Ambassador Fall 2014

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Ambassador FALL 2014


GOING BEYOND THE CLASSROOM Wheels-to-Work Celebrating One Year Goodwill Shoppers Treated to a Shopping Spree Another Record-Breaking Month

Ambassador FALL 2014

President and CEO

Matthew S. Bourlakas




Senior Director of Marketing & Community Relations


Editor and Writer


PR & Communications Manager


Art Director


Karl Houston

Jamie Berry

EJ Kerr

Manager of Creative Services


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Ambassador is a quarterly magazine published by Goodwill Industries of Middle Tennessee, Inc., 1015 Herman Street, Nashville, TN 37208.


For the nearest retail store, donation center, or Career Solutions center, please call 800.545.9231 or visit


Ambassador provides readers with stories of the events, activities and people who support the mission of Goodwill Industries of Middle Tennessee. We are pleased to provide you this information and hope you will share our publication with others. Please note that the opinions expressed in Ambassador do not necessarily reflect the opinions or official position of management or employees of Goodwill Industries of Middle Tennessee, Inc.

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I Got it at Goodwill Goodwill Success Stories Wheels-to-Work Celebrating One Year Goodwill Shoppers Treated to a Shopping Spree Goodwill’s Summer Youth Program Goodwill’s Summer Work Program Partnering with Local Nonprofits Career Solutions Another Record-Breaking Month 200 Job Fairs Over the Summer 2 New Career Solutions Centers National Disability Employment Awareness Month I Change Lives - Kevin Bishop

Board of Directors OFFICERS

Chairperson: Donna B. Yurdin

Legal Counsel: Christopher S. Dunn & Waller Lansden Dortch & Davis, LLP

Vice Chairman: Fred McLaughlin

Goodwill President and CEO: Matthew S. Bourlakas

Secretary: Julie F. Wilson

Goodwill VP and Chief Operating Officer: Tammy B. Glass

Treasurer: Dave M. Fentress

Goodwill VP and Chief People Officer: Betty J. Johnson


James B. Foley

Todd A. Spaanstra

Kathryn S. Gibson

John W. Stone, III*

J. B. Baker

Chad M. Grout

Kathryn I. Thompson

Philip G. Hull

John C. Tishler*

Decosta E. Jenkins

John Van Mol

Robert B. Kennedy

Jeff Young

R. Craig Laine

*Ex Officio

Ryan R. Loyd


Woodretta Allen Bryan L. Bean

The Goodwill Mission

Steele Clayton

provide employment and training

Gary W. Cordell

We sell donated goods to

opportunities for people who have disabilities and others who have trouble finding and keeping jobs.


Ambassador Fall 2014

David L. Condra Andrew Davidson Chris Dunn Robert W. Duthie Dave M. Fentress

Robert McNeilly Ty H. Osman Christine E. Skold

Fred T. McLaughlin Robert B. Kennedy Robert W. Duthie

Our business is changing lives.



Jenn wrote: My open shelves are almost complete! Minus one item, I got all of this at Goodwill here in East Nashville. Our place is slowly coming together!

got it at


GREAT FINDS AND DEALS FROM GOODWILL SHOPPERS Do you have some fabulous finds in your home or closet that you purchased at Goodwill? Share them with us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, and we might feature them in our next edition!

Drew wrote: I scored some hard to find soundtracks on vinyl at Goodwill today.

Lydia wrote: Check out the dresses that Leslie and I got from Goodwill. Leslie paid $9.99, and I paid only $4.99. We wore them to the Annual Superintendent’s Banquet honoring our principals for the great job they do for the students of WCS!


Nicole wrote: I needed some more footed pajamas for my baby girl, so I decided to check out Goodwill first. I snagged seven for only $12!! Excited because most of them were Carter’s brand and in great condition!!


Post your great finds:


Ambassador Fall 2014



SUCCESS STORIES give joy “Working for Goodwill is pretty

awesome,” he said with a big smile on his face. “I love it here. It’s like heaven on earth.”

- Stephen


When Stephen started

working at the Columbia

Goodwill store in 2005, he

was quiet and shy, but you’d never know it if you met him today. “Stephen never meets a stranger, and he

never forgets a name,” said Becky Kelly, the manager

at Goodwill’s Columbia store. “He goes out of his way to greet every shopper with a smile and a hello.”

