Com(m)unicate - Vol IV Issue I

Page 1

Shanelle Strives for Imperfection Antonia Umaña & Isabela Uribe

La falta de educación (y Cantinflas) Sergio Lozano

Put Yourself in my High Heeled Shoes Lucía Game

Ice Bucket What? Sara García


Vol IV, Issue i Com(m)unicate is a bilingual publication dedicated to sharing student voice and writing of Colegio Nueva Granada. Editors Marian Aristizábal Lucía Game

Copy Editors Sebastian Berenguer Jack Akerman

Layout & Online Portal Editor Camila Silva

Writers Alfonso Cuéllar Camila Franco Isabela Uribe Antonia Umaña Isabella Noero Sara Garcia Lucía Game Sarah Kim Jong Park Nicole Dreispiel Carter McKay Isabela Velasco Adelaida Lopez Michelle Akerman Jack Akerman Sergio Lozano Jorge Luis Gonzales Marcela Cho Natalia Acero Yootaek Oh Mathias Kling

Design Editors Nicole Dreispiel Juliana Cuéllar Design Team Marcela Cho Maria Godoy Silvana Junguito Isabela Puyana Juliana Laborde Comic Artists Samuel Tobón Juliana Cuéllar Special Thanks to Ms. Kaun Mr. Tangen Dr. Carriazo Ms. Paez Publications Department

Table of Contents


Shanelle Strives for Imperfection

Antonia Unaña & Isabela Uribe


Believe in the Numbers Alfonso Cuéllar

10 Smoothielicious Camila Franco

Time to Stop Using the 11 It’s Word ‘Feminism’ Sarah Kim

Yourself in My High 12 Put Heeled Shoes Lucía Game


El #IceBucketChallenge Isabella Noero

15 Ice Bucket What? 16 Becker in 192 Words Sara García

Nicole Dreispiel

18 That Thing in Your Pocket 20 The Evolution of Term Jong Partk

Carter McKay


Ignorant By Choice


‘I’ for Internet...or Ignorance?

Adelaida Lopez

Isabela Velasco

24 Ignorance 25 Las ironías de la ignorancia Michelle Akerman

Jack Akerman


La falta de educación (y Cantinflas) Sergio Lozano

28 La noche de la mente Jorge Luis Gonzales

1948 - Jackson 29 Unititled, Pollock Marcela Cho

30 I Want to Win Yootaek Oh

of the Outside 31 Ignorance World Sarah Kim

32 Keep Gossip Alive Natalia Acero

33 Best Friends Forever? Mathias Kling

You Even Know What It 35 Dou Means? Samuel Tobón

35 Faith Over Humanity Juliana Cuéllar

Shanelle Strives for Imperfection By Antonia UmaĂąa & Isabela Uribe


tive, while most of us spend them in bed watching Game of Thrones or planning to go to the gym, even if it never happens.

Shanelle Andres in one word: Perfecta, perfect, parfaite, perfetta, perfekt

Note: The statement above was translated into the five On the weekends she also manages a tight different languages Shanelle can speak; that of course, schedule, which made it extremely difficult to coorexcluding Spanglish. dinate an appointment. Finally, she agreed to let us She started her morning unlike any other per- spend a whole morning with her. son. Not struggling to get out of bed, she managed “Come to my house at 8am, we have a long to wake up at 4:30 am to exercise for an hour, take a shower, and get ready for the week to come.She had day ahead of us¨. to cook her own breakfast and make her own bed. For After this offer, we couldn’t dare be late so we three months now, she has been living in her own uto- pia: her parents trust her so much, they took a leap got to her house before she had finished her quinoa pancakes. Not knowing what was ahead of us, we decided to year in Paris and left her the house for herself. ask Shanelle what a typical Saturday was for her. Even on Monday her hair looked flawless no ¨My driving teacher just got matter how many times (five) she here. Don’t be scared it’s already has dyed it. At 6:45 am. Shanelle my third class¨. climbed the eternal path from the Perfecta, gate all the way up to High School. Sitting in the back seat watchNo mountain will ever be high perfect, ing Shanelle make perfect turns enough for her. Not even if she has parfaite, made it even more impossible to AP Calculus first period. Without a find out what it was he couldn’t - or single drop of sweat, she arrives and perfetta, wouldn’t - do. An hour went by, and is greeted with a 4 on her Homeperfekt still, not even one bus had honked work Quiz, something uncommon at her. The teacher couldn’t believe especially when you have AP Macro the car had not turned off a single and AP French the same day. time considering the difficult road We tried to talk to Shanelle during lunch but up to La Calera and her lack of experience. For those she had a Top Dogs meeting. The next day, she had who don’t know this Auto Norte driving school celebNHS. With little hope, we tried again on Wednes- rity, Don Hector tends to stop for something to eat on day and were finally able to reach her. She was not the way. He ordered Shanelle to park and we waited wasting any precious time of her day watching bad inside while he went for something packed in a paper soccer. She was with Terry Finnin deciding where bag. Accustomed to a different type of food, Shanelle to send her perfect transcript, 1900 SAT score, and was disappointed when Hector came back to the car with a bag of fried buñuelos. He offered her some, but 3.82 cumulative GPA. Shanelle, after realizing how greasy it was, said no. “I’m trying to decide between Georgetown, Watching her wrinkle her nose to the unique Notre Dame, and Boston College but I have some other options in case I don’t get accepted to any of smell of fried Colombian food that quickly infested the car was the turning point of our story. It was here my first choices”. when we realized what we would challenge Shanelle That afternoon she didn’t work on her col- to do: eating typical Colombian fried food from a lege applications, and only because she had a ballet place most commonly know as a chuzo. “What are recital where she starred. If you have seen the way you going to do to me anyway?” she asked moments she strides the CNG halls, you could probably infer after. Honestly, we couldn’t think of a response since she spends her afternoons doing something produc- the truth would obviously scare her away.


Hector dropped us off at Shanelle’s and as we switched cars, Shanelle told us she had to use the bathroom. Half an hour later, we knew something was wrong and went upstairs to her apartment to check on her. Almost expecting to find her having an emergency, we instead found her deciding upon which outfit to wear for a picture we had previously warned her about.

“Ugh I don’t know, everything looks ugly,” said the girl who looked as if she had jumped out of a Ralph Lauren campaign ad. She settled with red pants, tall boots, and a black blazer, accessorized with a white pashmina and leather bag. With her outfit onpoint, she shouted “shot-gun!” and ran to the front of the car with a delicate ballerina-like run. Little did she know what she had signed up for.

interesting and memorable. Right after we finally began to move after a traffic-jam, we stopped the car.

“Shanni, there’s no gas”.

She looked right, then left, and pretended the cars honking at us didn’t bother her. Of course, she was thinking things like this wouldn’t happen if she were driving. Like most days, it had rained so the streets were flooded with the kind of puddles that are so full of water they make you thirsty. Lucky for us, we could easily find a parking space that had one of these puddles next to Shanelle’s door. “Oh my god hay un charco”. She didn’t fall. The red Deli Arepa Express logo greeted Shanelle considering her last chance to escape. She thought twice before going inside but finally did, smiling back at us with the sweetest of the smiles even if she had killed us twice in her mind. The waiter, if you can call him that, handed Shanelle the menu. Confused, she walked across the three-meter restaurant looking back at us waiting for an indication. The only people who were sitting there interrupted their “arepas con todo” to gaze at the young blonde who had just walked in, wondering if they were really seeing an angel or if it was just their minds playing tricks on them.

Searching for a way to tell Shanelle about our plan, we decided to lock the doors in case she wanted to escape. After careful consideration, we dropped the bomb on her as she quickly replied with a face of disgust and repulsion. Taking advantage of the little time Shanelle had granted us, we knew we had to interview her before she told us she had to go and do some college es “No! You guys are going to make me sound say, go to the gym or save the world. As we talked, and snobby”. noticing our faces of astonishment, Shanelle quickly turned red and told us: “Oh my god no! They’re We took advantage of a typical Saturday day af- going to think I’m perfect”. In an attempt to get to ternoon in Bogota to make Shanelle’s adventure more know Shanelle a little better we decided to make her “Isabela we have to describe this face in the article”,


smell the four sauces on the table and decide on her favorite. Among them was ketchup, ají, mayonnaise and a green-like sauce nobody dared to ask about. At first impression, Shanelle obviously picked the green one, claiming it looked like “pesto sauce”. She smelled it, told us it smelled like glue, and immediately asked what we were going to order, frightened that the food, too, would taste as grotesque.

says guys¨ she said, indirectly telling us she wanted to leave this horrific situation. Deciphering whether she was worried because she hadn’t exercised that day or because she might fear we might force her to eat all the food in the plate was impossible.

