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Num\rul 23. Aprile/Mai 2011 Edi]ie Român\-Englez\ / Romanian-English Edition

Casino Girl Miss� Facebook

Patrik�Antonius� James�Woods� Aka�The�Shark�


Miss Hostess 2011 Mister�KO Harta K1 Map

Pre]: 14,9 RON


Number� 23.� April� /� May� 2011



A[tept�s\�relu\m�Caravana�Miss�Hostess� I�am�looking�forward�to�resuming The�Miss�Hostess�Caravan

Trente�et�Quarante alias�Ro[u�[i�Negru/aka�Red�and�Black•MOZZART�&�Triple�Crown�Roulette


E posibil s\ mai fi scris editoriale despre unul sau altul dintre sportivii de top ai României. Despre marii campioni, care au f\cut cinste culorilor na]ionale. Poate chiar despre Lucian Bute. {i, cu toate acestea, nu mi se pare prea mult - `n termeni rezonabili, desigur - s\ scrii, `nc\ o dat\, despre unul dintre pu]inii sportivi români, care mai ]in capul sus, `n lume. ~ntr-o lume `n care sportul [i cultura dau primii [i pe cei mai importan]i diploma]i ai planetei, transmi]ând un semnal ferm de pace, bun\ convie]uire [i competi]ie moral\. România a pierdut, pe rând, suprema]ia la toate disciplinele sportive pe care le domina sau, cel pu]in, se afla `n prima urn\ valoric\: gimnastic\, canotaj, kaiac-canoe, atletism, fotbal, handbal, tenis etc. Doar câteva personalit\]i extraordinare, risipite `n lume, mai amintesc de ceea ce a fost, nu cu mult timp `n urm\, sportul românesc, clasat, incredibil, `n top-tenul olimpiadelor. ~ntre acestea, se afl\ f\r\ `ndoial\, Lucian Bute. Bute a `nvins din nou. Bute este un sportiv `n genele c\ruia s-au conservat toate n\zuin]ele, `ncerc\rile, `ndr\zneala [i izbânzile a zeci de genera]ii de boxeri români. Toat\ truda, lupta, sudoarea [i icnetul `n\bu[it. Toate aplauzele, scand\rile, `ncuraj\rile [i urletele tribunelor. ADN-ul lui Bute a fost contaminat cu „virusul” acestor informa]ii atunci c\nd, extenuat, `[i [tergea r\nile cu prosopul ud [i tocat de din]ii „nervo[i” ai lui „Titi Prosop”. ~n duminicile `n care, la el, la Gala]i, copil fiind, urm\rea fascinat `ncle[t\rile celor mari, lipit de ring, [i sim]ea pe frunte stropii de sudoare zbura]i `mprejur din impactul m\nu[ii punchorului cu figura `ncasatorului.

Nr. 23 / April - May 2011


Din toate acestea a fost recompus Lucian Bute. Din p\cate, nu aici, `n ]ara lui, unde sportul a fost `ngropat de dezinteres odat\ cu talentul fabulos al genera]iilor trecute -, ci peste Ocean, unde mi[carea, sportul, victoria fac parte din cultura [i economia american\. {i, ca o `mplinirea [i `mp\care, dup\ ce anun]\ `n ringurile lumii c\ România nu a murit, Lucian Bute se `ntoarce, mereu, acas\, ca s\-[i s\rute p\rin]ii [i drapelul na]ional ∫

It's possible that I may have written editorials about one or another of Romania's finest sportsmen. About great champions, who brought honor to their national flags. Maybe even about Lucian Bute. And, despite all that, it doesn't seem too much - in reasonable terms, of course - to write once more about one of the few Romanian champions who still hold their heads high in the world. In a world in which sports and culture give the first and foremost diplomats of the planet, transmitting a



firm message of peace, community and moral competition. Romania has successively lost supremacy in all sports disciplines in which it ruled supreme or in which it was in the first line of combat: gymnastics, canoeing, kayak-canoe, athletics, football, handball, tennis, etc. Only a few extraordinary personalities, scattered around the world, still remind of what used to be not so along ago Romanian sport, ranked, incredibly, within the top 10 of Olympic Games. Amidst all this stands also Lucian Bute. Bute won again. Bute is a sportsman in the genes of whom were conserved all aspirations, hardships, courage and victories of dozens of generations of Romanian boxers. All the hard work, struggle, sweat and muffled shouts. All the applauses, acclamations, good words and cries of the crowd. Bute's DNA was contaminated with the "virus" of this information when, exhausted, he wiped his wounds with the wet towel chewed to shreds by Titi Prosop's nervous teeth. During the Sundays when back home in Galati he watched as a child the clash of great fighters, glued to the ring, feeling on his forehead the droplets of sweat flying off from the face of the boxer hit by the hard glove of the other boxer. From all this rose Lucian Bute. Sadly, not here, in his country, where sports were buried by neglect - together with the fabulous talent of past generations -, but overseas, where motion, sports, victory are part of the American culture and economy. And, as a sort of resignation, after announcing on the rings of the world that Romania is not dead, Lucian Bute always returns home to kiss his parents and the national flag ∫



Mini interviu cu / Small interview with Bu]uMic (Full Tilt nickname) Criza schimb\ fa]a jocurilor de noroc / The crisis is changing how gambling looks Caravana Miss Hostess Rom창nia The Caravan Miss Hostess Romania

Liviu V창rciu

Eduard Irimia [i harta K1 / and K1 Map

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Vrei s\ fii milionar? Want to be a milionaire?

VIP jucato / player: James Woods Aka TheShark



Trente et Quarante alias Ro[u [i Negru aka Red and Black CASINO MAGAZINE Nr. 23 April - May 2011 Revista CASINO LIFE & BUSINESS MAGAZINE a fost nominalizat\ la Premiile International Gaming Awards

MOZZART & Triple Crown Roulette

Media Project Manager Ionu] Andreescu Editor-in-chief Mario Alexandru


Senior Art Directing Marcel {tef ( Just Communication & PR

Modific\ri legislative Legislative modifications on the Law Regulating Gambling

Senior Editors Andra Cr\ciun (, Roxana Ene (roxana.ene@, Leo {erb\nescu ( Translator Just Communication & PR Costin L\z\roiu. Iris Popescu DTP Marius Aurel Photo Iris Popescu, Adrian Stoicoviciu, Alexandra Iazageanu, McNino Alex-Iulian Ga[par, Agerpres, Guliver Web Master Alin-Andrei Chican Advertising tr@net servicii Alina Antone Mihaela Moraru Correspondents/advertising in: USA: Rodney Azama Lia Roberts, Cyprus & Greece: Lefkothea Georgiou Atart Holland & Benelux: Sandrin Bergheanu Switzerland: Thomas Myit Germany: Stefan Kiss Printed by RH Printing Published by Arte Vizuale/Media Ionut Andreescu 7, Prof. Dr. Mihail Georgescu Street sect. 2, Bucharest Tel.: 0214110191, 0214110291 Consiliul Consultativ Lia Roberts, Honorary Consul of Romania in Las Vegas Nevada Sorin Constantinescu, Pre[edinte, Asocia]ia Organizatorilor de Cazinouri din Rom책nia (AOCR); Cristian Pascu, Pre[esinte AOPJNR, Asocia]ia Organizatorilor [i Produc\torilor Jocurilor de Noroc din Rom책nia Michelle Cummins, President of Romanian Casino Association Adrian Georgescu, President ROMSLOT Association Alina Ciul, Coordinating Lawyer of Ciul & Asociatii CASINO LIFE & BUSINESS MAGAZINE Publica]ie auditat\ pe perioada ianuarie-iunie 2008 ISSN: 1843-3316

3% din veniturile provenite din publicitate vor fi cedate pentru ac]iuni caritabile.

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Mister KO a f\cut ce [tie el mai bine - l-a pus la p\m창nt pe Magee / did what he knows best - he put Magee to the floor

Patrik Antonius Brad Pitt al pokerului Brad Pitt of poker

Eveniment cazino Casino event



Grupurile de studiu Rush Poker din România înregistreaz\ progrese remarcabile în cunoa[terea jocului Comunit\]ile Sit&Go raporteaz\ eliminarea tiltului [i cre[terea spectaculoas\ a profitului Tot mai numeroasa [i mai structurata comunitate a juc\torilor de poker online din România are în mod constant la dispozi]ie câteva forumuri de specialitate, unde fanii jocului psihologic al inteligen]ei î[i împ\rt\[esc ideile [i emo]iile, discut\ despre pasiunea lor comun\ [i, desigur, analizeaz\ jocul. Interesantele discu]ii postate pe aceste forumuri au creat grupuri de studiu care au ca scop perfec]ionarea continu\ prin asimilarea cuno[tin]elor de la ceilal]i membri ai grupului. Sub-grupurile de studiu Rush Poker ale comunit\]ii Sit&Go num\r\ în jur de 45 de juc\tori, dedica]i evolu]iei sportive, clar vizibil\ în graficele jocului lor. Aceast\ formul\ de a împ\rt\[i un viu interes pentru jocul min]ii este o modalitate excelent\ de a deprinde cât mai mult din tainele jocului într-un timp mult mai scurt decât în cazul metodelor clasice de studiu. O alt\ latur\ captivant\ a acestei metode este c\ se desf\[oar\ în timpul sesiunilor de joc. Membrii grupului încep o conferin]\ Skype [i pe m\sur\ ce jocul avanseaz\, fiecare dintre participan]i comunic\ situa]iile întâlnite [i le analizeaz\ împreun\. Accentul pe partea de analiz\ se realizeaz\ în fazele finale ale turneelor Sit&Go, când jocul este urm\rit în câteva sesiuni de Mikogo.

Mini interviu cu Small interview with

The study groups Rush Poker in Romania are registering remarkable progress in terms of knowledge of the game Sit&Go communities report the elimination of the tilt and the spectacular increase of profit The ever bigger and more organized community of online poker players in Romania have certain specialized forums at their disposal at all times, where the fans of the psychological game of intelligence share ideas and emotions, discuss about their common passion and analyze the game play. The interesting discussions posted on these forums have created study groups which have as purpose a permanent development by assimilating knowledge from the other group members. The Rush Poker study sub-groups of the Sit&Go community include 45 players dedicated to making the sport better, which is clearly visible in the graphics of their game play. This formula of sharing a lively interest for the game of the mind is an excellent means to master as many of the secrets of the game in a much shorter time than would be possible with classical study methods. Another captivating aspect of this method is that it takes place during game sessions. The members of the group begin a Skype conference and as the game play advances, each of the participants communicates the situations they meet and they analyze them together. The focus on the analysis side is made in the final stages of the Sit&Go tours, when the game is followed up in a few Mikogo sessions.


SALUT B|IE}I, DE CÂT TIMP PARTICIPA}I LA ÎNTÂLNIRILE GRUPULUI? Prima oar\ am participat la discu]ii de acest gen în mai anul trecut, dup\ ce am citit pe un forum despre înfiin]area unui grup de studiu pentru jocul de Sit&Go. Din p\cate nu a fost o experien]\ reu[it\ pentru c\, dup\ doar dou\ sesiuni, am r\mas doar doi juc\tori [i o serie de post-uri nu foarte frumoase pe forum. Dup\ câteva luni subiectul a fost reluat [i am încercat din nou, de aceast\ dat\ cu succes. Avem noroc [i cu unul dintre colegi, pentru c\ ne mobilizeaz\ exemplar cu replicile [i r\spunsurile lui. În mod consecvent particip la întâlnirile grupului de mai pu]in de trei luni.


(Full Tilt nickname)

HI GUYS, HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN PARTICIPATING IN GROUP MEETINGS? The first time to be a part of this sort of discussion was in May last year, after reading on a forum about making a study group for the Sit&Go game. Unfortunately, it wasn't a successful experience because after just two sessions there were just two

players left and a series of not very nice posts on the forum. After a few months the idea came up again and we tried again, this time with success. We are lucky to have this colleague who is very motivational with his replies and answers. On a regular basis, I have been a part of the group meetings for less than three months.


CINE A AVUT IDEEA ORGANIZ|RII GRUPULUI VOSTRU DE JUC|TORI? Unul dintre membrii grupului a avut aceast\ ini]iativ\, la care au aderat câ]iva prieteni. De atunci componen]a grupului a suferit câteva schimb\ri, o parte dintre membrii echipei fiind relativ noi. În acest moment suntem 8 juc\tori, iar media de participare la sesiuni este de 5 juc\tori. CARE CONSIDERI C| SUNT AVANTAJELE PARTICIP|RII LA DISCU}IILE GRUPULUI? CE A{TEPT|RI AI AVUT {I CE AI DESCOPERIT PE PARCURS? Totul a început ca o provocare. Am pus 600 USD bani de început [i ne-am în]eles ca cel care va realiza cel mai mare profit într-o perioad\ de 3 luni s\ câ[tige o lad\ cu bere. Premiul pus la b\taie este simbolic, dar spiritul de competi]ie a influen]at jocul fiec\ruia dintre noi.


WHO HAD THE IDEA OF ORGANIZING YOUR PLAYER GROUP? One of the group members had this initiative which some other friends also joined. Ever since, the membership of the group suffered some changes, a part of the team members being relatively new. At this point, we are 8 players and the average number of participant players in sessions is 5 players. WHICH DO YOU THINK ARE THE ADVANTAGES OF

Nr. 23 / April - May 2011


PARTICIPATING IN GROUP DISCUSSIONS? WHAT EXPECTATIONS DID YOU HAVE AND WHAT DID YOU DISCOVER ALONG THE WAY? It all started as a challenge. We raised 600 USD as money to start with and we agreed that the player who made the biggest profit during a 3 months period would win a boxful of beer. The prize put at stake is symbolic, but the spirit of competition influenced the game of each one of us. We tried to create a schedule,



Am încercat s\ ne cre\m un program, s\ juc\m mai mult [i s\ c\ut\m cele mai profitabile jocuri. Dac\ la început am privit provocarea aceasta doar ca pe un joc, acum îmi dau seama c\ discu]iile avute m-au ajutat enorm în abordarea anumitor situa]ii. Faptul c\ aceste discu]ii se desf\[oar\ în timpul desf\[ur\rii turneelor m-a ajutat enorm în combaterea tilt-ului [i cred c\ am devenit mult mai calculat tot ca rezultat al comunicãrii. CUM A INFLUEN}AT EVOLU}IA TA CA JUC|TOR PARTICIPAREA LA DISCU}IILE DIN CADRUL GRUPULUI? Dup\ cum am spus, cred c\ principalul avantaj este eliminarea tilt-ului. Remarcile haioase sau anumite sfaturi, precum [i rezultatele coechipierilor te fac s\ treci mult mai u[or peste anumite perioade ale jocului. De asemenea, calitatea jocului practicat este mult peste a[tept\rile estimate, lucru care este dovedit de cre[terea ROI-ului (n.r. - profit) fiec\rui juc\tor din cadrul grupului. Dac\ în urm\ cu trei luni consideram c\ un ROI de 15% este bunicel, acum am ajuns ca pe un e[antion de 1.000 de jocuri s\ ob]in ROI 50%. To]i juc\torii au rezultate bune, fiind într-o vizibil\ cre[tere de form\. Cel mai bun r\spuns

to play more and to seek the most profitable games. If at first we saw this challenge as a mere game, now I realize that the discussion we had helped me a lot in approaching certain situations. The fact that these discussions take place while tours are in progress helped me a great deal to fight tilt and I think I have become much more considerate as a result of communication. HOW DID YOUR EVOLUTION AS A PLAYER INFLUENCE THE PARTICIPATION IN THE GROUP DISCUSSIONS? As I said, I think that the main advantage is the elimination of

tilt. The funny observations or certain advice, as well as the results of the teammates make you get over certain game period much more easily. Furthermore, the quality of the practiced games is way beyond our estimated expectations, which is proven by the increase of the ROI index (profit) of each player within the group. If three months ago I considered that a ROI index of 15% was fairly good, now, for a batch of 1,000 games I get a ROI index of 50%. All players have good results, and they have an increasingly good shape. The best response for the influence that my participation had in the



pentru influen]a pe care a avut-o participarea la discu]iile din cadrul grupului sunt graficele cu evolu]ia jocului. Pe scurt, în câteva cuvinte pot spune c\ aceast\ experien]\ mi-a crescut încrederea în jocul propriu, mai ales în perioada de “downswing”, a contribuit la motivarea mea [i a colegilor, iar schimbul continuu de experien]\ a contribuit la o îmbun\t\]ire a jocului [i la acumularea de noi cuno[tin]e într-un ritm mult mai rapid decât m\ a[teptam (într-o lun\ [i jum\tate am progresat cât în ultimul an), lucru care a contribuit [i la cre[terea rapid\ a mizelor (de la 3 USD la 12 USD în mai pu]in de o lun\). Un mare plus a fost alegerea jocurilor. Dac\ la începutul mini-competi]iei stabilite, eu jucam turnee KO Sit&Go de 90 de persoane cu buyin de 3, 6, 12 USD, în urma discu]iilor avute [i a evolu]iei partenerilor am ales turneele Rush Sit&Go pe Full Tilt Poker. Acestea s-au dovedit a fi foarte distractive [i mai ales foarte profitabile, iar în acest moment aproape to]i colegii mei au ales acest tip de joc. Dup\ ce am fãcut alegerea, am remarcat c\ cea mai mare parte a juc\torilor din leaderboard-urile de Sit&Go joac\ Rush. CE DIFEREN}E SUNT ÎNTRE TURNEELE DE RUSH {I CELE JUCATE ANTERIOR? Evident, cel mai mare avantaj este ritmul alert [i incitant al jocului, cu un num\r de mâini jucate pe or\ considerabil mai mare. Patru turnee de Rush Sit&Go sunt comparabile ca ac]iune cu 16 mese obi[nuite. Spre deosebire de alte tipuri de joc, nu exist\ timp de a[teptare pentru a începe un Rush Sit&Go. Ai posibilitatea s\ intri într-un turneu Sit&Go de Rush aproape instantaneu. Voi mai enumera doar câteva dintre avantajele acestui joc: atrage mai mul]i “fishi”, câteva mese î]i ofer\ destul\ ac]iune astfel încât nu mai ai nevoie de mai multe monitoare [i multe ferestre, po]i încerca anumite strategii f\r\ a exista riscul ca cineva s\ remarce anumite mi[c\ri predefinite. Strategia nu cred c\ este special\ pentru abordarea acestui tip de joc. Eu folosesc strategia de baz\: “tight” în fazele de început ale SNG-ului [i “loose” în fazele finale. VRE}I S| M|RI}I NUM|RUL DE JUC|TORI DIN CADRUL GRUPULUI? Cred c\ vom putea discuta despre acest lucru doar dup\ finalizarea challenge-ului. Cred c\ o solu]ie mai bun\ decât m\rirea grupului este crearea unor sub-grupuri. În forma actual\ consider c\ grupul este destul de omogen, dar oricând un juc\tor serios care are ceva de spus î[i poate g\si locul în grupul nostru. CUM VEZI EVOLU}IA VOASTR| PESTE UN AN? În primul rând îmi doresc ca acest grup s\ existe [i peste un an. Având în vedere c\ s-a creat o motivare puternic\, cred c\ jocul practicat atât de mine cât [i de colegii mei se va îmbun\t\]i, iar cu un caracter puternic fiecare poate avea rezultate.

Despre grupul de studiu cu Sfantu_o (Full Tilt nickname) CARE SUNT DIFEREN}ELE ÎNTRE JOCUL RUSH SIT&GO {I KO SNG? Atât field-ul cât [i varia]ia sunt mai mici la KO. Dac\ un SNG KO poate fi abordat de la cap la coad\ “tight”, la Rush SitNGo o dat\ cu cre[terea blind-urilor [i cu introducerea Ante-urilor este absolut necesar ca abordarea s\ devin\ mult mai “agresiv\” ∫

group discussions are the graphics showing the game evolution. In a nutshell, I can say that this experience made me more self confidence about my game play, especially during the downswing period, it contributed to motivating me and my colleagues, and the permanent exchange of experience contributed to an improvement of the game and to the accumulation of new knowledge in a much faster rhythm than I had expected (in one month and a half I made more progress than in the previous year), which also contributed to the rapid increase of stake (from 3 USD to 12 USD in less than a month). A great advantage was choosing the games. If at the beginning of the established minicompetition, I played KO Sit&Go tours with 90 persons and buy-in, featuring 3, 5 and 12 USD, pursuing the discussions held and the evolution of the partners, I chose the Rush Sit&Go tours on Full Tilt Poker. These proved to be very entertaining and particularly profitable and at this point almost all my colleagues have chosen this type of game. After making my choice, I noticed that the most part of the players in the Sit&Go leader board were playing Rush. WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN RUSH TOURS AND PREVIOUSLY PLAYED TOURS? Obviously, the greatest advantage is the alert and exciting rhythm of the game, with a considerably big number of hands played each hour. Four Rush Sit&Go tours are comparable in

terms of action with 16 regular tables. As opposed to other types of games, there is no waiting time in order to begin a Rush Sit&Go. You have the possibility to join a Sit&Go tour almost instantly. I will list only a few of the advantages of this game: it draws more fish, a few tables provide plenty of action so that you don't need more monitors and more windows, you can try certain strategies without running the risk for someone to notice certain pre-established moves. I don't think there is a special strategy to approach this type of game. I use the basic strategy: "tight" during the initial phases of the SNG and "loose" in the final stages. DO YOU WANT TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF PLAYERS IN THE GROUP? I think we will only be able to discuss that once the challenge is over. I think that creating subgroups is a better solution than making the group bigger. In its' current form, I think the group is fairly homogenous, but a serious player with something to say can always find his place in our group. HOW DO YOU SEE YOUR EVOLUTION A YEAR FROM NOW? - First of all, I want this group to exist one year from now. Considering that there a strong motivation created, I think that the game practiced both by me and my colleagues will improve, and with strong determination, anyone can have good results.

About the study group Sfantu_o (Full Tilt nickname) WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE GAMES OF RUSH SIT&GO AND KO SNG? Both the field and the variation are smaller at KO. If a SNG KO can be approached from

head to tail in a "tight" manner, at Rush Stig&Go once the blinds increase and once the Antes are introduced, it is absolutely imperative that the approach becomes much more "aggressive" ∫



Rush Poker Mobile Cel mai rapid joc de poker din lume, conceput special pentru telefonul mobil [i pentru a scurta timpul de a[teptare între mâini Rush Poker reprezint\ cea mai intens\ experien]\ ultra-rapid\ pe care o po]i avea jucând poker online [i este disponibil pe site-ul Full Tilt Având în vedere îndr\zneala acestui nou concept de joc online [i viteza ne mai atins\ pân\ acum în acest mediu, Rush Poker Mobile este o inova]ie revolu]ionar\ în adev\ratul sens al cuvântului. Frumuse]ea jocului este c\ atunci când arunci c\r]ile, nu trebuie s\ a[tep]i ca mâna în curs s\ se termine. În loc de asta, po]i intra direct înapoi în ac]iune. Rush Poker ofer\ posibilitatea de a juca peste 300 de mâini pe or\ la Texas Holdem [i peste 200 de mâini la Omaha. Noul format de poker este special conceput pentru a ]ine permanent juc\torul în priz\. Fie c\ joci un ring game Rush Poker sau un Turneu Rush Poker, vei juca cu un num\r mare de juc\tori într-un ritm rapid [i te vei afla la o mas\ diferit\ la fiecare mân\. Când renun]i la mâna ta, vei fi mutat imediat la o mas\ nou\ pentru urm\toarea mân\. Pentru a cre[te viteza cu o treapt\, po]i folosi butonul “Quick Fold” (Aruncare Rapid\), care î]i permite s\ arunci c\r]ile chiar înainte de a fi rândul t\u. Jucând extrem de multe mâini/or\, practic nici nu mai este nevoie s\ joci la mai multe mese simultan. Totu[i, pentru amatorii de multitabling, Rush Poker ofer\ [i aceastã posibilitate, juc\torii putând participa la joc la 4 mese simultan.