Although Stephen works vigorously at his janitorial

job by mopping the floors and cleaning the windows, it’s his contagious smile and positive attitude that

really makes the store shine. “Stephen never has a

give opportunity “Two years ago, we bought a house and made Cookeville our home,” she said. “Goodwill gave me the opportunity to do that.” -Cindy

bad day,” she said. “He is just a joy to be around.

When he comes in to work with that smile on his face, it makes everyone around him happy.”

Making others happy is what Stephen does best, but

it’s not the only quality that makes him stand out. “We can always count on Stephen,” said Kelly. “In nine years, he’s never missed a day of work.”

While Stephen enjoys what he does, he said the people are the best part about Goodwill. “Just

because I’m different doesn’t mean you should treat me different,” said Stephen. “I love the customers,

give stability “Goodwill has added stability to my life. I can now pay my bills and take

and they love me. My co-workers are like family.”

After nine years at Goodwill, Stephen can’t imagine working anywhere else. “Working for Goodwill is

pretty awesome,” he said with a big smile on his face. “I love it here. It’s like heaven on earth.”

care of my wife.” -Richard


Ambassador Fall 2014

Our business is changing lives.


When Cindy came to Cookeville

in 2003, she had reached an all-

time low in her life. “I had lost my


Richard spent most of his

life changing tires on tractor

trailers. After a while, all that

home, my family and my life as I had known it,” she

heavy lifting took a toll on his body. “I have a bad disk

Cindy had spent the last 11 months in prison. As a

Over the next several months, Richard applied for

said. “It was all because of my drug addiction.”

condition of her early release, she was required to

attend recovery meetings and live in a halfway house. “I called dozens, but a halfway house in Cookeville was the only one that would accept me,” she said.

“So I hopped on a bus with a few possessions and

in my back, and I just couldn’t do the job anymore.”

dozens of jobs, and he even landed a few interviews, but nothing ever panned out. “I was unemployed for almost a year. We got behind on our bills and were just days from losing our home.”

$10 in my pocket.”

Richard was about to give up when Goodwill offered

On the way to a meeting, Cindy stopped at the local

five years at Goodwill, he was promoted to a lead

Goodwill store. She didn’t buy anything, but she left

with something of value: a Career Solutions brochure. Cindy went to the Career Solutions center in

Cookeville the very next day. “The career counselor went above and beyond to help me. She knew I

needed money immediately, so she found me a job where I could make tips.”

Weeks later, Cindy started a job as a processor at Goodwill. “Within a year, I had purchased a car,

rented a home and moved my family here,” she said. “Shortly after that, I received a promotion.”

What started with a brochure 11 years ago has

evolved into so much more. “Coming to Goodwill was one of the most important decisions I’ve made. I love the people, and I enjoy my job.”

him a job as a donation attendant in Smyrna. After donation attendant. “I’ve been doing the new job

since July, and I love it,” he said. “I get to travel to

eight different donation sites each week, and I still get to interact with our donors, which I enjoy.”

Richard said he is grateful to Goodwill for giving

him an opportunity to work again. “If it weren’t for Goodwill, I would probably be out on the street.

Goodwill has added stability to my life. I can now pay my bills and take care of my wife.”

During his year of unemployment, Richard was

looking for a job that would pay the bills. Today he’s happy he found something much more than that.

“It makes me feel good to work for an organization like Goodwill,” he said. “I love my job, and I love Goodwill.”

Cindy said Goodwill has provided her with more than a job. “Two years ago, we bought a house and made Cookeville our home,” she said. “Goodwill gave me the opportunity to do that.”

Ambassador Fall 2014




“I’ve had a series of health issues since the age of 12,” he said. “I was even diagnosed with arthritis at a very young age.” - BRADLEY

buses each day because my route requires me to transfer buses downtown.”

That all changed on August 8. Bradley got to leave work that day in his very own car. “I think it’s a nice little car,” he said. “I really appreciate Goodwill giving it to me.”

Bradley became the sixth vehicle recipient in the Wheels-to-Work Program. There are several employees and clients currently on a


n August, Goodwill Industries of Middle Tennessee

waiting list for the program, so if you have a vehicle you’d like to

Work Program with another vehicle presentation. Goodwill

The Wheels-to-Work Program was established in July 2013 to

celebrated the one year anniversary of the Wheels-to-

President and CEO Matthew Bourlakas presented Bradley with the keys to his “new” car at a ceremony on Friday, August 8, on Goodwill’s corporate campus.