We felt sorry for Shanelle and feared that if we extended our time at Deli Arepa Express, we might be responsible for food poisoning that would From what could be analyzed, the place was make Shanelle miss school. A teacher’s greatest disjust a typical Colombian “tienda”. Among the many appointment is to mark Shanelle Andres absent on things that lead us to realize this was the Postobon Skyward, so we swiftly departed and drove back to her refrigerator and the old TV showing La Voz Kids, a utopia-like home. We reached her apartment gate and show that made even the cooking in the kitchen stop sadly prepared to say our goodbyes. as the cooks watched. In this particular episode, two girls sang a Shakira song in Spanish, but Shanelle knew the lyrics in English, and started to sing along, making everyone stop watching the competitors and start watching her and her perfectly pitched voice. The food arrived and the pictures began. Shanelle didn’t understand what this unidentified object placed in front of her was. She wasn’t clear as to how she should start eating. However, there was one thing she was pretty sure about and it was that she didn’t want to look ugly in the picture. Maybe it was the food, the place, or the company, who knows, but the photogenic Shanelle that many follow on Instagram was not happy with the photoshoot results and insisted on sending us what she called a “good selfie”. Shanelle hadn’t yet tasted the food, using the excuse that “her mom was texting her” and that she was full from the breakfast she had made for herself that morning. However, she insisted on going to Krispy Kreme which was just around the corner. With perfect manners, she grabbed the plastic fork and knife, brought the grape soda closer even though she didn’t like it, and took a bite. Everyone watched Shanelle as she chewed a spoonful of corn and meat with other miscellanea slowy for five seconds. It would be an understatement to say these five seconds were the longest of her life.

Shanelle liked it.

Or she pretended to like it, and tried to smile for the camera speechless. She didn’t dare take a second bite and instead changed the topic, telling us about everything she had to do before going to bed. “I still have to go to the gym and finish my college es-


There was an awkward silence. No one knew what the correct thing to do next was. Should we apologize for taking so much of her time? Should she apologize for not liking the food we gave her? Before she opened her door, we got a flashback of some moments we have ran into Shanelle in the past. It is normal to run into Shanelle at the EVL. Typically, you might see her at the PE locker rooms without a single sifn of duress wondering why on earth you look like a walking tomato. You watch her at the cafeteria as she carries her tray of a perfectly balanced meal. But you would never imagine her devouring a messy assembly of corn, cheese, potato chips, mayonnaise, and ground meat called a “desgranado”. Breaking the long silence, Shanelle decided to make the first move. “It was fun,” she said sarcastically, walking away as a new stage of her life began. Despite our various attempts, Shanelle had done the undoable: she had once again succeeded.

The Numbers Believe

in the


By Alfonso Cuéllar Back then, trying to pass the ball with no sta It’s funny how people can dismiss statistics simply because they believe they “know” better. It happens with tistical evidence was quite a risk. Nothing suggested the climate change debate (really shouldn’t be a debate) that passing the ball would be of any benefit, so when and to a lesser extent, it happens in sports. It’s not that more and more statistical reports started suggesting they don’t want to believe in numbers, it’s that the idea certain beliefs were wrong, but with no team or coach taking this new knowledge, it seemed of contradicting the norm scares like a wasted opportunity. players, coaches, and fanatics alike. Why change when everyone has Ever heard of Moneyball? In been doing this for decades? Why change case you haven’t, its the story of how when everyone Billy Beane, the general manager of If people always thought the Oakland A’s (one of MLB’s least like that, all sports, even soccer, has been doing teams), managed to defeat would be very different. Back this for decades? wealthy other teams with far more resources when the sport began in the late by looking at specific statistics that 1800’s and for it’s first few deothers had ignored. His success was cades of existence, soccer was such that a few years later, most of a dribbling game. No passing would happen. Hell, it was even frowned upon and the teams were following his lead. He changed the considered disgraceful to pass the ball. But then some- sport because he looked at the numbers and, most imbody decided that perhaps passing would improve portantly, understood what they were saying. their chances of winning. At first he would have been Last weekend while watching the Washington declared crazy. They would have probably said, If it works so well, why hasn’t anybody tried it? But then Redskins’ game against the Seattle Seahawks in the a team did what the man had suggested. They started NFL, I mentioned to my friends that, statistically, you to improve. They started to gain an advantage on all should almost always run the ball on fourth down. the other teams that refused to pass the ball. And then They all looked at me in disbelief, not understanding they started to win. And win. And win. Soon after this, why anybody would do such a thing. As it happens, all other teams started to copy them, but it was no lon- nobody has so far. Season after season NFL coaches ger to get an advantage. It was merely to get caught continue to ignore the advice provided by staticians as up. For the team that tried it first, it was great, but for they continue to punt on fourth down. Whoever decides to try it, and trust me, eventually somebody will, the rest, not so much.


Say What? will see themselves improve. Now, this doesn’t mean they will all of a sudden win every game. Odds are it will only make them improve slightly. But in games that have so many factors, even the slightest advantage can decide the result, and when that slight advantage is matched with talent and luck, that’s when teams earn wins they wouldn’t have earned before.

derson showed that a corner kick was worth 0.022 goals. The probability of scoring from a corner kick for any given team is incredibly low, especially compared to the value of any given shot (.111 goals). Surprisingly, even a throw-in is worth more than a corner kick, and that’s without considering the added risk that a corner kick creates: a counter-attack.

But why hasn’t anybody done it? Because they are scared of the consequences taking the risk might have. They know that if they punt the ball and lose, nobody will blame them. However, if they go for first down and lose, people will question their sanity, their knowledge of the sport, and whether they should be coaches at all. For many coaches who might not have the best job security, such a risk is too dangerous. It’s safer for them to fail with the norm than to take the risk and possibly win by defying it.

This sounds wrong, doesn’t it? You remember hundreds of goals from corner-kicks, surely the value has to be bigger? This, as Anderson explains, is due to how memorable such a goal is. A well taken corner kick with a nice strong header sticks to our mind more than a sloppy goal resulting from a throw-in. Therefore, we associate a corner kick with a goal more than we do a throw-in, despite the opposite being statistically true.

Now, notice how I said “for any given team”? This means this is the average chance, but obviously this can change. For example, in the current season, Atletico de Madrid have scored Many times people will refuse things simply an incredible proportion of their goals from set-pieces, because, in their experience, they don’t sound right. including corners. With intense training, teams CAN For example, in many countries (most notably En- make corner kicks more valuable. However, unless gland), fans will cheer when their team gets a cor- you are willing to spend hours in the training ground ner-kick. This is a great opportunity to score, they perfecting your strategies for corner kicks, listen to the think. In most cases, however, it’s not. A statistical numbers and pass it short. analysis done by soccer analytics pioneer Chris An-


On the Move Association Smoothielicious By Camila Franco

I bet you weren’t aware that smoothies should be a big part of your diet, whether you are looking to lose fat or get extra nutrients. Most fruit smoothies will help your body burn fat. The live enzymes in fresh fruits and proteins digest easily, and boost your metabolism. With proper nutrition, your body balances itself by burning body fat in a healthy way! Try one of these delicious Smoothies by blending the ingredients with ice!

Green Power (110 Calories)

Detox Supreme (155 Calories)

Ingredients: Kale, Green grapes, Cucumber, green apple.

Ingredients: Ginger, beet, carrots, apple.

Vitamin K (Iron). It is very good for healthy blood cells and for proper muscle function.

Vitamins A, K , C, B6 (Magnesium and Folate). Since it has a high percentage of fiber, it helps with digestion and it also calms your stomach when incorporating the ginger.

Sweet boost (192 Calories) Sunshine Smoothie (97 Calories)

Ingredients: Apple, Pear, cherries. Vitamin A, B, C,E (Collagen and Lutein) It is very good for strong bones and younger-looking skin.

Vitamin Bomb Rescue (156 Calories) Ingredients: Grapefruit, oranges, kiwis. Vitamin C. It is very good to prevent colds wound-healing and in preventing bleeding from capillaries.


Ingredients: Peaches, ginger, honey (optional). Vitamins K ,C and Fiber. It helps with digestion and any kind of nausea!

