Casino 25

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Casino Life & Business Magazine este Partener Oficial al Federa]iei Sportive Na]ionale de Poker

Num\rul 25. August/septembrie 2011 Edi]ie Român\-Englez\ / Romanian-English Edition

Casino Girl Miss Hostess


Casino Vesuvius Venetian Macau Binion's Horseshoe Casino Sahara


Golden League Mambo Stud Mochi Craft Long Range 23

Pre]: 14,9 RON

Bucure[ti 2-3 februarie 2012


Conferin]a Romån` de Gambling

Number 25. August / September 2011


Modific\ri aduse legisla]iei jocurilor

Cristian Pascu

Pre[edinte Executiv / Executive President AOPJNR

de noroc / Modifications brought to gambling legislation

BETONUS! Str. Prof. Dr. Mihai Georgescu, Nr. 7, sector 2, Bucure[ti . tel.: 0214110191, 0214110291 . e-mail:



Casino Vesuvius primul [i cel mai mare cazino live din Transilvania the first and biggest live casino in Transylvania

Sahara s-a `nchis / is closed

Cristina Brazd\u a c창[tigat/won Miss Hostess Cluj 2011 Cover Story Interviu cu / Interviu cu Cristian Pascu, Pre[edinte Executiv / President of AOPJNR prima Conferin]\ Rom창n\ de Gambling prima Conferin]\ Rom창n\ de Gambling

09 12 2226 3440 4548 50

Casino Girl Miss Hostess, Cristina jucator profesionist profesional player Phil Ivey None Home Jerome

Mambo Stud, cel mai recent Stud

Mochi Craft Long Range 23

Este interzis\ preluarea, reproducerea par]ial\ sau total\ a oric\rui text, fotografie sau imagine grafic\, f\r\ acordul scris al editorului, care de]ine toate drepturile asupra lor. Orice abatere sau nerespectare a condi]iilor [i termenilor men]ionati anterior va fi sanc]ionat\ conform legisla]iei `n vigoare. R\spunderea asupra con]inutului articolelor revine `n exclusivitate autorilor acestora. Toate materialele din revist\ au caracter informativ [i nu trebuie tratate ca fiind sfaturi ale speciali[tilor.


Nr. 25 / August - Septembrie 2011


PRESA, THE PRESSA, RY S S E C E N A M U R O F UN NECESAR FORUM By Mario Alexandru De-a lungul timpului apar reviste [i reviste, publica]ii [i publica]ii, afaceri [i afaceri. Menirea presei este aceea de a semnala anomalii, de a face pe cât posibil lumin\ acolo unde este `nc\ `ntuneric, de a fi, ca s\ spunem a[a, `nc\ o dat\, câinele de paz\. Sigur c\ pia]a na[te mereu [i reviste a c\ror menire este aceea de a face bani - nu mult, câteva salarii, pentru patroni [i unul, doi angaja]i -, printr-o promovare mediocr\, vecin\ cu dumping-ul, de dragul existen]ei lini[tite [i a tangajului infint pe o posibil\ linie de plutire. ~n acest context mediatic, implicit `n ceea ce prive[te ni[a industriei de gambling, pe care `ncerc\m s\ o acoperim, Casino Life & Business Magazine `[i va confirma locul de lider prin organizarea, anul viitor, a primei „Conferin]e Române de Gambling”. O provocare necesar\ `n `ncercarea de a descifra prea `ncriptata anatem\ aruncat\, de cele mai multe ori nedrept, asupra unui domeniu din care alte state, civilizate [i cu legisla]ie bine articulat\, scot bani buni pentru bugetele consolidate, l\sându-le, `n acela[i timp `ns\, [i operatorilor, afacerile `n via]\, ba chiar profitabile `ntr-o m\sur\ important\. A[adar, revista noastr\ dore[te s\ realizeze o platform\ de dezbatere, ca posibilitate real\ de colaborare `ntre asocia]iile profesionale care activeaz\ `n domeniu, `n ideea elabor\rii unei opinii comune. Acesta ar putea fi `nceputul unui dialog constructiv `ntre operatori, pres\ [i autorit\]i, având ca scop crearea unei imagini corecte a industriei, inclusiv `n percep]ia opiniei publice. Dincolo de coeren]a mesajului la care ar putea conduce un astfel de for de dezbatere, `ntâlnirea confer\ posibilitatea promov\rii oportunit\]ilor de investi]ii la nivelul unei industrii prea mult [i pe nedrept hulite. Pân\ la urm\, rolul primordial al unei reviste de ni[\ trebuie s\ fie acela de interfa]\ `ntre cititorii s\i [i industria pe care o reprezint\. Iar Casino Life & Businessw Magazine este hot\rât\ s\ realizeze acest demers ∫

Throughout time appear all sorts of magazines, publications and businesses. The scope of the press is to signal any abnormalities, to shed as much light as possible in the dark, to be, so to speak, once more, the watchdog. Of course, the market is always giving birth to magazines the purpose of which is to make money - not lots of it, just enough to cover the salaries of the director and a few employees -, through mediocre promotion, similar to dumping, for the sake of a peaceful existence and of an infinite drift along a possible floating line. In this media context, and implicitly with regard to the niche of gambling industry, which we are trying to cover, Casino Life & Business Magazine will confirm its position as leader by organizing next year the first "Romanian Gambling Conference". A necessary challenge in the attempt to decipher the complicated anathema cast, most times with bad judgment, on a domain from which other states, civilized and with well articulated legislation, are making money for their consolidated budgets, leaving at the same time room for the operators to keep their business alive and even profitable to an important degree. Therefore, our magazine wishes to create a debate platform, as a real possibility of collaboration between professional associations activating in the domain, based on the idea of elaborating a common idea. This could be the beginning of a constructive dialogue between operators, the press and the authorities, having as purpose the creation of a correct image on this industry, even in the perception of the public opinion. Beyond the coherence of the message to which such a debate forum could lead, the meeting offers the possibility to promote opportunities of investment at the level of an industry too much and for too long frowned upon. After all, the primordial role of a niche magazine must be to act as an interface between its readers and the industry it represents. And Casino Life & Business Magazine is determined to make that happen ∫



Casino Venetian Macau CASINO MAGAZINE Nr. 25 August - September 2011 Revista CASINO LIFE & BUSINESS MAGAZINE a fost nominalizat\ la Premiile International Gaming Awards

Media Project Manager Ionu] Andreescu Editor-in-chief Mario Alexandru Senior Art Directing Marcel {tef ( Just Communication & PR Senior Editors Andra Cr\ciun (, Roxana Ene (roxana.ene@, Leo {erb\nescu ( Translator Just Communication & PR Costin L\z\roiu. Iris Popescu DTP Marius Aurel Photo Iris Popescu, Adrian Stoicoviciu, Alexandra Iazageanu, Alex-Iulian Ga[par, Agerpres, Guliver Web Master Alin-Andrei Chican Advertising Correspondents/advertising in: USA: Rodney Azama Lia Roberts, Cyprus & Greece: Lefkothea Georgiou Atart Holland & Benelux: Sandrin Bergheanu Switzerland: Thomas Myit Germany: Stefan Kiss Printed by RH Printing Published by Arte Vizuale/Media Ionut Andreescu 7, Prof. Dr. Mihail Georgescu Street sect. 2, Bucharest Tel.: 0214110191, 0214110291 Consiliul Consultativ Lia Roberts, Honorary Consul of Romania in Las Vegas Nevada Sorin Constantinescu, Pre[edinte, Asocia]ia Organizatorilor de Cazinouri din Rom책nia (AOCR); Cristian Pascu, Pre[esinte AOPJNR, Asocia]ia Organizatorilor [i Produc\torilor Jocurilor de Noroc din Rom책nia Michelle Cummins, President of Romanian Casino Association Adrian Georgescu, President ROMSLOT Association Alina Ciul, Coordinating Lawyer of Ciul & Asociatii CASINO LIFE & BUSINESS MAGAZINE Publica]ie auditat\ pe perioada ianuarie-iunie 2008 ISSN: 1843-3316

Golden League

2% din profiturile provenite din publicitate vor fi cedate pentru ac]iuni caritabile.

Binion's Horseshoe Locul unde pokerul a devenit faimos / The place where poker became famous

54 5864 6874 76

VIP juc\tor / player Vincent Van Patten

Eveniment cazino Casino event

Domestic news / External news



primul [i cel mai mare the first and biggest cazino live din Transilvania live casino in Transylvania

CASINO VESUVIUS ~n 16 decembrie 2007, `[i deschidea por]ile la Bra[ov, primul [i cel mai mare cazino live din Transilvania, provincie situat\ `n inima Rom창niei [i meleag legendar, renumit at창t prin patrimoniul artistic, cultural, c창t [i prin miturile [i legendele legate de figura Contelui Dracula.

On December 16th 2007 opened its doors in Brasov the first and biggest live casino in Transylvania, a province located at the heart of Romania and a land of legend, renowned both for its artistic and cultural patrimony and for the myths and legends related to the figure of Count Dracula. De Mario ALEXANDRU

A[a a `nceput totul. Ulterior, dup\ aproximativ cinci ani de la deschidere, Casino Vesuvius reu[e[te s\ ofere clien]ilor s\i aceea[i atmosfer\ propice jocu-

lui, fiind `n continuare singurul cazino live din Transilvania. Structur\ modern\ [i original\ `n ceea ce prive[te arhitectura, Casinoul Vesuvius este rezultatul

This is how it all began. Afterwards, approximately five years after opening, Casino Vesuvius manages to offer its clients the same atmosphere fit for gambling,

still counting as the only live casino in Transylvania. A modern and original structure with regard to its architecture, Casino Vesuvius is the result of a


unui proiect pus `n practica de un staff de antrepenori italieni, care au dorit s\ aduc\ `n Rom창nia at창t pasiunea pentru joc, c창t [i cultura milenar\ [i stilul de via]\ din Italia, ]ar\ celebr\ prin creativitatea [i prin bog\]ia sa cultural\. Casino Vesuvius `[i `nt창mpin\ clien]ii cu o atmosfer\ prietenoas\, specific\ unui club al juc\torilor fiind alegerea perfect\ pentru to]i cei care doresc s\ se

bucure de o experien]\ inedit\ [i emo]ionant\. Vizitatorii no[tri se bucur\ zilnic de experien]a Vesuvius, o combina]ie perfect\ `ntre diversitatea jocurilor [i calitatea serviciilor puse la dispozi]ia acestora de o adevarat\ echip\ de profesioni[ti. V\ a[tept\m zilnic, `ntre orele 12.00 [i 06.00, cu peste 50 de Slot Machines de ultim\ genera]ie, iar de la ora 19.00 deschi-

Nr. 25 / August - Septembrie 2011

project put into practice by a staff of Italian entrepreneurs who wished to bring in Romania both the passion for playing and the millenary culture and lifestyle of Italy, a country famous for its creativity and cultural richness. Casino Vesuvius welcomes its clients with a friendly atmosphere, specific to a players' club, being the perfect choice for all who wish to enjoy a new and exciting expe-


rience. Our visitors enjoy their experience at Vesuvius daily, a perfect combination between the diversity of games and quality of services made available to them by a true team of professionals. We are waiting for you every day, from 12:00 to 06:00 hours, with over 50 state of the art Slot Machines and starting with 19:00 hours we are opening the live



dem cazinoul live cu jocurile cu care dumneavoastr\ sunte]i deja obisnui]i: American Roulette, Texas Hold'em, Black Jack, Vesuvius Stud Poker, Vesuvius Bonus Poker, Vesuvius Texas Stud, Punto Banco.

Miss [i Mister la Casino Vesuvius Evenimentele organizate de Casino Vesuvius sunt sarea [i piperul, iar clien]ii care particip\ la seratele speciale au parte numai de momente frumoase. Anual, Casino Vesuvius, cu sprijinul Restaurantului Vesuvius, organizeaz\ concursuri de Miss, Miss Vesuvius ajungând deja la al patrulea an de organizare. Din acest an, am decis s\ oferim [i o [ans\ domnilor bra[oveni de a-[i ar\ta calit\]ile ce-i pun `n valoare, organizând Mister Vesuvius, chiar de 8 Martie, `n acest fel oferind [i juc\toarelor cazino-ului un motiv `n plus pentru a fi al\turi de noi.

Turnee, zi de zi, pentru to]i clien]ii Vesuvius Pe lâng\ diversitatea jocurilor [i calitatea serviciilor, la Casino Vesuvius, clien]ii au la dispozi]ie un `ntreg pachet de servicii menit s\ le asigure tot confortul. Plecând de la atmosfera adecvat\ pentru joc, am decis s\ oferim un mediu antrenant [i plin de adrenalin\, prin organizarea de turnee. Astfel, din 4 iulie [i pân\ `n 10 septembrie, la fiecare final de s\pt\mân\ suntem `n plin\ desf\[urare de turnee. ~n fiecare joi seara, `ncepând cu ora 00.00 v\ implic\m `n turnee de Poker, vineri e seara de Black Jack, iar sâmb\t\ pariem pe rulet\. Regulile sunt simple: joci, prime[ti taloane [i le depui `n urna special amenajat\. Joi, vineri [i sâmb\t\ au loc extrageri [i turnee cu premii s\pt[mânale. A[a ne amuz\m pân\ `n septembrie, când au loc finalele pe fiecare categorie `n parte. ~n 8 septembrie va fi finala pentru Poker, `n 9,

Black Jack, iar `n 10 septembrie, finala pentru American Roulette. Premiile sunt motivante dar v\ l\s\m pe dumneavoastr\ s\ le descoperi]i, v\ putem spune doar c\ valoarea total\ a premiilor turneelor este de 54.000 de lei. Pentru c\ suntem orienta]i asupra satisfacerii nevoilor clientului, Casino Vesuvius pune la dispozi]ia dumneavoastr\ serviciu-parking gratuit, supravegheat non stop de staff-ul nostrum, precum [i o cas\ de schimb valutar deschis\ pe tot parcursul programului de func]ionare al cazinoului. De asemenea, barul cazinoului, `mpreun\ cu Restaurantul Vesuvius, v\ ofer\ cele mai savuroase [i apetisante cocktailuri [i delicii culinare, `n mod gratuit, pentru a `ntregi atmosfera cald\ [i primitoare cu care v\ a[tept\m ∫

casino with the games to which you are already accustomed: American Roulette, Texas Hold'em, Black Jack, Vesuvius Stud Poker, Vesuvius Bonus Poker, Vesuvius Texas Stud, Punto Banco.

best qualities, by organizing Mister Vesuvius, precisely on March 8th, this way offering the casino female players an extra reason to join us.

Miss and Mister at Casino Vesuvius

Beside the diversity of the games and quality of services, at Casino Vesuvius clients have at their disposal a full pack of services meant to ensure the best of comfort. Starting with the adequate atmosphere for playing, we decided to offer an exciting environment and full of adrenalin, by organizing tours. Thus, starting July 4th and up to September 10th, during each week-end tours are being held. Each Thursday evening, starting 00:00 hours we summon you to Poker tours; Friday is a Black Jack evening and Saturday is dedicated to roulette betting. The rules are simple: you play, you get tickets and you put them in a specially designed urn. On Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays there are draws and tours with weekly prizes. And we are keeping this up until September, when the finals are scheduled for each separate category. On September 8th will be held the final for Poker, on the 9th for Black Jack and on the 10th of September the final for American Roulette. The prizes are provocative but we'll let you discover them, all we can say is that the total value of the tour prizes amounts to 54,000 lei. Because we are focused on satisfying customer needs, Casino Vesuvius makes available for you a free parking service, guarded at all times by our staff, as well as an exchange office open all throughout the working schedule of the casino. Furthermore, the casino bar, together with Restaurant Vesuvius, offer the most appealing and flavored cocktails and cuisine delicatessen, free of charge, in order to make complete the warm and welcoming atmosphere with which we are waiting for our clients ∫

The events organized by Casino Vesuvius are the thrill of it all, and clients participating in special evening parties have a share of beautiful moments. Every year, Casino Vesuvius, with the support of Restaurant Vesuvius, is organizing Miss Contests, Miss Vesuvius already reaching its fourth year of organization. Starting this year, we decided to also offer a chance to Brasov gentlemen to display their


Tours, day by day, for all Vesuvius clients



,, ,,

S-A Se~NCHIS IS CLOSED sting luminile în Vegas? Are lights going out in Vegas?

by Andra Craciun

Cazino Sahara s-a închis. Dup\ 59 de ani de istorie, Sahara Casino - unul dintre primele cazinouri deschise în Las Vegas [i-a închis por]ile la finele lunii mai. Hotelul celebru pentru arhi-

tectura sa cu motive marocane urmeaz\ a fi supus unui proces de lichidare, efectuat de compania National Content Liquidators. În cadul ac]iunii, fiecare dintre obiectele din interiorul propriet\]ii

Casino Sahara is closed. After 59 years of history, Sahara Casino - one of the first casinos opened in Las Vegas closed its doors at the end of month May. The hotel, famous for

its architecture with Morocco motives, is to be subjected to a liquidation process performed by the company National Content Liquidators. Within this action, each of the objects inside the property


Dup\ 59 de ani de istorie, Sahara Casino - unul dintre primele cazinouri deschise în Las Vegas - [i-a închis por]ile. Criza las\ urme ad\nci `n nisipurile Nevadei. va fi oferit c\tre vânzare publicului interesat [i pasiona]ilor de istorie. Conducerea SBE Entertainment Group a anun]at înainte de închiderea Sahara c\ proprietatea, în starea sa actual\, “nu mai este viabil\ din punct de vedere financiar”, l\sând astfel s\ se întrevad\ posibilitatea ca Sahara s\ fie redeschis\ la un moment dat, într-o alt\ formul\. De altfel, Sam Nazarian, pre[edintele SBE a spus, dup\ plecarea ultimului client: “Revenim curând.

Mul]umim pentru cei 59 de ani”. Sahara a fost unul dintre primele [ase cazinouri deschise în Strip [i unul dintre cele trei care au r\mas din perioada de dup\ cel de-al doilea r\zboi mondial, al\turi de Flamingo [i Riviera. Cazinoul este renumit pentru glamourul s\u [i pentru numele mari care [i-au pus amprenta asupra sa, printre acestea Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Clint Eastwood, Judy Garland, sau Marlene Dietrich.

Nr. 25 / August - Septembrie 2011


After 59 years of history, Sahara Casino - one of the first casinos opened in Las Vegas - closed its doors. The crisis leaves deep scars in the sands of Nevada. will be made available for sale to the interested public and to history enthusiasts. The management of SBE Entertainment Group announced before closing Sahara that the property, in its current state, "is no longer financially viable" thus leaving room for the possibility that Sahara may be reopened at some point in a different formula. In fact, Sam Nazarian, president of SBE said, after the last

client left: "We will be back soon. Thank you for the 59 years". Sahara was one of the first six casinos opened in the Strip and one of the three to survive from the period following the Second World War, next to Flamingo and Riviera. The casino is also famous for its glamour and for the important names that left their mark on it, including Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Clint Eastwood, Judy Garland, or Marlene Dietrich.



Proiecte multe, resurse limitate. Noile investi]ii din Sin City au fost [i ele afectate de situa]ia finaciar\ actual\. Criza economic\ a determinat pe de o parte sc\derea lichidit\]ilor, [i pe de alt\ parte o adev\rat\ criz\ a creditelor, blocând noile investi]ii. Institu]iile bancare au refuzat linii de credite principalilor ivestitori în Vegas, a[a c\ nume precum Octavius Tower (un nou hotel al Caesars Palace), Echelon Place (proiectat pe locul vechiului Stardust), Fountainbleu Casino (oprit în construc]ie) sau Venetian Condominium Tower au r\mas doar în stadiul de proiecte. Fie c\ urmau a fi deschise în 2009, fie în 2010 toate aceste proiecte nu au ajuns s\ vad\ lumina zilei în Sin City.

Aria [i Cosmopolitan

de gambling în favoarea exoticului Macau, potrivit studiilor financiare, pân\ la finele lui 2011 Las Vegas va pierde [i locul al doilea în topul veniturilor din jocuri de noroc, în favoarea unei noi destina]ii asiatice - Singapore. De[i o industrie cu numai doi ani “vechime”, Singapore va beneficia de pe urma juc\torilor din China, care nu vor mai avea niciun motiv s\ î[i joace banii în Vegas... Între timp, dincolo de ocean, veniturile cazinourilor din Nevada sunt în cre[tere lent\ dar constant\. “Aceste cazinouri au început s\ aib\ parte de ceva cre[teri în veniturile din gaming, [i asta este un lucru bun” spune analistul Steve Schwartz. Edi]ia actual\ a WSOP este unul dintre motivele care au condus la o cre[tere a încas\rilor în Vegas [i la revigorarea speran]ei investitorilor ∫

Many projects, limited resources

Aria and Cosmopolitan break the ice

The new investments in Sin City were also affected by the current financial situation. The economic crisis determined on the one hand the decrease of cash money and, on the other hand, a genuine credit crisis, thus blocking new investments. Banking institutions refused credit lines for the main investors in Vegas and so names like Octavius Tower (a new hotel of Caesars Palace), Echelon Palace (designed on the spot of the old Stardust), Fountainbleu Casino (stopped during construction) or the Venetian Condominium Tower were left only in the stage of design. Whether scheduled to be opened in 2009, or in 2010, all these projects never came to see the light of day in Sin City.

The only two projects to be finished during a full crisis in Nevada are Aria Resort & Casino and Cosmopolitan Las Vegas. Part of the extensive project City Center, Aria Resort & Casino opened in December 2009 as a joint venture between the titans of MGM Resorts International and Infinity World Development. With over 4,000 accommodation spaces, 16 restaurants, 10 bars and night clubs and a 14,000 square meters casino, Aria represents a genuine defiance of the crisis. Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas opened in December 2010, although the works began in October 2005. Cosmopolitan offers 2,995 rooms, a 7,000 square meters casino and 28,000 square meters of retail and restaurant spaces.

sparg ghea]a

Singurele dou\ proiecte finalizate în plin\ criz\ în Nevada sunt Aria Resort&Casino [i Cosmopolitan Las Vegas. Parte a mai amplului proiect City Center, Aria Resort&Casino s-a deschis în decembrie 2009, ca un joint venture între titanii MGM Resorts International [i Infinity World Development. Cu peste 4000 de spa]ii de cazare, 16 restaurante, 10 baruri [i cluburi de noapte [i un cazino de 14.000 de metri p\tra]i, Aria reprezint\ o adev\rat\ sfidare a crizei. Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas sa deschis în decembrie 2010, de[i lucr\rile au început în octombrie 2005. Cosmopolitan ofer\ 2995 de camere, un cazino de 7000 de metri p\tra]i, [i 28.000 de metri p\tra]i de spa]ii de retail [i restaurante.