The quickest poker game in the world, specially designed for the mobile phone and to shorten waiting time between hands Rush Poker represents the most intense ultra-rapid experience you can have playing online poker and it is available on the website Full Tilt Considering the audaciousness of this new concept of online gaming and the unprecedented speed up to this moment in this environment, Rush Poker Mobile is a revolutionary innovation in the true sense of the word. The beauty of the game is that when you fold the cards, you don't have to wait for the ongoing hand to end. Instead of that, you can go straight back in action. Rush Poker offers the possibility to play more than 300 hands per hour at Texas Hold'em and more than 200 hands at Omaha. The new poker format is specially designed in order to keep the player permanently connected. Whether you're playing a game of Rush Poker or a Rush Poker Tour, you will play with a big number of players at a fast pace and you will find yourself at a different table with each hand. When you give your hand up, you will be immediately moved to a new table for the next hand. In order to increase the speed by one degree, you can use the button "Quick Fold" which allows you to fold the cards even before your turn arrives. Playing lots of hands/hour, basically you don't even need to play at more tables simultaneously. Still, for multi-tabling fans, Rush Poker also offers this possibility, the players being able to participate in the game at four different tables simultaneously.


Gus Hansen: Lots of hands, lots of action, I will play lots of Rush Poker Howard Lederer:

Multe mâini, mult\ ac]iune, voi juca o mul]ime de Rush Poker

Rush Poker este o modalitate superb\ de a înv\]a jocul de poker

Rush Poker is a superb way to learn the game of poker

Chris Ferguson: Rush Poker is the best innovation since poker

Rush Poker este cea mai tare inova]ie de când a debutat pokerul pe Internet

made its debut on the Internet

Andy Bloch: This is how poker is supposed to be: an action game Patrik Antonius:

A[a ar trebui s\ fie pokerul: un joc de ac]iune

Rush Poker este paradisul celui în pas cu vremurile. Este o metod\ complet nou\ de a juca poker

Rush Poker is the paradise of players up to date. It's a completely new way to play poker

Despre influen]a grupului asupra jocului

About the influence of the group on the game

“Challenge-ul dintre noi, chiar dac\ pe o miz\ simbolic\, a trezit spiritul de competi]ie, care a ajutat enorm în mobilizarea noastr\” membrii comunit\]ii Sit&Go din România.

"The challenge between us, even if on symbolic stakes, has sparked the spirit of competition, which helped mobilize us" - the members of the Sit&Go community in Romania.



CRIZA SCHIMB| FA}A JOCURILOR DE NOROC ~N EUROPA THE CRISIS IS CHANGING HOW GAMBLING LOOKS IN EUROPE S| ~NV|}|M DIN IDEILE CELORLAL}I Criza financiar\ interna]ional\ din ultimii ani a impus schimb\ri majore pe pia]a jocurilor de noroc. Unul dintre cele mai mari nume pe pia]a de gambling din Europa, Monte Carlo SBM, operator al cinci cazinouri în Monte Carlo, a sim]it [i el, dup\ cum arat\ „Global Gaming Business Magazine”, pe deplin sui[urile [i coborâ[urile ultimilor ani [i s-a adaptat la tendin]ele pie]ei


De Andra Cr\ciun

The international financial crisis in the last few years forced some major changes onto the gambling market. One of the biggest brands on the gambling market in Europe, Monte Carlo SBM, operator of five casinos in Monte Carlo, has also got a feeling, judging by the looks of „Global Gaming Business Magazine”, of the ups and downs in recent years and has adapted its policy to market trends

Adaptarea la condi]iile economice [i sociale

Adapting to economic and social conditions

“Trebuie s\ cre\m ceva nou pe pia]a cazinourilor. S\ aducem ceva diferit, dar s\ ne p\str\m foarte vii regulile [i ADN-ul”, spunea în urm\ cu ceva timp Bernard Lambert, CEO la Monte Carlo SBM, în contextul amenin]\rii unul al treilea an cu tendin]e descendente. Potrivit Global Gaming Business Magazine, sc\derea venitului din jocuri pentru Monte Carlo SBM a venit dup\ 6 ani de cre[tere gradual\, [i un al [aptelea an de recorduri în toate cele cinci cazinouri. Anul fiscal 2007-2008 a avut un GGR (gross gaming revenue) de 259,6 milioane de euro, o sum\ ce a sc\zut anul urm\tor - odat\ cu insta-

"We have to create something new on the casino market. To bring something different but keep alive our core rules and DNA" said some time ago Bernard Lambert, CEO at Monte Carlo SBM, in the context of a third year threatening to bring poor results. According to Global Gaming Business Magazine, the decrease of income from gambling for Monte Carlo SBM cam after 6 years of gradual growth and a seventh year of records in all five casinos. Financial year 2007-2008 scored a GGR (gross gaming revenue) worth 259.6 million Euros, an amount that dropped the following year - once



larea crizei economice - cu 19%, pân\ la 210,7 milioane de euro. Dar dincolo de criz\, un alt factor a dus la sc\derea sumelor ob]inute din jocuri - de la 1 noiembrie 2008 fumatul în spa]iile publice era interzis în Monaco. Reversul medaliei dac\ ne gândim c\ numai cu un an înainte Principatul avea de câ[tigat de pe urma faptului c\ vecina sa, Fran]a, implementase aceea[i lege înc\ din februarie 2007. Pentru a remedia situa]ia, Monte Carlo SBM a introdus la cazinoul Café de Paris o teras\ pentru sloturi cu deschidere c\tre exterior. Rezultatul: venitul per slot pe teras\ a fost de trei ori mai mare decât venitul per slot în interior. Încurajat\ de rezultate, conducerea SBM a decis s\ încerce acela[i lucru [i cu mesele de jocuri, iar primul loc ales a fost Sporting Monte Carlo, unde mesele terasei restaurant au fost înlocuite cu mese din cazinoul interior. Alegerea s-a dovedit un succes, în consecin]\ teraselecazino sunt în curs de implementare la patru dintre cele cinci cazinouri ale Monte Caro SBM. Excep]ie va face Sun Casino, care nu are acces direct c\tre exterior. Casino de Monte Carlo va beneficia de o renovare complet\, etap\ cu etap\, la finele c\reia vor fi remodelate camerele private de joc [i restul spa]iilor interioare, dar vor fi ad\ugate [i dou\ zone exterioare de gaming: o teras\ ampl\ pe partea de sud, cu deschidere c\tre mare, [i o teras\ pe partea de est a cazinoului, în fapt redeschiderea vechii terase, închis\ în ultimii 50 de ani.

La vremuri noi, jocuri noi Din cele mai vechi timpuri, clientela din Monte Carlo a fost asociat\ cu elegan]a clasic\ a jocului la mese. Chiar [i în 20032004, venitul de la mesele de joc era de 69% din totalul venitului din gambling din regiune. Odat\ cu încheierea unei alian]e strategice cu Wynn Resorts, slot machine-urile au

beneficiat de o mai mare aten]ie [i la SBM. Compania a decis extinderea [i îmbun\t\]irea ofertei de sloturi [i orientarea c\tre o clientel\ înc\ neexplorat\. În numai trei zile, veniturile din sloturi au crescut de la 64,6 milioane de lire la 118,9 milioane, reprezentând 53% din venitul total din jocuri. Venitul din sloturi a avut un punct de vârf în 2007-2008, anul dinaintea crizei economice, aducând 131,7 milioane de euro. Venitul total din jocuri a sc\zut cu 19% în 2008-2009, dar sloturile nu au sc\zut decât cu 8%, în timp ce mesele cu 30%. Îns\ în 2010, sloturile au avut [i ele parte de lovituri, veniturile lor sc\zând cu 16%, la 102,2 milioane, în timp ce mesele au urcat cu 10%, la 98,2 milioane. Revenirea meselor a fost de scurt\ durat\, c\ci în prima jum\tate a anului fiscal 2010-2011 mesele de joc au generat doar 37,7 milioane, o sc\dere cu 45% comparativ cu sumele anului anterior. Sloturile [i-au continuat sc\derea dar una mai lin\, de doar 8%, producând 50,8 milioane [i dep\[ind din nou veniturile meselor.

Dep\[ind grani]ele Începând de anul acesta, Monte Carlo SBM va trece grani]ele, atât virtual cât [i în realitate. Pentru finele anului 2011 este programat\ deschiderea primului resort din afara Monaco-ului, un hotel de apartamente de cinci stele la Marrakech. De asemenea, în luna noiembrie, Monte Carlo SBM a anun]at c\ va manageria Monte Carlo Beach Club din Saadiyat Island, Abu Dhabi, potrivit Global Gaming Business. Pe segmentul online, Monte Carlo SBM de]ine 50% din BetClic Everest Group, fostul Mangas Gaming ∫

the economic crisis set in - by 19%, down to 210.7 million Euros. Beyond the crisis, yet another factor led to the decrease of sums obtained from gambling starting November 1st 2008, smoking in public spaces was forbidden in Monaco. The flip side of the coin if we consider that just one year before the Principality was making money due to the fact that its neighbor, France, had implemented the same law since February 2007. In order to remedy the situation, Monte Carlo SBM introduced at the casino Café de Paris a terrace for slotmachines with an opening to the exterior. The result: the income per slot-machine was three times bigger than the income per slotmachine on the inside. Encouraged by the results, the management at SBM decided to try the same things with playing tables, and the first location chosen was Sporting Monte Carlo, where the tables of the restaurant-terrace were replaced with the tables from the casino interior. The choice proved a success; consequently, casino-terraces are under development in four of the five casinos of Monte Carlo SBM. Sun Casino will be an exception, as it does not have a direct access to the exterior. Casino de Monte Carlo will benefit from a complete renovation, stage by stage, at the end of which there will be remodeled all private gaming rooms and the rest of the interior spaces, and two exterior gaming areas will also be added: a wide terrace at the south side, with an opening towards the sea and a terrace at the east side of the casino, in fact a reopening of the old terrace, closed for the last 50 years.

New games for new times From ancient times, the clientele in Monte Carlo has been associated with the classical elegance of playing at tables. Even in 2003-2004, the income from play-

ing tables was 69% of the total gambling income of the region. Once a strategic alliance with Wynn Resorts came to an end, the slot-machines got even bigger attention at SBM. The company decided to extend and improve the slot-machines offer and to target a clientele yet unexplored. In just three days, the incomes from slotmachines rose from 64.6 million pounds to 118.9 million, representing 53% from the total gambling income. The income from slot-machines peaked in 2007-2008, the year foregoing the economic crisis, with a figure of 131.7 million Euros. The total income from gambling dropped by 19% in 20082009, but slot-machines only zregistered a drop by 8%, while the tables went down by 30%. However, in 2010 slot-machines also took a hard hit, their income dropping by 16% to 102.2 million Euros, while tables registered an increase by 10%, to 98.2 million. The boost of playing tables was short-lived. During the first semester of financial year 2010 - 2011, playing tables generated only 37.7 million, a drop by 45% as compared to the sums of the previous year. Slot-machines continued to drop but somewhat smoother, by just 8%, producing 50.8 million and once more getting ahead of tables in terms of income.

Going beyond borders Starting this year, Monte Carlo SBM will go beyond the borders, both in virtual and real life. For the end of 2011 is scheduled the opening of the first resort outside Monaco, a five-star apartment hotel in Marrakech. Furthermore, in month November, Monte Carlo SBM announced it would manage the Monte Carlo Beach Club in Saadiyat Island, Abu Dhabi, according to Global Warming Business. For the online segment, Monte Carlo SBM owns 50% of the BetClic Everest Group, the former Mangas Gaming ∫



Interviu cu Alexandra Vasile, Project Manager, proiect Joac\ Responsabil“ ” Interview with Alexandra Vasile, Project Manager of “Play responsibly“ Project Proiectul

The Project

Joac\ Responsabil Play Responsible

PARTE INTEGRANT| A CONCEPTULUI NOVOMATIC DE RESPONSABILITATE SOCIAL| Una dintre preocup\rile permanente ale Grupului de companii Novomatic a fost, a[a cum ne spune Project Manager-ul Alexandra Vasile, prevenirea dependen]ei. Aceasta s-a materializat prin dezvoltarea proiectului „Joac\ Responsabil” CONCEPTUL “JOAC| RESPONSABIL”, CARE IMPLIC| {I TEMA PREVENIREA DEPENDEN}EI, OCUP| UN LOC IMPORTANT ~N STRATEGIA {I POLITICILE NOVOMATIC. CÂND A}I DEMARAT ACEST PROIECT {I CARE A FOST MOTIVA}IA INI}IAL|? Pentru Grupul de companii Novomatic prevenirea dependen]ei a fost `ntotdeauna o preocupare major\ [i o parte a conceptului companiei de responsabilitate social\ corporativ\. Ne inform\m oaspe]ii/juc\torii despre poten]ialele probleme [i aplic\m m\suri pentru protec]ia minorilor [i a juc\torilor patologici. Prin introducerea programului „Joac\ Responsabil” pe pia]a din România d\m tonul în segmentul sensibiliz\rii societ\]ii fa]\ de problemele generate de jocul patologic. Pozi]ia de pionier ne d\ satisfac]ie pentru c\ reu[im s\ dovedim înc\ o dat\ c\ marca de cluburi Admiral contribuie la cre[terea standardului de calitate [i a criteriului pe pia]a de jocuri de noroc din România,

INTEGRAL PART OF SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY NOVOMATIC CONCEPT One of the permanent concerns of the Novomatic company group was, as the Project Manager says, to prevent addiction. This became material by developing the project "Play responsibly" THE CONCEPT "PLAY RESPONSIBLY" WHICH INVOLVES THE TOPIC OF PREVENTING ADDICTION, OCCUPIES AN IMPORTANT POSITION IN NOVOMATIC'S STRATEGY AND POLICIES. WHEN DID YOU INITIATE THIS PROJECT AND WHICH WAS THE INITIAL MOTIVATION? For the Novomatic company group, preventing addiction has always been a major concern and a part of the company concept of corporate social responsibility. We inform our guests/players about the potential problems and we reinforce measures for protecting underage and pathologic players. By introducing the program "Play responsibly" on the Romanian market, we set the tone in the segment of raising social awareness to the problems generated by pathological gambling. The pioneering position gives us satisfaction that we manage to prove once more that the brand of clubs Admiral contributes to raising the quality standard and criteria on the Romanian gambling market, as well



precum [i în rela]ie cu percep]ia general\ a acestei forme de divertisment. Proiectul „Joac\ Responsabil” a fost demarat la `nceputul lunii noiembrie 2010, `n cadrul expozi]iei de gaming Arena Expo, ca parte integrant\ a conceptului Novomatic de responsabilitate social\. Astfel, jocurile de noroc [i pariurile oferite publicului reprezint\ o form\ de divertisment [i recreere captivant\. Cu toate acestea, ele se pot transforma `ntr-o pasiune incontrolabil\. Prin urmare, exist\ un risc ca jocurile de noroc, precum [i pariurile, s\ degenereze `ntr-un obicei necontrolat, care poate s\ duc\ la o serie de probleme. Noi ne dorim s\ prevenim aceast\ tranzi]ie u[oar\, prevenirea fiind necesar\ `n timp util pentru ca distrac]ia [i emo]ia pariatului sau a jocului s\ nu dispar\.

as in relation to the overall perception on this form of entertainment. The project "Play responsibly" was initiated at the beginning of month November 2010 within the gamin expo Arena Expo, as integral part of Novomatic's concept of social responsibility. Thus, the gambles and bets offered to the public represent a form of entertainment and captivating recreation. However, they can turn into an uncontrollable passion. As such, there is a risk that gambling and bets can degenerate into an uncontrolled habit which can lead to a series of problems. We want to prevent this subtle transition, prevention being required in due time in order for the fun and thrill of betting or gambling not to disappear.

CARE ESTE SUPORTUL {I CU CINE COLABOREAZ| ADMIRAL PENTRU APLICAREA PROIECTULUI? ~n cadrul Grupului de companii Novomatic, programul Responsible Gaming are la baz\ un cod de procedur\ `n acest sens ce cuprinde atât modalit\]ile de responsabilizare a dependen]ilor de jocurile de noroc, cât [i participarea activ\ a angaja]ilor grupului `n sensul responsabiliz\rii persoanelor afectate. ~n România, Programul Joac\ Responsabil se dezvolt\ `n colaborare cu doamna psiholog lector univ. drd. Steliana Rizeanu, care are `n derulare lucrarea de doctorat având ca tem\ dependen]a de jocurile de noroc (“Jocul de [ans\ patologic”), `n cadrul clinicii de psihologie si psihoterapie Aquamarin ( ~n momentul de fa]\ proiectul se afl\ `n derulare sub `ndrumarea doamnei psiholog, `n baza unui program de consiliere gratuit\ a persoanelor cu probleme de dependen]a de jocuri de noroc.

WHAT IS THE SUPPORT AND WITH WHOM DOES ADMIRAL COLLABORATE IN ORDER TO APPLY THE PROJECT? Within the Novomatic company group, the program Responsible Gaming is based on a specially designed procedure code which includes both ways to make gambling addicts responsible and the active participation of the group's employees in the sense of making affected players responsible. In Romania, ,the program "Play responsibly" is developing in collaboration with psychologist and university lecturer and PhD Steliana Rizeanu who is developing a PhD paper having as topic gambling addiction ("Pathological gambling"), within the psychology and psycho-therapy clinic Aquamarin ( Currently, the project is developing under the guidance of the said psychologist, based on a free counseling program for persons with problems in terms of gambling addiction.

DA}I-NE, V| ROG, CÂTEVA DETALII DESPRE CEEA CE ~NSEAMN| UNUL DINTRE ELEMENTELE ESEN}IALE DE PROMOVARE ALE PROGRAMULUI DE PREVENIRE, {I ANUME FLYERUL “CÂND NOROCUL ~NCEPE S| DISPAR|”. Prospectul/chestionar dedicat programului Joac\ Responsabil, reprezint\ punctul de pornire al programului ini]iat de Grupul Novomatic `n România. Prospectul/chestionar nu este numai un instrument de informare a proiectului nostru, ci [i o modalitate de recunoa[tere sau de depistare a unui juc\tor cu probleme, prin metoda de auto-testare. Este important de men]ionat faptul c\ utilizarea prospectului [i a con]inutului acestuia se face exclusiv ca urmare a dorin]ei personale a juc\torului [i niciodat\ ca urmare a obligativit\]ii exercitate de angaja]ii clubului. Ca urmare juc\torului `i este creat\ o sfer\ privat\ care s\-i dea posibilitatea de preluare discret\ [i eventual citire a prospectului. Prin intermediul prospectului/chestionar juc\torii au ocazia s\ ob]in\ mai multe informa]ii referitoare la proiectul Joac\ Responsabil, s\ se auto-testeze precum [i s\ apeleze la ajutorul specialistului `n probleme de dependen]a de jocuri de noroc. ~n scopul sus]inerii programului Joac\ Responsabil, a fost creat un site internet `n acest sens,, prin intermediul c\ruia juc\torii pot ob]ine informa]ii suplimentare referitoare la proiectul ini]iat, [i care con]ine modalit\]i de recunoa[tere sau de depistare a unui juc\tor cu probleme, prin metoda de auto-testare. De asemenea, juc\torii cu probleme ne pot contacta prin intermediul site-ului printr-un sistem de `nregistrare on-line a solicit\rii lor de participare la programul “Joac\ Responsabil”.

PLEASE GIVE US A FEW DETAILS ABOUT ONE OF THE ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF PROMOTION OF THIS PREVENTION PROGRAM, NAMELY THE FLYER "WHEN LUCK BEGINS TO FADE". The survey/questionnaire dedicated to the program Play Responsibly represents the starting point of the program initiated by the Novomatic Group in Romania. The survey/questionnaire is not only a means to inform about our program, but also a means to recognize or discover a player with problems, through self-testing. It's important to mention that using the survey and its content is done exclusively as result of the personal wish of the player and never due to an obligation exerted by the club employees. As such, the player is created a private ambient which can give him the possibility to discreetly take over and read the survey. Through this survey/questionnaire, player get the chance to obtain several information regarding the project "Play responsibly", to test themselves as well as to request specialist help in matters of gambling addiction. For the purpose of supporting the program "Play responsibly", there was created a website in this sense,, through which players can get additional information regarding the initial project and which includes ways to recognize or discover a players with problems, through self-testing. Furthermore, players with problems can contact us through the website, through an online registration system of their request to participate in the program "Play responsibly".



CE ESTE HELPLINE, {I ~N CE M|SUR| SPRIJIN| ACESTA APLICAREA PROIECTULUI? Helpline-ul creat `n cadrul proiectului Joac\ Responsabil este intermediul prin care un juc\tor cu probleme de dependen]a de jocurile de noroc are posibilitatea de a lua leg\tura telefonic cu specialistul nostru, de a i se explica `n ce const\ dependen]a de jocurile de noroc [i, `n eventualitatea `n care dore[te, de a se programa la o [edin]\ de psihoterapie oferit\ gratuit, sub `ndrumarea specialistului nostru, doamna psiholog Rizeanu. ~n orice caz, juc\torii amenin]a]i de dependen]\ ob]in prin intermediul liniei telefonice gratuite o invita]ie de specialitate, motiva]ional\, în vederea particip\rii lor la aceast\ terapie. Ca [i [edin]ele de consiliere oferite gratuit, helpline-ul Joac\ Responsabil este un num\r de telefon apelabil gratuit din orice re]ea de telefonie, fix\ sau mobil\. Programul de func]ionare pentru consultan]\ prin intermediul helpline-ului gratuit este de luni pân\ vineri `ntre orele 9:00 [i 21:00.

WHAT IS HELPLINE, AND TO WHAT EXTENT DOES IT SUPPORT THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE PROJECT? The helpline created within the project "Play responsibly" is the means by which a player with gambling addiction problems has the possibility to contact our specialist by telephone and to be explained what gambling addiction consists of and, in case he wants to, to make an appointment at a psycho-therapy session, free of charge, under the guidance of our specialist, psychologist Steliana Rizeanu. In any case, players under the threat of addiction obtain through this free telephone line a special invitation, with motivational character, in view of their participation in this therapy sessions. Like the counseling sessions offered for free, the helpline "Play responsibly" features a telephone number accessible for free from any telephony network, fixed or mobile. The working schedule for counseling through the free helpline is from Monday to Friday between 09:00 and 21:00.