It’s Time to Stop using the Word

‘Feminism’ By Sarah Kim Recently, Emtma Watson gave a powerful speech on feminism and one part especially stood out to me : “I decided I was a feminist and this seemed uncomplicated to me. But my recent research has shown me that feminism has become an unpopular word. Apparently I am among the ranks of women whose expressions are seen as too strong, too aggressive, isolating, anti-men and, unattractive.” As she delivered this speech, I felt quite uneasy. It seemed as if she was directing those words to me because I’m not a feminist.

That’s why I think the term ‘feminism’ isn’t adequate to describe my ‘feminist’ stance. Maybe it used to be an accepted word, back in the days when women were fighting for rights while they were still considered significantly weaker (physically, politically, and econom The definition of feminism, according to mer- ically) than men. But it really does not fit in with the, is the theory of current social context. the political, economic, and social equality of both sexes. This basically But some people might say means equal rights for women and The term ‘femithat women are victims, even men. Why would anyone go against now. They continue to suffer nism’ specifically that? Because the term ‘feminism’ from historical injustices and specifically calls out women’s rights calls out women’s inequalities. Over 70% of the and implies that women are victims. rights and implies global poor are women and the Women are now lawfully equal to world hasn’t achieved equality men, unlike in the past, and now that that women are by a long shot. Although I do changes have been made, some peoagree that women do still exvictims. ple are starting to think that overly perience lots of discrimination promoting the rights of women in and in some places are still conparticular will only make the situasidered the ‘inferior sex’, I still tion worse by making women seem stand by my opinion because right now the term is weak and incapable of protecting themselves in society. only sparking unnecessary controversy and is confusThis makes it quite natural that people can get confused ing people as to what the ideals of feminism really are. with the term ‘feminism’. It would be easier to convince and ap If feminism is equality for both sexes, then why proach people with feminist ideals that they are egalis it called ‘feminism’? All my life until now I’ve consid- itarian, because feminism only seems to brand womered myself a feminist, not because I thought women en as those who need help from men. There are also were innately weaker but because I understood that un- many men out there who are experiencing discriminajustifiable prejudices and inequality still existed. My be- tion, and because of how the term is worded, people ing a feminist doesn’t change the fact that I am against often disregard the equality of men. counter discrimination towards men.


Put Yourself in my High Heeled


By Lucía Game Do you know what it’s like, to walk down the street and have a chorus of whistles following you? Do you know what it feels like to be scared by a honk, just to find the driver staring at you with lusting eyes? Do you feel that same panic of walking past a construction site because you can already anticipate the wave of nasty pick-up lines that will be yelled at you?

what did you expect?”. And she was right. It is already expected in our society for women to feel uncomfortable because of their looks. It has become part of this perverted society to expect those things from men.

I’m not trying to pin-point men, saying that it is their fault that such things happen to make women feel uncomfortable. We are all negatively affect People commonly say that it is our fault. If we ed by these societal expectations. In the same way don’t want people staring at our ass, why wear leggings? that women expect those nasty remarks, men are expected to make If we don’t want those remarks. people aggressively If not, then they flirting with us, then are subjected to why put an effort We see women everywhere on comments such into looking pretty? “M@&!*a” or TV treated as objects, diminishing as “f**”. There are But see, that their individuality and personality, a few men who is where the misdo honestly mean conception lies. Just just exposing their sexual appeal. what they say, because a woman in the same way wants to look beauthat there are a tiful, and all women few women who do, it doesn’t mean purposefully dress to provoke such comments. we are looking to be objectified. I have the right to dress as nice as I want and not be made feel uncomfortable by others. One day I was walking through la 11 to get to a friend’s house before going to a concert. I was wearing shorts because wearing pants at those crowded concerts is insufferable. The amount of whistles, honks, and obscene comments made at me because of my outfit forced me to go to the nearest store and call a cab. When I got to my friend’s house, and indignantly told her about this, she responded, “Well,

I conducted a poll with about 30 female responses. Of those women, 97% answered that they have felt ashamed about her body or clothing due to a boy’s remark. 90% say they have had nasty comments yelled at them from the street. You see, these uncomfortable situations are things all girls have to go through, have to deal with on a daily basis. But of these women, when asked why they pretty themselves up, 86% said its to feel good about themselves, while only 36% said to impress a guy.


Another recent controversial issue has been the leaked nude photos of celebrities such as Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton, Kaley Cuoco, and Kirsten Dunst. Notice how all of these are women. These photos were hacked from iCloud, and made a huge boom all over social media for weeks. This is the epitome of the objectification of women. These were private pictures, things shared between these renowned actresses and their partners. It isn’t wrong, like many accuse, to do something like that. It was something intimate, normal. But the media manipulated it to bring these actresses down. They are all very well known and respected women. Jennifer Lawrence is one of the youngest people to win an Oscar. But the purpose of these pictures was to diminish their accomplishments as women, and to simply pose them as sex objects. That is what society teaches; that women should be diminished to that, and it teaches men that it is okay to do so. You probably heard something about Emma Watson’s speech about feminism that she presented at the United Nations. If you haven’t listened to it, I urge you to watch it. Just search ‘Emma Watson, He for She’ and you will find numerous links to her ‘game-changing’ speech. Watson formulates a new viewpoint to the subject of feminism, showing it is These societal expectations are mainly a fight for both women and men. Most people see brought on by the media. They are one of the main feminism in a negative way, as Watson says, believpromoters of this position against women. We see ing it is synonymous with “man-hating”. But it is women everywhere on TV treated as objects, dimin- far from the case. Feminism is synonymous with ishing their individuality and personality, just expos- equality. Equality among genders. Equality so that ing their sexual appeal. You can see it everywhere, women can dress however they want. Equality so from a playboy magazine to every reality TV show, that men don’t have to shy from their real thoughts women are displayed as boobs and ass. I watched the and feelings because of societal expectations. It is a music video of Enrique Iglesias’ “I’m a freak” song a fight for all of us. So next time, think of feminism couple of weeks ago. I was utterly disgusted, nothing in that way. If you are a man, think that it isn’t an has made me want to throw-up so badly in a long idea that is going solely against you, but that it is time. The video centers a party filled with women, also in you favor. And if you are a woman, don’t where the only guys are Iglesias and Pitbull (because accept the negative view that feminism now holds, Pitbull is literally everywhere). For half of the video, but embrace the fact you deserve equality. Iglesias is resting his head on a girls ass, using her as nothing more than a table. This video is sick, not only because it encourages viewers to follow this mindset, but because you also see how so many women allow themselves to be objectified in such a way.


La verdad es que no hay razón lógica que sustente el porqué estaba viendo ese video tan grotesco, ni por qué lo recuerdo de tal vívida forma, pero dejándome llevar por las influencias de la curiosidad, seguí mirando el video. De repente después de varios minutos la música se detiene, las burbujas desaparecen y nuestro personaje aparece sentado en un sofá, seco y decentemente vestido. Estaba realmente confundida hasta que vi que lagrimas empezaron a correr por las mejillas del hombre. Poco a poco mi escepticismo inicial sobre el video se fue despejando y toda la plaga del Ice Bucket Challenge empezó a tener más sentido.

El #IceBucket

Challenge Por Isabella Noero Desde hace unos días las redes sociales han estado infestadas por una plaga de gente echándose baldes de hielo en la cabeza. La historia de nunca acabar, gente de todas partes que hacia todo lado va tirándose encima cubos, recipientes, jarras de agua fría, cubitos de hielo de todas las formas y dimensiones nadando en H2O. Personas como Bill Gates y Shakira (por no nombrar al resto del mundo) ya han pegado el grito del frio. Pero, a qué se debe tanto escándalo y, podríamos decir, tormento?

Este señor es víctima de la enfermedad ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) que provoca espasmos, pérdida de masa muscular, dificultad para hablar, tragar, respirar, y finalmente parálisis. Su abuela lo tenía, su mamá lo tiene, y ahora él ha sido diagnosticado con tal enfermedad. Nos da a ver imágenes de cómo vive su mamá siendo una víctima del ALS. No puede caminar, comer, ni hablar por sí sola. Es como una bebé de seis meses de nacida. Necesita la asistencia de un tercero para poder movilizarse y poder llevar una vida lo más simple posible, haciendo lo necesario para vivir bajo las cadenas de La plaga del Ice tal encarcelamiento. Nos cuenta Bucket Challenge como a su temprana edad, él ya tiene dificultad para manejar, ya empezó a tener no puede abotonarse la camisa y más sentido. como rápidamente esa enfermedad se va expandiendo y atacando las neuronas motoras.