Las Vegas pierde locul 2 în topul destina]iilor de gambling? Dac\ în 2006 Sin City pierdea suprema]ia în topul destina]iilor

Las Vegas to lose 2nd place in the top of gambling destinations?


If in 2006, Sin City lost supremacy in the top of gambling destination to the exotic Macao, according to financial surveys, by the end of 2011, Las Vegas will also lose the second position in the top of revenue from gambling, to a new exotic destination - Singapore. Although an industry with just two years of "seniority", Singapore will benefit from players from China who will have no reason left to play their money in Vegas. In the meantime, beyond the ocean, the revenues of casino in Nevada are slightly but constantly rising. "These casinos have started to register some increase in gaming revenues and that is a good thing" said analyst Steve Schwartz. The current edition of WSOP is one of the reasons that led to a growth of revenues in Vegas and to the birth of hope for investors ∫



Lucian “UNBute CAMPION “A CHAMPION PENTRU ROMÂNIA” FOR ROMANIA” Andra cânt\ superb Imnul Na]ional. Sala `mpreun\ cu ea. Bute `[i st\pâne[te cu greu emo]ia. Privirea `i fuge `n sus,

c\tre bolta Pavilionului expozi]ional, apoi revine `n\untru, c\tre propriile-i gânduri. Sala explodeaz\. “Mi s-a f\cut pielea de

Andra is singing the national anthem beautifully. The entire hall along with her. Bute is struggling to hold the tears back. His gaze

points upwards towards the vault of the expo room, then returns inwards, towards his own thoughts. The hall is raging. “I got the goose


Mister KO nu se dezminte. Lucian Bute [i-a ap\rat pentru a opta oar\ centura mondial\ IBF la categoria supermijlocie. Superchamp l-a trimis la podea, `n uralele a peste 10.000 de spectatori, pe francezul Jean Paul Mendy, în repriza a patra a primului meci din cariera sa de profesionist, desf\[urat la Romexpo-Bucure[ti. g\in\ când a cântat Andra. Am fost foarte emo]ionat” avea s\ m\rturiseasc\ Lucian la finalul partidei. A fost primul meci `n care Bute [i-a ap\rat centura la Bucure[ti. „E o sear\ pe care nu o voi uita niciodat\. Mul]umesc tuturor din tot sufletul. Sunt mândru c\ sunt român [i c\ v-am f\cut fericiti!” a spus Lucian, la final, cu ochii `n lacrimi, chiar din ringul confrunt\rii. “V\ iubesc [i v\ stimez! Sunt sportiv de 15 ani, dar nu m-am sim]it niciodat\ ca `n aceast\ sear\. Sunt mândru c\ am f\cut o `ntreag\ Românie fericit\", a mai spus campionul român. Ulterior, Lucian Bute le-a

promis fanilor c\, astfel, [i-a `ndeplinit cel mai drag vis: acela de a-[I ap\ra centura `n fa]a românilor. „Acum urmeaz\ unificarea centurilor, pe care sunt sigur c\ o voi face anul viitor. V\ promit c\ am s\ aduc `n România dou\ centuri!” a spus Lucian, dup\ care [i-a invitat sus]in\torii `n America, “colo unde, deja se vorbe[te despre mine", a mai spus el.

„Decât s\ plâng\ mama, mai bine s\ plâng\ mama lui” Bute l-a f\cut KO pe Mendy cu o lovitur\ surprinz\toare, a[a cum poveste[te chiar el. „L-am trimis la podea cu o lovitur\ ful-

Nr. 25 / August - Septembrie 2011


Mister KO lives up to his reputation. Lucian Bute defended for the eight time his IBF world title at the super-middleweight category. The super-champ sent to the floor in the applauses of 10,000 viewers the French boxer Jean Paul Mendy, in the fourth round of the first fight in his career as a professional, held at Romexpo-Bucharest. bumps when Andra started singing. I was very excited” would confess Lucian at the end of the fight. It was the first fight when Lucian defended his title in Bucharest. “It's an evening I will never forget. I extend my warm thanks to everybody. I am proud to be Romanian and to have made you happy!” said Lucian, in the end, with tears in his eyes, right from the ring of the fight. “I love you and I respect you! I've been practicing this sport for 15 years but I've never felt like I did this evening. I am proud to have made the whole country of Romania happy”, added the Romanian champion.

Afterwards, Lucian promised his fans that this way he fulfilled his most treasured dream: to defend his title in front of Romanian public. “Now follows the unification of belts, something I am confident I will achieve next year. I promise you I will bring two belts to Romania” said Lucian and then invited his supporters to America, “where they're already talking about me” he said.

”I'd rather his mom cried instead of mine” Bute defeated Mendy by KO with a surprising punch, as he puts it himself. “I sent him to the

ger\toare, venit\ de nic\ieri. Se putea întâmpla [i invers, dar e o vorb\: <decât s\ plâng\ mama, mai bine s\ plâng\ mama lui>”, declara Bute, mai târziu, p\strând ceva din privirea cu care [i-a fixat adversarul secunde bune, `naintea meciului. Bute [i Mendy au intrat `n sal\ `n stil de mari campioni, anun]a]i de inegalabilul Michael Buffer, cel mai mare ringannouncer din lume, omul care [i-a „vândut” vocea pe 400 de milioane de dolari.

Bute, campionul cu 29 de victorii 24 prin KO -, a fost purtat spre ring, `n acordurile melodiei lui U2, "Where the streets have no name", de ova]iile a 10.00 de glasuri. Doar patru reprize i-au trebuit românului s\-l trimit\ pe francez, irevocabil la podea, cu acea lovitur\ fulger\toare „venit\ de nic\ieri”. Lovitura care a dezl\n]uit infernul, care a desc\tu[at nebunia, care i-a readus `n Pia]a Universit\]ii pe români.

floor with a lightning-punch, came out of nowhere. It could have been the other way round, but there's a saying: I'd rather his mom cried instead of mine”, declared Bute later on, preserving something of the gaze which he cast upon his opponent for second before the fight. Bute and Mendy entered the hall as great champions, introduced by the one and only Michael Buffer, the world's leading ring announcer, the man who “sold” his voice for 400 million dol-

lars. Bute - the champion with 29 victories - 24 by KO -, was accompanied to the ring by the ovations of 10,000 voices, while the song “Where the streets have no name” played in the background. It took the Romanian only four rounds to send the French to the floor with that lightning-fast punch, “came out of nowhere”. A punch that unleashed inferno, set free madness and brought Romanians to University Square.


Nr. 25 / August - Septembrie 2011


Rudel Obreja, organizatorul Pentru ca totul s\ fie posibil [i super-champ s\ str\luceasc\ la Bucure[ti, a fost nevoie `ns\ de munca extraordinar\ echipei din spatele s\u. Sute de oameni au lucrat zi [i noapte, luni de zile, pentru ca mega-evenimentul s\ poat\ avea loc. Rudel Obreja, pre[edintele Federa]iei Române de Box, organizatorul Galei, [i oamenii s\i au dovedit, o dat\ `n plus, c\ Bucure[tiul este o capital\ european\ de cel mai înalt nivel, capabil\ s\ g\zduiasc\ evenimente de talie mondial\, iar brandul de ]ar\ al României s\ poat\ fi v\zut [i promovat în toat\ lumea, a[a cum se cuvine.

Lumea de la picioarele lui Bute Gala a avut de toate: femei frumoase, muzic\ bun\, agita]ie, emo]ie, stress, multe vedete, oameni de afaceri, politicieni, go-go girls [i dansurile lor pasionale care au `ntre]inut atmosfera [i, cel mai important, partide de un nivel tehnic excelent. ~n „parada vedetelor” [i-au f\cut apari]ia Puya, cel care a ridicat `n picioare asisten]a cu melodiile sale, Bebe Cotimanis, maestru de ceremonii, Andra, interpreta Imnului Na]ional, Ramona Gabor, Mihaela Moise - An-

tena 1 -, Madalina Radu - OTV -, Ciprian Sora, lupt\tor K1 [i proprietarul Academiei de Lupte cu acela[i nume, Eduard Irimia, promotor Local Kombat [i SuperKombat, Luis Lazarus, proprietar Zeus TV, Ion }iriac, om de afaceri [i fiul s\u, Ion Ion }iriac, Nicu[or Stan, pre[edinte WACO PRO [i proprietar Ambasad'Or Events Otopeni, Stephan Leko, lupt\tor K1, Prin]ul Paul de România [i Principesa Lia, Helmuth Duckadam fost portar al echipei Steaua [i actualul pre[edinte al clubului Steaua Bu-

Rudel Obreja, the organizer In order for everything to be possible and for the super-champ to be able to come to Bucharest, it took the hard work and dedication of the team behind it all. Hundreds of people worked day and night for months in order for the megaevent to take place. Rudel Obreja, the president of the Romanian Boxing Federation, the organizer of the gala, and his staff proved once more that Bucharest is a topranking European capital, capable of hosting world class events, making the country brand of Ro-

mania seen and promoted all over the world, as it should be.

The world at Bute's feet The gala had it all: beautiful women, good music, agitation, emotion, stress, lots of stars, businessmen, politicians and go-go girls and their passionate dance moves that kept spirits high and, most importantly, fights at a superior level of technicality. The star count included Puya, who made the public stand up

cure[ti, impresarul Giovanni Becali, Viorel P\unescu, om de afaceri, pre[edinte de onoare al clubului de fotbal Steaua Bucure[ti, Dan Bursuc, Pepe, Emanoil Savin, primar al ora[ului Bu[teni, vedetele tv Mircea Badea [i Carmen Brum\, fo[tii fotbali[ti Ilie Balaci, Falemi, Ganea [i Adrian Ilie [i lupt\torii K1 cei mai “en vogue” la ora actual\, fra]ii Stoica. De asemenea au fost prezen]i politicieni precum Elena Udrea, Victor Ponta [i mul]i al]ii. Casino Life & Business Magazine, a fost prezent\, ca de obicei, [i la acest super eveniment, a[a cum face de patru ani de când exist\ pe pia]\, fiind invitat\ la evenimentele majore ce au loc în România [i `n str\in\tate. Publica]ia noastr\ a fost distribuit\ gratuit în zona VIP a s\lii Romexpo.

de]in\torul titlului, filipinezul Jun Talape. Aceast\ victorie l-a propulsat pe Viorel Simion `ntre primii 15 boxeri ai categoriei ∫

with his rhymes, Bebe Cotimanis, the host of ceremonies, Andra, the singer of the National Anthem, Ramona Gabor, Mihaela Moise - An-

tena 1 -, Madalina Radu - OTV -, Ciprian Sora, K1 fighter and the owner of the Fighting Academy with the same name, Eduard Irimia, a local promoter of Local Kombat and SuperKombat, Luis Lazarus, owner of Zeus TV, Ion Tiriac, businessman and his son, Ion Ion Tiriac, Nicusor Stan, president of WACO PRO and owner of Ambasad'Or Events Otopeni, Stephan Leko, K1 fighter, Prince Paul of Romania and Princess Lia, Helmuth Ducadam, former goalkeeper of Steaua and current president of football club Steaua Bucuresti, agent Giovanni Becali, Viorel Paunescu, businessman, honorific president of football club Steaua Bucuresti, Dan Bursuc, Pepe, Emanoil Savin, mayor of the town of Busteni, TV stars Mircea Badea and Carmen Bruma, former football players Ilie Balaci, Falemi, Ganea and Adrian Ilie and the most talked-about K1 fighters of the moment, the Stoica brothers. Furthermore, there were also present politicians like Elena Udrea, Victor Ponta and many more. Casino Life & Business Magazine was present, as usual, at this super event too, as it has for four years since it exists on the market, being invited to major events taking place in Romania and overseas. Our publication was distributed for free in the VIP area of the Romexpo hall.

Romanians defeated everyone The other two Romanian participants to the gala were also winners.

Românii au b\tut tot {i ceilal]i doi români participan]i la Gal\ au fost inving\tori. Bogdan Dinu l-a învins pe tanzanianul Awadh Mohamed Tamim prin KO, `n prima repriz\, la categoria grea. Viorel „Bombardierul” Simion a intrat `n posesia Centurii Interna]ionale, versiunea WBC, la categoria pan\, dup\ ce l-a trimis la podea, `n repriza a noua, pe





defeated Mohamed

Tamim by KO, in the first round, at the heavyweight category. Viorel “the Bomber” Simion gained possession of the international title, WBC version, at feather-weight category, after sending to the floor in the nith round the holder of the title, the Filipino Jun Talape. This victory promoted Viorel in the top 15 boxers of this category ∫




Cristina Brazd\u a câ[tigat/won Miss Hostess Cluj 2011 Opt tinere frumoase, inventive [i pline de ini]iativ\ au impresionat juriul de etap\ de la Cluj. Câ[tig\toarea (24 de ani) este angajata cazinoului gazd\, motiv pentru care s-a sim]it excelent, cucerind prin naturale]e [i spontaneitate. Cristina a ales s\ promoveze `n cadrul show-lui, mersul pe “dou\

Eight beautiful young women, inventive and bursting with initiative impressed the jury appointed for the stage in Cluj. The winner (24 years old) is an employee of the hosting casino, reason for which she felt great, conquering by being natural and spontaneous. Cristina chose to promote within the show "traveling on two wheels" and safety in traffic. At the questions trial, Cristina answered that her fa-

CASINO LIFECASINO & BUSINESS Nr. 25 / August Septembrie LIFE &MAGAZINE BUSINESS MAGAZINE Nr. -25 / August - 2011 Septembrie 2011

Caravana Miss Hostess a oprit, [i `n 2011, la Casino Chios din Cluj. Câ[tig\toarea etapei este Cristina Brazd\u, o tân\r\ inginer\ care a promovat `n concurs „mersul pe dou\ ro]i”. ro]i" [i siguran]a `n trafic. La proba de `ntreb\ri, Cristina a r\spuns c\ poetul s\u preferat este Bacovia, dar c\, dac\ este necesar, va recita din Eminescu, nefiind preg\tit\ cu liric\ bacovian\ Cucerind prin spontaneitate, determinare [i `nf\]i[are, `n final, Cristina Brazd\u a câ[tigat concursul cu 138 de puncte, urmând s\ reprezinte Ardealul `n etapa final\ de la Bucure[ti.

Liviu Vârciu, invitat „s\ sug\ biberonul” Pe locul doi s-a plasat modelul Anda Musc\, `n vârst\ de 20 de ani. Frumuse]ea Andei a atras aten]ia juriului, care a depunctat-o `ns\ la proba de promovare a produsului. Fata l-a invitat pe prezentatorul Liviu Vârciu "s\ sug\ biberonul", ap\rând `n fa]a juriului cu un pampers pentru a promova articolul sus-amintit - "biberonul" - [i modul s\u de folosin]\. Clujeanca a ob]inut `n final 132 de puncte. Locul trei a fost ocupat de o brunet\ plin\ de temperament, Alexandra Honceru, `n vârst\ de 21 de ani, student\ `n anul doi la Universitatea Cre[tin\ "Dimitrie Cantemir" - Facultatea de Drept. Ea a promovat o firm\ de lenjerie intim\ din Cluj [i l-a rugat pe Liviu s\ se conving\ personal c\ materialele folosite sunt de calitate, ating\ndu-le. “Am atins la viata mea... si de aia am ajuns aici”, a replicat Vârciu cu umor. La final, Cristina Brazd\u a primit coroni]a de Miss din partea Andradei Ersek, component\ a juriului [i câ[tig\toare concursului Miss Hostess Cluj, `n 2010. Invita]ii speciali ai evenimentului - impresarul Radu Groza [i Roxana Neme[, “noua Anna Lesko”, potrivit presei - au dat [i ei farmec showlui, sus]inând un recital foarte apreciat "Ne-am `ntoars la Cluj, `n aceea[i formul\ de anul trecut, poate mai plini de entuziasm, pentru c\ cei care ne-au sprijinit `n 2010 au decis s\ ne fie al\turi [i `n acest an, la noua edi]ie a Miss Hostess Cluj", a spus Mihnea Popescu, unul dintre organizatori [i pre[edintele Casino Life & Business Magazine ∫

Miss Hostess Caravan once again made a stop for the 2011 edition at Casino Chios in Cluj. The winner of this stage is Cristina Brazdau, a young engineer who promoted in the contest the concept of "traveling on two wheels".





vorite poet is Bacovia but that, if necessary, she would recite from Eminescu, not having prepared lyrics from Bacovia. Conquering by spontaneity, determination and appearance, Cristina Brazdau finally won the competition with 138 points; she is now going to represent the region Ardeal in the final stage in Bucharest.

Liviu Varciu, invited to "suck on the baby soother" Model Anda Musca placed second, aged only 20. Anda's beauty drew the jury's attention who, nonetheless, didn't grant her as many points in the product promotion trial. The girl invited host presenter Liviu Varciu to "suck on the baby soother" appearing in front of the jury with a diaper in order to promote the above mentioned product - "baby soother" - and the way to use it. The young woman from Cluj finally got 132 points. The third place was occupied by a tempered brunette, Alexandra Honceru, aged 21, a second year student at the Christian university "Dimitrie Cantemir" - Law School. She promoted a lingerie brand from Cluj and asked Liviu to see for himself by touching that the materials used were high quality. "I touched all sorts of things in my life... which brought me here" replied Varciu humorously. In the end, Cristina Brazdau received the crown of Miss from Andrada Ersek, member of the jury and winner of the contest Miss Hostess Cluj in 2010. The special guests of the event - agent Radu Groza and Roxana Nemes, "the new Anna Lesko", according to the press - also brought their charm to the show, putting on a highly appreciated show. "We came back in Cluj with the same formula as last year, maybe a bit more enthusiastic, because those who supported us in 2010 decided to join us this year also for a new edition of Miss Hostess Cluj" said Mihnea Popescu, one of the organizers and president of Casino Life & Business Magazine âˆŤ

Promenada Operei va avea loc pe data de 20 august ora 21:00

Festivalul Interna]ional George Enescu edi]ia 2011 (1 - 25 septembrie) :

LOHENGRIN S창mb\t\ 3, Mar]i 6 septembrie ora 19:00

EVGHENI ONEGHIN Miercuri 21, Vineri 23 septembrie ora 19:00

OEDIPE Joi 15 septembrie ora 19:00

SEARA DE BALET S창mb\t\ 24 septembrie ora 19:00: Partea I "Vals Fantezie" [i "Serenada" Partea a II - a "Falling Angels"





Cluj 2011 / The Winn


Nr. 25 / August - Septembrie 2011


Locatia: Night Club Premiere





Cristina Brazdau, inginerii nonconformiste Tinerei inginere, Cristina Brazd\u, câ[tig\toarea etapei Miss Hostess, de la Cluj, se dovede[te c\-i merg toate „ca pe roate”. Tân\ra nonconformist\, angajat\ a cazinoului clujean, care a g\zduit show-ul, i-a impresionat pe fotografi prin naturale]e, firesc [i spontaneitate. Frumoasa Cristina are 24 de ani [i va reprezenta Ardealul la Bucure[ti, `n finala Miss Hostess 2012 Ardeleanca a promovat `n cadrul show-lui, mersul pe “dou\ ro]i" [i siguran]a `n trafic [i a m\rturisit c\ poetul s\u preferat este Bacovia. Pictorialul a fost realizat la Night Club Premiere, din Cluj.

Nr. 25 / August - Septembrie 2011




Cristina ist Brazdau, nonconform engineering

Everything seems to "gear right into place" for the young engineer Cristina Brazdau, the winner of Miss Hostess stage in Cluj. The young nonconformist, an employee of the casino in Cluj which hosted the show, impressed photographers through her naturalness, ease and spontaneity. The beautiful Cristina is 24 years old and will represent the region of

Ardeal in Bucharest, in the final of Miss Hostess 2012. The young woman from Ardeal promoted within the show the concept of traveling "by two wheels" and safety in traffic and confessed that her favorite poet was Bacovia. The pictorial was put together at Night Club Premiere in Cluj.



Modific\ri aduse Modifications brought legisla]iei jocurilor de noroc to gambling legislation CIUL & ASOCIA}II Organizarea de jocuri de noroc se poate realiza de c\tre operatorii economici care îndeplinesc cerin]ele prev\zute de Ordonan]a de urgen]\ a Guvernului nr. 77/2009, privind organizarea [i exploatarea jocurilor de noroc, denumit\ în continuare ordonan]\ de urgen]\, [i de prezenta hot\râre, numai în baza licen]ei de organizare a jocurilor de noroc, document emis de Ministerul Finan]elor Publice prin Comisia de autorizare a jocurilor de noroc, denumit\ în continuare comisie, în condi]iile prezentei hot\râri, pentru fiecare tip de activitate în parte.

The organization of gambles can be undertaken by economic operators who fulfill the requirements provided for by the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 77/2009 regarding the organization and exploitation of gambles, hereinafter referred to as the emergency ordinance, and by the present decision, only based on the license to organize gambles, document issued by the Ministry of public Finances through the Commission for the Authorization of Gambles, hereinafter referred to as the commission, in the conditions of the present decision, for each individual type of activity.

