.

HOTELS Grand H. Baglioni No.8 Indipendenza Street, 40121, Bologna Tel.: +39/ 051 225 445 Fax: +39/ 051 234 840 Hotel 4 Viale Masini Hotel Designe No.4/3 Viale Angelo Masini, 40126, Bologna Tel.: +39/ 051 255 035 TIP: Don't miss the local food specialties. One of them if the famous Bolognese sauce for pasta.


Days of Operation Lu/Mo

RO Bucharest RO Bac\u

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DESTINA}II DIN BRUXELLES / Vara 2012 DESTINATIONS FROM BRUXELLES / Summer 2012 Destinations Days of Operation Du/Su

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Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip


RO Bucharest RO Bac\u

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Destinations Sâ/Sa

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Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip


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Days of Operation Lu/Mo

RO Bucharest







Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip

LA BLUE AIR ~}I ALEGI LOCUL ~N AVION! WITH BLUE AIR YOU GET TO CHOOSE YOUR SEAT IN THE PLANE! Pentru ca fiecare zbor s\ fie cât mai pl\cut [i confortabil, v\ oferim acum posibilitatea de a v\ alege locul `n avion. Op]iunea de selec]ie a unui loc `n avion se realizeaz\ `n momentul rezerv\rii biletului, sau, ulterior, prin intermediul Call Center, online, sau prin agen]ie contra sumei de 3 euro/segment.

To make each Blue Air flight as pleasant and comfortable as possible, we now offer the possibility to choose your own seat in the airplane. The option to select a seat in the airplane is available the moment you book the ticket or afterwards, via the Call Center service, online, or via an agency for the sum of 3 Euros / segment.



Nº 15, August September 2012


FOCUS Domeniul Castelului Malahide `]i ofer\ mai mult decât o incursiune `n istoria de opt secole a familiei Talbot. Pe lâng\ castelul din secolul XII, alte atrac]ii sunt Palatul Tarei, Muzeul Copil\riei, Gr\dina Botanic\ [i una dintre cele mai mari colec]ii func]ionale de trenule]e electrice din lume, Fry Model Railway, de peste 750 de metri p\tra]i. INFO Aeroportul Dublin se afl\ la 16 km de centrul ora[ului, leg\tura f\cându-se cu taxiuri [i autobuze.


FOCUS The domain of Malahide Castle offers much more than just an insight into the eightcentury history of the Talbot family. Beside the 12th century castle, other attractions are Tara’s Palace, the Botanic Garden and one of the biggest collections of operational electric trains in the world, the Fry Model Railway, covering over 750 square meters. INFO Dublin Airport is situated 16 km off the city downtown, the transport being ensured by cabs and buses.

FOOD&DRINK&PARTY The Quays Irish Bar Restaurant Temple Bar Square nr. 10-12 Tel.: +353/ (1) 679 1923 Fax: +353/ (1) 671 3922 Cafenea, Bar, Restaurant & Club The Church Intersec]ia Mary St. cu Jervis St. Tel.: +353/ (0)1 828 0102; +353/ (0) 87 636 3738

FOOD&DRINK&PARTY The Quays Irish Bar Restaurant No.10-12 Temple Bar Square Tel.: +353/ (1) 6791923 Fax: +353/ (1) 6713922 The Church Café, Bar, Restaurant & Club Junction of Mary St.& Jervis St. Tel.: +353/ (0)1 828 0102; +353/ (0)87 636 3738

HOTELS Hotel The Merrion Upper Merrion Street Tel.: +353/ 1 603 0600 Fax: +353/ 1 603 0700 Hotel Arlington Bachelor’s Walk nr. 23-25, O’Connell Bridge Tel.: +353/ 1 804 9100 Fax: +353/ 1 804 9152 PONT: Pentru a gusta din plin atmosfera din Dublin, trece pe list\ dou\ simboluri ale ora[ului: Temple Bar, unul dintre cele mai cunoscute baruri din lume, [i fabrica de bere Guinness.

HOTELS Hotel The Merrion Upper Merrion Street Tel.: +353/ 1 603 0600 Fax: +353/ 1 603 0700 Hotel Arlington No.23-25 Bachelor’s Walk, O’Connell Bridge Tel.: +353/ 1 804 9100 Fax: +353/ 1 804 9152 TIP: In order to get a full taste of the Dublin atmosphere, go see two of the city’s symbols:Temple Bar, one of the world’s most renowned bars, and the Guinness beer factory.

Days of Operation Lu/Mo

RO Ducharest RO Bac\u



FOCUS Mergi `n Larnaca s\ vizitezi, s\ te distrezi [i s\ m\nânci pe s\turate faimoasele lor meze – mici delicatese cipriote.

FOCUS Go to Larnaca to visit places, have fun and eat plenty of their famous meze – a small Cyprus delicacy.

INFO De la aeroport po]i ajunge `n aproximativ 20 de minute `n Larnaca. Autobuzele [i taxiurile asigur\ [i leg\tura cu alte ora[e importante din Cipru.

INFO From the airport it takes about 20 minutes to reach Larnaca. But buses and taxies also connect the airport to Cyprus' most important towns.

FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant Campanario Steak House Str. Nicodimou Milona nr. 10 Tel.: +3/ 57 24 626 110 Amalfi Cafe & Amalfi Plus Cafe Str. Lord Byron nr. 35 Tel.: +3/ 57 99 617 559 Deep Club Athenon Ave. (Finikoudes) Tel.: +3/ 57 24 658 230

FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Campanario Steak House Restaurant No.10 Nicodimou Milona Street Tel.: +357/ 24 626 110 Amalfi Cafe & Amalfi Plus Cafe No.35 Lord Byron Street Tel.: +357/ 99 617 559 Deep Club Athenon Ave. (Finikoudes) Tel.: +357/ 24 658 230

HOTELS The Palm Beach Hotel & Bungalows Larnaka Dekelia Road P.O. Box 40394 CY 6303, Larnaca Tel.: +3/ 57 24 846 600 Fax: +3/ 57 24 846 601 Faros Holyday Village P.O. Box 40598, 6305, Pervolia Tel.: +3/ 57 24 422 111 Fax: +3/ 57 24 422 114 PONT: Situl neolitic din Choirokoitia (7.000 `.Hr.) este unul dintre cele mai bine conservate situri preistorice din estul Mediteranei, iar `n vechiul Kition po]i vedea Templul Fenician al zei]ei Astarte (secolul XIII `.Hr.). O alt\ atrac]ie este Lacul S\rat, unde, `n lunile ianuariefebruarie, migreaz\ câteva mii de p\s\ri flamingo.

HOTELS The Palm Beach Hotel & Bungalows Larnaka Dekelia Road P.O. Box 40394 CY 6303, Larnaca Tel.: +357/ 24 846 600 Fax: +357/ 24 846 601 Faros Holyday Village P.O. Box 40598, 6305, Pervolia Tel.: +357/ 244 221 11 Fax: +357/ 244 221 14 TIP: The Neolithic site of Choirokoitia (7.000 B.C.) is one of the best preserved prehistoric sites in eastern Mediterranean and in the old Kition you can even see the Phoenician Temple of the goddess Astarte (13th century B.C.). Another attraction is the Salty Lake where in months January and February several thousands of flamingo birds migrate.



Destinations Jo/Th




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INFO Aeroportul Luton este amplasat la 51 de km de centrul ora[ului. Traseul se poate realiza fie cu autobuzele puse la dispozi]ie de EasyBus, fie cu autocarele Green Line 757.

INFO Luton airport is located at 51 km from the city downtown. The course can be covered either by the buses offered by EasyBus, or by the Green Line 757 buses.

FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant Man Ho Str. Dunstable nr. 72, Luton LU1 1EH Tel.: +440/ 1582 723 366 Jakes Cafe Farm Shop, Mancroft Rd, Aley Green, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 4DG Tel.: +440/ 1582 849 044 Club Liquid Nightclub Gordon Street nr. 20-44, Town Centre, Luton

FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Man Ho Restaurant No.72 Dunstable Street, Luton LU1 1EH Tel.: +44/ 01582 723 366 Jakes Cafe Farm Shop, Mancroft Rd, Aley Green, Luton, Bedfordshire LU1 4DG, United Kingdom Tel.: +44/ 01582 849 044 Liquid Nightclub Club No.20-44 Gordon Street, Town Centre, Luton

HOTELS Hotel The Grove London's Country Estate Chandler's Cross Hertfordshire, WD3 4TG Tel.: +440/ 1923 807 807 Fax: +440/ 1923 221 008 Royal Hotel Str. Mill nr. 1, Luton Tel.: +440/ 1582 400 909 Fax: +440/ 1582 692 099 PONT: Londra are 240 de muzee, cele mai cunoscute fiind British Museum (artefacte din toat\ lumea), Victoria and Albert Museum (arte decorative [i aplicate) [i Muzeul de {tiin]\.

Destinations Jo/Th




Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip

FOCUS The British Museum, the Palace of the Parliament, Buckingham Palace and the famous Big Ben are just a fraction of London's tourist objectives. To visit them all you need to schedule a vacation of at least 4 days.

HOTELS Hotel The Grove London's Country Estate Chandler's Cross Hertfordshire, WD3 4TG Tel.: +44/ 01923 807 807 Fax: +44/ 01923 221 008 Royal Hotel No.1 Mill Street, Luton Tel.: +44/ 01582 400 909 Fax: +44/ 01582 692 099 TIP: London hosts 240 museums, the most renowned being the British Museum (artifacts from all over the world), Victoria and Albert Museum (decorative and practical arts) and the Museum of Science.


Days of Operation Lu/Mo

RO Bucharest

FOCUS British Museum, Palatul Parlamentului, Palatul Buckingham [i renumitul Big Ben sunt doar o mic\ parte dintre obiectivele Londrei. Pentru a le vizita pe toate trebuie s\-]i programezi o vacan]\ de cel pu]in 4 zile.

Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip

Days of Operation Lu/Mo

RO Bucharest RO Bac\u

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Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip



FOCUS Chiar dac\ vacan]a ta `n Madrid este scurt\, trebuie neap\rat s\ vizitezi Museo del Prado, care ad\poste[te una dintre cele mai mari colec]ii de art\ din lume. Pe lâng\ Palatul Regal [i M\n\stirea Regal\ El Escorial, nu ocoli nici Plaza de la Cibeles, emblema Madridului, Puerta del Sol sau Parcul Retiro.

FOCUS Even if your vacation in Madrid is a short one, you have to visit Museo del Prado which is home to one of the world's biggest collections of art. In addition to the Royal Palace and El Escorial Royal Monastery, don't forget about Plaza de la Cibeles, the symbol of Madrid, Puerta del Sol or Park Retiro.

INFO Aeroportul se afl\ la 12 km fa]\ de ora[ul Madrid, distan]\ care poate fi str\b\tut\ rapid cu metroul, pre]ul unui bilet fiind de 1 euro.

INFO The airport lies 12 km away from Madrid, distance which can be easily covered by subway, the price of a ticket being 1 euro.

FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant El Jardín de las Delicias Isla de Oza nr. 16 Tel.: +34/ 91 373 5256 Cafe Del Nuncio Nuncio, 12 & Segovia, 9 Buddha del Mar Ctra de la Coruea, Madrid

FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant El Jardín de las Delicias No.16 Isla de Oza Tel.: +34/ 91 373 52 56 Cafe Del Nuncio Nuncio, 12 & Segovia, 9 Buddha del Mar Ctra de la Coruea, Madrid

HOTELS The Westin Palace Plaza de las Cortes nr. 7 Tel.: +34/ 91 360 8000 Hotel High Tech Gran Avenida C/ Mesonero Romanos nr. 14 Tel.: +34/ 91 532 7107 PONT: Madridul are 12 linii de metrou. Cump\r\ un ghid complet [i un abonament pe câteva zile.

HOTELS The Westin Palace No.7 Plaza de las Cortes Tel.: +34/ 91 360 80 00 Hotel High Tech Gran Avenida No.14 C/ Mesonero Romanos Tel.: +34/ 91 532 71 07 TIP: Madrid has 12 subway master lines. Buy a complete guide and a subscription for a few days.


Days of Operation Lu/Mo

RO Bucharest



FOCUS Dac\ iube[ti moda [i designul, locul ideal pentru petrecerea concediului t\u [i pentru cump\r\turi este, f\r\ doar [i poate, Milano. Via Montenapoleone, Via della Spiga, Via Sant Andrea, Via Manoni sunt doar câteva puncte ale renumitului Fashion Quadrilatero - inima shoppingului.



Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip

FOCUS If you love fashion and design, the ideal place to spend your vacation and for shopping is, undoubtedly, Milan. Via Montenapoleone, Via della Spiga, Via Sant Andrea, Via Manoni are just a few spots of the famous Fashion Quadrilatero – the heart of shopping.

INFO INFO Aeroportul din Milano este situat Milan airport is located 45 km la 45 de km de centrul ora[ului. away from the city downtown. FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant Globe Piazza 5 giornate 1 Tel.: +39/ 02 55 181 969 Shu Restaurant Cafe Via Molino della Armi, 20122, Milano The Baboon Bar Piazza Duca d'Aosta nr. 9, 20124, Milano Tel.: +39/ 02 67 851

FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant Globe Piazza 5 giornate 1 Tel.: +39/ 02 551 819 69 Shu Restaurant Cafe Via Molino della Armi, 20122, Milan The Baboon Bar No.9 Piazza Duca d'Aosta, 20124, Milan Tel.: +39/ 02 678 51

HOTELS Marriott Hotel Via Washington nr. 66, 20146, Milano Tel.: +39/ 02 48 521 Fax: +39/ 02 48 18925 Hotel Delle Nazioni Milano Via Cappellini nr. 18, 20124, Milano Tel.: +39/ 02 66 981221 Fax: +39/ 02 67 01804 PONT: Vrei s\ faci shopping `n Milano? Mergi `nso]it\ de un personal shopper.

HOTELS Marriott Hotel No.66 Via Washington, 20146, Milan Tel.: +39/ 02 485 21 Fax: +39/ 02 481 89 25 Hotel Delle Nazioni Milano No.18 Via Cappellini Street, 20124, Milan Tel.: +39/ 02 669 81 22 1 Fax: +39/ 02 670 18 04 TIP: Do you want to go shopping in Milan? Do that accompanied by a personal shopper.








INFO The Málaga airport is just 8 km away from downtown and the distance can be covered by taxi, bus or subway.

INFO Aeroportul din Málaga se afl\ la doar 8 km de centrul ora[ului, leg\tura f\cânduse cu taxiul, autobuzul sau metroul.

FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant El Chinitas No.4-6 C/Moreno Monroy Tel.: +34/ 95 221 09 72 Cafe-Concierto Puerta Oscura No.3 Molina Lario, Centro histórico, 29015, Málaga Tel.: +34/ 95 222 1900 Calanova Golf Club Urbanización Calanova Golf Club s/n, 29649, Cala de Mijas Tel.: +34/ 95 117 01 94

FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant El Chinitas C/Moreno Monroy nr. 4-6 Tel.: +34/ 95 221 0972 Cafe-Concierto Puerta Oscura Molina Lario nr. 3, centrul istoric, 29015, Málaga Tel.: +34/ 95 222 1900 Calanova Golf Club Urbanización Calanova Golf Club s/n, 29649, Cala de Mijas Tel.: +34/ 95 117 0194

HOTELS Hotel Novotel Málaga Airport No.126 Avenida de Velazquez, 29004, Málaga Tel.: +34/ 95 224 81 50 Fax: +34/ 95 223 02 32 Hotel Don Curro C/Sancha de Lara, 7-29015 Tel.: +34/ 95 222 72 00 Fax: +34/ 95 221 59 46 TIP: If you want to visit the national park Montes de Málaga, choose the Las Ventas route because you can stop by a traditional restaurant, where the food is good and at small prices. Try the “Plato de los Montes” specialty.