Anoche decidí meterme a Facebook mientras debía estar haciendo algo productivo con mi tiempo, porque seamos realistas, todos lo hacemos. Bajando por mi newsfeed, esquivando la mucha basura que se puede encontrar, me llamó la atención el artículo: “El último Ice Bucket Challenge que TIENES que ver”. Por curiosidad abrí el link y un video empezó a mostrar a un hombre haciendo el Ice Bucket Challenge de una forma sarcástica y realmente inapropiada. El hombre, de unos treinta y dos años, tenía puesto ropa interior rosada con un estampado que decía: “kiss my ALS” en la cola, un gorro de baño morado y una manguera con la cual jugaba con el agua que salía al lavar su carro. Con el ritmo de la música de fondo, el señor limpiaba los vidrios de su carro con esponjas amarillas y con grandes cantidades de espuma mandándole besos a la cámara y guiñando el ojo de forma coqueta y muy atrevida.

El objetivo de todo esto es sensibilizar a la opinión pública para que donara a favor de la investigación ya que por ser desconocida y costosa, las grandes compañías farmacéuticas no invierten en encontrar una cura. Y al parecer, a punta de “hielazos” parce que está siendo posible. Irónicamente, lo que inicialmente me había parecido a mí y a la mayoría de la gente como un chiste y una forma de llamar la atención, ahora me tenía sin palabras.


Ice Bucket

What? By Sara García

You could say I’m just assuming facts. Teenagers love to go on engaging activities where they get to post things about themselves and others. Honestly at first I did just assume this was a chance for people to do this again. I decided it wasn’t fair to just assume things so I took a survey. After all, I was right. 30% said they did the Ice Bucket Challenge and of those 30% only 10% actually donated money...that’s 3 people... THREE! And of the other 70% of people who just watched and were “informed” only 9% donated money. With these statistics we can probably agree that the Ice Bucket Challenge was in no way helpful to raise money. Besides, the most controversial thing yet is that people are wasting clean water in order to AVOID donating money. So what are people really doing? Pouring buckets of ice as a new trend in social networks?

I would like to thank everyone who did the Ice What was the other purpose of the Ice BuckBucket Challenge for giving me a reason to turn off et Challenge? Raising Awareness? Although most my computer and I now nominate everyone to actualpeople in my survey (and by most people I’m talking ly do something that will help this cause. about a 58%) agreed that the challenge helped them become more informed of the From day one I hated the Ice subject, I don’t believe it’s worth Bucket Challenge. Every day I had it to waste so much water, esmore and more videos on my news pecially in a country like CoFrom day one feed about it and every day I had lombia where kids are dying in more reasons to hate the challenge. I hated the Ice the Guajira because they have For those of you who don’t know, the Bucket Challenge. none. Do people really think Ice Bucket Challenge consisted on awareness needs all that waste? people nominating other people to If people can sit for hours upon pour buckets of ice water on themhours watching videos of peoselves. Oh! And it was all to raise ple pouring buckets of ice on themselves, why don’t awareness for ALS. they take the time to google ALS and inform ourselves of this horrible disease that kills people every year? For I’m sure a great majority of you probably althose of you who still don’t know, ALS is a neurodeready knew what the Ice Bucket Challenge was, and generative disease that attacks nerve cells and eventuI’m also sure most of you still don’t know what ALS is. ally kills motor neurons, disabling the ability to control Others may say “Yeah, but it’s still raising money for muscle movement. People with ALS tend to live no a good cause.” But let’s be honest CNG community, more than 5 years when diagnosed. Meanwhile, we how many of you (besides the teachers in the amphi are sitting in our houses watching and laughing at peotheater) actually did the Ice Bucket Challenge and ACple pouring buckets full of ice. TUALLY donated money? How many of you took the time to really investigate what ALS was? How many of Personally, I believe the Ice Bucket Challenge you actually started to think about the great amount of was not the correct way to raise awareness and money, clean water you were wasting when there are people in and I don’t believe most people did it with the right inColombia dying because they have no water? tentions. It became a trend, not an act of social service.



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Age: 34 University : North Da kota State Subject: M University ath Clubs: Lea dership, T ejo, NHS, F Favorite C CD, Teache olor: Gree r Basketba n. Happy u Passions: ll Team plifting co Family, Job lor. , Competit ive Sports , Reading ( Anything)

ico. x e : M s m t o c ico Fun fa treet dog fr years), Mex s (4 * Has a : Las Vegas years). ’s as t a h n T i 3 ( * Lived , Colombia acher… e t h t ) s ma (4 year ighschool ah s. uch. m * He’s ing as it get t a h st ar t intere doesn’t swe e spiration n i r * PS: H u o y Q: What’s teaching? g n i t a r e for tol with peok Famous r o w o t ed phrase A: “I want ned to be s: e p p a h h t a “Don’t ple and m at, since t n be such e c e d an asym thing I’m ng and i r e e ptote.” some n i g n ke e I didn’t li “Drop i l young.” e e f e m e t like i k ma t’s hot children .” u u do if yo o “Holy s y d l u o hift!” Q: What w ry? the lotte n o college w o t k “Buena c a b o dg Onda.” A: “I woul f since f u t s e r o m “These and learn yle is the t s Mother e f i l t n functio the stude ns.” “You ar best.” e part f of the e yoursel Polar e s Bear C u o y o d lub.” Q: Where e? the futur n i other n a “Papita n i d i k s.” A: “With a “I also untry.” o c failed at math !”


That Thing in



By Jong Park

We’re a disgrace. Everybody keeps talking about this generation’s connection to the internet. Everybody keeps talking about the fact that we now have an incredible amount of access to information. Yet, nobody’s talking about the massive widespread survey and began talking to other friends, and went on of ignorance that even today, with how simple it is to to posting a survey on an online forum called Reddit. remain informed, is still present. I am astounded by Many users of this site will criticize my decision to use the amount of times I’ve heard people chatter about this forum since the possibility of dishonesty is incredihow humans only use 10% of their brain, following ble. However, I did weed out the honest (at least-honest it up with an even more ridiculous claim that unlock- sounding) responses. Also, there’s a certain anonymity ing 100% of it will lead to unimaginable secrets. I am in the site that can contribequally as baffled by the idea ute to truthful answers. But that temperature has any efI’m making a clear note fect regarding the common here. I am not an expert incold. How is it possible for What’s the hidden varivestigator, and I did not use the generation of the interthe best system that I know able in this perpetuate net to be this gullible? Do I could have used. I used we not have, for every living cycle of ignorance? whatever was at my disposal seconds of our lives, a comat the time, and did my best puter in our hands that can to fully exploit those thing. I quickly give us an answer? understand that this devalWhat’s going on? ues the validity of my article. However, the results I got were both entirely reasonable and easily deduced. What’s the hidden variable in this perpetuate cycle of ignorance? The results I got were, to me, awfully predictable. And they should be to you too. I was able to get Now, going along with the theme of skepticism honest questions by promising anonymity, and it turns and anti-ignorance, I will do my best to show some con- out, unsurprisingly, that people do not care. That’s my crete evidence. Or, you know, at least as much as I can. conclusion. People don’t care. People don’t care, when But cut me some slack. I am incredibly underfunded, it comes to trivial things, whether they have the corand I have no marketing team at my disposal, which rect information or not. All they care about is having is why the only evidence I have for today was cheaply some kind of information. Some kind of information done through quick surveys. First and foremost, I talked that will make them either look educated, or cultured. with my closest friends about certain popular miscon- And since everybody else is as ignorant as they are, ceptions that I was sure they did not know were actu- who’s going to ever tell them that they’re wrong? al misconceptions. Secondly, I started expanding this


Additionally, there is one other thing that I’ve been able to genuinely deduce which explains this mass pandemic of ignorance. Spreadability. Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, e-mail, etc. None of these are moderated in any sense in order to guarantee that the things posted are accurate and correct. Nobody is going to take down that post on Facebook that mentions the evils of vaccination. Nobody is going to take down a post that blatantly lies to people by saying that GMO’s are the evils of humanity and that they will kill you. Nobody is going to constantly correct false information. Surely, the ease at which we spread information is also to blame for the spreading of putrid ignorance. I understand that there are other factors out there that lead to this blindness, however, holding the view of a cynic, I mostly blame people’s stupidity and love for ignorance. Some of them say that it’s not their fault, and to those allegedly blame-less who refuse to change their ignorant ways, listen to me.