Bradley spends his days hanging clothes in one of Goodwill’s downtown Nashville warehouses. He uses the bus for

transportation, but the walking or standing can be quite painful. “I’ve had a series of health issues since the age of 12,” he said. “I was even diagnosed with arthritis at a very young age.”

Bradley lives less than 10 minutes from Goodwill, but he spends about two and a half hours on the bus each day. “I ride four


Ambassador Fall 2014

donate, know that it will be put to good use.

help Goodwill employees and clients eliminate the barrier of

transportation. The program gives donated vehicles to qualified Goodwill employees or clients who cannot afford to purchase a vehicle and need one to get to work.

In order to qualify for the program, participants must meet

certain qualifications such as being employed at least 30 hours, having a valid driver’s license and good driving record. After

being notified of acceptance into the program, participants have

to complete training classes on budgeting, defensive driving and car maintenance. n

Our business is changing lives.

4 HD Surprisesquad CHANNEL


Laura Gang


argain shoppers can find amazing deals at Goodwill, but

For Laura Gang, the gift came as a huge blessing. “I’m a

were treated to a shopping spree.

budget,” she said. “We just bought a used car, so I know we

in July, some shoppers at our Goodwill store in Madison

The Channel 4 Surprise Squad has been making stops all over

stay-at-home mom right now, so we are on a really tight have limited funds.”

Middle Tennessee and surprising people by picking up the tab.

Gang spent her 10 minutes shopping in children’s clothing. “I’m

meal for restaurant goers. They even went to NES and paid

his clothes, so I’m trying to stock up before I have the baby.”

They’ve bought gas for drivers, groceries for shoppers and a customers’ electric bills.

On July 25, the Channel 4 Surprise Squad showed up at the

Rivergate Goodwill store with $1,100 to spend. Holly Thompson made the first announcement at 9:15 a.m. “Shoppers, we have a big surprise for you today. I’m Channel 4’s Holly Thompson, and we want to give you a shopping spree on us. You have 10 minutes to get whatever you need or want and then get

to register 7, and the Channel 4 Surprise Squad will pay for whatever is in your cart.”

having a little girl next month, and my son is getting too big for

When Gang finally made her way to the register, she had found plenty of fall and winter clothes for the kids. “I was only going

to purchase a few things, but I ended up with around 15 items, which is amazing.”

The Channel 4 Surprise Squad paid for all of Gang’s purchases, and the purchases of approximately 50 other Goodwill

shoppers. “It was such a surprise and so nice of Channel 4 to pay for my clothes,” said Gang. “I’m very grateful.” n

“It was such a surprise and so nice of Channel 4 to pay for my clothes. I’m very grateful.”

Ambassador Fall 2014

Our business is changing lives.






chool is all about reading, writing and arithmetic. Goodwill’s Summer Youth Program goes beyond the classroom. Teens spend four weeks learning the life skills they need to help them successfully transition into adulthood. The four-week job readiness program is offered twice each summer and focuses on everything from career and finance to health and fitness.

first aid and CPR certification. Then it’s off to Kroger where they learn how to make good food choices. “We take them grocery shopping and show them how to read food labels,” said Smith. “The teens then get to cook the items they purchased.”

The classes are held at Goodwill’s corporate office on Herman Street in downtown Nashville, but there are plenty of local business tours and field trips. “Our goal is to prepare them for the next phase in their lives, whether that’s higher education or employment,” said Samuel Smith, good life trainer for Goodwill. “We also want the students to experience new things and learn new skills.”

Harvest Food Bank. “It’s important that they experience the gift of

Students are taught how to carry themselves, how to dress properly and how to interview for a job. For those who want to go on to college, the program also includes tours of several local universities. There’s also a huge focus on health and fitness. Students are given a fitness test, attend a yoga and karate class, and earn their

The teens also learn the importance of personal finance and how

to save and spend. They also spend a day volunteering at Second giving back to their community, even if it’s just their time.”

The program also features several guest speakers who tackle various topics including more serious subjects such as suicide and bullying. “These are epidemics facing these teens today, and we want to educate them on these issues.” Smith hopes the program continues to help teens not only overcome any obstacles they may have but exceed their goals in life. “The transformation we witness from day one to day 30 is astounding,” said Smith. “We must continue to invest in our youth because they are our future leaders.” n

Samuel Smith


Ambassador Fall 2014

Our business is changing lives.