HOTELS Hotel Novotel Málaga Airport Avenida de Velazquez nr. 126, 29004, Málaga Tel.: +34/ 95 224 8150 Fax: +34/ 95 223 0232 Hotel Don Curro C/Sancha de Lara, 7-29015 Tel.: +34/ 95 222 7200 Fax: +34/ 95 221 5946 PONT: Dac\ vrei s\ vizitezi parcul na]ional Montes de Málaga, alege ruta Las Ventas deoarece po]i face un popas `ntr-un restaurant tradi]ional, unde se \nânc\ bine [i la pre]uri mici. ~ncearc\ specialitatea „Plato de los Montes“.

Destinations Jo/Th

FOCUS Málaga, or the Paradise Town, as they rightfully call it, is Picasso's place of birth. Here you can see the Roman Theater dating from the time of Octavian Augustus, as well as Maur buildings in the impressive Arabian style, such as the castle on mount Gibralfaro and the Alcazaba fortress.


Days of Operation Lu/Mo

RO Malaga

FOCUS Málaga sau Ora[ul Paradisului, cum i se mai spune pe bun\ dreptate, este ora[ul natal al lui Picasso. Aici po]i vedea Teatrul Roman din vremea lui Cezar Augustus, dar [i construc]ii maure, `n impresionantul stil arab, cum sunt castelul de pe muntele Gibralfaro [i fort\rea]a Alcazaba.


Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip


Days of Operation Lu/Mo

RO Bucharest RO Bac\u

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Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip



Nº 15, August September 2012



FOCUS Napoli este renumit pentru centrul s\u istoric, intrat `n patrimoniul cultural mondial UNESCO `n anul 1995. Castelul Sant Elmo este locul din care po]i privi `ntregul ora[.

FOCUS Naples is renowned for its historic center, designated a UNESCO world cultural patrimony in year 1995. The Sant Elmo Castle is the place offering a view of the entire city.

INFO Aeroportul se afl\ la 5 km de ora[. Accesul de la aeroport se face cu autobuzul – Linia ANM 3S sau cu ANM Alibus.

INFO The airport is 5km from the city. Access from the airport to Naples is done by bus – Line ANM 3s or ANM Alibus.

FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant Aceto Antonio Via Depretis nr. 143, 80100, Napoli Tel.: +39/ 081 551 0138 Cafenea Santa Lucia Str. Santa Lucia nr. 90, 80132, Napoli Tel.: +39/ 081 764 0267 Club Miragespa Str. Porta Posillipo nr. 135 d/e, 80123, Napoli Tel.: +39/ 081 769 1436

FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant Aceto Antonio No.143 Via Depretis, 80100, Tel.: +39/ 081 551 01 38 Santa Lucia Cafe No.90 Santa Lucia Street, 80132, Naples Tel.: +39/ 081 764 02 67 Club Miragespa No.135 d/e Porta Posillipo Street, 80123, Naples Tel.: +39/ 081 769 14 36

HOTELS HOTELS Hotel Bella Capri Hotel Bella Capri No.48 Partenope Street, Str. Partenope nr. 48, 80121, Naples Tel.: +39/ 081 764 01 11 80121, Napoli Tel.: +39/ 081 764 0111 Fax: + 39/ 081 764 97 43 Fax: +39/ 081 764 9743 Hotel Il Convento Hotel Il Convento No.137/A Speranzella Street, Str. Speranzella nr. 137/A, 80134, Naples 80134, Napoli Tel.: +39/ 081 403 977 Tel.: +39/ 081 403 977 Fax: +39/ 081 400 332 Fax: +39/ 081 400 332 TIP: In addition to the famous PONT: Pe lâng\ pizza napo- Neapolitan pizza, have a taste letan\, gust\ [i pr\jitura Babà of the Babà (or Babbà) cake, (sau Babbà), f\cut\ dintr-un a sort of brioche made from a aluat u[or, aerat. light, aerated dough.




FOCUS De pe Colline du Chateau ai perspectiva fascinant\ a portului [i a `ntregului ora[. INFO De la aeroportul Nisa (22 km de Monaco; 6 km de Nisa) se poate circula cu trenul regional SNCF sau cu autobuzul 200. FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant Le Tire Bouchon Str. Prefecture nr. 7 Str. Abbaye, 06300 Vieux Cafenea Le Pure Str. Terrasse nr. 2 Tel.: +33/ 0493 622 749 Club La Bodeguita del Havana Str. Chauvain nr. 14 Tel.: +33/ 0493 926 724


INFO From the airport of Nice ( 22 km of Monaco; 6 km of Nice) you can travel by the regional SNCF train or by bus with no. 200. FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant Le Tire Bouchon No.7 Prefecture Street Str. Abbaye, 06300, Vieux Le Pure Cafe No.2 Terrasse Street Tel.: +33/ 04 93 62 27 49 Club La Bodeguita del Havana No.14 Chauvain Street Tel.: +33/ 04 93 92 67 24

HOTELS Hotel Negresco Str. Anglais nr. 37, 06000, Nice Tel.: +33/ 0493 166 400 Fax: +33/ 0493 883 568 Hotel Excelsior Avenue Durante nr. 19, 06000, Nice Tel.: +33/ 0493 881 805 Fax: +33/ 0493 883 869 reservation@excelsiornice. com PONT: Cele mai frumoase muzee se afl\ `n partea veche a ora[ului (Cimiez), unele vizitându-se gratuit!

Destinations Jo/Th

FOCUS From the Colline du Chateau you get a fascinating perspective of the harbor and the entire city.

HOTELS Hotel Negresco No.37 Anglais Street, 06000 Tel.: +33/ 04 93 16 64 00 Fax: +33/ 04 93 88 35 68 Hotel Excelsior No.19 Avenue Durante, 06000, Nice Tel.: +33/ 04 93 88 18 05 Fax: +33/ 04 93 88 38 69 reservation@excelsiornice. com TIP: The most beautiful museums can be found in the old side of the town (Cimiez). A part of them can be visited for free!


Days of Operation Lu/Mo

RO Bucharest



Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip




FOCUS The cathedrals of Notre Dame, Sacre Coeur, Louvre Museum, the Arch of Triumph and the Eiffel Tower are just some of the marvels of Paris. We recommend you stay more than just an weekend!

INFO Aeroportul din Paris este amplasat la 84 de km de ora[ [i la 122 de km de celebrul parc Disneyland. Po]i ajunge la ambele destina]ii men]ionate cu autobuzul.

INFO The airport in Paris is located at 84 km away from the city and 122 km away from the famous park Disneyland. You can reach both mentioned destination by bus.

FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant Les Alchimistes Str. Favart nr. 16, 75002, Paris Tel.: +33/ 01 42 96 69 86 Fax: +33/ 01 40 20 92 95 Cafenea Jardin des Tuileries 75001, Paris Tel.: +33/ 01 47 03 94 84 Club Le Batofar Francois Mauriac nr. 13 Tel.: +33/ 09 71 25 50 61

FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant Les Alchimistes No.16 Favart Street, 75002, Paris Tel.: +33/ 01 42 96 69 86 Fax: +33/ 01 40 20 92 95 Jardin des Tuileries Cafe 75001, Paris Tel.: +33/ 01 47 03 94 84 Club Le Batofar No. 13 Francois Mauriac Street Tel.: +33/ 09 71 25 50 61

HOTELS Hotel Oceania Paris Porte de Versailles Str. d'Oradour-sur-Glane nr. 52, 75015, Paris Tel.: +33/ 02 98 44 38 38 Fax: +33/ 02 98 43 69 69 Hotel Amadeus Mon Reve Avenue Felix Faure nr. 76, 75015, Paris Tel.: +33/ 01 45 54 35 63 Fax: +33/ 01 45 54 59 17 PONT: Dac\ vrei s\ vizitezi catedrala Notre Dame din Paris, po]i face acest lucru duminica. Te vei delecta [i cu un concert de org\.