Activit\]ile pentru care se poate solicita ob]inerea licen]ei de organizare a jocurilor de noroc sunt urm\toarele:

The activities for which the authorization to organize gambles can be requested are as follows:

a) activit\]i loto; b) activit\]i de pariuri mutuale; c) activit\]i de pariuri în cot\ fix\; d) activit\]i de jocuri de noroc caracteristice cazinourilor; e) activit\]i de tip slot-machine; f) activit\]i de bingo desf\[urate în s\li de joc; g) activit\]i de bingo organizate prin intermediul sistemelor re]elelor de televiziune.

a) Lottery activities; b) Mutual betting activities; c) Fixed-odd betting activities; d) Gambling activities specific to casinos; e) Slot-machine activities; f) Bingo activities held in gaming rooms; g) Bingo activities organized through television networks systems.

În situa]ia în care un operator economic inten]ioneaz\ s\ organizeze dou\ sau mai multe activit\]i dintre cele enumerate mai sus, este obligat s\ solicite licen]\ de organizare a jocurilor de noroc pentru fiecare activitate în parte. În vederea ob]inerii licen]ei de organizare a jocurilor de noroc, operatorii economici solicitan]i sunt obliga]i s\ îndeplineasc\ cerin]ele specifice prev\zute de ordonan]a de urgen]\ [i de prezenta hot\râre pentru fiecare activitate în parte. Licen]a de organizare a jocurilor de noroc se acord\ individual, este valabil\ pentru o perioad\ de 5 ani de la data acord\rii [i este netransmisibil\. În situa]ia în care operatorii economici nu fac dovada pl\]ii taxei aferente licen]ei de organizare a jocurilor de noroc pentru primul an pân\ la data de 25, inclusiv, a lunii urm\toare celei în care documenta]ia a fost aprobat\ în cadrul comisiei, aprobarea se revoc\ de drept. Acela[i lucru se `ntâmpl\ [i `n situa]ia `n care un organizator de jocuri de noroc de]ine mai multe licen]e de organizare a jocurilor de noroc. Prin exploatarea în mod direct a activit\]ilor pentru care operatorii economici de]in licen]\ de organizare a jocurilor de noroc [i una sau mai multe autoriza]ii de exploatare a jocurilor de noroc se în]elege c\ deru-

Given the situation that an economic operator intends to organize two or more activities of the ones listed above, such is obliged to request a license to organize gambles for each individual activity. In view of obtaining the license to organize gambles, the economic operators formulating the request are obliged to fulfill the specific requirements provided for by the emergency ordinance and the present decision for each individual activity. The license to organize gambles is granted individually, it is valid for a period of 5 years from the date of issuing and it is not transmissible. Given the situation that economic operators fail to make proof of paying the fee afferent to the license to organize gambles for the first year up to and including the 25th of the month following the one when the documentation was approved within the commission, the approval is rightfully cancelled. The same will happen in case an organizer of gambles holds several licenses to organize gambles. By directly exploiting the activities for which economic operators hold license to organize gambles and one or more authorizations to exploit gambles, it is understood that the development of the activity


Nr. 25 / August - Septembrie 2011


larea activit\]ii (operarea mijloacelor de joc, eviden]ierea încas\rilor [i pl\]ilor [i completarea documentelor aferente activit\]ii curente, precum [i altele asemenea) se realizeaz\ numai de personalul propriu angajat, în condi]iile legii, al organizatorului de jocuri de noroc. Pentru realizarea activit\]ilor conexe organiz\rii jocurilor de noroc, respectiv organizarea activit\]ii financiar-contabile, de paz\, de transport valori [i altele asemenea, precum [i pentru ob]inerea dreptului de folosin]\ a mijloacelor de joc sau a spa]iului în care se organizeaz\ jocuri de noroc, operatorii economici pot încheia contracte cu persoane fizice sau cu persoane juridice, în condi]iile legii.

(the operation of gaming means, keeping records of the revenues and payments, and filling in the documents afferent to current activities, as well as the like) is performed only by the dedicated hired personnel of the gamble organizer, under lawful conditions. For the performance of activities related to the organization of gambles, respectively the organization of the financial-accounting activity, safeguard activity, transport of valuable goods and the like, as well as for obtaining the right of use of gaming means or of the space where the gambles are organized, economic operators may conclude contracts with natural persons or legal entities, under lawful conditions.

Asocierea pentru exploatarea în comun a jocurilor de noroc se poate realiza dac\ sunt îndeplinite cumulativ urm\toarele condi]ii:

The association for the shared exploitation of gambles can be achieved if the following conditions are fulfilled cumulatively:

a) asocierea se realizeaz\ între doi operatori economici care de]in, fiecare în parte, licen]\ de exploatare a jocurilor de noroc pentru una dintre activit\]ile specifice jocurilor de noroc; b) asocierea prive[te exploatarea în comun, în aceea[i incint\, a acestor activit\]i pentru care cei doi asocia]i de]in autoriza]ii pentru exploatarea jocurilor de noroc; c) asocierea prive[te exclusiv operarea mijloacelor de joc din incinta respectiv\, exploatarea mijloacelor de joc putându-se realiza de c\tre una sau mai multe persoane angajate ale unuia dintre asocia]i; d) asocierea se realizeaz\ prin contract încheiat în condi]iile legii, care s\ prevad\ c\ r\spunderea administrativ\ revine ambilor parteneri.

a) The association is made between two economic operators holding each a license to exploit gambles for one of the activities specific to gambling; b) The association refers to the common exploitation, inside the same space, of these activities for which the two associates hold authorizations for exploiting gambles; c) The association refers exclusively to the operation of gaming means inside the respective space; the exploitation of gaming means can be performed by one or several persons employed by one of the associates; d) The association is performed through a contract concluded under lawful conditions, which can stipulate that the administrative responsibility is binding for both partners.

Exploatarea jocurilor de noroc se poate realiza de c\tre operatorii economici care îndeplinesc cerin]ele prev\zute de lege [i de]in licen]\ de organizare a jocurilor de noroc. Exploatarea jocurilor de noroc se poate realiza numai pe baza autoriza]iei de exploatare a jocurilor de noroc, document emis de Ministerul Finan]elor Publice, prin comisie. Autoriza]ia de exploatare a jocurilor de noroc se acord\ pentru o perioad\ de 12 luni. Data de începere a valabilit\]ii autoriza]iei de exploatare a jocurilor de noroc este data de întâi a lunii urm\toare celei în care, dup\ ce s-a analizat [i avizat favorabil documenta]ia depus\ de operatorul economic, s-a efectuat plata sumelor datorate anticipat de operatorul economic. În situa]ia în care operatorii economici nu fac dovada pl\]ii taxei aferente autoriza]iei de exploatare a jocurilor de noroc, aprobarea comisiei se revoc\ de drept. În situa]ia în care data aprob\rii în cadrul comisiei presupune acordarea autoriza]iei de exploatare a jocurilor de noroc pentru frac]iuni de trimestru, respectiv 1 februarie, 1 martie, 1 mai, 1 iunie, 1 august, 1 septembrie, 1 noiembrie, 1 decembrie, operatorii economici organizatori de jocuri de noroc sunt obliga]i s\ pl\teasc\ taxa de autorizare aferent\ trimestrului din care face parte luna respectiv\. În continuare, pentru men]inerea valabilit\]ii autoriza]iei emise în favoarea acestora sunt obliga]i s\ respecte termenele impuse de lege urmând ca regularizarea taxei anuale de autorizare s\ se efectueze în ultimul trimestru din perioada de valabilitate a autoriza]iei de exploatare a jocurilor de noroc ∫

The exploitation of gambles can be performed by those economic operators who fulfill the requirements provided for by the law and who hold a license to organize gambles. The exploitation of gambles can only be performed based on the authorization of exploiting gambles issued by the Ministry of Public Finances, through the commission. The authorization for exploiting gambles is granted for a period of 12 months. The date the validity of the authorization to exploit gambles begins is the 1st day of the month following that when, after the documentation submitted by the economic operator was analyzed and favorably approved, the payment of the sums owed in anticipation by the economic operator was performed. In case economic operators fail to make proof of paying the fee afferent to the authorization to exploit gambles, the commission's approval is rightfully cancelled. In case the date of approval within the commission means granting the authorization to exploit gambles for fractions of a quarter, respectively February 1st, March 1st, May 1st, June 1st, August 1st, September 1st, November 1st, December 1st, economic operators organizing the gambles are obliged to pay the authorization fee afferent to the quarter the respective month is a part of. Furthermore, to maintain the validity of the authorization granted, the economic operators are obliged to respect the terms imposed by the law following that that set-off of the annual authorization fee be made in the last quarter in the period of validity of the authorization to exploit gambles ∫




Interviu cu / Interview with

Cristian Pascu

Pre[edinte Executiv / Executive President of AOPJNR De Mario ALEXANDRU

Ce `nseamn\ AOPJNR, domnule Cristian Pascu? Pe lung, `nseamn\ Asocia]ia Organizatorilor [i Produc\torilor de Jocuri de Noroc din România. Suntem asocia]ia de profil - `nfiin]at\ `n 1995 -, care a contribuit `n anul 1999 la elaborarea primei legi serioase a jocurilor de noroc. O lege care a guvernat pân\ `n 2009 acest sector de activitate. ~nfiin]at\ `n contextul unui vid legislativ, care impunea reglementarea [i organizarea industriei, AOPJNR a contribuit efectiv la creionarea legilor [i reglement\rilor dup\ care ne desf\[ur\m, `n mare, activitatea [i `n prezent. O mare parte din legea actual\ preia din conceptele legii elaborate `n 1999. Care sunt membrii acestei asocial]ii? ~nc\ de la `nceput, Asocia]ia a avut ca membri, reprezentan]i ai industriei de profil, din toate specialit\]ile existente la acea or\ ma[ini electronice, cazinouri, s\li de bingo. ~nc\ nu existau s\lile de pariuri, care au ap\rut dup\ 2000. ~n timp, AOPJNR a devenit membr\ “Euromat” (European Gaming and Amusement Federa-

tion), a luat dimensiunea interna]ional\, a `nv\]at s\ conlucreze cu asocia]iile europene membre, la `nceput din afara UE apoi din interior. Suntem membri Euromat din 1995. Care este activitatea Asocia]iei? Am contribuit `n decursul acestor ani, dup\ elaborarea legii care era imperios necesar\ - OG 69, respectiv HG 251 din aprilie 1999 -, la tot ce `nseamn\ reglement\ri ap\rute pe parcurs, `n domeniul jocurilor. Se [tie acest domeniu, oriunde `n lume, este perceput de guvernan]ii ca o “vac\ de muls”. {i la noi, pe parcursul timpului, diverse ministere au `ncercat s\ impun\ taxe suplimentare, mai mult sau mai pu]in gândite, de cele mai multe ori inaplicabile. Ne-am confruntat, astfel, [i cu “timbrul social”, [i cu “timbrul monumentelor istorice”. Apoi am participat la elaborarea modului de colectazre real\ a taxelor, ne-am f\cut auzi]i atunci când am spus c\ nu se poate ca, la infinit, orice minister s\ vin\ [i s\ aplice o nou\ tax\. Am v\zut, de asemenea, ce `mbun\t\]iri trebuie s\ aducem legii. Ce minusuri avem [i ce trebuie

What is AOPJNR, Mr. Cristian Pascu? It stands for the Association of Gambling Organizers and Producers in Romania. We are a specialized association set up in 1995 that contributed in 1999 to the elaboration of the first serious gambling law. A law that governed this sector of activity until 2009. Founded in the context of a legislative void, which made necessary the regulation and organization of the industry, AOPJNR effectively contributed to the drafting of the laws and regulations by which we are mainly developing our activity to this day. A great deal of the current law takes over some of the concepts elaborated in 1999. Who are the members of this association? Since the very beginning, the Association had as members representatives of the specialized industry from all specialties existing at that time - electronic machines, casinos, bingo rooms. Betting houses were not around yet, they only appeared after year 2000. Over time, AOPJNR became a member of "Euromat" (European Gaming and Amusement

Federation), it gained an international status, it learned to work together with member European associations, at first outside the EU, then inside. We have been members of Euromat since 1995. What is the activity of the Association? We have contributed over these years, after the elaboration of the law that was so necessary, Government Ordinance 69, respectively Government Decision 251 dated April 1999, to everything related to regulations issued along the way in the gambling domain. It's common knowledge that everywhere in this world governments perceive this domain as a "milking cow". Here too, throughout time, various ministries have tried to impose additional taxes, more or less well though over, most times inapplicable. We had to cope with the "social stamp duty" and the "historic monuments stamp duty". Then we participated to the elaboration of a proper way to really collect taxes, we made ourselves heard back then when we said that we couldn't accept for every new ministry to come along and impose a new tax. We also fig-


Nr. 25 / August - Septembrie 2011


“Exist\ loc pe pia]\ pentru toat\ lumea, "There is enough room on the market for everybody, dar `n condi]iile unui dialog [i nu ale unei confrunt\ri”. but only if we engage in dialogue, not in confrontation" s\ facem pentru ca s\ profesionaliz\m domeniul. Toate acestea au condus la necesitatea revizuirii legii, eveniment produs `n 2009. Trebuie s\ recunoa[tem `ns\, c\ nu `n total acord cu amendamentele [i cu punctul de vedere al asocia]iei noastre. ~n ce condi]ii a ap\rut noua lege? Dup\ 2004 s-a sim]it nevoia elabor\rii unei legi noi, proces la care am participat. Astfel ne-am dat seama c\ exist\ un grup de interese care `ncearc\ s\ duc\ legea, sub pretextul transparen]ei, reglement\rii, controlului, spre fidelizare [i un monopol particular al sectorului, plecând de la monopolul de stat. Ne-am luptat din r\sputeri s\ nu se ajung\ la o asemenea situa]ie. Par]ial am reu[it, par]ial nu. Astfel `ncât, `n vara lui 2009 - de[i existau probleme divergente importante -, a ap\rut noul act normative pe o structur\ de material `n principiu

gândit\ ca parte juridic\, dar cu anexele, schimbate la cifre `n ultimul moment. Noua lege nu pare a fi una prea bland\ Da. Regret\m dispari]ia celor 800 de operatori de pe pia]\ `n urma legii care opereaz\ din 2009, dar trebuie s\ recunoa[tem c\ o parte dintre ei nu erau profesioni[ti. ~ns\ nici cealalt\ extrem\, care era pe punctul de a se face cadou `ntreg sectorul unor companii multina]ionale - dou\, trei, cinci, zece - nu e `n deplin\ concordan]\, nici cu pozi]ia Euromat, nici cu pozi]ia Europei care urm\re[te s\ sprijine IMM-urile. Pentru c\ exist\ [i `n acest domeniu o astfel de categorie. C\]i operatori au r\mas `n pia]\ `n acest moment? 400 de operatori. Eu consider num\rul decent [i civilizat. Problema este c\, la ora actual\, lupta

ured out the improvements needed to be made on the law. We saw the drawbacks and what we had to do in order to make this domain professional. All these led to the necessity to revise the law, which happened in 2009. But we have to admit that it wasn't fully compliant with the amendments and point of view of our association. What were the conditions of the new law? After 2004 there was a need to elaborate a new law, process to which we participated. Thus we realized that there is a group of interest trying to take the law, under the pretext of transparency, regulation and control, in a direction of particular loyalty and monopoly of the sector, starting from the state monopoly. We tried hard to prevent getting to such a situation. We succeeded in part. And so, in the summer of 2009 - although there were significant diverging problems - the

new normative act was issued on a material structure mainly conceived as a legal matter, and with the annexes changed in the last moment to numbers. The new law doesn't seem very allowing Yes. We regret the disappearance of the 800 operators on the market pursuant to the law operating since 2009, but we have to admit that a part of them were unprofessional. But the other extreme which was on the brink of turning the entire sector over to some multinational companies - two, three, five, ten - wasn't fully compliant with both the Euromat position and Europe's point of view which is aiming to support SMEs. Such a category still exists today. How many operators are there left on the market at this point? 400 operators. I consider this number as being decent and civi-



pentru supravie]uire face ca acest sector s\ nu mai fie foarte atractiv. {i asta din cauza tax\rii excesive la care s-a ajuns, coroborat\ cu efectele crizei. Am ajuns ast\zi la limita supravie]uirii. Firmele mici [i mijlocii fac eforturi extrem de mari pentru apl\ti taxa trimestrial\, de 100.000 de lei, `n avans. Sume care nu pot fi suportate mai mult de câteva luni sau un an de c\tre IMM-uri. Spre deosebire de firmele mari care au plan de investi]ii de doi-trei ani [i care pot a[tepta. Dar noi punem problema celor 350 din 400 de operatori r\ma[i `n pia]\, ce [i-ar dori anumite condi]ii care s\ le permit\ s\ reziste. Reglement\ri normale, care s\ nu impun\ 25% impozit pe câ[tigul juc\torilor, care nu poate fi cuantificat. Care s\ nu aduc\ ANAF sau Garda `n control pentru a scoate operatorul vinovat c\ nu a f\cut eviden]a la fiecare plat\, ceea ce se [tie c\ nu se poate la jocurile live, la ma[ini [i `n cazinouri. S\ nu fie pus operatorul `n situa]ia de a pl\ti amenzi care dep\[esc orice imagina]ie. Cerem o r\mânere `n cadrul normalit\]ii la capitolul reglement\ri, astfel `ncât s\ ne putem concentra la a face fa]\ tax\rii pentru a dep\[i criza. Continu\m s\ sus]inem c\ 15 ma[ini pe spa]iu este o cifr\ mare pentru provincie, mult mai optim fiind aceea de 10 ma[ini. Noi nu sus]inem c\ jocurile de noroc trebuie s\ fie taxate mai pu]in decât alte sectoare care o duc greu, dar anumite condi]ii pot deveni mai favorabile, spre a putea supravie]ui [i a pl\ti taxele. Dar operatorii [i produc\torii nu au o pozi]ie coerent\, unitar\, `n aceast\ situa]ie? ~n ultimul timp se observ\ o con[tientizare a operatorilor [i o implicare a lor. ~n decursul timpului, num[rul membrilor no[tri asocia]i sau ridicat de la 20 `n 1995 spre 100, actual find de 70-80. R\u este c\ o mare parte dintre ei nu se implic\ activ [i nu colaboreaz\ cu Asocia]ia. ~n aceste condi]ii, un grup de interese format din firme mari, a reu[it s\-[i impun\ un anumit punct de vedere. Benefic este `ns\ c\, `n ultimul timp, s-au structurat mai multe asicia]ii specializate pe profil, care

colaboreaz\ sus]inut - asocia]ie de cazinouri, asocia]ie de pariuri, asocia]ie de bingo [i asocia]ii de sloturi - Romslot. Exprogame. Au ap\rut asocial]ii noi. Este foarte bine, mai ales `n perspectiva surprizelor pe care ni le rezerv\ guvernul. E vorba de o con[tientizare bine venit\ a celor mari, mici [i medii c\ unitatea e necesar\. M\ bucur\ c\ reu[im s\ colabor\m [i s\ ne spunem punctele de vedere. S\ ac]ion\m `mpreun\ [i nu separat, `n interes propriu, pe ascuns, situa]ie `n care legea [i interesele sunt impuse de dou\ trei firme mari. Ce `nseamn\ interesul firmelor mari? Interesul de a ridica ni[te bariere atât de sus `ncât fimele mici [i mijlocii s\ nu le poat\ trece. Multina]ionale [i firme mari autohtone, care propun guvernului o taxare mai mare, un num\r mai mare de ma[ini pe spa]iu, alte restric]ii [i tax\ri, pe care ei, mari fiind, le pot suporta o anumit\ perioad\ de timp pentru c\ au de unde. Dup\ ce pia]a se gole[te, ei impun regula jocului. Asta a fost inten]ia. Pentru asta s-a `ncercat ridicarea num\rului de ma[ini de la 50 la 150 de operator. Dar la aceast\ or\ avem 200 de operatori cu pân\ la o sut\ de ma[ini, iar restul cu pân\ la 150. Am reu[it cu greu s\ men]inem acest num\r de ma[ini [i de operatori, chiar dac\ ei lucreaz\ f\r\ profit. Peste tot se lucreaz\ pentru subzisten]\. {i cazinourile live? {i acolo este o mare problem\. ~n Bucure[ti, din 12 au r\mas opt, iar `n provincie mai sunt trei-patru. Din cele 22 de cazinouri care au fost `n România, mai avem 12-13. Nu [tiu cine mai face bani. Iar din cei 400 de operatori de sloturi cel pu]in 300 sunt la zero sau `[I mai men]in activitatea pentru a nu ie[i de pe pia]\. Considera]i, `n acest context, ca fiind bine venit\ ini]iativa revistei noastre de a organiza Conferin]a Român\ de Gambling? O consider foarte necesar\, dar cu o preg\tire prealabil\ care se desf\[oar\ zi de zi, prin cooperarea de care vorbeam. ~n acest context

lized. The problem is that, currently, the fight for survival makes this sector not very attractive anymore. And it is due to excessive taxation to which we have got, cumulated with the effects of the crisis. Today, we are struggling for survival. Small and medium firms are putting up a lot of effort to pay the quarterly tax in advance, amounting to 100,000 lei. These are amounts that can't be supported for more than a few months or a year by SMEs. Unlike big firms that have investment plans spanning two-three years and that can wait. But we are thinking of the 350 of the 400 operators left on the market who would like to benefit from certain conditions that can allow them to hold on. Normal regulation that do not require 25% tax on the profit of players, which can't be quantified. Regulations that do not resort to ANAF or to the Financial Guard to blame the operator for not keeping records for each payment, an impossible thing in live games, machine games and casinos. Regulations that do not put the operator in a situation to pay fines that go beyond imagination. We request that we remain within normal limits in terms of regulations, so that we can focus on coping with the taxation levels in order to overcome the crisis. We continue to claim that 15 machines per space is a high figure for the province, and that 10 machines is an optimal choice. We are not claiming that gambling should be taxed less than other sectors in trouble, but certain conditions can become more favorable in order to help operators survive and pay taxes. Don't operators and producers have a coherent and unitary position in this sense? Lately we have witnessed a certain extent of awareness among operators and a degree of involvement from them. Throughout time, the number of our associate members went up from 20 in 1995 to 100, the current number being around 7080. The problem is that a big part of them don't get actively involved and don't collaborate with the Association. In these conditions, a group of interest made up of big firms managed to impose a certain point of

view. Lately it has proved beneficial that several specialized association in the industry structured together and that they are constantly collaborating - casino association, betting association, bingo association and slot-machines associations - Romslot, Exprogame. It's very good, especially given the perspective of the surprises the government has in store for us. It's about the awareness, which is so welcomed when it comes from both big and medium and small enterprises, awareness that unity is necessary. I'm glad we manage to collaborate and express our points of view. Act together and not separately, in one's own interest, in secret, situation in which the law and the interests are imposed by two or three big companies. What do you mean by the interest of big companies? The interest to set some standards so high so that small and medium firms can't reach them. Multination firms and big local firms who propose to the Government to impose a bigger taxation level, a bigger number of machines per space, further restrictions and taxes which only they, as powerful companies, can support for an extended period of time because they have the resources. And after the market is cleared they impose the rule of the game. That was the intention. That's why they tried to raise the number of machines from 50 to 150 per operator. Currently we have 200 operators with up to a hundred machines and the rest with up to 150. We managed with difficulty to maintain this number of machines and operators, even if they are working with no profit. Everybody is working jus to survive. What about live casinos? They are also in trouble. In Bucharest, from twelve there are only eight casinos left, and in the province there are only three of four left. Of the 22 casinos which were once in Romania, we now have 12 or 13. I don't know who is actually making a profit. And of the 400 slotmachines operators, at least 300 are at level zero and are trying to maintain their activity in order to remain on the market.



avem proiecte importante pe care vrem s\ le promov\m, s\ aducem `n prim-plan cuantumul contribu]iei acestui sector la buget, s\ promov\m turismul de gambling, care s-ar putea face pe viitor. Mai avem de rezolvat aceast\ mare problem\ care este suprapunerea biletului de intrare cu taxa de 25%, [i ni s-a promis `n decembrie 2010, c\ va fi doar una din ele, iar noi optasem pentru biletul de intrare. Trebuie s\ vedem cum gestion\m un posibil nou proiect de norme care prevede `nzestrarea cu camera video a fiec\rui bar. Nu vorbesc despre invadarea intimit\]ii juc\torului, care nu asta vrea, nu vorbesc de pozi]ia partenerului, patron de bar, care nu[i dore[te camera `n loca]ie, ca s\ nu mai vorbesc de investi]ia de minim 4000 de lei, care trebuie f\cut\. E vorba de 8000 de spa]ii cu 30.000 de ma[ini, care, `n trei luni ar trebui dotate cu astfel de camera. Eu sper ca, atunci când va fi organizat\ conferin]a s\ fim cu to]ii la mas\, s\ nu ne evit\m, iar autorit\]ile s\ r\spund\ tuturor `ntreb\rilor noastre. Ce sol]ii propune]i pentru a crea un echilibru `n pia]a de gambling? Prima ar fi aceea c\ dorim s\ fim l\sa]i s\ strângem taxa trimestrial\ [i anual\ `n lini[te [i f\r\ impedimente. Apoi, dorim s\ reglement\m problema impozitului pe juc\tor, care ne arunc\ clien]ii din s\li, [i pe care nu-l putem colecta. Ar fi ideal ca taxele s\ fie cu 25% reduse `n perioada de criz\.