It is so damn easy these days to fact check that the only valid excuses for being an ignorant person are: - You live a life with no access to the Internet. - You do not have formal education. - You have never been taught how to use Google. But since you’re reading this, I know for sure that you do not fit into any of those categories, and as an obvious result, you have no valid excuse for spreading ignorance. Take whatever anyone says with some skepticism. Do not be gullible, but most importantly, for the love of God, use that thing you have in your pocket for more than just phone calls.

I do not care if it’s not your fault that you believe these facts. I do not care if you say that you are not the one to blame. It is your responsibility to be educated and to apply your knowledge in a world such as the one we live in. Use your phone in an intelligent way. Do it.


The Evolution of

By Carter McKay


In this day and age, ignorance has certainly evolved to be a potent and powerful word. One with the societal weight not unlike that of a cuss word. Yet it is also one which, unlike cuss words, serves to bolster the intelligence of the speaker. It serves to augment their superiority as well as to lower the credibility of their target. Today, not only is it possible, but for much of As a result, the word ignorant is now thrown around in intelligent debate to the tune of a baseball at a World the population, worldliness is expected. If a middle Series match. It is the 8631st most frequently used word class person lives in Singapore and converses with a in the English language according to, man from Iceland, he is expected to have a working which trounces the popularity of synonyms such as unin- knowledge of the Icelandic culture. And if this man does not show a working knowledge of the Icelandic formed (29116). Has this culture, he is considered word always been used in ignorant. Should he be? a derogatory sense? And consequently, is the stigma What is it to surrounding it valid? It is not ignorant to have know enough? Can you one’s own paradigm but it ever reach a point where We often call you cannot be considsomeone ignorant if they is ignorant to go without ered ignorant in a world have an opinion that questioning it. with the potential for varies from that of your continuous learning of own. This is incorrect, infinite knowledge? Do however, as to be ignowe need to revise how rant (according to the we view ignorance? Oxford English dictionary) is to be “lacking in knowl- edge or awareness in general.” Someone can be very I believe that being ignorant is to be opeducated in their world view which might counter yours, but this is not lacking in knowledge. It is instead posed to viewing the world with an open mind. To be ignorant is to be closed off to further learning. It is not being knowledgeable of a different paradigm. ignorant to have one’s own paradigm but it is ignorant One may, however, indeed call someone igno- to go without questioning it. We all posses some ignorant of another person if they display a blatant disre- rance, but as long as we continue to quench it, possessing gard for another culture or ideology. This brings into ignorance is not bad and should not be frowned upon. the realm of discussion the question of how knowl- Possessing ignorance is not equivalent to being ignorant, edgeable someone should be in order to be considered and should therefore not be treated as such. informed. Certainly in the dark ages, it was sufficient So keep this in mind the next time you want to to have a thorough knowledge of one’s city or town and perhaps its leaders. It was never expected of any- burst out at someone for being uninformed. Instead of one to have knowledge of the happenings across the reacting with anger, offer this person your knowledge. You may both end up learning something. globe, for that would have been impossible.


Ignorant by Choice By Adelaida Lopez Welcome to the 21st century, a world in which people are subject to the latest societal trends, despite an individual’s attempt to stand out. Ignorance has long been taken for granted. Society has repeatedly been more concerned with wealth and status than the enhancement of one’s knowledge. Day after day, year after year, and century after century, it seems like people have forgotten to engage in everything life has to offer.

to many like it is. However, if one carefully takes a look at each and every one of the goals, I can assure you that you will come across a great deal of similarities that all lead back to one main idea: the gaining of wealth (defined by the abundance of goods) or the gaining of power. Some of you might disagree with me because of the simple fact that not everybody is in search of these things. Rather, some people can find happiness from long-lasting bonds, love, caring for others, and many Once upon a time, people more. Yet, realistically, these simwere encouraged to gain wisdom. ple commodities do not comfort Those who were knowledgeable were most human beings as easily. treated with great respect and ofIgnorance serves Instead, people are required to fered high levels of admiration. The have a certain level of financial population was repeatedly trying to as a passage to stability to be able to start thinkbecome more educated, as education ing about everything else. Gucci, knowledge and knowledge often meant success. Louis Vuitton, Lamborghini, and Even though this drive is still present so on. I can guarantee that many today, society has once again forgotof you are familiar with these ten to acknowledge its importance. It brands. Consequently, several of appears like the majority of individuals are seeking an you might debate that these brands are too superficial. easy way to get wealth and power, instead of working Nonetheless, I am confident that most people would hard to earn it. After all, why wear yourself out working indeed be very pleased with owning several items hard to make a living when you can easily gain wealth from these high-luxury brands. And for those of you and power through other means? In those cases, igno- that already own items from these brands, I’m sure rance has been a key factor to this enduring trend. Al- you wouldn’t want to get rid of them so easily. together, society is not aware that self-gratification goes beyond becoming “rich and famous”, but also involves As Benjamin Franklin once said, “If a man struggling to reach one’s own goals. empties his purse into his head, no one can take it away from him. An investment in knowledge always Do you ever wonder why one comes across pays the best interest.” Therefore, people who are eager people with relatively similar goals and dreams? It is to become educated will always be superior to others, not due to a lack of imagination in the individual’s not because they are better in any way, but because mind, or simply a coincidence. Sure, it might appear


they were given the tools to build their future, and they decided to go along with it. One may question, what does ignorance offer? Why chose to not become educated? It seems like a stupid question. I mean, why would somebody chose to be ignorant when he/she has the chance to be something better? People often complain that they do not have enough income to support an education. Even though this excuse is valid, it seems like the individuals who can afford to go to school, college, and so on, still decide to take it for granted. Whether the individual drops out of college or decides to stop learning, he/she is failing to seize the day. Perhaps the expression seize the day might seem overrated. However, this term has not expired because it manages to remain relevant. People who seize the day and constantly work harder are more likely to do better in life. Likewise, one could affirm that true happiness comes from one’s own merit.




One way or another, ignorance cannot always be avoided. Knowledge is not easy to achieve. However, a true ignorant is not that who tried to succeed and learn but failed, but that who was given the opportunity to become better educated and decided to not take it. Ignorance is easy to come by, yet getting By Isabela Velasco past it requires true dedication. After all, ignorance can only be avoided at the expense of one’s biggest Today, when we think of a civilized and adefforts. Thereby, it can be said that ignorance serves vanced society, we immediately think of the internet. as a passage to knowledge. For most, the Internet has meant the connection of society and the easy access anyone has to information, You have the chance to defy ignorance, to engage but is what many see as civilized just making our sociin an ongoing battle, and to come out as a victor. Seize it. ety more ignorant? Imagine yourself walking down the street in London, New York, Bogotá, or even the school hallway. What do you see? Lights, posters, your best friend screaming at you from the other end? Sure, now look closer and try to imagine who is beside you, who is in front of you, what are they doing? Walking, of course, maybe even rushing. Now think, are they talking to anyone? No right?, they are not, because, probably just like you and the other 50 people walking through the hall, they are just concentrating on their phone. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube, Google, Yahoo or Wikipedia have all taken over our lives, changing them completely and transforming them into what they have become today.

...or Ignorance? When you think of your to-do list or in finding standard IQ tests, and the average child today would be the directions on where you have to go, you imme- gifted by 1950s standards.” Nonetheless, as our intellect diately think and go to your phone, to the Internet. is formed both by our fluid intelligence and our crystalCan you imagine making your World History, Span- lized IQ , this second must also be considered. Crystalish or science report without Google or having to find lized IQ refers to the amount of information that we a new way of keeping up with your boredom other actually know, and is the part of our intellect which has than surfing online? We would be lost without it, not really suffered the consequences of cloud storage, calonly because it makes our lives more efficient, cheap- culators, and outsourced or crowd source information. er, simpler, and faster due to the 24-7 connectivity With this data collected, we can’t really conit provides, but also because it gives us the access to anything we want, from the simplest information, like clude the direct impact internet has had on our brain, how old Taylor Swift is, to all of her songs, with lyrics but we can affirm that technology has taken over both the educational and business and all. On the other hand, all world and has made our daythese so called “benefits” expose to-day life much simpler. On our offline life greatly and have the other hand, we can also say created a world where even a kid it has affected the way we dewith internet access can appear Is what many see fine intelligence, making us now to be smart. as civilized just asses both in schools and in the As time has passed, life making our society business world. Every one who imagines the world in 10 or 15 has become more and more commore ignorant? years, imagines it as a futuristic, plex each year with the different technologically advanced socidiscoveries, technologies, and adety where everything revolves vances, but really such complexiaround the Internet. It is inaccuty is just made simpler by technology. Even though the Internet has only existed for the rate to state our world is going to become Internet inpast 20 years, its effect on our outlook of things is more dependent because on the contrary, each year it will be than noticeable. We see and overlook things that would more focused on such element. However, it is each and have been unimaginable 30 years ago, like our com- everyone’s responsibility to judge and decide whether puter or the fact that we can talk with someone who it is making us more ignorant or not and similarly, it is is miles away. We have lost the ability to appreciate the each person’s choice to either continue to encourage amazing discoveries and to make simple statements and such ignorance or to stop, take a look, and act towards calculations. However, I am not stating we have become becoming a more culture-filled and knowledgeable somore stupid or less capable human beings. As different ciety. psychological studies prove, our fluid intelligence has What do you choose? ‘I’ for Internet or for been increasing for decades affirming that “the aver- age child from 1950 would be handicapped by today’s Ignorance?