SUB CE FORM| DEZVOLT| ADMIRAL OFERTA POSIBILIT|}ILOR DE TERAPIE PENTRU JUC|TORI? ~n momentul de fa]\, consilierea `n probleme de dependen]a de jocuri de noroc este efectuat\ `n mod individual, cu fiecare client `n parte, sub anonimat, precum [i prin [edin]e de terapie oferite ca ajutor [i sprijin pentru membrii de familie ai celor dependen]i de jocurile de noroc. Juc\torul poate astfel s\ beneficieze de [edin]e individuale sau `mpreun\ cu membrii familiei sale care `i vor oferi sprijin [i suport moral. Programul Joac\ Responsabil este `ns\, creat de asemenea manier\, `ncât, pe viitor, s\ fie create grupuri locale [i regionale de `ntrajutorare, de tipul “Juc\torii anonimi”, urmând acela[i model ca [i al altor grupuri de `ntrajutorare de acest gen (ex. Alcoolicii anonimi). Aceste grupuri ale juc\torilor anonimi au ca scop organizarea de întâlniri regulate cu dependen]ii de jocuri de noroc, pentru ca ace[tia s\ se poat\ confrunta cu problemele lor, iar experien]ele lor proprii vor fi dezb\tute împreun\ cu exper]ii califica]i în domeniul dependen]ei. Caracteristic pentru aceste grupuri ale juc\torilor anonimi este faptul c\ to]i sunt anonimi, nu sunt accesibili publicit\]ii [i pentru c\ garanteaz\ discre]ie.

WHAT THERAPY POSSIBILITIES DOES ADMIRAL MAKE AVAILABLE FOR PLAYERS? Currently, counseling for gambling addiction matters is performed individually, with each client separately, anonymously, as well as through therapy session provided as assistance and support for the family members of those addicted to gambling. The player can thus benefit from individual session or together with their family members which will provide moral support and comfort. The program "Play responsibly" is designed in such a way that for the future local and regional assistance communities can be created, like "Anonymous players", following the same pattern as other groups of assistance of this sort (like Anonymous alcoholics). These groups of anonymous players have as purpose the organization of regular meetings with gambling addicts, in order for them to be able to face their problems, while their experiences can be debated upon together with qualified experts in the field of addiction. Typical for these groups of anonymous players is the fact that all are anonymous, there is no risk of public exposure and discretion is guaranteed.

EXIST| REZULTATE CONCRETE? NE PUTE}I DA EXEMPLE ~N ACEST SENS? ~n mod evident exemple concrete nu putem oferi deoarece to]i juc\torii trata]i `n momentul de fa]\ prin intermediul acestui program, urmeaz\ [edin]ele de terapie sub anonimat. Putem `ns\ declara faptul c\ num\rul dependen]ilor care apeleaz\ la ajutorul specialistului prin intermediul programului Joac\ responsabil este `n continu\ cre[tere de la `nceputul programului. De asemenea, exist\ [i un num\r de persoane care beneficiaz\ `n mod regulat [i sus]inut de [edin]ele de consiliere `n problema dependen]ei de jocurile de noroc. ~n final, scopurile programului “Joac\ Responsabil” sunt stabilirea [i men]inerea abstinen]ei membrilor dependen]i de jocuri [i pariuri, precum [i sus]inerea familiilor persoanelor dependente, `n acord cu interesele sociale generale. De asemenea, membrii dependen]i vor fi reintegra]i social `n sensul psihologic, mediu de munc\ [i familial ∫

ARE THERE CONCRETE RESULTS? CAN YOU GIVE SUCH EXAMPLES? Obviously, we can't give concrete examples because all players currently being treated in this program are subject to therapy session under anonymity. But we can say that the number of addicts requesting specialist assistance through the program "Play responsibly" is growing permanently, ever since the program began. There are also a number of people regularly benefiting from counseling session for matters of gambling addiction. Finally, the purpose of the program "Play responsibly" is to establish and maintain the abstinence of members with gambling addiction, as well to support the families of the addicted persons, in agreement with the overall social interest. Furthermore, addict members will be socially reintegrated in the psychological sense, in a working and family environment ∫

Proiectul Joac\ responsabil

Play Responsible Project



Caravana Miss Hostess România a pornit, din nou, la drum. Prima etap\ a Edi]iei 2011 s-a desf\[urat la Sibiu, `n Club Liquid, fiind prezentat\ de acela[i simpatic [i neobosit Liviu Vârciu. „Produsul” edi]iei - „B\rbatul 3B”


Dintre cele nou\ concurente participante la finala de la Sibiu, numai trei au fost norocoase:

Locul I, Cristina Dragomir - o mare pasionat\ de motociclete Locul II Alina Ca[ol]an - component\ a ansamblului Junii Sibiului Locul III, Camelia Potcovel Cele trei vor fi prezente `n decembrie, la Bucuresti, la marea final\. Podiumul a fost stabilit de un juriu de excep]ie din care au f\cut parte: Oana [i Viorel Lis, Daniel Onoriu, Adi Mara - fratele fotbalistului Bogdan Mara, precum si parteneri si oameni de afaceri locali. La eveniment a fost prezent si Pepe, bun prieten cu prezentatorul, Liviu Vârciu,

Of the nine contenders participating in the final in Sibiu, only three were lucky to be chosen:

1st place, Cristina Dragomir - a great fan of motorcycling 2nd place, Alina Ca[ol]an - member of the group "Junii Sibiului" 3rd place, Camelia Potcovel The three girls will be present in December in Bucharest, for the grand final. The podium was established by an exceptional jury which included Oana and Viorel Lis, Daniel Onoriu, Adi Mara - the brother of the football player Bogdan Mara, as well as local partners and businessmen. Pepe was also present at the event, as a good friend of the host, Liviu Varciu.



The Caravan Miss Hostess Romania hit the road once more. The first stage of the 2011 edition took place in Sibiu, in Club Liquid, being hosted by the same cheerful and tireless Liviu Varciu. "The product" of the edition - "The 3B Man" B\rbatul ideal - ”B\rbatul 3B”, promovat la Sibiu Unul dintre cele mai interesante momente ale show-lui a fost “definirea” b\rbatului ideal, [i anume “B\rbatul 3B”. Printre promov\ri incitante, precum cele de lenjerie comestibil\, salam de sibiu, [i palinca cu m\rgele, a fost promovat [i b\rbatul ideal 3B - Bogat, B\trân [i Bolnav. Viorel Lis, aflat `n juriu, a acordat concurentei nota maxim\. "Rolul educativ al concursului nostru atinge noi dimensiuni: la Sibiu concurentele au fost extrem

2011 A DEMARAT ~N FOR}|, LA SIBIU 2011 HAD A PROMISING START IN SIBIU de inteligente, g\sind concepte inedite spre a defini, cu mult curaj, realit\]i din România. Din p\cate, b\rbatul 3B este b\rbatul ideal pentru foarte multe tinere domni[oare, fie ele hostess sau nu", a declarat Simona Chitac, In PRogress Media, organizator. "Am `nceput `n for]\ caravana din acest an, cu o edi]ie de succes, `nconjura]i de prieteni [i parteneri credibili c\rora le mul]umim: Hotel Hilton, Salonul Yssima Ramada, Club Liquid Sibiu, Agen]ia Belle Michelle, Les Nouvelles Esthetique, Imperium Jazz Club, Clara Gasthof, Apfelhouse Sibiu si Pub D'Agostina, ZOOM loungecafe, Pensiunea Mai Mai Coffe Lounge. Mul]umiri speciale designer-ului Geanina Punkosti [i doctorului Cristian Ni]escu", a precizat, la rândul s\u, Mihnea Popescu, Casino Life&Business Magazine, organizator ∫

The ideal man - the "3B Man", promoted in Sibiu One of the most interesting moments of the show was "defining" the ideal man, namely the "3B Man" Beside exciting challenges, like the one with eatable underwear, Sibiu sausages and brandy with beads, the ideal man was also promoted - Batran, Bogat, Bolnav (Rich, Old and Sick). Viorel Lis, member of the jury, gave the contender the highest grade. "The educational role of our contest reaches new dimensions: in Sibiu, the contenders were extremely intelligent, finding original ways to define with baldness some real life things in Romania. Sadly, the 3B man is the ideal man for very many young ladies, be them hostess

or not" declared Simona Chitac, organizer from in PRogress Media. "We had a promising start with the caravan this year, with a successful edition, surrounded by trusted friends and partners whom we thank: Hotel Hilton, Yssima Ramada Saloon, Club Liquid Sibiu, Belle Michelle Agency, Les Nouvelles Esthetiques, Imperium Jazz Club, Clara Gasthof, Apfelhouse Sibiu and Pub D'Agostina, ZOOM loungecafe, Mai Mai Coffe Lounge Guesthouse. I wish to extend special thanks to designer Geanina Punkosti and to doctor Cristian Nitescu" stated, in turn, Mihnea Popescu, organizer from Casino Life & Business Magazine ∫



Casino Life & Business Magazine dezvolt\ dou\ proiecte importante `n cadrul conceptului “Corporate social responsability”

Casino Life & Business Magazine is developing two important projects within the concept of “Corporate social responsibility” De Mario ALEXANDRU

Pentru comunitatea de business din statele UE, “Corporate social responsability” - “Responsabilitatea social\ a companiei” - este un concept extrem de important [i face referire la contributia pe care companiile, ce `[i def\[oar\ activitatea dup\ standarde etice [i norme interna]ionale, [i-o aduc la dezvoltarea societ\]ii moderne, România ]ine aproape, `n ultima perioad\ ap\rând [i la noi tot mai multe proiecte subsumate acestui concept. ~ntre ele, `n domeniul activit\]ilor de casino [i a industriei de gambling, exist\ o tot mai intens\ preocupare pentru dezvoltarea de ini]iative cu impact social [i economic, inclusiv ca o obliga]ie etic\ [i moral\ fa]\ de anumite segmente de popula]ie [i a unor zone defavorizate. ~n acest context, revista Casino Life & Business Magazine [i-a propus s\ genereze dou\ ini]iative noi - un proiect de burs\ pentru tineri, precum [i un concept de sprijinire a unor zone defavorizate, din punct de vedere economic [i social.

For the business community in the EU member states, "Corporate social responsibility" is an extremely important concept referring to the contribution that companies developing their activity by ethical standards and international norms bring to the development of modern society. Romania is following this trend lately as more and more projects subsumed to this concept appear in these parts. Among them, in the field of casino activities and gambling industry there is a growing preoccupation for developing initiatives with social and economic impact, also in terms of a social and moral obligation to certain population segments and to certain poor areas. In this context, Casino Life & Business Magazine aims to generate two new initiatives - a scholarship project for youth, as well as a concept to support some underdeveloped areas from an economic and social standpoint.

Proiectele Casino Life & Business Magazine

The projects of Casino life & Business Magazine

~n ceea ce prive[te finan]area pentru „Bursa Casino”, fondurile vor fi atrase de la contribuabilii la bugetul de stat, din industria de gambling [i nu numai, care `n]eleg s\ direc]ioneze 2% din impozitul pe venit c\tre astfel de activit\]i. Conform art. 57 (4) - (6) [i art. 84 (2)-(4) din Codul Fiscal, persoanele fizice au posibilitatea s\ direc]ioneze 2% din impozitul pe veniturile ob]inute `n anul anterior, c\tre o entitate nonprofit, unit\]ilor de cult, precum [i pentru acordarea de burse private. Bursa sau Bursele - `n func]ie de sumele atrase -, vor fi oferite de revista noastr\, prin tragere la sor]i, `n cadrul evenimentului „Premiile Casino Life & Business Magazine” - premii anuale ale industriei de gambling din România. Fiecare partener al bursei poate prezenta o lista proprie cu poten]iali beneficiari. Legat de cel de-al doilea concept, cu referire la sprijinirea unor zone defavorizate din punct de vedere economic - o prim\ propunere fiind Valea Jiului -, prin dezvoltarea de proiecte `n sfera gamblingului de cazino, `n zone cu fiscalitate redus\ sau nefiscalizate, `n scopul cre\rii de locuri de munc\ [i oportunit\]i de afaceri, revista noastr\ `ncearc\ atragerea de noi investitori str\ini, foarte poten]i, `n aceste zone, fapt care va conduce, implicit, la evitarea unei concuren]e majore cu investitorii tradi]ionali afla]i deja `n pia]\. Cele dou\ proiecte vor fi promovate atât prin `ntâlniri directe, cât [i prin organizarea de mese rotunde [i simpozioane, ori prin intermediul articolelor promovate `n media. „Am demarat deja discu]ii foarte serioase cu patroni de cazinouri [i reprezentan]i ai unor asocia]ii organizatorice din domeniu pentru atragerea de fonduri c\tre astfel de proiecte. Suntem siguri c\ lucrurile vor merge foarte bine” spune Mihnea Popescu, proprietarul publica]iei [i ini]iatorul proiectelor ∫

With regard to the financing of "Casino Scholarship", the funds will be obtained from tax payers to the state budget, from the gambling industry and not only, from tax payers who agree to redirect 2% of the income tax towards such activities. According to art. 57 (4) - (6) and art. 84 (2)-(4) of the Fiscal Code, natural persons have the possibility to direct 2% of the tax on the income obtained the previous year towards a not-for-profit entity, cult units, as well as for granting private scholarships. The scholarship or scholarships - depending on the funds raised will be offered by our magazine, by draw, within the event "Casino Life & Business Magazine Awards” - annual awards of the gambling industry in Romania. Each partner of the scholarship can present their own list of potential beneficiaries. With regard to the second concept referring to the support of some underprivileged areas from an economical standpoint - one suggestion being Valea Jiului -, by developing projects in the area of casino gambling, in areas with reduced or zero taxation, for the purpose of creating employment and business opportunities, our magazine is trying to bring new and very powerful foreign investors in these areas, which will implicitly lead to avoiding any major competition with traditional investors already existing on the market. The two projects will be promoted both in direct meeting and by organizing round tables and symposiums, or through written articles promoted in mass-media. "We have already initiated very serious talks with casino owners and with representatives of some organizing associations in the domain in order to obtain funds for such projects. We are confident that things will go very well" says Mihnea Popescu, owner of the publication and initiator of the projects ∫



{I TALENT? Eu, talentat? Sunt enervant de talentat



AND TALENTED? Me, talented? I am annoyingly talented





Da, m\ bucur foarte tare c\ vom continua aceast\ caravan\. M-am sim]it foarte bine, `n 2010, `ntre atâtea femei frumoase, plus c\ a trebuit s\ o [i alegem, dintre ele, pe cea mai frumoas\. Abia a[tept s\ merg din nou `n ]ar\. Mi-e dor s\-mi rev\d prietenii. Am petrecut mult timp `n turnee [i mi-am f\cut mul]i prieteni. Pot spune c\ m\ mândresc cu “rolul” primit `ntr-un show ca Miss Hostess. Sper s\ fac o figur\ la fel de frumoas\, dac\ nu [i mai frumoas\ decât anul trecut. Am experimentat [i `nv\]at multe [i eu [i `ntreaga echip\ - organizatori, realizatori - partcipând la acest adev\rat tur de for]\. Sper ca femeile frumose [i de[tepte din România s\ vin\ la preselec]iile care vor `ncepe curând.

Yes, I am very happy that we will continue this caravan. I had a very good time in 2010 among all those beautiful women, not to mention that we had to choose one of them as the most beautiful I can't wait to travel across the country once more. I miss seeing my friends. I spent a long time in tours and made lots of friends. I can say I take pride in

this role that I have in a show like Miss Hostess. I hope I will perform as good as or better than last year I had lots of experiences and learned a lot both I and the entire team - organizers, producers -, by participating in this genuine tour de force. I hope beautiful and smart girls in Romania will come to the screening session soon to begin.


Nr. 23 / April - May 2011

Liviu e un tip haios, talentat [i carismatic. El spune c\ e doar norocos [i c\ Dumenzeu are grij\ de el. ~ns\, dincolo de [tampila de “macho” pus\ de pres\, descoperi un Liviu Vârciu sensibil, muncitor, st\pân pe el. Liviu is a funny, talented and charismatic guy. He says that he's just lucky and that God looks after him. However, beyond the "macho" label that media has put on him, you discover that Liviu Varciu is a sensitive, hard-working and very self-confident guy.




CUM A FOST PRIMA EDI}IE? CARE A FOST CEA MAI INTERESANT| SEAR|? DAR CEA MAI REA? ~ncep cu cea mai agitat\ sear\ a primei edi]ii. Asta s-a `ntâmplat la Constan]a, la primul show. Nu prea [tiam cu ce se m\nânc\. Veneam din alt\ lume, ca moderator-prezentator. E drept c\ am avut parte [i de o situa]ie cam ciudat\ - se `nserase, lumina, care provenea de la câteva f\clii, era [i ea cam slab\ -, iar eu trebuia s\ citesc textul de pe un desf\[ur[tor primit `n ziua concursului. A[a c\ am improvizat pu]in… mai mult. Una peste alta, fiind `nceputul, Constan]a a fost “momentul” cel mai stresant. Dar ne-am descurcat [i, pân\ la final, totul a fost OK. De acolo, am crescut de la show la show, odat\ cu concursul propriu-zis. {i a[a am ajuns la cea mai fericit\ edi]ie - cea de la Ia[i. Pentru c\ moldovencele, cum bine [ti]i, sunt cele mai frumoase femei. M-am re`ntâlnit acolo cu foarte mul]i prieteni, iar o domni[oar\ care concura la Miss a venit cu vioara [i a cântat un refren din repertoriul meu - piesa “Ochii t\i”. Sincer, am tr\it un moment foarte emo]ionant. A fost o sear\ minunat\. CARE SUNT PROIECTELE TALE DE VIITOR ~N SHOWBIZ, ~N CINEMATOGRAFIE? Dincolo de activitatea cotidian\ m\ preg\tesc [i a[tept cu `ncredere s\ relu\m caravana Miss Hostess. Fiind cea de-a doua edi]ie, sunt convins c\ lucrurile vor ie[i foarte bine [i cu to]ii vom aplica experien]a c\p\tat\ la prima edi]ie. Tot ceea ce `nseamn\ acest show devine o experien]\ acumulat\, bine venit\ pentru activitatea mea, din toate punctele de vedere. Un spectacol live, pân\ la urm\, care te face s\ tr\ie[ti intens fiecare moment, fiecare sear\, fiecare `ntâlnire cu publicul, cu fetele care concureaz\, cu presa. ~n cinematografie `mi doresc foarte tare s\ realizez un film de lung metraj, pe care `l voi produce chiar eu. Am un scenariu foarte bine pus la punct - scris de na[ul meu, Stelian Gheorghe - `n care cred mult, [i sper s\-l finalizez anul acesta. O comedie de ac]iune, spumoas\, despre cele `ntâmplate `ntre anii 1990 - 2005, `n România. CONSIDERI CA ~N ULTIMA PERIOD|, ACTUL ARTISTIC ~N ROMÂNIA A CRESCUT ~N CALITATE SAU A SC|ZUT? Din punctul meu de vedere, a dec\zut. ~nainte, prin anii '98 '99, când eram invita]i la o emisiune de divertisment, la tv, mergeam cu ceea ce [tiam s\ faceam. Noi mergeam pe cântare, actorii pe actorie. Ceea ce se `ntâmpl\ acum `n showbiz, cu vedetele acestea care se nasc `ntr-o zi [i mor `ntr-o lun\, altfel foarte mediatizate, este hilar. Sunt convins c\, la un moment dat, [i noi [i televiziunile ne vom educa, [i nu vom mai b\ga `n seam\ fiecare domni[oar\ care `[i arat\ un sân la tv sau care poveste[te c\ s-a culcat cu x, cu y sau cu mine. E penibil. Trebuie s\ faci ceva, ca artist, s\ te afirmi ca atare, s\ dovede[ti c\ po]i face ceva. CUM STAI CU DRAGOSTEA? AI NOSTALGII? ~NFRUN}I VIITORUL? Sunt momente [i momente `n via]a mea. Am mai spus-o, sunt cu toat\ lumea dar de fapt sunt singur. Sunt [i am fost `nconjurat de femei frumoase, mul]umesc lui Dumnezeu, dar nu am g\sit-o

HOW WAS THE FIRST EDITION? WHICH WAS THE MOST EXCITING EVENING? AND THE LEAST EXCITING? Starting with the most agitated evening of the first edition. It happened in Constanta, at the first show. I had no idea what was going on. I was coming from a different universe, as moderator-host. It's true I was faced with an awkward situation - night had set in, the lights, coming from a few torches was quite faint - and I was supposed to read the text on a prompter, received very early that day. So I improvised a little... more. One on top of the other, Constanta was the most stressful moment. But we pulled it off and in the end everything was ok. From that point on, we grew together from one show to another, alongside the competition itself. And so we got to the happiest of editions - the one in Iasi. Because Moldavian girls, as you know, are the most beautiful. I got together with lots of friends and one young lady who was competing in Miss came with a violin and sang a piece from my repertoire - the chorus of the song "Ochii tai" (Your eyes). Honestly, I experienced a very emotional moment. It was a good night. WHICH ARE YOUR FUTURE PROJECTS IN CINEMA AND SHOWBIZ? Apart from my daily activity, I prepare and wait anxiously to resume the Miss Hostess Caravan. As the second edition, I am convinced things will turn out very well and that we will all make use of the experience gathered with our first edition. Everything about this show is becoming an accumulated experience, welcomed for my activity, from all points of view. A

live show, after all, that makes you live intensely every moment, every evening, every encounter with the audience, with the girls competing, with the press. In terms of movie making, I want to make a feature film, which I will produce myself. I have a very well arranged screenplay - written by my godfather, Stelian Gheorghe whom I trust a lot; I hope to finish it this year. A lovely action comedy about what has happened in Romania between 1990 and 2005. DO YOU THINK THAT LATELY THE ACTING IN ROMANIA HAS INCREASED OR DECREASED IN TERMS OF QUALITY? From my point of view, it went down. Before, back in '98 or '99, when we were invited at a TV show, we were invited because of the things we knew how to do. We went with our songs, actors with their acting. What happens currently in showbiz with these stars that rise today to fade one month later, although they get a lot of media attention, it's hilarious. I am convinced that at one point both us and the television networks will make a stand and stop paying attention to each lady showing off her breasts on TV or telling stories about how they slept with x, with y, or with me. It's pathetic. You have to do something as an artist, you have to make a name for yourself, to prove that you can do something. WHAT ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE? DO YOU HAVE ANY REGRETS? HOW DO YOU WELCOME YOUR FUTURE? There are different moments in my life. I said it before - I am with everybody, but in fact I am


pe cea potrivit\ pentru mine. Cu dragostea stau foarte prost. Scandalurile prin care am trecut nu mi-au f\cut deloc bine. O femeie cuminte [i de[teapt\ nu se mai poate deschide acum, fa]\ de mine. Nu-mi mai poate spune, “Liviu, tu e[ti b\rbatul ideal pentru o c\snicie sau pentru o familie”. Presa mi-a creat o imagine total deformat\. A speculat prea mult, mai ales dup\ divor]. Eu m\ concentrez pe carier\, vreau s\ realizez ce mi-am propus. {i am `n]eles clar un lucru - s\ nu mai alerg dup\ persoana potrivit\. Sunt convins c\, odat\, va veni ea c\tre mine. Pentru c\ fiecare sac are peticul lui. Vine un moment `n care cineva m\ va iubi pentru ceea ce sunt, care m\ va respecta pentru ceea ce fac. Care nu va vedea `n mine doar un tabloid mergând prin cas\ [i care `[i va spune: “hai s\ m\ culc cu \sta ca s\ apar [i eu repede-repede pe copert\!”.