Ideea este ca organizatorul s\ supravie]uiasc\, s\ simt\ c\ merit\ s\ r\mân\ `n afacere, pentru c\, `n timp, asta va lucra `n beneficiul statului. Dac\ te duci sus cu taxarea vei crea tenta]ia de lucru la negru. Noi cei care lucr\m legal ne confront\m cu o toleran]\ inacceptabil\ a lucrului la negru. Statul nu a l\sat mai mul]i operatori pe pia]\ pentru a putea face bani, iar organele locale `i acoper\ pe cei care nu pl\tesc taxe, ceea ce duce la o concuren]\ neloial\. Solu]ia esen]ial\ ar fi cur\]area pie]ei de cei care lucreaz\ la negru. {I mai e o problem\: cota extrem de mare a amenzilor. Cea mai mic\ este de 10.000 de lei. Nu face o sal\, pe lun\, atâ]ia bani. ~n consecin]\, statul ne poate ajuta `n dou\ moduri: s\ nu ne `ncarce excesiv cu restric]ii [i cu fiscalitate, ca s\ nu ne `mping\ c\tre zona neagr\, [i s\ scoat\ de pe pia]\ to]i operatorii care lucreaz\ la negru. ~n final v\ pot spune c\, dup\ atâ]ia ani de experien]\, am concluzionat urm\toarele: dialogul este preferabil confront\rii; glasul celor mici [i mijlocii trebuie auzit, iar statul trebuie s\ se implice [i s\ ajute [i IMM-urile care activeaz\ `n domeniul jocurilor de noroc. Doar a[a v\d posibil\ [ansa operatorilor mici [i mijlocii de a coexista al\turi de operatorii mari, `ntr-o pia]\ concuren]ial\ f\r\ bariere excesive. Exist\ loc pe pia]\ pentru toat\ lumea, `n condi]iile unui dialog [i nu unei confrunt\ri ∫

Do you consider, in this context, as welcomed the initiative of our magazine to organize the Romanian Gambling Conference? I consider it is necessary, but with a prior preparation performed daily, through the cooperation I was talking about. In this context, we have important projects which we can promote; we can make known the quantum of the contribution of this sector to the budget, promote gambling tourism, something to do for the future. There is a big issue left to solve namely the overlapping of the entry ticket with the 25% tax and we were promised in December 2010 that only one of them would remain, and we had chosen the entry ticket. We have to find a solution to manage a new possible project of norms stipulating the fitout of bars with video cameras. Not to mention the violation of the privacy of the player, who obviously doesn't want that, the position of the partner, the bar owner, who doesn't want the video camera in his pub, and also the 4,000 lei investment which needs to be done. We're talking about 8,000 spaces with 30,000 machines which, in three month's time should be fitted with such video cameras. I hope that when the conference is organized we can all be there at the table and not avoid one another and I hope authorities will answer all our questions. What solutions do you propose in order to create a balance on the gambling market? The first thing is the fact that we

Cristian Pascu

wish to be allowed to collect the quarterly and annual tax peacefully and without impediments. Then, we wish to regulate the problem of the player tax which is driving our players away, a tax we can't collect. It would be ideal to have taxes discounted by 25% during a crisis period. The idea is for the organizer to survive, to feel that it's worth remaining in business, because, over time, it will work in favor of the state. If you take taxation too high, you will create the trend to have unregistered labor. Those of us who work legally confront ourselves with unacceptable tolerance with regard to unregistered labor. The state did not allow for more operators on the market in order to make money, and local authorities cover those who don't pay taxes, which leads to unloyal competition. The essential solution would be to clean the market of those working unregistered. And there is one more problem: the very high level of fines. The smallest one is 10,000 lei. A game parlor barely makes that money in a month. As a consequence, the state can help us in two ways: not to burden us excessively with restrictions and taxation, pushing us towards the black zone, and to eliminate from the market all operators working unregistered. In the end, I can tell you that, after so many years of experience, we have come to the following conclusions: dialogue is preferable to confrontation; the voice of small and medium operators must be heard and the state must get involved and help SMEs activating in the domain of gambling. Only this way is there a chance for small and medium operators to coexist with large operators, in a competition-based market with no excessive barriers. There is enough room on the market for everybody, but only if we engage in dialogue, not in confrontation.




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|CIUN De Andra CR

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Full Time Job

ca re fo st vâ rs ta la 21 d e an i a af la t a ilo r d e no ro c lu m ea jo cu ri ey a Iv re e [i vârsta la ca adev\ratul num ntru pe ea e folosi pasiun realizat c\ poat job full-time. poker ca pe un Poker World Series of Primul s\u titlu i. În an de curând, la 23 \ri a venit foarte \] br i tre te adjudecat al ai m -a [i 02 20 succesem\torii doi ani, WSOP, iar în ur orld PokW t t cu un even le au continua Bellagio la te evenimen u\ do n, pe O er 20 05 a om m er ce . În C la \ ou d [i \]ar\, [i a de-a cincea br a ce at ig [t câ WPT. În mese finale la ajuns la dou\ A w ar ds , , U K G am in g ia nu ar ie 20 06 azine i-au e [i All In Mag Bluff Magazin ui. Cursa Juc\torul Anul conferit titlul de SOP-ul din continuat la W sa nebun\ a lo c tr ei în lo c do i [i un 20 06 , cu un În 2009 a ri importante. dou\ eventu [i a ajuns br\]\ri WSOP câ[tigat dou\ lui. Un an a main event-u la masa final\

Phil Ivey

e m o r e J e m o H e n o N

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Nr. 25 / August - Septembrie 2011

mu]i Unul dintre cei mai te il i, Ph juc\tori ai momentulu u e sa Ivey - No Home Jerom i ulu Tiger Woods al Poker a rv este de]in\torul câto tacudintre cele mai spec lumea loase recorduri din 33 de pokerului. La numai r\ri ani, are deja 8 br\]a u mai WSOP, câ[tigate în n le mult de 10 ani, are ce alte mai multe br\]\ri din , old'em jocuri decât Texas H câ[ti[i peste 13 milioane live. ga]i doar din turnee

to Norweips, but losing with most ch e. In Januorn-Erik Glenn gian player Bj on NBC, ker After Dark, ary 2007, at Po the tour Ear000 dollars in Ivey won 120, ike Matu, eliminating M phones Please il Hellmuth Andy Bloch, Ph sow, Tony G., or Sam Farha. nfident , Phil Ivey is co Aged only 33 playof rt knows what so his in his skills; he up s ld hat aces he ho r ke er he is and w po er tt e m ay be be e us sl ee ve . "S om ca be , in will always w players, but I ns that I tting. That mea be at r tte be I'm go on playstop, when to to n he w ow kn ponent is , when my op ng lo t gh ni l al ing out of my e, or when I am m ga s hi of t ou knowing mes down to co l al It e. m ga an d w he n in th e ga m e ay st to n he w you could ing as well as do t no re u' yo lf and does anages himse do". But Ivey m impressive He owns an so brilliantly. by private Vegas, travels house in Las s or even n going in tour helicopter whe t luxurious es in the mos in casinos, liv

the moment, of s er ay pl le ab id One of the most form Woods of Poker r ge Ti or e om er J e Phil Ivey - No Hom lar records cu ta ec sp t os m e th e of is the holder of som ready holds al e h , 3 3 ly on d ge A r. in the world of poke 10 years, an th e or m o n in on w 8 WSOP bracelets, mes than Texas ga er h ot at on w ts cele he also has most bra live tours alone. in on w on li il m 13 an Hold'em and more th




Phil Ivey at atunci elicopterul priv cu e [t re to l\ iar la caziop ta c\ turnee sau ch la ig at ce a de -a [t ge câ er m a iu nd rz m ai tâ Ivey câ ai lu xo as e rier\. În plus, [t e în ce le m ca ie n cu di lo P i, SO ur W no br\]ar\ Poker la mese primpion World sorturi, joac\ ca re [i de e lu er tit m un ca de]ine at la ob i[ nu it al an]a de a fi st s [i es te un rm ap cr rfo pe de [i te r va da Tour, celebrului The ale WPT. ino, dar [i al e as al C fin p e um es Tr m nou\ butat - un joc cu 2006, Ivey a de de la Bellagio ie e br am em G pt ig se B În tat de cele ur , în mare frecven n P ok er To te ar ea fo op ur it\ E lim [i la al\ cu lui. El se dend la masa fin me ale pokeru nu gâ i un ar aj m a, ai on m el Barc în fa]a ct în ceea ce e, dar pierzând nd un autodida fis fii te ca ul m rie ai sc m cele În iannoa[te c\ la n-Erik Glenne. kerul, de[i recu or po Bj i te lu e[ l nu iv ia pr eg norv ar k, pe mult cu Danie P ok er A fte r D vorbea foarte la t , pu 07 ce c\ 20 în [i , rie ri ua an da de dola [i cu Jo hn Ju [tigat 120.000 - N eg re an u ân NBC, Ivey a câ in ul te d e la m im el , te se ar în v\ ]a t fo hones Plea rp a Ea oi l eu ap rn tu în G., Andy ese. Matusow, Tony Brunson [i Re t cauzelor du-I pe Mike rha. Fa m Sa u sa te foarte dedica h es ut , lm us el pl H În il le Ph h, oc te Bl ey es iul funda]iei sa de ani, Phil Iv , prin intermed ile ab it rit of ca pr La numai 33 nde ce fel niza]ie no \]ile sale, [tie ng Ivey, o orga di ud ea B ar tiz îi be sigur pe calit re alfa pe ca în educarea [i care sunt a[ii t fi implicat\ juc\tor este [i rnizarea de po i fu ni în “U [i i \. a] l în mânec r defavoriz ilo pi co ost. i vo are tot timpu r eu nele f\r\ ad\p ni de poker, da pentru persoa \ an au hr 11 r 20 rio juc\tori mai bu i nt un pa iunie ale lu , pentru c\ su Lunile mai [i re, ca ey nd Iv câ[tiga mereu câ [tiu te pentru înseamn\ c\ destul de agita n st di fo r ke \ Po at mai bun. Asta lt to jo c Full Ti sc , câ nd s\ desp\r]irea de p\ t\ du ca de ju se s\ m \ op re ie în i î[ dea adversarul meu rilie, a decis s\ a noaptea, când s di n luna ap ie faptul c\ nu i îm de it eu m ]u u câ nd -ul, nemul e te ar si lo va s\ în di n m ân \, sa e nd m la a [ti câ i juc\tori su ce s\ du r re ilo [t se fo l it tu \t Mai mult, mân\. To a[a pl ane de dolari. nu te descurci ilio m nd câ de [i 0 c 15 jo i]ia de r\mâi în se des- de va boicoota ed tea”. Îns\ Ivey a anun]at c\ el Poker, o of bine cum ai pu re s A rie World Se a d e m in un e. ta ce es fa ac o ul [i cu rc \ La finele lui Vegas, an la eveniment. nant\ în Las nd io pâ es ci pr rti im pa ne ]\ ul intentat locuin nun]at la proces iunie, Ivey a re ∫ Full Tilt Poker

None Home Jerome at pr iv at e so rt s, pl ay s ro om s an d re customer d is a regular craps tables an the famous ino, as well of of Trump Cas o - a game e from Bellagi The Big Gam d by the limits in deman with very high describes in poker. He greatest names re ga rd to lf- ta ug ht w ith hi m se lf as se at first he gh admits that poker, althou reanu and t to Daniel Neg would talk a lo rwards he and that afte John Juanda runson and t deal from B learnt a grea Reese. ted to is very dedica Moreover, he dation un fo , through his charity causes nizaga or fit a non-for-pro hing Budding Ivey, ac te d educating an lytion involved in pp su in d children an d ge ile riv r-p unde s. meless person ing food for ho were of d June 2011 Months May an ter parting for Ivey who, af pretty agitated ril, decidAp th ker in mon Po lt Ti ll Fu ith w isfied with website, dissat e th e su to ed its former it didn't pay to at th ct fa e th 150 million in amount of players sums un ce d he ve r, he an no do lla rs . M or eo ition of the t this year's ed would boycot participatPoker, by not World Series of of month t. At the end ing in the even it against ped the lawsu June Ivey drop ∫ Full Tilt Poker


A[a cum anun]am `nc\ din num\rul trecut al revistei noastre, Casino Life & Business Magazine - cea mai veche revist\ glossy din România, `n domeniul jocurilor de noroc - va organiza `n 2012, prima Conferin]\ Român\ de Gambling, `n perioada 2-3 februarie.

Nr. 25 / August - Septembrie 2011


A[a cum anun]am `nc\ din num\rul trecut al revistei noastre, Casino Life & Business Magazine - cea mai veche revist\ glossy din România, `n domeniul jocurilor de noroc - va organiza `n 2012, prima Conferin]\ Român\ de Gambling, `n perioada 2-3 februarie.


prima Conferin]\ prima Conferin]\ Român\ de Gambling Român\ de Gambling Vom prezenta, `n cotinuare, structurat [i succint, ceea ce a determinat ini]iativa organiz\rii unei astfel de conferin]e. ~n primul rând este vorba de percep]ia, de cele mai multe ori, gre[it\ a autorit\]ilor, vizavi de aceast\ activitate. Autorit\]ile desconsider\ industria de gen precum [i opiniile [i propunerile operatorilor din domeniu. Mai mult, industria jocurilor de noroc este privit\ `n aceast\ perspectiv\, ca fiind doar “o vac\ de muls”. ~n consecin]\, reprezentan]ii industriei consider\ c\ legisla]ia `n domeniu a fost elaborat\ `n detrimentul lor, fiind perceput\ de

ace[tia ca extrem de `mpov\r\toare din perspectiva fiscalit\]ii [i greoaie din cauza normele de aplicare stufoase, `ncâlcite [i greu de aplicat. O alt\ motiva]ie care a stat la baza acestei idei este dorin]a de a `mbun\t\]ii imaginea industriei jocurilor de noroc, aceasta fiind una negativ\, `ntre]inut\ ca atare, de autorit\]i. La rândul s\u, media preia [i difuzeaz\ conota]ia negativ-peiorativ\, contribuind la deformarea imaginii de ansamblu. ~n consecin]\, conferin]a `[i propune s\ realizeze o “punte” de colaborare `ntre diversele asocia]ii din dome-

Vom prezenta, `n cotinuare, structurat [i succint, ceea ce a determinat ini]iativa organiz\rii unei astfel de conferin]e. ~n primul rând este vorba de percep]ia, de cele mai multe ori, gre[it\ a autorit\]ilor, vizavi de aceast\ activitate. Autorit\]ile desconsider\ industria de gen precum [i opiniile [i propunerile operatorilor din domeniu. Mai mult, industria jocurilor de noroc este privit\ `n aceast\ perspectiv\, ca fiind doar “o vac\ de muls”. ~n consecin]\, reprezentan]ii industriei consider\ c\ legisla]ia `n

domeniu a fost elaborat\ `n detrimentul lor, fiind perceput\ de ace[tia ca extrem de `mpov\r\toare din perspectiva fiscalit\]ii [i greoaie din cauza normele de aplicare stufoase, `ncâlcite [i greu de aplicat. O alt\ motiva]ie care a stat la baza acestei idei este dorin]a de a `mbun\t\]ii imaginea industriei jocurilor de noroc, aceasta fiind una negativ\, `ntre]inut\ ca atare, de autorit\]i. La rândul s\u, media preia [i difuzeaz\ conota]ia negativ-peiorativ\, contribuind la deformarea imaginii de ansamblu.



niu, `n vederea prezent\rii unei opinii comune, ca `nceput al unui dialog constructiv `ntre operatori, pres\ [i autorit\]i. De asemenea, aceasta urm\re[te crearea unei imagini corecte a industriei, inclusiv `n percep]ia opiniei publice. ~n acela[i context vor fi promovate oportunit\]ile de investi]ii la nivel de industrie, interac]iunea cu operatorii interna]ionali, precum [i `ncercarea de a crea sinergiile necesare `n cadrul industriei, pentru realizarea unei imagini coerente, pozitive [i demne de interes. La Conferin]\ sunt a[tepta]i s\ participe, printre al]ii, reprezentan]i ai asocia]iilor din domeniul jocurilor de noroc, operatori independen]i, produc\tori de echipamente pentru s\lile de jocuri electronice sau cazinouri live, precum

[i cei ai autorit\]ilor - ANAF, Parlament - Comisia de Buget Finan]e -, Ministerul de Finan]e, Ministerul Sportului [i Dezvolt\rii Regionale, Ministerul Economiei, DNA/DGA, Biroul Român de Combatere a Sp\l\rii Banilor. De asemenea, vor mai fi prezen]i: bancheri, de]in\tori de spa]ii, detin\torii de loca]ii turistice, operatori interna]ionali interesa]i s\ investeasc\ `n domeniul jocurilor de noroc din ]ara noastr\, reprezentan]i ai companiilor de asigur\ri, ai companiilor de securitate, ai companiilor furnizoare de echipamente colaterale industriei jocurilor de noroc (mobilier, lumini, catering, etc...), manageri independen]i din domeniu, companii de hostess [i modeling, companii de publicitate, organizatori de evenimente, ziari[ti ∫

V\ prezent\m, `n continuare, câteva dintre declara]iile unora dintre reprezentan]ii pie]ei de gambling din România.

Atât autorit\]ile cât [i organziatorii [i produc\torii vor avea posibilitatea s\ expun\ problemele pe care le `ntâmpin\ `n desf\[urarea activit\]ii lor, astfel `ncât solu]ii de rezolvare a acestora s\ fie g\site `mpreun\. Mai mult, poten]ialii investitori `n domeniu `[i vor putea face o p\rere despre condi]iile de pe pia]a jocurilor de noroc din România. Nu `n ultimul rând, este o ocazie pentru ca reprezentan]ii autorit\]ilor [i reprezentan]ii organizatorilor, asocita]iilor [i produc\torilor s\ se cunoasc\ [i s\ pun\ bazele unei rela]ii durabile."

"O conferin]\ `n domeniul jocurilor de noroc este nu numai a[teptat\ cât [i cerut\ de condi]iile actuale ale pie]ei. Un atfel de eveniment reprezint\ atât o oportunitate de dialog `ntre autorit\]i, organizatori, asocial]ii [i produc\tori, cât [i o oportunitate pentru ace[tia de a intra `n contact cu entit\]I, precum Euromat, sau operatori din afara ]\rii ce au o vast\ experien]\ `n domeniu.

Valentin Adrian Georgescu, CEO Novomatic România "Proiectul `l g\sesc interesant. AOPJNR, pe care o repezint, dore[te s\ participle, [i sper ca [i celelalte asocia]ii din domeniu [i autorit\]ile s\ r\spund\ invita]iei pentru a face evenimentul cu greutate. Cu ocazia acestui eveniment, sper\m s\ prezent\m `ntr-un

cadru mai larg problemele cu care ne confront\m, s\ dezbatem asupra lor [i s\ impulsion\m autorit\]ile s\ nu mai tergiverseze rezolvarea lor, s\ le clarifice prin adoptarea unor reglement\ri adecvate, a[teptate de industria de jodcuri de noroc..."

