Hispanic Playbook

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Chapter 1: Defining the Target Audience Individuals of Hispanic or Latino origin have a rich and diverse heritage. While the following does not reflect all, it will bring about a better understanding of how best to assist Hispanic clients. Culture and Tradition Hispanic culture is about tradition, values, and heritage which defines its roots. Religion is very important to Hispanics. Hispanics have largely embraced religion with the firm belief that it controls their destinies. Another aspect of Hispanic culture that is critical to understanding is the concept of "confianza," or trust. In the Hispanic world, trust is not automatically given; it is earned. Individuals Interests of the individual prevail over interests of the group. They tend to take care of themselves rather than relying on others and see themselves as independent of the organization. Immigrants, especially those who may be undocumented, undereducated or unable to speak English well, keep a low-profile. Family When raised in a Hispanic family, you are taught to love and respect your family. The parents take care of the children as they grow up, but the roles are reversed as soon as the parents grow old and the children have a means of livelihood. There is a deep connection between family members that cannot be broken even in the worst of economic, or health statuses. A sense of belonging is intense, yet limited to family and friends. People who are not family or close friends are often mistrusted. At Work Financial support for the family is important and expected. Hispanics are very capable of learning and are hard working individuals. They work well in a safe working environment and tend to be dependent on the organization. Being involved at work is important to them and they tend to stay in a job where they feel they are part of a family. Some Hispanics may only have basic reading and writing skills due to the high dropout rates. Hispanics may need significant training and hands-on attention to achieve desired results.


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