This program taught me how to be responsible and respectful. I also enjoyed hanging out with everyone. I like people that laugh, and we laughed a lot.

This program taught me how to be independent and make better choices. I also liked that we did something different every day. I really enjoyed everything.




Not only did I make several new friends, but I learned new things. This program will definitely have an effect on my future job experiences.

I learned how to manage money, and how important it is to be on time. I got very close with the other teens in the program.

Mr. Sam is fun, and I love Ms. Christina. I also made some new friends. I have really enjoyed myself, and I learned so many things.




My favorite activity was cooking. I got to make ribs for the first time. I also enjoyed the field trips, the teachers and the other teens. Honestly, I enjoyed everything.

My favorite part of the program was getting first aid and CPR certified because these are tools I can use to save someone’s life.

This program has taught me a lot about jobs and what you need to do to get one. It has also taught me the importance of being on time.




This program has taught me how to be more responsible. I’ve learned that it’s not always about me, it’s about us. Thank you for this opportunity.

I really enjoyed our tour at Meharry Medical College. We got to see some of the things incoming freshman will be doing this school year.

I have learned so much. I feel more prepared for a job interview after our mock interviews. I also enjoyed our visit to the Frist Center and our NewsChannel 5 tour.




I learned how to manage my money, how to do CPR and how to interview for a job. Thank you for preparing me for the future.

I’ve learned how to perform CPR, how to cook, how to write a resumé and how to manage money. This has been the best experience I’ve ever had.

I really appreciate having the opportunity to be a part of this program. It was a great learning experience, and it has prepared me for the real word.




I loved our field trips. We visited the Frist Center, TSU campus, Meharry Medical College, Opry Mills Mall, NewsChannel 5 and the Nashville Public Library.

I had an amazing experience, and I would do it again. Thank you, Ms. Christina and Mr. Sam. I loved sharing this month with you.

I have learned how to do many things such as managing money, CPR and first aid, yoga and much more. I am very blessed to be a part of this program.

Ambassador Fall 2014






“When they offered me the job, my heart stopped. I was so excited,” said Marquita.


oodwill’s summer work program is celebrating 25 years. The six-week paid summer work training program is offered to high school students who have a disability or come from a disadvantaged home. Approximately 90 students took part in the program this year, which was offered in Davidson and Williamson Counties. Students spent their six-week training at various Kroger and Goodwill locations. At Goodwill, students were placed in stores, Donation Express Centers, and in the warehouse, while others worked in departments such as accounting, HR and marketing. For nearly all of the students, it was their first job and their first time earning a paycheck. Lasandria, Marquita and Trennedy were placed at the Goodwill store in East Nashville. The teens spent their six weeks processing hard goods and clothes. When the program ended, management offered all three of them part-time jobs. “When they offered me the job, my heart stopped. I was so excited,” said Marquita. “Then they trained me to work on the register, which I love, because I get to talk to all of the customers.”


Ambassador Fall 2014


Marquita is a senior at nearby East Nashville Magnet School. She works Wednesdays and Fridays after school. She also works on the weekends. “I love working Saturdays and Sundays because it gives me something to do,” she said. “I’m an only child, and being around others makes me happy. I’m a people person.” Marquita uses her paycheck to help her mother with the bills, and she buys food. She even paid for most of her school clothes. “I like being able to pay my own way. It makes me feel good to not have to ask my mom for everything.” After high school, Marquita plans to go to college. Her goal is to one day own her own daycare. For now, she’s happy spending her days at Goodwill. “I’m so thankful to Goodwill for giving me an opportunity to work,” said Marquita with a smile. “I love helping others.” n The Davidson County portion of the program is partially funded by the Metropolitan Development and Housing Agency. Goodwill funds all costs of the program not covered by community resources.

Our business is changing lives.



id you know Goodwill partners with

to people who have a disability or who are

to people in the community? The

does not always pay for medical equipment,

several local nonprofits to give back

Goodwill Cares program was launched in 1999 to assist those who need it most.