Destinations Jo/Th


HOTELS Hotel Oceania Paris Porte de Versailles No.52 d'Oradour-sur-Glane Street, 75015, Paris Tel.: +33/ 02 98 44 38 38 Fax: +33/ 02 98 43 69 69 Hotel Amadeus Mon Reve No.76 Avenue Felix Faure, 75015, Paris Tel.: +33/ 01 45 54 35 63 Fax: +33/ 01 45 54 59 17 TIP: If you want to visit the cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, you can do it on Sunday. You will be able to enjoy an organ concert.


Days of Operation Lu/Mo

RO Bucharest

FOCUS Catedralele Notre Dame, Sacre Coeur, Muzeul Luvru, Arcul de Triumf [i Turnul Eiffel sunt doar câteva din minun\]iile Parisului. ~]i recomand\m s\ stai mai mult de un week-end!


Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip


Days of Operation Lu/Mo

RO Bucharest RO Bac\u



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Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip



FOCUS Dac\ e[ti pasionat de istorie [i `ndr\gostit de monumente precum Colosseumul, Panteonul sau Columna lui Traian, Roma este destina]ia potrivit\ pentru tine. Arunc\ [i o moned\ peste um\r `n Fontana din Trevi, ca s\ te `ntorci `n aceste locuri.

FOCUS If you are into history and in love with monuments such as the Coliseum, the Pantheon or Trajan's Column, Rome is the optimal destination for you. Throw a coin over your shoulder in the Fontana di Trevi, so as to return to these places.

INFO Aeroportul este amplasat la 32 km de centrul ora[ului. C\l\toria `ntre cele dou\ puncte cost\ `ntre 9 [i 15 euro.

INFO The airport is located 32 km from the city downtown. The travel between the two points costs between 9 euro and 15 euro.

FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant La Carovana Str. Viale di Vigna Pia nr. 33, 00149, Roma Tel.: +39/ 06 557 7758 Cafenea Dar Poeta Str. Vicolo del Bologna nr. 45, 00153, Roma Tel.: +39/ 06 588 0516 Club Akab Str. Via Di Monte Testaccio nr. 69 Tel.: +39/ 06 572 50585 Fax: +39/ 06 572 50585

FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant La Carovana No.33 Viale di Vigna Pia Street, 00149, Rome Tel.: +39/ 06 557 77 58 Dar Poeta Cafe No.45 Vicolo del Bologna Street, 00153, Rome Tel.: +39/ 06 588 05 16 Club Akab No.69 Via Di Monte Testaccio Street, Tel.: +39/ 06 572 50 58 5 Fax: +39/ 06 572 50 58 5

HOTELS Hotel Cosmopolita

HOTELS Hotel Cosmopolita

Str. Via Santa Eufemia nr. 5, 00187, Roma Tel.: +39/ 06 99 70 71 Fax: +39/ 06 99 70 7707 PONT: Ca s\ evi]i cozile la obiectivele turistice, rezerv\-]i din timp tichetele de intrare pe

No.5 Via Santa Eufemia Street, 00187, Rome Tel.: +39/ 06 99 70 71 Fax: +39/ 06 99 707 707 TIP: To avoid lines for tourist objectives, reserve access tickets in advance at


FOCUS P\strând arhitectura medieval\, ora[ul de pe Cibin este un adev\rat centru cultural [i istoric. Pia]a Mic\, Pia]a Huet [i Pia]a Mare sunt punctele de plecare ale c\l\toriei tale.

FOCUS Preserving the medieval architecture, the town on Cibin is a genuine cultural and historic center. The Small Square, Huet Square and Big Square are the start points of your journey.

INFO Aeroportul este la doar 2 km de centrul ora[ului, iar autobuzele [i taxiurile stau la dispozi]ia turi[tilor.

INFO The airport is just 2 km away from downtown and buses and cabs are always available for tourists.

FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant Occident Str. Constantin Noica nr. 53 Tel.: +4/ 0754 366 862 Fax: +4/ 0269 211 516 Atrium Classic Cafe Pia]a Mic\ nr. 16 Night Club Melody Str. Nicolae Teclu nr. 16 Tel.: +4/ 0748 955 880

FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant Occident No.53 Constantin Noica Street Tel.: +4/ 0754 366 862 Fax: +4/ 0269 211 516 Atrium Classic Cafe No.16 Piata Mica (Small Square) Night Club Melody No. 16 Nicolae Teclu Street Tel.: +4/ 0748 955 880

HOTELS Hotel Palace Resort & SPA Str. P\durea Dumbrava nr. 1 Tel.: +4/ 0269 252 986 Fax: +4/ 0269 252 929 Hotel Silva Str. Mihai Eminescu nr.1, 550370, Sibiu Tel.: +4/ 0269 243 985 Fax: +4/ 0269 216 304 PONT: Pasajul Sc\rilor, Pia]a Mare, Pia]a Mic\. „Podul Minciunilor“ [i fortifica]iile din jurul ora[ului sunt principalele puncte de atrac]ie ale acestui ora[ medieval.

HOTELS Hotel Palace Resort & SPA No.1 Padurea Dumbrava Street Tel.: +4/ 0269 252 986 Fax: +4/ 0269 252 929 Hotel Silva No.1 Mihai Eminescu Street, 550370, Sibiu Tel.: +4/ 0269 243 985 Fax: +4/ 0269 216 304 TIP: The Stairway Passage, the Big Square, the Small Square, “The Bridge of Lies” and the fortifications are some of the main attractions points of this medieval town.

FOCUS O mul]ime de castele [i palate te a[teapt\ s\ retr\ie[ti atmosfera de odinioar\. Altes Schloss (Castelul Vechi), Neues Schloss (Castelul Nou), Wilhelmpalais (Palatul ~mp\ratului Wilhelm), Palatul Ludwigsburg,Castelul Hohenheim, Castelul Osenstein sunt doar câteva obiective demne de vizitat. Nu uita de Catedrala Sfântului Paul, iar la marginea parcului Rosenstein vei g\si Wilhelma, gr\dina mixt\ botanic\ [i zoologic\. INFO Amplasat `n apropierea mun]ilor P\durea Neagr\, ora[ul Stuttgart este capitala landului german Baden-Wu¨rttemberg. Tramvaiele [i autobuzele sunt cele care fac leg\tura `ntre aeroportul Stuttgart [i centrul ora[ului. Cei 13 km vor fi parcur[i `n aproximativ 20 de minute. FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant Waldhotel Degerloch Guts-Muths-Weg nr. 18, 70597, Stuttgart Tel.: +49/ 0711 765 01 7 Fax: +49/ 0711 765 01 999 Cafe la Theatre Bolzstr. nr. 6, 70173, Stuttgart-Mitte Tel.: +49/ 0711 226 26 10 Fax: +49/ 0711 226 26 07 Lauras Club & Café Lautenschlagerstr. nr. 20, 70173, Stuttgart HOTELS Hotel Domino Garni Freihofstr. nr. 2 - 4, D-70439, Stuttgart Tel.: + 49/ 0711 80 90 30 Fax: + 49/ 0711 80 90 340 Hotel Alex 30 Alexanderstr. nr. 30, 70184 Tel.: +49/ 0711 83 88 95 0 Fax: +49/ 0711 83 88 95 20 PONT: Pentru connaisseur-uri, ora[ul este unul din cele mai importante din Germania la capitolul viticultur\.