Ignorance By Michelle Akerman that show how ignorance and intolerance can affect the You may flip a coin and see how it lands, heads beliefs of an ethnic group and the self-esteem of those or tails. This is the coin of ignorance. If it lands on being segregated by ignorant people. Ignorance can also heads, it is a curse; but if it lands on tails, it is a bless- be considered a curse because it can make people end ing. Two opposites of the same thing. You may face up doing or acting in disrespectful or illogical ways since ignorance as a curse since it blinds and limits your re- they don’t know what they are doing or are misinformed ality, but how can an ignorant know the picture he/ on what is actually being done. The curse of this state she is seeing is not complete? He/she may live a par- of being has been latent throughout human history at tial reality and believe in it… it may be a blessing to all times but has changed as society has evolved. This is avoid the whole truth. evident for example in the relationship and judgement that the Catholic Church had for indigenous tribes There are moments in life when we can value during colonial times where the Church believed that the ignorance or the state of being uninformed. Children rituals these people made were somewhat related to the believing in Santa Claus or the tooth fairy, believe in a devil and hell and for this reason had to be stopped immagical world that opens to infinite possibilities. We mediately. Or, also, when governments manipulate and cherish those dreams and value them because they give control people by taking advantage of their ignorance us little bits of happiness and joy or lack of education; A tool used that can change our life. Ignomainly in absolutist governments rance can also be seen as a blessto control the masses. But, it ing when a friend of yours loves doesn’t take the flip of a coin to Ignorance. . . has an extremely sweet candy and know there are an infinite numeats it every day at lunch without ber of examples. to be viewed and knowing the many calories this judged with candy could have. Your friend’s Ignorance is a state in ignorance toward this informawhich an individual or group a critical eye. tion could be a blessing now that lack of knowledge over a parit lets him or her be able to enticular topic. This state has joy their candy and to not be in caused commotion, anger, a constant worry on the extra pounds they gain when and intolerance between individuals or groups, but eating the candy they most like. Ignorance for this very there are two sides or two faces. It can give some reason has to be viewed and judged with a critical eye the opportunity to believe in things greater than because as it has just been shown, it may provide people what anyone could possibly imagine. It can give with benefits greater than what they can imagine. you or others the chance to enjoy doing things, or making choices without being aware of what bad Nonetheless, this is just one side of the coin consequences they could lead you into. It can calm of ignorance. The second side says that ignorance is a you down, make you forget or neglect your probcurse. This side is also significant because even though lems and can make life a blessing. Unfortunately, it people may be happy when they lack from the aware- can also lead to suffering, misjudgement, segreganess of something they love doing, ignorance can severe- tion abuse of power and many other wrong paths. ly hurt feelings as well. Discrimination and other nega- Whether you embrace ignorance or condemn it… tive thoughts related to races are an excellent example be careful, they are two sides of the same coin.


Las ironías

de la


Por Jack Akerman

¿Quién es más ignorante: el que dice que no sabe nada o el que dice que lo sabe todo? El que dice que no sabe nada claramente es ignorante, no sabe hechos, verdades. Sin embargo, no ignora su ignorancia: la reconoce. El otro piensa que lo sabe todo, pero ignora mucha información que evidentemente no sabe: ignora su ignorancia. Esto se podría desarrollar en un diálogo, en una aporía, tal como lo hace Platón con los pensamientos socráticos. Quienes lo hayan leído pueden entender la gran confusión que generan las negaciones y afirmaciones de estos filósofos.

La ignorancia es fundamental para el bienestar. No la ignorancia total, porque, por más de que eso resultaría imposible, algo de conocimiento, de razonamiento, es necesario para el buen funcionamiento de nuestras vidas. Las verdades, los hechos, son una caja de herramientas: son muy útiles en el día a día, pero el peso de éste puede arruinar tu vida, discapacitarte emocional e intelectualmente.

¿Quién es más ignorante: el que dice que no sabe nada o el que dice que lo sabe todo?

Sin embargo, la ignorancia no es sólo una herramienta, es el maletín de estas. Nos lleva a equivocaciones que conllevan al aprendizaje, al conocimiento. Es por esto mismo que no se puede ser completamente ignorante. Soy ignorante, todos lo El mismo Platón dijo, “Lo poco somos. Ignorante por colocarme que sé, se lo debo a mi ignorananteojeras y sentir que aún así veo cia”. Por esto solo aquellos que todo. Pero es mejor ver hacia el frente, cegado ligeramente, que no ver nada. Es mejor se colocan anteojeras se regocijan en su ignorancia, decir que uno lo sabe todo que no saber nada: esto mientras que aquellos que navegan sobre ella, arpermite algo de visibilidad. Tener cataratas en los ojos man poco a poco un árbol de conocimiento. y verlo todo nublado resulta algo más ventajoso que no ver del todo.


La falta de educación (y Cantinflas) Por Sergio Lozano

El pasado jueves 2 de octubre se estrenó en Colombia la película Cantinflas, una producción mexicana basada en la vida de este personaje del mismo origen. Es probable que usted ya haya visto los cortos, pero de todas formas la resumiré. Mario Moreno fue un actor y comediante que protagonizó la gran mayoría de sus obras como el mismo personaje, llamado Cantinflas. Se convirtió en un emblema de la identidad nacional de México debido a su interpretación de gente campesina o simplemente gente del común. La crítica social de sus obras y su participación en la política hizo que tuviera una reputación como representante de los oprimidos. Fue descrito como el “Charlie Chaplin de México” y el mismo Chaplin lo describió como “el mejor comediante del mundo.” Ya en sus últimos años, se dedicó a interpretar personajes que tenían una importante meta social y gran parte de sus obras refleja el tema de la ignorancia. Sin embargo, sólo haré referencia a una de estas últimas películas como pretexto para discutir la importancia de la educación en el progreso de nuestra sociedad.

Esta cinta de 1970, llamada El Profe, narra la historia de un profesor (Cantinflas) que llega a un pueblo en donde los miembros del gobierno prefieren que los niños no sean educados y permanezcan poco informados, para así poder abusar de sus derechos y robar las tierras de la gente. A lo largo de la película, el profesor se esfuerza por mantener a sus estudiantes interesados en aprender, a pesar de los sabotajes de los miembros del gobierno y personas de la clase alta. Al final, gracias a las lecciones que Cantinflas ha impartido a los niños del pueblo, consiguen revelar al gobernador del Estado que el cacique ha estado robando sus tierras. La película deja mucho que pensar y recuerda al público que la educación no sólo permite que la gente progrese, sino también la protege de los abusos de otros. No sólo me refiero a tener conocimiento. A pesar de que muchas personas asisten al colegio, muchas educativas poco se esfuerza por convertir a los individuos en personas íntegras, dejándolas en una posición que los hace vulnerables. Es imposible negar que


las percepciones sobre nuestro alrededor cambian, dependiendo de qué tanta formación hayamos tenido. Los que contamos con una mejor educación tendemos a ser “los que no se dejan” o los que pelean por sus derechos. En contraste, la falta de conocimiento hace que la gente tenga miedo. En la película, ningún habitante del pueblo se atreve a enfrentar al cacique, quien los intimida y les quita sus tierras. Sin embargo, cuando llega el profesor, éste enseña al pueblo y a sus niños a exigir sus derechos de forma apropiada.

de ciertos lugares de Colombia, como el Putumayo o el Amazonas, recibieran una mejor educación, se podrían dar cuenta de que su territorio se encuentra muy desprotegido por estar aislado de la capital y del resto del país. O tal vez los habitantes de estas regiones ya notaron que están aislados, pero una mayor educación les permitiría comunicarse con mayor facilidad. Esta situación no es algo reciente, sino que ha tenido lugar a través de toda la historia colombiana y del mundo con los terratenientes que obligaban a los granjeros a venderles sus tierras y luego pagarles un tributo si querían seguir trabajándolas.