Nr. 23 / April - May 2011

alone. I am and have been surrounded by beautiful women, thank God, but I haven't yet found the one right for me. My love life is very bad. The scandals I went through didn't do me much good. A good and smart woman can never open up to me now. She can no longer tell me "Liviu, you are the ideal man for a marriage or for a family". The media has created a totally distorted image of me. It speculated too much, especially after my divorce.


I concentrate on my career; I want to attain what I aim for. I clearly understood one thing not to chase the right person. I am convinced that one day she will come to me. Because there is a soul mate for each of us. There comes a time when someone will love me for what I am, who will respect me for what I do. Who will not see in me just a tabloid walking around the house making plans: "I have to sleep with this guy to get on the cover of that publication".



EXIST| O FEMEIE CARE ~}I ATRAGE, ~N MOD DEOSEBIT, ATEN}IA {I AL|TURI DE CARE }I-AI DORI S| TR|IE{TI ~N VIITOR? A existat, la un moment dat, o femeie `n via]a mea. ~nainte s\ o cunosc pe fosta mea so]ie. Atunci nu am crezut `n ea. Dar abia când pierzi ceva `]i dai seama cât a fost de pre]ios. Regret ziua `n care am plecat de lâng\ ea din cauza Adelinei. Era o femeie minunat\, care m-a iubit foarte mul]i ani [i care ar fi fost so]ia potrivit\ pentru mine din toate punctele de vedere. Dar sunt convins c\, la un moment dat, m\ voi `ndr\gosti foarte tare de o femeie care s\ m\ merite. ~N CE RELA}II TE AFLI CU NOROCUL? ~L ASTEP}I, ~L PROVOCI? Eu sunt norocos. ~i mul]umesc lui Dumnezeu c\ m-am n\scut norocos. ~ntâi, c\ nu sunt eu marele c\nt\re], dar am avut norocul de a cânta `ntr-o trup\ de succes. La actorie la fel, sunt convins c\ o mul]ime dintre colegii mei sunt mai talenta]i decât mine. Dar `n via]\ `]i trebuie un dram de noroc. Trebuie s\ fii capabil s\ faci ceea ce-]i place [i s\ [tii ceea ce faci. ~ns\, dac\ `]i lipse[te norocul, nu se leag\ absolut nimic. Iar eu am acest noroc. {I TALENT? Eu, talentat? Sunt enervant de talentat

IS THERE ANY WOMAN WHO PARTICULARLY INTERESTS YOU AND WITH WHOM YOU'D LIKE TO SPEND YOUR FUTURE? There was a woman in my life at one point. Before knowing my former wife. Back then I did not believe in her. Only when you lose something, do you realize how precious it was. I regret the day I left her because of Adelina. She was a wonderful woman who loved me for many years and who would have been the right wife for me from all points of view. But I am sure that at a certain point I will fall in love hopelessly with a woman who will deserve me.


Liviu Vårciu

HOW'S YOUR LUCK THESE DAYS? DO YOU WAIT FOR IT, DARE IT? I am a lucky guy. Thanks God, I was born a lucky guy. First of all, I am not some great singer, but I was lucky to sing in a successful band. The same with acting, I am convinced that many of my colleagues are more talented than me. But in life you need a speck of luck. You have to be capable of doing what you like and to know what you're doing. But, if your luck is running out, nothing will work. But I am lucky. AND TALENTED? Me, talented? I am annoyingly talented∫∫∫







Nr. 23 / April - May 2011




Regina Facebook Queen

iu lia

Iulia Mladin este “Miss Facebook 2010”. Fotografia ei, postat\ pe unul dintre grupurile celebrei re]ele de socializare, a fost cea mai

accesat\ anul trecut, interesul internau]ilor promovând-o `n postura de Miss Fecebook România. Dac\ `ntrecerea a fost una virtual\, premiile au

fost cât se poate de reale: un pictorial `n revista Maxim, numeroase oferte de reprezentare, “imaginea” sta]iunilor Albena [i Halkidiki la târgurile de turism din România [i de afar\. „Acest concurs a fost debutul carierei mele `n showbiz” spune Iulia, pasionat\ de televiziune, turism [i modeling. Cititorilor no[tri, Iulia Mladin le-a transmis toate gândurile ei bune [i mult noroc. “Sper s\ le plac\ fotografiile mele `ntrucât le realizez pentru ei, cu toat\ dragostea”∫

Iulia Mladin is “Miss Facebook 2010”. Her picture, posted on one of the groups of the famous social network, was the most frequently accessed last year, the interest of Internet addicts promoting her in the position of Miss Facebook Romania. If the competition was virtual, the awards were as real as they can get: a pictorial in Maxim magazine, representation offers, "the image" of Albena and Halkidiki resorts at Romanian and foreign tourism fairs. "This competition was my debut in a career in showbiz" says Iulia, keen on television, tourism and modeling. To our readers, Iulia Mladin extended all her best wishes and good luck: "I hope they will enjoy my pictures because I take them for them, with all my love".


Nr. 21 / Dec. 2010 - Jan. 2011

Iulia, The Facebook Queen


Miss k o o b e fac


36 36



iu lia

Regina Facebook Queen

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Mirage Games Oana Style Sonia Trifan

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Promotorul român, Eduard Irimia, [i pre[edintele WAKO (World Association of Kick Boxing Organisations), Ennio Falsoni, acord istoric la Bucure[ti `n luna februarie

Romanian promoter Eduard Irimia and president of WAKO (World Association of Kick Boxing Organizations), Ennio Falsoni, historic agreement in Bucharest in month February

Acordul dintre promotorul Eduard Irimia [i pre[edintele WAKO vizeaz\ organizarea la nivel mondial a unui circuit denumit SUPERKOMBAT. Pe lâng\ aceast\ noutate, pre[edintele WAKO, Ennio Falsoni, a avut [i ideea unor gale `ntre na]iuni, concretizat\ `n proiectul WAKO PRO WORLD GP TEAM. Acesta include opt ]\ri care [i-au format loturile na]ionale ce se confrunt\ `ncepând din luna martie [i pân\ spre sfâr[itul anului. Pe 5 martie, la Belgrad, reprezentativa Serbiei a `ntâlnit-o pe cea a Greciei, `n fa]a c\reia a ob]inut victoria. De asemenea, România a `nvins Italia `n cadrul galei de la Râmnicu Vâlcea, `n 18 martie. Urm\toarele dou\ etape de calificare vor avea loc pe 30 aprilie, la Budapesta, `ntre Ungaria [i Croa]ia, ultima etap\ de calificare urmând s\ aib\ loc la Madrid, `ntre Spania [i Rusia. Dup\ primele patru gale de calificare, vor urma dou\ gale semifinale `ntre ]\rile câ[tig\toare, iar la sfâr[it de an va avea loc marea final\ care ar putea fi g\zduit\ `n programul galelor SUPERKOMBAT.

The agreement between promoter Eduard Irimia and the president of WAKO aims at the organization of a world circuit entitled SUPERKOMBAT. Beside this novelty, the president of WAKO, Ennio Falsoni, also had the idea to set up galas between nations, materialized in the project WAKO PRO WORLD GP TEAM. This includes eight countries which formed their national teams to compete starting from March and until the end of the year. On March 5th, in Belgrade, the Serbian representative met the Greek counterpart which it

Râmnicu Vâlcea a g\zduit circuitul mondial SUPERKOMBAT [i campionatul WAKO PRO WORLD GP TEAM. Kemayo, Yuksell, Poturak, Arnaldo Silva [i alte nume grele din K1, al\turi de Moro[anu, Iftimoaie, Ciobanu [i echipa României de lupte de contact

Ramnicu Valcea hosted the world circuit SUPERKOMBAT and championship WAKO PRO WORLD GP TEAM. Kemayo, Yuksell, Poturak, Arnaldo Silva and other major names in K1, next to Morosanu, Iftimoaie, Ciobanu and Romania's team of contact fighting

România a reu[it o victorie cu 4 - 1 `n fa]a reprezentativei Italiei. La Râmnicu Vâlcea ne-au reprezentat Florin Lupu (60 kg), Ionu] Atodiresei (67 kg), Bogdan Stoica (75 kg), Mihai Ti]a (81 kg) [i Andrei Stoica (94 kg). Antrenorii lotului na]ional sunt Alin Panaite [i Ciprian Sora. ~n aceea[i gal\ a avut loc [i primul meci de titlu

Romania obtained victory by 4-1 against Italy's representative. In Ramnicu Valcea we were represented by Florin Lupu (60 kg), Ionut Atodiresei (67 kg), Bogdan

defeated. Furthermore, Romania defeated Italy within the gala in Ramnicu Valcea, on March 18th. The next two qualification stages will be held on April 30th, in Budapest, between Hungary and Croatia, and the last qualification stage is to take place in Madrid, between Spain and Russia. After the first four qualification galas there will be two semifinal galas between the winner countries and at the end of the year there will be held the grand final which could be hosted within the program of SUPERKOMBAT galas.

Stoica (75 kg), Mihai Tita (81 kg) and Andrei Stoica (94 kg). The trainers of the national team are Alin Panaite and Ciprian Sora. In the same gala was also held the


Nr. 23 / April - May 2011


De Roxana ENESCU super sport model. "The association between Mitsubishi and SUPERKOMBAT is not a random one. The DNA of this brand bears the print of sportiveness and the model Lancer Ralliart is a suitable car for dynamic people with a strong personality. We are honored to continue a partnership with tradition and we are looking forward to handing the prize over to the winner" declared Daniel Antor, executive director of Mitsubishi Romania.

mondial, g\zduit de România, `n care românul Mihai Barbu a fost `nvins de portughezul Arnaldo Silva, de]in\torul titlului mondial. De cealalt\ parte, meciurile din SUPERKOMBAT i-au avut vedete pe Iftimoaie vs. Poturak, Moro[anu vs. Yuskell, Ciobanu vs. Kemayo [i Adegbuyi vs. Dzenan Poturak. Câ[tig\torul SUPERKOMBAT va primi, pe lâng\ marele premiu `n bani, [i o ma[in\ oferit\ de firma Mitsubishi - model super sport Lancer Ralliart. „Asocierea `ntre Mitsubishi [i SUPERKOMBAT nu este una `ntâmpl\toare. ADN-ul m\rcii poart\ amprenta sportivit\]ii [i modelul Lancer Ralliart este o ma[in\ potrivit\ pentru persoane dinamice, cu personalitate puternic\. Suntem onora]i s\ continu\m un parteneriat cu tradi]ie [i abia astept\m s\ `nmân\m premiul câ[tig\torului”, a declarat Daniel Antor, director executiv Mitsubishi România.

first fight for a world title, hosted by Romania, in which Romanian fighter Mihai Barbu was defeated by Portuguese Arnaldo Silva, holder of the world title. On the other hand, the fights in SUPERKOMBAT featured Iftimoaie vs. Poturak, Morosanu vs. Yuskell, Ciobanu vs. Kemayo and Adegbuyi vs. Dzenan Poturak. The winner of SUPERKOMBAT will receive in addition to the grand money prize, a car offered by Mitsubishi - a Lancer Ralliart

Avocatul Nicu[or Stan este noul „Mitic\ Dragomir” din K1, `n timp ce Amatto Zaharia va avea rolul „Na[ului” Sandu

Lawyer Nicusor Stan is the new "Mitica Dragomir" of K1 while Amatto Zaharia will have the role of "Godfather" Sandu

Luni, 14 martie, promotorul Eduard Irimia a venit cu nout\]i strategice privind sporturile de contact din România. Astfel, `ntr-o prim\ faz\, au fost anun]a]i noii coopta]i `n func]ii de conducere, care vor avea `n K1 un rol similar cu cele ale lui Mitic\ Dragomir [i Mircea Sandu. Avocatul Nicu[or Stan a devenit pre[edintele WAKO PRO România, `n timp ce Amatto Zaharia, pre[edintele Federa]iei de KEMPO, va avea un rol asemeni „Na[ului” Sandu din fotbalul românesc. „Nu degeaba fotbalul este sportul rege. Vom lua lucrurile bune din el [i le vom aplica mai ales la nivel organizatoric `n sporturile de contact. Cred c\ atât Nicu[or Stan, cât [i Amatto Zaharia, au `n]eles rolul important pe care urmeaz\ s\ `l aib\ `n acest domeniu [i sper s\ m\ ajute s\ plas\m cât mai bine România pe harta mondial\ a sporturilor de contact. Avem nevoie de cât mai mul]i oameni de afaceri, care s\ se implice [i s\ creasc\ al\turi de noi”, a declarat promotorul Eduard Irimia ∫

Monday, March 14th, promoter Eduard Irimia came with strategic novelties regarding contact sports in Romania. Thus, during a first stage were announced the persons newly appointed for management positions, who will have in K1 roles similar to those of Mitica Dragomir and Mircea Sandu. Lawyer Nicusor Stan became the president of WAKO PRO Romania, while Amatto Zaharia, the president of the Federation of KEMPO will

have a role similar to that of "Godfather" Sandu in Romanian football. "Football is the king of sports for good reason. We will take the good things from it and apply them especially when it comes to organizing contact sports. I believe that both Nicusor Stan and Amatto Zaharia understand the important role they are to fulfill in this field and I hope they will help me obtain as good a position as possible for Romania on the world map of contact sports. We need as many businessmen as we can get who can get involved and evolve by our side" declared promoter Eduard Irimia ∫



REGELE COMBINA}IILOR THE KING OF COMBINATIONS anun]\ c\ va oferi “Un Milion RON”, `n numerar, juc\torului care câ[tig\ un pariu combinat, de 20 de selec]ii, `n perioada promo]iei: 24 februarie 2011 - 22 mai 2011. La câ[tigul biletului combinat se va ad\uga “Un Milion RON”, `n numerar. Marele câ[tig va fi postat pe “Pagina marilor câ[tig\tori”, sub titlul “Regele Combinatelor din România”. Ca s\ pute]i participa la promo]ie, trebuie s\ depune]i pariuri cu 20 de selec]ii din fotbal pe oferta 1x2. Miza minim\ este de doar 1 leu, [i pute]i depune câte pariuri dori]i pe parcursul promo]iei. Meciurile pot fi selectate din ligile prezentate mai jos, la capitolul “Termeni [I condi]ii”. Nu mai a[tepta]i, alege]i-v\ pariurile chiar acum. announces to offer "One Million RON", in cash, to the player who wins a combo bet, comprising 20 selections, during the promotion: February 24th - May 22nd 2011. To the winning of the combo ticket there will be added "One Million RON" in cash. The great prize will be posted on the "Webpage of great winners" under the title "The king of combo in Romania". In order to be a part of the promotion, you have to place bets with 20 selections from football by the 1x2 pattern. The minimum stake is just 1RON and you can place as many bets as you want throughout the promotion. The sports competitions can be selected from the leagues presented below, in caption "Terms and Conditions". Wait no more, make your bets right now!

Termeni [i condi]ii

Terms and conditions

Aceast\ promo]ie este disponibil\ numai pentru juc\tori `nregista]i `n România; Aceast\ promo]ie este valid\ `ntre 24 februarie 2011 [i 22 mai 2011; Premiul este de 1 milion RON [i va fi pl\tit `n numerar, pe lâng\ câ[tigul ordinar al biletului; Câ[tigul ordinar al biletului combinat va fi pl\tit imediat juc\torului cu un bilet câ[tig\tor, de 20 de selec]ii; Câ[tigurile se acord\ `n conformitate cu paragraful 28.4.2 din sec]iunea “Termeni [i condi]ii”; Plata câ[tigului extraordinar, de 1 milion de RON, va fi f\cut\ mar]i 24 mai 2011; Pentru a v\ califica trebuie s\ ave]i un pariu combinat de 20 de meciuri, cu miza minim\ de 1 RON; • Pariul trebuie pus pe oferta 1x2, `ntr-una din ligile acceptate • Ligile acceptate sunt: • România - Liga 1 • Anglia - Prima Lig\ • Spania - Prima Divizie • Germania - Bundesliga 1 • Italia - Serie A • Liga Campionilor • Europa League • Pariurile pe meciurile Live nu se calific\; • Dac\ mai mul]i juc\tori au un pariu combinat, câ[tig\tor `n timpul promo]iei, se va lua `n calcul biletul cu cota combinat\ cea mai mare; ~n cazul `n care exist\ bilete identice, premiul de 1 milion de RON se va `mp\r]i `n mod egal; Câ[tig\torul va fi contactat [i biletul va fi publicat `n cadrul sec]iunii “Pagina marilor câ[tig\tori” de pe site-ul Gamebookers, precum [i `n alte publica]ii online sau offline, la alegerea noastr\.

This promotion is available only for registered players in Romania; This promotion is valid between February 24th and May 22nd 2011; The jackpot is 1 million RON and shall be paid in cash, added to the ordinary winning of the ticket; The ordinary winning of the combo ticket shall be paid immediately to the player with a winning ticket, comprising 20 selections; The winnings are granted in compliance with paragraph 28.4.2 from section "Terms and conditions"; The payment of the jackpot prize, worth 1 million RON, shall be made on Tuesday, May 24th 2011; oIn order to qualify you must have a combo bet including 20 selections, with a minimum stake of 1 RON; • The bet must be made on the1X2 market, in one of the accepted sports leagues • The accepted sports leagues are: • Romania - League 1 • England- Premier League • Spain - Premier Division • Germany - Bundesliga 1 • Italy - Series A • Champions League • Europa League • Bets on Live matches don't qualify; • If several players have a combo bet which is winner during the promotion, the ticket with the highest combined odds is deemed winner; In case there are identical tickets, the prize worth 1 million RON shall be split equally; The winner shall be contacted and the ticket published in the section "Webpage of great winners" on the Gamebookers website, as well as in other online or offline publication, of our choice.





|CIUN De Andra CR 18 s- a n\ sc ut pe Ja m es W oo ds iat ud st a h, ta Vernal, U în , 47 19 ie ril ap ets Institute la Massachus e ic lit Po ]e iin [t de altfel a , locul unde of Technology orul pe o ima oar\ pici pus pentru pr piese în t în peste 30 de scen\. El a juca iversit\]ii, ]iei, în trupa un timpul studen pare, acto, iar pe cât se “Dramashop” renun]at de mult încât a ria l-a atras atât e de abcu pu]in înaint la studii chiar oo ds [i -a 70 , Ja m es W so lv ire . În 19 , în prima l pe Broadway f\cut debutu st al B oy . er ic an \ a B or pr od uc ]ie am pe m ar el e m at de bu tu l În 19 73 a ur al lu i E lia he Vi si to rs ”, ec ra n, în “T în teatru ci, a jucat atât Kazan. De atun matografice produc]ii cine cât [i pentru produs [i e, a regizat, a [i de televiziun mirare dat ii, [i - deloc de a scris scenar Hollywood actuale de la fiind trendurile upra jocului concentrat as - este tot mai de poker. es ea la e fi v\ zu t ad W oo ds po at ai m ar i m a di nt re ce le m es el e un or când [i ju ker din lume, turnee de po poker de e r [i în camer da d, ân ig [t câ s [i Las Vegas. din Los Angele

Prietenii la nevoie… gr a] ie jo ac e po ke r A în ce pu t s\ k, care i-a u John Myric prietenului s\ ematic\ [i ntul s\u la mat sugerat c\ tale în poker. ebit l-ar ajuta IQ-ul s\u deos em -u lu i o s\ de a H ol d' A [a a de ci s e a plecat prima sesiun [ans\. Dup\ interes de dolari [i un acas\ cu 300 c. serios pentru jo

s e m Ja s d o o W Aka The Shark

April was born on James Woods pod ie ud rnal, Utah, st 18th 1947, in Ve stiIn en quite ofts et can also be se Massachus at ds e oo nc W ie sc al litic of the world's here he gy, the place w tables of some lo e th no at ch n Te te of tute ag e. H e here he plays poker tours w se t fo ot on st t st es fir gg ly bi al tu ac ker rooms in s during as well as in po e than 30 play s, or in m w d in an ed ay pl ve rs ity d Las Vegas. ar s in th e U ni Los Angeles an y hi s st ud en t ye gl in em se d ashop", an troupe, "Dram m that he appealing to hi acting was so re gradufo be g shortly A friend in need... s gave up studyin hi e ad m ds James Woo ating. In 1970, st Ameridway, in the fir oa debut on Br In 1973 poker thanks to of Borstal Boy. started playing e H ted can production en a scre ick who sugges t on the cinem end John Myr fri s hi his d an came the debu er rs ". Ev athematics 's "T he Vi si to his talent in m at th so d An ein El ia K az an r. th in lp in poke en playing both ial IQ could he ec . sp ce an since, he has be ch uc a prod Hold'em nema and TV decided to give e he m ho d t ater and for ci an en uced session he w directed, prod After the first terest tions, he has risrp su t no d a serious in d plays an 300 dollars an ith w written screen lyol H in current trends for the game. acingly, given the concene or e, the American m d an e or m is Throughout tim he in ur To wood r ke at World Po r playing. itor has played ar ch e trated on poke th r fo e Games, Hollywood Hom so As ke ro St American n tio za ni ga or s ty ored hi ar 2006, he sc ciation. In ye in poker ce performan best personal


nominaliz\ri 2 , e lm fi e d 0 7 te s e P my, la Oscar, 3 premii Emoase mer un Glob de Aur [i nu e [tiin]e alte premii. Studii d de 180 r politice, un IQ uluito analitic\ [i probabil cea mai llywood, minte de la Ho cariera ce i-a servit atât în e poker sa d de actor cât [i la ma

2 Oscar More than 70 films, awards, nominations, 3 Emmyd countless one Golden Globe ansed in other awards. Licen taggering political science, a s the most 180 IQ and probably llywood, analytical mind in Ho r his acting which served both foker table career and at the po