DESTINA}II DIN ROMA / Vara 2012 DESTINATIONS FROM ROME / Summer 2012 Destinations

Days of Operation Lu/Mo

RO Bucharest RO Bac\u

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Destinations Jo/Th

• •


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Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip



Destinations Jo/Th


INFO Located near the mountains of the Black Forest, the city of Stuttgart is the capital of the German land of BadenWu¨rttemberg. The trams and buses are those who connect Stuttgart airport to the downtown. The 13 km can be covered in about 20 minutes. FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant Waldhotel Degerloch Guts-Muths-Weg no.18, 70597, Stuttgart Tel.: +49/ 0711 765 017 Fax: +49/ 0711 765 019 99 Cafe la Theatre No.6 Bolzstr., 70173 Stuttgart-Mitte Tel.: +49/ 0711 226 26 10 Fax: +49/ 0711 226 26 07 Lauras Club & Café No.20 Lautenschlagerstr., 70173, Stuttgart HOTELS Hotel Domino Garni No.2-4 Freihofstr., D-70439, Stuttgart Tel.: +49/ 0711 809 030 Fax: +49/ 0711 809 034 0 Hotel Alex 30 No.30 Alexanderstr., 70184 Tel.: +49/ 0711 838 89 50 Fax: +49/ 0711 838 89 520 TIP: For connoisseurs, the city is one of the most important in Germany as far as viticulture.


Days of Operation Lu/Mo

DE Stuttgart

FOCUS Lots of castles and palaces are inviting you to live once more the atmosphere of times past. Altes Schloss (Old Castle), Neues Schloss (New Castle), Wilhelmpalais (Emperor Wilhelm's Castle), Ludwigsburg Palace, Hohenheim Castle, Rosenstein Castle are just a few of the objectives worthy of visiting. Don't forget about St. Paul's cathedral; moreover, near park Rosenstein you will find a mixture of a botanic garden and a zoo.


Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip


Days of Operation Lu/Mo

RO Bucharest






Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip




FOCUS Dac\ vrei s\ vezi ora[ul de la `n\l]ime, mergi s\ vizitezi cea mai `nalt\ cl\dire din Torino – Mole Antonelliana (167 m).

FOCUS If you want to see the city from up high, go and visit Torino's highest building – Mole Antonelliana (167 m).

INFO Aeroportul se afl\ la 65 km de centrul ora[ului Torino. Compania CTL asigur\ leg\tura `ntre cele dou\ puncte, dar [i pân\ `n centrul celor mai importante ora[e din Italia.

INFO The airport is situated 65 km away from the city of Torino. The CTL Company ensures the connection between the two points, as well as to the center of the most important cities in Italy.

FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant Al Gatto Nero Str. C. Turati Felippo nr. 14, 10128, Torino Tel.: +39/ 011 590 414 Sfashion Cafe Str. C. Battisti nr. 13 Tel.: +39/ 011 516 0085 Tout Va Night Club Str. Gaudenzio Ferrari, 0 (zero), 10124, Torino Tel.: +39/ 011 882 809 Fax: +39/ 011 817 0634

FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Al Gatto Nero Restaurant No.14 C. Turati Felippo Street, 10128, Turin Tel.: +39/ 011 590 414 Sfashion Cafe No.13 C. Battisti Street Tel.: +39/ 011 516 008 5 Tout Va Night Club 0 (Zero) Gaudenzio Ferrari Street, 10124 Turin Tel.: +39/ 011 882 809 Fax: +39/ 011 817 063 4

HOTELS Ac Hotel Torino Str. Bisalta nr. 11, 10126, Torino Tel.: +39/ 011 639 5091 Fax: +39/ 011 667 7822

HOTELS Ac Hotel Torino No.11 Bisalta Street, 10126, Turin Tel.: +39/ 011 639 509 1 Fax: +39/ 011 667 782 2 TIP: At the Egizio Museum PONT: La Museo Egizio po]i you can admire the most admira cea mai cuprinz\toare inclusive collection of Egyptian colec]ie de antichit\]i egiptene antiquities after the one found dup\ cea a Muzeului din Cairo. at the Cairo Museum.




INFO Aeroportul se afl\ la doar 8 km de ora[, distan]a putând fi parcurs\ cu autobuzul sau taxiul.

INFO Located just 8 km away from the city, the access between the airport and the cosmopolitan city is done either by bus or by taxi.

FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant El Rall Str. Tundidores nr. 3, CP 46001, Valencia Tel.: +34/ 96 392 20 90 Cafenea Sant Miquel Plaza Músico López Chavarri nr. 13 Tel.: +34/ 96 392 31 29 Club La Indiana Calle San Vicente nr. 95

FOOD&DRINK&PARTY Restaurant El Rall No.3 Tundidores Street, CP 46001, Valencia Tel.: +34/ 96 392 20 90 Sant Miquel Cafe No.13 Plaza Músico López Chavarri Tel.: +34/ 96 392 31 29 Club La Indiana No.95 Calle San Vicente

HOTELS Hotel Husa Reina Victoria Str. Barcas nr. 4-6, 46002, Valencia Tel.: +34/ 96 352 04 87 Fax: +34/ 96 352 27 21 PONT: Dac\ vrei s\ faci pu]in shopping la Valencia te sf\tuim s\ mergi duminica diminea]a `n Plaza Redondda, unde vei g\si tot ceea ce dore[ti.

HOTELS Hotel Husa Reina Victoria No.4-6 Barcas Street, 46002, Valencia Tel.: +34/ 96 352 04 87 Fax: +34/ 96 352 27 21

Destinations Jo/Th



Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip

FOCUS Spain's symbol is bull fighting. Well, if you go and visit Valencia, you have to visit Museo Taurino, where you will better understand this Spanish tradition.

TIP: If you want to go shopping in Valencia, we advise you to go to Plaza Redondda on Sunday morning, where you will find all you desire.


Days of Operation Lu/Mo

RO Bac\u

FOCUS Simbolul Spaniei sunt luptele cu taurii. Ei bine, dac\ e[ti `n vizit\ prin Valencia, trebuie s\ vizitezi Museo Taurino, unde vei `n]elege cel mai bine aceast\ tradi]ie spaniol\.


Days of Operation Lu/Mo

RO Bucharest






Toate zborurile sunt dus-`ntors / All flights are round-trip



Nยบ 15, August September 2012



Nº 15, August September 2012

AJUT|-TI SCOALA „O investi]ie `n cunoa[tere aduce `ntotdeuna cele mai mari beneficii”.

Fie c\ e[ti bunic, m\mic\ ori t\tic [i, timp de doi ani, `n loc s\ socote[ti punctele real-, Hypermarket, le-ai „nesocotit” valoarea, pur [i simplu, l\sându-le s\ se piard\ pe apa Sâmbetei, a venit timpul s\-]i `ndrep]i gre[elile. Cum spuneam, real-, Hypermarket a dat startul celei de-a treia edi]ii a programului na]ional „Ajut\-]i [coala!”, o campanie care te „`nva]\” s\-]i pese. Programul are ca scop dotarea institu]iilor de `nv\]\mânt din România cu echipamente IT, prin `nscrierea de puncte bonus de c\tre clien]ii real-, Hypermarket, `n beneficiul [colii preferate.



Ei bine, ai s\ te `ntrebi „[i cum po]i face asta?!”. Foarte simplu. ~n primul rând, intri pe site-ul dedicat [i alegi [coala care va primi punctele tale, pe toat\ durata campaniei. Cum, care puncte? P\i, fiecare bon de cump\r\turi la real-, Hypermarket, cu valoarea minim\ de 10 lei, se transform\ `ntr-un punct pentru [coala aleas\. Nu-]i r\mâne decât s\ donezi punctele acumulate, timp de 12 luni, [colii tale. Astfel, toate cump\r\turile familiei se vor metamorfoza, ca `ntr-un basm nou-nou], `n minunate echipamente IT.