La película también nos recuerda que desafortunadamente algunas personas -en La educación no sólo especial los políticos y quie Finalmente, la inocenpermite que la gente nes deciden aprovecharse cia y falta de educación de del enriquecimiento ilícilos niños que se refleja en progrese, sino también to- prefieren que el pueblo El Profe también es algo de la protege de los abusos no sea educado. A pesar de lo que grupos guerrilleros y que la historia de la pelícuparamilitares sacan provede otros. la tiene lugar en un pueblo cho ya que logran manipumexicano, la situación se lar a la juventud, haciéndopuede aplicar fácilmente les creer que la única forma a la sociedad colombiana. de sacar a su familia adelanPara empezar, para diferentes candidatos a diversas te es unirse a tales grupos, ya que el gobierno y la eduposiciones políticas es más conveniente que la mayoría cación pública no les permiten triunfar. Es cierto que de la población haya tenido poca educación para así la educación en zonas aisladas del país no es bastante poder convencer a más gente, más rápido, y de mane- atractiva, pero si los jóvenes de estas regiones se conra más fácil. centraran en su educación, no se dejarían engañar y además podrían exigir al gobierno mayor atención sin Por otra parte, y ya que el país se encuentra en involucrarse en actos ilegales. discusiones sobre el Proceso de Paz, para los grupos terroristas, no sólo la guerrilla, sino también narcotraficantes, paramilitares, etc., es también más conveniente que la gente sea ignorante. Los territorios de los que estos grupos se apropian ilegalmente pertenecen a campesinos y agricultores que probablemente dedicaron su niñez a ayudar a sus padres con el trabajo y nunca tuvieron algún tipo de formación académica. Esto los hace “presa fácil” para los grupos ilegales, en parte porque tienen armas, pero también porque les es más difícil defenderse. Por ejemplo, si más personas


La Noche

de la


Sí, seguramente se está preguntando, ¿Cómo una situación de ignorancia puede llevar a algo positivo? La respuesta a esta pregunta, estimado lector, tiene que ver con el aprendizaje que suele ocurrir como resultado de este tipo de situaciones. Así es: todos los días aprendemos algo nuevo; en algunas ocasiones, por decisión propia, o por el interés de querer expandir nuestro conocimiento, pero en muchas otras, involunPor Jorge Luis Gonzales tariamente, a través de situaciones de inadvertencia o “La ignorancia es la noche de la mente, pero una desconocimiento. Señores, me refiero a esas situaciones noche sin luna y sin estrellas”. Así lo definió el filósofo generalmente incómodas, donde tendemos a caer en la chino Confucio, uno de los grandes pensadores de la an- ignorancia, muchas veces sin reconocerlo. tigüedad; esta expresión manifiesta claramente la esencia de este proble A estas alturas, es basma con el que se enfrenta continutante probable que si alguamente nuestra sociedad. Y, es que, na vez han pasado por esta “La ignorancia es la ¿cuántos de nosotros no nos habrecircunstancia, también se noche de la mente, mos sentido conmovidos, en un moestén preguntando cómo mento u otro, al caer en alguna situpuede hacer uno para evipero una noche sin ación de descuido o inadvertencia, y tar caer en una situación luna y sin estrellas.” por ello ser tildados de ignorantes? como esta. En ese caso, me gustaría aprovechar esta Estimado lector, me atrevoportunidad para transería a asegurar de que tanto a usted como a mí, y a mitirles un consejo universal: ante lo que se desconmuchos más, esto nos ha pasado; por eso, considero oce, es mejor no opinar. Si se habla sobre un tema necesario decir que nadie, absolutamente nadie, inclu- que es nuevo para nosotros, lo mejor es investigar so los Albert Einstein y los Thomas Jefferson, ha na- o preguntar en lugar de pretender que sabemos, ya cido sabiendo. Esta condición de desconocimiento no que corremos más riesgo de enfrentarnos con la osnecesariamente significa algo negativo; de hecho, la ig- curidad del desconocimiento, y en ese caso no por norancia reprochada por Confucio es respaldada por descuido, sino por voluntad propia. Diderot y apoyada por Shakespeare, pues dicen que en la amistad es más fácil lidiar con la ignorancia que con Entonces, estimado lector, de ahora en adelante, el saber. Por esto, querido lector, si alguna vez se ha sen- si se llega a presentar una ocasión en la cual nos sintamos tido angustiado al haber mirado la ignorancia a los ojos, ignorantes o sencillamente nos tilden de ignorantes, reno se apene. Como lo mencioné antes, seguramente no cordemos todo lo previamente dicho, pues según Albert ha sido el único en haber experimentado esa sensación Einstein, “Todos somos muy ignorantes. Lo que ocurre y, dentro de todo, puede significar algo positivo. es que no todos ignoramos las mismas cosas”.




Por Marcela Cho

Jackson Pollock

¿No te ha pasado que cuando vas a los museos Primero que todo, trata de entender que una obra así famosos, como el Museo del Prado o el Museo Lou- de simple como la que está en esta página fue califivre, hay gente que se queda horas mirando una pin- cada como una obra artística porque seguramente el tura pero tú no entiendes por qué? Asimismo, para no artista que hizo esta obra tuvo que pasar por varios ser llamado ignorante, tú también te pones enfrente procesos o experiencias para lograr materializar su expresión de esa manera. Es decir, si de un lienzo para tratar de descicualquiera hace una obra sin tefrar la obra magnífica, pero muner un objetivo no va a llegar ser chas veces empiezas a aburrirte importante. Por último, cuando y lentamente pierdes aprecio de “¿A esto le llaman analices una obra trata de enconseguir yendo a los museos. ¿Por trarle cualquier significado, porqué? Porque cuando ves una pinarte? Hasta yo lo que cuando interpretas una obra, tura como esta no logras sacarle podría hacer…” depende de tus experiencias. No ningún significado a la obra. creas que lo que saques de una pintura va a hacer incorrecto. Lo Una pista que te podría que quiero decir es que muchas dar para la próxima vez que viveces los artistas hacen su obra sites un museo de arte es que seas abierto y no sólo te quedes en lo que ves. No seas de para que la gente la pueda interpretar de diferentes esos ignorantes que cuando vean esta pintura digan, maneras, creando así una obra espectacular y no un “¿A esto le llaman arte? Hasta yo lo podria hacer…” aburrimiento.


I Want By Yootaek Oh

to Win

It’s always been a habit, more of an automated reaction. It always feels good to be the expert ery statement, “fact,” that would be lunged straight at on something, to know more than other people. To my face, I would grab a wet towel and smack it straight prove other people wrong gives that slight surge of across myself, and I would open a little something called excitement which makes you somewhat tingly in- my phone. Without even talking, taking a few seconds side; almost like a drug. It can be like a drug, the first to quickly type the question on that annoyingly small time you try it you might get a little caught up on it QWERTY keyboard, I pulled up the answer from the and try to get even more of it the next time; much book of everything, the Internet. But those were the like all of the chemicals contained in a drug like moments when I actually knew stuff. marijuana. There is the well fabricated and cooked, It’s always hard to pull something off when pure drug which is an argument in which you know way more than the opposition so that you can prove you don’t know a single thing. It’s almost like winging them wrong. Little mistakes that they seem to fish it, taking a test without studying, going “somewhere” when you don’t know where to go, up, you’ll be there to dispel it the it can confuse you most of the time. second you get the chance. On the However, nobody is perfect in any other hand there is the cheap drug sense and they are always bound to mostly containing hazardous and This “drug” mess up in places where you know completely unnecessary chemicals, is called they’re wrong or places where you you don’t know anything about might not know. So, in those placwhat you’re getting yourself into, ignorance. es that they don’t know is where you and you just plan to fight your way have to fit in and take your place. through it by using your wit. This Surprisingly, most of the times I’ve “drug” is ignorance. been able to successfully defend my I’ll have to admit, I’ve been living the life with self against TRUE accusations when I didn’t know the cheap drug. It comes easy. You don’t need to be sit- they actually were that. Of course knowing your facts ting around on your computer or flooded in heaps of may be better, but facts aren’t the only thing that conbooks to just be somewhat of a self-proclaimed expert tribute to an argument or any sort of confrontation, on some wacky subject that half the people around but also the amount of emotion and drive you show you won’t even care or know about. I’ve come across makes a big difference. Much like this, emotion also many occasions where people say something so confi- takes a small part in ignorance, making them somedently and in such a proud tone that it makes people what (if barely) related. believe that they actually know something, but they are Ignorance is very volatile. We humans are very just blabbering on about nonsense that they conjure out of nothing. Ninety percent of the time, I didn’t bother ignorant, and while some might be an exception, the to interfere because it was not worth it, the poser was majority of us are not. Ignorance should always be someone I didn’t know, or someone that I couldn’t care controlled, as being too ignorant can always give you a to even talk to. Ten percent of the time, I interfered bad reputation and a lack in sense of trust from others. and laid down my flag and stood vigilant whilst stand- The ability to control the balance between ignorance ing there like a tall block of stone that wouldn’t budge and knowledge is a magnificent power, and one which no matter how much force you would put on it. For ev- should always be exhibited.