Cristian Pa[cu, Pre[edinte AOPJNR

~n consecin]\, conferin]a `[i propune s\ realizeze o “punte” de colaborare `ntre diversele asocia]ii din domeniu, `n vederea prezent\rii unei opinii comune, ca `nceput al unui dialog constructiv `ntre operatori, pres\ [i autorit\]i. De asemenea, aceasta urm\re[te crearea unei imagini corecte a industriei, inclusiv `n percep]ia opiniei publice. ~n acela[i context vor fi promovate oportunit\]ile de investi]ii la nivel de industrie, interac]iunea cu operatorii interna]ionali, precum [i `ncercarea de a crea sinergiile necesare `n cadrul industriei, pentru realizarea unei imagini coerente, pozitive [i demne de interes. La Conferin]\ sunt a[tepta]i s\ participe, printre al]ii, reprezentan]i ai asocia]iilor din domeniul jocurilor de noroc, operatori independen]i, produc\tori de echipamente pentru

Below are some of the statements of some of the representatives of the gambling market in Romania. “A conference in the domain of gambling is not only expected but required by the current conditions of the market. Such an event represents both an opportunity for dialogue between the authorities, organizers, associations and producers and an opportunity for them to come into contact with entities like Euromat or with operators outside the country and with a vast experience in the domain.

s\lile de jocuri electronice sau cazinouri live, precum [i cei ai autorit\]ilor - ANAF, Parlament Comisia de Buget Finan]e -, Ministerul de Finan]e, Ministerul Sportului [i Dezvolt\rii Regionale, Ministerul Economiei, DNA/DGA, Biroul Român de Combatere a Sp\l\rii Banilor. De asemenea, vor mai fi prezen]i: bancheri, de]in\tori de spa]ii, detin\torii de loca]ii turistice, operatori interna]ionali interesa]i s\ investeasc\ `n domeniul jocurilor de noroc din ]ara noastr\, reprezentan]i ai companiilor de asigur\ri, ai companiilor de securitate, ai companiilor furnizoare de echipamente colaterale industriei jocurilor de noroc (mobilier, lumini, catering, etc...), manageri independen]i din domeniu, companii de hostess [i modeling, companii de publicitate, organizatori de evenimente, ziari[ti.

Both organizers and organizers and producers will have the possibility to lay out the problems they are facing in their activities, so that solutions to solving such problems can be found together. Moreover, the potential investors in the domain will be able to get an idea about the conditions on the Romanian gambling market. Last but not least, it's an occasion for the authorities' representatives and the representatives of the organizers, associations and producers to get to know one another and lay the bases of a durable relationship”.

Valentin Adrian Georgescu, CEO Novomatic Romania "I find the project interesting. AOPJNR, an institution which I represent, wishes to participate and I hope the other associations in the domain and the authorities will also respond to the invitation in order to make this event a meaningful one. With the occasion of this event,

we hope to present in a wider frame the problems we are facing, to debate upon them and to convince authorities not to postpone the solving of such problems, to clarify them by adopting adequate regulations, long awaited by the gambling industry…”

Cristian Pascu, President of AOPJNR



Mambo Stud

52 de c\r]i. 11 juc\tori la mas\. Trei runde de pariere [i un showdown spectaculos cu mâini High sau Low formate din trei c\r]i. Acestea sunt ingredientele celui mai nou joc de poker, Mambo Stud, disponibil în cazinouri online sau live din lume [i derivate din celebrele Five Card Stud sau Seven Card Stud.

CEL MAI RECENT STUD Unul dintre cele mai noi [i mai pu]in cunoscute jocuri de poker este Mambo Stud, de fapt o variant\ de Stud, considerat\ destul de u[or de înv\]at de c\tre juc\tori dac\ sunt familiariza]i cu variantele de Seven Card Stud sau Five Card Stud.

Rundele de pariere Mambo Stud se joac\ cu un pachet standard de 52 de c\r]i [i poate reuni la mas\ maximum 11 juc\tori. Jocul începe cu un ante solicitat fiec\rui juc\tor înainte ca dealerul s\ dea c\r]ile. Dealerul împate fiec\rui juc\tor dou\ c\r]i, una cu fa]a în sus [i una cu fa]a în jos. Urmeaz\ prima rund\ de pariere, iar primul care pariaz\ este juc\torul cu cartea cea mai mic\ de la mas\. Fiecare dintre cei de la mas\ decide dac\ merge mai departe, dac\ pl\te[te pariul primului, dac\ pluseaz\ (raise) sau dac\ renun]\ la c\r]i (fold), evaluând c\r]ile primite de fiecare juc\tor [i [ansele sale. În cea de-a doua etap\ a jocului, dealerul mai împarte fiec\rui juc\tor câte o carte cu fa]a în jos, dup\ care urmeaz\ a doua rund\ de pariere, cu acelea[i op]iuni ca [i prima. Juc\torul care pariaz\ primul în aceast\ rund\ este cel care are în mân\ cartea cea mai mare de la mas\. În cea de-a treia etap\ a jocului, dealerul pune pe mas\ cu fa]a în sus ultima carte - cartea comunitar\. Juc\torii pariaz\ din nou, pentru a treia [i ultima oar\, începând cu cel care are mâna cea mai mare.

Mâini câ[tig\toare Pentru a forma o mân\ câ[tig\toare orice juc\tor poate folosi orice combina]ie de trei c\r]i, din cele patru pe care le are la dispozi]ie - cele trei din mâna sa [i cartea comunitar\. Mambo Stud se joac\ High-Low, astfel c\ fiecare dintre cei de la mas\ poate forma o mân\ High, una Low, sau o combina]ie între cele dou\, care poate permite luarea întregului pot. Cea mai bun\ mân\ Low - A-2-3 - se nume[te Low Mambo, iar cea mai bun\ mân\ High - Q-K-A - se nume[te High Mambo. Restul mâinilor, de la cea mai mic\ la cea mai mare sunt: cartea mai mare, o pereche, culoare, chint\, trei buc\]i, chint\ de culoare. Pentru a câ[tiga mâna Low, un juc\tor trebuie s\ aib\ în mân\ 6 sau ceva mai bun. Finalul jocului îl reprezint\ showdown-ul, sau ar\tarea c\r]ilor de c\tre cei de la mas\. Fiind un joc nou, Mambo Stud are avantajul de a nu avea înc\ juc\tori specializa]i pe aceast\ variant\, astfel c\ [ansele de câ[tig pentru un încep\tor cresc, atâta timp cât acesta se bazeaz\ pe o strategie inteligent\. Dincolo de calculele aferente fiec\rei variante de poker, la Mambo Stud cea mai important\ strategie este aceea de a avea tot timpul aten]ia concentrat\ la joc ∫


Nr. 25 / August - Septembrie 2011


52 cards. 11 players at the table. Three betting rounds and a spectacular showdown with High or Low hands made up of three cards. These are the ingredients of the newest poker game, Mambo Stud, available in online or live casinos around the world and derived from the famous Five Card Stud or Seven Card Stud.


by Andra Craciun

One of the newest and least known poker games is Mambo Stud, in fact a version of Stud, considered fairly easy to learn by players if they are accustomed to versions Seven Card Stud or Five Card Stud.

Betting rounds Mambo Stud is played with a standard 52-card deck and can reunite a maximum of 11 players around a table. The game begins with an ante required to each player before the dealer deals the cards. The dealer deals two cards to each player, one facing up and one facing down. The first betting round follows and the first to place a bet is the player with the lowest card on the table. Each of the players at the table decides whether to go on or not, whether to pay the bet of the first player, whether to raise or whether to fold the cards, evaluating the cards received by each player and his own odds. In the second stage of the game, the dealer deals to each player one card facing down, and then a second betting round follows, with the same options as the first one. The player who bets first in this round is the one who holds the highest card on the table. In the third stage of the game, the dealer places on the table the last card facing up - the common card. Players bet again, for the third and last time, beginning with the one holding the highest hand.

Winning hands In order to make up a winning hand, any player may use any combination of three cards, out of the four cards available to him - the three cards in his hand and the common card. Mambo Stud is played High-Low, and so each of the players at the table can make up a High hand, a Low hand or a combination of the two, which may allow for taking the entire jackpot. The best Low hand - A-2-3 - is called Low Mambo, and the best High hand - Q-K-A - is called High Mambo. The rest of the hands, from the lowest to the highest are: high card, one pair, flush, straight, three of a kind, straight flush. In order to win the Low hand, a player must hold in his hand 6 or better. The end of the game is represented by the showdown, or showing the card by those at the table. Being a new game, Mambo Stud has the advantage of not having specialized players on this version yet, and so the chances of winning for beginners increase, as long as they rely on a clever strategy. Beyond the calculations afferent to each poker version, at Mambo Stud the most important strategy is to always have your attention focused on the game âˆŤ



Premiul pentru Mediu / Award for Environment in 2011

Mochi Craft Long Range 23

De Sa[a Duma

The award for environment was handed over on February 26th at the Gala Dinner of UIM held in Monaco, as recognition of the research and development activity of the Ferretti Group AYT (Advanced Yacht Technology), the Italian center of research and design. "We are extremely pleased to receive this prestigious award for Mochi Craft Long Range 23, a sub-

Premiul pentru Mediu a fost decernat `n 26 februarie, `n cadrul Dineului de Gal\ al UIM, ]inut la Monaco, drept recunoa[tere a activit\]ii de cercetare [i dezvoltare a Ferreti Group AYT (Advanced Yacht Technology), centrul de cercetare [i design al grupului italian. ÏSuntem extrem de m‚ndri s\ primim acest prestigios premiu pentru Mochi Craft Long Range 23, o demonstra]ie Detalii de constructie


Uniunea Interna]ional\ Motonautic\ a desemnat drept cel mai eco friendly iaht al anului 2011, Ambarca]iunea Mochi Craft Long Range 23, construit de Ferretti Group `n colaborare cu Studio Zuccon International Project

substan]ial\ a dedic\rii pe care Ferretti Group o are pentru mediu, investind `n cercetare [i dezvoltareî, a spus Norberto Ferretti, Pre[edintele [i Fondatorul Ferretti Group. Conceptul Mochi Craft Long Range 23 a fost lansat `n premier\ mondial\ `n cadrul celei de-a 48-a edi]ii a Salonului Nautic Interna]ional de la Genova, de la finele anului 2008 [i a fost construit `n 2011, fiind de altfel [i singurul vas de agrement care a ob]inut certificatul RINA ìGreen Star Clean Energy and Clean Propulsionî, cel mai exigent standard de certificare pe care `l poate ob]ine un vas de agrement.

Un iaht, zero emisii Concentrat pe eficien]a consumului de combustibil, pe reducerea emisiilor de CO2 [i pe

reducerea zgomotului, vasul de 23 de metri include patentul exclusiv al Ferretti Group pentru sistemul de propulsie ìZero Emisiiî [i carena FER.WEY (Ferretti Wave Efficient Yacht). Noul sistem de propulsie hibrid ìZero Emisiiî (ZEM) al lui Long Range 23 permite ca iahtul s\ fie manevrat `n cinci moduri diferite u[or de controlat printr-un display touch screen - de la func]ia diesel clasic\, motor electric, invertor, baterie sau generator. Sistemul permite navigarea cu emisii zero, ie[irea [i intrarea `n port `n lini[te complet\. Carena FER.WEY permite iahtului s\ navigheze `n condi]ii de confort [i eficien]\ la vitez\ medie. FER.WEY reduce ruliul tipic al carenelor clasice [i m\re[te cu p‚n\ la 50% stabilitatea. Forma special\ a carenei FER.WEY permite vasului s\ ating\ fundul apei, protej‚nd elicea de impact [i permi]‚nd accesul `n zone

Nr. 25 / August - Septembrie 2011


Union Internationale Motonautique has appointed as the most eco friendly yacht of teat 2011 the Mochi Craft Long Range 23 boat, built by Ferretti Group in collaboration with Studio Zuccon International Project

stantial demonstration of the dedication which Ferretti Group proves for the environment, investing in research and development" said Norberto Ferretti, chairman and founder of Ferretti Group. The concept of Mochi Craft Long Range 23 was launched in world premiere within the 48th edition of the International Nautical Exhibition in Genoa, at the end of year 2008 and was built in 2011, being in fact the only leisure boat to receive the RINA certificate - “Green Star Clean Energy and Clean Propulsion”, the most exigent certification standard a leisure boat can obtain.

One yacht, zero emissions Focused on fuel consumption efficiency, on reducing CO2 emissions and noise, the 23-me-

ter long vessel includes the exclusive patent of Ferretti Group for the propulsion system "Zero emissions" and the hull FER.WEY (Ferretti Wave Efficient Yacht). The new hybrid propulsion system "Zero emissions" (ZEM) of Long Range 23 allows for the yacht to be maneuvered in five different ways - easy to control through a tough screen control from the classical diesel function, electric motor, inverter, battery or generator. The system allows navigation with zero emissions, entering and exiting harbors in complete silence. The FER.WEY hull allows the yacht to navigate in conditions of comfort and efficiency at average speed. FER.WEY reduces the roll typical for classical hulls and increases stability by as much as 50%. The special shape of the FER.WEY hull allows the vessel to touch the bottom of the water, protecting the propeller from impact



altfel inaccesibile. Cu un design sut\ la sut\ Made in Italy, Long Range 23 este, at‚t la exterior c‚t [i la interior o m\rturie a gustului italian, constructorii aleg‚nd materiale pre]ioase - lemn de tec [i stejar materiale naturale [i solu]ii de design de top. Iahtul poate primi p‚n\ la 18 pasageri, dispune de 3 pun]i [i un flybridge.

Jocul spa]iilor Pe puntea principal\, spa]iul foarte generos este mobilat cu dou\ canapele [i o mas\ de tec care poate primi p‚n\ la opt persoane [i dispune, de asemenea, de un lounge cu canapele, [ezlonguri mari [i dou\ mese extensibile. Spa]iul interior este `nchis cu geamuri [i u[i din sticl\. Ferestrele complet retractabile de la pupa permit salonului [i cabinei s\ se `mbine `ntr-o zon\ de living unic\. Spa]iul interior con]ine o zon\ de living, spa]iu pentru luat masa, zon\ pentru micul dejun, spa]ii de depozitare [i o zon\ pentru g\tit. Cabina proprietarului se afl\ pe puntea inferioar\, al\turi de alte trei sau patru cabine (`n func]ie de op]iunea cump\r\torului), sp\l\torie [i spa]ii func]ionale. Pe puntea superioar\ - situat\ la patru metri deasupra apei - c‚rma este accesibil\ prin u[ile de sticl\ glisante. Instrumentarul de bord este o m\rturie a tehnologiei de top folosite de Ferreti. Œn spatele scaunului comandantului se afl\ un divan din piele cu o mas\ de tec extensibil\, [i un birou. Podeaua este din parchet de stejar.

choosing fine materials - teak and oak wood - natural materials and top design solutions. The yacht can accommodate as many as 18 passengers; it features 3 decks and a fly bridge.

Premiul pentru Mediu `n 2011 / Award for Environment in 2011

Op]ional se poate amplasa `n aceast\ zon\ [i cabina c\pitanului cu baie cu du[ separat\. Flybridge-ul este accesibil de pe scara de la pupa, aici afl‚ndu-se `nc\ o c‚rm\ ac]ionat\ electronic [i un sunpad ∫

and allowing access in areas otherwise inaccessible. With a design one hundred percent Made in Italy, the Long Range 23 is both on the exterior and the interior a testimony of Italian design, the constructors

Mochi Craft Long Range 23

The flow of spaces On the main deck the very generous space is furnished with two sofas and a teak table that can take up to eight persons and it also features a lounge with sofas, big long lounge chairs and two foldable tables. The interior space is closed with windows and glass doors. The completely retractile windows from the stern allow the saloon and cabin to combine into a unique living area. The interior space contains a living area, a space for dining, an area for breakfast, storage spaces and a cooking area. The owner's cabin is on the inferior deck, next to other three or four cabins (depending on the choice of the purchaser), washroom and functional spaces. On the upper deck - situated four meters above the water the rudder is accessible through the sliding glass doors. The navigation apparatus is a testimony of the top technology used by Ferretti. Behind the captain's chair there is a leather bench with an extensible teak table and a desk. The floor is oak parquet. As additional option, the captain's cabin can be fitted in this area, with separate toilet and shower. The fly bridge is accessible from the staircase on the stern; here there are also a rudder driven electronically and a sun pad ∫



Peste 980.000 de metri p\tra]i de spa]ii de cazare, 51.000 de metri p\tra]i de cazino, spa]iu pentru conferin]e, aren\ sportiv\, restaurante, spa]ii de retail... Cea mai mare cl\dire din lume, The Venetian Macao, aduce în Macao - singura zon\ a Chinei în care gamblingul este permis de lege - [armul Vene]iei renascentiste, glamourul [i fervoarea Vegasului.




Nr. 25 / August - Septembrie 2011

Over 980,000 square meters of accommodation spaces, 51,000 square meters of casino, conference spaces, sports arenas, restaurants, retail spaces... The world's largest building, the Venetian Macao, brings in Macao - the only area in China where gambling is allowed by the law - the charm of Renaissance-time Venice and the glamour and frenzy of Vegas.


De Andra CR|CIUN

THE CHARM OF VENICE AND GLAMOUR OF VEGAS IN MACAU The building stone of Cotai Strip Piatra de temelie a Cotai Strip În august 2007, miliardarul American Sheldon Adelson deschidea în Macao, cel mai mare cazino din lume - Venetian Macao -, punând astfel piatra de temelie la construirea celebrei ast\zi Cotai Strip. Venetian-ul asiatic este o replic\ a suratei sale mai în vârst\ din Las Vegas Strip, dar are de dou\ ori dimensiunile acesteia, întinzîndu-se pe o suprafa]\ total\ de 980.000 de metri p\tra]i [i reluând perfect tema vene]ian\ a propriet\]ii din Las Vegas, p\strând stilul architectural, urbanistica, dar [i simbolurile specifice ale Vene]iei. Costurile totale la care s-a ridicat Venetian Macau

In August 2007, American billionaire Sheldon Adelson opened in Macao the biggest casino in the world - the Venetian Macao - thus setting the building stone for the construction of the currently famous Cotai Strip. The Asian Venetian is a replica of its older sister in the Las Vegas Strip, but features twice its size, covering a total surface of 980,000 square meters and rendering perfectly the Venetian theme of the property in Las Vegas, preserving the architectural style, the urban planning, as well as the symbols specific to Venice. The total cost required for building the Venetian Macao amounted to 2.4 billion dollars, a huge sum, but totally justified if we consider

that today Venetian is the most important gambling destination in the blossoming Macao.

The biggest casino in world The largest building in Asia and second largest in the world, second to the Boeing factory in Washington, it features an accommodation capacity of 3,000 rooms, a sports arena with 15,000 seats, retails spaces with 350 stores, over 300 restaurants and bars, a permanent show put on by Cirque du Soleil, conference spaces, and a huge 51,000 square meter casino - in fact the biggest casino in the world. The gaming area is divided in four distinct surfaces,



au fost de 2,4 miliarde de dolari, o sum\ uria[\, dar pe deplin justificat\ dac\ lu\m în calcul c\ ast\zi Venetian este cea mai important\ destina]ie de gambling din înfloritorul Macao.

Cel mai mare cazino din lume Cea mai mare cl\dire din Asia [i a doua cl\dire din lume, dup\ fabrica Boieng din Washington, are o capacitate de cazare de 3000 de camere, o aren\ sportiv\ de 15.000 de locuri, spa]iu de retail de 350 de magazine, peste 30 de restaurante [i baruri, un show permanent Cirque du Soleil, spa]iu de conferin]e, [i un cazino uria[ de 51.000 de metri p\tra]i - de altfel cel mai mare cazino din lume. Zona de gaming este împ\r]it\ în patru suprafe]e distincte, Imperial House, Red Dragon, Phoenix [i Golden Fish. Cazinoul are peste 800 de mese de joc, dintre care cele mai multe sunt de Baccarat, dar [i rulet\, poker, craps sau blackjack, dar [i jocuri chineze[ti noi pentru turi[tii europeni [i americani. În plus, 3400 de sloturi, o ofert\ imens\ [i extrem de variat\, care are capacitatea de a fi extins\ la 6000. Este deschis 24 de ore din 24, [i este tot timpul aglomerat, mai ales zona de mese de joc. Pe lateralele cazinoului se afl\ amplasate numeroase restaurante, ca [i show-uri de entertainment [i spectacole de cabaret. În plus, la Venetian oaspe]ii speciali benefiziaz\ de o zon\ dedicat\ lor în exclusivitate. Paiza Club este împ\r]it\ în camere private de joc, purtând denumirile unor ora[e celebre din Asia. Astfel, oaspe]ii pot juca în Yunnan, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Singapore [i Kuala Lumpur. Paiza Club are propria sa intrare, lobby, recep]ie [i lifturi c\tre camere.


Aerul Vene]iei Venetian Macau este înconjurat la exterior de o lagun\, iar la interior are trei canale distincte, pe care se plimb\ 51 de gondole, conduse de gondolieri care cânt\ serenade, printre simbolurile celebre ale Vene]iei - Piazza San Marco, Palatul Dogilor, Campanille Tower, Podul Suspinelor. Pia]etele exterioare sunt populate în timpul verii cu tot soiul de performeri, care distreaz\ mul]imea de turi[ti ce m\nânc\ înghe]at\. Mai mult, Las Vegas Sands, compania ce opereaz\ Venetian Macau, [i-a dorit s\ recreeze chiar [i cerul vene]ian în timpul verii, a[a c\ turi[tii se pot plimba pe canale chiar [i atunci când afar\ plou\. De[i cerul este fals, aerul [i mirosurile sunt de exterior, pompate în\untru prin sisteme speciale.