Aka The Shark e vorba. act despre ce pot explica ex u [tiu ce am instincte. N Pur [i simplu e infailibile. insticte aproap am r da , nt su ameridar instinctele pului, actorul t multe mâini, du er pi ”. Am De-a lungul tim o singur\ dat\ er To ur în în[elat decât la W or ld P ok u t -a m ca \ ju er nu a of i n ca ru orga okerul îm e Games, pent ds spune: “P om oo H W d t \, oo To ic w at ly e ol H S tr ok m at em ne vo ie . A re b il\ A m er ic an pe to t ce am ni za ]ia ca ri ta t cu bl in g, si m ]u l tre m -a ga [i , ie , cu ra j, anul 2006 og În ol n. ih io pliat ps ci so rAs an]e pe are, auto-disci bune perform a]iei, manipul rv se te ob nu 26 s\ lista celor mai locul esen]ial r clasarea pe Cred c\ este . re e, na ar nu er te sonale în poke P ok p ri n ex rt ic ip an ]i la LA g i si ng ur ân fr în de di n 69 2 de pa .0 00 câ [t ig de 40 e, fric\ ∫∫∫”. C la ss ic , [i un asa ner\bdar m la t to s in 11 l-a pr dolari. Anul 20 iar pe 2 câ[tigând ch ds oo de joc, W ay Holiday l New Years D ianuarie turneu pentru un mit Hold'em, Special No Li euro. ximativ 3000 de premiu de apro

r blog

James Woods's poke

nt [i [i-a lansat rece James Woods ollyH la despre poker, rie propriul blog sc i î[ de om, locul un re woodPoker.c ca la ri turnee sau jocu le aventurile din iri st ve po lip se sc ni ci , ip pa rt ic ip \. N u sh on pi o WPT Cham ai despre Bellagi m i ce de mas\ al\turi unde a stat la tu lu i, [i to ri ai m om en pu te rn ic i ju c\ . Tot la ic ss Tour LA Cla World Poker fi întâle at er, Woods po HollywoodPok poker de e el line la mes on nd câ ju t ni r [i de oacelebrit\]i, da te al de i ur \t al la masa de . Numele s\u meni obi[nui]i se ri al ul up S ha rk , d \ e Th te es c jo me, difuzat cu acela[i nu de televiziune B S în tr e te le vi zi un e C de ca na lu l de nt ru ca re . “M ot iv ul pe 20 06 [i 20 08 id er ea at în d es ch m -a m im p lic i de Vince, al\tur HollywoodPok or ld P ok er co -h os t al W Va n P at te n, do rit s\ el a c\ ne -a m To ur , es te ac ca to]i [i de s\ putem ju avem un site un mpania nu numai de co s\ ne bucur\m de poker de a juc\torilor vedetelor, ci [i . teresat s\ joc” cu care sunt in iu p en tr u rv te in n -u În tr eb at în tr atu-ul s\u Pro, care este revista Poker e p ok er , vi ne vo rb a d at un ci câ nd mai mare spune: “Cea James Woods ngibil [i nu este ceva inta putere a mea

2 participant ed 26th of 69 when he plac ssic, and a LA Poker Cla players at the seems al000. Year 2011 winning of $40, ds won on playing as Woo so to be fit for ay Holiday e New Years D January 2nd th with a winit Hold'em tour Special No Lim ros. imately 3,000 Eu ning of approx

r blog

James Woods's poke

ed his recently launch James Woods lywoodPokt poker, at Hol ou ab og bl n ow es his ade where he writ ac pl e th , om .c er in which he tours or games m fro es ur nt ve d accounts ne can also fin O s. te pa ci rti pa ship, where PT Champion on Bellagio W e the best table alongsid he sat at the ell as on the moment, as w players of the ic. Also on Tour LA Class World Poker n be seen er, Woods ca HollywoodPok with other at poker tables playing online people. His d with regular celebrities, an bl e is Th e th e pl ay in g ta ni ck na m e at ith the same e TV series w Shark, after th BS television asted by the C name, broadc 2008. "The een 2006 and channel betw ing Hollyvolved in open reason I got in Van Pat, next to Vince , is beur World Poker To ten, co-host of w a eb si te te d to ha ve ca us e w e w an joy not ond all play and en where we coul of poker so of stars, but al ly the company with". g in terested in play players I am in Poker th r terview fo e Asked in an in point ng ro st which was his Pro magazine oods W es m to poker, Ja mewhen it comes so is th eatest streng ain replied:"My gr pl ex ly al re and I can't le ib ng ta in g thin cts. I don't ply have instin m si I . is it t wha instincts are, but I have ey th t ha w ow kn hands, but le. I lost many llib fa in to e os cl on me one only cheated s ct in st in y m oker offers continues: "P time". Woods s, psycholed. Mathematic everything I ne e of obsergambling, sens ogy, courage, sc ip lin e. I ul at io n, se lf- di va tio n, m an ip feat yourself ntial not to de think it is esse ∫∫∫". impatience, fear by exhaustion,



Trente et Quarante



De Andra Cr\ciun

Jocul dateaz\ din Fran]a secolului al XVII-lea [i este extrem de popular în cazinourile din Europa continental\. Este, de altfel, unul dintre cele dou\ jocuri majore care se joac\ la Monte Carlo, al\turi de Rulet\.

The game dates from the France of the 17th century and is extremely popular in casinos across continental Europe. It is, in fact, one of the two major games to be played at Monte Carlo, next to the Roulette.

Cum se joac\

How it is played

Pentru Trente et Quarante sunt necesare [ase pachete de c\r]i de joc [i pot juca de la 1 la 6 juc\tori. Fiecare carte are valoarea înscris\ pe ea, Asul are valoarea 1, iar Valetul, Dama [i Popa au valoarea 10. Înainte ca jocul s\ înceap\ juc\torii de la mas\ trebuie s\ parieze, iar la Trente et Quarante nu sunt acceptate decât patru variante de pariuri: Ro[u, Negru, Culoare [i Invers. Dup\ celebrul “Messieurs faites vox jeux!” anun]at de dealer, fiecare dintre juc\torii de la mas\ î[i pune pariurile. Finalul rundei de pariere este marcat de un alt anun] celebru în lumea jocurilor de noroc: “Les jeux sont faites. Rien ne va plus!”, ceea ce înseamn\ c\ pariurile sunt f\cute [i c\ nu se mai poate face nimic în plus. Toate pariurile se fac împotriva casei, sau b\ncii. Dealerul, sau casa, d\ primul rând de c\r]i, pân\ când valoarea lor dep\[e[te 30. Acest prim rând se nume[te Negru. Rândul al doilea de c\r]i, numit Ro[u, se a[eaz\ pe mas\ în acela[i fel. Astfel, fiecare dintre sumele celor dou\ rânduri se va încadra în intervalul 30-40 (trente-quarante). Câ[tig\ rândul cu valoarea cea mai apropiat\

For Trente et Quarante six decks of cards are required and it can be played by 1 up to 6 players. Each card has the value written on it, Ace has value 1, and Jacks, Queens and Kings have value 10. Before the game begins the players have to place their bets, and with Trente et Quarante only four betting variants are accepted: Red, Black, Color and Inverse. After the famous “Messieurs faites vos jeux!” announced by the dealer, each of the players at the table places his bets. The end of the betting round is marked by another famous announcement in the world of gambling: “Les jeux sont faites. Rien ne va plus!" which means that the best are made and that nothing more can be done. All best are placed against the house or the bank. The dealer, or the house, deals the first row of cards until their value exceeds 30. This first row is called Black. The second row of cards, called Red, is laid on the table the same way. Thus, each of the sums of the two rows will be within the range 30-40 (trente-quarante). The row closest to value 30 wins.


Trente et Quarante este unul dintre cele mai simple dar [i cele mai fascinante jocuri de cazino care se practic\ în Europa, fiind de fapt o variant\ de Rulet\, cu men]iunea c\ acesta utilizeaz\ c\r]i de joc

Nr. 23 / April - May 2011


Trente et Quarante is one of the simplest but also most fascinating casino games practiced in Europe, being in fact a version of Roulette, with the observation that it uses playing cards

Trente et Quarante alias Ro[u [i Negru aka Red and Black

Trente et Quarante de 30. Un pariu pe culoare câ[tig\ dac\ Negru este câ[tig\tor, iar prima carte din rândul de negru este de culoare neagr\, sau dac\ Ro[ul este câ[tig\tor [i prima carte din rândul ro[u este de culoare ro[ie. Dimpotriv\, pe Inverse se câ[tig\ dac\ Negrul este câ[tig\tor [i prima carte din rândul Negru este de culoare ro[ie, sau dac\ Ro[ul este câ[tig\tor [i prima carte din rândul Ro[u este de culoare neagr\. Pariul pe Ro[u sau Negru este cunoscut drept Grand Tableau, iar Culoare - Inverse este cunoscut drept Petit Tableau. Dac\ totalul ambelor rânduri este acela[i, este egalitate, [i nu câ[tig\ nimeni, iar mizele r\mân pe mas\ pentru jocul urm\tor. Dac\ suma c\r]ilor de pe ambele rânduri este de 31 (sau, în francez\, “un apres”) cunoscut [i sub denumirea de “Refait”, casa ia jum\tate din valoarea mizei. Totu[i, la fel ca [i în blackjack, fiecare juc\tor poate face un pariu asigurator, cu o valoare de 1% din pariul total, care anuleaz\ pierderea a jum\tate din miz\ în cazul unei egalit\]i de 31. De[i asigurarea reprezint\ un plus pentru confortul psihic al juc\torului, statistic vorbind, o egalitate la valoarea de 31 are o probabilitate de apari]ie de 1 la 41 de jocuri ∫

A color bet wins if Black is winner, and the first card in the black row is a black color, or if Red is winner and the first card in the red row is a red color. On the contrary, Inverse is a winner if Black is winner and the first card in the black row is a red color, or if Red is winner and the first card in the Red row is a black color. Betting on Red or Black is known as Grand Tableau, and Color - Inverse is known as Petit Tableau. If the total of both rows is the same, it's a draw and nobody wins, and the stakes remain on the table for the next game. If the sum of the cards on both rows is 31 (or, in French, "un apres") also known as a "Refait", the house takes half the value of the stake. However, sale as in blackjack, each player can make an ensuring bet, with a value of 1% of the total bet which prevents losing half the stake in case of an equality of 31. Although the insurance represents a plus for the psychological comfort of the player, statistically speaking, an equality with value 31 is likely to occur once in every 41 games ∫



MOZZART {I TRIPLE CROWN AND TRIPLE CROWN ROULETTE DIN NOU ROULETTE IN THE ÎN CENTRUL ATEN}IEI! SPOTLIGHT AGAIN! Cot la cot cu cei mai mari produc\tori din lume, am avut pl\cerea de a prezenta ruleta noastr\ electronic\ Triple Crown cu cele trei ro]i active [i alte op]iuni speciale, produs ce a atras privirile cunosc\torilor de pe întregul mapamond, dar [i pe cele ale vizitatorilor expozi]iei de la Londra, care au fost de-a dreptul fascina]i de design-ul futurist [i de jocurile dinamice caracteristice pentru ruleta noastr\ unic\.

Together with the world's biggest producers, it was our pleasure to present our electronic Triple Crown roulette with three active wheels and other special options, a product which caught the eye of gaming professionals from the entire world, but also of the simple visitors of the London expo, who were absolutely fascinated by the futuristic design and the dynamic games characteristic for our unique roulette.


Nr. 23 / April - May 2011


Companiile Mozzart [i Triple Crown au fost din nou prezente în centrul aten]iei vizitatorilor celui mai mare târg interna]ional de jocuri de noroc, ICE Totally Gaming, ce a avut loc între 25 [i 28 ianuarie la Londra

Mozzart and Triple Crown companies were again in the centre of attention of the visitors of the greatest international gaming fair, ICE Totally Gaming, which took place between the 25th and 28th of January in London

În acest an, ruleta Triple Crown a fost înf\]i[at\ publicului cu noile accesorii: baldachinul [i ecranele LCD, pe care sunt ar\tate statisticile detaliate ale numerelor jucate pe rulet\. Un alt lucru ce a r\pit privirile vizitatorilor a fost noul scaun pentru rulet\, element de mobilier ce urm\re[te linia de design a ruletei în sine, creat\ de unul dintre cei mai originali [i influen]i designeri contemporani, Karim Rashid.

This year, Triple Crown roulette was shown to the public with its new accessories: a baldachin and LCD screens, meant for the display of detailed statistics of numbers played. A further thing that attracted the attention of most visitors was the new roulette chair, a furniture element which follows the line of the roulette design, which was created by one of the most original and influential contemporary designers, Karim Rashid.

Interesul a fost la fel de mare [i pentru oferta de cote a companiei Mozzart pentru diverse evenimente sportive [i pentru tipurile variate de jocuri pentru pariuri sportive, dintre care unele reprezint\ premiere pe plan mondial, existând numai în oferta casei Mozzart. De asemenea, software-ul inovativ pentru organizarea de pariuri sportive [i suportul organiz\rii pariurilor sportive prin managementul riscului, care func]ioneaz\ [i în condi]ii de infrastructur\ slab dezvoltat\ de telecomunica]ii au stârnit un interes deosebit în rândul speciali[tilor.

A similar interest was shown in Mozzart company's betting offer for various sporting events and types of games, many of which being World premieres, existent only at Mozzart sport bets company. Also, the innovative software for organizing sports bets and the accompanying support for organizing sports betting by means of risk management, which works also in conditions of less developed telecommunications infrastructure, has magnetized a special interest by specialists.



ICE Totally Gaming, ce a avut loc în cel mai mare centru expozi]ional din buricul Londrei - Earls Court, a adunat în edi]ia din acest an 409 expozan]i din industria de divertisment din peste 60 de ]\ri, iar prin halele centrului au trecut peste 20.000 de vizitatori, în mare parte profesioni[ti din toate col]urile lumii, veni]i s\ fac\ cuno[tin]\ cu cele mai noi tendin]e mondiale în domeniu [i s\ stabileasc\ noi contacte de afaceri.

ICE Totally Gaming, which took place in the largest exposition center in downtown London - Earls Court, gathered 409 exhibitors from the entertainment industry from over 60 countries and the galleries were visited by more than 20.000 people, mostly professionals from every corner of the World, turned up with the purpose of gaining insight into the newest international trends in the field and also of establishing new business contacts.

Compania Mozzart, care se afl\ la cea de-a doua participare în calitate de expozant la târgul de la Londra, a fost fondat\ în anul 2001 [i în prezent are peste 450 de puncte de lucru în sud-estul Europei [i este prezent\ în România din anul 2006 cu 55 de agen]ii distribuite în marile ora[e ale ]\rii. Ruleta unic\ Triple Crown este din acest an [i în România [i poate fi admirat\, dar [i jucat\ în Bucure[ti, la adresa:

Mozzart Company, with its second participation as an exhibitor at the London expo, was founded in 2001 and at the moment holds over 450 business premises in South East Europe and is present on the romanian market since 2006 with its 55 betting premises spread in the larger cities of this country. The unique Triple Crown Roulette was brought to Romania at the beginning of this year and it can be admired but also played in

b-dul Iuliu Maniu nr. 65, bl 7P.

V\ a[tept\m la noi Mozzart parte din via]a ta


Bucharest, Iuliu Maniu Blvd 65, bl 7P.

We're expecting you Mozzart part of your life



~n fa]a unei s\li arhipline, Lucian Bute [i-a ap\rat, pentru a [aptea oar\, centura de campion mondial IBF. „Magee a fost unul dintre cei mai buni adversari pe care i-am avut pân\ acum” a declarat Bute la revenirea `n ]ar\, pe Aeroportul Henri Coand\. „Viitorul meci va fi `n iunie la Bucure[ti” a anun]at Rudel Obreja



A F|CUT CE {TIE EL MAI BINE - DID WHAT HE KNOWS BEST L-A PUS LA P|MÂNT PE MAGEE HE PUT MAGEE TO THE FLOOR Campionul mondial, Lucian Bute, l-a `nvins prin KO, `n repriza a 10-a, pe irlandezul Brian Magee, ap\rându-[i astfel pentru a [aptea oar\ titlul mondial la categoria supermijlocie, versiunea IBF. Românul a fost su]inut de mii de fani, canadieni [i români, care au umplut la maxim Centre Bel din Montreal. La 31 de ani, Bute bifeaz\ cea de-a 28 victorie, din tot atâtea meciuri `n boxul profesionist, completând un

palmares de excep]ie. "V\ mul]umesc pentru primirea pe care mi-o face]i de fiecare dat\. Sunt foarte onorat, [i mândru. Mereu vin `n România cu aceste sentimente, pentru c\ aici m-am n\scut, sunt român [i nu voi uita niciodat\ acest lucru. ~n ceea ce prive[te meciul, am fost `ntr-o form\ extraordinar\. Am `ntâlnit unul dintre cei mai buni adversari. Foarte bun [i cu capul foarte tare. Nu a f\cut pasul `napoi absolut deloc, a

World champion Lucian Bute defeated by KO in the 10th round the Irish fighter Brian Magee, thus defending for the seventh time his world title at super middleweight category. The Romanian fighter was supported by thousands of fans, Canadian and Romanian, who came in overwhelming numbers in Centre Bel in Montreal. Aged 31 years old, Bute is registering his 28th victory out of the same

number of fights in professional boxing, making for an exceptional fighting record. "Thank you for the reception you're giving me each time. I am very honored and proud. I always come to Romania with these feelings because I was born here, I am Romanian and I will never forget that. With regard to the fight, I was in extraordinary shape. I met one of the best opponents yet. Very good and with



In front of an overcrowded hall, Lucian Bute defended for the seventh time the title of IBF world champion. "Magee was one of the best opponents I have had so far" declared Bute upon returning to the country, on Henri Coanda Airport. "The next fight will be in June, in Bucharest" announced Rudel Obreja.

venit la Montreal ca s\ câ[tige. Sunt pu]ini boxeri care primesc lovituri `n ficat [i se ridic\. Asta m-a impresionat. Am dat atâtea lovituri, `ncât mi s-au umflat mâinile dup\ joc” a declarat Bute. Campionul român a mai spus c\ sunt [anse mari ca urm\torul meci s\ se desf\[oare la Bucure[ti. „Avem promisiuni. La Montreal a fost [i domnul Obreja [i reprezentan]i ai ministerului. ~nainte s\ plece, Rudel Obreja a fost mandatat de pre[edintele clubului canadian Interbox, Jean Bedard, s\ organizeze meciul urm\tor `n România. R\mâne acum s\ definitiv\m lucrurile aici”. Lucian Bute a anun]at c\ nu va avea o vacan]\ foarte lung\, tocmai pentru faptul c\ meciul din var\ va fi programat undeva, pe la sfâr[itul lunii iunie. „Acum, voi merge acas\, la Gala]i. Voi fi cu familia, cu prietenii, pentru câteva zile. Cu atât mai mult cu cât, de Pa[te, nu voi fi aici, ci `n Canada. Dar poate va veni familia la mine. Totul e posibil, de ce nu” a mai spus Lucian Bute, precizând c\ `[i asum\ sacrificiul de a avea foarte pu]in timp liber. „Eu [tiu ce vreau - vreau s\ fac carier\, performan]\, s\ unific centurile. Vreau s\ se scrie istorie despre mine, s\ boxez `n marile s\li ale Americii - Las Vegas, Madison Square Garden. O s\ am timp s\ m\ distrez, dup\”

Rudel Obreja: „Urm\torul meci va fi la Bucure[ti” La rândul s\u, presedintele Federatiei Romane de Box, Rudel Obreja, aflat, ca de obicei, al\turi de Lucian Bute la Montreal unde a tr\it din plin emo]iile meciului, a anun]at c\ urm\torea gal\ va avea loc la Bucure[ti. Totodat\, el s-a declarat convins c\ Lucian va continua un parcurs f\r\ gre[eal\ `n anii care vor urma. “Bute o s\ `i ia la rând pe cei din Super Six, `nvingându-i a[a cum a f\cut-o cu Magee. A fost un meci dificil cu un adversar foarte rezistent. Urm\torul meci va fi, `n iunie, la Bucure[ti" a mai spus Rudel Obreja ∫

Mister KO

a particularly tough head. He never stepped back; he came to Montreal to win. There are few boxers who can take a hit in the liver and get up after it. It was impressive. I hit him so many times that my hands swelled after the fight" declared Bute. The Romanian champion also said that there are big chances that his next fight will take place in Bucharest. "There are some promises. Mr. Obreja and the representatives of the ministry were also in Montreal. Before leaving, Rudel Obreja was appointed by the president of the Canadian club Interbox, Jean Bedard, to organize the next fight in Romania. Now we have to finish thing up here".

Lucian Bute announced he wouldn't have too long a vacation precisely for the fact that the fight scheduled for the summer is to be held somewhere at the end of month June. "Now I will go home to Galati. I will be with my family and friends for a few days. All the more since I won't be here for Easter, but in Canada. But maybe my family will come see me. Everything is possible, why not" said Lucian Bute, stating that he assumed the sacrifice of having too little spare time. "I know what I want - I want to make a career, to unify titles. I want them to write history about me, to fight in the grand halls in America - Las Vegas, Madison Square Garden. I'll take the time to have fun after that".

Rudel Obreja: "The next fight will be in Bucharest" In turn, the president of the Romanian Boxing Federation, Rudel Obreja, who was by Bute's side in Montreal to live the sensations of the fight, announced that the next gala will take place in Bucharest. Altogether, he is convinced that Lucian will follow a trail with no defeats in the years to come. "Bute will fight everyone in Super Six successively, defeating them as he did with Magee. It was a difficult fight, with a very tough opponent. "The next fight will be in June, in Bucharest" added Rudel Obreja ∫




De Sa[a Duma

Un reper al bunului gust [i al divertismentului clujean, Chios Casino este situat în cl\direa cu acela[i nume, construit\ între anii 1896 - 1897 dup\ planurile Palatului Sanssouci din Potsdam, Germania Deschis la 1 iulie 2010 în b\trâna urbe transilvan\, Chios beneficiaz\ de o nou\ formul\ de management, o ofert\ bogat\ de jocuri [i promite oaspe]ilor s\i o experien]\ de joc sut\ la sut\ nou\, discre]ie total\ în salonul

privat, rafianament culinar de excep]ie, profesionalism des\vâr[it, servicii de maxim\ calitate, într-un cuvânt un mod pl\cut de petrecere a timpului liber atât la mesele de joc live (rulet\, blackjack, poker, baccarat) cât [i la sloturi.

Opened on July 1st 2010 in the old Transylvanian settlement, Chios benefits from a new management formula, a rich offer of games and it promises its guest a hundred percent new gaming experience, total discretion in the private room, ex-

ceptional cuisine refinement, professionalism beyond reproach, top quality services, in a nutshell a pleasant way of spending spare time both at live game tables (roulette, blackjack, poker, baccarat) and at the slot-machines.