Ignorance of the



By Sarah Kim September 24th, 2014 Hugh Howey 508 pages, Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, $15.99 In most dystopian fiction, the characters don’t know at first that they’re living in a dystopia, and the same remains true with Wool. During the post-apocalyptic era, Holston lives in the underground, paranoid that the atmosphere of the outside world is toxic and the land is ruined. Then, his wife stumbles upon a program that produces realistic images that show the view of the outside world is a lie, and that the world is actually safe.

Part of what makes this story feel so real is the diversity of perspectives. Some characters believe that Wool is a story with well developed, complex, segregation, hidden truths, and murder were the key relatable and believable characto survival, while others believe ters with descriptive prose and the exact opposite. This unique powerful plot developments. It is aspect of Hugh’s style allowed me gritty and real even though it is to see the characters as a repre“We are born, we an example of science fiction. sentation of humanity. He sucare shadows, we cessfully described each charac I am a long time science ter’s struggle to survive in a way cast shadows of fiction reader and have read that made me put myself in their our own, and then shoes and experience their emomany stories based on science and technology, but this book is tions as they fought to survive. we are gone.” different from other sci-fi books in the sense that it combines A great pleasure of both new technology and the dystopian novels like Wool is the concept of ignorance where characters search for readers’ knowledge as they watch the ignorant and knowledge of the outside world with the technology curious characters strive towards the truth because they have. The book is written in a style that helps readers know the real world that the characters don’t. readers feel and follow the frustration and the curiosity of Holston, who lived in a world of ignorance. My only problem with this story was that I For example, Hugh conveys this concept of igno- guessed the ending too far prior to the end. The story rance throughout the book: “We are born, we are is cyclical, and I appreciate the foreshadowing, but it shadows, we cast shadows of our own, and then we became too obvious how the story had to end. Even are gone. All anyone can hope for is to be remem- though I guessed what was going to happen, I was still bered two shadows deep.” determined to read to find out for sure.


Keep Gossip

Alive By Natalia Acero However, we talk about supernatural crea To be honest, the saying “Ignorance is bliss” is tures, possible interpretations of what a friend told just something that I used to accept but not really think about, which ironically, was a proof of my ignorance. you during class, inside jokes, and the main source of It is safe to say that being called an ignorant is probably ignorance: the future. As Marie Curie said, “One nevone of the most demeaning and embarrassing things er notices what has been done; one can only see what that could happen to you while, I don’t know, having remains to be done…” a class discussion or talking to someone about politics. But more than anything, the boss of ignorance It is funny how ignorance is normally related to being is human conversation, especially dumb, foolish, or unintelligent, gossip. Again, in this article, gossip when it is actually not knowing is not a bad thing; it is solely a very something. None of us can even entertaining activity, or hobby for prove how this world came to be, In fact, as weird many. Friday after school, we get which means we are all ignorant. as it sounds, you out of class and probably go hang Please, before you feel insulted out with a friend. It is uncommon and decide I’m too condescendshould be to spend the whole afternoon dising to keep reading, just know it proud of being cussing what you learned in math, isn’t a bad thing. In fact, as weird science, or PE. No, instead, you talk as it sounds, you should be proud ignorant. about funny stories that someone of being ignorant. else told you or that you witnessed but probably don’t even know for I guess saying ignorance sure how it happened. This is when is something to be proud of is a first, and I’m not telling you to drop out of school to gossip comes in. The point of gossip is that some details reach your peak, I’m just saying you should know it’s are off from one story to another, not always because part of you. What we don’t understand is that we are people are trying to harm the subject, but because peoall partially ignorant, and that is why we get to enjoy ple are looking to emphasize the part of the story that life. Just imagine, what a conversation would be like if they think is interesting. Most of the time, these converthe parties involved just talked about something that sations don’t get out of your circle, but you spend time they both know is right and… there’s not much to it. discussing it because you are uncertain of the truth, and ignorant to the whole story. Often, we compare what For example: we think about the people involved in the story, but because there are so many factors that can interfere with “Hey Bob, 2+2=4” our opinions, we will never be able to know every single “Dude! That’s awesome 2+3=5…” detail of a person, the keyword being know. Conversation over.





By Mathias Kling

I have had the fortune of being the son of a very supportive mother. My mother has always been present in my life helping me year after year. When it came to reading, my mother always pushed me. My mother obligated me to read thirty minutes every day. This driving force, my mother, was the sole reason behind my success in reading. I ask anybody reading this literacy narrative to not show it to my mother, since it would not help my case in my constant fight with her asking her to leave me alone.

Let me put it this way. Every human lives their own life for x years and in the end, they don’t even fully understand themselves. We can’t expect to know the lives of 7.2 billion people in the world, how their brain works, how they react, etc. Those are just people, let’s not get started on animals or the supernatural creature that created us. Accept and embrace ignorance, it will make you happy. It is always more entertaining to talk about what you don’t know and it is good to have the urge to learn, but just know, ignorance will always be there. As Albert Einstein said, “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” If you hoped to learn something from this article, I’m deeply sorry, but I’m a strong believer of ignorance.

From a young age I have shown a passion for reading. This passion, reading, nurtured my developing mind to a point I am grateful for today. My mother recognized this passion and pushed me to the point at which I thrived. I often find myself laughing when she tells me stories of myself as a small boy and how I attempted to read. The one I am inclined to write about is one very close to my heart. “You used to pick up books and pretend to read before you knew how!” my Mom would say surprised.

“How did I do that?” I responded.

“You used to pick up books and flip through the pages making up the story as you went along. Your father and I would have such a laugh!” she said chuckling.

“What types of book would I read?” I asked.

symbols, makes up a story that makes sense in his head.

“Any book you could get a hold of: picture “Aaaaah! Oooooooh, iiiii, flabadibadu!” I narbooks, history books, novels, long books, and short rated. The obvious meaning of this short yet brilliant books. Basically anything that was on the shelf that quote tells the story of the precise moment in which your little hands could get a hold of. You were the hap- Ulysses washed upon the shore of Ithaca. These stories, piest baby ever, have you seen the sounds and shouts, resembled a repictures of yourself reading when ality that I was living in my head you were a baby?” my mother reand that only I could understand. plied. I must have I am often amazed at the in My mother would then terest I took in books from such a looked like an proceed to show me a picture of young age. Two year old children idiot narrating me “reading”. I like to picture this are supposed to do various activscenario often and find myself the Second World ities: watch T.V, play with toys, smiling. Imagine a two year old discover their hands and feet, and War with shouts boy picking up an extensive history eat their own boogers. This stobook, flipping it open, and begin ry brings back great memories of and sounds... inventing a story that he thought my childhood every time I hear it, would go along with the images it is one that often comes up when or words he saw. It is important to my family speaks about the time know that I did not know how to I was “nice and pleasant.” At this talk at the time, I just shouted noises that made a sto- age I was my mother’s best friend and she was mine. ry. Obviously coherent noises, I am not and have nev- Remembering these times brings joy to me and makes er been an idiot. Although, I must have looked like an me remember how much I love the brilliant woman my idiot narrating the Second World War with shouts and mother is. I would be lying if I said that I wrote the sensounds that resembled excitement, Plato’s dialogues tence before this without a tear escaping my eye since I with “Aaaah´s and Ooooo´s!” It is comical to think that am no longer my mother’s best friend. Currently, I am a small child that does not have the ability to read, un- her closest enemy. These stories will always exist as a derstands that these symbols on a page are intended to joyful memory of how the past was, and how my mothtell a story. This small child unable to understand these er and I hope the future will be.


Do you even know what it means? By Samuel Tobón

Faith Over Humanity By Juliana Cuéllar


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