Imperial House, Red Dragon, Phoenix and Golden Fish. The casino features over 800 playing tables, out of which the most part are for Baccarat, but also roulette, poker, craps or blackjack, as well as new Chinese games for European and American tourists. Moreover, there are 3,400 slot-machines, a huge and extremely diverse offer, which has the possibility to be extended to 6,000 machines. It is opened 24 hours a day and it's crowded all the time, especially around the playing tables area. On the casino sides are located numerous restaurants, as well as entertainment shows and cabaret performances. Besides, at the Venetian, special guests benefit from a area exclusively dedicated to them. Paiza Club is divided into private playing rooms, bearing the names of some famous cities in Asia. Thus, guests can play in Yunnan, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. Paiza Club has its own dedicated entrance, lobby, reception and elevators to the rooms.

The air of Venice Venetian Macao is surrounded on the outside by a lagoon, and on the inside it features three distinct channels on which 51 gondolas float back and forth, guided by gondoliers singing serenades, sailing among some famous icons of Venice - Piazza San Marco, Doge's Palace, Campanile Tower, the Bridge of Sighs. The outer small squares are populated during summer by all sorts of performers entertaining crowds of tourists eating ice-cream. Moreover, Las Vegas Sands, the company operating the Venetian Macao, wanted to recreate even the Venetian sky during the summer, allowing tourists to walk through the channels even when it's raining outside. Although the sky isn't fake, the air and odors come from outside, being pumped inside through special systems.



Golden League face concuren]\ brandurilor competition for brands Local Local Kombat [i SuperKombat Kombat and SuperKombat Gala s-a desf\[urat `ntr-o atmosfer\ incendiar\, beneficiind de toate ingredientele pentru a fi un super-eveniment: mult public, vedete apreciate [i iubite, organizare foarte bun\, aranjament excelent. Printre VIP-uri s-au aflat obi[nui]ii galelor de K1 sau Local Kombat Radu Pietreanu, Luis Lazarus, Bogdan Stoica [i Bogdan {ovar - patronul cunoscutei Tiger Security, partener al galei Golden Leaque -, precum [i reprezentan]i ai brandului „Cramele Halewood”. A[a cum spuneam, Golden League - al c\rei Promotor este Florin Mîn\, el însu[i antrenor de arte mar]iele -, a fost `nzestrat\ cu de toate, pentru a deveni, în cel mai scurt timp, un brand important pe pia]a românesc\. {i ca prim\ dovad\ a acestei ascensiuni, Gala de la Târgovi[te a fost transmis\ în direct de televiziunea Dolce/Dolce HD.

Cap de afi[, luptele pentru Centura European\ Programul, foarte variat, a cuprins partide de lupt\ dup\ reguli de K1, MMA [i Thai-Box, foarte echilibrate, `n care s-au `ntâlnit sportivi put-

The Gala took place in a thrilling atmosphere, featuring all the ingredients to count as a super-event: huge crowd, appreciated and loved stars, very good organization, excellent setting. The VIPs included some regular clients of K1 and Local Kombat galas - Radu Pietreanu, Luis Lazarus, Bogdan Stoica and Bogdan Sovar - the owner of the well-known Tiger Security and partner of the Golden League Gala -, as well as the representatives of the brand "Cramele Halewood". As we were saying, Golden League - the Promoter of which is Florin Mina, himself a martial arts trainer -, has everything in order to become in the shortest time possible an important brand on the Romanian market. And as a first proof of this evolution, the Gala in Targoviste was broadcasted live by the television station Dolce/Dolce HD.

Headlines, the fights for the European Belt The schedule, extremely varied, included fights following rules in K1,


Casino Life & Business Magazine este tot mai aproape de majoritatea evenimentelor de top, care se desf\[oar\ `n România, atât `n plan sportiv, cât [i `n show biz, modeling, entertainment. Astfel, revista noastr\ a fost invitat\ `n luna iulie s\ participe, la Târgovi[te, la a doua Gal\ a unei noi competi]ii `n sportul de contact - “Golden League”.

Nr. 25 / August - Septembrie 2011


Casino Life & Business Magazine is ever closer to most top-range events taking place in Romania, in terms of sports, showbiz, modeling and entertainment. Thus, our magazine was invited in month July to participate in Targoviste in the second Gala of a new competition of full-contact sport - "Golden League".

De Leo {erb\nescu

ernici [i bine preg\ti]i, ceea ce a condus la un adev\rat spectacol. Momentele de mare atrac]ie au fost cele oferite de luptele pentru Centura European\, unul la femei, iar cel\lalt la b\rba]i, ambele desf\[urate dup\ reguli K1. Din p\cate, lupt\toarea noastr\, Adriana “Black Panther” Tatu nu a reu[it s\-i smulg\ centura Sandrei Carrilho Pires din Portugalia, mai puternic\ [i mai decis\. La b\rba]i `ns\, am fost r\zbuna]i, compatriotul

MMA and Thai-Box, very balanced, in which powerful and highly-trained sportsmen competed, which made for a real spectacle. The moments of great interest were those offered by the fights for the European Belt, one for women, the other for men, both held by K1 rules. Unfortunately, our fighter Adriana "Black Panther" Tatu was unable to take away the title from Sandra Carrilho Pires from Portugal, stronger

Vineri 1 iunie 2011, Târgovi[te, Sala polivalent\

PROGRAMUL EVENIMENTUL A FOST: Tarmoaca Gabriel K1 Gala]i Nistor Cristian K1 Gala]i Regulli Mma

67 Kg VS 61 Kg VS + 91 Kg VS

Dumitru Florin Respect Gym Gaiesti Malmoud Kalled Tai Shhin Do GYM Du[manu



FIGHTCARD K 1 RULES. CATEGORIA SUPER GREA + 95 Kg Sorin”Black Scorpions” Radu Tai Shin Do GYM


Alexandru Tarnavetchi Respect GYM

Cristian Ristea Respect GYM Gaiesti


Razvan Popescu FUDOSHIN Pitesti

K 1 RULES. CATEGORIA 80 Kg Gabriel Partin VS Socs Denes D IPOS Brasov Cobra Lery GYM THAI - BOX RULES. CATEGORIA 71 Kg Alexandru “Wolfman” Popescu Tai Shin Do GYM


Caius Gazibara Somo GYM Timi[oara

Catalin “Fulgerul” Slave Metrorex Bucure[ti


Claudiu “Prin]ul” B\doi Respect GYM

K 1 RULES. TITLUL EUROPEAN + 58,2 Kg ! Sandra Carrilho Pires Portugalia


Adriana “Black Panther” Tatu Thai Shin Do GYM Roâmnia

K 1 RULES. CATEGORIA 71 Kg Savu Iulian Cobra Lery GYM


Alin Pârvan Thai Shin Do GYM Târovi[te

K 1 RULES. CATEGORIA 86 Kg ! Vlad “Dracul” Grigore VS Irinel Dicu Thai Shin Do GYM Roâmnia Academia de lupte Ciprian {ora MUAY-THAI RULES 75 Kg ! Adrian Grec VS Daniel Gu]\ Bushido Salonta Thai Shin Do GYM K 1 RULES. TITLUL EUROPEAN + 72,3 Kg ! Elson Ferreira Agante Portugalia


Cristian “The Fastest” Milea TThai Shin Do GYM Roâmnia

MMA RULES + 65 Kg ! Costantin”Soldatul R\doi Ager Târovi[te


Janos Elek


MMA RULES + 90 Kg ! Ilie Durla VS George Ivan C.S. Târovi[te Ager Târgovi[te

Sandrei, Elson Ferreira Agante, fiind `nvins prin KO de lupt\torul român Cristian “The Fastest” Milea. Dat fiind interesul stârnit de Gala Golden League, surprins „pe viu” de revista noastr\, credem c\ el va deveni un competitor foarte puternic pentru deja tradi]ionalele Gale Local Kombat sau SuperKombat, lucru `mbucur\tor atât pentru spectatori cât [i pentru lupt\torii dornici de afirmare în sporturile de contact.

and more determined. However, at men, we got our revenge as Sandra's fellow countryman Elson Ferreira Agante was defeated by KO by Romanian fighter Cristian "The Fastest" Milea. Given the interest aroused by the Golden League Gala, caught live by our magazine, we believe that it will become a very powerful competitor for the already traditional Galas Local Kombat or SuperKombat, which is a positive thing both for viewers and for the fighters eager to



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Dac\ [ti]i dinainte de a pleca [i când v\ ve]i întoarce, atunci pute]i profita de “BILETUL ONLINE DUS -ÎNTORS” CU REDUCERE 10%. C\l\toria de întoarcere se poate efectua în maxim dou\zeci de zile de la ziua plec\rii. Este permis\ utilizarea unui singur tren la dus, dar [i la întors, iar acesta trebuie s\ se încadreze în aceea[i zon\ kilometric\ tarifar\. Pe lâng\ toate acestea, mai pute]i profita de o reducere de 10% pentru orice bilet cump\rat online, în cazul în care pl\te[ti cu un card MasterCard sau Maestro, indiferent de banca emitent\. Aceast\ ofert\ este valabil\ pân\ la data de 30 septembrie 2011. Reducerea se acord\ la suma final\, dar nu trebuie s\ se dep\[easc\ 600 lei pe tranzac]ie. Mai mult, aceast\ reducere se cumuleaz\ cu alte reduceri disponibile la cump\rarea online (ex. dus-întors, minigrup, cump\rarea cu aticipa]ie a biletelor de tren, elev/student). În plus, durata de c\l\torie a trenurilor de litoral s-a redus pe rela]ia Bucure[ti - Constan]a [i retur, la 2 ore [i 30 de minute pentru 2 perechi de trenuri rapide [i la 2 ore [i 50 de minute, în medie, pentru celelalte trenuri rapide [i accelerate. Astfel, ve]i ajunge în acest sezon estival pe litoral mult mai repede, având la îndemân\ posibilitatea online de cump\rare a biletelor de tren. Cu biletele CFR online v\ prezenta]i direct la tren [i nu mai este necesar s\ v\ deplasa]i la unit\]ile de vânzare CFR. Pentru informa]ii suplimentare accesa]i site-ul

Vacan]\ frumoas\ [i c\l\torii de neuitat!




n a V t n Vince n e t t a P


A De Sa[a DUM

ood, Copil vedet\ la Hollyw ziune actor de film [i televi [i regimai târziu, scenarist depline, zor în anii maturit\]ii tenis juc\tor profesionist de pasionat timp de opt ani [i un Van al pokerului, Vincent succes în Patten se înscrie cu re au rândurile vedetelor ca une. f\cut din poker o pasi

s s\ joace p, Vince a ajun tim r, to ta co m en sa u în va A st \z i ke r la [c oa l\ po [i r sa im p re ani obi[nuia s\ p re ze nt at or , can]e, iar la 12 n . tte Pa n ker, Va pe orice merita juc\tor de po parieze deja c jo t i-a es u ac s\ ru el ani, tat\l spune c\ pent La numai 14 plet\. m co \ n] deplineasc\ vi rie în i pe este o ex permis s\ î[ c. jo de asa actorie. sul, primindu-l la m Înv\]\cel în poker [i al ac- Într-o noapte la un joc de porvk-a l mic prins de ve Vincent, fiul ce er a fost atât de a n, la te at P Va n în câ t a st at to ru lu i D ic k câ [t ig ur ilo r u\ ]a no ea la in z iz im ow-b la 7 d debutat în sh m as \ p ân \ de . a l\ st oa pa [c la la \ direct ani cu o reclam când a plecat e d zi i ca ec în Z l e. la jocu d in ]i C ol g at De aici pân\ 30 e un t ap câ ro de ap oi ai fost reclame, [i ap nouri nu a m e de televizic as care Vince l-a cl pe le l ria nu de se pas. U de ria \ [i l\ pi co t ca iz at cu ba rb iune, i-au mar t f\ cu t de gh ca c\ ju u a dr i ân an m 14 lse, [i su cc es . La - musta]\ fa co a re în ll p\ se se i us R t ce ceea ce al\turi de Kur har- poate fa “C y, ne is D media marca fascinant. gel”. Au urmat An e th d an lie tenis “C hi no ”, cu Juc\tor profesionist de ap oi ro lu ri în koc t Van Paton , în “R În 1979, Vincen C ha rle s B ro ns he a “T hool” [i în dact în tenis, 'n'Roll High Sc ten, un autodi e d . l A TP [t ig at tit lu Time Forever” câ a \ ul en P un ct ru sc to ru l A nu lu i. Pasiunea pent nou\ În ce p\ o sale de de i \ re as rie ac inant al ca fost dublat\ lm cu pa n ke ru l. U profesionist a t ani în tenisul dr ag os te - po op tPa n r, Dick Va unci când l-a sionat de poke st în 1981, at fo e el , et cr fiul în se hn M cE nr oe ten [i-a ini]iat în vi ns p e Jo u\ s no ni te la de c\ de ân d tu rn eu l acestui joc în care câ [t ig pe nis din e ril Te r cu jo pe cu Su ani, odat\ Seiko World t ur sc În as \. le or ga ni za ac

d, A star kid in Hollywoo vision later on film and tele ter and actor, screenplay wri adult, director as a grown ayer professional tennis pl en on for eight years and ke atten poker, Vincent Van P ed has by all means earn who a place among stars ion. made poker their pass


mentator, preToday a com er, and poker play senter, agent is th ys that for him Van Patten sa e. nc plete experie game is a com

Rookie in poker and


youngest son Vincent, the d Van Patten, ha of actor Dick e ag e th owbiz at his debut in sh r fo al ci a commer of nine with s en oz D . Colgate the toothpaste then nearly 30 s, al ci of commer es vi si on ep is od cl as si c te le ild ch ul sf cc es m ad e up a su d re ar st he . At 14 hood for him ney ussell in a Dis R t ur next to K Ane th d rlie an comedy, "Cha hi"C in s le me ro gel". Then ca , in rle s B ro ns on no ", w ith C ha in d an " ol ho igh Sc "Rock'n'Roll H ver". "The Time Fore e n fo r th e st ag io ss pa e Th w ne at home by a was doubled mhi r ke po on en love - poker. Ke his Patten initiated self, Dick Van e m crets of this ga son in the se s ar w as ni ne ye ev er si nc e he ld ou games he w old, during the r, e. Shortly afte m organize at ho ol ho ay poker at sc Vince got to pl he ns, and at 12 or on vacatio ng hi yt tting on an was already be of e ag it. At the that was worth to m hi ther allowed only 14, his fa at m hi g , acceptin fulfill his dream rdu t gh e. One ni the playing tabl e m ca be poker he ing a game of t en m te ci in the ex so caught up ay pl on he kept of winning that n he w ng the morni ing until 7 in om ht to school. Fr ig ra he went st ly on it s no in casi here to paying e nc Vi at th . One took one step d ar be ke fa with a took disguised be to d ou he , pr an d m ou st ac it seemed fasc ha w do able to nating for him.

A professional tennis


t Van Patten, In 1979, Vincen th e te nn is , w on se lf- ta ug ht in th e B eg in ne r of A TP tit le of

Nr. 25 / August - Septembrie 2011




xton, care Mike Se poker, printre m es ear Ja u of his eight-y on sa D oy le B ru ns Year. The peak as w is nn essional te Woods. career in prof re ky" hn sp Jo de ed rie at nu sc and "The Flun he defe Atunci când achievements in 1981 when ofo r ur at l to d cu ar is jo nn aw \ te e go t th menteaz ning the poker [i nu co fo r w hi ch he McEnroe, win ee ain rn rn tu is te In la nn e el Te th cip\ [i S up er ctor at ra, Vince parti the best dire i S ei ko W or ld rt ur ce Po no zi an in ca rm ld în fo he \ live b es t p er Festival is lm H Fi l o. na ky de poker, joac tio To rticip\ filmograldwide, in private, [i pa e in 2000. His ing 24th wor m ac ne pl ue as sau în jocuri H w id n an P at te includes nusa, Eileen Dav b er 19 86 . V the last years m in te y ep al\turi de so]ia ph S r n ke US Ope th e p ok er caritabile de po d twice in the s te rm s fr om te ou pe er m son, la turnee m co 06 n ea, în 20 on . E ve ni ng Te xa s te. De asemen „D ea l” , „W in ce in W im bl ed de . on ve ea d cu ar an e ]\ to ch rman t pere „B ea t th e e used ai bun\ perfo n Patten a f\cu is period, Vinc m ”, „S ru ey ”, Va th 'e e g d nc ol rin Vi H du Tokio. Cea m în Fa s, t al, lleague l televiza e Bluffs and cul 24 mondi „Mastering th ker with his co l s\u în turneu t\ ”, po ta os ay cu Pr pl a sa a fost lo te in al ju a ts , an d \t ur i de inning Texas 86. Van Patten te nn is ci rc ui an d S on s, al in Poker”, „W g s in er lls ur th te d septembrie 19 ar e o th m [i n issed rului, cu ori la US Ope on he never m deschise poke Hold'em”. cat de dou\ Barry Wimbled [i în familii , ar on London. hi ns C in ne xt to M ik e ru . s B on no si dd ed ca bl To d im [i un W n P at te n is , le ro la rg oy Va D de fi un da t\ tru s\ en ia bok. „P and commen Vi nc e ob i[ nu stein - Joe Se on, a co-host en xt re G Se ac es t tim p , . r i, ke em s\ pr Po i World te jocul su \turi de colegi ctor. re Di of the TV show r. r e, pokerul es te in to ri m ta w joace poker al e ai ay la th m pl r [i ia by en bun Scre ments given telor de tenis, va la care sunt Tour. The com în timpul circui e . er at \ Este ce a timay od re Pl ci ce r. ni tre to ta ta pe dged as som ra en de nu mm Co [i un mod are acknowle te o es tw W im b le d on , e , în nth is n ly Lo nn tte al ing actu ing from te unea Van Pa derground din After withdraw the best, this be pului liber”, sp of cazinourile un is es m fil în ow e e, sh TV WPT. „Est returned to th for which the tr-un interviu la dra. a Van Patten tions reason bi ar e ers. nt am ew ru ith vi nf w g e co on o stry, this tim popular am ]\ , du en so in e nt. ct ba is re a ar di [i Scen " is one of th riting and sufletelor, "Picasso Flop screenplay w inteligen]elor, of ai in ur m s fo a hi ” of es et joc compl ev em en ts m e in cl ud Regizor. ilor. Este un bi gg es t ac hi in g. H is re su w as r. Th e bo ok ke ad\ugat el. te rm s of po Comentator. bert Ro ith boration w written in colla its in r. ith to w c\ Ju includes J. Randisi and n es m Va na s, s ni te a din s of famou Dup\ retragere pages historie , ta on xt da Se de e , ik uding M nit la film in poker, incl Patten a reve . [i t ds is oo ar W en es or Jam bi]ii de sc Doyle Brunson aceasta cu am ker e pintre ud cl in u riting about po w s\ t ul no When regizor. CVr's ru ye nt la pe p r ”, ky g ot he he Flun or co m m en tin realiz\ri [i “T es ai m at l ip ce tic de ar l nc e p premiu g am ep la y, Vi care a ob]inut s ul ay al pl iv he st s, Fe ur la poker to in lf se m hi b un re g iz or te Port s or in p ri va de Film de la liv e in ca si no Interna]ional sa fia ra s next to og lm 00. Fi d participate an es m ga Hueneme în 20 oase son, in pokinclude numer , Eileen David ife w s hi din ultimii ani r: ke stars. Furjocului de po ity tours with ar ch er nume din zona ”, d'em nce Van Patng Texas Hol ore, in 2006 Vi m er th „Deal”, „Winni rte as his father in t the Pros”, „M ired up with pa n te „Sruey”, „Bea , er s r” ke d sh ow Fa th and tells in Po e br oa dc as te th ing the Bluffs ilie other fam s s Hold'em”. Sons, next to d an „Winning Texa de i ch as D oy le te , al \t ur to po ke r, su en Va n P at te n es op ta , Barry Green -host [i comen Todd Brunson d an Mike Sextor, co r kke po Po bok. "For me, lui TV World stein - Joe Se tor al show-u 's cei de at iz al re m e g am e. It l tariu is th e su p re er Tour. Comen is nit di d ul od at an scut drept un mething I'm go so doi este cuno l ee fr tfe al ur sp en d yo bune, fiind de al so a w ay to tre cele mai care ru nt pe tten in a WPT e el iv n ot e" said Va Pa tim unul dintre m r la conpu , essentially, a te atât de po interview. "It is show-ul TV es uls, so e, lligenc tatori. ntation of inte fro printre telespec te re le nt p di m a ” este un . It 's a co „Picasso Flop an d m on ey în le sa e ded. i realiz\ri al game!" he ad cele mai mar a fost a te ar C r. ke materie de po ert J. borare cu Rob scris\ în cola sale le ni e între pagi Randisi, [i ar e în br le ce nume istorii ale unor

Vincent Van Patten





Începuturile la Horseshoe. În urm\ cu mai bine de 60 de ani, Benny Binion, un afacerist cu o reputa]ie dubioas\ [i un juc\tor înveterat, venea în Las Vegas pentru a deschide în 1951 Horseshoe Casino, prima sal\ de jocuri de noroc cu covoare, tapet din catifea, aer condi]ionat [i apoi transport de la [i c\tre aeroport pentru clien]ii s\i. Loca]ia a fost frecventat\ chiar de la deschidere de juc\tori învetera]i, care preferau jocul pe mize mari. Anii 1953 - 1957 au adus cu ei schimbarea la Horseshoe, odat\ cu

arestarea lui Benny Binion pentru evaziune fiscal\. Locul a fost vândut, aparent, unui alt gambler, Joe Brown, care avea s\ fie doar un interpus. Bown este cel care a instalat pe fa]ada cazinoului celebrul display al milionului de dolari - un adev\rat simbol pentru Horseshoe. În 1957 Binion a revenit, dar controlul total asupra propriet\]ii sale l-a recuperat abia în 1964.

În 1970, cu doar o mân\ de prieteni-juc\tori ai lui Benny Binion, se lansa între zidurile de la Binion Horseshoe ceea ce avea s\ fie un eveniment uria[ peste ani - World Series of Poker. Turneul era pe atunci inspirat dintr-un maraton de poker ce se desf\[urase în b\trânul cazino între doi mari gambleri ai vremii - Nicolas Dandolos [i Johnny Moss -, care au jucat poker timp de cinci luni, doar cu pauze pentru somn.