In 2013, Goodwill Cares provided more than 1,100 Goodwill gift cards to people who had

“Since our partnership in 2008, Goodwill has given us more than 1,200 pieces of medical equipment,” - Margaret Eighmy UCP of Middle Tennessee

experienced a recent hardship. In addition, the

recovering from a recent injury. “Insurance and it can be expensive,” said Margaret

Eighmy, director of equipment exchange for

UCP of Middle Tennessee. “We give it away, but we do ask people to make a donation in

our money bucket if they can afford to do so.”

program helps organizations that need items

Goodwill provides UCP with various pieces

equipment to serve their clients.

shower seats and wheelchairs. “Since our

such as linens, furniture, books or medical One of the organizations Goodwill Cares

partners with is United Cerebral Palsy (UCP)

of Middle Tennessee. In 2013, UCP provided

more than 1,700 pieces of medical equipment

of equipment from crutches and walkers to partnership in 2008, Goodwill has given us

more than 1,200 pieces of medical equipment,” she said. “I don’t know what we would do

without Goodwill. We are very grateful for our partnership and this program.” n

For more information, visit



or a third year in a row, Goodwill held a donation drive at a Jackson Generals home game. Goodwill set up

a donation trailer in the parking lot of the stadium on

Friday, June 27. In just one hour, Goodwill received several donations including clothing, shoes and household items. Each person who made a donation to Goodwill received two free tickets to an upcoming game.

Ambassador Fall 2014






id you know Goodwill Career Solutions provides free one-on-one job training


and placement services to people who

need help looking for, finding and keeping a job? Goodwill Career Solutions set a goal to assist

20,000 people in their search for work and place 6,000 people in jobs this year. As of August 1,

Career Solutions had already assisted 18,305 and placed 4,946 in jobs.

In July, Career Solutions set a record when it

placed 817 people into jobs. The previous record


JULY 2014




817 767

JULY 2014




of 767 was set in June.

The increase in placements is partly due to the increase in the number of job fairs hosted by Goodwill Career Solutions. More than 80 job

fairs were conducted at the 27 Career Solutions

centers in July. That’s up from an average of 50 in the previous months of 2014.

Goodwill Career Solutions provides job seekers

with the skills needed to perform well at a job fair. Each center is staffed with a career counselor

who provides assistance with job searches, job applications, resumĂŠs and interviewing skills. Career Solutions also offers six computer

programs, plus several certification and training

courses including Call Center Training, Document Imaging Training, Custodial Certification and Forklift Certification.

For more information about Career Solutions, and a list of upcoming job fairs, visit n




Ambassador Fall 2014

Our business is changing lives.



his summer has been one of the busiest yet for Goodwill

The Career Solutions center in Dickson hosted three job fairs for

Tennessee hosted nearly 200 job fairs in three months.

people were hired on the spot. The job fairs were held on July 31,

Career Solutions. The centers in Middle and West

A job fair on June 30 at the downtown Nashville Career Solutions

Popeye’s. Nearly 100 people attended those job fairs, and 54 August 5 and August 6.

center attracted 125 job seekers. Eight employers were present

The Career Solutions center on West University Parkway in

AlliedBarton Security Services.

at various locations in West Tennessee. On August 20, a job fair

In July, the Springfield Career Solutions center hosted two job

than 140 people. Ten employers were present including Hamilton

including Holiday Inn, Metro Nashville Public Schools and

fairs for MasterStaff and Altruistic Staffing. More than half of the

job seekers who attended those job fairs were hired on the spot.

Jackson partnered with Bethel University to host several job fairs at the Mildred G. Fields Memorial Library in Milan attracted more Ryker, Cox Oil and Personnel Placements.


LEBANON On August 28, Goodwill

present including Convergys,

Solutions center next to the

and HG Staffing. Openings

opened a brand new Career Goodwill store on Madison Street in Clarksville. The

grand opening celebration

included a ribbon cutting and

a job fair. Five employers were

Clarksville Dental Center ranged from nurses and

clerical workers to customer service representatives and

line workers. More than 80 job seekers attended the event.

The city of Lebanon will soon get its first ever

Career Solutions center. A

grand opening celebration

will take place this fall. The new center will be located next to the Goodwill store on West Main Street.


The Mt. Juliet Career Solutions center opened its

On August 21, the center received a Community

the community. In just three months, Career counselor

Chamber of Commerce. The award is given to

doors on May 22, and it’s already making an impact in Barry Howard and his team assisted 234 people in

their search for work and placed 66 people in jobs.

The center also hosted 15 job fairs for 40 employers.