Nr. 23 / April - May 2011


RAFINAMENT CLUJEAN REFINEMENT IN CLUJ A landmark of good taste and entertainment in Cluj, Chios Casino is situated in the building with the same name built between years 1896 and 1897 following the designs of the Sanssouci Palace in Potsdam, Germany Vip Room-ul de la Chios Casino este un mediu intim de joc atât pentru persoanele publice cât [i pentru cei care î[i doresc discre]ie Un personal extrem de bine preg\tit promite oaspe]ilor intimitate [i pl\cerea de a se bucura de facilit\]ile unui mare casino. Pentru c\ [i la Cluj, pokerul Texas Hold'em este la mare c\utare, Chios ofer\ patru mese de Hold'em, precum [i numeroase concursuri [i campionate. Astfel, au fost de notorietate “Cupa Transilvaniei” sau “Campionul Clujului”, dar [i competi]iile zilnice sau lunare de anvergur\, cu premii pe m\sur\. În plus, doamnele beneficiaz\ de “ladies free roll”. Dar la Chios distrac]ia trece [i dincolo de mesele de joc. Managementul cazinoului organizeaz\ constant petreceri, lans\ri sau anivers\ri. Printre invita]ii Chios sau num\rat de-a lungul timpului vedete ca Anna Lesko, DJ Project sau R\zvan Krivach, dar [i trupe importante din Cluj. Fie c\ vorbim de set-uri acustice sau de seri de café concert, Chios încearc\ s\

surprind\ muzical în fiecare s\pt\mân\. Tot la capitolul surprize intr\ [i tombolele zilnice [i lunare cu premii substan]iale. Barul casinoului este locul ideal pentru a savura o b\utur\, f\r\ `ns\ a pierde contactul cu atmosfera de joc. Bufetul ofer\ [i el un sortiment bogat de preparate culinare, specialit\]i aromate [i deserturi delicioase. În plus, în fiecare joi cazinoul ofer\ specialit\]i ale buc\t\riei orientale ∫

The VIP Room at Chios Casino is a private gaming environment both for public figures and for those who wish for total discretion. Highly trained personnel promise guests privacy and the pleasure to enjoy the facilities of a great casino. And because in Cluj too Texas Hold'em poker is on high demand, Chios offers four Hold'em tables, as well as numerous contests and champi-

onships. In this sense we could mention the well-known "Transylvanian Cup" or "Cluj Championship", as well as the daily or monthly competitions with significant prizes. Moreover, ladies benefit from "ladies free roll". But at Chios, entertainment goes beyond playing tables. The casino management is constantly organizing parties, launches and anniversaries. The guests of Chios included throughout time stars like Anna Lesko, DJ Project or Razvan Krivach, as well as important bands in Cluj. Whether talking about acoustic sets or concert cafe evenings, Chios is trying to bring a new musical surprise each week. In terms of surprise, we could also mention the daily and monthly raffles with substantial prizes. The casino bar is the ideal place to enjoy a drink, without loosing contact with the gaming atmosphere. The buffet also offers a wide range of cuisine articles, flavored specialties and delicious deserts. Furthermore, each Thursday, the casino offers specialties of Oriental cuisine ∫



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A De Sa[a DUM

r fi Ar fi putut fi model, a sionist putut fi juc\tor profe de tenis, sau de golf, dar a ales Pokerul. Patrik Antonius este l recunoscut drept unu tori dintre cei mai atr\g\ i dar [i unul dintre ce mai buni juc\tori de poker din lume este cunoscut Patrik Antonius Pitt rului drept Brad în lumea poke t de ie i. În s\ pe câ al S ca nd in av os pe câ t de fr um bi ne ar at \ [i ab ob il ndezul este pr vorbe[te, finla ria rechin din isto cel mai rapace rie re i e- a lu ng ul ca po ke ru lu i. D [tigat încoace, a câ sale, din 2005 lari atât ilioane de do aproape 3 m rnee e, cât [i din tu din jocuri onlin imul pr îl claseaz\ pe live, ceea ce pe nt ru câ [t ig ur ilo r lo c în to pu l ezi. juc\torii finland anda pe 13 de N\scut în Finl ju a us , Patrik Antoni cembrie 1980 la r ke im a oa r\ po ca t pe nt ru pr la i, dar cu timpu an vârsta de 12 te es e [t ce î[i dore decis c\ ceea te da , c\ il {i probab s\ joace tenis. fi ar u, s\ [i orgoliul fiind ambi]ia i un b ai m in tr e ce i aj un s un ul d o c\ da e, s din lum juc\tori de teni pennu l-ar fi ]inut e at lovitur\ la sp dep tim rioad\ de tru o lung\ pe parte de teren.

k i r t a P s u i n o Ant I




He could have been a been model, he could have or a professional tennis ose golf player, but he ch poker instead. Patrik dged Antonius is acknowle as one of the most attractive and also one of the best poker players in the world

De la tenis la poker


ut noa[te c\ a av Antonius recu îi s\ l l ca [i pokeru atunci norocu [i l su mult ca teni plac\ la fel de într-o rmat acest joc astfel a transfo în sa 02 . C ar ie ra pr of es ie în 20 ex an t în 2005, un turnee a începu la 1 l pentru el: locu trem de bun P ok er ca nd in av ia n La db ro ke s S T Pok, locul 3 la EP Championship locul t, celona even Bar titlu u s\ n [i primul 1 la EPT Bade la 2 l cu ker Tour, lo European Po ilm 1 de [i un câ[tig WPT Bellagio -a [i k tri Pa Din 2005, ion de dolari. SOP câ[tiguri la W u\ adjudecat no sau T EP la câ[tiguri [i înc\ alte 10 e. m ore din lu alte turnee maj irmembru al “C es Antonius te 10 de up gr s” , un cl e of O ut la w de poker, înfiin]at de ri to tineri juc\ ii m de te su c care fa Marcel Luske, in e. D nd poker onlin de dolari jucâ rachi, iz M ]ii fra parte grup mai fac an o, ur g, Lu ca P ag S co tt Fl an sb berg, Erica Schoen Noah Boeken, ol i [i , Fr an k S in op Ju le s Le ys er . Marco Traniello

world, if an in players in the pt ke t no d ha jury to his back urse for a long him off the co time.

member of Antonius is a O ut la w s" , a th e "C ir cl e of yo un g p ok er g ro up of 10 l ded by Marce players, foun of ds re nd g hu Luske, makin g dollars playin of s nd thousa so al p ou gr The online poker. hMizrachi brot e th es includ ca Lu g, ur sb an er s, S co tt Fl a h Boeken, Eric oa N , no Paga , Ju le s Le ys er S ch oe nb er g, ol i an d M ar co Fr an k S in op Traniello.

is known Patrik Antonius orld as the Brad in the poker w navia. But de tennis to poker om Fr Pitt of Scandi d an at lo ok s sp ite hi s g re the Finnish its th at at g, in lk A nt on iu s ad m smooth ta t es rc fie lu ck y be aps the player is perh e tim e he w as th kpo of history liked poker just predator in the cause he also , er re ca is and thus ut hi s much as tenn er . Th ro ug ho as s ha he m e in to a 20 05 , tu rn ed th is ga st ar tin g fr om he th bo n m ill io 02. His career w on ne ar ly $3 ofession in 20 pr as l el w ing, as in 2005, a very Three years in from online play in tours started m hi es ac t place pl 1s : ch m hi hi w r s, fo ur in live to good year the Full Tilt team andinavian p of winnings Ladbrokes Sc first on the to at d players. 2008, Patrik p io ns hi p , 3r among Finnish Starting with P ok er C ha m eT D P kE on d th e the Full Tilt Po at B or n in Fi nl an p la ce is also part of An na k ly tri lo ad Pa ce gl , 80 et B ar sociation cember 13th 19 P ok er S ta rs .n er team, an as at r T P ke E em po at m ayed la ce the other tonius first pl ev en t, 1s t p welcomed by de an e d pe tim ar ro in ow t Eu bu s first am . H the age of 12, Baden and hi be rs of th e te d place 2n t he w an te d e ha th , w the time that le at tit at th ur id d ci de Poker To Lederer sa ra pe d s d an An . o is gi nn el la ly three person was to play te at th e W P T B there were on n tio n. bi lt io Ti am ill ll s m Fu hi n th $1 to the haps that, give w in ni ng w or truly belonging ve on ha w re ld s eg ou ha N w l k Patri Danie an d p rid e, he Since 2005, team, namely is s nn te ha Pa d st d an be an P e th SO unson been one of two titles at W anu, Doyle Br s ng to ni in An w n e he mor dw registered 10 trik Antonius, an s ur , to am or te aj lt m Ti r he e Full at EPT or in ot nius joined th . ld around the wor



rat [i ius a înregist turnee, Anton la ie g st ra te de fil m e e el m e el m fil m - “În a ic pl deex i vo jocul [i ey were all very îmi voi analiza Lederer said th at . ut am aj e. He te u e -a th m Patrik in e care ory of the gam toate secretel this in the hist lighted to have on ay cash ri pl la in to do s ay pl er e who oane de ayer pref s\ câ[tig mili thinks that "thos The Finnish pl s\ yect pt Tr sp te re or a[ e 69 ia or m 63 enea, ab ould have nicks luigi6 sh e th es r m de line. De asem ga un l jocu players. him the va îmbun\t\]i and many call skills than tour r h, ei fis th er r rd v\d cum mi se fo ha i ri e on th don't play e m em b ll Tilt Fu pa cash players Hold'em player hi ce îi în v\ ] p it st ec p m be Li `n tim i e st an în Th be ei nTr also played plus, finla . However, he s\ joace”. În s" . ri et ur [t rn to te no in In r ke [i i]ii la Po gh he adck face parte ap\rut în trei ed y tours, althou a l an m zu Din 2008, Patri de in ul o im er , urs for the d odat\ pr es m Fu ll Ti lt P ok ga don't play in to sh "I Dark, câ[tigân ca : r s te its er Af m d in ec hi p a ef a, pr ile de He brity I want cul al do it\ cu bu cu rie but for the cele , de dou\ ori lo ey [i on c lo m as oc ie re pr im ny d er ar hn ow be rememan [i Jo always rath ii ai echipei. H elf. I want to Jennifer Harm ys tonius would m p\ An r du fo ceilal]i membr its nu be st ca sh es and adm atunci c\ sunt as on e of th e d n∫ r he cash gam re fo ha C be go Lederer spunea e trlik în bered ere". The adne care apar]in ts to be remem s that ever w er an w ay pl he mai trei persoa r a te es gives to poke i Full Tilt, [i ac that Antonius ce vi adev\r echipe le on m oy about the N eg re an u, D is not to think ns fa su nt D an ie l ay la pl r ia u g. "When yo trik Antonius, ey when playin Brunson [i Pa e s s- a iu on nt A n't think of th re ca r, you should ke po m om en tu l la a en r nc re ve to co i Full Tilt, Lede ey, you just ha on m al\turat echipe le îl ib s\ ss i as well as po foarte încânta] trate to play spus c\ sunt denlanFi . p\ hi ec best decision în k d to make the an aib\ pe Patri ion lu d an de bankroll sub numele nding on the pe dezul joac\ r ia h, is afford". Tr yh ar de rf what you can gi 66 36 9 sa u d ai b un m l sh games an ce c es th Beyond e ca m ul ]i îl nu m ed in rd pe co re de has also it Hold'em tours, Antonius juc\tor de Lim m: at s strategy film ternet. y m e yz al I w ill an "In m y fil m s, s et cr se e th plain all game and ex s on illi m in w ed me that have help I Prefer\ cash e, or m er rth line. Fu of dollars on y a m un w ea ho td e to er\ în ait to se Antonius pref can hardly w hing a[te c\ ar no cu re ove while teac pr [i im sh game will jocurile ca -l ver, s\ eo or ui M ul ". er ri a p ok bers to play em m r ou vr ea ca is to re c\ featured in e. El e de p\re h player was is nn Fi e th re]in\ ca atar sh ar After Dark, \ în jocuri ca itions of Poker ed e re th “cei care joac t ec st and two mai mult resp time placing fir e on at trebui s\ aib\ rii to nnifer Harlor decât juc\ cond, after Je se es tim pentru calit\]ile ri to mai buni juc\ ny Chan ∫ man and John de turnee. Cei Cu ”. ee rn tu în ac\ de cash nu jo ngul a jucat de-a lu a, te es toate ac de[i multe turnee, timpului [i în njoc în turnee pe admite: “eu nu im fa a ai mult pentru tru bani, ci m eau s\ doresc. Eu vr pe care mi-o re ce i ep t un ul di nt fiu re ]in ut dr re au tori de cash ca mai buni juc\ ca re t\ ”. S fa tu l pe ju ca t vr eo da de or \ p as io na ]il A nt on iu s îl d \ ac jo atunci când poker este ca i. an b d ea sc \ la s\ nu se g ân te s\ ie ker nu trebu “Când joci po ar s\ ni, trebuie do gânde[ti la ba m ai t câ i s\ jo ci te co nc en tr ez den\ bu cea mai bine [i s\ iei de [i ll ro de bank cizie în func]ie ite”. ce î]i po]i perm [i de jocurile cash de Dincolo

Patrik Antonius



MODIFIC|RI LEGISLATIVE ADUSE LEGISLATIVE MODIFICATIONS ON LEGII JOCURILOR DE NOROC THE LAW REGULATING GAMBLING CIUL & ASOCIA}II S-au adus modific\ri `n ceea ce prive[te modalitatea de colaborare a de]in\torului licen]ei de exploatare cu alte persoane `n desf\[urarea activit\]ilor de jocuri de noroc. Astfel c\ exploatarea jocurilor de noroc se poate realiza în comun, de c\tre doi sau mai mul]i organizatori de jocuri de noroc între care exist\ un contract de asociere în participa]iune încheiat în condi]iile legii, r\spunderea administrativ\ revenind tuturor partenerilor.

Modifications were brought with respect to the method of collaboration of the holder of the license of exploitation with other persons in developing gambling activities. Thus, the exploitation of gambling activities can be done jointly by two or more organizers of gambling activities between which there is a contract of joint venture concluded under legal conditions, the administrative responsibility belonging to all partners.

Principala modificare adus\ legii jocurilor de noroc o reprezint\ introducerea sub litera legii a anumitor activit\]i care pân\ acum nu erau reglementate.

The main modification brought to the law regulating gambling is represented by the introduction under the coverage of the law of certain activities that were not regulated up to this point.

Noua lege vine [i include `n categoria jocurilor de noroc urm\toarele activit\]i: ∫ jocurile bingo organizate prin intermediul sistemelor de comunica]ii de tip internet, sisteme de telefonie fix\ sau mobil\; ∫ pariurile online reprezentând activitatea de pariuri în cot\ fix\, organizat\ prin intermediul sistemelor de comunica]ii de tip internet, sisteme de telefonie fix\ sau mobil\; ∫ jocurile de noroc online reprezentând totalitatea jocurilor de noroc, care sunt desf\[urate altfel decât în prezen]a fizic\ a juc\torilor, organizate [i transmise prin intermediul sistemelor de comunica]ii de tip internet, sisteme de telefonie fix\ sau mobil\, [i pentru care un organizator de jocuri de noroc a ob]inut autoriza]ie [i licen]\

The new law appears and includes in the category of gambling activities the following activities: ∫ bingo games organized through communication system like Internet, fixed or mobile telephony systems; ∫ online betting representing the activity of fixed-odd betting, organized through communication systems like Internet, fixed or mobile telephony systems; ∫ online gambling activities representing the total number of gambling activities which are held other than in the physical presence of the players, organized and transmitted through communication systems like Internet, fixed or mobile telephony systems and for which an organizer of gambling activities has obtained authorization and license

Organizarea [i exploatarea activit\]ii de jocuri de noroc pe teritoriul României constituie monopol de stat [i se desf\[oar\ în condi]iile legii jocurilor de noroc, organizarea de jocuri de noroc `n afara legii este strict interzis\.

Organizing and exploiting gambling activities on Romanian territory constitutes state monopoly and is held under the conditions of the law regulating gambling. Organizing gambling activities outside the law is strictly forbidden.

Astfel c\ `n momentul de fa]\, organizarea de jocuri de noroc `n mediul virtual trebuie s\ se desf\[oare `n condi]iile impuse de legea pentru exploatarea jocurilor de noroc, operatorii de jocuri de noroc având obliga]ia s\ solicite licen]a de organizare a jocurilor de noroc pentru a putea func]iona `n mod legal.

Thus, currently, organizing gambling activities in the virtual space must take place under the conditions imposed by the law regulating gambling activities, gambling operators having the obligation to request a license to organize gambling activities in order to operate legally.

Statul poate acorda dreptul de organizare [i exploatare a activit\]ii de jocuri de noroc în condi]iile legii, pe baz\ de licen]\ de organizare a jocurilor de noroc pe fiecare tip de activitate, astfel cum acestea sunt clasificate de legiuitor, [i de autoriza]ie de exploatare a jocurilor de noroc, documente nominale [i limitate în timp, ce vor fi exploatate în mod direct de de]in\torul licen]ei.

The state can grant the right to organize and exploit gambling activities under legal conditions, based on a license to organize gambling activities per each type of activity, as such are classified by the legal authority and on a authorization of exploitation of gambling activities, documents which are nominal and limited in time and which are to be directly exploited by the holder of the license.


V\ vom detalia `n acest num\r principalele modific\ri pe care le-a adus Legea 246/2010 `n domeniul legisla]iei jocurilor de noroc.

Nr. 23 / April - May 2011


We shall list in this issue the main modifications which Law 246/2010 brought to the field of gambling legislation.

Activitatea de autorizare a organiz\rii [i exploat\rii jocurilor de noroc se realizeaz\ de Ministerul Finan]elor Publice prin Comisia de autorizare a jocurilor de noroc, care se organizeaz\ [i func]ioneaz\ la nivelul acestui minister. Cererile privind acordarea licen]elor de organizare a jocurilor de noroc sau a autoriza]iilor de exploatare a jocurilor de noroc vor fi solu]ionate în termen de 30 de zile de la data depunerii documenta]iei complete.

The activity of authorizing the organization and exploitation of gambling activities is performed by the Ministry of Public Finances through the Commission for the authorization of gambling activities which is organized and operational within the ministry. The requests regarding the granting of the licenses to organize gambling activities or of the authorizations of exploitation of gambling activities will be solved within 30 days from submitting the complete documentation.

Trebuie s\ preciz\m aici un lucru foarte important, acela c\ intr\ sub inciden]a legii doar persoanele juridice de drept român constituite `n condi]iile legii. Legiuitorul român nu a reglementat [i activit\]ile de jocuri de noroc realizate de persoanele juridice de drept str\in care activeaz\ `n România.(având sediul `ntr-o alt\ ]ar\).

We have to state a very important aspect here, namely that the law covers only the legal entities under Romanian right, constituted under legal conditions. The Romanian law authority did not regulate the gambling activities performed by legal entities under foreign right, activating in Romania (heaving its headquarters in another country).

Activitatea economic\ reprezentat\ de jocurile de noroc, se va desf\[ura în condi]iile elabor\rii [i implement\rii unui cadru de reglementare [i supraveghere a furniz\rii [i consumului de jocuri de noroc prin intermediul sistemelor de comunica]ii de tip internet, sisteme de telefonie fix\ sau mobil\, cu condi]ia respect\rii principiilor privitoare la: ∫ protec]ia minorilor [i prevenirea accesului acestora la aceste tipuri de jocuri de noroc; ∫ asigurarea integrit\]ii [i a transparen]ei opera]iunilor desf\[urate de c\tre [i prin intermediul organizatorilor de astfel de jocuri de noroc, precum [i a unui sistem de joc echitabil, supravegheat [i verificat permanent din punctul de vedere al securit\]ii [i corectitudinii activit\]ilor desf\[urate; ∫ prevenirea [i combaterea activit\]ilor infrac]ionale care pot fi desf\[urate prin intermediul acestor tipuri de jocuri de noroc; ∫ asigurarea unei dezvolt\ri echilibrate [i echitabile a diferitelor tipuri de jocuri de noroc, pentru a se evita destabilizarea sectoarelor economice în cauz\; ∫ implementarea unui proces continuu de actualizare a reglement\rilor din acest domeniu de activitate, în vederea diminu\rii [i limit\rii unor posibile vulnerabilit\]i ale acestui sector economic fa]\ de poten]iale activit\]i infrac]ionale, precum [i a diminu\rii expunerii fa]\ de riscul de sp\lare a banilor [i de finan]are a actelor de terorism

The economic activity represented by gambling shall take place given the conditions of elaborating and implementing a framework for regulating and overseeing the provision and consumption of gambling activities through communication system like Internet, fixed and mobile telephony systems, under the condition of respecting the principles regarding: ∫ the protection of minors and the prevention of access to this type of gambling activities; ∫ ensuring the integrity and transparency of the operations performed by and though organizers of such gambling activities, as well as of an equitable game system, overseen and verified permanently from the point of view of security and correctness of performed activities; ∫ the prevention and fight against criminal activities which can be performed through such types of gambling activities; ∫ ensuring a balanced and equitable development of various types of gambling activities, in order to avoid the destabilization of related economic sectors; ∫ implementing a continuous process of updating of the regulations in this field of activity, in view of diminishing and limiting some possible vulnerable spots of this economic sector faced with potentially criminal activities, as well as diminishing the exposure to the risk of money laundry and of financing of terrorist activities.

Pentru societ\]ile care organizeaz\ pariuri în cot\ fix\ [i/sau pariuri on-line, taxa pentru autoriza]ia de exploatare a jocurilor de noroc se stabile[te în func]ie de încas\rile efectiv realizate de societ\]i din exploatarea acestei activit\]i, dar nu mai pu]in de nivelul minim al taxei stabilit\ de lege. Taxele percepute pentru ob]inerea licen]ei de organizare a jocurilor de noroc [i a autoriza]iei de exploatare a jocurilor de noroc constituie venit la bugetul de stat. Un procent de 5% din aceste taxe se aloc\ anual prin legea bugetului de stat astfel: 1,5% la Fondul cinematografic [i 3,5% pentru Programul na]ional de restaurare a monumentelor istorice. Sumele se vireaz\ lunar din buget la nivelul încas\rilor.

For the companies organizing fixed-odd bets and/or online betting, the fee for the authorization to exploit gambling activities is established depending on the cash-ins actually performed by the companies from the exploitation of such activities. but no less than the minimum level of the fee established by law. The taxes charged for obtaining the license to organize gambling activities and the authorization to exploit gambling activities constitutes incomes to the state budget. A percent of 5% from these fees is allocated annually through the state budget law as follows: 1.5% to the Cinema Fund and 3.5% to the National program for the restoration of historical monuments. The sums are transferred monthly from the budget, according to the cash-ins.