Nr. 25 / August - Septembrie 2011


Fremont Street Experience 128. Centrul Las Vegas-ului. Departe de frenezia dezl\n]uit\ din Strip. Aproape de savoarea tradi]ional\ a jocurilor de noroc de alt\dat\. De Andra CR|CIUN

Fremont Street Experience 128. Downtown Las Vegas. Away from the raging frenzy in the Strip. Close to the traditional flavor of gambling from times past.

The beginnings at Horseshoe


Some more than 60 years ago, Benny Binion, a businessman with a shady reputation and a keen player, came to Las Vegas in order to open in 1951 Horseshoe Casino, the first gambling parlor with carpets, velvet tapestry, air conditioning and transport from and to the airport for its clients. The location was very popular from the very beginning among keen players who preferred high-stake gaming. Years 1953-1957 brought along a change at Horseshoe, once Benny Binion was arrested for tax evasion. The

The WSOP legend

place was sold, apparently, to another gambler, Joe Brown, who would only act as an intermediary. Brown is the one who installed on the facade of the casino the famous display of the million dollars - a true icon for Horseshoe. In 1957 Binion returned but he only regained total control over his property in 1964.

In 1970, with just a handful of player-friends of Benny Binion's, was launched between the walls of Binion Horseshoe what would become a huge event some years later - World Series of Poker. The tour was at the time inspired from a poker marathon which had been held in the old casino between two major gamblers of the time - Nicolas Dandolos and Johnny Moss - who played poker for five months, with just enough breaks to sleep.



O afacere de familie. Becky Binion a fost ultima membr\ a familiei care ]inea în mâini destinele vechiului cazino. Din nefericire, ea a fost [i cea care l-a îngropat în datorii, cea care l-a târât prin dispute [i probleme legale [i care a f\cut dintr-un cazino considerat mereu cel mai profitabil, o proprietate în pragul falimentului. Cazinoul, închis în ianuarie 2004, a fost cump\rat trei luni mai târziu de Harrahs Entertainment care a p\strat drepturile asupra brandurilor The Horseshoe [i World Series of Poker [i a vândut apoi proprietatea. Ast\zi vechiul Horseshoe este condus de TLC Group [i poart\ numele Binion's Gambling Hall and Hotel.

Tradi]ia Horseshoe Înc\ de la deschidere, Horseshoe Casino a p\strat aerul unei s\li tradi]ionale de joc, f\r\ show, f\r\ muzic\, ci strict gambling. Binion nu este un loc care s\ atrag\ prin entertainment, ci este un loc are atrage prin puterea legendei [i prin jocul de calitate. Mesele de poker nu sunt pentru încep\tori, nu exist\ cursuri de poker,

mizele au limite mari [i uneori chiar deloc - tocmai de aceea aici a fost [i a r\mas locul preferat de adev\ra]ii profesioni[ti ai pokerului. Fiecare juc\tor î[i dore[te s\ ajung\ s\ fie men]ionat pe celebrul Poker Hall of Fame de la Binion. Poker Hall of Fame [i Galeria Campionilor sunt amplasate în noua sal\ de poker Binion's Poker Hall of Fame, un loc în care pere]ii poart\ greutatea anilor de istorie. Noua sal\ de poker are zece mese de joc, servicii excelente, mize [i rake-uri incitante, tehnologie de ultim\ or\, îmbinat\ cu tradi]ionalism, dar [i o galerie impresionant\ de fotografii istorice ale celor care au trecut pragul cazinoului. De[i faima Binions Horseshoe este în mod esen]ial centrat\ pe jocurile de poker, nici restul meselor clasice de cazino nu lipsesc, iar gamblerii care ajung aici pot juca Blackjack, Rulet\, Craps, Progresiv cu trei c\r]i, Let It Ride, Texas Bonus Holdem, Pai Gow, sau pot alege dintr-o varietate de aproximativ 1000 de sloturi.

A family business Becky Binion was the last member of the family who held in her hands the destiny of the old casino. Unfortunately, she was also the one to sink it in debts, the one to drag it into disputes and legal matters and the one to turn a casino always considered the most profitable, into a property on the brink of bankruptcy. The casino, opened in 2004, was bought three months later by Harrah's Entertainment who kept the rights over the brands The Horseshoe and World Series of Poker and then sold the property. Today the old Horseshoe is run by the TLC Group and bears the name of Binion's Gambling Hall and Hotel.

The Horseshoe tradition Ever since opening, Horseshoe Casino kept the air of a traditional gaming hall, with no shows, no music, but strictly gambling. Binion is not a place particularly attractive through entertainment, instead it is attractive by the power of the legend and quality gaming. The poker tables are not for beginners, there are no poker courses, the stakes feature high limits and sometimes no limits at all precisely why it was and it remained the spot preferred by true poker professionals. Each player wants to get to be mentioned on the famous Poker Hall of Fame at Binion. Poker Hall of Fame and the Champion's Gallery are located in the new poker room Binion's Poker Hall of Fame, a place where walls bear the weight of years of history. The new poker room features ten playing tables, excellent servicing, exciting stakes and rakes, state of the art technology, all combined with traditional trends, as well as an impressive gallery of historic photographs of those who set foot into this casino. Although the fame of Binion Horseshoe is essentially centered on poker games, the rest of the classic casino tables is not missing either, while gamblers who reach here can play Blackjack, Roulette, Craps, Three-card progressive, Let It Ride, Texas Bonus Holdem, Pai Gow, or they can choose from a variety of approximately 1,000 slot-machines.


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Eveniment-cazino Casino Life & Business Magazine în direct la Ora de {tiri pe TVR2 Realizatorii emisiunii „Ora de {tiri”, difizat\ pe TVR2, s-au dovedit foarte interesa]i s\ afle mai multe am\nunte despre pia]a actual\ de gambling [i despre ceea ce `nseamn\, `n acest context, „Conferin]a Român\ de Gambling”, eveniment recent anun]at de organizator Casino Life & Business Magazine - pentru 2012. Consecin]a: un dialog, `n direct, pe aceast\ tem\, `ntre TVR2 [i redac]ia revistei noastre, `n cadrul c\ruia s-a discutat despre aprecierea eronat\ potrivit c\reia pia]a de gambling din România ar fi de circa 3 miliarde de EURO anual, ce sum\ din banii `ncasa]i `n pia]\ sunt pl\ti]i ANAF, precum [i care este profilul juc\torului. Dincolo de r\spunsuri [i explica]ii r\mâne satisfac]ia c\ televiziunile ne confirm\ ca pe o autoritate în materie, cu atât mai mult cu cât Casino Life & Business Magazine r\mâne lider media `n aceast\ pia]\. Putem juca astfel, o dat\ `n plus, rolul de vehicul media care s\ transmit\ imaginea real\ a sferei jocurilor de noroc din România.

Cea mai nou\ promo]ie la Casino Palace Bikini Blackjack

~n aceast\ var\, Casino Palace a lansat Bikini Blackjack, cea mai nou\ promo]ie estival\ cu bonusuri `n puncte de fidelitate Smart Points. ~n fiecare sear\ de joi, o frumoas\ gazd\ costumat\ ~n simbolurile c\r]ilor de joc `i `ntâmpin\ pe clien]ii de la Casino Palace s\ `[i `ncerce norocul la panoul cu c\r]i, unde juc\torii au dreptul s\ `ntoarc\, dup\ preferin]\, c\r]ile de pe panou [i s\ câ[tige sute de puncte. Promo]ia Bikini Blackjack este destinat\ juc\torilor de la mesele cu jocuri de c\r]i disponibile la Casino Palace [i este disponibil\ `n fiecare zi de joi din campania Vara Senza]iilor.

Casino Life & business Magazine, live on TVR2 News Hour The producers of the TV broadcast “News Hour” on TVR2 showed great interest in learning more details about the current gambling market and about what it means in this context to hold the “Romanian Gambling Conference”, an event recently announced by the organizer - Casino Life & Business Magazine - for year 2012. The consequence: a live dialogue on this theme between TVR2 and the editorial staff of our magazine within which were discussed matters like the wrong estimate according to which the Romanian gambling market would be worth roughly 3 billion Euros per year, the amounts from those cashed-in on the market paid to ANAF, as well as player profits. Beyond the answers and explanations remains the satisfaction that TV stations acknowledge us as an authority in the field, all the more because Casino Life & Business Magazine is a media leader on this market. We can play once more the role of media carrier which can transmit the real image of the gambling field in Romania.

The newest promotion at Casino Palace Bikini Blackjack

This summer, Casino Palace has launched Bikini Blackjack, the newest summer promotion with Smart Points fidelity points Bonuses. Each Thursday night, a beautiful host wearing a costume with the symbols of playing cards welcomes the clients of Casino Palace to try out their fortune on the card panel, where players get to flip, upon preference, the cards on the panel and thus win hundreds of points. The promotion Bikini Blackjack is destined to the players at playing cards tables available at Casino palace and it is available each Thursday during the campaign the Summer of Sensations.


Nr. 25 / August - Septembrie 2011


Casino event Casino Mirage a devenit primul Casino-boutique din România Casino Mirage has become the first Casino-boutique in Romania A fost inaugurat primului Casino-boutique din România - Casino Mirage. Acesta a fost realizat `n urma `mp\r]irii spa]iului existent al s\lii de jocuri electronice Mirage Games, de pe Bulevardul Magheru în dou\ zone distincte de joc, printr-un zid de sticl\. Casino Mirage are patru mese de rulet\, dou\ mese de poker Texas Hold'em [i patru mese de Blackjack sau, op]ional, de poker. În paralel, func]ioneaz\ aici [i o zon\ VIP, cu o mas\ de rulet\ [i una de Blackjack sau, op]ional, de poker Conceptul de Casino-boutique, a[a cum a fost prezentat de Sen Mucahit, General Manager al Casino Mirage, „reprezint\ viitorul cazinourilor din România, atât din cauza crizei financiare, care pare ca nu se mai sfâr[e[te, dar [i din cauza taxelor deosebit de mari, aplicate acestei pie]e”.

Feeric Fashion Days, parteneriat reu[it pentru revista noastr\

A patra edi]ie a Feeric Fashion Days, desf\[urat\ la Sibiu, `n Pia]a Mic\, a fost totodat\ [i un nou Parteneriat Media de excep]ie pentru Casino Life & Business Magazine. Festivalul modei de la Sibiu s-a bucurat de un mare succes atât din partea publicului cât [i din partea presei, întrunind cele mai înalte aprecieri din partea tuturor. Am întâlnit la acest veritabil show al modei, figuri cunoscute nou\ [i cititorilor no[tri, precum Alexa Vi[a, care a pozat, cu ani în urm\, atât pentru Calendarul tradi]ional al Grupului de firme Quill cât [i pentru reclama sistemului de publicitate FillBoard, reclam\ ce se afla în revista noastr\, Cristina Dragomir, câ[tig\toarea etapei locale a concursului na]ional Miss Hostess România, Alina Ca[ol]an, participant\ la etapa Sibiu a Miss. Casino Life & Business Magazine a adus-o la Sibiu [i pe Sorana Darclee (ex A.S.I.A.) pentru a prezenta prima ei colec]ie de haine, intitulat\ AGUA, colec]ie la a c\rei lansare revista noastr\ a fost, de asemenea, partener media. Evenimentul a avut parteneri de prim\ m\rime precum reprezentantul local BMW, Antena 1 sau Boromir, dar [i al]i parteneri importan]i, atât pe plan local cât [i na]ional.

The first Casino-boutique in Romania was inaugurated - Casino Mirage. This was achieved pursuant to the division of the existing space of the electronic games room Mirage Games on Magheru Boulevard into to distinct gaming areas, separated through a glass wall. Casino Mirage features four roulette tables, two Texas Hold'em poker tables and four Blackjack tables or, optionally, for poker. In parallel, a VIP area is also operational here with a roulette table and a Blackjack or poker table, upon choice. The concept of Casino - boutique, as presented by Sen Mucahit, General Manager of Casino Mirage, “represents the future of casinos in Romania, both due to the financial crisis, which seems to be here to stay, and due to particularly high taxes enforced for this market”.

Feeric Fashion Days, a successful partnership for our magazine

The fourth edition of Feeric Fashion Days held in Sibiu in Piata Mica (Little Square) was at the same time a new exceptional Media partnership for Casino Life & Business Magazine. The fashion festival in Sibiu was very successful indeed both with the public and with the press, receiving the highest appreciation from all sides. We came across at this genuine fashion show figures known to us and to our readers, such as Alexa Visa, who posed years ago for the traditional calendar of the group of companies Quill and for the advertisement of the FillBoard publicity system, advertisement which is to be found in our magazine, Cristina Dragomir, winner of the local stage of the contest Miss Hostess Romania, Alina Casoltan, contender in the Sibiu stage of Miss Hostess. Casino Life & Business Magazine also brought to Sibiu Sorana Darclee (a former member of ASIA music band) in order for her to present her fir clothes collection entitled AGUA, a collection the launch of which our magazine was also a media partner to. The events reunited first class partners such as the local representative of BMW, Antena 1 or Boromir, as well as other important partners, both locally and nationally.



Eveniment-cazino Casino event Celine Dion revine la Caesars Palace O obi[nuit\ a cazinourilor din Las Vegas, celebra interpret\ Celine Don începe în luna iulie o nou\ serie de [ase luni din contractul cu Caesars Palace. Dion va sus]ine începând cu 19 iulie, [i pân\ în 22 ianaurie 2012, 33 de concerte, g\zduite de nu mai pu]in celebrul Colosseum, o loca]ie construit\ special pentru show-ul s\u “A New Day”, ce a avut premiera pe 25 martie 2003 [i care a avut ultima reprezenta]ie abia în 2007, dup\ patru ani de succes. O loca]ie de peste 4300 de locuri, Colosseum-ul a g\zduit de atunci concertele a numero[i arti[ti, iar din martie 2011 a primit-o din nou pe Celine Dion. Biletele pentru concertul divei sunt disponibile online la, la pre]uri între 160 [i 840 de dolari.

Sloturi progressive pentru userii de Android Unul dintre cei mai importan]i provideri de servicii de gambling mobil, Spin3, a anun]at recent lansarea celui mai mare slot progresiv pentru utilizatorii de Android. Mega Moolah promite o grafic\ extraordinar\ [i efecte audio-vizuale f\r\ precedent. Pre[edintele Spin3, Matti Zinder a spus c\ odat\ cu revolu]ia cultural\ [i tehnologic\, device-urile mobile gen Smartphone au devenit extrem de populare în rândul juc\torilor. “Suntem foarte încrez\tori c\ milioane de useri Android din întreaga lume vor ajuta la dezvoltarea acestui joc progresiv”, a spus oficialul. O surpriz\ [i mai mare vine pentru utilizatorii Android din Marea Britanie, unde Mega Moolah este disponibil acum prin download gratuit.

Celine Dion returns to Caesars Palace A regular presence of casinos in Las Vegas, the famous singer Celine Dion starts in month July a new series of six months from the contract with Caesars Palace. Dion will put on starting July 19th until January 22nd 2012 33 concerts hosted by the not less famous Colosseum, a location built especially for her show “A New Day” which had its premier on March 25th 2003 and featured its last performance in 2007, after four year of success. A location featuring more than 4,300 seats, the Colosseum has hosted ever since the concerts of numerous artists, and starting March 2011, it has welcomed Celine Dion once more. The tickets for the diva's concert are available on, at prices ranging between 160 and 840 dollars.

Progressive slots for Android users One of the most important mobile gambling service providers, Spin3, announced recently the launch of the biggest progressive slot for Android users. Mega Moolah promises extraordinary graphics and unprecedented audio effects. The president of Spin3, Matti Zinder said that along with the cultural and technologic revolution, mobile devices like Smartphones have become extremely popular among players. “We are very confident that millions of Android users around the world will help in the development of this progressive game” said the representative. An even bigger surprise for Android users comes from Great Britain where Mega Moolah is now available for free download.

Dou\ noi cazinouri anun]ate în Vegas Two new casinos announced in Vegas Într-o perioad\ tulbure, în care efectele crizei fnanciare înc\ sunt resim]ite, Las Vegas-ul anun]\ c\ este gata s\ deschid\ dou\ noi cazinouri. Margaritaville [i Flamingo au anun]at recent c\ au decis lansarea unei noi scheme pentru a face experien]a de joc cât mai complet\ pentru juc\torii care ajung în Nevada. Cele dou\ noi cazinouri se vor întinde pe o suprafa]\ de aproximativ 1400 de metri, [i vor include mese de poker, rulet\, precum [i alte mese de joc [i 220 de sloturi.

In troubled times, when the effects of the crisis are still lingering, Las Vegas announces it is ready to open two new casinos. Margaritaville and Flamingo have recently announced they decided to launch a new scheme so as to make the gaming experience as complete as possible for the players who go to Nevada. The two new casinos will cover a surface of approximately 1,400 meters and will include poker tables, roulette, as well as other playing tables and 220 slot-machines.

Inspec]ii la cazinourile din Singapore Inspections in casinos in Singapore Cazinourile Marina Bay Sands [i Resorts World Sentosa, dou\ dintre cele mai importante cazinouri din Singapore vor fi luate la bani m\run]i de Autoritatea de Control pentru Cazinouri. Cele dou\ loca]ii, prima o proprietate a Las Vegas Sands, cealalt\ a Genting Singapore vor trebui s\ dovedeasc\ autorit\]ilor în domeniu c\ întrunesc termenii [i condi]iile necesare [i c\ respect\ regulile impuse. “E vremea s\ facem o inspec]ie complet\ a acestor dou\ loca]ii. Ambele opereaz\ de mai bine de un an, ar fi trebuit ca pân\ acum s\ î[i rezolve orice probleme opera]ionale [i s\ devin\ stabile”, a spus Richard Magnus, pre[edintele Autorit\]ii.

Casinos marina Bay Sands and Resorts World Santosa, two of the most important casinos in Singapore, will be checked thoroughly by the Casino Control Authority. The two sites, the first a property of Las Vegas Sands, the other owned by Genting Singapore, will have to prove to the competent authorities that they meet the required terms and conditions and that they respect the imposed regulations. “It is time we performed a complete inspection of these two sites. Both are operational for well over a year, and by now they should have cleared any operational problems and become stable” said Richard Magnus, the president of the Authority.

CASINO LIFE & BUSINESS MAGAZINE Nr. 25 / August - Septembrie 2011 CASINO LIFE & BUSINESS MAGAZINE Nr. 25 / August - Septembrie 2011




Domestic news S-a `nchis Regent Casino / Regent Casino has closed Înc\ un casino live - din [i a[a prea pu]in dezvoltata lume a gamblingului românesc - [i-a închis por]ile. Dup\ cum informam, chiar din luna mai pe siteul revistei noastre, Regent Casino nu a f\cut fa]\ crizei [i a renun]at la afacere. Contactat telefonic de Casino Life & Business Magazine, General Manager-ul cazinoului, Sorin Constantinescu, a confirmat `nchiderea Regent Casino [i ne-a declarat, în exclusivitate, c\ angaja]ii au fost plati]i la zi, iar actualmente se poart\ negocieri cu doi operatori pentru preluarea cazinoului din centrul Capitalei. Constantinescu a negat astfel zvonurile care au circulat în lumea gamblingului românesc, potrivit c\rora, angaja]ii Regent n-ar fi fost anun]a]i s\ nu mai vina la lucru, ei fiind concedia]i f\r\ preaviz `n urma `nchiderii intempestive a resortului.

Another live casino of the already too little developed Romanian gambling industry has closed its doors. As we were announcing in month May on the website of our magazine, Regent Casino could not cope with the crisis and dropped out of business. Contacted by telephone by Casino Life & Business Magazine, the General Manager of the casino, Sorin Constantinescu, confirmed the shutdown of Regent Casino and declared exclusively that all employees received all their payable dues and that currently negotiations are underway with two operators to take over the casino in the Capital center. Thus, Constantinescu denied the rumors which circulated in the world of Romanian gambling according to which the employees of Regent had not been announced not to report to their jobs, being let off without a prior notice because the resort closed on such short notice.

Casino Chios din Cluj intr\ `n renovare / Casino Chios in Cluj, scheduled for renovation Începând cu 1 iulie frumosul Casino Chios din Cluj, amplasat în Casa cu acela[i nume de pe marginea lacului s-a închis. Folosindu-se de perioada de var\, mult mai redus\ ca aglomera]ie din cauza vacan]elor, Casinoul Chios a intrat în renovare. Redeschiderea acestuia este programat\ pentru `nceputul lunii septembrie. ~n 2010 [i 2011, Casino Chios a fost gazda caravanei na]ionale Miss Hostess România, concurs la care revista noastr\, Casino Life & Business Magazine, este atât organizator cât [i promotor. La Gala Miss Hostess România din aprilie, câ[tigâtoare a fost Cristina Brazd\u, angajat\ a casinoului Chios.

Starting July 1st, the beautiful Casino Chios in Cluj, located in the house with the same name on the lakeshore, has closed. Taking advantage of the summer season, much less populated due to vacation leaves, Casino Chios is undergoing renovation. The reopening is scheduled for the beginning of month September. In 2010 and 2011, Casino Chios was the host of the national Caravan Miss Hostess Romania, a contest in which our magazine, Casino Life & Business Magazine, is both organizer and promoter. At the Gala Miss Hostess Romania in April the winner was Cristina Brazdau, an employee of Casino Chios.

Casino Life & Business Magazine partener media al IGA - 2012 / Casino Life & Business Magazine, media partner of IGA - 2012 Casino Life & Business Magazine se preg\te[te s\ participa [i anul viitor la prestigiosul eveniment International Gaming Awards - 2012 (IGA), una dintre cele mai importante `ntâlniri anuale a produc\torilor [i operatorilor din industria de gambling. Acesta va avea loc la Londra pe 23 ianuarie, revista noastr\ fiind, pentru a doua oar\ consecutiv, singurul partener media din România

Casino Life & Business Magazine is preparing its participation for the upcoming year to the prestigious event International Gaming Awards - 2012 (IGA), one of the most important annual meetings of producers and operators in the gambling industry. The event is to take place in London on January the 23rd, our magazine being for the second time in a row the only media partner in Romania.