Ambassador Fall 2014

Enhancement award from the Mt. Juliet/West Wilson businesses whose operations, services or practices impact the community in a positive way.



ennessee’s unemployment rate

House soon learned that retirement

People with disabilities and people

the unemployment rate among

paying his bills, so he started working

contribute to our community, when they

stands at seven percent, but

adults with disabilities is even higher than that. During October, National Disability Employment Awareness

Month, Goodwill encourages employers to strengthen their workforces by hiring qualified people with disabilities. Goodwill Industries of Middle

Tennessee offers a program for people with disabilities who may need more time to adapt into the world of work. For individuals with a documented

physical, mental or emotional disability, the Transitional Services Employment Program offers one-on-one job readiness skills.

For John House, the one-on-one

assistance made all the difference.

House served the Franklin community

for 28 years as a firefighter, but an injury to his back would eventually lead him to

income was not enough to continue part-time jobs to supplement his

income. For nearly 15 years, House tried different types of work, but his back

pain was so severe, he couldn’t stay on the job for long.

House realized he needed to find a job that wouldn’t require him to be on his feet all day, so he turned to Goodwill for help. Transitional services case

manager Lee Anderson showed him

how to use a computer, how to search

for jobs online and helped him complete online applications.

In May 2014, House accepted a job

as a courtesy driver for Toyota of Cool Springs. Turns out, this is the perfect

job for him because it doesn’t require

him to be on his feet, and he loves being around people.

like John have skills and abilities to are placed in the right job.

To schedule an appointment with a

transitional services case manager, visit

Held each October, the U.S. Department of Labor commemorates National

Disability Employment Awareness Month to raise awareness about

disability employment issues and to

celebrate the contributions of America’s workers with disabilities. The theme for 2014 is “Expect. Employ. Empower.” Goodwill stands with the U.S.

Department of Labor and encourages companies and organizations to build more inclusive business cultures that

value diversity and encourage leaders to hire, retain and advance qualified individuals with disabilities. n

early retirement.


Ambassador Fall 2014

Our business is changing lives.



Kevin Bishop Greeter

As the greeter of the Murfreesboro Goodwill store on Memorial Boulevard, Kevin interacts with hundreds of customers each day. He changes lives with a smile and a few kind words. Customers love Kevin. They even ask about him when he’s not at work. What brought you to Goodwill? I’ve had vision problems most of my life.

How do you provide excellent customer service?

unemployed for more than two years due

customers happy when they walk through

When I came to Goodwill, I had been

I’m always looking for ways to make our

Kevin has had vision problems

to my eyesight getting increasingly worse.

the doors. Recently, my manager asked me

since he was 3-years-old,

I wanted to return to work and challenge

and his eyesight gradually



When Kevin was 20-years-old,

Did you go through Career Solutions?

he took a job as a meat cutter.

He said he was slow at the job,

but he was a hard worker. Kevin was even promoted to a meat

manager. He worked in the meat cutting field for 17 years, but his

vision had gotten so bad, he had to quit.

I stopped by the Career Solutions center

to hand out the donation cards to customers. On the back, I wrote different sayings like, “Smile, someone cares about you,” or

“You’re never fully dressed without a smile.” Customers loved it.

in Murfreesboro and was enrolled in the

Why is your job important to Goodwill’s mission?

me a chance to reenter the workforce with

I’m providing a service to the public. I’m

transitional program. This program gave

some assistance, which helped build my

confidence. It was a big adjustment both mentally and physically, but I am so happy now.

not only greeting them as they walk in the door, I’m also building relationships with

our customers. When customers receive

excellent service, they come back. That’s

Kevin remained unemployed for

The Transitional Services Employment

why my job is important to Goodwill’s

Program provides intensive job readiness


was miserable during that time.

services to people who have disabilities who

How do you change lives?

In 2012, Kevin’s wife encouraged

may need more time to adapt into the world of work. Participants learn to work both

I change lives with a smile. If someone is

independently and in a team environment

having a bad day, sometimes it only takes a

and gain marketable skills.

smile and a few positive words to brighten

has been greeting customers

What does your current job consist of?

them to feel like they are the most important

Memorial Boulevard since

store. I will get them a shopping cart if they

more than two years. He said he

him to go to the Tennessee Rehabilitation Center. After

graduation, he came to Goodwill in hopes of finding a job. Kevin at the Murfreesboro store on

I greet our customers as they enter the

February 2013.

want one, and I inform them of the color of

their day. I offer that to our customers. I want people on earth, because they are.

the week. I am always upbeat and positive

because I want our customers to feel warm and welcome. I enjoy being around people, so it’s the perfect job for me.

Ambassador Fall 2014


Our business is changing lives.




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