Ce e nou `n poveste? Ei bine, punctele vor putea deveni anul acesta, fie laptop-uri de ultim\ genera]ie, fie proiectoare pentru activit\]ile didactice. Iar [colile care vor acumula 10.000 de puncte `[i vor putea alege tipurile de materiale [i echipamente pe care le prefer\. „Programul nostru a reu[it anii trecu]i s\ faciliteze dotarea a peste 50 de [coli [i licee cu echipamente IT `n valoare de 77.000 de lei. Dorim ca prin acest Program s\ cre[tem [ansa ca tehnologia de ultim\ genera]ie s\

fie nelipsit\ `n programul de `nv\]are [i totodat\ s\ `ncuraj\m spiritul civic astfel `ncât cu to]ii s\ fim con[tien]i de importan]a educa]iei de calitate (...) „Anii trecu]i, numeroase puncte s-au irosit pentru c\ au r\mas nedonate, `ns\ anul acesta suntem hot\râ]i s\ le explic\m clien]ilor no[tri c\ efortul de a-[i ajuta [coala pe care o doresc este minim [i merit\ din plin s\ fie f\cut”, spune Adriana Pi]a, Division Manager Corporate Communication & PR la real-, Hypermarket Romania.

Perioada de valabilitate: 21.07.2012 - 28.09.2012. Regulamentul campaniei poate fi consultat la Biroul de Rela]ii cu Clien]ii [i la adresa de internet sau pe pagina de facebook.


Pentru publicul aflat `n c\utarea celor mai noi [i pertinente informa]ii, pentru cei ce apreciaz\ calitatea `n toate formele ei, a aparut

For the public searching out the latest and relevant information, for those who appreciate quality in all its forms, we launched

Etiquette Magazine! Cele mai interesante evenimente socio-culturale, tendin]ele din mediul de afaceri, cele mai viabile destina]ii de shopping, cele mai atractive loca]ii turistice, cele mai noi [tiri din mod\, cultur\, publicitate [i cele mai potrivite locuri pentru a petrece timpul liber.

The most interesting socio-cultural events, tendencies in business, the most viable shopping destination, the most attractive travel destinations, the latest news in fashion, culture, advertising and the best places for leisure.

Dana Savuic\, o femeie de succes [i un om al momentului a acceptat invita]ia de a fi protagonista copertei primului num\r Etiquette Magazine, poz창nd cu gra]ie [i r\spunz창nd cu sinceritate `ntreb\rilor ce au construit, `n trei ore de interviu, coverstory-ul revistei. ~n acest num\r, tendin]ele `n mod\ sunt oferite de Ego Men's Fashion Concept [i Ermanno Scervino.

Dana Savuica, a successful woman has accepted the invitation to be the cover star of the first number Etiquette Magazine, posing with grace and answering with honesty all the questions they built in a three hours' interview, the magazine cover-story. In this number, the trend is given by Ego Men's Fashion Concept and Ermanno Scervino.


Dup\ realizarea celui mai scump costum v창ndut vreodat\ `n Rom창nia, EGO MEN'S FASHION CONCEPT, `mpreun\ cu partenerii italieni [i francezi, continu\ seria obiectelor vestimentare exclusiviste cu o pereche de pantofi cu praf de diamante de 6.8 K evalua]i la 5.000 de euro. Pre]io[ii pantofi, unici `n lume, au fost expu[i `n holul Palatului Ghika, `n cadrul evenimentului de lansare a Etiquette Magazine, cea mai nou\ publica]ie de lifestyle, business [i cultur\.

After making the most expensive suit ever sold in Romania,

EGO MEN'S FASHION CONCEPT, together with Italian and French partners, continues the series of exclusive clothing items with a pair of shoes with diamond dust of 6.8 K, evaluated at 5,000 Euros. The precious shoes, unique in the world, were exhibited in the hall of Ghika Palace within the launch event of Etiquette Magazine, the newest publication in lifestyle, business and culture.




Nº 15, August September 2012



acest nume ca un tribut adus frumuse]ii [i diversit\]ii naturii. Fiecare pies\ din aceast\ colec]ie de 40 de rochii, vine accesorizat\ cu elemente de cristal produse de Swarovski, sub marca SWAROVSKI® ELEMENTS. Dac\ ar trebui s\ descriem colec]ia Cosminei `ntr-un singur cuvânt acesta ar fi “culoare”.Culorile sunt prezente `ntr-o explozie de fluorescen]e [i nuan]e str\lucitoare de albastru, mov [i rosu.

this name as a tribute brought to the beauty and diversity of nature.Each piece of this collection of 40 dresses comes accessorized with elements of crystal made by Swarovski, branded SWAROVSKI®ELEMENTS. If we were to describe Cosmina's collection in a single word, that would be "color". Colors are presented into an explosion of fluorescence and shiny hues of blue, purple and red.



Fie c\ vorbim de mult râvnitele iPad-uri sau de tabletele cu sistem de operare Android, gadget-ul cel mai cool, extrem de popular `n rândul persoanelor cu un stil de via]\ activ sunt – f\r\ `ndoial\ – tabletele multimedia. Cu trei versiuni lansate pe pia]a de profil, `ncepând din aprilie 2010 (data lans\rii iPad I), Apple [i-a marcat lovitura de gra]ie `n martie 2012, odat\ cu lansarea iPad III, un produs considerat revolu]ionar. Echipat cu un procesor Apple A5X dual-core (1GHz), Retina display, diagonal\ de 9.7 inch, display 2048x1536, o memorie de 16, 32 sau 64 de GB [i dou\ camere video, iPad III este un produs de top `n gama gadget-urilor multimedia. ~ns\, nu ocup\ primul loc `n top! ~nc\ din decembrie 2011 Asus a lansat pe pia]\ liderul curent `n materie de tablete multimedia: Asus Ee Pad Transformer Prime. Cu un display de 10.1 inch, procesor quad-core Nvidia Tegra 3, dou\ camere

de 1.2 [i 8 megapixeli, spa]iu memorie suplimentar\, port USB, ie[ire HDMI, durat\ de via]\ a bateriei de 12 ore, suport Adobe Flash, Asus nu pierde `n fa]a iPad-ului decât la capitolul rezolu]ie ecran, unde vorbim de un 1280x800 fa]\ de 2048x1536, cât are iPad III. Din punct de vedere al pre]ului, `n România iPad III se comercializeaz\ cu pre]uri pornind de la 2200 RON, `n timp ce pentru un Asus Ee Pad Transformer Prime vom pl\ti aproximativ 2700 RON. ~n rest, pia]a de tablete multimedia cu sistem Android este una extrem de ampl\, iar faptul c\ iPad III a pierdut la compara]ia cu Asus Ee Pad Transformer Prime nu face ca orice produs cu sistem Android s\ fie superior produselor Apple. De aceea, o minim\ verificare a competen]elor tehnice este necesar\ `nainte de a face o investi]ie `ntr-un astfel de produs. Desigur, atunci când c\ut\m performan]\, nu doar un

Whether we are talking about the much-desired iPads or the tablets featuring the Android operating system, the coolest, most popular gadget among people with an active lifestyle are, undoubtedly, the multimedia tablets. With three versions launched on the specialized market, starting with April 2010 (the date of launching iPad I), Apple delivered its final blow in March 2012 when it launched iPad III, a product considered revolutionary. Equipped with an Apple A5X processor, dual-core (1GHz), Retina display, 9.7-inch in diagonal, 2048x1536 display, 16, 32, or 64 GB memory and two video cameras, iPad III is a top product in the range of multimedia gadgets. However, it is not first in this top! Ever since December 2011, Asus launched on the market the current leader in terms of multimedia tablets: Asus Ee Pad Transformer Prime. Featuring a 10.1inch display, Nvidia Tegra 3 quad-core processor, two 1.2

and 8 megapixel cameras, space for additional memory, USB port, HDMI output, 12hour battery lifespan, Adobe Flash support, Asus comes second to the iPad only when it comes to the screen resolution, where we have 1280x800 as opposed to 2048x1536, the specifications of iPad III. From the point of view of the price, in Romania iPad III is sold at prices beginning at 2,200 RON, while for an Asus Ee Pad Transformer Prime we have to pay approximately 2,700 RON. Moreover, the market of multimedia tablets with Android systems is an extremely varied one but the fact that iPad III lost in comparison to Asus Ee Pad Transformer Prime does not make any product fitted with Android be superior to Apple. That is why a minimal verification of the technical specifications is required before making an investment into such a product. Of course, if you're looking for performance, and not just a

cool gadget ...