Ionel Anton [i Claudiu Secar\ pe val `n Main Eventul WSOP / Ionel Anton and Claudiu Secara doing well in the Main Event of WSOP Main Eventul celui mai mare turneu de poker din lume, World Series of Poker atrage aten]ia tuturor pasiona]ilor de poker, iar Rom‚nia nu st\ deloc r\u. Ionel Anton, rom‚nul care a reu[it `n urm\ cu c‚teva luni s\ c‚[tige 1,3 milioane de dolari la un turneu de poker din Caraibe, s-a calificat pentru ziua a doua la WSOP, dup\ a ce a terminat ziua 1b cu 115.575 de fise, situ‚ndu-se `n primul sfert al lotului de juc\tori. Claudiu Secar\, cel de-al doilea rom‚n din competi]ie merge [i el mai departe, dup\ ce a terminat prima zi cu 55.800 de fise.

The Main Event of the biggest poker tour in the world, the World Series of Poker, draws attention of all poker enthusiasts, and Romania is not doing bad at all. Ionel Anton, the Romanian who managed some month ago to win 1.3 million dollars in a poker tour in the Caribbean, qualified for the second day at WSOP, after finishing day 1b with 115,575 chips, placing within the first quarter of the group of players. Claudiu Secara, the second Romanian in the competition is also pushing on, after finishing the first day with 55,800 chips.

PokerStars a anun]at programul Mondialului de Poker Online / announced the schedule of the World Championship of Online Poker World Championship of Online Poker este urm\torul eveniment ce va atrage aten]ia lumii pokerului mondial. PokerStars a postat recent pe site-ul s\u programul Mondialului, ce va `ncepe - potrivit informa]iilor oficiale - pe 4 septembrie. WCOOP este o serie de 62 de turnee pentru juc\torii PokerStars dar nu numai, ce va culmina cu un Main Event, programat pentru 25 septembrie [i av‚nd un buy-in de 5200 de dolari. Pentru cele 62 de evenimente buy-in-urile `ncep de la 109 dolari, dar `n program sunt [i trei evenimente High Roller, cu buy-in-uri de 10.300 de dolari. PokerStars ofer\, totdat\, [i posibilitatea particip\rii la sateli]i care s\ garanteze calificarea la Mondial.

The World Championship of Online Poker is the next event to draw the attention of the world of poker. PokerStars posted recently on its website the schedule of the Championship which is due to begin - according to official information - on September 4th. WCOOP is a series of 62 tours for PokerStars players and not only, which will culminate with a Main Event, scheduled for 25 September and featuring a buy-in worth 5,200 dollars. For the 62 events, the buy-ins begin from 109 dollars, but the schedule also includes three High Roller events, with buy-ins worth 10,300 dollars. Altogether, PokerStars is offering the possibility to participate in satellites which can guarantee the participation in the World Championship.

Bwin lanseaz\ Vara Serilor de Poker Rom‚ne[ti / Bwin is launching the Summer of Poker Evening in Bucharest Rom‚nii vor avea parte de o var\ plin\ de surprize la Bwin! ~ncep‚nd cu 5 iulie [i p‚n\ `n 28 august, `n fiecare duminic\ se va desf\[ura c‚te o final\ s\pt\m‚nal\ a Verii Serilor Rom‚ne[ti, `n care vor juca primii 10 juc\tori califica]i `n fiecare dintre turneele freeroll din fiecare sear\ de la Bwin cu premii de c‚te 100 de dolari, dar [i cei care vor pl\ti un buy-in de 0,50 + 0,10 dolari. Rom‚nii interesa]i de turneul verii la Bwin pot g\si mai multe detalii la Fiecare final\ duminical\ are un fond de premiere de 500 de dolari, iar `ntregul turneu Vara Serilor de Poker Rom‚ne[ti are un fond de premiere de 8800 de dolari cash [i bonuri de turneu.

Romanians will enjoy a summer packed with surprises at Bwin! Starting July 5th and up to August 28th, each Sunday will be held a weekly final of the Summer of Romanian Evenings, in which are called to play the first 10 players qualified in each of the freeroll tours held each evening at Bwin with prizes worth 100 dollars, as well as the players who will pay a buy-in worth 0.50+0.10 dollars. The Romanian players interested in the summer tour at Bwin can find more details at Each Sunday final features an awarding fund worth 500 dollars, and the overall tour Summer of Romanian Poker Evenings features an awarding fund worth 8,800 dollars cash and tour bonuses.


Nr. 25 / August - Septembrie 2011


External news AGCC a suspendat licenta FullTiltpoker / AGCC suspended the license of FullTiltPoker Alderney Gambling Control Commission (AGCC) a suspendat, `n aceast\ lun\, licen]a FullTiltpoker. Drept urmare, toate opera]iunile FullTiltPoker au fost stopate cu efect imediat. Astfel, companiile ce de]in FullTiltPoker sunt obligate s\ nu mai accepte clien]i noi, s\ nu mai accepte depozite ale clien]ilor existen]i, s\ nu permit\ clien]ilor existen]i s\-[i retrag\ fondurile din conturile companiei, s\ nu permit\ clien]ilor existen]i s\ mai participe la jocuri de poker sau tranzac]ii `n domwniul jocurilor de noroc.

Alderney Gambling Control Commission (AGCC) suspended this month the license of FullTiltPoker. As such, all the operations of FullTiltPoker were stopped effective immediately. Thus, the companies that own FullTiltPoker are obliged to not accept new clients, new deposits from current clients, not to allow existing clients to withdraw their funds from company accounts, not to allow existing clients to participate in poker games or transactions in the gambling domain.

Bonus de `nregistrare la / Sign-up bonus at Site-ul de poker al re]elei iPoker ofer\ un bonus uria[, `n valoare de 250 la sut\ pentru to]i nou veni]ii care `[i fac un cont [i `l alimenteaz\. Procentul se aplic\ numai la o sum\ maxim\ de 2000 de dolari. Totodat\, site-ul a anun]at c\ nou-veni]ii care vin de pe un alt site de gambling online vor avea statut de VIP [i vor primi beneficii `n consecin]\. Ini]iativa site-ului vine ca reac]ie la recentele ac]iuni ìBlue Mondayî [i “Black Friday” ce au avut loc `n Statele Unite, unde gamblingul online a fost interzis. Compania licen]iat\ `n Antigua sper\ s\ ob]in\ astfel un num\r c‚t mai mare de utilizatori ai platformei, gra]ie bonusului surprinz\tor [i restric]iilor recente legate de jocurile online din Statele Unite.

The poker website of the iPoker network is offering a huge bonus, worth 250 percent for all new-comers who create and account and load it. The percentage is only applied for a maximum sum of 2,000 dollars. Altogether, the website announced that new-comers coming from another online gambling website will feature a VIP status and will receive benefits accordingly. The initiative of the website comes as a reaction to the recent actions "Blue Monday" and "Black Friday" which occurred in the United States, where online gambling was forbidden. The company licensed in Antigua is hoping to obtain this way as many users as possible for the platform, thanks to the surprising bonus and to the recent restrictions related to online gaming in the United States.

Betfair a raportat venituri record / Betfair reported record incomes 368,8 milioane de lire - aceasta este suma record raportat\ de britanicii de la drept venit pentru perioada aprilie 2010 - aprilie 2011. Potrivit oficialilor companiei, veniturile au `nregistrat o cre[tere de opt procente fa]\ de perioada anterioar\, ca rezultat al cre[terii num\rului de juc\tori cu bani reali `nregistra]i la Betfair, dar [i ca urmare a cre[terii num\rului de pariuri. Astfel, Betfair anun]\ c\ `n decursul acestui ultim an a `nregistrat 916 milioane de pariuri, cu 20 la sut\ mai mult dec‚t anul anterior. Potrivit pre[dintelui David Yu, schimb\rile au la baz\ ritmul tot mai sus]inut de dezvoltare al companiei din ultima perioad\ [i decizia de a fi tot mai public\.

368.8 million pounds - this is the record sum reported by the British website as income for period April 2010 - April 2011. According to the officials within the company, the incomes registered an increase by eight percent as compared to the previous period, as result of the increase of players with real money at Betfair, but also as result of the increase in the number of bets. Thus, Betfair announces that in the course of this last year it has registered 916 million bets, 20 percent more than the previous year. According to President David Yu, the changes are due to the increasingly sustained development rhythm of the company in the last period and the decision to make it more public.

European i-Gaming Congress&Expo - edi]ia a 10-a / European iGaming Congress & Expo - 10th edition Milano va g\zdui `n luna septembrie cea de-a 10-a edi]ie a Congresului [i Expozi]iei Europene de i-Gaming. Parte a s\pt\m‚nii Totally iGaming, EIG va avea loc `n perioada 19-22 septembrie `n Milano Convention Center, [i va reuni ca `n fiecare an reprezentan]i de top ai domeniului de gaming din Europa dar [i de dincolo de grani]ele sale. Peste 1500 de nume mai vechi sau mai noi din industrie [i-au anun]at participarera la aniversarea a 10 ani de EIG [i dorin]a de a construi noi parteneriate de succes pentru noi pie]e aflate `n ascensiune, de a descoperi modalit\]i de a-[i `mbun\t\]i afacerile, de a oferi produse mai incitante [i mai competitive [i de a descoperi noi aspecte legate de pozi]ionarea concuren]ei `n raport cu noile condi]ii de pia]\, dictate de noile reglement\ri din domeniu.

Milan will host in month September the 10th edition of the European Gaming Congress & Expo. Part of the Totally iGaming week, EiG will take place during period 19-22 September in Milan Convention Center and will reunite as in every year the top representatives in the field of gaming in Europe and beyond. More than 1,500 names, older or newer in the industry, have announced their participation in the 10-year anniversary of EiG as well as the wish to build new successful partnerships for new emerging markets, to discover means to improve their businesses, to offer more exciting and more competitive products and to discover new aspects related to the position of the competition in relation to the new market conditions, as dictated by the new regulations in the domain.

Sportivii [i oficialii - interzis la pariuri `n 2012 / Sportsmen and officials - not allowed to bet in 2012 Sportivii [i oficialii care vor face parte din staff-ul edi]iei din 2012 a Jocurilor Olimpice de la Londra nu vor avea voie s\ parieze pe evenimentele sportive din cadrul competi]iei. Comitetul Olimpic Interna]ional a anun]at c\ va implementa o interdic]ie categoric\ `n acest sens pentru sportivi, pentru staff-ul de antrenori, pentru oficiali, pentru jurnali[tii acredita]i, precum [i pentru to]i ceilal]i care ar putea avea acces la informa]ii de culise privindu-i pe atle]i sau `ntrecerile. Potrivit The Daily Telegraph, m\sura are ca scop prevenirea pariurilor ilegale [i men]inerea integrit\]ii la Olimpiad\.

Sportsmen and officials who will be part of the staff in the 2012 edition of the Olympic Games in London will not be allowed to bet on sports events within the competition. The International Olympic Committee has announced that it will implement a strict interdiction in this sense for sportsmen, for the staff of trainers, for officials, for certified journalists, as well as for all those who may have access to backstage information regarding athletes or competitions. According to The Daily Telegraph, the measure is intended to prevent illegal bets and to maintain the integrity of the Olympics.



We proudly recommend: Produc\tori/Producers

Alfastreet ,Str. Br창ndu[elor nr. 2-4, etaj 4, sector 3, Bucure[ti,


Address: 275-277 Calea Bucure[tilor, 075100 - Otopeni, Rom창nia Phone: +40 374 159 100, Fax: +40 374 159 020 Email:, Website:

SC INNOGATE TRADE SRL Bucure[ti, Str. Ghe Dem Teodorescu Nr. 11-13 tel: 0040 213203292, fax: 0040 213203293,,

We proudly recommend: Live Casinos

Casino Bucharest

Chios Casino, Str. Cardinal Iuliu Hosu nr. 5 Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Telefon: +40 364 730 015

Casino Vesuvius, Calea Bucuresti 229 A, Brasov Tel.: 0268 301 456

We proudly recommend: Slot Rooms


Game World, Bucure[ti Mall, Calea Vitan nr. 55-59, etaj 2, sector 3, Tel./Fax: (021) 327 7509

Cluj-Napoca, Str. Gheorghe Doja nr. 44 Tel/fax: 0264-412 590; 0264-403 855

We proudly recommend: Betting Houses

Mozzart Bet


Nr. 24 / June - July 2011


We proudly recommend: Our Partners

Ciul & Asocia]ii, Str. Zeicani nr. 3, sector 4, Tel: 021/ 410 02 14



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Bd. Mamaia Nr. 430 A, Mamaia, Constanta Tel.:0241.879.073

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Direc]ia General\ Anticorup]ie TelVerde: 0800.806.806,


Secret LIFE

Novotel Bucarest City Centre, Calea Victoriei 37B, Sector 1, Bucure[ti, Phone: + (40) 21 308 85 00 Fax: + (40) 21 308 85 01,

Rin Grand Hotel

Club Floreasca, Strada Mircea Eliade, Nr. 1, Bucure[ti Tel: +40 21 319 81 77 Fax: +40 21 230 7979

Residence Hotels, 19 Clucerului Street, 1st District, Bucharest, Romania, Phone: 004 021 223.19.78 Mobile: 004 0372 150.700, Fax: 004 021 222.90.46

d C Residence Hotels, 33 Alexandru Constantinescu Str., 1st District, Bucharest, Romania, Phone: 004 021 224.50.44, Mobile: 004 0372 150.600, Fax: 004 021 224.50.21, reserva

Residence Street, 137AHotels, Od ii 137A St Odaii t 1st District, Bucharest, Romania, Phone: 004 021 315.16.66 Mobile: 004 0722 333.443, Fax: 004 031 101.66.48

Hotel Ramada Bucure[ti Calea Bucure[ti Nr. 13, Bra[ov, 500326 RO Phone: 40-268-337474, fax: 40-268-336969

Hotel Ramada Bra[ov Emil Cioran, nr. 2, Sibiu, 550025 RO, Tel. 00(4) 0 269 235 505 Fax. 00(4) 0 269 235 504,

Hotel Ramada Sibiu Mobil: (0040)0723355222 tel/fax:(0040)0269235505




We proudly recommend: Our Partners

Ramada Hotel Sibiu, tel. 0726 355 222 •

Siqua Hotel, Calea Plevnei, nr. 59 A, Bucure[ti Mob: 0751 048 812, T: 021-3 19 51 60. Fax: 021- 319 51 62 E-mail:

Vigo Hotel, Bd. Independen]ei nr. 28, Ploie[ti, Prahova • Tel.: 0244.514.501, fax: 0244/514.504 mail:

Hotel Casa Victor, Str. Emanoil Porumbaru, Nr. 44, Sector 1, Bucure[ti, Telefon: +40-21-2225723; +40-21-2229626 E-mail: •

Duke Hotel, 33 Dacia Blvd, District 1 - Bucharest, Romania Tel: +40 21 317 4186, 87, 88 Fax: +40 21 317 4189 E-mail:

Perla Hotels

Hotel Moxa, 129 Calea Victoriei crossroads 4 Mihail Moxa Street, District 1, Bucharest, Romania Tel: +40 21 650 55 55 Fax: +40 21 650 66 66

Hotel Royal Bucure[ti Mircea Voda 28 - 030662 Bucharest, TEL.Ú+44 203 027 7155

Hotel Royal Constan]a, Bd. Mamaia nr.191, Constan]a Tel: 0241/542.670, Fax: 0241/545.882 e-mail: Bucharest Comfort Suites HOTEL**** The perfect place o stay when you visit Bucharest.We take care of your comfort, we take care of your money, we take care of you.keep your dreem in our comfort. Your home away from home...

129, Observatorului Street, 400352,Cluj-Napoca - Romania Tel: +40 264 540 000 +40 264 545 000, Fax: +40 264 524 677 E-mail: sales@

2, Scoala de Inot Street, 550005, Sibiu - Romania,Tel: +40 269 234 000, Fax: +40 269 224 000, E-mail:office@ sales@goldentulipanatow

Bd. Mamaia nr. 209, Constanta, Mamaia, Tel:+40372418499, Fax:+40341446731, Email: Web:

Centrul de Afaceri„Marea Neagr\“ - President Str. Teilor nr. 6, 905500, Mangalia, Tel./Fax: 0040 - 241-755. 861 E-mail: •

Hotel Traian **** Constan]a, ultracentral, zon\ lini[tit\, teren tenis/ fotbal, saun\, masaj, parcare gratuit\, Str. Mihail Kog\lniceanu nr. 36, Constan]a, România Tel. : 0241/485868 • Mobil: 0722/630536, 0766/777153 E-mail :

Strada Republicii Nr, 18, Gura Humorului, Tel,: + 40230 207 000, Fax: +40230 207 001,

Aro Palace, 12, Muresenilor Street, Brasov, Romania Tel.: 0268-477.664, 477.87, Fax: 0268-475.250 E-mail: Reservation: •

Hotel Scala, Str. C.A. Rosetti 19, sector 2, Bucure[ti, Tel.: 031 104 1111

Str Donath, Nr 100, 400293, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romania Tel: +40 264 307200;Fax: +40 264 307205; Mobil: +40 748 233 335 •

Hotel Atlantic, Iosif Vulcan Nr 9, Oradea, Bihor Tel./ Fax.: 0259 / 426 911, 0359 / 172 263 • Mobil: 0740 / 489 557 e-mail: •

Best Western Ambassador Hotel Mangalia street 3, Timisoara, tel.0256306880, fax 0256401033 •


Nr. 24 / June - July 2011


We proudly recommend: Our Partners

Villa Rodizio, restaurant cu specific sud-american Str. I.L.Caragiale nr. 32, Bucure[ti

Str. Ghercu Constantin nr. 24, sector 6, Bucure[ti, Rezerv\ri: 0720535383, Informa]ii: 0720535382, •

Laguna Hotel, Mamaia, Jud. Constan]a Tel/Fax:0341 45 44 66 / 0341 45 44 67; Mail:

Hotel Lido Timi[oara, Tel.: 0040-256-407373,

Hotel Millenium, Bd. Mamaia 135-137 • Tel./fax: 024 1607341

Chambers’n Charm, Bra[ov, Str. Stej\ri[ului 27 Tel.: 0268 512992; 0733 016512, Fax: 0260 512991

Casa Teo, Sinaia • Tel. rezerv\ri: 0722 526088

king’s club, Iuliu Maniu nr. 8A, Bucure[ti, Tel. / Fax: 031-805.50.69 0749-220.002 e-mail: rezervari@kingsclubro

Agen]ia Travel Time D&R,, • e-mail: tel: 021.312.12.52/62; 0730.245.966, fax: 021.312.12.72 / 031.816.82.06; Persoan\ de contact: Gabriel Mandache

Compo Euro Club, Com Maliuc, Loc Partizani, Jud Tulcea, Tel: 0744649 198, 0726 230 777,

Ocna Sibiului, Str. Bailor 22-24, 555600, Ocna Sibiului, Jud. SibiuTel: 0269/577348, Fax: 0269/577311 •

Opera Na]ional\ Bucure[ti, Bd. M.Kog\lniceanu, nr. 70-72, Bucure[ti, Tel.: +4021 311.52.54 • Fax: +4021 310.26.61 email: •

Rezerv\ri la: 0728.138.265, 0720.499.804

Imperium: tel.:+40 0722 33 17 52 Str. Nicolae Balcescu, nr. 24, Sibiu

Perla, Strada 1, nr 155, Sulina Telefon: +40 722 715 254,

Str. Traian nr. 206, sect. 2, Bucure[ti Tel/fax: 0318052979 / 980

Oana Style, Tel.: 0732424131,

Plach Friends&Coffee, coffee, cocktails& exquisite food, open 24 h, Bd Dacia 153-155 T: 0771674095, 0730448080,

Ion Stoian, +4 0731.833.339; +4 0765.274.032



We proudly recommend: Our Partners

Caffe Pascucci Shop , Calea Doroban]i nr. 152, sector 1, Bucure[ti, Rezerv\ri: 0756.166.111

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Shoping City Sibiu

Trends, • Downtown Boutique: Calea Victoriei, nr. 83-85 • Baneasa Boutique: Baneasa Shopping City

Lounge cafe ZOOM, Sibiu

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Federa]ia Na]ional\ de Poker

Federa]ia Român\ de Box Str. Vasile Conta, Nr.16, et. 7 cam. 715, Sect. 2, Bucure[ti

Tel. +40 21 317 01 85, +40 21 031 805 7369 Fax. +40 21 317 01 86

Regional Air Services

S.N.T.F.C. „C.F.R. C\l\tori“ S.A. Pentru rezerv\ri: 9522

Federa]ia Român\ de Yachting


Federa]ia Român\ de Baschet, Str. Vasile Conta nr.16, et. 7, sect. 2, Bucure[ti

CE.MI Total Cosmetic\ auto Str. Peroni nr. 30 0722314 570 1st Class Limo, tel.: 0721 329116,

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Casino Life & Business Magazine este Partener Oficial al Federa]iei Sportive Na]ionale de Poker

Num\rul 25. August/septembrie 2011 Edi]ie Român\-Englez\ / Romanian-English Edition

Casino Girl Miss Hostess


Casino Vesuvius Venetian Macau Binion's Horseshoe Casino Sahara


Golden League Mambo Stud Mochi Craft Long Range 23

Pre]: 14,9 RON

Bucure[ti 2-3 februarie 2012


Conferin]a Romån` de Gambling

Number 25. August / September 2011


Modific\ri aduse legisla]iei jocurilor

Cristian Pascu

Pre[edinte Executiv / Executive President AOPJNR

de noroc / Modifications brought to gambling legislation

BETONUS! Str. Prof. Dr. Mihai Georgescu, Nr. 7, sector 2, Bucure[ti . tel.: 0214110191, 0214110291 . e-mail:

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