Nr. 23 / April - May 2011


Eveniment-cazino Casino event Full Tilt lanseaz\ Onyx Cup Series / Full Tilt is launching the Onyx Cup Series lanseaz\ conceptul istoric Onyx Cup Series. Cei mai renumi]i juc\tori ai lumii se vor întâlni în [ase eventuri live, cu buy-in-uri de pân\ la 300.000 dolari [i un fond de premii de 30 milioane dolari. Cele [ase event-uri vor avea loc în SUA, Asia [i Europa. Marea Final\ va avea o intrare de 250.000 dolari, [i un milion de dolari ad\ugat fondului de premii. Campionii Onyx Cup Series î[i vor vedea numele inscrip]ionat pe trofeul Onyx Cup Series [i vor avea [ansa de a câ[tiga o ma[in\ sport de lux. Primul eveniment al Onyx Cup Series va avea loc la Las Vegas, pe 11 [i 12 mai 2011 [i îi va avea ca invita]i pe redutabilii membri ai Echipei Full Tilt: Howard Lederer,

Erik Seidel, Chris Ferguson, Erick Lindgren, John Juanda. Juc\torii din întreaga lume î[i pot câ[tiga locul la acest turneu live televizat prin turneele online de calificare ce încep din 15 martie la is launching the historic concept of Onyx Cup Series. World's most famous players will meet in six live events, with buy-ins of up to 300,000 dollars and an awarding fund of 30 million dollars. The six

events will be held in the USA, Asia and Europe. The Grand Final will feature an entry of 250,000 dollars and one million dollars added to the awarding fund. The champions of Onyx Cup Series will see their names written on the Onyx Cup Series and will have the chance to win a luxury sports car. The first event of Onyx Cup Series will take place in Las Vegas, on May 11th and 12th and will have as invited guests the formidable members of the Full Tilt team: Howard Lederer, Erik Seidel, Chris Ferguson, Erick Lindgren, John Juanda. Players around the world can earn a place in the broadcasted live tour through online qualification tours starting March 15th at




Casino event

Marea Final\ a sezonului 7 al European Poker Tour va avea loc, pentru prima dat\ în istoria EPT, la Madrid. Evenimentul, g\zduit de Casino Gran Madrid, se va desf\[ura în perioada 7-12 mai. Elementul central al Marii Finale va fi Evenimentul Principal 10.000 de euro + 600 de euro No Limit, care se estimeaz\ c\ va atrage o mul]ime de juc\tori, printre care to]i marii profesioni[ti de poker ai lumii, dar [i sute de juc\tori califica]i online. De asemenea, va exista un program complet de evenimente colaterale, inclusiv mult a[teptatul High Roller de 25.000 de euro ce se va bucura de o participare numeroas\, dup\ premiile consistente de la PokerStars Caribbean Adventure [i EPT Deauville. În plus, au fost anun]ate [i datele pentru penultima escal\ a Turneului European de Poker, cea de la San Remo. Unul dintre cele mai mari turnee anuale de poker din Europa va avea loc în perioada 27 aprilie - 3 mai la Cazinoul San Remo. “Sunt foarte încântat de mutarea la Madrid [i abia a[tept s\ aflu ce are de oferit aceast\ capital\. Pokerul se bucur\ de un avânt extraordinar în Spania, deci ne putem a[tepta ca la eveniment s\ participe un num\r mare de juc\tori locali, care s\ asigure un fond de premii promi]\tor.” a declarat Daniel Negreanu, membru al echipei PokerStars Pro.

PokerStar anun]\ Marea Final\ EPT

The Grand Final of season 7 of the European Poker Tour will be held for the first time in the history of EPT in Madrid. The event, hosted by Casino Gran Madrid, will take place in the period May 7th-12th. The central element of the Grand Final will be the Main Event 10,000 Euros + 600 Euros No Limit, which is expected to attract lots of players, including the best professionals players of the world, but also hundreds of players qualified online. Furthermore, there will be a complete program of collateral events, including the long-awaited High Roller of 25,000 Euros which will feature numerous participants, after the significant prizes from PokerStars Caribbean Adventure and EPT Deauville. Moreover, the dates were also announced for the penultimate station of the European Poker Tour, the one in San Remo. One of the biggest annual poker tours in Europe is to take place during period April 27th-May 3rd at San Remo Casino. "I am very delighted by the switch to Madrid and I am looking forward to finding out what this capital has to offer. Poker is enjoying an extraordinary boom in Spain, so we can expect the event to bring a big number of local players who can ensure a promising awarding fund" declared Daniel Negreanu, member of the PokerStars Pro team.

PokerStars announces the Grand Final of EPT

Public Bet are un nou site Public Bet has a new website Public Bet î[i relanseaz\ site-ul de internet. va fi un portal mult mai util [i mai deschis c\tre juc\tori. Amatorii de pariuri sportive pot g\si aici informa]ii despre echipele din ofert\. Rubrica Statistici reprezint\ un adev\rat ghid pentru pariori, cu clasamente actualizate, ultimele cinci rezultate înregistrate de participantele la competi]ie, precum [i scorurile directe, înregistrate în trecut, ale forma]iilor care se confrunt\, dar [i topuri ale golgeterilor din toate sporturile cu priz\ mare la pariuri: tenis, baschet, hochei pe ghea]\, handbal, volei, sporturi cu motor. Se poate paria pe mai multe sporturi, se pot face pariuri pe termen lung, sau la diverse loterii din lume. Tot pe noul site, oferta complet\ este disponibil\ pentru print. Mai nou, la Public Bet se poate paria [i la curse de câini sau se poate miza pe pariuri non-sportive.

Public Bet is re-launching the Internet webpage. will be a much more useful portal and more open towards players. Sports bets amateurs can find here information about the teams in the offer. The section Statistics represents a genuine guide for bet fans, with updated rankings, the last five results registered by the participants in the competition, as well as with live scores from the past belonging to teams competing now, as well as tops of goal-getters from all sports with high impact on the public: tennis, basketball, ice hockey, handball, volleyball, motor sports. One can bet on several sports or make long term betting or at various lotteries in the world. The new website also makes available the complete offer for printing. As a novelty, at Public Bet one can also bet on dog racing or make non-sportive bets.


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Eveniment-cazino/Casino event

Noi lans\ri Novomatic la ICE 2011 Expozi]ia de gaming ICE Totally Gaming 2011, desf\[urat\ în luna ianuarie la Londra a adus cu sine certitudinea revigor\rii pie]ei de gaming, dup\ criza recent traversat\. Un eveniment high-profile în industria de gaming, ce d\ tonul lunilor urm\toare, show-ul a reunit anul acesta peste 400 de expozan]i. La cap\tul celor trei zile de show, ICE a reamintit de zilele sale de glorie [i a reintrat în spiritul evenimentelor dinainte de criz\. Novomatic, cea mai mare companie de gaming din Europa, a venit la Londra cu un nou design pentru standul s\u de prezentare, dar [i cu o gam\ complet nou\ de

produse pentru 2011 din care fac parte 14 jocuri noi Coolfire II, 15 noi jocuri NOVO LINE, atât pentru aplica]ii VLT (Viedo Lottery Terminal) cât [i pentru GDS (Games Download System). În plus, Novo MultiBingo [i Novo Flying Bingo, oferite de Novo Line Novo Unity II ofer\ ac]iunea tipic\ jocului de bingo pe terminale separate, într-un mediu sigur, personalizat. La rândul s\u, Austrian Gaming Industries (AGI) - o filial\ a Novomatic - a prezentat [i ea dou\ noi jocuri Mystery Progressive Jackpot: Thundergod [i Wild Nights [i o noutate absolut\ în Community Gaming - Bank Blaster ∫

Succes important pentru DGL PRO la Londra De curând, DGL PRO a participat, în calitate de expozant, la unul din cele mai mari evenimente din industria jocurilor de noroc, organizat anul acesta la Londra - International Casino Exhibition 2011. ~n cadrul standului colaboratorilor letonieni ai DGL, CTC Holdings, firma din România [i-a prezentat noul produs - masa de poker electronic Club Master®. Prin intermediul acesteia, DGL PRO propune o abordare diferit\ a pokerului electronic, de tip Texas Hold'em, prezentat\ ca o solu]ie de sine st\t\toare f\r\ control extern, dotat\ cu acceptoare de bancnote [i o aplica]ie de control intern\ complet\ [i intuitiv\. Noua facilitate introdus\ este existen]a a dou\ moduri de joc: un cashgame obi[nuit [i turnee de tip

Sit'n'Go. Designul elegant al produsului DGL a fost realizat împreun\ cu CTC Holdings, produc\tori exclusivi ai cabinetului mesei. Masa de poker electronic Club Master® s-a bucurat de un interes impresionant din partea vizitatorilor expozi]iei ICE 2011, fiind apreciat\ pentru posibilit\]ile de joc rapid [i captivant precum [i pentru design-ul s\u realist [i elegant ∫

New product launches by Novomatic at ICE 2011 The ICE Totally Gaming 2011 gaming expo, held in month January in London brought along the certainty that the gaming market is finally getting stronger, after pulling out of the recent crisis. A high-profile event in the gaming industry, setting the scenery for months to come, the show reunited this year more than 400 exhibitors. At the end of the three days of show, ICE reminded of its days of glory and reassumed the spirit of the event before the crisis. Novomatic, the biggest gaming company in Europe, came to London with a new design for its presentation stand, as well as with a completely new range of products

for 2011 including 14 new Coolfire II games, 15 new NOVO LINE games, both for VLT applications (Video Lottery Terminal) as well as for GDS (Games Download System). Moreover, Novo Multi-Bingo and Novo Flying Bingo, offered by Novo Line Unity II offers the action typical for playing bingo on separate terminals, in a safe and personalized environment. In turn, Austrian Gaming Industries (AGI) - a subsidiary of Novomatic - also presented two new games Mystery Progressive Jackpot: Thundergod and Wild Nights and an absolute novelty in Community Gaming - Bank Blaster ∫

Important success for DGL PRO in London Recently, DGL PRO participated as exhibitor in one of the biggest events in the gambling industry, organized this year in London - International Casino Exhibition 2011. Within the stand of the Latvian collaborators of DGL, CTC Holdings, the Romanian company introduced its new product - the Club Master® electronic poker table. With this product, DGL PRO

proposes a different approach of electronic poker, type Texas Hold'em, presented as a selfstanding solution with no external control, equipped with bank bill intakes and a complete and intuitive internal control application. The new facility introduced is the existence of two game modes: a regular cash-game and Sit'n'Go tours. The elegant design of the DGL product was made together with CTC Holdings, exclusive producers of the table cabinet. The Club Master® electronic poker table received impressive attention from the visitors of the ICE 2011 expo, being appreciated for the possibilities of fast and captivating playing as well as for its realistic and elegant design ∫




Linie telefonic\ gratuit\ unde pute]i sesiza faptele de corup]ie ale angaja]ilor M.A.I. Free - of - charge anticorruption green line, where you can notify corruption deeds committed by employees within the Ministry of Administration and Interior. O campanie sus]inut\ de



Eveniment-cazino Casino Vesuvius [i-a premiat clien]ii cu 26.000 de lei

Casino Vesuvius rewarded its clients with 26,000 RON

~ntr-o atmosfer\ rafinat\ [i antrenant\, Casino Vesuvius, cel mai mare resort live din Transilvania, a organizat, pe 25 martie, o tombol\ extrem de ofertant\. Premiile totale ale serii s-au ridicat la suma de 26.000 de lei, `mp\r]ite `n 4 extrageri.

La ora 23:00 a avut loc prima extragere, cu 3 câ[tig\tori: un premiu de 2000 lei doua premii de 1000 lei

La ora 00:00 a avut loc cea de-a doua extragere, cu 3 câ[tig\tori:

In a refined and exciting atmosphere, Casino Vesuvius, the biggest live resort in Transylvania, organized on March 25th a very appealing raffle. The overall prizes of the evening added up to the sum of 26,000 RON, divided into 4 draws.

At 23:00 hours the first draw was held, with 3 winners: one prize worth 2,000 RON two prizes worth 1,000 RON

At 00:00 hours the second draw was held, with 3 winners:

un premiu de 3000 lei un premiu de 2000 lei un premiu de 1000 lei

La ora 01:00 a avut loc a treia extragere, cu 2 câ[tig\tori: un premiu de 4000 lei un premiu de 2000 lei

La ora 02:00 a avut loc extragerea final\, de 10.000 lei

one prize worth 3,000 RON one prize worth 2,000 RON one prize worth 1,000 RON

At 01:00 hours the third draw was held, with 2 winners: one prize worth 4,000 RON one prize worth 2,000 RON

At 02:00 hours the final draw was held, worth 10,000 RON

GoodWine - la a cincea edi]ie GoodWine - at its fifth edition

Revista Casino Life & Business Magazine a fost partener media al evenimentului Casino Life & Business Magazine was media partner of the event

Aproximativ 3500 de vizitatori au c\lcat anul acesta pragul Târgului Interna]ional de Vinuri GoodWine, desf\[urat în perioada 11-13 martie, la Bucure[ti. Ajuns deja la cea de-a cincea edi]ie, show-ul a adus în fa]a publicului cele mai bune vinuri române[ti [i o selec]ie de vinuri de excep]ie din Fran]a, Italia, Spania, Bulgaria, Chile, Australia, Argentina, Statele Unite [i Republica Moldova. Au fost prezen]i 35 de produc\tori de vin, importatori, distribuitori [i companii din domenii conexe. Publicul a putut degusta o gam\ larg\ de soiuri de vinuri, din cele peste 350 prezente la târg, oferite de organizatori în paharele de degustare premium Riedel. În premier\, la Bucure[ti au fost lansate 50 de vinuri. O participare activ\ la Goodwine au avut si somelierii, reprezentan]i ai Asocia]iei Somelierilor din România [i ai Federa]iei Somelierilor din România, prin interven]ii de specialitate în timpul show-urilor gastronomice.

Approximately 3,500 visitors set foot this year in the GoodWine International Wine Fair, held between March 11th-13th in Bucharest. Reaching its fifth edition, the show presented the public with the finest Romanian wines and with a selection of exceptional wines from France, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, Chile, Australia, Argentina, United States and the Republic of Moldova. The event reunited 35 wine producers, importers, distributors and companies from adjacent fields. The public was able to taste a wide range of wine sorts from the 350 sorts presented at the fair and offered by organizers in premium, Riedel tasting glasses. 50 wines were launched in premiere in Bucharest. An active participation at GoodWine was featured by sommeliers, representatives of the Romanian Sommeliers' Association and of the Federation of Sommeliers in Romania, through specialized interventions during the gastronomic shows.


Nr. 23 / April - May 2011


Casino event Atronic lanseaz\ HOT&WILD Sistemul de bonus multi-level Hot&Wild de la Atronic func]ioneaz\ ca un joc bonus pe lâng\ jocurile existente, declan[at în jocul de baz\ de simbolurile Cash Fever. În cadrul bonusului, Dr. Cash revine, dar de data asta cu un complice, superba Miss Fever, care îl ajut\ pe doctor s\ ridice mercurul în termometrul jackpotului, pân\ la premiul cel mare. Ecranul mare al cabinetului Oxygen are un indicator pentru jackpot, astfel încât juc\torii pot urm\ri mercurul în timpul jocurilor bonus Hot&Wild. Bonusul este atins printr-o combina]ie de simboluri în timpul jocului de baz\. În plus, Bonus Bet activeaz\ Hot Re-Spin,

dublând [ansele juc\torului de a câ[tiga bonusul. Mize mai mari înseamn\ [ansa de a avea câ[tiguri mai mari.

Atronic is launching HOT&WILD

The multi-level bonus system Hot&Wild from Atronic works like a bonus game added to the existing games, triggered in the base

game by the Cash Fever symbols. Within the bonus, Dr. Cash returns, but this time with an accomplice, the superb Miss Fever who helps the doctor bring up the mercury in the jackpot thermometer up to the grand prize. The big screen of the Oxygen cabinet features an indicator for the jackpot so that players can monitor their mercury level during the Hot&Wild bonus games. The bonus is attained through a combination of symbols during the base game. Moreover, Bonus Bet activates Hot Re-Spin, doubling the chances of the player to win the bonus. High stakes mean the chance to have even higher winnings.




“Holiday Market” - târg de turism la Bucure[ti “Holiday Market” - tourism fair in Bucharest Cea de-a doua edi]ie a Târgului Interna]ional de Turism “Holiday Market”, organizat de A.N.A.T., s-a desf\[urat la Palatul Parlamentului în perioada 17 - 20 martie , sub sloganul “o 9 atitudine în turism!”. Holiday Market a adus vizitatorilor s\i oferte speciale Early Booking, dar [i o gam\ larg\ de evenimente, prezent\ri de destina]ii [i produse turistice. Târgul a reunit peste 100 de expozan]i, prezentând ofertele agen]iilor de turism ANAT, Birourilor de Turism în România ale unor ]\ri str\ine, precum [i parteneri str\ini ai agen]iilor române[ti din ]\ri ca Cipru, Bulgaria, Malta, Indonezia, Israel, Turcia, Asocia]iile de promovare a turismului regional Litoral - Delta Dun\rii, Maramure[, Bucovina, Bra[ov, Sighi[oara, Sibiu, Prahova, Râ[nov, Gorj, cât [i autorit\]i locale. Ministerul Turismului [i Dezvolt\rii Regionale a participat, din nou, cu stand propriu, pentru promovarea Brandului Turistic al României. Revista Casino Life&Business Magazine a fost partener media al evenimentului.

The second edition of the International Tourism Fair "Holiday Market", organized by A.N.A.T. took place at the Palace of Parliament in the period March 17th-20th, with the slogan "a new attitude in tourism!" Holiday Market brought its visitors special offers Early Booking, as well as a wide range of events, presentations of destinations and tourist products. The fair reunited more than 100 exhibitors, presenting the offers to ANAT tourism agencies, to the Tourism Bureaus in Romania belonging to foreign countries, as well as foreign partners of Romanian agencies in countries like Cyprus, Bulgaria, Malta, Indonesia, Israel, Turkey, the Regional tourism promotion associations Seaside - Danube Delta, Maramues, Bucovina, Brasov, Sighisoara, Sibiu, Prahova, Rasnov, Gorj, as well as local authorities. The Ministry of Tourism and Regional Development participated once more with its own stand for the promotion of Romania's Tourism Brand. Casino Life&Business Magazine was a media partner to the event.

Regal de frumuse]e la Estetika&Wellness 2011

Beauty at its finest at Estetika&Wellness 2011

Urmând tradi]ia institutit\ în urm\ cu 8 ani, expozi]ia Estetika&Wellness [i-a deschis [i anul acesta por]ile pentru un nou show de beauty în plin\ Lun\ a Femeilor. Întreaga industrie de beauty a fost reunit\ la Sala Palatului, între 3 [i 6 martie, trei zile pline de prezent\ri, workshop-uri, concursuri de coafur\, manichiur\, bodypainting, lans\ri [i nout\]i pentru vizitatori. Al\turi de expozi]ia Estetika&Wellness 2011, anul acesta a ajuns la cea de-a opta edi]ie Revista Casino Life & Business Magazine a fost partener media al evenimentului [i Congresul Interna]ional de Casino Life & Business Magazine was media partner of the event Estetic\ Aplicat\ Les Nouvelles Estethiques, un eveniment lansarea c\r]ii “Ia-]i por]ia de Pursuing the tradition inaugudesf\[urat în paralel. În ultima zi s\n\tate”, semnat\ Mihai rated 8 years ago, the a show-ului a a avut loc [i Dragomir. Estetika&Wellness expo opened

its doors once more this year for a new beauty show during the Women's Month. The entire beauty industry reunited at Sala Palatului, between March 3rd and 6th, three full days of presentations, workshops, hairdressing competitions, manicure, bodypainting, launches and novelties for visitors. Beside the Estetika&Wellness 2011 expo, this year marked the eighth edition for the International Congress of Applied Aesthetics "Les Nouvelles Estethiques", an event which was held in parallel. During the first day of the show also took place the launch of the book "Ia-ti portia de sanatate" (Get your portion of health) by Mihai Dragomir.

CASINO LIFE LIFE & & BUSINESS BUSINESS MAGAZINE MAGAZINE Nr.Nr. 21 23 / Dec. / April 2010 - May - Jan. 2011 2011


Casino event UN NUME CONSACRAT PE PIA}A DE JOCURI DUE P PALESE A WELL-KNOWN BRAND ON THE GAMING MARKET S\lile de jocuri din România au la dispozi]ie o nou\ ofert\ de neratat. DUE P PALESE, filiala pentru România a Palese Group, din Italia, v\ ofer\ o gam\ variat\ de jocuri cu `ncas\ri spectaculoase, care nu trebue s\ lipseasc\ din s\lile dumneavoastr\. ~n plus v\ d\ posibilitatea, când unul din jocuri nu v\ satisface, s\ fie `nlocuit cu altul la alegerea dvs. la costuri zero. Din oferta DUE P PALESE fac parte denumiri precum Money Match, un multigame cu o grafic\ de excep]ie, The Magian, un joc ce d\ juc\torilor posibilitatea unor câ[tiguri foarte `nsemnate; dar nu mai pu]in cotate sunt, de asemenea, [i Texas Hold'em Elite, Agent 008, Catch me, Wild Wild West, Seasons Greetings, Lord of Pirates, Extra Draw III, Sports Party. Carcasele [i accesoriile pot fi personalizate la cerin]a clientului.

Gaming parlors in Romania have at their disposal a new must-see offer. DUE P PALESE, the Romanian subsidiary of Palese Group in Italy, is offering a wide range of games with spectacular winnings which should not be missing from your parlors. Besides, the group allows the possibility that when one of the games is not to your taste, it can be replaced with another one at your choice with zero cost. The DUE P PALESE offer includes brands like Money Match, a multi-game with exceptional graphics, The Magician, a game offering players the possibility for significant winnings; no less popular are Texas Hold'em Elite, Agent 008, Catch me, Wild Wild West, Seasons Greetings, Lord of Pirates, Extra Draw III, Sports Party. Cases and accessories can be personalized at the client's request.



La achizi]ionarea unui num\r de 3 aparate, DUE P PALESE ofer\ plata `n rate, astfel: pentru o perioad\ de trei luni dobânda va fi de numai 50 de euro pentru un aparat, la [ase luni, 100 de euro, iar pentru un an, 200 de euro. Pentru mai multe detalii suna]i la num\rul de telefon 0735.559.639, iar pentru o prezentare a produselor, un agent v\ poate oferi detalii la sediul dumneavoastr\

Upon acquiring a number of 3 devices, DUE P PALESE offers the possibility to pay in installments, as follows: for a period of three months the interest rate will be only 50 Euros for a device, for six months, 100 Euros, and for an entire year, 200 Euros. For more details call the telephone number 0735.559.639, and for a presentation of the products, an agent can offer details at your place of business.



Domestic news Everest Poker One - premii de 1.000.000 de dolari Monaco, Sporting Monte Carlo, Salle de Palmiers. 21-24 aprilie. Everest Poker One î[i a[teapt\ participan]ii cu un fond total de premii de peste 1 milion de euro. În plus, turneele de calificare ce se desf\[oar\ pe portalul Everest Poker ofer\ [i pachete complete, cu transport [i cazare VIP, plus un buy-in de 6.500+400 la turneul de la Monaco. Pachetul de 9000 de euro poate fi accesibil oricui joac\ într-unul din sateli]ii Everest Poker One. Pentru nou veni]ii la Everest Poker, la desc\rcarea Everest Poker via Poker News exist\ un bonus de prim\ depunere, în valoare de 300 sau 500 de dolari.

Mese video la 888 Poker Pentru o experien]\ cât mai autentic\ [i mai apropiat\ de atmosfera jocurilor live, portalul 888 Poker a lansat recent o noutate absolut\ pe pia]a de gambing online: mesele de poker video. Pokercam tables, c\ci acesta este numele lor, permit juc\torilor s\ se vad\ în timpul jocului prin intermediul camerelor web. Nu trebuie decât ca ace[tia s\ acceseze una dintre mesele marcate Video din lobby-ul site-ului [i vor intra “în direct” cu ceilal]i juc\tori de la mas\. Deocamdat\ num\rul de astfel de mese este limitat la 20, ele fiind pentru moment disponibile doar pentru jocurile de Texas Hold'em cash, cu maximum [ase juc\tori. “A durat aproape un an [i suntem încânta]i de rezultat. Juc\torii se pot delecta cu o experien]\ poker complet nou\ [i diferit\, doar desc\rcând noul soft 888poker pe un calculator ce are o camera web standard”, a declarat Hili Shakked, director pentru Poker Offerings la 888 Holdings.