Nº 15, August September 2012

OSTERIA GIOIA ITALIANO VERO! Cea mai bun\ [i mai autentic\ mâncare italieneasc\ din Bucure[ti. Re]ete simple, cu ingrediente de cea mai bun\ calitate, realizate `n stil pur italian, `ntr-o impecabil\ alc\tuire, atins\ de “bagheta magic\” a celebrului Antonio Pasarelli. The best and most authentic Italian cuisine in Bucharest. Simple recipes, with best quality ingredients, made in pure Italian style, all impeccably put together and touched by the "magic wand" of the famous Antonio Pasarelli.

Chef Antonio recomand\ Osteria Gioia ca fiind poate singurul loc din Bucure[ti unde sim]urile `]i pot fi delectate la maximum cu un meniu italienesc ales pe sprâncean\ [i cu un wine list pe m\sur\. Ambian]a este una de cinci stele, la fel ca [i atitudinea gazdelor, ceea ce face din Osteria Gioia un loc `n care nu te po]i sim]i altfel decât r\sf\]at! Pentru c\ e var\ [i zilele de canicul\ nu ne iart\, zic s\ ne r\sf\]\m la o cin\ lejer\, cu o salat\ Gioia (Insalata Gioia), special preg\tit\ cu salat\ verde, salat\ iceberg, radicchio, rucola, varz\ alb\, morcovi, castrave]i, mozzarella, ro[ii cherry, prosciutto cotto, fasole alb\, ou\ fierte [i ciuperci champignon. Crede]i-m\, va fi o cin\ pe cinste, u[oar\ [i r\coroas\, a[a cum ne dorim s\ fie [i serile de var\. A, [i nu uita]i s\ cere]i recomandarea casei `n materie de vinuri!

Chef Antonio recommends Osteria Gioia as being perhaps the only place in Bucharest where your senses can be excited to the fullest by an Italian menu carefully selected and with a wine list to match. The ambiance is a five-star one, same as the attitude of the hosts, which make Osteria Giois a place where you will definitely feel spoiled! And because it is summer and these hot days are unforgiving, I say we enjoy a light dinner, with a Giois salad (Insalata Gioia), specially prepared. It contains green salad, iceberg salad, radicchio, rucola, white cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, mozzarella, cherry tomatoes, prosciutto cotto, white beans, boiled eggs and champignon mushrooms. Trust me, it will be a dinner to remember, light and refreshing, as we wish your summer nights to be. Oh, and don't forget to ask the recommendation of the house with regard to wines! By Mario Alexandru

Salat\ Italian\ cu pâine - Miez de var\ Prep Time:10 Min, Ready In:10 Min

Mid Summer - Italian Bread Salad Prep Time:10 Min, Ready In:10 Min



1 c\]el de usturoi tocat, 1 pâine italian\, 1 cea[c\ cu ro[ii tocate, 1 can\ cu castravete tocat, f\r\ sâmburi, 1 cea[c\ cu ceap\ ro[ie, 2 cupe de busuioc tocat proasp\t, 1/8 can\ cu cimbru pro\spat tocat, 1/4 cea[c\ cu ulei de m\sline, 2 linguri de o]et balsamic.

1 clove garlic, 1 (1 pound) loaf Italian bread, 1 cup chopped tomatoes, 1 cup cucumber - peeled, seeded and chopped, 1 cup chopped red onion, 1 clove garlic, minced, 2 cups chopped fresh basil, 1/8 cup chopped fresh thyme, 1/4 cup olive oil, 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

Mod de preparare:


Freca]i un ca]el de usturoi decojit într-un castron de lemn. T\ia]i pâinea `n buc\]i mici. În bolul unde prepara]i salata, amesteca]i pâine, ro[ii, castrave]i, ceap\, usturoi, busuioc [i cimbru. Ad\uga]i suficient ulei de m\sline [i o]et apoi servi]i proasp\t.

Rub a peeled clove of garlic around a wooden salad bowl. Pull apart or chop the bread into bite-size pieces. In the prepared salad bowl, combine the bread, tomatoes, cucumbers, red onions, garlic, basil and thyme. Add enough olive oil and vinegar to lightly coat, toss and serve.

Informa]ii nutri]ionale:

Nutritional Information:

Calorii/por]ie: 468, gr\simi: 17.8 g, colesterol: 0 mg

Amount Per Serving Calories: 468 / Total Fat: 17.8 g / Cholesterol: 0 mg



Totul în aceast\ salat\ este în stare proasp\t\, cu excep]ia pâinii! Dac\ pâinea este prea proasp\t\, pr\ji]i-o pân\ când este aproximativ jum\tate uscat\ [i crocant\, ca [i crutoanele.

Everything in this salad is fresh, except the bread! Prepare this salad by using a loaf of artisan bread or rosemary bread that is a touch stale. If your bread is too fresh, toast it until it is about half as dried and crunchy as a crouton.




Perioada: 16/08/2012 - 19/08/2012 Loca]ia: Belgia / Brussels

Tourist event Period: 16/08/2012 - 19/08/2012 Location: Belgium / Brussels

Un „living" atât de interesant ca Grand Place din Bruxelles merit\ un covor pe cinste. Iat\ de ce, o dat\ la doi ani, se `nfige floare lâng\ floare `ntr-un gazon `ntins pe p\mânt [i se ob]ine minun\]ia din poz\. Din p\cate covorul se stric\ dup\ 3 zile, ceea ce-l face [i mai interesant, c\utat [i pozat de turi[tii sosi]i din toat\ lumea, special pentru acest eveniment .

Such an interesting "living" as Grand Place in Brussels deserves a carpet to match. Here is why once every two years they put flower by flower on the ground to obtain the marvel in the photo. Sadly, the carpet withers 3 days later which makes it even more interesting, sought after and photographed by tourists who come especially for this event from all over the world.



Perioada: 03/08/2012 - 21/08/2012 Loca]ia: Fran]a / Paris

Tourist event Period: 03/08/2012 - 21/08/2012 Location: France / Paris

~n luna august Parcul la Villete, precum [i alte loca]ii ale Parisului, devin pe timpul nop]ii [cenele unor proiec]ii de filme `n aer liber (`n cadrul festivalului Cinema au Clair de Lune). Proiec]iile gratuite, selec]ionate special pentru acest eveniment, ruleaz\ pe un ecran imens. Cinematograful `n aer liber v\ ofer\ posibilitatea s\ viziona]i atât capodopere ale anilor '40, cât [i filme actuale de succes.

In August Parc de la Villete, as well as other locations in Paris, become at nighttime the scenes of open-air film projections (within the festival Cinema au Clair de Lune). Free projections, especially selected for the event, play on a huge screen. The open-air cinema offers the possibility to view both masterpieces of the 40s, as well as current box-office hits.



Perioada: 07/08/2012 - 15/08/2012 Loca]ia: Spania / Madrid

Tourist event Period: 07/08/2012 - 15/08/2012 Location: Spain / Madrid

~n luna august (perioada 7-15 august), Madridul celebreaz\ cele mai importante s\rb\tori tradi]ionale: San Cayetano, San Lorenzo [i La Paloma. ~n timpul zilei se desf\[oar\ procesiuni dedicate sfin]ilor, iar c\tre sear\ `n cartierele Lavapies, Rastro, La Latina sau Vistillas au loc petreceri de strad\. Pentru a s\rb\tori evenimentul, madrilenii decoreaz\ str\zile [i se `mbrac\ `n costume tradi]ionale.

In August (period 7 - 15 August), Madrid is celebrating the most important traditional holidays: San Cayetano, San Lorenzo and la Paloma. During the day are held processions dedicated to saints and in the evening street parties are held in the neighborhoods Lavapies, Rastro, La Latina or Vistillas. In order to celebrate the event properly, Madrid locals decorate the streets and dress in their traditional suits.



Perioada: 15/08/2012 - 21/08/2012 Locatia: Spania / Barcelona

Period: 15/08/2012 - 21/08/2012 Location: Spain / Barcelona

Festa Major de Gracia este o s\rb\toare care are loc anual, `n a doua jum\tate a lunii august. Timp de o s\pt\mân\ pe str\zile din Gracia au loc concerte `n aer liber, spectacole cu focuri de artificii [i se organizeaz\ parade. Fiecare strad\ din aceast\ zon\ este decorat\ de c\tre locuitori, astfel `ncât s\ respecte o anumit\ tem\. Petrec\re]ii se pot delecta cu preparate tradi]ionale, dar [i cu b\uturi precum „cava", sau pot participa la concursuri `ntre grupuri.

Festa Major de Gracia is a holiday which takes place annually in the second half of month of August. For a week, the streets of Gracia are hosts of open-air concerts, fireworks shows and parades. Each street in this area is decorated by the locals so that it follows a certain theme. Party people can savor traditional dishes as well as drinks like the "cava" or they can participate in competitions between groups.



Nº 15, August September 2012



1 august la Var[ovia 21 august la Nisa Pentru a noua oar\ în turneu mondial, Madonna va concerta în vara aceasta [i în câteva ora[e europene, în cadrul MDNA Tour. Regina pop se va afla pe 1 august la Var[ovia, unde va concerta pe National Stadium, iar pe 21 august la Nisa, pe Stade Charles Ehrmann, acesta din urm\ fiind de altfel [i ultimul concert al divei în cadrul turneului din Europa. Început pe 31 mai la Tel Aviv, MDNA Tour va continua pân\ pe 22 decembrie 2012 în America de Nord [i de Sud.

August 1st at Warsaw August 21st at Nice For the ninth time on a world tour, this summer Madonna is going to perform some concerts in Europe, as part of the MDNA Tour. The pop queen will be on August 1st at Warsaw where she will hold a concert at the National Stadium and on 21st of August in Nice, on Stade Charles Ehrmann. Begun on May 31st in Tel Aviv, MDNA Tour will go on until December 22nd, 2012 in North and South America.



31 august, Bucure[ti Na]ional Arena

August 31st Bucharest, National Arena

Red Hot Chili Peppers deschid seria de concerte rock pe noul stadion na]ional, într-un eveniment extrem de a[teptat de c\tre români [i unul dintre cele mai importante concerte la Bucure[ti în 2012. Biletele au avut vânz\ri record, chiar [i dup\ suplimentare. Americanii de la RHCP se vor afla pentru prima dat\ la Bucure[ti, iar concertul de pe Na]ional Arena face parte din turneul de promovare a celui mai recent album al lor, „I'm With You”.

Red Hot Chili Peppers are opening the series of rock concerts on the new national stadium, an event much expected by Romanian fans and one of the most important concerts in Bucharest in 2012. Tickets scored record sales, even after supplementing. The Americans from RHCP are on their first trip to Bucharest and the concert on the National Arena is part of the promotional tour of their most recent album "I'm With You".



închide Jocurile Olimpice de la Londra 2 august, Londra

closes the Olympic Games in London August 12th, London

Britanicii de la Blur vor concerta pe 12 august la Londra, în Hyde Park, ei fiind de altfel cap de afi[ în cadrul Ceremoniei de Închidere a Jocurilor Olimpice, edi]ia 2012. Prim\ria Londrei a organizat pentru acest eveniment un “Line up” special din care mai fac parte trupele New Order, The Specials [i Bombay Bicycle Club. Cei care se vor afla în Hyde Park, pe 12 august, vor avea [ansa de a urm\ri live închiderea Jocurilor Olimpice 2012 pe ecranele uria[e.

The British from Blur will put on a concert on August 12th, in London, Hyde Park, as the main event of the Closing Ceremony of the Olympic Games, 2012. Spectators present in Hyde Park on August 12th will have the chance not only to see Blur live, but also, courtesy of BBC, to watch live the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games 2012 on huge screens.



Paris, Fran]a Stade de France Duminic\, 02 Septembrie 2012

Paris, France Stade de France Sunday, September 2nd, 2012

Cu peste 30 de milioane de albume vândute [i cu mai multe premii Grammy câ[tigate, Coldplay au lansat `n Octombrie 2011 un nou album intitulat „Mylo Xyloto”. Imediat dup\ lansarea albumului, Coldplay au pornit `ntr-un turneu mondial. Dup\ o serie de concerte `n America de Nord `n vara anului 2012, forma]ia va reveni la sfâr[itul lunii august `n Europa, pentru o serie de noi concerte. Sunt anun]ate concerte `n Fran]a, Germania, Polonia, Olanda, Cehia.

With more than 30 millions albums sold and many Grammy awards, Coldplay have launched a new album called “Mylo Xyloto” in October 2011. Immediately after the album release Coldplay have embarked on a world tour. After a series of concerts in North America during summer 2012, the band will be in late August in Europe. Concerts have been announced in France, Germany, Poland, Holland and Czech Republic.




Dac\ ai drum prin Milano, nu rata o sear\ extraordinar\ la Scala di Milano. ~n aceast\ var\, Scala di Milano va g\zdui o punere `n scen\ de succes a celebrei comedii „Don Pasquale” a lui Gaetano Donizetti. Opera va face parte din produc]ia Florence Maggio Musicale, pus\ `n scen\ de Jonathan Miller.

If your trip take you to Milan, don't miss an extraordinary evening at Scala di Milano. This Summer, Scala di Milano is hosting a successful staging of the famous comedy "Don Pasquale" by Gaetano Donizetti. The opera is going to be part of the production Florence Maggio Musicale, staged by Jonathan Miller.



Dac\ ajungi `n septembrie prin Vene]ia, e obligatoriu s\ treci pe la Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista. Opera a fost jucat\ prima dat\ la Teatro la Fenice `n Vene]ia, pe 6 martie 1853. „La Traviata”, opera `n patru acte de Giuseppe Verdi, e revigorant jucat\ de o echip\ de muzicieni entuzia[ti.

Should you go to Venice in September, it is imperative you go to Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista. La Traviata was first played at Teatro la Fenice in Venice on the 6th of March,1853. “La Traviata” is an opera in four acts by Giuseppe Verdi, played by a great team of genuine music enthusiasts.



Humanitas vine `n vara aceasta cu o lansare de r\sunet. “Namaste” este jurnalul a dou\ c\l\torii simultane – una exotic\, `n `ndep\rtata Indie, [i alta `n sine `nsu[i. Dou\ c\l\torii [i o serie de `ntreb\ri f\r\ r\spuns, pe care Sega – un tân\r publicitar român de succes – `ncearc\ s\ [i le clarifice `ntr-un ashram indian din Pune.

Humanitas comes with a glorious launch this summer. "Namaste" is the journal of two simultaneous journeys - an exotic one, to far India, and another one, into the self. Two journeys and a series of un answered questions which Sega, a young and successful Romanian advertiser, is trying to clarify for himself inside an Indian ashram in Pune.



~n traducerea `n român\ „Cavalerul negru. Legenda rena[te”, filmul este ultima parte a celebrei saga Batman. Din distribu]ia pus\ la punct de Christopher Nolan fac parte Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Tom Hardy, Anne Hathway si Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Pelicula va fi `n cinematografele din România, Spania, Irlanda [i UK din 20 iulie, Belgia pe 25 iulie, Fran]a [i Germania - 26 iulie, Portugalia pe 2 august [i Italia pe 29 august.

The film is the last part of the famous Batman saga. The cast of characters envisaged by Christopher Nolan includes Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Tom Hardy, Anne Hathaway and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. The film will be available in cinemas in Romania, Spain, Ireland and the UK starting July 20th, Belgium in July 25th, France and Germany in July 26th, Portugal in August 2nd, Italy in August 29th.


Nยบ 15 August September 2012










Be Blue Air este o publica]ie editat\ de JustCPR sub brandul Blue Air. Be Blue Air is published by JustCPR under the Blue Air brand.


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