Peste 10 români în bani la edi]ia aniversar\ Sunday Million Turneul aniversar PokerStars Sunday Million, desf\[urat duminic\, 6 martie, a adus premii substan]iale unui num\r de cel pu]in 10 români. Edi]ia ce a marcat aniversarea a cinci ani de existen]\ pentru Sunday Million, turneu ce se desf\[oar\ online s\pt\mânal la Pokerstars a avut un fond total de premiere uria[, de nu mai pu]in de 11,8 milioane de dolari, gra]ie particip\rii a 59.128 de juc\tori de poker. Turneul a fost câ[tigat de americanul Bdbeatslayer, care a plecat acas\, potrivit siteului Pokerstars, cu 671.093 de dolari dar [i cu un bonus surpriz\ un Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4. Printre miile de juc\tori care au terminat turneul Sunday Million în bani s-au clasat [i câ]iva români. Toni Jude], membru al echipei PokerStars Team a câ[igat 1665,58 dolari (locul 1003), f\r\ ca aceasta s\ fie performan]a cea mai bun\ a unui român. Primul român clasat în topul câ[tig\torilor este Roxypower23, care a terminat turneul pe locul 185 [i a plecat acas\ cu un premiu în valoare de 4.730 de dolari.

Negreanu îl provoac\ pe Isildur1 Juc\torul de poker canadian de origine român\, Daniel Negreanu, [i suedezul Viktor Blom, cunoscut ca Isildur1, [i-au `mp\r]it victoriile din cele dou\ partide desf\[urate `n duel direct pe 20 [i 27 martie, `n cadrul SuperStarShowdown. Cele dou\ confrunt\ri au avut loc la provocarea lui Negreanu, acceptat\ de Isildur1. Primul duel s-a desf\[urat pe 20 martie, suedezul Viktor Blom intrând `n posesia celor 150.000 de dolari ai lui Negreanu dup\ numai 1.439 de mâini. Pe 27 martie, Negreanu [i Blom s-au `ntâlnit din nou, de aceast\ dat\ KidPoker fiind cel care, dup\ 2.500 de mâini, a `ncheiat lupta cu un profit de 26.500 de dolari.

Everest Poker One - prizes worth 1,000,000 dollars Monaco, Sporting Monte Carlo, Salle de Palmiers. April 21st-24th. Everest Poker One is expecting their participants with a total awarding fund summing up more than 1 million Euros. Moreover, qualification tours taking place on the Everest Poker portal also offer complete packs with transport and VIP accommodation, plus a 6,500+400 buy-in at the tour in Monaco. The 9,000 Euros pack is accessible to anyone playing in one of the satellites for Everest Poker One. For the new-comers at Everest Poker, upon downloading Everest Poker via Poker News there is a first deposit bonus worth 300 or 500 dollars.

Video tables at 888 Poker For an experience as authentic and close to the atmosphere of live games as possible, the portal 888 Poker has recently launched an absolute novelty on the online gambling market: video poker tables. Pokercam tables, as they are called, allow players to see one another during the gameplay, through webcams. All it takes it that they access one of the tables marked as Video in the Lobby of the website and they will be redirected "live" with the other players at the table. For the moment, the number of such tables is limited to 20 and they are only available at this point for Texas Hold'em cash games, with a maximum of six players. "It took almost a year and we are thrilled with the result. Players can enjoy a completely new and different poker experience, only by downloading the new software package 888poker on a computer with a standard webcam", declared Hili Shakked, director of Poker Offerings at 888 Holdings.

More than 10 Romanians on the money at the Sunday Million The anniversary tour PokerStars Sunday Million, held on Sunday, March 6th, brought substantial prizes to a number of at least 10 Romanian players. The edition which marked the anniversary of five years of existence for Sunday million, a tour which is held online each week at Pokerstars featured a huge awarding fund of no less than 11.8 million dollars, thanks to the participation of 59,128 poker players. The tour was won by the American Bdbeatslayer who left home, according to the website of Pokerstars, with 671,093 dollars as well as with a surprise bonus - a Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4. Among the thousands of player who finished the tour Sunday Million, a few Romanian players also occupied paid positions. Toni Judet, a member of the PokerStars Team won 1665.58 dollars (position 1,003). However, this is not the best performance pulled off by a Romanian player. The first Romanian to occupy paid positions is Roxypower23 who finished the tour on the 185th position and left home with a prize worth 4,730 dollars.

Negreanu challenges Isildur1 Canadian poker player of Romanian descendancy Daniel Negreanu and Swede Viktor Blom, known as Isildur1, shared victories in the two games held in direct duel on March 20th and 27th, at the SuperStarShowdown. The two confrontations came as a result of Negreanu's challenge which Isildur1 accepted. The first duel took place on March 20th, when Swede Viktor Blom claimed possession of the 150,000 dollars belonging to Negreanu after just 1,439 hands. On March 27th, Negreanu and Blom met once more, this time KidPoker being the one who, after 2,500 hands, concluded the fight with a profit of 26,500 dollars.


Nr. 23 / April - May 2011


External news Sands mut\ Las Vegas-ul în Spania Sheldon Adelson, pre[edintele Las Vegas Sands Corp., a dezv\luit recent planurile de a construi o Fâ[ie în stilul celei din Las Vegas, în Spania. Dac\ va fi dus la bun sfâr[it, proiectul în valoare de 21 de miliarde de dolari al celor de la Sands va transforma Spania într-una dintre cele mai atractive destina]ii de gambling din lume. Spania ar fi, astfel, al treilea bastion cucerit de Sands, dup\ Nevada [i Macau, dou\ loca]ii unde cazinourile grupului au învins concuren]a. Adelson a solicitat din partea guvernului iberic sprijin pentru ridicarea construc]iilor [i promisiunea c\ va reu[i s\ dep\[easc\ aspectele birocratice într-un timp redus. “Spania este ]ara ideal\ pentru acest proiect. Mi-e team\ îns\ de legile în vigoare în ceea ce prive[te munca în aceast\ ]ar\” a spus Adelson, citat de cotidianul spaniol El Mundo, ad\ugând c\ acestea „sunt atât de rigide”. Adelson a mai spus c\ s-a întâlnit deja cu oficiali de la Madrid [i Barcelona pentru a discuta despre proiectul ce va implica peste 10 hoteluri-cazino.

WSOP [i-a desemnat cel mai tân\r câ[tig\tor Eventul din Palm Beach al World Series of Poker a fost câ[tigat de un tân\r în vârst\ de numai 19 ani, din Florida. John Riordan a devenit astfel cel mai tân\r juc\tor de poker din Statele Unite care a câ[tigat un turneu din circuitul WSOP, plecând acas\ cu un premiu în valoare de 210.180 de dolari. Turneul din Palm Beach a fost, de altfel, primul eveniment din circuitul World Series of Poker ]inut în Florida, un stat care permite juc\torilor de peste 18 ani s\ intre în turnee de poker, spre deosebire de majoritatea statelor unde vârsta limit\ este de 21 de ani. Riordan a început s\ joace poker de la vârsta de 13 ani, iar de la 19 ani joac\ pe bani reali, jocul s\u preferat fiind Pot-Limit Omaha, pe mize mari. Pasionat de jocurile online, Riordan a reu[it odat\ cu victoria de la Palm Beach s\ î[i adjudece prima victorie la un turneu live, învingând al]i 700 de juc\tori înscri[i în turneu.

Un nou cazino gigant se preg\te[te în Bahamas Un nou resort ultra luxos va face în curând parte din peisajul din Bahamas. Baha Mar Resort va costa, potrivit estim\rilor, 3,4 miliarde de dolari [i va fi amplasat în Cable Beach. Dup\ cinci ani de la anun]area proiectului, Sarkis Izmirlian, pre[edinte [i CEO al Baha Mar a spus c\ au avut de str\b\tut un drum lung, cu provoc\ri multe, cu sui[uri [i coborâ[uri. “De[i au fost mul]i cei care ne-au refuzat, nu ne-am îndoit niciodat\ de viabilitatea acestui proiect unic. Cei care s-au îndoit se refereau probabil la alte proiecte”. La evenimentul de lansare a lucr\rilor au luat parte sute de invita]i, printre care [i vicepremierul Bahamasului, T. Brent Symonette [i Ministrul Turismului Vincent Vanderpool. Resortul Baha Mar - ce va cuprinde 3800 de camere în 6 hoteluri, un cazino uria[, spa]ii de afaceri [i magazine - va fi încheiat la finele lui 2014. Principalul contractor al Baha Mar va fi compania chinez\ China State Construction Engineering Corp., cea mai mare firm\ de profil din China, de altfel o companie de stat. Finan]atorul proiectului, totodat\, este Banca Chinez\ de Export-Import, [i ea o companie a statului.

Sands is moving Las Vegas in Spain Sheldon Adelson, the chairman of Las Vegas Sands Corp., recently revealed plans to build a Strip following the style of the one in Las Vegas, in Spain. If completed, the project worth 21 billion dollars initiated by the Sands will turn Spain into one of the most attractive gambling destinations in the world. Spain would thus become the third bastion conquered by Sands, after Nevada and Macau, two places where the casinos of the group defeated the competition. Adelson requested from the Spanish government support for the construction and the promise that administrative aspects will be overcome in a short time. "Spain is the ideal country for this project. However, I am afraid of the current laws with regard to employment in this country" said Adelson, quoted by the Spanish publication El Mundo, adding that "they are too rigid". Adelson also said that he had already met officials in Madrid and Barcelona to discuss the project that will include more than 10 casino-hotels.

WSOP appointed its youngest winner The event in Palm Beach of the World Series of Poker was won by a young man aged only 19, from Florida. John Riordan thus became the youngest poker player in the United States to win a tour in the WSOP circuit, leaving home with a prize worth 210,180 dollars. The tour in Palm Beach was, in fact, the first even in the World Series of Poker circuit to be held in Florida, a state that allows players over 18 years old to sing up in poker tours, as opposed to most other states where the minimum age is 21 years. Riordan began playing poker at age 13 and when he turned 19 he started playing on real money, his favorite game being Pot-Limit Omaha, on high stakes. Keen on online games, Riordan managed once with his victory in Palm Beach to register his first victory in a live tour, defeating other 700 players who signed up for the tour.

A new giant casino is underway in the Bahamas A new ultra high-luxury resort is soon to be a part of the Bahamas scenery. Baha Mar Resort will cost according to estimates 3.4 billion dollars and will be placed in Cable Beach. After five months from announcing the project, Sarkis Izmirlian, chairman and CEO of Baha Mar said that they had come a long way, packed with challenges, ups and downs. "Although many people said "no" to us, we never doubted this unique project. The ones that did doubt were probably referring to other projects". At the launch event of the works took part hundreds of guests, including the Vice Prime Minister of the Bahamas, T. Brent Symonette and the Ministry of Tourism Vincent Vanderpool. The Baha Mar resort - which will include 3,800 rooms in 6 hotels, a huge casino, business areas and stores - is to be ended at the end of year 2014. The main contractor of Baha Mar will be the Chinese company China State Construction Engineering Corp., the biggest company of this sort in China, a state-owned company. The financer of the project is the Chinese Export-Import Bank, also a state-owned bank.



We proudly recommend: Produc\tori/Producers

Alfastreet ,Str. Brându[elor nr. 2-4, etaj 4, sector 3, Bucure[ti,


We proudly recommend: Live Casinos

Due P Palese

Casino Palace, Calea Victoriei nr. 133, sect. 1, Bucure[ti Tel: +4021- 311.97.44 / 0722.66.57.88 / 0740.00.00.99. Fax: +4021 - 311.16.45,

Casino Technology, Valea Oltului 77-79 et. 2, sect. 6, Bucure[ti Director Reprezentan]\: Martin Ivanov • Tel: 0728528988 •

United Gaming Supplies, tel.: 0733 974 247

Chios Casino, Str. Cardinal Iuliu Hosu nr. 5 Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Telefon: +40 364 730 015

Regent Casino, Novotel Bucharest City Center 37B, Calea Victoriei Bucharest, Tel: +4021 405 0020, Fax: +4021 405 0033. +4 0733 332 003; +4 0733 332 004,

Casino Vesuviust, Calea Bucuresti 229 A, Brasov Tel.: 0268 301 456

Platinum Casino


Game World, Bucure[ti Mall, Calea Vitan nr. 55-59, etaj 2, sector 3, Tel./Fax: (021) 327 7509

Casino Bucharest

We proudly recommend: Slot Rooms


We proudly recommend: Beeting Houses

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expresso bET star, Str. Luminei nr. 2 A, Ap. 2, Bis, Et. 1, Sector 2, Bucuresti, Tel.: 021 210 41 30, Fax: 021 410 4116

Hypobet, Str. Luminei nr. 2 A, Ap. 2 Bis, Et. 1, Sector 2, Bucuresti, Tel.: 021 210 41 30, Fax: 021 410 4116

PublicBet, Splaiul Unirii nr. 247-249, Sect. 3, Bucure[ti Tel. 021 2423461; fax. 021 2423467

Mozzart Bet


Nr. 23 / April - May 2011


We proudly recommend: Our Partners


les nouvelles esthetique România, Str. Traian nr.1, Bl.E5, Sc.2, Et.8, ap. 44, sect. 3, Bucure[ti, Tel.: 021 317 72 72, 0745 776 333Email: •

Ciul & Asocia]ii, Str. Zeicani nr. 3, sector 4, Tel: 021/ 410 02 14


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Bd. Mamaia Nr. 430 A, Mamaia, Constanta Tel.:0241.879.073

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Direc]ia General\ Anticorup]ie TelVerde: 0800.806.806,



Secret LIFE

Novotel Bucarest City Centre, Calea Victoriei 37B, Sector 1, Bucure[ti, Phone: + (40) 21 308 85 00 Fax: + (40) 21 308 85 01,

Rin Grand Hotel

Club Floreasca, Strada Mircea Eliade, Nr. 1, Bucure[ti Tel: +40 21 319 81 77 Fax: +40 21 230 7979

Residence Hotels, 19 Clucerului Street, 1st District, Bucharest, Romania, Phone: 004 021 223.19.78 Mobile: 004 0372 150.700, Fax: 004 021 222.90.46

d C Residence Hotels, 33 Alexandru Constantinescu Str., 1st District, Bucharest, Romania, Phone: 004 021 224.50.44, Mobile: 004 0372 150.600, Fax: 004 021 224.50.21, reserva

Residence Street, 137AHotels, Od ii 137A St Odaii t 1st District, Bucharest, Romania, Phone: 004 021 315.16.66 Mobile: 004 0722 333.443, Fax: 004 031 101.66.48

Hotel Ramada Bucure[ti Calea Bucure[ti Nr. 13, Bra[ov, 500326 RO Phone: 40-268-337474, fax: 40-268-336969

Hotel Ramada Bra[ov Emil Cioran, nr. 2, Sibiu, 550025 RO, Tel. 00(4) 0 269 235 505 Fax. 00(4) 0 269 235 504,

Hotel Ramada Sibiu Mobil: (0040)0723355222 tel/fax:(0040)0269235505

MITICHI, 550169 - Sibiu ROMANIA C. Noica, 40, +4 0269218461



We proudly recommend: Our Partners

Salon Yssima

Siqua Hotel, Calea Plevnei, nr. 59 A, Bucure[ti Mob: 0751 048 812, T: 021-3 19 51 60. Fax: 021- 319 51 62 E-mail:

Vigo Hotel, Bd. Independen]ei nr. 28, Ploie[ti, Prahova • Tel.: 0244.514.501, fax: 0244/514.504 mail:

Hotel Casa Victor, Str. Emanoil Porumbaru, Nr. 44, Sector 1, Bucure[ti, Telefon: +40-21-2225723; +40-21-2229626 E-mail: •

Duke Hotel, 33 Dacia Blvd, District 1 - Bucharest, Romania Tel: +40 21 317 4186, 87, 88 Fax: +40 21 317 4189 E-mail:

Perla Hotels

Hotel Moxa, 129 Calea Victoriei crossroads 4 Mihail Moxa Street, District 1, Bucharest, Romania Tel: +40 21 650 55 55 Fax: +40 21 650 66 66

Hotel Royal Bucure[ti Mircea Voda 28 - 030662 Bucharest, TEL.Ú+44 203 027 7155

Hotel Royal Constan]a, Bd. Mamaia nr.191, Constan]a Tel: 0241/542.670, Fax: 0241/545.882 e-mail: Bucharest Comfort Suites HOTEL**** The perfect place o stay when you visit Bucharest.We take care of your comfort, we take care of your money, we take care of you.keep your dreem in our comfort. Your home away from home...

129, Observatorului Street, 400352,Cluj-Napoca - Romania Tel: +40 264 540 000 +40 264 545 000, Fax: +40 264 524 677 E-mail: sales@

2, Scoala de Inot Street, 550005, Sibiu - Romania,Tel: +40 269 234 000, Fax: +40 269 224 000, E-mail:office@ sales@goldentulipanatow

Bd. Mamaia nr. 209, Constanta, Mamaia, Tel:+40372418499, Fax:+40341446731, Email: Web:

Strada Republicii Nr, 18, Gura Humorului, Tel,: + 40230 207 000, Fax: +40230 207 001,

Centrul de Afaceri„Marea Neagr\“ - President Str. Teilor nr. 6, 905500, Mangalia, Tel./Fax: 0040 - 241-755. 861 E-mail: •

Hotel Traian **** Constan]a, ultracentral, zon\ lini[tit\, teren tenis/ fotbal, saun\, masaj, parcare gratuit\, Str. Mihail Kog\lniceanu nr. 36, Constan]a, România Tel. : 0241/485868 • Mobil: 0722/630536, 0766/777153 E-mail :

Aro Palace, 12, Muresenilor Street, Brasov, Romania Tel.: 0268-477.664, 477.87, Fax: 0268-475.250 E-mail: Reservation: •

Hilton Sibiu

Str Donath, Nr 100, 400293, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romania Tel: +40 264 307200;Fax: +40 264 307205; Mobil: +40 748 233 335 •

Hotel Atlantic, Iosif Vulcan Nr 9, Oradea, Bihor Tel./ Fax.: 0259 / 426 911, 0359 / 172 263 • Mobil: 0740 / 489 557 e-mail: •

Best Western Ambassador Hotel Mangalia street 3, Timisoara, tel.0256306880, fax 0256401033 •

Hotel Scala, Str. C.A. Rosetti 19, sector 2, Bucure[ti, Tel.: 031 104 1111


Nr. 23 / April - May 2011


We proudly recommend: Our Partners

Villa Rodizio, restaurant cu specific sud-american Str. I.L.Caragiale nr. 32, Bucure[ti

Hotel Lido Timi[oara, Tel.: 0040-256-407373,

Hotel Millenium, Bd. Mamaia 135-137 • Tel./fax: 024 1607341

Str. Sf. Constantin nr. 22, sector 1, Bucure[ti, Romania Telefon: +4 031.432.66.04 • Mobil: +4 0728.781.283 • Email:

Str. Ghercu Constantin nr. 24, sector 6, Bucure[ti, Rezerv\ri: 0720535383, Informa]ii: 0720535382, •

Chambers’n Charm, Bra[ov, Str. Stej\ri[ului 27 Tel.: 0268 512992; 0733 016512, Fax: 0260 512991

Laguna Hotel, Mamaia, Jud. Constan]a Tel/Fax:0341 45 44 66 / 0341 45 44 67; Mail:

Casa Teo, Sinaia • Tel. rezerv\ri: 0722 526088

king’s club, Iuliu Maniu nr. 8A, Bucure[ti, Tel. / Fax: 031-805.50.69 0749-220.002 e-mail: rezervari@kingsclubro

Agen]ia Travel Time D&R,, • e-mail: tel: 021.312.12.52/62; 0730.245.966, fax: 021.312.12.72 / 031.816.82.06; Persoan\ de contact: Gabriel Mandache

Compo Euro Club, Com Maliuc, Loc Partizani, Jud Tulcea, Tel: 0744649 198, 0726 230 777,

Ocna Sibiului, Str. Bailor 22-24, 555600, Ocna Sibiului, Jud. SibiuTel: 0269/577348, Fax: 0269/577311 •

Opera Na]ional\ Bucure[ti, Bd. M.Kog\lniceanu, nr. 70-72, Bucure[ti, Tel.: +4021 311.52.54 • Fax: +4021 310.26.61 email: •

Rezerv\ri la: 0728.138.265, 0720.499.804

SC GLOBAL EVENTS PRODUCTION SRL Adresa: Domni]a Anastasia, Nr. 3-5, sector 5, Bucure[ti, 050033 • Tel / Fax : 021 3100 709; 021 3100 711 Mobil: 0722235485 • e-mail: •

Imperium: tel.:+40 0722 33 17 52 Str. Nicolae Balcescu, nr. 24, Sibiu

Perla, Strada 1, nr 155, Sulina Telefon: +40 722 715 254,

Str. Traian nr. 206, sect. 2, Bucure[ti Tel/fax: 0318052979 / 980

Oana Style, Tel.: 0732424131,

Plach Friends&Coffee, coffee, cocktails& exquisite food, open 24 h, Bd Dacia 153-155 T: 0771674095, 0730448080,

Ion Stoian, +4 0731.833.339; +4 0765.274.032

DeeMi Beauty Salon, Bd. {incai, nr. 10, bl. 30, ap. 34, sect. 4, Bucure[ti Tel.: 0720 683 584, 0213 310 173



We proudly recommend: Our Partners

Caffe Pascucci Shop , Calea Doroban]i nr. 152, sector 1, Bucure[ti, Rezerv\ri: 0756.166.111

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Shoping City Sibiu

Lounge cafe ZOOM, Sibiu

Trends, • Downtown Boutique: Calea Victoriei, nr. 83-85 • Baneasa Boutique: Baneasa Shopping City

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Regional Air Services

S.N.T.F.C. „C.F.R. C\l\tori“ S.A. Pentru rezerv\ri: 9522


Federa]ia Na]ional\ de Poker

Federa]ia Român\ de Box Str. Vasile Conta, Nr.16, et. 7 cam. 715, Sect. 2, Bucure[ti

Tel. +40 21 317 01 85, +40 21 031 805 7369 Fax. +40 21 317 01 86

Federa]ia Român\ de Yachting


Federa]ia Român\ de Baschet, Str. Vasile Conta nr.16, et. 7, sect. 2, Bucure[ti

CE.MI Total Cosmetic\ auto Str. Peroni nr. 30 0722314 570 1st Class Limo, tel.: 0721 329116,

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Grant Taxi


Str. Prof. Dr. Mihai Georgescu, Nr. 7, sector 2, Bucure[ti • tel.: 0214110191, 0214110291 • e-mail:

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Num\rul 23. Aprile/Mai 2011 Edi]ie Român\-Englez\ / Romanian-English Edition

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